#NPA Resolution
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finlender2 · 1 month ago
CIRP (Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process) - FinLender
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 FinLender has more than 10 partners, all senior professionals and Ex Bankers having combined experience of more than 100 years in various fields. The knowledge pool and experience of these partners can handle all kinds of challenges that come under IBC 2016 and providing meaningful resolution to stressed assets.
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townpostin · 6 months ago
INCAB's Financial Creditors Face Scrutiny in NCLT Hearing
Jamshedpur Cable Company’s Insolvency Case Takes Unexpected Turn Allegations of illegitimate creditors and discrepancies in claimed liabilities cast doubt on INCAB’s insolvency proceedings, potentially impacting resolution. JAMSHEDPUR – A National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) hearing in Kolkata saw dramatic developments in the case of Jamshedpur-based cable company INCAB, as the legitimacy of its…
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pannaginip · 8 months ago
ABS-CBN: Bayan Muna condemns terrorism charge vs activists
Party-list group Bayan Muna has condemned the filing of anti-terrorism charges against its secretary general, Nathanael Santiago, as well as Anakpawis Campaign Director Servillano Luna, Jr., ASCENT Convenor Rosario Brenda Gonzalez, and Bulacan Ecumenical Forum volunteer Anasusa San Gabriel.
“The use of trumped-up charges, in conjunction with red-tagging, creates a toxic environment that undermines the principles of justice and human rights. We strongly and firmly reject these reprehensible tactics and demand an end to the harassment and persecution of activists and members of the political opposition,” Bayan Muna said.
In the counter-affidavit filed by Santiago before the Nueva Ecija Office of the Provincial Prosecutor, he denied the charges for attempted murder and murder under the Anti-Terrorism Act as well as violation of the Philippine Act on Crimes Against Humanitarian Law, Genocide and other Crimes Against Humanity.
Santiago said at the time of the supposed crime, he was working as Bayan Muna secretary general at the office of the party-list group in Quezon City.
Similarly, in the counter-affidavit of Gonzalez, she said was busy for a book launch during the first three weeks of October, with photos and testimonies attached.
2024 May 3
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Activist Renato Reyes Jr. on Twitter @natoreyes:
Four activists have been charged under the draconian Anti Terror Law. They are known activists Nath Santiago, Jun Luna, Brenda Gonzalez and Ansusa San Gabriel. Nath was himself an SC petitioner vs the terror law. Now he is charged under the same provision he questioned at the SC
This marks the first time national leaders or personalities have been charged under the ATL. The complaints were filed by the AFP in Nueva Ecija, They claimed the 4 participated in an armed encounter between the AFP and NPA - a completely blatant lie and a fabrication.
In 2020 we warned that the ATL will be abused by state forces to stifle dissent and suppress progressive organizations. That is exactly what is happening now with the filing of these trumped up “terror” charges in different regions.
Imagine being charged with terrorism, and not knowing you were facing charges because they sent subpoenas to a different address, to another activist already reported missing. Then finding out there’s already a resolution even without the fiscal hearing your side.
Late February na lang nila nalaman na may kaso pala sila sa Nueva Ecija. Buti nakapaghabol ng motion at nakapag file ngayong araw ng kanilang counter-affidavit. Inaabuso ang “terror law” laban sa mga aktibista, at kahit sa mga totoong rebolusyonaryo. [It was only in late Feb that they found out about these cases against them. It was fortunate that they were able to file counter-affidavits in time. The "terror law" is being abused to thwart activists, even the true revolutionaries.]
