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thequietesthing · 9 months ago
so i think we can all agree that My Lady Jane is one of the best new series on any streaming platforms. like, enemy-to-lovers tension, arranged marriage, magic (sorta), history (sorta), knives, and Dominic Cooper being the villain: it as it all!!
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chaberkowepole · 1 year ago
Hey Tumblr, there's a new historical/period comedy series on Netflix which you will love! It's called 1670! It's about Polish nobility and their peasant-thralls. However, Netflix is not promoting it to international audiences, bc it's Polish, even though there are subtitles available in so many languages!
It has:
Great Humour
Amazing Polish Folk Music
Historical Costumes that are not Western!
One of the said lesbians is a repressed lesbian w religious trauma & the subplot lasts longer than one episode
Priest Jakub
A really good combination of making historical and ahistorical jokes
And much more!
Seriously, give it a watch bc I'd hate to see only my Polish mutuals watch it, it's new, it's fresh, it's witty, not another remake, and it shows another culture & history! (aren't you tired of watching yet another show on the English monarchy, then 1670 is there for ya)
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aaronfj77 · 5 months ago
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This show is everything 🥰
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dandrew-stuff · 22 days ago
Andrew series Cold Water showcased during this week's 2025 London TV Screenings. The event runs February 23 - February 28.
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Andy at the ITV Studios Festivals 2025 to talk about his new thriller Cold Water at London TV Screenings in London, England on February 26, 2025.
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This the first poster that we got for his show🎉.
Let show him a lot of love and support❤️
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partyinginbed · 10 months ago
Nick definitly contemplated saying the best view he’s ever seen was Harriet but caught himself from being too cheesy. Harriet might never be able to read people but I swear she was expecting that too
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theart0fthestars · 4 months ago
!!!Biggest new animated show!!!
Did you like adult animated series like arcane, invisible, bojack horseman, and inside job? Are you sick of series getting cut before they're finished? Then i have the newest show for you!!!
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Go watch Pantheon coming soon to Netflix on Friday!
Just here to say I was here before it becomes one of the biggest cartoons of the year. There was so much heart, thought, and creativity put into this show. The animation is gorgeous and deserves to be recognized for the absolute work put into it. Once it was removed from amc the anger i felt not being able to watch this show anymore without using illegal websites filled me with a hole in my heart for something that was as great as this show. The character development, lore and ideological concepts explored have never intrigued me as much as this show. So if you haven’t already planned to give it a watch on Friday on Netflix I implore you to. One story of many twists and turns with many great payouts. If you like sci fi and want to support more adult animation this is the show to watch.
Pantheon has two completed seasons which has an ending that will keep you onto your seats until the end.
Plot summary with slight spoilers if you are intrigued: (better to go in blind)
In a world of advanced technology a new form of intelligence arises. This is called uploaded intelligence. With UI they can keep a persons legacy and brain forever. Imagine if Einstein was uploaded what impacts could that make on the world?
Meanwhile bullied teen Maddie begins receiving messages from a mysterious stranger that claims to be her recently deceased father, David; his consciousness has been uploaded to the cloud after an experimental brain scan, and it turns out he's not the only one.
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l0s3r335 · 4 months ago
i started watching pantheon!! like i finished season 1 on netflix and now watch 2 on "somewhere else" 🤫 because it's so good and im not waiting for it to possibly maybe one day get on my streaming services 😭 and why is there no fandom?? i need to scream at the top of my lungs to someone abt this show it's so good i might have to add some fics and art if i can get myself to 🤧
gonna ramble more in the tags :3 i love it sm rararara
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fangsout-series · 2 months ago
Do you, yes, you like TOH? Amphibia? Gravity Falls, even?
How about vampires, witches, complicated family trees, and an underground victorian society that's equipped with modern technology?
Then you'll LOVE my story, Fangs out!
Fangs out, if it were a show, would be about 15 year old edgelord, Dustin, a half vampire, accidentally revealing his secret to Jace, a notorious member of THOSE kind of popular guys and BANG!!! Before they can discuss anything, WEIRD VAMPIRE LADY IS HERE TO ASSASINATE THEM!!! Yep, turns out someone knows about Dustin, and they want him DEAD. After befriending Parsley and Charlotte, resident weird art kid and popular girl respectively, Dustin is gonna have to find out A, Who even is this, and B, Why??
This is just a very basic summary of the first season, so if this has piqued your interest in an any way, shape or form, i'd really appreciate your support, if youd follow this blog, like and reblog my posts!!
I shall leave you all some art, think of it as like a teaser of sorts lmao
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weirdass-cryptid · 8 months ago
10/10 I RECOMMEND!!!
