#NYC Half Marathon
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scopophilic1997 · 9 months ago
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_983 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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kayandthegoldendays · 10 months ago
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half marathon recap:
there was a feeling of “hmmm maybe this wasn’t a great idea” around mile 10 when I realized I had only one recovery day after working for five days straight through the baby boom and was sleep deprived and likely dehydrated. but I asked my body where we were on the scale — if I slowed my pace could I do it?
And so I drastically slowed my pace and felt myself find a new groove. I popped on a birth podcast and coached myself through the last few miles. my running group showed up to support us and hearing them yell “home turf ladies!” Made me feel grateful for all the women I can count on to encourage me when I second guess my capacity.
I have no complaints, my body served me above and beyond leading to this race. And one day I’ll remember this day, the “come back” race as one filled with pink, Stevie Nicks, and the gals in my corral reminding me that Girls do Run the World.🌸💞💅🏽
P.s I didn’t share this until I finished but my story on recovery and coming back to running was shared with Real Simple Magazine and then I received an email saying the Today show wanted to feature my story. So I have an interview this week and the only thing I want to emphasize is that bodies are incredible and the resilience is otherworldly.
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corpish · 2 years ago
my life rn feels like a movie but like I have NO idea who the screenwriters are bc every twist is wild
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piece-of-mined · 3 months ago
Considering the fact that I have literally nothing else to look forward to, I really hope I get selected for the half marathon in NYC in March. Hate that I have to wait until this Thursday to find out.
Please, just let me have this one thing.
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whatafirefeelslike · 1 year ago
should not have gone to watch the NYC marathon bc now I want to do it
and bc I’m competitive I’d want to beat my cousin’s time. but unfortunately training takes So Much Time like even for a half marathon it’s So Much
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footnoteinhistory · 4 months ago
Time for my big NYC Marathon 2024 recap post!! This post is very long, roughly organized borough by borough, and mostly for my own personal record since I don't feel like putting pen to paper rn
And because so many of you have supported me through all of this (like... all of everything in my life for a long time), I thought maybe some of y'all would be interested. Here is my detailed experience (+ some photos!) <3
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Got up Sunday morning at 4:30 am, on the Midtown bus to the start by 6 am. My start wasn't until almost 11 am but I was so anxious about logistics I was happy to get to the start village earlier and sit around bored rather than later and panicked. Fortunately my charity team had a heated tent where I killed three-ish hours by people watching, forcing myself to eat bagels w/ peanut butter and bananas and graham crackers until I couldn't stomach any more, and meeting Meb Keflezighi (!!!). I've read Meb's book twice this year and was too starstruck to say anything to him other than thank you but! What a neat surprise to start the day. A grizzled volunteer held out two water bottles and I took one, then he gave me this look and shook the other bottle at me until I took that one, too. He knew. Trust the volunteers.
I was battling serious nerves leading up to the start line, which I'll skip for brevity's sake bc this is going to be a long post anyway. But by the time we lined up on the Verrazzano Bridge (I was on the lower level), I felt good. Excited. The anthem, the helicopters, the cannon, Frank Sinatra, crossing the start.
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As you might know bc I've agonized over it extensively on this blog, my training did not go according to plan this year. I hurt my left leg in April, possibly a fracture, and struggled throughout the summer. I wrestled with the idea of deferring. Finally I decided that I would finish the race, even if I had to walk the entire thing. After a few weeks of speed-walking and rebuilding my strength, I felt okay enough to put a little more pressure on my leg and jog occasionally. I hadn't *run* more than 2-3 consecutive miles since the spring. Literally took a photo of my leg in the starting village with the thought it might be the last time it ever looks normal in case my shin snapped in half in some horrific freak stress injury mid-race. Peak anxiety brain.
So starting slow on the Verrazzano's uphill, I was so anxious I would feel that familiar twinge in my leg. I've felt it for months. Sometimes I'm not sure it isn't a phantom pain now. But I didn't feel it that first mile. Or the second, leaving the Verrazzano and thinking "oh, this could be fun." Or the next mile, entering the first neighborhood. So I ran for the next 10 miles straight.
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Brooklyn: The first half of the marathon goes through Brooklyn. It was such a fucking party the whole way. Our wave ran through some quieter streets and neighborhoods before hitting 4th Ave, but it was the perfect warm up. Everyone in the world and their mother tells you not to go out too fast in a marathon but it is IMPOSSIBLE not to—not only was I overjoyed to be running without pain for the first time in weeks, I was zooming around giving as many high-fives to the kids as I could.
I had my name pinned to my shorts and it was 100% the right decision. I've heard from runners who say it was too overstimulating or they had trouble locating friends and family when everyone was screaming their name, but I needed it. I'll get into that later, but even at the start it was such a boost. A woman on a highway overpass shouted "Hi Emily, welcome to Brooklyn!" The first kid I high-fived smacked my hand and said "LET'S GO EMILY"
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The entirety of 4th Ave was incredible. I loved running through Brooklyn during the half in 2023 and I loved it this time. So many kids, funny signs, people offering tissues, live music, flags and banners. There were many Israeli and Palestinian flags throughout the course, which wasn't a surprise but still stirred up feelings. There was an older man standing alone with a Palestinian flag and we connected (I don't know how else to describe those fleeting interactions between runners and spectators but I had many; it's not quite a wave, sort of a nod, mostly eye contact, you just both know you're focused on each other for a moment). He yelled "stay strong, run for peace!"
Around Mile 8 at the Barclays Center I felt a cramp in my right calf. I assume this was a consequence of not having run more than eight miles for months before (better to go in undertrained than overtrained, they say, but perfect-amount-trained would've been great). That cramp stuck with me for quite while until every muscle was so cramped they were indistinguishable. But we will cross that unfortunately literal bridge when we come to it.
