#Nanbaka Enki
thenanbakacorner · 2 months
Can I request Enki, Mitsuru, Yamato and Honey headcanons from a female reader who is taller than them? At first they are afraid of her because of how powerful she looks but later they discover that she is just a cute giant.❤Thank youu❤
Sure thing! The idea of someone being taller than Enki though, dayum!
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🗻 Enki 🗻
Enki was well aware of his unusual height. Being 9'9 isn't an everyday thing, after all
Though, he never expected to meet someone even taller than he was. You had to be around 10'3 at least!
Said fact was honestly intimidating, even for someone as tough, brave and stoic as Enki.
He was very cautious around you, not intending to get beat for pushing your wrong buttons
Needless to say he was stunned to learn you were anything but dangerous. No, you were just a gentle giant!
It eased his nerves and made him more content to interact with you, and potentially get closer
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🎙 Mitsuru 🎙
When he first met you, he was quite surprised to have met someone as tall and strong looking as you
You were definitely up there with Enki when it came to being intimidating through sheer size and strength
He couldn't lie, as much as you seemed like a nice person through first impressions, he was quite nervous around you
So he played his cards carefully when it came to getting to know you and watching his words to not piss off a giantess such as yourself
Much to his relief, he came to know you were indeed not as scary as he first took you for-- that you wouldn't hurt a fly
He became much more comfortable around you and came out of his shell fully to show you just how wild and fun he can be
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🏋️ Yamato 🏋️
He's impressed by your size and how tough you look, and is quite vocal about it
It doesn't mean he isn't at least a little intimidated by you-- you're one of the biggest and strongest people he's ever met!
He's encouraging and all, but is still cautious around you as the two of you get to know each other
As he gets to know you and learns just how gentle you truly are, he starts getting even more friendly and close to you
Offers to help you with training routines so you can get even stronger and fully live up to your potential
With his help you'll become not just a better fighter when need be, but even more intimidating for those you aren't that well known by for sure
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🎯 Honey🎯
Both he and his cellmate had the hots for you from the first meeting, but were scared to make any moves
You could easily flatten them if they pissed you off!
Honey was a bit bolder than Trois though, and slowly worked up the courage to get closer to you as you two got to know one another
Eventually, he was sure enough that you wouldn't harm him, and finally started flirting
He was pleased with your positive responses and also silently relieved that he wasn't turned into the equivalent of a pancake
He also didn't mind the idea of possibly winning the hand of someone of your stature and strength-- that'd be some good bragging rights!
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uwukillmenowowo · 4 months
Yandere Enki X Therapist Female reader
Cuz the best thing I love about Enki is his brother 🥰
Nah but still- Enki is 😍
But I might make a part two because I just wanna see if im on the right track of a good storyline.
Forgive me for this because I've only watched Nanbaka until season 2
(ノ ─︣ ⏥ ─︣ )ノ
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Keeping Me Sane
(Yandere Enki Gokuu X Therapist! Female! Reader!)
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You were a recently appointed therapist.
Since you had to look over some inmates and guards one on one you got to learn how to use Qigong from the best of the best. Building 5.
You got along with one guard in particular, Samon
He taught you more about close combat and how to block out Qi channeling.
That way if an inmate gets to aggressive, you can paralyze them.
Basically you're like Ty Lee from ATLA.
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Somethings wrong... You can feel it. It's coming from building 5. However, you ignore it, thinking that it was just some inmates. That is... until you get too close to a certain guard.
{Second POV}
You were heading to building 5 because of a supposed urgent process that needed to take place. The train stopped and you got off, taking a deep breath as you walked towards the Chinese setting. 'No matter how many times I walk through here it still smells like lotus flowers.' You thought optimistically as you saw a familiar fabulous teal haired queer Queen.
"Ruka! Good afternoon!" You called. Ruka turned around happily and squealed, rushing over to you and wrapped his arms around you. "[Y/n], dearie~ So glad you came. Ugh, that inmate was about to become absolutely insufferable..." You chuckled and pat his shoulder, telling him that you were here to help. He thanked you profusely and then told you that the inmate was in a lover level cell because of protocol. You understood and started to make your way to the cell.
But that's when you noticed... an extremely tall male.
You've never seen him before. However, he was wearing a guard uniform and he had a belt quite similar to Samon. 'Oh wait! Samon said he had an older brother. Perhaps that's him.' You thought and kept walking, eager to become acquaintances with another college.
