#Nature Advocacy
Preserving Nature's Legacy: Sow the Seeds of Sustainability
YouTube Preserving Nature’s Legacy This holiday season.  Preserving Nature’s Legacy: Friends of Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Be a Friend of the Forest: Imagine contributing to the preservation of these green treasures, just like Jack, whose life is enriched by the tranquility these spaces bring. 🌿 Join the Green Movement in Saskatoon! 🌿 Hey Nature Enthusiasts! 🌍 We’re on a mission to preserve…
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Going to be really honest, if you're disabled, you truly don't owe people - or the world - access to your diagnoses, symptoms, accessibility needs (and why you need them), mental health history, trauma, or anything like that.
The urge to force people to lay themselves out so they can be picked apart, consumed, and feasted upon by people who demand that their comfort outweigh that of a disabled person's is an ableist pipe dream. It is the urge to control that which you feel you have no control over, and it's your right to refuse to play that game, that role.
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lovelessrage · 7 months
Pro-kink advocacy goes hand in hand with aspec advocacy and if you don't understand this you need to start.
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the-physicality · 20 days
thinking this labor day about all the athletes in women's sports who didn't have a stable league, who were only making decent money from a spot on their national team, who had to fight to get even a fraction of what they deserve. who spent their prime without a club league or the infrastructure to propel the sport. who came of age after title 9 in the usa [forcing schools to fund women/girls’ sports], the ones who fought for cbas and are only seeing big change at the end of their careers or after their careers concluded. who didn't have the media attention before, but are now showing just how much they can sell out stadiums and arenas. the players who played year round because overseas teams paid athletes what they were worth. athletes who endured and reported harassment but the league never took appropriate action. athletes who never had the media attention or ability to monetize their talent but who had careers that were just as impressive as the stars of today. who did it without the help of the science, technology, and medicine we have today. who set records with less support and fewer games in a season, which will be broken by kids who have had personal trainers since high school. athletes who played great games that are no long available to view, their talent no longer archived and accessible for young or new fans. athletes who still don't have a league or are just getting one in 2024. athletes who took it upon themselves to create change for which they will never reap the full rewards.
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 months
I lost my fear of/contempt towards bugs because when I was (involuntarily) in the psych ward, there was a fly in the unit. For anyone who doesn't know, psych ward windows don't open. They're bolted shut, and this unit was on the 3rd floor. The doors are also always locked and unless staff are coming in/out (happens less often than you think).
That fly was trapped in there as much as I was. I felt my heart break a little looking at it. We were stuck together - I wasn't alone even when it came to nonhuman living beings. In that moment, all that weird stigma against bugs vanished in me. I hope that fly found its way out, and I hope one day people don't get imprisoned in these places anymore.
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One of those "is it worth it" debates i find myself having with myself is about mental health related posts that may make good points otherwise but subscribe heavily to and reference and frame mental illness through the biomedical model and the widespread (but false) idea that a chemical imbalance causes these issues. Comprehensive explanation for this + resources here. (Also worth looking into this activist's work where she describes what paychiatric gaslighting looks like)
The thing is I do not want to spread that misinformation anymore. It was presented to me as fact despite there being little proof of it, for a long time in my life from psychology teachers to therapists to psychiatrists of course. Just treated as a natural fact when it was literally pseudoscience on the same level as most rudimentary psychoanalysis.
So I have to make the decision to either simply not reblog it and therefore not engage with the wider mental health discourse and let people be mistaken from what is possibly just an honest mistake as something that has been taught to us all so so largely, they very well might just honestly not know it not be true, and then by leaving it alone I am letting that myth perpetuate from well-meaning people...
I actually correct the person, get a bunch of people who find their worldview so suddenly challenged being angry about it and calling me anti science as often happens and get retraumatised over my experiences with Psychiatric abuse at large.
And although I mostly choose the former and simply don't engage it leaves me feeling uneasy because I know I was that person once who didn't think to question the validity of chemical imbalance theories and if someone had told me about it honestly it would have saved me a world of pain. But too many people are progressive only on the surface and hate to have to consider abolitionist approaches to oppressive systems, too many people genuinely believe a host of more stigmatised symptoms and disorders to be deserving of incarceration or erasure, and i have no way of knowing who these people would be. And this is why pop psychology and liberal mental health advocates have run the anti-psych movement into the shadows - a movement to which we owe every step of our liberation as mentally ill people.
So how do you make this a bigger conversation again?
