#My cute little fluffy gay boy
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undersunnyy · 5 months ago
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I love Basil he's so cute
Yes guys I'm a Omori fan lmao
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lazywolf177117 · 9 months ago
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SHITTY DOODLE FOR @lazywolf177117 ‘s AU
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absolutebl · 3 months ago
GMMTV 2025 Line Up - My Totally Biased and Wildly Flawed Feels
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This is the point where I remind you that GMMTV announced 16 BLs for 2024 and didn't actually release 4 of them in 2024: My Golden Blood, Ossan‘s Love, Sweet Tooth Good Dentist, and The Ex-Morning.
So despite the fact that these are from GMMTV 2025 line up, some of them will not happen until 2026, and some could get dropped entirely or have cast changes.
I'm not including the GLs, grab bags, or possible bromances. Confirmed full-tilt gay af only.
In order of ones I'm most excited about.
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Dare You to Death
JoongDunk as police investigators in a mystery suspense thriller. Yes, I'm in. This is it. This it the one I wanted to instantly watch. Even though their's 20 BLs airing right now.
This is the only trailer I immediately rewatched.
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Boys in Love
Our only true high school BL from GMMTV and it's fresh faces for the youths and old favs for the teachers. It's milk teeth Make it Right and that is perfectly fine with me! I like lotte milk. Also DIMPLES! Yay! I suspect they're using this one to test some new pairs for future seasons. Like a Project 101 Thai BL. (Honestly I just invented an amazing reality TV for you GMMTV, you're welcome.)
Like My School President was in 2023, this could be a major 2025 sleeper hit for me.
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Memoir of Rati
Sing the praise song with me BLabies! GreatInn in a HISTORICAL with a class divide and everyone's favourite side couple! Be still my heart! I'm beyond pleased. (Also I got my boat in a lotus pond at last.) My only concern is this could end sad, it's in the title after all.
This is the only trailer that gave me chills.
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My Magic Prophecy
Paranormal mystery with a fortune teller and a doctor. I'm in. I hope the script doesn't fail JimmySea again, they are such a great pair. I'm intrigued by this one but it felt the most formless of all the trailers, so I'm thinking we could see some significant tweaks.
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Me and Thee
A photographer gets involved with the mafia? OMG is this a Thai dupe for Target the Finder? Only mixed with Cyrano? WILD. I mean to say, this one is wild WILD! Plus Est (my love) back in suits and ear dongles I see. Also GMMTV never gonna let us forget they bagged two of BL's best bods with PP, thanks all for the visuals.
Of course this is for me. I'm the shallowest, remember? Plus I love a BL that's just a little bit...... well...... stupid.
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A Dog and A Plane
A prissy gay flight attendant in a push-pull relationship with an EMT dude-bro. Characters are a bit throwback to PeteKao (no bad thing) not to mention the looming shadow of What the Duck? (bad thing). But the side couple is the always appealing MarcPoon.
Okay GMMTV, surprise me, I'm game. And you know TayNew are my OG GMMTV pair du jour.
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Cat for Cash
Finally something fluffy with a pair I like. Looks cute. I like cute. Yay for me! Adorable gay boys and cats.
This one is basically made to be a tumblr comfort meme meets thirst trap. I see what you're doing GMMTV and I applaud you. Carry on.
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That Summer
The only side pair to seriously level up. Okay so amnesia is my least favourite trope, and I tend to not be wild about secret identity either, but I like both pairs in this one, so I'll watch.
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My Romance Scammer
New couple! My boys Ohm and Fluke (no, not that Fluke, the one from My Ride). Honestly, Fluke has popped up as a side in a couple GMMTV shows I was wondering who they'd BL him with.
This could win. Prettiest human on earth paired with the world's most potent single dimple. Will I survive? I honestly don't know, because Ohm historically doesn't have much chemistry with anyone but the original Fluke so... Still I l do love JuniorMark and this as a really unique premise (gay Heartbreakers), so I'm game.
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Head 2 Head
The Boo kids are back. I don't love this pair (I find their chemistry and acting awkward) or the main trope (E2L) but I do like the new sides and their trope (2nd chance is a fav of mine). So this one will depend on whether those are full side dishes or just crumbs.
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Ticket To Heaven
GMMTV is doing Boy Foretold by Stars concept? Interesting, did not have religious boundary pushing and bildungsroman down on he Thai BL bingo card.
This isn't my thing but I think G4 are actually going to be amazing in it and I certainly look forward to them pushing their acting chops. Not to mention the discomfort something like this can cause in general/global viewership. I like it when BL makes people (who aren't me) uncomfortable.
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Burnout Syndrome
GMMTV doing edgy is never a good thing IMHO, and in this one they're handling sex work. *shakes head* However, Not Me is the noted exception and this is that same pair with the same director. So I'm curious if not wild about the content.
That said, I'm delighted to see Gun with someone else (Dew is a stunning choice, thank you Casting) even if only for a love triangle moment. It's been a WHILE.
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Melody of Secrets
Not wild about ForceBook, do like a mystery, don't like horror or psychological thrillers... not sure on this one.
I like BL pushing into new territory, even if it's not my territory, but this is defiantly not made for me, that's for damn sure.
And that's the end of my list.
"But wait," you cry. "P'ABL you're still missing some."
How Dare
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Only Friends Dream On
Yeah, no fuckoff. I will not be watching this. I already marked it pink on the Spreadsheet of Doom. (Pink means CNF or an automatic no watch for me.)
But dude was it nice to see all those pairs busted. That's always a good time for me. Anyway, all you so-n-sos who gave the first one your eyeballs are to blame for this. Watch it n weep. Without me.
(Side note: I love it when a title reviews itself, Only Friends: Dream On, indeed. It's like media aptronym.)
and last and definately least......
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Love You Teacher
no no
I do like Perth & Santa (although I'm not sold on them as a pair). But words cannot describe how much I dislike this premise. SERIOUSLY? No thank you very much. I could, just maybe, hate watch Only Friends 2, but it's gonna be hard for me to even turn this on. Infantilization and people acting like children wigs me tf out. YKINMKBYKIOK of course, but not in my BL GMMTV. Stop it! (This one also got the dreaded pink of will not watch.)
More Disappointments
Thor didn't get the lead in anything. (Pouts in "but he so sexy.")
No major pairs were significantly busted.
Tonally it's gone darker than I expected. I prefer lighter fluffier BL so this tonal shift for GMMTV as a whole is not a win for me personally. Should be left to Japan IMHO.
That said, most of my favorite GMMTV pairs are in my top picks to watch as well, so I'm happy for that.
I'm Intrigued Despite Myself
My favorite trailer of all was actually Wu (red thread fated paranormals are my favoritest thing ever next to isekai) but that's not a branded pair so I'm not convinced it's BL. Hoping it is, but that happened in 2024 with these boys, so I'll leave it in the air for now.
I like that we're making push to leave uni and high school behind (don't worry, other Thai studios will fill the gap). I think GMMTV is doing this in order to
keep branded pairs together and
keep the actors of those pairs interested in the BL scripts.
As their major pairs age out of uni, GMMTV has to hand them more meaty and grown up stuff. I didn't think they would actually do this, so I'm pleased to see it happen. Even if it's all going darker than I like, at least it's different.
I don't really report on GL and I rarely have time to watch it these days. I thought the new MilkLove looked cute, but I'm still recovering from whatever happen in their last one. The Girl's Rules one looks like a light-weight L-Word. Still happy to see GMMTV move out of school for thier few GLs too.