You waved your hand and was about to greet him when all of a sudden he grabbed you by your coat and slammed you against the wall with incredible speed. You gasped for air and coughed. "Whoa are you?" He demanded as he glared at you.
He lifted you up. Since you were much smaller than him, you were suspended in the air. Because of the impact you felt blood in your mouth. Not wanting to cough it out, you swallowed hard. You tried to speak but no words came out. Thankfully though, someone came to your aid. "HEY! LET HER GO! SHE'S THE NEW THERAPIST THAT IS CHECKING UP ON THAT INMATE!" You couldn't see him but you knew it was Samon's voice.
The taller male let you go and finally you coughed some blood out as you held your throat. Samon raced over to you. "[Y/n]! Are you alright? I'm sorry about Enki." You just nodded and looked up to see Enki's gaze now looking nonchalant. "I'm... fine. Just a little banged up. But overall I'm good." Samon pouted. " Do you need Doctor Otogi?"
You shook your head again, telling Samon repeatedly that you were okay. But Samon refused to believe that you were okay. Since you two were good friends, Samon asked for Enki to apologize to you. You tried to tell him that it was fine but Enki did apologize to you.
You felt embarrassed about that so you just smiled and told Enki how it was no big deal. After that, Samon pat your shoulder happily and told you to visit the doctor if anything started to hurt before leaving.
After that it was just you and Enki. The taller male just stared down at you and you felt like you were in the presence of the warden all over again. "So you're a therapist?" He asked. You quickly nodded. Enki just hummed to himself before he started to walk off.
You just let out a deep breath. 'Scary!' You thought and just made your way to the inmate's cell to do the job you're paid to do.
{Ruka's POV}
"So~ How'd it go?" I asked and chuckled, using my Bashosen to cover my mouth. "... Awful... I tried to do as you say, pin her to the wall. But I slammed her head into the wall instead." I sweatdropped and sighed deeply as I saw Enki glaring at the wall. But immediately after, he smiled lovingly. "She's so tiny. I could do whatever I want with her with only one hand." I grit my teeth and just nodded along. 'What perverse thoughts.' I thought as I narrowed my eyes at Enki's lovestruck gaze.
'How in the hell did I get into this situation again..?'
"Shut up. Either help me win her over from my brother or I'll snap your neck right here an now. After all, you're one of her admirers too aren't you?"
'Right... that's how...' I sighed and fixed my hair and my cap before I proposed another plan. "Fine. Let's start off easier. Just ask her that you want to schedule a therapy meeting but instead, take that moment to apologize for hurting her. You could ever get her a gift or a snack." Enki then smirked and I flinched. It was the same look he gave me after almost murdering me after all.
"Perfect." His smirk grew wider and I just nodded. "Keep the grin down. You look like you're about to murder someone again... Also, don't. I've already covered up the first one. We don't need a second one." Enki stood straight up and fixed his guard coat. "That inmate deserved it. Talking about what's mine in such a way." Enki then went back to glaring at the wall and I facepalmed.
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Ehhhhh- Am I doin' good?
(っ ─︣ ᵜ ─︣ )っ
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sleepless-garden · 1 year
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I love the whole If au by Futamata, it looks so funny and cute at the same time^^. Also i’m slowly starting to like noriko:D
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naquey · 9 months
Hey! I noticed your pinned post is that you're taking Nanbaka requests. I hope I'm not too late to find you! If I am, I apologize for the bother.
But I was wondering if you could do an Enki x Reader? Idc what you do with it. There's nothing on him so I'd be happy with anything.
As for Y/n. Can they be referred to as They/Them? I'm pretty sure you said you'd do that in your pinned post? But I'm not fully sure though-
If you do this, I thank you profusely! If you don't, that's perfectly okay. I'll fully understand!
As an Enki fan I do think that there is surprisingly very little about him. I mean, he's an absolute giant! You are right that I do they/them readers as well, and this ask wasn't a bother, i'll admit I had fun writing this and I'm sorry it took so long. And I'm sorry its so short!
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Enki was their superior, or at least was their superior back in another prison. A different prison than Nanba.
Y/n didn't exactly take care of themselves well to the concern and worry of the giant monkey man. So, that's how he started to become friends with them. It wasn't the only reason, of course. They were kind and passionate, and he liked helping them garden when he could.
Currently he was seat at a table out in the garden of their home. Enki's hands engulfed the tea cup he was drinking out of, his body was larger than the chair he was sitting. Y/n had forgotten all about the cookies they had made in anticipation for Enki's visit. He was going to work at Nanba now, following where his younger brother and an inmate were going. It was weird, but they weren't going to question it.
