#Nate heywood imagines
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Legends of Tomorrow Masterlist
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One Shots
Make His Life Hell��- Eobard Thawne x Reader
Bridge Battle - Leonard Snart x Reader
Affected Advances - John Constantine x Reader
Complaint No.3 - John Constantine x Reader
Admit It - John Constantine x Reader
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine making Constantine jealous during a mission with the Legends
Imagine bonding with Ray in the kitchen about your complicated relationships
Imagine attending Nate’s fathers funeral with the Legends
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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silver-inked-quill · 1 month ago
✨ Requests are open ✨
Dc Comics
{full list of requests options}
Hey there gentle reader,
I am just a writer who needs inspiration so please do not hesitate and suggest whatever your heart wishes to read!
I can do canon x canon, I love exploring dynamics between characters and oc x canon as well. But what i also enjoy is the setting a fictional universe allows me to describe, including the space and the situation
💥I love writing drama and fight scenes that end up in an easy going cute way and i also write more steamy things💥
✨Please do not hesitate to dm or comment here your prompt or imagine ✨
These Characters and couples give me strong feelings are below but i can't write for others👇🏼
♣️Justice League Unlimited -Young Justice
That's the era I prefer mostly and am most familiar with so any any any thing from those it's perfect🫶🏼
🟩The Arrow
John Diggle - Laurel Lance - Sara Lance - Thea Queen - Roy Harper -Tommy Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn - Nyssa Al Ghoul - John Constantine - Ra's Al Ghoul - Shadon
Helena Bertinelli - Wild Dog - Lyla Michaels
🟥The Flash
Caitlin Snow - Killer Frost - Cisco Ramone - Barry Allen - Jessie Quick - Wally West
Julian Albert - Heatwave - Captain Cold
🟦 Supergirl
Kara Danvers - Mon El - Alex Danvers - Lena Luthor
⬜ Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance - Rip Hunter - Leonard Snart - Jackson Jefferson - Nate Heywood
- Zari Tomaz - Amaya Jiwe - Ray Palmer - Mick Rory
♣️ Arkham Series
Dick Grayson - Donna Troy - Dove Granger - Hank - Aqualad - Jason Todd
Rachel Roth - Barbara Gordon
i have read too many but i am willing to read new ones and to write something about it 🫶🏼
♣️Dc comics filmography
Only the ones that are animated... 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
♣️TEAMS /🦇Batfam🏹Arrow team⚡Flash Team💎 Superfam
if you are wondering if they are still open check my masterlist and the request list (pinned on my profile) 🫶🏻
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constantineshots · 2 years ago
so, me being me and having to read everything and watch everything the man is in, just so i can form my own opinions on it, i went and watched seasons four through six of dc's legends of tomorrow. i saw the first season and some of the second when it was initially airing, but no john in that, so.
i don't think i could ever imagine someone other than matt ryan portraying john, and i think that's? pretty unanimous across the community. i don't think i've seen anyone be like "he's TERRIBLE for john constantine". i watched constantine when it was originally airing ( when i was just a little thirteen year old </3 i blame him for the way i turned out ), which took me down this rabbit hole, but this post is about legends, so here goes.
i think one of the things i didn't like was that john was on a team to begin with. once i got past that, i enjoyed a lot of the characters- like sara lance, who i loved to begin with from arrow and stuff, nate heywood, who just seems to be the guy everyone likes and this general force of positive, "roll with it" kind of energy that i liked and how he took things with stride but this isn't about him, charlie who is a punk rock fate with the coolest outfits and a mostly strong will and incredible defiance and when she left i was kicking and screaming but at least she is happy, and zari 1.0 who became my wife from the moment she started speaking which is partially probably the reason why i really did not like zari 2.0.
anyways, i really like the references to hellblazer, whether they were slim or not. for example, they mentioned the whole "killer" thing from his father. which brings me to the scene that made me like. cry a lot. genuine tears in my eyes. where john is at a bar, and his mother is on the other side of the counter and he went there just to see her. granted, he gets kicked out for trying to kick his dad so hard in the balls that he never has kids, but paradox, as zari so loveily explains ( sorry i am in love with her. it shattered my heart when she almost got married. nate's on thin ice, he's lucky i like him ). BUT THEN MY WIFE GOES AND GIVES HIM A PHOTO OF JOHN AND HIS MOM LOOKING HAPPY TOGETHER. what a lovely woman.
this post is meant to be about john, so forgive my tangents on zari, love of my life.
