#NO TELL ME WHY i try contacting my group last week to ask when we can meet and no one says anythign
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Mr. Cube I have a question of utmost importance for you as literally the only Magneto main I know of. HOW... DO YOU PLAY HIM. Do you have any tips. I want to look at him.
So You Want To Be Pretty OK As Magneto In Marvel Rivals
(3 March, 2025) a beginner's guide written by your resident magneto main snapperoni because now i get an excuse to talk about marvel rivals magneto extensively and in gross detail
*this guide will be treating you as though you have never used magneto in your life and will go into extreme depths at explaining his abilities as well as what it means to be a tank player. if you feel confident in understanding his abilities, feel free to skip the abilities section and head straight to the bottom for talk on strategy and tips
TLDR ROLE INTRODUCTION ABILITIES Melee/Greatsword Primary Fire/Iron Volley Secondary Fire/Mag Cannon Metallic Curtain Metal + Iron Bulwark [TEAM-UP ABILITY] Metallic Fusion [ULTIMATE] Meteor M [PASSIVE] Magnetic Descent TIPS AND STRATEGIES Iron Volley + Mag Cannon Combo Bubble and Shield Usage Two Tanks Are Better Than One Metallic Fusion How to Use Meteor M CLOSING THOUGHTS
Too Long, Didn't Read:
Magneto is a poke tank meant to be played at medium-to-close range whose priorities should lie in acting as a living wall for his teammates. preserving his abilities mostly for himself yet sharing them when the situation calls for it.
While his priorities should be defense-based, when it comes to going on the offensive you want him to target strategists and duelists and only engage in tanks if the rest of the team is with you. As far as aiming goes, he's very friendly and isn't hitscan reliant, and you should find yourself picking up his aim style easily with time.
He's not a super flashy character like the rest of the cast, but he's far from useless and, at this moment in time, stands as one of Rival's best tank options alongside Doctor Strange and The Hulk, whether you're running two tanks or running solo.
Overall, the two-star difficulty he is awarded is very fitting: available to newcomers to pick up and start playing, however offers a little something extra to those with a better understanding of him; he's generally straight forward as far as tanks go, but picking up a few extra tips and tidbits never hurt anyone. Except your enemies, of course.
Role Introduction: Vanguard/Tank
As a vanguard unit, Magneto's top priority should be taking the brunt of the team's damage on the front line and should give the team either opportunities to push forward, or shoot behind the cover you provide.
With 650HP (without shields), while he has average health for a vanguard, his defensive kit allows him to be a formidable wall when his abilities are used tactfully and you work in tandem with your support/s. Unlike dive tanks like Venom and Captain America, Magneto is much more stationary, and his kit rewards playing defensively and close to the team.
A common misconception with FPS games is that your top priority is to get the most eliminations as possible and to exclusively hunt for the next kill (unless that is the objective of the specific map you're playing on, then this is false). There are several errors with this philosophy: for starters, you begin to neglect the objective, which can lead to a game loss.
The amount of kills you have won't matter if you stay off point and the other team takes the objective. No matter what anyone says, don't stress about your eliminations so long as you know you're protecting your team, securing the point, and overall providing value to the game (though it is important to be able to land a shot....).
Moreover, playing under this philosophy is a sure-fire way to not only get you killed and remove your time away from the field (which should truly be your game philosophy: die as little as possible), but specifically as a tank you'll bring your teammates down with you as they lose what should be a reliable line of defense. As a tank, you should be opening up opportunities for your teammates to get the eliminations and protecting your strategist/support units.
All of that said, tank is not for the passive player: as tank, you need to be firm about the playing field being yours and making sure the enemy team knows they're going to have a hard time taking it from you. Fitting for Magneto, really.
Ability Review
Before dissecting Magneto's abilities, I will preface and say I calculated his damage using Doctor Strange (600HP) and Scarlet Witch (250HP) as damage dummies. The numbers I have here may not be accurate, so to circumvent this potential error I'll describe how many shots it takes to use a specific skill in order to eliminate certain enemies.
Attack speed: ~1 second
Damage Output: 40 (About seven swings to KO a 250HP enemy)
Utilizing Doom Bot remains, Magneto swings with a grandiose blade. The problem with this sword is it's not only one of- if not the- slowest melees in the game as of right now, but it has very little to compensate for its poor speed. Should very rarely be used in place of a well-aimed primary fire.
Primary Fire/Iron Volley
Reload time: ~1 Second
Damage Output:
Direct Damage: 80 (About four shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Edge Damage: 40 (About seven shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Fall-Off Damage: 40 (About seven shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Magneto's Iron Volley asks that you lead/predict your shots. Moreover, his Iron Volley will explode automatically once reaching 25M(eters), whether it hits a target or not. At 25M, your shot will no longer do 80 damage, but will do half instead. As noted before, Magneto's primary fire will explode when it comes into contact with a wall, floor, or enemy. As such, the explosion has a small hitbox- doing just about half of a regular, direct shot. Because of this, you shouldn't be too stressed if you're not the greatest at aiming: Magneto's primary fire makes up for any minor imperfections and is rather generous so long as you're in the general area of your target.
Secondary Fire/Mag Cannon
Reload Time (Without Bulwark Aid):
One Ring: ~4 Seconds
Two Rings: ~8 Seconds
Full Power: ~12 Seconds
Damage Output:
One Ring: 40 (About seven shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Two Rings: 80 (About four shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Three Rings/Full Power: 100 (About three shots to KO a 250HP enemy)
Edge Damage: N/A
Similar to Iron Volley, you will need to lead your shot when firing off a Mag Cannon. Unlike his primary fire however, Magneto's secondary fire will keep going until it hits a wall or enemy. Moreover, it doesn't suffer any damage fall-off, nor does it offer any edge damage. How many rings you possess show both on Magneto physically, but they can also be tracked by the purple arrows below your crosshair. As a bonus, the Mag Cannon momentarily stuns and pushes back any targets it hits which can either cancel an enemy's advancement, or open the floor for a follow-up attack.
Metallic Curtain
Recharge Time: 3 Seconds
Replenish-to-Full Time: 10 Seconds
Duration: 1.5 Seconds
Damage Threshold: N/A
Putting up an impenetrable wall just shy of two seconds allows Magneto and his allies to pull back safely from oncoming damage or provide just enough cover to make an adequate push forward. Not to mention, this indestructible wall scoffs in the face of any ult coming your way. Once the shield has been spent, a white bar will appear on the right side of your crosshair. This bar indicates how long you can hold your shield up the next time you use it before it's fully charged, where then the bar will fade. Finally, you can put your shield down early. While this means you'll have to wait the full three seconds for it to be available again, this means your shield will have more durability the next time you use it.
Metal Bulwark + Iron Bulwark
Recharge Time: 12 seconds
Duration: ~3 Seconds
Damage Threshold: To be calculated, but it does exist: be cautious of the damage you and your teammates take.
Magneto can spring a magnetic bubble over either himself or an ally. The bubble not only negates any incoming damage and protects allies from Scarlet Witch's Reality Erasure, but once the bubble has popped or faded Magneto will regain some Mag Cannon rings relative to the damage absorbed.
[TEAM-UP ABILITY] Metallic Fusion/Chaos
Recharge Time: 30 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Damage Output:
Direct Damage: 100 (About six shots to KO a 600HP enemy)
Edge Damage: N/A
Being his only team-up ability as of writing this post, this father-daughter duo ability allows Magneto to fire at an impressive 100 damage per second as he finally finds use in his otherwise-inadequate greatsword, adding a truly dangerous ability to his typically defensive kit. It's as though every shot taken was a Mag Cannon with a wider hitbox- however this hitbox varies from being vertical or horizontal and thus can be a little unpredictable if you aren't aiming carefully. Is used best at medium-close range, but don't neglect its potential to snipe enemies from across the map.
Duration: 4 Seconds
Magnetic Range:
Lowest to the ground: 30M
Nearest to the skybox: 5M
Damage Output (No Charge):
Edge: 150 (About over half of a 250HP enemy's health bar)
Direct: 300 (About half of a 600HP enemy's health bar)
Damage Threshold Before Explosion: To be calculated, however can be tracked by the counter below the crosshair
Automatically floating into the air, Magneto stays true to his name and acts as a magnet for all incoming projectiles; extracting enemy projectiles to build the power of his metal meteor and granting Magneto the ability to float freely, Magneto's ultimate doubles both as an offensive and defensive ability. You're able to see your magnetic field + blast radius by observing the purple ring on the ground. Remember: you can rise and descend freely so long as your ultimate is up, use this wisely. I affectionately refer to the meteor as "rock", however this ultimate has garnered a reputation for not doing as much as some believe it should. Hopefully this guide helps you in ensuring your meteors make the impact they deserve.
[PASSIVE] Magnetic Descent
Manipulating the magnetic field around him, Magneto decreases his fall speed by 50% when holding the jump button. Nuff said. People have a hard time aiming up in FPS's so if you find yourself with the opportunity to float around a bit (especially using Rocket's jump pack) then by all means terrorize from above as you descend.
Tips and Strategy
Iron Volley + Mag Cannon Combo
A basic tip, but a valuable one nonetheless. To eliminate an enemy with 250HP- assuming you land all your shots directly- it takes about 3 seconds, four shots. Again, this is assuming you hit all your shots and if the enemy doesn't regenerate any health. Alternatively, utilizing the PRIMARY-SECONDARY-PRIMARY combo allows you to not only stun an opponent with your secondary fire, but it should take nearly half of the time spent then if you only used primary fires, so make sure to use your secondary shots responsibly. Remember that your primary fire has, at max, 25M of utility: afterwards, it won't be able to do much. Fine for picking off low-health enemies while they're fleeing, but don't expect to hit any enemies close to the skybox or far away from you without moving in a little bit first- that's what your secondary fire's for. As Magneto, your targets should be squishy characters like support and DPS. Because of his relatively-slow DPS, Magneto doesn't fair well against other tanks and shouldn't engage in 1v1's if possible (they're not unwinnable, but they could be a great distraction and leave your team vulnerable).
While I'm here, I'm just going to stress to not use your melee. Like. At all. You're much better just using your primary fire. At most you can set it up as Hulk's turning into Bruce if you'd like but that should really be it: your primary fire is much more effective than your sword.
Bubble and Shield Usage
As a tank, you want to act as a wall for your teammates, and this can be done effectively by being more conservative and selfish with your shields: you are the wall. Remember. Draw the enemy's fire towards you by being an irritant. While Magneto is healthy in shields, remember you have natural cover from stage obstacles and structures as well. Magneto can be regarded as a 'poke' tank: a tank who is meant to attack sporadically and in short bursts. He is best played at a medium distance from the enemy front line and to not to be wholly damage focused when he is much more defense focused. 'Poking' the enemy from behind structures is not only a great way to conserve your abilities, but it utilizes Magneto's primary and secondary fires well due to their moderately-slow start up and overall DPS, letting him take cover when need be.
While attacking on the front line, once you notice your health start to dip below half or you feel as though the crowd is about to overwhelm you, raise your Metallic Curtain and step back to give yourself some air. Bubble yourself as a last resort if you still need to back up- be sure to fire your Mag Cannon beforehand so you'll immediately have it replenished if your bubble pops during your escape. It's important to remember Magneto has zero movement abilities and it takes 5 seconds for him to traverse 30M: it doesn't sound too bad, but when there's a large crowd in front of you, you'll wish he could move faster. Don't push too far ahead, and be aware of exits around you.
That being said, be conscious of your teammates. This is a TEAM game after all. We've covered Magneto and Scarlet Witch's team-up ability before and how valuable it is. As a result, you'll need to learn to play well with any Scarlet Witches on your team, and this means having your bubble ready to protect her when she decides to ult (this also means making sure to check the scoreboard occasionally for your teammate's ult charge as well as, again, being ability-conscious of those around you). Only when she's in immediate danger do you bubble her, not before: this ensures the bubble lasts long enough for her to get her ult off (or there's a better chance it'll be executed, anyhow). If you feel as though you won't be able to react fast enough, then you can try to bubble her beforehand; don't stress out about timing the bubble perfectly, just make sure she's protected. In general, bubble your duelists when they're deep in a crowd to give them a chance to escape (but don't stress out about protecting them. After all, there's only so much you can do before you put yourself in danger or use a bubble inappropriately when someone else could have better benefited from it). Besides Wanda, it's naturally best to look after your support units and to make sure they're not being overwhelmed. Don't helicopter them and neglect the rest of the team, but just make sure to check on them every now and then. Ultimately, your bubble priority should be Supports -> Yourself -> Others. After all, your support/s can't help you or the team if they're dead.
Two Tanks Are Better Than One
Magneto has the fortitude to be able to tank by himself comfortably, however the rare days you find yourself partnered up with a second tank, know these are the days you can be more generous with your bubbles and shields to your teammates. Your second tank will help cover with you and should make it easier for you to escape the crowd when need be, so bubble-hogging is less of a necessity. Make sure to help your tank too if they're in a bind and they're out of defenses/movement abilities (but again, not at the detriment of yourself or your supports: once more, Magneto can tank by himself if need be so long as you use your abilities carefully).
Metallic Fusion
It's tempting to want to use Magneto and Scarlet Witch's team-up ability the second you have it, however it's best to save it for crowd control. That being said, once it is active, make the absolute most of it: there's no consequence to holding down the primary fire, so just let loose and go crazy (with reason, of course: don't run in and get yourself killed and don't forget your teammates).
How to Use Meteor M
Someone asked me this midmatch once and I scrambled to come up with an answer. Both because the round was about to start in five seconds but also because I truly didn't know the answer at the time. The longer I've played though, I think I finally have the answer- or a better one besides "spray and pray" at least. As noted before, Meteor M is a fickle ultimate and how you use it is dependent on the situation (many such cases about anything, honestly). At times, you'll want to play higher to the skybox to ensure your meteor doesn't explode immediately. Alternatively, a quick throw of the meteor might do the trick in some situations where it's both safe to build meteor charge close to the ground, and the faster you remove a target/s, the better. This is also dependent on how many projectiles are being thrown out onto the field: if you're in a situation with predominantly melee opponents, it's best to use your meteors to single-out troublesome duelists and supports- there's little chance your meteor's going to exceed 30+ charge in those kinds of matches. Generally, you'll want to use it to counter support ults like Cloak + Dagger and Luna Snow (NOTE: a raw meteor will NOT KO an ulting Luna. You need at least 30+ charge before a direct hit can KO her. Cloak + Dagger can be KO'd from the get-go with a direct hit). Don't be afraid to throw out a meteor if you see a cluster of low health/squishy enemies without any defenses, however. Just remember it's ok to hold onto an ult if it means it gets greater value later on, and that you shouldn't hunt exclusively for team wipes. If you find yourself popping ult and the crowd's dispersed, support units should be your default priority (unless there's a duelist/DPS unit using their ultimate: take them out instead if you can). Initiating Meteor against Punisher's Final Judgement can be tricky if you aren't fast enough, as Frank's ammunition will quickly push your meteor to its limit. If you don't throw your meteor fast enough, you could potentially risk your teammates their lives and waste an ultimate in the process. Use your meteor against Punisher with caution. Similar notes to be said about Star-Lord's Galactic Legend, only now your problem is also throwing at a flying enemy. I personally would shoot him down with a regular primary/secondary as his DPS isn't nearly as grand as Punisher's and a meteor could be superfluous. You'll especially want to be wary of enemy tanks and their shields as they'll without a doubt cancel out your ult with ease, more specifically enemy Magneto's and Doctor Stranges. Be cautious that Captain America can deflect your ultimate, though I personally have had minimal trouble with Captains. In general, you should track enemy ability usage, but especially the prior two if you hope to pop your rock soon.
Closing Thoughts
Ultimately, improving at Marvel Rivals in general comes with time and willingness to acknowledge you're bad at the game sometimes but to not let that stop you from playing who you wanna play, whether you're playing as Magneto or not. While you can do your best to improve your aim in Rivals' practice area, things like game sense are something that can only really be accumulated through experience and playing the game.
Sometimes I watch back old games/moments of mine to figure out where I could've gone wrong to improve next time, but you don't HAVE to do that: just play the game, have fun, and love Magneto.
And throw a rock at every support you see for me okbyethankyouforreading
Bonus: My Credentials so you can determine if i'm reliable or not. or something.
[PS: every hero Not Mags/Wanda/Adam is purely my brother i swear im loyal]
#marvel rivals#magneto#snap chats#idk how valuable my opinion is i'm just a plat player but like Hey Its Something focus on my hours and trust me vJLAERKEAKJ#hours mean nothing if you dont learn from being balls... whatever... moving on...#i'm not checking this over i'm just throwing it into the wind no one's going to read this anyway#i thought of having more gifs to show stuff but i thought thatd be overdoing it <- this whole post is overdoing it#maybe ill pin this to the top of my blog idk. took a long time to type...#NO ONE'S GONNA READ ALL THAT WHY DID I TYPE ALL THAT#i think ive gotten enough inquiries about My Magneto Playing to finally write a semi-professional guide about it vJELKJAEKL#wrote all of this to get my PhD in Magnetism thats right baby#WHATEVER if you read all of that i love you i'm giving you a box of mochi donuts#if you take anything away from this post uhhhh Please Dont Forget Your Teammates THIS IS A TEAM GAME#ok thank you.... i hope you enjoy my. nonsense#yk im so glad my school group hates me cause i got to spend all day doing this jvLKAKJ#NO TELL ME WHY i try contacting my group last week to ask when we can meet and no one says anythign#and now people getting cross with me for us not meeting sooner... i TRIED NONE OF YALL EVER ANSWER ME#WHATEVER. whatever...#for a mfer just talking about teamwork My Team is making me want to eat gravel#anyway!!!! again if you read All That hope you enjoyed my inisght and input#again this is just from my experience playing magneto and some tank experience from overwatch so#take it how you see fit#if you guys care one of my fave rivals/ow youtubers is flats and he's always got great input for tank players#check him out if you like :)
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how would the 141 + konig and vaqueros react to reader (not part of the military,just a civvy) randomly having connections with a bid deal military person like someone on a higher rankđ imagine them being "oh general ___? we had dinner at his house last week. i met him while I'm on a coffee run" or someone from 141 mentioning that they need something and reader is just like "hmm i might have someone for that"
this is so funny to me
ghost: he needed access to some computer data from a big law firm, but they refused to cooperate with him or the team. at dinner one night, you two were talking about your days when he mentioned his frustration with this law firm. âwhat firm is it?â you asked curiously and he told you it was a group called âHenson and co Lawâ. you started laughing and when he looked confused, you smiled. âi know their mom. i use to babysit them for her after their dad left the picture. let me see if i can get their mother to talk some sense into those brothers.â the next day, the law firm quickly gave ghost what he needed and asked him to give you their love.
soap: you two were laying in bed together, him having just return from a recon mission. âyou know, this mission is being over complicated just because no one knows how to get into this gala. every time we try and get invites, they reject us!â he let out his frustration and you looked up from your book. âyou talking about the Mason Gala? i can get you in. Helen Mason is my godmother!â soap immediately whipped his head towards you, desperately grabbing at your arm. âplease doll! also your godmother is a multi millionaire?â you shook your head, getting your phone out to text the women and ended up securing the whole team and yourself tickets.
gaz: you two were on a facetime call while he was on a mission. the homecoming date kept being pushed back because one of the guys they were supposed to get intel from kept flaking. gaz was expressing his frustration with the whole thing when he mentioned a name to you that was super familiar. âwait a minuteâŠyou donât mean Ben Klark? i went to high school with him!â you laughed when gaz lurched forward. âplease tell me you still have contact with him! we need tech!â you nodded, grabbing your laptop to message him. the next day, three boxes showed up full with the Klark tech the team needed.
price: he hosted a bbq at your guyâs house every other weekend. you were bringing out trays of food to the boys at the backyard table. they were deep in work talk when you joined. âwe just need to somehow get the Jacobsons sisters to agree to go undercover.â price shook his head, knowing the two girls would never agree. âyou mean Vanessa and Amelia Jacobsons? their mom does my nails.â you mentioned causally, setting the tray of food in front of soap and gaz. âwait you know them?â price looked at you confused. âyeah the girls come into the shop whenever iâm in to gossip. i think i have Vanessaâs number. i can try and convince her if itâll help.â you looked at the boys, confused as to why this was groundbreaking to them. the boys immediately started begging you to ask the girls and you giggled as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing your phone to text the two girls.
alejandro: you happened to be sitting in his office, waiting for him to take you to lunch when him and two other officers walked in. âwhat do you mean we donât have a pilot? no one on this base can fly?â he sounded frustrated as the two officers shook their heads. âyou need a pilot?â you asked, catching the three menâs attention. âwhy? do you know one?â one of the officers asked. âyeah my brother. heâs overseas in america but iâm sure heâll be able to do it. heâs air force.â you grabbed your phone to text him. alejandro crouched in front of you, kissing your head. âyouâre my favorite, did you know that? iâll contact his C.O. and get him down here.â you smiled, squeezing his hand. âyou still owe me lunch.â
rudy: he was working in his home office when you entered, a plate of food in your hands. ârudy honey? you gotta eat.â you placed the plate down on top of the stack of papers he had buried his face into. âi will once i can get a reputable translator for when we go to russia in a few days.â he groaned, softly pushing the plate to the side. âi think i have a guy for that.â you pulled your phone out and started texting. rudy looked up at you, the look of hope in his eyes. âiâm desperate. everyone i reach out to is so sketchy.â he rubbed his eyes and you nodded. âMikael Petrov. i studied with him in college. great guy.â you handed your phone to him with the contact pulled up. âyou are a blessing.â he stood before kissing you gently.
könig: you were folding laundry in the family room when könig came home. he kicked his boots off before collapsing in his favorite chair next to you. ârough day?â you asked, not looking up from your task. âja. everyone is busting my ass to find a hacker that can decode this transmission we intercepted.â you chuckled at the very militaristic sentence. âyou couldâve just asked me baby. i know so many people.â you placed his pile of laundry on his lap before kissing his head. âyou know someone? a hacker?â he looked concerned at first. âdonât ask. college roommate for all 4 years.â you laughed before getting your phone out. âEmila Davenport.â you gave him her number before taking the laundry basket full of clothes back upstairs to your room. âiâm gonna marry you someday, maus!â könig called out and you laughed loudly in return.
