#My og wizard was a necromancer
any59 · 9 months
I am not normally one for fandom tattoos…
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but sometimes childhood biddy games are an inextricable part of your psyche and so need to be worn on the skin
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mayakern · 9 months
Hi there! So I have a few questions about Kismet and the gorgeous Galaxy queen!
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First off, what’s her (👆) name? I would love to represent you properly (specially since I’m more than likely wearing her when I meet Ron Perlman). I’m getting total Eris vibes from the animated Sin Bad of the Seven seas movie.
Also is kismet more of a Pike from Vox machina or Venus from sailor moon?
her name is cassiopeia! the above art is actually a redraw of a design aaaalll the way back from some time around 2016 or so. actually she is part of a set of designs: the necromancer and her bride
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i actually turned this OG art into a pair of foil prints which i think? have a few copies left in my store (tho the store is closed til jan 2). i never got around to doing a redraw of the bride but maybe i’ll do that some day lol. i did make a sketch im just not totally happy w it so i never finished it.
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i’ve only played cassiopeia in a ttrp once, but it was super fun. it was a game of sexy battle wizards. obviously her highest stat was sexy.
as for kismet, i haven’t played her in a game yet! she’s one of my backup characters lol. i’ll probably play her as a divine soul sorcerer or trickster cleric or something similar: essentially, an agent of chaos that is both compassionate and mischievous. my rough background idea for her is she has a bit of a Chosen One type deal, where she was raised very rigidly for a Greater Purpose and told she could only be that thing, and has since run away from home to shirk responsibility and maybe find herself, or at least find some fun.
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now, both cassiopeia and kismet are available as designs for people on my licensable character patreon tier, where ppl can use my character designs for their ttrpg home games, so there may be other versions of these girls out in the wild with different names and personalities and backstories!
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necrostar · 1 year
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Cherry! But call me whatever you want, I'll respond to it 😂
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘: July 06!
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 5' 2" / 157.48 cm-ish? Quite frankly I don't actually know.
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒: Writing / Drawing / D&D / Writing long rants about my muses
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: Pastel blue or lavender!
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters)
𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 2 (like the OG manga)
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: For Bakura? The sheer fucking spite of how dirty canon did him and my interest in exploring the themes that SHOULD have been covered in canon but they never did so here we are.
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐔𝐑𝐋: So back when I first started in 2018, there were like, an absurd amount of Bakuras running around. So apparently we as The Bakura Committee™️ started calling each other by some variation of our URLs to differentiate each other. My old url involved stars, so the first Bakura I ever met called me Starlight. After going to a friend's YGO Truth or Dare group, everyone there shortened it to Star and it just kinda stuck. It's a very fond memory for me and I want to keep the theme going. The necro part comes up because, well, I'm personally fond of the occult and my first D&D character was a necromancer wizard. Plus if you think about it aren't the Millennium Items just necromancy with extra steps?
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: My life-long dream is to move to Sweden (plan B is Ireland) and work as a curator there!
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spectrumtacular · 7 months
Okay nobody asked however I love my evil wizards so so much and ik I semiregularly tag them in things SO, breakdown of my wizards so far:
-The OG, transmuter Calamity Jen of Calamity Jen's Wild West Wizarding Services. A snakeoil saleswoman from Noswad City who's potent potions are widely available throughout the country, but are always more trouble than they're worth.
-Fan favourite Russell the Necro(w)mancer, a largely ineffectual necromancer who can ONLY do crows. He recently became bffs with the party's warlock; the two bonded over the fact they're both cringefail losers who everybody hates so so much and now they'd die for each other.
-Cousin Frankie of the elf mafia, a greasy manlet from fantasy Woodbridge who's as obnoxious as you would expect. Manages to survive every elf mafia regime change by virtue of being the nation's top abjurer; his most used spell is a homebrewed cantrip I call "popemobile," which is very OP but I would Never let anyone kill him bc he's my #1 specialest guy.
