grandisknight · 1 day
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Xavier | Floral Blessing Kindled Showcase
Wander In Wonder Event | Twitter (X) Post
“I wish I could be your sanctuary until the end of time, in your eyes.”
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heatwa-ves · 7 months
started high card s2 and can confirm that chris does start healing wrong so that's very fun 👍👍 if you do end up watching high card pleaseeeeee lmk what you think
HEALING WRONG.. so obsessed with healing powers it's not even funny hopefully I will start watching tomorrow!!!
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yourlostearring · 2 years
see i know im gay because my girlfriend left to see her family on friday and it only took about 2 days of talking on the phone at night for her to convince me to hop on a train and join her for a couple days LMAO im really on my way to the countryside…!
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Pissy cuz I got re2 on my switch like a damn moron without really properly reading the description and it’s a version that requires internet connection to run and so I couldn’t even fight the first zombie cuz of how awful the game was cutting out 😭
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sunfyresrider · 2 years
Titanic AU
Synopsis: The year is 1912 and the Titanic is setting sail on its maiden voyage. You were too incredibly broke to buy a ticket but luckily won yourself a ticket in a poker match. Aegon has unluckily lost his trust fund and is being forced to marry a wealthy girl and move to America. Both of you got on the ship for different reasons, both of you came from vastly different backgrounds, neither of you planned on finding love but fate had something else instore for you both.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Reader Warnings: It's literally a Titanic au sooo fluff, smut, sinking ship, love affair (cheating), rich v poor and a whole lotta falling in love. Word Count: 12k Note: HI BABY THIS IS FOR YOU @daddyissuesinwesteros this is my twist on your cruise ship request, I really hope you like it<33 Since i deleted my acc and have to restart I'm going to use a bunch of tags I'm srry. Tags: @its-actually-minicika @aemondwrites @annikin-im-panicin @princesssszzzz @ohitsthemaster
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The year was 1912 and a newly finished ship was set to sail from Southampton, England to New York City, United States. RMS Titanic was the largest ship at the time and was considered to be unsinkable. People from all over the world rushed to get a ticket for the maiden voyage. The boat carried some of the wealthiest people in the world, as well as hundreds of emigrants from Ireland, Scandinavia, and elsewhere throughout Europe, who were seeking a new life in the United States.
The first-class accommodation was designed to be the pinnacle of comfort and luxury, with a gymnasium, swimming pool, libraries, high-class restaurants, and opulent cabins. The lower-class accommodations were nowhere near the same, however, were far better than the majority of ships. They were spacious and had several large public rooms and elevators for passengers to enjoy. 
It was by all means the most important and eagerly awaited voyage for many years, but nothing is ever as good as it seems. 
You had heard of the Titanic sailing to America just last week. It was completely out of your budget as a nurse in training and there was little to no hope you could board. Except, you weren’t ever planning on getting on the ship by paying. You dressed as a newspaper boy and headed down to the tavern outside the shipyard. 
One talent that always kept you fed was your ability at gambling and right now they were playing poker for tickets. It was four people in total playing the silly little game that would change your life in ways unknown to you. Two gentlemen spoke nearly no English and your closet companion had been nervously shifting the entire game. “You bet everything you have?” He whispered nervously as he eyed his own cards. You leaned over, “when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.” 
Unlike the fellows around the table, you didn’t mind playing dirty. They had no clue what they had gotten themselves into. You switched around some of your cards while they weren’t looking. “Moment of truth… someone’s life is about to change.” One by one everyone sat down with their cards. Olaf had by far the worst pullout of them all. You turned to your friend, “I’m sorry you’re not gonna see your mother for a very long time.” He stood up and began cursing your ear off, “because we’re gonna go to America! Full house boys!” 
Your friend stood up and started screaming his head off. Olaf the Russian bastard yanked you by the collar and eyed you up and down, “woman?” The realization sent fear down your spine, you winked and dipped out of his grasp. 
“The Titanic leaves in five minutes, boys.” The bartender shouted over at you. “Oh shit!” You grabbed your friend by the collar and went sprinting in the direction of the ship. You shoved your way through the crowds, through the entrance, through the lower deck, and finally to the top of the ship. There were hundreds of people screaming goodbyes at you and you couldn’t help but wave back… even if you were excited to go home.  
The crowd to get inside the ship was suffocating by all means. Luckily Aegon’s mother had forced them to all leave extra early. The ship was meant to travel the entire to America and many were beside themselves in excitement. He didn’t care much for the ship or the trip, there were other things on his mind.
Since his father’s company had become so successful his family was able to sit on the upper deck in their own personal rooms. Though his own mother had to pay for his ticket… Aegon wouldn’t think about that situation right now. 
His tuxedo was suffocating him, and it was becoming clear his fiancée was exasperated. Of course, who wouldn’t be angry at an arranged marriage where love isn’t involved? The marriage aside, they were being forced into this ship in close quarters assuming they would “bond”. It was about to be an all-around miserable affair for everyone involved.
His mother, Alicent, quickly shuffled them into their surprisingly posh rooms… perhaps it would not be so miserable. As Aegon was unpacking his bags he pulled out a few paintings he had picked up during his time alive. His fiancée peaked over his shoulder and scoffed, “are those by… something Picasso?” She paused for a moment, “you shouldn’t waste your time with them, he’ll amount to nothing.” Aegon was reminded that this journey was about to be absolutely dreadful.
You and your friend finished tossing your things in the below-deck rooms meant for the poor. Two large bunk beds took up most of the space and you learned rather fast you would be sharing with some mildly unsavory characters. No matter, you planned to spend the majority of your time running around the massive ship anyway. 
The front of the ship was massive and was built at an angle. You ran around basking in your luck at being able to steal- you mean win tickets. Your feet carried you to the front of the pointed ship and you climbed up the rails, “I’m the king of the world!” You shouted in a gleeful voice. Your friend ran up behind you, “you’re a woman, idiot!” You paused for a moment… “I’m the queen of the world!” 
Aegon took his few moments to explore the ship. He wandered around aimlessly observing the people and the view of the sea. It was a rather dull view, nothing but open water for miles on end. At this time his head was also swirling with thoughts that drained his energy. 
He was being forced into an unwanted marriage, his father had removed him from the trust fund, he was being sent to America to work and his family all hated him in one way or another. The biggest disappointment in the Targaryen lineage thus far.
 In the giant crowds on the deck, he felt completely alone. Everyone around him seemed happy, they filled his ears with laughter and cheers and yet Aegon felt nothing of the sort. This ship was leading him to an unknown future laced with more sorrow. Does he even have reason to live now? 
You were sitting on a bench doodling on your sketch pad when you first saw him. He had beautiful blonde hair and a chiseled jawline, he looked to be one of the posh people on board. However, his big blue eyes were laced with only sorrow. He did not smile nor join in the happiness around him. It gave you an idea for a new painting, a lonely soul amid a crowd. 
“Don’t even think about it, he’s out of your league.” Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, “I wasn’t thinkin’ bout nothing.” Your friend took a seat next to you and pursed his lips. “Mhm, that's why you're already trying to draw him?” The audacity of some people, you thought. You slammed your sketchbook closed and sat up. “Ain’t your business!” 
You turned your head to get one last glimpse, but he was gone as quickly as he appeared. A little knot formed in your stomach thinking about how he was out of your league. Most rich people are cunts anyway it shouldn’t matter to you… Maybe, you would just admire him from afar. 
At dinner, Aegon’s feelings didn’t get any better. As he sat with his mother and fiancée all he could think about was how pointless his life truly was. A few offhand remarks by the women didn't ease his depression either. Why did he always ruin everything he touched? Why couldn’t he ever be enough? Why was he forced to live such a meaningless life?
“Aegon,” his mother called out to him as he stared lifelessly into his soup. “You’re embarrassing me in front of everyone… no wonder your father disowned you.” His fiancée whispered in his ear. He had more than enough encouragement to rid this world of himself and this was the final push.
Aegon excused himself from the table and stormed out of the dining area. His destination was the ship deck so he could throw himself off. Hopefully, he would freeze to death, or a shark would eat him before anyone could rescue him. Tears slowly dripped down his face as he walked outside. The wind cooled his tears enough they burned his skin.
You were out there trying to paint the sky when he returned. Though, he was a complete mess this time around. You watched him climb up the railing and over the other side. The crazy bastard is trying to jump! As a nurse in training, it was your job to act first.
“I wouldn’t jump if I were you, mister!” A gentle voice caught Aegon’s attention from behind. He furrowed his brows and whipped his head around at the sound of his voice. “Stay back! Don't come any closer!” The tear tracks on his cheeks were gleaming in the faint glow from the stern running lights. 
“Take my hand. I'll pull you back in.” He immediately snapped back, “No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I'll let go.” you rolled your eyes, “No you won't.” He loosens his grip on the railing, “Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me.” 
“You would have done it already. Now come on, take my hand.” Aegon is confused now, he couldn’t see her very well through the tears, so he wiped them with one hand, almost losing his balance. “You're distracting me. Go away.” You approach the railing slowly, “I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you.” Aegon turned around to finally get a glance at you. He was shocked to see how beautiful you were, the moon outlined your silhouette like a guardian Angel. “D-Don't be absurd. You'll be killed.”
You took off your jacket, “I'm a good swimmer.” You move to unlace your shoe and he speaks up, “the fall alone would kill you.” You glanced down, “It would hurt. but to be honest mister I'm a lot more concerned about the water being so cold.” Aegon looked down. The reality of what he was doing started sinking in. “How cold?” You start taking off your shoe, “it’s the Atlantic so a little above freezing.” You take off your other shoe, “Ever been to Maine?” Aegon was completely perplexed, “No.”
“Well, they have some of the coldest winters around, and I grew up there, near Wells. Once when I was a kid me and my father were ice-skating out on Lake Wissota... ice-skating where you get on frozen ice–“ He scoffed, “I know what ice skating is!” You raise your hands in defeat, “Sorry. You just... you look kind of like an indoor guy. Anyway, I went through some thin ice and I'm tellin' ya, water that cold... like that right down there... it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think... at least not about anything but the pain.” You slowly take another step forward, “Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in after you. But as I said, I don't see a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here.”
“You’re crazy.” He was completely distracted by you, and Aegon forgot about what he originally intended to do. “That's what everybody says. But with all due respect, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship.”
You slid one step closer, like moving up on a spooked horse. “Come on. A pretty boy like you shouldn’t die like this.” Aegon stared at this madwoman for a long time. He looked at your eyes and they somehow suddenly seemed to fill his universe, “Alright.” He unfastened one hand from the rail and reached it around toward you. You reached out to take it, firmly. “I'm Y/N.” Aegon smiled, 
“Pleased to meet you, Miss. Y/N.” All seemed well until his foot slipped on the water that was coating the edge. He let out a less-than-manly scream as he almost dragged you over with him. Your grip tightened and you bit your lip while trying to pull him over. Damn, he was fucking heavy.  