2024 May 3
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kennak · 10 months ago
1.概要 3月26日、外務省、警察庁、財務省、経済産業省は、「北朝鮮IT労働者に関する企業等に対する注意喚起」を公表しました。 2.参考資料 令和6年3月 26 日 北朝鮮 IT 労働者に関する企業等に対する注意喚起 国際連合安全保障理事会北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネルは、これまでの国際 連合安全保障理事会決議に基づく対北朝鮮措置に関する報告書において、北朝 鮮は、IT 労働者を外国に派遣し、彼らは身分を偽って仕事を受注することで収 入を得ており、これらが北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発の資金源として利用されてい ると指摘しています。 また、2022 年5月 16 日、米国が、国務省、財務省及び連邦捜査局(FBI)の 連名で、このような北朝鮮 IT 労働者による活動方法や対応策等をまとめたガイ ドラインを公表したほか、同年 12 月8日、韓国が、外交部、国家情報院、科学 技術情報通信部、統一部、雇用労働部、警察庁、公正取引委員会の連名で、同様 のガイドラインを公表しました。さらに、2023 年 10 月 18 日、米国及び韓国が 共同で北朝鮮 IT 労働者に関する追加的な勧告を行うための公共広告(PSA)を 発表するなど、北朝鮮 IT 労働者に関してこれまでに累次の注意喚起が行われて います。 我が国に関しても、北朝鮮 IT 労働者が日本人になりすまして日本企業が提供 する業務の受発注のためのオンライン���プラットフォーム(以下「プラットフォ ーム」という。)を利用して業務を受注し、収入を得ている疑いがあります。ま た、北朝鮮 IT 労働者が情報窃取等の北朝鮮による悪意あるサイバー活動に関与 している可能性も指摘されており、その脅威は高まっている状況にあります。 この点、北朝鮮に関連する国際連合安全保障理事会決議は、加盟国において収 入を得ている全ての北朝鮮労働者の送還を決定するとともに、いかなる資金、金 融資産又は経済資源も、北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発の利益のために利用可能とな ることのないよう確保しなければならないと規定しているほか、このような北 朝鮮 IT 労働者に対して業務を発注し、サービス提供の対価を支払う行為は、外 国為替及び外国貿易法(昭和 24 年法律第 228 号)等の国内法に違反するおそれ があります。 各企業・団体においては、経営者のリーダーシップの下、北朝鮮 IT 労働者に 対する認識を深めるとともに、以下に挙げるような手口に注意を払っていただ きますようお願いいたします。また、プラットフォームを運営する企業において は、本人確認手続の強化(身分証明書の厳格な審査、テレビ会議形式の面接の導 入等)、不審なアカウントの探知(不自然な情報の登録が通知されるシステムの 導入等)といった対策の強化に努めていただきますようお願いいたします。 【北朝鮮 IT 労働者の手口】 ○ 北朝鮮 IT 労働者の多くは、国籍や身分を偽るなどしてプラットフォーム へのアカウント登録等を行っています。その際の代表的な手口として、身 分証明書の偽造が挙げられます。また、日本における血縁者、知人等を代 理人としてアカウント登録を行わせ、実際の業務は北朝鮮 IT 労働者が行っ ている場合もあります。この場合、当該代理人が報酬の一部を受け取り、 残りの金額を外国に送金している可能性があるほか、当該送金には、資金 移動業者が用いられることがあります。 ○ 北朝鮮 IT 労働者は、IT 関連サービスの提供に関して高い技能を有する 場合が多く、プラットフォーム等において、ウェブページ、アプリケーシ ョン、ソフトウェアの制作等の業務を幅広く募集しています。 ○ 北朝鮮 IT 労働者の多くは、中国、ロシア、東南アジア等に在住していま すが、VPN やリモートデスクトップ等を用いて、外国から作業を行ってい ることを秘匿している場合があります。 ○ そのほか、北朝鮮 IT 労働者のアカウント等には、次のような特徴がみら れることが指摘されています。業務上関係するアカウントや受注者にこれ らの特徴が当てはまる場合には、北朝鮮 IT 労働者が業務を請け負っている 可能性がありますので、十分に注意してください。 (主にプラットフォームを運営する企業向け�� □ アカウント名義、連絡先等の登録情報又は登録している報酬受取口座 を頻繁に変更する。 □ アカウント名義と登録している報酬受取口座の名義が一致していな い。 □ 同一の身分証明書を用いて複数のアカウントを作成している。 □ 同一の IP アドレスから複数のアカウントにアクセスしている。 □ 1つのアカウントに対して短時間に複数の IP アドレスからのアクセス がある。 □ アカウントに長時間ログインしている。 □ 累計作業時間等が不自然に長時間に及んでいる。 □ 口コミ評価を行っているアカウントと評価されているアカウントの身 分証明書等が同一である1。 (主に業務を発注する方向け) □ 不自然な日本語を用いるなど日本語が堪能ではない2。また、そのため テレビ会議形式の打合せに応じない。 □ プラットフォームを通さず業務を受発注することを提案する3。 □ 一般的な相場より安価な報酬で業務を募集している。 1 口コミによる評価を向上させるため、関係者間で架空の評価を行っている場合が想定さ れます。 2 機械翻訳を用いている場合が想定されます。 3 手数料負担の軽減、契約関係の継続等を目的としていることが想定されます。 □ 複数人でアカウントを運用している兆候がみられる4。 □ 暗号資産での支払いを提案する。 【問合せ先】 北朝鮮 IT 労働者の関与が疑われる場合には、プラットフォームの管理責任 者に相談するほか、関係機関に御相談ください。 ・ 警察庁警備局外事情報部外事課 [email protected] ・ 外務省北東アジア第二課 [email protected] ・ 財務省国際局調査課対外取引管理室 [email protected] ・ 経済産業省商務情報政策局情報技術利用促進課 [email protected] 【参考資料】 〇「安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネル2023年最終報告書(Final report of the Panel of Experts submitted pursuant to resolution 2680 (2023)」(令和6年3月7日安保理提出) https://undocs.org/S/2024/215 ○「Guidance on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Information Technology Workers」(令和4年5月 16 日) https://ofac.treasury.gov/media/923126/download?inline ○「Additional Guidance on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Information Technology Workers」(令和5年 10 月 18 日) https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2023/PSA231018 ○「Advisory on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Information Technology Workers」(令和4年 12 月8日) https://www.mofa.go.kr/eng/wpge/m_25525/contents.do 4 北朝鮮 IT 労働者は、チームで活動しているとの指摘があり、応対相手が時間帯によって 変更されることなどが想定されます。
「北朝鮮IT労働者に関する企業等に対する注意喚起」の公表 (METI/経済産業省)
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 1 year ago
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Emilio: "BASTOS TO A."