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thefourthwifeoftengenuzui · 10 months ago
some headcanons about dating timeskip!Kenma please!!
thank you Anon, I would absolutely love to share some stuff about this beautiful boy~ As always, feel free to send any other requests you got, I’ll be more than happy to share my thoughts~
status: unedited
word count: 1.4k (damn that’s the most I’ve written in a hot minute)
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, mentions of weed, crackfick a little suggestive? Idk man I’m sleepy
wrote this instead of studying for my physics final exam😋
🩵Aged Up Kenma Headcannons🩵~
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Ok first off we gotta get the basic facts down. This boy may be sweet as sugar, but he’s also one lazy mother fucker. And For the most part, I’d say that he really doesn’t change much from when he was a kid. The most I can say about him, is he definitely is a lot more confident being in front of people, ( I mean that’s kinda his job now, but bear with me) and has become less awkward around people. Very different from when he first met Hinata, he can actually hold a good and relaxed conversation now. That’s not to say he isn’t introverted anymore, (he definitely still would rather be at home) but he is more confident in himself to be able to actually be able to engage with someone. Is he gonna go out of his way to talk to someone? Hell no, but he can at least handle being approached without overthinking and triggering his anxiety.
This definitely also translates to his relationship with you. You still will have be the one who makes the first move, or at least initiating conversations.
But one things for sure, once he likes you, he loves you. Like wanting to wife you up regardless of gender. And I feel like, (later on in the relationship ofc) if you ever had kids, he would be the best most present dad ever. Like he wouldn’t be a house husband, (his YouTube gig is completely paying for your mortgage) but because the majority of what he does has him, stream for like an hour, go on call for a few minutes, or just edit his videos for a bit, he would be able to make a lot of time for any and all children he has. But that’s way later on in the relationship.
Once he’s comfortable in the relationship with you, I can definitely see him involving you in his content. Not like a whole boyfriend and girlfriend couples channel, but like a once a year “reacting to fucked up shit with my girl” type beat.
And since we’re on the subject of content, <<<<<<<<
Like imagine having the most shitty day possible and you come home to your boyfriend streaming COD or some shit. You just face-plant into the bed next to him and he snaps his head towards you.
”shit baby you good?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow, looking at you concerned as you mumble angrily. He recognizes the nonverbal gestures and just pats his lap with a quick, “c’mere baby,” and hugs you, letting you muzzle your face into his neck away from the camera, and wrapping a fluffy blanket around you, before he kisses you head and say, “gimme ten more minutes to finish this and we’ll order some takeout k?”. He gives you the most sincere and adorable smile ever sending butterflies not only to you, but all his fans watching, as he smiles and goes back to playing like nothing happened, the chat going wilddddddd. (My gay ass heart go brrrrrr)
I know for a fact that somewhere out there in haikyuu internet, there is a corny ass edit of y’all doing that shit, trust. (I need to keep my slang outta here man 😭)
ok, getting off the sidetrack, kenma is still like rlly introverted. Like his ideal date is just sitting at home watching some cheesy studio ghibi movie (His favorite is the boy and the heron, fight me on that, it’s the hill I’m willing to die on.)
If not some cute Disney movie, I also feel like he’d be into like some mystery or like not quite horoscope stuff. Like I feel like he would really be into Wednesday. If he had to watch an actual horror movie, I feel like I’d be like some of the older ones like scream or Nightmare on elm street type shit.
Speaking of scream, I feel like at least once yall would have to do the ghostface couples costume thing. Like I feel like this would just suit him so well. Idk my brains just going feral on it right now. (This was supposed to have a link attached, but it kept fuckin up and I’m to lazy to deal with it so just look it up, the couples version, it’s hot af)
aside from the specific stuff that I know people hate reading, the next thing you gotta know about this version of kenma is he is a TEASE. Like not even like an NSFW type tease. Just like a “he’s an ass but I love him.” Like when he was younger I feel like he was too nervous and flustered to point that kinda stuff out. But now? Man is a menace and a half. The type of dude to be like, “I have no idea how your ass fits in those shorts. Oh no, you’re not taken them off now~” or like the most basic annoying shit like bro fuck off and let me cuddle you in peace without being annoying. Like, he’d be like, “ damn someone’s neady today~ you tryna fuck me in front of everyone?” Like bro stfu I’m just tryna cuddle. Either that or he’d call you clingy for returning the affection he initiated. Like bro, quit being a lil bitch and let me be happy you butt muffin.
Man is putting full pussy into annoying you. He’s the type of guy to call you the most vile, disgusting, cringe ass nicknames, specifically to piss you off. You need him to take out the trash? “Yes my Pookie Wookie McSmoo Moo bear~” *gags while writing this* You’re yelling at him for some stupid thing, “I sorry my sugar booger~.”
Yeah this part is real OOC, and I was gonna write more but I physically cannot bring myself to do it so anyway, his other 3 favorite things to annoy you by calling you is, Cutesie Poopsie, Shnookums, and side piece #2. (Bro I just gave myself the ick)
Beige flags aside, he does have some green ones . For example, he’s a fabulous listener. Like, you just wanna rant and yell about your day? C’mere babes, he already got fluffy blankets, stuffies, and fluffy socks at the ready. You just wanna cry in piece? Looks like his lap has a vacant spot, he can play games and scratch your head at the same time. #bbgtreatment (regardless of gender. If tumblr has taught me anything it’s that nobody is to thug to be bbg, can I get an amen?🙏 )
The more comfortable he is with you, the more he will make jokes, but in the most monotone voice ever. Like you could be ranting to your bestie on the phone like, “I forgot my umbrella at work… yeah I’m soaked,” and you just hear him from his corner calmly shouting “that’s what she said,” not even turning away from his game, as if it was natural to him. It’s always so easy to talk with him, unless it’s about his problems, but we ain’t gon talk about that rn, I’m feeling too fluffy.
There is one thing that I absolutely have to address for this man though. The average female height in my country is 5’4. And Kenma is only 5’6. Chances are, he’s not gonna be towering over you or nothing. Especially if you a tall specimen like me. (AFAB but gender is a construct yolo on those hoes). So chances are, this mf is for a fact, stealing your clothes. No article of clothing is safe. Hoodie? Sorry boo he got cold streaming. T-shirt? None of his were clean. Miniskirt? Onlyfans- He was pulling a Gojo sorry 😋
Tbh I don’t see him ever really having a wedding, or really ever getting married. Too much social interaction and attention on him. Gross. The most I can see him doing is, one night while y’all smoking pot or something, being like “yo wanna get married?” He wants to be with you forever without the government getting involved, but hey, times are tough, and marriage helps with tax returns. So y’all just kinda go to the courthouse, get it done, then fly off to some place to elope.
in all Kenma is just a great loyal guy, who is the biggest pain in your ass, but the biggest cutie patootie this side of the nuthouse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope y’all enjoyed, this was so fun to write, if you liked this and want more content like this make sure to request and check out my other stuff. Love y’all bastards, Thots and Enby Hots🩵
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bazthefirstborn · 2 years ago
helloooo baz !! can i ask for sub bottom dotty and pantalone hcs 👉🏼👈🏼 (with male reader)
Have a great day!
HEYYYYY HI HI HI - of course I can do that for you lovely! one subby dottore and pantalone comin (hehe) riiiight up~!
also I disappeared again lol I am currently recovering from a surgery, so I should be doing better soon!
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smut under the cut minors dni!
tw's: crying, (A LOT) spit, sensory deprevation, rp, bj's, (m reader recieving) just general gay men activities
he's a little skrunkly ngl
but he's MY little skrunkly
would 100% get jealous if his clones touch you
wants alllllll your attention like a lil baby (doesn't admit it)
I feel in my nuggets he would love if you spit in his mouth
his fav position is anything from the back bc he's insecure about his face plz be nice about it
make him cry!!!! sob, hiccup even!!!!
experiment with him, maybe roleplay or bondage
SENSORY DEPREVATION (i am going feral)
loves being bitten and marked
has pretty low stamina, give him funny lil plants to help him with it
please edge him. plEASE. he'll get such a pretty crying face and his voice will break and it'll get all squeaky<33333 hhhhhhhh I'm fine i'm FINE
he likes it rough if you get all soft with him he will cry (he's cute when he cries)
will totally tighten around you when you point out how pretty he is
gets so flustered when you ask him to sit on your face, will scream if you tongue fuck him
momma didn't raise no bitch but she DID raise me to destroy pretty boys!!!!!
he's one of those elegant bottoms in the pretty lingerie and the fluffy robes and i love him for it
fuck him until his glasses fall off!!!!
likes giving head more than recieving, but loves it when you eat him out
is the prettiest crier, his lashes clump so nicely and he sounds so nice begging for mercy <33
he wants to hold hands with you no matter what he has to touch you to ground himself
so pretty when he gets on top, his hair is so flowy and his tits bounce, top tier
long hair = pullable hair/facefuck helper
he will get fussy if he doesn't at least get a bath when you're done, he hates being dirty
if you plug him up before a harbinger's meeting he'll get all flustered and his legs will be shaky before he even gets done
don't let him finish and just edge him until he's crying and gasping
a/n: can you tell I like crying lolz hope you enjoy!!!!
