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hyperfixated-fan · 2 days ago
Love life: Hit It - American Authors (interesting)
Fight song: Blood Sweat & Tears - Arcane (Yeah!)
Personality: That’s A Joke - NF (huh? should I feel insulted?)
Theme song: On My Way - Ryan Mack (cute)
Wedding song: Soldier’s Daughter - Jhameel (great song. Not sure what it has to do with getting married though XD)
Funeral song: Human - Rag’n’Bone Man (somewhat fitting)
This was fun!
im bored. 🫤
So im gonna do this and turn it into a tag game! ✨🤩😁😈
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Love life- Charybdis — Jorge Rivera-Herrans
fight song- Rasputin (7” Version) — Boney M.
personality- rises the moon — Liana Flores
theme song- golden hour — JVKE
wedding song- Star — Mitski
funeral song- Don’t you dare (make me fall in love with you) — Kaden Mackay
. . .
I don’t know how to feel about this 🥲
anyways! @amy-r0z3 @luv-again @raine-ydays @sparkles-rule-4eva @glitch-studios @warriorofchaos223 @jjdrawstuff @rayzyart & anyone else who wants to join! ✨^_^
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hyperfixated-fan · 2 days ago
April is the Cruelest Month Whump Event 2025!
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Here we are again! The second year of AitCM!
It's a good month to whump our favorite characters!
In AitCM, to complete, you only have to write 15 days, and the other fifteen days you read & rec a fic that fits one the prompts for the day. (Feel free to create and promote art pieces as well!)
This not only makes it easier to fit into a busy schedule, but it helps promote your favorite writers!
You are more than welcome, of course, to write all thirty days or rec all thirty days—or both—but that is not necessary to complete the challenge.
Join us in filling the world with spectacular whump stories!
Tag us in your stories, recs, and art!
The prompt list for your convenience:
Day One:
Cornered-|-Whipped-|-Blood on hands-|- “Please… let me go”
Day Two:
Brave face-|-Branding-|-Self-sacrifice-|- “Pick on someone your own size”
Day Three:
Paranoia-|-Framed-|-Can’t Speak-|- “I don’t want to hear it”
Day Four:
Falling from a high place-|-Hunted-|-Fever-|- “I’m scared”
Day Five:
Slavery-|-Mind Control-|-Forced to beg-|- “It’s too late to ask for forgiveness”
Day Six:
Overprotective-|-Hidden Injury-|-Amputation-|- “I can’t do this”
Day Seven:
Panic Attack-|-Poisoned-|-Exhaustion-|- “No, no hospitals”
Day Eight:
Blackmail-|-Cursed-|-Made to watch-|- “Why did you do it?”
Day Nine:
Amnesia-|-Explosion-|-Failed Escape-|- “I don’t feel a pulse”
Day Ten:
Touch starved-|-Gunshots-|-Presumed Dead-|- “It’s your fault”
Day Eleven:
Nausea-|-Concussion-|-Secret Reveal-|- “Why did you come back?”
Day Twelve:
Dehydration-|-Tied up-|-Torture-|- “I wish you were dead”
Day Thirteen:
Explosion-|-Fainting-|-Fighting through the pain-|- “What did you say?”
Day Fourteen:
Medical Injury-|-Drugged-|-Pre-mortem Autopsy-|- “It’s not too late”
Day Fifteen:
Screams-|-Drowning-|-Fallen through the ice-|- “I’m so, so sorry”
Day Sixteen:
Sleep Deprivation-|-Choked-|-Hostage Situation-|- “Give them room to breathe”
Day Seventeen:
Phobias-|-Burned-|-Public Execution -|- “Just grin and bear it”
Day Eighteen:
Abandonment Issues-|-Used as Bait-|-Unconventional Weapon-|- “We can’t leave them”
Day Nineteen:
Stranded-|-Animal Bites-|-Self-surgery-|- “Not everyone makes it out”
Day Twenty:
Earthquake-|-Collapsed-|-Suffocation-|- “Everything hurts”
Day Twenty-One:
Stockholm Syndrome-|-Broken Bone-|-Withdrawl-|- “Don’t leave me here”
Day Twenty-Two:
Migraine-|-seizure-|-Running on Adrenaline -|- “Don’t speak”
Day Twenty-Three:
Confrontation-|-Stumbling-|-Scar Reveal-|- “Don’t let them in”
Day Twenty-Four:
Vengeance-|-Humiliated-|-A Game of Roulette-|- “Why can’t I move?”