(( XDD ayan e, binawalan e sa trading. XDD di sila prends. ))
Anyway, Philippines and North Korea relations:
"During the Korean War, the Philippines allied with South Korea, against North Korea.
Efforts to establish formal ties between the two countries began as early as the 1970s, but such efforts saw no significant development by the 1980s. Factors hindering such efforts include the Philippines' traditional anti-communist foreign policy at that time as well as suspicions that North Korea had been supporting the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA).
Limited North Korean support to the NPA was alleged by a 1990 report of the Patterns of Global Terrorism by the United States Department of State.
It was also reported in the early 2010s, that North Korea proposed to establish a resident embassy in Manila, which Philippine officials rejected. The rejection was reportedly due to Philippine authorities' suspicion on North Korean diplomats as they were deemed to have a reputation to conduct "extra-diplomatic activities" such as smuggling and counterfeiting in other foreign countries. Philippine Foreign Secretary Siazon insisted that North Korea had never made such request. However, he remained open to the expansion of diplomatic ties between the two countries.
The Philippines, as an ally of South Korea and the United States, remains concerned and continues to condemn North Korea's nuclear missile tests which is considered to be in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions banning North Korea to use ballistic technology in any purpose."
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea%E2%80%93Philippines_relations
Send Questions / Asks @ CURIOUSCAT: https://curiouscat.live/PlanetPuto BLOG: http://ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me at: http://ko-fi.com/haimacheir ;w;b
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connorthemaoist · 1 year ago
Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party of the Philippines
August 01, 2023
The Marcos regime and its military and police forces must be roundly condemned for the increasingly malevolent use of the deceitfully named Anti-Terrorism Law (ATL) in their heightened campaign of suppression against various democratic forces, critics, and political opponents.
Over the past few weeks, human rights defenders and members of cause-oriented organizations have been “designated” as “terrorists” by the Anti-Terrorism Council or charged in court for “terrorism” in a patently arbitrary manner, without due process and in utter violation of broadly accepted standards of judicial processes.
The ATL is now being used as a tool for suppression with impunity. The most recent victim of the draconian ATL is Hailey Pecayo, a 19-year old human rights worker, who earned the ire of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for having actively exposed the role of the military for the killing of a nine-year old child in Batangas last year. She is now being charged by the AFP under the ATL, together with other members of their human rights group.
Before Pecayo, at least six others, including Windel Bolinget and three other members of the Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA), were tagged as “terrorists” by the ATC. In a much earlier resolution, Dr. Natividad Castro, a medical doctor working for the Karapatan Alliance in Mindanao, was similarly tagged by the ATC. It is particularly noteworthy that the ATC resolutions against Bolinget and Castro both came after courts dismissed false charges filed by the AFP linking them to armed actions of the NPA.
The use of the ATL as a tool of suppression has now reached absurd and brazen levels with the ATC “designating” Congressman Arnolfo Teves and 12 others accused of perpetrating the March 4 killing of former Negros Oriental Governor Noel Degamo. Marcos officials have resorted to using the ATL against Teves after failing to build up a court case him. Aiming the ATL against Teves also serves as warning of the extent that Marcos will use the law for his purposes.
The CPP denounces the use of the ATL as a weapon of political suppression. The Party also expresses its continuing protest against the “terrorist designation” of the CPP, the New People’s Army and the National Democratic Front, of its leaders and representatives, and others being linked to the revolutionary cause.