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 3 months ago
Gmmtv 2025
So now, that I have time, I'm actually gonna sit and watch the trailers properly. Let's go.
Dare You to Death - The plot is appealing to me, the cast is interesting. I was never a JD fan so if I decide to watch it will be for all the ensemble and the actual plot.
Head 2 Head - My babies! Forced cohabitation my beloved. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see the vision thingy cause other than that this just seems like a cute bl, and I'm here for that.
Burnout Syndrome - OffGun in a love triangle? Gun being fought over by two men just has god intended? I am so seated for this!
Whale Store xoxo - MilkLove is back and I wanna like this one. It seems cute, and drama light. I'll probably be tuning in.
Only Friends - Dream On - The chill that came down my spine when the song started playing. I left my body. With that said, and like I said before, EarthMix is here, so who am I kidding? I will watch. Kinda surprised to see JossFluke already paired in another bl, before the first one has even started airing. OhmLeng was predictable as a recurring pair and I'm always here for Ohm. Leng has a lot to prove being surrounded by all these names.
That Summer - MOND! Mond kissing boys! That's it.
My Romance Scammer - Not in a million years did I think we would get this OhmFluke combo. Dimples is back kissing boys and Ohm is just back. And MarkJunior seem to be here to stay. Also, I love that since we got gay marriage we should immediately tackle gay divorce. Sounds good.
Melody of Secrets - I'm glad they're back playing adults although the dynamic seems to be the same. I wish they changed it up and let Book be the pursuer. I like the horror elements and we don't get enough of those but I don't know about this one.
Love You Teacher - The first half of this trailer had me. I love Perth and he's playing a grown up so I was sold. And then it happened. And I don't know how I feel about any of it.
MU-TE-LUV - I guess we're getting this and not OurSkyy3. Will watch the queers and the rest we'll see.
Cat for Cash - This is just rude. Do they know that cats are my ultimate weakness? I can't watch all these shows, but a show with talking cats? multiple of them?? C'mon. I'm not even gonna pretend to be torn about this one. I will be watching.
Girl Rules - So, Only Friends but make it sapphic. I'm sad to say, I'll probably pass on this one.
Boys In Love - PAPANG!!! The rumours were true and he's paired with Pod in this. All I saw in this trailer was that and the dimples. Who is that kid? Cause he's adorable. This is the obligatory high-school bl, it looks soft and fluffy. Might check it out.
My Magic Prophecy - I will be skipping this one.
A Dog and a Plane - What a mess of a trailer. But do I care? Not even a little. It's TayNew so I'll be watching with bells on.
Me and Thee - This show will be the true test of how shallow I can get. Will I start a show because Est was wearing glasses in the trailer? Only future me will know. Look, PondPhuwin can play, we know this, but I don't know if I want another show with them so soon. At least they're playing different roles, so there's that.
Wu - Who was saying this wasn't bl? Did you not see the golden thread? And the fate talk? And the looks? And well, everything? It's a bl. I don't know about this one mostly because I don't know the actors. Although tumblr is doing its job well and I'm this close to binging the frenemies show so maybe I'll reevaluate.
Memoir of Rati - I am so easy, it's embarrassing honestly. They so pretty, the scenery is so pretty, historical bl. Sold!
Ticket To Heaven - So many flashbacks to catholic school. It looks good, which doesn't surprise considering it's Aof. I'm glad GeminiFourth are back playing more serious roles. I am really intrigued by this one but also don't trust it completely for some reason. I don't know yet.
Yeah, I'm a sucker. I will be watching most of the first episodes of this line up in like a year when they actually get made. Probably not gonna stick with a lot of them but we'll see. As it's becoming obvious, I'm easy.
Also just a fun fact I guess, and as @lurkingshan as said here, with these shows, 4 couples will hit 5 series as a pair. OffGun, FirstKhao, ForceBook and EarthMix, even though that last one I'm counting Ossan's Love which is also not released yet.
And another thing, of the Gmmtv 2024 QL shows, 7 have yet to premiere. Thame Po, will premiere December 13 but the other six don't have dates yet. They are : My Golden Blood, Ossan's Love, The Ex-Morning, Us, Sweet Tooth Good Dentist and Revamp. So yeah, we're not gonna see any of these new shows anytime soon. Although I'm putting my money on the OffGun series being one of the first to premiere in this line up.
All the trailers and posters for gmmtv2025 can be found here.
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spencer-sweets · 7 months ago
Marvel Fic Recs | Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
so i have been a part of the spideypool fandom on and off since... 2019? some of these are really old and I might not remember details other than I thought it was great at the time - and when i started reading spideypool i didn't bookmark as liberally as i do today. got back into it after Deadpool and Wolverine (feel free to send me fics you think will get me more into that ship). How well these stand up against the test of time... can't be certain on all of them but at least they brought me joy the first or second time around.
let me explain by jilliancares Gen 8,505 Wade scoffs, shaking his head and elbowing Peter in the side. “Sure,” he says, sarcastic. “That’s why your spidey-sense doesn’t see me.” Peter’s on the verge of laughing, wanting to join Wade in his amusement, but he freezes. His entire body goes still. He finds himself staring at a roof three buildings over, not even looking at anything. Two blocks away, a car alarm finally shuts off. “I never told you that,” Peter says, the realization startling him. Or: Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him.
this was cute and fluffy.
I'm Something of a Scientist Myself by fancastical Explicit 11,422 Wade decides to start dousing himself in various synthetic spider sex pheromones before meeting up with Spidey, because why wouldn't he? They have some… interesting results. Wade feels downright scientific.
its smut but wacky. as i noted in my bookmark (very rare of me) "Fucking awesome and I dont usually bookmark pure smut... However there was so much effort put into this one it is definitely going down in history."
Freefall by Wilt Explicit 37,557 It's been a long time since Peter took off his mask in front of someone he loved, cracked a nervous smile and said, “This is me”. He swore to himself he'd never do it again, and he's been making a good run of it by spending more time as Spiderman than Peter Parker for the past few years. But for some reason, being Spiderman also means spending a lot of time around Deadpool. And, like clockwork, that same old turmoil comes creeping back again.
i bookmarked this in April of 22' (gonna re-read it and i'll update this). its got mutual pining and an identity reveal tho so its kind of hard to fuck that up.
Allostasis by ruralfishingcat Mature 42,434 Peter had a tendency to put up walls to isolate himself; even as Spider-Man, he could only suffer through so much death and destruction. It was precautionary, really, and those he'd pushed away would thank him were they aware of the circumstances. Of course, Deadpool had his own tendencies, one of which was to break down said walls (fourth ones included). As grating as it was, a small sliver of Peter hoped the mercenary would be able to succeed.
no memory of this but i bookmarked it back in 2022 and i didn't bookmark much back then.
fall out, boy, so i can fall in(to you) by TheMadKatter13 Explicit 81,041 Deadpool keeps having sex with Peter and Peter… Peter keeps letting him.
smut... pure smut.. with a side of plot and pining
we're on a highway to hell (with a little bit of heaven) by dabblingwithwords Mature (I would say Explicit) 107,557 Hydra has had Peter in their custody for three years. Deadpool is hired to break him out. Throw in an alien symbiote, motels, and superhero explosions and things get gay.
