#Neapolitan Studios
saytrrose · 8 months
Hey!! I love your fursona, she’s so cute!! Have you ever been to any conventions before? Also, do you have any fursuit items?
I have been to two conventions, one when I was in 7th grade, another when I was in 8th. I loved it so much, however I just went as myself ofc since I didn’t have anything at the time suit wise. I went with just my mom the first time, then the second time I went with one of my friends + mom.
Now I’m in college and it’s been like 5 years since I’ve been to a con which sucks because I really want to go but I need people.. to go with lmfao. I wouldn’t want to do it alone.
Also I like to make fursuit pieces, I’ve made quite a few and sold them, I used to have my own little maker brand back when I was really into it. It was called Neapolitan Studios and my track record is a Manokit partial (head, back fin, tail, paws, feetpaws, basically everything but the bodysuit-) a Dutch angel dragon tail inspired off of a pineapple, and minor things like tounges, teeth and claws. I did once make a digitigrade bodysuit base.
It’s been a long while tho fr.
I do happen to have digitigrade feetpaws and handpaws for Kenji currently, but that’s all in my possession. I’d like to get a head of her but.. money and I’m in college lol. I got these as well as a tiny con backpack I got commissioned off Etsy.
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aquaspiderart · 9 days
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Neapolitan ice cream inspired Pokémon from a speedpaint!
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hyacinths-heart · 1 month
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Neapolitan Ice Cream !
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puyostim · 4 months
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papas scooperia stimboard. game is bringing me joy rn.
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bunmaxilla · 5 months
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(๑>◡<๑) NEAPOLITAN ART IN 2024???🍓🍓
This was to make sure I could still draw after not doin so for months lolll. (Also i rediscovered picmix again and now you all will never know what peace is) <333
Unedited Vers:
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(i don’t wanna ramble too much but this also giving me vibes from my late 2021-early 2022 art lollll)
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cherrylng · 3 months
MUSE X PROGRESSIVE ROCK [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Pic: Mauro Pagani, who taught Matthew Mediterranean music and showed his skills in Black Holes and Revelations.
Pic: King Crimson, led by Robert Fripp (second from left), a senior guitarist with whom Matthew has a lot in common.
Dramatic development and a yearning for the classics
Is Muse a modern progressive rock band?
Text by Masatoshi Arano (Crossbeat)
When I was drinking with a rock fan in his fifties, he said to me: ‘I don't know about the latest bands, but Muse is good. After all, they're prog rock." I thought, "I see, that's true." He seemed to have said that based on his impression from a quick listen, the dramatic song development and the atmosphere of the performance……. Did Muse really have any link to so-called progressive rock? I don't recall seeing any article in which Matthew Bellamy lists the work of such bands as his favourites.
If it's a personal link, there is one clear one. Mauro Pagani, formerly of Italy's PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi), was in Black Holes and Revelations. However, Matthew was not a fan of PFM, and while searching for a recording studio in Milan, he happened to be introduced to Mauro's Mecanique Studio by an acquaintance. Mauro was not only a string arranger and conductor on the album, but also had a great influence on Matthew by teaching him Neapolitan folk songs. Matthew has stated that he was impressed by Mauro's recordings of Neapolitan folk songs from the 19th century and was probably exposed to Mauro's solo albums.
Mauro's individuality can be heard in the strong strings of ‘City of Delusion’. The acoustic guitar-driven introduction is followed by a dramatic development of wild guitars, spacey synth sounds and exotic strings. Overflowing with chaotic energy, the song conveys a clear picture of what happens when post-alternative sensibilities join forces with musicians from the progressive generation.
This Euro-prog connection is not so surprising, perhaps because of the melodies Matthew writes. His style is very European, full of emotion and vividly transposing emotional ups and downs into melody. It reminds one of the romantic atmosphere of the heyday of the Sanremo Festival and the Eurovision Contest, when ‘Western hits’ still included chansons and canzones. In fact, Michel Polnareff's music from the days when he was leaning towards a slightly experimental approach seems to have something in common with Muse.
Moving on to the guitar playing on the album, there is a strong tendency not to think of the guitar as a guitar, or to dare to express a multilayered sound with the guitar, even if it could be substituted with a synth or other sound. Brian May of Queen comes to mind as a pioneer in this direction, but in terms of his pursuit of novel sounds and relentless layering of guitars, he is probably closer to Steve Hillage in type. When I saw Matthew happily manipulating the guitar with the Kaoss pad at a live performance, I couldn't help but wonder if he was a pervert of Hillage's direct descent.
Matthew's guitar playing is often compared to that of King Crimson's Robert Fripp, alongside Queen's Brian May and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page. Muse's first album, Showbiz (with Mellotron!), the tension-filled phrasing and sticky tone are very Fripp-esque. Matthew must have liked Tool, so it is not surprising that he would have mentioned the Crimson album as a mentor band that toured with them.
