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rosebrides · 2 months ago
Haikyuu!! IN/OUT 2025
IN: atsukagehina, homoerotic violence, pacrim aus, pretentious epigraphs, toxic threesomes, writing for an audience of 30 sickos, exposition delivered through dialogue, in media res, reading the source material, bdsm, playwriting, obsessive editing, inexplicable leftist agendas
OUT: Soulmates, kid fics, abo, proposals, Eurocentric royalty aus, first person, breath they didn’t know they were holding, text/social media fics, mpreg, therapyspeak, heavy-handedness, ooc pet ownership, domestic complacency, college aus that pretend like kagehina wouldn’t flunk out by 2nd semester
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rosalyndaturma · 2 years ago
Êêêê, Lacka...
Lackadaisy Cats está prestes a virar animação. Quando eu vi pela primeira vez essa HQ no DeviantArt eu logo vi que eles não tinham vida social. As nossas aqui, mal tem cenário, e ainda assim parece demais para o pouco tempo que eu tenho pra essas coisas. As de lá tem figurinos e ambientação de época. E agora tudo isso vai ser animado. Só faltava ter personagens que sejam leopardos nebulosos, só pra complicar ainda mais. Só quero aprender essa mágica do quarto ano de Hogwarts de transformar um segundo em dois!...
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forsaken-headcanons · 6 days ago
this blog is all about other's headcanons, but what are YOUR headcanons, dear account owner?
- 🫐 anon
I am so honored that you asked. Here are some of my headcanons.
>ITrapped has math autism. He loves statistics and calculations.
>Guest 1337 and Matt give each other all sorts of touch when being affectionate - both gentle and rough. They love playfighting and they love cuddling.
>007n7 and ITrapped used to be good acquaintances - the April Fools incident inspired 007n7 to hack on a bigger scale. ITrapped is fascinated with C00lgui.
>Shedletsky likes knocking on Builderman's hard hat as a sign of affection. Builderman (AI) thought that was a thing all humans did, and as a consequence now gently knocks on people's foreheads or shoulders to show support.
>ITrapped is surprisingly good with kids despite his incredibly short temper. He likes taking care of people. He wouldn't be a good parent but he'd be a pretty good temporary caretaker.
>Chance and ITrapped are slavic.
>Telamon is a bird-like deity and has some bird instincts. He built a 'nest' not too far from the Roblox HQ and sometimes flies over there to just chill. He brought Builderman to the nest a few times.
Can you tell that I have a favorite character.
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strrykais · 6 months ago
control alt + love [k.seung smau]
12. balls to the face
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"here are your maps, and walkies. we split up in twos, felix and jeongin you head to crow nest, jisung and changbin head to the junkyard." seungmin says looking at the guys.
"minho are you okay with hanging out in the tower at the capital? we need a high vantage point of our flag." he says pointing at the map staring at minho as he nods. "okay chan is staying with the flag defending, ill head to the fort raptor, when you spot their flag don't engage, call for back up."
“remember jongho and mingi are their best shooters so be mindful when you are in open areas, their shots are nasty and accurate. wooyoung is our best bet in capturing if we want to win.” felix says glancing around at the team. everyone gives nods.
“hongjoong and seonghwa arent the best shots but they are fast and good at hand to hand combat to be careful.” minho says looking at jisung.
“whats that look for?” jisung scoffs. “why are they good at this thing?”
“this is how they team bond they do it like once a month with their staff. seungmin and I join from time to time.” minho tells jisung. “dude you literally came to one of these.”
"what about me?" you say side stepping behind minho raising your hand before the two of them could continue.
"you are with me." seungmin says looking at the walkies making sure they are on the right channel. "okay that's everything, remember stay hidden and don't get shot."
you watch as the team disperse seungmin still continuing to look at the map. you walk up next to him trying to glance over his shoulder.
"shorty you are too close. i can feel you on my back." he says glancing over his shoulder
"oh sorry" you say stepping back only for him to turn around walking to you, you slowly step back more but seungmin continues to step at you completely blocking you in when your back hits a tree trunk.
"what are you doing? aren't we supposed to head to fort raptor." you say avoiding eye contact glancing around him.
"im going to fort raptor, you on the other hand, well depends on how you answer this." seungmin says pressing his gun into your lower stomach.
"you gonna shoot me? are you being for real? whats up with this damn team and not having their teammates back?" you say huffing out.
"listen yn, one thing my team does is have each others back. im sorry that the little game you and jeongin were playing didnt go the way you want, but there is something you need to learn and im gonna teach you." seungmin says leaning in, the barrel of the gun digging deeper into your stomach.
"and what is that exactly?" you say trying to seem more cool than you were feeling inside. you couldn't exactly understand what is going on but your heart was racing and you felt like your breathing was erratic.
"teamwork. i know its hard to be heard because you are new, and a girl so you feel like you have to shout. but we, your teammates arent the ones you need to be shouting at. we had your back the moment felix picked you. we had to fight tooth and nail to get hq to even accept the idea of letting a girl on the team. i also understand friends fight its a normal thing to bicker especially with us living together. but what you won't do is belittle your teammates on live game play like that ever again. jeongin can be a lot, trust me i know the kid for 3 years, but sometimes you gotta be the bigger person and either ignore it or talk it out. i don't care that we lost because i knew it. but your fight didn't just effect you and him. it was effecting everyone. your game style change to a selfish one and minho and jisung had to pick up the slack you were pulling. and whatever they couldn’t keep up with, changbin had too pick it up. you caused a chain reaction. do you understand what im trying to say."
seungmin steps back when he notices you havent said anything, lifting your head you stare right at him.
"you are right im sorry, it won't happen again."
"you are right, it won't because ill bench you." he says turning around walking away.
you giggle out at his joke, only for you to stop when you notice he isnt laughing.
"wait you arent serious about benching me?" you say grabbing your gun and calling out after him. seeing him give you a little smirk and a shrug he continues to walk.
"hurry shorty we are behind schedule."
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a/n : i apologize for the lack in updates.. lwk been having writers block but we are SO BACK ALSO SEUNGMIN CRUMBS when the slow burn is fr a slow burn.... :( how excited are we to have this ball rolling??
tags: @onlyhyunjin @15092000volcano @chenlesfavorite @hippopotamusdreamer @vegetablesarefuntables @soondoongdoriii @jeonginplsholdmyhand @nappynapnaps @sincerely-sun @staytinyluv @kimseungminpabo @seungzsmin @sweetasmarie @hinanitiram @tricky-ritz @ayyonoona @hanniemylovelyquokka @toplinehyunjin @missystay @binniesbabe @tirena1 @jihoons-kitten @skz-ot8-stay @darlingz99 @khandzilla @icouldntcareless22 @rihaee @kikieatsfood23 @hvnverse
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years ago
When someone else calls their s/o with their last name for the first time
(bc boys version) Haikyuu boys version here
So I decided to do a little quick piece amidst the 1700 event requests, because I miss black clover contents and I personally loved this fic and idea hehe. Here's one for all of you, something sweet and fuzzy.
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Yami | Nozel | Fuegoleon | Zenon x F! Reader TW: unchecked You may of may not want to read this before reading yami's fic
Yami Sukehiro
You had to drag you husband’s ass out to the apartment viewing. You knew that low key, he found it hard to leave the bulls HQ. Afterall it was a place he found, built and had for a very long time.
But now that you’re married, it was only right for you two to have some alone and peaceful time without the walls breaking or anything catching fire at home.
Yami compromised to move and you compromised to find a place where the base can be nearby too.
“So, Mr Yami, your wife came the other day and she loved this place, how do you like it?”
“Yeah, whatever she likes.” Yami shrugged, he was okay with whatever, so long as you’re living with him.
“You have a lovely hubby, Mrs Yami. Aren’t you a lucky lady~” the agent smiled at you before her phone rang.
“Oh I have to get this, please excuse me for awhile, feel free to look around!” And she stepped out of the apartment
“So, Mrs Yami,” you were wrapped by his huge frame from the back, “is this our new love nest?”
You blushed and swatted him playfully, “if you like it!”
“I like it so long as the neighbours are okay with loud noises,” he smirked.
Nozel Silva
You were really busy with the wedding preparations , so you sent your fiancé to collect your customised gifts for your bridesmaids.
He stepped into the store and handed the receipt to the shopkeeper.
“Oh Mrs Silva’s gifts~” the lady said as she scurried to the back of the store.
Nozel stood there, stunned by what she said.
“Here you go,” she handed him the gifts awhile later, “you are Mr Silva?”
Nozel blinked, coming back to his senses, “yes.”
“Ah, Mrs Silva speaks a lot of you, I can tell she loves you very much.”
A blush crept up Nozel’s cheeks and painted it a tint of pink.
When he came home, he handed you the gifts.
“Thank you honey,” you smiled as you inspected the meticulous work.
“You’re welcome, Mrs Silva” he whispered in your ears before pressing a peck on your cheek.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
“Is Mrs Vermillion in?” A florist came into the crimson lion HQ one day.
“Mereo!” Fue was walking out from the pantry, “someone’s looking for you”
Mereo came out from the pantry with a cup of coffee in hand, “what?”
“Mrs Vermillion, I was told to come here to meet you,”
Mereo stared at the man for a few seconds, “what did you call me?”
The poor man read out the name on the paper carefully, “Mrs Ver-Mil-Lion, did I get that right?”
“Oi, dumb brother,” Mereo marched into Fue’s office to drag him out.
“Say it louder to his face, you’re looking for who again?”
“Mrs Vermillion, sir.”
Fuegoleon’s face turned bright red as he heard it from someone else for the first time.
“M-my wife-”
“Oh the florist is here!” You suddenly came in through the doors.
“Ah, Mrs Vermillion, I’ve been looking for you,” he bowed.
Fue stood there smiling with pride, he had to purse his lips a little so his smile wouldn’t get too wide as he listened in on the conversation with you and the florist on how to decor the place for the upcoming Crimson Lion anniversary.
You thanked the florist as he left.
“Mrs Vermillion sounds good on you, honey” he couldn’t contain his wide smiles.
“Oh honey,” you rolled your eyes cheekily at him, “please, your lips are about to reach your ears!”
Zenon Zogratis
He was kinda mad at you for going on a mission without telling him, so he didn't say a single word on the way to the restaurant as you celebrated your monthly date night.
"Do you have a reservation monsieur?" a waiter greeted you both.
"y/n." Zenon gave the waiter your name, since you booked the restaurant for tonight.
"let me see..." he scanned through the list of names, "ahh, Mrs Zogratis, si?"
"yep." you nodded shyly.
"And you must be Mr Zogratis, sir." the waiter beamed at the both of you, "lovely couple we have tonight, welcome in~"
He led you both to a quiet corner where you could oversee the spade kingdom. "Let me know when you're ready to order, Mr and Mrs Zogratis."
"are you still mad, Zen? You weren't back yet and it was a fast mission, so it slipped my mind to leave a note for you," you jutted your lip, pouting at your man.
"how could I stay mad, Mrs Zogratis?" his head rested on one hand, as he looked at you with soft ocean blue eyes.
You smiled shyly, it seemed surreal that now, you were married to this man.
"hmm, I should use this trump card more often~" you joked.
Zenon chuckled as he shook his head, what will he ever do with you.
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moonbaby26 · 11 months ago
Title: The Nest
(Chapter 7 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader (referenced), Smoker x Reader (referenced)
Chapter Warnings: non con elements, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, possessive/controlling relationship, hint of exhibitionism, implied past physical and/or sexual abuse to reader
Chapter Synopsis: You must now fulfill your previous promise to Doflamingo, beginning your stay on the island of Scylla with him. Alone with the warlord again at last, he’s further becoming everything you’d feared and needed all at once.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 8
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The days back at sea came and went one after another. Thankfully, Vice Admiral Momonga was someone you got along with well. He was a bit serious, but clear in any expectations for his crew, which made life easy for you. Because there was then more doing than thinking, regardless of the twisting emotions still inside of you.
And with Momonga being your interim commanding officer, you had also put in your request for shore leave direct with him. He’d told you that even HQ was having trouble reaching Tsuru except for the shortest status reports now. So you had no chance for contact with her anyway.
On orders of the world government, Tsuru and your normal crew had pushed the rebels on Lyra even higher into the mountains there. Unfortunately, it’d also become more of a waiting game of starving those remaining freedom fighters out as the marine blockade had cut off all other supplies to the island.
But the extreme terrain of peaks and valleys there also made it difficult to get out proper transmissions, save for the briefest bursts with weather permitting. 
Though you weren’t worried. Because someone like Tsuru wouldn’t be outsmarted by the rebels’ untrained forces. It was only a matter of time before the world government accepted the enemy’s surrender to reinstate the previous royal family there instead.
And nobility like that was actually the only reason Momonga’s ship would be stopping at the island of Scylla as well. Once you’d been aboard, you’d found out those additional details that that part of the voyage would be an escort mission.
Some high blooded man and his two sons were all heading to Scylla for a few days of rubbing elbows with their fellow upper crust. All of them wealthy and connected enough to have a vice admiral like Momonga at their beck and call as a bodyguard at least.
The vice admiral had given you no trouble with your own request either though. Three days and nights of shore leave had all been approved. After safely delivering the escorted nobles, Momonga would be docking at the nearby marine port on one of Scylla’s satellite islands. And you would get to stay on the mainland and then reconvene with his crew when they came to recollect that same royal family a few days later.
But the closer the start date drew, the more anxiety gripped you. Until the night finally came where you found yourself still unable to properly sleep, standing on deck again just before sunrise to the lower ranks’ surprise. 
The wind was somewhat cold, bringing up an ocean spray along with it as you’d stepped against the ship’s railing to view those distant lights of Scylla becoming sharper and sharper on the horizon at last.
You could hear the skeleton crew of the night watch calling out their standard protocols. Announcing land in sight, and determining the headings for the helmsman to begin turning the ship towards harbor.
But something in your stomach had tightened even further as the port did begin to become visible. Because from even there you could recognize the docks already full of other ships in the dim moonlight. Ones clearly from all makes and nationalities.
You were wondering if one of them was discreetly Doflamingo’s. Even though he’d given you his supposedly private, most direct number what was now weeks ago, you had not used it yet for any late night “check in” as he’d called it.
Because Momonga had approved the exact dates you’d first told the warlord. Nothing had changed on your side. 
And you’d been correct in your assumption too that there’d be no private quarters for you on this ship. You’d hardly been alone the entire time, and never felt comfortable enough to try and force the chance to be.
You’d wanted to do more than just talk with Doflamingo as well. A call alone would not have satisfied you even if you’d had the time.
Yet what if the pirate wasn’t even here yet? Or what if he was just jerking you along the entire time? You knew you would have to call him today to confirm a meeting time at the church regardless.
And later that morning you finally had made an excuse about needing to call the mainland to verify arrival with a place you would have rented a room at. But in reality, there was no such reservation. Your intent had always been to stay with the warlord only, just as you’d promised him.
Yet if Doflamingo ditched you, you would have then changed the story to say that the imaginary room had been double booked and given away already. A believable notion for as high traffic as this island was currently.
As it was then though, you’d somewhat hid away in an armory room. Rifles were racked up behind you while you’d dialed the number Doflamingo had given you, standing with your shoulder pressed to the wooden wall as the marine snail rang and rang.
The level of anxiety that returned to you as that phone continued to ring for far too many times was embarrassing too. Almost enough to make you hang up and just assume you were on your own before the click of a connection made you stand up straighter within the dark room.
“What?” Came the familiar male voice, albeit still sounding as if he’d just been woken up and wasn’t at all pleased about it. He didn’t even say his name either. But he must not need to if this was really such a direct line.
“Our ship has docked.” You said instead of any greeting either. “If you still want to meet me, I have an escort assignment I have to finish first for some duke and his kids. And then I’ll be free to go into town off duty. I should be able to get to the church by eleven hundred.” The shorter you could keep this conversation, the better as you’d just dumped all that information immediately onto him.
There was an uncomfortably long pause as well. And then, “Well good morning to you too.” Finally came as a rather snide retort. Followed by, “So in other words…you’re waiting for some other man to wake up just so you can play servant girl to him?”
You frowned immediately at his fresh attitude. What was he so pissy about already? “Sounds like you were still sleeping yourself” You countered.
But there was an additional irritated grunt at that as Doflamingo’s voice got even sharper. “I was awake until just three hours ago making every call possible so that I could clear my schedule for you today, brat.” 
“So you’re here already?” You asked for that confirmation anyway, choosing just to disregard the rest to keep this conversation moving.
“Of course I am.” And he did sound somewhat more awake there before continuing. “So you said eleven? Fine. I’ll meet you in the church by then.” It was the easiest landmark you’d both agreed to before.
“Alright. I’ll be there. The upper level.” You still suggested more specifically next. That gallery would hopefully be less crowded than the main floor today. And a better view for you truthfully, who had still never seen any of it.
“Yes. Don’t keep me waiting.” Was his only additional reply though. Terse really before the connection ended in another loud click.
For the nobles you were with, they had indeed slept until the very last moment. Only by almost ten did they suddenly have more sense of urgency to disembark. They wanted off the “dirty” marine vessel and to get to whatever higher end accommodations they’d made on the island. 
You’d had to listen to them berate one another as well as you’d still waited while they gathered their things. The father was insistent with his sons, telling them to put their masks on as per carnival traditions. And all other kinds of comments as he urged them to look presentable and in fashion for the holiday.
Because they would not shut up about it, you knew they were attending some ball tomorrow night and the duke was expecting his boys to find equally high born dates today to invite there. All with the goal of said dates becoming political wives of significant dowry apparently. 
But the boys were young and too busy whining about the cold, about the dampness of the fine mist still coming off of the sea, and any other matter of trivial things.
One of the other sailors made eye contact with you amidst it all and you saw him roll his eyes dramatically at their persistent complaining.
And you’d finally smirked a little at that, just before another heavy bag was thrown on top of the other two you were already balancing for the nobles. 
“Do not drop that! The contents are fragile.” One of the boys scolded you. 