I don't remember a lot of the details of this fic but it is THE spideypool fic for me. this fic stuck with me for so long. i read it when i first got into spideypool - then the second time around - and i might read it again it was that good.
Dissonance by stuckybarnes Mature 121,395 Wherein Deadpool is reluctantly hired to protect Peter Parker from an organization out to hunt him, with varying success on both ends and quite a lot of feelings, revelations, and identity crises.
i recently re-read this and its fun. its a bodyguard fic with spideypool and secret identities.
Dead Men Walking (series) by doctorestranged Explicit 235,937 When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
I remember very little about this series other than this made me spend a week hyperfixating on book binding because i was willing to kill to get my hands on a physical copy of this.
The Amazing Deadpool by harrytiptoe Mature 481,270 Basically a rewrite of the first Deadpool movie mixed with The Amazing Spider-Man movies (AKA what if they were the love interest in each other’s movies). What if Wade had changed his plan and Peter had been the one delivering pizza to Jeremy the stalker.
hear me out on this one - it set pre-deadpool and during the amazing spider-man. its a self indulgent fic for those who wanted to see more of mercenary wade wilson who threatens the pizza guy and more gayness from tasm. the sequel does go into deadpool 1 but it hasn't been finished yet. this is an epic length fic that i have finished twice and started over again i love it that much but its definitely not for everyone. its got a weird age gap with peter being 18 and not out of high school and i know some people don't like wade with no scars. don't come at me lol.
thats all for now folks.. will probably update this in the future
originally posted: 8/13/2024
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zombyjuice · 1 year ago
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in which it’s almost valentines and all wonbin can think about is the girl on his bus rides home.
wonbin x fem!reader
cussing, awkward, kinda bad ngl, reader is poc ermmm enjoy :3
“I’m lonely, I need a man before Valentine or I’ll go fucking insane” you speak coming up behind your friend Luna who practically jumped out of her seat phone flying in the air “Goodness! Someone needs to go put a bell on you” you look down at her with a menacing stare getting out of your 🕴️pose and going to the other side to grab your chair, stepping over her phone.
“I feel like you’ve already gone insane,” she picks up her phone thanking God it’s not broken “Cute hair by the way” she points out your now dark brown hair up put in a ponytail and a white headband with a fluffy blue star clip attached to it, you smile softly touching your hair “hopefully that cute boy on the bus thinks the same, he’s always staring at me I think he wants at me” you let out a giggle and jump up and down on your chair “oh my GOSH he’s so fine how~”
“shut up I’m sure he’s going to like it your pretty and look straight out of one of those old quirky Japanese fashion magazines, also you don’t have the worst personality” she states finishing her coffee “Oh? whatever fuck you let’s go” you kick her under the table and watch her face curl up in pain laughing out loud.
You guys shuffle out of the cafe with grumpy faces seeing all Valentine’s decorations and giddy men and women with gifts for the significant others, “disgusting” you sneer “Be happy” you glare at her “Shut the fuck up and be mad with me fuck valentines!” you slightly shout her eyes darting around not understanding how you have no shame(in Korea), you were a strange complex person but she loved you for it, deciding to ignore the glares.
Not even on the bus yet eyes immediately start darting trying to find the boy excited dressed just for him even though in the back of your mind you knew you were never going to go up to him ever, especially remembering your first interaction.
To make a long story short he was at the bus station at 1 am doing God knows what (waiting for the bus) and since there was barely anyone there you and Luna thought it was the best time to do a silly little TikTok you sprouting with energy cause Luna just gave you tons of it.
The song was slowed down so there you were dancing your heart out (slowly) to Ma Boy by sistar19 to get the perfect video and everything would’ve been fine if you didn’t heard the stifled laugh that the boy was holding.
Your face contoured with fear and Luna's deadpan while tapping your shoulder to run. And ever since then you’d see the boy every day, which would be concerning any other man but this was a breathtaking man who looked at you like he wanted to go down on you any moment.
Luna says it’s not that bad because the video ended up being great the sped up video making people laugh and you guys got viral the next day but you think that was hands down the most embarrassing moment of your life.
“I think you guys would look good together” your friend states while you guys eagerly waiting for the bus “What do you mean? How?!” you get giddy slapping her arm “idk it give cute black cat bf and weird orange cat gf” “okay can you hop off always trying to insult me” “that’s what I do best” “oh you're a fucker” “ow! Stop pinching me gay fuck” “You’re g-”
“the doors open” a quiet voice that belonged to no other than your future(not really) pretty black cat boyfriend >:3
you both barely look back and beeline into the bus.
“haha,” you awkwardly laugh a little too late at the boy who looked at you a little silly, both of your eyebrows raised strangely at each other “Oh my gosh” Luna muttered.
You turned around all of a sudden you would like to leave right about now.
The bus ride was quite awkward you and your friend standing and chatting sometimes losing yourselves in the convos and laughing a bit too loud immediately going to check if he looked at you a certain way.
You guys shared cute glances here and there you could feel the way he looked at your outfit or the way he scanned your side profile also not failing to catch the soft grin plastered on his face.
When the time came around for you to get off your bus stop you frowned, yeah you guys never talked before and you weren’t planning on it, but his presence was enough you could gladly sit awkwardly next to him as he looked at you with those cute boba eyes, gladly giving him the same look back.
You gave him one last look and a soft tight lip smile before walking away with your friend off the bus, but what you didn’t catch was that he followed you guys off.
“excuse me- excuse me”
You guys turn stiff and you snap back to see him slightly smile and wave “Can I um speak to you, please, not to be weird or anything”
You look at Luna with a smile a little too bright and she nods smiling back and glaring at Wonbin before walking off.
you look back at the boy's direction and you walk up to meet each other properly…
“You changed your hair,” he states blankly your eyes go a bit wide, and chuckle a bit “Yeah I was tired of the blonde, but I’m nervous this might be too plain though it does look a lot better I might add some color or maybe like a couple of blo- sorry I blabbering” he giggles a little too hard eyes turning into crescents and cheeks burning red “sorry that was a weird statement, not your fault, haha but um I’m Wonbin…” he scammed your features and your reactions finding them all so cute how expressive and real you are it’s like he could see you take note of his name in your head.
“Wonbin.. pretty I like it! I’m y/n” his face burned more and he couldn’t help but let out a nervously high giggle “Also pretty I think you're pretty too and I wanted to introduce myself properly and take you on a date or two before you know, Valentine's” gulp.
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mmmichyyy · 1 year ago
🌸 gallavich fic rec list 🌸
welcome to my 2023 fic rec list! i went through my ao3 bookmarks and my tumblr tags from this year so here's some (not all, or else this post would go on forever) of my fave (new & older) one-shots, completed multi-chaps, wips & ficlets <3
make sure to check out my 2021 list & my 2022 list ! since i'm not going to include fics i've mentioned before in this year's list :)
& don't forget to check out @gallavichfanficlibrary @gallavich-fic-club @gallavichthings @thegallavault for more recs plus @galladrabbles & @gallavichmeta too ✨ let's go!
doesn't matter where we go by @heymacy (The boys take a road trip.)
to think that we could stay the same by teatrolley (post-breakup au, but Mickey gets out of prison, Caleb doesn't exist, and we get really into their past and Ian’s (struggling) head)
of going home by @lalazeewrites (Valiant has taken the greatest fall from grace the superhero world has witnessed in years. The Shrike is an unregistered vigilante who doesn't even ping the radar of Chicago's crime fighting scene. Ian is forcibly put on leave from his job and returns to the Gallagher house, a failure all over again. Not only does he not know what Mickey does when the world goes dark, he doesn't know that Mickey is still living southside at all. Not since the events of eight years ago.)
quiet by @babygirlmickey (In the quiet of a perceived absence of scrutiny, Mickey can be incontrovertibly tender. Or: 5 times Mickey lets his guard down, as observed by various third parties.)
