mr-nooooize · 2 years
do you like men
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acefusti138 · 5 months
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i will not elaborate
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cyberpunkboytoy · 1 year
I love how I reblogged German stuff with a specific set of mutuals in mind, only to get notes from Other Mutuals who Also apparently speak German.
I am absolutely surrounded (this is a good thing)
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pantone-palette · 2 years
I'm going back to play Dramatical Murder like the good gay boi I am
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tolkiens · 4 months
wait zee i need ur top 5 justice songs as of 2024 bc i knew this prior to and i wonder if hyperdrama did anything to that!
This is genuinely so hard and Stress-ful (sitcom laugh track) because it really changes by mood with these guys…on my current heavy Justice rotation:
• phantom ii
• stop — 🏳️‍🌈 happy pride month to gaspard and xavier love song 🏳️‍🌈
• waters of naz
• moonlight rendez-vous 🎷🚬🥃🕵️‍♀️🌃
• plainisphere
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salustjm · 21 days
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Family photos-!
It's 2024 and I'm still stuck in DMMd and here's our family reunion at Animaga Melbourne, also known as "Day with my boyfriends, my brother, and my brother's boyfriends" #ViTriSei
(Update: I really do want to make some more English speaking DMMd friends... Please please PLEASE message me!! Especially if you can accept Sei related ships... TT)
Sei: @salustjm / Trip: 爆竹 / Virus: 曦城
Aoba: 瑟水寒鸦 / Mink: 吧咂 / Koujaku: UDAt17
Clear: 羊糕Yui / Noiz: 烨鸢
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What if Eddie had been hidden at Steve's house after Chrissy?
A/N: This was supposed to be just a headcanon, but it sort of just ran away from me. Oops. It's really long, and there's going to be one more part. I may have mixed up a few things, considering I tried to write it all from memory, and I have the memory of a goldfish.
Summary: They sort of messed up with keeping Eddie safe from the public. Never once did they think that if they could find Eddie through Reefer Rick, then other people could, too? I bet Steve thought Eddie would be safer at his house, but he was unsure of saying it. He wasn't sure if it would be smart or not. Where is the last place they would look? Steve Harrington's house. What if Steve did say it outloud?
"Hey, Dustin," Steve said softly. "If we found Eddie through Reefer Rick, then can't other people find him too?"
They had finally found Eddie and were about to leave the boathouse when Steve got the idea.
"Well, where else do you suggest we hide him, Steve?" Dustin asked.
"Where's the last place, if at all, do you think they would look for him?" Steve asked.
"Well, they would never look for him at your place," Dustin laughed, and then he stopped. "Holy shit, they would never look for him at your place."
Dustin scurried back to the boathouse, coming back with a confused metalhead. Dustin went to climb into the passenger's seat but was pulled back by Eddie and pushed to the back seat.
"Parentals sit up front," Eddie replied, and Steve scoffed. "Especially ones who are new to all this shit. So, who's idea was it for me to hide at Harrington's?"
"It was Steve's," Dustin said casually.
Eddie stared at Steve as he drove off, unsure of what to make of him.
"Well, uh, thanks, man," Eddie said.
"No problem," Steve said, coughing awkwardly.
Once he dropped everyone off, it was just him and Eddie on the drive back.
"So, why are you doing this? Putting me up?" Eddie asked.
"Because Dustin looks up to you, man. I couldn't stand looking him in the eye, knowing something happened to you. I hate to say it, but we all know what's going to happen once they find Chrissy in your trailer. Besides, no one should be alone after discovering this shit," Steve said.
"Speaking from experience?" Eddie asked and Steve blushed.
He reached over to turn on the radio. "Cum on Feel the Noize" blasted through his speakers. Steve began beating on his steering wheel, singing loudly. He snapped his fingers at Eddie until Eddie had no choice but to join in. They were laughing almost all the way to Steve’s house. It had gotten a little awkward when Steve, laughing, had placed his hand on Eddie's knee. After Steve invited him into his house, given him some pajamas, he made him another offer.
"Look, you can pick any room, or you can share my bed if you don't want to sleep alone tonight?" Steve asked.
"You trying to take advantage of me, Harrington?" Eddie asked, and Steve stared at him before he realized that he was joking.
"Yeah, no, you'd know if I was taking advantage of you," Steve said and then paused. "Wait, that doesn't sound right."
Eddie laughed, taking the clothes Steve had given him, and began to strip right in front of him. Steve quickly averted his eyes, looking up at the ceiling when Eddie accidentally pulled down his boxers slightly when he started to take off his pants. Eddie had flashed him his ass.
"Whoops!" Eddie cackled. "I swear I'm not trying to make it up to you by putting on a show."
He pulled on the plaid pajama pants and flopped shirtless on Steve’s bed. He rolled around on Steve’s bed, standing up a couple of times to jump on it, and then finally laid on his back as he stared up at the ceiling.
Steve rolled his eyes and slipped into the spot beside him. Steve was startled when Eddie pulled him to his chest. His cheek was pressed up against his tattoos.
"I left my teddy bear at home, so a Stevie bear is going to have to do," Eddie said. "Thanks again for letting me stay here."
"It's not a problem," Steve muttered sleepily.
As Steve’s eyes began to flutter close, he felt a hand drift through his hair. Considering the situation, shouldn't this be the other way around? The next morning, Eddie was gone. Steve jumped up, panicking until he heard music coming from downstairs. He walked into the kitchen to find Eddie wearing one of his blue sweaters and cooking breakfast.
"Morning," Steve greeted and Eddie jumped.
"Good morning, my liege. Our son called. He and the others want to come over to talk," Eddie said.
"Really sticking with the whole he's our kid thing, huh?" Steve asked.
"As smart as he is, that kid would stick a fork into a power outlet if he was curious enough and if we weren't there to stop him," Eddie replied.
