#NYE ideas
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kentnaturaltribrid · 2 months ago
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2025 coming your way!!! ⚜️
Happy NyE!
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prythianpages · 2 months ago
thinking about the New Year’s Eve trend where you go under the table (also I always grew up hearing that going under the table will bring you a luck in finding a partner but now I see the trend is to go under the table and eat 12 grapes so now idk what the actual tradition is lol, anyways back to my little thought):
You made sure to have the grapes ready at this year’s NYE, talking excitedly about the man you want to manifest with Nesta…who knows what she’s doing and suggesting traits that tease at Azriel. Cassian thinks it’s hilarious and he is also excited to see if you’ll actually be able to devour all 12 grapes so fast, already placing bets with Feyre.
Meanwhile, Azriel, who is madly crushing on you, watches from his corner of the room. He thinks it’s just all fun and games…this can’t really work, right? I mean, why would it work? There’s no real magic behind this…
But then Mor casually brings up that she had done this one NYE and it brought her, her most memorable fling and she sighs wistfully…panic begins to stir in Azriel.
The clock is ticking…
Azriel’s shadows begin to dance frantically around him, mirroring his inner turmoil as the inner circle prepares to cheer you on.
His eyes widen when you scoop a couple of grapes into your hand because Mother above, you’re actually going to do this and what if it actually works and he never gets a chance to confess…
Azriel suddenly appears at your side, wings knocking awkwardly against the table, his shoulder bumping yours as he makes himself fit in that small space.
“Az, what are you—“
“I have to tell you something.”
“Right now??”
Azriel reaches for your hand, the one that is holding onto a handful of grapes, and lowers it. A confused frown settles on your features and he coaxes your gaze to his with his other hand, eyes searching yours.
The hand clutching the handful of grapes twitches in his grip, still determined to complete the tradition.
But Azriel tightens his hold and wastes no more time. He leans in, crashing his lips against yours and pulling you into a frantic but sweet kiss.
“Happy new year!”
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When he pulls away, your cheeks are flushed and eyes are wide but there’s a smile on your face. “What else do you have to tell me?”
Azriel only grins and says “so much more,” before kissing you again.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 6 months ago
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new artwork for the newest KHR x Sanrio collab and merch that’ll be held via lottery!
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shefightslikeagirl · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year!
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distinctlywhumpthing · 2 months ago
Late-19th century whump. A little backstory that popped into my head. This is probably a year and a half before Hugh helps hold August down for first aid.
The first time Wyatt lays eyes on him, he almost dismisses it as a trick of the light. 
It’s pissing down. A rainfall so unrelenting, it hits the ground twice. He’s only lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the boy because Theo’s word has sent him looking down every alley and around every corner. A week and no sightings have him questioning Theo’s reason but not the continued search. 
“This one looks like he’s never known warmth.” 
Theo’s words have been running through his mind since he heard them. Some misguided hope pushing him to prove Theo was laying it on too thick. 
Between a stack of crates and sacks of rubbish, a flash of pale skin and a sharp elbow. An even sharper chin when the boy turns, sensing himself observed, and he’s gone. 
Wyatt rushes down the alley after him, cobblestones slick underfoot. He bursts onto the street, skidding to a halt to squint through the rain but there’s no sign of the boy. 
It’s another fortnight before Wyatt sees him again. 
He starts to wonder if the boy caught his death, coatless on the streets in a late-October rain that fell without pause into November. The thought doesn’t stop him checking all the nooks and crannies everywhere he goes. 
The boy has his back pressed against a shed in the alley beside a bakery. A lamp illuminates the mouth of the alley. One step closer and his shadow will be the alarm that sends the boy running. With a few yard’s head start, there’s no hope of catching him this time either. Wyatt stays where he is. A full five minutes he waits, afraid to even reach up to ash his cigarette, the boy just as still. Hiding but to what end? He’s looking away so there’s no telling where his focus is. Still wearing the same short-sleeved undershirt, no jacket or coat to speak of. He’s rail thin and visibly shivering.  
When the boy finally turns, he stiffens immediately, tension visible in the wiry muscles of his forearm. His unkempt hair is a dark curtain over his profile but as he pauses, a short huff of breath is visible in the winter air. The vapour hasn’t even dissipated before he slips down the throat of the alley and lets the city swallow him.  
