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anyway, Naohi mermaid.
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rromi names + japanese forenames
Akaga Akaomori Akarō Akazusza Akeisa Akeja Akeri Akizō Akumasa Akumi Akuni Anamali Ariko Arunsu Asakio Asugio Atohiro Ayaeko Ayasako Ayokichi Ayoshisa Ayuki Ayuko Ayuraha Azane Azueizō Beika Beizuako Betatsuo Boriol Botoji Buyuko Chide Chige Chiko Chiro Chirō Chizō Coichi Danobu Djora Doorihi Driko Duken Eikey Eruko Eruya Eshōji Esuko Etheichi Everko Frikogo Fushi Fushisa Fuyumi Gemiko Hachi Handeya Haritsu Hatsuzō Hayasue Hayuke Hiakuni Hidehi Hidel Hidem Hideru Higeko Higeru Hikana Hikentam Hikiya Hikuyabu Hikōnobu Hinaga Hinjiko Hinori Hinorila Hiroka Hiroy Hisabi Hishiya Hitabu Hitarō Hiyosuji Ichiro Ieiko Inobu Isakie Ishirō Ishuniko Itohi Jeshi Jetsuo Jinia Jiroe Juneji Junobu Jōtaki Jōtako Jūshi Kagenko Kaisa Kaldoko Kanehirō Kaneyuki Kansaru Karri Katomoki Katosho Katsuhi Katsukon Kaunji Kayugu Kazuhiki Kazuke Kazukeru Kazura Kazuyuko Kehira Kehirō Keikuken Keisada Kenaruyo Kerin Keshiko Ketsu Kihiha Kihiko Kimeru Kujiko Kujirvo Kujirō Kunobu Kutei Kyoshi Kyoshisa Kōhel Kōsuhihi Lenjivo Lenobu Lenori Lenzolai Loica Lorishi Louzsami Ludja Ludji Lulilasa Maimi Mairō Malpato Mamasa Maminobu Manao Manaofri Manaoiki Manaro Manko Manobu Marihina Marina Maruhie Masada Masaeko Masakin Masam Masanoro Masayako Masayasa Masen Masheigo Mashinji Mashoki Masuhi Masuji Masuki Masuko Masumio Masurō Matsu Matsugu Matsushi Mayake Mentaka Miawnis Michi Michik Michiro Michisa Michisae Mideko Mikasa Minarō Minasamu Mitakay Mitake Mitomi Mitoto Mitsu Mitsuhi Mitsuke Miwaki Miyake Morihon Motare Moyosh Muneko Munisao Munji Munpei Murami Murawai Murri Muruhika Muruhiro Mutada Mutokur Nadana Naeko Nagaru Nagatsuo Nagehirō Nagenzo Nakerin Namompi Namoto Naohi Naohirō Narihiro Naruken Natsumio Niawnori Nihiko Nobuke Nobukezō Nobumiyo Noburiyo Nobuya Noriaka Noshirō Noshisa Oakunisa Omitari Omoto Oshimasa Oshirohi Otakie Otoko Otoshi Ottoyoto Palpani Panaki Patshiro Patsu Peiko Plabu Popov Poyojira Poyutoko Ramito Rendahi Reriko Rharuro Rhavo Rikuki Rukeiiko Ryōheru Ryōjin Ryōmal Ryōshi Ryōsu Ryūjirō Ryūko Ryūno Ryūse Sabari Sadaizō Sadami Sadjime Saitsun Sakanka Sakeya Samiu Saomo Saoyas Satako Satsu Sayakuo Sayuke Seige Seizu Setakihi Shachiko Shidiko Shige Shiichi Shika Shiko Shiku Shinaga Shirena Shiri Shiro Shiroji Shiron Shirō Shisaka Shisaki Shisako Shitsu Shiya Shiyasu Shuneto Shuneya Shunio Shōjiro Shōtaki Shūheli Shūsune Sideko Steiharu Sugio Suguako Suhimich Syeruhik Sōsei Tadahi Tadaip Tadairō Tadaito Tadaoku Tadarito Tadoko Taiko Tairō Takai Takaru Takazu Takazue Takazuri Takifiko Takika Takiko Takimizō Takrei Takromo Tamasako Tanao Tanen Tanoru Tariko Tatadaru Tatsu Tatsuhi Tatsuki Tatsun Tauneizō Tereika Teriharō Terkah Terkojo Tetakuo Tetari Tetshi Teval Teveshun Tobuyasa Tohilizu Tokumi Tomideto Tomiron Tomisa Tomomarō Tomoto Tomotomi Tomoyuko Toshihi Toshina Toshiro Toshisa Tosho Toshwa Toshō Trihi Trile Tsatsun Tsugu Tsuhi Tsuji Tsuki Tsuko Tsunobu Tsusuke Umichiro Umitosh Umitsuo Umiyoshi Vadaiji Vadatako Veshō Weshi Yasakeri Yasari Yasatsu Yasayuko Yasayumi Yasugu Yasuhi Yasukicu Yasukin Yeihei Yofon Yoharuru Yohiminy Yoikuria Yokuteru Yomor Yoshili Yoshima Yoshiro Yoshitsu Yoshūshi Yoson Yosono Yosuhi Yosuo Yotake Yozuran Yukayuki Yukehi Yukei Yukeiji Yukihi Yuzsato Yōhey Yōmane Yōsayuki Yūdatsuo Yūher Yūshio Zenji Zentsumi Zentsuo