"That's fucking true," Steve laughed. "I think there has to be some sort of balance when you're as smart as Dustin. You also have to be just as dumb and reckless."
"You might be onto something, Steve," Eddie said with a laugh.
After breakfast, Steve took a shower and then went to get Dustin, Max, and Robin while Eddie started making breakfast for them.
"I do not want to listen to that little shit complain," Eddie had said.
While they ate breakfast, Dustin gave him the rundown of what had happened over the last couple of years. Meanwhile, Robin was leaning against the counter giving Steve a look.
"He's wearing your sweater, cooking breakfast in your house, and sleeping in your bed. It's all very domestic," Robin said.
"Shut up," Steve said, blushing.
"Gasp. Does Steve Harrington have a crush?" Robin whispered.
"Yeah, I think he's cute, but that doesn't mean I have a crush," Steve said, blushing.
"Oh, how the tables have turned," Robin said.
Just then, the sound of police sirens was heard in the distance. Everyone except Eddie raced outside. They watched as the cops drove by. They were heading towards the trailer park. Steve went inside and told Eddie to lay low before he grabbed his keys. After finding out that Fred, Nancy's friend, was killed, she was now involved in trying to find who or what was behind these attacks. While Robin and Nancy went to the library to find out more about Victor Creel, the others, minus Eddie, went to the counselors and then went to break into the school. They learned that Max was Vecna's next victim. They had all gathered in Nancy's basement, and Steve watched as Max paced, worry etched on her face. It made her look older than she was. Steve hated that. At least Lucas was with them now.
"They're definitely going to think Eddie did it after this," Dustin moped.
"Eddie!" Steve said. "I need to check on him. Make sure that Carver didn't get to him. Nance -,"
"Nancy and I got this. Go," Robin said, ushering him out.
Steve paused on his way out the door and turned to Max.
"Don't bite me for this," Steve said and gave her a one-armed hug.
He was surprised when Max hugged him back tightly and then moved back quickly.
"No one saw that," Max said, glaring at them.
Steve unlocked the door to his house, and as soon as he walked in, once again, he was pushed up against the wall. Eddie had him pinned, his full weight against him. One of his knees was slotted in between Steve’s legs. As soon as he realized who it was, Eddie stumbled back.
"Sorry, I don't know why I keep doing that," Eddie said apologetically.
"Really? Cause I'm starting to guess why," Steve grumbled under his breath. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I mean, no offense to you, but your house is kind of -," Eddie said.
"Creepy?" Steve asked.
"I was going to say lonely," Eddie said.
"Well, my parents left me alone so many times I probably left an impression on the place," Steve said sarcastically.
"How many times did they leave you alone?" Eddie asked.
"Too many times to count," Steve replied casually.
"Okay. I'm going to do something that's probably a little intimate for two people just starting to get to know one another," Eddie said.
"Because you practically pressing me to your nipple last night wasn't too intimate?" Steve asked.
"I was using you like a teddy bear, Steven!" Eddie exclaimed. "It was completely innocent."
"Lay it on me, Munson."
Eddie threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly.
"Shh. Just let this happen," Eddie said. "This is called a hug."
"Fuck you, I know what a hug is, jackass," Steve replied, hugging him back.
"The first time I got a hug after my mom died was from my uncle. After she passed, my dad stopped being my dad. He ignored me a lot and became more reckless. I think I reminded him too much of Mama. One evening, he dropped me off at Wayne's and never came back. Hugs eventually became rather important to both of us. It reminded us that we weren't alone," Eddie said.
Steve hugged him tighter and burrowed his face into his neck. They stayed like that for a long time. Steve pulled back with a sigh.
"A student named Fred Benson died in your trailer park last night," Steve said. "And we discovered that Max is Vecna's next victim."
The next morning, Steve resisted the urge to kiss Eddie goodbye as he slipped out of bed. Eddie managed to mumble a goodbye before turning around and hugging the pillow that Steve had been sleeping on. Steve stared at Eddie's back and bit his lip as he felt a fluttering feeling in his chest. Steve fought another urge to slip back into bed and went to Nancy's.
When he walked into the basement, Max was writing furiously at the desk while Lucas and Dustin watched her. It turned out to be letters for everyone in case something went wrong. Steve was touched that he had gotten one but also concerned.
"So, how's your new roommate?" Dustin asked.
"Well, he kicks in his sleep," Steve said without thinking.
"All the rooms in your house and he's sleeping in your bed?" Max asked.
"After what he saw, would you want to be alone?" Steve asked, blushing.
"Oh my God! You like him!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Okay, just because I also like guys doesn't mean that I have to like the guy who I let sleep in my bed, wear my clothes, and who I sometimes let cuddle me. Okay?" Steve said, throwing up his hands.
"Right. Because I do that with all of my guy friends," Dustin grinned.
"Okay, yeah. He's cute, especially when I walked in the other day when a rollie pollie had gotten into the house. He was just crouching there, watching it scuddle along. He wasn't bothering it or anything. He was just watching it living its life, his head tilted to the side with a fond look - Oh my God, I like him!" Steve exclaimed.
"You know, if it had been a spider, it would have been creepy," Max said.
"Seriously, Max?" Lucas asked.
"Hey, I'm cursed. You can't scold me," she replied.
"You want me to do some infiltration? Find out what his situation is," Dustin asked.
"No, no, no. Don't do that," Steve said quickly. "I told you guys about me in my own time. If Eddie is also the same, he should be given the same opportunity to say it in his own time, right?"
"Right," all three coursed.
"You know I would never tell him that you like him, right?" Dustin asked.
"I wouldn't have told you guys about me if I didn't trust you guys to keep a secret," Steve said.
"We want you to be happy, Steve," Dustin said.
"My happiness isn't dependent on whether I'm in a relationship," Steve said. "My family makes me happy too."
"Dude, your parents suck," Lucas said.