I managed to stretch it out, walk it off, and power on through until I met my family for the first time just before Mile 11. I liberally applied some Biofreeze to my calf and accidentally dropped my bag of SaltStick chews—a crucial error. Goodbye proper sodium intake for the second half of the race 😰
But I was still blissfully unaware of that mistake, running through the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods and the rest of Brooklyn. Until I realized it on the Pulaski Bridge headed into...
Queens: If Brooklyn was a party, the two miles I spent in Queens were a brutal reality check. My calf cramp was not getting better, I was mad about losing my saltsticks, passing the halfway point was more intimidating than heartening. My half time was around 2:50, which is MUCH faster than I was expecting, but I knew I couldn't keep it up. I really do not remember Queens. There is a 25-minute gap in my camera roll from the Pulaski to the Queensboro. I recall it being loud, and I was a little overstimulated. I hadn't used headphones yet but put them in to check on the Bills game. We were losing, which did not help my mood.
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Queensboro Bridge: I train in a hilly area, so I wasn't too scared when people spoke in hushed whispers about how difficult NYC's course elevation is. But the mood swings I experienced on this fucking bridge. First of all, it's never-ending. It goes up and up and up and up. I thought of Jareth, because they loved Simon & Garfunkel and The 59th Street Bridge Song is on the playlist they made that I listen to when I miss them. My calf was cramping in such a way that stretching could not reach, let alone fix. I started settling with myself—10 miles left, okay, I don't think I will be able to run again, I can walk the whole thing.
But then—we're going downhill again. I'm walking a little faster. We're taking the ramp off the bridge into Manhattan. I'm jogging. We're passing the 16-mile marker—from here on out, every step is the farthest I've ever run in my life. I'm running again. We turn onto roaring 1st Avenue!
Manhattan: 1st Avenue is very long. Everyone warns you about 5th Avenue, when you're close enough to the end you might fool yourself into thinking it's the home stretch—but no one (except Meb) warned me about 1st Ave, which feels uphill! Is it uphill?? It is also a 3.5-mile optical illusion. You look as far ahead as you can and that mass you see cannot be runners, that can't be where you're going, that is so far, the bridge to the Bronx must be closer than that. And yet.
My family also did not see me on 1st Ave as planned, which was kinda disappointing. They just didn't make it to the post we'd picked out ahead of time. I didn't want to be grumpy or ungrateful because they did travel all the way to New York for me, and I'm glad they were enjoying shopping and stuff on the UES, it's their vacation too! but like... you travelled all the way to New York for me. Maybe you could prioritize seeing me 🥺 BUT I was perhaps entering the mouth of the pain cave at this time. I'd been running for over 4 hours, the longest I'd ever done, I didn't have enough sodium.
The spectators were awesome. All along the whole course they were great—if it ever felt like too much, I just walked in the middle of the course and tuned them out fine. There's no way I would've finished without not just their vocal support but material support as well—a bag of pretzels was like manna from heaven. Spray-on Biofreeze. Drinks between the official hydration stations. Alcoholic drinks, too (I did not partake, but boy if there's ever a time to break your sobriety...). Tissues. Bananas and orange slices, cookies, Halloween candy, an angel who had my fave kind of Honey Stinger chews. I'd been eating my own gels every 30 minutes on the dot but I was starting to get sick of them. I took everything that anyone shoved in my hands, Gd bless the people of New York City and their generosity, foresight, and kindness.
The Bronx: Going up the Willis Ave Bridge I didn't know if I would be able to finish. I hadn't run in a couple miles. I looked over to my left and saw runners crossing the Last Damn Bridge and it looked unfathomably far away. I had over 6 miles to go, there was just no way. I wanted to lie down in the middle of the street, find a way to tell my family to pick me up here. But there was a woman on the bridge, the first spectator in the final borough, rocking a well-swaddled baby that couldn't have been older than just a few weeks in her arms, welcoming us to the Bronx. I had to keep going after that. I kept telling myself to just keep walking, step by step, and eventually I would finish.
I hoped crossing the 20 Mile marker would be a boost but it made me feel like crying, if I had been hydrated enough to cry. The Boogie Down Bronx was popping but I could not match their energy. My legs were not going to run another mile. I was literally staring at the road taking one step at a time, my head down.
Then out of nowhere I felt someone next to me. Another runner, a middle-aged guy I'd never seen or spoken to before, came up beside me and patted me on the back and mumbled something I didn't hear before jogging off, something short like "keep going," "you got this," etc it could've been anything we runners say to each other on the course from time to time. It doesn't really matter what he said because just that pat on the back gave me fresh legs. Literally it was like I was on the start line again. I cannot explain it at all, I am tearing up just remembering it right now, the most powerful moment of my race. I immediately picked my head up and started running again and ran the rest of the Bronx. Everything hurt, but I could run through it.
I thought about getting his bib # and looking him up but I decided not to ruin the magic. My literal savior. We bobbed around each other a few more times but I lost him when I stopped on...