He kicked his feet against the edge hard enough you could pull him up over the railing once more. The force was a bit much as he landed on top of you. There was a brief moment of silence where you stared up at him. This was a pathetic lunatic for sure but a very beautiful one. 
A group of crewmen disrupts your moment of admiration by dragging him off of you and pulling you to your feet. They began yelling at each other as one struggled to pull handcuffs out of his pocket. You tried to explain but they weren’t listening to your pleas. Two women came barreling out onto the deck screeching about what had happened. “Let go of my son, son,” his apparent mother shouted. “What has my fiancé done?” 
Ah, it was too good to be true after all. He had a beautiful posh fiancée waiting for him. “We saw him assaulting this woman!” One of the men shouted and Aegon immediately denied it. The woman’s eyes were a mix of confusion and subtle rage. “It was a misunderstanding! I came up here to admire the view and nearly fell to my death before he saved me!” You weren’t exactly sure why you were lying to a stranger, but something told you they didn’t need to know the truth. “It’s true! I was out here for a smoke when I saw her.” 
“You heard the girl! My son is no rapist.” The men glanced at you asking for confirmation, and you nodded your head in response. One of them let out a sigh as they uncuffed him. Aegon mouthed a thank you as the crew walked off. “Thank you for defending my fiancée,” she smiled at you. “Of course, Miss.” Aegon seemed to roll his eyes at her own voice. 
“Would you like to join us for dinner, dear? As a token of our appreciation?” His mother said in a way that sounded more like a demand than a request. You wouldn’t deny an all-paid-for fancy mean though. “If it would be alright.” Aegon smiled to himself as they bid you goodnight. Your luck seemed to be far from running out.
Aegon woke up early the next day; he prepared his clothes the night before and was sure to wear his best casual attire. He was more than excited to spend time with you before the eminent dinner with his family. That part didn’t excite him, his family was hard to deal with as you will soon find out. Plus, his fiancé would ruin any chance he had with you. 
It was wrong of him to think about cheating on her but once again it was a forced arrangement. Perhaps you could be his way out of it or maybe a way to distract him. At this time, you were playing a dull game with your two bunk bates. You kept thinking about him, his pretty face, and his madness all throughout that day… too bad he was to be married.
“Hello Y/N.” Your two friends are absolutely floored by his arrival. It's like Cinderella's slipper fitting Cinderella. “Hello again.” Aegon glanced around, “Could I speak to you in private?” You stood up nervously, “Uh, yes. Of course. After you.” He motioned you ahead. Asgon glanced over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised, as he walked out with you leaving a stunned silence. 
You both walked side by side onto the deck. You passed people reading and talking in steamer chairs, some of whom glanced curiously at the mismatched couple. You felt completely out of place in your rough clothes. You were both awkward, for different reasons.  “So, you got a name by the way?”
He shuffled next to you, “Aegon. Aegon Targaryen.” You snickered, “That's quite a moniker. I may hafta get you to write that down.” There was an awkward pause and you felt like throwing yourself off the ship now. 
“Miss. Y/N, I-” you cut him off, “Y/N.” He took a breath, “Y/N... I feel like such an idiot. It took me all morning to get up the nerve to face you.” You smiled, “Well, here you are.”
Aegon began playing with the rings on his fingers, “I... I want to thank you for what you did. Not just for... for pulling me back. But for your discretion.” You patted his shoulder, “No problem at all.” 
He turned to you. “Look, I know what you must be thinking! Poor little rich boy. What does he know about misery?” Aegon was beyond embarrassed he made such a fool of himself in front of a pretty girl. Normally, he would be more nonchalant, but you had done something to him. “That's not what I was thinking. What I was thinking was... what could have happened to hurt this man so much he thought he had no way out.” 
He let out a sigh of relief, “I don't... it wasn't just one thing. It was everything. And I was trapped in it, like a dragon in ice.” He started speaking too fast to fully make out, “I just had to get away... and then I was at the back rail and there was no more ship... even the Titanic wasn't big enough. Not enough to get away from them. And before I'd really thought about it, I was over the rail. I was so furious. I'll show them!”
“Uh-huh. They'll be sorry. 'Course you'll be dead.” He lowered his head, “Oh Gods, I am such an utter fool.” You raised a brow, “That chicken last night, is she one of them?” The penguin was his fiancé who was dressed in red feathers. “Chicken? Oh, Y/N/N! She is them.” You cocked your head over to look at him, “So you feel like you're stuck 'cause you're marrying' this chicken.” Aegon finally smiled brightly, “Exactly!” You thought to yourself, there was a pretty obvious solution. “So don't marry him.” He scoffed, “If only it were that simple.”
You hummed, “It is that simple.” He furrowed his brow, “don't judge me until you've seen my world.” You smirked, “Well, I guess I will tonight.” Aegon got mildly flustered once again for reasons unknown. He started looking for another topic, any other topic, and he indicated your sketchbook. “This? It’s just some sketches.” He reached his hand out, “May I?”
The question is rhetorical because he had already grabbed the book. He sat on a deck chair and opened the sketchbook. He noticed each one was a random picture of different people. An old woman’s hands, a parent and their child sleeping on a bench, a couple dancing in the street… It was like the condition of humanity. “These are quite good.” 
You smiled, “I just seem to spew 'em out. Besides, they're not worth a damn anyway.” You picked up two loose pages and tossed them. He laughed, “You're deranged!” No
He turned a page and well… He had come upon a series of nudes. He blushed, Aegon was completely transfixed, they felt... almost uncomfortably intimate. It wasn’t like he was one to shy away from the human form just didn’t expect it from… A woman. “Where were these drawn from?” Your smile grew wide, “Paris! Lots of people are willing to take off their clothes to be a part of art.” 
His eyes narrowed towards one, “You liked this man. You used him several times.” You giggled, “Nah, he had beautiful hands.” Aegon raised a brow, “I think you had a love affair with him…” You shoved his shoulder, “No, never! Just with his hands.” Aegon looked up from the drawing and into your eyes. They were laced with sincerity and something else… God, he was too handsome to be wasting time with the likes of you. “You have a gift, Y/N. You see people.” You were talented, kind, and beautiful… How did he stumble upon someone like you? “I see you.” There it was your piercing gaze that went right through his universe. “And...?” You smiled, “You wouldn't jump.”
“You know, my dream has always been to just chuck it all and become an artist... living in a garret, poor but free!” You laughed at him, “You wouldn't last two days. There's no hot water, and hardly ever any fancy food.” He faked an angry face, “Listen, missy... I hate fancy food! And I'm tired of people dismissing my dreams” You patted his head. “I'm sorry.”
“I just hate all of these duties that I have. I feel this way. I don't know what it is, whether I should be an artist, or I don't know... a dancer… a nude model… or a moving picture actor!” Aegon grabbed your hand and ran, pulling you along the deck toward-- He pulled you into the midst of filming and began pretending to be a part of it. 
You had spent the entire day with him accidentally. Maybe you told him a little too much about yourself, but it didn’t seem to matter. He enjoyed listening to your stories about your travels and your failure in nursing school. Aegon was the opposite of what you imagined a rich person to be. “So, then what, Miss. Adventurer?”
“Well, when housing cost too much, I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica. I sketched portraits there for ten cents apiece.” His mouth gaped sarcastically,
“A whole ten cents?!” The sarcasm went right over your head, “it was great money... I could make a dollar a day. When it got cold, I decided to go to Paris after a while and see what the real artists were doing.”
Aegon seemed to get lost in his head staring off into the distance. “I wish I could be like you… free from everything.” You turned to him, “We could go there, sometime... to that pier.” He grinned, “we're going. We'll drink cheap beer and go on rollercoasters until we throw up and we'll ride horses on the beach... right in the surf.” You laughed, “A woman riding a horse? Do you mean one leg on each side? Scandalous!” He turned to you and the sunset perfectly framed his face. His eyes brightened, “if you’d like.” You grinned, “I think I would.” 
A woman by the name of Molly came to your rescue. Apparently, she didn’t appreciate Aegon’s family very much and gladly gave you all the things you needed to show off. Molly lent you a very posh dress for the dinner and taught you a few especially important manners. You didn’t quite remember them all but that would be okay… you think. 
You stood awkwardly on the staircase looking for the family you were meant to dine with. A few men approached you and so you decided to practice your manners with them… They snickered under their breath at your daftness. Before you could open your mouth to snap back, Aegon finally arrived at your side. “Miss, y/n.” He picked up your hand and placed a firm kiss on it. 
You couldn’t help it; you were sure your face turned ten shades of red. He stuck out his arm urging you to take it… the manners of the rich confused you. “You look very posh.” Aegon leaned into your ear. You forced a smile as you approached his family. “It doesn’t suit me.”
“Mother, y/n/n, I’m sure you remember miss y/n.” They turned with shocked expressions, and his fiancé smiled brightly, “y/n- you could almost pass for a lady.” You nodded at her, “almost.” You wanted to slap that grin off her face as soon as possible. 
They strode off into the crowd of people and Aegon pulled you along with them. He tried to list off the names of everyone attending but you couldn’t remember. He even tried to introduce you to someone, but he was obviously suspicious of you. You were nervous but you never faltered. No way would you let these rich folks make a fool of you. 
Alicent was the first to speak to you at the dinner table, “What is it like in steerage, I hear they're quite good on this ship.” It was an insult disguised as a question. You smiled politely, “Fantastic ma'am. Hardly any rats.” Aegon motioned for you to take the napkin off your plate. What was with all of these rules? 
His fiancé spoke up, Miss. Y/N is joining us from the third class. She was of assistance to my fiancé last night.” She turned to you and spoke as if she was talking to a child. “This is foie gras. It's goose liver.” You dug your nails into your thighs and tried to hide your obvious anger. A soft hand brushed against yours catching your attention away from the sudden whispers about you.  Aegon regretted bringing you here already. “How do you take your caviar, Miss?”  
His fiancé answered for you, the cunt. “Just a soupcon of lemon… it improves the flavor with champagne.” You nodded, “No caviar for me, thanks… I never did like it much.” You looked at Aegon, proudly, and he smiled back. “And where exactly do you live, Miss. Y/N?” Alicent asked. “Well, right now the Titanic. After that, I’d like to travel to America.” 
Salad is served, you reached for the fish fork. Aegon gave you a look and picked up the salad fork, prompting you with his eyes. Damn, why the need for different forks? Alicent spoke again, “You find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?” You ignored her tone and decided to answer honestly. 