ANYWAY. there was this. i also particularly enjoyed john's insistence on wearing his own little outfit ( trenchcoat. tie. you know, his usual ) around all the time, throughout time periods, because he's a bit of a weirdo. either he has twenty of the same outfit or he doesn't shower. i am choosing the former. but they do have this moment that i found kind of heartwarming, where he puts on the camp counselor uniform for "the kids" he claims, but then literally within the first twenty minutes of the episode, he's back in his old attire and running around bullying people and hypnotizing children. seems to me he reverted back to his bullying kids self. then he gave his life force to save a kid, and almost died in the process. which he says something like "i'm not letting another kid die" as a reference to astra. i liked this, but seeing john in a camp counselor uniform made me go "whaaaaat".
when ray ended up in hell and john went to go get him, he comes to a choice of saving astra or ray and immediately, without hesitation, he chose astra. this decision doesn't seem to affect ray much later on though, and i am honestly not sure if he remembers it even though it showed both his spirit and young astra's, though it could have easily been some sort of illusion or whatever. honestly, i think he'd do it again. and i liked that there was this little anticipation where everyone is like "oh, he wouldn't, right? he wouldn't leave ray here." yes he would. and he did. even if it was only temporary.
there are references to his lung cancer, but in hellblazer, the man not only smokes after he's cured of his lung cancer through absolute deceit and gets revenge on gabriel afterwards, but he smokes during it, if i recall correctly. nothing could get that man to give up a cigarette. hell, there was a point in hellblazer where he was literally only going to save the world because there was going to be a lack of cigarette shipments if he didn't ( then, you know, everyone showed up and that changed ). which is why i think, even though it'd be great if this idiot stopped smoking, it was weird to have him stop smoking as a result and to have fucking zari 2.0 ( hm. i still really do not like her. i do not think i will be persuaded to like her. ) get him on a juice cleanse. you're going to sit there and tell me he was attracted to this girl who is a social media influencer BUT HE WASN'T ATTRACTED TO THE FIRST ZARI? fake. on his part. i just didn't see their relationship. i didn't like it. but then again, i don't really agree with most john ships. regardless. this one i really did not like.
then the ending of season six, i think they just wanted a way to get him off the show. i know he lost his magic, but the addiction, the fact he went cold turkey, then got? what? taken over by his "evil" subconcious and went and betrayed the legends, even though he's supposed to love zari 2.0 soooo much? yeah, no. i mean, john does do what benefits him, but i don't think he would have so readily injected something into his veins from a guy he knew was not a good guy and would definitely do something to get him out of commission without some sort of backup plan to save himself and scam the other guy, because that's what he does. show me his reputation, because this isn't all it is, heartless betrayals after confessing his love to some random social media influencer. then he became a mushroom, then he died, then he came back, then he ran off and? didn't even go back to his own time? so i don't really know what happened to him or where he ran off to. i am quite honestly so fucking confused about his send off.
anyways, if you don't focus on characterization too much, it's an enjoyable show, and while it's fun, it's really fucking confusing and i'm still not sure i'm quite understanding the plot in it's entirely because honestly that show felt like i was smoking something without actually smoking it. if that makes any sense to anyone.
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procrastinatorimagines · 3 years ago
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years ago
DC's legends of tomorrow
does anyone want any Nate Heywood or Rory or rip or Constantine or zaris brother behrad x reader
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Does anyone have any request for Nate ???
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Imagine: Hyperventilating and Nate calming you down by kissing you. You end up making out until Sara Lance catches you. [Gif Credits Below Cut]
Nate: I like you. A lot. I didn’t do that just to help you- Y/N: -I like you too. Thank you. Nate: Can I kiss you again? Y/N: Please do. Sara: Hey guys- Y/N + Nate: -Sara! Sara: Woah, did I interupt something?
Want to request an imagine? Click ‘Ask’ In My Bio!
