#Narcissa Info
lionmythflower · 3 months
Im trying to get my friend to join the marauders Fandom what info do I need to give them and what fic should I make then read first
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reggie-gremlin · 2 years
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theinvisiblemuseum · 2 years
question: why is walburga white if the black side of the family is chinese and she is a Black by birth?
she’s a black by marriage, not birth in hihiywi i just dont feel like coming up with a maiden name for her because she’s dead. presumably she comes from an aristocratic sort of family that married her off to orion when she was old enough to be married, but that’s all i really care about her backstory tbh
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0blobthefish0 · 7 months
Welcome to my main masterlist - here you will find links to all the fics I have written - this will update with every new upload :D
Requesting Info - here
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Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Darcy Lewis
Kate Bishop
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Addison Montgomery
Amelia Shepherd
Arizona Robbins + Callie Torres
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Sirius Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Severus Snape
Narcissa Malfoy
Sweet Torture - smut | mdni | narcissa enjoys someone she can have fun with
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Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Leighton Murray (The Sex Lives of College Girls)
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souryam · 2 months
lucissa post of the day but one of my favorite headcanons for them is that they weren't really the match narcissa's family had in mind for her. the malfoys are filthy rich, but we have canon info that they did sometimes marry half bloods to yk avoid inbreeding, even bellatrix diminishes lucius on this basis, favoring the Crouch family, saying that they're one of the only true purebloods left.. It got me thinking that lucius was not considered pure enough for the Blacks and a huge fight ensued, the first involving narcissa, because she was promised to wed a Crouch (diff branch than Barty) but she put her foot down that she did want to marry her boyfailure way-too-blonde high school sweetheart.. it worked and they eventually warmed up to him a bit (but Bella ofc) and it ended up being pretty nice because money and they actually loved each other so
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bitchyycapricorn · 9 months
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🎃Ali’s Kinktober 23’ Masterlist🎃
Kinktober Info!
Character’s and kinks can repeat!
Art Dealer: @spooky-ghost0o0 (follow this spooky boi his art is so cute!)
AN: Unfortunately I am no longer active on this account and won’t be completing the prompts <\3 I am so sorry to anyone waiting, I appreciate all your support and love you all so very much <3
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Kinkshot 1: Peter Parker + Praise
Kinkshot 2: Sub!TASM Peter Parker + Overstimulation
Kinkshot 3: Harry Potter + Soft!Dom
Kinkshot 4: Theodore Nott + Ice Play
Kinkshot 5: Mattheo Riddle + degrading & Slapping
Kinkshot 6: Theodore Nott + Praise
Kinkshot 7: Tobey!Peter Parker + Bodyworship & Overstim
Kinkshot 8: Mattheo Riddle + Breath play
Kinkshot 9: Professor!Remus + NonCon & Age gap
Kinkshot 10: Sirius Black + Lingerie
Kinkshot 11: Narcissa Malfoy + Surprise Kink(s)
Kinkshot 12: Theodore Nott & Mattheo Riddle + Heavy Degradation & Dumbifcation & Dubcon
Kinkshot 13: Remus Lupin + Bondage & Praise
Kinkshot 14: Draco Malfoy + somnophilia & praise
Kinkshot 15: Mattheo Riddle + Bodyworship & Public Sex
Kinkshot 16: Theodore Nott + somnophilia
Kinkshot 17: Remus Lupin + Praise & Mirror
Kinkshot 18: Draco Malfoy + Dumbification & Degradation
Kinkshot 19: Theodore Nott + Mutual Masterbation
Kinkshot 20: James Potter + Innocence
Kinkshot 21: Tom Riddle + Choking
Kinkshot 22: Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy + threesome
Kinkshot 23: Mattheo Riddle + dubcon & public sex
Kinkshot 24: Draco Malfoy + Sub/soft!dom & public sex
Kinkshot 25: Tom Riddle + breeding
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shootingthe-stars · 10 days
man, the 2020 thing is SO real, because 2020-21 was the last time that actual MARAUDERS were present in the marauders fandom, and not these random stranger characters that are nothing like them. that's why i'm also mentally, emotionally and creatively stuck there and will continue to be until things go back to normal. and don't get me started on how they treat jily, imagine hating them so viciously and universally? and after claiming to love them and having it as one of the top ships? how does one even flip feelings like that? that's why i don't believe their feelings, positive or negative, it's all fake bandwagoning for what's in season and trendy. the real lovers are in shipping fandoms. oh and if you ever decide to read another marauders fic, it's better to ask jily folks for recs, cause they have not only objectively amazing fics, but they're the last ones who still write them in character lmao
most of the hate i see is on tiktok from kids who think being gay automatically makes you more interesting but i digress. i think certain fics are fun to read if you pretend they’re ocs (cr for example imo) but then there are some popular fics that are blatantly misogynistic that i cannot deal with. i think the fandom has always had a problem with characterizing women correctly so i won’t pretend like 2020 was perfect either, but there were definitely things i liked about it more😭
like i’m not about to rant (nvm i did)
but i think everyone is way too rigid and have actually regressed, especially with wolfstar but not even the way most people interpret that statement. i think everyone has been put into boxes of tropes in the way somewhere like “booktok” has popularized the past year.
“best friend’s brother” ignoring the dynamic between the brothers and the best friend and how it wouldn’t make sense without tearing down core character traits
making half the death eaters punk or emo because of how the dark mark looks, ignoring that they are mainly privileged conservative characters with wealthy families
then there’s the girls who (but this has always been an issue) are shallow and based on aesthetics without following through on character traits. marlene likes red and partying, mary likes lipstick and dresses, dorcas is cool and wears green. okay! now what? why do the male characters only discovered in the last year have more character and things written about them than someone like narcissa? why are the men excused and made complex but the women so black and white in their choices? keep the same energy!
so really, without even getting into the jily of it all i’d say there are a lot of issues. you can interpret characters however you want, especially those with less canonical info about them, but i do miss when certain characters really felt like people and less like blank slates with tropes slapped on. but i will continue to live in my own bubble and silently rolling my eyes at bad characterization
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chloedrewitt · 7 months
The Last Great Wizarding Dynasty - Lucius Malfoy x Reader
summary: After Lucius and Narcissa get divorced, he enters a marriage with a younger witch from France. However, the low social status of her family, despite their pureblood status, as well as her lifestyle do not please the British wizarding elite, and soon she finds herself at the center of merciless gossip. However, she soon realizes that her new husband is not as uncaring about as he might seem.
pairing: Lucius Malfoy x Reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: age gap, handjob (f receiving), praise kink
a/n: Another contribution to my Taylor Swift series, where I write one-shots based on Taylor's songs. This story is based on The Last Great American Dynasty.