"I am so sorry!" Y/n laughed awkwardly, bringing out a tray of chocolate chip cookies.
"No, you don't need to apologize."
"I completely forget to take these out before you got here, I made them for you!"
Enki was silent, looking down at the tea cup in his hand. His face slightly flushed.
"I didn't actually know what type of cookies you liked, so I went with plain chocolate chip you know." Y/n shrugged, sitting down and pouring themselves a cup of tea finally.
"Thank you..."
No one really showed Enki this type of generosity or kindness, mostly because he had lived up on a mountain for a while. Most people usually feared him because of his height and his family name, but it was a breath of fresh air for someone to look at him like another person.
"You know, I'm going to miss you."
"There is always visitation hours." Enki took a sip from the very small tea cup, well, instead of a sip he drank the whole thing in one go.
Y/n was silent, staring into their teacup.
"There is another option."
"I'm not going to work in a prison that I don't even know the location of. I don't even think I could visit if I don't know where it is."
Enki was silent this time. Looking out at all the flowers.
"What is your favorite type of flower?" He was changing the topic.
"Oh, well... I don't... Lillies?"
"I think you're pretty like lillies."
"Wait, what?"
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the-deal-breaker · 3 months
Morning Nanbaka community
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Have some soft Gokku brothers.
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♡ 𝔑𝔞𝔫𝔟𝔞𝔨𝔞 ♡
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🍷 = Smut/Thirsts
🧸 = Angst
🫀 = Fluff/Safe for Work (Sfw.)
🍮 = Headcanons
🥀 = Long Reads
🐻 = Short Reads
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♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒇𝒇 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑰𝒏𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟏𝟑 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟑 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟓 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
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d3ltx · 2 months
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A young Enki Gokuu that took me 2 hours and 9 minutes to complete :)
I’m going to comic con and I’m debating on whether I want to get a signature from Enki’s English va or Seitarou’s but either way I’m going to draw the character and have them sign the print. I’m probably going to print two and give the va one as well.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Enki Gokuu
Hajime Suguroku
Assorted headcanons
What would he sell his soul for
Celebrating his s/o's birthday
Do he and Hitoshi give out Halloween candy?
Assorted headcanons
Reaction to walking in on reader masturbating
Reaction to being told he's cute by a stranger
Kenshirou Yozakura
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Does he give out Halloween candy?
Kiji Mitsuba
Mitsuru Hitokoe
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Dating headcanons
Celebrating his s/o's birthday
Momoko Hyakushiki
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Blowjob NSFW drabble
Favourite holiday dish
Assorted headcanons
Walking in on the reader masturbating
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Sharing a bed
Assorted headcanons
Reaction to walking in on the reader masturbating
Yamato Godai
Assorted headcanons
Does he give out Halloween candy?
Youriki Daisen
Do they wake up hungry?
Do the Daisen brothers give out Halloween candy?
Assorted headcanons
Stupidest thing he's ever done
Reaction to walking in on the reader masturbating
Dealing with the zombie apocalypse
Seitarou Tanabata
Samon Gokuu
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Soulmate AU! headcanons
Taking care of a sick s/o
Does he pass out candy or go out on Halloween?
Helping his partner through their period
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chancellor-reno5 · 1 year
Nanbaka Ramble incoming
Enki deserved better. The way that the murder wasn't his fault, it was instead Elf's. He lost a brother because of Elf. He lost his job because of Elf.
He ripped his own heart out because of Elf.
If someone had realised it was Elf the whole time, Enki would've lived
And why did it have to be Samon that found his body?
Ramble over (I may have gotten some bits mixed up but heyho !)
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bookie2020 · 4 months
Yandere Enki X Therapist Female reader who was working at Nanbaka before he killed a prisoner and continued working there after that happened
I did get a little confused on this so I apologize if it’s not exactly how you wanted it 😭
Tw: yandere, forced touch, sexual themes, non con(not full smut)
Yandere Enki x female therapist reader
Enki was always someone who had a tough exterior but always had a weakness for cute things. protecting was something he took on as a way of life and protected them always in the confines of the law but this time it went way past that. A prisoner was getting far too touchy with you, but in situations like this you're trained to keep calm and access the patient because one small twitch in your face of discomfort or disgust could get you killed. But oddly enough that day when your discomfort leaked out for just a second the prisoners body was thrown across the room by a man you knew all to well.
