greatadventuretours · 1 month
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Discover the magic of learning beyond the classroom with our New Orleans Student Tours! Dive into the vibrant culture, rich history, and unique experiences that New Orleans has to offer. Perfect for New Orleans School Trips and Educational Trips, our tours are designed to inspire curiosity and foster a love for learning. Whether you’re planning a New Orleans Class Trip or looking to bring a group of students for an unforgettable adventure, we’ve got you covered. Explore the lively streets, visit iconic landmarks, and immerse yourself in the city’s incredible heritage. Plus, don’t miss out on our exciting Nashville Educational and School Trips, where music and history come alive. Let’s turn your educational journey into a lifelong memory with our expertly crafted tours tailored to your needs. Book your New Orleans Group Tour today and start exploring!For More Info please visit our website - https://greatadventuretours.com/group-tour/new-orleans-group-tours
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andreal831 · 6 months
If everybody had survived at the end of TO, after hope was out of school and living her own life, do you think Hayley and Elijah would travel the world together? Would they continue to just live in New Orleans? Or do you think they would settle down somewhere like Manosque?
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One reason I love haylijah is because I truly felt like they wanted the same things out of life. It felt like they found their missing piece that would help them create the life they wanted. All they wanted was family. So I don't think they would leave their family just because Hope is off at school.
First, they wouldn't have sent Hope to school. Hayley sending Hope to boarding school never made sense to me. Hayley fought so hard, even lost her life, for Hope only to send her to boarding school and see her a couple of times a year? Absolutely not. Hayley grew up without her family, she wouldn't have done that to Hope. Sure the school allowed Hope to be around supernatural creature, but so did New Orleans. And in New Orleans, Hope could be herself. She was protected by the factions. She was the heir to the pack, Davina and Vincent wouldn't let anything happen to her so she had the witches protection, and she hadn't the strongest vampires watching over her. All of whom could teach her more than human Alaric could. So at the end of TO, if they all had lived, Hope never would have gone back to that school, especially once Klaus and Elijah caught wind of how Alaric was talking about their family. They would have kept Hope in New Orleans with them and focused on her education in New Orleans, allowing her to learn with the supernatural community down there.
But even if Hope decided to move away for college or just to travel herself, I don't see Hayley or Elijah leaving New Orleans completely. At least not for a while. New Orleans was the first place either of them had ever felt at home. There is a scene, I can't remember when, but where Hayley tells Elijah she wanted to fight for New Orleans because she wanted Hope to have a home. Like the traumatized kids they were, both Elijah and Hayley just wanted a home.
They would have eventually moved out of the compound when Hope was old enough and gotten their own place. Hope of course would have had her own room if she wanted to stay with them. It would have been out in the bayou because Hayley would want to be with her pack and Elijah would enjoy being out of the city. It would be close enough that their family could still stop by unannounced at all times, but far enough to keep them their own space.
Don't get me wrong, they would still travel. Elijah would want to show Hayley the world. Some vacations Hope would come with them, or even the whole family. But they would make sure they went on at least one by themselves each year. Hayley would enjoy finally being able to travel and relax, with and without Hope. Klaus or one of her aunts or uncles would take Hope on solo trips when Hayley and Elijah traveled so that Hope wouldn't feel left out. They would all love showing Hope different places they had been throughout history. Hayley would love watching Elijah ramble on about the historical significance of each place and Hope would grow bored and try to move him along. I wish we could have seen the Mikaelsons travel together.
Long answer short, Hayley wouldn't want to leave her pack or the Mikaelsons and Elijah wouldn't want to leave his family. I see them spending a considerable amount of time in New Orleans. They would eventually move away, after all they have eternity, but New Orleans would remain their home. They would always keep their house there and return from time to time. Not only was it their first home, but it was where they fell in love and it was where Hope was born. It would always hold a special place in their heart.
Thanks for the ask!
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beardedmrbean · 5 days
Six employees of New York City’s public school system took their children or grandchildren on trips to Disney World, New Orleans and other locations using tickets that were meant for homeless students, investigators said in a newly released report.
The trips intended as enrichment for students living in shelters and other temporary housing also included excursions to Washington, D.C., Boston and Broadway shows, said Anastasia Coleman, the special commissioner of investigation for New York City schools.
According to the report released this month, Linda Wilson, the Queens regional manager for the office that supports students in temporary housing, took her own children on trips that were paid for through grants for homeless students and encouraged employees she supervised to do the same but to keep quiet about it.
“What happens here stays with us,” one staffer quoted Wilson as saying.
Read: SpaceX to launch NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft to study Jupiter moon
Contacted by the New York Post, Wilson denied bringing her two daughters on trips or encouraging staff members to bring their children. Wilson called the special commissioner’s probe “a witch hunt.”
The investigation began after a whistleblower brought a complaint in March 2019. The special commissioner’s report, which concerned trips that took place between 2016 and 2019, was completed in January 2023 but only made public on Sept. 9.
The special commissioner’s office said in an emailed statement that the report was not released because of the pending administrative actions.
According to the report, Wilson forged permission slips to bring family members on trips and evaded city Department of Education oversight by using an outside agency to book travel arrangements.
