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mysticonsheadcanons · 10 months ago
Male Mysticons Poll Results
I did a poll on the bottom of my post about male Mysticons. There was a two-way tied for the most popular, and then another two-way tie for the third most popular.
The most popular votes were Doug and someone that we don't know. While introducing a new character would be interesting, I personally would rather Doug. He doesn't do much in the series, so making him a Mysticon would be interestinig. Then again, the Doug and Malvaron subplots can be entertaining sometimes (I love the subplot of them dealing with potions being mixed up in "Clash of the Tridents"), and Doug being a Mysticon would get in the way with that, as Doug would be busy on the missions. I can't get into too much detail about someone we don't know, as that could be anyone, other than the fact that, given the post's topic, the new Mysticon is male.
The other two that got votes were Kasey and Mathis. Out of this two, I would prefer Kasey. If Kasey was a fifth Mysticon, there would be drama with him choosing to stay as a Pink Skull or follow his destiny as a Mysticon. It would also be good for his character, as he is really only there as a love interest for Em, so making him a hero would be interesting. Mathis, on the other hand, would be mean to the other Mysticons, and would care more about the fame being a Mysticon would give him then helping people. Then again, that would be an interesting to see, so I can understand the appeal of Mathis being a fifth Mysticon.
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hayacinthandlilies · 5 months ago
Where are the magical girl books that give the same vibes as the shows we grew up with but now more mature and grown up
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magical-girl-mayday · 6 months ago
Green Magical Girls 💚
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magicalgirlsinternational · 8 months ago
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Bonus magical poll!
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 year ago
Here is some of those wonderfully nostalgic girly-girl shows in vague order in which I watched/discovered them that no one asked for but I’m giving to you anyways.
1. First up, we’ve got the Horseland
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Back in the day, I was a major horse girl (a part of me still is), but this show was so awesome and adorable. It’s just a bunch of gals riding their horses and hanging out at the barn. And their horses and other animals talk amongst themselves. It is all an animal lover like me could want. It’s just so cute and gives sweet life lessons. And occasionally, I found it interesting that they do touch upon some serious topics such as eating disorders and loss. The episode “Mosey” always makes me cry. All the episodes are on YouTube.
Overall, I have to say my favorite character is Alma Rodriguez.
2. LEGO Friends
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The first generation of LEGO Friends is nostalgic, but I also seriously love the LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission. It’s just a bunch of teenage girls getting up to shenanigans and being besties (Oddly, though they are high school age, we barely see them in school XD). I particularly enjoy Girls on a Mission (the episodes are on YouTube) because the episodes were so well put together and it fleshes out each girl a bit more uniquely. It’s a genuinely fun show though I generally am partial to LEGO shows. I am personally not a fan of latest generation of LEGO Friends. I’ve watched a few episodes and it’s just blegh. It might be the nostalgia talking but I just can’t get into it.
My fave character has always been Emma (she’s so adorable) and my fave ship is Emma x Ethan in the Girls on a Mission iteration.
3. Barbie Movies
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Not sure if all the movies are pictured above, but there’s a good portion of them. I admit, I haven’t seen all of the Barbie movies (especially the good old classics mainly due to animation that did not age well so sorry) and did not really become a fan until later than most little girls. However, I still find the movies to be very enjoyable and cute. I think a lot of my affinity comes from many familiar Canadian voice actors being in most of the movies and I find it fun trying to pick out familiar voices.
A few of my personal favorite movies are “Princess Charm School” (it’s the first Barbie movie I ever watched with one of my best friends), “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” (so many voices and characters to listen to and try and remember), and “Mariposa” (I am rather partial to the voice of Chiara Zanni and loved her playing Barbie).
4. Ever After High
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It is so sad that Ever After High ended after Epic Winter. I really wish we got to see more. I loved the imaginative twist on fairytale characters and the whole “facing your destiny” storyline. The princesses, knights, dragons, and wonderland were all great components as a lover of fantasy. Disney Descendants ain’t got nothing on Ever After. It was a very creative show and it was interesting to see all the characters that would pop up.