That day was pure chaos for everyone in Nanba prison be it a gaurd or prisoner, as the once well respected gaurd and brother to one was locked away with only two people that could visit him. The first, was the warden, for obvious reasons and the second was you, for reasons that weren’t clear at all the the others. The prison gave you time off for about three months to get your mental health together after seeing someone be killed in front of you but the death wasn’t what scared you so much, it was the impregnable strength that Enki had and if you were ever alone with him you don’t know what you would do.
So that now brings us to the question of why three months later you’re sitting down in a chair across from a chained up ex-gaurd who’s staring at you with joy.
“What brought you here deary” deary was the nickname he gave you (out of spite) because it was from one of the shows you forced him to watch and he actually (begrudgingly) liked it. “Obviously you. So do you reflect on your actions that day” he cocked his head to the side in thought then laughed “not at all” I clenched my pen while writting down his responses. “Please keep in mind your awnsers are recorded word by word” he nodded “I know how this works I’ve watched you for a long time” the hairs on my neck stood up as my past choices on letting people sit in on my sessions was now coming to my attention thay it was a really bad idea. He knows to look me in my eye to seem confident and he knows i hate eye contact, I can’t read him like this.
I look around the room only to find some fabric lying in a corner as I grab a good amount and rip it from the source and walk slowly up to Enki “your not going to kill me right” his neck chain jostled as he jumped up putting his hand out in the air defyingly. “No! I would never kill you I need you!” I don’t like the way he phrased that but I’ll ignore it for now. I quicked my pace and placed the fabric over his eyes but hovered for a moment and stared into them getting lost in his sharp black eyes that were piercing my soul. “Why did you kill him that day, you ruined your whole career over a petty issue” as enkis smile dropped I immediately tried to turn back to get out of his grabbing range but didn’t even get to make a step as he gripped my waist yanking me down onto the cold stone shoving my face into it as he saddled my lower back.
“I did it all for you, I won’t let another man touch you like that and make you feel bad” his mouth was right next to my ear as his last free hand went under my shirt and slid up my spine making me shiver. “YOUR DOING THE EXACT SAME THING” I struggled to move but I knew it wasn’t going to do anything, not against this giant. “No that’s the difference between me and that guy, I already own you and you own me” the longer his hand slid through my back the more I felt something poking me as my heart dropped when I heard the unbuckling of his pants. “So take it for me, don’t resist because I’m not going to let you go not now or ever.” He flipped me over as Tera’s started to prick my eyes “the warden won’t come for you, she doesn’t even know your here the only one that do know are me and my helpful little brother so stop looking for hope” he smiled genuinely as he leaned down connecting our lips in a rough and unwanted kiss.
Part 2?
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thenanbakacorner · 4 months
Can you write the reaction of Momoko, Hitoshi and Enki when their partner, who is usually very cold and not affectionate, finally is affectionate and sweet towards them kissing and hugging them in public or private?
Oooohh, yis! Lets give these folks some lovins!
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💎 Momoko 💎
Momoko loves her partner dearly, but secretly, she longed for a more affectionate behavior
She understood it wasn't her place to try and demand anything from them, that they just weren't a very affectionate person
For a good few months into the relationship she was alone with her thoughts on wondering if her lover would ever give her the extra loving she desired
She was caught at a loss for words when her partner came into her office one day and stole a kiss and a big hug from her
She gladly returned the kiss and hug eagerly. Probably a bit too eagerly and she was silently thankful that it was just the two of them in her office at the moment
Once pulled away she had the most lovestruck look on her face and thanked them for their affections, that it was much-needed
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🐇 Hitoshi 🐇
Like Momoko, Hitoshi wished his partner was even just a smidge more affectionate. Even a little hug every now and then would suffice
But he still cared for his partner more than anything in the world and wouldn't argue with their personality and physical touch preferences
After all, he can still cuddle and dote on his lover in his dreams
Then, one day, they wrap their arms around him from behind while he's on the job and kiss his cheek, and he's practically swept off his feet
Turns around so fast one could wonder how the boy didn't get whiplash, cups their cheeks, and smashes his lips to theirs
Playfully asks what the occasion was with the most giddy and loving smile
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🗻 Enki 🗻
Being a cold, distant type as well and one to not be that affectionate himself, Enki was content with his partner not desiring any physical affection
Though if they ever were to want it, he wouldn't deny them
He was on the job, making his rounds, when his partner suddenly showed up and spoke his name to get his attention
He's quite stunned when they take him into a hug and kiss him, staring at them for a moment wordlessly
He gives a soft huff of a chuckle after the shock wears off and wraps his own arms around them, kissing them in return
Maybe this whole "affection" and "lovey dovey" stuff isn't that bad. He could get used to it should his partner would do it more often
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uwukillmenowowo · 4 months
Oh what if you make the Yandere Enki X Therapist reader into a multi part series and it includes reader seeing him murking that inmate and her still working for Nanbaka afterwards and then leading up to Enki getting freed
Y'know what..?
