#TAIJIYA.HB. ๐’ฟ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“ ๐‘’๐“ƒ๐“‰๐“‡๐’พ๐‘’๐“ˆ | ไป•่จณ
dokusedai ยท 4 years
which ย two ย greek ย gods ย are ย your ย parents ?
Your Result:
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Atlas & Persephone
Oh, sweet child of penance and flowers! Your father eternally holds up the skies, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by endurance, understanding, and compassion.ย 
No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of weeds, wildflowers, and empathy as you grow into your power.
boomeranged from : @senpujinโ€‹ throwing it out to : the dash !!
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œFool me once, shame on you... ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  fool me twice, SHAME ON ME.โ€
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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kouga delivered the triplets, with yashitake-baba coaching. inuyasha was behind sango, her legs over his knees. small pool nearby to wash and soothe the babes from the shock of delivery.ย 
the placentaโ€™s were served to sango, however she desired it. ( i. e. cooked, raw, seasoned, seared. ) (( to all those gagging -- i know, i get it. but its a THING that women have done in our history. its in the animal kingdom too. we even use it in modern ways. ))
during the pregnancy, raw meat was a craving ( something HUGELY FROWNED UPON by modern medicine ). not one of her finer cravings. along side this, sango developed unsual ( for humans ) cravings. one of which was raw meat ( in controlled portions, she ainโ€™t out here gnawing on a deer leg heavy asf pregnant ); but also wild strawberries,ย  black sulfur eggs (ย  kuro-tamago ),ย  fresh milk and roasted almonds. pickled vegetables, specifically radishes or anything with a CRUNCH, during the last trimester.
i like the idea of playing around with the residual effects too, for example - the instincts left behind after her pregnancy. she's always been hella keen on yokai customs anyway, being taijiya. she grew up studying yokai. but what if it extends her life a little, or just slows her aging down just a tad. per pergnancy of course. we can't have---.... i mean we COULD in theory, stranger things have happened in japanese ancient lore about how yokai came from something a human did / didn't do or died / killed. the creative process, imbued with shoki / yoki, at a constant exposure COULD mutate. the POSSIBILITY for it is high. done to a human is as risky as it gets. hanyo were rare for a reason, and not just because yokai a lot of the times often killed the females when they were done. or they just didn't survive the mating. or died in childbirth. but ancient childbirth was already a hella risk. its because human bodies CAN ADAPT but so much slower. the mix of human / yokai DNA is like... well, putting a super charger Italian engine inside a 1953 chevy... youโ€™re gonna have a WEIRD time.ย  but as a taijiya - sango has an edge over the average human female, being her bloodline has her equipped with better endurance and strength.ย 
the mating bond. blood / soul balancing: a strong full blooded yokai mate, inuyasha's hanyo blood would be kept on par if not only slightly out of balance. given how powerful his father was and kougaโ€™s fullblood. but if he started to tip, kouga's blood and soul would protect and balance with inuyasha's.ย a lot like how when kagome purified inuyasha through the shard in tetsuaiga. which would spill whatever little bit is left, the out of balance between them, into sango.ย ย  so standing side by side - kouga would have an epic boost in power, inuyasha would ( during an imbalance or shifting of power i.e. his human nights / full moons ) have the marks on his face with his irises discolored and big fangs and claws, but have his faculties. and that difference between them when they weren't / arenโ€™t balancing ( i.e. mortally wounded, super distressed ), spills into sango; making her muscles denser, her bones harder and giving her a simple boost ( inuyasha and kogaโ€™s blood / souls preparing her for the worst).ย 
on his human nights, he balances with sango's soul and blood more than kouga. but perfectly balanced and healthy, all three of them -- they're just as they always have been and are, otherwise normally. just in harmony.ย  for his human nights her instincts become sharper, she can see in the dark, the brown of her eyes are lighter, the pupil sharper. while inuyasha kinda smells like her and his hair has brown shades in it.ย after the mate mark heals, they're all gonna smell like each other. they're gonna FEEL similar too. like yk how 'i can sense a great demonic aura... but it doesn't feel like โ€˜THIS PERSON' or whatever except it'll sound more like 'i can sense a great demonic aura... wait, it was just sango?โ€™
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
You Are An ISFJ
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what ย personality ย type ย is ย your ย muse?ย 
The Nurturer
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You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal. A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music martial arts, swordplay and weaponย smithing. You find it easy to be devoted to one person... a partner who you do special things for. In love, you express your emotions through actions. Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well! At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time. You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut
boomeranged from : @senpujinโ€‹ throwing it out to: the dash !!