Despite the September 21, 2022 ruling of the Manila Trial Court dismissing the petition filed by the government to declare the CPP and NPA as “terrorists” under the Human Security Act (the former name of the ATL), the Marcos regime and its agents insist on pinning the “terrorist” tag as part of its systematic campaign against all patriotic and democratic forces.
In light of the heightened attacks against the broad democratic sectors using the ATL, the Filipino people’s demand for the abrogation of the draconian law has become even more urgent. All democracy-loving people must make a stand and lend their voice to the struggle to defend the people’s rights and freedoms against state repression.
The Party supports the Filipino people’s clamor to end the so-called “war on terror” which, in fact, is a camouflage for unbounded state terrorism. This fascist framework has long been abused by the Philippine ruling class state, in order to justify the systematic erosion of the people’s civil and political rights.
The military and security establishment has used the “war on terror” to claim extraordinary powers to assert domination over society, take control of the functions of civilian agencies of government and carry out any and all acts of state suppression with gross impunity.
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news365timesindia · 10 days ago
[ad_1] Paromita Das GG News Bureau New Delhi, 28th Dec. A Reversal of Opinions: Raghuram Rajan, the former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has been a vocal critic of the Modi government during his tenure at the central bank. His frequent disagreements with the government, particularly over monetary policies and handling of the economy, earned him the tag of being a “darling of the opposition.” However, in a surprising turn of events, Rajan recently lauded the Modi administration for its effective management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), a key challenge for the Bharatiya banking system. This unexpected praise comes after years of sharp criticisms and is worthy of scrutiny, considering Rajan’s pivotal role in the banking reforms during his tenure at RBI. Understanding the NPA Crisis: The Historical Context: To comprehend the significance of Rajan’s recent remarks, it is essential to revisit the context of Bharat’s NPA crisis. NPAs are loans that have gone unpaid for an extended period, and their rise in the Bharatiya banking system has been a long-standing issue, primarily beginning after the global financial crisis of 2008. Rajan noted that projects funded by banks before the crisis started facing significant setbacks post-2008 due to factors such as corruption, delays in permits, and mismanagement. These factors caused a steep rise in NPAs, especially in public sector banks. Rajan’s 2015 Asset Quality Review (AQR) was a watershed moment in addressing this crisis. The AQR helped to clean up the balance sheets of banks by ensuring that bad loans were promptly identified, with the necessary provisioning made. According to Rajan, this was crucial for alleviating the growing financial insecurity surrounding public sector banks. He recalled how he took his proposal for an AQR and the end of the moratorium on bad loans to Arun Jaitley, the then Finance Minister, who approved it without hesitation. This marked a turning point in the fight against NPAs. The Modi Government’s Response, A Shift in NPA Management: Rajan’s praise for the Modi government’s handling of NPAs aligns with recent updates from Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. According to her, between 2014 and 2023, the government’s initiatives helped recover more than ₹10 lakh crores from bad loans. The gross NPA ratio fell to a 12-year low of 2.8 percent by the end of the fiscal year 2024. These figures are a direct reflection of the government’s ongoing efforts to manage bad loans and prevent further escalation of the NPA crisis. Rajan acknowledges that the implementation of AQR was a pivotal step. However, the Modi government’s broader policy initiatives played a crucial role in reducing NPAs over time. One of the most significant steps was the introduction of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) in 2016. This law gave authorities the power to take control of defaulting companies from their promoters, thereby protecting the interests of creditors. Additionally, wilful defaulters were barred from participating in the resolution process, ensuring that there would be greater accountability. Additional Measures to Tackle NPAs: Alongside the IBC, the government took several other steps to address the NPA issue. One such measure was the amendment to the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest Act (SARFAESI Act) of 2002, allowing banks to auction the assets of defaulters. This was complemented by the establishment of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) to resolve stressed assets over ₹500 crore. The government also provided a ₹30,600 crore guarantee to back NARCL’s receipts, further enhancing the efficiency of the recovery process. Public sector banks were also restructured through the establishment of Stressed Asset Management Verticals, such as the one in the State Bank of India (SBI), to manage and recover loans more effectively. These verticals allowed banks to monitor loans more closely, ensuring that any potential defaults were caught early.
