#My pants don't fit anymore
teaboot · 2 months
Is Ollie doing alright?
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bayrut · 1 month
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I may have made a mistake.....
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solradguy · 2 years
I got recruited into helping pass out candy at my dad's tonight but I don't have a costume so I'm just gonna put all my belts and stuff on and go as myself because the last time I did that people thought I put a lot of effort into my costume and I didn't have the heart to tell them that that was just how I dressed normally most of the time lol
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olive-the-olive · 4 months
actually i am wondering about something where does everyone keep their phone these days now that they've stopped making them small enough to fit in your pocket
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ningtual · 3 months
what does a girl have to do to find pants that actually fit
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s-w-a-n-p-r-i-n-c-e · 11 months
Hoxton cos-test!
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Finally got a suit for him. Thrifted of course. Unfortunately the pants don't fit the greatest, just a couple inches too small in the waist. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to let the waist out a little so it'll fit better
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lithyena · 5 months
today's craft: turning my old jeans into a crust skirt
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detentiontrack · 1 year
Where can I buy shorts for a midsized AFAB body that actually fit well and aren't super expensive? Suggestions?
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
not to be obnoxiously materialistic as part of the capitalist apparatus' winter psyop but………………. First Goffick Platform Boots I've Had Ever Just Dropped lol
got these as a slightly early xmas yule present
i was literally JUST bitching at a beloved mutual the other day abt being sad that i don't really dress alt anymore?? these don't have 2kgs of spikes and buckles so idk if they're even considered Proper Goth by whatever arbitrary standard but they're a nice solid base to build on :)
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La Bamba (1987) was on the tv and it fucked me up
I watched like 15 mins and suddenly I'm having a vintage fashion phase again 😭
And this time it's easier than ever bc I have curated a vintage wardrobe I just style it in modern ways
I miss wearing my creepers
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drawnecromancysdiary · 6 months
Mmmmmmmh i really need to figure out how to cure my pure hatred for cooking
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bellesaysmeow · 8 months
hey guys how tf are we styling our boy zone tshirts i wanna wear it tonight but the pants i usually wear it with are in the wash and like. i can't think of anything else
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funkylittlebats · 10 months
Rapid weight gain is so fucking scary when diabetes runs in your family
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yuukimiyas · 1 year
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
*removes a bag from the closet that I thought contained makeup but actually contains plushes* .....oh shit. does this mean the makeup is in the shipping container storage unit.........
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
pornstar!ghost defo gets millions of views because of the way he makes his favourite costar cum on his cock🥴 i don't make the rules🤷🏻‍♀️
"oh, bloody hell."
ghost blew out a breath, his thumb moving to run across his lips. for the past hour his phone had been buzzing so loud in the metallic locker of the gym dressing-room that the front-desk assistant had eventually been forced to come ask him to turn it off.
yet not for a moment had he prepared for—for this.
whatever the fuck it was.
his social media was flooded. twitter, instagram, even his goddamn fucking tiktok account that his coworkers had forced him to create during a drunken night out a couple of weeks ago.
and it was all because of you.
well, because of the most recent video the two of you had shot together.
apparently it was—ghost's brows furrowed, as he read through the comments flooding his posts—relationship goals. apparently it was all that a girl could ever want. apparently the two of you were now... being shipped.
his fingers working fast, he looked up your name from his contacts and brought his phone to his ear. not two rings later you answered the call, a touch of amusement to your voice.
"you've seen it, haven't you?"
he could hear the laughter in your voice—the warmth of it making him feel more grounded as he shook his head. "fuckin' A, love. not sure I should be shitting my pants or feel fuckin' flattered. they're saying that we'll be—shipped."
"that we'll—" your laugh was bright. "oh, they're shipping us now, are they? no it's—they want us to be—together."
"they've already seen me railing the shit out of you in front of—," ghost's words died down on his lips.
"well I'll be fuckin' damned." the widest of grins tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded his head, slow. "all because of the way I fuck you, eh?"
"something about the way you look at me when you do." he could hear the smile on your lips as you spoke. "price is reworking next week's schedules to see if he can fit more of us in."
"weren't we already scheduled for—," ghost bit down the rest of his sentence.
"thursday, yeah. but apparently his golden couple takes priority. he's—oh, hold up."
the line fell quiet for a moment, and ghost allowed himself to wet his lips with the deepest chuckle. if he hadn't know himself any better, he would've thought that the sudden heat playing on his cheeks was brought there by you, and not by the workout he had just finished.
it was definitely from the workout.
your warm call only brightened his smile, and he nodded his head. "yeah, darlin'?"
"I'll see you next week on—," you laughed, "four days."
four fuckin' days.
"alright," he managed out a chuckle. "yeah, alright. I'll—err—I'll see you then, yeah? tell price I said—" thank you. "tell him I said hi."
"I will," you hummed. "ghost?"
"yeah, love?"
"I'm looking forward to next week."
fuckin' hell.
he bit down his smile, for nothing. for there was nothing he could do to control the sudden flutter at the pit of his stomach: to hide the warmth of his voice as he nodded his head.
"me too, darlin'. me too.”
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a/n: this is not even smut anymore. this is just—it's just fluff. I'm falling for them so goddamn hard, lmao. / pornstar!ghost masterlist / my inbox is so, so open for all your thoughts about him. 💌
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