Then why had they thrown it at you? “Yes, my lord.” You answered in feigned respect, though they couldn’t even be bothered to glance at your face to notice the insincerity of your expression.
More than one marine was trying not to laugh by then too though. But the naive royals, cousins to some king or something, still didn’t pick up on any of that mockery before they finally exited the gangplank. 
Though still complaining all the while as the fancy heels on their boots then tried to catch on the seams between the wooden slats. Especially with the ship still bobbing up and down slightly as the waters shifted against the dock.
The fools had no sea legs at all. You would have taken them by the arm like children to assist them, but you didn’t want to be yelled at either for daring to ever touch them with your filthy peasant hands.
So you just had to watch as they stumbled and bitched while you and the rest of your marines walked down smoothly even with balancing the ridiculous amount of bags and boxes they’d saddled you all with.
A horse drawn carriage awaited your guests once on land though. And it was a blessing as soon as they were in it with the door shut to not have to hear them any longer.
That was when one of those other sailors looked back to you. A lieutenant just below your own rank. “Captain, we can take it from here. We’ll play as bell hops the rest of the way to their villa. The Vice Admiral said you had shore leave starting today. So get out of here and go enjoy it.”
“You sure?” You asked anyway as you’d handed off the bags you’d been carrying. They were now being loaded, some on top and some below the carriage.
“Positive. This is a waste of time enough already.” He answered, then somewhat purposefully throwing the bag they’d specifically said was fragile roughly to the carriage’s bottom storage.
“Alright then. See you all in a few days.” You certainly weren’t going to argue with him if escape was finally offered of course.
So as the other marines followed that carriage, still acting as security for it, you had backtracked to board Momonga’s ship again instead. You quickly changed out of uniform and gathered your single small duffel bag before heading alone back down the gangplank and towards town.
It did feel a little surreal just walking on your own once you got further into the city however. Everyone ignoring you as you had to turn this way or that not to strike shoulders when the crowds of tourists bottlenecked in some areas.
You were far more accustomed to being in formation with your crew, and always all in uniform whenever you moved through places on patrol. People tended to give marines a wider berth. Either from respect or fear depending on which side of the law they found themselves on.
So to be disregarded so fully was still strange as you kept moving through the narrow streets trying to take in everything while you passed one new thing after another.
You could smell the different street foods being cooked and sold. And the fresh flowers and decorative garlands as well that many were purchasing to wear in addition to their masks.
Carnival had begun in full force on the island. But you were just an observer here, not a participant. You were only appreciating the elaborate spectacle and decorations that you doubted you’d ever get the chance to see again.
Because so many stars had had to line up just to make this visit happen. And as you rounded another corner, walking along one of those clear canals and the gondolas ferrying people up and down them, you had at last found the main square.
Lights were hung up on strings between the many lamp posts. Leaving you to imagine  what it must look like up close at night as you’d passed additional booth after booth of food and other carnival vendors.
But this town square was massive, large enough for all of it and more as you realized some people were already dancing even this early in the day. Musicians were playing as you watched couples enjoying themselves, moving together to the music. 
Others sat at the outdoor tables, drinking and laughing. What you assumed was likely sparkling wine was in bottles already open, sitting in buckets of ice even in the cool air as they snacked on antipasti plates of all kinds of foods.
You saw some sort of stuffed pasta that looked amazing too when you’d yet to eat a thing today, but you had to remember the mission at hand.
Which was still rather impossible to forget as you now stared up to the towers of the old church at the center of it all. Just like the photos in your book from years ago, those spires and the flying buttresses supporting them seemed to scrape the sky. 
And even from here, the stained glass took up so much of the remaining surface area, as you wondered if it’d really be the rainbow of colors inside that you’d always envisioned.
Once within those walls, it was crowded there too. But far quieter as people milled about, taking in the intricate stonework, tapestries, and marble statues of the saints. Yet those statues were only newer additions of course. Works commissioned by the world government within just the last five hundred years or so. Each statue honoring one of the founding families of Mariejois.
The legends were that this building had once been used to worship something far older than even those Celestial Dragons though. But you didn’t care about any of that today as you finally got to look up at all the still original stained glass above you.
The largest main window was a representation of the sun, with hues of yellows, oranges, and reds mixing with the light from all the other windows. But races from all over the world were represented in those many secondary windows too, like weaving a story long forgotten. Fishmen and merpeople, giants, minks, and more. Even those humans with wings that you had been told by Tsuru really existed on islands somewhere in the sky.
Candles were lit here and there too, though not really needed for all the light still being cast across the limestone floors in the daylight.
And as you looked further up, the vaulted ceilings were painted blue like the sky, with gold leaf stars peppering throughout to reflect that sunlight from the windows even further. 
But while you walked beneath so much history, you were also already heading towards one of the spiral staircases that lead up to the gallery. This was a large balcony that was thought to accommodate even more worshippers in the extremely distant past.
Your watch said it was a quarter until eleven when you’d climbed the stairs. You knew your feet had slowed while you’d been taking in all the sights. But you weren’t late. And as you’d sat on the closest pew to the railing, you left your bag beside you while you still looked out over everything in a bit of disbelief.
Clouds must have been shifting in the real skies outside as the sun danced through the windows now. You were not religious by any means, but sitting alone here as you watched those colors moving across the floors, you finally had some of that moment you’d been seeking.
You were seeing something you didn’t think you’d ever deserve or be able to. Because as you’d been told so very many times, you were no one, nothing. And this place and its beauty was not for your kind. But somehow you’d finally made it here regardless.
Even if it wasn’t with Kuzan, or Smoker, or anyone else who could have shared this with you and actually understood the significance.
You’d swallowed at that lonely thought too, just watching the people wandering below who now looked so much smaller to you. No connection really felt with them as you used the back of your hand to wipe that faintest hint of new moisture from your eyes.
If the warlord did come, he’d surely think you an idiot if you were emotional before him yet again. He’d caught you crying in Mariejois. And he’d made you cry in Sabaody. Here in Scylla, it didn’t need to become three times to make it a habit.
But it was turning into one, wasn’t it? Despite your best efforts. A dangerous cycle too, as if this growing weakness alone was what truly summoned and fed that man. The way you kept feeling more detached and unsated from any thought that wasn’t about him. 
And your breath did still catch when this game suddenly began again, that instinct of fight or flight becoming just another familiarity to you too as long fingers wrapped around your throat.
Doflamingo had arrived early.
But you could feel the warmth in his grip as well. Even with his nails pushing against your pulse point. Your heartbeat literally in his hands as he stood behind you then.
It wasn’t the same as Mariejois or Sabaody though. If he wanted to fight you here, he already would have. 
You were only being tested now as the words finally came.
“You never called me in all these weeks, woman…not until this morning. Have you really been so busy?” Was the very first thing he asked. That tone of insult as clear as the sunlight all around you.
And only then did you finally understand his earlier attitude.
This goddamn fragile man.
“They would have been suspicious if I’d segregated myself. I was never alone.” You spoke with quiet purpose, even with your throat still pressed by his hand.
“You found time this morning,” he reminded you.
“Barely a few minutes. That wouldn’t have satisfied either of us.” You contended sincerely next. You knew he had to notice your escalating heart rate against his hand though.
Maybe even the growing heat too. Some might be your haki just under the surface, readying to defend your throat by reflex alone. But there was definitely more to it. You felt it in your chest as those same fingers of his loosened enough to briefly stroke your jaw instead.
“I missed you.” He said.
And your lips parted in a little surprise as his fingertips ghosted across them. Just before he released you entirely, then walking around the end of that pew to slide in to sit beside you. 
Like this was just the most natural thing in the world when Doflamingo’s hip pressed against yours and his arm hooked around your shoulders. 
The warlord pulled you against him in one fluid movement, the two of you then sitting tightly together while he looked past the balcony railing as well, taking in the view of everything now below you both.
But you were only looking at him. He was in an all black suit for once, the fabric perfectly tight and tailored to his long frame. No feather coat to speak of either.
The only two pops of color were a crimson red tie tucked into the vest beneath his suit jacket. And the matching blood red carnival mask which covered his eyes and the bridge of his nose in replacement of his usual glasses.
The mask had built in lenses though, still hiding him regardless even as he finally smiled darkly down at you, realizing your obvious stare.
“You’re looking a bit smitten, woman,” He taunted, taking your chin again with one hand. “I clean up well. Don’t I?”
But he didn’t care if you actually answered that. It was clear what kind of greeting Doflamingo really wanted as he leaned further down to capture your mouth with his already.
And you didn’t resist him. Not this time. Neither of you caring that this was still a church either as his tongue had quickly slid inside your mouth.
Though you did pull back again as soon as the demon’s surprisingly sharp teeth had nipped your bottom lip next. Hard enough to hurt, but not enough to bleed this time.
“Once bitten, twice shy?” He mocked through a chuckle regardless. And his arm that had still been around your shoulders shifted enough for him to bring a hand over one of your breasts to squeeze it harshly.
Painfully in fact, right through your shirt as you made a noise of discomfort.
He straightened back up as you did, but still looking down at you. Those white teeth glinting as he smirked. “I’m just hungry is all. Can’t I have a bite?”
“There’s plenty of food outside.” You finally spoke in a huff then, but continuing to look at him with an odd fascination. It was just so different seeing him dressed this way, no matter how brutish he was already behaving.
It did remind you of the suits he used to wear in the North Blue. But you hadn’t thought of him as anything but a thug then. Though he was far more dangerous and much stronger today.
“It’s rude to stare without following through, lover.” He broke that new silence though, simultaneously moving his hand lower to slip it beneath the bottom edge of your shirt as he said so. 
And before you could even protest, he’d forced that same hand past the waistband of your pants as you felt his fingers dig in over the top of your underwear. 
He squeezed your mound possessively as he still smiled at you. “This treasure is getting all of me later, healed or not. I hope you understand that. I’ve been celibate for fucking weeks now, woman. It has not been fun.”
And in that single moment his words were somehow more shocking than the literal handful of you that he was now molesting for any onlooker who may walk by on the balcony.
“There’s no way that’s true.” You still managed to say as his fingers started to push aside the thin strip of fabric between your legs and touch flesh next. In your mind, there was no way in heaven or hell that a man like this would willfully abstain.
But his head tilted as his smile faded at that. “You really do have a lot of nerve…first brushing me off, because you’re just so ‘busy’ on your new ship. And then calling me a liar as well?” His fingers hooked a little harder at those words, already edging your entrance.
And as you tried reflexively to close your legs at the additional aggression, you still didn’t back down from him.
“Well what reason would you have? That doesn’t make sense.” 
But he just pulled you even closer then, forcing your legs further open with his other arm as he brought you into his lap.
“Because I wanted to fast before my next feast. So quit being such a bitch. This is what you wanted isn’t it? Me all to yourself?”
And you tensed as one of his fingers did slide inside of you. He wasn’t being gentle now at all as he started thrusting it in and out of your resisting channel soon after.
“Yes. I want it…” you finally relented though. Realizing some other people were starting to come up the staircase to the balcony. You would let him do this if he would just take it somewhere more private. “But not here.” You purposefully let your tone go more into that pleading range at that. Trying to appeal to his ego then if it meant being spared this public exhibition. “Please.”
And that ploy actually worked. “Then clean this off.” Was the command that came next as he growled slightly, hand pulling out of your pants just as abruptly at your change in tone. But he brought those now wet digits in front of your face for you to follow through with his new order.
The logical side of your mind knew that saliva would be no cleaner than the slick of you already on his fingers. But it was clearly the demeaning act itself that he wanted from you. 
You knew too that in moments you’d be in view of those strangers still rounding the staircase. So you could either comply, or you were sure he’d make you do it in front of them instead.
There were mere seconds to decide as you opened your mouth and he immediately slid his fingers inside. The taste was strange while you sucked them just long enough to appease him. And just before those other tourists reached the top of the steps to walk past you.
He withdrew his hand with a chuckle before being seen, as if it really all was so fun. “See? Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” He was still grinning too, even as you felt him wipe his hand dry of your spit against your clothed thigh afterward.
Regardless of your non answer though, he did seem more relaxed after this display of submission, looking back out to the church again as his arm went around your waist.
“So are you going to tell me why you wanted this place so badly? You don’t exactly strike me as the pious type.”
The pirate’s tone may finally be more neutral now as well. Yet you still knew that if he thought you were hiding anything from him, it was just going to put him into a terrible mood all over again. And that version of Doflamingo was not the one you wanted to spend your shore leave with.
So you had no choice but to answer. And truthfully at that. 
“It’s not important. There was just this book I had when I was a kid. It had so many pictures of this island and the church. So I’d always look at it whenever I needed to be somewhere else for a while. That’s all.”
And you waited afterward, just for some snide or cruel comment in response to that childish admission. Ready for his next barb as your eyes went back to those radiant windows.
But the warlord’s hand had moved up, rubbing your back almost gently instead as he simply responded.
“Then this was your escape.”
“Yeah.” You just agreed. And you could feel his stare on you. That way you were already getting used to when he was truly analyzing you. “What else do you want to know?” You still asked next under that scrutiny.
You saw the slight upturn of his mouth in the corner of your eye as well. A smirk that didn’t fully form. Maybe you had surprised him a little there. But it wasn’t an offer he was going to pass up either.
“Tell me what you did before Tsuru then. Before you were a marine.” 
And his hand was under your chin again, capturing it and turning your face so that you couldn’t look away from him either as he awaited your answer.
Why he should give a damn about your past was as nonsensical as anything else to you though. You knew there was nothing unique in the things you’d suffered. 
“The same as anyone from my town…I stole to eat. I hid to live.”
“Hid from who?” He insisted regardless. His grip on your jaw tightening a little again.
“My mom’s bosses. And her customers.” You just replied plainly. The emotion to those memories a lot more numb after this many years. “But she’s dead.” You were still quick to clarify though. You had no living family if he was thinking there was anyone else to exploit. “She worked in a brothel.”
You saw Doflamingo’s expression change, if ever so slightly. And as insane as it was, you swore it was that flicker of jealousy again. Even if he did ask more carefully then. “Did they make you work there too?”
“No.” You were also quick to confirm. Though trying not to show your discomfort in the idea that he may still care more that someone else had hypothetically had you, than the immorality of an underaged girl being a victim there at all.
“But they tried to….didn’t they?” He was definitely making the right assumptions none the less though. It took an evil man to understand another one you supposed.
“Sometimes.” You admitted. Yet you’d always managed to slip away before clothes could come off or anything could truly happen. And if not, you’d go to plan B with those men. “I’d make them so mad that they would rather hit me instead. That worked if I couldn’t get away otherwise.”
Doflamingo shifted on the pew, and you couldn’t tell if he was actually finally bothered by this as he smiled. The smile was definitely not a happy one.
“You’ve always been clever, haven’t you?” He told you.
No, you’d just done what you had to. 
But he rubbed your back one more time before sliding you out of his lap so that he could stand up again.
You watched him straighten his suit jacket and tie too, a clear vanity still evident there before he slid one hand into his pants pocket. 
His other hand then stretched out for you to take it and stand up beside him as well. But he didn’t let go of it afterward either, wanting you to follow him as he held your hand in his own. “Let’s go get you decent, and then we’ll go eat some fucking food already. I’m starved.”
You’d put the strap of your bag over your shoulder to go with him. And of course you were already wondering what he had in mind for making you “decent”. Yet your concerns on that did fade a little as you’d noticed him hesitate once back on the first level of the church.
Doflamingo was still walking with you. But his gait had slowed when something to the right caught his eye.
And you tried to follow his gaze as he pulled you along really, but the only thing there were the statues of the saints which everyone had to pass back through in order to exit. Nineteen of them in fact for each of the original families.
You heard a low chuckle emit from him just as you thought he’d been looking at one statue in particular. But another tourist had stepped in front of it before you could read the dedication plaque as you passed.
And then you were both outside again in the sun.
Doflamingo had had you leave your bag with some lackey of his that’d been waiting out there. They would take your things back to wherever it was that he was staying on the island.
But you didn’t really focus on any of that in this moment, still feeling like you’d fallen into some bizarre alternate reality as the warlord continued to lead you so personally by the hand.
In truth, there was still a power dynamic you could feel in that gesture even now. Not the simple affection it may be for any other couple. But on the outside at least, it was a convincing facsimile to that more innocent kind of attention.
A kind of care you couldn’t remember really experiencing before. Because Smoker was far too gruff to ever do such a silly thing as hold your hand. And Kuzan hadn’t liked public displays of affection either. Even as casual as the now admiral could be in uniform, he didn’t feel comfortable showing too much with you back then. At least not in front of the other enlisted. It was only a private thing for him, not something to be lauded over others.
But Doflamingo’s hand was tight around yours without hesitation in front of everyone as you kept up, walking side by side together through the cobblestone streets.
The first place he brought you to was some fancy store too. Evidently what he had meant by that earlier comment of making you more presentable as you’d crossed the threshold with him and realized just how out of your depth you immediately were here.
Because this was the kind of place those idiots you’d been escorting earlier would have shopped. Only for those people who had inherited far more money than sense as you immediately stared at some of the dresses and the intricate jewelry sparkling from locked cases.
You even moved closer to Doflamingo, feeling like you were only in the way as some women who you were certain were princesses from one country or another moved past with their servants in close heel behind them. 
But the pirate let go of your hand, sliding his arm around your waist instead when that had happened. Not paying any mind to the twittering of those girls as you did notice them look back at him.
They looked him over just as you had in the church actually before giggling back at each other. You were far from the only one thinking him distressingly attractive in that dark suit today.
But you realized he was only waiting for an attendant as one of the store employees quickly walked up to offer their assistance.
“My girlfriend here needs enough outfits for the rest of this week.” Doflamingo’s voice was a little different then, and you realized this must be his ‘talking to the help’ tone. Which as quickly as he shifted to that made you also wonder how a pirate, even a disgustingly rich one, would have learned to fit in so well in this type of place.
Though of course that heat immediately warmed your chest too at what he’d called you. Said as if it were actually true, not even a mocking smile as he’d called you his in front of these strangers.
And before you could fully accept any of that, he’d continued with even more, instructing the attendant.