Wyatt doesn’t stop the third time. 
The boy is tucked behind a stack of empty barrels behind a pub, legs folded up against his chest. In the few strides it takes Wyatt to walk by, the boy passes something between his thin fingers, carefully setting it down with a few other objects collected at his feet. He doesn’t look up and Wyatt lets himself get too optimistic. 
Needless to say, he’s gone an hour later.
Wyatt sighs, hand carrying a small jug of milk and a pasty falling to his side. Perhaps it would have been better to try to speak to him, empty words or not. 
He gives the closest barrel a half-hearted kick of frustration and something clinks against the cobblestones. Wyatt stoops, ducking into the alcove and marveling at how the boy managed to fit in such a space. He finds a pristine-white seashell and a tiny bell the size of his fingertip. It’s a cheap thing, crudely hammered into the small shape, gold paint on the tin scratched and chipped. Twisting his arm at angles he would not normally volunteer, Wyatt discovers the rest of the hidden cache. 
He leaves it undisturbed, replacing the felled treasures and his optimism with them. Wyatt tucks the bottle of milk and the wrapped pie in the niche. He hurries off, lest the boy find him lurking and stay away all the longer.   
The next day, Wyatt returns to a bottle full and the food uneaten. Untouched would be a better term, as though the boy has marked it forbidden even to the vermin. Wyatt already knows the collection will be gone but he checks anyway. He could laugh, save the fact that the task of finding the boy has been stalking him as much as the other way around. Every time he steps out, any time he can’t sleep. Just another loop around the block, a quick check down a quiet lane, a diversion down the East side of the river. 
Theo tells him to throw the towel in. “Maybe he doesn’t want to be found.” 
He doubles down. 
Now he’s looking for something in particular. He catches sight of him a handful of times in the coming weeks. Never in the same place twice, never for longer than flash. 
It takes weeks. 
But the city isn’t as infinite as it seems. The perfect stage is inevitable. 
In the quietest hour before dawn, Wyatt does his usual rounds. He makes a habit of checking in on the boys who work the night shift before their replacements arrive. After a smoke with Tom on the bridge, Wyatt weaves his way behind a block of riverside houses, moss-covered garden walls stretching along one side. The smoke rises from the chimneys in thin whisps, hearths waiting to be reawakened after the home’s inhabitants. He passes the same hound as always, sleeping on the back step of the last house. 
He’s about to turn left at a dead end when he sees him. Sitting up on the wall, one foot swinging and the other knee pulled to his chest. The boy’s head snaps up, leg lifting in the same motion like he’s on a marionette string, moving to drop to the other side of the wall. 
“Wait,” Wyatt calls, gentling his voice. 
Even in the soft light, Wyatt can see his eyes narrow, but for some reason he pauses. 
Wyatt pulls one of Midge’s hand pies out of his pocket, wrapped in paper and tied with kitchen twine, something he’s never without these days. The boy can surely see it but Wyatt lifts it to show him anyway, then places it on the ground and takes a few steps away. 
The boy is not impressed. 
But the dog from the last house is. It rises from the ground, lifting its nose to smell the air. Not quite brave or hungry enough to skirt in front of Wyatt for the prize, but locked onto the scent. 
Wyatt takes another step away, in the direction of his turn, leaving a straight path between the dog and the pie, the boy watching scrupulously from the wall. 
The hound takes a hesitant step forward. 
Seeing Wyatt’s end, the boy curls his hands into fists. He glares daggers at Wyatt, not even bothering to watch the dog continue its advance. 
Wyatt is hard-pressed to hide his smirk, wondering if the huffed growl came from the hound or the boy. He scarcely breathes as he watches the standoff, thrilled with his gamble. No matter the end, he’ll learn something about this scrappy street shadow. Whether he likes it or not.
At the last second, the boy springs off the wall, snatching the little parcel from close enough to be bitten. But the hound only sits, hopeful for a morsel as he watches the boy bound over the wall, pausing only to throw a last bitter look at Wyatt before he disappears. 