"I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about you guys," Steve said, looking at all of them and looking pointedly at Max last.
Max sniffled and threw her arms around Steve, hugging him tightly.
"You assholes didn't see that either," Max said.
"Oh, dear, I think I've gone temporarily blind," Dustin said, waving his hands in front of his face.
"Shit, man, me too," Lucas said.
Nancy and Robin had come into the room, announcing their plan to go see Victor Creel, where they found out that he survived by music pulling him out of his hallucination. It's what eventually led to them saving Max when she got cursed at Billy's grave. The imagine of her eyes and her floating in the sky would haunt Steve for a long time. Like Lucas, he would be forever grateful for Kate Bush.
"You guys want to meet up at my house this time?" Steve asked. "I have more room."
Max, Dustin, and Lucas shared a knowing look before nodding. Dustin was first through the door and into Eddie's arms. He was still wearing Steve’s blue sweater and a fresh pair of pajama bottoms. His hair was wet from taking a shower. Once Dustin broke from the hug, Steve swept Eddie up into his own arms. He hugged him tightly, smiling when he smelt his own shampoo in Eddie's hair. Steve told Eddie what happened and Eddie broke the hug.
"Shit, Red, you okay? Well, that's a stupid question. Of course, you're not okay. You know what, you will be. You're tough as hell. In fact, you could just scowl at that fucker and he'd melt. If anyone is made of hellfire, it's you," Eddie said.
Max rolled her eyes before throwing her arms him and hugging him too.
"Oh God! I'm blind again!" Dustin exclaimed.
The next morning, Steve was up before Eddie and everyone else. He decided to make breakfast. As he was cooking, Eddie and Max stumbled in. They were carrying paper and a large box of crayons.
"You guys are up early," Steve said.
"So are you," Eddie pointed out.
"I wanted to make breakfast for everyone," Steve replied.
"I couldn't sleep. Some people kept playing music in my ears," Max said as she started to draw.
Max out her earphones back on as Steve flipped on the radio to Eddie's favorite station. Just then, Nancy skidded into the kitchen and sighed in relief at the sight of Max. She plopped down next to her and watched her draw. Steve placed a cup of coffee in front of Eddie, just the way he liked it.
"Thanks, babe," Eddie said absent-mindedly, and Steve blushed.
Max and Nancy raised their eyebrows. They had heard that. Steve leaned over to see what Eddie was drawing and sighed, pinching his nose.
"Eddie, why the hell are you drawing a bunch of dicks?" Steve asked.
"You are what you want to eat, Stevie!" Eddie cackled, rolling the paper into a ball.
"Not in front of the child, Munson!" Steve exclaimed, and Max rolled her eyes while Nancy struggled not to laugh.
Steve opened his mouth to say something else when Eddie shoved the paper ball into his mouth.
"Eat a bunch of dicks, Harrington!" Eddie cackled and frowned when Steve spat it out. "You're supposed to swallow."
"I wish someone told me that before I ate a bunch," Max quipped.
Steve, Eddie, and Nancy all turned their heads to blink rapidly at her. Steve and Eddie both looked like they wanted to rip off their own ears.
"Relax, guys, I'm joking. Jesus, I'm not ready for that," she said.
Steve sighed in relief, clutching his chest. Meanwhile, Eddie was checking his pulse. Nancy rolled her eyes at both of them, but the color was just starting to come back to her own face.
"What are you drawing, Max?" Nancy asked.
Max explained to her that she was drawing what she had seen in Vecna's red soup mind as Steve had called it. Nancy watched her draw, and she eventually pieced together that Max was drawing Victor Creel's house.
"We'll go there after breakfast," Nancy stated.
"Everyone but me again," Eddie said, pouting.
"You're a wanted man, Eddie," Nancy pointed out.
"Yeah, baby," Eddie said, grinning.
"Not like that," Steve said, rolling his eyes.
"So, there's no one here who wants me like that?" Eddie asked innocently, batting his eyelashes.
"I mean, I didn't, I didn't mean that no one - KIDS, BREAKFAST!" Steve yelled.
Eddie cackled into his cup of coffee. They heard the sound of feet pounding down the stairs. Dustin and Lucas came running into the kitchen to fix themselves food. Robin came stumbling into the kitchen a moment later, rubbing sleep from her eyes. After they all sat down to eat, a news report came on the radio. Patrick McKee died at Lover's Lake. Steve had been right. They did try to find Eddie at Reefer Rick's. Everyone stared at Eddie, and he sighed.
"Go, I'll clean up," Eddie said.
Everyone started rushing out the door, and that's when Eddie noticed that Steve had forgotten his keys.
"Stevie!" Eddie cried, and Steve skidded to a stop as everyone was leaving. "You forgot something, big boy!"
Steve rushed back into the kitchen, cupped Eddie's face, and kissed him before running out the door.
"You forgot your fucking keys," Eddie muttered in shock.
Meanwhile, Steve was diving into the back of Nancy's station wagon with Dustin. As Nancy was driving away, Steve realized what he did and he hit his forehead.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"I forgot my fucking keys on the counter."
Part 2 (hopefully the final part) is coming soon!
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demolition-lesbians · 2 years
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Rolling Stone #1119 December 9, 2010 - The Playlist Issue
(click for better quality) Here's the playlist if you want to take a listen! Transcript:
Gerard Way: Glam Rock
My Chemical Romance's frontman grew up a metalhead, but when he heard Iron Maiden's lead singer, Bruce Dickinson, cover Mott the Hoople's "All the Young Dudes," he discovered a whole other world, "I knew I had to find out more," Way says, "To some people, glam is just about makeup. To me, it's a very magical thing almost like witchcraft."
