#My side blogs
st-eve-barnes · 6 months
My side blogs
So, this blog is pretty much a mess of everything I like but I also have a few more specific side blogs, if anyone is interested:
@primroses12 (light aesthetic)
@nebbiaoscura (dark aesthetic)
@musesofmuses (writing inspiration)
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here's some of my side blogs 🥰
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
The Utterson blog: wholesome vibes! Everyone loves him. Asks about hugs and love and tea ☺️
The Victor blog:
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solaredarisen · 1 year
I made a new sideblog if anyone wanna dump weird worldbuilding ideas that may or may not works
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hobbitonwheels · 7 months
@silavut (and anyone else who wants to read it), I wrote my own review for 7th Guest VR. ^_^ Enjoy.
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meghawhopp · 1 year
Cringe Directory
Feel free to follow my side blogs if any pique your interest~
@bloody-bara Dialovers OCxCanon blog.
@visiosatanae Ghost (band) blog. Under construction.
@casia-infernus Obey Me blog. Some OC stuff. Pretty inactive unfortunately.
@magick-and-moonbeams Witchcraft blog/online grimoire.
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rosemelodyshah · 1 year
My side blogs:
@prongsfoot4life -- James/Sirius blog.
@angstyprongsfoot -- Angsty James/Sirius blog.
@hpfanficsworld -- my hp fanfiction, posts and alerts about it.
@hp-debates-ramblings -- hp debates, ramblings, fights and rants.
@jamesisgreat -- pro James anti Snape
@prongshc -- James Head canons
@writingrelatedthings -- writing related things (a lot of memes).
@art7crafts -- my art works.
@fic-books718recs -- recs blog
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taffee23 · 2 years
I figured it was time to mention these blogs:
@justbeingbuck is where you can find the fanfic I write (multi-fandom)
@withallmylove-fanfic is where you can find what I'm reading and prompts (multi-fandom)
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maydays-medbay · 2 years
Blog Links and Other Info
Last Updated: 3/31/2023 [3:38 AM (GMC-5)]
Updates: Added Flamewire's info; added to Dropdash, Ether, and Fireskimmer's profiles
This is a master document of many important things circling on my blog, such as my OCs and their respective ref sheets, currently open ask games, links to my other blogs, and AUs that I have made. Updates to the doc will be added to the top of the page next to the indicated spot
Info and Other Blogs
Call me Krutch, Arch, or Arc; He/Him pronouns
My birthday is March 21st if that matters to anyone 😂
The Medbay Discord! - here
My Other blogs:
@memory-not-found (Karma's RP Blog)
@of-ruins-and-rubble (Ruination Corps. RP Blog)
@of-arches-and-angels (Ultrakill Sideblog, very blank and empty rn)
Current Ask Games
5 minute sketches
Ask Me Anything
Flowery Oc Asks
Uncommon Questions for OCs and Creators
Headcanon ask
Unhinged Character Bingo
Transformers Character Asks (I made this one a while ago lol)
Karma / Dreamer, Astronomer, Lover of the Stars / He-Him / ref sheet
Phonetic Spelling: [Car-muh]
Voice Claim (Speaking): Anakin Skywalker from The Clone Wars Animated Series
My main OC, who currently lives on a starship with a small crew
Very reserved, but has a relatively pleasant personality when he does talk to others. Very smiley and gentle despite his size
Clumsy because of how big he is, though doesn't enjoy it much
Silverfall / Therapist, Serenity, Level-Headed Thinker / He-Him / ref sheet
Second Youngest of his siblings [Dropdash, Flamewire, Goldrake]
Used to be conjuxed to Karma, but was unfortunately offlined
Had a very happy and bubbly personality, but rarely showed it because of their willingness to listen to others and sit still
Very quiet speaker despite their personality (in most cases)
Really liked flowers like lavender because it was his brother, Goldrake's, favorite
Felt responsible for Goldrake up until they all went separate ways and lost contact with one another
Dropdash / Engineer, Blunt, Voice of Gravel / He-Him / Head Concept
The Eldest of his siblings [Silverfall, Flamewire, Goldrake]
Second tallest of his family
Very prickly personality
Not as intimidating as he tries to be
Hates flowers. Don't bring them anywhere near him unless you want a tool of some kind lobbed at your head.
Kibble puffs up a lot when angry- more than the average bot. This has been used as fuel to tease him plenty of times
Flamewire / Informant, Assassin, Teller of Secrets / He-She / Concept
Second Eldest of his siblings [Dropdash, Silverfall, Goldrake]
Tallest and tankiest of her siblings
He's not associated with Decepticons or Autobots, and will sell his services to anyone who will pay up
Cunning and self-centered
Leads an underground party that deals in secrets and assassination
Has a large following outside of either faction that will listen to her out of both loyalty and fear
His faceplates were scarred after a nasty brawl with a group of Decepticons
Many of the parts on her helm are cameras- many overlook them and see them as headlights or some other light source
Ether / Friendly, Painter, Fruit of Fate / He-Him / ref sheet [very outdated]
Phonetic Spelling: [EE-ther]
Kin of Karma and Silverfall
Very chaotic and energetic when he wants to be
Other than that he can be relatively quiet, especially when focused on a painting or other art project
Still grieving deeply over Silverfall's death and is more emotionally distant. He dissociates sometimes because of the event
Tries his best to take care of Karma while he can, even if sometimes he holds resentment towards him
Is hurt most when his caretaker, Karma, forgets him (this, unfortunately, is a common occurrence- especially as Karma grows older)
Tempest / [Placeholder] / He-Him
Cloudbreak / [Placeholder] / He-Him
Fireskimmer / Explorer, Exotreader, Fountain of Flame / He-Him
An XZ Class Exotreader frametype
Has an outlier ability that allows for him to combust parts of his body on command, though he can't use it for super long in risk of causing permanent fire damage- even with his fire resistance
Part of an explorer crew with others of his frametype
Both of his crewmates were his conjunx endura while they were all aboard their ship, The Novacore.