The Last Damn Bridge: There's an annual hype squad on the 3rd Avenue Bridge, the final bridge of the marathon that takes you back into Manhattan, and I've connected with some of them on FB. Their project this year was putting the names of runners' late loved ones on posters to give us an extra boost at Mile 21. I'd completely forgotten about it until I started passing the boards, then backtracked to find Phil's name ❤️ The organizer saw my name bib and said "Your name is Emily? My name is Emily, too! We have to take a photo!" so we did :) That interaction gave me a boost out of the Bronx and onto…
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5th Avenue: You hear many warnings about the subtle but brutal elevation on 5th Avenue, which takes you from Harlem down almost 50 blocks to Central Park. I did not notice the elevation at all, or at least did not register it as elevation. I was mostly focused on trying to stay conscious. I wasn't ever urgently concerned that I was going to pass out, but if someone had bumped into me I probably wouldn't have gotten up. I was fighting back dizziness—but having fun again? Fun might not be the word but I have pretty positive feelings looking back on 5th Ave. The Bills won—I listened to part of the fourth quarter bc I needed to mentally be anywhere else for a few minutes. My walking speed was about equal to my "running" speed at this point so I mostly settled for walking.
Fun crowds, lots of people saying my name. Saw my family for the second and final time! I only stopped for a moment—my cousin said "How do you feel?" and I kind of fake smiled/laughed (?), my eyes not really focused on any fixed point, and said "I just need to keep going" and stumbled away into a jog. AND THEN I SAW MY FAVE TIKTOKER? I am not big into tiktok but if any of you know Dutch (dutchdeccc) I ran past him, did a double-take, TURNED AROUND and went up to him?? I spit out something incoherent like ohmygdiloveyourvideos, he was so sweet he grabbed my hand and said oh my gd thank you so much you are doing so great you are amazing! and I ran off into Central Park 😭
Central Park: There were making the miles longer here. I need to see the numbers and cold hard facts about the course measurements because these miles were longer than the other miles. I hated every second of miles 24 and 25 in the park. THAT was the pain cave. That was, of course I am going to finish because I came this far, but I have never felt this bad in my life. Running would get this over with sooner but my legs are no longer functioning and I might end up eating asphalt so we are walking 16-minute miles until we're out.
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I knew certain ways my body would react to the distance because I've done long runs, but I didn't know most of the ways. Like, of course I have a calf cramp, that's what happens. But your legs spasming like in those videos you see of shaky runners who collapse right before the finish line—suddenly oh shit, I understand how that happens. It's not just one foot in front of the other, if I can't run I'll walk—at some point you cannot walk, but you have to figure out how to keep walking.
Central Park was fucking The Long Walk by Stephen King. I keep trying to remember specifics but I think my brain is blocking them out on purpose.
Central Park South: I'm crying again just recalling this. The final mile. You leave the park and run from Sherman's statue and the Plaza Hotel to Columbus Circle before reentering the park for the .2 finish. The hugeness of the marathon and achieving this goal finally hit me and I started crying, like actual tears—but my chest was so tight and achy that crying made it very hard to breathe, instantly, which was actually scary, so I stopped crying QUICK. Gathered myself. Most people were sticking to the right-hand side of the course, along Central Park, mostly empty of spectators. But I fucking needed people.
I can't overstate the power of the crowds at the NYC Marathon. Of course hype spectators are fun at any race, the cheering really is uplifting, the signs are funny. But at 25.7 miles you need more (at least I did) and New York City fucking delivered. I started walking along the barricade on the left, lined with people, and stared as many of them as I could dead in the eye. Literally forcing eye contact with these strangers lmao. It happened throughout the race—you catch a spectator's eye and connect with them, they say something right to your soul and you believe them. But I swear that entire barricade came through for me. It was sunset but still light enough they could read my name on my bib. I started jogging, high-fiving the kids, just looking from one face to the next begging them to talk to me, kept running just to see the next person. And they were smiling and cheering and it worked. I felt like the only person on the fucking course. I kept running even when I had to go right back into the park, uphill .2 miles to the finish.
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I kept thinking "this is so fucking hard this is the hardest thing I've ever done if you just keep running to the finish you never have to run ever again." I truly felt like I sprinted across the finish line fast as Usain Bolt, but looking back at the video I was hobbling slightly faster than my 92-year-old grandmother.
The finishers area kinda makes you feel like a toddler, which is fitting because at that point, mentally, you can't think clearly. Like, your brain doesn't have any fuel left to process what's going on after running for 6 hours so the volunteers shepherd you through like a preschooler. Here is your medal, great job!, let me get you a warm poncho and wrap it up tight for you, do you see those big green signs over there, just follow them, yep!, is this bag too heavy for you, are you sure, okay, you did so good today. We must look like stunned baby deer.
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Walked to Lincoln Center to meet my family. Nightmare bc once you're on the streets you directly encounter non-runners for the first time all day and most of them do not give a fuck. And as I said, you are physically and mentally struggling already.
But getting that medal is really fucking cool. And worth it
I won't bore you with the rest of the night (mostly ouch ouch stairs ow big step ough lying down hurts standing up hurts shower hurts eating makes me nauseated sleep is impossible) but over 24 hours out, I've never been sore like this. Just uncrossing my ankles hurts. I've always enjoyed the ache of a tough workout but this is something else. Proud of it though. However, unfortunately, I will be losing a toenail. Some may say that is a rite of passage for a distance runner but unpleasant and painful and kinda makes me dizzy nonetheless.
I've still barely had time to emotionally process any of this. I've wanted this for so long. Even as I was doing it, and trying to live in the moment, I could not believe I was actually running the New York City Marathon. And in 2024—this year I've dreaded for so long, the 10th anniversary of Phil's death, a year that's been unexpectedly brutal on me in so many other ways, too. But Phil was with me every step of the way, literally.