@whumpy-writings @deluxewhump @no-whump-on-main @maracujatangerine @painsandconfusion
@wolfeyedwitch @briars7 @gala1981 @redwingedwhump @whumpflash
@poeticagony-blog @annablogsposts @fleur-alise @melancholy-in-the-morning @crystalquartzwhump
@magziemakeswhatever @neverthelass @cakeinthevoid @inkstainsonmyhands12 @morning-star-whump
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moon-buggg · 5 months ago
every day I fantasize about my hypothetical science edutainer dca oc and every day I am completely ruined by my inability to come up with a good design
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alirhi · 5 months ago
It really sucks being the only one in the house that cares about something. Like, I get it's trivial, which is why I don't say anything, but god damn.
I want so badly to just stand in the middle of the living room and say "you have your own goddamn dishes. Please stop using mine."
it's just so fucking annoying to go into the cabinet to grab something and it's not there, because it's in the sink covered in gross remnants of food and germy dishwater. And I have a few things that have special significance or sentimental value to me that I'd rather not get touched at all but I have nowhere else but the kitchen to put them. Even sticking them in a separate cabinet away from everything like them hasn't helped. Stocking the main cabinet with things that are just as useful that I care less about doesn't help. All I want to do is scream at them HANDS OFF. GRAB SOMETHING ELSE. but the two things I'm most pissed off about aren't even fragile or expensive. their cheapness was actually kind of the point. their sole purpose is for a tradition my sister and I have and every time I see them dirty and thrown carelessly on the counter or in the sink I want to fucking scream.
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charleslelurk · 2 months ago
Currently have my google docs tab for the kink prompt open, as well as a doc for a crack fic, another nortrell fic @bumblewyn gave me an idea for, a charles/carlos/lando rancid situationship thing, and the fic I need to work on for the carlando winter break exchange. Someone SEDATE me
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husbandhoshi · 2 months ago
hey! i just saw your post and was wondering if you could do on with vernon and we're both law students? but ignore my ask if i'm too late
i take the opportunity to tell you how much i like your works!
happy new year and have a nice day!
“your honor, i object.”
vernon says this before blowing another pearly balloon of bubble gum. you watch it disappear into his mouth and deflate under the sharp edge of his canines.
“on what grounds?”
“that this shit sucks. and we shouldn't be studying on new year's eve,” he replies simply. the pen in his hand pirouettes between his thumb and his index, catching the dim light of the desk lamp. then he closes his textbook with a dull thud, as if to punctuate his sentence. "i'll walk you home."
"vernon," you whine. "i don't know about you, but i have, like, three more chapters and an essay to write. did you even look at the textbook?"
"same, and no." vernon packs his things up--all two of them--and looks at you over the tops of his lashes like he's been caught. "i'm probably five chapters down, to be honest."
"ugh." you know better than to be surprised by vernon. ever since you had met in high school, he had unfailingly been that annoying kid who could read only the back of a book and still score top marks on an exam. "i'm prosecuting you for being irresponsible."
"guilty." he laughs, ruffling your hair affectionately. "let me walk you home. we'll get pizza and watch the fireworks. and then we can do our essays."
"fine. whatever," you grumble, but the other thing about vernon is that you could never, ever turn him down.
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theneonfennec · 3 months ago
Phoenix please tell me everything about your OCs. 😍
HEHEHE WELL IF YOU INSIST- Okay but no legitimately I have like, 27 stories I work on with varying degrees of frequency, probably 5ish that I consider "Major Projects" in that I come back to work on them often and there's a ton for me to talk about. I've shared bits and pieces over the years over at @telebeast, my main art blog, but I've gotten increasingly apprehensive about showing off messy or WIP works over there. I'll use this moment though to ramble about one of my most Beloved homegrown blorbos!