#ask#soap x reader#ghost x reader#gaz x reader#price x reader#alejandro x reader#rudy x reader#könig x reader#request#cod x reader#mw2 x reader
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Lost in Translation
pairing: Fem!Reader x Theodore Nott
summary: In which you and Theo are best friends, and secretly in love. But when Theo accidentally overhears a conversation between you and Enzo, he realizes you might not feel the same wayâŠ
Note: Ok yâall Iâm sorry I PROMISE this will be my last Theo fic in a little while, Iâm really going to try to write for other characters (and dw I wonât cheat and write for Lorenzoâs other characters ;)). On that note, I am going on many trips this summer and donât know how much Iâll be able to write so I just want to get this story out before I leave for my trip tomorrow. Update: I didnât finish in time and Iâm currently halfway across the world writing this, having been awake for 23 hours straight, so if it stops making sense towards the end, pls forgive me đđŒ
It was a particularly warm day in March, so you and your friends decided to carry out your free period by the Black Lake. The sound of the waves lightly crashing onto the shore and the light breeze dancing through the trees was enough to make you want to fall asleep on the plush grass beneath you, but Pansyâs voice brought you out of your dreamy state.
âY/n?â She spoke again, when her voice didnât get your attention the first time.
âMhm.â You muttered from where you were laying in the grass, a smile small placed on your face as the sun hit your skin so nicely.
âDreaming of Theo?â Hermione inquired, causing Daphne to giggle due to your friendship with Theo being a little too âfriendlyâ.
You shot up and glared at the girls. âHow many times do I have to tell you, we are only best friends.â
This caused Daphne and Hermione to laugh even harder, and your cheeks flushed a bright pink.
âOk, ok, whatever. Y/n, do you have the charms work?â Pansy asked, annoyed that her question had been ignored thrice.
âYeah, I have it here.â You said, shaking your head to forget the altercation as you rummaged through your satchel.
âSpeak of the devil.â Daphne said, causing you to look up.
Class must have gotten out already, hence why Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo were walking your way now.
You gave Pansy your homework and went back to resting on your makeshift grass bed.
âForgot our invite?â Mattheo said, as the boys reached your group.
âYou had class, idiot.â Pansy said, scribbling down your work.
âWhen has that ever stopped us.â Mattheo said, as he sat down and threw his tie off and gave Pansy a sassy look.
You felt your body being moved by strong hands you immediately recognized as Theoâs.
âHey, you.â Theo said, as he looked down at you. He had moved you so your head now rested on his lap, a much more comfortable pillow.
âHi Teddy.â You said, your eyes still closed.
âTheres other people here too, y/nâ. Enzo joked, his mouth full with food.
âI know, I just donât tend to say hi to people I donât like.â You joked, making a face at Enzo.
He threw a piece of candy at you, but it was intercepted by Theo who put it in his mouth.
âWhatâs in the bag Mattheo.â Hermione asked, changing the conversation topic and drawing attention to Mattheoâs bag which was slowly and quietly jumping up and down.
âThese idiots spilled some of our potion into my bag and it hasnât stopped jumping since. You should have seen it before though, itâs calmed down a lot since then.â
Theo and Enzo began to laugh, and the rest of the group followed suit.
Theoâs hands were playing with your hair, like second-nature.
Enzoâs gaze burned down on the both of you, and you slowly made eye contact with him. You had drunkenly told Enzo about your feelings towards Theo after a party a couple weeks ago, when he brought you back to your room (a job that was usually taken by Theo).
âCareful, y/n, watch your step.â He had said, as he helped you back into your room from the Slytherin common room.
âYour the best Enzo, youâre really my best friend.â You had responded, turning to face him as you said it.
âYeah youâre mine too y/n.â He said with a small chuckle. You two had known each other for ages, and your bond was like no other.
As he was helping you out of your clothes, you started to explain your feelings.
âEnzo, I can trust you right?â You asked, biting your lower lip.
He stopped momentarily, nervous. âOf course you can trust me, y/n.â He said, taken aback by your silly question.
âOk, because what Iâm about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone about. And I mean it. Not even your cat.â You said, turning to face him, your expression completely serious.
âO-ok, yeah. Of course.â He said, surprised by your quick change of tone.
âI mean seriously. If you told anyone it could ruin everything.â
Enzo gave you a skeptical look, what the fuck were you scared to say he thought to himself.
You took his silence as an invitation to speak again.
âIâm in love with Theo. And I mean really in love with Theo. Iâve thought about it for some time now and I just had to tell someone about it.â You rambled.
Enzo was silent for a moment, a small smile forming on his lips.
âFucking finally you realize!â
âMattheo, stop it! Do it yourself!â Daphneâs voice brought you and Enzo out of your shared daydream. Daphne snatched her potions essay out of Mattheoâs hands and slapped him with it, causing him to yelp out.
âWill you two stop it? Anyways, we better get going y/n.â Hermione said, collecting her stuff and getting up.
âWhere to?â Theo asked.
âHarry and Ron are meeting us at Hagridâs in a bit. We have to help him with some baby dragon he found.â You explained, getting up from Theoâs legs.
âOk, see you at dinner then.â He said softly, helping you put your things away.
âSee you.â You said to him, and then loudly to the rest of the group as you walked away with Hermione.
Theo stared at you as you walked away, his being consumed with you.
Dinner was quick, and as you made your way out of the Great Hall, you detached yourself from Hermione, Harry, and Ron, to grab Enzo.
âCome with me.â You said, pulling him by his arm and giving him no time to ask questions.
You pulled him into your dorm room and closed the door.
âWhatâs going on?â
âIâm gonna stop being a pussy and confess! Iâm tired of being hopelessly in love and I want to do something about it.â You explained.
âFucking finally!â He said, repeating the words he had said that fateful night.
âAnd youâre going to help me practice.â
What..?â Enzo asked, a confused expression on his face.
âI need you to help me practice what Iâm going to say. Please.â You said, throwing the last word in there to make it sound more like a question than a command.
âOk yeah. Anything to finally get you two together.â Enzo asked, causing you to roll your eyes.
âUgh, I canât do it! What if he doesnât like me back, and then I ruin our friendship and I lose him completely. Iâll tear the group apart. I-I canât do this.â You say, sinking down to the floor, your worries consuming you.
Enzo follows you down to the ground, and grabs one of your shoulders gently. His other hand lifting your chin to look him in the eyes.
âY/n, I love you, but youâre being so fucking stupid right now. Of course he loves you, itâs so painstakingly obvious. I mean everyone knew before you two realized it. He practically crumbles at the sight of you talking to other boys. So please, just do this.â He explains, putting emphasis on the last sentence.
âYouâre right. I- wait, he gets jealous when I talk to other guys?â You ask, diverging the conversation.
Laughter erupts out of Enzo, and it vibrates through out the entire room.
Little did you know, Theo had had a similar conversation with Mattheo the night of that party a few weeks ago, which was the reason for his absence in taking you to your room
He was sitting on the astronomy tower, smoking a cigarette when Mattheo appeared.
âPartyâs down there, mate.â
âIâm not interested.â Theo had said, watching as the smoke from his cigarette mixed from the smoke created by his voice in the cold air.
âWhyâs that?â Mattheo asked, sitting down next to Theo and taking a cigarette from the open pack on the ground.
âI canât stand it anymore. Seeing her with other boys.â
âY/n?â Mattheo asked, in which Theo confirmed with a small nod.
âMy chest physically hurts when I see her flirt with other people. Iâm physically hurting knowing I canât be with her. Knowing I canât love her.â Theo explains, tears brimming in his usually stole cold eyes.
âThen tell her. I assure you she would much rather flirt with you than those tossers.â
So now, Theo was on his way to your dorm, excitement and fear teeming inside of him. He was repeating the speech he had prepared earlier with Mattheo over and over in his head, but he knew it was useless. He knew he would forget all of it the moment he looked into your angelic face.
He ran up the stairs to your dorm room, pushing people aside and muttering apologies as he did so.
He ran down the hallway, excited to get to your door. He finally reached the dark oak, but was surprised by the laughter he heard inside. That wasnât your sweet laugh. It was loud and boisterous, a boys. Theo waited outside your door, listening in. Had he misread the signs?
âEnzo stop it. Stop laughing.â You said.
Enzo? Theo thought, confusion clouding his mind.
âOk, ok, yep, sorry.â Enzo said, laughter still slipping out of his lips.
âI love you, ok?â You said, after slapping the side of his head.
âFinally you realize. Iâve been in love with you since we were kids!â Enzo responded, and Theoâs heart dropped. It dropped and dropped until he was sure it was laying on the floor somewhere. His throat closed up and mouth got all dry.
You were in love with Enzo? How could he have missed that? How could he possibly have missed that? Tears threatened to spill, and he was damned if he let anyone see him cry. He ran out of there as soon as he regained feeling in his legs.
Theo wanted to crawl into the Black Lake and drown. How could the girl heâs been in love with since he was a child love someone else? One of his best friends for that matter. Why was his life always so unfair?â
âOk, ok Iâm ready.â You say, after having finished your little improv love confession with Enzo.
âOk, so what are you waiting for?â
âNow? You want me to go now?â You ask, your eyebrows shooting up and eyes widening.
âYes, now! Stop wasting time!â
âO-ok, ok, fine, Iâm going now.â You say, reaching for the door. âWill you wait for me? In here, please.â You say, turning back to face him.
âOf course.â He said, a smile small on his lips as he crashes down onto your bed.
You finally reached Theoâs dorm, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you knocked on the door.
It was strangely silent on the other side, until you heard footsteps reaching for the door.
You fought back the urge to walk away, your stomach was flipping and your palms were lightly sweating. Wtf am I doing? You thought.
You were taken aback by Mattheoâs presence, even more so by his face. He looked almost, unhappy to see you. Something you had never experienced.
âIs Theo here?â You asked, eyes trying to dart around Mattheoâs body to see inside the room.
He gave you a look you couldnât quite understand, but it seemed angry.
âNope. Iâll pass on a message if you want.â He said, uninterested.
âEr, no itâs alright, Iâll just come back later.â You explained.
âOr maybe not.â He said, closing the door in your face.
You stood there shocked, had he really just done that? What was going on? Where was Theo?
You concluded that he had probably been with a girl, thus his urgency and blocking you from seeing inside. Whenever girls got with the boys, they were typically jealous of your friendship with them (although you never understood because they were all practically your brothers), so perhaps he wanted you out before the girl got angry.
You left, walking back to your dorm. The confidence dissipating out of you, and you decided you would just do it tomorrow.
Unbeknownst to you, Theo was actually in the room, wallowing over his lost love.
The next morning you slowly got out of bed, rolling around in your comfortable sheets as the sunlight seeped into your room. It was a slow Saturday and you had nothing planned other than a Ravenclaw party you were debating attending.
You slowly got yourself out of bed, reminding yourself of the large task at hand: tell your best friend your in love with him, no big deal. You got dressed and made your way down to breakfast, and you kept finding yourself wiping your sweaty palms against your shirt.
As you walked into the Great Hall and made your way over to the table, you noticed immediately that Theo was absent, and Mattheo as well. You quickly scanned the table to find Enzo and when you locked eyes, he gave you a sympathetic look followed with a shrug. You went over to your table and quickly ate breakfast.
The rest of the day was just as strange. You didnât see Theo all day, which never ever happened. You two were practically attached at the hip. It was strange not having his presence around you, and you swear you were having withdrawal symptoms.
The strangest thing occurred towards the end of the day, when you were walking down the hallway and you saw Theo walking a ways away in your direction. But as soon as he saw he, and you swear he saw you, he turned sharply into the boys restroom, looking down.
âCmon y/n, please come!â Pansy said, trying to drag you out of your bed to go to a party with Daphne and her.
âIâm sorry, Pans, Iâm just not feeling it.â You stated. You had been crying for a while, coming to the conclusion that not only does Theo not love you, he hates you.
âOk, ok. But, if you change your mind, you know where we are.â She said, finally giving up and leaving your room.
Enzo was leaning on the arm of a couch, drinking fire whiskey and laughing along to Draco and Blaiseâs remarks.
The Ravenclaw common room had been expanded, yet it still felt stuffy with the huge amounts of people inside. Blue lights were dancing around the room and music was pumping loudly throughout.
Theo and Mattheo were sitting somewhere else, Theo stating he couldnât stand even looking at Enzo or he would kill him. But eventually, he got enough drinks in his system, trying to numb the pain of his heartbreak, and got up to make his way to him.
âWow, mate. Where you going?â Mattheo asked, grabbing Theoâs forearm.
âIâm not gonna lay a hand on him.â Theo said, glaring at Enzo and shaking his arm out of Mattheoâs grasp.
He took long strides over to Enzo, Draco, and Blaise, and his cup sloshed back and forth, liquid spilling over the sides.
âHey mate.â Blaise said, him and Draco both unaware of any drama.
Theo nodded to him and Enzo shared a tight lipped smile, and looked down at his cup. The air was so tense it couldâve been cut in half with a pair of scissors.
âWhereâs your girlfriend?â Theo asked, after beats of silence and staring daggers at Enzo.
âUh- I- my girlfriend?â Enzo asked, taken aback. The fear emanating from his voice at Theoâs violent look.
âYeah, your girlfriend. Yâknow, y/n.â He said, his voice laced with brutality.
âY/n? What are you talking about?â Enzo asked, his brows knitted in confusion.
âI heard you talking to her. Saying how much you loved one another. Ringing any bells?â
âWait, Theo, what the fuck are you talking about?â Enzo asked, Blaise and Draco listening in intently.
âWow, you are a shit boyfriend. I fucking heard you saying how much you love each other when I was outside of her dorm. It was two fucking days ago and now you canât even remember?â Theo said, his face fuming with anger.
âHoly shit, thatâs why you started acting all weird? Mate, thatâs not even close to what was going on.â Enzo explained, Blaise and Draco were watching like it was a reality tv show.
âOh, so your love confessions were just pretend, or?â Theo said, talking to his best friend as if he was scum.
âYes, you idiot! She was practicing what say to you!â
âWhat?!â Blaise said, covering his mouth when he realized it was out loud.
Theo blinked, looking around to all the boys. Mattheo had appeared when he heard the commotion getting rowdy.
âWhat..?â Theo asked, looking intently at Enzo.
âSheâs in love with you! She asked me to practice what to say to because she was going to tell you. But then you got all weird and stopped talking to her. Now sheâs sure you hate her and sheâs been crying for hours.â Enzo explained.
Theo looked at him with blank eyes, he couldnât believe what he was hearing.
âWell? What are you waiting for? Go!â Mattheo said, pushing Theo towards the door.
Blaise and Draco cheered, and Enzo sat back releasing a breath, thankful that he hadnât just been beat to death by Theo.
âGo away Pansy!â You said, after a knock was placed on your door.
You had been laying in bed practically all day and were wallowing over your lost love.
âItâs not Pansy.â Theo said shyly.
âCan I please come in.â
âUhm, yeah.â You said, quickly sitting up and trying to make yourself look more presentable.
The door opened slowly, and Theo walked in, his face was soft and kind.
âCan we talk. Please.â He begged.
âYeah.â You said quietly, eyes searching his face for a clue of what was to happen.
âIâm so sorry y/n. I didnât mean to hurt you. I thought you were in love with Enzo and I- I just couldnât handle seeing you.â
âWhat? Why would you think Iâm in love with Enzo?â
âI came round to your dorm last night to talk to you, and I heard you and Enzo inside. You were talking about how much you loved each other. And I just, my heart broke. Because Iâm in love with you y/n. Iâve loved you ever since I have known you and I couldnât bear to be around you after hearing that you loved my best friend and that I would never have a chance to love you.â He ranted, tears coming to his eyes as he stood before you.
âTheo, I- I donât love Enzo.â Was all you managed to get out, because your throat was closing in quickly now and tears were threatening to spill if you said anything else.
âI know that now.â Theo said, with a light laugh. âAnd Iâm sorry if Iâve ruined everything between us but I want to make it up to you and if you still have any feelings for me at all, please, please tell me because I canât go on pretending I wouldnât burn the entire world for you if you asked any longer.â
You smiled, tears falling from your eyes.
âOf course I fucking love you! Iâve been in ruins thinking that you hate me, Teddy.â
He melted at the nickname and made his way over to you, sitting on your bed and wiping your tears from your cheeks. You both were smiling at each other, and after gathering yourselves for a minute, he asked, âCan I kiss you?â
You laughed at the silly question, because, of course you wanted to kiss him and answered by smashing your lips onto his.
GOD SORRY THIS IS SO LONG and the ending is super rushed because I didnât want to keep writing
#slytherin boys#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#theodore nott#jealousyfic#harry potter#theodore nott x y/n#angst#lorenzo berkshire#enzo berkshire#enzo x reader#miscommunication#best friends#friends to lovers
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Fic Rec List - Fake Dating
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nsfw: In for a penny, in for a pound by @f1-stuff | E | 49.4k Summary: Charles needs a date for his brothers wedding and instead of finding someone to ask he decides to use an escort agency, as you do. Why I liked it: Listen, I am just a woman and not immune to the hairy charms of Carlos Sainz as a professional gigolo, okay? This fic is amazingly hot and the way the awkwardness transforms to flirty tension and back is impeccable.
"He doesnât think about it much when he kisses him, their sweat turning it salty, skin flushed and warm from the exercise and the sun. He sucks at Carlosâ bottom lip, and all he feels is satisfaction and relief. And also, maybe, a little arousal. Not because of, like... Carlos. But just because of the high of victory, the exhilaration of beating his ex. Obviously. Not at all because Charles' eyes have been catching all day on the flex of Carlosâ bare thighs, legs lean and muscular and covered in dark hair. Or the tight cupping of his shorts over his ass. Or the movement of his shoulders beneath his shirt, clinging more and more to his skin as sweat dampens the fabric and outlines the shape of his pecs. Or the swell of his arm muscles as he clutches his racquet, flexing with every hit of the ball. Or even the messy sweep of thick, wavy hair at his neck, contained beneath a backwards cap until the end of the game, when he sweeps off the hat to dump his remaining water all over his head, like some sort of soft-core porn shoot. Charles realizes that heâs standing amongst a group of the bridesmaids, all of them staring at Carlos as he smooths the water through his hair and over his face, dripping idly while he zips up his racquet and grabs the rest of his things. Charles shuts his mouth and swallows, wandering away from the group of women before anyone sees him, shame reddening his cheeks."
