#I’ve been sitting on this one for a while heehee
jojo-schmo · 1 year
A possible scenario during Kirby Star Allies that has Magolor investigating whatever he can about the mysterious Jamba Hearts that just landed on the planet.
Bandee is still wary of him from their past adventures however, and accompanies Magolor to make sure he isn’t up to anything…
Audio is from Star Trek Deep Space Nine: “Rocks and Shoals”
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wackysach · 2 years
Please do share your hcs even if the designs aren't finished
Pretty sure I not the only one who'd love to hear it 👀
oh god, this ask was from like 2 months ago but i got too shy to respond to it so it’s been sitting here, getting stale. probably moldy at this point. i’m so sorry– but here i am, responding to it now so… yes. (also this user was referring to the doodles i did of the DHMIS characters from the TV series a while ago). i’m not gonna do all of the characters, but i’ll do a couple:
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- i call him brandon (simply because brandon matches with brendon heehee)
- works a lot of odd side jobs but his main job is an accountant 
- an absolute go-getter ! this guy genuinely loves to work. give him a task and he’ll make sure it gets done efficiently 
- pokes fun at his older brother often but in reality they’re extremely close 
- in spite of all the jokes and teasing, briefcase looks up to brendon, like, a lot actually. i imagine they grew up in poverty together so they really only had each other to rely on, which is why they’re so close. brendon took good care of him when he was young, so briefcase working hard to make sure he grew up to have a stable job was his way of giving back to his older brother. he probably helps brendon out financially while he works to get his novel published 
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(unemployed) brendon:
- the whole “unemployed brendon” name joke-thing stemmed from people getting the two brothers’ names mixed up. briefcase prolly started saying something like “but i’m the employed one !” and so the whole “unemployed brendon” thing came to be. funnily enough, people actually started remembering the two’s names correctly after it 
- gets easily mistaken for the younger brother because of his height and higher pitched voice but he’s considerably older by about 6/7-ish years 
- loves to write. it’s his passion. a proper education was hard to come by when he was young, so he taught himself to read and write by studying the papers he sold and would buy himself books whenever he had a little extra money. now that he’s older he’s been able to publish a couple articles here in there in a few newspapers but his real goal is to get “The Ultimate Forgiveness” — a thematic autobiographical novel centered around learning to forgive oneself for past mistakes — published 
- has a quieter, more reserved nature in contrast to his brother, however he can get a little loud and sassy if provoked
- bearer of an absolutely fantastic unibrow. (shrignold take notes)
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- name is finn, short for finnicus 
- drinks his coffee black for sure
- likes to keep his areas dim and dark. actually, he likes a lot of dark, macabre things 
- is he a vampire ? we’ll never know 
- he do work as a mortician though (woah bros i just rhymed)
- hobbies include taxidermy, skull collecting, poetry, reading, gardening, and wood carving
- was originally part of an amish-like family, but he left that kind of community behind. his family keeps in contact so he pretends to still follow the lifestyle just to keep the peace with them. (hence the “oh is that a TV ? yeah i’ve been thinking about getting one of those. haha, don’t tell anyone though.” and also the questionable fashion choices *cough cough* those shoes...)
- idk mane, he’s just lowkey a chillax guy. not really much else
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… warren.
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- goes by "ellie" or "tracey"
- she’s an electrician but also the host for a TV game show called “Watt a Shock !” (ha did you see what i did there ? aren’t i clever)
- is my wife huh. what. who said that ?
- they can get brazy with an electric guitar, man
- as cool as her hair looks, be careful touching it. it’s got that static electricity effect
- related to colin and layla (laptop), she’s like their super cool older cousin. 
- just super sweet and energetic overall
- knows a lot of random, entertaining trivia facts
- 100% dips their fries in milkshakes/ice cream
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hello! Hope your day is going good! I would like to request a mtchup for the CoD guys only if they’re still open :)
I am a tattoo artist with a big passion for art in general. I spend most of my time working but I like to craft and garden in my spare time.
One of my favourite things to do it go for long walks and look for cool things like bones and edible plants and herbs (I’m a bit of a hippy heehee).
In terms of personality I like to think I’m very laid back but I am stressed all the time, that being said I wouldn’t necessarily call myself high-strung. I try really hard to be kind and see the best even when it can be a struggle. I also am always joking around I LIVE to make people laugh and feel good :)
Despite my stress I’ve been described as a very calming and fun person to be around. I carry myself in a very professional and formal manner around those I don’t know, which can seem a little off putting at first. I am a big history buff with special interest in the Victorian era so it bled into my daily life and I literally walk around like a fancy Victorian lady with ‘Disney princess hands’.
Appearance isn’t very important but it is fun! I am just over average height and chubby, with olive skin and lots of tattoos. I have a more alternative look that’s been described as a kindergarten teacher at a school for forest witches, so I guess like a hippy goth haha!
Anyways, I appreciate your time, thank you! ❤️✨
John Price
How you met: Civilian John Price was never one for a tattoo but after the last few years, he decided on getting something more permanent to commemorate his time with his task force. He asked around for a good recommendation, ignoring Soap's friend who "does them for free" and going with Simon's tattoo artist who beautifully did his tattoo. "John Price," he spoke to the receptionist and she handed him a waiver to sign. As he sat on the velvet couch, he enjoyed marveling at the decorations of the shop. From the vintage frames with the artists' work to the posters depicting tattoo traditions from around the world, he wondered who decorated the place. Plus it was very clean, something he much appreciated. Eventually his artist emerged and he was taken aback by their beauty. Their dark floral skirt made it seem like they floated on the ground and their tattoos perfectly complimented their glowing, olive skin. "Hi John, I'll be your artist today. If you wouldn't mind, you can follow me" you beckoned and you took the waiver from him. You let him into your space and you saw his eyes flicker around as he looked at some of your previous work and Victorian botanical images you had on display. You motioned for him to sit as you grabbed your razor to shave his thigh. He looked nervous so you made light conversation. "First tattoo?" you asked as you applied the stencil. "I guess you can tell, must have been doing this for a while" he commented before you prepared your needle. "Trust me, once you get one tattoo you'll be coming back to me for more," you smiled. As Price looked at your radiant face, he knew there would be a few reasons to come back.
A peek into your relationship: "Love, can we please getting a wedding planner?" your fiancé, John, asked as you were painstakingly going over all the details of your nuptials. "John, I want it to be perfect and who better to plan this than myself?" you said before going back to typing on your laptop. Last week you drove him crazy with handwriting your invitations and sealing it with wax stamps, now you were trying to construct the perfect bouquet for yourself and your bridesmaid by researching the language of flowers. "That's enough for tonight," he said before hoisting you into his arms and carrying you off to bed. You tried to resist playfully but his strong arms kept you from leaving his grasp. Eventually you tired out and both lay in each others arms as you tried to fall asleep. "You do know that it is a little bit easier now," you whispered as John opened his eyes and faced you, "if we got married in the Victorian age then you would have to court me and pay a dowry." He pulled you gently into his side before he responded. "I would think my €636.42 tattoo would be payment enough," he laughed and kissed you gently. You fell asleep in his arms and Price secretly hoped that tomorrow he wouldn't wake up with thousands of bouquet designs in your shared apartment.
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dawn-moths · 8 months
thinking abt your vampire childe fic rn 😭😭
(no but srsly any vampire stuff with any character would be so scrummy)
oh my gosh anon you must’ve read my mind because I was just thinking about that fic/concept last night! I really wanna write a full fic for him and have this one idea in mind I’ve been sitting on for a while, but maybe in between now and then I can revisit vampire!childe or explore some of the other characters in that way heehee
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dualdeixis · 2 years
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[Image description: Digital drawings featuring Therion, Alfyn, H’aanit, and Ophilia. There are full descriptions of all images under the cut. End image description.]
gamer who is like visibly trying not to cry and teary-eyed and sniffling and drawing shaky breaths and hands trembling and constantly wiping his nose on his sleeves but he’s winning the boss battle
[Image description: First is an illustration of Starseer Therion, Runelord Alfyn, Warmaster H’aanit, and Sorcerer Ophilia, with some outfit details differing from canon. For example, Therion’s dress, cap, and armor are colored silver and white. He wields a wavy blue dagger and smiles widely, with tears dripping down his cheek. His left eye shows through his hair, oozing black with a blue, star-shaped pupil. Alfyn’s outfit is predominately teal with darker, flourishing embroidery, and he wears a gold circlet with wings sprouting from the sides. He wields a golden axe and sticks out his pointer fingers with a confident grin. H’aanit’s outfit is predominately dark magenta, and she wears silver sword-shaped earrings, two gold rings on a necklace, and a thick white rope around her waist. She wields a bow with a snapped string in one hand and a polearm in the other, and has a determined glare on her face. Ophilia wears a long, indigo mantle with cream lining and flourishing orange embroidery, a black dress with red highlights, and a bronze belt with a violet jewel. She also wears a long cream headscarf, pinned into place by a violet jewel, and a red underscarf. She wields her staff and smirks with half-lidded eyes.
Second is a sketched comic. Alfyn and Therion sit together, drinking at a tavern. While Therion is sipping from his cup, Alfyn holds his own cup aloft with a grin and says, “Honestly, I’ve never much been able to connect with my patron god... I mean, Dohter? I hardly KNOW ’er!” Therion, just barely smiling, goes, “...Heh...” His smile widens a bit and he brings his other hand up as if to cover it, going, “Heehee...” Finally, he’s overtaken by a full laugh: “WAHAHAHA!!” Alfyn, dumbstruck and flushed, thinks to himself (in all caps), “He laughed? At such a stupid joke?! And he’s... CUTE?!?” Therion, having calmed down, sips his drink again and thinks sheepishly, “...What’s gotten into me?” Alfyn trembles and clutches at his chest with a wobbly, blushing smile, thinking, “The HELLS has gotten into me?!” H’aanit looks awkwardly at the table with a bead of sweat on her cheek and thinks, “What in the name of... N-nay, I shan’t say it...” Ophilia looks down at her glass of water with a demure smile and thinks, “What in the holy, lofty, FUCKING name of Aelfric—blessed be he, and may his Sacred Flame burn eternally!—has gotten into those two”
Last is a doodle of Therion walking off with his fist clenched in anger. He says, “I swear, scholars have to be some of the most PIGHEADED—” He cuts himself off as he’s suddenly poofed into a scholar outfit. Sweating, he says (in all caps), “Wh—Alephan?! Listen I didn’t mean it ok!” Beneath that is a doodled chart of the relationships between Therion, Alfyn, H’aanit, and Ophilia. Alfyn toward Therion: “t4t bi4bi.” Toward H’aanit: “admires her knowledge and harmony with nature.” Toward Ophilia: “lil sis.” Therion toward Alfyn: “t4t bi4bi repressed edition.” Toward H’aanit: “coolest person he’s ever met.” Toward Ophilia: “nun.” Ophilia toward Alfyn: “big bro.” Toward Therion: “big bro’s annoying bestie.” Toward H’aanit: “baby lesbian crush.” H’aanit toward Therion: “like a housecat.” Toward Alfyn: “like a lynx.” Toward Ophilia: “like a snow leopard cub.” End image description.]
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Heya! Thank you for answering my request! Now, can I get yandere big bro. Not an incest obviously l. teru, kou and tsukasa and hanako with little sis/bro gn s/o?
Now the thing is s/o usually got a mistreat at school due to people jealous of them (kou,teru) on tsukasa & hanako case (a yokai seems to wanting tsukasa & hanako beloved dead)
However s/o seems to not mind it at all. Btw, s/o is student at the school. And seems to be reincarnated after they die, and seems to believed hanako & tsukasa after they said they were s/o ghost brother and s/o reincarnated.
Now what would be the scenario when they find s/o is sitting on the floor. Wet around their hair and their clothes seems to be been damaged. When they Ask what happen s/o said.
"oh, big brother, I'm sorry...i'm really is...today is your birthday...but..." S/o keep cry and then said this while sobbing so hard "today, there's a girl who want me to introduce her to you. But I want to give you the gift and reject her, the girl obviously didn't take it well and...she make her group do this" "i-i...keep...trying to saving money to buy you this caused i want it to be secret...but-i..guess..there's nothing to give to you" while showing a blue (blue sky) (blue light) kou.
Tsukasa & Hanako Case
"big brother...since this is your both birthday I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there's a girl who hate me. I didn't even knew why?" And then s/o just said while sobbing "I..know big brother hanako love donut, and and I'm sure big brother tsukasa loves it too...so I baked a homemade donut, but that girl destroy it...she...she said my cook is the worst and people who eat it will puked and not even a ghost want it" "also she steal the necklace that I buy for you two since she say I did not deserved that"
Green (hanako) red (tsukasa)
Headcannon and oneshot again please!
The Minamoto brothers and the Yugi twins with a bullied younger sibling❣︎
Warings: Hinting to murder?, bullying, abuse, slight cursing
A/n: Hey! Of course of course, I try to answer requests to the best of my ability!
I did this with the siblings combined so hope you don’t mind shshjsh
Heehee hope you enjoy, my love~
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Teru was your older brother and he made that known to the school
You loved the fact that you were known as Teru’s younger sibling
You loved your brother
But you knew you would be used for it
People would fake being your friend just to get close to Teru
Then once they got rejected, they always blamed you
You didn’t mind, you still wanted to be Teru’s younger sibling
Teru slowly picked up on this
He knew something was up so he told Kou
Those two tried to keep a close eye on you
But while they were there, it look like you had lots of friends
But when they left the bullying begun again
But sooner or later, the other girls true colors will start to show
Teru and Kou are protective brothers
The girls in your class should have known to not get on your brothers bad side
“Teru-nii! Looks like you got a lot of presents!” Kou called out, running to his older brother who was standing at the entrance of the school. Teru chuckled and looked back at his backpack which was full with presents from fangirls.
“Well, I guess I do...” Teru patted his younger brother on the head, making him smile brightly. “Where’s Y/n? Aren’t they supposed to be with you after cleaning the bathroom?”
“They are…” Kou's expression turned into a slightly worried one “but they said they had to go early. They told me something about wanting to get something prepared to give to you for your birthday…”
Teru sighed, he was worried. He already had suspicions that you were getting mistreated in your class but he didn’t know for sure so he never confronted you about it. He has confronted Kou about this and he had the same suspictions as well.
“Well let's go get them!” Teru clapped his hands and made his way towards the building.
“Do you think it's…” Kou didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Let's hope not.” Teru’s carefree expression lowered at the thought. “Do you know where they went?”
Kou thought for a moment.