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maybe i should start posting my art more? who knows. anyways have my miqo gal
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9 24 36 41 for both your ocs and B and H for the creator questions
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
A scary glint flashed in Sholza’s eyes. “I been cursin’ since I was a Lil Tot. Me mom cursed plenty so I picked up ‘er favorite words, think me first was ‘arsehole’ ‘nd I’da been 7 o’ so.”
Naohi shrugged her shoulders. “I curse when I’m angry but aside from that I don’t all that much, I think m first word was shit though.”
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Sholza smiled a little. “Sex ain’t really me thing, but I can talk ‘bout it when needed.” He paused, thinking. “Suppose I can always talk with Seggy ‘nd Osma ‘bout it though, and me ma’s, usually to ask what I didn’t get in a joke.” He chuckled. “Since Seggy don’t want to have sex either it ain’t a common talkin’ point.”
Naohi fiddled with her fingers. “I can talk with Yuri of course, and Osma and I have talked about it before for…” Naohi’s face burned red. “Advice.” she hid her face in her palms.
36.Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Sholza made a confused face. “Not really sure gotta be honest I’ve actively searched ‘or a boyfriend ‘n the past but I’ve also had others fall in me lap.” he smiled a little blushing. “Seggy ‘or example was a whole lotta luck ‘nd Osma.” he chuckled fondly.
Naohi’s cheeks were already pink as she spoke. “Well…I’ve not had many romantic partners…and all of them were lucky chances I believe… although maybe less falling into my lap and more…exploding in my relative direction…”
41. How do they feel about children?
Sholza grinned brightly. “Can’t wait ‘or me time to be a parent, ain’t there yet ‘or sure, but I will be someday. Lil shits kids are but you gotta love ‘em.” he grinned brighter. “Helped raise me younger siblins ‘nd it was wonderful!”
Naohi’s face was blank and she took awhile to respond, swallowing hard multiple times. “I feel guilty around children…but I’ll protect them now, I never want them, as I’ll just disappoint them. They deserve stable happy childhoods.” her voice cracked with sadness. This was obviously a sensitive topic.
B. What inspired you to create them?
Well Sholza was my self insert for when I first started playing FFXIV and I originally didn’t plan to make him his own character, but I loved how my QPP talked about her main oc and became enamored with the world so I started developing him. As for Naohi I wanted an alternative character to play but when designing her I wanted to make a pretty but tough girl and her story came later on
H. What trait do you admire most?
I admire Sholza’s trust in people, even if he’s a little naive sometimes I think his trust in endearing and something I wish I had personally. For Naohi her emotional strength I think she’s been through a lot and she’s just really strong in dealing with what’s happened to her.
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Punk feminine fashion for Naohi Mujuuku, for @demifluxkin!