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It would be impossible for me to NOT talk about Murphy Nye. She's a character who went from a little idea to a favorite in record time during the autumn of 2022. She's a conspiracy theorist, OBSESSED with finding proof of aliens. Over time, she's made herself more and more paranoid about others interfering with her search, to the point where she spends most her time in seclusion, digging up evidence and watching the skies. She's blunt, loud, and extremely high strung. I intentionally wanted her to embody tropes often seen in male characters, but almost never in female ones (Though, if you asked her her gender, she'd probably just respond with "What are you, a cop?"). Her story is a tug of war between isolation and connection, her journey towards finding her people. Oh yeah, and her encounter with a real life alien. If any of that sounds interesting, I highly recommend giving @evidence-of-the-unknown a look. It's my webcomic telling her story! Great for folks looking for queer science fiction with a focus on characters and over-developed worldbuilding. And if anyone has more specific questions about her, I'd be happy to answer them! (though, some things may be spoilers >:3)
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sleevebuscemii · 2 months ago
happy new years i think i want my ex back
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wolfpackmuses · 2 months ago
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❝It's the New Year's Eve holiday... Perhaps one of these years I should do something to celebrate it. What that may be? Hmmph... Who is to say. Maybe I'll hold off on any trials for the New Year.❞
A pause...
❝So long as none of you do something to invoke my wrath....❞
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marleysfinest · 1 year ago
pfp now my actual face so if that shatters the illusion I apologise!!!! I just like that piccy bc it shows off my jjk tshirt and also my hair looks good for once!! peace and love!!!
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blackjack-15 · 1 year ago
I KNEW NAT WAS PREGNANT i did not know she knew she was but i knew it!
"is that it?" *boink* "yeah" the bear is a comedy. full stop.
ebra you can do it baby i believe in you and i love you
and carmy's still cooking, still working. him and ebra.
oh syd's mum isn't there. she's not there is she she's dead or she's left or something
that was an Adorable story and i wanna see Syd imitate her mum who is definitely dead
oh candles. yeah. so why did she talk about her in the present tense to marcus? hiding it? hiding means there's prolly some trauma, and her mum wouldn't have been that old if she was the same age as her dad (he said they were both twenty when they started dating) so i'm gonna say sickness. might have been sudden, might have been prolonged, but sickness took her is my guess
"carm?" oh. i think i know who thiiiiiis issss
"claire. hi." yes, yes i did know who this is. that's not an enthusiastic reaction from carmy, but to be absolutely fair, he's rarely enthusiastic.
he is however very nervous here -- defensive posture, his face is red, tense jaw, etc. not sure these two were friends when they knew each other -- not saying they were enemies or anything, i'm just not getting the sense that they hung out much
mmm. based on this convo with syd and her dad? he's never been to The Beef in his LIFE. it would come up that they've closed down his Usual Sunday Place to do this if he had. adding that to the list of chekov's guns yet to be fired, and it's gonna be a friggin chekov's cannon ball depending on when that fuse is finally lit
"i have a partner!" "and you trust him" "yes!" gosh dangit. the subtext is text all right but like....conflict is coming
"i'm older than her now" oh land her mum died young then. and she does not believe her dad when he says she's just as wonderful as her mum was
i'm really hoping richie is gonna take a shower. that cannot be healthy
kay still talking with claire! great that doesn't make me nervous about this season at all!
"you wanted to fix [the broken arm]?" "i wanted to understand it" a very valid viewpoint, not knocking it.
but it does show the difference between them -- carmy, like in the party with the kids, like when he's checking in with richie and natalie and syd and tina, wants to help people, wants to fix stuff for them. claire wants to understand how things work -- two different approaches, two different foci.
oh. mm.
okay. okay. okay.
first off, carmy's "i should really listen to myself" about telling that kid not to become a chef? further proof if you ask me that carmy will end up stepping back from professional kitchens in some way
if someone so obviously does not want to be doing what they're doing -- if someone says they should not be a chef, for example, and then says that they're opening a restaurant? the first question most people would ask is: "why are you doing that then"
what claire says is "you're doing the thing!" which. i don't actually have words for that response. what in the brain-dead -- i don't care if that's what you remember of him from school or being kids or whatever, how on earth is that the response?