“No, but I know they aren’t in the old school building…”
Teru and Kou walked around the school for a while, looking for you in no avail. Kou pointed out little droplets of water that slowly got bigger reaching to the school's lockers. The boys froze when they heard sounds of sobbing. They turned the corner to see you facing your lockers drenched in water. You leaned onto your locker, closing it.
“Y/n..!” Kou called out, making you turn to him. “What happened?!”
“Who the hell did this to you…?” Teru asked, examining your ripped close and abused appearance. You looked at him and only cried more.
“I’m sorry big brother Teru…”
“Y/n, you don't need to be sorry, this isn’t your fault..!” Teru hugged you “What happened..?”
“I-its your birthday today… but there was this girl who wanted me to introduce you to her... but I said no, she didn’t take it too well and did this…” You sobbed into his shoulder. Teru’s grip on you tightened thinking about how this only happened while he was outside with Kou.
“I-I saved my money… to buy you a nice sky blue necklace… and I even got big brother Kou light blue one as well… b-but she destroyed it and I don’t have anything to g-give you…”
“Y/n that’s so sweet! We are extremely thankful!” Kou tried to lighten the mood a bit, giving you a gracious smile. You could see tears pricking the corner of his eyes. Teru was still angry that his suspicions were true, he was praying they weren’t.
“Who did this?” Teru sternly asked.
“I-it’s fine Teru…” You kneeled to the ground picking up pieces from the necklace she destroyed “She already left… there is nothing I can do now…”
“Y/n… please…” Kou kneeled down next to you and put his hand on yours.
“Guys, what would make me feel better is if we got home… can we please go home?” Your voice was begging. You just wanted to be in a warm blanket watching T.V. with your siblings.
That's all you wanted right now.
“Okay… I’m sorry Y/n, let's go home okay!” Teru gave you his jacket which you happily accepted.
“Even though I couldn’t get the gift, it meant the world to me!”
You sighed walking to your classroom. It was early and you were tired. You were happy your brothers didn’t ask you about it for the rest of the night, you didn’t want them to worry. You thought you would get a load from the girls who did this to you yesterday but you were shocked when she bowed in front of you instead.
“Y/n! I am so sorry! Please forgive me for what I did to you yesterday! It was very rude of me and I am very sorry!” She was shaking.
“Oh, uh, it’s alright..! No need to bow, I forgive you…” You put your hands in front of your chest, genuinely confused. Once she stood straight up you saw a big red mark on her cheek. She had tears in her eyes but ran to her desk before you could get a better look at her. You looked to Tsuchigomori who only nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
‘What happened this morning…?’
“Teru? You still look down?” Kou faced his brother as they both walked to class.
“Sorry Kou… just a little upset by the person who did this to Y/n…” Teru apologetically smiled.
“Well you slapped her, that taught her a lesson!” Kou encouraged.
“Trust me Kou,” Teru’s smile turned into a frown
“If a teacher wasn’t there, I would have kicked her ass.”
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Amane found it unforunate you were caught in the crossfire of him and his brothers conflic causing you too kill yourself as well
Tsukasa thought it was great that his younger sibling was now dead too
Gosh Tsukasa-
But what they didn’t expect was for you to get resurrected
You were able to see supernaturals yourself and you couldn’t age from the day you died but you weren’t a ghost like your brothers
Tsuchigamori helped you establish a somewhat normal school life
It was all good for the most part, you were back in school, Hanako was the leader of the 7 mysteries, and Tsukasa was just crazy happy
The fact you are getting mistreated is mostly Tsukasa’s fault
Like he can make a lot of enemies so when the fish yokai (that he killed) saw how close you and Tsukasa were, of course they wanted to kill you
It was also a perk that you were Hanako’s sibling since they wanted to get back at him as well for stealing their princess Yashiro away from them
You were weak and had a human body, you were perfect
Amane had no idea about this, Tsukasa didn’t know you were being abused but he did know he pissed off those fish AND HE PISSED EM OFF GOOD-
You figured you would be a target for yokai since your older brothers are powerful
Of course, you didn’t mind this
You knew this would happen so it’s alright!
But the thing was, it wasn’t so alright with your older brothers
Hanako watched the cherry blossoms fall from the tree that he sat under. It was November 25, his birthday, and you said you wanted to have a talk with the two boys. Normally you would talk to them separately because you knew how Amane felt towards his twin brother, but today you wanted to talk to them together. Hanako cancelled his normal cleaning duty and waited where you said to meet up.
“Amane!!” He heard a scream from behind him but before he could turn around he felt someone hug him, wrapping their legs around his waist.
“Oh, Tsukasa…” Hanako said softly, personally finding this kind of awkward.
“Where’s Y/n?? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them!” Tsukasa removed his head from Amane’s neck looking around for you.
“Oh, they aren’t here yet, and I remember them saying they saw you two days ago…”
“So long ago!” Tsukasa whined and Amane sighed at his childish behavior. It went silent but thankfully Tsukasa quickly broke it.
“Didn’t Y/n say to meet them here 15 minutes ago??”
“Yeah they did…” Amane started to get worried.
“They're late!” Tsukasa pouted.
“You’re late as well Tsukasa… And we should go look for them.”
“I’ll lead the way! I know where their last class is!” He stood up and started marching, Hanako closely behind him.
They walked around the school for a while, watching students run across the halls to their clubs, laughing and gossiping with one another. Tsukasa continued to march, not losing the bounce in his step. They came closer to the sound of someone crying, sobs getting louder as they approached a classroom. The twins looked at each other before Tsukasa opened the door.
You jumped slightly, removing your head from between your legs to look at who came in. You only began to cry more realizing it was your two brothers.
“Y/n…?” Tsukasa slightly whispered to himself, staying at the door's entrance.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Amane ran to you, fearing you were hurt in any way. He put his arm on your wet shoulder, looking around to see if there were any visible bloody wounds. He looked at your uniform which was damaged and had a few cuts in it. Your hair was also wet like if someone poured water on you. Tsukasa slowly made his way over to you, examining you up and down. You couldn’t make out the expression on his face but you knew anger was there.
“I-I’m sorry…” You said a little above a whisper.
“You’re sorry for what..?” Amane asked, moving the wet hair out of your face to get a better look at your soaked, tear-stained face.
“Big brothers...since this is both your birthdays... I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there are these fish yokai who don’t like me..!” You picked up a couple red and green gems from the floor. Hanako’s eyes widened.
“I... know big brother Amane liked donuts and I assume big brother Tsukasa likes them as well… but they took the donuts I made you saying my cooking was t-the worst and you wouldn’t want it..!” You continued “And they took the necklace I bought for you guys saying I don’t deserve it…”
“Were they talking fish..?” Tsukasa's voice was cold, eyes wide with rage. You only nodded your head.
“Amane, will you stay with y/n? I have something I need to do.” Tsukasa turned to Amane. Hanako already knew what he was going to do.
He was going to go after the mermaid and her fish. There was nothing he could say to stop him.
“O-okay… do what you have to do…” Amane nodded and Tsukasa left the room.
“W-wait… where is he going..?” You started to get up but Amane sat you back down.
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n… older brother Tsukasa is going to take care of this okay?” Amane hugged you.
“But I don’t mind the fish… it’s fine-”
“No. It’s not.” Amane’s aura grew darker before his loving brotherly smile appeared again.
“And hopefully by tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with those disgusting fish!”
“Y/n! Amane!” Tsukasa called out as he walked down the halls. When he approached the door he opened it revealing you and Amane laughing. You were somewhat dry and you stopped crying.
“Tsukasa!” You got up and gave him a hug.
“What happened to those fish…?” Worryness in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it Y/n! You don’t need to worry about them anymore!” He childishly smiled, bringing ease to you.
“Amane approached you two, smiling. He looked to see Tsukasa’s hand that was behind his back covered in blood. Hanako's smile dropped and he went silent. He quickly regained his composure and turned to you.
“Yeah, Y/n you don’t need to worry about those fish. Your big brothers will kill any other supernatural that dares hurt you!”
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iravaid · 3 years
Character meme - LaCroix, obviously. If he has already been picked, how about Mercurio?
heehee hell yeah >:)
Favourite thing about them:
Absolutely love his slow devolution into both obsession and madness, as the game slowly reveals just how loathed and isolated LaCroix really is in a city he’s supposed to be ruling over. It’s really compelling and interesting and I think a lot can be extrapolated about his background, inner thoughts, and emotions that the game plays straight, no big twists like he was actually the good guy or w/e, just a wretched, pathetic little bastard til the end, and that’s something I really love lmao, lots to play around with. The way everything culminates with his staring at the sarcophagus and just Watching the timer tick down while he starts laughing? delicious. love it
Least favourite thing about them:
White Wolf/Troika does a Lot to emasculate him and like. portray less masculine men as a joke or laughing stock and there are parts where the fans etc can make it work but like. hmg. concerning. 
Favourite line:
lmao it’s between ‘STOLEN? HOW! GARY. Gary you TREASONOUS MAGGOT. I should have anticipated your TREACHERY, SEWER RAT’ like. go off i guess akjdfjsd, big up to his va for such a solid job at portraying LaCroix, he really brought a lot of depth to LaCroix with his performance. 
‘Did you ever think about what it takes to live as long as I have, to come this far?’, like. shit. hell yeah, what have you Done little man? what wretched crimes and humiliations have you committed and suffered through to get to this point both as a Prince and as a person. What were you like before you were embraced, a coward? a hero? how rotted is your soul for you to do such things.
Him and the Sheriff and him and Mercurio are definitely up there as fun dynamics that can go multiple ways and it’s Very fun to imagine more comradeship between them. But also. maybe. With Skelter, another veteran. If they manage to either ignore or see past political allegiances and hostility, which is uh. difficult lmao
You probably haven’t heard of it but LaCroix / Nines is pretty fun,,,, It’s a pretty niche ship and idk if anyone has hear me talking about it or anything 💅🙄
I’m usually squicked out by any ship that portrays LaCroix as an abuser/manipulator. It’s a valid read of his character but not one I want to consume, really. other than that; probably him and Cross, but i’ve talked about not rlly vibing with that ship before
Random headcanon:
Had two older brothers who died in different campaigns and a young sister who was born via surrogate when he was about 19. She’s all that’s left of the La Croix line and LaCroix never managed to find her when he was free to search. She just kind of disappeared, with his and his brothers’ things ending up in the Napoleonic sections of museums around Europe and NA, including LaCroix’s journal from that time. 
Unpopular opinion:
Woobifying LaCroix would be so so easy and if the fan circle for VtMB gets a bit bigger/full of people who kind of impress their own pre-set fandomification onto different characters without like actually investing or thinking critically about it, I’m v concerned that that will happen lmao. It does a disservice to both his character and his actions in the story.
Song I associate with them:
I will do this in three parts because I have too too too many thoughts about this wretched vampire
Canon LaCroix - Werewolf Gimmick, Be Nice To Me, Little Lion Man
Sabbat LaCroix - Crucified, Lion, A Burning Hill (gets immensely fucked up by the SI)
Malkavian LaCroix - Piano Man, I Bet On Losing Dogs, Little Dark Age
Favourite picture of them:
I don’t have it on me but the one where he’s grimacing like the banana cat. Also the one where he’s got his stupid neck Stabbed and he’s just sitting there gagging on his blood smh 🙄
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The 12 Nights of Christmas: Night 2.
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*Early in the morning on Christmas week, Hiyoko walks around her and Mahiru’s room, mindlessly putting things away and even cleaning the bathtub.
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♩ ゆりかごのうたを カナリヤが歌うよ ねんねこねんねこ ねんねこよ ♩
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Ah…All done!
*When the room is completely clean of dust and dirt, Hiyoko stretches her arms, and leans back on her bed.
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Mahiru’s usually the one who does the cleaning for this room, so I’ll bet she’ll be happy to come back and find the room so clean~ Heehee!
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Well, I did only clean because I was bored…
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*Hiyoko grumpily starts waving her arms around like a child as she lays on her bed.
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There’s not even anything good to watch on TV…I don’t wanna watch any Christmas specials without my friends, or they’ll give me shit about it…
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*sigh* Well, I guess I can watch some stupid animal documentaries while I wait the week out…
*Hiyoko gets up and goes to leave the room. However, as she reaches the door and opens it, she’s majorly cut off.
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*She bumps into Kazuichi, who is just about to ring her receiver when she opens the door.
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Oh, hey, good, you’re here! Mind if I come in for a second? I got snacks for ya.
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Huh? Um…yeah, ok, make yourself comfy. Mahiru’s not in right now.
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Yeah, I know, I saw her leave earlier today.
*Kazuichi comes in and sits himself down at the coffee table.
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I’ll make you some hot chocolate.
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Thanks. And sorry to barge in on you so suddenly.
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It’s fine, but…what made you come here?
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I’ll wait for my hot chocolate, then I’ll tell you.
*Hiyoko swiftly makes Kazuichi hot chocolate, sits down with him, and they begin to chat.
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I’ll be pretty blunt. Do you wanna hang out with me today?
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*Hiyoko very nearly drops her mug when Kazuichi randomly says this.
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To be perfectly honest with you…I’ve been super duper unbusy. Literally, all I’ve been doing today is tinkering with the old engine in my room, trying to see if I can connect the pipes and wires in other ways to make it work.
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Considering it’s the week leading up to Christmas, and we’re gonna have our annual Christmas party, I figured it’d be nice to catch some down time together while we have the chance.
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Or…wait, sorry, you probably had other plans, didn’t you? Shoulda’ probably asked that first.
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N-No, not really. In fact, I’ve actually been super bored too. But…
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Why would you come to me instead of Hajime, or Fuyuhiko. Heck, why me over any of the guys?
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Well…because pretty much all the guys are already doing stuff and don’t have time for me.
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Hajime’s on a date with Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, Peko and Natsumi are out doing family things, Teruteru, Nekomaru and Twogami are all busy preparing for our Christmas party, Gundham doesn’t even live in the country anymore…And not even Nagito’s around to bother me for hours on end.
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Tell me about it. Like you said, Mahiru and Peko are both with their hubbies, Mikan’s way too busy with her nurse work, Ibuki’s preparing her annual Christmas concert, Sonia’s back in Novoselic, and Akane and Chiaki are who knows where? I’ve literally had no one to hang out with.
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I was actually about to go down to the lounge to watch some random TV stuff when you came knocking.
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Sorry to interrupt.
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It’s fine. To be honest, I’d rather hang out with you than watch some stupid TV show for no reason. Thanks for coming.
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Yeah, I know I’m no Mahiru, nor am I a girl…
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I mean…loosely Kaz.
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Kidding! I’m only kidding!
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Rrgh! Starting to think this was a bad idea…
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Aw c’mon, it’s just a joke!