Crimson's approach to classical music was unique. In contrast to Moody Blues and Rick Wakeman, who played with orchestras, Crimson played a wicked arrangement of Holst's 'Mars', which was the highlight of their live shows, a definite difference from Matthew's respect for the classics. Muse have no ambition to evolve even if it means tearing up their predecessors' songs.
Listening to the classical arrangements of the songs on Resistance, I thought that their distance from the classics was more akin to symphonic progressive bands than to radicals like Crimson. At worst, they are conservative, at best they are honest about the appeal of orchestral music. Listening to the suite 'Exogenesis', I wouldn't be surprised if Muse would become more and more symphonic in the future and make an album like Renaissance's 'Novella'.
PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) = Formed in Italy in 1970, the country's leading progressive rock band, debuted in 1972 with 'Storia di un minuto', which caught the attention of Greg Lake of Emerson, Lake & Palmer, who introduced them to Pete Sinfield (an early lyricist and poet known for his lyrics to King Crimson), who produced their world debut with the English-language album 'Photos of Ghosts'. Mauro Pagani, the violinist and flautist behind the early days of PFM, left the band in 1976 with Chocolate Kings. He approached Mediterranean music rather than progressive music and made his solo debut in 1978 with the eponymous Mediterranean Legend. PFM continued to be active after a hiatus, and in 2010 released A.D. 2010: La Buona Novella (A.D. 2010: La Buona Novella), a cover of Fabrizio De Andre's classic album La Buona Novella in its entirety, with new songs.
Michel Polnareff = French singer who made his debut in 1966 with 'La Poupée qui fait non'. In Japan, 'Tout, tout pour ma chérie', released in 1971, became a super hit, selling 400,000 copies, and catapulted him to star status. With his curly hair and large sunglasses giving a strong impression, he went on to have a string of hits, including 'Holidays', 'Love Me, Please Love Me' and 'Ça N'arrive Qu'aux Autres'. In 1975, he moved to the USA and produced the self-titled album 'Michel Polnareff', which featured a number of musicians, including Lee Rittner, Steve Kloppa and Jim Keltner. In his native France, he continued to be a star with 'Bulle de savon' (1981), 'Kāma-Sūtra' (1990) and 'Live at Roxy' (1995), which reached the top of the charts.
Steve Hillage = guitarist from Essex, UK, active since the late 60s. He entered University of Kent in Canterbury in 1969, where he began to interact with Caravan and other aspects of the Canterbury scene, joining various bands. He joined Kevin Ayers' live band, and also joined Gong's productions as a guitarist, amongst other diverse activities. His first solo album, Fish Rising, was released in 1975. His 1978 album Green was produced by Pink Floyd's Nick Mason. Since the 1980s, he has also worked as a producer, including on the Charlatans' Up to Our Hips, and in 1991 he and his partner Miquette Giraudy began working together as the ambient dance unit System. In 2006, he resumed his activities as Gong and released '2032' in 2009.
King Crimson = Band formed in 1969 around Robert Fripp. Considered to be the progenitors of so-called progressive rock. The band debuted the same year with 'In the Court of the Crimson King', which included the song "21st Century Schizoid Man". In addition to Fripp, the band members at the time included Greg Lake (vo,g), Ian MacDonald (key, mellotron, flute, saxophone, vibraphone etc.), Michael Giles (per, ds), plus Pete Sinfield. Lake left the band after the recording of the second album and formed Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The band went through a series of member changes and once disbanded in 1972, but reformed again. Various musicians came and went as the band repeatedly disbanded and reformed. Fripp reigns as leader to the present day. Known for their unmatched accuracy, their classical playing is strongly influenced by the Hungarian composer Bartók, who was active in the first half of the 20th century.
Moody Blues = Debuted in 1964. Initially started as an R&B band and had a hit with the Bessie Banks cover 'Go Now', but frontman Denny Laine, who later joined Wings, left in 1966. However, the band achieved even greater success with Satin Nights, released in 1967, which steered the band away from blackness and towards a more progressive sound that fused classical and rock. This was a concept album, inspired by Dvorak's 'New World', and was followed by a string of hits in the US as well as in their home country. They are still active to this day.
Rick Wakeman = one of Britain's leading keyboard players. He studied classical piano from an early age, attended the Royal Academy of Music in London (dropped out), played keyboards on David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' in 1969 and joined Yes in 1971. After participating in 'Fragile', 'Close to the Edge', and 'Tales from Topographic Oceans', he left the band, but also participated in 'Going for the One' and 'Tormato'. He repeatedly rejoined and left again. Alongside his work with Yes, he released solo works, including hits 'The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' and 'The Six Wives of Henry VIII'. He was also famous for piling up keyboards around himself and walking around in them in a glittering cape.