Masterlist - Discord Server - Request Info - Taylor Swift Series
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And they said, "There goes the last great American Dynasty Who knows, if she never showed up what could've been There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen She had a marvelous time ruining everything"
Curious eyes followed you as you hurried through the foyer of Malfoy Manor, a wine glass in hand that threatened to spill with each step you took. Your long gown was made of a dark blue material, hugging your figure tightly yet not in a way that would be suffocating. You saw out of the corner of your eyes how curious heads followed you, accompanied by muffled chatter you only occasionally understood. 
“Scandalous, is it not? How she walks through this house as if it was hers”, a female voice said, dripping with disapproval. 
“It is hers, Margaret,” another voice remarked, this one male. “From today on, officially.”
You tried to shut out their voices as you raised your glass to your lips, the bittersweetness of the wine filling your mouth while you entered the dining room. The large table at the center had been set by house elves prior to the event, and many guests were sitting at it, dining and chatting with laughter filling the air. 
Standing in the door for a moment, you exhaled, letting your eyes wander over the scene. These were your guests now as much as they were his, and though you did not have many connections within the British pureblood elite, you tried your best to make a good impression. Despite the foul tongues. 
Your husband sat at the end of the dining table, overseeing all the other seats, when he noticed you standing there, a little helpless which was more apparent than you had wanted it to be. Your family never hosted events like these, most were intimate and familial if anything. Today, you had to entertain almost eighty guests. 
“There she is”, Lucius Malfoy said, silencing the chatter around him as he lifted his own wine glass towards you. “Come and join me, my dear.” 
You looked at the few dozen eyes scanning you and tried to ignore the whispers that followed as you made your way towards Lucius, hoping to Merlin you would not trip and fall then and there. You had always been rather clumsy, and though it had never bothered you much in the wild, tumultuous life that Paris offered. No one had noticed before, and no one had cared either. Here, at Malfoy Manor, the slightest mistake might come at the cost of respect.
When you reached Lucius, you stood next to him, resting your free hand in his as he remained seated. You overlooked the grand dining table, seeing how the guests stared at you expectantly. Some were focused on the diamond ring on your finger, reflecting the chandelier’s light, while others looked at your face and you hoped your nervousness was not all that visible. You were expected to say a few words, you just needed a moment to find them. 
“Thank you all for coming to our first formal outing as a married couple,” you began, tightening the grip around your wine glass so it would not slip from your fingers. Your gaze briefly dropped to Lucius, who did not meet your eyes. Swallowing, you continued, “it is an honor to stand here as the new Mrs Malfoy. Food and drinks will be available to you all evening, and our entertainment for tonight should arrive any minute. We hope you will enjoy this evening, and thank you for being here.” 
Raising your glass higher, you smiled at the gathered as they did the same. As if on cue, loud music began playing from another room; you had hired a band from Paris to play. They were prevalent amongst the young, French wizarding community, but in England barely anyone had heard of them. Some of the elderly guests gave each other curious looks when the music started playing, but you looked away when you felt Lucius pull your hand up to his lips. You looked down at him, eyes locked with his. 
“You should get to know some of our guests better,” he said in a low voice so only you could hear, his breath tickling your hand. “I will find you later.” 
Before he let go, he planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand, the only form of tenderness he had ever shown you. Sighing, you turned around and left the dining hall, painfully aware of the eyes staring at you, waiting to make a mistake. They reminded you of vultures circling above a dying animal before the inevitable happened and they could feast on it. 
You greeted the people you saw, offering them warm smiles, and practiced politeness. Even as you were conversing with an older couple that seemed quite lovely, it was hard not to overhear the humiliating comments made by some of the more disapproving guests. 
“Yes, already spending the Malfoy family fortune, I heard,” a woman said disapprovingly, and it was all you could focus on despite the friendly conversation partner. “And goodness, this loud music is giving me a headache. Please excuse me.”
Bitter about what you had overheard, you took a sip of your wine and hoped the evening would be over soon. 
Later that night, you slipped into your nightgown in the master bedroom, lips stained from red wine and muscles aching. Letting out a groan, you sank into the soft sheets, the material feeling more luxurious than anything you had ever touched before. You have been living at Malfoy Manor for a while now, but only called the master bedroom yours for a few days. 
The wedding seemed so far away now. You remember looking at your aunt’s proud face right before you said vows that were pre-written and void of passion. Many decades ago, your family had reveled in glory but ever since your great-great-grandfather gambled away all the Bezants your family possessed, all that it was left with was a surname associated with greed and blood that once flowed through noble veins.
You turned your head to the side, looking out the window at the dark woods surrounding the manor. It was so different from the rush of the city. So quiet. 
A shiver ran down your spine and you sat up on the bed, wrapping your arms around your upper body. The manor was so big, and you were alone in it with only your husband, whose late hours prevented him from keeping you company, and since his son was away at Hogwarts, you were left with a handful of house-elves who barely spoke to you. It was frightening. 
“I see you’re comfortable.”
Lucius stood in the doorway, still dressed in his formal wear as he looked at you, lips barely curled up into a smile. You had to look twice to see if it was even there. 
“I’m rather tired after tonight,” you said, pulling the blanket over yourself a bit. You had not slept in the same bed for long and still felt some shame with him seeing you so vulnerable. It wasn’t like you had never been intimate with a man, but they had mostly been flings, heavily influenced by intoxication and touch starvation. This man, however, was your husband, whom you’d married out of duty to restore some honor to your family.