Moreover, the RBI implemented a system of Early Warning Signals (EWS) to trigger timely remedial actions for loans at risk of default. A Positive Outlook: Rajan’s Acknowledgment: Raghuram Rajan’s acknowledgment of the Modi government’s success in reducing NPAs is notable, especially considering his earlier critiques. He conceded that the government’s approach, including the AQR, the IBC, and other reforms, helped set the stage for the reduction in bad loans. As he put it, “Eventually the situation is back on track,” signifying a recovery after years of financial distress. Rajan’s perspective carries weight given his experience and expertise in managing the Bharatiya economy, and his remarks add credibility to the government’s claims of progress. Conclusion: The Long Road Ahead: While the reduction in NPAs under the Modi government is a significant achievement, experts agree that the work is far from over. The underlying issues that contribute to the creation of bad loans—such as poor project planning, delays in clearances, and systemic corruption—continue to be challenges for Bharat’s banking sector. Therefore, while Rajan’s praise is deserved, it also highlights the complexity of tackling NPAs and the need for continued vigilance. The government’s strategy of combining regulatory reforms, legal frameworks, and institutional restructuring has certainly yielded results. Yet, with Bharat’s banking sector still grappling with certain vulnerabilities, it is essential to keep refining these measures. Raghuram Rajan’s shift in stance reflects a recognition of these efforts, providing a balanced view of the Modi government’s handling of one of the most significant financial challenges in Bharat’s economic history.   The post Raghuram Rajan’s Remark on Modi Government’s NPA Management: A Shift in Perspective appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 10 days ago
[ad_1] Paromita Das GG News Bureau New Delhi, 28th Dec. A Reversal of Opinions: Raghuram Rajan, the former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has been a vocal critic of the Modi government during his tenure at the central bank. His frequent disagreements with the government, particularly over monetary policies and handling of the economy, earned him the tag of being a “darling of the opposition.” However, in a surprising turn of events, Rajan recently lauded the Modi administration for its effective management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), a key challenge for the Bharatiya banking system. This unexpected praise comes after years of sharp criticisms and is worthy of scrutiny, considering Rajan’s pivotal role in the banking reforms during his tenure at RBI. Understanding the NPA Crisis: The Historical Context: To comprehend the significance of Rajan’s recent remarks, it is essential to revisit the context of Bharat’s NPA crisis. NPAs are loans that have gone unpaid for an extended period, and their rise in the Bharatiya banking system has been a long-standing issue, primarily beginning after the global financial crisis of 2008. Rajan noted that projects funded by banks before the crisis started facing significant setbacks post-2008 due to factors such as corruption, delays in permits, and mismanagement. These factors caused a steep rise in NPAs, especially in public sector banks. Rajan’s 2015 Asset Quality Review (AQR) was a watershed moment in addressing this crisis. The AQR helped to clean up the balance sheets of banks by ensuring that bad loans were promptly identified, with the necessary provisioning made. According to Rajan, this was crucial for alleviating the growing financial insecurity surrounding public sector banks. He recalled how he took his proposal for an AQR and the end of the moratorium on bad loans to Arun Jaitley, the then Finance Minister, who approved it without hesitation. This marked a turning point in the fight against NPAs. The Modi Government’s Response, A Shift in NPA Management: Rajan’s praise for the Modi government’s handling of NPAs aligns with recent updates from Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. According to her, between 2014 and 2023, the government’s initiatives helped recover more than ₹10 lakh crores from bad loans. The gross NPA ratio fell to a 12-year low of 2.8 percent by the end of the fiscal year 2024. These figures are a direct reflection of the government’s ongoing efforts to manage bad loans and prevent further escalation of the NPA crisis. Rajan acknowledges that the implementation of AQR was a pivotal step. However, the Modi government’s broader policy initiatives played a crucial role in reducing NPAs over time. One of the most significant steps was the introduction of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) in 2016. This law gave authorities the power to take control of defaulting companies from their promoters, thereby protecting the interests of creditors. Additionally, wilful defaulters were barred from participating in the resolution process, ensuring that there would be greater accountability. Additional Measures to Tackle NPAs: Alongside the IBC, the government took several other steps to address the NPA issue. One such measure was the amendment to the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest Act (SARFAESI Act) of 2002, allowing banks to auction the assets of defaulters. This was complemented by the establishment of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) to resolve stressed assets over ₹500 crore. The government also provided a ₹30,600 crore guarantee to back NARCL’s receipts, further enhancing the efficiency of the recovery process. Public sector banks were also restructured through the establishment of Stressed Asset Management Verticals, such as the one in the State Bank of India (SBI), to manage and recover loans more effectively. These verticals allowed banks to monitor loans more closely, ensuring that any potential defaults were caught early.