-Councilwoman Karen, an average politician and a dynamite illusionist. Yes she's embezzling campaign funds, yes she's on the elf mafia's payroll, yes she's been arrested several times, no she hasn't kept a single campaign promise, but the people just keep voting for her.
-And the newest addition from today's session, conjurer Jean-Paul Tremblay-Gagnon, Mr. Separatism himself. THE most annoying man on the planet, he will summon the spirit of free Cebeuq (fantasy Quebec) to beat you up at the slightest provocation and he will be Very smug about it.
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yewphoric · 3 years
🖊 dealers choice
ok i am going to do my boy Jenais...
-full name Jenais Oesis which means nothing. they’re both typos. if you’re curious the words were Genius Pesos. his name is Genius Pesos.
-because both of those names are totally fake the pronunciation is also up to interpretation but in my head i say his name like “je-NIGH-us oh-EH-sis”
-he’s an altmer from the Summerset Isles that went to Skyrim on some official business and accidentally got too into necromancy. Now he lives in one of the crypts and spends his time avoiding the Skyrim Cops and drinking
-my original idea was that he was originally Thalmor and that’s why he was in Skyrim but the more i’ve thought about him he Would Not be Thalmor he’s simply too chaotic dumbass so i’ve gotta work something else out
-other than necromancy he also enjoys fire magic!
-inclusivity win! the necromancer who’s using your corpse as a weapon is transgender!
-he’s also bisexual and aromantic :)
-his backstory and everything else is so undeveloped rest in peace. i do know that he’d be in Skyrim for when Ragnar is the dragonborn, and whether or not they’re friends is up to interpretation, but they definitely know each other and have worked together at least once
-(to be quite honest i think Ragnar would think Jenais is annoying but kinda pities him because he literally has no other friends. somewhere down the line Ragnar realizes he’s actually unironically Jenais’ friend and wonders what happened)
-oh yeah because he was originally gonna be ex-Thalmor his og personality was “asshole who doesn’t know how to interact with anyone but is trying to learn how to make friends” but through a series of shitposts with other friends’ ocs he has become “chaotic dumbass wizard who doesn’t know how to interact with anyone because he comes on WAY too strong”
-alright and my most favorite fun fact is he can’t spell. not for any particular reason, he’s literate and well-read and somewhat smart but spelling is just really now his strong suit. it’s not as bad as my friends and i exaggerate it in shitposts but he really does go most of his life not knowing how to spell a good amount of words. king shit
all right i think that is about it [zany face emoji]
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thearcanacheck · 5 years
Satanic Panic Tier List
We’re gonna take a quick break from our regularly scheduled postings to bring you my Official Class Tier List for building a devil-worshiping character. Feel free to send me suggestions if you wanna see another list for a different character archetype in D&D 5e!
(disclaimer: if you disagree with these opinions, it’s simply because you haven’t thought about these things as well as I have)
A Tier
These are classes that have a great deal of devilishness built in, pre-packaged for your convenience!
1. Warlock: Naturally, a lot of these class abilities/spells sound spooky and broadcast to the table that you’re on the highway to hell. Pact of the Fiend is fine, but you could just as easily re-flavor any of the other pacts if you consider yourself “above fireball.” Furthermore, I get the feeling most warlocks rp themselves as BFFs with their patron or begrudging slaves – not often do you see warlocks straight-up worshiping their patron like a god. I think that’d be a neat shake-up!
2. Cleric: I’m sure Asmodeus could qualify as a Death/War/Knowledge/Trickery deity. Heck, maybe even Light if you wanna play a hellfire cleric! Of course, this still comes off a bit as “baby’s first evil priest” so you’ll have to come up with ways to make this more interesting -- like picking a weird race/background.
3. Paladin: Antipaladins, like evil priests, are tried-and-true character archetypes -- although you’re a little bit more limited in your class options (I’m a lenient DM, but Oath of the Ancients does not mix with black knights). When you describe your character to the table, it’ll be hard for them to imagine your character instead of every other enuch in obsidian armor they’ve ever seen. An easy character, but also frustrating.
