Charms Twit
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HP fandom blog - 18+ One of the writers for the Stay with Me universe follow for fic updates, asks, and special content!Follow @theresthesnitch - my alter ego
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charmstwit · 3 months ago
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Thanks for tagging me @r33sespieces!
I started this saying that 2024 was a slow year for me... then realized the numbers don't quite add up to that. It's still true, 2024 was just a *weird* year for it. I'm going to divide these into two sections for that reason.
In 2024, I posted 12 fics as theresthesnitch, for a total 149,829 words. Of that, I'd guess that around 65,000 was written in 2023, including all of my Big Bang fic Falling In Love Without You. My post popular fic (by kudos, hits, or bookmarks) posted under theresthesnitch is Chance would be a fine thing.
In 2024, I also posted fics under the name charmstwit. I posted 19 cowritten fics (with quietlemonhush under the pen name Pigeononacloud), and 1 solo fic, for a total of 691,998 words (17,658 words were solo written). The more than half of this was written in 2023, but I can't even begin to tell you how much were written in 2024. The cowritten fics are all under the series connected to Stay with Me, which comes out as my most popular fic of the year by any measure.
This brings me to a grand total of 841,827 words for 2024 between my two accounts.... mostly written in 2023. So it was a slow year for me, since I normally have a pretty high output. But, let's take a look at what I did do in 2024.
I'm leaving out 18 of the cowritten fics posted under charmstwit. Stay with Me is the only one that matters for this, and the rest fit under that umbrella.
Falling In Love Without You, (wolfstar, E, 51.5k, complete)
There is old magic in the House of Black designed to keep errant heirs in line. Magic that has now come calling for Sirius on the eve of his twentieth birthday. Sirius must convince one of his friends to fall in love with him. With Remus’s help to woo them, it should be easy… Right?
Settled (sirius/remus/james/lily, E, 6.3k, complete)
Lily loves these moments, the stolen glances she gets when they are soft together and don’t know they’re being watched. The three of them are so completely, so inextricably linked that nothing could rip them apart, not even if they tried. It took her a while to realize that she is part of this and not an interloper intruding—even when it was just her with James and him with Remus and Sirius, too—that they love her like an extension of them. Lily is so grateful for the way they’ve allowed her to be part of their lives. Now she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. ~*~ Lily loves all three of her boys, and they've made a lovely life together. Only, things aren't quite completely settled yet.
Love and Black Madness as charmstwit (sirius/remus/regulus, E, 17.6k, complete)
Remus doesn't know what to expect when he comes back to the flat he shared with Sirius after the war is over, but it certainly wasn't to find Regulus living with his brother. That is, however, just the start of the revelations for these three, and the rest might just leave them all knotted up.
Easier (wolfstar, E, 1.6k, complete)
Sirius visits a glory hole. It's easier this way.
Wisdom of the Oracle (wolfstar, E, 6.1k, complete)
King Remus hopes he is prepared to pay the Oracle's price; however, he may come home with more than he bargained for.
Dancing with a Stranger (wolfstar, M, 1.8k, complete)
In the Fall of 1981, Remus and Sirius are becoming strangers with a painful shared past, but maybe they can find each other again in one last slow dance.
Unbreakable (wolfstar, M, 1.7k, complete)
After Remus's worst fears are realized, his friends know just how to take care of him.
Stay with Me (wolfstarbucks, E, 471k words (686k in the series), Completed, sequel expected)
Secondary genders have been repressed for generations until one day they are suddenly back. James, Remus, and Sirius are just trying to navigate 7th year at Hogwarts without losing their minds. Luckily for them, they are best friends who are willing to help each other out. It's just a little bit of knotting between friends, right? Totally temporary.