He hummed in response, letting his gaze drift through the room before settling on you again. For a moment, he seemed unsure what to say, before he parted his lips to speak. 
“I will have Feepy bring you some chamomile tea. You should rest, I might still be awake for quite a while so you do not need to wait for me.”
You nodded slowly and smiled faintly as you watched him pull the door shut behind him, leaving you alone in the large room, with nothing but the vastness of the forest outside to keep you company. 
Loud music filled the hallways of Malfoy Manor, dancing witches, and wizards exchanging drinks and gazes as a female voice sang in French to the fast melody. In the midst of it, house elves were offering drinks on platters and you were standing by the side, chatting with one of your friends you knew back from when you had been a student at Beauxbatons. Louis was a young, handsome wizard who worked for the Ministry in Paris and was currently enjoying one of the wines Lucius had offered you for tonight. 
“Where is your husband, anyway?” Asked Louis in English out of politeness towards the English witch who had joined you a while ago. It was too loud to have an actual conversation, so you simply took a sip from your drink and shrugged your shoulders before signaling you’d retreat for a while. 
Drink in hand, you swayed to the music and greeted the guests you hadn’t yet, laughing and hugging people you hadn’t seen in ages. Finally, after days spent in this cold, large mansion you felt alive again, and less scared of what lay in the woods. 
When you passed the entrance door briefly, you heard knocking coming from the other side, which was mostly swallowed by the music. You stopped, blinking the intoxication away before opening the large door, aided by the door’s enchantment since it would usually be way too heavy for you to open alone. 
On the other side stood two elderly women with angry expressions. They were wearing dark clothing, and you recognized one of them from the event Lucius and you had hosted a few weeks ago. 
“Can I help you?” You asked as you stepped into the November evening air, pulling the door shut behind you so you had some quiet to talk, but the music could still be heard, it just sounded more distant. 
“Mrs Malfoy,” one of them said, her voice dismissive. “We live in the town nearby and want you to turn down the music this instant.” You knew what town they were talking about; it was close and filled with large houses owned by rich wizarding families of high status. It was quite small, too, almost too small to call it a town. 
“It is awfully loud,” the woman continued, “no doubt magically amplified. This is the third time in two weeks that we have been robbed of sleep and peace.”
You blinked. You had made sure to always host parties on weekends only, and were unsure how they would even be able to hear it, despite it being indeed magically amplified. Nevertheless, you wanted to be polite to them, so you smiled, took out your wand, and turned the music down with a flick of it. There were some annoyed reactions from inside the house, but you focused on the women in front of you. 
“Of course,” you said with a forced smile. “My apologies.” 
The women scoffed and exchanged a glance before the one you did not recognize said, “It better stay that way now.” 
They gave you another look before both turned around and vanished by portkey, leaving you sighing in the cold November air. There was no way they could have heard the music, but for some reason, they seemed to leech onto every opportunity they got to criticize or gossip about you. As if you were some social experiment they were only waiting to fail. 
“(y/n),” you heard Lucius say behind you, the music briefly increasing in volume as he opened the door, before shutting it again. “What was this about?”
“Lucius,” you said in surprise, blinking a few times. He usually liked to stay upstairs in an enchanted soundproof room during one of your parties, and you had not been expecting him to come out. “They just asked me to turn the music down.” 
“Did they.” He contemplated the words for a few moments, before locking eyes with you again. You noticed how he had bound his hair back. You had not seen him wear it like this before, but you somehow preferred it open, it suited him better in your opinion. 
“Well,” he continued, “I will return to my study. If you need anything, Feepy will be available to you.” 
“Right. Feepy,” you replied, watching as he vanished behind the door again, leaving it open for you to follow him inside, which you only did after taking one last look at the path leading away from the manor, where Lucius’ white peacocks slept with their heads hidden behind their feathers. 
Your guests left at around half past one, and you helped the house elves clean even though they kept reassuring you that you did not have to. Still, you felt bad about it, but you were feeling extremely tired, so you excused yourself and climbed the stairs towards the first floor. Already dreaming of the soft sheets that would envelop you soon, you noticed light coming from Lucius’ study, and stopped in front of it. 
After knocking gently, you pushed it open a bit and stepped into the room. It was filled with bookshelves stretching up to the ceiling, and a large desk in the center with a lamp. Lucius was sitting in his chair, a quill in his hand with which he wrote something into a book before him. His handwriting was quite elegant, you could tell even from that far away. 
When he looked up at you, your eyes met and you felt a faint shiver run down your spine. 
“(y/n). Did the guests leave?” 
You closed the door behind you, brushing some lint off your dress. “They did,” you replied as you looked at him with tired eyes. Lucius leaned back in his seat, placing the quill down on the desk. 
“Why do you tire yourself out with these affairs? You barely even seem to enjoy them.” 
You furrowed your brows, unsure where he got the idea that you did not enjoy your own parties. Back in Paris you had visited and hosted countless ones, and had never felt more alive each time. 
“Why do you say that?” You asked, crossing your arms as you began walking through the room, taking a long look at the bookshelf next to the door instead of meeting his eye. The leatherbound books seemed quite old, some of them had faded golden letters while others had clearly been read over and over again. 
“You smile at your friends yet it fades the moment they turn away. You are never hosting without a drink in your hand. Your eyes are tired.” Stopping in your tracks, you swallowed, not aware that he had been observing you. Or that he had even left his study at all during any of your celebrations. “It is like you are afraid of being alone.” 
Your jaw clenched and you turned your head to look at him again. He was still sitting in his chair, elbows leaning on the desk with his head resting on his intertwined fingers. Even now, you felt like he was studying you. 
“Why do you let me host these parties?” You asked, avoiding his deduction. “It is not like you particularly enjoy them yourself.” 
The corner of his mouth twitched and he exhaled deeply, crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back again. 
“This is your home now, too, (y/n). I see no reason to keep you from your pleasures, and though I know this marriage is far from ideal I hope it will not become an unhappy one.” 