4. Sorcerer: Draconic sorcerer turns into Demonic sorcerer so easily. This would be higher up the ladder if this wasn’t technically homebrewing, but described the right way, the fire/wings/charming/fear can sound more hellish than anything else! Unlike the other classes, very few abilities/spells facilitate the act of devil-worshiping...
But all you need is one opportunity to describe to the party how you got devil blood in the first place, and that should make for a memorable character trait.
B Tier
You’ll have to do more work (every session or so) to remind the table that you worship devils, but that’s what you’re here to do, right? 
5. Wizard: Necromancers aren’t typically pious creatures, but adding little prayers to your spellbook-preparation is easy to do. Unlike Warlocks who start the game with their souls already sold, you’re playing the long game! Building your resume so you can personally teleport to Mephistopheles’ door and get even more return on your more valuable soul.
6. Rogue: What evil cult can get by without assassins? Although cult-leader positions in D&D are reserved for casters, you’re content worshiping without getting any magic in return. A humble option, but extremely respectable.
7. Bard: The spell list for Bards is extremely devilish, but it’s hard to get the flavors to work. Sure, a Bard might hang out with devils or even get to respect them. But worship? Nah. You’ll have to do a lot more than invent the heavy metal for the party to take you seriously as a devil-worshiper.
8. Druid: Pagans were the OG devil worshipers, and you’ll be surprised how much of that stigma remains for you to exploit. Like, where do you think all those devils got their names anyway? You might need to do some research (Rome’s expedition to Ireland or Britain’s expeditions to Africa) and just try to imagine if any of those fears were warranted. Hope you like sacrificing!
C Tier
It’s an uphill battle to draw these connections. You’ll need a damned good backstory if you don’t want people to think you were rolling your character traits randomly.
9. Monk: There are two equally-difficult paths for this. First, you could take M. Bison and make him a devil-lovin’ monk. Playing a tough-guy-squared type of character like that is fine for a one-time villain, but as a PC that sounds exhausting. Like holding a flex for five hours.
Secondly, you could play as a shadow-ninja with flashy oni tattoos. A character like that could live a long life, full of interesting twist and turns and changes of heart, and really elevate that stale “Evil Mystical Ninja of the Orient” stereotype. But that’s difficult! Plus, you’re not here to combat cultural misappropriations, you’re here to worship devils! And Christ if that doesn’t get in the way.
10. Fighter: You’re like a knight who spent your entire life trying to become a paladin. But the gods wouldn’t grant you any paladin magic, so you renounced your vows to become an anti-paladin. But the devils wouldn’t bless you either! So now you’re anti-fighter; a bad punchline to a joke that took too long to explain.
11. Ranger: Angel-hunting and Demon-hunting are both lucrative and fruitful careers. Devils have a lot of enemies and you could easily build a character around helping them with that problem. The more you lean into a character like that, the more of an employee-employer relationship starts to develop -- far stronger than the Warlock’s. Ranger might set you up to be worshiped by Devils, but not the other way around.
12. Barbarian: You could easily re-skin any of the Barbarian subclasses to be fiendish. However, it would all make much more sense for a demon-worshiping character in every instance. Like, maybe Orcus grants your Zealot undeath or your Totem animals are replaced with beastly demons. If your devil-worshiper confuses the line between devils and demons, they’re doing devils a disservice.
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wait hang on, just realized something VERY cool that i was probably supposed to get sooner
(spoilers for descent into avernus below)
(my players don’t read yet...... you are not there yet)
just realized they set up the duke and her sons as like, human counterparts to the deities of the cults that are majorly at play in the campaign, and if you INCLUDE ye olde Zodge, you’ve got em all:
Duke Vanthampur is obviously Zariel, she’s in control of the situation, she’s buff, and she’s the one providing the opportunity for the dead three to strike w/in Baldur’s Gate (and enabling Tiamat, even as she undermines her). Her past, rising from servitude to nobility, also speaks to Zariel associations, even without the devil worship.