Day Twenty-Five:
Stalker-|-Blindfolded-|-Friendly Fire-|- “You said you loved me”
Day Twenty-Six:
Infection-|-Beaten-|-Failed Escape -|- “It’s too late. They’re inside”
Day Twenty-Seven:
Weeping-|-Kidnapped-|-Running out of air-|- “It’s not my blood”
Day Twenty-Eight:
Over Work-|-Accident-|-Head Injury -|- “Where does it hurt?”
Day Twenty-Nine:
Windstorm-|-Broken Trust-|-No place to go-|- “I don’t want to talk about it”
Day Thirty:
Being Carried-|-Hyperventilating-|-Waking up disoriented-|- “I just need a hug”
Alt prompts:
1- Insomnia
2- Fall Guy
3- Whumper turned Caretaker
4- Twisted Knife
5- Pick who dies
6- Hot Coals
7- Ice Burns
8- Pulling Teeth
9- Waterboarding
10- Electrocution
Choose one or more of the prompts daily (or use an alt prompt) and get to work!
The minimum requirement is 100 words. It's not terribly strict. If 100 words seems too daunting, try to get as close as you can. There is no maximum word count, though.
Post your stories to our Ao3 collection:
Do your best and get to whumping!
Special thanks to Lynn(justanotherinterneruser) for helping put this together. <3
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hyperfixated-fan · 22 days ago
I'm just... Zane
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hyperfixated-fan · 26 days ago
I love big bro Kristoff + little Elsa AU. The idea of Elsa having a brother to lean on makes me feel soft. Probably one of my favs AU ever for Frozen.
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 month ago
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Hello Tadelsa enjoyers! Coming to you this April is Tadelsa Month 2025! Everyone’s welcome to join whether you’re an old timer, a newcomer, or if you just wanna check the ship out. We’re doing weekly prompts instead of dailies this year to give us more time and less pressure to create. Each week has three prompts: feel free to mix-and-match or just do the ones that speak to you!
Let's spread the Tadelsa love!
Week 1 (April 1 - 6)
Home after a long day
“Sorry about your coffee.” “That was my 10th cup today so you probably saved me.”
Song: Dancer by Sigrid
Week 2 (April 7-13)
Getting to know each other
“It’s lovely to be rained on with you.”
Song: Maybe by The Ridleys
Week 3 (April 14-20)
One bad idea after another 
“Your face is so red! Are you okay?" 
Song: Overthinkin’ by Carly Bannister
Week 4 (April 21 - 27)
Under the cherry blossoms
“Promise me you'll be there.”
Song: To The Bone by Sammy Copley
Bonus Week (April 28 - May 4)
Anything goes!
Use the tag #TadelsaMonth25 when posting! Feel free to tag me, too, when posting so I can reblog!
Submit any type of Tadelsa work! All mediums welcome (art, writing, edits, moodboards, etc). However, generative AI works and editing existing fanwork is NOT allowed. 
There is no submission limit! Create as much as you like! Late submissions are also allowed as long as you tag it.
Featuring other characters and crossovers is allowed as long as Tadelsa is the focus! Please be respectful, spread no hate, incite no wars.
Have fun!
If you’re interested in listening to the playlist that inspired the song prompts: Spotify | Youtube Music 
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 month ago
BRING BACK MY WIFE! I MISS HER! Also bring back Zane’s wife.
Wait a minute...
If DR S3 is going to be taking place in the Realm of Oni and Dragons...
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hyperfixated-fan · 2 months ago
So beautiful!