Useful (wolfstar+, E, 11k, complete)
“My pet has been very good recently. So good, in fact, that I told him that I would give him anything he wants. Do you know what he said he wanted?” Remus waits. “He said, ‘I just want to be useful, sir.’ So I thought I’d make him useful.” Remus grabs the hem of Sirius’s dress, pulling it over his head and tossing it on the floor. He steps away, giving everyone in the room a clear view of Sirius. “Hands at your side, pet.” Sirius stands there, naked except for the plastic cage on his cock, a fluffy black tail hanging between his legs, and the black marker on his chest that reads FREE USE. His skin flushes pink as murmurs from everyone around them builds. ~~~ Or, Remus offers Sirius for free use.
a sprinkle of stars on your skin (wolfstar, E, 1.3k, completed)
Remus hates Sirius's skirt (he doesn't), and Sirius takes James stargazing (sort of)
love knew me once too (wolfstar, E, 7.9k, WIP)
I know love. And love knew me once too. ~ Ranata Suzuki ~~~ Sirius Black is in love, and he's ready to tell the world. Only, once he finally tells his family, Remus disappears from his life. Where did he go? What made him leave? And what is Sirius going to do when he comes back?
See you in class, Professor Potter (jily, E, 3.7k complete)
Professor James Potter is distracted from work by Student Lily Evans trying to earn some extra credit.
Things that go Boo (wolfstar, T, 1.2k, complete)
Sirius definitely isn't afraid of the haunted house, but maybe he'll hold the cute stranger's hand regardless.
Chance would be a fine thing (wolfstar, E, 55.2k, WIP)
Sirius is going into heat, and he is being sold the pureblood family with the best offer. To no one's surprise, Sirius is less than cooperative. In order to show him what his alternative is, Walburga takes him to the middle of an alpha rut facility, and proceeds to lose him to a crowd of rutting alphas. Lucky for Sirius, there's a man with tawny curls who keeps him from being eaten alive--literally. However, even good intentions have consequences, and Sirius and Remus are bound to find out what these consequences are.
So, that's it. Everything I posted in 2024.
For 2025, I'm not sure what you can expect to see. I'm going to continue Chance would be a fine thing and love knew me once too, as well as a few other WIPs that have been itching for more words recently. I've got something crack fic-ish for Knotfest, assuming I can finish in the next month. I spent all of November working on my royal wolfstar arranged marriage au, which unfortunately didn't make as much progress as I'd hoped, but I'm still hoping I can get that done in 2025. I've been having some pretty significant writer's block, and I started a new job in September that's kept me busy, so I'm hoping to find my way back to writing more in 2025.
tagging: @puuvillaa @blitheringmcgonagall @tracingpatternswrites @daydreamerdisease
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charmstwit · 5 months ago
I wanted to say that I love your Kingsley/ Regulus fics (the series ). Actually your fic (along with Hide your Fires by bizarrestar ) made Kingsley/ Regulus on my top ships ( Regulus is my favorite character) and actually it makes me want to write fanfics since it doesn't have that many fics. Like seriously I reread your series since they aren't that many fics with this pairing. I would really like to read more fics of Ringsley ( do we even have a shipname? ) maybe in a different au (or the same ,I am not complaining alphaxalpha is something I always appreciate ) .
Ah, thank you!
Kingsley/Regulus (who are the ship "Lionking" - Lion for Leo, Regulus's constellation, King for.... Kingsley) are our BABIES. We love them so much. I cannot tell you how much I've fallen in love with them as a ship.
We actually have a SWM Lionking get together story that we're working on, which is sort of a prequel to SWM. As a treat, we've got a snippet of that below the cut. Other than ours, I only know of one other Lionking fic, which was gifted to me (as @theresthesnitch) last Christmas. It is:
His Choice
However, I've got a growing group of friends who are also obsessed with Lionking, and if you're interested in background Lionking, this is a list of Wolfstar (WS) or Wolfstarbucks (WSB) fics that have background lionking.
One More to Love (WSB) by @krethes and @theresthesnitch (me)
But What a Way to Go (WS) by @r33sespieces
love knew me once too (WS) by me, as theresthesnitch
The Front Step Surprise (WS) by Reese
Wild and Precious Life (WS) by Reese
A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love (WSB) by Reese
Falling in Love Without You (WS) by me, as theresthesnitch
Two Idiots Fall In Love in Winter (WS) by Reese
Welcome to the obsession, my friend. I hope they pick up because we adore them SO much.