You bit the inner of your cheek while you listened to him, gaze dropping to the expensive carpet you were standing on, contemplating whether to tell him what had been burning on your tongue for a few minutes now. Sighing, you took a step towards the desk, your eyes glued to the floor.
“When I was a child, my mother and I were gathering herbs in the forest. She was a very talented witch when it comes to potions.” You cleared your throat, trying to contain the hint of panic arising in your chest as memories resurfaced. “She was sick. Something was not quite right with her head, I don’t know the specifics but she left me there. In the woods. Alone. I had never been so terrified in my life. Even after I was found by my aunt, and my mother sent away somewhere, I bore the scars of that experience. When it is quiet, and no one is around I feel… unsafe. I do not know how else to describe it. So I moved to Paris, a city that never sleeps, after I graduated from Beauxbatons four years ago. I did not stay there for very long, of course, because now I am here.” You looked up at him, seeing that he had been intently listening this whole time. “With a husband who barely looks at me and spends all his time in his study,” you added a bit breathlessly. 
Lucius pursed his lips, gray eyes flickering between yours, before he finally rose from his chair and walked around his desk until he stood directly before you. You blinked at him, unsure how he would react to what you had said. 
“You are a young, bright witch, (y/n),” he began, and by looking up at him you were reminded just how much taller he was than you. “I wanted to let you keep your freedom, but perhaps freedom was not what you needed after all.” 
As he said that, his gaze dropped to your lips and you inhaled sharply, your cheeks turning pink. Lucius took a step towards you, and you uncrossed your arms in response. Your heartbeat increased, and for some reason,  you could not look away from him, no matter how hard you tried. 
“What I need,” you whispered, inhaling the scent of his leather coat, “is someone who is there for me.” 
He raised a hand to touch your cheek but stopped mid-air as if he was contemplating whether he should. You saw his eyes shift to the wedding band on his finger, which was different from the one you were wearing only in size. Eyes narrowing slightly in thought, he looked back at you and brushed your cheek gently with the backs of his fingers. 
You parted your lips, embarrassed about how you reacted to this gentle touch when you had been sleeping next to this man for weeks now, yet it had still always been rather lonely. 
“Lucius-” You said, but he cut you off by pressing his thumb to your soft lips, his hold on your cheek becoming more dominant as he pulled you towards him. You gasped as your chest was suddenly pressed to his, head tilted towards him. 
“I have been wanting to do this for some time, but I did not want to overstep,” he whispered, and you felt the vibrations of his voice against your chest. 
“Well, I am your wife,” you replied as you looked up at him. “Perhaps you should start treating me like one, too.” 
You did not have to say another word before Lucius placed both hands on your cheeks and pulled you up into a hungry kiss, which you returned after a few seconds, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You had dreamed of this, truth be told. Each night that you had laid next to him you had played with the thought of curling up to him, especially when the wind was howling outside, or the woods looked particularly dark. 
All of it was forgotten, however, when he let his hands slide down your body until they reached the back of your thighs underneath your skirt, which he grabbed to lift you from the ground. You held on tightly to him, hands playing with the bow holding his hair together in the nape of his neck until it fell loose to the ground, unbinding his long platinum hair. You buried your hands in it, breaking the kiss only to gasp for air. Especially, when you suddenly felt the bookshelf in your back. The smell of the leather they were bound in reached your nose. It was a smell you had long begun to associate with him. 
His grip on your thighs tightened, fingers digging into your bare skin as he started tracing your jawline with his lips, planting kisses mixed with nibbles that made you shiver. Lucius gently let you down on the floor again, leaving one hand on the small of your back as the other slid up your thigh, stopping only when it reached the sensitive spot between your legs. 
You let out a soft moan when his fingers started tracing small circles over your sensitive flesh, separated from it only by the fabric of your underwear. Throwing your head back against the bookshelf, you moaned his name, which made him increase his pace. 
“Say it again,” he whispered, his voice raspy and deep. There was an authority in his voice that said he would not appreciate defiance. 
“Lucius,” you complied, opening your eyes to gaze into his just as he pushed the fabric aside and buried two fingers deep inside you, earning a loud gasp from you that made him smirk. 
“Good girl.” 
You bit your bottom lip, hair sticking to your forehead as a thin layer of sweat formed there. You suddenly felt extremely hot, and you did not know whether it was the fireplace on the other side of the room, or him, or perhaps a mixture of both. 
“Perhaps tonight, we shall do more than simply sleep,” he whispered directly in your ear, curling his fingers inside you as his thumb pressed against your swollen clit, which made you unable to respond properly. You only managed to hum in agreement, while his free hand found its way to one of your breasts, cupping and kneading it. 
As you reached your climax, you held onto his shoulders tightly since your legs threatened to give in. You were breathing fast, unable to properly process what had just happened while Lucius removed his hand from underneath your skirt, covered in your slick. 
“I fear you will be even more tired tomorrow morning than you are right now,” he said, tracing the edge of your lip with his finger, allowing you to taste yourself if you wished so. “But I will see to it that your future nights will be calm and that you can rest easy.” 
Lucius took a step away from you, nodding at you once before turning to leave. “I hope to see you in our bedchamber soon," he said, before shutting the door behind him.
Wizarding high society was only waiting for your marriage to fail, you were sure of that. But you were also sure that you would ruin their malicious hopes, and kill their rudeness with grace.
Who knows, if I never showed up what could've been There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen I had a marvelous time ruining everything
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basiatlu · 7 months
On Theft in Art
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First: thank you to the anon here and the other many people who brought this to my attention! I know you did it out of support of me and I love you for it.
I was ready to keep it private as I didn’t want anything negative to come up and be associated with my art. But as I was asked across different platforms concerning the art in question I realized it really bummed me out. I’m here to have a good time in the fandom and create with you all. We have a good thing here in the community and I didn’t want any smoke with another artist - a mutual even.
So to help me feel a little better about it I want to turn this into an opportunity to teach others on the differences between Reference, Inspiration, Reinterpretation, and Theft
Reference: (usually) a visual source of information in order to better understand something. Example here is of my reference board and the art I am currently working on.