1: "Ziggy Stardust" David Bowie, 1972
This song defines glam. It was also the first thing in rock that really challenged people's notions of sexual orientation. Bowie actually sings about a man's ass! 2: "Children of the Revolution" T. Rex, 1972
You always knew Bowie would make it out alive and turn into another character; with Marc Bolan you didn't know that. He came across as very vulnerable. 3: "All the Young Dudes" Mott the Hoople, 1972
This is kind of a cheat because David Bowie wrote it for them, but I always preferred the Mott the Hoople version. By this point, Bowie was talking about the actual glam movement, which is why it's about kids stealing makeup and breaking into unlocked cars. Glam became about the kid in the room, the poster on the wall, putting on a women's short fur coat and eyeliner, with no shirt on, just listening to this music. 4: "Ballroom Blitz" Sweet, 1973
They completely break the fourth wall when the song opens up and they're calling each other by name. We emulated that on our song "Vampire Money." It literally starts out just like "Ballroom Blitz" does. 5: "Cum On Feel the Noize" Slade, 1973
Obviously, everybody knows this for the Quiet Riot version, but when you hear the original you realize just how bold it is. The soundscape they created is probably one of the best out of all the glam-rock bands. 6: "Love Is the Drug" Roxy Music, 1975
Roxy Music took the glam thing and then modified it. Bryan Ferry looks nothing like a glam artist, and that's what I love about him. He's wearing this great suit and he's got short hair and he's so romantic. Maybe some people wouldn't consider Roxy Music a glam band, but I do, for a lot of reasons. A major one is that they used to have Brian Eno behind the keyboard wearing feathers on his shoulders and eye shadow.
7: "Needles in the Camel's Eye" Brian Eno, 1974
Speaking of Eno, this is the first track on his first solo album. It's the glammiest track on the record. As soon as he finishes that song, he's almost over it, and he's moved on to something else. Besides Bowie, Eno is still the most important artist to me of the glam scene. When you heard his first album, you knew it was gonna be his last glam record. He just needed to do it once and he was done. 8: "Clones (We're All)" Alice Cooper, 1980
With "Clones," Alice Cooper was moving into the glam of the future, like this kind of Blade Runner replicant version of glam. Alice Cooper doesn't get enough credit for being a glam artist. A lot of people just say, "Oh, he's shock rock," but I think he's way more Rocky Horror than he is shock rock. 9: "48 Crash" Suzi Quatro, 1973
She's the most unsung glam rocker. She's also the prototype for the Runaways. "48 Crash" is one of her more aggressive songs. She looks amazing on the cover, wearing this black cat suit. Everything about the song is magic. 10: "Personality Crisis" New York Dolls, 1973
They were a lot more punk, but I will always consider the New York Dolls glam by the nature of how they looked and their attitude. They took glam to America and really challenged the sexuality of it. They also had Johnny Thunders, who's basically like the American Mick Ronson.
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vikkisixxpixx · 11 months
Originally wrote this as a scenario for my Motley Crue DR (shifter rep), decided to post it since there's a severe lack of this kink in bandfic
To clarify, I am a cardiophile. UrbanDictionary describes cardiophilia as "the act of being obsessed with the heart," though personally, I prefer the term "fascinated." Depending on the person, it can be sexual or nonsexual (it's both for me), however, since this is a smut, this will be focused on the sexual aspect. Now, as the song says, on with the show.
Dr. Feelgood
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Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Suki Taylor (my DR self), is in first person from the perspective of Suki Word Count: 1,236 Warnings: MINORS DNI (18+ content), cardiophilia/heartbeat kink, medfet, fingering f!receiving, piv sex (protection not mentioned because I forgot, could go either way in your imagination), multiple orgasms (on the part of Suki), explicit language, mentions of alcohol (in passing), nicknames, a very corny joke mid-tango, lmk if I missed anything. Don't like? Don't read. Extra Notes: we needed more of this kink anyway. also Quiet Riot's Cum On Feel The Noize came on shuffle when I wrote the second orgasm and I still find it hilarious Based on: Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue (in name), the horny thoughts I got after viewing the attached photo No beta, we die like real men
Nikki sighs as he sits next to me on the tour bus. Tommy’s at a payphone calling Heather, while Mick and Vince are having a few drinks on the bus.
“If I don’t have one night away from Tommy, I’m gonna fuckin’ scream,” Nikki breaks the silence. “He’s about to drive me batshit crazy!”
I stifle a giggle. “Do you wanna get a hotel for tonight?” I ask. “You have another show here tomorrow.”
He presses a kiss to my cheek. “That is an amazing idea.”
It’s about an hour later that the two of us are checked into a room at some chain hotel; not sleazy, but definitely not the Ritz.
“It’ll look like shit after we’re done anyway,” Nikki says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
I snicker, rolling my suitcase to the corner of the room. “I wish the show wasn’t so soon. Then we could…”
He stalks over to me before lightly brushing his fingertips down my arm. “I don’t have to go.”
I laugh slightly. “You’re in one of the most popular bands in the world. You’re not missing a show!”
He plants a sloppy kiss on my lips. “Maybe later I can do something special for you.”
I smirk. “I’d love nothing more.” I give him a quick kiss before saying, “Now, you need to go.”
He kisses me again before walking out the door.
The show, like usual, is very loud and very successful. But, for the first time I’ve ever seen, Nikki is ecstatic to get off stage.
As we’re walking out to the car the venue lent us, he throws an arm around me. “Ya know, babe, I think that was my best performance yet.”
“What makes you say that, honey?”
“Because I played the best I could so I could go back to the hotel as fast as I can.”
I laugh at his comment as the two of us get in the car.
The drive to the hotel is largely quiet, though the sexual tension is palpable.
“I’ve got a surprise in my suitcase,” Nikki speaks in a singsong voice as we enter our room.
“You do, do you?” I ask with my eyebrow quirked.
“Mhmm. Go in the bathroom and don’t come out ‘til I say so.”
“Yes, sir,” I reply with a smirk. He chuckles and smacks my ass as I walk away.
It’s a silent moment later that I hear, “The doctor will see you now, Miss Taylor.”