Some of the trips were intended as college tours, but the students and chaperones never actually visited the campuses, witnesses told the investigators.
A group including Wilson and one of her daughters as well as other staff members and their children ate lunch at Syracuse University during a June 2018 trip but never toured the school, witnesses said. They left and went to Niagara Falls instead, according to the investigation.
The special commissioner’s office recommended that Wilson and the other staff members faulted in the report be fired and that they be required to reimburse the school system for their family members’ trips.
Wilson told the Post that she retired and was not fired.
Department of Education spokesperson Jenna Lyle said in a statement, “All staff identified in this report are no longer employed by New York City Public Schools.”
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sadcupcake · 13 days
Winchester in Mystic Falls Part 5
So far tailing Elena and her friends has been entertaining to say the least. I've learned that she's still friends with Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie was never cruel to me, she just ignored me like everyone else in town did. Caroline on the other hand was right there with Elena. They both tortured me my entire childhood. Most of it was emotional, the name calling, making everyone in my life ignore me and pretend that I didn't exist. Sometimes though they would go on some sort of power trip and hurt me. Looking back on that now I remember being so scared of them both, but now they look like weak little dolls in my eyes. What they put me through made me who I am today, it set me down a path to meet my brothers and for that I am grateful to them.
It doesn't surprise me that the three girls are still friends, just like it didn't surprise me when I learned Bonnie was a witch or that Caroline got turned into a vampire. What did surprise me was the fact that Elena is a doppelganger. Apparently it was one of Elena's doppelgangers that turned Caroline. Another interesting thing I learned was that the originals where in town. Sam and Dean learned about how vampires came to be when they captured one and had a little chat. That vamp was about 900 years old so they still knew the stories of the originals, it even claimed to be turned by one. I had yet to see one running around town but from what I've gathered they came here to sacrifice my sister to break a curse. If I had to take an educated guess it would be the curse placed on the hybrid.
If it really is the originals in town then I really need to hit the books to find something to kill them with. All of the lore I've read up to now had never mentioned a way to kill an original. As far as I know they are truly Immortal. Maybe I could just kill all the non original vampires in town and then hightail it out of here before they get wind of a hunter. Lets be honest I'm going to end up dead by the end of all of this.
I haven't talked to Elena since I got interrupted before I was able to have a little chat with her. I assume she's told her little boyfriends about what happened by now, so me getting within 10 feet of her again is out of the question. So making a scene in public is now my only option to find out what she knows. This whole thing is getting tiresome already. If it weren't for the innocent people dying I'd cut my loses by now. But I am a Winchester and Winchesters never back down from anything. Hell not even from the actual devil, and the Mikaelsons are no Lucifer.
getting back to my hotel room I get comfy on the bed with my laptop, if I'm going to find anyway to kill the originals I have to channel my inner Sam. Full on research mode. After hours of sitting and looking at the computer screen I've come up with one possible lead, one impossible lead. White oak. It's almost too good to be true but It's all I got. Some hunter in New Orleans had a story passed down generations in his family. Apparently the only thing that could stop an original was an original themselves, or a weapon one of them possessed. A dagger dipped in White oak ash. If the ash from this tree could put them to sleep imagine what the real thing could do. Unfortunately all records of the white oak tree say that it went extinct centuries ago. Another dead end.
Deciding that I've had enough of the headache that is research I get dressed and head back to the Grill. I'm starving, one of the things Dean and I have in common is our appetite. I think he was secretly happy to have someone around to out vote Sam on where we'd eat. Maybe if I'm lucky I can run into Elena again there, kill two birds with one stone.
When I walk into the Grill I spot them right away. Elena and her little gang looking directly at me. By the look on dumb and dumbers faces she defiently told them what I was going to do to her. I  sit down at a table ignoreing them the best I can until I can at least have somthing to eat. While I'm waiting on my food I notice two guys sitting at the bar again. Talk about deja vu. The vibe coming from these two is defiently dangerous but there's something else I can't quite place, It's like a comfort almost. Just as I'm about to stand up to go to them I get snapped out of my daze by my food arriving.
While I'm enjoying my food I start to notice everyone slowly leave the Grill. EVeryone apart from Elena and her friends, and the two guys at the bar who have now turned around to face us obiously interested in what is happeneing. I look up from my food to see my sister and her friends walking over to my table. Bonnie and Caroline are behing my sister and her two boyfriends are infront of her. Anyone would think shes the president with the way they protect her.
"How can I help you Elena, would you like some of my fries?" I question her, I always have to have the first and last words. Something Sam and Dean both love and hate about me.
"No I don't want you're fries Y/N, I want to know why you're in town and how you know about vampires" Elena says, she looks so serious I burst out laughing.
"Sorry, you acctually think I'll just tell you because you asked. Wow you really have no idea who I am now do you Elena?" I stand up as I ask my question getting ready for a fight. By the way everyone clings to Elena's side I guess they are too.