A few of my favorite characters are Rosabella Beauty, Ginger Breadhouse, and Lizzie Hearts. Call me basic but I really do like the ship Darabella (obviously the execution of it could’ve been better but I still like it.)
5. Miraculous Ladybug
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Simply put, this show is a mess. Miraculous Ladybug barely made the list only because I have fond memories of it. I’m not caught up on any recent events and admittedly quit watching it after season 3 or 4 (I don’t exactly remember). The show had potential and many amazing fanworks, but after a while, the episodes just get repetitive. I still like the earlier seasons before things got too messy. As a lover of side characters, I also wish they fleshed out the side characters a bit more instead of keeping on creating more and more side characters. I still occasionally pop in to see what is going on and apparently Nathalie is dead?! Idk what’s going on and I love looking at spoilers with no context because it makes the show all the more funny.
My fave character list includes Alya Césaire, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Juleka Couffaine and I’m partial to the ship DJWifi.
6. Monster High
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Since I was a fan of Ever After High, it was only inevitable that I would eventually become a fan of Monster High. It took a while but I eventually did fall in love with the show. And I fell hard. All the characters are so unique and while I absolutely love all the generation 1 content, I do not completely hate the g3 series. I loved the message of standing out yet belonging at Monster High, freaky flaws and all. The animation is very dated yet endearingly nostalgic at the same time. I love all the different twists on various monster creatures.
My favorite characters list gets pretty extensive, as I love g1 and g3 Abbey Bominable (I always love an ice queen), along with g1/g3 Cleo De Nile (bc she’s your typical mean girl/diva but truly cares for her friends), Robecca Steam (her steampunk aesthetic and little accent are adorable), Deuce Gorgon (a kind yet popular jockish character is rare), Jinafire Long (Chinese dragon is always a win), and Rochelle Goyle (she’s just neat).
Fave ships = Cleuce (CleoxDeuce) and AbbeyxHeath. I just love them okay!
7. Lolirock
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I believe I discovered this show coming off of Storm Hawks and Steven Universe so the crystal motif and everything was already an intriguing concept for me (plus familiar Canadian voice actors drew me in). I just love the trio of girls trying to “secretly” protect earth with sparkles and spells while putting up the front of being a girl band (the songs are very catchy by the way if you can get past an ungodly amount of auto tune). The episodes gave me vibes similar to Miraculous Ladybug but somewhat better with less convoluted characters. Overall, it’s a very bright energetic show and I wish they would’ve delved into the backstories of the other princesses a bit more instead of focusing on Iris all the time. Here’s to hoping they eventually do come out with season 3. All the current episodes are on YouTube.
My favorite characters are the sisters Izira and Talia. They have so much power and the show needs to actually do them justice.
8. Mysticons
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This one is definitely lesser known than most on this list. I found it shortly after LoliRock since it has similar features and characters. It’s a very simple show with simple characters but I am fond of it still (and I’m pretty sure it made me cry at one point. I don’t remember when but I remember something about it made me emotional). The fantasy magic of the world was definitely a big win for me. I think the creators did a decent job at world building. It’s your typical prophesied heroes must save the world from certain destruction but I found the show overall enjoyable and cute with a nice dose of found family thrown in.
My top favorite characters are Zarya Moonwolf and Emerald Goldenbraid.
9. DC Super Hero Girls
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I started out as a G1 fan when it was still coming out and became a fan of the reboot as well. It was interesting to all these wonderful kickbutt superheroes placed in a high school -esque setting. The original series was very average with their shorts but it was such fun to see what characters would pop up to help (I even will tolerate and enjoy the LEGO specials). The reboot had better design and animation. I am sad it didn’t get a chance to run longer. My only qualm was that some characters had such a drastic change from their backstory and original character development that it moved from being whimsical and imaginative to simply keeping the name and having an entirely different character. *cough* Jessica *cough* They don’t get that she was such a powerful Green Lantern because she was bold but because most of the time she was scared out of mind due to her past trauma but still acted and pushed through the fear to save people.