Cat Choker | Bullet Cuff Bracelet
Skull Blouse | Cold Shoulder Dress
Acid Wash Jeans | Lace-Up Tights
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A small headcanon I have about the ancestry of the taijiya and midoriko.
As the anime/manga states, Midoriko (翠子, みどりこ, "Green Child") was an extremely powerful miko who created the Shikon no Tama in order to eliminate the wicked demon-of-demons. Once in doing so, she had forced out not only the demon spirit, but her own spirit as well, which is the Shikon Jewel. She represents the purity of the jewel called Naohi.
Although many years have passed, her body exists ( in crystallized form in the anime, as a mummy in the manga ) in the Yokai taijiya village. In the re-telling of the story a man is involved and thought to her Midoriko’s lover ( and presumed to be human, almost onigumo ish ), and is even depicted in the crystrallized formation with her.
Now of course it doesn’t ever say as such, nor is it really even implied; but the creative soup and process is RIGHT THERE FOR THE MAKING.
Hear me out:
Kirara was theorized and HEAVILY implied to have been by Midoriko’s side, and was then thereafter seen with the greatest members of the taijiya, from Shako now down to Hisui. The yokai x human dynamic is reflected here AND in their weapons / armor, in the balance of working together between them. A ‘bond’.
The Limestone Cave where the crystallized formation of Midoriko and her Last Battle, just so happens to be nearby / within the taijiya village itself.
Midoriko was a Warrior Priestess - her knowledge and prowess is reflected in the taijiya.
Midoriko could purify yokai souls. The taijiya purify their bones.
Midoriko was an amazing warrior. The taijiyua are a born and bred stock of specific skills and endurances. A definite cut above the average human.
If Midoriko didn’t found the taijiya with her own blood, I think she at least played a heavy part in the uprising of a new generation behind her. She either hand-trained them, or inspired them in some way. But I like to believe that she’s Sango and Kohaku’s direct ancestor.
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Factoide #3982
(#3982) La trifuerza de Zelda deriva del emblema de un clan japonés Es claro que, todos los que somos fans de esta franquicia sentimos algo muy especial al ver esos tres triángulos amarillos en cualquier parte de la vida real. Sin embargo, no es cualquier símbolo, y no solo representa nuestra saga. La trifuerza tiene una historia, que a continuación, les explicaré. Algo que casi no se menciona es que el diseño de este símbolo está basado en el estandarte de un clan feudal japonés, así es, el clan Hojo. Es muy difícil a la hora de diseñar símbolos, que no se parezcan a ninguno anteriormente creado, por eso en ocasiones puede parecer que un símbolo esté basado en otro, y no tener nada relacionado. Pero, en este caso, resulta evidente que Miyamoto y compañía ya lo conocían y que más tarde sería utilizado para la trifuerza. El clan Hojo Durante la historia de Japón, han existido dos clanes Hojo que no tienen nada que ver el uno con el otro. Lo único que comparten es el nombre y símbolo de los triángulos. El primer clan Hojo fue muy poderoso y gobernó Japón durante la era de Kamakura y el segundo clan Hojo se copió el nombre y símbolo. No llegó a ser tan poderoso pero tuvo mucho poder en la zona de Kamakura, al oeste del actual Tokio. La leyenda Según una leyenda japonesa, el símbolo que nos ocupa, tuvo su origen en el fundador del clan Tokimasa Hojo que había ido a la isla de Enoshima, al sur de actual Tokio, donde se encontraba una cueva en la que, según las leyendas, habitaba un dragón sagrado. Tokimasa había ido a orar por la prosperidad de su familia y el dragón le otorgó tres de sus escamas, que se convertiría desde entonces en el símbolo de su clan, con la forma que conocemos ahora. El símbolo El clan Hojo pasó por diversos momentos, mejores y peores a lo largo de la historia de Japón, siendo el episodio más destacado su lucha contra los mongoles en su momento de máxima expansión. Desde entonces, el uso de este símbolo se extendió bastante en Japón, siendo relativamente conocido. Y en la actualidad se emplea con mucha frecuencia en uso comerciales. Por todo esto, es probable que