Moreover, the RBI implemented a system of Early Warning Signals (EWS) to trigger timely remedial actions for loans at risk of default. A Positive Outlook: Rajan’s Acknowledgment: Raghuram Rajan’s acknowledgment of the Modi government’s success in reducing NPAs is notable, especially considering his earlier critiques. He conceded that the government’s approach, including the AQR, the IBC, and other reforms, helped set the stage for the reduction in bad loans. As he put it, “Eventually the situation is back on track,” signifying a recovery after years of financial distress. Rajan’s perspective carries weight given his experience and expertise in managing the Bharatiya economy, and his remarks add credibility to the government’s claims of progress. Conclusion: The Long Road Ahead: While the reduction in NPAs under the Modi government is a significant achievement, experts agree that the work is far from over. The underlying issues that contribute to the creation of bad loans—such as poor project planning, delays in clearances, and systemic corruption—continue to be challenges for Bharat’s banking sector. Therefore, while Rajan’s praise is deserved, it also highlights the complexity of tackling NPAs and the need for continued vigilance. The government’s strategy of combining regulatory reforms, legal frameworks, and institutional restructuring has certainly yielded results. Yet, with Bharat’s banking sector still grappling with certain vulnerabilities, it is essential to keep refining these measures. Raghuram Rajan’s shift in stance reflects a recognition of these efforts, providing a balanced view of the Modi government’s handling of one of the most significant financial challenges in Bharat’s economic history.   The post Raghuram Rajan’s Remark on Modi Government’s NPA Management: A Shift in Perspective appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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finlender-npa · 16 days ago
Finlender is a leading financial services company in India, specializing in NPA and OTS finance, private equity, project finance, and corporate finance. We offer comprehensive solutions in debt funding, stressed account funding, startup funding, and alternative investments. Our expertise extends to debt resolution services, including one-time settlements, NPA resolution, corporate insolvency resolution processes, and debt restructuring. Additionally, we provide advisory and management consultancy, interim finance under IBC, and investment banking services such as mergers and acquisitions, buyouts, and IPO advisory. Our funding essentials encompass pitch decks, project reports, business plans, financial models, credit rating advisory, valuations, and TEV & LIE reports. Partner with Finlender to fuel your business growth with tailored financial solutions.
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arjasrikanth · 19 days ago
Over the past decade, India’s public sector banks *(PSBs)* have transformed from institutions burdened by *non-performing assets (NPAs)* into pillars of *financial stability.*
This recovery was driven by strategic interventions, including the Asset Quality Review *(AQR)* of 2015, which exposed systemic inefficiencies.
The government’s *four-pronged* strategy—Recognition, Resolution, Recapitalization, and Reform—ushered in landmark initiatives like the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code *(IBC)* and the Enhanced Access and Service Excellence *(EASE)* framework.
These measures improved asset recovery, professionalized governance, and enhanced operational resilience.
With NPAs reduced *from 14.6% in FY18 to 5.2% in FY23* , PSBs now face new challenges in *unsecured retail lending* .
Balancing growth and risk management remains key to sustaining their *vital role in India’s economy.*
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finlender2 · 1 month ago
Interim Finance Under IBC - Distress Funding or Distress Finance
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We assist in raising financial debt raised by resolution professional during the CIRP to retain the going concern nature of the entity until the plan is approved by the CoC and subsequently by NCLT. The IBC classifies interim finance as “insolvency resolution process cost” which gets the highest priority in a resolution plan or in Liquidation.
Website Link ::  https://finlender.com/interim-finance-under-ibc/
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acquisory · 4 months ago
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code — IBC-BOON OR BANE
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The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 has been enacted to merge the existing laws related to insolvency and bankruptcy. The IBC involves standard steps which is viable and understandable. So, everyone, be it creditors, debtors, companies, or shareholders etc. shall have a standard perform for any matters relating to insolvency.
“The IBC has been a real game changer in the Indian economy’s business reform initiatives in the last twenty five years. Ease of doing business is ironically the base premise for enacting the comprehensive Code to exit from the business.”
The IBC has made a spectacular progress in short span. The recent orders issued by the Adjudicating Authorities are beginning to have profound impact on defaulting business owners as the message is loud and clear “settle dues or cede control”.
Why was IBC enacted?
Initially there was Presidency Towns Insolvency Acts, 1909 which was applicable in Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai and the Provincial Insolvency Act 1920 for the rest of India, for regulating the insolvency laws. The Act applied to individuals and partnerships but exempted corporations from within its ambit. Post Independence, the bankruptcy and insolvency were specified in Constitution and with the passage of time there were numerous acts which governed Insolvency and bankruptcy issues such as the Sick Industrial Companies (special provision) Act, 1985 (“SICA”), SARFAESI Act, 2002, the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and financial institutions Act, 1993 (“RDDBFI Act”), Companies Act, 1956 as well as Companies act, 2013.
