#Narration & dialogue
redacted-metallum · 3 months
"You can rely on me," I promised. "Not like that other narrator."
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cubbihue · 28 days
Have there been times the Turner parents have suspected something but shrugged it off?
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They have never suspected Timmy Turner of anything! Despite often expressing regret or disappointment, they still very much love their son! And all the benefits he brings them!!
The Turners are a well established family in the neighborhood. It wouldn't bode them well to go around casting doubt against their own son. It'd affect their reputation terribly!
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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hey i don’t remember this bossfight
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themostlyinfinitehole · 3 months
It's always “Stanley was so bad at following directions, it's incredible he wasn't fired years ago.” this or “Give me the content, Stanley!” that, but never I need you to understand how important this is for the both of us, Stanley. I need you to listen. I need you to care. I need you. Tell me you need me, too? Please...
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blorbocollection · 1 year
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guess whos playing disco elysium
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vellichorom · 7 days
the narrator & the settings person aren't opposites or opposing forces but are actually Far similar than the fandom gives them credit for;
but maybe we're not ready to have that conversation,
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moon-n-night · 15 days
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A quick redraw of this scene from fuzzy felt moomins with a little drama.
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aurorangen · 4 months
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We were just like any other family
[You may know, I was born with a heart condition, atrial septal defect: to simply put it, I have a hole in my heart. I can get tired often and run out of breath easily. Visits to the hospital were frequent as a kid]
[Because of this, my parents took extra care of my health and we were very close] Payton: Vincent, remember it's your doctor's appointment! Have you got everything ready? Vincent: [nods head] Yup, I'm all prepared Mum! Don't worry [hugs her]
[Both of them had fulfilling jobs. My Mum worked in the OB-GYN department at the hospital. Her shifts were hectic, but she took every chance she could to be with us. When there was no school, my Dad was with me]
[I never really knew what his job was. All I thought back then was that he was an important man. My Mum said he had a research job, I don't think she knew entirely what he did either. But he supported the family well]
Payton: I'll see you later at the hospital sweetie. Dad will take you ok? Love you! Vincent: I love you too! [Even though I didn't spend as much time with her then, my favourite was always my Mum]
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promptsbytaurie · 8 months
Can you write some prompts for an unreliable narrator trying to apologize for what they did but they dont know/dont remember?
sure can!! i'm not quite sure what you're asking, so feel free to elaborate if these aren't what you're looking for ^^
unreliable narrator prompts: apologies
"They're telling me to apologize. For what?"
"I'm sorry. I really, truly am. But I don't know what I did."
"What else do you want me to say?"
"She told me she hated me. I said I was sorry. She asked me why. And--and I didn't know."
"I'm sorry, okay?! For however I hurt you, whatever I said that night, I'm apologizing!"
"They're looking at me. I don't know what I did. I whisper I'm sorry. They're still looking at me."
"Last night is all a blur, I swear, I don't remember--"
"You look mad. Sorry?"
"I-I can't apologize if I don't know what I'm apologizing for."
"He hasn't forgiven me. I'm--I'm so confused."
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tbcanary · 1 year
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Kara Zor El in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
It's too big. We're too small.
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squuote · 4 months
comparing dialogue once again as you do. anyway. this cut dialogue from the other games ending vs the the 2011/ultra deluxe final game dialogue is interesting. frying my mind a bit.
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no deeper meaning to this post i just think it is. intriguing. i love dialogue comparisons sorry </3
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mihotose · 9 months
every time i see a fanwork where half light tells harry to kill himself im just He would not fucking say that!!!!! half light is harry's paranoia, his fight or flight instinct, his self preservation. half light wants to protect harry, not kill him
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bberetd · 2 months
= Miraculous Shelter =
It’s been a while since I’ve written a proper story, so I’ve decided to come out of retirement with my faves!
Thank you @peaches2217 for helping me out with writing, @vulpixfairy1985 for giving me inspiration from your drabbles, and @silenzahra for keeping me motivated ♥️ you’ll also see some elements from your bookworm hc post, and @itsavee4117 from your Luigi artist hc post ;)
@kelbreyworshipper @supergay-64 @pepperycar @pinkcreamypeach @wahooitsamee and anyone else, hope you enjoy!
Here are some doodles to go with it! The cake in the drawing is the one Luigi and Peach make for Daisy in the story, and then on the right, I was too lazy to draw the Toad-equivalents of Sarasaland (2 brain dead to come up with name) 😭 so imagine them looking like the children from the Grinch movie.
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winchestress · 3 months
y'all: oh TV doesn't do slowburn anymore, I wish there were more ships that make us wait for them for years
a ship that's not immediately canon: exists
y'all: it looks like I didn't get everything I've wanted in this one episode. naturally I'm giving up on them
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fallen-flier · 4 months
as fire loves innocence (rr! sniper tim)
inspired by @yjcorefourenjoyer's sniper! tim idea, who graciously let me run around in their sandbox. :D
beta'd by @pinkcowzz :)
first sniper tim idea here! (not reverse robins tho)
Some extra content cause I wanted to! The Reverse Robins idea ABSOLUTELY got to me...
It grates on Tim. The way Damian looks at him, like he's a piece of gum, stuck to his shoe. Or maybe it just hurts, because Tim is Screech and Damian is supposed to be his older brother or at least something akin to such and Tim has always looked up to the Screech title. He passive-aggressively snipes back and forth with Damian about the problem with his gun for days.
A weak, cowardly weapon.