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mbrainspaz · 5 months
tw- venting about really gross racism encounter
have I mentioned I f*cking hate it here? f*ck. What's sad is that I wasn't even shocked anymore. It's sad but it's also why I was able to dodge and roll with the punches for once. I was over at a local ranch signing papers to move my horse—this place is cheaper and much closer to my rental—and this is a private property that's graciously letting me in so we were just sitting on the porch, havin' a chin wag as ya do. Signing papers. They were misgendering me but there are places where you correct and educate and there are places where you resign to playing an average casually-christian midwestern dog lady in order to get what you want, and this was the latter. They're always too oblivious to notice the pentacle necklace and pride flags so it doesn't take much effort. We got to talkin' about travel and all kinds of things. I mentioned I was going on a little trip to New Orleans soon. The guy—man of the house or whatever—goes, "thing is, you can't trust them blacks. They're vicious. Watch out for them." The worst part—I wasn't stunned. Not after 7ish years working on texas ranches. I turned away to hide my disgust a little bit and said, "No. It's poverty and desperation that drive folks to crime and it's got nothin' to do with race." Was my face bright red? Probably. But I didn't shake. It's still terrifying trying to stand up to guys like that on their own turf. I could tell the wife and their lodger were uncomfortable too, but they didn't say anything. He didn't press the issue but I doubt what I said reached a single neuron in his deep fried boomer brain. It's just... f*ck. I want so badly to find a community and build connections and everywhere I go these dumbass racist people are so f*cking disappointing. As I was getting up to leave he said some bs about giving him a call if I ever needed someone to 'defend' me and I was like... "Thanks, I've never had that problem before." At least partially because I'm also a man, ffs.
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Your ocs are going on vacation, where are they going?
Oooh okay!! Thank you!!
Rae: Who knows? It's a new place every time, always somewhere she's never been before
Robin: Ireland - she's never actually been there herself, and she's eager to see her family's homeland.
Madison: Yellowstone for a lower-grade trip, or maybe New Zealand if she's got the chance to be really adventurous
Ophelia: London - she'd spend all her time at the theatres on West End, tour the Globe and other historic places, and enjoy every museum/educational building in the city
Jasper: Would tour Europe and visit a few historic cities, but wouldn't plan a super touristy-type vacation (AKA they'd rather visit small towns and get a feel for the actual culture, plus it wouldn't be as crowded or expensive)
Quinn: Would rather kick their feet up and have a staycation, travel is bad for her joints
Katherine: Egypt! Not just Cairo either, she'd want the whole historic experience of course
Kestrel: Similar to Rae, does a lot of travel for work already, so the actual location would vary.
Eris: Ah, they've seen the whole world grow and change over time. Unless they can find their way up to the International Space Station, there's not much that will excite them location-wise.
Nikoletta: Honestly, I don't really see her wanting to travel. Air travel would be miserable for her, and she's never really had interest in leaving New Orleans
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crowofjudgements-blog · 6 months
I saw your posts about your spidersona (?) Bonnie, and I wanted to ask if you have random fun facts about them (things like they usually dress their cat in cute clothing)!
I found you character really interesting, so I'd like to know more about them :)
Hi!! Thank you so much for your ask. I'm literally fiending for any reason to talk about this crazy cat lady
Bonnie grew up in and out of the foster care system up until her father went to prison when she was 14.
She took on her mother's last name because their father refused to sign the birth certificate of a daughter.
She raised her two younger twin siblings from the time she was 14
They had the entirety of her undergraduate degree (philosophy, housing, and Juris Doctor in New York paid for in scholarships and bursaries (she's a damn smart cookie).
During their post-secondary education, Bonnie worked as a cam girl to help support her siblings back home and would frequently make trips back to New Orleans to make sure they were taken care of.
She had a deep, irrational fear of clowns.
Bonnie's world and New York are harshly polluted and damaged to the point of no return. The age expectancy is like 50 years old because of how bad it is. There's literal acid rain every once in a while.
Bonnie lives in a tiny studio apartment with barely a pot to piss in. The contents of their apartment are as follows; an air mattress, a fold-out chair, a box television, ALL the cat necessities, and a spork. (This lady is destitute)
She takes better care of her cat than they take care of themself.
Fenêtre's full name is Fenêtre Maximilien Alexandre-Beauchamp Soileau and he is a distinguished little gentleman (street rat).
Bonnie, as it stands, is not currently working at the age of 32. They took bereavement leave after the death of her fiancé and could just... never bring herself to go back, couldn't stand their coworker's pity.
Bonnie was bitten by her spider later in life, around 31, around the time when her fiancé died and she had to terminate her pregnancy (that's right!! They were briefly pregnant)
She mainly survives on fiending and gambling.
The judicial system never gave her justice for the murder of her fiancé so, well, they had to take it into her own hands (she killed his murderers in cold blood).
Her New York thinks they're a villain.
Bonnie nearly beat the daylights out of Peter when they first met because he interrupted a poker game she was about to win big on (prick).
Fenêtre is just as sassy, if not more so, as Bonnie.
Bonnie never really celebrated holidays as a child so as an adult they go all out, but their decorations are always ass. Think of a bald Christmas tree. Literally no one tells them though, they just let her live in their delusional happiness.