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I've been wearing the medal all day even though it rubs against the sunburn on the back of my neck, trading little smiles and nods with my fellow runners. We fucking did it. I had no idea what that meant two days ago, what it took. If I did, I'm not sure I would've even tried. But we fucking ran the marathon babyyyyy
This is kind of the only thing I want to talk about so if you want to talk about it or have any questions or anything just let me know 🥺
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gaybd1 · 2 years ago
Reasons Taipei 101 is the coolest building in the world
Yeah, locals say it's a tourist trap but I will go to my grave defending it. It was the VERY first thing I did when I first came to Taiwan. I've been to the top four times and it's not nearly enough
1. Just LOOK at it! So beautiful!!!
The entire design of the building is chock full of symbolism, but that would honestly take a whole other post.
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2. It's really tall!!!
More than half a kilometer tall! It was the tallest building in the world from its completion in 2004 until the Burj Khalifa was finished. The only building outside of Asia that is taller than Taipei 101 is the One World Trade Center in NYC. It is STILL the tallest LEED-certified building in the world.
3. It also used to have the fastest elevators in the world!
You can get up to the observation deck in 37 seconds!
4. It's really tall AND was built in a VERY Earthquake-prone area, which is just badass
It was built only 200 meters away from a major fault line. It was built with a TON of innovations to withstand earthquakes up to a 9 on the Richter Scale. There are videos online of the observation deck at the top rocking during typhoons and major earthquakes, but the building is TOTALLY stable because...
5. It has a GIANT METAL BALL at the top to keep it from falling down in earthquakes and typhoons
It's called a mass damper and it's one of the reasons I'm so obsessed with this building. This thing has a diameter of 5.5 meters and weighs 660 metric tons (that's 728 American tons or whatever they're called)! Typhoons and earthquakes make this thing swing around (it moved a meter during a typhoon in 2015!) and that keeps the building itself from moving too much
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6. The damper has mascots - Damper babies!
There's mascots for everything in East Asia... But these guys are a hit. There are four different babies in four different colors, all with their own personalities. There's so much merch for them too, and even comic books.
Look at these guys!
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7. The entire building lights up on New Year's Eve!
Okay, this might actually be the coolest fact. In America, you go to Times Square and see the ball drop or something for NYE. In Australia you see the fireworks over the Sydney Opera House or whatever. But in Taiwan, Taipei 101 LAUNCHES FIREWORKS OUT OF ITS SIDES! AND the countdown clock is just the entire side of the building and there's a cool light show during the fireworks! Check it out!
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8. The top of the building lights up in different colors depending on what day of the week it is!
It's a nice touch. It'll also do special light things for special events (like pride or the war in Ukraine), but generally:
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9. It has a vertical marathon every year!
I almost forgot about it, but yeah. You can run up the stairs all the way to the top. Wild!
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: Support Systems)
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keelt9 · 6 months ago
Chapter 8
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It’s impressive the amount of love people have for the team. I was 4 blocks away when I already saw a lot of people walking with white, black and orange clothes, so I parked in the first empty space I found. 
When I entered the field, the team was in the middle of the warm up. I sit in the benches a little far away but closer where the wide receiver will be practicing. By the time they make a practice with the team complet it’s like being in a game, a lot of cheering, shouts and gasps in every play.
I’m not going to lie, my eyes are fully focused on the guy with the number 9 on his orange shirt.
Before the practice ends I lift from my place, I think my plan of giving him the hoodie must wait, there are so many people.
“Aye!” I was walking out of the field where you can still hear the shouts. “Please don’t tell me you’re already leaving.” 
Chase is walking with a bottle on his hand and his helmet on the top of his head. 
“I’m afraid I do. I have a flight to take.” He nods and notices the paper bag on my hand.
“I hope you bought another nice shirt.” I came wearing the t-shirt with the number 1. He has that child look of involvement.
“Actually, do you mind helping me with something?” He narrowed his eyes. “Just if you don’t get in trouble, of course.”
I told him my plan expecting a full rejection but surprisingly he clapped his hands and rubbed together. “Girl, the easiest thing in the world, count me in.” 
That’s how we ended in the corridor to the locker room, seeing no one came for any of the hallways.. 
“Ok, take your time, I will cover you.” I nod but still there is missing information for the mission. “Oh, right, Joe’s locker is at the back, last one to the right.” 
“Thank you so much.” He smiles and pushes me inside.
I feel like an invader in the locker room, and seeing underwear doesn't help me at all, so I ran to the back searching the name and number of Joe on the upper part until I found it. Clothes, pads and funny items split all over his place. 
I hung out the hoodie between his clothes, but when I looked inside of his locker I found a picture from the last time he was at my home, this one wasn’t any of the ones I gave him. I observe it closer to analyze carefully.
One night out of the blue he asked me to teach him the recipe of my mom brownies, now I understand why. He said it helps him to repeat every step if he records it, that was a half excuse. In the photo you can see me standing next to him, as he is pouring the mix “on” the mold, but his eyes weren't on the mixture falling from the border of it, his eyes were on me as I giggled for the mess in the kitchen.
The buzz of my phone makes me jump and bring me one more time to the earth, remembering where I am.
“Shit.” I whisper as I pick up my phone, it’s Pam.
“Please, tell me you haven’t arrived in Chicago?” She sounds breathless almost like she’s in the middle of a marathon.
“No, I’ll be there late at night.” I giggled as I heard her cursing for a man crossing on her way.
“Well, don’t be at home, long short story, you remember the editor from Spain? He has a quick stop in NYC, he wants to see us to sign the contract, the problem is he will just be there tomorrow, so we have to be there, like right now." Last time we were so close to signing a contract with them but unfortunately we couldn't, actually we believed that was one of our biggest regrets, until now.
“All, right, all right, you’re closer, go and I'll reach you am..” I look at my phone, 1 pm. “At night, to prepare everything else.” 