Like. Tell me this isn't blatantly a mass misinformation campaign at this point
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kipskiptrip · 4 months
For the Love of God if I see one more person use the term ND as a synonym for higher-functioning ADHDtism I will take my jaws and rip out the flesh of all the people within an 100 mile radius from me starting with myself
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shallowseeker · 2 months
Is yours the kind of chronic illness you'll recover from? You definitely don't have to answer or give personal details, but I really hope you feel better!
No, it's okay. It's likely that I won't fully recover, but in the past decade, there have been WAY more treatments available that turn down the immune system and combat scarring. And yes, I'm much better, thanks!💖 In a nutshell,
my immune system malfunctioned after an infection, and now it attacks my body in big, big ways—with a tendency to damage the muscles and lungs!
My situation got even weirder because it started attacking my nerves and heart from 2020 onward, which ... usually ppl with my diagnosis, get respiratory failure, not overt heart issues. (Long story, but I got undiagnosed, then rebiopsied, then rediagnosed the same thing *with extra notes.) Anyhoo, the new developments impacted my mobility and stamina in even crazier ways than I was used to. (I have until recently worked a full-time job and pretty much spent ~5-6 days in a gym with an expensive physical therapist just to keep my body functional. Before, I had an acquired skeletal myopathy, but I was able to run a 5k in 42 minutes... I trained like an Olympian and while had to rest a lot more than most, I could do it!)
Now... I can't even manage one day a week of light activity. It's a big adjustment, even for me! I'm having to noodle on how to best manage it going forward. It's always this confusing situation of "Is this the primary illness, secondary damage, or the side effects of toxic medications?"
I'm doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself.
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sinatsu-kun · 2 years
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AI-Generated Pictures of the beauty of nature that surrounds us.
These artificial intelligence-created artworks serve as a reminder of the breathtakingly beautiful and diverse habitats that AI is capable of creating in just a matter of seconds. This shows the natural portrayal of nature and what it is supposed to be. Earth, our only home, has to be safeguarded, preserved, and, most importantly, given importance, especially by our world leaders.
My present level of commitment to embarking on all the ecological and sustainability issues our world confronts is agitating. Shrieking about how much we owe our Earth, all this information moving through my nerves, sending impulses to my brain, and telling me how we, as inhabitants of this planet, should act right now.
Hopefully, these images can help one realize the natural processes and diverse ecosystems we once had and help conserve and regrow these natural habitats that ought to be unmoved. Let us all aim for sustainable development. We all deserve tall grasses, thick woodlands, leafy green trees, clean water, and infinite fresh air supplies. No one should be left behind—present nor the future. It is never too late. We're all in this together. After all, we're just cleaning up the mess that our forefathers put upon us. -Aspiring Ecologist
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The Urgency of National Wildlife Week: A Call to Action for Biodiversity Preservation
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Death to the idea that people who face a traumatic situation must become empty husks of a person between the event that traumatized them and when they are ~magically~ healed. It's genuinely fucked up.
Often, people who are traumatized will interact with the world just like a "normal" person would. They might even joke about their trauma, laugh about it, even "make light" of it.
When I was a very young child, I'd been traumatized, and I was put into play therapy. From what I remember, though, I'd be a very normal child until something seemingly small triggered me, and it was like my world fell apart. And I'd cope with that in ungodly ways that to a normal person would be insane - unthinkable, perhaps. And then... I'd go back to playing, because the world continues on.
That is what many people (though not all, trauma responses are not a monolith) who face trauma will do. We're still "normal people." The world goes on even after ours stops in orbit, slows, or has a metor crash into it. The reason why it's so harmful to say that traumatized people have to "act the part" is because many of us don't, and simply, most of us can't (even if we need to).
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troythecatfish · 9 months
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pebblegalaxy · 4 days
Sam's Journey: A Mother, Activist, and Ally Navigating Life with Purpose and Passion
I still remember the day I first met Sam, many years ago during my visit to Brazil. At the time, I had no idea that a simple encounter would leave such a lasting impression on me. We met on a sun-drenched beach, the waves gently lapping at the shore as Sam walked barefoot, her eyes bright with an unmistakable passion for life. It was immediately clear that she was someone special, someone with a…
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howdoesone · 24 days
How does one get an Ili Pika to pose for a social media influencer photoshoot?