But these regulations have not yielded satisfactory results. These regimes were high fragmented, borne out of multiple judicial forums resulting in lack of clarity and certainty of jurisdiction. Further, we had various adjudicatory bodies/Tribunals to deal with such issues and matters under different Acts stated above.
So, this led to the unclear knowledge about the authority as to whom the parties should approach in the related matters. Hence, this resulted in overlapping of decisions. There was no common regulatory authority to regulate the rights of the secured or unsecured creditors, employees etc. or to determine the priority of their claims. Large number of stressed assets such as NPAs with low recovery rates due to a lack of enabling environment for the enforcement of creditor’s rights. Moreover there was no adequate or credible data regarding the assets, indebtedness etc. of companies which further heighten the problems. Hence large number of legislations and non-statutory guidelines have made the recovery of debt a complex and time consuming process.
The IBC is a welcome overhaul which has directly addressed in resolving the insolvency and bankruptcy issues of corporates and simultaneously serving creditors and public financial institutions by helping them in recovery of bad and distress loans and ultimately tackling Non Performing Assets. The Main objective of Code is distribution of the effects of a debtor in the most expeditious, equal and economical mode. The Code lays down the complete procedure of Insolvency Resolution process which involves collating claims and reviewing the requisite financial and other relevant records of the company. The introduction of this Code has brought in ample opportunities for professionals ranging from being appointed as official liquidator to managing the financial health of corporates in case of distressed assets.
Present Scenario
Today we have IBC, 2016, which provides a…
Read more: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/52/Insolvency-and-Bankruptcy-Code--IBC-BOON-OR-BANE
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gyanfry · 4 months ago
JM Financial Ltd Share Price, 21.18% Rise in Investor's Wealth Within 5 Days, What Company Do?
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JM Financial Ltd Share Price Increased: JM Financial Ltd's stock has surged 5.97% today on NSE. Over the past five days, it has gained 21.18%, while in the last six months, the share price has increased by 35.87%. Investors are now keen to understand what’s fueling this rapid rise in JM Financial Ltd share price. Founded in 1973, JM Financial Ltd operates across four major business segments: Investment Banking, Wealth Management, and Securities Business (IWS), Mortgage Lending, Distressed Credit, and Asset Management. The IWS segment, which includes institutional and retail brokerage as well as wealth management, has been a key driver of the company’s growth. Strong demand for financial advisory services and investment banking activities has propelled this segment, positively impacting the JM Financial Ltd share price. The company’s Mortgage Lending business has also been resilient, benefiting from rising demand for home loans in India. Additionally, JM Financial’s expertise in Distressed Credit management has positioned it as a key player in the resolution of non-performing assets (NPAs), an area that has seen increased focus in India. With a market capitalization of ₹122.80 billion and a P/E ratio of 29.5, the stock is currently trading at a high valuation, reflecting investor confidence in its future earnings potential. Its global presence in Singapore, Dubai, and the U.S. has further strengthened its international client base. And it's interesting to see what's more this JM Financial Ltd Share Price brings in the future market. Read the full article
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finlender · 6 months ago
 In the dynamic financial landscape of India, Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) have emerged as a significant challenge for banks and financial institutions. At Finlender, we aim to demystify NPA funding, providing clarity and insight into its mechanisms and implications.
What are NPAs?
NPAs, or Non-Performing Assets, are loans or advances for which the principal or interest payment remains overdue for a period of 90 days. NPAs are classified into three categories: substandard assets, doubtful assets, and loss assets. They indicate a deterioration in the quality of the bank's loan portfolio, impacting profitability and financial stability.
The Impact of NPAs
The high volume of NPAs has multiple adverse effects:
1- Reduced Profitability: Banks face reduced income due to non-receipt of interest payments.
2- Increased Provisions: Financial institutions must set aside a portion of their profits as provisions to cover potential losses, impacting their overall financial health.
3- Erosion of Capital: Persistent NPAs can lead to a significant erosion of a bank's capital base, affecting its ability to lend further.
NPA Funding: An Overview
NPA funding involves financial strategies and instruments designed to manage and resolve NPAs. It includes the following key aspects:
1- Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs): ARCs purchase NPAs from banks at a discounted rate, thereby cleaning up the banks' balance sheets. They then work on recovering the loan amounts through various strategies, including restructuring the loans or liquidating the underlying assets.
2- Debt Restructuring: Financial institutions may restructure the terms of the loan, such as extending the repayment period, reducing the interest rate, or converting a part of the debt into equity. This helps in making the debt more manageable for the borrower and increases the likelihood of recovery.