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Keeping Me Sane Pt.2
(Yandere Enki Gokuu X Therapist! Female! Reader!)
Chapter 1
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You were a recently appointed therapist.
Since you had to look over some inmates and guards one on one you got to learn how to use Qigong from the best of the best. Building 5.
You got along with one guard in particular, Samon
He taught you more about close combat and how to block out Qi channeling.
That way if an inmate gets to aggressive, you can paralyze them.
Basically you're like Ty Lee from ATLA.
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Somethings wrong... You can feel it. It's coming from building 5. However, you ignore it, thinking that it was just some inmates. That is... until you get too close to a certain guard
{Second POV}
Ever since that moment back in building 5. You kept getting called over there by other inmates. They all talked about encountering a monster. You were confused, and per your job, you asked them about it. All the inmates described it as a big, ape like shadow, extremely strong and agile, threatening, and possessive. You asked what the inmates said by "threatening and possessive"
They didn't give you a response...
On the bright side. The guard that practically pounded you to the wall apologized. And even bought you your favorite snack and drink. Enki looked like he was having trouble apologizing so you assumed that he was apologizing and accepted it.
In reality he just wanted you to stop talking to the damn inmates. Ever since that, you Enki, and Samon would always talk about different stuff when you head over to building 5. Everything was really good between you three.
But for Enki... it was a different story. Every time you visited inmates, Enki would visit straight after and threaten the inmates. All the inmates were terrified. Soon after, the rumors about the 'Monster' circled through the prison.
What made it hard for Enki was that you and the warden knew about it. He was absolutely pissed and vowed to destroy the inmate who came up with that nickname. If you found out the monster was him then there would be no doubt that you would be terrified of him. So he started to do that one thing he could to keep you safe.
Total manipulation.
He started using your own profession against you. Making you overthink into the wrong stuff and eventually you started convincing the other inmates that the so called 'Monster' was most likely just a hallucination because of what a certain inmate had done in the past. The words of a 'Monster' died out and the warden was so proud that she gave you access to more areas. Which just so happened to include the underground layers and archives in each building.
Enki was also proud. He treated you to a dinner and to say you were shocked was an understatement. Hell you ever felt a spark of pride when Enki started praising you. But you didn't want to act on those emotions. Enki instantly realized it and grit his teeth as he realized that the plans that Ruka had instructed him to act on weren't working.
You and Enki got closer and closer. But with each passing moment, the inmates grew restless and more... lifeless. You were worried and would inform Enki and Samon about it. Same said he'd take a look and Enki would pat your head and tell you not to worry about it.
And you trusted Enki so surely things would be fine.
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pinktatertots99 · 1 year
For the number/pairing
29 with enki and samon (possibly involving a bear trap? 🥺)
i'm going to take a guess on which prompt it is, please link it next time though as i've noticed people find prompts i did years ago that i haven't reblogged since then.
send me a pairing and a number and i’ll write you a drabble
29. “I thought you were dead.”
his patience was weighing; all enki could register was the excitable rambling nonsense of the child proclaiming to be his brother was spewing.
finally he stated firmly. "samon." and it immediately shut the child up looking at him. "if you want to train and become like me, walk two miles through the forest then back here." he looked into the large intimidating green of the forest and whined.
"awwww that's no fun!"
"then you will never be like me."
that struck an emotional nerve as he went wide eyed, almost teary eyed before shaking it off with a determined expression. "i'll become you faster then you became yourself aniki!"
"that makes no sense."
not listening to him the boy ran into the forest, the rustling fading until it was silent. enki sighing in relief, the panda to his side shaking it's head in disapproval as he went back meditating.
the metalic 'snap' of a trap caught his ears as he looked to his right, his panda was unharmed. the snap was further away anyways in...the forest.
he sighed getting up and walking in, that damn kid got himself into something dangerous, how annoying.
he walked a little faster, deeper into the woods looking left and right, how big was this place again? why did that even matter though? he was likely fine...likely...
he ran jumping over tree roots, leaping onto branches when the ground was too irritable for his bare feet, harshly landing in an opening.
enki almost fell back as samon popped out of the bush, panting lightly as the younger looked more confused and slightly annoyed.