“I want to pick the colors. And at least one dress needs to be good enough for the ball tomorrow.”
The what? Oh hell no.
You looked up at him, ready to argue then. But he just eased you forward, towards that shop worker as they’d pulled out a tailor’s tape to quickly begin taking your measurements. 
You didn’t have time to fight back then as you felt more like a damned show dog instead for as rapidly as the process went after that.
They’d had you in and out of the changing rooms as they pulled one dress after another. This necklace or that, these shoes or those.
And each time you were dressed again, you were being stood in front of Doflamingo. The man now sitting in his typical fashion, leaned back on an equally expensive looking couch as he’d judged each new ensemble.
You had no idea what he was truly looking for. But you could tell when some of the dresses met his approval more than others. His knees had spread open more from his place on the couch for a few of them. Likely no coincidence that they were usually the much tighter fitted ones on your body.
It was still hard to keep track of which dresses he’d asked them to box and which he’d asked them to put back. But you knew there was no way this wasn’t costing thousands of beri when it was all said and done.
You heard him tell the staff to have the accepted ones all delivered to where he was staying too. Save for the outfit and accessories which he wanted you to wear out of the store.
That one to wear now was a shorter dress than some of the others, but still high class you guessed. But then again, what did you know as you were already trying to get used to the heavy necklace and bracelet, plus the skimpy heels they’d paired with it. Everything else you’d came here with would also be sent back to his place.
You did see him pull out a large wad of paper beri from one pocket by the end, putting it on a silver tray they had brought with his receipt.
Of course your mind instantly wondered how many illicit dealings had it taken to acquire that cash as he’d only stood and rejoined you, taking you by the hand again.
As always, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you felt them moving over you as he finally smirked again when the attendants weren’t hovering as closely anymore.
He leaned down to speak lowly in your ear as well. “I’m tempted to just bring you home right now and fuck each other until tomorrow morning, woman.” 
And that smirk of his grew into a grin as he actually nipped that same ear of yours before whispering further into it.
“But as nice as your pussy is…” He’d moved the hand that was holding yours so that they both brushed low across your front then. “Eating this cunt alone won’t give me calories to burn. And I’ll need that energy for us tonight, won’t I?”
The renewed heat in your face to these lewd promises didn’t help anything of course. But, “I haven’t eaten anything today either,” was all you did agree with out loud at least, though leaning your head away a little for concern of him biting your ear harder the next time.
Once back outside again, there was one more detour that he wanted to take before finally looking for food. He’d walked you up to one of those large booths selling all variations imaginable of the carnival masks.
“There were still marines here earlier. It couldn’t hurt to cover you up a bit more.” He mused, starting to look at the different ones. “…What kind of animal are you anyway, woman?”
Getting your own mask wasn’t a terrible idea given the circumstances. But you didn’t know how long you could tolerate something stuck to your face either as you looked back up at his crimson one.
“What is yours supposed to be then?” You asked him.
“Why the red death of course.” And the dark smile he gave in accompaniment to those words did give you pause.
But that unease swiftly dissolved again as he’d grabbed a black mask with a few feathers next and abruptly shoved it in front of you. “Here. The black swan.”
“You’re the bird, not me.” You immediately protested, even as he pressed the thing right over your eyes anyway. 
It didn’t have the built in lenses like his mask though, your eyes still able to be seen as you glowered up at him a little. 
But he didn’t care about that as he spoke, something about that mask seeming to trigger these new words. “Have you ever actually pissed off a swan, darling? They’re mean as sin once provoked. Especially if you come between them and their nest. Hissing beasts bit the shit out of me once.”
And he was just talking as he unstuck and restuck your mask to make it perfectly straight across the bridge of your nose. Some kind of light adhesive already lining the backing of all of them.
But you were listening of course. Because what a random thing for him to admit. “You had swans? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have flamingos?” You asked somewhat rudely, that bit of irritation in you needing an outlet anyway with the stupid thing now pressed on your face.
He’d paused at your question too, as if he really were considering how much to divulge in answer. But he only frowned a little, before still responding with an even deeper tidbit. “The swans were a long time ago. They were only my mother’s. And yes, I know. Some pirates get all into the animal theming, but I don’t have the time anymore. If we kept flamingos at the palace, one of my crew would forget to feed the fucking things and I’m sure they’d end up dead.”
“Which would end up dead, your crew or the birds?” You dared to quip right back. And maybe it was because you didn’t know what else to do as you realized Doflamingo actually had a mother who he remembered.
He hadn’t just spawned from a pit somewhere after all. But if she’d kept swans, was it some sort of a farm he’d come from then? Or could she actually afford them as just pets?
You had so many questions you knew were not yet time to ask. But your boldness about his potential punishments for his crew’s mistakes only made him smile again. Even as he reached in his pocket to pull out some more beri to pay the booth worker for your mask.
“Very funny, you brat. But I don’t harm my actual officers just for failure. If I put them on a task above their ability, then that fault is mine.” Which was a rather level headed notion actually. Though he did finish with something far more what you would have expected. “In my inner circle, only betrayal is an instant execution. As I’ve warned you before I’m sure.”
And his hand squeezed yours a little tighter there as the two of you still walked on together.
But this was not a subject you wanted to put him back on. Too much of a risk when you still had days potentially alone together.
“There was some kind of pasta thing I saw someone with earlier. It looked really good.” You offered, trying to redirect the conversation to safer waters as you glanced around towards the food booths again. He’d already said how hungry he was more than once.
“An oversized ravioli wasn’t it? It looked like lobster inside.” He did answer you too, clearly having noticed that same dish at some point. But adding. “Lobster’s my favorite food if it is.”
This was good. He hadn’t put back up his full walls then. Though at the same time, him offering even these smallest details might only be a ploy to make you lower some more of your own defenses. One never knew with him. 
But despite all the overthinking you still had to do, you did like the feel of his hand still around yours. And the sometimes jealous stares of the strangers looking at you both as you’d passed them. They didn’t know he was actually a monster of course. Just as they didn’t know the two of you were supposed to be natural enemies instead of lovers.
To any outsider, you must look like just another couple enjoying the day. Especially when Doflamingo did smile again at the revelation that it really was generous portions of lobster tail meat stuffed into those ravioli. 
He’d ordered a large basket of it, or rather almost a bucket of the things to share. You had carried the basket while he and you both speared the individual pasta shells one after another with the forks they’d given you. Eating gladly at last as you’d walked and talked more together of unimportant things. Commenting about the city around you mostly, no more of those personal details just yet.
“You want a beer?” He’d asked you though once the ravioli was gone through later. Him even licking the remainder of that rich cream sauce from his fork before leaving it with the rest of the dirty plates and utensils that bus boys were continually clearing from the outdoor tables.
“I thought you were more the champagne, top shelf kind of guy.” You contended, referencing back to his previous teasing of you from that call weeks ago when these plans had first been laid.
“I am. Though I prefer the Cava from Dressrosa if we’re being specific.” He smirked, of course remembering that previous conversation as well. “But they have their own brewery here. It’s not that piss in a can shit you drink in Marineford I assure you.”
And so before you knew it, you were also sharing high dollar beers with the Heavenly Demon on this outdoor date together.
Adding alcohol to any fire was not the safest choice. But part of you really wanted to know what a buzzed Doflamingo could be like too. He’d already heard you plastered before. So there was no mystery there, though you swore you would not get that bad again anytime soon.
But the alcohol certainly helped maintain this growing comfort level as you’d seen him even perk up when one of the bands had started another song. One he apparently knew well as he started pulling you towards it.
“Oh, no. I am not going to dance right now. No way!” And not in heels like this surely as you tried to pull the opposite direction just as quickly.
“It’s a waltz, you idiot. There couldn’t be anything simpler.” He answered, one vice like hand still on yours as he drug you regardless. His other hand tilting up the rest of yet another bottle of their specialty beer as he downed it. 
He chunked the bottle after, which landed so perfectly in a far off trashcan that you were certain it’d had some string assistance.
Which that was the first time he’d used his powers since meeting you today that you’d noticed. And maybe it made him remember how easy cheating with them would be as well.
“Don’t make me puppet you.” He’d threatened when you’d still resisted. “I’ll lead, all you have to do is move your feet. If you can fight me and fuck me, then you can dance with me too. It’s just in the timing, woman.”
But again…how did a pirate even know how to waltz? This, plus the swans, and the way he’d talked down to the people in that fancy clothing store, like it was just as natural as breathing to him. The puzzle pieces just weren’t fitting. 
Because he could be so vulgar and unhinged in one moment, and yet moving with more authority and class than you’d seen from most royals in the next. Even though you did keep forgetting that he was also a king himself.
That title was just so hard to label him with in your own mind, when you’d all known him as only a pirate for far longer than the couple of years he’d now ruled Dressrosa.
But as he did take you into the area where the other couples were already dancing to that waltz, there was no denying that a real king likely would dance just this way as you felt his arm slip around your waist again.
You tried to copy him as he did lead with your hand raised in his other hand. But when you realized he was looking down at you as he easily went through the footsteps, you looked away in renewed awkwardness.
It was not like fighting him despite his suggestions. Because you were confident when fighting, even if losing. Here you just felt like a child trying not to step on his comparatively graceful feet.
You heard him sigh at your non commitment though, before he jerked his fingers up even without letting go of you and abruptly your feet did begin moving on their own.
“Stop it!” You fussed, trying not to let anyone else hear. Being controlled now was just as disconcerting as it’d been in Sabaody, even if the stakes felt lower here.
“Then quit half-assing this. I’ve seen you move those legs plenty of times. You’re far more coordinated than most. You’re just being stubborn.” But even with him chiding you and doing that work for you both then, he still had time to lean down and steal yet another kiss as you’d tried to bitch at him further.
Your additional protest was then muffled of course. But he didn’t stop there as that lewd tongue filled your mouth yet again. And even that wasn’t enough for him as he’d then withdrew it just to nip your own tongue sharply in his next movement.
Yet this time you did bite right back, enough to make a point at least. It was about all you could do after all, unable to move much otherwise below the neck with his parasite ability still in control.
Oh, but your returned aggression only backfired. Because he absolutely liked it, escalating things that much more as you felt your hand which had been on his back get pulled down and around against your will next. You were just a marionette again as your hand slid between the two of you instead and right over his crotch.
“Doflamingo.” You warned lowly, unable to stop your fingers from then cradling him just as he wanted.
“Doffy,” He corrected you this time though. “That’s what my family calls me.”
“I’m not your crew.” You reminded.
“I didn’t say that you were,” he agreed, even as he made your hand tighten on what was clearly the bulge of him beneath that fabric. 
But he was smirking hungrily yet again as he purposefully twitched his cock within his pants just enough for you to feel it too. Your hold on him still concealed from the others the way he now had your bodies pressed together.
“Are you ready to head back to my villa now, woman? I think I’ve had enough of this restrictive suit for today.”
“Take off your strings and we’ll go.” You replied.
“Well, are you going to be a good girl and call me Doffy like I’ve asked while you take all of this?” He purred back, twitching his still mostly soft length against your hand again.
Your eyebrows raised. It felt weird to say, but you were sure it would be far from the worst thing he’d ever ask you to repeat.
“Yes, Doffy.” You submitted again on this at least, letting him have another win as you looked up at him expectantly.
His lips pulled back in a decidedly wicked response at that too before he’d kissed you roughly again and the strings fell back away.
“Come on then. I’ll show you the way home,” He breathed against your ear before yanking you back from the band and the other still dancing couples.
And as the two of you started to walk again, you were just realizing how dark it was already getting. Vaguely you remembered now about Scylla having shorter daylight hours than most islands.
Yet as you were still thinking that, a sudden boom and a flash of colors had you looking further up. And Doflamingo did as well as the next firework went off and then another and another.
They were pretty, but he’d already made up his mind of the only thing he wanted now as he pulled you along again.
You could watch it all though as he lead. You now looking up at him and the Scyllian architecture passing to the left and right under the continued pops and hisses of the multicolored fireworks.
More people were walking on every street, some pausing to watch the show above as music and scents came and went as you still passed different musicians and vendors even now. The scope of carnival here extending well beyond just the center of the city.
You realized how many days it really would have taken to see it all, more than you had time for before he finally brought you to the high gate of a villa which faced one of the canals. 
He fished in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a key to unlock the gate which was nearly flush to a stone archway above, then guiding you through it beside him before shutting and locking it again.
Gas lanterns burned to light another cobblestone path beyond as you realized the villa was far deeper than it was wide. The entryway going back into a private courtyard with a fountain and what looked to be olive trees and even grape vines in planters. But you barely had time to appreciate any of it before he was pulling you up an outdoor staircase that went to the upper levels of the home from the outside.
“It’s beautiful.” You couldn’t help but say anyway as he’d opened a double set of glass doors into a long hallway.
“I thought you’d like it,” he did answer you though.
It even smelled good you realized. There was probably a kitchen downstairs. But then he’d opened another door after he’d lead you down the hall and you realized you were already standing in what had to be the master bedroom as he shut the door back behind you both. 
The room was gently lit with a couple of oil lanterns already burning. And you very briefly recognized your own duffel bag on the floor near a dresser. There was another large set of glass doors already opened onto a different balcony as well, the curtains on those doors shifting in the cool breeze coming in.
The scent of the ocean carried on the wind, and the sounds of the city as well. There was a table and chairs on that new balcony. It looked both elegant and cozy all at once.
But that was the last attention you were able to give the outside for now as you felt Doflamingo’s arms close around your waist soon after.
You took a breath, knowing he was done waiting. Yet as much you wanted this too, your body still remembered the pain of him. You couldn’t help but be nervous as you felt his mouth bear down on your neck all over again.
And his teeth too, but he didn’t bite hard. Not yet anyway before his hands were already deftly undoing his tie. The red fabric hit the floor, his black suit jacket not far behind it. 
At about this point you finally began helping. And when he’d realized your fingers were now working on his vest buttons, he went to his pants instead.
He was wearing a real belt this time through the black slacks as he unhooked it. But he didn’t bother to slip the belt from the loops as he was already unbuttoning his pants soon after.
You had gotten his vest out of the way as he slid it off. His lips were back over yours too as he started moving you both towards the bed. 
He was bent over enough to kiss you all the while as you were reaching up to undo the buttons of his shirt one by one. And yes, you finally had to admit that he wasn’t entirely wrong when he’d said how much easier his normal attire was to get past.
All dressed up like this, he looked ridiculously good. But it was so many more layers to deal with. And yet it did make the payoff all the more gratifying as you finally freed the last button and your hands immediately ran under his then open shirt.
He made a pleasured sound against your mouth as you mapped out his abdominal muscles and then his chest while he remained in your reach. You bid him to slide the entire shirt off next. Which he did.
And finally it was then your turn to push him. Even if you were smaller than him, you were strong relative to your size. And you knew how to move larger opponents around, now leading Doflamingo by the mouth, and turning him so his back was to the bed instead. Just before you shoved him down onto the mattress in on one fluid movement. It was actually made easier by his height, for the leverage that created for you. Like felling a tree really.
Of course he was allowing it, but you highly doubted his other female playthings ever moved him around roughly this way at all.
But you needed him laying down as soon as he could be. Because once his back hit the bed, it was much easier to reach everything that way. Even as you pulled away to get a good look at him laying below you afterward.
At last you could see him fully shirtless. Something that shouldn’t have been as big a deal to you as it was.
Tight, lightly tanned skin, lean and muscular all the way through as you moved back in. You pushed your high heels off, crawling forward onto the bed to kiss down his flat stomach while you felt his muscles tensing beneath your lips.
As you’d thought, there was not a scar to be seen on this man. He wasn’t a coward, but he knew which fights were worth it and which were not. You’d heard he could repair and stitch himself back together to a degree as well with his strings.
That likely accounted for the lack of even smaller scars as you felt him raise his hips for you.
He was sliding off his pants too now. You backed off a little, giving him the room to toss them. No underwear as usual. But he pulled off his socks too, throwing them wherever his shoes now were.
And with that the king of Dressrosa was now fully nude beneath you on these silk sheets. Already fully hard and bared to you except for that red mask still covering his eyes.
You took in this alluring sight as his lips remained parted, breath coming in shorter pants for you.
He wanted so badly to be fucked by you. Somehow that thought pulsed deep into your brain, as strange as it felt to think this when you knew that in pure physical strength alone, he was absolutely the better of you two. 
You’d argue that in a prolonged fight, you’d still be creative and fast enough to give him real grief and pain. But that wasn’t the point right now.
“Doffy,” you tried that nickname he’d requested earlier, lowering yourself to begin kissing down to his waist once more. You knew what you wanted to do for him now. You just didn’t know if he could behave enough not to hurt you. 
He groaned softly at each new touch, clearly enjoying the attention as your mouth kept getting lower and lower. 
His thighs he spread so easily too as you massaged them with your hands. “Can you control yourself for me, Doffy? I’ll use my mouth if you can do that for me, baby.” You promised him, trying to work in both the nicknames he’d seemed to like the most. “But you can’t choke me. I can’t finish you if you just choke me...you realize how big you are compared to me, don’t you?”
You had no idea if this would work. But you were willing to try. You did want to try.
You wanted it badly.
“I know.” He panted a little more, chest moving up and down as you saw that precum already forming on his tip as you took his shaft into your hand.
You could see his thigh muscles tensing too, as you now stroked him before blowing just the slightest bit of air across his tip as he took in another sharp breath.
But you weren’t much for teasing, kissing the head of that terribly large cock right after as he shifted almost desperately. Your tongue followed behind as you licked the sensitive underside at the bottom edge of the head. Flicking it with your tongue really the same way as he had once done to your clit that day in Mariejois.
And oh, he definitely liked that as you heard a quiet curse escape him and felt one of his hands moving down into your hair.
Yet you still knew the danger. If he tried to deep throat you, you’d probably puke honestly. His length would be far beyond the threshold of your gag reflex.
“Easy…please,” you reminded him. You did keep one fist around the base of his shaft, ready to move it further upward almost like a stop to keep from taking him too deep. But you also stroked him with that hand as you did let in what you could of him past your lips then.