Green Card by @mysticalbreadcollective | M | 10.7k Max is rich and needs a Green Card, Daniel needs some cash and a place to stay. The answer to both problems is for them to get married! I just loved how in sync they are with each other
"Yeah. Heâs in the doghouse at the minute, mate. Keeps working late, and doesnât tell me, do you, honey? And last week I cooked him his favourite meal and he didnât even bother telling me he wasnât coming home. Rude or what?â âWell, I of course am sorry, Daniel, already I said this. So many times. I brought you flowers to apologise but you just threw them out. And also, I have to work late. How else am I to fund your shopping habits?â
nsfw: Let's try something else by @12romy | E | 20.3k Seb and Lewis come up with a plan to combat homophobia in F1.
âSo, uh⊠Iâm in a relationshipâŠâ âI mean, you know him pretty well, it's Lewis,â âLewis. As in⊠Hamilton?â someone said, stunned. Sebastian nodded then almost died of a heart attack when a voice exclaimed âYes, I knew it! Pay up losers!!!â He knew the man who screamed that, he was the one in charge of the social media account. âAlright, we'll talk with the Mercedes PR team to see what we can do. The good news is, you wonât need to create an Instagram just for that, Lewis has one already.â
Somethin' Stupid by @ehcahache | T | 6.3k Carlos and Lando have been pining for each other, until Carlos does something unexpected.
"He's either stupid and bored and a masochist, or he's very in love with you, stupid and a masochist." "Max, I'm talking about my outfit, not my hideous life decisions."
like real people do | M | 10.6k Lando panics and tells his family that he's bringing his boyfriend Carlos to the family event, Carlos who's not at all his boyfriend. He turns to Carlos who plays his role a bit too well (with a side of George, Alex and Max teasing him about it). I just love how nonchalant Carlos is about pretending to be Lando's boyfriend, especially in front of his family.
"In that moment, Lando realises that he can never bring another man home to his parents again, because no one is going to compare to Carlos and now heâs going to have to die alone rather than try and find someone better because they definitely donât exist."
anything you ask i do (for you) by @fear8not1 | M | 22.4k Lando makes a bet. âI bet $100 I can make Oscar the happiest fake boyfriend for a month,â he repeats, holding Georgeâs gaze proudly. âWhat⊠?â Oscar asks again, his eyebrows raised in what must be his most expressive face. âWait, what ?â George snickers, completely gone and spilling some of his drink in the grass, before answering with a shaky, â$200 you canât.â I love George just being George. đ
"Right. The bet. Right. He may have forgotten about that."
you love me (but you don't know it yet) by @nyoomfruits | T | 34.5k After being dumped by a trashy boyfriend Lando panics when questions about the said ex are asked and makes up a lie on the spot. He has a wonderful new boyfriend and he's standing on the 1st row of the fan stage! True is that Lando just panicked and chose the first cute looking guy not wearing Mclaren merch
âHow the fuck did you meet Lando, then?â âI was working on this project, the deadline was the next day and it was really kicking my ass. Anyway at around one in the morning I figured I needed a break, so I went to the nearest Tesco to pick up a can of Monster.â âWe both reached for the last can of Monster-â âUltra Sunrise, baby,â "He started swearing at me.â âYeah, so he offered it to me, and then I felt bad because you know. I had just yelled at this guy. Over a can of Monster. So I told him he could have it,â âThen that went back and forth for a while,â âUntil eventually Lando said to me. âYou know what? You can have it, as long as I can have your phone numberâ.â
nsfw: there you'll stand (next to me) by @minieggs11 | E | 97.1k Max reputation is in need of repair and what better way than to be seen making friends with the grid sweetheart Charles? Surely nothing can go wrong, its not like anyone is going to catch feelings. Why I liked it: The setup of this fic is brilliant and so belivable that Im sure there are many a twitter account dedicated to the conspiracy of Max using Charles for PR. The author has a great voice for both Max and Charles and the evolution of their friendship is so natural that I almost thought the author would let Max's deception pass unnoticed but fear not the emotional devastation will hit and hearts will be broken (and repaired) on both sides.
Pink dusts Charlesâ cheeks at the second nickname Max has bestowed on him in as many minutes. Max feels quite warm under his race suit now. Is it getting more humid somehow? Max runs a hand through his damp hair in an attempt to get the few strands hanging over his forehead out of his face. Charles laughs again, a bit higher pitched than before. He smiles and blinks exaggeratedly at Max, before sighing dramatically, âI guess everyone just wants me for my pretty face and my good PR, and youâre no exception, mate.â Andâ huh. Max knows Charles was joking, but now that Max is looking, he supposes that Charles is well, objectively, quite handsome. In a very classical way. The kind of beauty thatâs talked about not as opinion, but as fact. Yes, Charles Leclerc is very pretty, Max would say. But so would anyone. Itâs just the truth.
Mission Couple Goals by @redvh205 | G | 12.7k
âGeorgie?â Huh. Well, that was certainly not somebody heâd have expected. In the past him and Lewis had comforted each other after bad races, but theyâd never actively sought each other out if one of them was in their driverâs room. Being in the driver's room was the unofficial sign for wanting to be alone, and usually they respected that. If Lewis was here now, that probably meant heâd somehow found a way to turn this into a couple goal mission video. Which George absolutely was not in the mood for. âGo away. I donât have the patience for cameras right now.â Lewisâs confusion could be heard through the door. âCameras? What are you talking about?â George sighed. Apparently, his teammate wouldnât let this go. He stumbled to the door and pulled it open, ready to tell whatever editor or admin to bug off â -only to find himself just ten centimeters away from Lewisâs face. Well, not his face, because he was twelve centimeters taller than Lewis, so there was only air on his eye level, but Lewis was still very close. And there were no cameras in sight. George cautiously peeked around the corners, but none were hiding there either. That was unexpected. Lewis looked rather confused and took a slow step back. âAre you okay?â George sighed and shook his head to himself. âYes, I just ⊠never mind. What are you doing here?â âI heard about what happened and wanted to check on you.â âWhy?â Lewis tilted his head. âBecause thatâs what people do when they care about someone?â Another sigh escaped George. âYou donât have to do this, you know? Thereâs no one there. You donât have to pretend as if you actually like doing all this stuff that we do in order to win this award.
we should just kiss (like real people do) by @chaesonghwas | G | 4.9k Office worker!Charles brings Pierre his childhood bestie as his fake boyfriend to the corporate Christmas party who ends up following him to his family's Christmas party and acts a little bit too much like a real boyfriend, totally shameless about loving him. I loved this!
"YOU'VE BETRAYED ME!" Lorenzo continues, not fully out of his shocked state, "You're making me owe money to Arthur, Charles. Arthur. " "I bet you fuckers wouldn't get together until next year at least, oh my God." "You shouldn't have bet against us." Pierre shoots back, pulling Charles towards his body, who can only stare at him with wide eyes. "You, shut up. You're not my brother-in-law until you pay me back."
show me who made you walk all the way here by @yukierres | M | 36k F1 driver Pierre meets a cute guy at the hotel during the Monaco GP, the said cute guy turns out to be the Prince of Monaco who's trying to come out by having a long term partner. Pierre's trashy ex knows he's gay and is going to sell that info to the press. What 2 better candidates to fake date!
Charles squeaks down the phone. âPierre,â he scolds. âArthur is still in the room next door. We are not having phone sex!â
strawberries & cigarettes (always taste like you) by @duquesademiel | M | 21k Influencer Pierre and F1 driver Charles who once fake dated for PR go on a free sponsored vacation together as a couple. Charles making occasional appearances on Pierre's PR posts to boost engagement. Pierre his fake boyfriend on whom he has a very real crush. Both Pierre and Charles take the trip as an opportunity to live the boyfriend experience they think they won't ever be able to have with each other. They both try to show interest while feigning interest at the same time, trying to make the most of the time they're spending together.
Fiancée for Hire by @kimisicecream | T | 27.5k Kimi RÀikkönen needs a male fiancé to convince his family that he's really bisexual, Sebastian Vettel's main sponsor for his Formula 3.5 series just dropped him for Lewis last minute and needs to find a sponsor asap otherwise he won't have enough funds to continue racing. Luckily there are companies who are dedicated to find people fake fiancés, through whom Kimi will get a fiancé and Seb will get his money.
âHm. Letâs see⊠Candles, my favourite music, Italian food⊠Are we having that proposal date we made up for the press?â âMaybe.â âI love it.â âWe put a lot of thought into that date.â Kimi jokes. âNot bringing it to life would be a missed opportunity.â Seb chuckles. âYeah and now we donât have to lie about it anymore!â
#charlos#gewis#maxiel#piarles#simi#landoscar#sewis#lestappen#pairing:charles/pierre#pairing:carlos/lando#pairing:charles/max#pairing:daniel/max#pairing:george/lewis#pairing:lewis/seb#pairing:kimi/seb#pairing:lando/oscar#pairing:carlos/charles#trope:fake dating
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Just before the presidential election last November, Carolyn Fisher was in her living room in Birmingham, Alabama, when her nonbinary child walked in and said that he, along with four other transgender kids, were planning on dying by suicide if Donald Trump won the upcoming election.
Fisher and her husband were both lifelong Republicans and supporters of Trump. Holding a spiral notebook, Carolynâs 16-year-old, who uses the pronouns he and they, made a case against voting for Trump.
âHe laid out why a vote for Donald Trump was voting against him as our child and why Donald Trump should never be president. He had literally been keeping notes of everything Trump and other Republicans had been saying about trans and nonbinary people, how they were mentally delusional and mentally ill. When he laid all of that out, my husband and I, we both just looked at each other and started crying.â
Fisher, together with members of the Rainbow Youth Project, contacted the parents of the other children who were part of the pact.
The Fishers later voted for then-vice president Kamala Harris, even going so far as taking a picture of their ballot to show their child.
But Trump still won, and during the presidentâs inauguration speech on January 20, the Fishers heard him say that their child effectively doesnât exist when he signed a sweeping executive order that, among other things, calls for the ending of trans care, requires housing trans women in male prisons, and allows only male or female markers on official documents like passports and not the âXâ that was introduced in 2021 for people who identify as nonbinary, intersex, or gender nonconforming.
âAs of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female,â Trump said.
When a bishop at the National Cathedral service for the inauguration this week asked Trump to protect âgay, lesbian, and transgender childrenâ the president dismissed her pleas in a Truth Social post and called her ânasty in tone, and not compelling or smart.â
The executive order contains provisions that require further federal action to become law, and this document should be viewed as a roadmap the Trump administration has drafted to signal what new rules they are planning on implementing. But experts say the order published this week, in conjunction with Trumpâs very public comments, are designed to strike fear into the trans community.
âI think there's a huge amount of it that is just about fear, and a part of it is trying to scare people into complianceâ Allison Chapman, a trans rights activist, tells WIRED. âEnforcement takes a lot of time, energy, and resources, so what we really need people to do is to not voluntarily comply in advance. There needs to be an active resistance to these things.â
The Rainbow Youth Project, an organization focused on helping young LGBTQ+ people, received over 6,000 calls in just the first couple of days after Trumpâs November election win. Thatâs up from the usual 3,600 calls a month. It didnât stop: The hotline received over 8,000 calls in December.
Now, after Trumpâs comment and actions on the first day of his presidency, the groupâs crisis helpline is once again receiving a torrent of calls. Sixty-two percent of incoming calls this week, the group tells WIRED, are from trans and gender-nonconforming adolescents age 14 to 17.
The callers are expressing varying degrees of emotional and mental distress, often expressing feelings of hopelessness and fear. One of the most common sentiments shared is âmy country does not want me to exist.â
While the Trump administrationâs actions are causing huge distress for the trans community and their families, a stark increase in the attacks, both online and offline, are already coming from Trump supporters who feel emboldened.
âWe have already seen an uptick in the hate against us,â Fisher says. âWe had someone who came to our home just last Tuesday and put a note in our mailbox that said: âHe's your daddy now, he's your president. You people won't exist anymore.â So yes, they're definitely emboldened.â
A trans pride flag they had hanging on their porch has been stolen twice in the space of a week. At her local Piggly Wiggly, a supermarket, she overheard people at an adjacent table talking about how glad they were that Trump had âgotten rid ofâ trans people.
âHe didnât get rid of them, theyâre always going to existâbut he damn so put a target on them, especially my teenage son,â Fisher said.
And the attacks are also targeting the groups who are trying to help the LGBTQ+ community.
âWe have seen a lot more hate,â Lance Preston, executive director of the Rainbow Youth Project, tells WIRED. âWe've been receiving a lot of messages, crazy shit, like âTrump is your president, now all of you are gonna have to go away. We don't want you here.â We get those in contact submission forms every day, and since the election it has just grown exponentially. It's really sad.â
Some activists are also concerned that those who have always stood with the LGBTQ+ community could be too scared to speak up under Trumpâs new administration.
âEvery time something like this happens we notice supporters backing down and just getting quiet,â Chris Sederburg, who helps trans and gender nonconforming people through the Rainbow Youth Project, tells WIRED. âNot all of them, but a lot of them do because they're scared of what's happening. They're scared of what might happen to them or they might catch hate for it.â
Sederburg, a trans man who works as a trucker, communicates with young trans people on social media and says that the response this week from the community has been one of âintense, immediate fear.â
For Jamie Anderson, a 40-year-old teacher living in Texas, her biggest fear is that Trumpâs administration forces her 15-year-old daughter Dawn, who came out as trans last year, to make a traumatic decision.
âMy biggest worry is that she's going to have to go back to living a lie, like not being who she is meant to be,â says Anderson. âShe's happy now, she's a lot happier than she was right before she came out. She was super depressed. We had no idea what was going on. And finally she comes out, and she's this whole brand-new, amazing, loving child.â
But thatâs not Dawnâs biggest fear. When WIRED asked what that would be, Dawn remained silent. Moments after the interview, Dawn sent a message: âI am afraid the government will take me away and end up killing me because I am transgender,â adding that she was now willing to share this in case âit might help others understand what Iâm going through.â
(Jamie and Dawn are not the womenâs real names. WIRED is using pseudonyms to protect their identities.)
The Fishers, meanwhile, are considering moving to a different state, possibly to California, where they feel their child would be more protected. But Carolyn Fisher worries about other families and trans and nonbinary children who may not have that option.
âI just want these kids to know that there are people out there, even Republicans, even conservative Christians, who love them and accept them for the way they are, and we want them to stay here with us,â Fisher says.
If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for free, 24-hour support from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line. Outside the US, visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for crisis centers around the world. If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community in need of help, you can contact the Rainbow Youth Project here or by calling ((317) 643-4888.
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Eye See Clearly Now
There was something troubling Mammon, as there often was. Instead of money troubles or fleeing from Lucifer's wrath, this time it was you. Had he done something wrong? He tried to name all the things he had possible done and he realized....yeah there was probably something. Of course he would NEVER communicate things like that clearly so he went to one of his brothers for a second opinion. "Hey....so.... how do you get someone to not be mad at you?" Mammon asked.
Beel looked at him and paused after eating a bite of his gigadeath hamburger.
"Is Lucifer mad at you again?" Beel asked.
"No...It's MC. They keep glarin' at me and I dunno what I did wrong!" Mammon said with a huff.
Beel swallowed his burger and looked at Mammon with worried eyes.
"They were glaring earlier too. Even at me," the gentle giant said with a sad expression.
Mammon could barely withhold his surprise. It was one thing to be mad at a scummy guy like him, but Beel? He was a sweetheart, barely upset almost anybody unless it was food related. Mammon dragged Beel along with him and went to talk to the rest of his brothers, unintentionally riling them all up.
Leviathan was a nervous wreck, wondering if you hated him now. Asmodeus hated it when you glared in the direction of his beautiful face, it made him feel things he was not comfortable with. Like he wasn't somehow absolutely stunning! Belphegore figured something had just upset you and the sooner it was figured out the sooner he could take a nap. Satan was incredibly worried and mildly curious at the idea of your anger. They at last dragged poor Lucifer along who was just trying to finish his work.
The battle plan had started. A new chat group was made, the "Anti-Angry MC" team began their plot. First, they would soothe your wild anger with gifts and food they knew you like. Then, they would tentatively approach the subject and actually ask what you were angry about. Last, they would do whatever it took to make it up to you, no matter the cost!
When you came home from your part-time work, you were tired. It didn't help that your eyesight was shit and you hadn't gotten new contacts yet. You refused glasses. They were uncomfortable and so few were actually cute. Besides, they were expensive! The last week had been hard and you had to squint just to see everything.
When you opened the door, you were shocked to find all the brothers gathered in front of it like simpering sad little dogs.
"Um..... everything okay?" You asked.
Before you got a proper response they pulled you off to the dining room, concerned and cowering whenever you looked at them. By Diavolo, what was going on?! But the food was nice. They gave you the best food and asked how your day was before piling hundreds of gifts on you like they were trying to bury you. Before they could even get to their next phase, you asked them.
"Hey what's going on? You guys are acting strange."
"That's what we wanted to you!" Asmo cried out, "Why are you so mad with all of us? Did we do something?"
Your eyes widened in surprise.
"I'm not mad at any of you."
"Then why you glarin' at us?" Mammon asked with a huff and slight pout.
"Oh! Sorry. I'm not glaring. I'm just having a hard time seeing. My contacts haven't come in yet,"
"And you didn't use your glasses because...?"
You glanced at the ground sheepishly.
"....I don't like them. They're uncomfortable and make me look like a dork."
Lucifer let out an annoyed sigh. All this work, and money, for something so simple. But he was silently relieved it wasn't anything serious.
"We can get you some more comfortable glasses, there are many types in the devildom, even some that are invisible. Just next time tell us- .... tell me," He corrected himself, not really trusting his brothers.
"Or me, I have saw cute Ruri-chan glasses."
"Or me! I know all about the fashion of glasses hon!"
"....Hey..... can I take a nap now?" Belphie asked, moving over to you so he could rest his head on your lap.
The rest of the brothers balked at the idea and chaos erupted once more. You smiled to yourself, finding it all funny. The brothers loved you so much that the idea of you being mad at them made them go from demon rulers of hell, to sad little doggies.
The End.
à»ê°àŸàœČïœĄ- Ë -ïœĄê±àŸàœČ১
@douxkise (Sorry for tagging you twice, accidentally posted it in wrong place)
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me!#obey me nightbringer#om!#omswd#om! nightbringer#fyp#nightbringer#om! shall we date#obey me fanfic#fanfic#obey me boys#obey me swd#obey me mc#obey me mammon#obey me fic#obey me fluff#obey me imagines#obey me fandom#obey me fanfiction#obey me lucifer
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Hi! I absolutely love your fics! I have a little request/idea. Sebastian finds out that MC has a little crush on professor sharp and all of a sudden canât stand his favorite professor. (His small crush on professor garlick is totally different and super justified)
jealousy, you got me somehow

Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1.7K
Summary: Sebastian finds out about your little crush on a certain Potions master and all of a sudden canât stand the man. (His small crush on Professor Garlick is, of course totally different and super justified.)
âYouâre sure you wonât become too affected by Sharpâs dulcet tones and neglect something important?â he asks with a smirk. Annoyed, you huff and abandon your notes at your side. âYouâve been waiting several days to bring this up again,â you grumble. âI shouldâve known I wasnât safe.â
Sebastian first finds out about your little preoccupation when he innocently stumbles upon you studying with a group of your fellow Slytherin girls in a quiet corner of the library. Or at least, it was quiet until Nerida Roberts had started to derail your entirely legitimate conversation about the uses of Dittany for an upcoming Potions exam by bringing up Professor Sharp himself.
âHeâs just so handsome,â she sighs dreamily. âHow am I supposed to focus on whatâs going on in my cauldron when heâs standing right across the room looking all brooding and roguish?â
Violet McDowell giggles and adds, âI could listen to him talk all afternoon and I wouldnât learn a single thing!â
âI suppose thatâs why so many seventh-year girls are still taking Potions even if they donât need it for their N.E.W.T.s,â you murmur.
âCan you blame us?â Violet sighs. âYou must admit, heâs quite nice to look at.â
âOf course I think heâs handsome,â you say with a scoff. âJust because I have a boyfriend doesnât mean I canât see the man.â
As if on cue, Sebastian comes around the corner carrying a large stack of books on defensive magic and spots the three of you huddled around your Potions notes.
âGood afternoon, ladies,â he says with an easy smile.
Sebastian sets his books on the edge of the table and leans down next to you to steal a chaste kiss while he can. Heâs seen relatively little of you this week while you both prepare for exams in classes the other doesnât have, so not even your late-night study sessions have overlapped.
âSpeak of the devil,â Nerida teases.
âShh!â you whisper. âEnough now.â
âNot keeping secrets from me, are you?â Sebastian asks teasingly as he snags one of the empty seats.