all i need in this life of sin (is me and my husband) by literatii (As embarrassing as it might be, Ian is not only his husband but also his best friend, and Mickey is pretty damn okay with that. Why the fuck would he find other people to do the exact same shit with that he already does with Ian, minus the fucking, when he can just do that shit with Ian plus the fucking? It makes no sense. Or: Ian wants the two of them to have more friends. Mickey doesn’t.)
thirteen hours by @crossmydna (Ian has known for thirteen hours that he’s not crossing the border with Mickey, so he makes the most of the time he has left with him.)
queen of decatur by jaxington (“How’d you know that?” Ian asks, smelling chum in the water, the observant little fuck. “Not like your brothers are getting sent to lady prison all that often.” Mickey thumbs at his lip, trying to find a way out of this conversation. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to distract Ian just by taking of his pants, but he is trying this new thing where he actually tells Ian what’s going on in his head. “No.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “It’s my mom.”)
like strings of fire by @gardenerian (mickey finds a safe and colorful way for ian to indulge himself when hypersexuality rears its ugly head.)
the needle and the burning body by squash (jesuisgourde) (Mickey had two burning torches for hands but he knew what to do with them. Ian's head was on fire and all he knew was how to run and keep running. How to find a cliff and jump off. How to make Mickey chase after him, again and again. And in a cold cell in prison, Mickey catches him.)
some fucked up romcom by godisthedice (Two years after they locked him up, Mickey told himself that he was done with Ian fucking Gallagher for good. Two years as a free man and he's marrying him for all the wrong reasons.)
when the sun goes down by @sam-loves-seb (super cute and fluffy lifeguard au!)
lava java by @stocious (He's being really unprofessional. Mickey might not even be gay. He might be hitting on a straight man through takeout cups.)
here's to hoping i'm not what kills you by @crestfallercanyon (After a confrontation gone bad, Mickey and the Gallaghers get Ian to the hospital. And look, Mickey always knew that if the Gallaghers had a will they'd find a way, but being roped into their schemes himself wasn't something he'd planned on signing on for. All the Gallaghers need to know is Mickey's helping out because he's not pure fucking evil. They don't need to know Mickey was scared shitless when Ian got knocked unconscious, Jesus, he can barely admit that to himself. Once Mickey knows Ian's not dead and not dying, he's out of there. Except he can't bring himself to leave.)
to the thawing wind by @gardenerian (Living and working in the icy chill of an endless winter, Ian and his family are assigned to work the farms to bolster food supply. They live quietly enough, following the rules, until Mickey and Mandy Milkovich (with all their secrets) are moved in across the road.)
i'll come meet you where you are by @crestfallercanyon (Mickey comes back from prison with a ring of vicious bruises around his neck and an edge to him Ian doesn't recognize. But he came back. He came back, and now it's time for Ian to meet him halfway.
closing in walls and ticking clocks by c_cups_bitch_u_wish (So, this is happening. Mickey is sitting in the corner of the bedroom on the comfiest fucking chair he’s ever sat in, and his adult self and adult Ian are about to fuck. And he’s going to watch. What's most odd is that this doesn't even feel like the weirdest thing to happen to him today.)
a spark of fire by @lingy910y (“You wanted us to finally have some time alone. You wanted to keep me safe, but you didn’t really care as long as we were together. You didn’t want it to end.” Mickey swallows a lump in his throat. “I…I don’t fuckin’ know.” “But can I, uh, ask you something else?” Ian rubs his thumbs together. “You like me, Mick. You fucking like me.”)
flip fuck? by @gallawitchxx (Mickey’s always thought that Valentine’s Day was fucking gay. But then some dramatic, ginger fuckhead had to move into the room next to his, and steal his hole, his heart, and the attention of his tumblr mutuals. Mickey decides to keep it lowkey when he asks Ian to spend the evening together: You wanna hang out on Tuesday? Ian’s response is quick and gives absolutely nothing away: Sure thing! That big-dicked idiot better remember it’s fucking Valentine’s Day.)
prelude motel by @whatthebodygraspsnot (When Mickey’s secret spot is infiltrated by an intriguing stranger, all the warning signs are there. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him to disengage, he can’t help but bite off more than he can chew, running straight back to the spot and the stranger when a job leaves him injured. Enter: the Prelude Motel - where, for the next three days, Mickey finds himself hiding from more than just his pursuers.)
garden song (series) by @gardenerian (two gorgeous fics about ian's bipolar, about hope, healing, and tomatoes)
better by anomalously (It's been ten years since Ian's seen Mickey.)
in your love by @sgtmickeyslaughter (Mickey had been out of prison for 2 years and Ian never would have known until they ran into one another on a random night in May. Ian fights for the love they shared while Mickey fights for the life he built, as they both struggle with shame and guilt from their shared past it becomes clear that they cannot help but be drawn to what is bright and beautiful between them.)
whumptober 2023 (series) by @sam-loves-seb (21 beautiful fics of angst & hurt/comfort)
out of nowhere by @suzy-queued (Ian should have never offered to hide his father's stash of gold. Now he's stuck living on a deserted piece of land in the woods, alone, losing his sanity. Mickey wants nothing more than to disappear — from prison, from his family, from the entire world. If only he knew where to get his hands on a cool million. The Gallagher gold. Mickey wants it. Ian will do anything to protect it. Who will cave first?)
all these things i have left to say to you by @crestfallercanyon (After all this time that Ian's been missing, he leaves a tape recorder on Mickey's pillow. And on it? An hour of pure, unfiltered, Ian audio that is all, apparently, dedicated to him.)
keys to my heart by @milkovichrules (Ian finds his stable college life getting difficult when a new neighbour moves into the dorms.)
intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar (another college au) (one of my fave fics of all time!!)
the ink is a witness to this by @palepinkgoat (six chapters about the stories tattoos can hold and hide.)
order up by @heymacy (Ian and Mickey work together at a Chicago diner. They like to push each other's buttons - all their buttons. How long until the dam finally breaks?)
second chapters by @squidyyy23 (When Mickey’s PO assigns him a job at the local library, he’s pleasantly surprised—not that he’d ever admit it. Practically lived in the prison library, and what better way to start his new life than with a career he might actually enjoy. And when he meets the charming, clever, utterly fuckable, redheaded children’s librarian, well, shit just keeps getting better and better. Mickey’s definitely not interested in anything serious right now, but what’s the harm in a little fun?)
electric blue by @goodkwuestion (Paramedic Ian Gallagher knows true love exists. He's not going to settle until he finds it either, no matter how much his friends and family roll their eyes at him. Mickey Milkovich, on the other hand, isn't sure about all that stuff. He's an engineer with a long to-do list, and chasing rainbows isn't on it. He'll never say no to a good time and a pretty face though. When they meet, it will feel like kismet, something inevitable that neither of them can shake. Honestly though, who would want to? Falling in love can be the easiest thing in the world, especially when the whole universe is rooting for you... That's if the whole universe is rooting for you.)
all of @heymrspatel's drabbles, especially this one of ian being self-conscious about his body
docks scene & birthday suit gardening ficlets by @metalheadmickey
all of @lupeloto's sweet & domestic ficlets
@sam-loves-seb's meta about ian being the moon and mickey being the sun
ian's birthday ficlet & 31 ways we never meet (a.u.gust 2023 ficlets) by @callivich
airport confessions by @dynamic-power
gallavich drabbles by @whatthebodygraspsnot
all of @howlinchickhowl's a.u.gust 2023 ficlets!
(if you made it this far, i also write fics occasionally too so here's a self-promo lol)
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months ago
It's the penultimate episode... so many feelings. *wistful sigh*
Wait, the Matt Mick thing is actually happening? Lolol.
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BUT WHO IS GOING TO KISS BEER?!?! Boy is doomed to keep being the witness to all these gay shenanigans, he needs his own boyfie! Papang, still time for a cameo...
Q, you are turning into quite the smooth romantic...
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I love that they tease Q about having a romantic moment when both Chain & Mick are keeping a constant hand on their boys, and Tan literally can't stand upright without holding onto Fang.
Six minutes in and I'm already dying.
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Also Poon, Satang, & Boom living the dream, getting to feed cute little penguins for work.