A deadly force of destruction.
It was laughable, how much Tim is affected by it. He can tell that Damian is trying to keep civil with him, but can't quite distance himself from his strained relationship with Bruce (and by extension, Tim himself) and Damian's disdain for guns. And Tim understands, which might be the worst part. Damian was, from what he can collect from data, trained from birth. An assassin, groomed to the highest order.
In comparison, Tim is just Tim. Sometimes Alvin Draper, now occasionally Screech. Or well, honorary Screech or whatever Bruce deems him, because Tim has yet to earn the title. But it's fine, because Tim earns what he works for, always claws his way out of agony and frustration because it's just what he does. It doesn't matter that his father is in a coma now that his mother is all but confined to a wheelchair, being taken care of in a facility far from Gotham. Tim has to be strong. Be patient.
Do heroes cry, he asks.
There is no response.
Except there is.
Tim wakes the morning after his parent's deaths and silently screams, sobs into his hands. It wakes up Bruce, because of course it does. Bruce cradles him in his arms but it doesn't help, doesn't stop the rise of self-loathing and hatred and Tim just wants to snap and break apart. He is not strong or patient. All he feels is shattered. His father's gun didn't save his mom and Tim didn't save them either.
His parents are dead, killed by Captain Boomerang. He was too slow and not good enough. It's funny, it's hilarious. Damian has been telling him that the whole time, but Tim's just too stupid, isn't he?
So what was the point?
What was the point of putting away a gun when all he wants to do is take his father's pistol and shoot a clip into Captain Boomerang's chest or maybe his head until he's dead and gone.
Bruce is going to take Screech away from him. It's an oddly loud thought, floating with the others.
Tim has nothing to do. He's not even fully-fledged as Screech. Just some kid who managed to get lucky and force his way into becoming a ward of Bruce because he deduced Screech's identity. (It was the way Damian's hand always twitched to his side, reaching for a weapon. Tim does that sometimes, when he's scared and all he can feel is the weight of his father's hand on his shoulder and a gun at his hip.)
Just some kid who couldn't even prevent his parents from being killed because he was too busy gallivanting off in the distance, never taking training that seriously.
He was so close to saving them.
It's not your fault, Tim, they murmur.
But nobody's blaming Bruce for taking away your guns when you needed them, are they?
And Tim simply can't. It's too much, the guilt and frustration crawling through his throat, scorching its way through his mouth. Damian's slightly guilty shuffle (which is loud on purpose, because Damian never makes a sound unless it's deliberate) sets him off. Tim is burning and lashing out and everything is spiraling out of control.
He doesn't feel safe, not with Alfred, not with Bruce, not with Damian. He just wants to feel safe and competent and good enough again. 
The whispers follow him. Poor orphaned Timothy Drake. It was so nice of Bruce Wayne to take him in. 
Tim wants to strangle them. 
Tim waits until Duke is out of town. Damian, in space. Bruce, engrossed in a case. It's almost terrifyingly easy to slip from Timothy Drake's life into Alvin Draper's. It's far too easy for him to simply disappear.
Timothy Drake lies at the bottom of Gotham harbor, oh-so-unfortunately unrecognizable beyond a few items on his person. Drowned to death after losing unconsciousness and falling into the harbor. Two bullets through his lungs— caught off guard as a civilian.
(Just another drowned, forgotten civvie.)
Meanwhile, Alvin Draper rises from the ashes, burns the last remnants of Timothy Drake from existence.
Paris, he thinks, is a good way to start his career. 
Far enough so that the last vestiges of Timothy Drake are scattered in the winds, smoldering cinders blown out. Far enough so that Alvin can forget the blood on his hands.
You have potential, Lady Shiva says. 
I wish I had more, he does not say. Instead, he drags his fingers across her collection, looks at the flintlock hanging innocently in the middle. He grabs the bō staff instead. 
She looks at him, eyebrows raised.
We will be facing the most dangerous criminals in Asia, she reprimands. Choose again.
He pockets the flintlock, secure against his waist, but holds tightly to the bō staff.
Alvin smirks a little. 
"Hope you don't mind using a favor or two on me," he murmurs.
"My friends are generous," she concedes, a dangerous glint in her eye that says watch yourself.
so. had some thoughts about this one. the timeline is definitely really messy haha but the main plot is: tim stalks batman, gets caught by damian -> obeah man incident (mom in wheelchair, dad in coma) -> tim becomes screech (robin but damian's vigilante title) and bruce's ward -> captain boomerang incident -> tim fakes his death
tim, i think in this au, struggles way more with feeling unsafe and incompetent. in this au, his predecessor came, already trained and bruce not needing an emotional crutch. AND tim's parents/ much of his connections to them (aka his father's approval and gun lessons) have been taken from him AND he doesn't really have this mindset where he tries to push back everything so he won't be seen as the angry/ emotional one (aka there's no jason-precautionary-tale hanging behind him)
tim chose the bō staff cause bladed weapons remind him too much of damian, but he'll put some at the end of his staff + start using guns eventually :)
also wanted to ease him into using more lethal weapons cause he's still teetering on the edge. it's a long long fall from here.
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gailynovelry · 1 year
Fun concept to introduce writeblr and readblr to; slowburn worldbuilding. Picture this. You are dropped into a setting. The rules of the setting are not immediately explained to you, but as the characters move along the plot / their lives / their character arcs and the world, you start piecing things together. Maybe the characters already know what's up with their world, but you as the audience have to figure out what's up based on what you encounter over time.
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