“That’s why I'm running to the airport, I will call you when I arrive, ok?” Rush but happy, I think it’s our feeling right now.
“See you tonight Pam.” I set Joe things just as they were and rushed to the exit.
I thank Chase and I apologize for leaving so quickly but abruptly I’m in an emergency from work. He, like Joe, invited me to the kick off here in Cincinnati but I told him I would be out on that date but I wish a good start of the season.
Like the roadrunner I say goodbye to Leah and my parents, grab my bags and rush to the airport where lucky me I found a seat for the next flight. 
I was waiting on line texting the good news to Lucy; I didn't have to ask because she said will take the first flight to NYC, too, when Joe's name appeared on the screen.
“Please tell me Chase is joking.” I heard in the background mumblings, loud voices but recognized the scream of Chase. 
“I’M NOT LYING!” I scoff as I imagine him a little far away but enough for hearing Joe complaining. 
“Where are you? I didn’t even know you were thinking about coming.” I’m getting closer to the entrance. 
“Because I didn't even know, it was a spontaneous decision.” Joe scoffed. “Hey, I have to hang out, I’m taking a plane, like right now. I’ll call you back, ok?”
The young woman smiled at me as I gave her my ticket.
“The hoodie is amazing, thank you.” I smile while putting my phone in my pocket after he hangs up. 
The fly was calm, I revised the contrac we´re going to give to the editor, checking even the small letters, as I promised I called Joe right away, waiting to get my bags.
We talked about his practice and he scolded me for not telling him I was there, he loved to see me even if it's just for a second.
“Do I have any chance for 4th of July?” These days we have a break before closing the tour of the book.
“Sorry Joe, my parents talked about going with Pete, so probably we'll be there.” I arrived at the hotel where Pam already made our reservations. “And don't, focus on your training all right, when all these are over, I'll go visit you.”
“Ok, ok, but promise me one thing?” The young boy helped me with my bags and closed the door. “Go to the game, any game.”
“Joe. I don't see the lines in the field.” He laughs. “I got the emotion of being in a game but it's easier for me to see the color lines on T.V  knowing what is happening.”
Still, it terrifies me to get involved in his world one more time with the risk he could shut me down in a blink of an eye.
“You'll be in my box, the best of two worlds.” I don't answer but he interprets that. “Just think about it, ok?” 
“I'll do it, I have to go, goodnight Joe.” I hear Pam knocking before entering my room.
She quickly ran and stuck to my phone too. “Keep drinking water and don't skip your meals.” He gives healthy advice from time to time..
Pam faked slipping to the floor, <Die of fondness> “That should be my advice.”  
“Night Y/N.” I heard him giggle before hanging out.
I see Pam, lifting from the floor with her face red, I roll my eyes as I help her to sit and start to work.
“How? How can you reject him so easily?” Pam opens her computer.
“It's not.” She put her hand over my papers. “It's not that easy, believe.” Pam hit the table full of excitement, before starting to work.
Months of endless work, the tour in the foreign was a success so by the time we started Lucy had a huge recognition, long lines of kids waiting for her, some interviews in T.V and radio along with good reviews.
Claire makes a quick stop in San Francisco, witnessing all our hard work.
“So proud of you.” Claire said to Pam and me as we stood at the back of Lucy who keeps singing books. 
“Make sure to spend a good time with your family next week.” Claire smiles before seeing the owner of the bookshop asking for a couple of minutes.
My phone buzzed, a text from Joe. He resumed his classes with my father now he had days of full rest; so he's been sending me a small video of his practice “asking for a second opinion.”
“Are you going to see him?” Pam winks at me as I try to relax my face from a big smile.
“No, we’re going with Peter.” Pam nods but I see her hand moving, she has something else to say. “What?” I look at her.
She cleared her throat. “You want to see him too.” She winks at me. “It's written on your face, but ok, good things come for the ones who waited.”
“Omg, that's so cheesy!” I shiver walking away too.
By the end of the week Lucy feels defeated too, not in a bad way, just tired and missing her boyfriend, the break of July suits us perfectly.
“Just make sure to send the information properly, please.” Peter doesn't let go that easily. Last time I flew on my way back home I texted him wrong the time and flight number.
“It was just one time, God!” Mom and dad arrived the day before, not before I asked for a special order at the coffee shop.
“You say that because you weren't the one who keeps asking for a flight that doesn’t even exist” The protest of Peter was interrupted by mom taking the phone of his home from his hands.
“Archie is searching for you, go.” I heard mom with her white lie. “Hello sweetie, your order was a successful delivery.”
I asked mom and dad for their special pie of fruits for Joe, one of his favorite desserts. “Thanks mom, I'll be there tomorrow morning all right?” The screams form Archie made us giggle
“This big kid wants to say something.” I was making my bags because with a late night flight, I could forget some things.
“Hi Aunt, just a quick reminder.” I laughed because I knew his reminder. “We have to go and see the fireworks on the beach, ok? Don't make excuses!” 
Like I promised, I double checked the information before sending it to Peter, with a small delay on the flight I will probably be landing in Sarasota at 1 am, so I text my family they shouldn’t be worried, I’ll call a cab to take me Peter home.
Leah called me when I texted her that I already landed. We invited her and her family to spend the 4th of July with us but her parents already had plans with her grandmother. 
“Yeah, I know but my parents insist I should be going with grandma. I mean I love her but I expect to at least remind wake up past 10 pm.” I giggle because usually she is the kind of person who likes to stay up really late at night.
“You could go out.” Leah scoffs, her grandparents live in the countryside.
“Yeah, the crickets sound like a hilarious company.” Both of us laugh and picture her alone in the middle of the night with the harmony of the crickets. 