“Dr. Feelgood?”
I walk into the room to find Nikki wearing a white coat—and only a white coat—with a stethoscope around his neck.
“Yeah, I heard you’ve been under the weather, Miss Taylor,” he says with a devious smirk.
I giggle. “Yes, Doctor, I’ve been feeling very, very sick.” I fall onto the bed dramatically with a hand on my chest.
“What seems to be the trouble, Miss Taylor?”
“My heart just feels all sorts of funny, Doctor.” I blush when I realize what I’ve said.
Without wasting a second, Nikki walks over. “Hmm, sounds like I should check that out.” In one swift move, the stethoscope is gone from his neck and has found a new place, with one end on my chest.
A few silent seconds pass before I blurt out, “That thing’s not even real, is it?”
Nikki chuckles. “You bet your ass it is.” He smirks as we both feel my heart rate skyrocket. A blush makes its way across my cheeks as he says, “Now that is interesting. Take a deep breath for me, would ya, babe?”
My stomach does flips at the way it sounds when he says that sentence, but I obey nonetheless.
He listens silently for a moment. “Miss Taylor, could I get you to be my guinea pig for a second?”
“Of course, Dr. Feelgood,” I reply. “What do I need to do?”
“Just stay still for me.” He plants one of his signature sloppy kisses on my lips, listening to the effect it has on my heart. “Hmm, just like I thought. I gotta operate, Miss Taylor. Now. With your permission, of course.”
“Oh, absolutely, Doctor. Is there anything I need to do?” I ask as dramatically as I can.
“Let me do all the work for you.” He kisses me again before slipping my battle vest off to hit the floor, followed by my tank top.
With more of my chest exposed, he starts placing kisses on every inch of my bare skin, occasionally just above my heart, which is the only time he moves the stethoscope. Each one earns a moan.
“Beautiful sounds, baby,” Nikki says between kisses. “From your mouth and your heart. Got one more in you?”
He slinks a finger past my shorts and underwear after his words, curling it inside me; an action which elicits the loudest moan I’ve let out so far.
“Good girl. Mind if I take these off?”
My brain is already so foggy from pleasure that the only thing I can do is release an affirming noise before my shorts and panties join the growing pile of clothes on the floor. With them out of the way, another slender finger joins the first one.
“Fuck, Nikki!” I shout.
He chuckles. “I will, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that.” His white coat falls to the floor before he removes his fingers to put them in his mouth. “You are delicious.”
Before I can even think about his statement, he’s got me in a new position on the bed, before thrusting himself inside me.
I let out another “Fuck!” as Nikki starts finding a rhythm. I can only imagine the sounds filling the earpieces of the stethoscope as he’s fucking the daylights out of me.
“How does it feel, Princess?” he growls. “How does it feel knowing I’m fucking your pretty pussy to the beat of your own poor little heart?”
“Feels good!” I manage to moan out, my body bouncing with his every move.
He chuckles. “And that’s why they call me Dr. Feelgood. Because I’m the one to make you feel alright.”
Normally I would’ve laughed at his joke, but I’m so cock-drunk by this point that my only response is to throw my head back and mewl.
It’s hardly even a second later that I feel the telltale knot of an orgasm building in my stomach. “Fuck, I’m gonna— Aah!”
Nikki chuckles once more. “Go ahead and let yourself cum, Miss Taylor.”
A scream of “Nikki!” comes out as I give in to the pleasure.
As my body quivers beneath him, his thrusts start to become unsteady.
“Nikki, I wanna listen to your heart while you cum,” I whine.
He smirks and quickly switches the stethoscope around. Now my ears are filled with the beautiful sound of his heartbeat. A moment of counting reveals it to be at 130 beats per minute.
“Fuck, Nikki, your heart’s racing,” I blurt out.
“It’s cuz I love you so much.”
His unsteady thrusts paired with the sound of his heart in my ears is enough to send me over the edge again, and the two of us climax in sync.
Panting fills the air as neither of us say anything at first. After a moment, Nikki takes the stethoscope and puts it back on me.
“Your heart sounds like a fuckin’ jackhammer, babe.”
I slap his arm playfully. “Shut up!”
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world0fmadness · 1 month
pelle “ dead ” ohlin x reader
♡ more general dating headcanons for pelle!
୨୧ i hope you like them! i’m really praying that i never majorly disappoint someone with the fulfilment of their request lol! i’ll almost always put a silent hill song for pelle because i just think those soundtracks fit him so well <3
♡ requested by @gnrgroupie | related hc available here and here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: iron fist by sodom - white noiz by akira yamaoka
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♡ pelle doesn’t shower or bathe often but when he does, he likes to do so with you!
୨୧ like most things with him, it isn’t always in a sexual manor, most of the time it’s just an intimate thing he likes to do with you
♡ he’ll stand behind you, obviously with his height and all, and study your naked body, dragging his eyes across all of your features
୨୧ he likes to memorise all of your freckles and moles, scars and flaws… he thinks they only make you more unique and beautiful, you’re one of a kind and you’re his
♡ speaking of body features, pelle doesn’t really cuddle but he will usually at least have an arm wrapped around your waist or back
୨୧ this often leads to him tracing your features, connecting your freckles and moles like connect the dots!
♡ he often does it whilst you’re already asleep, he doesn’t want you to catch him and thinking he’s creepy, you’re one of the few people who doesn’t find him creepy and he’d really prefer to keep it that way :(
୨୧ but you wake up one time when he’s doing it, softly calling his name and asking why he’s not asleep yet and he jumps out of his skin, pulling his hand back and scooting away from you a little
“ sorry… i’m sorry… ” ( this only wakes you up more because what the hell is he talking about? sorry for what? )
♡ when you turn around and look at him, concern covering your face, you realise what he was doing and quickly take his hands in yours, assuring him that it’s fine and you don’t have any problem with him doing it! why would you?