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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๐™ฒ๐™ท๐™ฐ๐š๐™ฐ๐™ฒ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐š‚๐šƒ๐š„๐™ณ๐šˆ: ๐™ฑ๐™ธ๐š๐™ณ๐š‚. ย  โ†ณ ย bold what applies to your muse. italicize what applies sometimes.
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๐šœ๐š™๐šŠ๐š›๐š›๐š˜๐š . ย innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐š•๐šŽ. independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you being single is bad.
๐šœ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š. falling in love easily and heavily. traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky.ย storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your loved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
๐šŒ๐š›๐š˜๐š . ย feeling as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke.ย the pride of someone wise.
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๐š๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ. ย petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
๐šœ๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐šž๐š•๐š•. ย family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š—๐šŠ๐š›๐šข. ย artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone.ย looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
boomeranged from :ย @pertraheโ€‹ throwing it out to : the dash !
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  drunk!sango is coreย โ€˜push overโ€™. and i mean that in the most loving way. but when sangoโ€™s drunk, her inhibitions are gone, her filters are gone, along with her bravado. she becomes bare bone unfiltered & raw.ย 
and at her core, under all the trauma, defense mechanisms and layers of presentable โ€˜masksโ€™? sango is a lonely, hurt & soft baby.
heart of a dragon & backbone of steel. but baby.
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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ย ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย She wasnโ€™t sure which god she had favored to earn such a gift, as what was before her now. Of course he could free himself; they both knew this, and yet.... For whatever reason that remained unspoken between them, he has yet to put any real effort into his escape.
Sango thrills as the sound of sik rends only just so, tested to its endurance against claws and stone. Precarious, but not in a deadly light. His clothing was torn from him, lightly scraped and scuffed with dirt and sweat. Scarred fingers pressed boldly to his stomach, marveling with captivated attention, in the way the muscles flexed and hardened beneath her questing palms.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Dark eyes lifted to catch his expression, her face on fire with the possibilities presented. Dare she progress?... Was he inviting her? Between them their breathing existed and without their little collapsedย โ€˜denโ€™ of rubble, the ocean created thunder. It made her jump only slightly and take a step close to him, eliciting a chuckle from the male.ย  Dark and thick, heavy with ladden desires that never left the sinful wet of his tongue ; and she saw it. Sweeping to taste his bottom lip where a crack had gashed a small angry welt. He looked up at her from under his brows, his gaze almost... DANGEROUS.
Trapped animal. Beast. Caged power in the fragility of a mortal fortress, and the ROAR of his blood was as tangible as the presence of the shikon no tama. She wasย sensitiveย to the pull of demonic auraโ€™s, and the HEAT InuYasha is throwing off, is sending the taijiya into a small tizzy. Spray from the sea dampened the rocks, sluicing water down and around the hanyo wrapped up awkwardly in his kimono when the boulders gave. What had started as a shock, turned into a comical moment with him trying to release himself WITHOUT tearing his robes and clothing... Was now a quiet, palpable and intense moment between them.ย 
Seamless the segway from normalcy into something akin to curiosity was interesting, and held the slayer riveted as water made the slide of her skin over his an easy and breathless stroke. He growled and she gasped, wet bangs dripping as she looked to him once more sharply. Muscles flexed and cloth tore again, yet still he remained, arms above his head and neatly ( if not neatly chaotic ) twisted to lock his elbows tight.ย โ€œStop pussyfooting around, Sango. What are you gonna do, stare at me all day?โ€ His baritone sent shivers down her spine and the taijiya closed her eyes to savor the way it echoed softly in the enclosed space. Sunlight and water rained sprinkled down upon them in discordant, shifting splashes.ย โ€œDonโ€™t rush me.โ€ A counter that came just barely above a whisper, and it was almost on her tongue to ask him not to temp her.ย 
His ears twitched, hooking forward as her boots shuffled forward, one hand smoothing down his side while the other slipped up his chest to his shoulder. Fitting her fingers in the bend of muscle from the angle of his entrapment. He turned his head to provide room and Sango moved up the side of his neck to cup the back of his head. He expected her kiss, and she gave it, but to his throat first. The dip just above his clavicle, her tongue laving flat to catch both the taste of his skin and salt from the sea and were she yokai, perhaps her own ears mightโ€™ve hooked in favor of the sound he made when she did that. Hooded, her gaze was unfocused but shinning with desire and explorative glee, matching the heat of nerves and excitement glowing on her face.ย 