[Gif Credits: NATE: https : // www. google. com / url?sa=i&source=images&cd =&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwianI_lg4XjAhUXDmMBHbQnBmoQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26ved%3D%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fdc-marvel-imagines. tumblr. com %252 Fpost%252F157040987951%252Fnot-pretend-nate-heywood-x-reader %252 Famp%26psig%3DAOvVaw3S9yOgVSlbNPe5yxH-RHU1%26ust%3D 156156 5376668949&psig=AOvVaw3S9yOgVSlbNPe5yxHRHU1&ust=1561565376668949;
SARA: https : // www. google. com / url?sa=i&source=images&cd= &cad=rja &uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjYyKy-g4XjAhVs5eAKHf18BMwQjRx6BAgBEAU &url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26ved%3D%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252F www. fanpop. com %252Fclubs%252Fcaity-lotz%252Fimages%252F37022453%252Ftitle%252Farrow-sara-lance-canary-photo%26psig%3DAOvVaw0CYVIPrwzR-tRDui8l2_vN%26ust%3D15 6156 5558007709&psig=AOvVaw0CYVIPrwzRtRDui8l2_vN&ust=1561565558007709]
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happyimagines · 6 years ago
Legends of Tomorrow: Ray/Reader/Nate
Request: Can I get a Nate heywood x reader x Ray Palmer fic where u are all dating but he team doesn’t know about you because the guys are nervous/don’t know how to bring it up and one day u get caught by the rest of the team when you and ur boyfriends are cuddling in Ray’s room? Can it be fluffy and sweet? I know it’s allot but please and thank you!
(Author’s Note: I hope you like it and thanks for requesting!)
Holding my breath, I looked up at Zari from my laptop screen.  She took a deep breath and nodded.
“Three, two, one.” The two of us pressed the final key on our boards. The cloaking device that had been set up for the Waverider had been recreated for a possible tool that we could use for ourselves. However, the second it had turned invisible to our eyes, there was a spark and the device began smoking when it became visible.
I groaned and put my head down on the table as Zari fanned the fumes away from her face.
“Okay, it did turn invisible for a second.” I sat up straight. “Okay, so how about we take a breather, and we’ll come back to this later?”
“Yeah, I’m exhausted.” Zari closed her laptop and stretched. “I’m going to get something to eat, you hungry?”
“I’ll probably get something, I want to clean up first and see what happened.”
“Alright, get some rest.” Zari nodded, and I heard the doors slide open and close behind me.
With a sigh, I rolled my shoulders and went back to my laptop. As I worked, I shuddered as I felt a kiss on my jaw.
“You okay?” Ray asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned back into his chest and sighed.
“I don’t know, I’ve been trying to work on cloaking devices but,” I gestured to the circuit board that was still smoking. “Do you mind taking a look?”
“Sure,” Ray unwrapped his arms from his sides and took a look at the board. As he did, I turned my computer around to him and my leg leaned against his.
“Where’s Nate?” I yawned propping my elbow on the table and putting my chin in my hand.
“He’s in the library. You should get some sleep.” Ray put down the board and closed my laptop to look at me.
“I’m exhausted, but I need to finish this.” I whined.
“You should sleep.” Ray looked at me. “Come on,” He stood up and held out a hand towards me. I took it and got up from my seat. Still holding his hand, I followed Ray to the library where Nate was looking between books and papers from the desk.
“What’s going on?” Nate asked looking up at us.
“You and (Y/N) need to take a break.” Ray told him.
I sighed and joined Nate. I sat on the arm of his chair and kissed the top of his head. Nate put a hand on my waist.
“He’s got a point.” Nate sighed. “I saw Zari, she said that your project’s still in progress.”
“Yeah, that progress then ended up in smoke.” I stifled a yawn. “I think you’re right.” I looked at Ray.
“Maybe I can get some food, and then we can all watch some TV.” Ray suggested with a grin.
I looked at Nate who was looking at me with a smile. I smiled at my boyfriends. “I’ll take a break if Nate does.”
Ray grinned understanding my intentions.
“Alright fine,” Nate closed his notebooks and pulled me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and Ray kissed the top of his head before leaving to get food. As he did, I put my head on Nate’s shoulder who sighed contentedly as he rubbed my arm.
“Let me guess, you were going to spend the whole night in the lab, weren’t you?”
I lifted my head. “Yep, mainly because I was coming so close to finishing the bands.” Nate raised his eyebrows remembering my previous statement. “Yes, they went up in smoke, but they did turn invisible!”
“Yeah, maybe Ray’s right about taking a break.” Nate sighed. “We should see what he’s making.”
Sitting with my legs crossed, I rested my chin in my hand as my eyelids grew heavier. As my eyelids fell, my laptop screen became much more difficult to read. If they weren’t slightly open, I wouldn’t have noticed that it was pulled away.
“Can I have my laptop back?” I asked Ray who closed it.
“You’re literally falling asleep.” He told me. The mattress dipped as Ray lay next to me. I stretched my legs out and lay down with my head on his shoulder. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt the other side of the mattress dip and Nate who was talking to Ray.