“Hey, I’m hanging out. I have to pick my suitcase, looking for a cab and I’m exhausted.” The only thing on my mind is crash in the first fluffy space in Peter house.
“Ok, text me when you're in Peter house, all right? Love you.” 
As I pick up my suitcase I stop in the waiting room debating if I should risk and grab a cab falling asleep as soon as I sit  or I take the offer of dad and call him to pick me.
“Am, miss.” A young kid with brown hair pulled slightly from my bag. “This is for you.” She gave me a coffee and then ran away with her mother who just gave her hand to me.
I smell the coffee, nothing weird.
“It’s funny how you find old friends in the most random places.” Joe's voice made me jump and spill a few hot drops over my hand.
“Auch.” I change the coffee to my other hand for cleaning the hot coffee drops but Joe takes it first cleaning them with his t-shirt.
“That’s not how I planned.” I chuckle. “I’m sorry, are you alright?”
“What are you doing here?” I hug him carefully. I don't want a double burn. “You should be at home, resting.” 
Joe pressed me tight against him. It’s been more than 5 months since he saw me. 
“Hi.” He said as we split. “Finally I caught you.” 
I shake my head. “I’m talking seriously, you should be in your house.” The poor guy who is supposed to deliver the pie must spend a lot of time outside of an empty mansion.
“Why are you sending me home?” I searched on my phone for a photo of the pie and the small note I asked my mother to add on the top, so I can show it to him.
“You're supposed to be receiving this.” Joe sees the photo and looks at me.
“This is for me? So sweet, thank you.” I cover my face, the first time I try to do something “romantic” ends in a random guy enjoying a delicious pie. 
“Omg, unbelievable.” I grab my suitcase and walk away laughing about the ironic situation. 
Joe runs and grabs my hand and my suitcase walking to the exit. “You can compensate… that pie.” 
“That isn't what it is supposed to be.” He smiles and I see his cheeks turning red.
“You send it thinking about me.” The proud tone makes it hard to keep a serious face. “So I have an idea if you go with me.”
I struggle internally if my tiredness is bigger or I can use the energy this coffee could give me.
“It’s 1:45 of the morning.” Joe nods but doesn't speak, he won't change his mind. I take a sip of my coffee as we walk to the parking lot. “I will need more than a coffee.”
“Is that a yes?” Joe sees my eyes shining brightly.
This time I was the one who didn’t answer but interlaced my fingers with his, as I smiled at him. 
I give up, I reach the point of not returning.
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docholligay · 10 months ago
What would be your dream race? Real or made up.
Hm, I mean, I would love to run a LOT of the world ones: London I put in for the ballot every year, I would really really love to run the London Monuments half, but I haven't put in for the ballot for it--my grandmother has said she'll help me pay to run London if I get in, but a half marathon is not impressive to her ahaha, and London is the only marathon she gives a shit about that's not Boston (I cannot qualify for Boston)--but someday if I have the free cash I'll probably put in for the monuments half.
Someday, SOMEday, I'll run the Marathon du Medoc, which has oysters and wine and steak and shit along the way, and has people throw up all the time, because it also has a rule I VERY much support: you have to be able to run the marathon in 6:30. That's not crazsy at all, that's only a 14:50 pace, BUT, if you're stopping at everything, as a practical matter you have to have a fair amount of cushion time.
So as a practical matter I'd want to make sure I could run a marathon in a 10 minute mile. That DOES NOT sound impressive. Until it's like, mile 20. (Seriously, if I drew London tomorrow my strategy would be 'survive'. Until beeb is in klindergarten, i don't have the time to train for a marathon. Cutoff for london is a 15 minute mile, I would come up with a run/walk strategy to survive the thing so I didn't DNF)
There are plenty I WOULD run: Paris, Tokyo, I do put in for Chicago, NYC, but those 3 above are probably my "If you said I could run whatever" choices. On the ground right now, whole trip being paid for it would be the Monuments half, because I know I can run a half without trouble. And I LOVE running through cities, especially major cities.
Now, if I had a shit ton of money and I could put on my own race, so looking forward to making everyone SO mad at me:
The Kawaii Ass Bitch Magical Girl Women's Run!
There would be the 5k, 10k, and Half.
There would be a drawing to win a Tokyo Marathon Package with guaranteed entry for the racers. This is, last I looked, worth about 6k.
If you run the 5k, you get one entry, if you run the 10k, you get two entries, if you run the half, you get three.
Anyway, also along the course I would have some cool stuff! At the start of the 10k/Mile 6ish, I would have a bunch of kids in the local band playing some magical girl themes and the like (I would pay them) and at the 5k start/the last 3ish miles for everyone else, I would have a big arch that would be all decorated and everything, and as you run through, there are speakers playing different attacks and power ups and the like from different magical girl properties. There's a spot on the course I'm thiniking of where you would have to go through a tunnel, I light it all up with those LED rolls so it's like a transformation for you.
Maybe before every start the countdown to the start gun would be Zettai Unmei, that sounds fun to me.
Anyway, the last stretch before the finish line would be playing the outers (read: harumichi) transformation music, and I would SOMEHOW figure out how to have fans blowing either fake or real rose petals, depending on the permits I could get ahaha.
Because it would be putting you up to run a marathon, it would presume you are of the athletic quality to run a marathon, at least potentially. So the cutoff times would be as follows. THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE FOR MOST PEOPLE'S TASTES.
5k: 30 minutes
10k: 1 hour 3 minutes
Half: two hours fifteen minutes
If you don't cross the finish line in that time, your name isn't in the randomizer.