Omg, Chain! You need to walk up to him and say "I like you!". (Also yes, I acknowledge as an American I have a strong bias on what counts as direct communication, lol. But the point still stands that Pun needs it right in his face to get it).
But also, please, yes, do a penguin dowry.
Also, it is funny to me that Tan, who has been pretty oblivious to every other couple's feelings, has picked up on Chain. Which shows how everyone knows but Pun.
I know I've said this pretty much every time, but I just adore how this show keeps showing that they are all friends with each other, it's never just about the couples.
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Aw, Pun asking for snugs. Ooh - is Pun actually starting to get it?
Q literally can't see anything else when Toey is around, my heart.
You know, I think Toey still doesn't quite grasp how deeply Q loves him... it was one-sided for so long, he's still catching up on what it feels like to be cared for back. Don't worry boo, you'll get there.
Ok, was not expecting this! But I am here for it!
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I also have to point out, in my obsession with what this show is doing with tropes, that Toey is the closest we get to a blushing maiden in this show, and he may be shy and inexperienced, but he still gets to enjoy sex. Excellent.
Lol, Phum does not have to be told twice he has a green light. Dude has been waiting since day one for this.
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Gotta say though, the TanFang scene was still the hottest. AouBoom are so ready to be leads.
I love that Fang 100% knew Tan would come find him and demand kisses.
Lol, it's handy being friends with your boyfriends brother, you can get the intel.
Why does Pond holding a teddy bear always make me so weak?
Oh god, not the sad puppy noises.
I love that the most implausible part of this plan is Tan not being free for Fang.
Phum is so happy, I'm going to cry.
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Lol, of course Beer already gave him a gift, he is the one who is always ahead of everyone else!
Swoon. Just swoon.
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I love how they are communicating about Peem going to meet Phum's family. It's so lovely to have a couple who actually talk about things.
And this!
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I know there will be people in the tags flipping out if Phum forgives his dad, but this is his story and his journey. It's not about if it resonates with every viewer, it's about Phum figuring out what he needs to move on with his life, whether that includes forgiveness or not.
Another stellar costume choice.
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Also Tan making Fang wear pink, lol. He's going to show that love dammit!
Omg, not the whole group waiting for Pun to admit he likes Chain.
Good boy Chain! Love the confidence!
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Perfect use of the festival to show how the love in this entire group has just expanded and deepened over the past year.
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Gotta admit, I had some penultimate episode anxiety, but nope! Still fluffy!
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staawberru · 4 months ago
my childhood friend wrote a gay omegaverse faction about me! chapter 7
chapter one | next chapter | last chapter | masterlist
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Your pov 
   “Hey are you okay?” Someone asked. You looked at them and backed away. What the fuck is wrong with him? He was all white with no fetchers like a mouth or eyes but he could still talk to you, and you’re sure he could see as well. It freaked you out.
    “What the hell is wrong with you?”
    “Huh? What does that mean?” So he’s not self aware. I mean if you were a crazy gray freak you would know. Unfortunately when you backed away he followed and he followed you until you were backed into a corner.
    “Dude, back off,” you say. You puff out your chest. 
    “I’m just trying to help,” he got closer, and you do the most reasonable thing to do if a gray man comes to you. You punch him. You punch him as hard as you can. Your punch isn’t as strong as it normally is. Maybe he was just a hunk of a man or you’re just weak, but when you punch him your whole arm recoiled. It seemed to do the trick, because the gray man backed off. 
    “Fine, I’ll back off, stupid omega,” he murmured the last bit. He stayed truthful to his words, quickly backing off. What did he call you? Whatever, now what are you supposed to do? You looked at your clothes, you assumed it was a school uniform. I mean who in the world would willingly wear a navy blue jacket and red pants? What the fuck? Since when did you care about shit like that? 
    You look through your pockets and find a flip phone, odd, some money, 17.83 dollars to be exact, and a bunch of linen. You looked at the flip phone. You’ve never used one before, but you were smart enough to know how to open it. You look at the time, 8:07 am in crappy pixelated text. You were still in the alley so you decided to head out, hopefully to find someone not gray. You were unsuccessful. Everywhere you looked, there were gray people. They were walking down the street, driving cars, they had jobs and they had a life, some had gray kids, some had little gray dogs. It was terrifying. You notice that some were looking at you. What was wrong with you? Were you some kind of freak to them? 
    You wander around for a bit, hoping to find something, anything. And you do. A boy that wasn’t gray, wearing the same blue and red clothes, he was curled up into a ball outside of an office building. Normally you would just ignore him, but you haven’t seen a real human being for about 30 minutes. You walked up towards him, and he looked up and instantly, his face twisted into one of excitement. 
    “You’re real! A real person!” He got up excitedly. He hugged you.
    “You’re not part of my imagination!” He squealed. 
    “Uh, no? I’m not?” You tried to stop him from hugging you anymore, but it didn’t work. Now that you got a proper look at him you saw that he was short and had fluffy brown hair. He of course had the same uniform as you. Who would willingly wear that? stop what are you saying 
    “You smell nice,” he muttered, probably hoping you wouldn’t hear.
    “Ew, what? That’s gay,” you pushed him off. Jobie has completely ruined gay people for you. You’d rather not think of him anymore. 
    “Ah, sorry,” He looked genuinely sorry so you accepted it. 
    “So what’s your name?” You ask.
    “It’s, uh, I don’t remember,” he said sheepishly rubbing his head. How can someone not remember their name? Also the way he said that pissed you off, and the way he rubbed his head. When will men learn not to be weak, it’s not cute and girls like manly men. You don’t know why you're so mad all of a sudden.
    “That’s not a good look on you cutie,” an old gray man said. Well you assumed he was old you can’t really tell, but it was weird, he had a gray stubble on his chin. 
    “What the fuck did you just say to me.”
    “You seem pent up, I can help with that,” he grabbed your ass. You froze, you didn’t know what to do but fortunately the short guy next to you does. He punched the old man right in the eye. 
    “Ow, fuck,” the old man clutch his eye. “Fine, have your ugly bitch.” He walked away. You looked at the fluffy haired guy he saved you. He looked back at you and smiled.
    “Took care of that nuisance.” You like him now. And he sure likes you now. You look around at the gray people, they look the same, except some are gaining features.
     “Yo, look, the gray people are evolving.” 
     “Wow, they are!” He put his hands in his pockets.
     “Huh,” he said. You looked over at him.
     “An ID! ” 
     “Oh? What does it say?” 
     “Ok, hmm, okay it’s a school ID for a school called Abo High.” He reads. Abo High? What kind of name is that? “Oh! Oh, oh! It has my name!” He continues 
    “Well what is it? Don’t leave me hanging.” 
     “Geo… what kind of name is Geo?” He said, looking disappointed. 
     “It’s not that bad. I know someone named Jobie.” Why do you keep talking about Jobie? It's like his name is burned into your mouth. You hate it. 
    “Well maybe we should walk around for a bit,” You start, not waiting for his opinion. Geo quickly rushes after you. You two walk in silence for a while, not really going anywhere in particular.
    “Wait! I just realized I don’t know your name!” Geo said loudly. You looked down at him.
    “Why so loud,” you rolled your eyes. “My name’s [name].” He smiled 
     “We’re best friends now [name]!” he stated. 
     “Whaat, I didn’t agree to that!” You laughed. You need someone like Geo in your life, especially after what happened with Jobie. Get out of my head. You need someone joyful and someone to make you laugh. Holy fuck is that Kendyl?
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jamdoughnutmagician · 1 year ago
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New Year's Eve Kisses.
Steve Harrington x Reader (Fluff)
Just a short and fluffy NYE drabble with Steve, heavily based on this scene from Friends
Posting this a little early but whatever 🤷‍♀️
Word Count:668
Masterlist / Steve Harrington Masterlist.
The party is in full swing with everyone gathered in Steve’s house for a new year’s eve celebration. There’s banners, decorations and food and drink aplenty as all the party-goers stand around chatting in their groups.