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Big kitty
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hyperfixated-fan · 3 months ago
Also re: the fact it’s normal to have a period of time where you have no friends: sometimes this means no “real” friends aka still have people you know from work, school, family, neighbors, acquaintances, etc etc you interact with but are not close with and couldn’t go to for anything on any deeper level. But sometimes it actually does mean no friends. No social interaction, nobody to call, no other option, don’t talk to anyone for days, don’t know who would find out if you died. The thing is there really is coming back from both of those situations ofc it takes a good deal of work and can feel like pulling teeth to put yourself out there but god it pays off. You can always start over from scratch, and it’s true most people are just as lonely as you are
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hyperfixated-fan · 3 months ago
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riyo Chuchi/CC-1010 | Fox Characters: Riyo Chuchi, CC-1010 | Fox, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Ahsoka Tano, Sami the Pantoran (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Clone Troopers (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, CC-5869 | Stone, Padmé Amidala, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Adoption, Foxiyo Week 2024, Awkward Flirting, Clone Trooper Rebellion Against the Galactic Empire (Star Wars), Clone Troopers Speak Mando'a (Star Wars), Bad Pick-Up Lines, Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Not Canon Compliant - Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Zygerrian Slavery (Star Wars), Force Sensitivity (Star Wars) Summary:
Foxiyo Week 2024
1: Fox becomes Riyo’s unofficial, official date at a Senatorial Gala. Both of them fall in love that night. 2: Clone Rebellion AU: Rex is surprised by Riyo's adeptness at sparring and questions her about it. Cue flashback to when Fox trains Riyo. 3: Delve into the Mandalorians' and subsequently the clones' predisposition and tradition for adopting lost children. (aka Riyo and Fox adopt Sami.) 4: During election season, the Corries decide to hold an election of their own and begin a poll for who they think is the hottest senator. Fox gets rightfully upset. 5: Riyo gets flustered and kind of embarrasses herself trying to flirt with Fox. Fortunately, he is rather dense at matters of the heart and is hardly any better at pickup lines. Featuring wingman Ahsoka, 501st, Thorn, and Padme! 6: Fox and Riyo are both terrible workaholics, valuing the needs of others above their own wellbeing. Fortunately though, they cancel each other out instead of exacerbating both of their self-destructive tendencies. 7: Neither Padawan Riyo nor her Commander Fox are particularly elated by their current mission orders. Zygerrian Arc with Force Sensitive Riyo AU.
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hyperfixated-fan · 5 months ago
Man. I thought we had at least another five years before we got a live action movie announcement...
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hyperfixated-fan · 6 months ago
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I love my anxious, traumatized ice elementals.
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hyperfixated-fan · 6 months ago
AGAHGDHJFGFJNCN! It’s that time of the year again! I’m so excited. Hopefully I’ll find time to participate!
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7 Oct: Date night
8 Oct: Self defense
9 Oct: Cultural tradition
10 Oct: Election
11 Oct: Pick-up lines
12 Oct: Support
13 Oct: Undercover
Dialogue Prompts:
"Comfort is in heaven, and we are on the earth."
"I just want to see the sunrise once more."
"What else is there to say?"
"One dance - just one, that's all."
"I wanted it to be you."
"Don't wait up, love!"
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hyperfixated-fan · 11 months ago
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hyperfixated-fan · 11 months ago
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Poor Mom does not have the time for this conversation right now, and Omega could’ve sworn that everyone in Star Wars was supposed to lose their hand at one point in time.
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hyperfixated-fan · 11 months ago
okay but imagine grown up omega and hera after the defeat of the empire and them meeting up with the rest of the bad batch and jacen is also there and they get to catch up with each other and then hera says something along the lines of "you know, you saved his father" because you can be damn sure kanan confided in hera about his experience with order 66, so she knows.
now, the only ones who were there when kanan escaped from them, were hunter and cross, but i think that hearing that kanan got to live a somewhat happy life with hera and the rest of the ghost crew, that must have been a relief for both of them. for hunter because of his Dad Instinct™ and probably having been worried about what happened to the kid. for cross because that's one less person on his concience.
also, hera wouldn't be where she is today if it weren't for them, helping her and her family on ryloth, and saving her husband from certain death when he was just a child. the batch helped the rebellion more than they were aware of. hera will be forever thankful to clone force 99.
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hyperfixated-fan · 11 months ago
I have some semi-coherent thoughts now. I want to specifically analyze that final scene and why that in particular had me bursting into tears. (I still can’t watch it without tearing up.) I use the term “analyze” loosely and really mean stick around and listen to me emotionally ramble.