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My favorite example of a professional using reference photos is by Hirohiko Araki (creator and artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), who uses fashion editorials and photoshoots ALL the time it’s awesome - tysm @yumiaiyuma for showing me this goldmine
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Study and Inspiration: here is a great example from the wonderful Stephanie Pepper. Notice the caption stating these are studies, the movie it is from, and I will even go on to say that this artist is influenced or inspired by the prolific works of J. C. Leyendecker (but what’s key is that Stephanie Pepper has developed and practiced to the point of deviating from his work and become a style of art completely her own - and she’s so recognizable in my opinion!)
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Personal Example for Inspiration:
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An Example of Reinterpretation: note - Both these classical artists whose works are being recycled are dead and no longer missing out on potential work and income. Where stealing ideas and art from current artists hurts them financially and mentally and emotionally. Howl as The Fallen Angel by _mimimaru on Instagram is an interpretation of a 1847 painting by Alexandre Cabanel and is now considered public domain // the Mickey Mouse self portrait was by Charles Boyer and is a parody of the famous illustration by Norman Rockwell and was commissioned by Walt Disney, himself.
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Now here’s the part that is concerning to several people, myself included.
Recently, an artist found the reference I used, and decided to draw Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus staring at Sirius getting supposedly punished by Walburga Black off screen.
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Let’s be clear: this isn’t a matter of tracing or claiming my image as their own. I do not mind at all if myself and another artist end up using the same reference. It happens all the time. Referencing and studying is not stealing. Reinterpretation is great for meme art challenges and paying respect to old classics. Even being inspired and doing one’s own version of another artist’s idea is totally cool, especially if you tag and/or shoutout the artist that inspired you.
I genuinely love and appreciate everyone who has brought this to my attention and who has been supportive and defensive of me with this. That reaction means more to me than anything else in this whole ordeal, if I’m being honest. So thank you all so much, with all my heart.
In closing: Do I hope this is all one gigantic coincidence? Absolutely. It’s one of those very uncool things that hurts my heart as an artist. I just want everyone to enjoy art and inspire each other so we can all grow. I do not want any malice to come from this either. I just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of this, and give some of my thoughts on it. I also wanted to use this as a way to educate everyone on artistic process and why these things might happen sometimes.
Edit: me and the artist have chatted and we see it as a silly coincidence ♡ and honestly I'm happy and so relieved with that. But I think a lot of this info is still good to be mindful of in a creative community where we circulate ideas and content regularly.
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leonistar · 2 years
Marauders Design 💫🐺🐶🐀🦌
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These are my take of how the marauders are in my head. So if they don't look like what you have in mind, well first sorry, but second I'll gladly listen to what you had imagine ! (my "ask me" is open btw)
More info on my designs !
I made these designs based on fanon, and also some kind of world where voldemort and war doesn't exist (and so where Peter, Barty or Evan aren't some awful asshole death eaters or whatever).
However I think it could fit canon universe or other AU. I would just change the outfits and minor details depending on the context/world.
Most of these are based on fancast and fandom hcs, trying to fit what I have in mind and what the fandom did.
Also, these design fit them between I think 15 to 19 years old, they would maybe change a bit older, and obviously be different if younger. This is approximative, but well.
Let's just say they're around 16/17.
Regarding the clothes and outfits in general
I didn't do all of them in their hogwarts uniform BECAUSE I really love fashion design, costume design so I gave them outfit based on different factors :
It fit their era, even if some are more modern
They all fit their personality, color aesthetic, and are very unique to one another (that's also why some are more modern cuz men dark academia fashion can be a bit repetitive sometimes)
I rlly stopped myself at giving them face piercing.
I love giving piercing to characters I draw. But I thoughts it didn't fit here.
So be prepare, they'll probably have some face piercing who pops up in sketches and other thing.
As well as more extravagant outfit cough men in dress cough
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For a final a note, I'd like to add that they might CHANGE with time.
I wanna do illustration of them, some stupid sketches and other rlly big project like oh me oh my, webcomic
So some traits might change because of new ideas, new inspirations and just becoming more comfortable to draw them the more I draw them.
Lastly .
Regulus is trans .
You're welcome .
UPDATE : I added Emmeline, Narcissa, Alice and changed Mary's design
I hope you'll enjoy my designs, fellow Marauders friends 💫🌻🌼
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yumeurl · 4 months
I forgot but does both Lucius and Narcissa ttuly love and care for Draco in the books? Sometimes I forget since I've read too many fics
they do, they spoil draco rotten, and their love for him takes higher precedence than voldemort himself, where lucius even tries to ask voldemort to postpone the battle so he can check on draco, and narcissas lie during DH after knowing that dracos still alive
just to show some of the bts info we get for the malfoys:
"My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands,"(...) "Then I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow." (book 1)
“Touch nothing, Draco.” Malfoy, who had reached for the glass eye, said, “I thought you were going to buy me a present.” “I said I would buy you a racing broom,” said his father, drumming his fingers on the counter. (book 2, and then after this lucius bribes the quidditch team so draco can join the team)
“Aren’t—aren’t you afraid, my Lord that Potter might die at another hand but yours?” asked Malfoy, his voice shaking. “Wouldn’t it be. . . forgive me. . . more prudent to call off this battle, enter the castle, and seek him y-yourself?” “Do not pretend Lucius. You wish the battle to cease so that you can discover what has happened to your son. (...)” (book 7)
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy running through the crowd, not even attempting to fight, screaming for their son. (book 7)
theres alot more, like lucius ensuring that buckbeak gets executed for harming his son, or narcissa sending daily sweets to draco when hes in school, it was also narcissa who opened the idea of snape taking the unbreakable vow to protect draco. lucius and narcissa's love for draco are one of the main reasons he grew up to be an annoying sheltered brat, and i sincerely doubt he'd be this much of a brat if he didnt have both parents to fall back to.
