#Nog Posting
sirartwork · 10 months
i am expecting eggnogmaxxed gains this december. do NOT disappoint me
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I̵̡͗̈́ ̸͎̖̚T̸̟͇̂ ̵̠̀́̅ ̸̝́̈̽ ̷͎̎ ̷͔͛͠ ̵̡̲̂͆ͅB̸͓̈́̿̾ ̷̢̟͆̍̄E̷̱͂́̆ ̴͎̞̬̌̇͆G̶̥̙͐ ̵͖͈̑͝Í̵̧̞ ̵̮̲͂͘͜N̸̡̠̦̈̀̏ ̸̺̫͉̐͋̇S̵̘̾̆ͅ
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cosmicvaca · 2 months
Quark's is ds9's Waffle House
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
A possible scenario during Kirby Star Allies that has Magolor investigating whatever he can about the mysterious Jamba Hearts that just landed on the planet.
Bandee is still wary of him from their past adventures however, and accompanies Magolor to make sure he isn’t up to anything…
Audio is from Star Trek Deep Space Nine: “Rocks and Shoals”
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dadbodbensisko-moved · 10 months
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angrywarrior69 · 1 year
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theravenkin · 10 months
hc that andrew goes absolutely feral for eggnog
as soon as it hits november 1st he demands neil to go to the store and get him eggnog or he will simply die
"andrew, calm d--"
"nog, neil, i need nog now"
"andrew just a second, can we j--"
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boo-trekking · 7 months
apropos to nothing, I think Nog and McCoy would get along really well. Or like two feral cats except when they talk about each other it’s like “Aw he’s a good kid, he’ll be the captain with the biggest since dear Mr Spock” and “Stubborn old man still doing miracles! For free!”, feral but fond you know?
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filmjunky-99 · 5 months
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [little green men, s4ep7] 'I'd always heard primitive humans lacked intelligence but I had no idea they were this stupid.' - quark
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andromedaexile · 1 year
Are They a Stoner? DS9 Edition:
Captain Sisko: Being raised in the south means he has most definitely lit up, and I refuse to believe otherwise. However, after his father caught him smoking and he got stuck on clam duty for a month, he learned his lesson.
Jadzia Dax: Let’s be so real, if she played Tongo with a bunch of Ferengi why would she not own a Betazed bong??? She definitely begged Worf to try it but after his experience with Deanna he only fucks with Blood Wine.
Kira Nerys: OH 100% she was a stoner during the occupation. How would you even attempt to relax in that situation WITHOUT weed? Once the occupation ended Kira stopped messing with weed, but Kira would often hangout with Jadzia, who no doubt brought something to share with Nerys on multiple occasions.
Worf: Blood wine and prune juice.
Dr. Bashir: Before knowledge of him being an augment was made public he never touched anything that could potentially make him not in full control of himself (he did drink a little though). After the knowledge was made public Dr. Bashir and O’Brien definitely were lighting up in the holosuites. That’s why they don’t remember the Alamo.
Erzi Dax: She was straight edge through and through before she was joined with Dax. However afterward…Let’s just say Dax would never turn down an edible.
Elim Garak: After the wire was removed Garak decided to stay relatively sober. However, for harm reduction reasons, and to help him cope with his headaches Dr. Bashir prescribed him some medical gummies. He eventually waned off of them completely once Erzi started helping him (he still some times smokes and sews which is why sometimes your trousers don’t always fit right).
Miles O’ Brien: He swore off the “devils lettuce” when he first came aboard the Enterprise. But once stationed at DS9 he quickly realized he would need some of Keiko’s supply of Cannabis-infused tea to remain sane.
Quark: Being a bar owner (best bar on the promenade btw) he is not a big supporter of weed because his main source of profit is alcohol. However, Nog explained to him what a cart is and how you can make a profit from selling them to hoo-mans so he is looking into that as a possible new business opportunity.
Rom: You can’t be a leftist and not have at least tried weed. Also an engineer, so yeah.