Renaissance = Folk meets classic band formed in 1969 with Keith Relph (vo) and Jim McCarty (ds), formerly of the Yardbirds. All the original members left during the production of their second album, and the band entered a second period led by Michael Dunford (g). The band released 'Prologue' (1972) and 'Ashes Are Burning' (1973) in quick succession, with Annie Haslam on vocals, who sang in an operatic style. In 1975, 'Scheherazade and Other Stories' was based on Rimski Korsakov's suite. The 1977 'Novella' is a masterpiece in which Hazlam's limpid voice sings against the backdrop of an orchestra.
Translator’s Note: I changed one of the words in the paragraph for my own reasons. In one of the sentences, I changed one word in it: “Muse have no ambition to evolve even if it means tearing up their predecessors' songs.”
In that bolded part, the original word used was ‘raping’. Yes, the journalist literally used the word ‘rape/raping’, and even used Katakana to emphasize that he literally meant what he said. Which in context, I know it made sense (to him), but it… wasn’t a tasteful choice of word. From back then or even now. So yeah, I changed that part under my own volition.
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squadrah · 2 years
each la squadra members reaction to being interviewed by the eric andre show :3
ERIC ANDRE: What are your thoughts on Passione's health care system?
RISOTTO: We have a health care system?
ERIC ANDRE: You didn't know? Looks like Cioccolata's got... his work... cut out for him...! *cracking up* High five...!
RISOTTO: Metallica.
ERIC ANDRE: *razor blades erupt from his open palm*
ERIC ANDRE: *looking straight at the camera* Ow.
ERIC ANDRE: How does it feel to be the smallest bitch in the dog house? Just the tiniest bitch ever.
FORMAGGIO: I'm bigger than you.
ERIC ANDRE: *holds out a giant sea conch* Put your ear to that, what do you hear?
FORMAGGIO: *leans in to listen; a giant HONK! sounds from the conch, sending him tumbling over the back of the armchair*
ERIC ANDRE: Are you single?
ERIC ANDRE: Rumors say you suffer from vaginal dryness, but I'm not bothered by that, so are you single yet?
PROSCIUTTO: I'm about to be the single survivor in this studio.
ERIC ANDRE: If you could have a Stand that didn't suck, what would your new Stand be like?
PESCI: M-My Stand doesn't suck!
ERIC ANDRE: Really? Who told you that?
PESCI: Prosciutto!
ERIC ANDRE: If you could have a role model that didn't lie to you, who would your new role model be?
ERIC ANDRE: You know the game kiss, marry, kill, where you name three people and pick one for each? You know that game?
GHIACCIO: Yeah...?
ERIC ANDRE: Let's put a spin on that. If your lab coat wearing ass was a real scientist and you decided to sew Zucchero, Sale and Mista ass to mouth, who would be the head, middle, and tail?
ERIC ANDRE: Have you known Polpo carnally?
MELONE: I think the question is, whom have I not known carnally?
ERIC ANDRE: Silvio Berlusconi?
MELONE: Oh, goodness, no.
ERIC ANDRE: How do you feel about feral Italian teenagers spreading rabies in the mafia community?
ILLUSO: That's not... There's no such thing.
ERIC ANDRE: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce our next guest star.
ERIC ANDRE: Who would make a better boss for Passione? A prison baby who sewed his mom's mouth shut and kept her alive in the ground for years, or an Italian-Japanese teenager born from a British vampire who was alive for a hundred and twenty slutty, slutty years?
SORBET: That's oddly specific.
ERIC ANDRE: Don't worry about it.
ERIC ANDRE: *a calzone falls onto his desk* You want a calzone?
GELATO: Yeah, I want a calzone! *takes it from Eric*
GELATO: *ominous crunching sounds as he chews*
ERIC ANDRE: Now that's the sound of a man who appreciates the generous sprinkling of crushed glass that makes Neapolitan calzones so banging.
BONUS: Ghiaccio has definitely either punched a hole in Eric's desk or froze the suddenly moving rodeo desk in place from sheer shock.
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Say hello to our first handpainted batch in the new studio! It was Louisa's first try with me and she's already a pro, I'm excited to paint more with her! These ice cream sundaes are in Soft firmness and have sprinkles and cherries painted over a neapolitan marble. You can grab these THIS FRIDAY in our upcoming restock, 8/18 at 1PM EST!
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malika-carnelian · 4 months
OOC post
It's been a long time!
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Yes, it's really been a long time since I last interacted daily on this profile, and I admit that whenever I receive notifications from you, nostalgia overwhelms me. But know that I have never really taken my eyes off you mutuals, not even once.