“See, I told you.” Charlie’s voice woke the three of us with a start.
With sleep still heavy in my eyes, I sat up and Nate’s arm that was wrapped around my waist fell on my lap. I gaped at Sara who stood in the doorway of the bedroom with Zari and Charlie. Ray and Nate pushed themselves into a sitting position next to me.
“You know what? This actually makes sense.” Zari looked at Sara.
“Frankly, I’m surprised Gideon didn’t give us up.” Ray added as he became more awake.
“I am not one to talk about who may kiss who.” Gideon told us.
“Just don’t let Mick find out and turn us into Rebecca Silver characters.”
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anotherimaginescollection · 6 years ago
“I don’t need anymore, thank you.” with Legends
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‘I don’t need anymore, thank you,’ yousaid, shifting a few more of the cushions off your bed. For some reason theLegends were taking it upon themselves to make sure that you were all right.After almost being impaled by a sabretooth tiger they seemed to be thinkingthat you needed a little more protection than simply being the newest memberhad already made you entitled to.
‘But what if youfell?’ asked Ray, stopping partway through putting another cushion on the bed.
‘Or tripped overthe sheer amount of trip hazards?’ asked Zari, raising an eyebrow as she walkedinto the room. She had a hot drink in her hands, her own way of looking out foryou.
‘We made sure theywere close together!’ complained Nate from the floor, jumping up and startlingyou slightly. You’d forgotten that he was even there.
‘Out,’ came abarked order from Sara.
‘But we were just –’
‘Being annoying,’said Mick gruffly. He hadn’t really done anything outwardly caring, not thatyou had been expecting much, but he had taken to waiting outside the room everyso often. He’d only gone away for a moment, and that’s when Ray and Nate hadstruck. It was like a well-oiled machine. More cohesive than you’d seen them ina long time if you were being completely honest.
The two men seemed toshrink a little under the glare.
‘Are you all right?’Sara asked, moving a little further into the room.
‘Yeah,’ you said,pulling one cushion to hug against you. It had been a little scary seeing everythingwith the Legends, already having been on two missions with them, but it hadalso been incredible. You’d loved every second of it. ‘Thanks.’ You shot her asmall smile.
‘Might I suggest,’said Gideon’s voice, drawing all attention to the ceiling, as if you mightsomehow be able to see her despite the voice having been disembodied for their entiretime on the Waverider, ‘letting (Y/n) rest?’
‘Sounds like a goodidea,’ you said, shifting a little.
‘Let us know if youneed anything though, yeah?’ asked Zari, folding her arms across her chest, somethingthat you’d realised she did a little more frequently when worried.
‘Promise,’ youassured them, smiling. You were glad to have found this little team of misfits,even if sometimes it was terrifying what you were faced with.
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envision-imagines · 7 years ago
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“So what sideshow attractions are we going to see beside you?” Y/N teased Nate as they wandered the grounds. “Ha ha, very funny,” he mock laughed. “I’ll have you kn- oh popcorn!” requested by anon requests are open
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mxltifandom-imagines · 7 years ago
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Nate and you were together for three months now and it was annoying the hell out of Ray. He had loved you even before Nate joined the Legends and Ray even told him about his feelings. But instead Nate got you, because Nate simply seemed to be the better flirter. It hurt Ray that Nate didn’t think about his feelings, as if their friendship was just a joke. And he tried to avoid you most of the time, because sometimes it was just too painful to talk to you. He was angry, jealous, but most of all.. hurt.
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doreensladle · 3 years ago
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character development is an ex-assassin, a formerly-possessed witch, and a clone planning an April Fools prank together
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alex-aquarus · 3 years ago
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years ago
Being Nate Heywood and Ray Palmer’s son would include...
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•You are from the future and you went back to the past to see your fathers.
•At first, Ray and Nate didn't believe that you are their son.
•Gideon did prove that you are their son.
•Nate and Ray are in shock.
•” Wow dad, you look so different with the hair color,” You said to Nate.
“Well- Wait what do you mean,” Nate said.
“We have a son? Wow,” Ray smiled.
•Ray and Nate gave you the tour of the ship.
•You were excited to see everyone.
•You did tell your dads some information about the future.
•You can turn into steel like Nate.
•Ray and Nate did freak out a bit about being parents.
•Nate and Ray looked up tips on how to be a parent.
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•You felt excited to help them on missions and wear costumes.
•Ray and Nate became very protective of you while fighting bad guys.
•Nate helped Ray design a suit for you.