Miyamoto y los demás creadores de Zelda, conocían dicho diseño. Aunque no está confirmado si realmente existe una conexión, aunque parece un poco evidente. The Legend of Zelda y el Shintoísmo Por otro lado es muy interesante la relación de este símbolo con el shintoísmo, la principal religión de Japón. Según una creencia shintoísta, cada ser vivo posee cuatro espíritus que residen en su alma que determinan ciertas características que son las siguientes: Ara- Mitama: determina el valor. Nigi-Mitama: determina la amistad. Kushi-Mitama: determina la sabiduría. Saki-Mitama: determina el amor. Cuando estos cuatro aspectos se encuentran en armonía, esa criatura se considera un naohi, que sería algo así como un «espíritu verdadero», que la tendrá fácil para llevar una vida de paz; Sin embargo, si se comete un acto malvado, la persona puede considerarse un espíritu atormentado y volverse malvado, al fin y al cabo, todo esta visión es una filosofía sobre el bien y el mal. Ahora, esta pequeña historia sobre los cuatro espíritus tiene una gran similitud a la historia de la trifuerza en su adaptación. Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
[Publicado originalmente el 6 de Octubre del 2022]
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inuvember day #12 → free day: Shikon no Tama’s Four Souls
The Shikon no Tama (四魂の玉, "Jewel of the Four Souls") is a powerful marble-sized jewel which grants whoever possesses it with immense power. The four souls are from the Shintō philosophy of Naohi (直霊): Aramitama (荒魂, Courage), Nigimitama (和魂, Friendship), Kushimitama (奇魂, Wisdom) and Sakimitama (幸魂, Love). When a person contains these four spirits at their maximum, they unite to form a really strong and powerful balance within the soul that can be used for either good or evil.
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❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
Yuriane snorted as she tried to stifle an outburst of laughter. She pointed at the statue in the corner of the room, holding onto her stomach as she almost fell over giggling uncontrollably.
“Apparently,” she managed to say inbetween bouts of hysterical laughter “gargoyles can get drunk.” You could almost swear you saw a bead of sweat roll down the statue’s form.
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
“That’s a bit hard to pinpoint” she crossed her arms and thought hard “I guess I should consider myself blessed for this to be a hard decision but it doesn’t help me out now” she tapped the bottom of her lip a moment and sighed.
“I suppose the first Starlight with Sholza’s family, I don’t think I’ve ever been surrounded by so many loving people at once.” Yuri concluded, nodding in satisfaction at her answer.
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
“Memories can do that?” your question is met with naught but another question and a puzzled expression.
💕- A memory about their significant other
Despite her attempt to keep composure and remain neutral, the Raen’s face showed her true colors in relation to this inquiry. Specifically, blushy red.
“I guess… well there was that one time Naohi physically threw me in the middle of combat.” she recalled, smiling a little. “I mean I guess I didn’t need her too, flying is easy, but that was better than flying.” Yuri clapped her cheeks a few times.
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
“A good deed, eh?” she scratched the back of her head as she mused “I’m not exactly some kind of savior.” The Raen ran her fingers through her hair and along her horns trying to recall something. After about several minutes and a cup of tea, Yuriane stood up in excitement and opened her mouth to speak, but caught herself.
“Wait that’s a warcrime, nevermind.” she groaned as she slumped back into her chair. You think this might take a while.
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About the mysteryous guy that loved Midoriko, I once read that the reason why the demons chose that guy was because Midoriko loved him back and took advantage of that in order to destroy her because they saw it as her weakness. The same thing that happened with Kikyo and Inuyasha. If the reason behind Midoriko's spiritual powers is because she had the four souls, then she must have been in love too.
