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netmors · 1 year ago
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STAR WARS: Eleventh Fleet AU
A short comic about how, among the stories of Chiss navigators, a new “hero” appeared + a lot of braids.
Commodore Faro, as the Grand Admiral's right-hand man, was able to visit rescued ozyly-esehembo (Force-sensitive Chiss navigators) while they were aboard the Chimaera.
Unlike Vader, who instills genuine horror in the girls, and Thrawn, who was almost at the level of a living legend for the children, Karyn seemed to them… simply interesting. Unusual. And very similar to one strange alien who arrived in Ascendency a year ago.
Commodore is actually very good with children, but doesn't admit this fact.
P.S. Faro and one of the navigators communicate in sy bisti. The girl was taught this by a pilot who served for some time on her ship, and Karyn was taught by Eli. The rest only know cheun. But this doesn't stop them from giving the woman a “new” name.
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hommedessept · 10 months ago
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stairnaheireann · 1 year ago
The Grave of the Yellow Men
It’s said that the blood that flows in all of us; every one of us in the country is blood that came from across the sea. Our identity is best understood from a maritime perspective. For centuries, Ireland has been a haven for explorers, settlers, colonialists, navigators, pirates and traders absorbing goods and people from all points of the world. Over the centuries, there was a vast traffic in…
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victoriadallonfan · 2 years ago
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Nailfarer my darling.
God that entire scene makes me tear up every time. I used to work EMS and worked a lot with EMT's. It reminded me of this poor old man who was losing cognition, unable to control his body fluids, and seeping blood. He was so kind and trying to put on a brave face for his wife, but you could tell he was scared.
Nailfarer squeezing Victoria's hand, giving the EMT the thumbs up, and trying to give them as much information as possible... Victoria crying while the EMT's pretend to not notice for her privacy...
Ugh, it's fucking heartbreaking.
I do wish Wildbow had let them reunite once before the story was over, but I understand why he didn't, since he was getting near the end game of things.
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fictionz · 9 months ago
I need a movie adaptation of Mike Meginnis's "Navigators" in the style of I Saw The TV Glow.
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e-devotion · 2 years ago
living for the goal
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Living for the Goal … this is a devotion that was shared by the Navigators in August of 2021.  Today I want to share with you something that encouraged me.  Check out this devotion, and may God work in our lives in incredible ways!
1 John 1:3 
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 
I always enjoy traveling with someone who knows where they’re going, don’t you?
John the Baptist knew exactly where he was going.  He had a definite purpose in mind and knew exactly how to reach his goal.  The message in the book of John is that he wants you and me to find life in Jesus Christ.  Everything in his gospel points us to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus.
In John 1:7, we are introduced to John the Baptist and told that “he came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.”  The focus is not on the baptismal ministry of John the Baptist or his call to the nation of Israel to repent.  He is presented primarily as a witness to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.
Christian, when people observe your life, what do they see?  A person frantically busy doing Christian activities?  A person who says one thing and does another?  Or do they see a person who knows where he’s going?  Make it your goal today to point people to the Savior.
Lord, today I need You to refocus my sight on the task You’ve given me to do. Amen.
Witnessing involves all that we are and all that we do.
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dndcharactersinfo · 2 years ago
Astral Navigator
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howieb-uk · 2 years ago
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Navigators sculpture by David Kemp. A Steampunk ship in the Hayes Gallery on the Thames riverside at Southwark, London.
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kiwi · 3 months ago
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anybody else feel that being human is like being a long-time syndicated cartoon character watching the world get more complex while your own design stays the same until youre incongruous with the reality around you??
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schistcity · 4 months ago
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ohhh… you guys are like… STUPID stupid
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bojackson54 · 3 months ago
The Little Dash in The Incomplete Prayer: What Did it Mean? Why is it There?
There is a weird little punctuation in a prayer in the Old Testament, which I had read several times without even noticing it. Maybe you have already caught the meaning of the dash, but if you haven’t, then today’s thoughts will show you something new, or give you something to think about. Here’s the prayer, located in Exodus 32: Look for the Dash “The next day Moses said to the people, “You…
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pastordude87 · 7 months ago
70 Years of History
Notes from a book. Back to the Bible … a ministry that is focused on getting people, well, back to the Bible. A sermon in 1955 … that is still impacting hearers/readers today. The orator was so personally challenged and impacted by his own words, put the message to print. The sermon … Born to Reproduce. Dawson Troutman … founder of Navigators Ministries, an evangelist, and hero. Yes, hero. He…
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digiknow · 7 months ago
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syppys-den · 3 months ago
Always appreciate when artists play up the “alien” and “inhuman” aspects of different kinds of people in 40k, Imperial Humans included (because seriously, revuvination is a bitch)
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Eldar, and a range of humans.
I like emphasising how alien Eldar look, but how 'human' humans look in 40k can also vary quite a bit.
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dijons-archive · 8 months ago
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Twin Sisters Yume and Yu from Groove Coaster!
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