âOf course not,â you demur. âBy the way, have you got my Potions notes from last week? I think I mixed them up with yours from Ancient Runes.â
Sebastian chuckles and asks, âTrying to change the subject? I must have walked into something quite scandalous.â
âItâs nothing bad,â Nerida says teasingly. âWe were just chatting about Professor Sharp.â
âOh?â Sebastian asks, surprised. âWhatâs he done now?â
âNothing,â Violet McDowell answers. âWe were just saying that heâs easily the most handsome professor at Hogwarts.â
âHeâs certainly your girlfriendâs favorite,â Nerida says with a smirk.
Sebastian raises a skeptical eyebrow at you, and sure enough, youâre blushing.
âReally?â he drawls. âYou have a thing for Sharp?â
âNo!â you whine. âI just â I really like Potions class, thatâs all.â
âOf course you do,â Violet taunts. âSo you can moon over Sharp during his lectures!â
You shoot Violet a threatening look and not-so-gently kick the toe of your boot against her shin underneath the table. She yelps and curses under her breath before indignantly burying her face behind her Potions textbook, and Nerida wisely avoids eye contact and doesnât offer anything further.
After a beat, Sebastian clears his throat and says, âWell then, I, er⊠suppose Iâll leave you girls to it.â
He helps himself to one more kiss goodbye and you can tell by the significant look he gives you before leaving that this is not the last youâll hear from him about your crush.
Sure enough, a few nights later the two of you manage to claim a loveseat by the fire in your common room where you can curl up against his side and revise your Potions notes one last time before your exam while Sebastian dutifully transcribes runic diagrams onto lengths of parchment.
âAre you feeling prepared for your exam tomorrow?â he asks you casually.
âI think so,â you answer. âItâs not a practical, so I canât imagine it will be too challenging.â
âYouâre sure you wonât become too affected by Sharpâs dulcet tones and neglect something important?â he asks with a smirk.
Annoyed, you huff and abandon your notes at your side.
âYouâve been waiting several days to bring this up again,â you grumble. âI shouldâve known I wasnât safe.â
âWhat?â he laughs. âIâm just teasing you, love.â
You narrow your eyes at him skeptically. âIâm not sure I believe you.â
âWell, itâs just⊠I donât really know what you see in him, thatâs all,â he murmurs, lazily turning a page in his Ancient Runes textbook.
You frown. âWhat do you mean?â
âI just think heâs rather foul,â Sebastian says plainly. âHeâs impatient, meticulous, heâs clearly got a dark past and I truly donât understand why all you girls think heâs obviously the most handsome man at Hogwarts. To me, heâs simply average.â
Merlinâs beard, you think. You knew Sebastian wasnât a fan of Hogwartsâ Potions master, but you had no idea his dislike ran so deep.
âI think heâs a good professor,â you offer quietly. âHeâs always been quite helpful to me, especially when I needed to master healing potions, and he saved my life in the Repository.â
âHow generous of him,â Sebastian mumbles.
Angrily, you sit up a little straighter and pluck Sebastianâs quill out of his hand so heâll look at you.
âAnd what about you?â you demand indignantly. âWhile weâre on the subject of good-looking professors, I happen to know that you turn into a stammering, blushing fool whenever Professor Garlick is nearby.â
You know for a fact that Sebastian Sallow is not an idiot, which is why itâs all the more frustrating when he tries to deny something youâve known about for months.
âI do not!â Sebastian protests. âThatâs â thatâs ridiculous.â
You scoff and roll your eyes. âYou are not a subtle person, Sebastian, nor are you particularly good at being punctual, yet somehow youâre never late to the greenhouses.â
âW-well, Iâm rubbish at Herbology so I like to make sure I wonât miss anything important,â he lies.
âMaybe you wouldnât be quite so rubbish if you actually listened to the professor instead of staring at her chest for the entire lesson,â you grumble.
Sebastian goes bright red. Clearly, he had no idea you could see him doing that.
âLook,â he whines. âIt doesnât mean anything, I just think sheâs nice to look at is all.â
âAnd Iâm not allowed to think Professor Sharp is handsome?â you counter.
âItâs different,â he insists. âYou actually like him, itâs not just an attraction.â
âWhatâs that supposed to mean?â you hiss.
âIt means heâs a powerful wizard, a brilliant duellist and heâs a former Auror for Merlinâs sake,â Sebastian angrily confesses. âI couldnât possibly measure up to that.â
You feel your heart break a little when you realize what this is truly all about â your loveâs relentless insecurities, the same ones heâs battled for many years now.
Softly, you ask Sebastian, âDo you actually feel threatened that I might leave you for a professor? Weâre seventeen, Seb.â
âItâs preposterous, I know,â he sighs. âBut I just⊠I feel like I could never compete with him.â
âSebastian,â you croon as you take your hand in his lap. âI want you to listen to me very clearly, alright?â
You wait patiently for him to meet your gaze before you continue.
âAs you said, Professor Sharp is impatient,â you agree. âHeâs also meticulous, and maybe he does have some darkness in his past. But you also said that heâs a brilliant duelist and a powerful wizard. Do you know who else has all those traits?â
Sebastian swallows nervously and squeezes your hand a little tighter.
âYou do, love,â you say softly. âSo perhaps the reason Iâm fond of him is that he reminds me of you.â
âIâm not an Auror,â he points out a little sullenly. âAnd Iâve never saved your life.â
âNot yet you arenât, but we both know thatâs why youâre studying for Ancient Runes so much lately,â you say with a fond smirk. âAnd since Iâve saved your life plenty of times, Iâm sure youâll return the favor someday.â
Wordlessly, Sebastian tugs you against his chest and presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.
âI love you so much,â he murmurs into your hair. âIâm sorry for being such a prat.â
âApology accepted,â you whisper into his chest. âAnd I love you too, you fool.â
He holds you close for a while after that, nose buried in your hair while you listen to his slow, even heartbeat through his uniform shirt. When he finally lets you sit up so that he can kiss you properly â not one of those chaste ones from the library â you find yourself halfway in his lap before you even realize youâve shifted.
For Merlinâs sake, your notes are in a messy pile on the floor now.
You huff and try to climb off of him to gather them up, but Sebastian coaxes you back to him with a single finger on your chin, his eyes firmly fixed on your lips. By the time heâs kissed your frustration away, you canât even remember what you were supposed to be studying for.
âWe should bicker more often,â Sebastian says with a satisfied grin, his lips slightly swollen.
âOn that subject, I was just wonderingâŠâ you ask him with a teasing smile. âIs there anything Professor Garlick has that I donât? Should I be worried?â
âAbsolutely not,â he murmurs as he flicks open the top button of your shirt. âTruthfully, you both have two very nice things in common.â
âYouâre foul,â you tell him simply.
âI meant that youâre both kind-hearted and beautiful,â he says smoothly.
Youâre positive that you know exactly what Sebastian meant and appreciate the compliment nonetheless. In fact, heâs being so sweet that you even let him undo a few more buttons while you can take advantage of your seclusion.
The next day during your Potions exam, while your female classmates are undoubtedly slipping in and out of pleasant daydreams about your alluring professor, all you can think about is Sebastianâs lips on your neck and his hand inside your shirt as heâd whispered all sorts of electrifying promises about what heâll do to you after you turn in your parchment.
Itâs a fierce struggle to focus on Dittany of all things with that in the back of your mind, but Professor Sharp is nevertheless pleased when you end up being the first to submit your completed exam and then promptly excuse yourself from the dungeons.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fic#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian x mc#sebastian x reader#professor sharp#aesop sharp#i know i'm supposed to be writing older requests and longer fics#but i was in a funk this weekend (hungover mostly lmao) so i needed to finish something short and sweet#so have some jealousy fluff!
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Am I the asshole for intentionally starting a fight with a friend of mine so that I can show everyone else how much of an attention seeking bitch she is
My (16 f) friend group is collectively obsessed with playing an obscure online game together, and in order to make it more convenient they made a group chat which they forgot to add me into. I heard about it from a friend who assumed that I was in it and asked to be a part of it because I liked the game as well, she told me she would add me. Later that week I was on a FaceTime call with some of my friends and the group chat was referenced by someone so I pointed out that I still hadnât been added. The next day I was finally added and everything was normal until my friend (15 f) lets call her Jane said something along the lines of âwhy is she hereâ then immediately took me out of the group chat. I couldnât get in contact with her as she had blocked me so I called my other friend (15 f) lets call her B who was still in the group chat and asked her what was happening. Jane said that she removed me because I kept saying I hated her this was an inside joke that she would participate in and found funny, it was very over the top and obviously a joke and she had never said anything to me about being uncomfortable. B explained this but she wouldnât listen and kept telling everyone in the group chat lies about how I was a horrible person and that I essentially relentlessly bullied her. I was eventually added back and started to tell everyone that this was a lie, a bunch of people started to take her side, and I got pretty pissed off because no one was listening to me. I started cussing her out and calling her a bitch (she is) and it started getting out of hand because, one everyone was already on her side, and two my phone was pretty broken at that time so their was a lot of miscommunication between me and the group chat. for example one of my friends kept shoving themselves into the argument and not listening to anything I say, so I told her to shut the fuck up and stay out of things she didnât understand, unfortunately as that text was sending another friend, K asked what was happening and that text sent first so I looked like I had cussed her out for asking a question, before I could explain this I was kicked from the groupchat, I tried to call K but she didnât answer me and ignored me when I tried to explain myself through text. The next day pretty much the whole friend group was giving me the cold shoulder and not speaking to me, for most people this went away the day after but one of my friends hasnât looked at me the same since.
We had managed to mainly move past this whole thing until Jane was complaining in a group chat about our chorus teacher (who I love) and I asked her (politely) to stop being negative and not to vent in the group chats. She started going at me and saying how I always start drama and am horrible to her. She brought up the last fight we had had which I thought was really uncalled for and she made it into this whole thing.
She kept constantly causing drama in group chats and getting into fights with people for stupid reasons almost every night. I was tired of people defending her and her constantly trying to turn our friends against me and since some people where already getting annoyed with her I decided to start a fight with her so people would stop talking to her giving her less of a chance to try to ruin my life.
She loved making friend group cast list for random musicals and such that she liked and always put herself as the lead and gave people parts that made them uncomfortable (miss gendering them, giving bigger people fat characters regardless of their personality etc). She had made a mean girls recast where she was Regina (sheâs a bitch but sheâs not Regina) even though it was a common joke in the friend group that me and two of our friends were the plastics with me as Regina. I had been told by my other friend, L not to bring this up because l, k, and Jane had all recently auditioned for mean girls the musical and only L got in (I would normally listen to this but she wouldnât let L be happy about getting in and constantly guilt tripped her about it). So naturally I brought it up and got her to start fighting about it, I wanted to have a fight with her were I was more in control of the situation then she was (in earlier fights she would say things she knew would make me mad to get people to see me as in the wrong for being the unreasonable and angry one while she was calm). I kept bringing up that I should be Regina because I am the friend groups resident lesbian in a kind off joking way that I know can really get under peoples skin (I know that this is manipulative but she was manipulating me to get mad and act unreasonable so I decided to do the same and give her a taste of her own medicine) especially since she was the kind off person isnât exactly homophobic but makes me and some of our other queer friends really uncomfortable with her jokes. She brought up that she had had a crush on a girl once (she had brought this up before as being a joke) to try to make herself out to be queer to win the argument. This made me uncomfortable and when I (and some of my other queer friends) tried to tell her that she just ignored me. I just want to say that I donât actaully care this much about being Regina I just wanted everyone to see how horrible and attention seeking she is.
Personally I think I am kind of the asshole in a Justified way (I forget what thatâs called) but Iâm not sure
What are these acronyms?
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20: Lonely
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Harry.
a/n: Happy Easter!!! I hope everyone had an amazing week! A little warning, the next chapter will be the last one! But of course there will be an epilogue and bonus chapters
Official Playlist
previous chapter | next chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed

Day 1
Nurses came to check on her all the time to see her vitals, how her brain was going as well as taking a look at how her body was healing after the surgery.
My phone was blowing all the time with messages and calls, asking if I was alright. Just how I predicted, everyone saw the news and recognized my car. Workers from McLaren called me, my family and friends called too, drivers from the grid.
Everyone was worried about me. But none of them expected what actually happened.Â
When the nurses changed her to the VIP room I reserved for her, Max and Pietra came with me, both of them bringing clothes for her and for me, as well as something to eat.
âYou have to eat, mateâ Max sighed, watching how I left the bowl of salad on the table, not even touching it.
âI'm not hungry, I swearâ I sighed.Â
âYou didn't eat anything yesterday, Lando. Eat something, or at least drinkâ Pietra sighed.
I looked at them and sigh, grabbing the bowl and eating it under their gaze.Â
âI don't know what to do⊠my phone is going to explode soon with all the notifications and callsâ I sighed, looking at my phone. âWhat should I do?â
âMaybe write something you can send to everyone, as well as posting it on your social mediaâ Max sighed. âEveryone is talking about the crash, mate. And they think it's youâ
âI knowâ I sigh, brushing my hair with my fingers. âI just⊠What should I say? Hey, I'm okay but not my girlfriend who was actually the one driving the car?â
âI mean⊠Yeah? Just tell everyone that gladly you are okay, but unfortunately the one involved in the crash was Violet. And if you are going to write something for your media just ask for privacy. You know how the world isâŠâ Max said, shrugging his shoulders.
I took a deep breath and looked at Violet. Her hair is messy and some locks are tinted in red.Â
âThere has to be a way of washing her hairâ I mumbled.Â
âI'll go ask a nurse, okay?â Pietra smiled weakly, walking out of the room.
I sighed and just scanned Violet's face with my eyes. The cuts were still there, her left eye was swollen. Her arms are full of cuts as well, maybe because she tried to shield her face with her arms.Â
âI'm going to write a textâ I sighe, grabbing my phone and watching all the notifications. âGod⊠It's like I was dead for a night. I didn't answer none of themâ
âIt's okay, I'm sure everyone will understandâ Max sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder. âPlus, I'm sure your fans know it's not you. You were streaming when it happenedâ
I smile weakly and nod, looking at the screen and typing something, then delete it.Â
Hello everyone. I'm sorry I didn't answer any of you. I'm okay, physically, but mentally I'm not. It was true there was a crash and my car was involved, but I hate to admit that it didn't happen to me, the one driving it was Violet. We are in the hospital, she's unconscious. I hope everyone understands why I didn't reply to your text.
I showed Max the message and sighed when he nodded, copying the text and sending it to everyone that texted me.
âI don't know if I should call her familyâ I mumble. âI mean⊠she doesn't have a good relationship with them. But still, they are her familyâ
âDid they try to contact you?â Max frowned.Â
âNoâ I sighed, looking at Violet. âThey have my number, Violet sent it to them in case of an emergency⊠And I think this one is a big oneâ
âThen, if they didn't call you, don't call them. It was on the news, it's hard to believe that they didn't read about itâ he said. âShe said it herself, they only reach for her when they want something from herâ
âI knowâ I sighed.
When Pietra came back with the nurse, she asked the three of us to get out of the room so she could clean and wash her hair.
âCome on, let's go walk a littleâ Max said, grabbing my arm.
I just let them guide me, feeling how my phone buzzed constantly inside of the pocket of my hoodie. I grabbed it, reading every message, smiling sadly.
âSome drivers want to comeâ I sighed. âCarlos, Oscar, Charles, Daniel, Max and Alexâ
âThat's goodâ Max smiled.Â
âI don't know if it isâŠâ I sighed. âI mean, I know they want to do it to cheer me up. But right now all I want to do is sit next to her bed and wait for her to wake up. I don't even want to force a smileâ
âThen don't force it. They will understand. You don't need to be smiling all the time, Landoâ Pietra said. âAnd you need to be distracted too, think about something elseâ
âI'm just tiredâ I sighed. âBut I guess you are rightâ
Some hours passed. Max and Pietra left so I could have time with the other drivers, as well as letting me have time for myself.
âWhat if they come with their pity faces?â I sighed, holding Violet's hand. âI don't know if I can with thatâ
I sighed, shaking my head and looking at the door once I heard a few knocks on it, standing up next to her bed.
âCome inâ
I took a deep breath, trying to put on the fakest smile I can put now, watching how the door opened slowly and hearing the quiet steps of Carlos and Oscar walking inside of the room. Somehow, I felt grateful they came first. They are the ones I trust the most lately. Carlos being my first teammate and my true friend in the paddock, and Oscar being my current teammate and someone I trust and I know I can rely on.
âHeyâŠâ I sighed.Â
âOh, LandoâŠâ Carlos sighed, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me. âI'm so sorry⊠The other guys are outside, we wanted to come in first to see how are youâ
âNo, pleaseâ I mumbled. âJust⊠She's alive, okay? She's just sleepingâ
âOf courseâ Oscar nodded. âBut how are you dealing with this?â
I took a deep breath and immediately erased the fake smile. I looked back at Violet for a few seconds and sighed.
âI swear I thought I had lost herâ I said with a sad smile. âWhen I received the call, I was in shock. I was repeating the words they said in my mind, over and over and over again. And on my way to the hospital I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to me if she didn't surviveâŠâ
âBut she's okayâ Carlos sighed, placing his hand on my arm.Â
âShe's in a coma, Carlos⊠I don't know if she's really okay. I don't know if she's in pain, or scaredâ I said, feeling my eyes getting wet again. âI feel useless now, sitting and watching her, hoping that she wakes upâ
âHey, you are not uselessâ Oscar sighed, hitting my arm softly. âYou are here, supporting her. And you are being so strong, mate. Staying here and not leaving her side, I'm sure she will appreciate itâ
âI wish I could do moreâ I said looking back at her.

Day 2
Her room smells like flowers.
Yesterday, when the drivers came with their girlfriends, all of them brought flowers for her, as well as some other things to cheer her up once she wakes up.
âWe know she loves reading, she got us into itâ Carman said, smiling weakly. âSo all of us got her a bookâ
âYou didn't have to, girlsâ I smiled weakly, looking at the box they placed on the table with a few books inside of it. âI'm sure she will love itâ
I sighed, looking at the table and standing up, walking towards it and looking at the inside of the box. When I opened it, I smiled weakly, watching her favorite candies inside of it as well as a few books I hadn't seen on her shelves yet.
âYou won't believe what the girls brought youâ I smiled weakly, sitting next to her and holding her hand. âThe books you had in your wishlist. I think something like Fourth Wing and Iron Flame⊠Oh, and that one from the actress with seven husbandsâ
I looked at her, hoping that those words made her react. But of course, my delusional mind was being too naive.Â
âMom and dad are coming soonâ I sighed. âShould I let them stay in the apartment? I don't want them to go around looking for a hotel knowing that I won't stay at home. You don't mind, right? I just⊠I can't leave you here aloneâ
I sigh looking at her hand, trying to feel her squeezing my hand as a sign. The doctor told me that anytime she could do that, she could respond and move her fingers.Â
âPlease, just move a finger⊠I'll go insane if I keep talking aloneâ I whisper. âAre you alright? In pain? You know I hate it when you are in painâŠâ
I waited some seconds to receive an answer, but I could only hear the beeping of the monitors with her heartbeat.Â
The door opened and I sighed, recognizing the steps of my parents coming closer. I heard them leave something on the table and then walk towards me.
âOh, GodâŠâ my mom sighed, hugging me.Â
âHow is she? How are you?â my dad asked, making me smile sad.
Everyone has been asking me that. My messages are full of people asking me how Violet is, how I'm dealing with it.
âWhy is everyone asking that? It makes me feel like she's deadâ I sighed.Â
âI know, sonâ my dad sighed, sque my shoulder with his hand.
âI'm just⊠dealing with it, I guessâ I sighed looking back at them. âI feel relieved somehow. The nurses that come say that she's recv well. The surgery went well and her brain activity is good. But they don't know when she's going to wake upâ
âI'm sure it will be soonâ my mom nodded.
I sighed nodding, hugging her and taking a deep breath.Â
âYou can stay in the apartmentâ I said, looking up at them. âIt's like half an hour away by car⊠But at least you have somewhere to stayâ
âNo, Landoâ my dad sighed, shaking his head.
âIt's okayâ I smile weakly. âI won't go⊠I will stay here with her. The nurses will arrange for me the extra bed so I can stay at night too. And you'll have food and somewhere nice to sleep. I'm sure won't mindâ
They smiled weakly and nodded, both of them wrapping his arms around me. I don't want to break down, I want to be strong for Violet. I tried so hard the last two days to not cry while I'm in her room, but now feeling my parentsâ arms around me, it is so hard to hold on to everything.