first of all , hello there ! and I ‘ d like to know where you read that , because AS FAR AS I KNOW , his ‘ feelings ’ for her were never known , Sango in the manga said that he SECRETLY LOVED HER. In other words , it makes perfect sense to conclude that Midoriko never reciprocated those feelings , and there could be various scenarios–– either she knew , but didn ‘ t return them ; she was not interested in that type of love ; she could have even been in love with another…
Besides , I do not believe it was love what he felt for her , but lust or obsession , which also explains why the demons took advantage of him –– not of her –– because it was not real , in other words , it was not a pure feeling. And yes , the reason why Midoriko possessed strong spiritual powers , and why she was able to purify the four types of souls: humans , demons , animals , and plants ; was because she had a BALANCED NAOHI. And here is where many people get confused the most , that they think that the reason why a priestess is more powerful than the other is because one posessed three of the four souls , and the other two , for example. And no. Everyone has the aramitama , nigimitama , kushimitama , and sakimitama. They just exceed in three or two than the others. In the case of Midoriko , she just had them balanced. And as Miroku explained while in Midoriko ‘ s cave–– they create a material body that could either be influenced by good or evil. In the case of sakimitama ( which represents Love ) if is good love , then it is pure ; but if it is bad love – like obsession , or lust , then it is defiled. Influenced by evil. FURTHERMORE , if the man who ‘ loved ‘ Midoriko , had good intentions , he wouldn ‘ t have been possessed by the demons. But they did , which means that his intentions were not pure. Leading to the conclusion , that Midoriko didn ‘ t return those feelings. And although I dislike comparing Midoriko with Kikyo , because they are their own person and had their own stories , their circumstances were similar. Which is why I wouldn ‘ t relate the Midoriko and the man with the Kikyo and InuYasha thing , but more like Kikyo and Naraku.
Also , THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF LOVE , it didn ‘ t necessarily meant that she was in love with a man , she could have been , but it remained unknown… unsaid. It could have been love for nature , her family , Kirara ( in the anime ) , the roof… Idk. Again , maybe she was in love like that , but only Rumiko knows c:
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The first and most prominent of those characters i wanted to revisit is Naohi, I can't quiiiite recall what her Deal was? i think she was a tinkerer of some sort but hell if im rememebring something that old, ANYWAY she's wide now because i said so.
(what is funny is how often i used to draw A Bionicle by slapping maybe 4-5 bioniclish parts onto a regular drawing of a human being, i technically still make them more humanshaped than i should but now it's a defined stylistic choice vs me just being bad at drawing things that aren't organic.)
#Naohi#Drawing#Bionicle#badonkles#i have a couple other drawings of her two but i can't remember where i put those so you get the OLD ones
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Ken ga Kimi Ending explaination with Sakyou
One of my friend on FB post this. I think it’s interesting so I decided to translate it. :3
July 14th, 2017
Today, after reading Noragami, I finally understand why there are four endings in one route of Ken ga Kimi (so relevance huh :v). Thanks to the Noragami translator notes about the gods.
According to Shinto, humans and gods all have one soul and four spirits. Four spirits include Aramitama (荒魂), Nigimitama (和魂), Sakimitama (幸魂), and Kushimitama (奇魂). Controlling these four spirits is a soul called Naohi (直霊). Naohi will know about the activities of the four spirits, while also lead them to the right path. Naohi could also lead humans (or gods) the way to return and awaken them (Naohi is like conscience, or the angel that will tell you to do good things). When the host do something bad, Naohi will become Magahi (曲霊).
The four endings in each route is named after the four spirits in Shinto, and the content of each ending have connection to the meaning of each spirit. I will take Sakyou’s route for example :v. Because it’s the route that I remember the most (and he is my bias okay???)
[+] Aramitama is the ability to make human move forward. Those who have strong Aramitama are usually extrovert. However, Aramitama is the first spirit to appear, and also the spirit that could make people fallen. In the Aramitama ending, Sakyou sunk in his hatred, let Aramitama took control and used his hatred to move forward. He was no longer afraid of harming his loved ones, let himself go on a killing spree because of his hatred. The Ara (荒) in Aramitama means wild, rough, destroy.