She does, in fact, dress Fenêtre up in little sweaters, especially around winter cause they don't want their baby to freeze (he's a Serbian cat, a literal ball of fluff).
Bonnie has a terribly weakened immune system which only got worse after they were bitten so she's frequently sick and bed-bound.
Bonnie LOVES ferry boats, to an unhealthy degree.
Bonnie instantly became friends with Hobie Brown and those two are menaces together. They cause absolute chaos in the Spider Society and laugh about it over tea and buttered biscuits.
That's all I have for now!! Please let me know if you want any specific information or if you'd like me to dive into any part of this character. They're my passion project, I foam at the mouth for her. Thank you for your ask :) In the meantime, enjoy this image of a very happy Fenê.
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cryptidkeepp · 3 months
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(avan jogia) [THE INTERSTELLAR]. Please welcome [RIVER PATEL (THEY/THEM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [32]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [UNEMPLOYED]. They are looking for [LINK MURPHY] their [ROAD TRIP BUDDY/BEST FRIEND] Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
full name: river luna patel
nicknames: riv
title: the interstellar
hunter / gatherer: neither
birthplace: new orleans, louisiana
time in huntsville: 4 years
gender / pronouns: genderqueer, they/them/any
age / birthday: 32, february 7th
orientations: pansexual, panromantic, polyamorous
occupation: unemployed / tarot card, metaphysical amateur, astrologist for hire
location: commune, visitor
status: single
family: luna patel ( mother, deceased ), parthiv patel ( father, deceased ), morgana whitlock ( aunt )
strengths: affectionate, playful, charming, creative, adventurous
weaknesses: addictive, impulsive, unreliable, promiscuous, flighty
character inspo: eric effiong (sex education), phoebe buffay (friends), klaus hargreeves (umbrella academy), nymphadora tonks (harry potter), jules vaughn (euphoria), jesper fahey (shadow & bone), jenny curran (forrest gump), riley blue (sense8), jaskier (witcher), ian gallagher (shameless), sabrina spellman (chilling adventures of sabrina)
tw: drugs, addiction, death
born in new orleans, louisiana. diagnosed with type one diabetes as a young child. mother was wiccan and a strong believer in metaphysical practices along with many astrological practices- she owned a small shop in new orleans. father was deeply in love with their mother and worked as a street musician and helped with the shop when needed.
they lost both parents in hurricane katrina and was sent to live with their aunt in new jersey. she was vastly different from the free-spirited and loving home they’d grown used to but she tried and they don’t resent her for it.
early in their teens they developed an increasing awareness of this void inside of them which never quite could fill no matter how hard they tried. slowly it would spread, creeping into their brain to fill their head with dark thoughts and leave them debilitated if not dealt with. everything has a cause and effect. the result of this was a rush to keep trying to fill this dark hole with anything and everything they could get their hands on. drugs, alcohol, people, sex, love, affection, things. it became an endless merry go round of self-destruction interrupted by glimpses of peace and serenity in between.
this is how they fell into the group of friends they did, spending their time causing trouble, skipping school, and partying. by the time their aunt noticed their change in behavior and the truancy, it was far too late. their apathy for all things rules and conventional society standards were gone and they'd made the pact with their best friends and set out to explore the country together.
river felt a growing satisfaction in the nomadic lifestyle. they'd always had a wanderlust they couldn't quite confine. it opened them up for more creativity, writing song lyrics and music on occasion, learning more instruments. panhandling their songs on the sidewalks of various cities they stopped in or offering their better talents in tarot readings and astrology to get some extra cash to get them to the next city because the more they got in legitimate ways, the less they had to steal.
after several years of this, some of their friends got tired of found reasons to settle down in various places they'd stopped. river always hated saying goodbye, ever harboring a string of abandonment issues since their parents were unexpectedly taken from them. eventually it came down to them and link, which they were fine with because they weren't alone ( despite missing those who left ) and they'd always felt a strong connection to link, like they were made from the same stardust.
when they stumbled upon huntsville, it was a complete mistake and all the perception in the world couldn't have led them to the situation they found themselves in. forced to settle in, they worried what the future might hold for both them and their best friend. rationing the substances they could find could only last so long. river had to wonder what would take them out first the long list of vices they indulged in, the creatures that emerge from the darkness, or the withdrawal.
found family
bandmates/creative friends
yoga buddies
rivals or haters
party buddies
victims of thievery
river has type one diabetes and had a pump to regulate it better but their supply has since worn out so they're having to find other methods to regulate their glucose which can prove difficult, it's important they are able to see a medical professional regularly. they also wear a medical alert bracelet with this information.
they despise sleeping alone, whether it be from having friends around them for a decade on the road or just the loathing of being alone in general, they tend to stick close to people if they can sleep at all.
comparable to a cat they can sleep anywhere and will curl up or drape themselves over people for affection.
they wear their heart on their sleeve and fall in love quite easy, unfortunately their over devotion and wandering eyes have made it difficult to hold any long term relationship except with one person who understands the amount of love they have to give does not mean that person gets my less.