“My father was always talking about going to see the ocean. He died in the town he was born in and never did see it. See, my folks died in a fire when I was in nursing school, and I've been on the road since. Something like that teaches you to make each day count.” Aegon smiled, “Well said, Y/N.” Alicent, annoyed that you had scored a point against her, pressed further. “How is it you have the means to travel?” You smiled, “I work my way from place to place. I do nursing jobs on the side… actually I won my ticket to get on here.” 
Aegon smiled to himself, a very lucky win indeed. The rest of the dinner went by rather smoothly. You kept quiet most of the time trying to not barf at the taste of the food. When dessert was finally over Aegon spoke to you directly for the first time that night. 
“Next it'll be brandies in the Smoking Room.” He whispered slowly, “Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being masters of the universe.”  You nearly laughed but were interrupted by his fiancé. “Joining us, Y/N? You don't want to stay out here with the men, do you?”
Actually, you do, but... “No thanks. I'm heading back.” Alicent stood up. “Probably best. It'll be all business and gossip; it won't interest you. Good of you to come.” The women took their leave, and you stood up to go as well. “Must you go so early?” You winked at Aegon, “Time for my coach to turn back into a pumpkin.” 
He leant over to take your hand. Aegon noticed the piece of paper in it and you nod at him to take it. You say a quick goodbye before you scurry off to your usual quarters. Aegon opens the note below the table. "Meet me at the clock". 
He smirked to himself then got up to politely excuse himself. You were the complete opposite of any of the women he was forced to be around, and he found himself fancying you more than he should. Aegon should thank his father for disowning him and getting rid of his trust fund because that’s exactly why he was able to meet you. 
You were staring at the giant clock in the middle of the staircase. You looked beautiful even from behind. You turned and caught him staring, “Want to go to a real party?”
The below-deck crowd was led and alive with music, laughter, and raucous carrying on. An unknown band was gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on fiddle, accordion, and tambourine. People of all ages are dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, and even brawling. Aegon was completely amazed by the scene; he could get used to it. 
Your friend handed Aegon a pint of stout and she chugs it. You patiently waited for him to finish his newfound alcoholism and dance with you. When you get impatient you grab him by the collar and drag him into the middle of the floor. “I don’t know the steps!” You giggled, “just follow me!” The music started and you were off. He was a little awkward at first, but eventually, he’s the one leading you. 
Aegon has the brightest smile plastered across his face as he spins you around the crowd. He stares at you with flushed cheeks, and your sweat glistens perfectly on your skin. You truly were an angel sent for him and only him. 
“Come to Josephine in my flying machine. And it's up she goes! Up she goes! In the air, she goes. Where? There she goes!” You both drunkenly stumble over the words and break down laughing. You’ve walked Aegon all the way back to first-class before anyone can notice his absence. Though he doesn’t leave right away and instead leans onto the rail. 
“They're such meaningless people... my crowd. They think they're gods on earth, but they're not even dust in the universe’s gaze. They live inside this little, tiny glass bubble... and someday the bubble's going to burst.” You leaned on the rail next to him, your hands barely touched his, but it was enough to fluster you both. It is the slightest contact imaginable, and yet it’s the only thing either of you could feel. 
“You're not one of them. There's been a mistake.” Aegon looked at you confused, “A mistake?” You smiled, “Uh huh. You got switched at birth or something.” Aegon laughed at you, “I did huh?” You stood there in silence until you spotted a long streak of light in the sky, “Look! A shooting star.” He smiled, “Aren't we supposed to wish on it?”
Aegon glanced at you and realized that you were suddenly very close together. It would be so easy to move another couple of inches, to kiss you. Your eyes told him he could if only he took one more step. "What would you wish for?” You stepped back and forced a smile, “Something I can't have. Goodnight, Aegon. And thank you.” You took off in a hurry, any more time spent in the same vicinity as him would mean you making a grave mistake. No falling for an engaged man, no falling for someone in a different class than you. 
“Y/N,” Aegon moves to follow you, but his attention is caught by people piling out of the first-class entrance. What did he do wrong? 
His mother had berated him the entire night for what he had done. He was caught dancing with you and for some reason, that was the end of the world for her. Aegon was tired of constantly being forced to do his parents' bidding. The only reason he was engaged to this girl was that she had money and he didn’t. Once Alicent was finished scolding him he took off towards the deck. 
The ring
The damned ring he was going to give her with the blue diamond in the middle. He could chuck it into the ocean right now and not care anymore. That wouldn’t do, it was too expensive for such a faith. So, he locked it in a safe and decided to forget about it completely. He was done being a pawn for those around him. 
Aegon couldn’t handle rejection, nor could he handle being away from you for this long. He had no idea what had gone wrong, but he was desperate to fix it. He snuck below deck the next day where you were playing a game of poker with your friends. 
The sound of a knock on the door caught the group's attention. Who the hell knocks down here? You opened the door and your mouth gaped. “Can I talk to you...,” he peered over your shoulders, “…alone.” You turned to your group of friends, and they looked just as shocked as you. “Prince Charming came back,” Tommy snickered. “Go on, Cinderella,” Bjorn yelled at you.
You let out a sigh, “fine.” Aegon smiled and you walked into the hallway with him. Before you could get a word out, he grabbed you by the shoulders. “You're no picnic… you know that? You’re a broke, low-class girl with no manners but under that, you're a strong, pure heart, and you're the most amazingly astounding girl I've ever known and–“ You were completely caught off guard, “Aeg- I-”
He cut you off, “No wait. Let me try to get this out. You're amazing... and I know I don’t have much to offer you anymore. I know that, but I'm involved now. I jump, you jump, remember?” You could feel the tears coming to your eyes. Aegon was always so open even though you barely knew each other... not like anyone you had ever known but he was also a rich boy with a fiancé, it wasn’t possible to be with him. “You're making this very hard.” 
“They have me in a glass jar like some butterfly, and I’m going to die if I don't break out. Maybe not right away, 'cause I’m spiteful. But sooner or later the fire is going to go out and… and I need you with me.” Your lip pouted, “only you can save yourself. I’m just me.” He smiled, “You're wrong. You are everything to me. Just please think about it, Y/N.” 
He pulled you forward and placed a quick kiss on your forehead before taking off. You were left completely dumbfounded and your thoughts swirling around your brain. 
Aegon was standing at the place where you first met. He was letting the wind hit his face and calm his mind while he impatiently waited for you to come to him or forgive him or anything really. He was getting exceedingly desperate for anything from you. 
“Hey, Egg,” He whipped his head around and a big smile blessed his face. “I changed my mind.” Aegon smiled at you, his eyes drinking you in entirely. Your cheeks were flushed by the cold wind, and your eyes sparkled more than the sapphire. “I asked around and they said you might be up–” He grabbed your hand before you could finish speaking. “Shh. Come here.” Aegon wrapped his hands around your waist. It looked as if he was going to kiss you. 
“Close your eyes.” You were too flustered at first by the sudden contact but after a deep breath, you willingly shut your eyes. Aegon moved your hips, so you were facing forward, and he pressed you gently to the rail. It was getting too intimate, and you could feel your skin turning several shades of red. 
Aegon took your arms and raised them until you were standing with your arms outstretched. When he lowered his hands, your arms stayed up... like wings. “Okay. Open them.” You let out a small gasp. There was nothing in your field of vision but open water. It's like there is no ship under you both at all, just the two of them flying. You could only hear the wind and the hiss of the water 50 feet below. 
You giggled, “I'm flying!” You leaned forward, arching your back. Aegon put his hands on your waist to steady you. He started singing the tune from the other night softly, “come Josephine in my flying machine…” You smiled dreamily, then leaned back, gently pressing your back against his chest. Slowly he raised his hands, and they met yours... fingertips gently touching. Then he intertwined his fingers with yours.
Aegon leaned his head forward into your hair, letting the scent of you wash over him until his cheek was against your ear. 
You turned your head and noticed his lips are near yours. You lowered your arms and your eyes fluttered shut until his lips met yours. As Aegon wrapped his arms around your hips you completely surrendered to him, to the emotion, to the inevitable. You kiss slowly and nervously, and then with passion. 
Aegon snuck you into his room which was filled with beautiful woodwork and satin upholstery. You say your sketchbook and drawing materials are on the marble table. It was far too fancy for you; you couldn’t help but feel out of place here. “Will this light do? Don't artists need good light?” You faked a French accent, “ Zat is true, I am not used to working in such 'horrible conditions,'' you turned and saw his collection of paintings, “Hey... Monet!”
Aegon smiled, “Isn't he great... the use of color? I saw him once... through a hole in this garden fence in Giverny.” You watched him fiddle with a lock on a box, CLUNK! He unlocked the safe. He glanced up and smiled at you and tossed you a ring, “What is it? A sapphire?” He shook his head, “A diamond. A very rare diamond called the Heart of the Ocean.” You gazed at the wealth beyond your comprehension. “Why- why are you giving this to me?” 
“Draw me like one of your French boys and it’s all yours.” Your mouth visibly dropped at the realization. Of course, you would happily oblige. 
You carefully laid out your pencils like surgical tools. “The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a doll. As a paying customer, I expect to get what I want.” Aegon took off his robe revealing himself and you assumed you looked completely shocked.
“Tell me when it looks right to you.” He pulled a blanket over his… parts. Aegon tried to mimic the guy from your drawing as best he could. “Uh... just bend your left leg a little and... and lower your head. Eyes to me…. Uh yeah.” 
His abs were perfectly defined, and his skin was a gorgeous milky white. He looked like one of those famous Greek statues in a museum. You started to sketch but your nervous hands made you drop the pencil. He stifled a laugh, “I believe you are blushing, Ms. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monet blushing.” You were obviously sweating, “He does landscapes.”
Despite your nervousness, you drew with sure strokes, and what emerged is the best thing you had ever done. His pose is languid, his hands beautiful, and his eyes radiate energy. It helped that Aegon was the perfect customer, he barely moved an inch and kept his eyes on you the whole time. 
“Date it, Y/N. I want to always remember this night.” He leaned over your shoulder in his robe and peered at the drawing. Once again, you do everything he says because you are too flustered to do otherwise. He meanwhile scribbled a note on a piece of the Titanic stationary. He gladly accepted the drawing from you and shoved it in the safe in the wardrobe. 
Once he got fully dressed you felt like you could breathe again. There was a noise, almost like a key being placed in a lock. Aegon grabbed your hand and ripped you up and yanked you through the bedroom. 
He led you quickly along the corridor toward the B deck foyer. You were halfway across the open space when the sitting room door opened in the corridor and his mother came out. The valet sees you and runs after you. 