âI am so scaredâ I cried softly. âWhat if she doesn't wake up? What if things don't go well? What if I really lose her?â
âYou won't, Landoâ my mom sighed, rubbing my back. âViolet is a strong girl, she has a strong soulâ
âEveryone is telling me thatâ I mumble. âBut why can't I believe it? Why everytime I look at her I feel my heart shattering?â
âBecause you love her, Lando. You love her and watching her this way makes you vulnerableâ
I felt my shoulders shaking with every sob, feeling their hands rubbing my back and their arms tightening around me.Â
Once I calmed down I got up from the chair and walked with them towards the table, watching the bag with lunch they left there. I sighed, opening the box and playing with the food in front of me.
âSomehow I feel that this accident made me see that I have to love the present with herâ I said.
âWhy do you think that?â my dad asked, frowning.
âWe were talking about buying a house togetherâ I sighed. âAnd I was looking for engagement rings. I just⊠I love her so much, but I was so focused on it and living my own fantasy with her that I didn't face reality. We have only been dating for six months, I can't take a big step like asking her to marry meâŠâ
âIt's soon, sonâ he sighed. âYou two are young, just wait a little. Enjoy life with herâ
âI knowâ I nodded. âNow I knowâŠâ
My mom looked at me with a weak smile, placing her hand on top of mine and sque it softly.
âDo you want to show us what you two were looking at?â she smiled weakly. âMaybe we can helpâ
âIt's not necessary, momâ I smiled weakly, grabbing my phone and showing them the pictures of the houses we liked.Â
âWe want toâ she smiled looking at my dad and both of them nodding. âWe did the same with Oliver's first house with Savannah. We will do the same for you and Violetâ
I took a deep breath and smiled, nodding.
I just have to face the reality. And unfortunately, my reality is that the love of my life is unconscious and I have to accept every help and hug I receive.
And in moments like this, I know who will be by my side.

Day 4Â
Days were too long. So incredibly long.
My routine was so monotonous: waking up before the nurses came to check on Violet, get changed into comfortable clothes and then sit on the chair next to her bed. Â
I wonder if Jon would be mad if I tell him that I'm skipping my diet and barely working out. Will he be mad? No, right? He knows me, he knows how I'm feeling right now. He knows that, right now, Violet is my priority.
âI think I'm going to read one of those books you are obsessed withâ I said looking at her. âJust to feel close to you⊠Which one should I read? The one of that Feyre girl? Or the one that is a mix of The Hunger Games with Greek mythology?â
I looked at her, trying to find an answer and I sighed. The doctor said that her brain activity is going well, she's recovering. Slowly, but she's recovering.
âWell, A Court of Roses and Spines will be the oneâ I sighed, smiling weakly, grabbing my tablet and downloading the book, starting reading it immediately.
When Violet told me that a day can go faster when you read a book I always thought that she was exaggerating a little. Whenever she stayed in her office all day, I never imagined she could be starting a book in the morning and finish it at night.Â
But now, reading the last line of the book, I understood how she felt. When I read the last word, the sky was already dark.Â
âOh my Godâ I whisper, looking at Violet. âWhy did you never make me read this before? And the Rhysand that is in this book is the same Rhysand you say is your book crush? What the hell? How? Why? â
I held my breath, trying to see a reaction. But again, I only heard her heartbeat as an answer.
âI wish you were awakeâŠâ I whisper. âGod, now I see you so much in this book. I see you in Feyra, my loveâŠâ
I sighed, taking her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips, pressing a kiss on her knuckles. Her hand is cold, but somehow that doesn't scare me because she always had cold hands.
Maybe reading her favorite books made me feel closer to her, getting into one of the things she loves. Somehow, since we started dating, I learned new things about her every day, things I never knew I would discover before about her.Â
And somehow, it made me miss her even more.Â
âPlease, wake upâ I whisper. âI miss you so bad, Violet. I miss your smile and your laugh, even how you complain because I stay in the computer too long and I don't come to you to cuddle. I promise I won't stay up late gaming, just⊠Please, please, open your eyesâ

Day 6
âOkay, you were right. Rhysand is good, Tamlin is not goodâ
When my parents came yesterday, they brought me the books I was reading. Both of them were surprised I started reading, something I barely did before meeting Violet.
âYou know? Now I think I understand why you said that we are like Rhys and Feyre. And I agreeâ I sighed, holding her hand. âI see us⊠Maybe I should dye my hair black? Rhys has black hair and is tanned. I don't have purple eyes, butâŠâ
I smile weakly, kissing her hand and leaving the book on my lap.
Her face is less swollen than a few days ago, she only has bruises now and scars of the cuts. Her doctor gave me a cream I can put on the scars so they won't leave a big mark on her skin.
I sighed and continued my reading, but I was interrupted by my phone receiving a call from an unknown number.
âHello?â I sighed, frowning.
âI'm talking with Lando Norris?âÂ
âYeah, who is this?â I frowned, swallowing thickly.
âI'm calling from the police department. We made an investigation about the car crash where your car was involved a week ago. And we would like to talk with youâ
âL-look⊠I think right now is not the right timeâ I sighed, rubbing my face. âMy girlfriend is in the hospital. I can't leave right nowâ
âIt's related to what caused her crashâ he said. âIt wasn't an accident. It was intentionalâ
âWhat?â I frown, getting up from the chair and walking away from her bed. âWhat do you mean it was intentionalâ
âThe brakes were manipulated. Someone manipulated themâ he sighed. âWe can investigate who it wasâ
Someone manipulated the brakes. Someone wanted to⊠No. Not her, the Audi is not her car.Â
âSomeone wanted me to crashâ I said, swallowing thickly. âThe car was mineâ
âWe will search for the person who did thisâ he nodded.Â
âCan you please look at the street cameras around where we currently liveâ I said, swallowing thickly, somehow scared of what the conclusion would be. âI have been receiving pictures of someone invading our privacy, receiving threats. I think that person would be the same one that tried toâŠâ
âWe will work on itâ he said. âThank you for telling us thatâ
âY-yeah, just please, get that person away from usâ
I ended the call and sat on the table, looking at the wall in front of me, not believing what was happening.
Someone tried to kill me. Someone manipulated the brakes of my car to make me have an accident like the one Violet had. Someone wanted me dead, and instead, Violet is there in the bed unconscious.
I didn't want to trust what my mind was saying, refusing to recognize the name that echoed in the back of my mind.Â
Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.
He wouldn't, right?Â
Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry.
âFuckâ I gasped.
Eloise had the same crash she had. And what did she have in common with me? Violet.Â
No, no, it can't be. He wouldn't do something like that to Eloise⊠Right?
My body worked alone and soon I heard the beeps of my phone next to my ear, and after that the same voice of the officer that talked with me minutes ago.
âI think I have a nameâ I mumbled.Â
âOh? Are you sure?â he said surprised.
âI wouldn't like to beâ I sighed. âHarry Greyson. He⊠He was a friend of ours. But I think he did really bad things to us, to all of my friends. His girlfriend⊠My girlfriend's best friend died last year in December. They said it was because of the snow, but I wouldn't be so sure. Please, just find answersâ
âWe will investigate him. Thank you for the nameâ he said.
âY-yeahâ I nodded, swallowing thickly and ending the call.
Would Harry do this? He would do anything to have Violet, right? But⊠If he wanted her since the start, why never go for her? Why dating Eloise?
âFucking hellâŠâ I groan, messing my hair and looking at Violet. âI swear to God. If he did this to you, he's a dead man. I swear, Violetâ

Day 8
I hated this. I hated the uncertainty of not knowing what was happening was killing me.
The police started an investigation, they looked at the street cameras that are near Violet's apartment as well as where Eloise used to live. But they never called me back to give me updates of it.
And to make it worse, a week has already passed since the crash.
âI hate this, loveâ I whisper while holding her hand. âI hate so much that I can't do anything to make you wake up. Are you even hearing? Can you hear me? Just move a finger please, because I think I'm going crazy. Will you wake up? What should I do?â
I was so uneasy. The calm part of me wanted to stay here and wait for her to open her eyes, holding her hand and whisper sweet nothings. But the mad part wanted to walk out and find Harry, get answers.
âWhat should I do?â I sighed, swallowing thickly when I felt the tears coming back. âI want to punch and kick the shit out of him. I want answers, Violet. What if he's not who we think he is? And I'm afraid of being right, but⊠What if he is the man that was stalking us? What if he was the reason Eloise died? What if he did everything because of you? Because he's sick and only wants to have you as his puppet?â
I swallowed thickly and looked at her. If I'm right⊠What should I do?
âHe has to go to jail, Vivi..â I whisper. âRight? The police will call me soon, I can feel it. I gave them his name, just in caseâ
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.Â
This is a nightmare, and it only will end once this finally ends.
The day passed slower than I wanted. Max and Pietra came to spend the afternoon with me, but that didn't stop my anxiety whenever I received a notification.
âWhat is going on?â Max frowned.
âI justâŠâ I sighed. âThe police called me. They said that the crash wasn't an accident. Someone wanted me to crash, hoping that I was the one getting in the car. And somehow that made me thinkâ
âAbout?â he whispered.
âHarryâ I sighed, shaking my head. âI don't know. I just⊠I don't know. His name somehow came to my mind and things started to click immediatelyâ
âBut, how?â Pietra frowned. âWhy?â
âI never told you, neither Violet. Someone was sending me pictures of us. Someone is stalking usâ I said. âAnd it has to be someone that knows where Violet lives. You two know it, and I highly doubt it would be one of you. Eloise knew too, and⊠she's dead. Who else knew where she lives?â
âHarryâ Max nodded.
âExactlyâ I sighed, swallowing thickly. âI'm not going crazy, right?â
They looked at each other and then at me, smiling weakly.Â
âI have to find himâ I said firmly. âFor Violetâ
âWhat? No. Lando!â Max frowned. âGoing to him won't make Violet wake up. You are not an Avenger or something in the styleâ
âI know! But I need answers, Maxâ I said. âI need to know why he did everything he didâ
âYou are assuming he was the one that caused the crashâ Pietra sighed. âYou are angry, we get it. But please⊠Don't do something stupidâ
I took a deep breath and looked away from them, fixing my eyes on Violet. I need to do something, I can't stay here with my arms crossed and waiting for a miracle.
And then my phone started buzzing, with the same number of the call I received two days ago.
âHello?â I answered the call, swallowing thickly when I pressed the speaker button.
âWe have himâ the officer said. âHarry Greyson has been under arrest since this morning. You were right, he was the one that invaded your privacy and the one that manipulated your carâ
âOh, thank Godâ I swallowed thickly, sighing with relief.
âBut he wants to talk with you. He didn't even call a lawyer. He only wants to talk with youâ he sighed.Â
âWhat?â I frown and took a deep breath. âOkay, I'll goâ
I ended the call before Max could complain.
âLando!â Max sighed, shaking his head.
âIt will be safe. He's under arrest, you heard itâ I said. âWith chains and all, I'm sureâ
I took a deep breath and stood up, looking at Violet. I don't know when she's going to wake up, the doctors said she should be already awake⊠Why is she not awake?
âPlease stay with herâ I asked them, grabbing my phone and wallet.
âYou are joking, right? Come on, Lando!â Max exclaimed. âDon't do something you will regretâ
âI have to, Maxâ I sighed. âI have to know the truth. I have to know why he did that. He wanted me dead! If I was the one in the bed, you would do the same, right?â
I took a deep breath and looked at him, watching how he lowered his head and sighed. I'm letting my anger take control of my emotions, and I absolutely hate the feeling of that.
âI'll come back, okay? Just⊠Stay with herâ
Before they said anything I was already walking out of the room, feeling my heart beating strongly against my chest. This was the first time I'll leave Violet since she's hospitalized, and somehow that made me feel anxious.
What if something goes wrong while I'm not here? What if she thinks I left her? What if⊠What if, what if, what ifâŠ
But I was already on my way to the police station, getting out of the taxi and going to the reception and saying that an officer called me. And before knowing it, I was sitting in front of Harry.
âWell, wellâ he smirked.
âYou did itâ I frowned. âYou manipulated the brakes of my carâ
âWhat makes you think that?â he laughed.
âYou are the only one left of our group that knows where Violet livesâ I frowned.Â
He looked at me with a grin that made me feel goosebumps. It wasn't the smile he used to have when we were kids, that mischievous smile he had whenever we planned something funny or when we made a prank. No, that was a scary grin with a gaze that only meant something bad.
âIt's all her faultâ he said seriously, but not erasing that smile. âShe was the one that started it all. With that smile and that stupid behavior. If she kept smiling in that way to everyone, she would be in trouble. She smiled at me first, she chose me!â
I frowned looking at him. Is he being serious?
âBut of course, those guys cameâ he scoffed. âWhat were their names? Oh, yeah! Jared the cheater, Michael the snob and Owen theâŠâ
âDon't you dare to say itâ I frowned, swallowing thickly, clenching my jawÂ
âWhateverâ he scoffed. âIt was pretty easy to get rid of them at the startâ
âOh yeah! It's really impressive how easy it is to make her believe things, hm? A picture sent by an anonymous saying that Jared is cheating on her but actually he's hugging his cousin. And threatening Michael was really funny, you should have seen how scared he was when I broke his car with a gold club. But Owen? Oh, Owen was harder than I thought, but the end was pretty satisfying. It was so disappointing noticing that he loved drinking, but he didn't even notice the powder on his shot as he drank it. And hearing her scream for help, panicking while the man she said she loved only wanted to have fun... I was so disappointed with you, actually. You, the man that was so crazy in love with her since you met her⊠You, who always tried to find a second to be close to her but couldn't hear her screwing for helpâ
I swallow thickly, feeling nauseous. He did this, all for her. I was right, and I hated being right in this. Hearing him talk this way was like talking with a stranger.
âWhy?â I groaned, clenching my jaw. âWhy did you do all of this?â
âOh, because it's so funny! It's so funny watching how she runs back to me! How, after everything, that stupid smile was only to me!â he laughed. âBut then Eloise started to get too involved. She wanted to spend more time with her, to have her all for herself. She invited her to that stupid trip you planned and wanted to spend time with her. And let's not forget all the times she tried to set you up with her. Why?! Violet is mine! Why would she want to spend more time with her?! And then you⊠You started to put stupid things on her brain. Telling her things about me! How dare you?!â
âBecause you are crazy! You manipulated her!â I exclaimed, but he stood up and it made me flinch. Something about him scares me, maybe the fact that he was chained to the table or his gaze of psychopath.Â
âYou should be the one that got in the car and died!â he exclaimed. âNot her! It was easy with Eloise! But you⊠You did it! You killed her!â
âShe's not deadâ I mumbled. âShe's not dead and she will hate you until she can't remember youâ
âNah, I don't think soâ he smirked. âShe will always come back to me. You will hurt her, maybe cheat on her with one of those models that walk around the paddock and then she'll come back to me. Right where she belongsâ
I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone from the pocket of my hoodie, placing it on the table, in front of me.Â
âShe won't, Harry. Give upâ I said, stopping the recording. âShe's with me, she's happyâ
It was so quick. The moment he got up again and tried to wrap his hands around my neck, two guards walked in and grabbed Harry by the arms, making him sit while he screamed. I just got up and walked out, with an intense need of throwing up as soon as I walked out of that room.
Never in my life I imagined he was able to do something like this. Never in my life I imagined he would kill someone and try to kill me.
The officers that walked next to me gave me a weak smile as they walked me out of the police station, talking to me. But I wasn't listening, not understanding what they were saying.
âHarry will be sent to jailâ one of them said. âAfter talking to you he made a confession, he will go through a court, but that won't save himâ
âY-yeah, okayâ I nodded, just wanting to get away from here and go back to Violet.
I took a deep breath and called a taxi, going to the hospital while looking at the screen of my phone. He really said everything, he really told me everything.Â
How on Earth could he turn into someone like this? Why on Earth did he get so obsessed with Violet?
âI'm backâ I sighed, closing the door of her room behind me. âGuys⊠I was right. HeâŠâ
âLandoâ I heard her.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia @traveling-inspiration
#f1#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 fic#f1 serie#formula 1#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 drabble#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 fanfic#formula one#formula one imagine#formula one fanfic#formula one x reader#formula one fanfiction#lando norris#lando norris x oc#lando norris blurb#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#ln4#ln4 x reader#ln4 imagine#ln4 fluff#ln4 fic#mclaren
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Sugarbaby vibes âšïž
I walked out of the fitting room wearing the shit Chanel set. Let's be honest I looked to fucking die for, but once I saw the price it looked mid. Of course I wanted it and speaking of price it's Chanel what did I expect. If anything I suggested, let's go thrifting, as you can tell I didn't grow up with money. I'm still trying to get used to living this life now, it's crazy hoe just last week I was struggling to afford a pack of fucking Ramen at the convenience store and now I live in a penthouse. Your girl did, in fact, come up in life. You all better be proud. All thanks to the one and only Bada Lee.
Bada is about 28, and I'm 22, so there is a slight age gap if you care about any of that. Shit I didn't. I just needed someone to pay my bills. How we met it quite an interesting story if you think about it, I mean, I didn't sign up for a sugar mama like on the weird ass movies or stories you see on Wattpad. I was, in fact, working as a waiter in this high-end restaurant with might I add a shitty pay. Why are we serving all this expensive ass shit and in only getting made a few bucks in an hour? It's giving slavery, and not mentions my boss who, like most men, convince himself within the 3 minutes of hiring me that I was destined to be his furtre wife and the mother of his children as he call it. If you wanted to know what crazy looks like, we'll Mr. Kim is a prime example.
But we are getting of topic. See, I don't wanna tell you about my overly obsessive ass boss. I wanna tell you about the women who turned my life around. Serving tables is absolute shit, especially when no matter how rich one is, they never tip. "Hey Blue, bossman says he needs you at table six." I turned around to my partner in crime, Leslie. I'm happy to see her until I realized what she said, "I'm on break, though, like all these people around here . Can't he bother someone else." She gave me a sad smile and shrugged, "no, you know he likes to watch you suffer, because he expects after a while you will give in and let him take you out on a date." I stare at her with disgust.
"Yea, never mind your you're right. I'll take my chances with the wolves again. I'm just get going. If he asks again, make sure to tell him I chose getting screamed and yelled at my rich elderly woman over acknowledging his existence. " I hurried and jog off before she could say anything, grabbing my notepad and pen out of my pocket I had towards table six. With the biggest fake smile on. The love I have for these customers is crazy.
I stand there saying my usual line in the most chipper voice one can muster, whiteout even looking at the person sitting down in front of me. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm blue and very happy to serve you tonight. So what can I get, you folks?" I hear someone speak before muttering something about how I'm pretty, then I finally gather the courage to look up and see a group of women. All dressed to perfection, clothes tailored just to fit their figure. Those majority of them look around my age or slightly older. After a moment of being caught in a daze while overanlyzing them, I turn to her the tallest one of the bun speak up. "I would like to have a water to drink and just some shrimp pasta."
I make eye contact with her and my God. This is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life. It almost feels like i should have to pay a fee to look upon her face. My stare moves down to her lips and not e how nice and pump they are. I would kill to suck on those lips, to feel what they tasted like even. I realize I've just been staring at her while the rest of the women have spoken uo about their order already. "Oo, I'm s-so sorry." I state being an absolute nervous wreck while looking down at my notepad. I hope she didn't notice that. "It's fine, sweetheart," I heard the girl that was referred to ad Lusher somewhere in the conversation state to me. I hurry up and excuse myself to go get their orders. She keeps staring at me, bitting the inner part of her check. Eventually, they leave after a while, leaving a $200 tip for me. I almost couldn't believe it. This I'd the first time someone has ever given me that much money as a tip.
After a while, the girl continues to come to our little restaurant. Same table, same confidence aura and everything. She makes it seem as if she is trying to just get something to eat. We continue to see each other even after work. She would pop in on my breaks, and around the time, I would clock out. She was intimidating. I'll get her that. I spoke with class, and her vibe just let you know she had money. And it seemed she had her eyes on a certain girl. Me. Though, after beating around the bush, Bada told me exactly what she wanted. "I want to take care of you. You'll never have to worry about a single thing when you're with me. Or lift a finger. Give you the life you deserve, baby. I mean, you are a cute little waitress, but you can be so much more. Why waste your time when you have me. Just say the words, and I'll take care of you."