୨୧ he gives a curt nod before leaning his head down towards you, his usual sign of wanting to kiss but still being a little awkward about it and not really knowing how to go about it
♡ after placing a gentle kiss on his lips, you turn back around and pull his arm over you again, quickly falling back to into the fog of sleep as his fingers trace your skin and he breathes quietly into your ear
୨୧ pelle falls asleep this way too, his fingers eventually going still on your body as his eyes close, he very rarely sleeps on his own but usually manages to get some sleep when you’re by his side <3
♡ pelle is absolutely not a morning guy at all… he hates the morning! they’re too loud and the sky is too bright, it’s when he’s the most hungry and he hates that
୨୧ often times he just will not eat, no matter how hard you try and convince him to just eat a single piece of bacon or even some toast
♡ but on some rare occasions, you have got him to eat some fruit in the morning! usually strawberries
୨୧ he just shoves the whole strawberry into his mouth, little green leaves and all… you think it’s because he can’t stand to look at food for too long and just wants to get it over with, you don’t particularly like when euronymous laughs about it…
♡ you help pelle with altering his clothes quite a lot! you don’t exactly trust him too much around scissors and knives so you’ll gesture for him to give them to you and let you be the one to shred up his jeans
୨୧ he stares at you blankly for a couple seconds before handing them over, standing off to the side and watching you work before thanking you with a slightly shy kiss to your head
“ thank you… they look good… ‘m gonna go bury them now, can’t really hurt myself with a shovel so don’t worry ” ( your mouth gapes slightly at the joke before you start laughing and he looks back at you with that once in a blue moon, all teeth, big smile on his face before walking out the back door into the garden )
♡ one time when he needed to write another letter to you, wanting to tell you some things that he felt you couldn’t quite say aloud, he realised there was no paper in the house except for some really “ girly ” pink paper with little bows running down the sides…
୨୧ it was only in the house because euronymous’ mother had gave it to him and euronymous had been meaning to throw it in the trash but pelle settles for it, it’ll work until he gets some more plain paper
♡ but when he gives you the letter, he sees your face light up a little as you trace the little printed bows with your nails
୨୧ he’s always extremely observant of small things like this when it comes to you!
♡ he watches your face like a hawk at times, studying how your eyes change when you like something or your lips turning twitching when you’re upset! nothing gets by him without being noticed
୨୧ he takes all of the paper from the kitchen and puts it in the drawer of his desk, you liked it! he’ll write his letters to you on this paper from now on <3
♡ it’s such a small but meaningful thing and you don’t even know he did it…
୨୧ another thing you don’t know about is that he has a picture of you two taped under his desk
♡ his section of the picture is folded because he doesn’t enjoy seeing himself much but when nights get really bad and maybe you’re not there or you’re deep in sleep, he’ll pull the picture out from under the desk and just stare at it, getting lost in your eyes and your smile as moonlight shines through the window and cicada chirp in the grass outside…
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waivyjellyfish · 10 months
tw/blood, TV noize
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Idea that Es can see ghosts following the prisoners. It is not clear whether this from the beginning was idea of MILGRAM or whether it was simply a mistake when they made Es what they are now, but Jackalope is silent and doesn't comment this situation. Anyway the ghosts are very happy to chat. Which is what Es took advantage of.
02 - Yuno’s viktim accept the form that can speak(was it the soul that only was just getting ready to posess the body and become a baby or already possesed body, idk)
05 - Shidou's wife scaring away shido's victims ghosts so there only his family ghosts here
08 - don't really know who was Amane's victim so I draw Riyone 'cause she's probably Amane's mother and Amane said that her mother should have kept her faith to the very end, soo
09 - Mikoto's victim is a collective image
cat is just chilling nearby
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chrispywhispy · 3 months
First Kiss
I felt like writing for some reason and decided to write about one of my oldest ships, NoiCle from DMMD. Yes, a DRAMAtical Murder fanfic in 2024. There’s not much involved in here except for some kissing. Anyway, I just wanted to share these two 💚💛
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Electronics has always been Noiz’s forte.
Whether it was hacking, fixing AI, or participating in Rhyme, he could do just about anything as long as it involved technology. It wasn’t a surprise when he saw a discarded and half damaged android while passing by a dingy alley. He’s fixed robotic pets before, but most definitely not a full scale model of what looked like a human, with half of its face torn off to reveal mechanical innards. Noiz was eager to explore new territory, and maybe even stave off some boredom, so he took the damaged robot and began working on it for the next few months. 
His hard work of staying up every night to monitor and run diagnostics was rewarded by a chipper voice as the android introduced himself by the name of “Clear,” now fully functional and repaired of missing skin and wires. The robot was a lot more expressive than he ever could, which made him equally amazed and jealous of his bubbly personality. Seriously, the guy was so lifelike, you’d never think he was all gears inside from all the programming behind the scenes. 
And speaking of personality, Noiz wasn’t sure if following him around his messy apartment was also part of it, but he didn’t seem to care either way. Clear just liked to observe him playing games on the hologram or fixing something on screen. He would also ask multiple questions a day, almost akin to a toddler with a mind of his own. Well, he did fix him. It’d be natural for the robot to be curious about anything and everything from someone who fixed him. 
Noiz also taught Clear the wonders of food, (not that he needed to eat but whatever,) things he enjoyed, testing out his features and whatnot. He had to admit, he was slowly falling more and more interested in Clear. He would deliberately insist on cooking for him instead of ordering take out pizza, and would even drag him outside for some fresh air. The industrial district wasn’t really as fresh from where he lived, but walking beside Clear’s unusual cheerfulness made the atmosphere ten times more enjoyable than being alone like he always was.
Today Noiz felt particularly lazy and stayed inside, laying back on his worn couch to click the TV’s channels on with a swipe of his thumb on the remote. Clear joined him soon after, just a comfortable distance of half a meter. Not that he was calculating. He just felt the shift of the couch move from Clear’s weight, who was inching closer by the second. 