Leeta: Oh 10000%. In fact, she’s the plug for the other dabo girls. She even bags her “merchandise” in handmade baggies she makes from recycled textile/fabrics from Garak’s (he owes her because she gave him boy advice).
Nog: No. He follows the rules of StarFleet academy to a T.
Jake Sisko: Hes going to school for writing so yeah. Definitely an edibles kinda guy. His dad has yet to find out despite how many times Jake has come home and slammed an entire pot of jambalaya in 10 minutes.
Keiko O’Brien: Who do you think on DS9 is growing it in the first place?
Gul Dukat: No, he is a snitch who hates fun.
Weyoun: Yes, he is a snitch who loves fun.
Kai Winn: She gives me cop vibes more than Odo does so I’m saying she is a snitch who also hates fun. She also unironically calls weed the Pah-Wraiths Herb or something like that.
Kasidy Yates: Yes, but stopped after jail.
Ziyal: Art school attendee/ art school drop-out. You tell me.
Damar: He’s only a fiend for Kanar (someone help that dude).
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sleepingdogs · 7 months
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I love Jake and Nog's friendship, I really do
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Is het niet fijn dat sites van de openbare bibliotheek altijd zo goed werken /s
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cosmicvaca · 2 years
Imagine if your uncle insists on taking a family road trip to drop you off at uni (even though he hates the idea of you going) in his new BMW that his sketchy cousin got for him, which Immediately blows up because his cousin is an asshole and the explosion sends you back in time because of all the drugs your uncle had stashed the trunk. This is Nog’s life.
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polldermodel · 8 months
Zeg jij dat je ramen en deuren los doet ipv open?
->ik gebruik altijd los, open klinkt gek
->ik zeg altijd los, maar open is ook prima
->ik gebruik beide door elkaar
->ik zeg zelf open, maar los klinkt niet gek
->ik zeg zelf open, en los klinkt vreemd
->ik zeg open, ik heb los nog NOOIT gehoord
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moomooprincess · 4 months
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tummy posting hours
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maintitle · 1 year
I watched DS9's It's Only A Paper Moon yesterday, and I want to talk about it because it wasn't until right now that I understood why it slapped me across the face so much, and why I think that episode is so important to me.
This may be triggering to people with disabilities, heart conditions, disabilities from COVID, or medical or military related trauma. Read ahead at your own risk.
I developed a heart condition at 18 from the H1N1 virus (which is why I tell all my friends to take preventive measures if they had COVID, because these kinds of new and unknown viruses can have long-lasting effects on you we don't know yet). While I had a lot of tests and missed a lot of school that year, the effects of that wouldn't be clear for years until at 24 I got a pacemaker/defibrillator put in in what we later found out was a life-saving surgery. The trauma of that event took a long time to catch up with me. While I'm still facing symptoms and limitations from that period of my life, the immediate danger has passed. But it took A LONG time for the fear of what happened to me, the PTSD of that event, to catch up with me. I've dealt with huge panic attacks and hyper-obsessive fears regarding my heart since around twenty-nine, fears I live with and fight through in therapy to this day.
As someone facing those issues, I hooked onto A Paper Moon this watch in a way I haven't before. The issue deals with the loss of Nog's leg in battle earlier in the season, a traumatic experience he had in the middle of a warzone only halfway through their defense. During his recovery, Julian begins to play recordings of I'll Be Seeing You, put together by Vic Fontaine, a semi-aware holodeck program that is really popular on DS9.
Nog returns from surgery at the beginning of the episode, and is walking with a cane. Multiple people on staff, including Julian himself, is concerned over the use of the cane because medically, he shouldn't have a need for it. He shouldn't even be in pain based off of what they know from the new leg and the nerves around it, but he's in pain and having trouble walking. A lot of the arguments in the early episode revolve around people talking behind Nog's back about how they can't understand why he has the cane or why he's in pain when there doesn't appear to be a medical reason for it.