Some might've immediately said yes, and to be honest, I would've to. Until Bada told me there were rules. Which did kinda throw me off a bit. I mean, I thought I had the whole idea down until well, I realized I didn't. It wasn't just about the money it was the pleasure. How much would she give me, and fuck did she give me a lot. Well lived by only a few rules, but Bada took them very seriously.
Rule 1: Don't question anything
Rule 2: Don't talk back
Rule 3: Don't touch yourself
You should've seen the look on my face when I heard the third rule, I mean, at the bright age of 22, who the hell doesn't masturbate. Literally made no sense to me until she tried to explain it further. "I give you pleasure. I'm the only one who should be touching you. I'm general baby. You belong entirely to me. That's how this works. Therefore, you shouldn't be doing anything without my permission cupcake." After finally going over the terms, I agreed in the end. At the end of the day, I was a broke college student who desperately needed the money, and Bada just so happens to be the sexy older one willing to give it to me. In a sense, I was happy with my current predicament. My life was going well. Now, back to what I was saying earlier.
I stared at myself in the mirror. Sometimes, I forget that I can look this good. "Yea, ayye, get it, girl." In the process of hyping myself up, I finally hear a voice speak up from behind me, scaring the absolute shit out of me. "I'm glad you like it, baby. It does look good on you, I told you I have an eye for beautiful things. I mean, just look at my baby girl." She says while holding on to my waist, kissing my neck slowly. I smile for a while until I realize what she is doing. "Baby, we are in public, a fitting room at that. We aren't doing that here," I say, trying to be firm while avoiding her glaze in the mirror.
"What did I tell you about saying no to me, huh? Do you make the rules?" She forcefully grabbed my chin when she caught on to the act. She grabs my breast while still making eye contact with me in the mirror. "That's right, just stand right here, ok? Gonna be my good girl, right?" I stare at the door, thinking about the people outside that will hear us. While I'm thinking about them, Bada moved the hand that was holding me under my top, slowly circling my right nipple. "Gonna be good, right?" She asks again,she never has enough patience to ask again. It seems she is being nice today. I nod my head at her question this time.
"Word babygirl, I need to hear you. Let them hear you. Just stop all that thinking for me." I whimper at her words. Finally, forgetting about the staff in the store. She moves her hand down my body, teasing me with her pace. "P-please, I'll be g-good. Gonna be so good for you." She smirks, looking down at my face before moving her hand towards my soaked pussy. "Always so f-fucking good for me, aren't you? My precious little baby. Just needs to be filled, like always." I look into her eyes in the mirror about to answer her before she insert a finger into me, all while still playing with my breasts. She knows my body like the back of her hand. Doesn't even have to try to find the spot.
"Yea, right there, come on. I can't hear you, baby girl." I know exactly the game she is playing at, but I can only stand there moaning like a bitch in heat being held on my weak jelly-like legs as she adds two more fingers. While she grinds her hips into me, fuck those bloody dancers and there hips. "Y-yes y-yes... shit o fuck right there". She just smiles at my reactions. Assuming to her if anything. "Were gonna buy this little outfit, then I'm gonna by 28 fucking more just to fuck the shit out of you in them. And you gonna let me, aren't you?. Gonna take it like a good girl who just needs her holes filled, right?" I shake my head, screaming yes over and over again while nodding profusely. Seems that's the only word my brain can come up with as she starts to suck down on my neck leaving marks while circling my clit with her thumbs. And she still continues to thrust those same three fingers in and out of me ob command.
"Fucked you dumb, aww that's adorable baby. But we just started, " She says while smirking, and I stare at her in a mix of fear and pleasure. "Now open those legs wider for me, baby girl."
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Hey, no pressure but when can we expect the next chapter of A New Family? I really love the concept of Daryl x Single Mom Reader!

A/N: As stupid as it sounds, questions and messages like these always make me happy. I never expected so many people to like this story! I always try to publish one chapter per week by the way ;D (Picture from Pinterest!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Taglist: @lowkeyhottho
Warnings: Blood, Injuries, Typical TWD Content
PoV (Y/N):
After the walkers were taken care of, we decided to go to the CDC. At first Shane was against it, as were some others, but Jim then convinced them. Not because he spoke well to them, but because he was bitten. When we found this out, we headed to the CDC. However, not everyone wanted to go there. Morales and his family wanted to go their own way and we accepted it. Rick gave Moales another gun and some ammunition while the others separated from his family.
(D/N) and I kept our distance, we didn't have any real contact with Morales and his family, so we didn't say goodbye. "Okay, we're leaving!" And with those words we set off to the CDC.
Rick, Carol, Lori, Sophia and Carl rode together, Dale, Jim, Tdog, Glenn, Andrea and Jacqui rode in the RV. I actually wanted (D/N) to go with one of them, but there was no more space. We sat with Daryl in his car. It had a huge loading area on which he had placed his brother's motorcycle. We had put our bags next to it because they would have taken up too much space at the front. While Daryl drove, I sat between him and (D/N), who was sleeping. She rested her head on my arm and I stroked her hand gently.
There was silence between Daryl and me. I didn't know what it was like between us now. He insulted me, then apparently wanted to spend time with (D/N). Then he snapped at me and then saved my and (D/N)'s life. It was confusing. I briefly thought about how (D/N) sees Daryl and I had to smile slightly. I sighed briefly in amusement, which Daryl probably noticed. ,, WhaÂŽ? WhyÂŽr ya laughing?" He asked, not annoyed, but more curious. "I didn't laughâŠ" I then said quietly and then turned my head away.
Daryl gave a brief snort of amusement. "FÂŽcourse notâŠ" Strangely, I couldn't hear any annoyed or offended tone in his voice. Maybe he was a little calmer now and I could tell him. It wouldn't really change anything anyway. â(D/N)⊠said that she sees you as a new fatherâŠâ I then murmured quietly. A sad smile crept onto my lips and I looked down at her. She was breathing very calmly and had now laid her head on my lap. Daryl remained silent, although I could feel him tense briefly. "WhaÂŽ? Why thaÂŽ?" If I only knew that, Dixon.
Shrugging my shoulders, I looked out the window again. The streets were quiet and we didn't see a single walker. You might think that there wouldn't be any more, but this picture is deceptive. "I don't knowâŠ" I then sighed quietly.
Before Daryl could ask anything else, we suddenly saw the RV and Rick's car stop. Daryl stopped too and Rick motioned for us to come out. Just as I was about to unbuckle myself, Daryl moved his hand in front of my face. "Stay here, I'll goâŠ" He just murmured quietly and he walked out. I stayed quiet for a moment, actually I didn't even have to listen to him, but if Daryl gave me the order not to do anything (which had never happened before), then there was probably a reason for it. So I stayed seated and watched the other group members talk.
Lori and Andrea looked at me briefly before tilting their heads towards me and speaking. For a while, I felt very uncomfortable, what were they talking about me? Did you want to get rid of us? Daryl spoke briefly before moving back to us. He opened his door and slammed it again. âEverything okayâŠ?â Daryl remained silent for a moment. "Yeh⊠Jim wanÂŽs ÂŽta stay here and be dropped off⊠we should say byeâŠ" Daryl then said.
His answer chastised me a bit. Jim had lasted a really long time, but I expected him to give up now. He probably suffered terribly. "What did Lori and Andrea say?" This question slipped out of my mind. I didn't really want to ask, but somehow I had a right to know if it was about me. "They asked if ya should also say bye taÂŽ Jim⊠Andrea saiÂŽ thaÂŽ ya and (D/N) should do thaÂŽâŠ" Daryl explained briefly. "I said that ya should decide for yarself."
I was grateful and pissed. Why did Andrea take the right to decide over me and my daughter. However, I really wanted to say goodbye, out of respect. "It's okay⊠but thanks, DarylâŠ" I murmured quietly. I gently lifted (D/N)'s head to get out. I didn't want her to have to say goodbye, she wasn't ready for that. Daryl got out from his side so I could climb after him.
Rick and Shane sat Jim by a tree and we said goodbye. It took a lot of people away, Jacqui even gave him a kiss before she walked away. I then knelt down next to Jim and I nodded at him gratefully. "I hope you won't be in pain anymoreâŠ" "I won't⊠and take good care of your daughterâŠ" He coughed quietly. I smiled lovingly at him before standing up and distancing myself again. After everyone said goodbye, we continued driving until we hit a traffic jam. (D/N) was awake again by now and I explained the situation to her with Jim before we all got out and listened to Rick.
(D/N) was a little sad, but she didn't cry because of the news with Jim. I didn't know if she was angry that she couldn't say goodbye or disappointed. But it didn't feel right for me to let her do something like that.
Since there were a lot of cars here, we had to somehow find resources to help us. Food, medicine, clothes, water and more. Just anything you could find. So we split up a bit and started looking. (D/N) and I went with Tdog. How the others divided up was different. "Maybe we can find new clothes or even medicine." (D/N) said, looking around too. "Let's hope so, little one." Tdog agreed with her. Tdog and I searched in the cars while (D/N) stayed outside and instead looked under them or looked around.
I found some clothes and a bottle of water. Smiling, I got out of the car again and I showed this to (D/N). She smiled brightly and reached for the fabric I had pulled out. It was a t-shirt, her size and she seemed to like it. "Can I keep this?" I acknowledged her question with a nod. âWalker!â Tdog suddenly said. Immediately we saw the huge herd coming towards us from the distance and we ran between the cars to the others.
âMom!â (D/N) suddenly shouted. I immediately turned around and I saw (D/N) lying on the ground, blood flowing out of her leg. She had cut off a part of the rust. I immediately ran to her and I picked her up. My clothes soaked up her blood before it continued to drip to the floor. Breathing heavily, I kept running before Lori grabbed me and told me to hide under a car.
âCome on, get under the car, honey!â I said to (D/N), who slowly went under the car. I climbed after her and looked at her wound under the car. It was a deep cut, but it wasn't big. I looked deep into her eyes before tearing off some fabric from my top and wrapping it around the wound. In the background I could already hear the walkers running past us and (D/N) pressed her hands to her mouth to keep quiet. We were now trapped under the cars and (D/N) was bleeding non-stop.
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#twd daryl dixon#daryl#daryl twd#twd daryl#the walking dead daryl#daryl dixon#the walking dead#daryl dixon x female reader#daryl dixon x reader
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Pairing: James Potter x Reader, Regulus x Reader, James x Regulus
Warnings: angst, homophobia, abuse, outing, pregnancy
Word Count: 5.4K+
A/N: Part 3 to Hate! This is a lot angstier and darker than the last two parts
Regulus had been avoiding you and James like the plague since the night of the concert. You had tried to talk to James about it but once again he had told you he wanted to forget it. You suspected this time around, though, he was more concerned with the idea of Sirius finding out. You were laying in your dark, cool dorm with the curtains drawn in the middle of the day. You had been sick for the past few days, feeling overly nauseous and sweaty. James had stopped by your dorm before Quidditch practice to check on you and ask if you wanted to come but you just shook your head, telling him you would see him at dinner.Â
You finally pulled yourself out of bed to go to the hospital wing to see if Madame Pomfrey could help you. You stepped into the bathroom to wash your face and saw that one of the other girls had left a tampon sitting on the counter. An icy wave of realization washed over you as you realized your period was over two weeks late. Your period was never late, you had been regular since you had gotten it so this was cause for stress. You made your way down the hospital wing, this time with different intentions. Luckily for you, the hospital wing was empty, only Madame Pomfrey was around, working like a little cyclone.Â
âMadame Pomfrey?â You cleared your throat.Â
âYes!â She turned and gave you a warm smile, âIâve heard youâve been a bit under the weather, dear. Why donât you have a seat?â She pushed back the curtain to one of the beds and gestured for you to sit down. You felt tears start to well in your eyes as you took a deep breath.
âI, um, I think I need a pregnancy test.â
âCan you tell me about your symptoms, dear?â Madame Pomfrey had a neutral expression on her face but you saw the way her eyes widened when you asked for the test.Â
âIâve been pretty nauseous these past few days and my period is over two weeks late.â You said, digging your nails into your palms trying to stop tears from coming.Â
âAlright dear, there could be a number of things causing this but why donât we give you the test and weâll go from there.â Madame Pomfrey gave you a comforting pat on the shoulder before disappearing into a cupboard and reappearing with a test. She gave you privacy to take the test and then set it on the counter and told you to wait a quarter of an hour. She gave you a cup of tea and began to sip her own when a group of students burst in to the hospital wing.Â
âWhatâs going on?â Madame Pomfrey immediately had her hands on her hips. You quickly shut the curtain and pulled your knees to your chest. You could hear chatter and Madame Pomfrey ordering the students to leave, save for the injured student. It seemed that someone had been the victim of one of Siriusâ famous never ending exploding inkwells and the student could not stop vomiting ink.Â
âHold on a moment, dear, this will stop the ink from coming but youâll need to rest for a few moments to make sure all the ink on your tongue is out.â She handed the student a bucket and made her way back over to you. She opened the curtain only slightly so she could enter and then immediately closed it behind her to preserve your privacy.Â
âAlright then, letâs look at this.â Madame Pomfrey put her glasses on and then held the test to her eyes. She let out a small gasp before clearing her throat.
âOh my god,â you said, your heart dropping into your stomach.
âThe test is positive. However, you have many options for how you would like to proceed.âÂ
âI think I need to go,â you said, your blood was roaring in your ears, âI need to talk to James.â
âOf course, dear. You will need to meet with a more specialized mediwitch that I can put you and your parents in contact with whenever you need.â Madame Pomfrey smiled at you. You could only nod as you collected your things and pushed the curtain open. You were exiting the hospital wing when someone else threw open their curtain and called,Â
âMadame Pomfrey I think Iâm alright now.â The student stood from the bed and you felt the blood drain from your face. It was Regulus.
âOh, hi.â He said, looking at you up and down.Â
âHi, what are you doing here?â Â
âSirius and his exploding ink well nonsense. What are you doing here?â The question was innocent enough but you felt your eyes welling with tears again.Â
âHey, hey. Whatâs going on?â Regulus looked incredibly uncomfortable watching you break down in front of him.
âSorry,â you said, wiping your eyes and nose, âitâs nothing. Iâm fine.âÂ
âAre you sure?âÂ
âDear, would you like to keep this? Oh Mr. Black Iâll be with you in a moment,â Madame Pomfrey was handing you the positive test. Regulus looked down at the test and then back up at you and his already pale face became even more devoid of color.Â
âThanks.â You said, shoving the test in your pocket and running out of the hospital wing.Â
You ran out to the Quidditch pitch and laid your hand on your stomach as you tried to catch your breath. You immediately realized what you were doing and your hand shot back like it was on fire. James was finishing with practice and he was on the ground, talking with the rest of the team.Â
âHey! Isnât this a nice surprise.â James said after the team dispersed and headed towards the shower. He hugged you but the smell of his leather gloves and sweat soaked skin was too overwhelming and you immediately turned and vomited on the ground.Â
âOh whoa, still not feeling better? Have you gone to see Madame Pomfrey yet?â He asked, handing you his water bottle. You swished out the taste of vomit and spit again.Â
âUh yes. We have a problem.â You said, your hand resting on your stomach again.
âAlright,â James chuckled, âyouâre freaking me out a little. What are you pregnant or something?â He said it as a joke but his smile dropped when he saw your face drained of color. âYouâve got to be kidding me.â He said, staring at your stomach as if he expected to see the baby kick at that very moment.
âI went to Madame Pomfrey today when I realized that I was two weeks late and I took a test and she confirmed it.â
âOkay, okay,â James ran a hand through his messy hair, âLetâs go talk about this somewhere a little more private. Why donât we go down to the lake?â
âJames,â you put your hand on his chest, âbefore I go anywhere with you I need you to shower.âÂ
Twenty minutes later you were sipping a cool glass of water while sitting by the Black Lake. You used to love coming to the lake, you and James had many picnics down here, you would run around with your friends down here, you would take walks down here, but now you felt nauseous from the smell of the squid and the scent of Jamesâ body wash.
âThis obviously isnât ideal but you know that I love you and I know my parents would love to have you and while theyâll be a little peeved that this is all happening before we graduate I know theyâll be thrilled to have a little granddaughter or grandson.â James was rambling a bit but he was looking at you with big eager eyes.Â
âSo thatâs the other thing,â you said, looking at your lap, âI donât think itâs your baby.â
âExcuse me?â James looked at you like you were trying to make some weird joke.
âYouâve never cum inside of me. Regulus did that night.â You said, looking down at your feet.Â
âOh my god,â James looked sick all over again.Â
âWhat am I going to do?â You felt tears pushing at your eyes and you were fanning your face to cool it off before you really burst into sobs.Â
âHey,â James grabbed your hand, âit makes no difference to me. Thatâs my kid in there.â He smiled and put his hand on your stomach. You really started to cry then and you buried your face in his shoulder. He rubbed small circles on your back as you collected yourself.
âThereâs another thing,â you said, sniffing hard.
âI donât know how many more things I can take,â James said with a nervous laugh.Â
âI think Regulus knows.â
âWhat do you mean you think he knows?â
âHe saw me with the test at Madame Pomfreyâs.â
âDid he say anything about it?âÂ
âNo. But if he knows I imagine weâll hear about it soon.âÂ
âAlright, we should probably head to dinner. Donât want to raise any suspicion.â James helped you up and together you walked to the Great Hall.Â
Dinner was a bit of precarious affair. While you usually loved the great selection of foods that Hogwarts displayed for you, you found yourself feeling sick at all the intense aromas. You were able to find a tureen of chicken soup which you sipped with your icy goblet of water.Â
âBaby, you should eat something more substantial.â James said, trying to offer you a piece of his chicken and mash.Â
âIâm just so nauseous.â You shook your head, pushing away Jamesâ fork.Â
âYou feeling okay, love?â Remus asked, taking stock of how pale and shaky you seemed.Â
âJust a little stomach bug,â James responded quickly.Â
âYouâre still sick?â Sirius jokingly held his shirt up over his nose and mouth and scooted away from you.
âItâs just a stomach bug, Sirius.â You rolled your eyes and went back to sipping your soup. James was rubbing your back when you saw Regulus stalk past your table.Â
âI need to talk to you.â Regulus said, his intense gaze boring into your soul.
âWhy?â Sirius asked, looking between you and Regulus.
âWeâre, uh, partners in potions,â you said quickly, âitâs about that, right?â
âYes. Can we talk now, please?â Regulus grabbed you harshly by the forearm.
âOi!â James immediately shot to his feet, âDonât manhandle her like that.â
âItâs fine. Letâs just go.â You and James followed Regulus out of the Great Hall. You could hear Sirius saying to Remus,Â
âTheyâre all being so weird.â
Regulus insisted on taking you to the room of requirement for ultimate privacy. You were going to protest but the lack of privacy was what caused Regulus to find out about this all in the first place so you figured you didnât have legs to stand on. Â
The room of requirement looked like an empty classroom and you didnât have a clue what made it so special but Regulus was pretty convinced that you didnât need to cast a silencing charm or anything before diving into your conversation.
âThatâs my baby, isnât it?â Regulus asked.
âIn a manner of speaking.â James said.
âWhatâs that supposed to mean?â Regulus was on guard.Â
âIt means,â You cut James off, âthat technically it is your baby. You came inside me the night of the concert. But itâs okay, Regulus, James and I are going to raise the baby like itâs our own child. You donât need to be involved at all. No one ever has to know.â
Regulus had an odd expression on his face.Â
âThatâs my baby?â
âThe baby will be fine as a Potter.â James said stoically. He put his body between yours and Regulusâ to signify the end of the conversation. Regulus nodded at James before lifting his head and marching out of the room.Â
You didnât hear from Regulus for two more weeks. You had asked James to avoid telling his parents until you were able to tell your own. How were you even supposed to start? Every time you started penning a letter, you would get to the part where you would tell your parents about the baby you found yourself crumpling the parchment and burning it. You were currently distracting yourself from such a task by laying on Jamesâ bed in the boys dorm and watching Sirius agonize while James was at Quidditch practice. Sirius and Regulus were called home for a funeral of some distant family member and he was going to have dinner with his family for the first time in a very long time.
âI look ridiculous!â He complained, looking at himself in his dress robes.Â
âYou look fine,â you said with a head shake at the same time as Remus who said,Â
âYou do look ridiculous.â
âOh my god! Thatâs it. Iâm not going.â Sirius flopped down on the bed and covered his eyes with his arm.Â
âRemus is joking!â You said, moving so you could punch Remus in the shoulder. âYou look very handsome, Sirius.â You said with an earnest nod.Â
âWhat do I care that some weird racist uncle finally kicked it? Why do I have to go to his funeral?â Sirius groaned.Â
âDo something!â You begged Remus. Remus sighed and put his hand on Siriusâ arm.Â
âStop pouting you big baby.â Remus said, âWhen you come back Iâll blow you. Howâs that?â
âAre you being serious?â Sirius said, sitting up and looking at Remus.