Noiz mumbled a short hum of acknowledgment to let Clear know that he was listening, anticipating whatever he wanted to ask this time. He admired that Clear was respectful with his ‘-san’ but it was technically unnecessary given that he was younger than most mechanics out there.
“Why do you have piercings on your face?” 
“I just think they’re cool.” Not exactly a lie. He once saw a piercing shop and returned every few weeks or so to get more wherever part of his body could reach.
“Do they hurt?” 
Well that was a new one. The blond turned to face Clear’s ever so curious gaze, finding nothing but pink shiny eyes full of wonder. It’s not like they ever hurt on the day he got them. He couldn’t even feel an ounce of pain no matter how many injuries he got. 
“Not really. Why?“
“It just sort of looks like it does since it goes through your skin and all.” Clear points to one of them, his head tilted slightly to the side.
Eh, it wasn’t the most gruesome one. Probably even tamer. Worst case scenario would be a knife to the skull. That’d be a great piercing for sure. 
“Y’get used to it after a while. It makes for a nice permanent accessory so you don’t have to remove and put it on all the time.”
This time the android tilted his head back to its original position and put a hand on his chin in a classic thinking pose. What could he be thinking about anyway? Staring at his piercings so much… Actually, on second thought;
“If you’re so curious about them how about I show you what they can do?” 
Clear breaks his pose, only to be followed by wide beaming eyes. It was almost sparkling. He was sparkling. “Really? Please show me, Noiz-san!” 
Noiz sighed and stifled a smile of his own. He’s already got him hooked on, might as well play along right? To start, he points at the ring piercings on  one of his brows.
“You see, these make me look more expressive. I don’t express as much emotion as you so I got them.” He received a fascinated nod by Clear, to which the other replied; “That’s true. It makes up for the rest of your eyebrows. They’re very short.” 
He raised said pierced brow. “Hey, just because it’s short doesn’t mean they make up for it, idiot.” 
So what if his brows were short? They’ve always grown that way. He felt weirdly offended and pinched Clear’s cheek out of impulse. 
“O-Ow…!” Noiz allowed himself to grin this time as Clear scrunched his face up with a pout. “What was that for!” 
“Making fun of my brows.” He didn’t mean it in the slightest, but he enjoyed Clear’s reactions. Their banters always came as naturally as the wind. 
“Now these,” The blond pointed to the studs horizontally across his nose bridge. “They help me sneeze.” He glanced down Clear’s hand, prying one off his lap to replace his own. “Go on, try and pinch them.” 
As hesitant as he was just after being pinched playfully, Clear placed his index and thumb on the cold metal and waited. Noiz faked himself a sneeze as soon as Clear’s fingers touched the studs, eliciting a small gasp from the android. “See?“ He pointed to the last piercings on his face just below his lips. “Finally, these help me speak when I’m kicking ass. Cool, isn’t it?”
Today was probably the most he’s ever spoke in his life playing for a simple prank. Of course, whatever he said was total bullshit, but the way Clear attentively listened and observed with such focus, taking in every fact like some newfound discovery, made it hard to break the truth to him. 
“Wow… that’s amazing, Noiz-san!”
The android cheerily clapped his hands with a bright smile, almost as blinding as the sun. “Do you have more?” Clear’s lashes fluttered with eagerness, face inches away from his. 
Oh he does alright. 
“Well… I have this one right here.” 
Noiz stuck his tongue out to show the piercing embedded there, drawing out a look of astonishment and a hint of pink of the android’s face. That gave him an idea. 
“Wanna test it out? You did help me sneeze.” 
That seemed to make Clear blink, eyes glued to his tongue as he drew out a slow, “What will it… do?” 
“You’ll see.” At this point the distance between them was almost nonexistent, and If he was going to hell for this, Noiz will make sure it’ll be heaven for him and Clear. So Noiz leans in for their first kiss. It wasn’t any different than a human’s, and Clear’s adorable squeak to intimacy pleased something in him he never thought he had. 
The blond also takes the opportunity to study Clear’s features up close. He’s worked on him for months but the robot never failed to mesmerize him with how human he looked. His hair, albeit synthetic, was silky smooth to the touch. His porcelain skin soft and pale with two moles adorning his chin. His pastel pink eyes crowned with long snow white lashes carefully laced with precision. This unit was a work of art. His cheeks were now flushed the same color as his eyes at the contact of Noiz’s warmth. He was even able to react to sensations and temperature. 
Noiz began to test the waters by running his pierced tongue against Clear’s soft lips. The android made a sound of surprise and tentatively parted his lips to let Noiz enter, tasting and feeling the piercings he was oh so curious about. Truth be told, the only sensation he could feel was his tongue, and he hadn’t expected Clear to taste oddly sweet. Did he eat candy or was he just naturally tasty? Either way, Noiz wasted no time exploring what Clear had to offer, enjoying this manmade masterpiece letting out soft hums and pants. 
He pulled the android closer by the cheek, while the other hand snaked around his waist. They would’ve gone hours making out if it weren’t for the need to breathe. Noiz had to pull away much to Clear’s dismay.
“How’s that?” 
Clear almost wanted to go for a second round but decided to lick his lips instead, missing the taste of Noiz already. The cold metallic dud on his sensors made the experience strangely addicting.
“It was… good.” Good enough for him to bashfully turn away, making the blond snicker. “You have the nerve to look away from our first kiss.”
Clear’s blush had already darkened into a nice shade of tomato red since they locked lips, now impossibly redder than ever. Noiz found it fun to tease this little white rabbit. 
“This really is my first kiss with Noiz-san… hazukashii~!” The android now fully covered his face with his hands, ears bright red complimenting his silver hair. 
“You just noticed that now?” Noiz found himself smiling at the flustered mess that was Clear, bringing his hands down despite Clear’s shy protests. 