“Come on,” Aegon shouted in a whisper. You break into a run, surprising the few ladies and gentlemen about. Aegon led you past the stairs to the bank of elevators. You run into one, shocking the hell out of the people inside. 
“Take us down. Quickly, quickly!” Aegon motions to the operator. He even helped him close the steel gate. The valet ran up as the lift started to descend. He slammed one hand on the bars of the gate. Aegon flipped him off with a large grin causing the operator to gasp. 
They escape to the boiler room filled with fans. You both leaned against a wall and began laughing. “Pretty tough for a valet, this fella,” you grinned. “He's an ex-Pinkerton. Y/N/N’s father hired him to keep her out of trouble... to make sure she always got back to the hotel with his wallet and watch, after crawling through the less reputable parts of town.” Aegon smiled. “Kinda like we're doin' right now-- uh oh!” 
The valet popped up out of nowhere and charged toward you. Aegon took your hand once more and dashed into a blind alley. There was only one door, marked CREW ONLY, and Aegon flung it open. You entered a roaring fan room, with no way out but a ladder going down. Aegon latched the deadbolt on the door, and the valet slammed against it a moment later. Aegon grinned at you, pointing to the ladder. “After you, m'lady.” 
You came down the ladder and realized this place looked like hell itself, shadowy figures moving in the smoky glow. You ran the length of the boiler room, dodging amazed stokers, and trimmers with their wheelbarrows of coal. Aegon shouted over the noise, “Carry on! Don't mind us!”
You rush through the open door into BOILER ROOM SIX. Aegon pulled you through the hot alley between two boilers and you wound up in the dark, out of sight of the working crew. 
Aegon stops you and kisses your face, tasting the sweat trickling down from your forehead. You raised your chin up to him and pressed your lips roughly against his; you kiss passionately in the steamy, pounding darkness. 
After you both gained some self-control, you ran into a new storage room. This time you stumble upon a brand-new touring car.  You climbed into the upholstered back seat, acting very royal. Aegon jumped into the driver's seat, “Where to, Miss?” you grinned, “To the stars.”
You climbed into the back seat and reached your hands out to pull him over the seat into the back. He landed next to you, and his breath seemed loud in the quiet darkness. Aegon gazed at you and saw you smiling… It was the moment of truth. “Are you nervous?” You nervously smiled, “Au contraire, mon cher.”
Aegon gently stroked your face, cherishing every feature. “Touch me,” you whispered. He slid himself on top of you and pressed a gentle kiss against your lips. 
Your heart raced as he kissed down your neck. You moaned softly, feeling the heady rush of excitement fill your body with desire. The lustful longing for this man consumed you, there was no turning back now. As his lips neared your breast, you pulled him closer and felt his soft hands caress your skin.
His mouth engulfed one nipple and began to suck it. Your moans were muffled by his hot breath and tender kisses. His hands groped your hips and tugged them up so that he could take your other breast between his teeth. His fingers curled around the hem of your gown and slowly rolled it up above your waist.
You gasped when his hand cupped your cunt through the thin fabric of your undergarments. He moved quickly to free you from them. Aegon slid his hand down to swirl around your throbbing clit. You let out small whimpers as he moved his fingers, 
Aegon moved his lips back up to yours as his fingers dipped lower, so they rubbed outside your entrance. You arched your body towards him and sank your nails into his back. A low moan escaped his throat as he pushed two fingers inside you. You bucked your hips into his touch and closed your eyes. Aegon's fingers moved faster and slipped deeper inside you. His thumb found your clit, rubbing it rhythmically.
He suddenly stopped moving and leaned in close to whisper, "I love you." You trembled at his words. They made the fire within you burn brighter than before. You looked up at him and nodded, " I love you too."
His fingers began to move again, swirling and teasing. You cried out in pleasure as he plunged his fingers deep inside of you. Aegon's lips returned to yours as he kissed you passionately. His fingers thrust inside of you harder and faster until you came undone. Your legs quivered and shook uncontrollably as waves of pleasure coursed through you.
You kept your lips connected to his as you moved your hands to undo his belt. “Are you sure,” he whispered into your mouth. You nodded furiously causing him to smile. He quickly unbuttoned his trousers and slid them off his hips. 
Aegon lifted your ass up and placed your thighs on either side of his waist. He ran his cock along your soaking cunt, preparing to slide inside. The tip of his manhood nudged against your slick opening. You took a deep breath as you waited for him to push forward. When he finally slid inside you, you let out a sharp cry.
You felt the heat of his thick cock spread inside of you. His length stretches you tightly and fills you completely. He lowered his head onto your shoulder, so your cheeks were touching. As he thrust in and out of you, he placed gentle kisses along your shoulder and neck.
"Aegon," you whimpered. The sound of your voice drove him wild. He pumped his hips faster while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Gods, you were so beautiful underneath him. He loved the way you shuddered and shook because of him. 
The car was filled with the sounds of your breathing and their skin slapping together. You raised a hand and hit the glass window leaving a mark on the condensation. You moved your hips with him, grinding yourself against him.
You moaned loudly as he bit down on your shoulder. He held your hips up with one hand while the other was squeezing your tits and doing circles around your nipple. Your cunt clenched around his shaft and squeezed each time he moved.
Aegon started to softly moan as he thrust inside you. They sounded absolutely heavenly in your ears; better than any orchestra you’ve heard. "I'm going to cum," he whimpered. You tightened your grip around his neck and pulled him down into another searing kiss. You tilted your pelvis up to meet his thrusts.
"Cum inside me," you begged. He slammed his hips against your thighs, and his cock exploded inside of you. You could feel him pulsing inside of you as he lost control. When he stopped pumping his seed into you, a warmth flowed throughout your entire body.
Aegon covered you both with his overcoat. You’re both huddled under it, intertwined, still mostly clothed. Your faces were flushed, and you looked at each other wonderingly. You rested a hand on his face as if making sure he was real, “You're trembling.” Aegon smiled.
“It's okay. I'm alright.” He moved to lay his cheek against your chest, “I can feel your heart beating.” You held his head to your chest and just held on for dear life. 
After you cleaned up, both of you headed up to the ship deck. The entire time his eyes barely left you. “When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you.” You laughed, “This is crazy.” He nodded, “I know. It doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it.” He pulled you back to him and kissed you fiercely. 
The boat suddenly hit an iceberg causing it to bounce backward. Both of you slid back and into the nearby wall. You gave each other a worried glance and took off toward the front. You both leaned over the starboard rail, looking at the hull of the ship. Behind you, a couple of steerage guys were kicking the ice around the deck, laughing. “Looks okay. I don't see anything.” He furrowed his brows, “Could it have damaged the ship?” You were practically pushing yourself in fear right now. “It didn't seem like much of a bump. I'm sure we're okay.”
You were so tragically wrong; you both took off in opposite directions to go warn your own friends and family. That’s when the chaos erupted, and the alarms began to blare. Aegon had to drag his mother and fiancé out of their rooms in mere pajamas all the way to the deck. It became painstakingly obvious there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone and oh… upper-class women go first and you… you wouldn’t even make it onto a life raft! 
“Goodbye mother,” he yelled as he took off towards the lower deck. His fiancé grabbed him from behind, “Where are you going? To give up your life? For her? Is that it? For your whore? For that gutter rat?” Aegon ripped his arm out of her grasp, “I'd rather be her whore than your husband.” 
The lifeboats began to lower, and, in the distance, he could hear his mother and ex-fiancé screaming hysterically. The boat began to sway, and he struggled to keep his balance and was rushing to go find you. 
Meanwhile, you had just been handcuffed to a goddamn pipe. There was something about you stealing a coat that wasn’t exactly wrong but why now of all god-forsaken times. The valet apparently snitched to his mother who then snitched to the captain who then sent a policeman after you. This was before they knew of the dire situation, of course, now you were all but forgotten in the chaos. 
 The pipe wouldn’t budge, and you could hear gurgling sounds of water starting to flow. You pulled harder and began to cry out, “Help!! Somebody!! Can anybody hear me?!” The water poured under the door and rapidly spread throughout the room. You worked against the cuffs until your skin was raw, this was no good. “Y/N? Y/NNNNNN??” 
You were hopelessly pulling on the pipe again, straining until you turned red. You collapsed back on the bench. realizing you’re screwed. Then you heard him through the door. 
Aegon was running aimlessly through the lower deck until he ran into your frantic friend, Tommy. Thank God Tommy cared the least bit to tell him that you had been fucking arrested. He rushed to the master at the arms room which held you captive. Aegon desperately called out your name as he tracked through the water. “AEGON!! In here!” 
He spun on his heels and ran back, locating the right door, then pushed it open, creating a small wave. He splashed over you and put his arms around you. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.” You both were so happy to see each other it was embarrassing. “Don’t worry about it now! See if you can find a key for these. Try those drawers. It's a little brass one.“ He kissed your face and hugged you again, then started to go through the desk. 
“So… you don’t care I got arrested?” He turned to look at you, “don’t worry about it now!” He mocked your words from earlier. 
You force a smile then he went back to ransacking the room, searching drawers and cupboards. You saw movement out the porthole and looked out. Another lifeboat has just landed in the water… too few lifeboats.
“There's no key in here.” You look around at the water, now almost two feet deep. You have pulled your feet up onto the bench. “You have to go for help.” Aegon nodded, “I'll be right back.”
You watched him splash through the water and started to realize this might be the last time you see him. This might be the last time you breathe air. Oh fuck, you have the worst luck in the world. 
Aegon splashed down the hall to a stairwell going up to the next deck. He climbed the stairs and moved his way through the empty corridors. “Hello? Somebody?!” He turned a corner and ran along another corridor in a daze. The hall sloped down into water which shimmered, reflecting the light. The margin of the water creeps toward him. A young man appeared, running through the water, sending up geysers of spray. “Help me! We need help!” He doesn't look back; it was like a bad dream. The lights flickered and went out, leaving utter darkness. A beat. Then they come back on. He finds herself hyperventilating. That one moment of blackness was the most terrifying of his life. 
He turned around and saw a glass case with a fire-axe in it. He breaks the glass with a battered suitcase which was lying discarded nearby, and seized the axe, running back the way he came. 
When he reached the stairwell, he looked down and gasped. The water had flooded the bottom five steps. He went down and had to crouch to look along the corridor to the room where you were trapped. Aegon plunged into the water, which was up to his waist... and powered forward, holding the axe above his head in two hands.  You have climbed up on the bench, and we’re hugging the waterpipe. The water was beyond fucking freezing, and you lost hope anyone was coming… Until Aeg waded in, holding the axe above his head. “Will this work?”