3- Government Initiatives: The Indian government has introduced various schemes and measures to address the NPA issue. Initiatives like the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) and the establishment of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) aim to streamline the resolution process and enhance recovery rates.
4- Stressed Asset Funds: Specialized funds are set up to invest in distressed assets. These funds have a higher risk tolerance and expertise in turning around non-performing assets, providing a viable solution for banks to offload their NPAs.
How Finlender Can Help
At Finlender, we offer a range of services to assist banks and financial institutions in managing NPAs effectively:
Advisory Services: Our team of experts provides strategic advice on NPA management, helping institutions devise effective resolution plans.
Asset Valuation: Accurate valuation of distressed assets is crucial for effective resolution. Finlender offers comprehensive asset valuation services.
Investment Solutions: We facilitate investments in stressed assets through our network of investors and specialized funds.
In conclusion, NPA funding is a critical component in maintaining the health of the banking sector in India. At Finlender, we are committed to providing innovative solutions and expert guidance to navigate the complexities of NPA management. By leveraging our expertise, financial institutions can achieve better recovery rates and ensure long-term financial stability.
READ MORE...NPA and OTS Finance Private Equity Project Finance Corporate Finance Company in India Finlender
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npaconsultan · 7 months ago
NPA Recovery Roadmap for Borrowers: Bank Debt Management Tips?
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Recovering Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) involves a strategic roadmap and effective debt management techniques. Here are essential tips and a roadmap for banks to manage and recover NPAs successfully:
1. Early Identification and Classification:
Implement robust credit risk assessment to identify potential NPAs at an early stage.
Classify loans based on their repayment status and severity of default as per regulatory guidelines.
Regularly monitor loan accounts for signs of stress or default.
2. Asset Quality Review (AQR):
Conduct periodic asset quality reviews to identify stressed assets and NPAs accurately.
Classify NPAs into sub-categories (Substandard, Doubtful, Loss) based on the extent of impairment.
3. Loan Restructuring and Rescheduling:
Offer loan restructuring options to borrowers facing financial difficulties.
Modify repayment terms, extend tenure, or lower interest rates to improve borrower repayment capacity.
Ensure that restructuring agreements are based on realistic borrower assessments and viability.
4. Negotiated Settlements:
Engage in negotiations with borrowers for one-time settlements or compromise agreements.
Evaluate the borrower's financial position and propose reasonable settlement amounts.
Ensure that settlement agreements are legally binding and provide sufficient recovery to minimize losses.
5. Legal Remedies and Recovery Proceedings:
Initiate legal actions promptly against defaulting borrowers.
Utilize legal remedies such as filing recovery suits, obtaining judgments, or issuing recovery notices.
Implement asset attachment, garnishment, or foreclosure based on legal provisions.
6. Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs):
Transfer NPAs to Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) for resolution and recovery.
Collaborate with ARCs to manage and resolve distressed assets through asset sale or restructuring.
7. Collateral Management and Realization:
Efficiently manage collateral held against defaulted loans.
Conduct proper valuation of collateral assets and realize them effectively to recover outstanding dues.
8. Customer Engagement and Rehabilitation:
Adopt a customer-centric approach to engage with defaulting borrowers.
Provide financial counselling, debt management advice, or rehabilitation programs to support borrowers in resolving NPAs.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Follow-Up:
Establish dedicated recovery teams to monitor and follow up on overdue accounts.
Maintain regular communication with borrowers to understand their financial status and recovery prospects.
10. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:
Adhere to regulatory guidelines and reporting requirements for NPA management and recovery.
Ensure transparency and accuracy in NPA classification, provisioning, and reporting to regulatory authorities.
11. Data Analytics and Technology Adoption:
Leverage data analytics and technology for predictive modelling and risk assessment.
Implement advanced tools for portfolio analysis, borrower profiling, and recovery strategy optimization.
12. Risk Mitigation and Prevention:
Enhance risk management practices to prevent future NPAs.
Strengthen underwriting standards, credit monitoring, and portfolio diversification to mitigate credit risks.
Conclusion: Implementing these strategies and following a structured roadmap can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NPA recovery efforts for banks. It's essential to tailor recovery approaches based on the unique characteristics of each NPA case and borrower profile. Regular reviews and refinements of recovery strategies are crucial to adapting to evolving market conditions and regulatory changes.
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npaconsultant1234 · 7 months ago
NPA Management: NPA Services | Npa Management in Banks
NPA Management We specialize in matters related to NPA Management in Banks and all other NPA Services under IBC like CIRP Process, Resolution Plan, Liquidation Process etc
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