"i thought you- you're-"
"-not done yet i know." he grumbled, coming out of it with a beartrap latched onto his tail. "but this stupid thing won't let me go!" he exclaimed shaking his tail growling, only to smack the metal trap on his forehead making him screech in anger.
a beartrap he thought, out here, so far away from him. if it didn't latch onto his tail he could've...
samon plopped on the ground panting, long enough for enki to lean down and pry the trap off his tail. sitting up samon quickly examined his tail, smiling as he stood up. "thanks aniki! i'll go fini-"
"no." the younger faltered at the sudden response, his pose drooping. "what?"
"we're...going to take a break." he stated, walking with the trap in his grasp. "come. lets replenish ourselves." at the comment of snacks samon quickly perked up following suite.
unbeknownst later during his snacking of the elder's absence back into the forest, and the brown bag he took coming out full with metallic clanking inside
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slutterhaus · 1 year
AN: Reposting some old works while I sort my life out lmao I miss Nanbaka ngl CWs: Religious themes, sacrilegious relationships, smut, you two technically get caught, unprotected sex, Enki's dick is also too big and should be classified as a weapon. Other: Smut, Second Person POV, Priest!Enki AFAB!Nun!Reader, Female pronouns are used once. Not proofread. Under read more for obvious reasons. Word Count: 2.5k+
This wasn’t right and you knew it. The thoughts that were running through your mind were impure and sinful and it was all too much at times. Going through confession with him wasn’t helping either since he was the source of your dilemma.
Father Gokuu, one of the sibling-duo priests that had arrived almost a year and a half ago to take care of the frequent demon sightings around town, had a way of tapping into your most primal instincts with little-to-no effort.
His handsome face, his built physique, his towering height, and his combat skills were only some of the few things that had you completely enamored with him; not to mention there was something in the way your name rolled off his tongue, his voice so deep and alluring, so calm and disciplined that it had to be considered a sin in itself.
It wasn’t until he called your name again that you remembered where you were: the confessional. You cleared your throat and apologized, deciding to leave out the reason you spaced-out in the first place. Fumbling with the rosary in your hand, you take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. It was only a confession—you reminded yourself—it was nothing you haven’t done time and time again during your years at the institution.
“You’re distracted, Sister.” He stated, and you could make out the slightest detail of his silhouette as he shifted his position. It made you nervous. You felt like he saw through the confessional screen and right at the deepest depths of your being, like he knew what you wanted to say. “Forgive me, Father. I’ve been feeling uneasy.”
More like inner demons.
“I don’t know if it has anything to do with last month’s incident, though my nerves have been on end.”
You could hear him hum; low and deep. It made you bite you lip and grip your rosary tighter. How could something so simple break every vow you ever took? Truth be told, this situation annoyed you quite a bit. “Rest.”
His words made you blink in confusion. “Pardon?” You could hear the wood creaking in relief as he got up and out of the confessional. You sighed and leaned back in your seat before finally letting your rosary fall to its usual place on your chest. It left a bad taste in your mouth, lying like that, and you could feel a headache coming on. Maybe you did need to lay down.
Pushing the door to your room open, you made your way to your bed and fell face-first into the mattress. Your body felt heavy and right now, all you wanted to do was sleep. Rolling onto your side, you wondered if you should tell Enki what was going on, even if it meant leaving the institute.
Some of the Sisters murmured about the way he looked at you, and if those were true, then keeping your feelings secret was more trouble than it was worth.
Finally rolling onto your back, you stared up at the ceiling and wondered if you should write him an anonymous letter, maybe ask for some advice or even just let it all out and confess, anything was better than letting this consume you. You groaned, thinking about the situation only made your headache worsen.
Sighing, you reach out to grab the glass of water set on your nightstand and have a drink. The sun was starting to set, you noted, hopefully Enki would tell Sister Hyakushiki why you missed out on dinner. Dealing with her in the morning would definitely be better than having to sit at the same table with him right now.
Maybe he did.
It took a while of tossing and turning before actually drifting off to sleep, and your subconscious certainly did not help. You weren’t safe from him even in your dreams. The worst part of it was that everything felt so real. His tall frame looming over you, his skin slick with sweat shimmering under the moonlight as his chest heaved with the grunts he kept under control, those piercing red eyes staring into yours so intently that you thought he could see into your soul.