You wouldn’t say you were an expert by any means. But you’d done this before. You knew what Kuzan and Smoker had both liked. You had to imagine it was universal to a degree as you tried to suck Doflamingo now while bobbing up and down enough to be somewhat satisfying without choking yourself.
A fine line as you did gag once or twice, trying to find that edge as his hips did start to move, reflexively pressing further into your sucking.
You reached under to take a hold of his balls too. He was just inviting to be touched anywhere you chose as he kept his legs wide open for you.
When you massaged that heavy sack as well, then giving them a light squeeze, he full out moaned for you at the bit of over stimulation.
That was a surprise for how much it made you react too, his sounds making you so very wet. No outlet for you yet, still trapped in the tight dress he’d bought you as you just kept sucking him as intensely as you could. 
His hand had tightened almost painfully too in your hair by then, in tandem with the harder and harder his hips were trying to move against your mouth. 
“(Y/N)…” he groaned again as he thrust raggedly. “…I want you to swallow me. Go ahead…I’ll get hard over and over for you. We aren’t even close to done...”
His back was even arching a little as you did comply to try and force him over the edge already. Kinder than you had to be when he obviously wanted this first release as soon as possible. 
So you started licking that sensitive spot at the base of the head once more, giving his balls another light squeeze too for good measure.
The pirate’s breath shuddered with the additional flicks of your tongue and he groaned again as you plunged your mouth down onto his shaft once more after.
Your one hand stayed around his sack, but the other now gripped against his hip. Which he responded to that too, liking the bit of pain as your fingernails dug in for purchase.
He was humping upward, his dick riding in your mouth as he made sounds of even further desperation.
“I wanted this…suck me harder…” He was still panting as you saw his other hand fisting tightly into the bed sheets. 
And you did use your mouth even rougher at that, your eyes flitting up to see what you could of him. He was biting his bottom lip again. His jaw clenched as you saw his adam’s apple jump when he swallowed.
A tremble ran through Doflamingo’s legs as he pulled them up, his thighs flexing before his back arched again and you knew what was imminent before he finally let go within your mouth.
Even if you hadn’t been touched between your own thighs yet, you actually felt your channel briefly contracting too, almost like a contact high for how much pleasure he was clearly experiencing. 
And you did swallow as much of that salty heat as you could. Of course some of his seed couldn’t help but escape you too though as it ran back out along the length of him, and you coughed a couple times while pulling back to regather yourself. He’d thrust up deeper right as he’d cum, just as you’d expected, finally jabbing you hard as you’d had to fight that instinct to gag his ejaculate right back out of your throat.
And even in the resulting haze of his orgasm, he still noticed when you’d pulled away from him even that much. His arm reaching out to grab you just as quickly, pulling you down against his still heaving chest as he grinned up at your cum stained lips.
Doflamingo was absolutely his own type of man, always reminding you of this too as he kissed you without hesitation then, the remnants of his own arousal not bothering him in the slightest.
“You’re such a good girl,” he purred in that special tone of his as well, kissing you again in even further approval before his long tongue ran out to clean your lips and chin for you in just two quick licks.
The gesture was weird, but truly affectionate in a way you would have never been able to explain to a normal person.
And he laid his head back afterward, steadying his breathing for another long moment as he stroked your back and down to your still clothed ass.
The sun had fully set now, darkening the bedroom even more save for the firelight of those oil lanterns while the two of you lay there quietly for several more minutes.
You thought he was just wanting that brief recovery period, if he’d been serious at least about getting hard for you again soon enough to continue. Even a man like him was somewhat restrained by the basic rules of biology after all. It’d take a bit for his weapon to reload so to speak.
But you realized he was actually laying there thinking too in the new dark before he started something that was not at all what you would have expected right now.
“(Y/N)…I want to see you.” Doflamingo said abruptly, sitting up in the bed then as he grabbed you by your wrists to pull you up with him. You were now sitting in front of the warlord on the bed, his legs around you as he looked down at you.
You still didn’t understand what he meant at first of course, making him have to clarify as his hands tightened more against your wrists. “Take off my mask, (Y/N).” He tried ordering next instead. “It’s too dark for it now…I want to see you all the way. And if you’re staying with me, then you’re going to sleep beside me too. I want this off tonight.”
Your own eyes had long since adjusted to the lantern light, you watching him with a little disbelief. 
But despite his words sounding confident, you could see his mouth was now tense. No mocking grin at all as your fingertips did touch the sides of his mask, albeit cautiously when he pulled your hands closer.
Of course you had wondered many times what he hid beneath his usual glasses. Being intimate with a man without ever seeing his entire face was a bit of a mindfuck in it’s own right. And yet, that secrecy was also just part of who he was. Behind a mask of one kind or another was the only way you’d ever known him.
The sudden request had you very nervous too. Because it felt like what seeing a new partner nude for the very first time was like in a normal relationship. But for Doflamingo, this was actually a more vulnerable situation than even his long cock just resting soft against you in this moment.
And what would happen if you somehow didn’t react how he wanted you to when finally seeing him?
“Are you sure?” You heard yourself asking, even as he was the one that still held your fingers against the edges of that mask.
“Yes. I’m sure.” And even as he answered that, it did sound like just the smallest hint of uncharacteristic stress had finally entered his tone.
He wasn’t going to tell you again though, not without getting angry you knew. So you did your best to keep your hands steady as you slipped your fingertips beneath the mask to begin peeling it gently away from his skin.
And as it did come off, you felt you weren’t allowed to look away. But the first you saw of that new skin was both his eyes shut defensively as the mask pulled fully away.
He did have eyelashes was the first mundane detail you noticed. Like an actual human…and thin blond eyebrows that were tightly lowered then just before his right eye did open to make true eye contact with you for the very first time.
And even in the lantern light, you could tell the iris there was a deep shade of red. Cautious, maybe even concerned in its focus now as he tried to determine your reaction.
But he was still hiding the left eye, keeping it closed as you dared to let your fingers stroke down his temple and cheek in what you hoped was a soothing gesture.
Because there on the other eyelid was finally the flaw he’d been concealing. Something that marred what would have otherwise been an entire body’s worth of perfection. You could see the thick scar tissue over that closed eye.
The strike through the smiling face and one eye of his jolly roger now made all the more sense in the world too as you finally put two and two together.
“Doffy.” You called gently up to him. And you got to see his right eye react just to that softness of his name from your lips.
He wanted to be comforted. This was obviously something he almost never showed anyone. Was it that difficult for him?
And gods, if that thought didn’t do something to you as well as you ran your fingertips across his lips next.
“Look at me, Doffy…it’s okay.” You still kept this going as your heart moved into your throat. It shouldn’t feel this different already. 
But he did respond positively, kissing your fingertips just as that left eye finally opened. 
And to your surprise, that eye wasn’t missing at all. You’d expected the worst, based on the damage to the eyelid. But his left eye was actually intact, even tracking you in tandem with the right. He could move it.
But could he see from it?
The iris of the left eye was different. Noticeably larger than the right. Possibly once red too, but too difficult to tell now in the cloudy white that mostly obscured it. 
Who would have ever been so brazen or lucky enough to get that precise of a debilitating hit on the Heavenly Demon? 
And did they live to tell the tale?
But that story wasn’t really what you cared about in this moment either as you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at him now. That strange warmth just building and building as your mind tried to understand that this truly was still the same person in front of you.
He was starting to suck your fingers slightly now too, already tired of just kissing them alone as they remained near his mouth.
Yet you couldn’t contain what you finally said after seeing his true face for just this long.
“You really are gorgeous.” You breathed even as his teeth had now started to nip your fingertips.
And you’d gotten to see both his eyes widen slightly at that sincere declaration. His mouth pausing its toying with your fingers as he looked down into your own eyes again.
He looked confused if just for that moment, unsure even before he finally pulled your wrists enough to take your hands back away from his face.
But for once the warlord couldn’t find the matching words. He just looked at you, something new and unidentifiable briefly in those eyes before he let his body do the talking for him. 
His mouth was back over yours so quickly. So entirely needful as the taste of him filled you again.
He was unzipping your dress too, but with such a fervor that you thought it might rip before he’d slid it from off your shoulders.
Your own mask he reached up to pull away too. But not near as gently as you’d done for him. It stung a little as he’d yanked it off. 
The same was done with your bra. His nimble fingers unhooking it with ease. The mask, and the dress, and the bra joining your shoes on the floor then.
He left your jewelry on, either liking the aesthetic, or just too impatient to deal with it as he’d now been the one forcing you onto your back on the mattress.
His fingers hooked into the sides of your underwear, yanking it roughly from your hips and off of your legs too before he was then leaned back in to start licking a wet trail straight down your chest.
You were essentially along for the ride at this point. But you were able to grip into that short blonde hair along his scalp as his head came back up to bite one of your breasts.
The sound you made in response simply encouraged him of course as he did it again even harder to the other one.
But just when you thought you were going to have to engage some armament coating for self preservation’s sake, he started sucking your chest instead.
You couldn’t stop your resulting gasp at that new sensation when he worked one of your nipples far more carefully in his mouth while it hardened at the attention.
And now you could see the intensity as his eyes glanced up at you while he squeezed your other breast beneath his hand.
Making true eye contact while being ravaged by him put things on a whole new level. And he still didn’t give you time to accept this at all  before you felt his other hand move between your legs almost simultaneously.
He went back to sucking and biting your breasts as he thumbed your clit hard, making your thighs try to slam closed as you writhed beneath him.
Of course, closing anything to him was no longer allowed. So both his hands were below your waist then as he grabbed your knees to force your legs back open before you felt him release one hand again to push his fingers right inside you once more.
He was finger fucking you immediately too, continuing what he had started at the church as you whined desperately.
“I’m going to take this. Again and again, you understand? I’ve waited too long.” You heard him growl as he’d risen back up to straddle you. Your hands were then forced back above you as he grabbed your wrists again next. “But if you’re good, we’ll keep using lube each time.” 
And as he said this, he’d let go of you again just enough for his strings to pull open the drawer of the nearby nightstand. Another string lifted a small bottle out of that drawer and into his hand. 
He was already fully hard again as he’d poured some of that bottle’s contents into one of his palms. Then spreading that liquid entirely over his waiting cock before the bottle dropped back onto the nightstand.
Even if you’d said no, it wouldn’t have mattered to him. You could only brace yourself, yet fighting to relax all the same before Doflamingo had forced his then freshly slick cock past your entrance once again.
He was already panting, his eyes absolutely full of that yearning for you as he immediately started to thrust.
Even all the lube in the world couldn’t let you stretch fast enough though as you cried out in return.
“That’s it…come on, scream for me. Scream for your man.” He breathed out regardless, that suction already starting as you could hear the additional wetness of the lube making those god awful sounds through the room as his hips pumped in and out against you.
“Bastard!” You arched and cried out again as you fought the pain of that pressure, the bed protesting as well as his weight shook it.
But every time your legs tried to close around his hips, he’d just grab you by the thighs and force you open again though.
After about the third time, he dug his fingers into that flesh of your legs, enough to pierce it slightly.
“I want to watch this wet cunt while I fuck it. So keep these goddamned thighs open.” He briefly scolded.
You glared up at him, but that only drew out an additional nasty smile from the pirate as he angled his hips further at that, changing the pressure to scrape more against that special, sensitive spot inside of you.
As you moaned immediately too, he was looking so smug again. “Are you going to cum for me this time, love?”
And in the pain of it all, you still caught that slight difference in his wording. 
But he didn’t stop there. “I want you to. Cum for me, (Y/N).”
And as he said this, he was still pounding in and out of you, sometimes hitting against your cervix, sometimes not. He knew the farthest depth he could fit by now, but that didn’t mean he never overshot that point in the haze of his own pleasure.
You felt like you were burning up too. Even if he was doing all the work right now by his own volition. The bedroom smelled like sex and sweat. That change so fast as you did feel your muscles trying to contract again.
“Then rub me. If you want me to cum…” you suddenly had found your voice again.
You saw his eyes go back to your face at those words, he really had been watching you stretch around him down there just as he’d said he would.
“Rub what?” He asked darkly though, wanting to hear you say it.
“Rub my clit,” you replied a little more irritably.
“Beg for it.” He just countered right back.
You flinched when he hit your cervix again and you thought that time had really been on purpose.
But clearly your pride still exceeded your discomfort as you did refuse to beg for your own release. Not yet.
And he was fine with that too.
Abruptly Doflamingo had pulled all the way out of you before roughly flipping you onto your stomach as he got on his knees behind you and pulled your ass back up to him.
“I guess you’re declining another shot of the lube then.” He taunted, just before plunging his cock into your aching channel all over again.
It was still plenty wet naturally, but the lube absolutely would have helped as he started thrusting desperately into you all over again.
And now it did feel wholly animalistic, you on all fours momentarily before he’d reached forward to shove you back down into the bed by the back of your neck.
Just your ass still up as his pelvis humped it like a bitch being bred by her mate then.
And the sounds he made as he did so. He was fully consumed in that moment as his hand tightened even further on your neck from behind.
Either the spine or the throat was always what he went for when he sought to better control you.
But the worst thing was that you still felt yourself contracting anyway around him. Body trying to coax his second release from him whether or not you had even had your first.
You were as sweaty as him too from just the intensity of the body heat and the peak of arousal that made you feel like you were burning from the inside out.
Even when it hurt, you were still keeping up on your knees for him too, letting this man continue to ride you even as he kept you gasping with your chest and neck pinned into the mattress.
“That’s right…you love this don’t you?” His voice almost sounded close to breaking then in response to your own sounds.
He slammed in even harder again for emphasis. “This is all for you….I did wait for you. I haven’t fucked anyone. So take what you’ve earned.”
Your expression still showed surprise at this confession, even while it was difficult to look back at him as he finally orgasmed again and you felt his body shudder harshly before his seed filled you to the brim.
You could feel him still trembling, not hiding that weakness at all either as he kept himself sheathed inside you to survive what seemed like even more than one additional orgasm afterward for him.
That sticky overflow did drip from your folds and down onto the bed too as he pumped his hips slowly a few extra times just for good measure.
It was as if he absolutely didn’t want you to miss a single drop of him.
And you mostly didn’t even as he stayed inside, just letting go of your neck in favor of your waist as he pulled you all the way down into the bed, laying on your sides then with him still breathing rather raggedly behind you.
You felt him hugging you to him. That grip still wholly possessive as he rested a few minutes again.
And you didn’t mind the new silence, fully appreciating that cool night air still coming through the open balcony doors as it ghosted across you both.
But after a while, he must have wanted to look at you. Because he at last slid his softening length back out before again forcing you to turn. This time the two of you facing one another as his arm went tight right back around you.
The Heavenly Demon actually nuzzled you then, before you felt him chuckle.
“I’m still burning up, woman. What poison are you made of anyway?”
And you could see that look of almost exhausted contentment in his eyes as he looked you over. 
He was actually sated. If only for this moment as you couldn’t resist reaching back up to touch his uncovered face. He’d allow you almost anything right now, you knew that instinctively too.
And he did turn his face further into your renewed touch, letting you pet him as his eyes softened with that rare comfort.
He really was beautiful like this. Though you knew no one else would ever believe it.
But you didn’t care about anyone else right now. Not at all as you brought your lips together again to kiss him gently.
The type of kiss you wondered if he even understood the meaning of. 
Whether he did or not though, he still liked it. And he returned that softness before a loud pop from outside had you both looking towards the open balcony doors again.
You stared as suddenly the bedroom was awash with color. More fireworks beginning again outside as you realized you were truly smiling.
“What?” You heard Doflamingo ask, voice still tired as he put his head back against you. “It’s just noise.”
But it was far more than just that as you still watched the multiple hues flaring across the room one after another. 
It was such a similar effect actually to that sunlight coming through the stained glass in the church earlier today. It made you realize that you’d always thought your fantasy of sanctuary would only ever look a certain way. 
But that wasn’t true. Because this place was becoming a sanctuary too. Somehow, someway, you did feel needed as this man gripped you harder when you hadn’t yet answered him.
“It’s just pretty.” You finally offered, unable to really put this to words of course. Your eyes met his again as you finished though. “It’s what I wanted.”
He made a sound at that, putting one long leg over your hip as if to wrap you up even further against him in this makeshift nest.
“Agreed.” Was all Doflamingo said as his attention never left you then. And that spoke volumes.
Because neither of you were talking about the fireworks any longer. It was all about this new feeling. Something that you feared not being able to carry on without again.
    T⨂  BE 
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spooky-bunnys · 2 years ago
Haitani Baby Brother
Part 1
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(Name) hadn't been feeling the best the past few weeks. His Omega was out of control and according to his older brothers. His sent necame sweeter. (Name) thought it was because his heat had been coming up. It starts in two days. He didn't want to find an Alpha for this coming heat. He wanted to be alone. Maybe he'll just steal his brothers clothing again.
(Name) woke up confused and felt even more sick. He was supposed to start his heat today. But nothing happened. (Name) ran his hand through his hair before leaving his nest. He opened the door to his room and was greeted by his oldest brother. "(Name) what are you doing up? You started your heat didn't you?" (Name) crossed his arms and shook his head. "Aniki. I didn't start my heat." Ran looked confused then froze.
(Name) confused waved a hand in front of his brothers face. "Aniki? Are you okay should I call Rin?" Ran quickly grabbed (Name)'s wrist. He grabbed it tightly but not too tight. Ran quickly made his way down stairs and grabbed his car keys. While getting dragged (Name) was honestly getting scared. "Aniki what's going on? Your scaring me!" Ran released his wrist and pulled out his phone. "(Name) I'm taking you to the doctor that works under Bonten."
Confused as he was (Name) knew not to argue with his brothers when they went into protective brother alpha mode. (Name) confusingly nodded and watched Ran call not only the doctor but Rindou too apparently. As Ran excorted (Name) to his car, (Name) couldn't help but get more worried. What was going on?
As they arrive at Bonten HQ Rindou was outside pacing. When (Name) got out of the car he made his way to his other older brother and quickly shoved his head into his scent glad. Trying to calm himself with a familiar sent. Rindou jumped but calmed himself while rubbing (Name)'s back. Smelling the worried but extremely sweet scent of his baby brother. Rindou trying to calm him down while Ran leaded them towards the doctors office.