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Mommy’s Birthday~ Narcissa Black(Divorced) xFem Reader
Happy Birthday Cissy!!! For all my nerds (; heres the info- Post War, Narcissa divorced Lucius. Draco and Narcissa on same page with divorce and all. Draco married to Astoria Greengrass, canon to book. Set during and after new years of 1998. Narcissa’s birthday is January 1, born in 1955, turning 43. We love a Capricorn bitch. Oh and establishled relatonship between Narcissa and reader.
Warnings: NSFW, fluff, implied sex, implied age gap, happy endings, Narcissa getting the relationship she deserves, heartwarming
Short blurb- around 350 words
Enjoy (; 
It had been about 6 months since the second war.
You and Narcissa had finally become official (after years of secrecy) and after Cissy’s divorce from Lucius. You two had bought two small houses, one in the city and a cottage in the country.
You were celebrating new years with a little get together in the your shared cottage. Draco and Astoria had come to celebrate, and the night went splendid. You all had dinner and then chatted over some wine while for the clock to strike 12. 
Soon enough the clock announced that it was officially the new year, 1998 had arrived!
You all clinked your glasses in celebration. You looked over to Cissy and exclaimed “Happy Birthday, baby!” 
“Aw, why thank you my darling...” she purred, quite tipsy from the wine, as was obvious by her next action...
She crashed her lips into yours rather lustfully you’d say.
And this was right in front of Draco who just stood there in awe for a second, before his faced quickly screwed up into disgust. 
“Ewww, mother, please not here!” Draco exclaimed as Astoria couldn’t stop laughing at Draco's embarrassment.
Cissy chuckled “Well then I suggest you leave Draco, before you see even more”.
Draco was out the door wishing you both a lovely new years in seconds, dragging a hysterical Astoria along with him. 
You both stood there just taking each other in, and then you both burst out in laughter.
Once you got a hold on your breathing you whispered to Cissy “Y’know, I’ve got a birthday surprise for you” while wiggling your eyebrows at her suggestively.
She laughed again God, was her laugh intoxicating... 
“And what would that be, my darling?” she purred back. 
“Me.” you purred back, a flood of confidence rushing through you. 
“My present is you? Oh my, your gonna regret this, love...” Cissy chuckled.
You responded by lifting up your dress to show her your newly bought black lingerie set.
Cissy gasped “And it comes wrapped! My my...”
She looked at you with drunken, lustful eyes “Bedroom now.” she sternly purred, and you gladly followed. 
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esotheria-sims · 1 year
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My Projects Folder excavation continues, and in this week’s edition, our theme is cute medium-length half-updos! ^^ I have two new pook'd hairs for your downloading pleasure, three if we consider the alpha-edit as its own thing.
Entropy-sims 4t2 Anto Lilly retextured 
A clean, simple, and versatile hairdo with a cute lil’ bow in the back!
INFO: Entropy-sims' 4t2 conversion of Anto's "Lilly" hair retextured with Io’s edit of Pooklet’s textures and in both of their natural color palettes + 5 optional custom greys + my "Rose" blend. Child-elder, non-existent toddler stage removed from all hairs. Elders go gray. Files are binned, tooltipped, properly named, familied, and compressorized. Mesh included, but has been renamed to fit my personal organization scheme - please watch for duplicates!
POLYCOUNT: 30k 15k if you get Platinumaspiration's edited mesh!
Swatch | Turnaround
CREDITS: Anto, Entropy-sims, Pooklet, Io, Aweeshie, Hat, CatOfEvilGenius.
DOWNLOAD: Simfileshare | Box | Mediafire
Honeymoon-cc2/Eric.C Leahlillith Narcissa retexture + alpha-edit
Dudes, I can’t stress enough how much I LOVE how the highlights on this hair came out! I loved them so much, in fact, that I decided to also make an alpha-edited version without bangs. Two for the price of one!
There are several 4t2 conversions of LL’s Narcissa hair available out there, but I chose this mesh because smoooooth bone assignment and it’s animated! No two-tone retextures at this time, I’m afraid (making double the amount of retextures for the og and alpha was time-consuming enough), but I’m totes saving the idea for another time!
INFO: Honeymoon-cc2/Eric.C's 4t2 conversion of Leahlillith's "Narcissa" hair retextured with Io’s edit of Pooklet’s textures and in both of their natural hair palettes. Comes in two versions: original (with bangs), and alpha-edited (without bangs). Child-Elder, non-existent toddler stage removed from all colors. Elders go gray, 5 optional custom greys included. The files are binned, tooltipped, properly named, familied, and compressorized. Mesh included, but has been renamed to fit my personal organization scheme - please watch for duplicates!
Swatch | Turnaround (original) | Turnaround (alpha-edit)
CREDITS: Leahlillith, Eric C., Pooklet, Io, Aweeshie, Hat, CatOfEvilGenius.
DOWNLOAD: Simfileshare | Box | Mediafire
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seriouslysam8 · 6 months
Thoughts on Gary Oldman as Sirius?
Look, Gary Oldman is a great actor… but he’s not Sirius material. He was too old (though there wasn’t much they could do since they cast Alan Rickman as Snape who was too damn old and unpopular opinion but I don’t think he should have been cast as Snape for age alone), he didn’t look like Sirius in my mind, and he didn’t play Sirius the way I imagine him in my head. The only thing I liked about Gary Oldman’s Sirius was how soft he was with Harry. It’s a softness that I wanted to see more of in the books and appreciated we got to see those two damaged boys hug in the movies. Although, the movies cheapened their relationship dramatically when Sirius called Harry his father’s name.
But, I mean, we didn’t get any depth from Gary Oldman. I’m not blaming him entirely. The writers are a big part of it too. Sirius’ character was watered down dramatically in the movies. I mean, we got him raising a glass and chuckling during Christmas dinner. Where the fuck was drunk Sirius singing at the top of his lungs?? Where was a socially intelligent Sirius in GOF explaining dynamics in the first war to Harry and practically working out the entire plot with info from some teenagers and scraps of newspapers? Where was the Sirius who wrote Harry every day leading up the final task? The Sirius who was bitter at Grimmauld Place? The Sirius who loved Harry more than anything??