“Do not believe that Sirius shucking his duties means you may do the same,” Walburga says. Her face is pleasant but her eyes are hard. Anyone looking at them would think she was a sweet mother checking in on her son. “There will be consequences for him, and for you as well if you fail to uphold the standards of this Family.”
I’ve never failed to uphold our standards, Regulus wants to say. But he isn’t Sirius. He doesn’t fight back like that. Instead he nods once and waits for Walburga to release him. When she does, he moves off towards the Flints.
He’s halfway through Marlin Flint expounding on his wife’s grand idea to reinvent the Hogwarts houses to include a total of eight when Mother catches his eye again.
Regulus’s shoulders almost sag. He keeps them straight from years of practice, but the truth of the matter—that he won’t be able to satisfy her tonight, that his best will not be enough—sits low in his stomach. He feels nauseous at what life will be after the party is over and he is alone with his mother’s failed expectations.
“Excuse me,” a smooth voice says, and Regulus turns towards it on instinct. He sees Kingsley Shacklebolt standing behind him, looking dashing in his blue crushed velvet robes. Regulus can think he looks dashing, right? That’s probably fine. 
“Kingsley, It’s good to see you.” Regulus holds out his hand to shake Kingsley’s. “Mother was pleased when we received your response owl.”
“I was happy that I was able to attend this year,” Kingsley says. “We usually spend the Christmas holidays visiting my mother’s family in Nigeria, but my parents are traveling to Australia this year. It freed me up to come.” 
“I hope that doesn’t mean that you’ll be spending the holiday alone?” Regulus asks. Regulus’s refinement would require him to offer Kingsley a place at their table for Christmas dinner; however, given how Mother has been since Sirius decided to skip this party, he isn’t sure that Kingsley will be safe. Regulus hopes that Kingsley has made other plans. 
“Ah, lucky for me, my sister and I have been invited by her fiancee’s family to spend the holiday with them.” 
“Ah, lovely. You and Ardella are off to their estate outside Madrid, then?” 
Kingsley inclines his head. “And you will be here, I presume?”
Regulus fakes a smile effortlessly. “The Blacks always gather at Grimmauld Place for a holiday dinner. I look forward to seeing my grandparents.”
Kingsley’s eyes seem to twinkle, like he knows Regulus is lying, and the idea is disquieting. He doesn’t have time to think of it, though, because his left leg prickles with pain he recognizes as one of his mother’s stinging charms. He glances back towards her. She’s staring furiously at him, and it takes him a moment to realize why. Kingsley is partially obscured by the pillar he’s standing beside, which must make it look like Regulus is speaking to no one. She’d warned him to be on his best behavior tonight, and she thinks he’s shirking his duties. Regulus barely suppresses a wince.
“If you’ll excuse me, Kingsley, my mother is in need of me,” Regulus says, and smiles.
“Might I go with you? I haven’t paid my respects to the hostess.”
Regulus nods. “But of course. Right this way.” He holds one hand out for Kingsley to go first, and has to swallow his sigh of relief when he steps out from behind the pillar. He can see the anger disappear off his mother’s face when she realizes who he was speaking to.
By the time they get to Walburga, she’s her best self, smiling graciously at Kingsley. “How good to see you, Auror Shacklebolt,” she says, holding one hand out for Kingsley to skim his lips along her knuckles. “My husband and I are pleased by your attendance.”
“Thank you for having me, Lady Black,” Kingsley says. “Your son was just telling me of your family holiday plans. It’s gracious of you to throw such an elegant party so close to your family gathering. Generosity typical of the Black family, of course.”
Walburga gives a flattered little laugh. “How kind of you to say so. We would miss this party as much as our own celebrations. It is good to see like minded members of society gathered together.”
Please don’t ask about Sirius, Regulus begs inwardly. Please don’t ask about Sirius.