The only light you had was the illumination coming through from the full moon, just like the one in your dream. It was enough to let you find your way to the bathroom, where you quickly filled the tub and got in once the water level was enough to reach your collarbone. The cold water made your hair stand on end and got a shiver out of you, but it erased any heated thoughts you had at the moment.
Maybe he saw everything you wanted to tell him. The thought alone made you jolt awake, breathing heavily as you wiped the sweat from your brow. That’s it; you needed a cold bath now.
After getting out and throwing on a fresh nightgown, anything impure relating to Enki was gone.
“Come in.” You called, making sure not to be too loud and disrupt the Sisters next door. And there he was, bending slightly as he came into your room. You gasped and quickly pulled the blanker up to your chest, covering up just in case. He closed the door behind him but didn’t move, just stared right at you.
That is, until you heard a knock on your door.
It was actually kind of embarrassing.
“Did I disturb you?”
“Ah, no, not at all, I was already awake. Is there anything you need, Father?”
He seemed to dislike it when you called him that, since he scrunched up his nose slightly. “You can call me Enki in private, if you’d like.” His deep voice was almost enough to make you red. “Alright. Is there anything I can help you with, Enki?”
“There is.” You motioned for him to take a seat on your desk, which he took, the wooden chair groaning at the stress. Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms over his chest, making sure to maintain eye contact with you. “I have a request and a question. Your answer determines if I tell you my request.” You nodded slowly; a bit curious to what he could ask of you.
“What do you think of me?”
“E-excuse me?” His question caught you a bit off-guard, but it didn’t fail to make your heart start racing. He asked you again, slower this time, and you could swear he was doing it on purpose. You cleared your throat and took a deep breath through your nose. “Why would what I think of you matter? I’m sure you’ve heard the Sisters’ muttering.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Unless you tell me why you want to know, that is my answer.”
Enki couldn’t help the small smirk that came to his lips. He was certainly pleased with it, so he guessed it wouldn’t hurt to tell you. “I’ve been called for an extermination in America.” Your heart dropped; you were sure he could see it in your eyes. “I’m leaving in a few days, and I want you to come with me.”
You let out a surprised gasp. His gaze never left you, making you bite your bottom lip. “Are you sure of what you’re asking? The Sisters already talk about us as is, what would they say if we—“
“I don’t care what anyone has to say about the matter. However, if you do not wish to come, I won’t force you to.”
Both of you sat in silence for a few moments before you spoke. “Why me?”
Enki shifted in his seat slightly. “I suppose, I haven’t exactly told you…” He got up and walked towards your spot on the bed. “I have feelings for you, that’s why. It’s also probably the reason why the Sisters are snooping around to see if anything is going on between us.” His words made you turn red. “Enki…” You voice was barely above a whisper. “Of course I’ll go with you.” You could see his muscles relax. Was he actually tense at the thought of you rejecting him?
“Is it late to admit that I have feelings for you too?” He looked down at your smiling face, which was contagious to say the least. Lifting his hands towards your face slowly, he cupped your cheeks. You nuzzled against his palm gently as he bent down, breath fanning against your lips as he spoke. “Of course not.”
The husky tone of his voice made your hairs stand on end as he pressed his lips against yours. It was a deep, quick kiss the first time; the second held more passion behind it, his lips sensually guiding yours in a slow sync. The only sound that could be heard in the room were the smacks and sucks of your heated make-out session before he pulled back, much to your disappointment.
He ran his thumb across your bottom lip, eyes staring longingly into yours before he placed a kiss on your forehead. “Out of curiosity, what was so bad that you couldn’t tell me at confessional today?”
“I, um, was… having some sinful thoughts about you…” He chuckled at the embarrassed look on your face. “Perhaps we’re both guilty.”
“So the rumors were true, you were side-eyeing me.” You giggled; he stuck his tongue out playfully, giving you the view of his pierced tongue. The sight made heat pool between your legs and had you wrapping your arms around his neck.
Placing one knee on the bed, he shifted his weight to his arms, effectively caging you between them and eliciting a small gasp from you. His next kiss almost seemed hesitant, as if you were going to change your mind at any given moment. You lifted yourself up slightly, brushing your lips against his in reassurance. “I want you, Enki. More than just physically, I want to be by your side as someone you can depend on.”
You could feel a relieved exhale escape him and thought that was kind of endearing. He came down again, this time with feverish enthusiasm as his lips moved against yours, nipping at yours lightly and urging you to do the same. His kisses traveled from the corner of your mouth, down your jaw, and finally latching on to your neck where he left pale hickies in places that made you squirm and whine.