Mortlock is Bane. He’s Lawful Evil, he runs some operations from behind the scenes, but like Bane during the time of troubles, he gets fucking murked by the others. Just like Zariel couldn’t abide the celestial host in the OG lore because of their Overwhelming Lawfulness, so too can Thalamra not abide Mortlock among her sons. 
Amrik, while TECHNICALLY Lawful Evil (wizards why must you turn this house into lies.... anyone with poison hand signals is absolutely not lawful), is absolutely fucking Bhaal. He’s charismatic, he totally fucks, he’s a loan shark (big chaos and fear energy, plus he gets to kill people who default), and he’s the one calling hits on not ONLY his brother but I think it’s implied he’s commanding some of the cult’s hits too? He has The Authority to just call up the Bhaal assassins and be like “kill,” and he poisons people on the reg. Like Bhaal in this city, he’s the real face of the brothers.
Thurstwell, while also TECHNICALLY Lawful Evil (again with the lies) is, like Mortlock, willing to turn on his mother, but unlike Mortlock, if and ONLY if it will serve him, making him feel very neutral. His necromancer-ish vibes lend him nicely to Myrkul, along with his INT focus and preoccupation with espionage and puzzle-solving rather than with shenanigans or self-preservation.
Zodge......like Tiamat is trying to stage a fuckin coup of a formerly lawful-adjacent organization by impressing his boss real good.... but also likes to kill people because he’s a dick. He guards a fuckin.... gate. Flaming Fist. ***Headless*** Flaming Fist, because that’s even funnier, instead of the five heads thing.
This was definitely on purpose.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, March 7-Sunday, March 8
Xander: Why is she singing? Willow: She's sad because her lover gave her twelve gold coins, but then the wizard cut open the bag of salt, and now the dancing minions have nowhere to put their big maypole... fish thing. Xander: Uh-huh. Why is she singing? Buffy: Her lover? I thought that was her chiropractor. Willow: Because of that thing he did with her feet? No, that was personal.
~~Reptile Boy~~
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Stranger, Take My Helping Hand, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 10 Hidden Details About The Summers Home You Never Noticed via Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Spike Quotes via Screen Rant
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carveus · 5 years
Look, I’m just gonna gush about my favourite Necromancer for a little bit, because I love her.
This is actually the second campaign I’ve played her in, but the first time wasn’t for very long and looking back she was a very different character. And not just in class make up (wizard/cleric/mystic theurge).
Lady Laurana in a Kingmaker campaign was older and more jaded. She had been all but disowned, with the only thing keeping her from actually being disowned was her agreement to spy and report back on what this little fledgling kingdom was doing. She came in about halfway through book 2 (because my original character had to flee the kingdom after causing a justified peasant revolution).
This was a woman, only 3 years removed from the version I’m currently playing, but who knew that she would never be what her family wanted her to be; and consequently gave so much less of a shit. She was still fussy and high strung; but also the group were aware she had been sent in with ulterior motives. She was in that place for 6 months and no one ever got to call her Rana.
Cut to Curse of Strahd. A baby of 23, she’s only just starting to strike on her own. Not a cleric any more, but still very devout. (Although if 5th Edition had anything similar to the Hidden Priest archetype that could be a possible future multiclass option.) Only 3 years younger, but decades more naive. She still thinks she can make her family happy without compromising her own happiness. This is going to be one of the big lessons she’s going to learn in Barovia. Also working out how emotionally and mentally abusive her family is, but she is not ready to realise that yet.
OG Rana had a relationship with a young knight NPC, which was quickly cut off the moment the L Word was uttered because she, despite knowing she couldn’t make them happy, definitely took her family’s policies on feelings more seriously. If only to protect her own.