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Please…just, stay.
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*sigh* Alright.
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[An hour later]
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Aren’t we a little old for arcades?
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Aren’t you a little old for gummies?
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I got a point, and you know it. You can never be too old to have fun at the arcade.
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Well, I mean, it’s not like I’m not looking forward to it. We should grab something to eat after we’re done.
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Yeah, I feel like fast food today. How about you?
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Sure, but let’s agree not to tell Teruteru or Imposter that we secretly gorged.
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*Kazuichi and Hiyoko spend the day together, playing on a variety of games at the arcade, including air hockey, racing games, and Kazuichi spends almost 10 minutes on a claw machine, trying to get a stuffed toy, finally getting it on his 17th pull.
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YEAAH! I got it!
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You’re the best Kazuichi!
*Kazuichi hands Hiyoko the stuffed toy.
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Here. You can have it. I don’t really need this anymore.
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Thanks a lot.
*She gladly takes it off his hands.
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I’m gonna be real, I kinda expected you to give up after the third or fourth try. Or even the first. Sorry you spent so much…
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It wasn’t THAT much. And I had fun, so who cares?
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And…you don’t need to worry about that. I’m not the same guy I used to be.
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Really now?
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Times’re changing, and all I gotta do is change with ‘em.
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It’s not easy, but it’s something that I gotta do. I gotta be better so I can help out my friends better.
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Well…you’re definitely more reliable than you used to be…
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Not much of course…you’re still a bumbling moron, but not as much as before.
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I just won you a doll! You really won’t waste any opportunity to roast me, will you!?
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Nope~! But in all seriousness, I’m proud of you.
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Maybe…Maybe I should try and change for the better too.
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I think you’ve changed plenty. Now, why don’t we go grab us some grub?
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Staff member: Welcome to Furesshunesubāgā, what can I get you today?
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Hi. We’ll have uh…two Fresh Burgers, one box of 20 Chicken Nuggets, and two orders of large fries please.
Staff member: Certainly. Anything else?
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Mm…anything else Hiyoko?
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*Hiyoko stares longingly at a small cabinet containing the toys you can get from the Lucky Meals.
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(It’s really cute…but if I ask for a Lucky Meal, Kazuichi’ll just laugh at me…)
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Alright, we’ll take one Lucky Meal too please.
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And uh, give her one of those toys in it, she looks like she wants one.
Staff member: Certainly.
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*Hiyoko angrily eats her burger and fries.
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I can’t believe you actually did that!
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Should I not have? We were splitting the cost anyway, and a Luck Meal isn’t that expensive.
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No! I just can’t believe you asked her to get one for me! I’m a grown woman!
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But you still wanted the toy, didn’t you? Look, I’m not judging.
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…How did you even know?
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Because I’ve known you for well over 8 years now, and I know that’s just how you are. If you want a cute little toy, I’m not gonna question it, and screw anyone who does. They don’t know you like we do.
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…Well, sure, but…
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We had this conversation about changing and growing up…I guess I’m just jealous that you’ve grown up way faster than I have…
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I dunno about that. I still got a ways to go.
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And I’m pretty sure Mahiru would disagree with that too, as would probably the rest of the gang.
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If you were still the same snot nosed brat you were back before the killing game, you would still be butting heads with Fuyuhiko and bullying Mikan. But you don’t do either of those things anymore.
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Well…I still don’t know.
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Just stop worrying about that for now. Food’s gonna get cold if we don’t eat it.
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Yeah, you’re right.
*Hiyoko, much more calm now, scarfs her food.
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*After they finish eating, Hiyoko and Kazuichi return to Jabberwock Island via the boat they took.
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Ah, hey! You guys are back! I was wondering where you were.
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Where’d you go today?
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We were bored, so we went out for a bit.
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Hm…a date perhaps?
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Both: Get real!
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Huh? But ain’t that what happens when two people spend a day together by themselves?
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I mean…when you put it like that I guess it WAS a date, but not the romantic kind like Teruteru’s suggesting.
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I suggested nothing~
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Oh shut it! Come on Kaz.
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Sure, but…where are we going?
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Away from them.
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*A few minutes later, Hiyoko and Kazuichi sit on the sofa in the lounge with some animal documentaries on.
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So we ended up watching these in the end after all.
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Yeah, I mean, it’s not the worst. I’d grab us some snacks, but we’ve already snacked ourselves out today. So, just take this for now.
*Hiyoko gives Kazuichi more hot chocolate.
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You know, it’s not often we get to hang out together. I had a lot of fun today.
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Me too.
Presenter: This species of lizard needs to get across the sand as fast as possible, so they train and run on their hind legs.
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KAHAHAHA! Look at him go!
*At the sight of the lizard running on it’s hind legs and looking very silly, Kazuichi and Hiyoko start to laugh.
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…Something up?
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No, it’s just…Thanks for entertaining me today.
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It’s no problem at all. I know I only came to hang with you because everyone else was busy but…I wouldn’t change our time for the world.
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Happy Christmas Hiyoko.
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…Happy Christmas Kazuichi…
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aealzx · 3 years
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When Ephemera had gotten well enough to sit up he’d ended up surprising everyone when he greeted Sora with a kiss on the cheek. Almost everyone. Watching as he did the same for everyone else too, Roxas had to smile wryly. He’d suspected after hearing Ephemera talk more clearly, without having sleep slur and lack of use. But now he was pretty sure. “[You’re from the City of Bells, aren’t you?]” he asked, hoping his own accent didn’t make it impossible to understand him.
Ephemera had been ecstatic to hear someone else speaking his native language, and it had created a quick bond between the two.
A few months later Roxas had dragged some of his equipment into the hospital room to sing some karaoke games with Ephemera and the others. He was there early, so it was just him, Ephemera, and Blaine in the room while the others were stuck on the train. But they had been given the go ahead to start without them, just to make sure everything worked, so they already had one of the games loaded up.
“Oo, how ‘bout this one?” Ephemera chimed, taking the controller and flicking the roll to a french song that had been popular only two years prior.
“UHm-,” Roxas stammered, quickly looking flustered. “I-i don’t actually know that one, but you can-”
“Bullshit,” Ephemera countered, looking at Roxas with a knowing smile and earning a snort from Blaine. “You’ve got max score on it, and you’re the only one who knows french in your family. Also I doubt you’ve loaned your entire system to someone. This game is digital copy only.”
Roxas ended up staring at Ephemera in shock for a good stretch, and then gave a heavy sigh. “Oi, you’re smart,” he huffed, rubbing the back of his head. He should have figured it out long before, after Blaine told the story of their failed rescue and the fact they used to solve mystery games for fun. But it still caught him off guard.
“Heehee,” Ephemera laughed, patting the bed next to where he was propped up. “C’mon, we can squeeze it in before the others get here, and then no one will know your dark secret.”
It had been awhile since he’d gotten to sing that song. He’d actually maxed out the score while he was staying at Axel’s, for he didn’t want Sora or anyone else at home even humming the song. It would lead to asking what it was about, and Roxas didn’t want to tell them. Slipping onto the edge of the bed next to Ephemera, Roxas looked sideways at Blaine while Ephemera started the song.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got better things to worry about than telling Master Eraqus and the rest you guys are singing about being dead hookers addicted to crack,” Blaine responded with a smirk.
The blunt response made Roxas snort, and Ephemera laughed aloud. “Don’t leave me hanging now. You’re up first! I wanna hear you sing for once!” Ephemera encouraged, turning up the volume a little.
Blaine really couldn’t blame Roxas for having a good score on this song. It wasn’t as bad as it seemed, he’d looked up the lyrics before. And it was pretty catchy, easily getting stuck in someone’s head. Ephemera surprised Roxas a bit when he joined in effortlessly with the second singer, but Blaine had to snicker softly as he noticed Ephemera was being playful about it. He wasn’t actually trying to sound good at first, and ended up bobbing his head like a dork when it dropped to only instrumental.
And then the song switched to being only Ephemera’s part, and Blaine had to switch his gaze over to Roxas in anticipation. He got essentially the reaction he’d expected. Ephemera had always had a good voice when singing, but after just a tiny bit of training from mandatory singing classes in elementary school it had become common for people to stop and listen to him in awe. And Roxas wasn’t an exception apparently, head whipping over to Ephemera in surprise. He was used to singing with people who were good at best, and decent most of the time. Not with someone who sounded like they had been professionally trained since they were a toddler.
Ephemera just looked over to Roxas with a playful wink, and poked him in the ribs as another duet part was coming up.
I was introduced to the french version of Addict from Hazbin Hotel, and as it was playing my brain suddenly decided it would be fun for Roxas and Ephemera to duet. X’DD
HTAU Masterlist
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(I hope this isn't too specific!)
Can I get a Kokichi X reader where reader is a mind reader and every now and then they just hear Kokichi's thoughts and it's slowly revealing his feelings for them? >\\\\<
I took a lil break from writing but I'm back now! I'm also playing v3 now, so it's easier to write for the characters!
Please apply for mod, people >:/
-Mod Makoto
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Kokichi x Ultimate Mind Reader!
(with a little bit of saimatsu added in)
Y/N... they're pretty.
That was just the first of the thoughts you heard, but it startled you nonetheless.
It had only been a few days since you, along with fifteen other Ultimate students, had been brought to this academy with no way of knowing how you got there. You, the Ultimate Mind Reader, were sitting at breakfast with everyone else when you heard that thought. It could be anyone here, you thought. You had just barely heard it over the buzz of everyone else's thoughts and words, after all. On top of that, nobody seemed to be too focused on you, all engaged in their own conversations. For all you knew, it could've just been Kiibo not knowing how else to word his thoughts, or Kiyo being, well, Kiyo. Ignoring those words, then, you took another bite of your breakfast.
That day, as you went about talking and hanging out with the others, you could've sworn you'd heard more thoughts like the first. The problem was, you hung out with many different people in the course of the day, but all of them apparently had thoughts like that overlapping with their ordinary thoughts. You'd never heard anything like it before, thoughts overlapping. You could be hallucinating them, you thought, or coming here might've messed with your ability, or...
Or what if Monokuma was the one who messed with your ability as a way to drive you insane? No, didn't seem likely that words of affection would drive someone to kill their friends. So either the people you visited were thinking these thoughts, or your Ultimate talent was failing you pretty badly.
It was a mystery.
And you happened to have a classmate who excelled at solving mysteries.
The soft melody drifting through the lab was so beautiful, you felt a little bad for interrupting it. The two were sitting side by side on the piano bench, the blonde girl playing the tune while the boy simply watched.
"Excuse me-"
"Aah!" The boy jumped a little and turned around on the seat. "Oh, it's just Y/N."
Kaede giggled. "What was that about, Shuichi?"
"I got startled, alright..."
"Well, why'd you come here?"
Now, what would be the least awkward way to say this?
"I keep hearing... extra thoughts. Like more than one person at a time is thinking things near me, even when I'm just with a single other person. I've been with a lot of different people today, too, and I hear these things from everyone."
Shuichi stopped for a moment to piece together what you'd said, then asked, "Can you hear them now?"
Surprisingly, you couldn't. Maybe this only happened outdoors? No, it happened in the dining hall too. Whatever the case was, Shuichi and Kaede were safe from it.
"Who did you hang out with today, then?"
"Kiibo, Kirumi, Tenko, and Gonta. Oh, and Himiko too, technically. Tenko and I met up with her after a while, and after that I got bored and left them alone."
"Hmm... and what kind of thoughts are the extra ones? Just random words or noise?"
"Well... yeah." you lied. "No noise, just random words. I thought Monokuma might've done this for some reason or another."
"Oh! You could try talking to Angie or Himiko or Kiyo about it!"
Shuichi looked confused about Kaede's sudden remark.
"Y'know, Himiko is always talking about magic and Angie talks about divine occurrences, so it could be one of those! I don't think technology can change an Ultimate talent like yours, so Monokuma most likely isn't the culprit here. And Kiyo is just as inclined to the paranormal as Angie, so if nothing else, maybe his anthropology could help in some way?"
"Mm... That's not a bad idea, Kaede. Y/N, try talking to Angie, and if her explanation doesn't seem logical, try Miu. Knowing their views on this should help."
Where are th- OH, THERE THEY ARE!!
You stopped walking.
There was nobody here. There shouldn't have been any thoughts at all, let alone any so loud. Someone would've had to be close by to sound so loud.
"Okay, who's there?"
Mmm, nobody much...
Dammit, why couldn't your talent tell the difference between inner voices!?
Well, this game is really, really fun, don'tcha think? I mean, I might keep this up for as long as we're both alive here, and nobody will ever know Y/N's secret admirer! Plus, it'd drive you to the limit, so maybe something funny will happen then!
There was a lot of noise from the vent above you all of a sudden.
"H- Ow! Hey, what are you- There's no rule in here that says I can't hide out up here, y'know!? Maybe I'm planning a murder, ya ever think about- No!"
"Oh, come on!! Ow!"
The metal panel gave way, and a boy fell face-first to the floor, followed by Monodam.
"Aw, man... just when I was really starting to have fun, too! Hmph." he pouted, getting up from the floor like it was nothing. "Welp, guess you won't need to visit Angie to know who's been bugging you. Dumbass bear." He looked over at Monodam, who was now standing in silence, then quickly perked up. "Whaaatever! Ooh, maybe I can ruin Kaede's little concert! I heard music over there earlier."
He walked away, humming cheerfully.
Now what do I do? More lies? More games? Sure, I guess. Messed that up, might as well mess up more relationships. Wait, can they hear me from this distance? Mm, don't think so.
But you could.
"Kokichi?" you called after him.
"Oh, now what? Don't tell me you wanna storm the piano room too. Only room for one person in the vents, ok?"
"Kokichi, about all those thoughts..."
"Didya really think I liked you?! Hahahahaha!! Oh, that's just hilarious!! Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!! I don't really care for anyone in this academy besides myself, actually! Alright, I'm bored now. Goodbyeeeee~"
From there you two parted ways, but not before you  could overhear Kokichi's last thought to you that day.
That was all a lie, by the way! Nee-heehee~
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 12: Family
A big, blank spot on the wall of the Borel manor parlor wouldn’t normally bother her on another day, but Dia, still recovering from a near-fatal injury she sustained in the last treasure hunt she went on, suffered from intense boredom. Her day seemed wasted to her by sitting around, doing nothing. The books that surrounded her helped, as well as the free company linkshell, but her fellow adventurers were busy adventuring, and one could only bury herself in fiction for so long after spending years firmly planted in reality. Thus did the wall become painfully obvious.