•They got used to you calling them dad
•At first Nate wasn't used to it but now he is.
•You would build lego sets with Ray.
•Sometimes you would help Nate do research.
•Nate and Ray try to be cool parents.
•You had your first argument with your fathers.
•After cooling down, you were able to fix the issue with them.
•Ray and Nate show you the best and worst 80’s films. Which some, you never heard of.
•You got hurt on a mission, Ray and Nate take care of you.
•You play old-school games with them.
•You got to meet Ray’s doppelgänger.
•You told them the real reason why you left the future.
•You didn't care about changing the timeline in the future.
•You had to say bye to your parents.
•Once back in the future, everything changed and you're happy about it.
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procrastinatorimagines · 4 years ago
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years ago
What doesnt heal you makes you stronger pt 1
Nathaniel heywood x reader
Warnings = fluff and sad moments
Dc legends of tomorrow! Summary = strap in this is a good one. I don't want to spoil it so the title basically says it all. You have a healing power but when something happens you can't use your power anymore. But do you listen ? What sacrifices are you willing to make?
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"NATE! NO, NO NO NO NO." You crouch down next to his body.
"Y/n? you- you can't use your p-powers for me." 
"Of course I can." 
"You're going to die."
"If it means saving you then.. I don't care" 
~~~ 48 HOURS EARLIER ~~~
You were devastated that you couldn't use your powers. I mean they make you who you are.
''as long as you're evil doppelganger is out there roaming around you can not use your powers otherwise it could kill you. I'm sorry love that's one of the downsides of having them." John said. 
"Yeah." Nate seen how upset you were, he really didn't like seeing you like this. 
"It'll be okay we will get your doppelganger and stop her." he said putting his hand around your waist.
"Thank you" 
"Also anything that happens to your other self can happen to you."
"Then we need to find her ASAP." Nate said. 
"We will but in the meantime, I'm sorry I have to say this but you should stay on the ship." Sara says looking at you. 
''why I can still help?"
"Yeah but we don't need your evil self seeing you or people mistaking you for her. We will find her I promise but right now we need to leave 1970" 
You nodded and everyone sat down in their seats on the waverider getting ready to take off. Nathan grabbed your hand for support and you squeezed his hand. "Gideon take us back to 2019." 
you guys went to your rooms to get a good night's sleep before the adventure you had waiting for you tomorrow.  You woke up earlier than the rest of the team and started drinking. 
3 beers & 2 shots of whiskey in, Nathan and Ray walked in. 
"Geed mornin guysssssss.''
"You're awfully chipper this morning, good morning." Ray said a little cautiously. 
"Woah how much have you had to drink y/n???" 
"Idk but why do they call waiters waiters, when were actually the ones waiting, you know?"
"She's got a point ." 
"Ray! Alright wise one it's time to get you to bed" Nate says. 
"What's going on in here?" Sarah asked.
"Uhh -" 
"Sara hey! Did you have some fun last night? I mean with those noises last night-" 
"Okay time for bed!" Nate says picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared room. Sarah just stood there with wide eyes. 
"I uh - I'm gonna go see If he needs help." Ray says and scurries out of the room. 
Back in the room 
Nate lies you down on the bed and you speak up.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do why would you even ask that?" 
"Then let's make a baby" 
"A baby? Y/n your drunk okay get some sleep we'll talk about this when you're sober." 
"What if we don't find her?" He sighs. 
"We will we always do. Have some faith. I know you're hurting but it's going to be fine." You nod. 
"Alright steel man. Good night." You roll over and Nate's heart breaks seeing you like this. 
You woke up with the worst headache. You seen a note on your stand that said, "here's some medicine for that hangover i hope you feel better. - Nate Xx" you smiled he's the only thing keeping you going right now. 
You took the medicine and started walking around the Wave Rider not really finding anyone until you seen Gary and Ava. 
"What are you guys doing here?"
" Just making sure you're doing alright."
"i'm doing fine thanks. where's the rest of the team?" 
"They caught insight of where your evil doppelganger is." Gary says happily. 
"That's great where was she?."  
"That I am not allowed to tell you." Ava said. 
Sara came in on Ava's earpiece. "we need some backup Ava." 
"Okay I'm on my way." She says then whispers "Gary you stay here and make sure she doesn't leave ." She starts to walk away: 
"Wait wait what's going on?" 
"The team needs an extra person." And with that she used her watch to go in the portal to time jump.
"Gary please tell me where they went." 