“I don’t wish to keep you, I know your time is precious,” Kingsley says. 
“Not too precious for the Shacklebolts,” Walburga says with such obvious deference that Regulus inwardly rolls his eyes. She’d hex him for that kind of lack of subtlety.
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charmstwit · 6 months ago
hi hi!! i was wondering what you (and PigeonOnACloud) have as a policy for binding your work? I adoreee SWM and i would love to bind it as well as some of the side alongs for personal use to have on my bookshelf! (no pressure of course if not <3)
Oof, this took me so long to answer this. So sorry about that!
You absolutely can! Pigeon and I are totally happy for you to bind any and all of our works, under the following conditions:
Do not use commercial means. We want fanfic to be free for everyone, and that means no one can profit off of it.
For personal use only - please to sell it!
If you do it, we would also love to see pictures of it!
Also, a request but not a requirement, if you want to make extras, we would *die* to have copies. If you are so inclined, send me a DM at @theresthesnitch (which is my main account, and I check it way more often), and I'll get you an address to send them to.
Thanks, and we're so glad you loved our fic!
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charmstwit · 7 months ago
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Stay with Me
Now Complete!
Secondary genders have been repressed for generations until one day they are suddenly back. James, Remus, and Sirius are just trying to navigate 7th year at Hogwarts without losing their minds. Luckily for them, they are best friends who are willing to help each other out. It's just a little bit of knotting between friends, right? Totally temporary.
Read the complete fic here on AO3.
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charmstwit · 7 months ago
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Chapter 110: A Little Bitey
Link here
In fact, a lot of people seem fixated on Remus today. Earlier, Lily had the audacity to touch his arm, which made Sirius grind his teeth so hard Remus had turned and scented him without even speaking, rubbing his jaw over Sirius’s temple in soothing swipes. “Okay, baby?” Remus asked softly, looking up at Sirius with green eyes and that perfect face, and Sirius just about dropped to his knees.
Now, in class, Sirius sits sullenly at Remus’s side, silently daring Viola Parkinson, who has looked at Remus at least twice since class started, to turn her head in this direction again. 
At least James is on Remus’s other side, fidgeting with Remus’s inkpot. It feels better to have Remus bracketed between them like that. It feels right. 
Sirius startles when he feels a hand at the nape of his neck, massaging gently. He turns and finds Remus looking at him curiously. Sirius unclenches his jaw and gives a little huff, leaning into Remus. Remus kisses his cheek, squeezing his neck once more before returning to his notes.
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 107: Bark Worse Than Bite
link here.
Remus stares for so long that Lyall makes an annoyed face and raises one hand, knocking his knuckles against the pane of the French door. The sound startles Remus enough that his brain begins firing neurons again, synapses reawakening from shock. 
“What?” Remus says aloud. It’s his first thought. As in: what are you doing here? What do you want? What’s happening right now?
“Open the door,” Lyall says, his voice muffled through the glass. And then, shockingly: “please.”
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 106: Light as Dandelion Fluff
link here
“Do you feel good?” Remus asks. He knows the answer, just as he knows that his omega can only respond to the voice right now, but he wants to hear it.
“Yes, alpha,” his omega hums, squeezing around his knot and his thumb. “Feels so good.”
“You’re so good, ” Remus says. “You’ve done so good.”
His omega’s eyes widen, and then crinkle with joy, like Remus has given him the whole universe on a platter. “Really?” He asks breathlessly.
“My good omega,” Remus rumbles, cupping James’s cheek with one hand. James turns and nuzzles into his palm, sweet and light as dandelion fluff.
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 104: Food, Family, and Home
link here.
“Look at our clever boyfriend, Moony,” James says. Remus’s shirt is rucked all the way up his back, and James’s hand rests at the nape of his neck. Their eyes are still fixed on Sirius, who can’t drag his eyes away from where Remus’s stomach is exposed and the bulge in James’s trousers presses into the soft flesh. 
“Mate,” Remus corrects. “He’s our mate.”  
“Technically,” James says, turning back to bury his nose in the soft skin under Remus’s ear, “yours. Not mine yet.” 