My character was put on hold, that's for sure, but my attention and love for your writings and the characters you portray never went away. In fact, you brought a sincere smile to my face every time I took a break from work to read your posts. As for my disappearance, it was entirely due to work... but at least I emerged triumphant, happy, and moved to see something I participated in being uploaded on the web and on TV platforms. The first job that lasted a year and a half (the entire 2023) was for "Totally Spies" season 7, where I worked as a layout character artist for Doghead Studio. As much as I know, it's being broadcast on the Gulli website in France (currently inaccessible to me because I'm not registered and moostly because I don't know enough French to watch an entire series 😂 I'll wait the day they will broadcast it in English all around the world, hopefully, lmao). The second job project, which kept me busy from the beginning of 2024 until the first week of May, was a feature film dedicated to a Neapolitan singer-songwriter, under the ILBE Studio. It allowed me to work on the animated part both as an animator and a cleanup artist.
And now? Now I've taken a well-deserved vacation after all the accumulated stress, but by taking at home two significant achievements of my life! 😭
Alas, there’s not much I can show from "Totally Spies" unfortunately, apart from the presentation trailer already on youtube, but as for the film about Liberato? Well, for that, I can directly share the link to the song with the adapted animation.
Last but not least, a deep apology to all of you who have seen me disappear all of a sudden. This kind of job was really, really very time (and brain) consuming. 🙏
Animation song of the movie I worked on:
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galaxysuede · 2 years
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The Neapolitan Reno
renovated this cute little house I built back in 2018. Built for a quirky artist with a cat and chickens in the back garden 🐥🎨
• 1 bed / 1 bath, art studio & cat friendly
• If you download please consider ✨reblogging✨
floorplan below cut
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fatfables · 7 months
Fat People Can Sing Too - The Final (Part Eight)
Will Ben's dream of becoming the biggest pop-star ever come true?
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The morning of the final show arrived and Ben was weighed one final time. 24 stone and two pounds. He had gained over three stone in a week! He was now almost ten stone heavier than when David had first weighed him. He was so proud of himself. David and Brian congratulated him and told him that he was going to win, but that there was no room for complacency and that now was not the time to rest. “When you go on stage you need to look as bloated as possible. We gotta get that fabulous gut of yours looking like a hot air balloon. The housewives need to see that you’ve been on a binge directly before competing. That’s how we’ll increase the sympathy vote,” Brian explained with a grin.
David had fixed Ben’s pre-show routine for him. Directly after the weigh in he had three extra large pizzas for breakfast followed by three litres of funnel fed shake mix. At midday he ate a large lunch in his room of four extra large pizzas followed by three litres of funnel fed shake mix. His belly ached so wonderfully. He was then driven to the studio in a disabled access taxi and left to chill with snacks in the green room. He ate eight Mars bars, ten packets of Walkers crisps, a two litre tub of neapolitan ice cream, and all of his remaining pre-show nerves. His belly pushed further out than ever in front of him. He felt so good, he felt so big. He completed his rehearsal and was escorted to his dressing room. He had to wait an hour for the scouse ladies to arrive and dress him in his now patented ill-fitting blue jeans and plain white tee. While he waited David fed him three more extra large pizzas. Pizza was his favourite. He sucked in his massive ball of fat flesh as he tried and failed to do the new 46 inch jeans up. He squeezed the XXXL t-shirt over his fat head. It clung to his tits and upper arm fat. He pulled at it and stretched it out. It still barely covered his cavernously deep belly button. Inches and inches of round smooth belly fat stuck out for all the world to see. His stretch marks were a thick deep red that ran up the front of his heaving belly in line with his wispy hair. They also grew wildly up his love handles and around his muffin top. His jeans button was clearly open and it was decided that braces were required to keep them up and prevent another wardrobe malfunction. The braces were black and tight, stretched to their limit, and only serving to accentuate his massively round bloated stomach. He thought he looked perfect. Brian and David told him that he did. Twenty minutes before showtime David brought out the funnel. He placed it in Ben’s gaping gob and poured in four more litres of thick, heavy, creamy, gainer shake. He watched with delight as Ben’s belly grew visibly bigger under the strain. Ben sighed with delight as the delicious calories rushed into his already overpacked gut. He was so wonderfully fat. How could anyone not vote for him?
On stage he felt too big to move. He swung his fat hips from side to side causing his thick round love handles to jiggle and sway. He couldn’t dance. His belly heaved up and down as he took deep breaths in between lines. He sang deep from within his distended obese stomach. He belted out ‘I knew I Loved You’ by Savage Garden and his belly heaved in and out. It was so big, so round, and so swollen. The braces dug into his fat and accentuated his massive gut. He was by far the fattest of all the performers who had been on Fat People Can Sing Too and he was proud as punch when he received a standing ovation from the audience. The criticism from the judges though was scathing.