Flush against him his chest exposed, Sango teased the skin of his neck and jaw, pulling just out of reach when he went to kiss her. Reflexively his arm YANKED against his bind, wanting to force her to kiss him as she giggled and dodged him.ย  They both stilled and looked up. He swallowed and she looked down to watch his throat, gaze hooding again as she leaned forward to press another kiss to his throat. InuYashaโ€™s eyes closed and he groaned at the same time a wave crashed beyond them, sending the sound of thunder and a fresh spray of water around them.ย  She shivered and he cursed; prompting her to giggle, which created a small self feeding cycle between them. A light banter that ended when Sango began to kiss her way down the center line of his body. Chasing rivers of water and playing with the drips that hardened the peaks of his nipples; she even suckled and bit at a rope of muscle on his side. Placing her mark and just enjoying the flavor of his flesh in her mouth; fingers moving down to pull at the hakamaโ€™s that were only half way secured around his waist now with the rest of his clothing to crudely yanked out of place from their fall.ย โ€œSango...โ€ There was hesitation in his voice, but it was far exceeded by the curiosity and excitement she was bringing to his blood; and far be it from her to ignore the very obvious queues of his desire. He wanted her, just as much as she had wanted to explore HIM the instant sheโ€™d seen him predicament. Part of her wondering if perhaps he had as well, even now his firerat robe could be repaired, the boulder moved if not destroyed.ย 
But here they were.ย  His clothing wrapped around his ankles and his arms, water drenching them both with thunder living in their veins, amplified by the ocean as it beat to a rhythm only they seemed to hear. A song they were currently drowning in, uncaring if they never drew the breath of familiarity again. Without speaking about it; without a word passed between them to decide; Sango and InuYasha had found themselves in a position where neither of them anticipated going. The stakes were too high... or perhaps that was exactly the reason.ย 
The pressure was too much.ย  They were expected to save the world...
The weight of his balls settled in her palm, and Sango spent a moment to marvel and examined the girth and shape of his cock as it stood proudly on display for her. Pulsing and flexing as it begging for her appraisal and praise. InuYasha however, was becoming more unnerved by the second, despite the almost dreamy look on her face. Of course he wasnโ€™t stupid, he knew very well Sango was as good and lost in the flames as he was; if the look on her face was anything. At long last her pink little tongue slipped out to trace the cord of muscle on the underside, sure and tight fingers encircling and guiding his length into a favorable position.ย 
โ€œInuYasha...โ€ His head snapped down, panting as the thought to breathe came back to him. Brows lower and muscles trembling only slightly in his arms from the conscious decision to NOT tear his robes to shreds.ย โ€œWh-what?โ€ โ€œYou taste---.โ€ โ€œYeah?โ€ โ€œ---salty.โ€ He made a strangled noise in the back of his throat and she looked up at him. FUCK, did she have any idea what she was doing to him?ย โ€œOh yeah?โ€ He said thickly, his voice coarse and almost dry. Sango nodded and took another bold, sweep lave with her tongue. This time up the side of it, he head tilted, the seal of her fingers opening to allow her passage. His cock pressed into her palm as she did so and his eyes nearly crossed. The slayer as a quick study though, and adjusted her weight on the balls of her feet so she could get comfortable.ย โ€œYou like this?โ€
โ€œUh---yeah.โ€ He growled, and she laughed.ย โ€œD-Do you?โ€ The vulnerability in the question was masked under the heavy slant of his brow and severity in his expression. Sango hummed happily, nodding as she kissed her way up and down the length of his cock again, watching his face.ย โ€œI think I do.โ€
โ€œUngg... Well..โ€ His fangs exposed, to hold back his hips from jerking forward and into her face.ย โ€œThatโ€™s good.โ€ He said finally, the tension in his tone ebbing at the end on a masculine sigh of self imposed resignation.ย  โ€œI think so too.โ€ She said before taking the tip of his cock into her mouth, suckling for a moment applying pressure with her lips to gauged his reaction, before sinking lower. His entire body trembled and another crash of thunder from the waves against the rocks took that moment to charge through his roar. Head tipped back, and the sound of rending silk was lost, switching her senses up into a mess when his one clawed hand is suddenly in her hair. He jerked her a bit, and her angle sharpened, but neither of them stopped the other.ย  They fell into an easy flow, moving around and with each other as if theyโ€™d done this a hundred times.ย 
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Character Study //ย โ€œSit Boyโ€ ย  ย  sango checkin inuyasha since the sengoku
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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sango plays otome games in her spare time. mostly on her phone; rarely on her laptop which never gets opened. she also has a rather impressive collection of manga ( at the compound house ). some of which kagome @kyudomeโ€‹ might find laying in neat stacks, cycled out as sango reads them ; by her bed. yanno. when kagome barges in and demands sangoโ€™s attention. we support this.