they have a long history of casual relationships and having a select few they are fully committed to exclusively, however they develop deep feelings for people easily and adore them long after any romance leaves. they are very open with their sexuality and the love of the human body. river has often used casual sex as another coping mechanism and occasional self-destructive tendency.
they love dancing, parties, poetry, and music - they also adore talking to people and will be happy to introduce themselves to anyone and everyone
they adore music and can play almost any guitar, bass, piano, pan flute, viola, and harmonica.
they can also speak spanish, french, creole, american sign language and some hindi besides english
more to come
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Bridget Albert - designs cocktails and trains bartenders throughout the Chicago area while teaching at The Academy of Spirits & Fine Service on behalf of Southern Wine & Spirits of Illinois. Senior, National Director of Education for Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits. Co-author of “Market-Fresh Mixology”, Life, Love, Happiness and Cocktails. Co-host of the Tales of the Cocktail Foundation podcast in NOLA.
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Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits is an alcoholic beverage distributor based in Miami. It has brought benefits to Sam's beverage sales. Let's remember that SH's meeting with Southern Glazer Wine & Spirits seems to have worked because his representatives have been constantly present at Sam's tour performances since his trip to New Orleans.
But…But… this interview is appropriate for a drama queen. SH is very excited to hear the sound of his whisky bottle cap opening 😳 A tremendous and fantastical fantasy how the sound transports him to Scotland?🙄
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ofxlostxhunters · 7 months
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[ Cody Christian | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome DANIEL STEVENS to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 24 year old HUNTER/(UNKNOWN)WOLF, who is one of the SURVIVORS/SACRIFICED/RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be SECRETIVE, but that’s all a façade to cover up their ATHLETIC  nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to BROKEN by LIGHTHOUSE which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
【 ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ 】
Name ; daniel matthew stevens
Sobriquet ; dan, danny,
Age ; 24
Species ; hunter / unknown wolf
Currently living ; new orleans
Hometown ; tbd
【 ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ 】
Traits ; quick thinking, athletic, secretive, empathic
Alignment ; -
Hobbies ; basketball, football
Habits ; gym, fidgeting when secretive or nervous
Fears ; death.
【 SEXᴜᴀʟ 】
Orientation ; pansexual
Kinks ; tbd
Hookups or Relationships ; realtionships.
Relationship status ; it's complicated
Shipping status ; open
【 ᴘʜʏsɪǫᴜᴇ 】
Faceclaim ; cody christian
Height ; 5ft 7 1/2 in
Hair ; black
Eyes ; dark brown
Piercings ; none
Scars ; wound on stomach from being stabbed during training
【 ᴇᴅᴜᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ / ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ 】
Level of education ; college
Qualifications ; college diploma - football and occult studies
Occupation ; tbd.
Name of employer ; tbd.
【 ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ 】
Drinker? ; yes
Smoker? ; no
Recreational drug user? ; rarely
Which? ; Weed
Disabilities ; none
Mental illnesses ; n/a
【 MUN 】
Name ; adam
Age ; 29
Pronouns ; he/him
Location ; GMT
【 ᴏᴠᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ 】
Daniel was born to Isobel Richmond and Dennis Walker. When his mother was pregnant with him, his father disappeared never to be in contact again. Dennis found out about Isobel's hunting family and carrying the werewolf gene escaped before they were able to find out. For the first year it was just him and his mom and grandparents. Shortly before he was one, his mother met another male Thomas Stevens. At first Isobel kept Daniel distant from Thomas not wanting to get Daniel attached to someone who would walk out. However as things progressed the relationship between Daniel and Thomas also developed and soon Daniel had a dad in his life. When he was three, Thomas, Isobel and Daniel went on a family trip, where Thomas proposed to Isobel with Daniel holding the ring.
After the marriage their family life was perfect. Daniel grew up with regular visits to his grandparents and spent time playing with close friends of the family who had kids of a similar age. He developed a close bond with Aliyah and Asher which grew as they got older. As Daniel reached twelve, his mother and father had another child, another boy. However the child was born prematurely and spent eleven months in hospital before dying from complications from his underdeveloped lungs. This caused Daniel to withdraw slightly, seeing such horrors of the natural world at such an early age.
Only a few years later, his father was killed. He was told it was a car accident at first, until his grandfather convinced Isobel to tell Daniel the truth. His Grandpa thought Daniel was now old enough to know of the supernatural world and the part it played in his father's death. It was then he started begging to be trained as a hunter along with the other members of his family. It was only when he was seventeen that he finally because his training.
During this time his friendship with Aliyah and Asher grew. He spent nights at a time there, and integrated with their family. Daniel graduated high school and got onto his college course. However the tragedies in Daniels life kept coming. His mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness and during that time his grandmother and grandfather both died. He spent several weeks living at the hospital with his mother before she succumbed to the illness and he was face with the reality of going home alone.
The friendship between Asher and Daniel had shifted during this time and despite both being in the closet with the sexualities, an emotional connection grew. Asher would spend hours with Daniel just in silence as he adjusted to the tragedies he was faced with. Soon that emotional connection grew to a physical connection and the pair were soon in love. To Daniel he was done... he was in love and while his life wasn't perfect, it felt perfect to him. For years the pair were together nothing really seemed odd with them spending so much time together since they had grownup so close.