(Name) looked around his brothers work place as they went. He's never been here before since his older brothers didn't like exposing (Name) to what they do. When they reached the doctors door (Name) was pumping out scared pheromones. His brothers tried calming him down but they weren't helping. The door opens and what welcomes the doctor is a crying Omega and the two Haitani executives trying to calm him down.
"Mr. Haitani you called me about an ultrasound?" Ran nodded quickly and wrapped his arm around (Name) pushing him into the doctors office with Rindou on his heals. (Name) was confused. Why would his brother want him to get an ultrasound? Unless....(Name) paled and cried harder. Freaking his brothers out more. Rindou pushed Ran away and scooped up (Name). Getting him to the awaiting bed quicker.
Once (Name) was sat on the bed the doctor immediately got to work setting up the equipment. Ran gave a quick glare to Rindou before looking at (Name) who honestly looked like he was going to faint. Ran felt bad. He probably should've explained what he was taking (Name) to the doctor for. He just knew Rin was gonna lecture him later. After the doctor was finished setting everything up he grabbed a tube of what looked like clear jelly.
"Okay Mr. Haitani. I need you to lift your shirt." (Name) wasn't even paying attention he was stuck in his head. What's gonna happen if he's pregnant? (Name) thought he was careful! He always had the Alpha's he slept with use protection. He took medication that was supposed to prevent pregnancy. The older Haitani's shared a look. Knowing exactly was going through their baby brothers head.
They softly grabbed (Name)'s hands. Each brother taking one. Knocking (Name) from his thoughts. "Whatever happens (Name) know we're here for you. Just one question though." Ran continued Rindou's statement. "Who was the last Alpha you were with?" (Name) didn't need to think hard. He knew what the Alpha looked like....just not his name. (Name) looked embarrassed. Ran smirked. "Aww did our baby brother have a one night stand?"
(Name) shook Ran's hand off and covered his face groaning. Ran teases him over almost anything and everything. Rindou growled. Thinking some Alpha knocked up his brother. Without thinking it wouldn't come back to him? Rindou was gonna track this asshole down. The doctor cleared his throat. Gaining the attention of the Omega.
He raised an eyebrow motioning to the shirt and (Name) blushed. He slowly lifted his shirt showing his stomach for the doctor. When the jelly hit his skin the air left his lungs. Why was the jelly so cold!? His older brothers laughed upon seeing his reaction. The doctor placed the wand on his stomach. Looking around for a few moments before making a happy sound. He pushed a few buttons before removing the wand.
He handed Rindou a towl to wipe the goop off (Name). While Rindou was doing so Ran was talking to (Name) trying to keep him distracted until the doctor was done. Rindou joined in the conversation when he was done. After a few minutes the doctor came back with a smile and a folder in his hand. "Well congratulations Mr. Haitani! You are almost 4 weeks pregnant!" The brothers all froze.
Ran snatching the folder out of his hand opening it quickly. (Name) and Rindou looking over his shoulder. Inside the folder were multiple pictures of a small circle. (Name) was pregnant? (Name) paled. His brothers shared a look. One was surprised the other was angry. They nodded to one another with one though in mind. They were gonna find that Alpha. Rindou took a deep breath and leaned down to his brother.
(Name) looked absolutely terrified. It worried him. "(Name). Hey I need you to look at me." Rindou spoke as soft as he could as to not startle the Omega. That's the last thing he needs to do. After calling his name a few more times (Name) slowly meet Rindou's eye. "I need to know about who you had that one night stand with." (Name)'s eyes started watering. He quickly said he didn't know who it was. He only remembers what he looks like.
When asked what he looked like. The Haitani Alphas saw nothing but red. "H-He was tall. Had beautiful blue eyes. Soft pink hair. H-He also had matching diamond scars on the side of his mouth...." (Name) didn't know what he said wrong but with how murderous his brothers look he could only assume they knew the Alpha. Rindou was the first to somewhat calm down. Noticing how scared (Name) looked. He sighed and smacked the back of his older brothers had.
Ran turned to glare at Rindou until he heard a whimper. When he saw (Name) his heart broke. Neither brother have ever seen (Name) look so weak. They knew what was going through his head. (Name) thought he was gonna raise the baby by himself. Without the Alpha in the picture. Not on their watch. The older brothers nodded. Ran took (Name)'s wrist and helped him up.
Placing his suit jacket on the Omega's shoulder and handed the folder to Rindou so could carry (Name). Once Ran had the Omega settled in his arms the brothers left the office. Both making their way to Ran's office. Where (Name) had a nest in the hidden room behind the book shelf. Once they had (Name) settled down and the Omega was alseep. The brothers made their way to the meeting room.
As they got closer to the meeting room they could hear a loud voice laughing. The voice stirred the anger and fury both brothers were feeling. Ran threw open the door. Anger written all over his face. Rindou gripping the folder knuckles white. Everyone inside stared at them confused. "Who pissed in your cereal?" Sanzu asked a shit eating grin on his face.
Ran immediately lunged towards him. Kakucho grabbing him inches away from Sanzu. Rindou lunged after getting caught by Mochi. "Woah! Hey! The fuck did I do?!" Sanzu had jumped out of his seat. Ready to fight both brothers if needed. Mikey annoyed with all the yelling and growling put a stop to it. Grabbing his gun he shot upwards shutting the fight down quickly. The Haitani Brothers panting and stopped growling glaring hatefully at Sanzu.
"Now. I want to know what the fuck makes you think you two can come in here acting like that." Mikey glared at the brothers. Ran quickly shook Kakucho off and straightened himself glaring at Sanzu one last time before looking at Mikeym "I apologize sir. We were just given some....news." Everyone looked at the older Haitani annoyed and confused. "You got some bad fucking news and tried taking your anger out on me?!"
Sanzu was ready to shoot both brothers in the head and dance on their graves. Rindou growled and tried lunging at him again. Mikey growled loudly. "ENOUGH!" Everyone froze. Mikey stared at Rindou noticing the folder he was gripping. Mikey raised an eyebrow. "Rindou. What's in the folder?" Rindou hadn't calmed down enough so Ran took the lead taking the folder from his brother and handing it to his boss.
Mikey opened the folder. Staring at the pictures and looked at the brothers with a raised brow. "Whose ultrasound?" Mikey placed the folder on the table spreading the pictures. Sanzu laughed loudly. "Aww did one of your bitch Omegas get pregnant saying it wasn't yours?~" Something in Ran snapped. He yanked his wallet out and pulled out a picture. He slammed said picture on the table in front of Sanzu growling. Sanzu stared at him then looked at the picture and grinned.
"Hey! Thats the Omega I've been looking for!" He picked up the picture. "He was the best fuckin I've had in a long time. I've been wanting a round 2." Ran lunged again and once again being caught by Kakucho. Sanzu laughed at his reaction. "Don't tell me he's your Omega?" Mikey stared at the ultrasound pictures and the angry brothers. Going back and forth until something in his mind clicked.
"The Omega." Mikey spoke gaining everyone's attention. Sanzu stared at his King. Hanging on every word. Mikey spoke again. "Who is he?" Sanzu shrugged. "Don't know. I met him at some club. Had an absolute fucking addicting sent." The brothers that were calming were even more angry. Finally Mikey snapped sending the brothers out. Mikey held his hand out towards Sanzu. Who immediately set the picture in his hand.
Mikey looked between the picture before catching a name at the top. He smirked before looking at the small picture in his hand. "Do you know what the Omega's name is?" Sanzu shrugged. "I didn't really care at he time." Mikey started laughing. Scaring the other members in the room. "Oh you fucked up." Everyone confused stared at Mikey waiting for him to continue. "Sanzu that Omega you slept with was Haitani (Name). Baby brother of the Haitani Brothers and-" Mikey slid the ultrasound pictures towards Sanzu.
"He is currently carrying your pup.
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politemenacephd · 1 year ago
Arachnophilia (Part Fourteen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
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Word Count: 5040 Notes: Voyeurism build up is here, will be dropping that next chapter. For now here's some tension/proper argument w HQ!Miguel and some fluff w Mig
‘You’re sure you wish to return today?’
You paused midway through the very unflattering motion of hoisting your suit over your hips, rolling on the bed like a flipped beach turtle, and turned to find Mig watching you from across the room.
His big red eyes already betrayed his concern as they darted from your face to your body, as did his slowly tapping paws.
You shot him a reassuring smile. ‘I’m sure, Mig! Don’t worry, I have a plan.’
Mig made that same adorable face he always did when he was disgruntled, as his nose wrinkled up and his brows folded in over his big puppy-dog eyes. Your reassurance would never be enough, sadly.
‘You could- stay, another hour’ he offered. ‘They can’t fault you for being a little late.’
You sighed through the nose and finally did up the last hidden button on your suit, snapping it into place.
It’d been a few days since Mig’s confession. You’d managed to snag the extra time away from the society by calling up Jess and going through some early talking points online, but all the time you’d gained had been devoted solely to working through Mig’s worries.
His possessive nature had certain gotten worse since he’d acknowledged his past to you. He startled at every minor noise, he rustled against you constantly to keep you saturated in his scent. He panicked when you weren’t in his line of sight, and he was patrolling his territory more and more.
The worst one though was at night, when he’d hide behind his giant legs and you had to gently coax him out.
It wasn’t easy, but you weren’t opposed to comforting your monster partner. You knew it was going to be hard on him. Today he’d made enough progress to at least let you return for a bit, and that was great, but you knew to expect relapses.
With a slight hop you stumbled to your feet and crossed the nest, carefully taking his hands into yours.
‘Uhuh, I could stay an extra hour. And then you would say, please stay another hour, then another, then another, and then I’m called in for insubordination and I get my watch taken away’ you said, firm but soft.
‘Mi arañita, it’s in my blood to keep you here’ he insisted.
‘Nope, can’t use that excuse anymore. I’m not in heat, am I?’ you said. You tried to keep it light by booping his nose with your finger, but Mig remained tense.
‘It’s in my human blood, to keep you here, is what I meant’ he said, his voice dipping. ‘I just want to know you’re safe. I can’t, know, if you’re not here with me.’
Sensing that he was spiralling you put his hand over your chest. He could sense your heart thumping beneath your ribs, small but strong. It seemed to have an instant calming effect.
‘I’m okay. See? I’m okay. And I’m gonna set something up’ you reminded him gently. ‘Right? I’m gonna go get some stuff while I’m at the HQ, like we discussed. You’ll be able to see my vitals on a screen here so you know I’m safe, and we will- test, you being able to call me, because I know if I give you unlimited reign you will call me every second of every hour. But, you know, I’m bringing stuff back to make this easier.’
Mig grumbled and rolled his tongue against his fangs at your reminder. ‘You… are you, sure, they won’t try to keep you away from me?’ he asked.
‘I’m as sure as I can be, Miggy. I mean Jess clearly got annoyed with Miguel for trying to separate us, remember? I don’t think the elite’s care, so long as we’re not endangering anyone. We’re two consenting adults after all.’
‘A monster and his pet’ Miguel grumbled. You couldn’t help but giggle at his sour tone.
‘A consenting adult monster and his consenting adult pet’ you added. Mig didn’t smile with you but you saw him tap his spider legs a few times, which you knew now meant he was happy. It was like a silent laugh for when he was too worried to laugh openly.
‘Hey. Come here’ you whispered.
You gestured for his foreleg and he stretched it out. You took it between both your hands and raised it your lips, pressing a single kiss to the fluffy little paw, showing no sign of fear or disgust. You then gestured for his human hands.
‘Here. Here, babe.’
Mig outstretched his hands, and with his fingers in your grip you kissed each of his claws one after the other. You could sense his body deflating, slowly losing all of that pent up tension as you showed his body the same love you always did.
‘Pretty spider’ you whispered after the final claw was crowned with your lips. When you looked up he was smiling at last.
‘Pretty spider’ he repeated back. You craned your neck and noticed his abdomen was rustling, the fur on his back gently bristling as his middle legs tapped at the floor. You beamed.
‘Mmm. Happy dance’ you noted.
Mig closed his eyes as he smiled, his old, chiselled face growing soft as he made the dance more overt. He tapped his feet back and forth, gently rustling his fluffy body up against your face. You nestled right back. There was nothing better than seeing that little display.
‘Okay, okay. There we go.’ You gently leaned back after giving him a quick squeeze, your hand flying to your watch. You knew you had to make the portal now or you’d never leave.
‘Guess I better get going.’
With a few clicks a portal to the HQ exploded into the centre of the nest, covering your face in that ethereal orange light. You glanced back over your shoulder and saw that Mig had stopped dancing. It hurt your heart, but it had to be done.
‘Can I have a goodbye kiss, please?’ you offered with your hand outstretched on the precipice of the portal. Mig was eager to take it.
‘Ah- yes, of course mi arañita.’
You should have been wise enough to know that this was a double play on his part. The moment your lips connected his hands were on your waist, digging in deep to the soft flesh beneath your suit.
His lips moved slowly, parting before rejoining as they smothered your own. They were so soft compared to the rest of his ruggedness, soft and full and warm. As his tongue teased your mouth they grew wet.
His low moan made your knees weak. It vibrated through your lips and into your soul. His lips parted right as you usually would have left, and soon you were entranced by his tongue.
‘Mm- mmm—’
You forgot the portal at your back as Mig gently rumbled against you, his fluffy body vibrating in a way that made your insides tingle. He dug his claws in deeper, a small dose of shock to widen your mouth, allowing his tongue to go right down your throat.
When he pulled back there was a long and heavy trail of spit between you, one that he licked into his mouth without ever breaking eye contact. You felt that pleasurable tension in your gut triple over.
‘Ah—Mig, I know what you’re doing’ you panted.
He’d held you for so long that the portal had closed behind you. You let out a mildly exasperated huff while he tilted his head, his face sickeningly innocent.
‘Doing what? I just wanted to kiss mi arañita goodbye.’
‘You told me you were incapable of lying, Mr.’
‘I am, yes. It’s not a lie’ he said. The earnest affection in his eyes broke you, and a smile crept back onto your face.
‘Mhm. It’s just- leaving out the full truth, right?’
He coyly darted his eyes to the side, forcing you to grab his thickset jaw and turn his head back. You were on your tip toes to reach him.
‘The full truth, is… I don’t want you to go, but, I know you have to. So I will do what I can to keep you here, because I am selfish. And… I will miss you, when you are gone. Because you make me happy. And, I like having you close’ Mig murmured.
‘I know’ you sighed. ‘I know. I’ll miss you too. And I will be back soon. I promise.’
You bumped foreheads once more before pulling back, and this time Mig let you go.
As you flew through the dizzying portal you were surprisingly optimistic.
You were going back to the society, and this time you were no longer alone. No matter what you had someone to go home to, someone to talk to, someone to hold you.
Your perspective on the society had also certainly shifted since meeting Mig, and that was something you had to contend with. Knowing that they were hiding things, these cosmic mistakes they didn’t want to deal with, it bothered you to no end. You’d previously viewed the elites as these unfathomable being, who just had to know best because of where they were, but not anymore. Especially in the case of Miguel.
You felt a little bad, but you hadn’t been fully honest with Mig about your intentions. Yes, you were going back to grab some items for him and to show you were available. Yes, you were returning to ensure your relationship was sanctioned.
But you also had something else in mind. Something a bit more personal. Something for the boss to deal with.
You skipped a few steps as your body was thrown from the depths of time and space, your shoes clacking as you hit the HQ floor. You stepped out into the lobby, into a bustling sea of spiders, and you breathed in the familiar smell of Nueva York. It smelled like spandex, like cleaning fluid and cold park air.
You felt the portal close at your back, leaving you standing alone in this great gathering of your peers.
And then you froze.
Almost half the spiders around you were still, their head craned in your direction. You felt the eyes on every inch of your body. You met their gazes through their masks, and despite you clearly looking at them they didn’t turn or look away.
You frowned. What was going on?’
A new sound filled the quiet buzz of conversation, the worst possible sound you could hear. Muffled laughter.
You spun around only for the laughter to stop, and by the time you’d turned back all the spiders were pretending not to have looked at all. They were deep in meaningless conversation, their heads down, and soon you were once again lost in the crowd.
You could feel your face burning, your cheeks hot and clammy.
Oh, fuck. Shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit, fuck. Did they know? How did they know? Who could have told them?
For a moment your blood ran cold. Wait. Had, Miguel, told everyone? To punish you?
In a brewing panic you started to make your way through the HQ.
All the way out of the lobby and up through the dizzying web of beams you felt eyes on you. You occasionally heard laughter but now you couldn’t tell whether it was aimed at you or not, which only spurred your paranoia, and you only continued to spiral further as you went about your objectives.
You stopped by the lab and grabbed the tech you needed for Mig: a watch for him to programme, a monitor for your vitals, and a few old or nearly scrapped holographic screens that you figured he could fix up. All eyes on you, staring at you through screens and over desks. You hurried out.
From there you made a stop at HR, a pretty run-down and disorganised area compared to the rest of the society, where you grabbed some paperwork Jess had ordered you to fill out. You felt eyes peering over piles of paperwork, soft whispers and curious mumbles hidden behind walls as you piled up the work.
By the time you made it to your last stop you could feel the sweat on your lower back from stressing so hard. Around Mig you felt safe, emboldened, but you were realizing quickly that you were still alone here.
You crept into the open research base and dropped into one of the empty desks. You were here, right back where you started, the day you first met Mig.
You thought of him, back in the nest, and your heart twisted. You missed him.
‘You’re the one, right?’
You jumped as an unfamiliar voice sounded off against your ear. Somehow you’d been snuck up on, and three spider-people you’d never met before were crowding around the back of your desk. Their faces immediately put you on edge; they looked far too familiar with you, far too excited.
‘I- the one, what?’ you stammered.
‘You’re the one who- you know—’
You felt your stomach drop as the spiders broke into playful smiles. You tried to push the chair back and run, abandoning the PC while it was still on, but to your horror the other spiders held you in place. You slumped back into the chair as they offered an overlap of fake coos and soothing words.