To her, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say it seemed wildly out of place. Many works of art neighbored this new thorn in her side, yet there did that spot sit empty, lifeless, only showing the wallpaper. Why wasn’t there another work of art? Why couldn’t there have been one? Was he so busy that he forgot to hang something new there? Was she so busy that she never thought to ask?
No, that space simply wouldn’t do.
She cautiously stood up from the settee, taking great care not to reopen her abdominal wound, and found a different perspective. It helped little to ease the discomfort the blank wall was causing. There had to be something to place there. She would sneak off to the Jeweled Crozier and shop around herself if the act of even standing wasn’t so painful. Now that the quandary had revealed itself, she pondered what would hurt more to withstand.
“Oh, Mistress Sito, my lord will be rather upset that you’re not resting your wounds”, cautioned the steward, Angelbert, from the doorway to the parlor.
“The man fought off a terrorist cell hours after being stabbed; he can deal with me standing here staring at a wall”, she snarked. The steward frowned at the remark. “May I ask why you choose to stare at a wall, mistress?”
“Angelbert, do you know why there’s a blank spot here?” The old man stepped towards the spot she stood in, and examined the wall. “Running a house near singlehandedly has made it a bit hard to pay attention to wall decorations, I’m afraid, but I’m sure my lord has his reasons.”
She hummed in consideration. “Well, what might he think of filling it with something else, I wonder?”
“Such as?”
“Well, look at the rest of it- there’s art abound. Why not fill that spot with another work?”
Angelbert took a moment to think. “Well, the basement does hold several paintings that remain unhanged.” Dia brought her attention to the steward. “Really?”
“Plenty of them. That in mind, he has precious little time to spend thinking about house decorations.”
“Angelbert, I have nothing but time, at the moment. Why don’t we look through them and see what we can find, then when Aymeric gets home, we can ask what he thinks?” His white eyebrows lifted at the suggestion. “Hm, an interesting proposition. I suppose if my lord’s opinion is weighed as equally as yours, it could be a splendid idea.”
She grinned, and stated, “Well, we can’t stand around here, then. Let’s take a look!”
“Er, Mistress Sito, with all due respect, I would rather not aggravate your wounds further. Why do I not simply bring up the collection myself?”
“Angelbert-“ she was about to dispute it before she took a step ahead of her, and felt as if her core was tearing itself apart. She clutched her wound and strained to get out, “That’s a really good idea, you should do that.”
“Please drink your health potion, mistress! Shall I call the chirurgeon?”
She took her place back on the settee, held up a hand, and answered, “I’m a healer, Angelbert. I’ll take care of it. Just please, grab the paintings.” He bowed and left to find them while Dia examined her wounds and applied pain relief for herself, then drank the health potion as was recommended by the chirurgeon she was brought to, as well as Aymeric, her free company friends with whom she sought the treasure, the Scions, and now Angelbert.
A few minutes passed, and the elder steward returned with artwork in hand. “I found the collection, Mistress Sito.”
“Perfect. Here, sit down and we’ll look through it together.” The steward smiled and sat down with the portraits, ready to examine them together with her.
“This one’s just fruit”, she remarked at an unimaginative bowl of fruit topped with grapes, apples, and a banana, “Doesn’t go with anything up there, don’t you think?”
“I tend to agree.” The steward set the portrait to his side of the settee. “What of this one?”
“Oh, that’s a pretty landscape. I wonder where that is.”
“I’d recognize it anywhere: that’s Providence Point before the Calamity.”
“Aww…” she cooed, “Let’s add that to the ‘maybe’ pile.” Angelbert handed the portrait to Dia, who set it to her right side. “Uh…it’s just a splotch of blue…” she described confusedly of the next option.
“I believe it’s an abstract piece, up for interpretation.”
“I’m interpreting that it’s not a good fit up there.” The painting was placed in Angelbert’s ‘no’ pile on his side of the settee. The next portrait made Dia gasp in excitement. “Is that—“
A realistic portrait portrayed an elderly couple with a young boy between them wearing a green coat, green matching pants, and black dress shoes-typical of Ishgardian fashion- and sporting wavy black hair with similar bangs on his forehead, all parties with a neutral expression on their face. “There’s my lord as a lad with his parents. I remember when this portrait was taken, too. He couldn’t sit still, heehee.” Angelbert fondly reminisced of the time when this would have been painted.
“He’s adorable here! Look at him”, Dia marveled at the painting, “What’s this doing here with the rest of this collection?” Before Angelbert could theorize, he heard the sound of a key attempting to unlock the front door. “Ah, there’s Lord Aymeric now! Give me just a moment.” He stood up and quickly darted towards the front door, ready to greet him as was custom.
She kept searching through the rest of the collection, running into a flower vase, an abstract dining room, and an elezen woman holding a cat before she noticed the sound of his footsteps moving towards the parlor. “Ah, there you are!” she greeted cheerfully and attempted to stand up to meet him.
“Don’t you dare get up”, Aymeric ordered calmly, moving quickly towards the settee. She slumped back into her seated position and said, “Fine, then I shall simply sit here and waste away.” He kissed the top of her head from behind her. “‘Tis good to know you’re not being dramatic.”
She feigned a gasp. “Dramatic? Me? I’ve never been so insulted in my life…minus all those times I’ve been horribly insulted”, she teased. Aymeric laughed at her silliness.
“Now, if you have not been waited on hand and foot, I shall have a word.”
“Oh, don’t blame Angelbert. You’ll need more staff for that level of service.” Dia remembered the first time she visited Aymeric for dinner. The steward mentioned that House Borel employed the fewest staff members of any house of Ishgard, the amount being countable on one hand.
Aymeric pondered the suggestion. “You have a point.”
Dia’s eyes widened. “Well, hold on, I don’t actually want to be waited on hand and foot.”
“Neither do I, but Angelbert could certainly use the help. He’s not as young as he used to be.”
“He was young?” Dia joked. Aymeric gave a cautious laugh.
“Careful, Mistress. You’ll find yourself in a similar position one day”, Angelbert remarked as he carried tea and a new health potion. He placed the teacup and potion bottle on the table before Dia continued to joke, “I’m sorry, I refuse to believe you didn’t simply appear in the world anything less than fifty summers old.”
“Well, at least you’re generous with the age, Mistress Sito. Now, have you told Lord Aymeric what you had done before he came home?” he asked before promptly turning away to return to business.
“What did you do?” Aymeric asked Dia concernedly, “And does it have anything to do with all these portraits lying about?”
“Nothing bad, don’t worry. And yes, it does. I came up with an idea.” She pointed to the blank spot that kicked off the process. “That spot has been an immense bother to me since I first noticed it this morning. To that end did I bid Angelbert to help me fill it. He told me you had a bunch of unhanged portraits in the basement, and I asked him to bring them up here and we were trying to decide what to go with. I wanted to see which you would like.” She grabbed the family portrait and held it up so he could see it.
“Now I’m a big fan of this one. I’m not sure why it’s not up there now, but I’m sure there’s a reason, and if you don’t want it up there, you don’t need to put it up there…but you look adorable here, my love! At least consider it.” She set it back to it’s original spot and grabbed the landscape and explained, “This one was in the ‘maybe’ pile. It’s pretty, but it might also bring back some unwanted emotions about pre-Calamity times, so I understand if you don’t.” She set the landscape aside and grabbed the flower vase. “Now at first, I saw the flower vase and thought it was kind of boring, but now that I look at it again, it’s growing on me.”
Aymeric blinked and asked, “You were rather bored, weren’t you, dear?”
“Insanely so. Point is, I think we should fill that blank piece of wall with something, and there are some options here to do so. I know that you’re a bit too busy to think about stuff like decorations regularly, but your opinion matters to me, and I want to know what you think.”
“I would prefer we didn’t fill it at all…at least, not yet.” Dia raised an eyebrow in confusion to that statement. “What? Why?” Aymeric walked towards the empty wall space and stared at it.
“That family photo you adore so much was the original portrait that filled this gap.” Aymeric let out a sharp breath through his nose. “I took it down after the new government was formed.”
Dia carefully stood up, and slowly stepped towards him. “But why?” she whispered.
He hesitated to answer, but finally explained after a moment, “‘Tis silly, but…it transformed itself into a reminder. It reminded me that I was once an object of gossip and scorn, that generally, I was rather disliked by many of the other houses due to those origins of mine. In a way, it mocked me. I couldn’t be burdened with those memories as someone who needs to lead such people into a new age. Yet, that portrait served as something that would yank me back into the old and antiquated, into a position that I care not to relive. As such, it served no purpose sitting there, and so, I had it taken down.”
Dia frowned. She didn’t want to bring back bad memories with that. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for, my dear. I never told you this, and simply hoped you wouldn’t notice. It worked for a while.”
“It did. Well, if that’s the case, why do you not want to fill the spot?”
Aymeric brought his gaze to her and responded with a raised corner of his lip, “In truth, I would like a new family portrait to hang here…one of you and I.”
Dia’s mouth went agape and after taking a moment to process what he told her, she let out a breathed laugh of delight and confusion. “Isn’t that more for married couples, people with their own children?”
“Is there anything traditional about the two of us, about what we’re doing here? I’m a bastard leading a country that detests bastards so, unofficially courting an outsider as she unofficially lives in my family manor. But a few years ago, such thoughts would be unthinkable. Yet here we are, living these thoughts as truth, and rather happily, if I may say so.”
Aymeric stepped towards her and gently gripped her hands. “You are my family, whether that is seen in the eyes of Halone and Ishgard or not, and if you would entertain the idea, I would like to commemorate that soon. You need but say the word, and I shall find the time and artist.”
Dia didn’t know quite what to say. There was no other thought in her head, no conflicting emotions to tell her it was a lie, not when he looked to her with such sincerity. Strangely lucid, yet hazy, lost when she was so clearly found, the only thing she felt was adoration. Her ardor for the man seemed boundless, ever growing, and in this moment, it swelled gloriously.
Not that she was ever capable of vocalizing such emotions.
She kissed his cheek, then brought her forehead to his and asked softly and half-jokingly, “Do I get to choose the outfits?”
“You will have full control over anything you’d like, my love.” She liked the sound of that, so much so, that she met her lips with his, and they enjoyed their warm embrace for all it was worth. Like coming in from a cold winter’s night, their company was the hearth they sat near for warmth. The fire easily burned brighter. This was the most stimulating activity Dia’s experienced since she sustained her injury, and Halone knew Aymeric dealt with the House of Lords far too much to not feel the least bit greedy at her touch. He pulled in her closer, and she happily obliged.
Her wounds did not, however.
She yelped in pain and backed away.
“Are you all right?!”
“Give me a moment, I’ll be fine!” she strained through gritted teeth. Dia started preparing healing spells for herself while he quickly darted for the coffee table to grab the health potion Angelbert prepared and returned to her side with it. Slowly, the tension she exuded began to melt as the pain was being relieved gradually. She passed the worst of it, and gulped down the potion as required.
Godsdammit, she thought.
“I’ll just sit down then”, she announced meekly.
“A good idea”, he affirmed as he took her shoulders to stabilize her and make sure it wouldn’t reopen as she walked.
“Was this how you felt after our experience with the True Brothers of the Faith?” he asked her as he helped seat her.
“Ha! Not even close. You’ll need to feel completely baffled that someone could just stand up and fight off four people hours after being stabbed on top of abject fear for my life.”
Aymeric shook his head. “Well, I, for my part, will attempt to avoid doing anything so reckless again. I realize that danger tends to follow you regardless of what you do, but it still hurts to see you so.”
Dia folded her arms and sarcastically responded, “Hm, and I’m just so thrilled about it.”
“Must you be sarcastic about this?”
“Sorry, it’s the pain talking.”
He stayed silent. She nudged herself closer to him and rested her head on his pauldron. “You sure that this is what you want as your family? A snarky witch who teases you constantly?”
He removed his pauldrons and pulled her in with one arm so she could rest on him easily.
“Without a doubt in my mind.”
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May I request Kokichi & Nagito with an s/o who’s afraid of giving affections because of past trauma. Maybe until one day they ask if they need a hug they’d start break down. I’m a sucker for angst 🥰 thanks!!
Kokichi and Nagito comforting their s/o
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Warnings: General angst, mention and implications of past abuse
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: N/A
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Nagito Komaeda
If though you and nagito had been together for a few weeks, neither of you really had had any physical contact.
You where worried at first that he'd be annoyed or upset due to that small detail but, surprisingly to you, he was perfectly fine with that.
The past few days, however, you had felt really down. It was an unexplainable sadness that seemed to weigh down on your shoulders. Everytime you closed your eyes, you could only see the face of the people who hurt you causing dark circles around your eyes as you desperately try to advoid any memories of your past pain.
Getting up from your bed, you shuffled you way through your normal routine to get ready before leaving your cabin, heading toward the restaurant like every morning before that.
Every one was sitting around and talking, like usual.
You sat at the table watching everyone with a tired epresson on your face. Most people began to leave since you got there late
It wasn't untill you heard something get placed infront of you that you bothered to look up.
There Nagito was, sitting across from your, placeing a plate of food infront of you. He gave you a small smile, not one of his normal, slightly psychotic grins, but a genuinely sympathetic smile.
you sat up and forced a smile, thankful for him giving you breakfast.
"I see despair in yours eyes" he said in after a long moment of silence, causing you to jump slightly. "There isn't the shining powerful hope that you radiate everyday." he got up from his seat across from you, moving to the empty chair next to you, "Are you alright?" He asked, genuinely worried for you.
You looked down at your plate, silent for a moment before glancing back at him. Seeing how much he cared for you made your heart sting, you wished you could do more for him.
"I think.." you started taking a deep breath as you looked at your hands "I think I need a hug.." Slowly you looked at Nagito trying to figure out what he was thinking.
He looked surprised for a minute before nodding, his expression going back to a soft one. "Of course anything for my hope" as he said that, he slowly opened his arms for a hug.
Hesitantly, you scooted closer toward him, wrapping your arms around his body. He his hugged you back, you could feel your body tense up before relax.
It's been a long time since you hugged someone like this...
You could feel your eyes slowly begin to water as you hugged him tigher, burried your head into his neck and you stared to cry, having Nagito rub your back in response, wanting to comfort you to the best of his ability, even though he wasn't the best at it.
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Kokichi Ouma
You, along with the other 16 students has been stuck in the Ultimate Acadamy for gifted juveniles for almost a month now, everyone seemed to be adjusting to their new life just fine.
Everyone but you that is, no matter how long youve been stuck inside the giant dome, no matter how long youe been here, you could never get used to it.
Your still haunted by your past trauma, never being able to escape its horrors.
Today, you've been noticably more quiet then normal. Not really wanting to talk to anyone
Walking down the hall to your talent room, you heard fast footsteps behind you.