FIRST of all, they hit us with grown up Omega, which automatically hits you in the feels because this is the naive, bright-eyed child we’ve watched be amazed by dirt now getting ready to head off and fight in the Rebellion.
Then, they hit us with her exchange with old man Hunter. We got that bittersweet ending in the best way possible.
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This is the payoff. The Bad Batch has raised her well. She has grown up into the type of person who sees the injustices in the galaxy and wants to do something about it. It’s time for her to take up a cause and fight.
Hunter’s response. “And we want to keep you safe.”
Omega: “You have. But I’m not a kid anymore. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Hunter: “You’re our kid, Omega. You always will be.”
Admittedly, this exchange here hit me deep on a personal level as someone who’s going to be moving out very soon. It’s time to grow up and I want to do this to step into who I am meant to be. But I also know in my parent’s eyes, I’ll always be there little child. And that both warms and breaks my heart just as it does theirs.
My personal life aside, from a storyline perspective, it is adorable how Omega reassures Hunter that they have kept her safe. I mean, just look at her! Look at the bright young person you’ve managed to raise, Hunter. The father genes are strong in this one.
Omega tells him: “Hunter, you’ve all fought enough.”
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This in it of itself is heartbreaking. The clones have all fought enough for a Republic that ultimately failed and discarded them. Clone Force 99 was fortunate to end up fighting for something worthwhile. For them, they fought for family and they ultimately won. And now, it is Hunter’s turn to lay down his arms to let the next generation take up the fight. And that stings because while he managed to eventually raise Omega in peace, he cannot fully shield her from having to bear the burden of war.
Honestly, I often think of Thrawn’s lines when talking to Hera and I think it’s applicable to Omega as well. “War is in your blood… You were forged by it.”
Here is Omega telling Hunter that it’s her fight. As a clone, it’s in her blood, in her genes, to fight. As a child raised on the tail end of the Clone Wars, it is her fight because she inherited it. As a person, it is her fight because she’s not one to stand aside while others are oppressed. Once again, a sign of how well-raised she is.
Hunter acknowledges Omega’s readiness, “I know you are… but I’m not.”
Oof. His admittance is a double edged sword. He knows she’s ready, he helped train her himself after all. It’s obvious he is so proud of her, but he doesn’t feel ready to let her go. Listening to his perspective really makes me tear up because it really gives insight on how my parents are handling my move. They don’t necessarily want to say goodbye but they are willing because they know I can accomplish what I set out to do.
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Yeah, I’m drowning in a sea of tears. This is so wholesome!
Before Omega boards her ship, Hunter is sure to tell her, “If you ever need us,
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Omega need only say the word and you best believe her brothers are crossing the entire galaxy more than five times to be at her side.
And yeah, that makes me cry all the harder because I know my family will do the same.
And the goggles scene was such another bittersweet punch in the gut.
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She’s definitely older than Tech was when he died, but the life she got to live on Pabu and what she’s going to do in the future is exactly why he sacrificed himself. She can live and live well. She’s forever going to be carrying a piece of him with her and carry on his legacy by utilizing the knowledge that he bestowed upon her. I’m definitely sobbing even harder. Tech girlies, I think denial is no longer an option.
Omega takes off in her ship and her theme swells in the background and it a scene of pure art and emotion. Batcher whines as she departs and I am so sad that Omega didn’t get to take Batcher with her because it parallels how I have to leave my fur babies behind!
The Bad Batch has showed us how change greatly affected everyone’s lives and how they learned to adapt to such changes. Yet, there was the constant that no matter what happened, family is still family and you can find a way to carry on to a brighter future.
Hunter’s final lines really get me, “It’s all right, girl. She’ll be fine.”
To me, I can almost take it as a message for myself. As the Bad Batch draws to a close and Omega steps into a new chapter, so must I. It’s rather daunting, but you know what, I’m gonna be fine and I’m gonna make it.
Whatever you are going through, just know you’re going to be fine as well.
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hyperfixated-fan · 11 months ago
Well… I have no coherent thoughts. Everyone lived, except my boy Tech, but that was so GOOD! Omega, everyone, AHAJAJFGDJDJBCHDJDKH! I LOVE THE CLONES! DIE HEMLOCK! YES! GROWN OMEGA GOING TO FIGHT IN THE REBELLION HAS ME IN TEARS!
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