His tall, built frame loomed over you as he pulled away, giving you enough space for you to remove your nightgown and for him to undo his white button-up before discarding both of them onto the floor. You felt a bit nervous as his gaze traveled along your body, hands giving a few experimental caresses here and there. His touches ended just below your breasts, enjoying the small blush that dusted your cheeks when he gave them a kneed. Your breath hitched, a shaky breath leaving you as he thumbed your nipples and placed open-mouthed kisses along your collarbone.
Sneaky fingers unoccupied their place on your left breast and ventured down slowly towards your hip all the while ghosting random patterns here and there with his teasing touches. His mouth replaced his hand, earning a small mewl from you as his tongue and thumb worked simultaneously on your sensitive buds. Your fingers laced themselves into his hair, giving an involuntary tug whenever something felt better than good.
His attention to your breasts almost distracted you from his adventurous hand and how his index finger hooked onto the waistline of your underwear. Pulling them down, he admired how the goosebumps on your skin appeared as soon as he started trailing kisses down your abdomen. He didn’t, however, appreciate the way you were trying to hold in any sound. His gaze met yours when you looked down at him, and he made sure to tease you with slow and sensual kisses to your skin. A tentative lick went down your pelvis, and a smirk appeared on his face when you cried out right after his tongue went flat against your clit.
This was sinful, this whole situation was, but neither of you seemed to care anymore. All that went through your minds was enjoying everything both of you had to offer.
Your grip on his hair tightened and your hips rolled on their own, breath catching in your throat whenever he looked up to meet your eyes. Every kiss, every lick, every suck drove you wild and all you could do was throw your head back, let his name fall off your lips like a prayer, and move against his tongue. That piercing sure did wonders; it had you cumming in no time.
Maybe it was the sexual tension you had been building up since God knows how long, but Enki had your legs trembling and your chest heaving using only his mouth, and that orgasm left you seeing stars even after your breathing calmed.
You looked down, the red on your cheeks returning when you saw his slick lips and chin. He looked at you through half-lidded eyes and ran his tongue along his lips slowly, undoing his belt as your breath hitched again. The sight alone had you trying to rub your legs together, only to be stopped by his hips. He gave you a moment to take in everything, slowly sliding down his black slacks and his boxers before grabbing your thigh and hooking your leg onto his waist as he brought you close.
His eyes locked with yours, searching for approval. You nodded your head slowly and he took both your arms to drape over his muscular shoulders. The head of his cock brushed against your wet folds, coating itself before he rubbed the rest of himself against you. You bit your lip, mostly because the feeling was arousing, but also to try and relax yourself.
Your hands hold onto his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as he pushed himself inside you slowly. He locked his jaw, teeth slightly bared as a groan vibrated in his chest. One of his hands makes sure to rub circles around your clit and ease away the discomfort with some pleasure while the other leaves your thigh to cup your cheek and bring you into another searing kiss.
He grunted into your mouth when you rolled your hips against his. You pulled away slightly, murmuring a soft ‘Move’ before going in for another kiss. Enki did as he was told and started a slow pace, all the while making sure his thumb kept in sync with his rhythm. When you threw your head back in a moan, he latched his lips onto your neck again. His thrusts started to pick up, and he appreciated the way your hips met his half-way.
Your hold on his neck tightened and you could feel the familiar sensation starting to build up again. Judging by the frequent grunts that were drowned out by your own mewls, you assumed he was too. His name spilled from your lips again, and both of your legs tightened around his waist while his free hand gripped the sheets beside your head.
It wasn’t long before you came again, contracting against his cock in a tight squeeze that had his hips sputtering against yours as his orgasm washed over him too.
The aftermath had you in a daze, fingers absent-mindly tracing over his toned chest. His eyes were trained on your face, taking in the sight of your glowing face, before snapping his head at the door when both of you heard a knock.
“We need to talk. Both of you.”
It was Sister Hyakushiki. And she didn’t sound amused.
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the-deal-breaker · 8 months
Nanbaka's back
So slight reminder to myself, that this was originally to post about Nanbaka.
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These two are natural-born Navi and not in avatars.
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szarrmo · 9 months
charic genders based on enki and samon from nanbaka ? :3
enkicharic & samoncharic
(im super sorry for no character images, but i couldn't find any clear images to make transparent or transparent pics at all...! feel free to add ur own tho www)
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⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ enkicharic
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⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ samoncharic
credits not needed ; but pls credit if anyone asks who made them ^_^
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