One of the most tragic things in the entire series was how the Marauders era was robbed of their adulthood. They were young, arrogant kids who thought they knew everything but really knew nothing at all. They fought thinking they were more clever and could actually win. They were just kids. I mean, their brains weren’t even fully developed yet. I make a huge effort to point this out in Brumous. Sirius knew they were dumb kids back then. They made a lot of stupid mistakes. They thought they were smarter than they were. That part of the generation who survived was just bitter and cynical when Voldemort came back. Meanwhile, Harry and co are the dumb kids now. They’re diving in head first thinking they know better when they don’t. I think a lot of this nuance was missing from the movies.
You guys now I love to make parallels between characters and situations in my writing. This was done so subtly in the books as well. The parallels between Sirius and Harry, James and Ron, Draco and Regulus, Lily and Narcissa, Harry and Voldemort. It all revolves around the choices these characters made when they’re only kids. Who was raised in a moral environment, who wasn’t able to escape the indoctrination, who escaped the indoctrination. It’s fascinating to read who realized their mistakes in time and who didn’t. I seriously think having the Marauders characters aged up so dramatically (and let’s face it, the actors looked older than their age as well) cheapened these parallels. Because your mind sees how old these characters are and don’t appreciate just how young they truly were. It takes away a lot of the devastation because they were just kids who didn’t know what they were doing or getting into. Instead, you view them as adults who made the right choice and adults who should have known better.
I have never once pictured Gary Oldman when I write Sirius. Never. I’ve never pulled up pictures or videos of him when I write to base looks, facial expressions, or mannerisms off of.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk. 🤣🤣🤣
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Author's note: This lemon-drenched snippet is not for minors nor the good of taste. It's cursed. This is your first warning. The second is the "Read more" cut. After that, you are on your own and any bad decisions are your own <3 Check the tags for more info. Enjoy~
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It’s just his luck.
He’d been separated from Ron, Hermione, and Dobby just as the house elf’s magic transported them away from Malfoy Manor, leaving Harry there. Alone. Surrounded by Death Eaters. Well, Bellatrix and three less-than-enthusiastic Malfoys, but the odds still weren’t in Harry’s favour.
So he’d used Malfoy’s wand to blow up a wall with a well-placed bombarda and ran the fuck away in the ensuing chaos. His ears are still ringing from Bellatrix’s demented screeching. 
And he has yet to be found – his scar feels like hot oil is being poured into it with how irate Voldemort is with the incompetence of his followers because of this fact. The issue is that Harry couldn’t give anyone directions to find him, either. Malfoy Manor may as well be a labyrinth with all the twisting, circuitous paths and hallways and nooks (and even some crannies). He is thoroughly lost.
He’s made his way to a three-storey attached greenhouse, filled with plants large and small. Most are magical, but some he recognises from his many, many hours weeding and tending to Aunt Petunia’s garden. He’s not sure who would be more disgusted to have shared tastes – his aunt or Narcissa Malfoy. 
With the far wall being entirely glass, Harry is almost certain he can get outside from here. There has to be a door. And… well, if there isn’t, he’s not going to be shy about breaking some windows, if that’s what needs to be done.
He finds a patch of glass panels that have no plants nearby and thinks he’s on to something. Carefully checking for hinges or handles or any other sign that he could open them, Harry’s attention is fully on the glass.
This proves to be a mistake.
He has the barest hint of what’s to come when he feels a curiously fleshy press against his ankle, and then he’s being dragged on his stomach away from the greenhouse wall and into a dark, leafy mass that blots out the scant moonlight.
And he recognises the shape of these leaves. After their adventure at the end of first year, he’d made sure to remember this plant in case he ever ran into it again. This Devil’s Snare is a bit more proactive than the others he’s seen, though. They’re typically opportunistic and wait for victims to come to them – he doesn’t remember them pursuing prey.
He very slowly and gently extracts his stolen wand from his sleeve and casts lumos. But instead of shrinking away from the light – like the bloody thing should – the plant somehow produces an ear-splitting shriek and seizes his wrist with a vine, squeezing until he drops his wand and using another vine to bat it away, spinning into an unseen corner.
And now he’s pissed the plant off. Unarmed and still in the grip of a vine, Harry feels the adrenaline kick in. He slows his breathing and tries to stay calm, as struggling will only make things worse, but it is difficult. He wants to get as far away from this weird Devil’s Snare as quickly as he can – he feels the hair on the back of his neck standing up – but he’s not sure how to manage that.
He feels a rough, vegetal limb slip under his shirt, making him panic and twitch, and that seems to be the sign the plant was waiting for. The vine around his wrist pulls taut, drawing his arm out and pinning it in place as more vines wind around his legs and drag them straight, while others twist around his torso, trapping his left arm to his side. He feels very much like a favoured toy being fought over, tugged in all directions and unable to escape or even move.
The vine under his shirt begins prodding at his belly, making him squirm and causing the vines to squeeze tighter until he shouts in pain, at which they loosen slightly. Then, he feels more and more tentative touches along his legs, his chest, his hair, and his face – everywhere they can reach. 
They poke around his mouth, and he keeps it firmly shut until the vines around his ankles clench tightly enough to force another pained cry out of him. An inquisitive tendril sneaks inside his open mouth. He bites through it immediately, spitting the end out with savage glee. With another high-pitched noise, the plant wraps a vine around his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter until he’s certain he will pass out, black edging his vision and lungs on fire with lack of air.
When it lets up, he coughs and hacks until his body remembers how to breathe, and he pants in as much air as he can. Several thin vines take advantage of this, slipping into his mouth to trace his teeth and tongue, press against his cheeks and palate. He switches to breathing through his nose and threatens to bite the vines again, but there are enough that he can’t close his mouth tightly enough to shear through them.