When Daniel turned twenty four, he received an engraved ring off Asher as a gift. He was happy, and the pair were heading home, when a drunk driver drove straight towards them. Daniel pushed Asher out of the path of the oncoming vehicle before it drove through Daniel and Daniel flew over the car. He died in Asher's arms.
He was done. Until he wasn't. He now finds himself back alive, but has kept away from Asher, hoping he had been able to move on and not wanting to uproot him, but had contacted Aliyah and kept in contact with her.
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greatadventuretours · 5 months
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Embark on an enriching journey with Washington DC Student Tours!Our educational trips offer an immersive experience, delving into the heart of American history and politics. From iconic landmarks like the Capitol Building to enlightening visits to Smithsonian museums, students gain invaluable insights into the nation's past and present.But our adventures don't stop there! Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of San Francisco or discovering the quaint charm of Mackinac Island, our tours promise unforgettable memories and educational opportunities.Beyond student tours, we cater to corporate conferences with seamless trip planning and top-notch arrangements. Looking to tie the knot in a picturesque setting? Our destination wedding packages ensure a dreamy celebration amidst breathtaking landscapes.Visit our website at greatadventuretours.com to learn more about our diverse offerings and start planning your next adventure!
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theraphosilady · 1 year
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Photo dump from my trip to New Orleans! It was such a cool, beautiful place to be for a few days and to celebrate my sibling turning 21. I wish we had more time and money to explore some more stuff like the (we were told by a local) one authentic voodoo museum and cemetery that aren't run by white people but that just solidified how much we want to go back for a more educational trip. It was fun to be the teacher's (tour guide's) pet during the St. Louis cemetery tour since I already learned a lot about it in college, including everything about Nic Cage's grave.
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urbtnews · 7 days
Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027
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Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027 Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com ( Subscribe Today Free!) The culinary tourism market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Key Market Trends in Culinary Tourism WILMINGTON, DE, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2024 / EINPresswire.com / -- Culinary tourism, characterized by food as the main motivation for travel, has experienced significant growth in recent years. Travelers increasingly seek immersive experiences that reflect the culture, history, and essence of a destination through its cuisine. The culinary tourism market flourishes due to shifting consumer preferences, heightened interest in unique experiences, and growing recognition of food as a gateway to cultural understanding. Market Overview Culinary tourism encompasses diverse activities such as food festivals, cooking classes, wine tastings, farm-to-table experiences, street food tours, and dining at renowned restaurants. As a dynamic segment of the broader travel industry, culinary tourism's popularity continues to rise globally. Valued at ,116.7 billion in 2019, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Several factors contribute to this growth, including increased disposable incomes, a surge in international travel, and the rise of social media platforms that showcase unique culinary experiences. Travelers increasingly flock to destinations that offer distinctive and authentic food experiences, such as local delicacies, traditional cooking techniques, and opportunities to engage with food producers. 📚 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A06326 Key Market Trends Focus on Authenticity and Local ExperiencesModern travelers crave authenticity when exploring new destinations, and cuisine provides an accessible way to connect with local culture. Visitors increasingly opt for destinations that offer opportunities to learn about local ingredients, traditional cooking methods, and regional cuisines. Cities recognized for their culinary scenes, such as Tokyo, Paris, and Bangkok, have emerged as culinary hotspots with unique and diverse offerings. Sustainability and Farm-to-Table MovementConsumers prioritize where their food originates and its production method. The farm-to-table movement emphasizes sustainability, fresh ingredients, and supporting local farmers, resonating with this growing awareness. Culinary tourists increasingly seek organic and sustainable food options, especially in rural or agritourism areas where they witness firsthand how food is sourced and prepared. Food Festivals and EventsFood festivals play a central role in culinary tourism, attracting large crowds globally. Events like the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, Italy's Alba White Truffle Fair, and New Orleans' Mardi Gras serve as major tourism drivers. These gatherings immerse travelers in local food culture while providing opportunities for chefs and food producers to showcase their talents. Influence of Social MediaSocial media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube significantly promote culinary tourism. Food influencers and travel bloggers document their dining experiences, igniting a desire among followers to explore new destinations for culinary experiences. “Foodstagramming” has become a trend, with travelers planning trips around viral restaurants or markets seen on social media. Culinary Tours and Cooking ClassesDemand for interactive and educational experiences rapidly grows among culinary tourists. Travelers desire more than mere food tasting; they want to learn how to cook traditional dishes or uncover the history behind various cuisines. Cooking classes, guided food tours, and vineyard visits have become staples of culinary tourism, adding educational value to the travel experience. Opportunities for Growth The culinary tourism market stands poised for continued growth, driven by several opportunities: Emerging MarketsAdventurous travelers increasingly gravitate toward destinations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, known for their unique and diverse food offerings. Countries like Vietnam, Mexico, and South Africa attract culinary tourists with their rich culinary heritage and distinct flavors. Tech Integration and PersonalizationIntegrating technology, including mobile apps and virtual reality, into culinary tourism enhances personalized travel experiences. Mobile