Why? I get fucked every time I run the run to the pub by a bunch of 10k slow walkers in the last goddamn mile or so, walking four abreast for funsies. By the time I hit these people, the 10k has been started for AN HOUR AND A HALF. The draw prize is a place in the Dublin marathon, pretty much like what I'm suggesting above. I am bitter about this. I am bitter about fucking slamming into a bunch of people who could not fucking finish the Dublin and killing me when I am at the toughest point of the race, for me. I would hope this would encourage people who want to walk, to walk somewhere else. You can all think I am a villain, and that is fucking fine. There are some years the people who won did not even RUN the race. This INFURIATES me. Hate me! It's cool!
Also there's beer at the end I hate a fucking race without beer at the end.
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kayandthegoldendays · 10 months ago
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it’s my (hopefully) fourth night of sleeping in my bed, and I’ve gained a newfound appreciation for it. one of my clients is moving heaven and earth to have her baby at home as I type this, and I will hopefully be summoned as the stars take over the sky and her labor begins.
but for now, I might rest. and lately everything I have is not filled with certainty but I’m living in this unknown with more ease…finding joy in simply being.
somewhere along the week I chose to download a video app and I stumbled into a movie I haven’t seen since I was a teen. it was a movie I used to watch for inspiration when I was without a home and seeing it now as an adult with a home is different. I just remember dreaming of this, my home.
I recognize I don’t often think of my mother, although my life is devoted to serving mothers. and I seldom think of what it was like for her to birth me, whether she was sober then or if she even remembers now. But lately I wonder…I wonder if she was nervous before birth, I wonder if she asked the goddess of birth to help bring me forward…I wonder what our life story would have been if she wouldn’t have become fallen prey to all the substances and voices that consumed her. I wonder what she would be like now.
and it doesn’t happen often that I think of it, but tonight as the full moon takes control over the sky I find myself wondering.
my half marathon is this weekend. and I’ll be the girl in navy.
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94monkeys · 1 year ago
Dark stuff ahead
One week ago my dad died.
God, it never gets easier to write. I hate it here (in awareness of my own mortality and the mortality of everyone I love).
I gotta be honest, I don't know what the fuck I am doing. I am extremely going through the motions in all aspects of my life (confusing my toddler who knows that something is up but, thankfully, is too small to really understand so is just her normal sweet relentless self). Since the worst times are when I am alone with my thoughts, I try to stay busy and spend out my energy--fearing like the Wile E. Coyote that if I stop frantically running in mid-air I will just drop and drop.
He was such a good person, and so funny, and curious about everything. Back when I used to both run and write about it here, my dad was one of my biggest boosters. He originally tried to get me into running when I was in 5th grade and it didn't take, but he ran my first 5K with me, and when I did my first half marathon he road-tripped through New Jersey to support me. I still remember us eating Sonic in the rain in his rented van after the race--a feast! I saw him at Mile 25 of the NYC Marathon, right at the marker, and he raised both arms and shouted "YOU'RE GONNA FINISH!"
Dad, it hurts so much having to go on without you.
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philhoffman · 1 year ago
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This has been a really good PSH year :) We made it through February and I fulfilled a promise I made to myself a year before—in March, I ran the NYC marathon in Phil’s memory. He was with me every step, both figuratively and literally—his initials on my sneakers, looking down to see the name Willy (Loman?) carved into the pavement.
Over the summer, my aunt sent me a photo of myself at Disney World as a child and I realized I’d seen a photo of Phil at the same age, in the same exact spot. One of my favorite serendipities of the year—it’s nice to think we’ve always been connected in silly little ways.
In June, I visited Phil’s hometown of Rochester for the first time to see the new PSH statue and attend a screening of Owning Mahowny. One of the best experiences of my life. Tearing up just thinking about it because I can’t remember a time when I’ve been happier. I met Phil’s mom and sister and got to share what he’s meant to me, how he’s saved and changed my life. It was everything I could’ve hoped for and it only made me love him more, only made his loss harder to fathom.
Maybe it’s been noticeable and maybe it hasn’t, but the last few weeks I haven’t been as active here. I could give a few different answers, but I think the real reason is how scared I am of the upcoming 10th anniversary of his death. I may not be posting but I’m certainly thinking and feeling a lot. For some reason, being a decade away from Phil’s life—that specific milestone, a decade—is a very overwhelming and upsetting thought and excruciatingly painful. I’m having some trouble wrapping my mind around it, so I’ve been trying to avoid it instead. That only makes it more painful when I do come back around. It’s been a nasty cycle.
I don’t really have a neat tidy resolution to this. It’s the last day of 2023, 2024 is about to begin. I keep calling it 2014. That damn year has represented so much pain for so long and I’m frightened of going through it again. Many, many more people will be remembering Phil this anniversary, which is touching and wonderful to see, but also hurts in such an… ineffable way. The sudden intense emotional outburst, the way it vanishes the next day or week.
A few weeks ago on a run I had the realization that it’s always possible to make new memories. Phil’s death and absence are very real, but so is the way he’s still with everyone who still loves him. I look back at this year and he’s part of the happiest moments. I’ll never forget running through Times Square with his picture in my pocket or meeting Jess in person to watch Synecdoche or his family’s warmth and kindness in ROC or the feeling I got on Christmas morning, talking to him in the woods after my run, the sense of peace that washed over me, knowing we’ll always be tied together.
And next year, I’m running the NYC full marathon, once again in Phil’s memory. More memories to be had, even after a decade, even though the grief still feels like it’s ripping me in half as I type this.