Remus turns his head and claims James’s mouth in a deep kiss, devouring him completely. The softness is quickly replaced by a hard edge, teeth and an iron will, and James melts against him. When he breaks the kiss, they’re both panting, and Remus holds James’s forehead to his own, breathing the same air. “Let’s go sort that out, then.” 
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 103: Bleed Over
link here.
“Down, boy. We’ve got a busy morning.”
Sirius pushes his lower lip out in a pout. “Moony. I’m freshly bonded. I have needs.”
Remus thumbs his lower lip and then leans in and kisses Sirius. “Needs, hmm?” He says, his mouth curling up in a smile. His eyes are dancing. “I had no idea you were freshly bonded. Why didn’t you say so sooner?”
“Well, it’s a bit of a shameful secret,” Sirius says with a wink. “I was claimed by a dastardly alpha who stole me away from a miserable life with Franklin Nott, and kept me in his bed, and made me come so hard I lost about a day and a half of my life, and then denied my very reasonable request for a morning quickie.”
Remus laughs, ducking his head to press his face to Sirius’s collarbone. He presses a kiss there. “How shameful,” Remus agrees.
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 102: Everything You Wished For
link here
“Sirius is playing well,” Gwyndonlyn says, looking around Hope to speak to Remus. 
“He’s doing alright,” Remus says. Gwyndolyn hums disapprovingly, and he smiles proudly at her. “You see him when he’s on his game. He and James are a force together.”
“They are quite impressive together,” Amias agrees. Gwyndolyn turns to look at him curiously, and he shrugs. “I caught the last game. They were phenomenal.” 
“They are phenomenal,” Remus murmurs, turning back to watch as Sirius flawlessly blocks a bludger so that James can score again. James flips back around, finding Sirius in the air and pulling him into a kiss. 
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 101: Fly Away With Me
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Remus tilts his head up, and Sirius’s eyes flutter closed as Remus brushes their lips together. “Promise me you feel okay to play.” 
“Promise,” Sirius says, though his eyes stay closed. Remus glances at James over the top of Sirius’s head, concern etched all over his face. 
James gets Remus’s concern; he’s concerned too, of course, but he wants Sirius to play as well. James nudges Sirius’s shoulder, and Sirius turns to face him. “Let’s go early. We can get on a broom, and if you’re not feeling it, then you’ll sit out.” 
Sirius melts into a puddle again, one that smiles with starlight. “Can I ride on your broom?”
James kisses the tip of his nose. “It will be awfully hard to play Quidditch that way,” he counters. 
“If anyone could, we could,” Sirius says. 
James opens his mouth to argue, but then closes it again with a laugh. He leans around Remus. “Moony?”
“Absolutely not,” Remus says, though he’s smiling too. “Is that even allowed?”
James’s face falls, distraught. “Moony, you would forbid us from it? Really?” He looks back at Sirius with a sullen expression. “Bonds to you and suddenly he’s Mr. Forceful Alpha, not letting us make decisions for ourselv–” 
A bread roll smacks James on the head and rolls away. “Hush, you menace. I mean, would the rules even allow it?” 
“Won’t know unless we try, right?” James winks at him, but he just shakes his head. 
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
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Chapter 100: Magic in its Purest Form
Absolutely baffled that we've made it to chapter 100. Thank you everyone for reading with us!
link here
“Good morning Moony,” James says, and leans in to kiss him. “How are you feeling?”
Remus thinks about it. He feels—magnificent, actually. The world feels brighter, more intense. He can feel Sirius through their bond, utterly relaxed, no strain or worry in his mind. But it’s more than that. He can almost feel how Sirius feels. When he looks at James, he feels his own love and adoration, but also an echoing trust, a resounding yes, like James is everything good in the entire universe.
“Sirius loves you so much,” Remus says without thinking.
James’s face splits open in a pleased grin. “Can you feel that now?”