CoS Rana, you can hear her fall in love over the sessions, if you listen closely. From teasing “Knight Hammersmith”, them crossing the bridge together, her actually sharing in the brandy, the aftermath of the carriage ride up to the castle, them sharing her present for him, them waking up in a coffin together, tenderness in the library of Castle Ravenloft... They’ve shared secrets. They are both completely prepared to die or damn themselves for each other.
It’s gonna be fun explaining that to Joffrey.
I’m also looking forward to this party trying to teach her some healthy coping mechanisms, not that they’re exactly experts, but considering her normal method of coping with stress was locking herself in her lab for weeks on end, forgetting to sleep and eat for most of it (Kingmaker Rana found herself a Ring of Sustenance which is not better.)
It’s going to be some fun roleplaying ahead for this spooky nerd. I am also unironically looking forward to everyone’s reactions when they find out the scope of The Great Work.
Okay, gushing over. For now.
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themilokin · 5 years
14, 17, 29, 30, 31
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Oh god. Oh no. The LONGEST LIST…
The Historical Preservation Society of Fandolin - My first ever dnd party playing Lost Mines of Phandelver! This was a bunch of years ago and I still have very very fond memories. We got our name by a scheme that managed to get us a 1v1 fight with a necromancer and then later an invitation to see some bugbears but that turned out less good. Comprised of Flint the Dwarven Cleric who 100% started a table-wide superstition of warhammers never hitting their targets, Taris the Half-Orc Paladin noble who originated the scheme, Tilwynn Syrr (Mr. Sir)- my wood elf rogue- who continued the scheme and butted heads with Taris repeatedly, and Eileer- a wood-elf beastmaster ranger who we called Grandma for her age and general personality. It was a wild few months.
Ghostbusters - A hard-scrabble group of idiots fight off supernatural threats and actual cannibal Shia LeBouff in the Magic The Gathering setting of Innestrad. The first campaign my girlfriend and I got to play together, and her first campaign! Comprised of her Ness (a Hunter Ranger with RIDICULOUS damage output), my Vermillion Kade (assassin and group dad), a Fighter that died to a Shambling Mound and came back as a Bagpiping Bard whose names elude me, Nessnemo (Nemo for clarity- a barbarian whose outfit consisted of primarily straps and little else), and Anders (A druid who caused the tablewide joke of ‘Bear in a Banquethall’ whenever players do something Very Ill-Advised because they missed a detail of description). We also saw a character named Chrodechild in this game while I took over for a Birthday Two-shot DMing stint.
OG Sendra - The first attempt at a full-length campaign. Comprised of Chrodechild the enchantress that eventually face-heel-turned into a villain, Lorelai Elffei the thief from a town of children who died and came back, Nemo (once more, but tiefling this time), Eseka the Halfling Monk/Bard performer in a circus (I THINK to melil, actually) who died and was restored, and Feverfew- the Drow Warlock of the Archfey.It had a pretty high character-swap-and-death rate. Feverfew the warlock died and became Patrin the Dragonborn Paladin who was then ALSO killed, and Kanseif the Human Barbarian Warrior Princess came about to replace him. Chrodechild turned evil and was replaced with Rhadha the crippled tiefling warlock who had made a deal with hags and had a long contract full of stipulations. Brill had to depart after character moments occurred and came back as Sylvienne Ghost- an Aasimar druid and Therapy Dog. There were further character swaps later on, but by the time they occurred the campaign had begun to grind to a halt.
Shards of the Past - A campaign run by a friend. The party was gathering the broken fragments of a rod of Manticores to fight back against the northern Empire. We were contracted by the queen to do so and BOY we sucked at it but we sure did win the war! A human paladin (whose name escapes me) with a lion-steed named Balthazar, Kestral the human Ranger-assassin (who had bird-themed names for her whole family it was rad), and my gnome Wizard Sullivan Orren du Ghislain-Ameritte III, who slowly descended towards lawful evil as the game progressed. It was a WILD romp. 