The answer is actually incredibly simple: It's not the leg, it's the trauma from loosing the leg. Nog, who is still incredibly young in the episode, had somehow seen himself as invincible, a young cadet wanting to prove Ferengi can be incredible members of Starfleet, who had seen quite a bit of action and was cocksure, and in one moment he not only lost that bravado, but he also learned he was mortal in one horrifying singular moment.
Obviously, Nog is lucky enough to live in an era where it's possible to replace a lost limb, but that doesn't change the fact that for a horrifying unmentioned, maybe SEVERAL DAY period of time, he was left on a makeshift bed, listening to fighting outside, knowing that he could be attacked at any time, could die at any time from factors not even exterior to him. And now he just has to... go back to life after that horrifying dose of his own mortality.
The only thing that gets him by is that recording of I'll Be Seeing You by Vic Fontaine, because that's the only thing that he had to take him out of that horrifying situation while he laid on that makeshift gurney. The episode explores that idea by having him play it while trying to sleep, and eventually go to the holodeck and try to live in it with Vic after he was shamed for being in bed too long and for listening to said music for too long.
The funny thing is, Vic is the ONLY person, INCLUDING THE COUNSELOR ONBOARD DS9, who recognizes that his pain is valid. Vic, as a hologram, recognizes that his pain isn't crazy, it's as real as the injury he experienced, because Vic has a perspective that none of these hyper-worn-down Starfleet Officers or parental figures in his life has: His LIFE is a series of not-real instances of pain, of happiness, of dealing with other people he knows are holograms. Vic isn't like Moriarty in TNG, he's not like other semi-sentient Holodeck programs, he KNOWS he's a program but he also finds that life to be very real FOR HIM. The feelings of one of his bandmates are as real to him as the problems of Julian walking in to talk about one of the many women he simps for not feeling the same, because despite knowing they're not physically real, he CARES for them and takes their lives seriously.
Nog's feelings are real. His PAIN is real, even if a doctor can't understand why. Nog's in the middle of a long, extended panic attack where he's internalizing a near life-ending medical emergency and doesn't know how to DEAL with it. He loses himself in the program because it's the only place he can get past the trauma of the event, he's hostile to others who try and look at him with pity or as a hero because he doesn't want to be DEFINED by that pain. Vic knows this, and builds him up in other ways. Gives him a life to live, watches him slowly not need the cane and not even realize it, gives him tools and an environment to cope and generally is the only person that validates that trauma.
The episode is maybe one of the series best mental health episodes possible, and DS9 is generally REALLY good with these issues. As someone with medical trauma, I saw myself in Nog. I'm sure others who have experienced disabilities in the military see even more of themselves in him. We relate to it because we're constantly belittled or told our pain is in our heads, when the truth is we FEEL it. I feel it multiple times a month, when I lay down and go to bed and lay on my side just right that I can feel my heartbeat, and then I overanalyze it, and then that leads to a panic attack and me grabbing a pressure cuff or a fingertip pulse whatever it is to see if I'm okay, but by then I can't come down from the panic attack until it's done. I feel it when I'm helping someone move or if I'm on a casual walk and I feel my heartbeat spike, and my mind overreacts and wonders if this is normal exertion or a heart attack.
Not FEELS these things. It's real pain. And Vic doesn't invalidate it. It's as real as the injury itself, and it's not one that he'll ever truly conquer. But the episode gives him time, space and kindness to help him find coping mechanisms in order to continue with his life and dreams, and THAT'S Trek to me. A future where these things can be understood and worked through, without the constant shame that people with disabilities face when describing the trauma responses they suffer on a day-to-day basis.
In the end, Nog is heard. The main characters come to understand that what he felt is real. The episode gives him the time to work through complicated PTSD, and while he's not okay at the end, he's learning to live with it. And it's really fucking special to see this explored with a character we saw grow up into a man, on a show where the future is meant to be better than the present, written by writers in 1998 where they had no right to handle this as well as they did. This was an exceptionally special episode of television.
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binas-official · 4 months
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Een vriend van mij wilde weten wat jullie ervan vinden, Tumblr.
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