“Fuck yes!” You were both terrified but were trying to keep panic at bay. You pulled your hands back, so the short chain was exposed… No time for any practice swings. You winced, bracing yourself as he raised the axe. “You can do it, baby. Hit it as hard as you can, I trust you.” Your voice cracked and you closed your eyes tightly. The axe came down, K-WHANG! When Aegon opened his eyes, he saw you grinning with two separate cuffs. 
“Nice work, there, Paul Bunyan.” You hopped off the bench and swam towards him. The water taking all the air out of your lungs, “Shit! Excuse my French. Ow ow ow, that is cold! Come on, let's go.”
“Fabrizio! Tommy!” Your friends turned to see you two approaching and ran to embrace you, “The boats are all going.” You glanced around, “We gotta get up there or we're gonna be gargling saltwater.” Tommy had his hands on the bars of the steel gate which blocked the head of the stairwell. The crew opened the gate a foot or so and a few women are squeezing through. “Women only. No men. No men!!”
But some terrified men, not understanding English, tried to rush through the gap, forcing the gate open. The crewmen and stewards pushed them back, shoving and punching them. “Get back! Get back you lot!” They struggled to get the gate closed again, while Steward #2 brandished a small revolver, another held a fire axe. They locked the gate, and a cry went up among the crowd, who surged forward, pounding against the steel and shouting in several languages. 
“For the love of God, man, there are children down here! Let us up, so we can have a chance!” But the crewmen were scared now. They let the situation get out of hand, and now they have a mob. Tommy gave up and pushed his way back through the crowd, going down the stairs. “It's hopeless that way.”
You squeezed Aegon’s hand for comfort, “Well, whatever we're goin' to do, we better do it fast.” You decided to start sprinting in the other direction. 
You, Aegon, Fabrizio and Tommy were lost, searching for a way out. You all came upon a narrow stairwell and went to go up two decks before you were stopped by a small group pressed up against a steel gate. The steerage men are yelling at a scared steward. “Go to the main stairwell, with everyone else. It'll all get sorted out there.”
Aegon took one look at this scene and finally just lost it. “God damn it to Hell son of a bitch!!” He grabbed one end of a bench that was bolted to the floor on the landing. He started pulling on it, and Tommy and Fabrizio pitched in until the bolts sheared, and it broke free. You figured out what they were doing and cleared a path up the stairs between the waiting people. 
“Move aside! Quickly, move aside!” Aegon and Tommy ran up the steps with the bench and rammed it into the gate with all their strength. It ripped loose from its track and fell outward, narrowly missing the steward. The crowd surged through. 
You all bursted out onto the boat deck from the crew stairs just aft of the third funnel. “The boats are gone!” Aegon noticed Colonel Gracie chugging forward along the deck, escorting two first class ladies. “Colonel! Are there any boats left?”
“Yes, sir... there are still a couple of boats all the way forward. This way, I'll lead you!” Aegon grabbed your hand, and they sprinted past him, with Tommy and Fabrizio close behind. The band from the other night was still playing music accepting their own demise. “Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in First Class.”
You quickly took notice of only women boarding. You looked back at your two friends, “You better check out the other side.” They ran and took off to the other side. “I'm not going without you.” Aegon pushed you forward, “Get in the boat, Y/N.” One of the crewmen began yelling, “Quickly, ladies. Step into the boat. Hurry, please!” He patted your head, “Go on. I'll get the next one.” You cried out, “No. Not without you!” Aegon smiled reassuringly, “I'll be alright. Hurry up so I can get going... I have my own boat to catch.”
The crewman grabbed your arm and pulled you toward the boat. You reached out for Aegon and your fingers brushed for a moment. Then you found yourself stepping down into the boat. Aegon knew he was screwed. He looked down at you, not wanting to waste a second of his last view of you. 
All you could hear was the blood pounding in your ear. All you could feel was the tears rushing down your face. Damn it all to hell. 
You lunged across the woman next to you. You grabbed the gunwale and began climbing it... You successfully hurl yourself out of the boat and onto the rail of the deck. “No Y/N! NOOOO!!” Aegon spun from the rail, running for the nearest way down to A-Deck. 
You met at the bottom of the stairs and collided in an embrace. “Y/N, Y/N, you're so stupid, you're such an idiot–” He spoke as he kissed you repeatedly. “You jump, I jump, right?” He grinned sadly, “Right.”
You sprinted your way through the boat once more trying to reach the top deck. The corridor is awash, about a foot deep. A torrent of water came pouring down the stairs like rapids. It was far too powerful for you to go against. “Come on!”  As you approached the giant double doors at the other end of the hall you saw water spraying through the gap between the doors right up to the ceiling. “Back! Go back!!”
Aegon turned and ran back the way you came, taking a turn into a cross-corridor. The double doors break open sounding a thunderous explosion of water. You tried to run as a wave blasted around the corner, foaming from floor to ceiling. 
You barely made it to the large staircase leading up. The lights short out and the landing is plunged into darkness. It is by the grace of God that the gate that blocked your path gave and swung open. You were pushed through by the force of the water. 
The room was empty except for Andrews, the captain. Behind him you and Aegon rushed into the room, out of breath and soaked. You ran through, toward the aft revolving door... then Aegon recognized him. He noticed that his lifebelt was off, lying on a table. 
“Won't you even make a try for it, Mr. Andrews?” A single tear ran down his cheek, “I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Aegon.”
You leaned over and whispered, “It's going fast... we've got to keep moving.” Andrews picked up his lifebelt and handed it to him. “Good luck to you, Aegon.” He smiled, “And to you, Mr. Andrews.” You forcefully pulled him away and through the revolving door. 
You ran out of the palm court into a dense crowd. Aegon pushed his way to the rail and looked at the state of the ship. The bridge is under water and there is chaos on deck. Aegon helped you put your lifebelt on. “Okay... we keep moving aft. We have to stay on the ship as long as possible.”
Aegon and you clambered over the A-Deck aft rail. Then, using all his strength, he lowered you toward the deck below, holding on with one hand. You dangled, then fell. Aegon jumped down behind you. You joined a crowd of people literally clawing and scrambling over each other to get down the narrow stairs to the well deck... the only way aft. 
Realizing it’s pointless you both do the same move once more. Lowering each other to the deck below. A zombified man spoke, “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death–“ Aegon growled, “You wanna walk a little faster through that valley, fella?”
Aegon and you struggled aft as the angle increased. Hundreds of passengers, clinging to every fixed object on deck, huddled on their knees around a priest who had his voice raised in prayer. They were praying, sobbing, or just staring at nothing, their minds blank with dread.  “Come on, you. We can't expect God to do all the work for us.”
You struggled on, shoving through the praying masses. Aegon and you made it to the stern rail, right at the base of the flagpole. You both gripped the rail, jammed in between other people. It is the spot where you pulled him back onto the ship, just two nights... and a century... ago.  “...and I saw new heavens and a new earth. The former heavens and the former earth had passed away and the sea was no longer.”
The lights flickered, threatening to go out. You gripped Aegon as the stern raised into a night sky ablaze with stars. “I also saw a new Jerusalem, the holy city coming down out of heaven from God, beautiful as a bride prepared to meet her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne ring out this is God's dwelling among men. He shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people and He shall be their God who is always with them.”
You stared at the faces of the doomed. “He shall wipe every tear from their eyes. And there shall be no more death or mourning, crying out or pain, for the former world has passed away.”
The stern of the ship fell back toward the water. On the deck everyone screamed as they felt themselves plummeting. Aegon and you struggled to hold onto the stern rail. Aegon looked at you and shook his head, grimly. 
The stern went up and up, past 45 degrees, then past sixty.  People started to fall, sliding and tumbling. They skidded down the deck, screaming and flailing to grab onto something. 
“We have to move!” Aegon climbed over the stern rail and reached back for you. “Come on! I've got you!” Aegon pulled you over the rail. It is the same place you pulled him over the rail two nights earlier, going the other direction. The stern was now straight up in the air... a rumbling black monolith standing against the stars. It hangs there like that for a long grace note, its buoyancy stable. 
Aegon and you laid side by side on what was the vertical face of the hull, gripping the railing, which is now horizontal. The final relentless plunge began as the stern section flooded. Looking down a hundred feet to the water, you dropped like an elevator. Aegon began talking fast, “Take a deep breath and hold it right before we go into the water. The ship will suck us down. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. Don't let go of my hand. We're gonna make it. Trust me.” You stared at the water coming up at you and gripped his hand harder. “I trust you.
Chaos exploded in the water of screaming, thrashing people. Over a thousand people were now floating where the ship went down. Some were stunned, gasping for breath. Others are crying, praying, moaning, shouting... screaming. 
Aegon and you surfaced among them. “Swim, you! SWIM!” You tried to swim as fast as you could until you broke out of the crowd of people. He had to find some kind of flotation, anything to get you out of the freezing water. “Keep swimming. Keep moving. Come one, you can do it.” All around you there is a tremendous wailing, screaming and moaning... a chorus of tormented souls. And beyond that... nothing but black water stretching to the horizon. The sense of isolation and hopelessness is overwhelming. 
Aegon stroked rhythmically, the effort keeping him from freezing. “Look for something floating. Some debris... wood... anything.” You mumbled, “It's so cold.” He frantically looked around, “I know. I know. Help me, here. Look around.” 
You scanned the water, panting, barely able to draw a breath. You turned and... A devil is right in front of you face. It is the black French bulldog, swimming right at her like a sea monster, its coal eyes bugging. It moves past her, like it is headed for Newfoundland.  Beyond it you saw something in the water. “What's that?”
Aegon saw what you were pointing to, and you made for it together. It was a piece of wooden debris, intricately carved. He pushed you up first then he slithered onto it belly down. Your breaths filled your ears as you glanced around at the scene around you. Both of you had to stay perfectly still or else the thing would plunge into the water. 
You both float amid a chorus of damned. Aegon noticed the ship's officer nearby, He was blowing his whistle furiously, knowing the sound would carry over the water for miles. “The boats will come back for us, you. Hold on just a little longer. They had to row away for the suction and now they'll be coming back.” You nodded, his words helping you. You were shivering uncontrollably and had turned a shade of blue. “Thank God for you, Aegon.”
“It's getting quiet.” Aegon weakly raises his head, “Just a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats organized…” You didn’t believe him, half of the people around you were already dead. “I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.”
He laughed weakly, but it sounded like a gasp of fear. “I love you, Aegon.” He took your hand. “No... don't say your good-byes, you. Don't you give up. Don't do it.” You felt your eyes beginning to close, “I'm so cold.”
“You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?” You found the slightest bit of energy, “Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.” You sniffle, “It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Aegon. I'm thankful.”