ThreaTTT - My second stab at DMing! The players awoke in prison after a night of wildly out-of-hand carousing and had to pay off their debt to society in service to Drann’s public. Mostly monster hunting and character-driven, the first introduction of The Timeless and Sliver of Moon! Party consisted of Tor (half-elf half-dwarf bard who was locked in an endless one-sided rivalry with Fortesque D’artigan- another half-elven bard), Risc Taxis (an assassin from the Talons, the southern Thieves and Assassin’s guild in Sendra, and an addict to Celadon- a opiate that stains fingers blue), and Atonement/Toni- an Aasimar Archfey warlock who was fleeing an engagement and was beholden to the whims of her 12 year old patron. They more or less made a thrash metal band by level 5, and Cera- a merfolk enchantress prostitute- joined up with them after a trip to the Stormlashed Sea. Her name didn’t fit the scheme, but she was loads of fun.
Pile of Idiots/Fortune’s Favor/Dumb Luck - You know this one, Muffin. ;P Comprised of a Fireball-Happy Endlessly-Curious sorcerer, an Extra As Shit 4 Elements Monk, the Queen of the Sea herself, The Worlds Best Bard, Smol Druid with Smol Doggo frond, and Beefest Lizard Tank, these idiots try and save the world- or at least get by.
Trees Beneath the Seas - A campaign that got very away from us, and where Moon received most of his character development. It was a huge party, which I think detracted a bit from the potential RP fun, but I got to be RECKLESS. We had Damon Pyre the Half-Elf-Half-Dragon Sorcerer, Durieal Durnam the OP monk that was killed by the weapon he carried, Saneva Amailo the hexblade warlock of Garagos and certified Edgelord Supreme, Quv the gnome-turned-elf rogue that left and whose player came back with Rue the Pumpkin Queen the human druid, Amaya Arissius the wood-elf Horizon Walker Ranger (who died and was reincarnated as a human), Verath the Dragonborn bard, Persephone O’Dougal the Canim forge cleric, Braugen Rowcron the dwarf barbarian who came back later as Satsuss the yuan-ti artificer, Arlow Rathers the paladin of Illmater and best baker the world has ever seen, Waruk Flamesong the half-orc wizard/cleric who sank the world, and finally Sliver of Moon who robbed, lied, and smooth-talked his way into and out of worlds of trouble as a swashbuckling rogue-fighter-paladin-sorcerer (we got to lvl 30 shit got WEIRD).
Harder Than We Thought - Thrush’s game! We played on the continent of Sivaan- slowly coming under siege by a power called The Parody that wanted to make the whole world just a liiiiiiiittle more interesting. Evelynn Mercado (Parsippany Olapieros) the half-elf blade-bard with ten tons of swagger in a ten ounce body who was looking for her father and making her own name in the world, Thrush Marigold the endlessly sunny sun-soul monk who was learning about his tiefling heritage while looking for his mother, Sir Tim the Halfling Hero For Hire Paladin who was making his tiefling lover and his son proud, Dune the bloodhunter with a Big Problem with hags, ‘The’ Wothe the more traditional halfling bard who was potentially about to be Thrush’s uncle by marriage, Perryn the Air Genasi Beastmaster Ranger and prankmaster general, and a dragonborn sorcerer I cannot recall the name of with terrible eyesight.
Punk! - A portal-fantasy run by our Innestrad DM, with a fantastic set up where he said he had to take a call during our session 0 and walked out. We then all got messages at the table saying he’d been replaced and to not trust him, and when he came back his whole body language was changed and then ‘sucked us into a portal’ via his tome of handbooks he got rebound into one HUGE book. We all played ourselves but better, and it was wild.