"because you're the bear. and i remember you." spit bucket please!
who the eff says that in a grocery store to someone holding frozen veal stock
he has absolutely no idea how to take that, wow.
in fact, yeah, i don't think carmy has any idea how to deal with personal attention like that, and he needs people to be fairly direct b/c he's sort of oblivious when it comes to how people think/act around him specifically -- he seems to understand People as a General Concept pretty well, just not as they relate to him -- which speaks to abominable self-esteem and i'm going to guess that when he says "i never had any girlfriends" it's not because a few girls (it was probably only two or three, especially being as Carmy as he is, but still) weren't interested in him, it's because he absolutely did not notice, God bless him and keep him
"i'll just get your contact information" oh here it issss here's the thing i know about
and they were so careful to have him recite his number earlier so we'd know what it is
"01....0....2." it's a VERY deliberate choice to give her the wrong number. this isn't a spur of the moment choice, he thought this through. and when she repeats it back and he has the chance to say "oh no 01 sorry", he just says "yup", no hesitation. they're emphasizing to the view that he's okay leaving it there, that this is done on purpose, that he's lying and that he knows he's lying
now there are a multitude of reasons for him doing this. if you think he does actually want contact with her, then it could be he doesn't believe she actually would want to talk to him, he doesn't have any idea how to handle her and is running, etc.
you could even say that this is classic Carmy repression -- he's not letting himself do something he wants to do because he's repressing the desire for it. that one's probably the strongest argument -- really the only valid argument -- on that side
i think that the reason to have this in this episode specifically? is because he and syd have that conversation about the three-star call in this episode
remember what he says? first 10 seconds feels like a panic attack, b/c you know you'll have to keep it up. your brain skips any sort of joy or celebration, and settles instead on dread. that's carmy's experience with getting an honor few get in the culinary world, and it shows that he's actually not happy in being a Chef-with-a-capital-C. this episode fairly beats that into the viewer, honestly
i think it's the same thing here. he knows if he gives her his number that he'll have to keep it up. his brain skips any sort of happiness and settles on dread. and -- finally taking his own advice here, probably because he just mentioned he should take his own advice, carmy is quite introspective, he's just a little Blocked when it comes to his own emotions -- he decides that it's not worth it. the panic and the dread and the sheer effort it would take to maintain this is not worth it
this conversation is not shot like it's easy. carmy's leaning on the side of the freezer like he needs something to physically prop himself up. the lighting is great for claire, who's comfortable, but it washes carmy out, makes him look even more tired.
full disclosure, i don't know anything more than the fact that she goes behind his back (!!! i will have words!!) in the coming episodes sometime to get his real number, that's the extent of my knowledge.
but even without knowing that, watching this conversation? this isn't a full-fledged chekov's gun, this is at most a chekov's water pistol. she's gonna be here, but she's not gonna be omnipresent. her presence -- which i'm guessing will work largely as a distraction, pulling carmy away from The Bear, as well as being a Specter of the Past -- will cause conflict, rather than build a relationship. shot in the dark work, but given that we're shown how Carmy has a problem going all-or-nothing, and last season he went overboard on the "all" part of that, i'm guessing this season she'll be used to demonstrate the "nothing" part of his personality
which will cause problems and conflict, yes, and also provide an opportunity for the other chefs in the kitchen to grow into the roles they'll need to fill in carmy's eventual (permanent) exit from the kitchen. i get the feeling that the sign for "sorry" introduced here is gonna get quite a bit of airtime
this is long and rambly, but yeah! that's episode 2 -- two very relaxed season openers, i'll note -- we've got 8 to go, and i can feel the un-caged bear getting restless enough to start causing a ruckus....
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crispyjenkins · 1 year ago
welcome to cj/crispy's bi-yearly ptsd rant about fireworks, you are all safe and valid here and i am mentally giving out juice boxes and animal crackers
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missmungoe · 1 year ago
Hello! I was wondering how many chapters do you plan for Salt Vows to have? Also I love how I can visualize the characters’ feelings and expressions just by reading your stories. I dream of becoming a writer myself and I hope one day I might be able to do something similar. Have a wonderful day!😊❤️
Right now my outline is roughly 7 chapters! I've still got some story logistics to figure out, and depending on how long the chapters end up being (so far they've been a bit shorter than my usual length), I might adjust the final chapter count a bit. I just finished the draft for chapter 3, so I'm hoping to post that once I've had time to edit! (Might post some snippets in the meantime, as I've still got a lot of roses in my inbox from the WIP meme<3)
And I'm deligthed to hear that you can visualise them! That's a top tier compliment in my book, so this made me really happy<3
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