âDonât make me change my mind.âÂ
Sirius shot up and ran out to meet Regulus in McGonagallâs office.Â
âI am sorry for your loss, gentlemen,â Professor McGonagall said, holding her dish of floo powder out towards Sirius and Regulus. They both flooed back to the Black Manor for the bleak affair. That evening, Sirius and Regulus were seated at the ostentatious table for dinner with their parents. Luckily for Regulus, Sirius was being his usual ridiculous self, using anything and everything to piss their parents off so the attention was off Regulus. Regulusâ brain was racing. You were carrying his child. He was going to be a father. But did he want to be a father? Did he want James Potter raising his child? Did he want you raising his child? Did raising his child with James mean that he would be able to have sex with James again?
âRegulus,â his father had been calling him for quite some time.Â
âYes father?â Regulus looked up at his father. Sirius was staring at Regulus with a strange expression on his face.Â
âHow has Slytherin been doing in Quidditch?â
âOh, oh. Weâve been doing well. Weâre due to play Gryffindor in a few weeks and it promises to be an excellent match.â Regulus said, pushing around the food on his plate.Â
âDonât,â Walburga held her hand up to stop Siriusâ retort before he could say it. âAre you alright Regulus?âÂ
âIâm fine.â Regulus brushed off his motherâs comments.Â
âAre you?â Walburga narrowed her eyes and before Regulus knew what was happening, Walburga had pushed her way into Regulusâ mind. Regulus forced himself to push the interaction with James out of his brain. To erase James from his mind. He couldnât have his mother knowing about that. Instead his mother saw Regulus with you. And then you telling Regulus about the baby.Â
âDid you know about this? That mudblood is your friend?â Walburga screamed at Sirius.
âWhat are you talking about?â Sirius asked, mouth open. He looked at Regulus in confusion.Â
âGet out, Sirius.â Walburga commanded.Â
âNo! What are you talking about? What is she talking about, Reg?â Sirius looked between Regulus and his mother.Â
âJust go.â Regulus whispered. Sirius looked like he was going to protest further but he was pulled away from the table by his father. It was just Regulus and his mother at the table. He felt impossibly small.Â
âYou impregnated a mudblood.â Her voice was steely calm.Â
âHer father is a pureblood and her mother is a halfblood.â Regulus squeaked out.
âA mudblood no less.â His mother pinched the bridge of her nose, âHowever your brother has proven that he will not produce an heir with the disgusting lifestyle heâs chosen. Your child is the only hope to carry on the Black name. She will have tea with us. Tomorrow. Iâll have Kreacher send an owl to her parents.â Walburga dismissed Regulus and he returned to Hogwarts with a pit in his stomach.Â
You were on your way to charms when Regulus grabbed you by the forearm and pulled you into a closet.Â
âWhat do you want?â You asked, grabbing your stomach. It was an unconscious action but you found yourself doing it more and more often.Â
âI messed up,â Regulus said, wringing his hands.
âWhat do you mean?â
âI justâŠI didnât know what to do about the baby-â
âRegulus, thatâs the whole point. You donât have to do anything. James and I are going to take care of it. Your family would probably have a coronary about the whole thing and you can barely stand me. Itâll be a little rough at the beginning but weâll get through it.â You rested your hand on Regulusâ arm.
âSo thatâs the thing. My parents know.â
âWhat?â You felt your blood run cold.
âIâm so sorry. But theyâve invited your parents to the Black estate for tea tonight. They want us there too.â
âRegulus,â you were trying to keep your voice level but there was icy sweat rolling down your neck, âI havenât even told my parents yet. What the hell did you do?âÂ
âListen, I donât really know what they want but maybe theyâll have a good idea about what to do. Letâs just hear them out.â
âOkay,â you nodded, âum, until we know more about this situation with your parents, weâre not telling James.â
âI think thatâs for the best.â Regulus nodded.Â
It was difficult to get rid of James that evening. You told him you were going home for the evening to tell your parents about the baby and he had insisted he come with you. You convinced him that it would be better coming from just you and that you would let him come back the next time. You were dressed in your dress robes as you and Regulus used the floo network to enter the Black estate. You wiped your sweaty palms on your dress as you entered the drawing room and took in the bizarre sight of your parents and Regulusâ parents all sitting and sipping tea.Â
âHi Mum, hi Dad.â You said, nervously twiddling your fingers. Your parents immediately ran out to embrace you. As you pulled away from them both your father immediately started,Â
âWhat the hell is wrong with you? Getting pregnant? We sent you to Hogwarts to study! Not to mess around with boys,â he gestured wildly at Regulus.Â
âWhy didnât you tell us?â Your mother asked, looking at you with a pained expression.Â
âObviously that is all moot,â Walburga said, gesturing for you all to sit, âthe Black family is one of the oldest and most noble in Great Britain and we will not allow for shame to cloud our reputation. Itâs already difficult enough with Sirius. Regulus Black is the Black heir. His child will be the next.â
âIâm sorry,â your father interrupted Walburga, âwerenât you dating James Potter? What happened to him? Kind family, bright future, could keep it in his pants?â
It was interesting the way that your parents contrasted Regulusâ. The Blacks were stoic and serious and void of emotion. Your parents were the opposite, louder, more intense, absolutely brimming with emotion.
âRegardless, we have a proposition.â Orion said, looking at your parents warily.Â
âAt that is?â You asked.Â
âYou and Regulus will marry. The ceremony will be next month over the Christmas holiday. Then you will tell the world of your pregnancy two weeks after the wedding and we will announce that baby was born prematurely.â Walburga explained.
âWhat?â You spat.
âHow could you allow such a marriage? Sheâs not a pureblood! Wouldnât that hurt the bloodline?â Regulus asked, grasping at anything.
âAll documents that would indicate such blood status have been removed.Â
âWe arenât even graduated from Hogwarts yet! How can we marry?â Regulus asked, his fingers pulling at his hair.Â
âSurely you think this is a ridiculous idea.â You said, looking at your parents.Â
âI think given the current situation it would be beneficial for our family to have ties to a family as noble as the Black family.â Your mother said, looking at her lap.Â
âOh Iâm going to be sick.â You said, your hand over your mouth as you ran from the room. You luckily found a bathroom and were able to stumble in and lean over the toilet just seconds before losing your lunch. You stayed slumped over, vomiting and sobbing, cursing your damn pregnancy.Â
âAre you alright?â Regulus could be heard just outside the door to the bathroom.Â
âPeachy,â you replied, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and forcing yourself up. You flushed the toilet and washed your hands and face before opening the door. Regulusâ eyes were rimmed red as if he had been crying too.
âI donât know what to say.â He said, staring at his feet.Â
âItâs all your fucking fault.â You spat, âWhy did you have to tell them?â
âI didnât!â Regulus blurted out.
âExcuse me?â You had an eyebrow raised.Â
âMy motherâŠsheâs trained in occumenacy. She knew something was on my mind and she found it,â Regulusâ face was red and he was looking everywhere but at you.
âOh Regulus,â you shook your head and sighed, âhow the hell are we going to tell James?âÂ
âI have no idea.â Regulusâ face went an unnatural shade of white, which was disturbing considering Regulusâ resting tone was already an unnatural shade of white. You both returned to the parlor. There were four sets of eyes watching you and Regulus. Â
âYou understand no one can know about your child until after the wedding,â your father said.Â
âYes.â You nodded.Â
âYou will announce tomorrow that you and Regulus are engaged. We will meet again to discuss plans for the ceremony.â Walburga said. She narrowed her eyes at you and said something to you that you could somehow only hear in your own mind: You will produce the finest heir this family has ever seen.
You looked up at Walburga and nodded, icy fear washing through your body. Before she let you go, Walburga made you and Regulus pose for a photo. It was painfully awkward and you couldnât help thinking about how uncomfortable it would be to spend the rest of your life with Regulus. You supposed, however, it would only be the rest of Walburgaâs life. And then you would be able to go back to what you wanted.Â
You were able to make it back to the girls dorm without running into James. You had no idea how you were going to tell him about this. You loved James more than anything in the world but you werenât given much of a choice.Â
You sat down at breakfast in the morning and James immediately was at your side.
âHow was it? How did you parents take it?â He whispered. Sirius and Remus looked up at you, trying to make out what James was whispering.Â
âNot here. Not now.â You whispered back before taking a piece of toast and spreading butter on it.Â
âReg had to go back to my parents house last night. Something weird is going on with him,â Sirius shook his head. You tried not to look panicked.Â
âWhat do you think happened?â You kept your voice as even as possible.
âNo idea. But I think it has something to do with someone I know. My mother said something about my friend.â Sirius shook his head.Â
âIs he back yet?â Remus asked as the owls flew over dropping everyoneâs mail.Â
âYeah, yeah. Heâs at his table. Do you think he got a howler?â Sirius was sitting straight up and trying to see over at Regulus. You turned as well to look and then you heard,Â
âOh my god.â It was James. He was holding open a copy of the daily prophet. On the page was the picture of you and Regulus from last night with the announcement of your engagement.Â
âWhat? WHAT!â Sirius ripped the paper out of Jamesâ hand and flicked his eyes back and forth between you and the engagement announcement. The entire great hall broke out in chatter as everyone stared at you and then at Regulus.Â
âYouâre engaged to Regulus? Arenât you dating James?â Remus asked.
âYes, Iâd quite like to know about this.â James asked. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edge of the table.
âNot here.â You said again, running from the great hall. The marauders followed you back to the Gryffindor boys dorm. You were pacing and wringing your hands as the boys stared back at you. You were about to start when you heard a light knock on the door.Â
âWho the fuck is that?â Sirius demanded, whipping open the door. It was Regulus. âOh perfect!â He grabbed Regulus by the forearm and pulled him into the dorm before locking the door and casting a silencing spell. âTalk. Now.â
âSo you remember the night of the Queen concert?â You said, wringing your hands again.Â
âI knew we shouldnâtâve gone to that concert.â Remus shook his head.Â
âWellâŠwe all had a bit too much to drink and-â
âYou foul little slut! You cheated on James with Regulus?â Sirius snapped. You shot back like you had been slapped. You knew Sirius was upset but he had been one of your closest friends since your first year at Hogwarts. How could he speak to you like that?
âNo, not exactly.â James said from his place on his bed.Â
âWhat does that mean?â Siriusâ head snapped towards James.Â
âJames, please donât.â Regulus begged quietly.Â
âWe had a threesome with Regulus. Regulus has been in love with me for a long time. But he messed up and got her pregnant. We told Regulus that we would raise the baby like it was mine. Iâm not sure what happened exactly.â James glared at Regulus.Â
âWhat the fuck? You had sex with my two best friends?â Sirius turned to Regulus.Â
âYou just called one of your so-called âbest friendsâ a slut.â Regulus rolled his eyes.Â
âOh Iâm going to kill you.â Sirius lunged at Regulus and Remus and James had to separate the two men.Â
âCan someone please explain the engagement business?â James demanded. He was holding Sirius back and glowering at Regulus.Â
âMy mother found out and this is what our parents demanded. They thought this is the best way to avoid scandal. They want the child to be the next Black heir.â Regulus said, staring at his hands.Â
âYou told her? You disgusting little slug.â James spat.Â
âNo. He didnât tell her. Our mother poked through his mind.â Siriusâ rage seemed to have dissipated as he looked at his younger brother in pity.Â
âSo what then? Youâre my girlfriend!â James grabbed your hands. âI love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.â
âI know,â you said, tears running down your cheeks, âbut I donât have a choice.â
âWhen is the wedding?â Remus asked.Â
âDuring the Christmas holiday.â You said, resting your hands on your stomach. James sniffed harshly and stormed out of the room. You moved to follow but Remus rested his hand on your shoulder.Â
âLet him go. He needs time to process this all.â
âWell, welcome to the Black family.â Sirius said with a sad smile.Â
The semester ended and you were off to the Black estate with Regulus, your fiancĂ©. Your nausea came and went and the wedding gown Walburga had given you felt very tight. Kreacher had already let it out twice and you were afraid to ask for it to be let out again. Sirius was to be in attendance as Regulusâ best man. James and Remus had also been invited but you werenât sure if James would be in attendance. You couldnât blame him. You wouldnâtâve wanted to watch James marry someone else either. Lily, Marlene, and Mary were not allowed to attend so your bridesmaids were women you really didnât know. They were all Black sisters, Narcissa and Bellatrix. They were both a little frightening and you tried not to speak to them more than you had to.Â
At your engagement party, you felt yourself getting overwhelmed and you sat on the balcony with your feet dangling over the edge so you could breathe in the cool air outside. James sat down next to you and handed you a glass of water.Â
âHow are you doing?â He asked.
âIâm alright. Surprised to see you.â You said, accepting the water and drinking it gratefully.Â
âSo,â James sighed heavily, âyouâre getting married tomorrow.â
âYeah, I am.â You looked out at the gardens that stretched out behind Grimmauld place.Â
âI donât think I ever apologized to you.â James said.Â
âApologized for what?â You asked. You couldnât believe how kind and sweet James was. It was the reason you had fallen for him in the first place.Â
âI never should have had that threesome with Reg. I put you in this position and I ruined all three of our lives forever.â James hung his head.Â
âHey,â you put your hand on Jamesâ, âIf I didnât want it, I wouldnâtâve done it. Itâs a shit situation but things could be worse. And itâs not like we wonât see each other all the time,â your eyes were brimming with tears, âyouâre my best friend, James. I love you.â
âI love you too,â Jamesâ eyes were full of tears as well, âI, just, I donât think I can be there tomorrow. I want to. But I donât know if I can.â
âI know,â you whispered, âitâs okay.â
âIs everything alright out here?â It was Orion, he was staring at both of you.Â
âFine,â you said, sniffing hard and wiping your eyes. You took Orionâs outstretched hand and stood up. âI guess I should go enjoy my party.âÂ
You woke up the next day with a pit in your stomach. You took another pregnancy test, just in case you werenât pregnant and you could tell everyone to call the wedding off. The test was positive, as you expected, and you were helped into the dress by Narcissa, Bellatrix, and your mother.
âHave you thought about children yet?â Bellatrix asked.Â
âDonât be silly, Bella. Her and Reg havenât even graduated yet. Surely theyâll wait a few years before having kids.â
âWell, who knows. Regulus feels strongly about producing an heir.â You tried to say casually. Your mother shot you a look.
âIâm going to check on your father. Iâll see you in a bit, darling.â Your mother pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving you alone with the Black sisters.Â
âYouâre pregnant, arenât you?â Narcissa asked, staring down at your stomach.Â
âI donât know what youâre talking about.â
âNo, no. It makes sense. The rapid wedding to a Gryffindor? But you and Regulus look excellent together. And youâll produce a beautiful heir.â Bellatrix was tracing her finger over your hairline and you had to resist the urge to shiver.Â
âItâs time,â Narcissa said, the organ playing the beginning notes of your wedding march. Narcissa left first, her arm tucked into Siriusâ elbow. Then it was Bellatrix, who looked a bit odd as she walked Barty Crouch Jr. Then it was you. Your stomach was flip flopping as you walked with your father and mother until you saw James and Remus sitting the back row. A smile spread across your face and you held your head high and regal as you made your way to the alter.Â
Regulus looked nice in his dress robes with that brought out the deep colors in his eyes. You took his hand as Orion, who was conducting the ceremony, spoke loud and clear.Â
âPlease be seated.â He ran through the standard vows and then what it meant to join the Black dynasty. He talked about blood purity that made your mother shift angrily in her chair and then he stated, âIf anyone objects this holy union, speak now or forever hold your peace.â He waited for a few beats before looking between you and Regulus and smiling.Â
âI have something Iâd like to say.â A voice from the back of the room rang out. Everyone turned and you saw the defiant face of James Potter staring back at you.
@skyesayshi, @urdad6900
#James potter#James potter x reader#James potter angst#regulus black#regulus black x reader#jegulus#jegulus x reader angst#regulus black angst
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Peter Tork in Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1966. Photo 2 by Judy Lee.
"During their hectic airport arrival last week, the Monkees were mobbed when several hundred screaming teenaged girls broke through a restraining rope. Their limousine was surrounded, but all the boys got inside except Peter Tork who was forced to climb on top [of] the car in the rush. One of the showâs promoters saw the car start to pull away and leaped on the trunk to try to keep Peter from falling. As the car sped down the runway, a safe distance away from the mob of girls still chasing after it, Peter turned to the passenger clinging to the trunk and said calmly, âTom Moffatt, I presume?â He was right! [...] The Saturday night show was sold out even before the group arrived Thursday afternoon. The Monkees demonstrated that they were actors, performers and showmen, and in live performances, that is whatâs important, what with all the screaming that inevitably goes on.â - Dave Donnelly, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 7, 1966 (x) âI asked Peter how he was accepting fan adoration. âIâm accepting it very poorly,â he sighed. âIt bugs me. Some kids even got hold of my home phone number and have been calling me. I try to reason with them when they call and tell them if they donât leave me alone Iâll have to get a private listing. I got my first taste of fans and mobs in Hawaii â it was rough.ââ - Teen Life, June 1967 âThe thing that worries me most about fans is my lack of direct contact with them. The only contact I really have with them Is through you, the press, and really that is not entirely satisfactory. Occasionally we manage to get some letters reproduced in the fan club magazine, but thatâs as near as we get.â - Peter Tork, Disc and Music Echo, January 13, 1968 âWe were the screen on which the children of Middle America were projecting their frustrations. A kid comes home from school and someone says âshut off that musicâ and âwhat do you want to do when youâre grown upâ and âyou donât want to do that, darling.â So, when you get a chance to sit in an arena and scream and scream and scream, it feels really good. I came to realize that what was happening was that they were going into a kind of fugue state⊠When I didnât understand it, I couldnât figure out why I couldnât relate to these kids. Iâd say, âHi, how are you?â and theyâd just go nuts, just shut down and not see or hear you as a person. To me, thatâs not love.â - Peter Tork, Evansville Press, October 30, 1996
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sweet dreams
fuck me like you missed me then

đąđŸđ¶đ¶đȘđ»đ: y/n canât sleep, how could she? she had gotten so used to ellie fcking her every night before bed. since ellie and cat were back together they canât anymore. uno because that would be wrong, right? right???
đŠđȘđ»đ·đČđ·đ°: angst, smut (oral sex, fingering), apologies if there is typos i got sick of rereading this lol
đŠđžđ»đ đŹđžđŸđ·đœ: 1.5k
đđȘđČđ»đČđ·đ°: ellie williams (TLOU) x reader
You had tried everything, you mediated, downed 2 cups of chamomile tea, took a warm shower, read. Hell, you even counted sheep for a solid 15 minutes to no avail. You just could not sleep. Usually you wouldnât really care that much, you enjoyed your quiet time and would spent the night finishing a book or watching whatever movie you could scavenge from crumbling houses. Nighttime was really the only time you could be alone. However tomorrow you had patrol at 5am and you didnât really love the idea of no sleep before that. You stared at the clock as the hand crept closer and closer to the early hours of the morning.
âThatâs it. Fuck it.â you groaned in frustration, pushing yourself off your couch and marching towards the door. You knew deep down this wasnât a great idea, but you were desperate. It was freezing outside, you didnât even bother to put on a jacket before making your way to Ellieâs. You see, the past few months between you and her had been kinda awkward. You were best friends since Ellie and Joel had returned from Salt Lake City. You met her during a rough time, and you bonded over that. She was the first person you ever did a patrol with, you know, without a group. You always knew there was something more there, you just didnât act on it. However when Ellie and Cat went on their first âbreakâ you slipped up. The two of you had been drinking alone in her room, she couldnât stop complaining about her ex and you were getting fed up of hearing about it. You didnât like Cat in the first place, and the idea of making her jealous lit a fire in you, one didnât know was there before. Ellie was mid sentence, saying something along the lines of, âAnd you know what fucking gets me? She says that I should cut YOU out of my life because you secretly want me blah blah blah yet sheâs always with stupid Bailey, the one person I know for a fact wants to fuc-â you cut her off, pressing your lips against hers and making her shut up. She pulled away, looking kinda shocked. That shock however didnât last long because about 2 seconds later she was pulling you into her lap by your tank top and roughly kissing you back. After that incident you continued to fuck for a few weeks, spending almost every night in her bed or her in yours. The problem was you didnât talk about it, probably because you knew it was wrong. Youâd simply wait for one another the second it got dark out to show up at the door and then spend a solid chunk of the night having the best sex of your life. This was up until a week ago, which is when you noticed Cat desperately trying to fix things with Ellie.