His voice trembled, “Do you still have that damned ring?” You hadn’t taken it out of your pocket, but you doubted it was still there. You slowly moved your head to the side and patted your ass. The fancy piece of shit was still with you. “I do.” He forced a smile, “You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... so that when we get out of here… you’ll let me marry you with that ring.” Your eyes clouded with tears, “I promise.”
“Never let go.” He gripped your hand and you laid with your heads together. “I promise. I will never let go, Aegon. I'll never let go.”
"Come Josephine in my flying machine..." You touched his shoulder with your free hand. He doesn't respond. you gently turned his face toward her. His breath was causing the air to run white… He wasn’t dead yet. 
Your eyes slowly began to close again… but then you heard the sound of a whistle. You raised your head suddenly, cracking the ice as you ripped her hair off the wood. You tried to call out, but your voice is so weak they don't hear you. The boat is invisible now, the torch light impossibly far away. “I won’t let go. I promise.” You kiss his face which was still not completely frozen. 
you rolled off the floating staircase and plunged into the icy water. You swam to Chief Officer Wilde's body and grabbed his whistle. You started to blow the whistle with all your might. 
You were still blowing when a man took it from your mouth as they hauled you into the boat. “Over there. Aegon Targ- Targaryen.” You purposely used his last name hoping they would recognize him. With your last bit of strength, you pointed at your little raft and slipped into unconsciousness.
Jaehaera was shocked when she got a call requesting her parents to come and “confirm” the belongings they found on the wrecked ship. It had been so many years… She couldn’t believe they were even able to discover it at all. 
She would have invited you and her father but you both passed recently, at the ripe age of 83. Aegon swore up and down he would never let go and he kept that promise, literally. He literally died in the same hospital bed as you, leaving Jaehaera, Jaehaerys, and Maelor on their own. You both were selfish assholes, but she couldn’t help but accept the invite. 
The three were absolutely fucking shocked to find a nude painting of their father along with some old notes. “Darling now you can keep us both locked in your safe -- Aegon.” None of them understood what that meant but decided to not question it. Jaehaera nervously played with the diamond engagement ring you had gifted her before you died. God, it probably cost a million dollars and you so easily gave it to her. 
She had to sit down and try to calm herself. You both were successful in your own right; you led adventurous lives and forced the three children to travel with you once they were born. You introduced them to so many different arts, music, and cultures. You were good parents… too good to be gone. She began crying into her hands as she searched through the belongings… 
Jaehaerys sat down next to her and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. “Who would have guessed our parents had a love affair like the movies.” 
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mihai-florescu · 2 months
Mihai i'm gonna assume you went through the murr gallery on the wiki sooo, do you have any favorite cgs/cards of him? Feel free to talk about him as much as you'd like
Hehehe yessir ill take you up on that offer! You have no way of knowing this but a bit ago i made a tweet on priv about how im excited that tomorrow ill tell a friend about mhyk and murr after we go to a botanical garden, so this felt like you're somehow watching me and putting me in the right headspace for it. Let's see...
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The cutest R cards ever, made to appeal to me specifically^ i love it when he winks and is cheeky. Biiig heart! I have no idea what the story for the octopus one is but i love tiny animals sooo muchhh (lennox's sheepies included, this game knows how to appeal to me). His beach outfit is so silly, but he pulls off the fringe shirt well
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Next, the iconic school headmaster card, that's my favorite sr card... the bunny one is my second favorite one though! Again, i dont know the story behind it, but look at him. He's bnnuy. In the winter one i just think he has a lovely expression, makes me curious to know what he's upset at.
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I ran out of photo space on tumblr!? Uu... i narrowed down my favorite ssr cards, and i'll make a followup post with some chibis i love... but first it's gotta be the anniversary card, his tower tarot card swag... so good, such a good pick for him! The pose alluding to the actual card, of the people falling, except that he's not helpless but enjoying the thrill of new experiences. Then the second one, i havent read walpurgis yet (what do you think of it? Im curious to hear) but the card strikes me as quite... old murr esque. His expression, the hat, i really like the secretive vibe it gives off. Then i loveee the constellations and general scene created in the third card, it feels like i walked in on his research. And finally, i couldnt decide on a last card, but it's gotta be the one with wisterias for now. It feels like he's sharing or thinking about something important, im looking forward to the day i get to read this story (...what is it?)
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guavagyu · 1 year
red chardonnay - m.jh!
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jun makes me so dizzy i swear
i luv jun!! his long bleached hair is SO pretty!! and w his glasses? oh lord im done for
also..i made a banner?!?!? im in a new era 😻 (jk im probably never going to make another)
tagging @hobihearteu cuz sub svt!!!!
i used a prompt generator for this </3 (i already put names in)
prompt: jun and y/n going back to one or the other's house after a date, where they eventually end up dry-humping on the couch. y/n only intends this as foreplay, but jun is already getting overwhelmed. y/n finds this amusing and endearing, leaning close to whisper something teasingly into jun's ear. It turns out that jun is more excited than y/n thought, and hits orgasm without any further stimulation, to the surprise of y/n and the embarrassment of jun. what happens next? 
thats literally the synopsis too ig^
wc: 1.2k
content: smut (duh, mdnI!), fluff, sooo domestic, jun is the sweetest boy ever i wanna wife him up, established relationship, mentions of alchohol consumption, softdom!reader, fem!reader (i don't think pronouns are used though), sub!jun, mommy kink, tall!reader (idk if its ever blatantly mentioned but its there ig), praise kink, brief degradation, dacryphilia, slight cockwarming, unprotected sex (dont do this), gagging (panties r shoved in juns mouth), fingering, nicknames (baby, love, whore, kitten, pretty boy, good boy, lover boy), brief possessiveness, no aftercare cuz it cuts off before then, lmk if theres more!
"junnie i can pay, it's okay!" you insisted, trying to tell the waiter to take your card instead of his,
"no i- sorry could you give us a second?" jun looked at the waiter who nodded and walked off, "baby please just let me cover tonight, i'm the one that took you out!"
"no i don't want you to keep spending this much money on me, can we just split it then?"
"y/n if i wasn't willing to spend money do you think i would've brought you here? and no, i'm paying," he said before calling the waiter back over to hand over his card, silently gloating at his victory. he loved taking care of you, even after dating you for so long, his feelings never changed. the waiter came back soon with the receipt, frowning at the sight of "garden salad, $19", the cheapest item on the menu. you tried to argue that you weren't super hungry and didn't want to eat that heavy, but he's known you for long enough that you just didn't want to make him spend money on things you don't believe should be over two dollars,
"okay, can we just go home now?" you sighed, thinking about how you could somehow slip a twenty into his pocket at some point, or in his wallet when he's not looking,
"sure, c'mon," holding out his hand, you took it, lacing your fingers together as he led you though the masses of people, finally reaching your car, you took the drivers seat, sitting down before shoving the key into the ignition. jun couldn't help but watch as your dress slid up your thighs, stopping just short of your underwear, as he nervously swallowed, feeling the blood flow to his dick as he wished you would never leave the lot and just fuck him till the sun rises. despite that wish, he knew it'd be much more comfortable for you to have his way with him once you returned home, out of public eye. the car home was quiet, except for some light music. he'd reached for your hand sometime during, and your hands have been on his thigh since then, fingers intertwined, dangerously close to his very obvious bulge. you must've noticed, there's no way you wouldn't have. the moment the car was turned off and you both made it inside your home he dragged you to the couch, sat you on his lap, and kissed you with energy he didn't know he had, the wine he'd drank earlier making his head buzz,
"you just had to look at my thighs and get hard didn't you, hm? couldn't help yourself?" you cooed at him, eyes giving him a look that made his dick twitch, lashes low and long,
"i'm sorry mommy, you're just so pretty," he moaned into your lips, wanting to feel every part of you that he could in that moment, he slipped into subspace so quickly, he was such a cutie. if you could, you'd save the image of his adorable face right now; swollen lips, pink cheeks, eyes hooded,
"hmm..what do you say we do about this then?" mentioning his hard dick, he started rubbing against your panties, his jeans rough against the fragile fabric. he could already feel the wet spot on his boxers, as well as your own seeping through his jeans. he moaned when you started grinding down on him in return, with you whispering how much of a good boy he was, how he was only yours and that nobody else could have him, soon your soft praises in his ear simply became too much, and without warning, he lit himself slip. and oh, you noticed,
"did my kitten just cum from a little humping?"
"mommy i'll do better i promise! i-" jun panicked, worrying about his mistake (which wasn’t considered one to you),
"shh, you don't need to apologize, pretty boy. you're adorable, you know that?" you smiled down at him lazily, loving how his pink cheeks darkened even further, "wanna take this to the bedroom?"
"yes please," he nodded, eyes never leaving yours, making you give him a quick kiss before taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom, before asking him to sit on the bed, taking off his clothes and discarding them on the floor before removing your own as well. you hastily kissed him, need overcoming your body as he returned the kiss with the exact same energy, perhaps even more. as you made out for who knows how long, you felt your wetness seep down your thighs, some dripping onto jun’s too. he must’ve noticed, as he gathered some on his fingers before putting those said fingers inside of you, catching you off guard. you bucked your hips slightly before getting used to the new pleasure, soon you were getting close, too close. you gently took his wrist and pulled his fingers out of you, “what’s wrong?”
“nothing junnie, just wanna finish with you,” you gave him a kiss, him chasing after you when you pulled away, making you giggle. when you slid on top of him, he let out the cutest moan, making you shove your slick panties in his mouth on impulse, jun letting out another moan at the taste, “my pretty whore,” it had slipped out, but when it did, you couldn’t help but notice how his dick twitched inside of you and how his hands on your waist trembled in the slightest. you figured you had tortured him enough bu staying still for so long, so you started riding him at a slower pace, making him moan at the sudden stimulation, feeling the sensitivity lunge at him,
“mommyyy,” jun whined out, his hips bucking up at the feeling of you clenching around him,
"yes, junnie?" you whispered softly as you pressed a kiss to his hair,
"mommy i'm so close, can i cum please?" he whimpered, his hands squeezing at your waist, his eyes had glazed over, tears pooling. the sight made a shiver ride up your spine, and you pressed yet another kiss to his nose,
"wait a little for me pretty boy," which made him desperate to get you to cum so he could as well, he occasionally bucked up his hips and traced circles over your clit, making you jump just the slightest bit, "my lover boy's so impatient, isn't he? hm? so eager to make me cum so he doesn't have to wait?"
"yes mommy, i can't hold it much longer please let me cum mommy!" he cried out, tears flowing down his cheeks, nose sniffling slightly,
"yes pretty boy, you can cum my love. you've done so good for mommy," you pepper soft kisses all over his face before finally stopping at his lips as you cum together, jun moaning into you as his dick twitches, as you ride through your orgasm and help him through his, you press one final kiss to his forehead, "i love you junnie,"
"i love you too mommy," he whispered into your neck, but soon said, "can we go clean up now?" making you laugh breathily and get up to go clean yourselves, smiling the whole way.