For the first time the four celebrity judges had been watching his performance. This was the first time that they had seen him. A forty year old Geordie lass who had had three top ten hits in the nineties told him that he didn’t have the required range to be a star and that his inability to dance was a huge problem. A fifty year old comedian of uncertain sexual orientation, that led to constant online rumours about impropriety, told him that he lacked star power. The sixty year old wife of a famous rocker told him that he seemed like a lovely guy but that he just didn’t have ‘it’. Worst of all was the attack that he received from the show's creator Steven Bowel. Bowel was a large chested man with transplanted black hair, a turtle neck sweater and a habit of handing out verbal lashings to contestants, “You can’t sing well enough. You look like a bloated gopher about to pop and you clearly have mental issues that are negatively affecting your health. You need help and are clearly not pop-star material.” The audience booed loudly. How dare Bowel attack their brave heroe? Ben felt deflated. His belly hung heavy and low as he trudged off the stage. The audience cheered passionately for him, but he didn’t notice as he stared at the floor, tears rolling from his eyes.
Brian and David were overjoyed. “That was fucking perfect! Fucking Steven just played straight into our fucking hands!” Brian hugged Ben’s mammoth belly and rested his head on top of it until David pushed him off. “You did so well!” David beamed. Ben wiped the tears from his eyes, he was confused. He protested that he had just received the harshest criticism of any contestant at any point on the show. Brian admonished him, “You’re so fucking stupid sometimes. I can’t believe you still don’t fucking get how this fucking works. It’s about the sympathy vote. Sympathy. S-Y-M-P-A-T-H-Y. Bowel fucking knows that. He knows what he’s doing. He wants you to win! He created that fucking reaction for you!
Ben complained that the judges were going to vote him into last place. “Oh for fucks sake!” Brian shouted, “They don’t have a fucking vote in the final. It’s all on a public vote now! Is your fat fucking head so full of cream cakes that you’ve even fucking forgotten that!”
Ben wasn’t convinced but the mention of cream cakes had made him hungry so he retreated to his dressing room to eat his nerves while he waited for the voting to take place. When he returned to the stage for the results show, along with the other contestants, he was four pounds heavier than he had been earlier thanks to the constant flow of fifty pastries that he had used to appease his emotions.
The results were read in reverse order with massively long gaps between them in order to build suspense. Four of the six finalists left the stage to warm applause and to Ben’s surprise he was in the final two. The other contestant was a chubby fifty six year old woman with a gammy leg and crooked teeth. Ben really was an idiot for doubting that the housewives would vote for her over him. He won comfortably by over 350,000 votes. As he was announced as the winner the house lights went down and a spotlight pointed directly at him. He cheered and raised his fat arms into the air causing his XXXXL white t-shirt to ride up over the top of his massively ballooned belly. Fifteen inches of perfectly spherical fat stuck proudly out over his busted trousers. His happy trail glistened with sweat as his underbelly lifted upwards towards the camera that was slowly zooming in. His stretch marks were proudly on view, his belly button invisibly buried deep into the layers of fat. The whole belly looked like a giant full blood moon brightly illuminated by the reflected rays of the sun. It was monstrously beautiful. The sexy glutton had won. At home a fifteen year old tried to hide the fact that he had creamed his pants from his Mum by holding a cushion over his crotch.
At the aftershow party Ben went wild, he drank twenty pints of lager, and ate enough to feed a school. He didn’t care about the press and paparazzi present and publicly glutted himself like never before. David expressed concern about this behaviour being all over the papers the next day but Brian oddly told him that, “It no longer fucking mattered. Let the fat cunt enjoy himself.” And enjoy himself he did. Ben snorted up cupcakes like they were cocaine. He pigged out on puddings as he digested donuts and drumsticks. He felt his belly continue to swell and swell and it made him feel so fucking hot! He was sexy and famous and fat as fuck! Life couldn’t be any better.
Ben had badly wanted David to fuck him that night but as the party died out he couldn’t find him anywhere. He drunkenly waddled back to his room by himself where he masturbated furiously till he soaked his monstrous moon belly in warm sticky cum.
The next morning David and Ben took a taxi together to the production offices. A meeting had been arranged between the winner, his representatives, and the production team in order to talk about the plan going forwards. Ben was still overjoyed and couldn’t believe that he was about to receive a recording contract. His picture was on the front of every paper. He was famous and so very happy.