apps offering restaurant recommendations, food tours, and booking services have become essential tools for tourists. Additionally, virtual and augmented reality can allow travelers to preview food tours or cooking classes before making commitments. Health and Wellness TourismAn intersection between culinary tourism and wellness tourism emerges as travelers increasingly seek healthy, organic, and balanced dining experiences. Destinations promoting wellness through food offerings, like organic restaurants, plant-based diets, and detox programs, tap into the wellness tourism trend. Challenges and Considerations Despite myriad opportunities, the culinary tourism market faces challenges: Economic UncertaintyFluctuating global economies, consumer spending habit changes, and potential travel restrictions due to pandemics or geopolitical events can impact culinary tourism growth. Destinations depending on international tourism may struggle during global travel disruptions. OvertourismPopular food destinations risk suffering from overtourism, leading to overcrowding, local infrastructure strain, and authenticity loss. Sustainable tourism management remains crucial for maintaining destination appeal while preserving cultural integrity. Cultural SensitivityAs tourists increasingly seek exotic food experiences, the risk of cultural insensitivity or exploitation rises. Tourists and businesses alike must respect local customs, food traditions, and ethical practices in culinary tourism. Insights on Culinary Tourism Demand The culinary tourism market thrives as food increasingly becomes a central aspect of travel experiences. Travelers reframe from being passive consumers, engaging actively with the culture, history, and people behind the food. As the industry evolves, significant growth potential exists within emerging destinations, innovative tech-driven experiences, and sustainable practices emphasizing local food systems and cultural authenticity. 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/pet-travel-services-market-A31661 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/beard-trimmer-market-A16870 David Correa Allied Market Research + +1 800-792-5285 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook X Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the author above. Please replace `IMAGE_URL_HERE` with the actual image URL you'd like to insert at the top of the article. Ensure to review and adjust any specific needs according to your WordPress theme or implementation requirements. Read the full article
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montyn · 2 months
Art 150 Multimedia Reflection #2: Film
The movie I watched for this reflection was Judas and the Black Messiah by Shaka King. This film explores the story of Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party, and the story of how United States federal agencies infiltrated this and other parts of the Civil Rights Movement, viewing them as a threat to the structure and stability of the United States. I was recommended this film by a guide at Studio Be in New Orleans when I was there during the Alternative Spring Break service trip with the Honors College in 2023. 
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I think this story is particularly important to learn more about because in the suburban schools I grew up in, our early civil rights education basically entailed learning about Martin Luther King Jr. who is portrayed as the good and respectable leader, as compared to the bad and hateful Malcolm X who led radical, violent and detrimental acts. Engaging in AP US History in high school offered a more nuanced picture than my early education, but neglected many other major figures like Fred Hampton, and neglected to mention the movement's focus on economic justice in addition to social justice not just on race of all backgrounds, but also of gender. Much of my education on these historical topics has come from outside of formal environments, so it is nice to have a film like this to provoke further research into the nature of the FBI informant in the Black Panther Party during Fred Hampton's time, as well as what he was jailed for and its effects on the Black Panther Party organization and membership.
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This story particularly resonates with me because although I come from a white suburban background, I am 20 years old and highly inspired by the political organizing of Fred Hampton- who accomplished every one of his accomplishments in organizing the Rainbow Coalition before his death just one year older than I am. It's a story of tragedy, in the death of a talented young Black man, but also a story of success in how much he was able to accomplish at such a young age before the United States government sought to sabotage the movement and assassinate its leaders.
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umangkumari1991 · 3 months
A Guide to Metairie’s Religious Institutions and Communities in Louisiana.
Metairie, Louisiana, a vibrant suburb of New Orleans, is known for its rich cultural tapestry and diverse community. This diversity extends to its religious institutions and communities, reflecting a wide array of faiths and traditions. Whether you are a resident or a visitor, exploring Metairie’s religious landscape offers a unique perspective on the community’s values, history, and cultural depth.Click Here
Historical Context
Metairie’s history is deeply intertwined with the broader history of New Orleans and Louisiana. Founded in the early 18th century, the area has grown from a rural outpost to a bustling suburban hub. This growth brought people from various backgrounds, contributing to the rich mosaic of religious communities present today.
Catholic Churches
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church is one of Metairie’s most prominent religious institutions. Established in the mid-20th century, it has grown into a large, active parish. The church’s mission is to be a welcoming community, committed to sharing the love of Christ. Its beautiful, modern architecture and vibrant community activities make it a central part of Metairie’s spiritual life.
St. Ann Church and Shrine
Another significant Catholic institution is St. Ann Church and Shrine. Known for its stunning shrine dedicated to Saint Ann, this church is a pilgrimage site for many Catholics. The shrine’s serene atmosphere provides a place for reflection and prayer, while the church’s active parish life includes numerous ministries and community outreach programs.
Protestant Churches
Metairie Baptist Church
Metairie Baptist Church, founded in 1948, serves as a cornerstone for the local Protestant community. The church emphasizes traditional Baptist values, focusing on worship, education, and community service. It offers a range of programs for all ages, including Sunday school, youth groups, and mission trips.