Turning around you met face to face with no one other then the supreme leader himself, Kokichi.
"Heeeey (y/n)!" He said cheerily, trapping you against the wall while being careful not to get to close or touch you.
"Kokichi!" you exclaim, pressing your body against the wall "What are you doing?" You ask.
"weeeeeell I've noticed you've been really quiet today!" his smile dropped and he looked at you with an uncharacteristically serious expression "Are you doing alright?" He asked, getting a little closer to you.
"W-what? I'm fine, why?" you lie, only to get Kokichi to step away, folding his hands behind his head "You can't lie to me (y/n), I know there's something bothering you today but if you dont want to talk about then that's fine, you know where to find me if you do though" He turned around and started walking away.
You hesitated for a moment before deciding to call out to him "erm... Kokichi wait!" "hm..?" he turned around to face you. Looking down, you took a deep breathe "can I... please have a hug...?" You looked back up over at him nervously. "A hug?" he repeated in surprise, walking back over to you, giving you a friendly smile "nee-heehee I knew something was bothering you" he said quietly, as you slowly wrap your arms around him.
"Don't ruin the moment.." you mumble, getting a small nod from him as he wrapped his arms around you.
Feeling the warmth of his body was an unfamiliar feeling. An odd feeling, but..comforting and...safe. Too comforting. You missed this feeling, you felt something roll down your check.
You hadn't realized it but you where crying, not being able to stop the tears from falling as your eyes teared up more and more.
"It's okay... it's okay.." Kokichi mumbled softly and he gave your body a comforting squeeze.
Thanks for sending an ask anon! I had fun writing this! If you want me to change anything, don't be afraid to let me know! Likes and reblogs are always welcome!
-mod Komaeda
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chockfullofsecrets · 4 years
Critical Role: Making People Happy
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: Jester fidgets with her sleeves for a minute, then with her tail and then -
Then, she has an idea. A wonderful, brilliant idea that’s going to cure her boredom and also hopefully make Caleb a lot less grumpy.
Beau and Caleb are fighting, again, and Jester's determined to solve at least half of this problem.
Wordcount: 3093
A/N: Went a little overboard with the lead-up here, whoops - one day i’m going to learn how to write actual tk fic lol
Fill for this anon prompt - hopefully I’ll only have to apologize for how late these are a couple more times, but anon i’m so sorry
Jester’s new friends aren’t like anyone she’s ever met before.
Some of them are super strong - like her! - and some of them can do magic even though they don’t know the Traveler - and some of them, she thinks, eyeing Fjord where he crouches over the beginnings of a fire, are very, very handsome -
More importantly, at the moment - her new friends are also really fucking grumpy.
The Lavish Chateau has had its fair share of visitors that snap like Beau or sulk like Caleb - but there’s always been a door or a wall in the way, Jester on the other side peeking through at the mess. The two of them have been arguing over some bits of Empire history for hours on the road, through Fjord gritting his teeth and Nott chugging from her flask and Molly wrapping himself in his coat to block them all out and get some sleep.
Jester had sat and sketched them - the way Caleb’s eyes went razor sharp among the dirt and hair on his face, the hooked snarl of Beau’s smile. There was a little space left at the bottom of the page, reserved for when they finally stopped and made up, but as the afternoon wore on she had given up on filling it.
Adventuring is plenty of fun, and she’s real good at it, but - sometimes she misses home. The simplicity, if not the loneliness.
They make camp in silence. Caleb stalks off the minute his bedroll is laid out, shoulders up around his ears.
“Yeah, you better run,” Beau lobs after him. There’s a soft oof as someone - presumably Fjord - elbows her.
“All right,” Molly interjects, finally, and waits for all of them to turn and stare at him sitting cross-legged on the grassy earth. He smiles beatifically under their attention. “While we wait for that mess to simmer down… dinner?”
Beau is sullenly silent. “Dinner,” Fjord agrees around her.
Molly holds an arm out to her. “Preferences, dear?” Taking the invitation wholeheartedly, Jester is on the ground and scrambling to cuddle up to his side with a speed that surprises even her. Molly just laughs and squeezes her around the shoulders.
She headbutts him playfully in the chest, minding her horns. “We should have something delicious, and really warm and nice, and maybe it can be sweet too-”
“The sweetest thing we have right now is carrots,” Fjord says flatly, but he’s - finally! - smiling too, and even Beau’s fists unclench a little when Jester groans dramatically and slumps completely into Molly. “Beau, would you care to help me slice some of them up with your incredible monk skills?”
Beau grumbles something under her breath. “I use my fists, man, I’m not a ninja.”
“You punch carrots into pieces? That’s insane.”
The visual and Fjord’s nonplussed tone have all of them laughing, even Beau, and the two of them get up to wrestle some food out of the cart. She nuzzles contentedly into Molly. “You’re really good at that,” she tells him. “Making people happy.”
Molly shrugs like he hasn’t just salvaged their chances of staying together as a group. “It’s good to get everything resolved before dinnertime. The things I’ve seen angry people do with hot food…”
“Really?,” she gasps, faux-scandalized, and then squeaks as Molly’s hand makes its way down to her tummy and starts tickling right at the soft spot under her ribs. “Hehey! Tell - heehee - tell me!”
She tries to tickle him back, reaching between them to pinch his side, but he just jumps a little and searches out her belly button to make her laugh even harder. “Maybe later. Come on, let’s not laze around - we’ll see if we can’t find some more firewood, hm?”
She bounces happily on her toes, swinging Molly’s arm around her like a shawl and then twirling it away as they both get up. “I’ll get you back, you know!”
Molly’s cheeks go dark purple, like they always do when she threatens him. It just makes her more intent on following through. “ I look forward to it,” is all he says, eyes flashing devilishly, and shoos her in one direction before sauntering off in the other. “Don’t go too far.”
“I won’t,” she calls over her shoulder, and immediately makes for the rise that Caleb disappeared over.
He’s so squishy, after all - if anyone shouldn’t be wandering off, it’s him.
She passes one tree, then another, leaves crunching under her boots. It’s clear after a few seconds that she doesn’t know any of the things that would help her figure out which direction Caleb is in, so she scoops her holy symbol up in one hand and flicks it with her thumb. “Oh, Traveler! Help me out here, okay?”
She’s asked for his help a million times before, for pranks and spells and just wanting company, and he has yet to disappoint - a gust of wind shuffles through her skirts and blows her bangs right into her eyes.
Well. No one would call the Traveler nice, but neither is she.
She spits out a hunk of hair, grinning, and skips along after it. Sure enough, there’s a flash of red hair that soon resolves itself into their stray wizard.
Caleb’s knees are tucked up under his chin, his back painfully straight against a tree. His eyes are closed - and it’s dangerous to sit in the middle of the woods with your eyes closed, isn’t it, especially when you’re a stinky wizard that probably attracts lots of bugs?
Caleb’s not dumb. But this? Very dumb. She’s going to wake him up and tell him so, and take him back to camp for dinner, and everything will be better tomorrow.
She reaches for his shoulder, but just as she’s about to grab him -
“Nott!” She stumbles back, grabbing her face in shock as a particularly greenish patch of shadow transforms into a cloak with little pointed ears. “Where did you even come from?!”
“Oh, you know. Rogue stuff.” Nott shrugs, scampering up to meet her like she hasn’t just appeared from nowhere. “Caleb’s scouting right now, so I’m making sure nothing sneaks up on him.”
She knows that Caleb can’t hear them, but they’re in a dark forest and everyone else is being quiet so she kneels down and whispers to Nott anyways. “What, with Frumpkin? Why can’t he do that in camp? Not that you’re doing a bad job or anything, but we would totally look out for him too, you know.”
“He knows, it’s just-” Nott glances over at Caleb. “It’s been a long day.”
She sits there, both of them watching Caleb’s eyelids twitch. “Can I stay here with you, then? Just in case.”
“Sure, pull up some floor,” Nott encourages, and sidles over to tuck herself under Caleb’s arm. He makes an acknowledging noise and pulls her in, letting her rearrange herself against the folds of his coat, and Jester tries very very hard not to think of the way she used to cuddle with her mama as she settles on Caleb’s other side. It doesn’t quite work - the careful inches that she leaves between them, not wanting to spook him with her sudden appearance, feel like every single league from here to Nicodranas.
And. Well. It’s boring.
Jester fidgets with her sleeves for a minute, then with her tail and then -
Then, she has an idea. A wonderful, brilliant idea that’s going to cure her boredom and also hopefully make Caleb a lot less grumpy.
She holds out a single finger, wiggles it around a bit and smirks to herself, and then gently, gently reaches around behind Caleb’s knees to poke at his tummy.
He really is thin, and her finger sinks further into the ratty fabric of his shirt than she expects. But eventually her fingertip finds the soft curve of his belly and she skitters it around a bit, trying to find something sensitive.
Nothing happens.
She pouts, pulling her hand back, but after a moment of consideration she dives right back in, searching for his belly button - surely even he’s ticklish there. It takes a couple seconds of patting around - not a single muscle here, no wonder he goes down so easily in fights - but she finally finds the little dip of flesh and wriggles her finger inside.
Caleb does flinch at that, snorting a little and reaching hastily to bat her away. “Nott the Brave,” he huffs, the corner of his mouth twitching up, “what is going on out there? Are you all right?”
There’s a little fwip as Nott tugs wire through her fingers. “All clear here, Caleb! I’ll take care of it.”
The second Caleb hums in acknowledgement, Nott whips out from under Caleb’s arm to glare at her. “What are you doing? I thought you were here to help him-”
“We don’t even need to scout!” Jester protests. She rubs guiltily at the back of her hand. “And if he comes back to camp, then maybe he and Beau can talk and-”
Nott cuts her off, teeth flashing. “Caleb didn’t do anything wrong! If she says one more thing to him, I will shoot her-”
“Nott!” she interrupts, horrified. “Geez, calm down, we don’t have to shoot anyone!”
Nott quiets suddenly in her odd way, retreating slightly into Caleb’s shadow. “Well… all right.”
“Then shouldn’t we bring him back?”
Nott wraps a strand of hair around her finger, yellow eyes flicking from her to Caleb. “It makes him feel better to be in Frumpkin sometimes,” she says. “To be someone else for a bit.” Her eyes close. “I definitely wouldn’t want to be in this body, if I could choose.”
“Oh,” Jester says. She spins through a couple half-formed sentences and then thinks fuck it and reaches out to squeeze Nott’s hand instead. “That’s really sad, Nott.”
Nott sniffs and squeezes her hand back. “No, no, it’s alright… Caleb and I are going to figure it out. He’s very smart.”
Jester nods with considerably more certainty than she feels, pulling on a smile. “Well, I think that maybe he would feel even better if he just talked to Beau. I know these things! Sometimes I would be upset with Mama, and if I couldn’t talk to her about it I would have to go just stay in my room and it was all I could think about until I saw her again.”
Nott blinks. “Your mom just left you alone in your room?”
Wrong turn, wrong turn - “Oh, well, we had to, you know?”
“Sure, sure.” Nott’s eyes are still fixed squarely on Jester. “I wouldn’t know, I don’t have kids or anything.”
She kind of wants to chase that particular thread, but before she can say anything Nott sighs and looks back to Caleb. “You know what? Bring him back. He should have finished lapping around the camp by now anyway.”
Now that’s the turn she wants to take. “Really?” she asks, and doesn’t wait for a response before scooting around to sit in front of Caleb and stretch her fingers teasingly - really, it’s a shame that Caleb can’t see her right now or he would definitely be squirming. “Hm hm hm, okay, let’s see - hey, Nott, do you know where Caleb’s ticklish?”
They both consider Caleb’s skinny frame, the distinct lack of laugh lines. Nott scrambles around next to Jester and cocks her head thoughtfully. “His ribs, maybe? When we were on the road together, we couldn’t always light a fire and Caleb would let me sleep under his coat with him.” She smiles. “He wouldn’t complain when I moved around, but I think it tickled him a little.”
It sounds very cute, in her mind - so cute that she reaches for Nott and tickles her belly through all those layers instead. “Aw, did you squirm a lot? How come?”
Nott squawks and somehow rolls away to Jester’s other side between one blink and the next. “Hey! Focus!”
Jester pouts. “You never tickled him, though? How could you not? He’s so grumpy and sad all the time.”
“Oh, well…” Nott grimaces. “We were both pretty grumpy and sad, because we were very poor and on the run from the law. Honestly, I’ve never thought about it.”
“Oh,” Jester says. Maybe she shouldn’t have told them about the horse dresses.
Nott shrugs. “That’s why it’s good that we have you around, I guess. You make us all happier.”
That - the recognition, the simple way Nott says it, as fact - lights something bright and warm in her chest. “You really think so?”
“Yes! I mean…” She gestures to Caleb. “It’s not like anyone else came out here to look for us.”
“I will always come look for you, Nott.”
“Thanks Jessie, but we’re kind of worried about him right now-”
“Right, right.” She turns back to Caleb and wraps her hands gently around his ribs, right under his book holster. “Oh, Cay-leb…”
She wiggles a finger into his left side, then his right, delighted as he starts to squirm between her hands. “Coochie coochie coo,” she teases softly, even knowing that he can’t hear her yet. “Come on, wake up!”
Caleb reaches up and shoves her hands away, but that’s hardly a deterrent - and the little yelp of shock as her fingers get right back to tickling is very good. For the first time since she’s known him, laughter threatens under Caleb’s low tone. “Nott, was-”
And then, almost pleading - “Nott, that. It. It ti - tick -”
Oh. Oh, he can barely even say it. Jester beams.
Behind her, Nott sounds alarmed. “Jessie, you look evil right now.”
She stops tickling briefly and turns around. “Nott!” she whisper-screams. “He’s so ticklish!”
“You’re enjoying this, huh?”
She scoffs. “Yes, of course! All tieflings do.” It’s true, for all of two tieflings that Jester knows - her mama and Molly love tickling, and so does she. And so will the rest of their group, if she and Molly have anything to say about it.
She turns back to Caleb, squeezing back and forth between his ribs to make him wriggle again, and this time Caleb comes fully back to himself with a gasp. His eyes blink open, scanning frantically. She sees him register Nott, off to the side, then jump a little as he finds her right in front of him. His cheeks redden. “Ah - Jester -”
“Caleb,” she purrs, and twitches the tips of her fingers just a little. “Hey, did you know that your ribs are really, really ticklish?”
His arms shrink back against his sides, pressing her hands even further into his ribs where she’s still latched on. “They - I - I’m not-”
“Oh? You’re not ticklish?” Jester worms her fingers into the grooves of his ribs. “How come you’re so smiley then, huh, Caleb? What’s so funny?”