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mgarmagedon · 2 months ago
As you may know for last few weeks between crying on the floor and doing my important tasks on deadline, I'm getting my ass into Sonic franchise, because it's so fun anddd because transformers is slowly turning into dust because of hasbro and I don't think that their new show (Cyberworld, it'll be like upload on yt, which probably no plot, and looks like mix of Cyberverse and WOF Netflix series, which isn't good...) PLEASE I BEG YOU HASBRO, MAKE SOME ORGINIAL TRANSFORMERS CONETNET, MAKE SOME NEW DESIGNS, COME BACK TO RID15 CONCEPT, WHERE OP WASN'T MAIN CHARACTER NOR MEGATRON WASN'T MAIN VILLAIN AND MOST OF CHARACTERS HAD NEW ORIGINAL DESIGNS, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A NEW TAKE ON THIS FUCKING FRANCHISE OR IT'LL FUCKING TURN IN TO ASH AND DUST
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Anyway I'm getting myself into Sonic, for fun uwu (not leaving transformers fandom, just want to not rewatching rid15 for 10th time and tfp for 69th time) and yesterday night i found out that Knuckles/Shadow is a thing and i felt in love with it, which makes me really sad, because it's next rare ship i like, most ppl don't, and they don't even interact that much... BUT YEEEEEE---
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And they are kinda like my GrimBee, I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY, BUT HEAR ME OUT, PLEASE---
I mean: One character (which is in mind latian), mostly dark and edgy, who lost many years of his life and lives his past, who want to get back everything he lost and needs to learn how to live in present fells in love with character mostly portrait as a dumb man, with a lot of rage but also is cinnamon roll inside and is very cute (I'm new into it, so sorry if that is weird)
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toseeclearly · 6 months ago
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Oh hi! Thanks for subscribing. I should post here more.
If you're here because of the nazgUwU, stick around! I think I have an idea for this halloween and it's just as PINK. If you're here because of other things, then great, welcome to PODCAST CHAT where I just tell you about PODCASTS. Namely MY NEW PODCAST, Woodbine.
We took a little time off between Parkdale Haunt and starting the new show to rest (sort of, not really), recalibrate, and figure out where we wanted to go next. Parkdale was wonderful and I miss it, I miss the characters and the story we told, but I'm happy where where we ended it. Our sweet, spooky baby. But we wanted to do a new show, so after careful thought, we came to the conclusion that the next path should obviously be queer vampire detectives with noir influences and melodrama and spooky cryptids and also Mothman is there.
So yes, welcome to Woodbine.
The show just started airing (if you're reading this at the end of September 2024, if not then hello future person, please listen to the back catalogue). It's the same team from Parkdale (myself, Emily, and Ian) along with a lot of returning voice actors (including Taylor Davis, aka fan favourite Austin Bird. He's not back as Bird - although he does reprise the role in the trailer - but I feel like any fan of his dulcet tones will be into his new character). We've also got Harlan Guthrie from Malevolent and Dice Shame; Rob Deobald, Jo Guthrie, and Alex Guthrie from Dice Shame (and me from Dice Shame, surprise surprise); J Strautman from Planet Arcana; the fantastic writer and voice actor Anuja Varghese; and honestly just a massive, phenomenal cast across the board. Plus, if you liked Parkdale and missed me, Emily, and Ian yammering at each other, then good news! We're back and more yammering-y than ever.
You can find the show on Apple, Spotify, and any other podcast app that still exists.
If you have questions about the show (or Parkdale) please bug me, I swear I will remember that my inbox exists this time, hahaha.
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sherlockedwatson- · 10 months ago
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Um like hey, he’s really back
**cue happy tears
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fairyb0ii · 2 months ago
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Fanart based on the teaser Glitch and Dana Terrace teaser. 💙💙💙
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hangingslothcentral · 1 year ago
coming summer 2024! remnants, a new dark fantasy thriller fiction podcast.
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When we die, the remnants of us return to the First and Last Place. Our fate is decided by Sir and his new Apprentice, who read our remnants to determine whether they should be re-shelved or discarded. But why, after untold stretches of existence, has Sir decided that he needs help to do it?
Remnants explores the boundaries between right and wrong, examining humanity from its brightest and best to its darkest and most frightening, and all the grey in between.
The Apprentice soon discovers that when we judge others, we often expose truths about ourselves.
uncover the vibes over on @remnantspod.
with every week, a new mystery. with every new mystery, a terrible choice.
– coming summer 2024 –
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secretlifeofmarii · 5 months ago
I hate when I finish a new show and there’s no stories abt it like omgg😞
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