Munholland United Methodist Church
Munholland United Methodist Church, with its welcoming congregation and robust array of activities, is another key Protestant church in Metairie. Established in the mid-20th century, Munholland UMC is known for its strong emphasis on social justice and community outreach. The church supports numerous local and global missions, fostering a spirit of service among its members.
Non-Denominational and Evangelical Churches
Victory Fellowship Church
Victory Fellowship Church is one of the largest non-denominational churches in Metairie. With a mission to “reach, teach, and equip,” Victory Fellowship offers dynamic worship services, comprehensive Bible studies, and extensive community programs. The church’s contemporary worship style and focus on practical Christian living appeal to a diverse congregation.
Celebration Church
Celebration Church, another prominent non-denominational church, has a significant presence in Metairie. Known for its vibrant worship services and strong emphasis on discipleship, Celebration Church attracts members from various backgrounds. The church’s outreach programs and community events foster a sense of unity and service.
Jewish Synagogues
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel is Metairie’s oldest Orthodox synagogue. Founded in the early 20th century, it serves as a spiritual home for the local Jewish community. Beth Israel offers a range of religious services, educational programs, and community events, adhering to Orthodox traditions while fostering a welcoming environment.
Gates of Prayer
Gates of Prayer, a Reform synagogue, provides a contrasting yet complementary perspective within the Jewish community. The synagogue emphasizes inclusivity, progressive values, and social justice. Its diverse programming includes worship services, educational opportunities, and cultural events, making it a vibrant part of Metairie’s religious landscape.
Islamic Centers
Masjid Abu Bakr As Siddiq
Masjid Abu Bakr As Siddiq is a central hub for the Muslim community in Metairie. The mosque offers daily prayers, Friday sermons, and various educational programs. It also plays a vital role in fostering interfaith dialogue and community service, reflecting the values of compassion and understanding central to Islam.
Islamic Center of Metairie
The Islamic Center of Metairie serves as another important institution for local Muslims. In addition to regular religious services, the center hosts community events, educational programs, and charitable activities. It aims to build bridges within the community and promote a deeper understanding of Islamic values.
Buddhist Temples
Chua Bo De
Chua Bo De is a prominent Vietnamese Buddhist temple in Metairie. The temple offers a serene environment for meditation, worship, and cultural activities. It serves as a spiritual and cultural center for the Vietnamese community, preserving traditions and fostering a sense of unity.
Hindu Temples
Hindu Temple of Greater New Orleans
Located near Metairie, the Hindu Temple of Greater New Orleans serves the local Hindu community. The temple offers regular worship services, festivals, and educational programs. It is a vibrant center for preserving Hindu traditions and promoting cultural awareness.
Interfaith Initiatives
Metairie is also home to several interfaith initiatives that promote understanding and cooperation among different religious communities. Organizations like the Greater New Orleans Interfaith Alliance work to foster dialogue, service, and unity among diverse faith groups. These efforts reflect the community’s commitment to inclusivity and mutual respect.
Metairie’s religious institutions and communities offer a rich tapestry of faith traditions and cultural practices. From historic Catholic churches and vibrant Protestant congregations to diverse Jewish synagogues, Islamic centers, Buddhist temples, and Hindu worship spaces, the area’s spiritual landscape is both diverse and dynamic. These institutions not only provide places of worship but also serve as pillars of the community, offering social services, educational opportunities, and cultural enrichment. Exploring Metairie’s religious life provides a deeper understanding of the values, history, and diversity that define this unique Louisiana suburb.
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livingfictionsystem · 4 months
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Jasper Morgan Harvey: August 5th. Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising. (He/Him but She/Her only when in drag). Homoflexible, Homoromantic. Bipolar.
Theme song(s): First We Take Manhattan by Leonard Cohen.
Fronting Frequency: A couple of times a month.
Born in August of 1902, Jasper Harvey and his partner, Jack, were orphans and petty criminals in Chicago, Illinois, until the Prohibition, which was arguably the best thing that could’ve happened to either of them. Starting from the ground up from a trainyard smuggling ring, he and Jack created a bootlegging gang known as the Rail Kings, who even caught the attention of Bugsy Moran and Al Capone. Jasper was known for being creative, flamboyant, impulsive, wily, and always down for a fight. Born as an androgen-insensitive intersex person, Jasper chose at a young age to primarily present as male. However, he did explore his gender a bit more and found he was perfectly content with taking trips to New Orleans and pretending to be a flapper girl by the name of Jazz. He has asserted, looking back on his life, that he probably was more non-binary than male. His life was marked by manic highs and sinking lows, which he tried to self-medicate with a tumultuous combination of cocaine and booze. Jack was closest to him, and even became educated on medical science in order to keep his transgender partner out of medical offices. Jasper died in December of 1933, drowned in the Chicago River by a rival gang. He identifies now as a past-life of Xanthe’s. He’s typically active when watching or reading anything like his life in Chicago, and is very much involved with a novel the host is writing of his rise and fall as a bootleg kingpin. He’s Sparrow’s adoptive father, having taken him in when Sparrow was homeless in the inworld.
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