Currently in a holding cell under the Ruination Corps.' command
Paradigm / Cannibal, Mnemosurgeon, Two-Faced Vitriol / They-Them
Phonetic Spelling: [Pare-uh-dime]
Voice Claim (Speaking): The Conductor from Infinity Train (Vocoded, Robotic Voice)
Comprised of two individual bots, Jekyll and Hyde, and has two sparks in their frame
Both Jekyll and Hyde, when referred to individually, use He/Him pronouns
Hyde is the dominant of the two, more often being in control of the body and their motor functions
Hyde is cunning and overall an extremely manipulative individual, while Jekyll is more brutish and headstrong
They lead the Ruination Corps. alongside 5 other bots, though they are the overall "supreme" leader
Halcyon / Tactician, Chemist, Lurker in the Dark / They-He-It
Phonetic Spelling: [Hal-see-ON]
Voice Claim (Speaking): Higgs from Death Stranding
One of the Salvific Six- or the leaders of the Ruination Corps. besides Paradigm
Their tongue turns into a needle that they use to inject others with a variety of their dark concoctions, or suck fluids from objects
Has no optics on its face, though he does have sensors there...not to say that they don't have optics somewhere on their frame
Jaw can split open to grip onto things when using his needle
Vyrox / Surveillance Officer, Analyst, Creator of Malware/ He-They-She
Phonetic Spelling: [Vi-rocks]
Voice Claim (Singing): A Little Bit - Jake Daniels
Another member of the Salvific Six of the Ruination Corps.
Has an built-in system that lets him look through cameras and other surveillance devices- including comm units and other things of the like
Enjoys creating viruses that they can use against other bots
She isn't afraid to get their hands dirty if he has a duty that upholds the cause
Traitors will face Vyrox whether they like it or not, they don't miss anything going on within their ranks
Wolfram / KRAN-469074, Demolitionist, Elemental Expert / He-Him
Phonetic Spelling: [Wolf-rum]
Based on the KRAN frametype made by @cuppajj
The 74 at the end of his designated number is the same for that of Wolfram (now known as tungsten) on the periodic table of elements
Often straight-faced and intimidating to those he's unfamiliar with
Actually very goofy and loves joking around with others, even if it can take a while to get them to stop being somewhat afraid of him
Very science brain
Starbramble / Starseeker, Explorer, Shrouded Pathfinder / He-Him / ref sheet
Based on the Starseeker frametype made by @dimorphodon-x
Very lone wolf-esque mentality, though bonds that he makes are very strong
Betrayal will result in a life-long grudge. He doesn't do second chances
Lives on a jungle-heavy planet with his pet turbofox (even he doesn't know how he befriended the small beast)
Alternate Universes [AUs]
Counterfeit Paradigm
This is the name that I use for all of my OCs, but it's not really anything more than that. Most of the stuff involving this AU is just me talking about Paradigm or Karma lol
College AU - Main Info
An AU where everyone is in a College setting, though not everyone still has to be in college and can just be a normal citizen of sorts
Gecko AU - Some info
Not much info on this one as of right now other than all of the characters getting gecko-like features
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sternenmeerkind · 2 years
URL-change and my side blogs
Formerly called blackpantherinside is now sternenmeerkind
(I’ve just outgrown this name after having created this blog seven years ago (seven years already?!))
My side blogs for anyone interested ^-^ :
@spellyourguts​: my bookblr (pretty inactive but still reblogging bookish stuff every now and then)
@poetinprose: my writeblr (always open to talk about your stories, too! Especially interested in fantasy and sci-fi)
@lilwippsteert​: where I post things about my other interests and hobbies (mostly original posts about plants, my art etc.)
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fabro-de-omres · 2 months
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ispyspookymansion · 5 months
stream i am the prayers of the naive on ao3 dot com
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Considering deleting my Hyde and Guest sideblogs. They're not very active (the Guest one never was), and tbh, I'm not really in the fandom as much anymore
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bl00dsuck1ngfr3aks · 29 days
here's a few of my side blogs if anyone was wondering :)
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lotrlorien · 3 months
my side blog reminder:
GAMING zevrain.tumblr.com @zevrain - especially dragon age, baldurs gate, world of warcraft, league of legends, skyrim, pokemon. any game that tickles my fancy. very active blog
FINNISH ilmeenikun.tumblr.com @ilmeenikun - a finnish shitpost blog. fully finnish. do not recommend to follow unless you are native.
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general-illyrin · 2 years
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