“Yes! ‘87 baby! It’s finally going to be my year, Harrington. I can feel it!” Eddie beams brightly, his wide smile stretching across his face.
“Good luck, man.” Steve cheered back, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
“We’re both happy for you, Ed.” you smile at your friend, although you wish you could share his enthusiasm about the new year drawing to a close.
You and Steve had been only dating for a few months, and Eddie was the only one who knew about you two. An unfortunate moment where he accidentally caught you both making out in a dark corner in The Hideout one time. Truth be told, Eddie didn’t think too much about it until he saw you leave the bar hand-in-hand with a matching pair of smiles on either of your faces.
Eddie noticed how your smile didn’t fully reach your eyes, and a worry set it’s place in his chest.
“Hey, what’s the matter?”  
“We wanted to kiss at midnight, but nobody else is going to, so we can’t either.” you explain with a sad tone in your voice.
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart.” Eddie says with a nod. “Just let your old pal Eddie sort it all out.” he tells you all too confidently. 
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Eddie makes his way over to Robin where she is already enthusiastically beginning to countdown the seconds until midnight.
“33! 32! 31-” 
“-Hey Rob-” Eddie interrupts. “Who are you kissing at midnight, huh? Chrissy or Nancy?”
“What?” she replies in confusion.
“You gotta kiss somebody. You’re gay, so you’re not gonna kiss Steve.” Eddie explains further.
“So who’s going to kiss Steve?” 
“Y/N is.”
“Really?” She smirks, cocking her head to the side.
“Look, who would you rather have kiss Steve, me or y/n Eddie says with a quirked eyebrow.
“Oh definitely Y/n.” she decides all too quickly. “I suppose I’ll kiss Chrissy.”
“That’s great!” he smiles at her, with a pat on her shoulder before moving his way around the party.
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“Hey Chrissy!” Eddie shouts over to her above the music. “Robin’s going to kiss you at midnight!”
“Oh okay! Sounds good!” her cheeks flush pink at the idea of kissing that cute girl from the school’s band that she’d had a secret crush on for a while.
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“Nance! Nance!” Eddie shouts, getting her attention as he makes his way towards her. “I’m going to kiss you at midnight, okay?”
“What?” she shakes her head, her dark curls bouncing as she does.
“Everybody’s kissing someone, so I’m going to kiss you. Plus you can’t kiss Steve, you two have that whole weird history going on.”
“And?” she shakes her head once more, as if she wasn’t quite following what Eddie was putting forward.
“Besides, Jonathan’s not here, so who would you rather have kiss you, me or Robin?”  Eddie asks, with a confident nod of his head.
“Robin’s lovely, but I just don’t swing that way.” She confesses.
“Great.” Eddie smiles.
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The countdown to midnight draws closer and closer as everyone gathers by the television in Steve’s living room.
“3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!” Everyone cheers, as they hug and peck the lips of their respective New years eve partners.
You wind your arms around Steve’s neck to bring him closer as his hands find their home on your hips, giving you a gentle and reassuring squeeze.
 Steve leans in close to you, his lips softly brushing against yours in a sweet kiss. 
“Happy New Year, Honey.”
“Happy New Year, Stevie.” you smile back at him, your eyes sparkling with love for the boy in front of you.
You couldn’t be more happy to have your Stevie in your life, and sharing a kiss with him at midnight was the perfect way to ring in the new year.
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@itsfreakingbats @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @onegirlmanytales @reidsbtch @willowsgrl @mrsjellymunson
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nostalgiclittlespace · 10 months ago
Spotify Suggestions for Little Space!
Some of my personal favorite songs (and their artists) from my agere playlist! Anything with dashes (/) means there are numerous versions I listen to. Almost everything is clean, but I did mark the ones that are explicit (if I missed any pls let me know!)
Feel free to add your join suggestions in the comments! Hope this helps someone!
Little Space (of course)—SXYE
Million Dreams, Lullaby—Music Box Lullabies
Pure Imagination—Dream Easy Collection
Dearly Beloved—Video Game Music Box
Treehouse—Alex G, Emily Yacina
safe place—Tony22
Boys will be Bugs—Cavetown (TW: Explicit)
Coconut Mall, Mario Kart Wii—Arcade Player
Hikari—Video Game Music Box
Build a Bear—Maggie Brewer
FNAF Security Breach: Daycare theme—Dario D’Aversa/Saccharinne
This is Me—The Greatest Showman
Bubblegum K.K—Qumu/Jayn
First Date—Frad
The Strawberry Cafe—IllustratorJake
Zelda’s Lullaby—Amy Turk
Strawberry Milk—Fluffy Fluff
Flying Strawberry Cow—FroggyChair
It’s a Small World, Lullaby—Hamasaki vs Hamasaki
Face My Fears—Ralpi Composer
Winnie the Pooh—Melody the Music Box
K.K Love Song—Kazumi Totaka
Shadow Bonnie Music box—b1n4ry
Jump Up, Super Star! (Music box version)—Boxyboard
I See the Light, music box version—James Strange
Stars in the Sky—Kid Cudi
Welcome to Wonderland—Anson Seabra
King—Lauren Aqulina
I’m Cute—Animaniacs
Rainbow Connection—Weezer,Haley Williams
Mii Channel—G4M1NG
Fur Elise, Reimagined—Alexander Joseph
Animal Crossing New Horizons Theme—Lullaby Legends
Twinkle, twinkle little star— Sabelia Robles
Wrap Me In Plastic—CHROMANCE, Marcus Layton
Lovely Date—NomnomNami
Gay Fairytale Music Box—Saccharinne
Brahms Lullaby—Lullaby Time/Elliot Gordon
A Thousand Years—Christina Perri/Jade Facer
Try Everything—Shakira
I’m Still Here—John Rzeznik
Nobody—Faith Marie
Flying Stars—Celestaby
putting a spin on big girls don’t cry—egg
putting a spin on love you so—egg
The Court Jester—thquib, FUKASE
Reach for the Stars—Sega Sound Team
Get you to the Moon—Kina, Snow
More than Anything—Hazbin Hotel
Peter Pan Was Right—Anson Seabra
Keep your Head Up Princess—Anson Seabra
The NeverEnding Story—The Birthday Massacre
Any Disney soundtrack (Disney Princesses, Disney Channel themes, Pixie Hollow Fairies, etc)
Music box versions of Disney soundtracks—Melody the Music Box
Sugar Crash!—ElyOtto (TW; Explicit)
Cry Baby (Album)—Melanie Martinez (TW: Explicit)
K-12 (Album)—Melanie Martinez (TW: Explicit)
House Song—Searows
I’ll Always Remember You—Hannah Montana
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny—The Golden Orchestra
Goodbye to a World—Porter Robinson
Liminal Space (Album)—mxmtoom
All We Do—Oh Wonder
You Might Not Like Her—Maddie Zahm
you not the same—TileKid
Kids—Current Joys
Change my Clothes—Dream, Alec Benjamin
I Bet on Losing Dogs—Mitski
Cardigan (TikTok Best Part)—Luke Willies
Disney Classics on Classical Violin (Album)—Matthew Castle
Disney Serenade on Classical Violin (Album)—Matthew Castle
Classic Pops on Classical Violin (Album)—Matthew Castle
Lon Lon Ranch—Super Piano 64
Alice—Avril Lavigne
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kiwis012 · 23 days ago
Goofy personal headcanons about the wessel brothers and their bf's:
-the thing about sharing a braincell, most of the they couldn't be more different from each other but by closer observation u can see how they equally brainrot as siblings
-that Marlon secretly borrowers fruity books and films from the library (like fluffy, cheesy romance stuff), when Leon finds out he demands to make it brother ritual to read and watch these together after a long needed coming out talk
-Leon is bi and never really thought about it, he just is and Marlon homo which he accepted in silence to keep it secret
-they hace the funniest hear me outs like Leon having a thing for 'prince charming guy's' and likes rough vanilla *stuff, while Marlon worships villains, gangstas ect and doesn't seem to know that there is a line between bdsm and straight up torture
-they do some 1 braincell shit together sometimes like Marlon shakes his hips in Shakira to good songs and Leon next to him starts aggressively twerkin, or they have fights over 'tf did u eat my snack, I licked that it was mine' one of there bf's commenting about it, so for fun Marlon trys being cheeky and gives Kong a little lick- Leon sees- Leon licks Deniz half face and a little in mouth soaking him in saliva