Him and David talked all the way there; “Where did you go last night? I was really hoping that we could celebrate together?” David picked up on the insinuation. “I was tired and just needed to go home,” he lied. “Well, that’s a shame but I guess we’ll get plenty more chances.” Ben went to touch David’s hand but David pulled it away. Ben continued unphased, “I can’t wait for us to be together again.” “Look, Ben, I don’t want to upset you on your big day and I don’t want to ruin our friendship so can we please drop this?” Ben was shocked. “But, you said you loved me? Don’t you want to be the boyfriend of a pop star?” “I never said that. You did.” Ben felt his heavy arse sink deeper into his seat. “I thought that you wanted me? You even let me fuck you?” “Ben, please don’t make me say this. Not today. “Say what? Just fucking tell me.” “Oh God, Ben, I let you fuck me so that I didn’t have to look at you.” Ben started to cry. “What? You think I’m u-u-ugly?” he sniffled. “No, of course not. You’re just so… so erm fat. It’s disgusting. I couldn’t fuck that.” “What?” Ben sobbed loudly. “But, you’re the one who wanted me to get fat. You’re the one who made me this way!” “That was to win the show and it worked. I didn’t do it for any sexual thrills. I’m not a feeder. I’m not a pervert. That’s Brian.” “W-w-what d--do you mean by that?” “Getting you fat was Brian’s idea. It’s not my fault that you liked it so much that you've turned into a human whale. You and him are the one’s getting off on it.” “What? I don’t like Brian like that and he’s never shown any interest in me.” “That’s what you think. God, you’re so fucking gullible sometimes.” Ben fell silent for a few moments and then burst once more into tears. “Look, Ben. I never wanted to hurt you. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry, I just don’t want to be your lover. Please, can we drop this? Let’s focus on the positives. This is a great day for you. You’re in every paper and are about to get your first recording contract. This is everything you’ve ever wanted. Please focus on that. As a pop-star you will be able to get anyone you want. Fat or not.” “B-but I want you.” “Oh Ben!”
At the production offices Ben wiped the water from his eyes and calmed himself with treats from a vending machine. Him and David sat in silence while they waited to be called into the boardroom.
Steven Bowel, Brian, and three other executives were sitting at a large oval oak table. They warmly welcomed Ben and David who were shown a sofa to sit on. The sofa had been brought in that morning as Steven had not wanted to risk letting Ben sit on his antique mahogany chairs. It was probably a good idea. Ben had weighed himself that morning and had been pleased to discover that he was exactly twenty five stone.
Bowel started the meeting; “Firstly we would like to congratulate you on your well deserved win. You captured the imagination of the nation. Your story of adversity and the way that you have handled yourself in the face of such negative press has been nothing short of astonishing.” Brian chipped in, “You received the most votes in British TV talent contest history.” Ben smiled like a goon, but David had spotted the look on Brian’s face that told him that there was a but coming. Bowel continued, “Your popularity on the show has indeed been phenomenal considering your limited talent. You have been especially popular amongst the female 30 -45 unemployed demographic. The problem is this demographic doesn't buy records or pay for single downloads. As a company they are just not our target audience.”
Ben couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He looked pleadingly at Brian for help but received no support, “You see Ben…” his coach and rapist continued, “...we need young people to buy and stream your songs and they just won’t engage with an artist who is er… well so fucking fat.” Ben was utterly confused in his distress but David had worked it out. He knew what Ben would never know; the rapist was in line to receive a half a million pound bonus for coaching the winning act. He had no financial interest in aftershow sales.
Ben’s heart was sinking lower and lower into his bloated abdomen. He managed to mumble a complaint about the winner being guaranteed a contract. “That’s not quite right,” Bowel explained, “We have to supply a contract to a contestant and have decided that will be Danni Tyler.” Danni Tyler was a nineteen year old chubby cockney femboy with long blonde hair, a fat pear shaped ass, and blue eyes that teenage boys and girls would want to swim in. She had come in fourth place. “He’s much more marketable. Isn’t grossly obese, and her coming out video already has eight million views on YouTube.”
Ben was now weeping openly once more. “Please Ben, don’t be too despondent. You’ve had your moment in the limelight and you’re still entitled to your winners prize of £30,000 minus expenses incurred.” Bowel was interrupted by Brian who cruelly pointed out that, “You have though already blown a lot of that money. We need to deduct all of your accommodation, travel, and food costs. And as your such a gross fat fuck you’ve eaten your way through £18,765 worth of food. That belly has to be paid for.”
Steven Bowel stuck in the final knife, “It’s not just your ridiculous size Ben, you're also just not talented enough. Your voice is ok but it lacks range, distinctiveness, and breadth. I’m sure that you can have a career as a singer but just not at this level. Given the exposure that you’ve had from being on the show I’m sure that you could get a good job on a cruise ship.”
Ben spent the rest of the day crying alone in his hotel room. His last night in the hotel room, that tomorrow he would have to pay for, leaving him with only £3,852 to show for his victory. He would have to move back in with his parents. He bawled his eyes out for hours until the tears eventually ran out at around ten pm. Only then did he notice the hollow pain in his stomach. His depression had caused him to forget to eat. He ordered twelve tubs of Ben and Jerry’s on UberEats. He injected himself in his huge round love handle and began to feel better as he finished off the ninth tub and placed an order for seven more.
When he died alone in his childhood bedroom in Nottingham three years later, at thirty eight stone, the press and housewives were in agreement that morbid obesity was caused by a personal lack of self-control. His parents were relieved.
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About Me
Got tagged by @bluecoolr @goldrose-star and @devil-doll13 ! Thank you <3
Nickname: Sol, Mint
Age: 25
Height: 1.60/5'3"
Sign: Scorpio gang lesgooooo 🦂♏️ (however many have told me I don't act like a scorpio lol. They haven't seen my mind.)