Remus nods, trying to locate the feeling in his body. He touches his sternum. “Here. It’s like… like he’s anchored to you. Even in his sleep. He’s sleeping better because you’re in bed with him.”
“And you can feel how he feels about you?” James asks.
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
Hi, I was just wondering for your fanfic Stay with me, if you could do a chapter in Sirius, Remus and James playing with the toys that they bought ages ago and go into James oral kink more please. I really love this fanfic and this is something I just wish to see.
Hi Thank you!
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you! life has been madness.
We have a side along planned along those lines, it's just not ready to post yet. We're focusing on finishing SWM now, but once it's done, we'll have a bunch of side alongs too. Make sure you're subscribed to either the series or our accounts to get updates on that!
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charmstwit · 8 months ago
ooh the girls are fighting !! adjsk love seeing sirius all get all grrr over remus and yelling at kingsley. and wolf moony protecting sirius and james !!!! so true. wolfstarbucks love transcends stupid magic rules.
curious tho who you think would actually win between sirius and kingsley? (i would say sirius ofc but i suppose i’m biased towards my favorite little guy <3)
So sorry for the delay in responding to this! Life has kept me *busy* recently.
Pigeon and I discussed this and agreed on this: It depends on what they're fighting for.
Kingsley would normally win, because Sirius won't reach for the devastating magic he is completely capable of in order to win without good reason. To beat Kingsley, he would have to, so he needs a very good reason. Kingsley, alternatively, will absolutely take him down, but will hesitate to use devastating magic on Sirius because it will hurt Regulus if he does. Kingsley never wants to hurt Regulus.
In this specific scenario, (which is the post-full moon fight in chapter 94) Kingsley winning means that Remus would die, or be injured, but Kingsley is mad enough to kill him. Kingsley is only after payback for Regulus, who was not actually hurt. In this case, Sirius wins, hands down.
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charmstwit · 9 months ago
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Chapter 94: Fear
link here
Even as Prongs, James can hear the terror in Regulus’s voice. 
“No!” He screams, clawing at the barrier. Kingsley has one arm slung around his chest and is holding Regulus back with all his might while Regulus kicks and screams, trying to get at the prone body on the ground.
Trying to get to Sirius.
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charmstwit · 9 months ago
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Chapter 93: Moonlight over the Domhan Maorga Forest
link here
“It’s almost time,” Remus says. He’s limping out of the tent wrapped in a towel, and Sirius suspects there’s not anything under it. Not that there’s a reason to get dressed. He’d have to strip it off right after. “Kingsley, Regulus. You should leave.” 
“We’re not leaving,” Regulus says.
“I can’t–I don’t have control,” Remus begins. 
Sirius steps up beside him, to offer support as much as anything, but before he can say anything, Kingsley interrupts. “We will be behind the barrier here. The wolf cannot penetrate the barrier, and we’ll be safe.” 
“Oh,” Remus says, but his forehead is still creased with deep lines. Sirius knows, without having to ask, that Remus doesn’t want to transform in front of them.
“We want to stay to make sure everything is okay,” Regulus says, and there’s a kindness to his voice that Sirius knows he has never directed at Remus. “Since it’s the first time they’ll be with you since the presentations. We’ll leave after, I promise.” 
Remus’s face relaxes slightly, though it’s evident that there’s still strain there. “Right. That’s probably a good idea.” 
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charmstwit · 9 months ago
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Chapter 92: Daddy Shack
link here
“I brought breakfast,” Kingsley says as he steps out of the shower, wrapping Regulus in a thick towel that wasn’t there when he stepped in. He had intended to conjure one, but the house beat him to it. He wonders if the house knows that Regulus is Sirius’s little brother, that Sirius adores him. He suspects it does. 
“Cinnamon rolls?” Regulus asks hopefully.
Kingsley pushes Regulus’s wet hair back from his face. “Of course.”
Regulus hums happily. “And tea?”
“Baby, I’m not fool enough to bed a dark wizard and not bring him tea in the morning.”
Regulus’s lower lip pushes out in a pout. “I’m a grey wizard. I do good things, too.”
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