âWait- y/n, donât go. I donât understand?â Ellie quickly followed after you as you made your way to the door.
âCat wants you back Ellie, come on we canât keep doing this.â You grab the door handle but Ellieâs hand grabs yours, stopping you from being able to twist it. You make eye contact with her and sigh.
âWhy does it matter if she wants me back?â she asks, confused.
You push her hand off yours, aggressively opening the door.
âYou clearly want her too, you shouldnât ruin your chances by continuing something thatâs purely just sex.â
You donât give her a chance to reply, you donât even look at her face, scared that her expression will convince you sheâs feeling something sheâs not. You didnât have the balls to tell her how you actually felt, like how you wish you were hers instead of Cat, or how you were scared to take it any further because you couldnât risk losing her as a friend. From then on you had barely been talking, she seemed kinda pissed off at you actually. Plus her and Cat were back together, so yeah, you knew it was the wrong thing to do, but you no longer gave a fuck. You reach her door and gently knock three times, wondering if sheâll even be awake to hear it. Suddenly a sleepy, groggy Ellie opens the door, looking puzzled.
âY/n? Is everything okay?â she mumbled staring at you with confusion. You donât waste anytime making your way into her room and slamming the door shut.
âY/n I donât understa-â You cut her off again, grabbing her face and pressing her lips to yours. You expect her to get angry at you but instead she returns the kiss even more rough then you were. Before you know it she has pushed you onto the bed, her lean but muscular body on top of yours. You moan at the sight of her, sheâs wearing a singlet with with no bra, so you can see how hard her nipples are already. Her hair is a little messy, probably from sleep, but still looks good somehow. She practically tears your shirt off you and moves her kisses from your lips down your neck and to your breasts. You gasp at the feeling of her lips on your chest as she intently sucks your nipples, making your whole body tingle. You pull on her hair and she lets out a moan, moving back to your lips. Youâve made out for too long, you need more, you grind against her leg and she retaliates, pressing her thigh into your clit. You grab her singlet and pull it off without hesitating. You begin unbuttoning her pants however youâre interrupted by her raspy voice.
âWait, wait, wait, Y/n. Are we really doing this?â she says, clearly out of breath.
âI mean, only if you want toâ you shrug
âI want to. I really want to. But iâm confused, you told me to get back with Cat? You made it clear that what we had was just sex, are you just really horny because if thatâs the cas-â
You press you finger to her lips.
âEllie, come on did you really think this was just sex to me? I hate Cat, I envy her. Iâve wanted you since we were 15 but I couldnât risk losing you. I just canât pretend anymore.â
You watch Ellieâs face carefully, scared that what sheâll say next will cause you two to never speak again. Instead she softly rubs her fingers on against your cheek.
âI really wish you told me earlier, we wasted so much time. I missed you this last week, a lot.â she sighs.
You are so relieved you could actually cry, but now is not the time for that.
âFuck me like you missed me then.â you donât have time to say anything else, because the second you finished your sentence Ellie has lifted you up and roughly placed you on top of her hips so that you are straddling her as she lays down. Your lips reconnect and you grind down hard.
âI need youâ you moan, drunk on the how good this feels.
âIâve got you babyâ she replies, flipping you over and pulling your pants down quicker than you thought was humanly possible. She unbuttons her pants so you are both naked, your pussy pulsing from the sight.
âSo wet for me huh baby?â she hums, causing you to groan.
Wasting no time she presses her mouth against your clit, moaning at your reaction to her tongue. It isnât long before you feel your stomach begin to grow warm, youâre not going to last long. You grab her hand that is tightly gripped against your thigh. She always does this so she can hold you in place while she licks and sucks in the perfect rhythm. You push her hand further down and she knows exactly what you want. She presses her fingers inside you and you throw your head against the pillow, making the headboard loudly hit the wall. She continues to finger you while using her magic mouth on your clit as you feel yourself begin to come undone. It makes you so fucking wet how much she loves eating your pussy.
âF-fuck, FUCK, Ellie iâm so close. Iâm so so fucking close ughhâ you moan worryingly loud but oh well, you couldnât care less in this moment. Ellie moans into your pussy and youâre thrown over the edge, cumming arguably harder than youâve ever cum in your life. Ellie rolls over, laying next to you, as you both try and catch your breath.
âFuck.â You groan, thinking about how good she makes you feel. You roll over and look at her, sweaty and breathless.
âYou okay?â you ask âYou seem kinda out of breath.â She turns to look at you, her cheeks bright pink.
âI-I um, sortaâ
âSpit it out Ellieâ you say impatiently, worried something is wrong.
âShut upâ she retaliates âI came. When I was eating you out idk how but I finishedâ
You giggle, moving so that you are now on top of her.
âNaw donât be embarrassed Els, wanna cum again?â you whisper in her ear causing her to groan,
âYou know I fucking doâ.
#ellie williams#the last of us#tlou#smut#y/n#the last of us hbo#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams x y/n#wlw#wlw ship#wlw smut
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Hello! I decided Iâm going to start posting some of my success stories on here using Law of AssumptionââDo not ask me how to âmanifestâ youâve been doing it your whole life. And if you found out about LOAâyouâre bound to get right it. Although, hint: itâs easy, and itâs always you.
Things manifested these weeks:
-My boyfriend (revised BACK. Heâs perfect, and so so so so sweet. Love of my life!!)
-Cool classmates/friends that reach out to ME I dont even have to try đ„°đ
-My best friend (revised BACK)
-Class cancelling because I said so
-The âtotalâ money wasnât what I wanted so I was like nođ€š âitâs under this amountâ., and when I finally paid I received all these discounts! That werenât showing before. The total was under the amount đ
-My desired skin: the same tone đ all over which is what I wanted. And exactly the image that I saw in my head when manifesting it: No uneveness for me, seriously perfect skin. Likeâ no blemishes. No acne. Iâm glowing. Seriously. It actually shocks me sometimes.
-being top of my class as I chose to be. People always want me in their group, the teachers always cite my points đ„°, I always get good reviews from one of my professors who is top in his field and always, 100s on all scores babyyyy even if late
-cute part time job I wanted! (I technically donât have to, Iâve got moneyyyy, also another thing manifested! but itâs fun. Itâs like a cafe/book shop/flower vibe thing which is somewhere Iâve always wanted to work.)
-growing height đ§ââïž. !!!!!! I used to be 5â3 a few years ago (as a high school senior) but I told myself Iâm 5â7âŠperiod: tell me why a guy that is exactly that height, him and I: see eye to eye now?? I didnât notice it either. I was just standing straight and I looked over and was like đł, and this girl next to meâ which is the height I used to beâlooked so small đ ⊠I did it guys!
-documents going through even if theyâre not 100% aligned: a document I had didnât have my full name (I have two last names), and still, they accepted it! đ„° despite known for being âstrictâ
-people being super nice to me. Everything is an assumption: I used to believe I would always be lonely/misunderstood and like⊠I love my time alone but why would I purposely think of myself as that? đ€š. Everyone: strangers, friends, family, etc. theyâre always super nice to me
-more on good relationships: I revised past family members to eitherâ- go away (not exist???, nobody mentions them anymore)â or if I want to, mend the relationships with no work. Revision. Like my cousin and I. We were no contact for YEARS, but I was like⊠no. And then he hit me up asking for recommendations on a restaurant of a city I lived in to take his wife out on aw!! And weâre also going on a trip in two months together! With the whole family (the ones I choose at least haha).
MONEYYYYY FREE MONEYYYYYY : didnât even know it was being given to me and then they were likeâ here, 2k.
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Happy Saturday Fandom :) Wanted to post links to the last few I know they came over the holidays in case anyone missed them. The master list has also been updated. 4x22 , 5x01, 5x02
Weâve reached our yearning era and Iâm here for it. This one may not have a ton but itâs just enough that at we were all dying for more. I was so excited to be an era where very aware of their feelings but couldnât be together yet. Good stuff. Let us proceed shall we?
5x03-Dye Hard
We jump one month into the future. Because Lucy has gone to UC school. So our couple has been apart for some time at this point. Making that longing extra intense. Lucy arrives home to a surprise party of sorts. She's just returning home from UC school. Tamara and Chris welcome her back with mustaches. I love how excited she is Lucy is back. Always take some cute hugs with them. She tells Lucy the she has to head to school but wants to hear all about it tonight. I love them so much.
Leaves us just the clown and Lucy. Bleh. She asks him how heâs doing? Says heâs doing ok. Typing is still hard but heâs glad to be back at work. Was going crazy on the couch. Tells her thereâs something else thatâs been helping him more. An online group trying to hunt Rosalind. Kinda like the one she was apart of for Aaronâs case back in 4x16. Lucy doesnât look excited about this idea. He says they contacted him few weeks ago. They call themselves Dye Hards.
Hence the name of the episode. That their research is actually impressive. They compile all their credible tips in an encrypted document. Called the âmother doc.â Lucyâs face is screaming how much she hates all this. But instead of reading her like he should he presses her further. Because itâs ChrisâŠnever respects any boundaries sheâs putting up but sure man keep going. Force her to read about the one person who sets her PTSD off like no other.
Just so you can have some peace of mindâŠgrumbleâŠ.Dislike him so very much. Lucy tells him how not healthy this is. (It really isnâtâŠ) That sheâs just a patrol officer. He whines about how the task force is ignoring him. Of course they are ya putz. It's why heâs dragging her into this. I hate this very much. Lucy gives in and says sheâll give his doc a look. That good ole guilt driving her decisions about him some more. Smh.
Roll call starts out with Grey congratulating Lucy. She successfully passed UC school. Telling everyone that is no small feat. Look at Tim ever the proud husband. That look alone says everything you need to know about her crushing it. The soft looks in his eyes. That soft gaze he only reserves for her. *sigh* Oh pining era you are lovely.
Lucy trying to contain her emotions about all of it. Grey calling her out and congratulating her. Tim looking at her like she hung the moon and stars. Couldnât be more telling if he tried. She canât even look at him. Just messes with her thermos. Lucy not really knowing how to react to the attention. Especially TimâsâŠShe just nods and hopes they move on.
Aaron and Lucy come out of roll call together. Lucy is congratulating him on making P2. Lucy also commends him on being a good aide for Tim. Aaron is very aware of Tim and Lucy. Maybe not everything but enough to offer stepping back. Then asks Lucy if Tim said heâs doing a good job? Lucy says noâŠthat she made that last part up LMAO
Reminds me of 1x02 when Wrigley did the same to her. Thinking she got praise from Tim early on. Only to be crushed by the fact that he hadn't...Yeah you gotta really earn that Tim Bradford praise Aaron lol His reaction to that fake news is hilarious. Lucy can't lie and has to let him know no such praise has happened. Sorry my man.
Lucy follows it up with he hasnât replaced him yet LOL I mean thatâs a lot coming from Tim. If he wasn't happy he would've traded him away like baseball card. Lucy adding on 'So heâsâŠhappy.' As happy as one could be without his person by his side sure. This next bit it sticks in her throat a bit as she says it.
Telling him he should stick with him. Obviously killing her to be to be apart from him. To pass up taking being his aide once again. But she wants to keep the distance up. For the same reasons as 5x02. Hurts too much to be around him when she canât be with him. The pining era is so good for these moments. Aaron asks if sheâs sure? Because she doesn't seem sure...
Only they could have such immense chemistry with an intense stare. One that is across the room from each other BTW. The longing is palpable af. Angsty goodness right here. Also those are some smoldering bedroom eyes for Lucy. My god idk how she could function after him looking at her that way. Would make me hot under the collar good god. That man wants her back in his shop. But we know that isnât happening anytime soon.
So much pining and tension with just one look good lord. His stare does end up affecting her. Her breath hitches a little when they make eye contact. She stammers a little in her advice to Aaron. I love how they find each other those across a room. That magnetic pull only they understand. Itâs automatic no matter whatâs going on. Lucy rambling on about needing some quiet time anyways..You know for her next steps in her career...
More like Tim thinking time. Letâs be real. I love how the entire time sheâs just staring at Tim. Spending most of their conversation just staring right back. Even when heâs looked down. She misses him so much. That is very evident in this moment. When she finally breaks off her longing she notices Aaron looking at his phone ha Not even paying attention to her anymore. Making a sassy comment that he hasn't even heard a word she's said. He apologizes and says he has to deal with something personal.
We start out with Tim and Aaron. Tim feeling extra surly after seeing Lucy. Much worse getting to be that close and not really getting to see her. So Aaron is on thin ice when Tim sees him buried in his phone. He apologizes and says heâs having person problem. Tim saying this is a âpersonal life free zone.â Ha! Not since Lucy Chen entered your life it isnâtâŠ
Aaron tells him it could derail his career. Tim sighs and that little bit of Lucyâs influence comes out. He asks him what it is? Aaron going on about a dating site. Using a thirst trap LOL Timâs reaction is too damn funny. âI wish I didnâtâŠâ Look at our softie helping Aaron with his problem.
He goes on to tell Tim he was cat-fished and now the dude is blackmailing him. Tim is confused saying he thought the pic didnât show anything? We find out this guy has photoshopped something worse. He shows it to Tim and Iâm dying. âCouldâve been worseâŠAt least he was generous. LMAO Oh Timothy I love you so.
We catch Lucy riding solo. She sees a homeless man go into an abandoned building. Calls it in saying she going to go look for squatters. She calls back in after sheâs finds nothing. Saying she is Code 4. That is before she notices a freezer open with wallets in it. The man she followed in traps her in the old walk in freezer. Thankfully itâs out of commission. Unfortunately it blocks her radio signal. Leaving her trapped there with no one to tell she isâŠ.You can tell she wants to shout a whole lot of expletives above ha
Aaron gets contacted by his catfish. He wants a PS5 and delivered to his apt. Tim is so funny in this scene. Saying oh good heâs a dumbass LOL Giving up his location and needing something they can obtain on the way. Aaron doesnât want to give in but Tim makes a good point about the photo. Itâll be in police evidence and he doesnât want that ha. Aaron says good thing he has a gamer connection in K-Town. Tim shaking his head not shocked in the least about this. Of course he does...
Poor Lucy tries once again to get ahold of dispatch but to no avail. She has to try and talk her anxiety down. I would be doing the same thing to try and relax. Telling herself that at some point there will be a welfare check. (Well Tim will for sureâŠ) She canât do anything until that point. So she pulls out her phone and starts reading that mother doc the clown sent. Lucy is too funny as she reads these messages.
I love her talking to the smiley face on the freezer LOL She is so adorable I cannot stand it. Then she stumbles upon someone making sense. As she reads it aloud something clicks in her brain. A saying Rosalind told Nolan a long time ago. The 5 star meal comment. Lucy starts to get restless again. Jumps up and starts banging on the door for help again.
They show up to the address and itâs a teenager..he just wanted a PS5. I love how stern and authoritative Tim is with this kid. Saying bad behavior doesnât get rewarded. Mmm no it doesnât. Idk why that does it for me with Tim but it does. Itâs yum tum city and I am a resident. They get the kid to delete the photo and take down the profile. He says they suck when Tim takes the PS5. Cracks me up he keeps it for himself. I love this man so very much haha
We return to the shop and Timâs Lucy radar is going off. Aaronâs going on about the kid still but Timâs mind is elsewhere. He has Lucy on his brain. Has that panicked look he reserves only for her going on. He asks Aaron the last time he heard Chen on the radio? He replies he canât rememberâŠmaybe like hour or two ago? Let me start with I adore him waiting to hear her voice on the radio. Then noticing he hasn't in awhile.
How he keeps track of not hearing from her in some time. Tim knows sheâs solo today. You know that man was subconsciously keeping track of her in the back of his mind. Some serious married vibes here my love. This definitely doesnât line up with the 'moving onâ you were talking bout in 5x02. When Aaron says least 2 hours worried Tim arrives. Heâs freaking out something has happened to her.
Iâm sure heâs also thinking if she was riding with him this wouldnât be happening. But she isnâtâŠTim contacts dispatch about her. They say itâs been over two hours. Angry/protective Tim also joins the party. Welcome sir nice to see you. Telling dispatch theyâre gonna talk about that later. Phew lord. You know that man is going to destroy dispatch over this. Hell is going to rain down on them for not keeping track of her. For now he just wants her location to check on her. Needs to get his worried husband portion to settle first.
Once theyâve arrived he calls out her name a couple times. Lucy finally hears him and bangs on the door. Then comes a DELICIOUS shot of his arms/forearms. My god itâs like theyâre trying to make me a puddle. The definition in his arms as he pulls that door free.* fans self* god that man is in shape. Mmm Legit drooling as he pulls on that door. Forearm porn AND biceps shot. Iâm a happy girl. Like hot damn that is a thirst trap of a shot above.
He gets the door to finally pop open. Also nice thigh/bootie shot of him as well. I'm not mad about it. Asking her how she is? So very worried about her. Unfortunately Lucy is not in the frame of mind to receive it. Just tells him she has a lead on Rosalind. Not the response he was expectingâŠHe asks 'What?' anyways. She tells them about the message boards Chris has been on. Filled with arm chair detectives. Tim asks her if they found her? She says no she thinks one of them is her.
The Feds get brought in cause Chrisâs dumbass has been talking to her. Feeding her stuff about him and the investigation going on. Because well it's Chris. Canât read Lucy when sheâs being obvious af so why would he notice this? Lucy is sweet and tells him he didnât know. I on the other hand am like dumbass LOL He asks if he should set up a meet. Yes Chris, sheâs a highly intelligent psychopath she wouldnât see through that at allâŠ
Garza saying Cyber crimes is now involved. Theyâre going to try and track her through her IP address if possible. Chris is feeling like the dummy he is. He leaves the meeting upset. Iâm a bad person enjoying this lmao I mean Tim wouldâve been Lucyâs real target but he was in Vegas with her. She knows thatâs her fierce protector. So he was the next I was gonna say best thing but thatâs not true. But closest thing that would rattle her.
Tim and Aaron arrive at the station and there is posters everywhere. Everyone is laughing. Of course Smitty has them and is glowing over it. I mean Tim did pick Nolan over him for union president. So of course he is enjoying this. It's of Tim photoshopped naked with a cupcake covering him up OMG. Tim is seeing red. I donât blame him. Just when they thought their catfish was over he pulls this. Clearly pissed at Tim for taking the PS5 and lecturing him.
They arrive at Paviâs house with the felony papers. Tim saying he can file these today. Or he could use his skills for good. James needs someone to teach computer literacy at the center. That if is does this twice a week heâll shred them. Otherwise he has 18 months to file these. Heâs a little snot and throws Timâs words about electronics back at him. Tim says heâs lucky Aaron believes in second chances. His mom calls him and he says to text him the details. I love Tim leaving Aaron hanging for his fist bump LMFAO. He does tell him they did good though so thatâs something. Aaron has to fist bump himself ha.
Lucy gets to join the task force with the FBI. Theyâre headed to Seattle where the IP was traced. Lucy looks like an absolute bad ass in OP gear. A determined look on her face. They make it inside and find two bodiesâŠsadly the homeowners. Psycho worked out of their house and just left their bodies there as she did. She is a one sick cookie. Lucy sees her message written in blood on the wall. She is long gone.
Not a ton in this one but what we did get was real good. Plus I always enjoy Tim/Aaron time they have a good dynamic. Fun to watch them together.
Side notes-non Chenford
Intro of Celina Juarez. I wasnât sure about her at first but ended up adoring her. Just like Aaron. Good job writers haha
Did love Tim tearing Nolan a new one about Celina bad stop. Was sexy af. Maybe shouldnât have been a turn on but it was LOL
Thank you as always to you lovely readers. Wouldnât be here without your likes/comments and reblogs â€ïž see you in 5x04 :)
#Caitlin Rewatches the Rookie#chenford#chenford hiatus#waiting on s6#winter rewatch#S5#5x03 Dye Hard#the rookie 5x03#otp: doing my job#otp: you know me so well. too well.#otp: some things matter more.#otp: you did good.#otp: you're nothing like him.#otp: just doesn't feel like pretend#tim x lucy#tim bradford#lucy chen#lucy x tim#eric winter#melissa o'neil#the rookie#tim bradford x lucy chen
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