‘No, no, hey! Please we’re so curious.’
‘Curious about- what? Don’t- grab me!’ you said, inadvertently snapping as you pulled from their grasp. You could feel other people in the room starting to glance over at the commotion, and it was driving your anxiety way up.
‘You had sex with Miguel’s variant, right? The spider one?’ one of them whispered. The spiders holding you in place were practically giddy as they spoke over themselves.
‘We… they’re, all spiders’ you stammered.
‘No, no! You know what we mean. There’s one that’s like fully half spider, right? And you had sex with him?’
‘I—That’s, nobodies business’ you said defensively. Sadly, your tone only spurred them on harder.
'No come on please, oh my god- does he look like Miguel? Is he that big?'
'Does he have the teeth?'
'Oh god, ew, what's the spider part like? Was it like an actual spider?'
'Did you--' 
You went rigid in your seat, as did the spiders hounding you. Heavy footsteps filled the room as a huge, foreboding shadow slowly covered your body from behind.
‘What’s going on?’
You turned to see Miguel standing over you, his hands on his hips. The spiders almost fell over each other trying to placate him.
‘Hi! Sir, we were just—’
‘It’s fine Miguel we were—’
‘No gossiping. We’re not a rag newspaper, we’re a serious organisation, that does serious work’ Miguel said, his voice slow and cold. ‘Work that I assume you’re currently procrastinating on, since you’re here, and not somewhere else.’
The spiders quickly abandoned your desk, leaving you spinning awkwardly on the spot in your little chair. Miguel had to grab the back to make it stop.
‘Ah, hey, you—’
‘Come with me.’
Miguel didn’t wait for you to respond after cutting you off. He turned and walked in the opposite direction, his presumptuous, authoritative aura gleaming off him like musk.
You thought about saying no, just on principle, but it wouldn’t help. You’d been planning to talk to him anyway. With a slightly reluctant shrug you obeyed.
Miguel led you in silence up through the heart of the HQ building to his office. The whole way you continued to avoid the curious eyes on your back, focusing instead on what you wanted to say to him.
Up the beams, through the corridor filled with anomalies, down the messy side hall and into his office, where at last you were both alone. You shuddered in the gloom, where the only light was a thin lay of blue from above that tinted your skin. It was only here that Miguel finally addressed you directly.
‘I’m sorry they’re bothering you’ Miguel called over his shoulder.
‘Uhuh. Yeah, me too. Strange how they knew’ you said, making no effort to sugarcoat your accusatory tone. Miguel grunted a chuckle as he picked up on the implication.
‘It’s not strange. HR receives filings whenever a relationship needs to be sanctioned, such as- Peter’s and Mary’s receiving crisis training or therapy, or any spiders entering into inter-dimensional relationships. It doesn’t happen often, so when one comes up featuring a Miguel variant and a random spider, and some intern copying it notices the names, they talk. They talk to their friends at lunch, and then they talk to their friends on missions. Suddenly, everyone knows.’
You felt your face burning as he spun this elaborate story. You wanted to believe he was lying, but, it was one thing he and Mig shared in common: they didn’t lie.
‘I didn’t tell anyone’ Miguel grunted as he jumped onto his desk. ‘I understand how- frustrating hormones can be. I don’t blame you for what you had to do.’
‘Uhuh’ you said, your voice wary.
‘I just don’t understand why you’ve still choosing to remain around my counterpart now you’re free’ Miguel continued as he booted up his set, more to himself than to you.
‘Because he’s my friend’ you said sharply.
Miguel glanced over his shoulder, his one visible eye glowing brightly against the dull blue hue. He looked you up and down.
‘I don’t get it’ he repeated in a low murmur. You hated it but his presence still made you slightly weak, and that soft voice was painfully close to how Mig usually spoke.
‘If you were in pain I would have helped’ he said as he turned back around. ‘It’s not like you had no options. Was I really that cold to you?’
You balked at his unexpected confession, especially when said in such a nonchalant way. It was a pretty heavy thing to drop, surely, to admit that he’d sensed your heat and been willing to sleep with you too?
‘You- are you serious?’ you whisper shouted. Your outrage made Miguel chuckle again, something that only made your face warmer.
‘I’m serious, yes. I would have helped.’
‘Oh, oh of course you would have. Just, out of the kindness of your own heart?’
‘More or less.’
You scoffed openly. ‘My god- Do you have no shame? At all?’
Miguel turned again, craning his neck a little further this time to eye you up fully. You saw the thick curve of his back as he arched it.
‘I’d advise you not to be combative’ he murmured. ‘I’m still your superior, and I’m also well aware of what you’ve done. I don’t think you should be the one to tell me about shame.’
‘Why should I be ashamed?! Because I had sex with a nice person I was friends with, because we shared a mutual attraction? Oh my god, how could I!’
‘You let a monster mate with you and almost get you pregnant’ Miguel snapped back, his voice rising ever so slightly.
‘He’s not- a monster’ you said. ‘Not- I mean, physically he is, unusual, but he’s a good person.’
‘You have no idea who that man is’ Miguel impatiently snapped.
‘Yes, I do. Damn it-- He told me! About Dana!’ you blurted.
A brief silence fell as Miguel’s hands went still. Up until this point he’d been typing, casually micro-tasking while you argued at his back, but now he was totally focused on you.
‘He did?’ Miguel repeated back. He sounded shocked, confused, perhaps even impressed?
‘Yes. He- it sounded, horrible. That poor man.’
‘That poor man’ Miguel sneered, his shock quickly turning back to disgust. ‘You didn’t see what I saw. And that’s not your fault, but I’m telling you now, I saw it. The blood on his hands, the blood on his fur, the—face, of—’
Miguel paused and shook his head. ‘He may not have intended to hurt her, but he did. He couldn’t de-escalate, couldn’t control his own strength. He could have ripped the gun out of her hands, or pointed it upwards. His panic killed her.’
‘He was- he was scared, Miguel!’ you argued. ‘He’d just undergone a painful attempt on his life, he was turned into something new, something scary, and then his life was threatened again by someone who was meant to love him!’
‘Yeah, and you know what? I want through the same exact thing’ Miguel spat. ‘I didn’t kill anyo-- … I didn’t, kill, Dana, Did I?’
Internally you were seething. Part of you wanted to just rip into him for what he’d said, for so cruelly bullying Mig for something that wasn’t his fault while making overt passes at you in the same sentence, but you held your tongue.
At least now you didn’t feel at all bad for what you were about to do.
‘I want to- make a proposal’ you said, your voice echoing through the office.
Miguel blinked. His brows went up, slowly, as his eyes darted across your face. He looked surprised. ‘You do, do you?’
You stiffened your resolve as his shadow covered your body. Before you’d have never thought of standing up to your boss like this, and yet, here you were.
‘Yes. I want you to retract the clause that Mig remain isolated from other spiders and people. He’s not a threat and you know that. He deserves the chance to reintegrate, to see that he’s safe to be around other people and to connect with people like him who won’t be afraid. I want you to let him into the society.’
Miguel grunted, his nose wrinkling with disgust. ‘No’ he barked, and immediately he turned.
He thought that would be the end of it, the stubborn fool, but you weren’t interested in begging for permission. If he wanted to play dirty, you would too.
‘Fine’ you said sharply, ‘fine. Let me guess, his genes make him too dangerous?’
‘Wow, newbie, that’s a great point. You’re right. I’ll keep that on record next time someone brings up the idea of letting him join’ Miguel sarcastically drawled. You sneered.
‘Okay. Well, if he has to stay away because his genes make him dangerous, genes that you SHARE, may I remind you, then I suggest for the safety of the society we make it public knowledge.’
You saw Miguel freeze up. He was clearly frightened, as his back muscles popped to indicate he was tensing them tightly, and his biceps were clearly getting more prominent as he clenched his fists.  
You had to steel yourself to approach that terrifying visage.
‘What are you talking about?’ he hissed over his shoulder.
‘You know what I’m talking about’ you said, getting closer with each word. ‘You know that you go into ruts, the same as he does. You know that for all the pressure you put on him to stay away from people, you happily engage in that exact behaviour.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Miguel repeated, this time in a far gravellier voice.
‘I know, you sanctimonious asshole, that you’ve also been sleeping with people during your ruts!’ you whisper shouted, your voice slipping through gritted teeth.
Miguel immediately scoffed, trying to play it off. ‘You don’t have proof of that. I didn’t sleep with you.’
‘No, not- me, Miguel, I have proof. I have proof you’ve done this before.’
‘Oh, do you?’ he asked in that same sarcastic, defensive tone.
‘You decided to threaten me with my own medical records, so clearly that’s allowed, right? So, I can bring up that there are definitely files within the society bay detailing god knows how many other members or workers, filled with the same genetic material, covered in webbing?’
The moment you said ‘webbing’ he tensed up. You’d got him.
‘Perhaps a few, anti-venom prescriptions? Emergency birth control?’
He tensed up further, his head going forward as his shoulders rolled. You continued to push.
‘I don’t think the wider society would be too kind if they knew their boss was going into little, horny breakdowns, and then secretly taking out his frustrations on its members—’
At that Miguel spun around, his clawed hand slamming itself into the desk at your back. In barely a second you went from standing to trapped, your back bent against the desk with his enormous arms on either side of your torso.
‘Do you think you’re better than me?!’ he spat, his fangs dangerously close to your face.
‘Do you think you’re better than me, huh?’
You felt all of your previous convictions slip in his presence. God he was terrifying. He wasn’t nearly as big as Mig but he was huge compared to you, easily pinning your body to the desk. You felt the cold metal press into your spine as he bent you back, and your eyes instinctively drifted to his fangs.
You swallowed, hard, and were met with the strangest look in his eyes. He seemed ashamed, almost, as he realized you were scared of him, and yet there was something else there. Something more complicated.
You struggled to claw back a semblance of your previous anger.
‘You know what? No. Not in that sense. But that’s my point. We’re the same, you’re just a—’
‘Don’t say it’ he hissed.
‘Hypocrite’ you spat back in his face. With a frustrated grunt he pulled away.
‘I don’t put anyone at risk of spreading my genes!’ he said, his voice rising with his annoyance. ‘And I don’t touch anyone who I could hurt!’
‘How can you know that?’
‘Because they’re all men!’ Miguel blurted. He had to pause to breathe, his hands now gripped tight to his hips. ‘Or- at the very least they’ve had their reproductive organs taken care of. And they’re my friends, I never- I never approach anyone I don’t know and trust. I just… sometimes, I have to—have, something. Just one. But I’ve never- slipped and, indulged in anyone the way your sweet, innocent Mig has.’
‘You- but you JUST said you would have helped me out too’ you argued back. Miguel scoffed again.
‘I didn’t mean sex. I would have- offered something, for relief, because I know how much it hurts. I can control myself, but I’d rather not smell someone else going through the same agony, that’s all.’
‘Look, my— my point is, you do the same thing you accused Mig of doing. You don’t get to keep him out of the society if you’re allowed to be its head’ you said, trying to bring the subject back around.
‘He killed someone’ Miguel hissed.
‘And you exonerated him, because he was acting in self defence!’ you spat. This time your rage drove you forward, and you slammed your hand down on the desk beside Miguel, caging his tiny waist between your arms.
‘We are dangerous’ Miguel said, his voice even colder than usual. ‘We are not, safe. We are not supposed to be in relationships. I tried to tell you this, but if you won’t listen, I can’t help you.’
‘Oh, I’m the one who needs help?’
To your horror, Miguel suddenly let out a deeply sardonic chuckle. He bent so that his lips brushed your ear, and you froze as he spoke.
‘You fucked a spider’ he whispered slowly. ‘You found a version of your boss, who was half arachnid, and you let it fuck you. Furry legs and all. You nearly let it impregnate you. Yes, you need help.’
Miguel’s eyes darted, barely an inch from yours. You met them. You were shaking, yes, but you still stared him down.
‘He. Not it. I let him, fuck me’ you repeated.
You relished, secretly, in the deep resentment that crossed Miguel’s face. He looked jealous.
‘Why… Why, him?’
You blinked, taken aback by Miguel’s veiled question. You were expecting more vitriol, but instead his face sank as he pulled away from you.
‘What do you mean, why him?’ you asked.
‘You were in heat. I smelled it. You should have been drawn to my scent, but you turned and you ran. You ran back to him.’
You decided to let Miguel hang there for a moment, just to ponder how you should approach this.
‘If you ask that question honestly, I’ll answer’ you said slowly.
Miguel stiffened his jaw and stepped forward again. He was too curious to not take the bait. ‘Why? Why would you pick him over me?’
There it was. The most overt thing he’d ever admit. It wasn’t even really about you, was it? It was about his ego. It was about the fact that in that moment, when he’d grabbed you after your hospital trip, you’d been able to turn him down. You’d stayed loyal to Mig, and not just given in to your animal need so Miguel could satisfy himself with your body.
You could have given him a full lecture on why. His coldness, his mean streak, his little bursts of empathy that were never enough compared to Mig’s constant kindness. The way Mig gave you multiple chances to leave while Miguel grabbed you by the wrist, the way Mig praised you and thanked you and wished to acknowledge your relationship openly without shame while Miguel offered only a shameful coupling he would sooner forget.
You could have said so much. In the end, though, you just shrugged. ‘He’s hotter than you’ you said.
Silence filled Miguel’s office. At first his face was unreadable, but slowly, a smile crept onto his lips. It was an unnerving smile, the ghost of something cruel and cold.
‘Oh. Okay. Okay.’
You took a step back as Miguel turned back to his desk. The orange glow was eerie around the contours of his figure, highlighting his terrifying back muscles one by one as he rolled them.
‘Alright. You can have him here. And I won’t keep people off your back anymore. If you want to know, why I keep what I do quiet, why I keep my partners quiet, you can find out your way.’
You snorted. ‘Deal. Done. That’s all I needed from you.’
You left him there, alone on the desk, and you hurried back to the wider HQ, unaware of the new war you’d started for yourself. Link to next part!
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girasois · 1 year ago
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oiê, bem vindos(as)! à pedidos, estou trazendo um tutorial bem abrangente sobre como editar fotos no geral para icons, headers, etc., em alta qualidade. neste guia/tutorial trarei dicas, truques e informações gerais sobre o que é preciso para editar em hq. lembrando que o conteúdo deste guia é sobre como eu edito, a maneira que funciona comigo e meu progresso e aprendizado ao longo de quase 12 anos editando icons, ou seja, o que contém neste guia pode — e deve — ser adaptado à sua maneira e ao software de sua preferência. aproveitem e se divirtam!
nota: este tutorial está bem longo, então, se possível, veja este guia pelo pc/notebook!
softwares necessários com links para download;
onde e como baixar as fotos para as edits;
métodos de edição e passo a passo;
como melhorar a qualidade de uma foto;
como salvar a foto corretamente para postar;
dicas de actions e outros resources.
clique em “continuar lendo” para ver o tutorial.
eu recomendo fortemente o uso do photoshop cc na versão mais recente, ou outra versão com camera raw ou filtros neurais suportada pelo seu pc ou notebook.
você também pode usar o photopea como alternativa (eu particularmente prefiro o photoshop pois acho que as edits ficam com mais qualidade). se você preferir o photopea, algumas dicas desse guia poderão não funcionar devido à falta de algumas funcionalidades que o photopea não oferece (ex: camera raw, galeria de filtros, filtros neurais e outros).
eu uso a última versão do photoshop (atualmente, a versão 25.5.1) e uso a versão paga (obrigada adobe pelo desconto de estudante!!!!!), mas vou deixar alguns links para você baixar o photoshop gratuitamente caso você não seja estudante e/ou não tenha condições para assinar um plano.
atualmente eu uso um mac mini 2014 para editar, mas sempre usei windows, então, as dicas e os links valem para os dois sistemas operacionais.
macos: 1, 2 & 3.
windows: 1, 2, 3 & 4.
galerias de fotos
muitos artistas têm fansites com galerias de fotos e você pode achar facilmente digitando no google: “nome da pessoa + gallery”.
o artista que eu quero não tem galeria própria e agora? tranquilo, ainda temos galerias de fotos de famosos variados como hqdiesel, hqsource, hq-pictures e até mesmo o theplace.
em último caso você pode usar o gettyimages e usar um removedor de marca d’água ou um site como o gettyimages downloader.
para artistas estrangeiros que tenham apenas instagram e/ou não tenham fotos em galerias de imagens, eu recomendo o instagram pessoal da pessoa.
você poderá fazer o download das fotos com extensões de navegadores como o image downloader for instagram (para firefox e google chrome), ou sites como o saveig, o snapinsta ou o igdownloader.
eu recomendo baixar pela extensão do navegador, pois ela baixa a foto direto do site do instagram no computador, diferente dos sites que você precisará ir foto por foto, copiar o link e colar no site para fazer o download.
mas, caso a extensão esteja indisponível, com algum erro ou pare de funcionar, o site é uma excelente alternativa (só precisa ter mais paciência).
nos sites para baixar fotos do instagram, geralmente eles dão a opção para você escolher o tamanho da foto. você deve sempre selecionar a resolução maior da foto (acima de 1000px é o melhor).
em casos extremos de artistas low profile, sem instagram, sem aparições públicas, sem galerias de fotos, nadica de nada, eu recorro ao pinterest.
porém, é preciso ter muito cuidado ao fazer download de fotos do pinterest, porque são muitas fotos repetidas e muitas com baixíssima resolução e qualidade.
se você for baixar fotos do pinterest, escolha a foto com maior resolução (imagens maiores que 500px já são ok para editar icons), e depois de baixar a foto, eu recomendo fazer um tratamento na foto para melhorar a qualidade dela, como vou ensinar.
3.1 importando a foto no photoshop
apertando ctrl+o ou cmd+o uma guia vai abrir no programa, onde você vai até a pasta onde a foto foi salva. selecione a foto e clique duas vezes nela para abrir.