© guavagyu 2023. all rights reserved. plagiarization, reposting, translating, and/or rewriting ANY and ALL of my works is prohibited.
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rei-does-stuff · 10 months
EPISODE 1!!!!!!
-FIRSTLY I’ve been so fucking excited for this that I dreamt about it THATS RIGHT I DREAMT ABT IT
-This is gonna be the last mym chapter….:(((((
-“Hold onto your cutie marks!” IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE SUNNY
-I love you izzyyyyy
-All the dragons have the same model yes, but they all still look unique and pretty good IN MOTION
-Aww trying to put on her tough voice this is why ur my favorite sunny!!!
-Leaf is cuteee
-Tumble and him are def gay
-FOUNTAIN IS A LITTLE CREATURE….Well big creature but yk
-God that was sooo goodddd
-Love sunny rushing in to defend alicorns
-Also her putting her hoof around zipp GAYYYY
-Hitch and your dad jokes I love youu
-Sunny trying to make friends with Blaize, IS THAT A PERSONALITY I SEE?
-Also her and Blaize? Rlly gay
-Love this green dragon (already forgot his name im a little dumb)
-OH HIS VOICE WILL TAKE A WHILE TO GET USED TO BUT ITS NOT BAD, he finally has the deep voice he’s always wanted, good on you for the transition, plus he is total nonbinary goals
-Also Sunny fangirling a bit
-okok so we were all pretty right on the real story!
-“You lost magic??” LMAO EVEN SPIKE IS LIKE ‘rlly???? After everything you rlly lost magic yall are wild mannn”
-When sunny gets excited her alicorn-ness starts to show, I’m not saying its a stim but it’s totally a stim
-Love his speech but I wish they referenced how he thought the same but realized his true family were with other ponies
-GAYYY i need to see ship art of sunny and Blaize NOW
EP 2
-The townsponies still freak just the same as g4, some things never change
-‘And Pipp’s hair is still fabulous!’ I LOVE YOU ROCKY
-“That is…An option!” SUNNY DONT BE MEAN
EP 3!!!
-‘We could just call’ I LOVE THEMMM
-NOT OPALINE PLAYING THE “you and I were not so different” CARD
-New threats maybe?
-Auroricorns! New name for Crystal ponies?
-This is def giving me comfort special vibes!!!!
-Never allowed to leave? Ooooo
-If this keeps going this well this might be my fave ep
-This is some freaky shit
-So she’s like Opaline, but probably less fun? Interesting….
-Messed up tbh
-Maybe Allura will get a redemption arc?
-WOW she is stupid I love it
-So she might be back!
AAAAA I LOVED THAT, even tho there’s no more mym I’m sure tyt will be just as good once the episodes get longer!!
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lusthurts · 3 months
tina or marley for the character ask :)
omg yay im so excited to talk about these two, thank you !!
tina cohen-chang
how I feel about this character
I love her, and I honestly think she's one of my favs of the og new directions. I think she's a very realistic character that has some hilarious moments in the show (props?? revolution?? breaking down in tears whenever she starts singing at the beginning??), plus she has a great voice and is almost always there and supportive
all the people I ship romantically with this character
she and mike should've been endgame. of all the ships in this show, they were like the only one that was genuinely healthy. they constantly supported each other and I was actually really entertained by their storylines in season 3
I haven't really explored any other tina ships, but I do kinda like the idea of sapphic tina -- I've seen some really fun edits of quinntina (that so far away cover slapped !) though they rarely interacted in canon so idk where that came from, I just think it's fun in theory
my non-romantic otp for this character
definitely blamtina! I think their friendship felt very realistic and well-developed, especially for something that really only existed to that extent for one season. also, they are so that friend group that has no boundaries and is very incestuous and it feels so high school
also love it when she's a girl's girl with mercedes and occasionally rachel
my unpopular opinion about this character
I loved bitch tina in seasons 4 and 5 - this felt like a natural progression of her character following the end of season 3 and everyone immediately discounting her as a potential lead soloist to replace Rachel - she was right when she said Rachel herself thought it would be Tina's turn her senior year only for her to be completely disregarded once again. sure, sometimes it was too extreme, but it was very entertaining and imo pretty realistic
one thing I wish had happened with this character in canon
more solos! I think she had a cool taste in music that was very distinct from the other new directions - more performances like dog days are over & I follow rivers would've been awesome (hung up was also sooo good)
I would've much rather seen her in new york than Artie - imagine blamtina being roommates !! and I know the timeline doesn't line up, but can you imagine how fun it would've been if it was tina fueding with Rachel in season 5 over funny girl??
marley rose
how I feel about this character
I don't really have a strong opinion. I think I liked her overall, but she and the other season 4 newbies were done a huge disservice by being created as either carbon copies of the originals or being given zero personality or interesting storylines
I think she had a lot of potential as a character, and I'm obsessed with her voice - I could listen to new york state of mind & blow me one last kiss forever
all the people I ship romantically with this character
I think Jake is my favorite ship of hers? though the cheating was real ick. def prefer him for Marley over Ryder though
I think it would've been interesting to see something romantic between her and kitty as a sort of replacement to faberry which we never got - kinda wild faberry was that popular with the fans and yet they got a whole do-over in season 4 and still didn't give it to us
my non-romantic otp for this character
definitely unique! their friendship in the show is super underrated and very wholesome - I don't think they ever fought, and they were always total girl's girls for each other
I wish we'd gotten to see her and kitty's relationship develop into a real friendship - once again, could've been a faberry do-over, and I think it had even more potential than them, but it didn't happen
oh, and I really enjoyed her interactions with finn as a sort of mentor/student dynamic - don't dream it's over is very wholesome, and I think her little card she made him was very sweet. I think it was a much healthier depiction of a teacher/student relationship than mr. schue had with anyone
my unpopular opinion about this character
I kinda liked the eating disorder storyline, and I wish it wasn't half-assed. I think it made a lot of sense for the character and it fit in well with the show (especially after they'd hinted at these storylines with Santana, mercedes, Quinn, and Rachel then never acknowledged them again). It sucks this plot point literally never got resolved !
one thing I wish had happened with this character
omg where do I begin.
obviously I wish they'd kept the season 4 newbies around in season 5 & 6 - I actually enjoyed the McKinley stuff in season 4 & 5 more than I enjoyed the New York stuff, and I found it incredibly annoying that these characters just dropped off the face of the earth because the glee club disbanded. All of them had so much potential only for it to be thrown out in favor of introducing a bunch of totally new characters with only a few episodes left of the show
I wish they'd resolved her eating disorder storyline better - it felt very much like an afterthought, and the way it was handled by the other new directions, the staff at the school, and pretty much everyone around her was pretty fucked up. why was her mom the only person taking this seriously???
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zorphie · 10 months
I saw you mention him in the tags of the Musicology icons post and i would like to hear ur thoughts about da wurf if i may 👀
DUDDEEE. I LOVE THAT GUY. he's sooo silly. loved him the second i started watching karamelle and his brief appearances always made me go :-) !!!!!! we need more of him and he needs more fans there's only like 5 of us
I do really want to include him more in my oc lore!!! and im honestly inspired to do so even more now, especially because i /did/ write in the fact maulwurf and devin are literally besties and they are the duo that defend musicology and have long, super loud discussions in the arcanum about it. ione is annoyed. and i would love to doodle that someday
also i am just. bfksixhaka over music in general (devin gets it from me) so i get maulwurf. he's so right. musicology IS a real magic class and i will fight for him forever. when i heard him first talk about it i GOR SO EXCITED. i was like oh yeah he's so dear to me Right Away . moved on through karamelle and I went WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS 5 SECONRS OF SCREENTIME AND THERES NOTHING ON MUSICOLOGY IN GENERAL...
it's real somehow right because technically there are interactive instruments that u can set as furniture in ur house. and ur wizard jus plays it without actually .. playing it. also instruments are legal as wands. the spiral just hasn't discovered it yet and that man is onto something. DONT LIFE WIZARDS USE SOME KIND OF "MUSIC" TO CAST THEIR SPELLS???? THE SONG OF CREARION...?
devin fizzles if he plays offkey.. the creatures he summons specifically are enthralled by the music he's playing to cast a spell, so i feel like there HAS to be some knowledge of musicology there. how he figured that on his own arc 1-2 I have no clue. Sorry. especially cuz the only guy who gives a fuck about musicology is in space rn. but once he joins the arcanum he's in the musicology office 24/7 theorizing and creating new spells/methods with maulwurf
he's just so cool to me for trying to enforce a new magic class (that is so catered towards my interests) and i love how goofy he is. i really do need to write more about him huh. i wasn't too canon character focused, but I am gonna be expanding on more of that as I write and revise so .... HE IS HIGH PRIORITY bcoz i love him :)
points at u. maulwurf fan.... i respect you so much.... for my favorite characters he's definitely up there
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Okay guys, with this the requests are officialy open again!!
However, there are some things I will like to talks with you guys
First of all the new event on the blog (this is important) i don't know if you know but September 10 is world suicide prevention day and I want to do something for it
It isn't new or a secret that i have some fics with sensitive topics so for September I will prefer ti focus on fics of that kind (i don't exactly have a limit but the ones that i can't post during September will be post later) so if you have any request that has to be with depression, self harm, suicide (attempt, ideas of it, and so on) is the perfect moment to make them!
Also, before I start to make the requests there are some clarifications I have to do!
🐭 The rules and the characters I won't write for had been updated so please take a moment to check them out
🐭 I'm still a little busy with some things so not sure how long it will take me to start doing the requests (hopefuly not much time) buuuut I want to start receiving them!
🐭 I swear to Atua if I recive too much requests for SNV / ROR again I will start to refused requests like crazy!! I understand that you love the manga/anime but I write for a lot others fandoms too
🐭 As the rules say I try to write the requests in the order I recive them, however today I woke up and chose violence sooo I will probably give more priority to the ones that i find more interesting or the ones of my besto frendos hehe yes im being a silly simp
🐭 I will kinda take a little break from My hero academia, Hamefura, The way of a house his and and Brand New Animal almost no one ask for them anyways, if you wanted to make a request for one of those fandoms you can feel free to give a try but is probably that i won't write it (only if I get inspired enough)
🐭 Also i will probably write more for Demon Slayer soon, however I will not accept requests for it (although, like in the last point you can give a try but I will just accept it only for certain characters, you have more chances if is for the kanaboko squad)
🐭 You can request with the yandere prompts for maximum 3 characters and you can't request two diferents on the same request
🐭 If someone request for female reader again I WILL BE REALLY MAD!!