One of Caleb’s hands reaches up to pat shakily at the corner of his mouth, feeling out the wobbly grin there. He shoves it hastily over the lower half of his face. “I’m not!”
“No, I’m Nott,” Nott says, sounding terribly amused. “Come on, Caleb, I don’t think you’re fooling her.”
Jester doesn’t give him a chance to try again. “No, no, maybe he’s right!” She buries a hand under his arm, fingertips curling cruelly against the tender skin there, and reaches around his knees to find his belly button again with the other. “Maybe’s he’s not ticklish at all, not even a little, not even if I tickle right here-”
Caleb’s entire body jerks, eyes flaring wide as she digs in. “Mmph - heh-”
He’s much more ticklish when he’s paying attention, it seems. She can feel him trying to suck in his tummy, desperate to keep her away, and his face disappears into his knees as he brings his hands down in a futile attempt to protect his armpit. He can’t stop himself from laughing, though - he breaks almost instantly, whining through peals of frantic laughter as she reverts to nibbling little pinches along his ribs. “Ha - ha - ahaha!”
He kicks out, heels drumming against the ground as he spasms. “Uh oh,” Jester teases, digging her thumbs into his exposed tummy and rubbing in little circles, “that definitely looks like it tickles. Were you lying to us, Cay-leb?”
Caleb shakes his head, trying to hide against his shoulder now, and she can see red all the way to the tips of his ears. “Nn - hngh - plehehease, bitte,” he chokes out through an adorably enormous grin. “Why - I don’t-”
“Why am I tickling you?” she finishes, gleefully noting how he flinches at the word. “We-ll, at first you just looked so sad and lonely out here that Nott and I thought we should cheer you up. But now that I know you were lying about how very, very ticklish you are…” She digs back into his ribs, giggling as he breaks down into laughter all over again. “Well, now I think I’m just gonna tickle you until you admit it.”
“No,” Caleb pleads breathlessly. He doesn’t seem to be making any moves to get away from her, though, just flops onto the ground and shoves his face into an elbow. She could tease him about that too, she thinks, and maybe he would get even redder.
“Or,” she says instead, tickling along the curve of his ribs to his back, “I could tell Beau how ticklish you are and she could make you admit it.”
He does try to get away, then, rolling onto his belly and trying to wriggle out from under her. “No, no,” he begs between snickers, “don’t tell her, gods-”
“I think it would help you two fight less,” she tells him, curling her fingers under him to tickle his tummy again. It’s cute, the way he rocks from side to side trying to protect all of his ticklish spots at once. “But maybe, if you make up another way, then I won’t have to! And then no one else would have to know how cute and tickly you are, Caleb-”
“Fine,” he says frantically, “yes, yes, just stohop-”
She’s a little reluctant, especially when he starts to catch his breath and she just knows that he could take more tickling, but technically this solves the problem.
And technically, he still hasn’t admitted anything. There could be a lot of tickling in his future.
He’s back to normal now, holding Nott’s sleeve and whispering something sternly to her, but she tucks the memory of his infectious grin away for later.
This, it seems, is a pretty decent way to make him happy.
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 2)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Y/N seemed to already have a spot in the house, and also a feverish feeling inside her heart. Totally unwavering and in distress. Geralt could feel it happening again as he could feel his heart soften at the woman who'd pop out of nowhere, thus; he doesn't know if her arrival has been a good thing or can be considered as ill-fate for him. 
Warnings: Modern references because reader lives in modern day era in earth. Geralt and Jaskier banters, non-stop. 😂 Just a filler chapter but also considered important because we can see how frustrated and scared the reader is and not being happy in an instant? 😂 Kinda fluff with Geralt and Y/N’s interaction? 
A/N: 2nd chapter for WITCHER OF THE NIGHT! 😊 This will prolly consist of 15-20 chapters or less! 😊 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE IN THIS SERIES, POTATOES! 
Taglist: @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog @ayamenimthiriel @hellodevilslittlesister @vania-marie @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ 
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters and said monsters aren't from moi as well. (Gif down below is from witches-ground)
MY WORKS ARE NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots! 
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You sat on the dusty, creaking wooden chair that they owned. Eyes studying your surroundings as Jaskier moved around to get a pale of water while Geralt stood a meter away from you; leaning on a wall with his muscular arms across his chest, silently watching you like a hawk.
The stares he have been giving you were completely tangible for the naked eye or it was probably because you were conscious of his incomprehensible gawking. You noticed their roof was also thatched. Adding a burning furnace which also utilizes as their stove and heat for the night.
Your face frown at the realization that they didn't have any refrigerator nor a stove but noticed two rooms sat together. You've heard ruffling from the far back and liquid being poured down the bucket as your eyes landed on the man watching you in silence. Abruptly, a soft, vindicated smile raised your lips as you leisurely shook your legs left to right to suppress the consternation tingling your nerves, "Thank you," a quiet, sincere whisper was all Geralt heard amongst the oak wood burning in the background.
No answer was given other than having to take a gander as you sat away from him; a little bit recherché with that look in his eyes, "Thank you for saving me, Geralt." you repeated to utter out a word from the man himself. From the moment you've heard his voice; surprisingly, it was rather soothing to your anxious nerves. Frightening thoughts run over cars after cars inside your brain as you didn't know what the future holds.
You didn't even know how to go home. They've been avoiding the question as to where you could find the airport.
Geralt's name that rolled off your tongue sounded unfamiliar and thoroughly anomalous. But, you would probably get used to it once the dream reaches an end.
Technically, that was the problem. You didn't know if it was entirely a dream because it felt so real.
Shifting were heard and you've come to realize that Geralt had lifted himself off the wall, taking heavy steps close as you guiltlessly gawked at him. He fairly lifted the hem of his black long-sleeved shirt, giving you a slight view of his jutting torso. You've anxiously cleared your throat and avoided his pretty glowing, golden eyes keeping under scrutiny.
God has been testing your forbearance since you've woken up in the forest. Adding more inclinations to probably torture you till you wake up from your utter deep sleep.
Much to your inattentive state and your eyes shutting tightly; asking the heavens to wake you up in that instance, Geralt stopped before you; giving much space for you to breathe and seeming to be standing on your side rather than in front because it would be a very nubile sight to be in face with his leather-clothed crotch.
Damn you and your short genes.
"You are awake," he suddenly distracted you from your distraught. You were completely engrossed on wishing out loud for whoever to just kick you on the bed so you could be awakened.
Geralt dangled a piece of cloth in front of your face. Minimal blood dots containing the cloth on his hands. So that's what he was doing when he'd tried to give you a sneak peak of his chiseled torso. He ripped the piece of a long white clothing used for his wounds that surrounded his body.
There was blood. It simply means he's really human and not anything part of a pack of wolves.
"What's this for?" you've observed the piece of clothing hanging in front of you. Brows in a tight twist as you winced from the itch on a part of your soot-filled face. Geralt left no reply and gathered his hand on yours, the sudden gesture making you jump in your seat because of the sudden touch. His hand giving you some kind of tepid, amiable warmth that made you believe that everything was real and true as you catch a sight of his passive expression.
You've felt a soft cloth fall on the soft center of your palm, "--For the grime scattered all over your face and body," As quick as he'd grabbed onto your hands, he was fast enough to leave them hanging in front of you as he turned his booted heel. The width of his abnormally burly shoulders giving you a view as he strolled around their cozy home, locking your gaze on his overwhelming presence.
"You don't have to...." a trail of thoughts protested out loud as he'd crouched before a leather bag, thus hearing a clothing being ripped after. There was a Lute sitting beside the bag and you've took notice of it and focused on the instrument instead, wondering if Geralt owns the string instrument. Geralt rose to his feet and situated himself in front of you again to dangle another set of torn, clean white cloth, "---and for your wounds,"
The smile you sent was thoroughly cordial and unnerving. Geralt was supposed to turn away and mind his own business until you've peered up at him like a cat asking for attention. The powerful looking man had to emit an evident sigh; cursing beneath his breath that questioned your sanity as to why he was already kneeling before you; eye to eye and probably trying to enchant you as it bear into your mind that magical things have been happening since the moment you've woken up.
Yes, you debated with yourself and believed in your hunches that his effect with you had something to do with casting a spell for you.
"Do...you have a name?" he grumbled with a slight drawl to his words. His unorthodox eyes were much clearer against the fire and thoroughly fetching. You've had to blink to ruin the spell he'd tried to cast upon you and took your time in understanding what he have asked.
"Ughm," you mumbled like an idiot and played with the cloth in your hand, gaze fixated on the ball of cloth scrunched on your palm, "Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N,"
Geralt was attentive of your palpable and otherwordly scent. It was completely out of this world and he probably meant that literally because of how mystifying and strange you were around them. The latter could also hear the fast beating of your heart, taking to account that the effect of it was rather much a mental struggle he didn't know. Howbeit, the other half was another piece he wasn't familiar about.
He'd given you that captivating look as you continued to stare at your fidgeting fingers, "Are you a princess?" at that declaration and inquiry, your head snapped, fast enough to give you whiplash. A scrunch of your nose telling him that you've found his question rather uncanny, "What--as much as I'd want to be a princess, I think I'd rather suit to be a queen,"
You've bunched the cloth in your hand and restlessly cough onto it, looking anywhere except for that stare he was giving. What were you even saying? 'Where was Jaskier?' the voice inside your head spoke for your nerves.
A side of Geralt's lip involuntary lifted into a smirk, "You'd suit to be a midget," he paused, golden eyes glowing in amusement, "---A grimy, naive midget,"
His opinion suddenly struck a gut in you, snapping your head to meet his mischievous golden peepers, "EXCUSE ME?" you exclaimed, rather offended.
"Y/N of Novigrad? Vizima? Brokilon--" Geralt started telling peculiar names of places, and you were quick to object his options, "No! Y/N from State farm,"
There was a long minute of silence. His forehead creasing because of the bafflement that was accountable to your words. Geralt has never heard of that kingdom. If so, the kingdom had a bizarre name out of the ones he'd visited. State Farm didn't sound frightening to him if there were even beasts he could kill. Other than that, those beasts in State Farm rather had creatures like Hirikkas or Sylvans.
Entirely harmless for an unknown person like you, if you were still alive by now.
"Kingdom of State Farm," he lowly grumbled, keeping the name of the place in mind as a hum followed through, "Hmm,"
Your mouth momentarily went ajar as he nodded to himself, giving credence to the pun that was shared. The joke seeming to be rather irking than funny because of how convinced he appeared to look like.
"What do you mean hmm? It was a joke! You actually believed it--oh my! This is depressing!" you crowed with a finger to your temples, giving them a massage. Geralt guiltlessly cocked his head to the side, watching you rant and rave like you were close to having your patience blown.
He continued to stare you down with chaste; utterly childlike innocence, making you ogle back at him because he really had no idea what it was. Geralt seemed to wait for your vexation to stop and you couldn't help but bite the insides of your cheeks, feeling guilty for being frustrated when the man himself didn't actually know what it was.
"---I'm from...earth," your voice turned a volume lower, only for him to hear as you were close to melting from those blazing eyes.
You've raised a finger just before his chest, pointing your index at him as you couldn't help the tender beam growing on your face despite of how much problem you were experiencing.
"E.T vibes,"
Geralt eyed your finger in bewilderment. You high-spiritedly wiggled your finger for him to connect; a soft giggle baffling him to the extent as he watch you waggle your finger in front of him. Much to your disappointment, he distractedly grabbed onto your finger and shook your finger like he was shaking your hand.
Your giggle died down and so a disappointed frown was about to appear when the crash of a door opening resonated in the house. Jaskier tumbling in with a bucket of water as he gave off a set of exasperated breaths.
Geralt continued to shake your finger wrapped around his palm, never minding Jaskier who marched towards where you were and his gaze fixated on the connection at hand.
Jaskier dropped the pail of water beside you, breathing in a long breath before giving you both a double-take of his surprised expression, huffing out the rude awakening that startled out his breathing.
"What am I just witnessing?"
His Witcher of a friend instantly ceased from shaking your finger, dropping them like he'd been cauterized and languidly turned his head to peer up at Jaskier who has his eyebrow up in a sassy state.
"You treat her wounds, Geralt."
He gave the Bard a glare and a tight grimace.
They've continued their stare down contest and made you smile to yourself. Their friendship seemed to be pretty much earnest from how they playfully bantered at each other. More passionate than what you had back at home. Thus, you continued cleaning yourself; after saying your thanks to Jaskier and he seemed to smile a smug one at that before going back to narrow his eyes at the man before him.
"What? Don't you give me that scowl! I've already fetched a bucket of water for the grimy lady,"
"---You've also ruined my nap for this woman!" Jaskier retorted back even though he'd only gotten an unpleasant hum from the latter.
"Her name is Y/N Y/L/N," Geralt deeply chided as you continued wiping your filth-filled face and neck. Glad to know that he wasn't looking and gave his friend the attention he needed.
"Greetings, Y/N of Y/L/N." Jaskier started rather confidently, humbly and acknowledging you who sat in front of Geralt.
You've squeezed the cloth out from being drenched as you felt much squeaky clean than earlier. Once you've realized its done as you've essentially washed the dirt away from your wounds, you dropped the cloth Geralt has given you inside the bucket, fishing out the set of new clean cloth hidden under your leg, "My name is Y/N and Y/L/N is not a place--"
Your thoughts were ceased as Geralt pulled the long cloth out of your hands. The flat part of the bandage being wrapped around your wounded knee. Your heart was jumping in utter madness and you tried to softly pull it back, apprehensively looking into his eyes as he gazed at you in question. "I-I can do it on my own, Geralt. It's fine,"
He seemed to be reluctant at first, staring at you with no words said before humming to himself about his approval of leaving you to it as he stood on his soles.
The proximity was undeniably giving you an edge of one's seat. So, it was better to avoid the warmth at all cost until you haven't shaken up from your dream.
Jaskier narrowed his eyes on the cloth on your hands, seeming to recognize the bandage. His eyebrows raising in displeasure. "Is that..Is that a piece of my clean under-tunic?! You've ripped it off, didn't you?!" he snapped his head towards the Witcher and had his brows in a twist.
Geralt only gave him a small smirk as he brazenly stood tall before the bard, crossing his arms across his chest.
The bard started to reiterate again, jotting down points after points in bullet form as to how unreasonable it was to cut a piece of precious clothing just for it to be wrapped around for a wound, "I've bought it from a beautiful merchant named Albreda on a marketplace--"
"You've bed the fuck out of her in exchange for the Tunic, Jaskier."