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I love you, Phil. More than either of us know. Happy new year, my beautiful friend ❤️
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animesavior · 1 year ago
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“Intruding on one soul is something I won't allow. This trespassing of yours shall not stand!”
-          Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train (Ep. 04)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for November 2023. After two years of being stuck in “Crunchyroll Jail”, Demon Slayer has finally returned to the better cartoon show to premiere the highly acclaimed Mugen Train arc. And it’s not alone, as Dr. Stone has also returned to resume the second half of the 3rd season, the New World, while IGPX returns to the lineup for the first time in 10 years, as Discotek releases an HD Remaster of Toonami’s first original series.
November 4-5 was a post-Halloween marathon night, as Toonami re-aired Part 1 of Attack on Titan: The Final Chapters, in addition to the first two episodes of IGPX due to the extra hour the block got due to the end of Daylight Savings. In terms of trending, both shows trended in the USA, although the former got some assistance as Part 2 was just released in Japan and on simulcasting. For the night of November 11-12, the premiere night of Demon Slayer and Dr. Stone, #Toonami trended in the USA alongside Demon Slayer and Dr. Stone. #Toonami also trended on Tumblr alongside Demon Slayer and One Piece. On November 18-19, #Toonami trended in the USA on Twitter and on Tumblr, while Demon Slayer and Dr. Stone both trended in the US. And on November 25-26, #Toonami trended in the USA alongside Dr. Stone and IGPX.
The feature for November 11 was a new ID bump made by The Foreign Correspondents' Club. You can check it out below.
The feature for November 18 was a game review of Sea of Stars, a role-playing video game by Sabotage Studio that is available on modern platforms. TOM and SARA have called it a modern-day rendition of the classic Chrono Trigger video game.
And for November 25, Toonami aired another new ID bump featuring TOM and SARA trying out an explosive new weapon, this time from MoreFrames AnimationCo.
With Demon Slayer finally back on the lineup, Toonami has plenty of Demon Slayer to catch up on. Demon Slayer’s Mugen Train arc is only 7 episodes long, given it’s a TV version of the hit Mugen Train film. But there is also the Entertainment District Arc, which will be an addition 11 episodes in length to complete season 2. Followed by the 11-episode Swordsmith Village Arc that makes up season 3. During the Aniplex panel on Saturday morning at Anime NYC, it was announced that the Entertainment District Arc will also be making its way to Toonami on January 13, following the completion of Mugen Train.
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Demon Slayer fans will have plenty more to celebrate in the future, as the official Kimetsu no Yaiba Japanese website has already confirmed that a fourth season is in production, to cover the Hashira Training arc. Additional details are to be revealed on December 10.
When it rains, it pours, and with Toonami rekindling relationships with Aniplex (and potentially all of Sony-Crunchyroll LLC), Aniplex USA has announced on Friday at Anime NYC this weekend that a second show is also on the way for the better cartoon show. Lycoris Recoil, an original anime series directed by Shingo Adachi, the character designer and chief animation director of Sword Art Online, will be joining the Toonami lineup on January 20, as the first new acquisition in the 2024 calendar year.
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Luffy from One Piece made his debut on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade this year, as he had his own float parading down the streets of New York City for the very first time. Anime was well represented, as he was joined by a Goku float from Dragon Ball Super, as well as a Christmas themed Pikachu and Eevee float from Pokémon. Unfortunately, Luffy’s hat would deflate after it got snagged by a tree branch due to strong winds in the area. The float was still able to fly and would later be showcased on the NBC broadcast, albeit with Luffy’s straw-hat looking like a bucket hat as a result of the tear and partial deflation.
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Finally, Toonami has announced marathon nights for Christmas and New Year’s as the block winds down with the year coming to a close. For Christmas week on December 23, Toonami will air all 7 episodes of Dr. Stone: New World Part 2 it has aired to that point from Midnight to 3:30 a.m. EST. While for New Year’s week on December 30, Toonami will air all 7 episodes of Demon Slayer’s Mugen Train arc from midnight to 3:30 a.m.
Until next time, we hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, congrats to the Texas Rangers for winning the World Series, and see you again next week as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
November 4-5, 2023 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #IGPX]
#AttackOnTitan [#1]
Eren (From Attack on Titan) [#6]
Armin (From Attack on Titan) [Trended with Eren]
Mikasa (From Attack on Titan) [Trended with Eren]
#IGPX [#12]
Tweet Counts:
#AttackOnTitan [213k tweets]
November 11-12, 2023 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#12]
#DemonSlayer [Trended with #Toonami]
#DrStone [#20]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [3,522 tweets]
#DrStone [3,469 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#5]
#DemonSlayer [#4]
#OnePiece [#2]
November 18-19, 2023 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #DrStone]
#DemonSlayer [Trended with #DrStone]
#DrStone [#15]
Tweet Counts:
#DemonSlayer [3,669 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#3]
November 25-26, 2023 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#9]
#DrStone [Trended with #Toonami]
#IGPX [#13]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [3,394 tweets]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco. All proceeds will be used to help pay for my cable bill and other materials that make this trending rundown possible.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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footnoteinhistory · 1 year ago
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Feeling FOMO watching all the NYC half marathon coverage today bc I am not there but it gives me an excuse to look at photos from last year one of the best days of my life!!!!
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marine-corps-strong · 1 year ago
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Starting to like this great weather and shorter runs. 1 mile warm-up, 3 miles at race pace and half mile cool down. Came in work early for a meeting and Saturday or Sunday morning run of 8 miles will be my last run before heading up North. Will do to easy 3 mile runs during the week before NYC marathon. Feeling good and anything under 5 hours will be a win. Happy Thursday everyone. 🤜🤛🇺🇸❤️
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