In the vast and rugged landscape of the Tianshan Mountains in China, a tiny creature roams amidst the rocky terrain—the Ili Pika (Ochotona iliensis). Often referred to as the “magic rabbit” or “stone rabbit,” the Ili Pika is a rare and elusive species that captivates the hearts of all who encounter it. In this article, we embark on a whimsical journey to explore how one might entice an Ili Pika…
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
"Stylish Black Lives Matter Butterflies and Flowers Apparel for Every Occasion"
Black Lives Matter Butterflies and Flowers is a powerful artistic concept that blends symbols of social justice with natural beauty. This imagery combines the Black Lives Matter movement's message of equality and racial justice with the delicate grace of butterflies and the vibrant allure of flowers.
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The concept likely features black butterflies, symbolizing transformation and resilience, alongside a variety of colorful flowers. These elements create a visual metaphor for the diversity, growth, and potential for positive change within the Black community and society at large.
The butterflies may be depicted in flight, representing freedom, progress, and the ongoing journey towards equality. Their wings could incorporate patterns or symbols associated with Black culture and heritage, further emphasizing the movement's roots and aspirations.
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Flowers in this context might include species native to Africa or those with historical significance to Black communities. These could be arranged in patterns reminiscent of African textiles or art, adding layers of cultural meaning to the overall design.
The juxtaposition of the stark "Black Lives Matter" slogan with the soft, organic forms of butterflies and flowers creates a striking visual contrast. This combination serves to soften the often confrontational nature of protest imagery while maintaining its core message of dignity, respect, and the sanctity of Black lives.
This artistic concept can be applied to various mediums, from digital art and murals to fabric designs and jewelry. It offers a way to express solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement through a more approachable, nature-inspired aesthetic that appeals to a wide audience.
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Butterfly Gifts for Women encompass a charming array of items inspired by these delicate, beautiful creatures. These gifts appeal to women who appreciate nature's elegance and symbolism. Options range from jewelry like necklaces, earrings, and bracelets adorned with butterfly motifs, to home decor items such as wall art, garden ornaments, and decorative pillows.
Practical gifts with butterfly themes include handbags, scarves, and stationery sets. For the fashion-conscious, butterfly-print dresses or tops make stylish choices. Gardening enthusiasts might enjoy butterfly-attracting plant kits or decorative butterfly houses.
Many of these gifts carry deeper meanings, as butterflies often symbolize transformation, hope, and new beginnings. This makes them particularly thoughtful for occasions like graduations, career changes, or personal milestones.
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Whether delicate and subtle or bold and colorful, butterfly gifts offer a wide range of choices to suit various tastes and preferences.
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Embracing the Future: Life Extension Senolytic Activator
In the grand mosaic of existence, there's a thread that binds us all: the pursuit of longevity. From the enchanting tales of the Fountain of Youth in ancient lore to the cutting-edge advancements of modern science, humanity has always sought to extend the boundaries of life. Now, standing at the threshold of a new era, we have a chance to redefine what it means to age with grace, vitality, and purpose. Enter Life Extension Senolytic Activator – a beacon of hope in the quest for extended youthfulness and healthspan.
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At its core, Life Extension Senolytic Activator targets senescence – the biological process that drives aging. As we journey through life, our bodies accumulate senescent cells, akin to retired soldiers no longer contributing positively to the cause. These cells not only deteriorate our physical well-being but also pave the way for age-related ailments, casting shadows over our golden years.
But here's where the magic happens: Life Extension Senolytic Activator steps in to clear the clutter, sweeping away those senescent cells and paving the path for rejuvenation. Imagine it as a cosmic broom, sweeping aside the cobwebs of aging to reveal the brilliance beneath. By doing so, this supplement doesn't just mask the symptoms of aging; it addresses the root cause, offering a holistic approach to reclaiming youthfulness from within.
Think about waking up each morning feeling as though time has rewound, your body humming with vitality and vigor. Tasks that once seemed daunting now feel like child's play, and the world brims with possibilities once more. With Life Extension Senolytic Activator, age truly becomes just a number, while the essence of youth reignites within.
Yet, the impact of Life Extension Senolytic Activator extends far beyond the individual. By promoting healthier aging, it has the potential to alleviate the strain of age-related diseases on healthcare systems globally. It offers a lifeline to millions, promising a future where the twilight years are not marked by frailty but by fulfillment.
As we stand at this crossroads of history, the choice is ours to make. Will we resign ourselves to the inevitability of aging, or will we grasp the reins of destiny and steer towards a future where age is but a gentle whisper in the wind? Life Extension Senolytic Activator beckons us to embrace the latter – to embark on a journey where the sands of time flow ever gently, and the promise of youthfulness knows no bounds. So, join us as we step boldly into the future, where the fountain of youth awaits those brave enough to seek it.
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