Last Google search: Searched for the Aesthetics Wiki!
Last song stuck in my head: Play with Fire/Hiasobi by Camellia. I love electro swing so much. That song is snazzy and sticky.
Sleep: I... I normally sleep at 4 or 6 A.M. but lately, I've had to wake up earlier so... I sleep at 1 A.M. now 🙃 I don't want to hear anything about my sleep schedule, okay?!
Dream job: I guess being an artist/comic creator? However I would also love to work as a museum curator, art (concerning dolls, paintings, clocks, jewelry) restorer or a historian focusing on Greek myth! Agh, too many stuff!
Wearing: My pajama <3
Favorite Songs: TOO MANY TO SAY BUT I'LL TRY = Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas, Dancing in the Moonlight by Harvest King, Fernando by ABBA, Mafia by Wotaku, Unhappy Refrain by Wowaka, Blumenkranz from Kill la Kill, Leia by Yuyoyuppe
Favorite instrument: violin or kalimba. They have such a sweet sound.
Favorite author(s): Aldous Huxley, Oscar Wilde, Sophocles, Albert Camus, Homer
Favorite color: Black (also blood red, baby pink, emerald green and sunflower yellow my beloveds)
Aesthetic: I am a goth at heart but my room looks like a Neapolitan ice cream.
Last series: Inuyasha
Last song: Black Sorrow by Studio Lico (Alien Stage)
Favorite animal sounds: the cute lil' whine dogs make when they want attention 🥺 Also, the way parrots imitate gasps or do their little excited inhales 😭💕
Random: Apparently it's not normal to bend your thumb back?? Like a 90 degree bend? I can do that with no pain, lmao.
Tags, ummm shyy. Mutuals feel free to do this if you'd like <3
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sabinesybill · 1 year
Chissà come ha fatto una come Alicent (Milanese Imbruttita™ fino al midollo) a crescere un piccolo scugnizzo come Aegon 🤔
Anon,,, stai sbloccando tutti i miei headcanon pazzi spero tu lo sappia.
Allora le cose sono due: o i Targaryen sono milanesi e vivono a Citylife come la Ferragni&co (in quel caso Aegon partecipava alle live di Fedez durante il lockdown e il loro fallout è a breve... In effetti questo Aegon potrebbe avere Luis Sal vibes). Ovviamente non è la sola casa che hanno ma mi sembra che è il place to live per i ricchi.
Altra possibilità: i Targaryen sono di Napoli e spiegherò perché, ovvero: Castel dell'Ovo. That's it.
Visto che la leggenda vuole che il destino del castello e della città dipendano dall'uovo che allegedly sta nei sotterranei, quale città migliore per una famiglia come i Targaryen con i suoi draghi? Letteralmente è il dragon pit, un po'come poi il teschio di Balerion è nei sotterranei nella timeline di got. Plus it fits con il Vesuvio e i vulcani di Valyria (e anche Dragonstone mi pare ma sto avendo un vuoto). E POI Pompei ed Ercolano = Doom of Valyria, ci sta.
Quindi traslando in una modern au, i Targaryen sono della parte ricca di Napoli, infatti nel post avevo scritto dialetto come L2 perché nella mia testa ovviamente Alicent non ha voluto che i figli parlassero dialetto ma Aegon wants to be an edgy Neapolitan boy so bad. In tutto questo, Alicent per me potrebbe essere la classica madre cristiana cattolica (semicit) che va a messa almeno due volte a settimana e ha trascinato i figli con lei per quanto ha potuto. Otto is a different story, lui vero Milanese Imbruttito™ trapiantato contro la sua volontà a sud per motivi di lavoro (maybe uno studio legale che si è esteso da nord a sud? E così incontra Viserys che è nel campo e gli presenta sua figlia e il resto è storia). Quindi Alicent è metà milanese e metà napoletana in questo headcanon i guess.
Anon non so se eri ironicə o meno però io ho preso questa occasione per fare uscire dalla mia testa questi headcanon nella speranza che ora che sono out into the void mi assillino meno.
