bionigrls · 2 years
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Aster’s closest friend is a sort of “space mermaid” named Ghoti
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bionigrls · 5 months
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anyway, Naohi mermaid.
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bionigrls · 1 year
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Yeah i dunno what im even doing anymore.
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bionigrls · 1 year
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little something for the month.
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bionigrls · 1 year
Could we see those sketches you've made by any chance? We would love to see them
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They're nothin special. mostly me toying w/ diversifying how i draw the ladies (So they stop kinda blurring together) in terms of form and like, design.
I Did settle on the gali shape there as i mentioned a while ago, it's not based on any one canon desin but sorta mashes her mata/nuva/mistka looks into one "Gali(?)" look.
Yes i'm keeping hahli's giant thighs no matter what do not judge me.
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bionigrls · 1 year
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I meant what i said.
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bionigrls · 7 months
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The first and most prominent of those characters i wanted to revisit is Naohi, I can't quiiiite recall what her Deal was? i think she was a tinkerer of some sort but hell if im rememebring something that old, ANYWAY she's wide now because i said so.
(what is funny is how often i used to draw A Bionicle by slapping maybe 4-5 bioniclish parts onto a regular drawing of a human being, i technically still make them more humanshaped than i should but now it's a defined stylistic choice vs me just being bad at drawing things that aren't organic.)
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bionigrls · 2 years
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Im just saying it says a lot about the time difference in me that these are Ostensibly the same character.
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bionigrls · 1 year
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might as well also get this out of the way since you'd all expect it anyway.
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bionigrls · 2 years
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bionigrls · 2 years
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Oh geez i Nearly forgot how to draw Hahli, that’d be bad!
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bionigrls · 3 years
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Mermaid Embiggenment.
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bionigrls · 3 years
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Heckin Badonkles.
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bionigrls · 3 years
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also this is the sketches i based her off of, because i am very Loose with how i do these things lmao.
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bionigrls · 4 years
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I didn't do much here all year, but i did finish that picture of the Self-Persona for this account. If you know me you shoulda expected this.
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bionigrls · 4 years
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