He’s lost track of what’s happening to the rest of him, but the other vines have been busy in his inattention. And damn the Dursleys and their hand-me-downs from Dudley, and damn Harry for not buying better-fitting clothes, because there’s plenty of room for those vines to wriggle under his jumper and trousers. He squawks through a mouthful of vines when a couple caress a little too closely to his delicate bits for comfort. Thankfully they continue past that part of him, though the sensation of them rubbing against his bare thighs isn’t much better.
“Well, well, Harry Potter,” a familiar voice says from somewhere. “We’re finally together again and you’d rather entertain the flora.” 
Harry has never been happier to see– er, hear Voldemort. He’d rather take his chances with the bigoted megalomaniac than the amorous plant weaving tighter around him.
Except Voldemort doesn’t do anything – doesn’t even say anything else. When a vine sneaks down the back of Harry’s trousers and starts prodding at a place it really shouldn’t be prodding, Harry’s had enough.
He fights his way up far enough to glare at Voldemort, silently demanding why he’s not killing him or cutting him out of this lusty Devil’s Snare to monologue at him before killing him. The bastard plant takes exception to this, attempting to pull him back down and pressing more insistently against his arse. Harry grunts in alarm, squirming away as much as he can when the vine simply follows him to push harder into him. He squeaks, and if his face looks more pleading than he’d like, he’s willing to cut himself some slack.
Maintaining eye contact, Voldemort conjures a wingback chair and sits down in it a few feet away, facing Harry.
“Don’t let me interrupt,” he drawls, leaning back and getting comfortable. “I’m in no hurry.”
Harry groans in distress as the plant's many limbs continue to move against and in him.
(Part two, where the Harrymort happens)
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chdarling · 1 year
I was re-reading TLE1 and I remember this:
"“I know Walburga,” said Mrs. Potter darkly. “She was briefly engaged to a cousin of mine, as a matter of fact. I say briefly because he ran off and married a Muggle instead”
Sirius’s jaw dropped"
My jaw dropped too. I want to know more about this story. Did wally like this guy? Who was him? Where did he meet the muggle? How were wally and this guy together? Were they happy in some way? Were wally softer in her youth or this love delusion made her the well known psyco? Did this unrequited love for this man have something to do with the failed marriage with Orion (like robert baratheon always in love with Lyanna stark instead of his wife Cersei?) and with the betrayal with Druella? were orion and druella in love but then they had to marry other blacks? I want to know the background. I want to know the drama 🔥 and how did the blacks ended the scandal? Did Wally think about marrying Orion? Or her father? Did Alphard have a role in younger siblings' marriages to people they didn’t love? He could have done this, just to have fun
ok, I’ve joked in the past about how I basically have a TLE wiki from all the random notes and headcanons I’ve scribbled in my phone over the years but like………I kinda do.
For instance, I have a stupid amount of Black family backstory, some of which I’ll keep to myself because it’s probably going to end up in the story, and some of which is just superfluous info that no one really needs to know but exists anyway because my brain doesn’t shut up. Sometimes this backstory makes it into little lines like the one you referenced above. 🙃
Anyway, here’s (part) of my TLE wiki bio of Walburga because why the heck not 😂
(This was written a long time ago)
Walburga Black was born in 1925, the oldest child of Pollux and Irma Black. She had two brothers, Alphard and Cygnus, for whom she never much cared. This was partly based on resentment: the Blacks, being an ancient family, followed ancient rules of inheritance. Despite being the first born child, Walburga, a female, would inherit nothing. It’s hardly surprising, then, that she viewed Alphard as her usurper.
Alphard, for his part, did not play the role of heir particularly well. He was extravagant in his tastes, liked expensive horses, racing, gambling and men. It became apparent early in life that Alphard would not carry on the Black family name. This meant, of course, that young Cygnus had a fair amount of responsibility on his shoulders. Walburga, who thought he was weak-minded and soft, resented him this all the more.
Walburga left Hogwarts in 1932 and it was arranged that she would marry Robert Burke, a pureblood from a respectable family. He was nearly ten years her senior, but Walburga was deliriously and unusually happy with this arrangement. While it might be premature to say that she loved Robert, she was certainly infatuated with him, and boasted of her esteemed engagement. Alas, the feeling was not mutual. Robert, 28 and unhappy, ran off and eloped with a Muggleborn witch. Walburga was humiliated, shamed, and utterly furious. She never got over the slight, and in some ways, her exceptional fanaticism for blood purity could be traced back to this moment.
In 1949, Cygnus married Druella Rosier, who was 9 years his senior. It was an arranged marriage, naturally, but mutually beneficial. A few years later, in 1951, Druella gave birth to her first child, a girl named Bellatrix. In 1955, following the birth of Cygnus and Druella’s third daughter, Narcissa, Walburga consented to marry her cousin, Orion Black. Walburga was 30 years old — Orion was 26 — and she was beginning to feel anxious. There had been no other suitable marriage offers and Orion, though she had no passionate feeling towards him whatsoever, offered a great deal that was important. Primarily, she would keep her beloved name. The two married in 1956 and ultimately took over 12 Grimmauld Place, the home in which Orion had been raised — his parents having moved out to a house in Wiltshire, to give them the space. Orion and Walburga’s marriage was not a particularly happy one, though neither of them expected nor wished it to be. There was no affection between them, no warmth, no intimacy. All they really shared was a devotion to their name, the honor and privilege that being a Black bestowed upon them. It was a duty, their marriage, and both saw it as such. The duty, of course, was to produce heirs to the Black name.
By 1957, Walburga was pregnant with her first child. However, she would tragically miscarry. For someone whose own self-worth was so reliant on her ability to produce a male heir for the Black family, this was a nearly unsurvivable blow. But she carried on. It took two more years for her to have a successful pregnancy, but on November 3, 1959, Sirius Orion Black was born. Roughly a year and a half later, on June 19th, 1961, Walburga gave birth to a second son, Regulus Arcturus Black.
Walburga was delighted by her sons, not because she felt overwhelming affection for the two children, but rather because they secured her victory over her brothers. She was the sole keeper of the Black family name. Her children would be heir to the entire Black fortune.
etc etc etc
It goes on a while, but, spoilers :)
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