3.2 cortando a foto nas dimensões desejadas
muitos tutoriais de edições de icons sugerem que você copie a imagem e cole ela em um documento novo já do tamanho da sua edit, mas eu não recomendo essa opção, pois ao redimensionar a foto com a ferramenta de transformar (ctrl+t), ela dá poucas opções para manter a qualidade da foto e se você não souber o que cada opção faz, poderá perder a qualidade da imagem. então, eu sempre faço o recorte na própria foto para não alterar muito a qualidade dela.
aperte a letra c no teclado para abrir o atalho da ferramenta de corte. (se o seu photoshop for alguma versão do cc, eu recomendo que você marque a opção para usar o modo clássico de corte, assim fica mais fácil e você tem um controle maior sobre a ferramenta!). para fazer essa alteração é simples, vá no ícone de engrenagem, clique e marque a opção “usar modo clássico”.
para fazer icons, você deverá cortá-lo usado dimensões quadradas, ou seja, 1x1, e para headers 15x5. você pode mudar as dimensões na caixinha da ferramenta de corte.
3.3 redimensionando a foto
nessa parte você precisará prestar atenção, pois ao redimensionar a foto, você poderá perder ou ganhar um pouco mais de qualidade na foto, e para isso você usará uma opção chamada reamostrar (ou resample se seu photoshop estiver em inglês). deixe a opção marcada para usar as definições.
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3.4 explicando as definições do reamostrar e qual definição usar de acordo com o resultado que você quer
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bilinear: a melhor opção para redimensionar gifs, mas para fotos não é tão bom pois dependendo da foto algumas partes ficam nítidas, outras mais suaves e se você for aplicar action de nitidez, pode ficar com um aspecto de “craquelado” com as bordas granuladas, o que eu pessoalmente acho que fica um pouco estranho.
bicúbico mais suave (ampliação): como o nome já diz, ele deixa a foto mais suave, ou seja, os pixels “craquelados” e granulados da foto ficarão mais suaves. é uma ótima opção tanto se você for aplicar actions de nitidez ou actions mais desfocadas e mais suaves.
bicúbico (gradientes suaves): pode parecer a mesma coisa do bicúbico mais suave, mas esta opção além de suavizar a imagem, cria um “desfoque iluminado” nas transições das cores da foto. é a melhor opção para fotos sem muita qualidade e principalmente se você for usar actions suaves e desfocadas, sem muita nitidez.
bicúbico mais nítido (redução): acentua os pixels e as arestas nítidas da foto, ou seja, essa definição redimensiona a imagem mas preserva a nitidez da foto. se você usa actions de nitidez que não tem desfoque nas configurações, essa é a melhor opção de reamostra. (mas cuidado, se sua imagem ficar muito nítida com essa definição, você precisará usar outra opção. caso contrário, quando você aplicar a action, a edit poderá ficar muito exagerada e/ou com aspecto áspero.)
preservar detalhes (ampliação) com redução de ruído: esse em especial é ótimo para quando você precisar redimensionar uma foto para deixá-la maior sem distorcer tanto a imagem. você pode ajustar a redução de ruído para deixar a foto mais suave, sem perder muita qualidade. (obs.: essa opção não deve ser usada para redimensionar imagens muito pequenas, por exemplo de 200x200 para 400x400, ou a imagem vai ficar muito distorcida. ela deve ser usada quando a diferença de pixels não é muito grande, por exemplo, você cortou a foto e ela ficou no tamanho 370x370, aí sim você pode redimensionar para maior sem perder muito da qualidade. então você pode ir ajustando a qualidade com a porcentagem da redução de ruído).
pelo mais próximo (arestas sólidas): essa é uma opção traiçoeira, pois não fica bem em quase nenhuma imagem (a menos que seja um pixel art). essa definição redimensiona a imagem e mantém os pixels nítidos, ou seja, a foto fica menor mas tudo nela que tem aspereza vai prevalecer. é muito usada para redimensionar pixel art, pois preserva as bordas ásperas. pode ocorrer de ficar boa em uma foto aleatória mas não será possível aplicar action, ou a imagem ficará exagerada.
3.5 aplicando a nitidez depois de redimensionar
depois de escolher a foto, baixar, redimensionar de acordo com o estilo da action da sua escolha, está na hora de aplicar.
eu fiz duas versões para mostrar como fica com cada tipo de action:
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assim, os dois icons tem uma alta qualidade usando actions diferentes, graças a remostragem ideal para cada tipo de action :)
nesta parte, é muito importante que você tenha baixado uma versão do photoshop com neural filters e/ou com o camera raw, mas caso você não tenha, tudo bem também, vou ensinar como fazer uma melhoria na foto de três jeitos: com camera raw, com neural filters e com desfoques. a melhor forma vai depender de quão ruim está a qualidade da sua foto. em geral, apenas fazendo ajustes no camera raw você já tem um ótimo resultado na maioria das fotos.
camera raw
se seu photoshop tem o filtro do camera raw, ele vai estar em filtro > filtro do camera raw...
tudo que iremos fazer será na aba de “detalhe”, ali você deve dar mais atenção ao ajuste de redução de ruído, pois é ele que vai remover o ruído da imagem e melhorar a qualidade dela.
vá mexendo nas configurações de redução de ruído até que a foto fique mais suave. ajuste também o detalhe e o contraste da redução de ruído.
essa parte será mais no olhômetro mesmo, pois as configurações vão variar de foto para foto, mas eu recomendo muito você mexer também na nitidez para não deixar a foto tão desfocada, mas nada muito intenso para não interferir na action que você irá usar.
eu mexo também na redução de ruído de cores, porque dependendo da foto, algumas cores estarão saturadas ou com muito ruído. só cuidado para não colocar um número muito alto, pois esse ajuste pode tirar a saturação da sua foto e deixá-la apagada.
enfim, aqui está uma comparação da foto original com o tratamento feito com o filtro do camera raw e depois já com a action de nitidez aplicada:
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e essas foram as configurações que usei nessa foto em específico:
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como eu disse antes, as configurações irão variar de foto para foto, a depender da qualidade de cada uma e de quão ruim a foto está, mas com essa configuração básica, você já vai conseguir melhorar algumas fotos.
neural filters
se a versão do seu photoshop vem com neural filters (ou filtros neurais), ele estará em filtro > neural filters...
irá abrir uma janela com vários filtros mas o que a gente irá usar vai estar em “restauração”, com o nome “remover artefatos jpeg”. se precisar, faça o download do filtro.
eu recomendo usar a intensidade sempre média, a menos que a foto esteja muito ruim, aí você usa a intensidade alta. mas em geral, a intensidade média ou baixa já dá conta do recado.
a saída deve sempre estar na camada atual, ou seja, na camada da foto selecionada.
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e aqui está uma comparação da foto original com o tratamento feito com o neural filter e depois já com a action suave com desfoque aplicada:
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a opção do neural filter é uma ótima alternativa ao camera raw, o único contra é que ele deixa a foto com uma textura áspera, e quando você usa uma action de nitidez eles ficam muito visíveis e acaba não ficando muito legal.
porém, um bom jeito de contornar isso é adicionando ruído na foto. eu uso o efeito de granulação do camera raw para adicionar ruído no icon (você também pode adicionar o ruído em filtro > ruído > adicionar ruído..., mas eu prefiro o camera raw pois ele dá mais opções para ajustar o granulado do jeito que eu preferir).
no primeiro icon abaixo, dá para perceber a textura áspera que o neural filter deixa depois de melhorar a foto e adicionar nitidez; já no segundo icon eu mostro como eu adicionei o ruído e contornei esse defeito.
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as configurações de ruído que usei no camera raw foi 12 de granulado, 35 de tamanho e 20 de aspereza.
lembrando que, se você for usar uma action de desfoque e/ou remoção de ruído, não será necessário adicionar a granulação, pois a própria action já vai suavizar a textura do neural filter (a menos que você queira adicionar o ruído, claro).
redução de ruído + desfoque
caso a sua versão do photoshop não tenha nenhuma das opções de camera raw ou neural filter, caso você use um photoshop mais antigo, photoshop portable ou prefira usar o photopea, essas alternativas podem ser úteis.
mais uma vez, irei me basear no olhômetro, de acordo com a foto e irei ajustando as configurações de acordo com o que eu quero e acho necessário.
vamos começar com a redução de ruído! ele está em filtro > ruído > reduzir ruído...
na janela de redução de ruídos você verá alguns ajustes que são: intensidade, preservar detalhes, reduzir ruído de cores e tornar detalhes nítidos e vou explicar cada um para que você possa saber ajustar eles de acordo com sua foto:
intensidade: o número de 1 a 10 irá definir a intensidade da luminescência, a intensidade do filtro e o quanto da imagem você quer preservar ou extinguir, sendo 1 o mínimo da intensidade do filtro e 10 o máximo;
preservar detalhes: o número digitado irá definir a porcentagem de detalhes a serem preservados. quanto maior o número, maiores serão os detalhes mantidos na foto, como ruídos, manchas e outras aberrações da foto;
reduzir ruído de cores: o número digitado irá definir a intensidade e reduzir o ruído cromático, ou seja, vai reduzir as aberrações cromáticas, como por exemplo, fotos que distorcem as cores. preste atenção na porcentagem inserida, pois quanto maior o número, menos saturação sua foto terá e poderá ficar com aspecto de foto envelhecida;
tornar detalhes nítidos: o número digitado vai definir a porcentagem de nitidez para restaurar pequenos detalhes da foto. quanto maior a porcentagem, maior vai ser a intensidade dos detalhes da foto. preste atenção na porcentagem inserida, pois se a intensidade da nitidez for muito alto, vai afetar a sua action, seja ela de nitidez ou de desfoque.
sendo assim, para a foto usada eu fiz estes ajustes:
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obs.: se você for um usuário mais avançado do photoshop, poderá explorar a opção avançado, que possui as configurações básicas para melhorar a foto e também as configurações para remover ruído das cores primárias (vermelho, amarelo e azul) individualmente. mas, mesmo se você não for um usuário expert, eu recomendo você dar uma olhada nessa opção e explorá-la, mexendo nas configurações e ir ajustando e aprendendo, pois o resultado poderá ficar ainda melhor nos ajustes avançados.
aplicado a redução de ruído, vamos partir para o desfoque! eu estarei usando o desfoque inteligente antes do desfoque de caixa. você vai achá-lo em filtro > desfoque > desfoque inteligente...
na janela que abrirá, você verá os ajustes: raio, limiar, qualidade e modo. vou explicar eles:
raio: vai determinar o tamanho da área que será considerada para o desfoque. quanto maior o número, mais detalhe serão preservados;
limiar: vai determinar a diferença dos pixels entre si antes de serem alterados pelo desfoque.quanto maior o número, maior será a área em que o desfoque será aplicado;
qualidade: vai determinar a qualidade e intensidade do desfoque. ao escolher a opção mais alta, mais partes da foto o desfoque atingirá;
modo: vai determinar o traçado das linhas de bordas que o filtro identificar. o modo normal aqui é o ideal, pois os outros modos “somente arestas” e “sobrepor arestas” irão identificar somente as bordas da imagem.
sendo assim, esses foram os ajustes:
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após o desfoque inteligente, partiremos para o desfoque de caixa! ele está em filtro > desfoque > desfoque de caixa...
(você também poderá usar o desfoque gaussiano a depender da foto, mas para esta em questão, o desfoque de caixa funcionou perfeitamente)
a intensidade do desfoque de caixa, assim como do desfoque gaussiano, é medida em pixels e o mínimo é 1 pixel, e para icons é uma intensidade forte, então eu coloco o número mínimo (1, no caso) e depois de clicar em OK e aplicar o desfoque, vou em editar > atenuar desfoque de caixa... e ajusto a porcentagem de acordo com a foto. nessa foto deixei a porcentagem em 33% e ficou ótimo.
no entanto, infelizmente, por não ser o melhor método para melhorar a qualidade de uma imagem, ela ficará um pouco desfocada demais. mas podemos contornar isso usando o filtro alta frequência para devolver um pouco da nitidez e detalhes na foto. você encontrará esse filtro em filtro > outros > alta frequência...
o filtro de alta frequência, assim como os desfoques, é medido através de pixels e quanto maior o número, mais detalhes passarão despercebidos, ou seja, menos detalhes e menos nitidez sua foto terá. eu recomendo em torno de 2px se você quiser mais detalhes e em torno de 5px se você quer mais suavidade.
a primeira vista esse filtro parecerá estranho e distorcido, mas dará tudo certo, você só precisará mudar o modo de mesclagem. para isso vá em editar > atenuar alta frequência e mudar o modo de mesclagem para “sobrepor” ou “luz indireta” se você quiser que fique mais suave. se preferir, poderá também ajustar a opacidade para os detalhes ficarem mais ou menos intensos.
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assim fica o resultado sem o filtro de alta frequência e com o filtro:
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sendo assim, fica a seu critério usar o filtro ou não.
aqui está a comparação das fotos com o tratamento de redução de ruído + desfoque com e sem o uso das duas actions:
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e chegou a melhor parte: salvar a edição para postar!
seja a edição um icon, uma header, ou qualquer outro gráfico estático (edições não animadas), a melhor opção é sempre, sempre, SEMPRE, salvar no formato PNG!
o formato jpg ou jpeg não preserva a qualidade original como o formato png preserva. então, sempre escolha esse formato ao salvar suas edições estáticas!
a melhor forma de salvar uma edição em alta qualidade é exportando ela. sendo assim, vá em arquivo > exportar > exportar como...
em “configuração de arquivo”, selecione o formato PNG e desmarque a opção “transparência” se sua foto não é uma imagem com fundo transparente; em “tamanho da imagem” deixe como a altura, a largura e a escola como estão, apenas mude a opção em “criar nova amostra” para BICÚBICO AUTOMÁTICO; e em “espaço da cor” marque a opção CONVERTER PARA SRGB, porque assim, independente da calibração do seu monitor, a foto ficará com as cores originais e não sofrerá alteração.
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no entanto, se você tiver um pc ou notebook lento, ou apenas não tiver paciência para salvar sua edit em exportar, você pode salvar no modo normal, indo em arquivo > salvar como... OU arquivo > salvar uma cópia..., no entanto, se você for usar essa opção, não esqueça de marcar a caixinha para “incorporar o perfil de cores srbg”, essa opção geralmente fica na parte de baixo da janela que abre quando você vai salvar a edição.
para facilitar pra vocês, todos as configurações de filtros usados neste guia, estarão disponíveis para download em uma pasta de action. para fazer o download é só clicar aqui: ★. já a dupla de actions usadas (a de nitidez & a de desfoque suave) estarão disponíveis para download na lista de dicas abaixo.
dicas de actions de nitidez – premium & gratuitas (free)
lovie potion by @loviestudio [premium]
action #26 by @harupsds [premium]
action #25 by @harupsds [free]
01 action by @harupsds [free]
cherrie by @loviestudio [free]
action #11 by @miniepsds [premium]
face action by @miniepsds [premium]
crispy by @nebulies [free]
scarlett by @l-agallerrie [free]
eight action by @peachcoloring [premium]
bubblegum by @hisources [free]
kendall by @hisources [premium]
hekate by @hisources [premium]
sharpen by @l-agallerrie [free]
#01 action by @buntterflies [free]
dicas de actions “suaves” – premium & gratuitas (free)
teddy bear by @loviestudio [free]
action ten by @peachcoloring [premium]
caelestis by @miniepsds [premium]
fleuriste by @hisources [free]
angel by @loviestudio [free]
action #13 by @harupsds [premium]
action #12 by @harupsds [premium]
wild action by @hisources [free]
outras actions – premium & gratuitas (free)
denoise action effect — remove o ruído das fotos sem perder muita qualidade by @loviestudio [premium]
photopea quality action — action para melhorar a qualidade da foto no photopea by @loviestudio [free]
exclusive hq actions — um conjunto com as actions que foram usadas neste tutorial by @girasois, @loviestudio [free]
denoise and sharpen actions — conjunto de actions para melhorar a qualidade da foto automativamente by heavnsent
a adobe cc learn tem muitos tutoriais que você pode dar uma olhada e aprender muito mais sobre o photoshop e outros programas da adobe!
o youtube é outra fonte incrível para você aprender edição no photoshop, lá você encontra tutorial para quase tudo de edição de fotos e muito mais! se você entende inglês, eu recomendo muito os canais piximperfect e brendan williams tutorials.
para fonte de inspirações, o tumblr é o lugar certo! se jogue nas tags para se inspirar e nos blogs de photoshop para ver muito mais tutoriais e muito mais resources.
o blog @looksgreat infelizmente não é mais atualizado, mas você ainda pode encontrar muitos tutoriais sobre quase tudo de edição, e o melhor, todos os tutoriais são em português!!
ainda recomendo outros tumblr brasileiros de resources e tutoriais: @miniepsds, @harupsds, @peachcoloring, @gmfioart, @colour-source, @l-agallerrie, @wasirauhlpsds, @hisources, @opulenceps, @sunshinepsds, e @loviestudio; e no deviantart: jungrainsoul, rockjealous, heavnsent, aureangels e rohdossantos.
crédito colorings
off hearts + whimsy by @miniepsds ♡
antes de tudo eu gostaria de pedir desculpas pelo tamanho deste guia, mas eu quis abranger o máximo de dicas possíveis para vocês e deixar o tutorial super completinho.
em segundo lugar eu gostaria de agradecer todo o carinho de vocês, isso me motiva muito a continuar. obrigada, de coração!
enfim, é isso! minha ask estará sempre aberta para dúvidas, sugestões, pedidos e mensagens fofas (sempre com educação e respeito, claro)!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months ago
Can we have a running list of weird animals that Seph has adopted and is now the proud mother of?
• Sephiroth was saddened to see that the pigeon nest on the landing of the window outside his office was made of wires, plastic, and other city debris. To help, he began bringing back twigs and leaves from his missions to improve their nest and make it more comfortable. In return, the pigeons brought him shiny items. Like Genesis' expensive new earrings which he refused to give back.
Sephiroth: It's not theft if my friends gifted them to me.
Genesis: The pigeon forcibly attacked me and ripped them from my ears.
Sephiroth: I trained them to do that.