“Let’s make that a second kiss then.”
Clear’s complaints soon died out once Noiz took his lips for another session, melting in his embrace. Although Noiz had other plans to spicen up whatever they had going on, he didn’t want to rush Clear into something he wouldn’t want. Like the ones on his… you know what. And so they shared kisses throughout the day onwards, teasing Clear and Clear teasing him back. 
It was a good time, and not once has Noiz regretted fixing Clear since the day he found him.
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feldmanshome · 2 years
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You asked what kind of AU is it? Make yourself comfortable, my friends!
(.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
In 1995, under cover of the noize of Birakujî, Eric King launched the Caelus for the first time. He discovered a huge underground temple in the foothills of the Zagros. But his research didn't get any support (financial, I mean), so Eric managed everything by himself (what a man). He brought Clarice Stokes as a sience-sister, and Rachel as a guard-squad-leader. Nick, Merwin and Joey are the members of Rachel's team, so they all protect Eric and Clarice in the war zone. What about Jason? He's also in the guard, second in command. Despite of dr*g addiction, because he didn't tell his mates about it. But in the underground temple, the group discovered not only the remains of the former culture, but also a fairly lively current one.
The temple people use the Muslim calendar and speak very outdated Arabic. But there's something more important. They stay underground for centuries to hold back the monsters escaping from the bowels of the temple. The temple people are few, most of them are meek, but the're really good warrios. Salim is their hakim - elected leader. It was he who first stumbled upon the Americans, while he was chasing the monster that broke through the defenses of the temple. Because of the contact with new human race the research continued for some weeks. While Eric and Clarice are exploring a new culture, Joey and Mervin are busy with each other, and Rachel and Nick are busy with Eric (they're three for the price of one, guys, they're family), Jason is the only one who wants to leave the temple as soon as possible, afraid of his withdrawal (of course he doesn't have enough dr*gs to be there for such a long time). Salim, who has no idea what dr*gs are, nevertheless intends to help him deal with not only this problem.
A couple of details:
Salim speaks English. How? Because of another group of researchers. His parents once met scientists who also descended into the temple (Dr. Randolph Hodgson's team, yep). These scientists left all of their records, dictaphones and cassettes in the temple to protect an underground village from invasion.
Salim hides Jason in his house and tells everyone that Jason was poisoned by the luminescent paint that tample community use to paint their faces (maybe I'll tell you more about this cultural tradition later) so Jason will not be fired or sent to jail. You can see the part of this on my art.
Zane was born later and his mother disappeared earlier. Where did she go? She fled to the upper world. She didn't want to waste her life on a living in a hornet's (vampire's, actually) nest. How old is Zayn? Seven months. Salim feeds him with a tissue (a medieval technique for raising a baby who has lost their mom: a soft tissue is dipped in milk and put it in the child's mouth). And yes, look at the background of my art. See the little bed in the niche with the curtain? Now you know whose it is.
The ecosystem in the underworld is really special. But it's too much words for the one post. I'll talk more about this later if you'd like me to.
Art has two versions just because of the lentern. Enjoy!
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 14
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Mash -
"Mash has an extreme flat affect, his tone of voice barely changes no matter what happens and his facial expression never changes. That's not to say he doesn't feel emotions, he's just hard to read, but he does very much feel emotions. When he breaks a door because he doesn't know whether it's push or pull, he feels bad about it and offers to fix it. When he messes up, he plays cool until he realizes the consequences, and then panics. When he needs to fight someone, it's go time, and when he's fighting for a friend, he gets mad. He's dumb, but has a good heart, and his core motivation is to live in peace and happiness with his adoptive grandpa. Mash is a himbo: dumb, kind, and buff.
Mash has two Special Interests, and he's equally obsessed and knowledgeable about both: working out and cream puffs. He's so obsessed with working out that he sticks to a strict schedule of specific exercises throughout the day, even exercising in the middle of a conversation. He also drinks regular protein shakes and gave his individual muscles names, and he talks to his muscles and pretends they talk back to give himself a pep talk when he's feeling down.
As for cream puffs, they are his all-time favorite food and he is excellent at baking them (though terrible at making anything else). He always carries a cream puff around in his pocket (unsanitary!), and is constantly eating them, even in tense scenes. His cream puff being damaged is one of the few ways he'll express shock on his otherwise deadpan face. He loves cream puffs so much that taking one from him triggers an unconscious nerve reaction to take it back.
The following bits of propaganda are minor spoilers for Mashle:
It's later revealed that Mash's true dream in life is to become a patissier and run a pastry shop that sells cream puffs.
There's one scene near the end of the manga where he smiles, and it gave me intense feels in exactly the same way that Mob laughing at the end of Mob Psycho 100 does."
Noiz -
"He's your stereotypical gamer. A hacker and a nerd. He pursues the MC ONLY to play some game with him because apparently he used to be the best and now Noiz wants to beat him. He always looks like he doesn't care about anything with a deadpan face and speaking only the necessary, but oh he does. One of the key aspects in his route is that he's physically unable to feel pain, often realizing he's hurt and bleeding way too late. His diet has been pizza and pasta for 15 years. He named himself like that!! He's the og autistic yaoi tboy."
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dmmdconfessions · 1 year
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[Image text: To this day, I think the most random piece of information provided by side content is Noiz's (ALLEGEDLY… I refuse to accept it.) favourite food besides pizza and pasta being plum-filled pork loin. Like okay…? I guess…? The German name for it is long as hell too, I do not blame the Allmates for not understanding a thing + Usagimodoki speaking German was hilarious.]
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obrother1976 · 6 months
not gonna edit the post bc listing more songs is gonna look insane. but need to speak my truth so these r also my fav songs: all around the world. magic pie. married with children. slide away. talk tonight. their cover of cum on feel the noize. stand by me. fade in-out.
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