This is something silly but I will tell you for what fandoms im more excited to write right now!
- For the new im more excited for both NieR (as if it wasn't obvious by now), Super Mario, Corpse Bride, Miraculous, Oshi no Ko and Majo Taisen
- Also for Haikyuu, Yuri on Ice anf Hi-fi Rush but for them are more for just certain characters
- And for the ones that were already in the list im always excited for Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, Danganronpa, Card Captor Sakura, Ousama Ranking and Your lie in April!!
Follow this and your request will probably be one of the firsts I'll write
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bizarrescribblez · 1 year
(OMG YOUR FAV IS INFINITY ON HIGH? EXCITING NEWS!!! ITS SOOO GOOD) 4, 6, 8, and 11 for the ask game!!! >:) for Gideon!! —cephalophoricboyfriend
4. How might either of you show your affection for the other? Is it more verbally, physically, or a secret third thing?
Omg we are so . Physically affectionate couple 24/7. Mainly because we are both so terrible with words/finding the words to say when we wanna be affectionate 😭 mainly cuz I myself . Cannot vocalize my thoughts to save my life and Gideon is just notoriously bad with words so we both settle for physical affection (hugs and cuddles from me and hand holding and kisses from him 😌). There’s also a secret third thing but it’s mainly Gideon letting me go hog wild with his credit card @ buying whatever I want whenever I want >_>
6. If you could tell your f/o one thing, what would it be?
I’d tell him to stop being such a turd OKAY JOKES ASIDE. This guy needs to be told .. a lot but I’d tell him that he’s capable of being a good person and that there’s more to life than getting Ramona back and that he’s capable of finding real love 😔 cheesy I know but he needs to know he isn’t a monster/super terrible person!!
8. Are either your or your f/o artistically talented? And in what ways?
Out of the two I’m mainly the artistic one, mainly drawing wise! I don’t think Gideon isn’t creative because dude look at the layout for the chaos theater he’s definitely cooking when it comes to interior design 😭 so he’s definitely creative with what he thinks people find cool and applying that to his clubs
11. Is there any characterization/headcanon of your f/o that you absolutely can't stand? Or is there just anything that bothers you about how people might perceive them? It's okay, it's time to be a hater.
GIDEON. IS. NOT. COMPLETELY. EVIL. He literally has so many moments where you can interpret him as sympathetic and there was so much potential to make him more than just an evil bad guy 😭 like lemme show you an example!
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creepywing · 2 years
HIII IM TYPING SLOELY COS IM IN SCHOOL BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOD gonna give a whole ass description of the day cos all ny friends where sthere so ive told no one.
Ok i had to add a read more cos it got long
so we got there like 3 hours early in the queue ehich was deffo worth it cos we got a good spot cos of it and we made some friends in the queue and i think they must of thought of us as actually insane like. Anyway we got.inside and it was like.Wow Ok this is real and people kept holding things up on their phones and we kept cheering for them. some notable examples include: shrek, catboy gnf(i think), autism creature(we all shouted YIPEE), a picture of a pride flag(which we all cheered) and then a britain flag(which we bood for) and then kept swapping between them and we kept cheering and booing it was very fun. AND THEN THE SUPPORT ACTS WHERE SO GOOD ASWELL they both seemed really sweet im gonna go have a proper nose at them tonight. and then inbetween them both is when wilbur started the philza chant which was fun . OH right i wore philza merch and someone complimented me as i walked into the queue. Oh m ygod wilbur soot IN REAL LIFE literallt so insane like??? ny man said MY CITY!!! and ohhh my goddd it.was so cool we just kept.bouncing uo and down and we SCREAMINF whenever he said like anything anddd THE FALL WAS SO GOOOD you know during the BIT of the fall the ligjts where flashinf black and white and i couldnt see a thing BUT I WAS JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND SCREAMING IT WAS SO COOL felt like i was inna weird cool dream IT WAS SO GOOD. and then they ended and we IMMEDIATELY started shouting "ONE MORE SONG ONE MORE SONF" an they came back snd was like Wow youve done this before havent you AND PLAYED 3 MORE and iafiap played and my friends got so excited cos its like their favourite AND THEN THEY ENDED WITH CONCRETE WHICH IS MY FAVOURITE. i was sos happy like proper bouncing.OH AND THEY HAD A NEW SONG THAT THEY APPARENTLY WONT PLAY ANYWHERE ELSE and no ones allowed to post it online(they never said anything about sending a video tho wink wink) AND I GOT MERCH oh my god the queue for merch was so long COS YOU CANT USE CARD YOU HAVE TO USE LIKE BANK TRANSFER? IR SOMETHING? but then some man comes back znd goes oh if your paying with cash just go to the front theres another queue and we were like cooll ok snd THERE WAS NO ON IN THAT QUEUE IT WAS SOO GOOD WE GOT IN SO FAST SND OUT and we saw him poking his head out his little van when we were leaving too but we didnt get close cos we were like too late lol. BUT YEAH it was so good and theres probably more to add but WHATEEVRB
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justabunchofdragons · 2 years
1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger?
9.) what is your favorite environmental season? why?
16.) what’s your favorite form of flattery?
17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel?
19.) what was the last concept that inspired you?
32.) favorite piece of memorabilia you own?
oh THEO. y would u give me that first one. im gna tell alex to do it for me
ooh ok. hi i'm alex & chaos made me promise not to embarrass them so i. might just do that
oh chaos? well you see they have the most wonderful smile. and an even more beautiful laugh, and when their eyes light up at getting questions right its like nothing else in the world exists. i don't think they realise how endearing they are when they get excited about something - emphasising their points with hand movements and pausing to think before launching into new spiels. you wouldn't think they'd be so loud, but i suppose its always the quiet ones who surprise you.
9. spring spring spring!!!!!!! i adore spring it gets my depression away :-) well. not completely but its SO much easier to have a better outlook on life when the trees are going green!! the plants are growing out the sidewalk again!! there's FLOWERS. and BIRDS. and SUNSHINE. fucking superb
16. oughhg. well flattery i am very .?? about. um .compliments that aren't surface level? like ones about my personality rather than my appearance. one person said i looked like a physicist which was. fun & exciting kgkfjfk. also a big fan of being told i could get away w murder
17. im not rly allowed to say anything except starry night am i. well i love paintings that have any sort of night sky in them so these two of van gophs are my fav
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but monet also paints sooo beautifully like look at THIS
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thats. gorgeous. ive seen the second one in person its so so pretty i just.oufghg
19. oooh interesting question!!! i guess that historical dances post u related to thasmin. that keeps spinning round in my head. concepts r so so fun kgfjfk
32. memorabilia.... i have a bunch of cards from old teachers. one from my mentor that never fails 2 make me cry. ohh that means. so much to me i love letters. i don't really keep many things but i have like. soap bars. from hotels from holidays i went on when i was younger. bc they had the logos and stuff jgkfjkf and u get a new soap whenever the room staff clean up. so one time i saw towards the end of our trip we had 14 little soap bars. they just kept coming
kgkfjfk ty for the ask !!!
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iantimony · 9 months
somehow? tuesday again
what a week! i literally just woke up at 1pm which, lol, F to my attempts to un-jetlag my sleep schedule
listening: almost done with partizan 20! if i finish...at least one episode a day i can theoretically finish it by new years so actually that is still theoretically achievable. theoretically. i have a lot of boring knitting to do for [redacted] holiday gift and podcast is the perfect accompaniment.
reading: reread a few tgcf chapters again for a different arc. just chillin
playing: pokego continues to consume
watching: youtube! i was so exhausted yesterday from my post-travel malaise that i felt physically ill so i spent the day on the couch. (i feel fine today tho, yay)
safiya nygaard: cross-country train and robot makeover - i want to take a cross-country amtrak sooo bad now. i met a man on the trolley car last week in san fran who was a retired nat geo photographer from paris, he had just taken a train from toronto to vancouver with his wife and was about to do one from the san fran area to NYC. i was like >:o so when this video came up in my recommended i was fully mentally primed for train mode.
drew gooden: how much more star wars do we need? - yeah. yeah.
tiffany ferg: nostalgia bait and child star confessionals
mina le: clean beauty, clothes are worse now, hats
nerdforge: wizard set backdrop - literally wild i love her so much
i did not finish not even emily's "main character syndrome" (got bored) and poetic justice's "white liberal paradox" (realized i did not want serious videos at that moment)
making: i realize last week that i didn't actually write a description for those photos lolll. i finally was able to trim those bowls! made one into a cat yarn bowl!
for this week, TRAGICALLY, my dragon mug came out of the kiln and i hate it :( i used an unfamiliar brown underglaze as the background and it looks sooooo bad im so bummed. my little tree teacup came out cute at least and i definitely want to do more carve-out-from-underglaze style stuff for sure. there's definitely a fancy italian name for that which is escaping me at the moment.
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also made a little gavle goat holiday card stamp, excited to make a bunch more to give out with presents or mail to people :3
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misc: many little tasks to do but so relieved that i am out of conferencezone. desperately need to do some cleaning and organizing this week. and figure out which pottery objects from this semester are going to become gifts. now that work is basically done for the year i need to start thinking more about my secret samol as well :3
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we-killed-parker · 5 years
#i feel like I've been a little negative here lately so i just want to share a couple things i am excited about#i got the new Maggie Steifvater book for $1 last night#from a major book store so yes it was in a legal way#the cover said it was $26 or something and when i went to check out the cashier asked if i wanted to redeem my $20 from my points card#i was thinking to myself sure then it'll just be six bucks so i won't feel as guilty spending money on myself#NOPE#i dont know why and the cashier didnt seem concerned but it scanned in as $21 so with the points redeemed i only paid a dollar#i have another book I've literally been working on for a year that i need tk get my butt in gear and finish#but im excited to read it#and another thing im excited about js AJR is coming to my province in June?? they're doing two shows here#and i only know one person who gives a fuck and thats cause i met him at the last AJR concert i went to lol#idk which concert to commit to though#the one that is closer to me is in a standing room only auditorium#but the one that would make it feasible for this guy i met at the last show to come is in a seating only auditorium#and i dont know how i feel about that#i want to go with him but a seated concert seems weird?? the only seated concerts I've been to have been orchestras#which makes sense they're performances that you just sit and watch#but just from the festival show I've been to i know this isnt a *sit back and watch* thing#this is something you feel in your bones and sing scream til you lose your voice#sooo im super torn over which tickets i should get#I'll see what ticket orices are cause maybe I'll just say fuck it and get one for both#king speaks#hello wall of tags
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