• The tonberry he brought back from a mission because "it looked kind" that ended up terrorizing the Second Class.
• A snake wrapped itself around Sephiroth's arm during a mission and refused to let go. Sephiroth happily brought it back to the tower, still wrapped around his arm, and proudly showed it off.
Sephiroth: Isn't this wonderful? The snake feels comfortable around me and is showing affection.
Angeal: Sephiroth it's biting you.
Sephiroth: Adorable.
Angeal: It sees you as lunch.
Sephiroth: Nonsense it's friendly.
Angeal: Your arm is purple.
Sephiroth: My favorite color.
• An orphaned baby chocobo whose mother died at birth, which Genesis and Angeal had to pry from his arms.
Genesis: Sephiroth, let it go! If the residence floor strictly forbids pets, what do you think their policy is for chocobos??
Sephiroth: But if I don't nurture it and show it some maternal affection, it might grow up harboring resentment and turn to violence, burning things to the ground to feel the warmth it never received.
Genesis: Excuse me!?
Sephiroth: Who said that.
• A frog that latched onto him during a mission to Gongaga. He brought it back to the HQ and Lazard was unimpressed.
Lazard: You're not keeping it.
Sephiroth: Why? What's wrong with this poor, defenseless frog? Is it an unconventional pet? Maybe. Is it any less deserving of a loving home? Absolutely not.
Lazard: You misunderstand me.
*Lazard uses materia to turn the frog back, it turns into Zack*
Zack: :)
Sephiroth: it an unconventional pet? Maybe. Is it any less deserving of a loving home? Absolutely not.
• A rat was seen on the SOLDIER floor one day and everyone struggled to catch it. They set up traps but it was unsuccessful. Time to turn to Sephiroth for help. He never fails a mission.
*Zack opens Sephiroth's office door*
Zack: We need help catching the—
*Sephiroth is bottle-feeding the rat*
Zack: !
• They somehow found a lost joey on a mission one day, and Sephiroth took over, fashioning his coat as a pouch for the kangaroo until they found its mother.
Sephiroth: Well, it doesn't seem like we'll be able to locate the mother kangaroo any time soon. I'll take over as the joey's primary caregiver from now on. It's a difficult decision, but it's the right thing to do.
Angeal: We've only been looking for five minutes.
Sephiroth: I looked for my mother for years before finally accepting that she was dead.
Sephiroth: People die, Angeal.
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ishipallthings · 7 months ago
Cap Iron Man Rec Week 2024 (Sat)
Smut Saturday - July 27th for @cap-ironman Rec Week
Smut Saturday (one day late!) - here are my recs for the sex pollen/Fuck or Die/Aliens Made Them Do It Trope 👀
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
Full Body Workout by Nix (616)
Hank has a lab accident. Steve and Tony bear the consequences.
Love Across the Multiverse by Sineala @sineala (Ults)
Mojo presents: Love Across the Multiverse! In tonight's episode, a battle-hardened supersoldier finds himself drawn to his handsome, genius teammate! It's an agonizing duel between his long-held beliefs and the secret passions of his heart! Will true love conquer all? There's only one way to find out! Don't miss the highlight of the season! (Viewer discretion is advised. Mojoworld residents who do not vote for their favorite participants of the season will be summarily sent to the arena. All hail Mojo.)
All the Love You Hold and Hide by Mireille (MCU)
On a mission, Steve triggers a booby trap that turns out to be a skeevy sex curse, of the "fuck or die" variety. Tony volunteers as tribute.
honey from your hive by meidui @meidui (MCU)
"Steve, stop that," Tony says, sounding strangled as his grip tightens and Steve stops, letting Tony grab his face and tilt him up. "You're kind of scaring the crap out of me. What is it? What's going on with you?" "We blew up the lab," Steve manages, and something dawns on Tony's face. "Everyone had a reaction 'cept me. Think 'm having it now."
Breathless by KandiSheek @kandisheek (MCU)
How do you even start a conversation like that? Hey, sorry, but last night you sort of jerked me off through our bond and now I know the serum makes you shoot off in like two seconds, oops. Wherein Tony can feel everything Steve feels and it makes things very awkward.
Fervor by erde (MCU, post-IW)
Steve finds himself in some particular kind of trouble after breathing a chemical. Tony, who supposedly doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, gives him a hand.
Previously Thought to be Impossible by Impala_Chick @impalachick (MCU, EG)
In 1970, SHIELD HQ was working on a powerful aphrodisiac prototype. Tony Stark from 2023 happens to cut open the wrong box at the wrong time, and Steve Rogers from 2023 doesn't know how to feel about it.
the thorn in his side by fohatic @fohatic (MCU, EG)
It had been there from the beginning. There was no end to it, that mutual wanting between them—forever unresolved—that had grown so terribly soft and unbearably romantic with age... But there was an unspoken rule between them, as well: an understanding that they could never act on it. That is, until an alien parasite's brood nest gets violently dislodged from its Chitauri Leviathan host during the Battle of New York, dispersing its contents directly over two time-jumping tourists who are very much in the wrong place and the wrong timeline.
Strong as Death by babesrgrs and the sequel Between the Shadow and the Soul (MCU, post-EG)
Steve is hit with a curse that has unexpected consequences, and Tony, who's never going on a diplomatic mission ever again, has a religious experience. The sexy kind.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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crickit-song · 8 months ago
@graveyardparade look what you've done to me.
They wrote a lovely post about how justifiable Riz's fear of being alone is as an Aroace person who's only seen financial stability in romantic couples, I'll link in at the bottom.
Adventures end, and Riz is terrified of the inevitable settling down of his party. One day, the Bad Kids, all grown up now, finish a campaign and leave for separate houses, and Riz just knows it'll be the end. They'll fall apart, like Lydia Barkrock's party did, and he'll be alone. He fights tears tooth and nail that night.
Then, it happens like this:
Fabian's never not lived in a big ass house, why change that? So he buys that big ass house and immediately hates it. It's lonely. He stumbles through an awkward, fast confession style explanation of this to Adaine and both of them hear an invitation when it's over.
Adaine's living in a shitty apartment with Aelwyn. This Elvin Oracle gig still doesn't pay. Adaine loves her sister so much, but damn does that woman not take care of herself. She's ace and comfortably single, and she immediately agrees to move in. He's got a tower, come on, that's her thing.
Neither Fabian nor Adaine remember when Kristen decided to stay. Grown up though she is, she's still a fucking mess when her relationships end, so crashing the guest bed and crying about her ex girlfriend eventually turns into fully living there. Kristen remembers. She'd had thought that she'd never been happier, and started calling it home the next day.
Eternally stable mechanic Gorgug and his chill partner buy the more orc acessibly sized place across the way, and they eat dinner at the house Fig lovingly calls Bad Kids Headquarters, or BKHQ, nearly every night.
Fig and Ayda don't settle. Both of them want to travel the world, and Aydas got her nest in Compass Points already, but there's a door from the HQ that goes straight there, and they come and hang at least once a week. Fig has a bi-weekly jam sesh with Gorgug, and her room has a rad four poster bed.
When Riz gets back from his (admittedly a little time-fucky) undercover gig for Angel Dad, a guest room's been converted to an offic space. It's got one door to five places (Bastion City, Leviathan, Fallinel, home in Elmville, and Gravalvia in the Baronies, which Fabian thought would be funny) and another door to the conjoining room, also redone. Said room includes a second and third murder board, a desk, a fully stocked mini fridge for the hyperfocus hours and no bed. All the walls are decked out like a cat tower with plenty of places to obsess, theorize, scramble around, and hunker down when sleep finally comes to catch him. His friends smile at him when they tell him it's his. Kristen and Fig drag him around the rooms, pointing, and Adaine tells him about spell building with Ayda for the Howl's Moving Castle style office door, while Fabian grabs his suitcase and Gorgug mentions the Small size accessibility stuff they'd just finished installing.
Riz was wrong. As if his friends (no hey, The Ball, we're family, don't you know that by now?) sorry, family would ever give up on him.
Riz cries. It feels better than he thought it would.
Link to the post that inspired whatever the fuck that was:
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jasperandhenryslovechild · 2 months ago
my friend and i have watched the henry danger trailer over and over again at least 30 times, and we've watched it COUNTLESSLY at .25 speed and pausing every 5 seconds to point out random ass little tidbits and make assumptions and theories.
this is a hyperanalysis dump of everything we've noticed so far!
under the cut🗣️🔥‼️
in chronological order!!
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whys bro got CLAWS NOW WHATTT
i still want to think this is blackout but at the same time the claws kinda throw me off since i don't think those were in df? so it's kinda weird? IDKIDKIDJD QE DO HAVE MORE THIS GUY CLIPS THOUGH AND IDK WHO HE IS BUT I LOVE HIM! #! #! $ BEAT HENRYS ASS BRO GIVE US THAT HURT WE'VE BEEN WAITING ON FOR SIX YEARS/j
that's all ive got about bro, i did also make an entire theory post about him though so OUT OF THE WAY BUDDY/j
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ignore how it's shittily put together cropped images i have lots to share and don't want to exceed tumblrs image limit, i am NOT making another post with all the same fuckin things😭😭
BIZWATCH RUMORS (literally just me reading a sign in the background) are TRUE. charlotte is absolutely not in on this because she wouldn't have let this name slide/j it is growing on me though!! the fact that bizwatch has such a large & expensive building implies that this could be far into the future of the dangerverse timeline— henry's first appearance back since hd is like 3 weeks after the beginning of df and his last appearance i want to say is like 2 or 3 years since the beginning of danger force, and i don't think anybody in the history of like ever has made enough money with their underground vigilante business to be able to have such a flashy & huge hq
also, why is it in existence??? if you're the SINGULAR HEROES in the most dangerous city in the world, you'd want your hq to be more..... hidden?? yknoww....??? and not pull a man's nest??? not complaining though it looks silly
also also, the clip glee dango released could maybe be taking place in that building??? not sure though because of how run down it is but still oooo aaaah
firstly, the way henry falls into the bedroom makes me think that like he fell out the window and the reality altering device took him into missys bedroom and like accidentally saved bros life which would be so funny 😭😭
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from top to bottom, left to right
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added the extra image because it's clearer there, but IS THAT A WALL DOGS REFERENCE? #?? ## IS THAT A HENRY AND THE BAD GIRL PART ONE AND TWO REFERENCE? #! #?
" ..... Exiled by Swellview......"
i dunno who the hell they're talking about with that one but like also at the same time it's blurry as shit and i kind of guessed... quite a few of these are guesses......
"Kid Danger and ThunderGirl in daring traintop meelee"
THUNDERMANS CROSSOVER REFERENCE! $!! $! $ this girl is dedicated i lwk forgot that happened
"Swellview Dispatch: Kid Danger Dies in Firey Blimp Accident and Saves Entire City. The City Mourns Its Young Hero"
okay so they DOO know about the finale
does that mean missy was the ultimate fucking theorizer above us all??? is she the only one in this universe that puts the two and two together that bizwatch ceo henry hart looks a lot like dead superhero kid danger??? guys missy is the only one in nickelodeon history to do that she might be a lot smarter than we thought, having the capabilities of basic logic..... /j I LOVE HER ALREADY
or maybe she thinks she just used her reality altering device to bring back the dead, in which case i subtract points/j
"A Superhe[ro]...... Answ[er]... The [??????].. all pay"
literally no clue, the pay part makes me want to think budget cuts ref? but im not sure i need more context to that one— i would literally pay any amount of money to buy ANY of these set pieces bro😭😭
"Swellview Dog Society calls foul (?) on irresponsible breeding practices"
not a reference to anything as far as im aware but... good to know? swellview has a dog society now funzies
"Kid Danger Calls Out Bill Evil"
i do know that there was one ill find later that was a rock box dump reference and i thought it was so fun
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the reality altering device abbreviates to rad... like how swellview academy for the gifted abbreviates to swag.... im so done😭😭
how did she even get access to that shit??? she has a blueprint above her computer when she was like doing all that coding stuff and its the blueprint to the device itself, does that mean she like made it herself?? maybe like in tandem to the omega weapon she had someone make it for her?? idk idk i need to watch this fucking movie bro 😭😭😭
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just got back from doing day 2 of finals though & im tired as all hell so i don't have that much more for now but i may continue dumping stuff later 😭😭
if i add more ill reblog it🗣️🔥‼️
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dazziesrantzone · 2 months ago
Please do one where fade accidentally hits Reader with her nightmare 🙏🏻 and maybe locks herself in her room because she was so upset with herself but reader wasn’t mad
Your wish is my command! This took some time because I wasn't home for two weeks and didn't really use my laptop and I do NOT enjoy doing the editing and doing a layout on my phone.
(also tell me if this is how the continue reading thingies work I've never used one before, I made this a fic because I felt like it hehe)
Fade accidently hitting you with Nightmare
You were in the kitchen at the Valorant HQ unsuspecting of anything, preparing yourself some cornflakes and getting a pot of coffee ready for the agents that were supposed to return soon. The clock read 3am when you got up, when it hit 3:15 something weird happened. Everything went dark for a second, then red lights and an alarm turned on. You guessed HQ has a generator for emergencies but what would've caused something like that to happen?
Your questioning was cut short when you heard glass shatter and footsteps approaching fast. In your mind hiding anywhere was better than hiding nowhere and just standing there being an open target, whoever it was breaking in surely did not come in peace. Hastily you made your way to the pantry cowering somewhere in between the shelves, useless rugs hanging over the brooms in the corner hopefully covering your silhouette enough to go unnoticed. Minutes went by but to you they felt like hours.
Suddenly your vision went blurry and somehow something in your vision made the pantry seem even darker than before. You understood what happened when you heard your partners voice deep in your head. "Like a fly in a nest".. Surely she'd never mean harm to you so you confirmed your suspicion that the invaders must've been hostile, why else would Hazal use her Nightfall?
Well at least this meant she made her way home safely if she was able to use it. You still decided to keep hiding until everything is clear. Eventually someone would find you, you hoped.
And indeed your partner was the lucky one to find you, or .. unlucky one? Fade did not seem happy to see you, rather upset. You couldn't hear what she said when she stormed off, Nightmare still occupying your vision and hearing, stumbling you got up, finding the rest of the agents in the kitchens having an emergency meeting about whatever happened you were guessing. Some splatters of blood on walls but no body bags in sight, you guessed if it truly was mirror agents attacking your base they left by now. After stumbling into a chair you sat down for a few minutes, turns out getting hit by Hazals abilties really takes a toll on you when you're not some highly trained agent, her not being seen anywhere did worry you though. You asked the others but their last info was also just seein her storm off, but they agreed you should be the one to go looking for her.
So you went to your shared room first, since this is usually the place to find her wrapped up in your blanket. The corridors of the base never seemed this endless before, you know you didn't do anything wrong but seeing her so upset truly made your stomach churn.
When you arrived you gently knocked on the door, trying to open in you noticed that it's locked. She could be somewhere else, but you didn't lock the door when you left so you assumed she locked it from the inside and started trying to console her.
"Hazal, I know you didn't mean to hit me with your powers." No response. "I'm fine. I'm not hurt because of you, I promise it's alright, imagine what would've happened if the intruders found me first. But they didn't because you were there, .. now if you'd please open the door." You heard some shifting, this truly must have upset her if she looks herself in her room, she avoids a lot of people a lot of the time but never you, up until now.
After what felt like an eternity you heard the door unlock and a pair of arms wrapping around you. "I'm sorry", is all she said in a weak tone. "I told you, you don't need to be. I'm just glad you're home safely.", you whispered in her hair but you knew she heard. Hastily she took you inside your shared room and as often went to bed to cuddle with you. You took her into your arms again, hoping she wouldn't have nightmares about hitting you with her abilities after what happened today. You turned on the TV for some background noise since she usually took a long time to fall asleep. Surprisingly not today, and she also didn't seem to stirr a lot in her sleep, hopefully that meant she's having a good rest. You pat her head gentls and give her a forehead kiss before falling asleep yourself.
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moniheartsluffy · 2 years ago
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One Piece headcannons
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warnings: nothing major. shit grammar but the content is funny…?, slight cursing (it’s a lot of it).
a/n: i was supeerrrr bored one night and had a lil field day💀 also the lowercase is intended.
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buggy : when he disconnects his limbs he somehow loses them every once in a while.
shanks: although he drinks likes there’s no tomorrow i feel like he as a very refined taste when it comes to alcohol. like he could tell you the shit to stay away from bc it’s tastes horrible, he could tell you what to drink if you wanna get fuckedddd and he can tell you the best things to drink bc they taste delicious.
mihawk: like shanks, he has a refined taste but specifically for wine. he knows what’s good and what’s shit. him and shanks have even been wine tasting together…don’t tell him i told you tho…and yes it was shanks idea.
crocodile: his hook is detachable, like one of those kid hooks where you have to hold a little bar inside for it to stay in place. idk why i think this but i just feel like it’s fake😭
garp: proudly has pictures of his grandsons (ASL) around his office at HQ. he also purposely fucks with akainu (he did it before the war but her sure as hell does it now) but now he does it to make his life a living hell.
aokiji (kuzan): he slept through one of the admiral meetings and when they went to go check on him they couldn’t get him to wake up and took him to the infirmary. all i gotta say is he woke up confused bc he swore he fell asleep at his desk.
ace: when he first got his DF he would set his sheets on fire whenever he slept bc he couldn’t control it💀
zoro: he def has fallen from the crows nest while trying to climb down. ussop saw him fall but chose life and decided to ignore it. (robin peeped it too)
law: he cuddles bepo more than you think. don’t let that man fool you. (penguin & shachi told me)
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daily reminder that akainu is a bitch and his mama should’ve aborted him🤭
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bwoahtastic · 2 months ago
Okay but omega Charles making the very fucking best nest EVER for the first day Lewis comes to maranello!! Like he is ridiculously nervous even though he has known Lewis for years lol and even calls a very confused Max about nesting techniques lmao. He just wants Lewis to feel at home🥺
(But also he will get into Williams HQ and make a nest there for Carlos and demand al Omegas in the building to see how Carlos likes his nests lol!)
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