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annieshowell · 2 years
🍦📺🍿📚 for all of strangetown (you can include the psp characters if you want too)
YAY THANK YOU im not going to do the psp characters cause it's going to be very very very long lmaoo but lets go
🍦: Ice-cream Flavour
curious brothers: hmm pascal and vidcund likes vanilla and lazlo likes weird flavors extremely colorful and he sure puts bacon in his ice cream
olive and ophelia: olive likes pistache and ophelia's fav is neapolitan
beakers and nervous: circe hates ice cream and loki's fav is chocolate, nervous has a taste similar to lazlo's, so weird ice cream flavors for him too
grunts: buzz doesn't look like someone who has a fav ice cream flavor, tank likes vanilla, ripp likes chocolate mint (my fav btw) and buck likes chocolate
smiths: pt9 likes all flavors, if he goes to an ice cream shop he will order a little of each, jenny likes the chocolate with peanut ones, johnny likes those chocolate chip ice creams and jill likes the bubblegum flavor
singles and loner: chloe likes chocolate mint, lola, kristen and ajay likes vanilla and erin likes strawberry
📺: TV Show they like to watch
curious brothers: they sure watch star trek and stuff and also documentaries about aliens and conspiracy theories like those history channel shows
olive and ophelia: olive doesn't like to watch tv, and about ophelia well if we are in 2004 she would definitely watch those mtv music video shows but currently she must watch netflix series and those things that teenagers watch idk
beakers: circe and loki only watch the news and nervous doesn't really like watching tv either
grunts: buzz only watch the news and also sports games, tank would secretly watch mtv shows and dance to all the songs too but he would try to convince people that he thinks that cringe, ripp is the same thing as ophelia but he also likes to watches some cartoons like steve universe and usually he watches with buck
smiths: pt9 likes to watch soap opera he finds it super interesting and for him it's a very smart way to analyze the sims behaviour so sometimes he starts acting like some characters for his "disguise" look more realistic, jenny likes watch with him, but her favorite shows are the gossip shows, johnny is the same thing as ophelia and ripp, but i add sports programs and also animes like haikyuu and stuff, jill likes cartoons and magical girls animes
singles and loner: the four singles like to marathon together celebrity shows like the kardashians show (which in the sims universe is about the pleasants of course) and ajay likes investigative documentaries about criminal cases and stuff
🍿: Movies they like to watch
curious: obviously star wars, star trek and other sci-fi stuff lmao
ophelia: since olive doesn't watch tv i'll skip to ophelia, she likes to watch cute movies that distract her from the ghosts of the house, especially the studio ghibli ones
beakers: loki likes romantic comedies but he pretends he doesn't, circe likes those cult movies where nobody understands anything and nothing makes sense, and nervous likes horror movies, i mean, he only saw a few of the times he snuck out to spend some time with pascal, but he genuinely doesn't feel an ounce of fear (while pascal almost hides under the sofa every time the movie makes some noise and keeps saying out loud that he is a scientist and none of that makes logical sense) and he sometimes finds it funny when people die in movies
grunt: buzz likes to watch war movies, tank watches it with him but he actually hates it, his favorites are musicals like grease but obviously he watches it hidden, ripp likes cheesy horror movies and adam sandler comedies and buck likes disney movies, his fav is bambi
smiths: pt9 doesn't have a favorite type of movie but he likes to do the same thing he does with soap operas, who chooses the movies is always jenny and she likes those super cliche christmas romantic comedies, johnny is a bit of a movie buff and he usually watches all the oscar nominated movies, jill favorite movie is ponyo, and she also likes finding nemo
singles and loner: usually the singles watch everything together so they always watch romantic comedies and ajay watches the same nonsense movies as circe
📚: Books they like to read
this is the hardest part cause i don't read books? lol i already have to read a lot for college so reading is not a very fun hobby for me anyway
curious: obviously the three of them like to read sci-fi themed books, and vidcund also likes to read books abt botany
olive and ophelia: olive likes to read books about supernatural things and that sort of thing, ophelia likes to read books like twilight and stuff idk lol
beakers: circe reads things that smart people read lmao and loki well i think he reads some chessy romance novels KDKSKDKSKSK and nervous doesn't read anything
grunts: buzz continues with the war theme, tank i genuinely don't know? ripp doesn't seem like someone who really likes to read and buck reads children's books? idk lmao
smiths: pt9 reads anything he sees on the shelf to increase his knowledge of sim culture, jenny looks like he reads some random novels before bed, johnny sure likes to read comics and jill the same thing as buck
singles and loner: lola looks like someone who reads those coaching books that teach you how to be rich and stuff, chloe doesn't read much, she is the type of person who prefers to see the movie from the book, but she likes gossip magazines, erin reads books about astrology and supernatural things, kristen likes to read some romance novels before bed and ajay reads self-help books as well as detective and mystery books like sherlock holmes
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Fic rec anon here! Here's a list by author
The Paris Jake Series
The Meditation Room
Beautiful things don't ask for attention
A Long time to drown
Struggle to the surface
The back room
The Beastly Series
Studio 54 series
Honey and chamomile
peaches and cream
Jackie and wilson
Sweet creature
Writing Cold
The Lucky One
You make it easy
Skin deep
tears of rain
boys of summer
Thank you 🤍 ✨
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moonymoon90 · 2 years
On what drugs are Neapolitan landlords? With my actual contract ceasing in a month, it's impossible to find a studio in which one could actually live??? How can you ask at least 700 euros a month for windowless cellars, with bunk beds and not a real kitchen??? And how on heart my 40-hours-a-week job is not making me able to afford a better solution???
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