not a soul alive, aside from @kizusedaiโ€‹ and @chxmpionofjusticeโ€‹ know about sangoโ€™s addiction to otome games. usagi knows because she caught sango one time, and ended up helping her reach a rare ending / romance scene.
aside from otome games and shojo sango has a closet obsession with key charms. always catch her phone case or her backpack with a new, interesting, or cute but random anime figure. one of her favorites is the uchiha fan symbol.
she talked inuyasha into playing an otome game with her and sheโ€™s been secretly giddy about it ever since. 10/10 will blush and internally sizzle with the memory. bc they end up doing theย โ€˜doโ€™ while playing. they unlock aย โ€˜naughtyโ€™ ending.
continues to dig her own grave with inuyasha, knowing she needs to STOP ( in the name of love ) but she keeps trying to get closer to him. it ends up costing her being seen leaving the ramen shop.
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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InuYasha // aestheticย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย sceneryย 
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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Name:ย Sango Tora ( coral tiger ) works under the alias โ€œTaijiyaโ€ / Tiger written like ย ๅต โ€˜stormโ€™ Age: 19 Zodiac: Piscesย  Role: Hitman / Attack Dog
Appearance: Dark skinned, covered in scars ( large & small ). Notably on her back, cutting through her irezumi tiger tattoo on her back, is a scar she received from Yura. Kagewakiโ€™s choice prostitute and favored informant ( a test and ultimately her coffin nail; defeating Yura was her only shot at freedom for both her and her brother & she lost ). Dressed formally, rarely will you see her in casual wear. Really slumming it, sheโ€™ll wear her haroi off one shoulder, exposing sarashi ( chest wrap / binding ).
Personality Adjustments: Emotional vulnerable, easily manipulated. Strategic mastermind, groomed to catch and analyze even the smallest of body language, behavioral patterns, eye movement & tone fluctuations. Cold and cruel, prone to dissociation & compartmentalizing ; she copes by operating largely under her alias as taijiya and as sango in her social life. โ€a sword doesnโ€™t feel, it just cutsโ€. Her life isnโ€™t her own, and if she wants to save her brother ; this is how she has to be.
Shares an apartment with Kagome & Usagiย 
Frequents Ayameโ€™sย ย โ€œfight clubโ€ ( bone marrow )ย 
Works directly under Kagewaki and has her own โ€˜houseโ€™ on the compound shared with the rest of the Kagewaki โ€œfamilyโ€ where she keeps her friendย โ€œKiraraโ€ - who is a big ass tiger.
Rides a ducati ninja ( electric yellow )ย 
Doesnโ€™t know where her brother is, or what deals heโ€™s made with Kagewaki Naraku ; only times she seeโ€™s him is when heโ€™s allotting her supervised time. Or sheโ€™s being threatened.
Dating InuYasha ( no one knows ).
Has a cellphone, on a shared network with the aku no kumo-kai
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
where does your power lay?