Umber Wilds/Aspiring Cryptids - One I’m currently running on mondays! A group of adventurers Doing Their Best. Audhilde Stoneforger is the Eldritch Knight and Battle Goddess who can leap up to 170 feet because I’ve broken my own will. Larken Delmare is the human shadow sorcerer who used to be an elf and came back wrong, she’s got ties to the first lands of Thielle and is dealing with Coming Back Wrong as best she can. Yseult Brighton is a water-genasi grave cleric with both Selune and Shar claiming portions of her soul, she’s been dubbed the World’s Okayest Cleric and is basically a fishbowl made of friendship. Lastly there’s Ekaterina Sheralova, a drow Gloomstaker Ranger with the most flamboyant fashion and cat-like personality whose family is probably going to wind up killing her or trying to.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
BIG CRITS! You max your primary damage die and then roll the second, so you’re always hitting big when you get that nat 20! I have to beef so much health because of this.
Flanking - Instituted around the In-Person table: when you flank you get a +2 to hit, not advantage. It’s less OP that way.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Usually RP heavy sessions are my favorite thing, but sometimes you just want to hit something. XD I’ve found I really like a healthy dose of both, but I love it when the combat functions to fuel RP, so RP is probs my more favorite kind.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
They’ve trended more diplomatic! I’m grateful for it, and it’s neat seeing what pushes characters into ‘murder’ when they start out with diplomacy.
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Oh golly, probably Rogue or Paladin for favorite class, but Bard is up there too. I love versatility, and Rogue and Bard are skill monkey classes that are super fun. Paladin’s whole ‘strength from your belief in an ideal’ is also hella fun tho, I like it when paladins draw power from belief not in a god, but in a principle that guides them. Favorite race is harder, I don’t really have a favorite- but I know I dislike playing as Dragonborn, Aarakokra, and Lizardfolk personally. They’re just not for me, I think.
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sleepymccoy · 6 years
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Hey guys, I do dnd portrait commissions! Contact me and I’ll give you a quote depending on what you want, but it’ll be under $80 USD no matter what. I have a list of questions I’ll ask to make sure I get your character right, so we’ll spend some time figuring out details before I get started and charge you. Just send me a message here to get started or send me an email at [email protected]
Under the cut I’m gonna put a run down of each of the pictures I’ve put in this post, so have a read if you’re curious! Most of the people who commissioned me aren’t on tumblr but I’ve tagged who I can! 
First off is Bayeauxfyrez (pronounced Bay Of Fires) who is my housemate’s goliath fighter character. Bayeauxfyrez hasn’t explained the skulls all over him in game yet but I got the info ooc for this effort; his twelve children all died in a fire and he wears their bones to remember them. He also specified a “body no weaker than Jason Momoa’s” and that he has a bandana around his mouth that has DTF on it. 
Next is Rellen, a green dragonborn NPC who owns the shop that sells all the non magical stuff you can buy. He was severely burnt and wounded in a situation that he doesn’t like to discuss. 
Next up is Quellen’kenu, the necromancer who is half genie, a homebrew race from my dad’s dnd group. He wears denim overalls and I’m overjoyed by him. 
Then we have Lerissa, the half tiefling sorcerer NPC who casts Simulacrum every weekend so that her copy can handle the store front while the og Lerissa makes the potions they sell that need her full time attention. The spell costs $1500, but she makes it back in selling the potions she crafts in that time, plus she likes the look of herself. 
Next is Kaimbree Harlow, commissioned by @clickthing who took tiefling stats but is a humanoid unicorn rogue. Her character is super bright and very religious, more so than the cleric, which is good fun in game.
Then there’s my character, Cavendish, the elf bard who plays a didgeridoo and likes to fight with his daggers in combat and uses his spells outside of combat. I love him, he’s a bit of an idiot and shouldn’t be involved in planning conversations but he is! 
Second last is Jester from Critical Role’s Mighty Nein campaign. She’s a tiefling cleric under the trickster domain.
And lastly is the program that got me into dnd, it’s The Adventure Zone! It’s Kravitz and Taako being sappy nerds cos they’re in love. They’re a bard grim reaper of indeterminate species, and an elf wizard.
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