The haughty tone in Geralt's voice made Jaskier groan; not because he was wrong but his friend was also right and he was frustrated because he was feeling guilty of nothing in particular, "Oh, gods! This is obnoxious! You're lucky I treat you as a friend!"
"Simmer down, you're going to wake Ciri." Geralt continued to grouch and nodded his head to the door beside his own bedroom.
"Oh, no you don't get to include Princess Cirilla in this defense of yours, Witcher!"
You were completely unaware of their banters. Though, you were certainly curious as to what has Jaskier been calling Geralt like it was established and a brand named for him. Your ears perked at the name been said.
"Witcher? You're a witch?"
Both men refrained themselves to continue their repartee. Eyes glued to each other before giving you a glimpse and saw the agog in your eyes, wishing for an explanation or answer.
You've scanned the whole house, searching for a cauldron and anything that could sense he was a witch, yet none. "Where's the cauldron where you cite spells or anything?"
Geralt subtly shook his head, "That's not my job,"
A wag of understanding was given; thinking that maybe you got it all wrong based on the video games you've managed to finish back at your home with your Playstation. Jaskier stepped a foot close, a cordial smile carving his lips, "That small rat, is a mage, a sorcerer or a wizard you are saying,"
He stepped another as he let you continue to wrap the wounds on your knees with his ripped clothing. The frustration suddenly thrown out in the sky as he cleared his throat, raising a hand to Geralt's chest to stop him from even saying anything, "Let me handle this Geralt, I'm downright absolute at this---"
His nose flared at where the topic was going, Geralt knew what was he pointing out and how his poetic wits could get him enthusiastic and utter clumsy, "Your endeavor makes my head hurt to its extent," he bleated with a deep groan sent to the latter.
"I can sing you a song to give you knowledge about Witchers--" he cut his friend off with a deep scold, "Jaskier,"
"What?! Every villager loved it! They've also learned to be accustomed by your presence whenever you're around!" he elaborated, straightening his back with a gesture of his hands as he twirled it around to prove his point.
"Well, your singing is like eating a pie and finding it has no filling,"
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With that witty comeback, Jaskier dramatically clasp his hands on his hips, mouth forming an 'O' as he pointed at his friend like he has been deeply insulted below the belt; repeatedly shaking his head as he couldn't accept his opinions, "The audacity! Your character development is declining in such a repugnant way tonight, Geralt!"
Thus, all of a sudden; you've been included in their random retaliation as Jaskier pointed a finger at you, "This is her fault! She ruined your nap!"
Geralt gave out a fascinated hum, "You're just mad because you were frightened by an Alghoul,"
Jaskier shut his mouth at that, mouth hanging mid-way before closing like a gold fish. He cleared his throat for the second time around and nodded to you as you looked up at him after bandaging every wound you have that were sensitive and rather deep. A small smile at how satisfied you were with your work and at both of their foolishness.
Jaskier blinked as he saw you be all smiles despite of your problem at hand. Their banters surprisingly calmed your anxiety away for the moment and you couldn't help but be entertained by whatever they were talking about. He tightly shut his mouth before looking at Geralt and seeing him already taking a good look at your twinkling smile. He'd given you both a once over, a skeptical look flashing before his eyes and ignored the Witcher beside him and setting his bright blue eyes on you.
"You'll have your explanation of Witchers next time, small, adorable maiden. Geralt over here is just stingy about the whole ordeal because of certain pasts that he doesn't want to hear,"
Another exonerated beam was given to Jaskier which made him nod to himself because of how much radiance he had been receiving from your merry self; simultaneously followed by a nod of understanding that came from you.
"You need to sleep," Geralt gave away on the spur of the moment. Golden eyes still on you as you could feel the heat crawling on your skin for the third time this night.
Jaskier hummed a yes before responding and sublimely bummed to see that Geralt wasn't actually pertaining to him; but to you, "I know I do---" he shut his mouth before adding humiliation to the abrupt blissful feeling he'd felt after looking at you.
"---My bed is unattainable," the bard changed his sentence as he tried to read his mind. Nonetheless, he was contemplating that maybe Geralt would give his own bed to you or maybe not. "---Also, she needs to change into a much comfortable set of clothing," Jaskier stated the obvious as he took in your soiled clothes that you were wearing.
Geralt just gave him a look and with just one glance he was sure at what he wanted to say despite of not opening his mouth.
"You've already ripped a part of my under-Tunic, Geralt. I'm not having it,"
The Witcher cussed beneath his breath and gave him a glare. Jaskier's will unwavering, "Fuck," before strutting to his room and shutting the wooden door closed.
You and Jaskier looked at each other in utmost peculiarity; shrugging both of your shoulders at the sudden exit of the man himself. He was quick to come out of his room with a rather large looking black, thin, Tunic buttoned top which seemed to be fitted for him and rather short.
Geralt handed the shirt and you wholeheartedly accepted the clothing in a heart beat, "This is...Thanks," it was much better than having no clothing to change as you realized there was no shorts or underpants included with the simple long sleeved shirt, "Turn around, please."
Both of their foreheads creased with only Geralt having the desire question your point.
You raised a skeptical brow at him, standing on your seat with the single clothing you were holding, "Unless, you want to watch me get changed then..."
Jaskier scoffed at that, also hearing a perceptible snort as he gave his friend a look of mischief; with Geralt already having a tight scowl on his face, his friend wanting to add more tightness to that scowl he was having, "Maybe Geralt would want that based on how grouchy he is tonight! This Witcher needs to bed a woman after a month of great abstinence--Ow!"
The bard has been smacked on the head by the Witcher which made Jaskier stumble from the weight. Geralt snaked his heavy arm around his shoulder, never forgetting the nerving smile he has given you before turning them both around to give you your time to change.
"Shut up, Jaskier."
Jaskier gave him the stink eye, rubbing at his head because of how heavy and painful it was. His abilities could get Jaskier in bruises because of foul play.
You changed in haste, not wanting for them to see you in your unpatterned undergarments in the midst of it all because they were impatient enough and that you were taking too long.
"I can..take the chair and the table," you dubiously started to inform them that you were done. Geralt's shirt on you stopped just below your thighs, leaving your legs bare but enough to cover the decency you wanted because it was huge.
They both turned around and studied you from head to toe, a groan rumbling out of Geralt's chest as his eyebrows seemed to draw closer. The bard gave him an unimpressed tone of his voice, "That’s your kind of comfortable?"
“It’s kind of...freeing. Believe me,” 
They’ve shared another minute of death stares before you smiled to yourself. 
You shook your head to tell them that you were thankful of their help, giving them both another beam which reached from ear to ear as you pointed to their wooden table which seemed to be rather quite feeble as well as the chair that came with it. Four chairs surrounding the table that peaked your curiosity as to whom was living in the house aside from Jaskier and Geralt, "I can rest my head down on the table, I think it could suffice for now,"
"---Besides, I think I wouldn't stay long enough. I'll probably find a way to...an airport or something," you added, smile now wavering because you could feel your heart dropping because of the thought of never going back again.
Geralt stared you down with that subtle slant of his head, watching you speak, "As long as we're in earth," you tried to get an answer out of them, yet their silence says that they didn't know what you were really talking about, "---please do tell me we're in earth,"
Geralt exhaled a sigh, making your nerves stutter from the scary demeanor of his that was back again like the curtains has been opened. He didn't know what to say nor explain to you whatever it is that has teleported you in their dimension because he certainly had no idea that it was even possible from the start.
He was sure of the portals made by wizards and sorceress' that can only reach a certain depth of dimension, not thoroughly a dimension where their world couldn't seem to connect with each other. A portal only exists and can be opened through witchcraft and not having one partial entrance.
Though, why have you suddenly pop out of nowhere in middle of the far north forest of Kaedwan when you've originally lived on earth?
"Get some sleep, Midget." was the only answer as Geralt left without a smile, walking to his room and leaving your heart bothered at the fact that your questions were unanswerable by them and even you, yourself.
Jaskier have managed to rummaged a piece of clothing as a pillow for you to sleep on. Technically, he only has one and you've objected when he wanted to give it to you because you knew laying on the floor with a thin looking carpet seem to be uncomfortable in the eye and physically itself.
The cracking of wood was the only sound you've heard other than Jaskier's shifting on his side of the room. He was twisting and turning, completely distracted by your fourth attempt in sighing out loud as you've held onto your full battery phone that strangely didn't even had the clock on. It was simply four dashes which has been unable to tell the time back in your country.
You were staring on your phone, seeing the battery level go down to ninety-nine percent and you've decide to take the battery off, so you can use it for emergency purposes in the future.
The battery was off in just one lift of the recharge-able bank. Thus, in the middle of being eaten by your own pessimistic thoughts, Jaskier turned around as he laid on his bed, looking at your hunched form, your arms on the table and fingers holding your temple, "I...I....You seem to be in a distress," the latter stuttered, finding the correct words to comfort you.
He continued with a hushed timbre of his voice, "---I don't know what to say because this world is filled with magic and monsters," pause. "Geralt can only be the person to help you in going back home,"
You've taken a proper look at him, tears forming your eyes by how you were thinking that there was no going back. The knot in your throat making you swallow hard because you didn't want to cry in front of a stranger no matter how much of a softie you are. The fire emitting a rare sight of Jaskier's face glowing under the flames, "---That is if you really aren't from here and you've just hit your head on a rock or something,"
There it was, the tears starting to fall before you've immediately gathered those tears with the pad of your fingers. The utter hopelessness and sadness suddenly weighing on you like a boulder. Jaskier couldn't see you from his perspective, though he could hear the tiny sniffs coming from the other side of the house.
"---Maybe after getting some sleep, you'll get to go back home and magically pop back to where you came from, Y/N."
You've breathed out of your mouth and fumbled with the hem of the sleeves that covered your hands, solemnly looking at Tunic that the Witcher has let you use as your own. The cloth seeming to be wonderful for some snot and tear catching expeditions of yours.
There was no answer sent to the Bard as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He did eventually as you continued your weeping in the middle of the night, thinking that nobody will be able to hear it.
Though, you were wrong because you were unaware of Geralt's heightened senses as he sat on his bed and contemplated as to why your scent was indistinguishable from Yennefer. Entirely greater, stronger. Yet, with you; there was no magic involved.
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writingwhimsey · 3 years
The Tiger and the Oda Princess Ch. 15
A/N: There is some strong language in this one as childbirth is painful
Chapter 15
"Uh...did...did my water just break?"
"Yes, yes it did. Let's get going." Asuna answered.
"So...the baby is coming?" Yukimura asked, sounding almost scared.
"Not necessarily right now." Asuna answered. "Ava's labor has started. There could still be hours to go."
"Okay, while I do not want to give birth right here, please don't say that I still have hours?" I replied.
"Sorry, but it's the truth." Asuna answered.
It was then that I felt another contraction. I sucked in a breath.
Asuna placed an arm around me and helped to support me. "Yukimura, come over here to Ava's other side." She ordered, remaining perfectly calm.
Yukimura nodded and came over to my other side, wrapping an arm around me. "We've got you, Ava." He said.
I looked at him. "You being nice?" I asked, my teeth slowly unclenching as the contraction ended.
"I really don't want Asuna hitting me again." He replied.
"Alright, let's get going. One step at a time." Asuna said. She was then looking to my guards. "I need one of you to go on ahead to the castle. Alert the maids to get the birthing room ready. Also let Lord Shingen know."
"Right." The guards replied. Then one of them quickly ran off ahead to the castle, while the rest of them stayed with us.
With Yukimura and Asuna supporting me, we slowly worked our way back to the castle. I had no idea how long this was going to be, but it definitely felt like I was in for a long day and night.
Shingen sat in his council room with Nobunaga and his entourage, Sasuke and Kenshin. Sasuke was of course on high alert, waiting to intervene if any fighting threatened to break out. Everyone seemed to actually be remaining calm however, none of them wanting to break their promise to Ava.
The group was looking over a map, marking places on it and discussing where they should be looking next for Motonari. "I have my Mitsumono in every port in the country and no one has seen a sign of him yet." Shingen explained.
"All of my informants are coming up with nothing as well." Mitsuhide spoke.
"He could be on any of these islands or not even in this country." Nobunaga declared.
"He's a smart one, so my bet would be he's not even in this land anywhere." Shingen agreed.
"Has anyone checked here?" Kenshin asked, gesturing on the map to a small island that was mostly known to be uninhabited.
"I've sent scouts, but no one has been able to find any trace of him." Nobunaga answered.
"He's a slippery bastard." Shingen said, the anger clear in his voice. He would never get over Ava's kidnapping or the fact that he had been so easily fooled.
"We should be increasing troop presence throughout the land." Hideyoshi said. "Have our eyes everywhere and be ready to defend the people. We never know what he could be planning."
They were all going into deep discussion on what their next moves should be, when one of the guards Shingen had sent with Ava came rushing in the room. He looked frazzled and appeared to be out of breath. Everyone's eyes shot up.
"Forgive me...for interrupting...my lord." He said with a bow.
Shingen was instantly on his feet. "What is it? Is Ava..."
The man panted but shook his head. "She is safe..." He assured. "They are on their way back...Asuna said...Lady Ava's...labor has...started."
Shingen's eyes widened. "The baby is coming?"
The guard nodded. He had finally caught his breath. "Yes, my lord. Asuna and Lord Yukimura were helping her back. They sent me ahead to let everyone know and to alert the maids to get the birthing room ready."
Without a word, Shingen was exiting the council room. He headed to the birthing room first, Otsuna was leading the mother maids in preparations. "Have they not made it back yet?" Shingen asked.
"Not yet, my lord." Otsuna answered.
Shingen could see the excitement in the woman's eyes. Though all he could feel was anxiousness. He wanted to see Ava and know she was alright. "Thank you." He said. He was then turning to head out to find Ava.
He had made it to the entrance of the palace when Ava was coming in. Asuna and Yuki were on either side of her, supporting her.
It felt like it took forever to reach the palace, but we finally made it. As soon as we got inside, I was hit by another contraction. "Ah!" I cried out and grit my teeth, waiting out the wave of pain.
I looked up at the sound of Shingen's voice. He was rushing over to us. He easily pulled me from Asuna and Yukimura, sweeping me up into his strong arms to carry me. "Shin...gen." I managed to get out through my clenched teeth.
"Alright, we need to get her to the birthing room." Asuna declared.
"I've got you." Shingen told me, giving me a light kiss on m forehead. He was then walking off, heading to the birthing room.
The contraction eased up and I finally released the breath I had been holding in. We reached the birthing room and Shingen sat me down on the futon that had been laid out for me. Otsuna and a few of the other maids were waiting with all sorts of different items around the room that might be needed.