Rant aside, my fave character is Jessica Cruz despite the reboot overhauling her character and erasing her backstory.
10. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Not necessarily my favorite glittery girly series I’ve watched but definitely an enjoyable series. True to my usual form, I unfortunately did not end up caring for most of the main plot and characters. However, the idea of this show was fun nonetheless and it had its nice moments, so I’m glad it got a decent number of seasons. The magic, weaponry, and elemental powers drew me to this show. I wish they delved a bit deeper into the true effects and trauma that fighting a war would have on all of the characters as they are leaders of their respective kingdoms.
My favorite characters include Entrapta (little nerdy characters are almost always a win for me), Mermista (Vella Lovell was perfect for voicing her and her character design is nice), Netossa (another awesome blue character; if anyone’s seen Six: The Musical, does she vaguely remind you of Catherine Parr?)
Bonus: Rainbow High
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An interesting premise though it ultimately falls flat for me because I am not a fashion-oriented person in the slightest. However, I still like the show and all the drama that comes with it. I just overall find it hilarious to watch the squabbles that happen because everyone is just so high strung. (Why do all the guy characters literally look the exact same with that same stupid little hairstyle?) XD
Fave characters are Ainsley Slater and Jade Hunter.
Bonus: God’s School
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Greek mythology! Need I say more? This is such an imaginative show. It is even more amazing considering one guy does all the animation. The webisodes that are out are great and I definitely recommend watching them on YouTube. Zeus looks like Disney Hercules and I find that hilarious. All the character designs for the gods are so awesome and I love the details that help indicate who they are. Ignore the fact that over half of them are related in some form or another and everything is fine.
Fave definitely has to be Athena! (…bad*** in the arena. Unmatched witty and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen.)
Bonus: Tinkerbell
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These are just cute adventures. I wish the series could’ve continued so we could’ve gotten movies highlighting each of the fairies.
My fave is Silvermist.
Bonus: Steven Universe
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I personally enjoyed this show and know it had a large fan base so I don’t get why so many people are going back and hating on it so fervently. It’s a flawed show like any but it still has it fine points and I have a soft spot for it. I heavily debated on whether this qualified for a magical girl show but I think it does. It’s nice seeing Steven grow alongside the gems and it’s a good show to put on in the background.
My favorites have to be Garnet and Sapphire.
Honorable mentions that I never fully watched but seem nice:
My Little Pony - I’m disappointed in myself for never getting into this show because it has all the right points for me to like it, including great Canadian voice actors and magic and ponies. I have watched some episodes and enjoyed them but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit through and binge the entire show.
LEGO Elves - watched some but I never got truly immersed.
Totally Spies! - never really gave it a go but it seems okay.
Winx Club - I tried to like it but the characters just didn’t hit for me.
W.I.T.C.H. - watched the first few episodes but nothing made me want to continue.
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mysticonslover · 2 months ago
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The villains in mysticons were top tier. who is your favorite out of them and why?
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angel-blitz · 24 days ago
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Piper saying womp womp in 2017 she really was ahead of her time
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shezowhero · 2 years ago
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mostly-magical-polls · 10 days ago
Best Magical Girl Squad - R1
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who-do-i-know-this-man-s4 · 2 months ago
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 years ago
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hisuianserperior · 8 months ago
Why is there not enough fanfiction of my obsessions 😭
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herebeminis · 7 months ago
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Kitty Boon
Haven't done any Mysticons fan art in a good long while but since I did another pirate themed chibi recently, I thought I'd do one of my favorite pirates.
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cartoonedin · 5 months ago
#1 experience of being a fan of shows with a 99% female cast and one or two boys tossed in for funsies is sighing and telling your friends that you miss your girls and they go which girls and it's like gee whiz buddy who fucking knows!
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magicalgirlsinternational · 3 months ago
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the-maidofmischief · 6 months ago
Could I ask for some icons of arkayna goodfey from the show called mysticons please ?
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