Your Result:
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the guts
you just know, don't you?ย 
you feel everything so deeply. your power is instinctual, primal. your power is only ever obvious when you need it to be, but it's never failed you. you always know when something has turned sour, you can always feel the shift in the atmosphere.ย 
you just do.
boomerranged from: @arashisedaiโ€‹, @puppet-slayerโ€‹, @crimsonacrosstimeโ€‹, @senpujinโ€‹,ย  throwing it out to: @yashakamiโ€‹, @namaamochiโ€‹, @seiinaruโ€‹, @kyudomeโ€‹, @shiigetsuโ€‹
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย Canon has painted sango as pale & slender and anyone following me knows I portray sango as darker skinned and heavily scarred. But Iโ€™ve never gone into detail about her body type. Iโ€™ve talked about her muscle structure pertaining towards her training and use of Hiraikotsu and being a Taijiya ( a people of generations of specialized skills and amplified attributes ), but Iโ€™ve not really talked about her body shape.ย 
i.e. sango has birth giving hips.ย  big olโ€™ palm fillinโ€™ hips that taper up into a trim waist. she has a solid core, dense asf but not really defined or cut. her arms and shoulders, however are! hiraikotsu is infamously heavy and even if her bloodline is well endowed in terms of strength and ability -- no way she didnโ€™t get swol. i used to dabble in body building when my father used to run a gym and i understand how the body builds muscle. male and female bodies, respectively.ย  now not everyone has the same shape, or builds muscle exactly the same way but between male and female, its generally pretty standard. the way sango uses hiraikotsu; how she catches it, and even sometimes uses it like a polearm or even a sword... sango is a beast.
so her stomach is smooth, for the most part; flexed it defines.ย  wide, plush muscled hips and thicc melon cracking thighs. her chest isnโ€™t generous, but average. her pussy shaved clean, save a tastefully trimmed triangle patch.
there is also a salve she uses to remove body hair i.e legs & arms. a sort of sugar-like, coarse grained scrub made from a boiled down soup of bone marrow and herbs.
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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Sango and other slayers carry a metal gas mask to prevent them from breathing in the poisonous fumes of demons. She also used this mask to clear her lungs if she had already been poisoned. However, since the mask left her upper face and eyes exposed, she could still be harmed by nerve toxins. Unless her Ichi no shirome needs to be replaced, or has washed off this isnโ€™t usually an issue.ย ย 
Although the only enemy she encountered capable of utilizing such poisons was Mukotsu.
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
Mobakama (่ฃณ่ขด)
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Given to her, by her mother Chikako before she passed. Itโ€™s a hybrid garment, a cross between the mo and the hakama. It is an ankle length wrapped skirt pleated into the waist ties. These ties wrap around the body and are tied on the side. This garment appears to have been used in the Kamakura period.
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dokusedai ยท 4 years
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A small headcanon I have about the ancestry of the taijiya and midoriko.
As the anime/manga states, Midoriko (็ฟ ๅญ, ใฟใฉใ‚Šใ“, "Green Child") was an extremely powerful miko who created the Shikon no Tama in order to eliminate the wicked demon-of-demons. Once in doing so, she had forced out not only the demon spirit, but her own spirit as well, which is the Shikon Jewel. She represents the purity of the jewel called Naohi.
Although many years have passed, her body exists ( in crystallized form in the anime, as a mummy in the manga ) in the Yokai taijiya village. In the re-telling of the story a man is involved and thought to her Midorikoโ€™s lover ( and presumed to be human, almost onigumo ish ), and is even depicted in the crystrallized formation with her.ย 
Now of course it doesnโ€™t ever say as such, nor is it really even implied; but the creative soup and process is RIGHT THERE FOR THE MAKING.
Hear me out:
Kirara was theorized and HEAVILY implied to have been by Midorikoโ€™s side, and was then thereafter seen with the greatest members of the taijiya, from Shako now down to Hisui. The yokai x human dynamic is reflected here AND in their weapons / armor, in the balance of working together between them. Aย โ€˜bondโ€™.
The Limestone Cave where the crystallized formation of Midoriko and her Last Battle, just so happens to be nearby / within the taijiya village itself.ย 
Midoriko was a Warrior Priestess - her knowledge and prowess is reflected in the taijiya.
Midoriko could purify yokai souls. The taijiya purify their bones.
Midoriko was an amazing warrior. The taijiyua are a born and bred stock of specific skills and endurances. A definite cut above the average human.
If Midoriko didnโ€™t found the taijiya with her own blood, I think she at least played a heavy part in the uprising of a new generation behind her. She either hand-trained them, or inspired them in some way. But I like to believe that sheโ€™s Sango and Kohakuโ€™s direct ancestor.
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