"Don't you worry about a thing Lord Shingen, we'll all take good care of Lady Ava." Otsuna assured him.
"She is in good hands." Asuna replied. "That is why you called me here, after all."
"Are you all trying to shoo me out?" Shingen asked.
"There's really nothing you can do, my lord." Asuna said.
"Oh he is not allowed to go anywhere." I said, reaching for Shingen's hand.
Shingen smiled at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Of course I won't leave your side, my angel." He told me.
Asuna sighed. "Alright, but you better do everything I say and stay out of my way." She told him.
Shingen nodded. "Of course."
"Alright, then sit back behind Ava." She instructed. Shingen complied. Then Asuna was looking at me. "Alright, lean back and let me examine you. I need to see where you are." She instructed.
I nodded and leaned back against Shingen. Asuna lifted my dress and performed her examination. "Alright, based on what I can see and from how far apart your labor pains are, there's still hours to go."
It was then that I felt my muscles tighten painfully in yet another contraction. "Oh...that...is not...dammit!" I shouted as the pain racked my body.
"I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but it is the truth." Asuna replied.
Shingen was placing his hands on my shoulders and gently massaging. "I am sorry, my love." He told me.
I couldn't respond, my brain not wanting to form a coherent thought as the pain continued. Finally the contraction subsided and I felt myself sink further back into Shingen's arms, my head resting against his chest.
Asuna was bringing over a cup of tea. "Here try this. It is an herbal tea I have been corresponding with Lord Ieyasu on to make to try to help ease your pain."
"Alright." I said, willing to try anything.
Otsuna was then coming over and setting a bowl of water and a rag close by. Shingen reached for the rag and was dampening it before dabbing at my forehead and neck. I turned my head to look up at him and he gave me a smile before kissing my forehead. "You're doing amazing, my love." He told me. Though I could see the concern in his eyes. "Anything you need, just say the word."
"Thank you." I replied.
"Try and rest as much as you can between the pains." Asuna told me. "And remember to breathe through the pains."
"I don't...see how that's...going to work." I responded, already beginning to feel breathless.
Asuna sighed. "I'm just instructing you as your midwife."
Shingen continued to sit, holding me, and dabbing my forehead and neck with the cool rag, wiping away the sweat that was forming. My hair was now about shoulder length and had already been swept up into a loose pony tail to try and keep it off of my neck.
"I'm so...tired." I said.
"Try to rest as much as you can, my angel." Shingen told me, his voice oh so tender.
"Probably not happening." I replied.
I felt his hand rub up and down my arm in a sympathetic gesture. "I know. I am sorry." He told me, kissing the top of my head.
Before I could say anything else, another contraction was hitting me. "Gah!"
"Ava, breathe." Asuna said as she came to kneel in front of me. She placed her hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look at her. "Come on, heehee, hooo...heehee hooo." She instructed me, trying to lead me through the breathing exercises we has been practicing over the last few weeks.
"Heehee...HOOOO...IT'S NOT WORKING! IT'S BULLSHIT!" I found myself shouting.
Asuna gave me a somewhat sympathetic look. "Let it out."
"OH...JUST HELL!" I shouted as the pain got stronger before finally letting up. I sank back into Shingen once again. I looked at Asuna. "How much longer...before I start feeling...the effects of that tea?" I asked.
"You should have already started." She replied.
"Dammit." I groaned. I should have known. The pain of childbirth was something we still couldn't fully escape in my time even. Though from what I understood an epidural significantly dulled it.
"I'm sorry Ava." Asuna replied.
"Is there anything more we can do?" Shingen asked.
Asuna shook her head. "Ava, you want to try moving around? Sometimes other positions are more comfortable. I have also found that movement almost seems like it speeds up the process."
"I'll try anything." I replied.
With Shingen and Asuna's help I moved from sitting to being on my hands and knees. I stayed there for a few moments before moving to just being on my knees. I reached for Shingen who quickly moved to kneel down in front of me, placing his hands gently on my hips. I held onto his shoulders.
Shingen leaned his forehead against mine. He gave me an encouraging smile. "You're amazing, Ava." He told me.
"I don't feel particularly amazing." I replied. I knew he was trying to be sweet, but I was in so much pain and felt so tired that I just couldn't appreciate it.
"That doesn't change the fact that you are." He told me.
"You know...this is your fault." I told him. "Because you're too good in bed."
He gave me a smile. "Would you rather I wasn't?"
"Shut up." I replied.
Shingen lightly chuckled and then kissed my forehead.
I was hit by another contraction. "Gah...OH HOLY...FUCK!" I shouted, my head falling to Shingen's shoulder, the contraction I felt more intense than any of the others so far.
Shingen seemed to be surprised by my cursing, but didn't say anything.
Finally my contraction eased up and I was panting once again. I looked up to meet Shingen's eyes. "Shingen..."
"Yes, my love?" He asked.
"You can have the next one." I told him.
"If I could, I would gladly go through this pain for you." He told me, lifting a hand to stroke my cheek. "I'd do anything if it meant to keep you from suffering."
I buried my face against his chest as the tears came to my eyes. I could tell he actually meant it. I felt his hand come up to stroke my hair lovingly.
"Wow, normally by this point the mothers are screaming that they're never letting a man touch them again." Asuna said. "Should have known you two would be the exception."
"There's still plenty of time." Otsuna said. "But then again most of the time the fathers are staying far away until after the birth."
"Yes you two are quite unusual." Asuna agreed.
"It's not unusual...where I come from...for the fathers to be...in the room." I replied.
Asuna was looking towards the door of the room then. She let out a sigh. "I need to step out for a moment. I'll be right back." She said.
Outside the birthing room...
"Gah...OH HOLY...FUCK!"
"Did you hear that?" Hideyoshi asked, his eyes widening in surprise.
"I never thought I'd hear those words from our little seamstress." Mitsuhide agreed.
"My question is where's the tiger?" Masamune said. "I figured he'd be out here stuck to the door, waiting."
"Yes, it is unusual that he wouldn't be close to Ava." Nobunaga agreed.
"He's inside." Kenshin said.
The Azuchi warlords looked at the Dragon of Echigo. "What?"
"He's in the room with her." Kenshin replied. "It's the only explanation."
"Yeah, as soon as we walked in with Ava, he was picking her up and carrying her in there." Yukimura spoke up. "He hasn't left her side since. I'm pretty sure that I heard Asuna and Otsuna try to make him leave, but Ava wanted him to stay."
"And Lord Shingen would never leave Ava's side if she wanted him there for her." Sasuke added.
"How unusual." Nobunaga observed.
"It's not that unusual...where Ava and I are from anyways." Sasuke stated. "It's actually quite common for the fathers-to-be to be in the room with their wives as a support person."
the door to the birthing room slid open and shut just then. Asuna had stepped out. "Just what are you all doing here?" She asked.
"How is Ava doing?" Nobunaga was the first one to ask.
"As well as any woman giving birth can be." She answered.
"Is it normal...for her to be in so much pain?" Hideyoshi asked. "I've never heard such language from her before."
"Yes no matter how angry or upset she was, she's never cursed so before." Nobunaga agreed.
"Unfortunately yes, this is normal." Asuna answered.
"Can we see the lass?" Masamune asked.
Asuna shook her head. "Nope. I doubt she wants an audience. Besides, there's still quite a ways to go before this is over."
"Does everything seem to be going okay?" Sasuke asked.
Asuna nodded. "Yes, so far everything is progressing normally."
"Is there anything we can do?" Hideyoshi asked.
Asuna shook her head. "Nope. Just wait it out. You all might want to go to your rooms or back to council. Like I said there's still quite a ways to go."
"We wait here." Nobunaga declared.
"Alright, but don't do anything to disturb Ava. This is already going to be a terribly long night for her."
Ava hours later...
It had been several hours since my labor had started and a few more since the sun had set. My contractions were closer together and becoming stronger with each one that hit. Shingen had stayed by my side the entire time. We had moved once again so that he was sitting behind me and I was leaning against him for support.
Sweat coated my body. Between the heat and the contractions, I was far too hot. I had been stripped of my clothes, partly in an effort to keep me cool and partly to make it easier for Asuna to tend to me.
Asuna was checking me once again. "Alright, looks like you're finally ready, Ava."
I was breathing heavy, feeling completely exhausted already. "You mean..."
Asuna nodded. "Yes, it's time." She and Shingen were then helping me to get into a squatting position. Shingen stayed behind me, helping to keep me supported. Asuna looked at him. "You stay there and keep like that, my lord." She instructed.
"Got it." He answered.
Asuna then looked at me. "Alright, when you feel your next labor pain Ava, you need to push."
I nodded. "Okay."
It was just moments later that the contraction hit. My body reacted and I was pushing as I cried out at the intense pain. The contraction ended and I was falling back against Shingen.
"That was great Ava." Asuna said. "Just keep doing that and your baby will be here soon."
Otsuna was kneeling by Asuna. She had everything nearby ready to assist Asuna as needed. "Yes, you are doing wonderful, my lady." Otsuna encouraged.
Another contraction hit. "G...AH!" I cried out, pushing with all my might. "FUCK!"
"Keep going." Asuna instructed.
The contraction ended and I was falling back once again. Shingen held me up in his arms, his broad chest the support at my back. He kissed my cheek. "You're doing amazing, my love."
Another contraction. "Push." Asuna instructed.
"GAH!!!!" I cried out pushing once again.
"I can see the head!" Asuna declared. "Just another push and your baby will be here!"
I was leaning back against Shingen. "Oh...I can't..do this." I whimpered.
"Yes, you can my love." Shingen told me. "You've already done the impossible for me. You're so strong. I know you can do this."
I shook my head. "No...I've changed my mind."
"Too late for that." Asuna said. "Come on Ava, you're almost there. Besides, I've seen you stop Lord Kenshin from breaking out his sword. I've seen you get in the middle of Lord Shingen and Lord Nobunaga to keep them from fighting. You can do this. You're far tougher and braver than most other woman I've met before."
"Alright..." I said, feeling encouraged by their words.
Asuna counted. "One...two...three..."
The contraction hit and I was pushing. Every bit of strength I had was put towards this final push. "AHHHH!!!" I cried out as the pain was the most intense it had been. I shut my eyes as the pain continued.
In moments, the contraction ended and the sounds of a baby crying joined my own. I fell back against Shingen and opened my eyes as Asuna was placing the baby on my chest. Tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around my tiny, crying baby. A smile came to my face.
I felt Shingen's arms tighten around me as he helped me back into a sitting position. "She's as beautiful as her mother." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.
"She's perfect." I said, unable to take my eyes from our daughter. I had never seen anyone more beautiful than my daughter nor had I felt such pure love as I did in that moment looking at her tiny perfect little face. I couldn't stop the tears that flowed. This was the happiest moment of my life.
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dreamylyfe-x · 4 years
To the lazy Mickey point in your last ask..... idk if I’m off base here but I do wonder if it’s in relation to your point about Mickey not having the temperament for the minimum wage labor force. He’s been very open with the fact that if Ian is insistent that they need money, he can just “go hit the stop and shop on rush.” I wonder if his perceived laziness is more a result of the fact that Ian is very un-interested in Mickey making less than legal money and mick being un-interested in making legal money? Even in past seasons, from my recollection, we haven’t really seen him “hustle” for money the way the Gallaghers do. Instead he always seems to do more infrequent (and potentially dangerous) lucrative scams. I still think they’re playing up “heehee Mickey is a lazy bum conflict!” and it could have been handled in a more insightful way but that’s the show now I guess!
Ok! First glance at this I thought “lazy Mickey point” meant my points about Mickey were lazy and was all “whatever my points about Mickey are, they are not lacking in effort. I am extremely dedicated in my quest to consider all the wheres and whyfores of Mikhailo Milkovich. THIS I promise you.” 
But then I realized you meant Slacker Mickey. And yes, this is the thing in season 11 my brain is most ardently resisting. Which is why it struggled with the very concept of Lazy Mickey in your ask. Mickey is not lazy. But Mickey is used to working smarter, not harder. He is definitely a high risk, ok reward sort of person. Whereas Ian still has a military mindset to life: set a goal, work hard, achieve goal. Set new goal. So their approach to these things might have different energies, but I wouldn’t call either of them lazy. 
I completely buy into what you’re saying about Mickey having minimal interest in making money legally, but I think that’s mostly because there’s no good way for him to do that. He’s a high school drop out and an ex-con. He has no class advantages or family connections. Ian is in a very similar position. I remember when the stills of Ian at the warehouse came out months ago and we were all VERY sad to see them. Because we know Ian and we know this job is exactly in the vein of the stuff he was doing in season six when he was so sad. We also knew he’d pulled himself out of that last time and he won’t be able to do it the same way this time. But this situation is just as bleak and depressing for Mickey. The difference seems to be that Ian is putting his head down and working hard -- because that’s what Ian DOES. Mickey, however, is refusing to play. 
So THAT part completely makes sense to me and is consistent with their characters. They have the same problem. Mickey just has zero interest in going out to the world having his lack of options confirmed for him. 
What I don’t get is the suggestion that Mickey is doing that while saying stuff like “I’m on my honeymoon” and wiping jam off on the throw pillows and being surprised that Ian isn't going to pay all their bills together. Letting Ian handle everything doesn’t seem terribly consistent to me. Also: Mickey and hygiene. Writers -- is he someone who wipes jam on pillows AND someone who meticulously removes all pubes from his soap at the same time? I suppose this is possible. We all contain multitudes. 
Here’s the thing. It’s possible (though I don’t know that I will call it likely) that at some point in this arc Mickey will speak to his frustration about not knowing how to pivot from someone who Got Things Done in the crime world, to someone being paid nothing to take shit from a boss about, like, collecting unreturned carts at a grocery store. That the idea of making money in any meaningful way in the real world feels soul destroying, because Mickey is SMART and we know he can run an operation -- but no one is going to pay Mickey to do that. 
Unless he goes to work for himself. Which is where I hope we’re going to go with this. 
I think the part that bums me out about that particular storyline so far is not so much that Mickey doesn’t want to do what Ian is doing -- but that they’re playing something laden with no small amount of pathos as an Isn’t Mickey A Stinker story -- at least in parts of the episode. I don’t think it’s going to stay there, because of several weeks of BTS photos that suggest otherwise, but I don’t know that we’ll exit it with Mickey getting to talk about the very valid reasons he might have for sitting this whole thing out while Ian gets charge for having a body that needs to be attended to at the warehouse. 
But I can hope! And there’s time for that. And in the meantime, I did enjoy the show giving him a story where he solved the financial problem in an afternoon, acknowledging that Mickey is smart and can get things done. Because he can. 
Thank you for the ask! I’ve loved answering these. 
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