[+] Kushimitama is knowledge, reason, and the ability to understand yourself and the world around you. Sakyou’s Kushimitama is not as wild as his Aramitama, but he still embrace his hatred because of his family. But at the final moment, he realized everything, he was no longer being controlled (by his hatred). He also realized that it wasn't time for Kayo to die yet, and he is the one whose life has came to an end. He need to pay for his mistake. Knowledge here is understanding the need to force Kayo back to the living world, is selflessness when you don’t tie the one you love down with your selfishness. While typing this, I realized that knowledge and reason isn’t something inflexible, and not something like “Listen to your heart or your reason?” that youngsters always ask. Reason is understanding and accepting the truth when standing between yourself and the truth, even if it will affect you.
[+] Nigimitama is the ability to create the relationship between human and human (god and god), it is the spirit that care about others. Those with strong Nigimitama are those who always think about their family or the happiness of everyone around them. In Nigimitama ending, Sakyou returned to his homeland with Kayo to rebuild his clan, which show that he care about his family. He also begun to build a new family with the girl he love.
[+] Sakimitama is the ability to love and nurture others without minding about your own personal gain. It’s love without lust, it’s cherishing your partner’s feeling, it’s altruistic. In this ending, Sakyou - because of his love for children - opened a school to pass down knowledge and love like what his family did to him.
Oh my, so wonderful… I only know about this one year after finishing the game, I’m ashame with my stupidity and laziness… Special thanks to Wikipedia, a bunch of dictionaries and my brain for working at full capacity so that I could write this long-ass post... #KengaKimi #SagiharaSakyou
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“No, I’m not. I actually here because of one Mistress Centipede when she interacted the Shikon Jewel.” Kagome said to Alfred on how she got here. “But then, that’s when we met. I thought Kagome was Kikyo reborn, as she freed me from being stuck in a tree when an arrow was fired at me.” InuYasha explained.
“After that, a crow took the Shikon Jewel, but when I shot an arrow at it, it shattered, and it’s sort of my fault.” Kagome confessed. “Then, we were finding all the pieces until we came together.” Shippo spoke. “It’s true. Everyone who becomes involved with the sacred jewel becomes unhappy.” Sango said.
“It’s a long story, but Shikon means ‘four souls’. They are Aramitama , Nigimitama, Kushimitama and Sakimitama. Aramitama is courage... Nigimitama is wisdom... Kushimitama is friendship... and Sakimitama is love. When the four souls are together, they are called Naohi.” Miroku said. “Did you get that?”
Alfred Fillan a Mage Hailing from the west side of the world, had traveled quite a long way just arrive here in Japan. The Mage was on rather unique mission, that only he was aware of. His attire looked of that of monk except for that of his hat he always wore and the tattoos on his face.
He would travel by foot giving aid to those who needed it. And asking a few of locals if they recent spotted anything that was... Rather strange. Like perhaps seeing something that shouldn't possibly exist. A man spoke of saying he a few weeks back you remembered spotting a massive demon roaming the forest while hunting one night. Luckily the creature didn't spot and he managed to escape. Alfred would ask where he saw this creature what direction it was in. The man gave him a general location and with that the mage was off. While traveling he could hear what sounded like battle was going on, and it was coming from the forest. When running to investigate he could see a giant bear like creature roaring as it tried slashing at someone wielding a massive blade, while dressed in a red outfit. And the ears and tail of a fox.
InuYasha, son of a great demon and a half-demon was outside Kaede’s village as he went out for a walk, until he confronted Shippō who was traveling around by himself to increase his fox demon rank. However, the two of them were then occupied by a bear-like demon.
“Heart Scar!” Shippō shouts biting the bear like creature. “Clear out of the way!” InuYasha shouts as he tries to cut the bear with his Tetsaiga.
#modern miko (kagome higurashi)#half demon (inuyasha)#fox demon (shippo)#demon slayer (sango)#mysterious monk (miroku)#alfred fillan#oc rp#the-mysticandmodern-world#world: feudal era
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Look at these lesbians! [ Yuriane (on the right) belongs to @transfemmegardevoir ] I drew so much today holy fuck
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Lesbians, they’re better than you.
[ Yuri belongs to @yuriane ]
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Aesthetic for Naohi Mujuuku, a non-canon FFXIV character, with themes of fighting, being strong, and loving her wife for @demifluxkin!
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