"You know I'm not allowed to tell you. Bosses orders." 
"It's not like I'm going to go there, I just want to know where my evil self went. You know anywhere cool or maybe somewhere meaningful. What's the harm in that?" 
"Mm I don't know." 
"Come on you're my best friend."
"Yes! I'm going to get us matching rings." 
"That's awesome. Okay but you promise you won't try anything." 
"I promise." 
"Alright the team went to 2004 Washington DC it's an abandoned place on ..." 
You had to do this. "I'm sorry." You punched Gary right in the face watching him go down. "But my fingers were crossed." 
You took his watched and walked through the portal to where he said the team was at. It was a big place- it was about thirty floors up. You started going up each floor skimming the rooms to see if you could hear or see anything. When you got to the 8th floor you heard people they were fighting so you tried to hide behind the wall.
"alright let's keep going, Nate and the others are being held on floor 19" Sara said.
They have Nate? you have to save him but how can you do it without Sara seeing you.
You quietly followed them up 2 more floors once Sara & Ava got distracted you went up to the next floor. You got up to floor 19 with no problem except there were guards outside. You punched them both and after a little bit of struggle they both were finally down. You walked in the room and you see Nate and Constantine tied up in chairs.
"y/n you can't be here what are you doing?"
"helping my team."
"thank you for the rescue but you need to leave now."
"I can't where is rest of the team?"
"top of the building where your evil self took them."
"great let's go." When you started walking you felt a slice in your lower stomach.
"y/n?? What's wrong"
"looks like someone got a hold of your evil self love."
"I'm fine let's keep going." On the floor 30 you got stopped by multiple people, and in the fight you lost nate and Constantine. When you finally fought off the five assassins you looked over and seen Nate bleeding out on floor.
"stop y/n. D-don't."
"shhh." You closed Your eyes letting the white light heal Nate. He was all healed but didn't get up yet you on the other hand collapsed on the floor. He gasped for air feeling 100% better, but when he looked over all of that vanished. "Y/n?? .. Y/n come on get up." you coughed up some blood. "I'm glad it worked."
"you shouldnt have done that. Your gonna be okay right? " He asked panicked when he seen your eyes started closing.
"I love you Nathaniel". He had tears running down his face.
"don't do that."
"it's okay." With that you were gone. "Y/n please. No no no." He sobbed into your body. The whole team came running at you guys.
Ray looked at you then at Nate putting his hand on his friends shoulder. "I'm so sorry nate" the floor started shaking.
"What's going on?"
"Gideon?" Sara asked through the coms.
"looks like there is a big time abberation happening Ms. Lance ."
When Nate stood up there was a big white light and before he knew it he was in a hallway. "What the?"
He seen a picture on the wall of you and him.
"In the kitchen." He was startled.
Walking in the kitchen there you were.
"how you were- we were just..."
"we were just what? Are you okay what's wrong?"
"nothing. What year are we in?"
"2019 why?"
"that's impossible where did i work last year?"
"you were a historian and you worked in an office. Are you feeling well?"
"this isn't right."
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Imagine attending Nate’s fathers funeral with the Legends...
Dressed in black, you made a beeline to the team as the Legends had arrived before you. They were standing to the side of the room trying to keep a low profile despite Mick already hitting the food and beverages table. 
As you approached, you noticed the way your old flame made no effort to hide his smirk.
“Blimey, that black outfit will do things.”
“Keep it in your pants.” You bit back and focused on what you were after. “Have you guys seen Nate?”
Ray’s eyes went wide with panic, “No! Have you?”
Squinting at the tall man, you pointed at him, “You’re being weird.” Then you turned to Zari. “Where did you see him last?”
“He was just- oh, here he comes now.”
Whipping around instantly, you saw Nate walk over with heavy footsteps and wrapped your arms around him - an embrace that he welcomed. You squeezed a little tighter before letting him go.
“How are you holding up?” You asked.
“Alright, I guess.” He shrugged. “Thanks for coming today. It means a lot.”
Suddenly, your phone pinged at the same time as Sara’s - a message from the Waverider. Sara took the call and discovered that there was a fugitive affecting the timeline. When Nate gave everyone permission to leave, Sara and Zari said their goodbyes but you didn’t move which was noticed by Sara.
“Hey, I think I’m going to hang back. I just need to make sure that Nate’s okay.”
Sara rubbed your arm and sent a warm smile, “That’s fine with me. Just keep an eye on Constantine, he might try to unzip that pretty number.” She teased.
~ More imagines here ~
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