-Leon makes Chinese jokes about Kong but no 'gangsta' jokes, because he respects that this is a critical topic for him and Kong is thankful for the fact that his bf's combat-dwarf brother hates him respectfully
-Kong and Deniz got along pretty well but don't do much together
-Marlon had a crush on Markus when he was younger and even a small heartbreak over it
-Neither Deniz nor Kong mind being bottom sometimes
-Leon likes to munch on Deniz, or just have something from him in his mouth (like his arm, strand of hair or ear)
-that Lean has adhd and has cute fidget methods
-they have a small breakdown realizing that there both bottoms
-one a them has a knok up kink
-Kong in corset or a tight Chinese outfit with his hair braided back into a elegant bun 🙏
-bad boy Deniz, or like an metal mabey even emo 👀
-Deniz and Leon grow up to be the soccer power couple
-Marlon becomes a teacher, Kong works as a mechanic and they like to dance and cook together
-the brothers have a resist/sexsist half of family and are outcast for being gay and even worse both dating foreigne
-Kong with lots of tattoos and the brothers having a sibling one
-that Jojo is like there little brother and that he started hanging with Kong since they live so close together
-that Kong and Marlon are naturals handling kids
-Marlon gives Leon tips for stuff and a whole presentation on 'how to guve a blowy'
-Deniz likes sports cars and Kong bikes
-the brothers steal their bf's clothes and brag with each other about it
-they kink and taste shame each other just like good siblings do
-one of Leon's fav nicknames for Kong are monkey or king Kong
-the brothers learn together things to tease or seduce their bf's
-Marlon likes to snap his choker
Well I think I have more but for now that's enough ;p
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7-starboi · 1 month ago
This is kinda long so I applaud you if you actually read all of it but this is what happens when you drink soju and take notes on all your commentary for a new bl episode...good luck🫡😂
Brooo such a cute way to start the ep, they make me sick 😅
They're so sweet it hurtsss, yotha I don't wanna be mad at you later ugh 😭
Faifa is such a little shit "good morning bro🤠"
"my brother is about to have friends"🤣
Oh shit here we go 🙄
Honestly she can be sad, but she did this to herself
I want a hug from boom too🥺 but I know what you do sir and I don't like it!
Side note, pepper has been in everything lately and I'm all for it cause he's fine af like he honestly just has to sit there and I could stare at him all day(and yes, he's that pretty in person and he's just the sweetest🥹🖤)
Yothaaaa you can see he's upset you gotta apologize better come onn, you're lucky he's such a good friend 😭
I seriously didn't think I'd like perthsanta this much but here we are and I love it
The background actors for little scenes like this are always the best bro and their friends teasing them is sooo funny 😂
another side note tho, boom is still so hot tho like he's one of mine like forever 😍
I get why yotha was doing what he did but he doesn't just have himself to think about now and he's gotta think about what he wants and what he wants is gun and he fucked up🥺
I know they don't have the best relationship in this series but i love them so much together I'll take any fluffy crumbs I can get 😭 GIVE THEM THEIR OWN SERIES PLSSS BUT ONE LIKE WE ARE I CANT TAKE ANYMORE ANGST FROM THEM RN😭
Arm is such a good friend🥺
I can't wait til yothagun get to arcarms level
Gay people man...that's all I gotta say about arm in this scene 😂
That was one of the gayest set ups ever😅(also if we don't say Taylor again I'm gonna scream, I love him🫡)
Arm matches all of his friends freak and im sooo here for it like give me book and literally anyone and he'll nail it 😂
okay I lovee the kisses don't get me wrong like I feel like they've had more than arc and arm atp and they're not even dating yet but pls HAVE A CONVERSATION IT WILL FIX ALL OF THIS AHH GET IT TOGETHER(and yes i know from the outside it's easier to yell at them and they're young but they were doing alright with it before gun saw yotha kissing someone else but he's just shut down now☹️)
Side note to the end note: if Newton and po don't end up together I'm gonna be so sad like heart killers is starting something for them and I see it👀
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sunnyyflowerrs · 6 months ago
things i’ve written!!
thought i’d add a little guide to stuff i’ve written for all the itafushi enjoyers out here <33 under cut!!
fire extinguishers work just fine (50.1k, 19/22 chaps):
this is my current long fic, it’s a firefighter!yuuji and detective!megumi fic where they meet each other by chance and then work on an arson case together. slow burn, fluff, and mystery, gets a little more serious toward the end. (i post updates about this one too and it has some amazing art from my wonderful friends!! x x x NEW!! )
is it gay if our pinkies are intertwined? (12.4k, 3/3. chaps):
this is just a very unserious, goofy, fluffy fic where megumi and yuuji get hit by a curse where they HAVE to hold hands and be touching each other. it’s sweet and silly, writing it with my love @kentuckyfriedmegumi
with some beautiful art !!
my preferred medium ;)
easy igor, you impetuous young boy (3.8k, G) - fluffy halloween fic where megumi is avoiding yuuji but yuuji can’t figure out why. there is a lot of pining somehow, even though it’s established relationship, and it’s about as tooth rotting as u can get.
copy cat (7.8k, T for kissing) - honestly, this one is just megumi beefing with a cat for like nearly 8k. megumi is jealous of a cat, yuuji is stubborn, they both are idiots and they fall in love. college roomates au
five times the first years thought their sensei had a girlfriend + one time they figured it out (5.2k, G) - this is set in the future where itafushi are teachers at jujutsu high, and the first years think itadori-sensei has a girlfriend named megumi. they are wrong on a lot of things. fluff, humor, and overall shiggles.
fushiguro megumi is not homophobic (1.1k, G) - short and sweet, gojo being chaotic, megumi being lovesick, and yuuji being a little dumb but it’s ok bc they get together.
a mustache and glasses should do it, right? (3.5k) - goofy lil fic where yuuji tries to ask out the cute librarian library worker, and fail successfully. EXTREMELY silly and awkward, cute little pick me up fic <3
kiss me at the kfc (under the christmas lights) (5.8k, G) - a christmas /birthday fic for my friend @kentuckyfriedmegumi!! just itafushi being sillies around christmas ft. yuuji getting megumi a dog for his birthday.
added this section in bc these aren’t really angst but not fluff either? more serious character studies but they are funny at times
you will continue to shine like gold in my memories (8.9k, T) - moments of megumi's life with yuuji, until their very last moments. TW: major character death.
makes the heart grow fonder (3.8k, G) - implied itafushi, but basically adult megumi accidentally time travels to before shibuya and talks to gojo. first ff i ever wrote and definitely one of my favorites!!
think fast (you only get one try) (3.3k, G) - slightly angsty megumi airport fic i wrote after 263 (lowk prophesied some things?!?) about gaining back his will to live. a little outdated since manga readers know what happened, but to this day one of my favorite fics ive written! light angst, character study, and ofc a happy ending. has a little ficlet second part, end credits
i hope it’s not for sure, can you open up the door? (2.4k, T) - written for the JJK Gotcha for Gaza event, megumi is traumatized from the final battle and copes badly, but itadori isn’t letting him self destruct anytime soon. happy ending, ofc.
Not Itafushi:
i wanna throw the apple (into the sky) (5.7k, G) - a small story from the 'fire extinguishers work just fine universe' about megumi's childhood with satosugu. it's sent in universe for the multichapter, but can be read as a standalone!
ok, that’s enough of me yapping abt my fics. if you ending up checking them out, i’m always here to yap abt itafushi in the comments or in my ask box!! these two have rotted my brain fully. hope you guys enjoy <3
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