#My Top 20 New Favorite Actors
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bonniehooper · 1 year ago
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Top Picks of 2023
My Top 20 New Favorite Actors - #12: Kim Min-kyu
Introduction to Him: Business Proposal
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eyothings · 1 month ago
So out of nowhere this december, i've been hit with nostalgia and decided it was time to rewatch Buffy The Vampire Slayer's entire series after the last time it aired on tv, meaning 20 years ago.
Not only it shaped a whole side of my lil sister personality, it is also the favorite show of one of my cousin and closest friends.
And considering the state i'm in after finishing season 7, i know for sure Spike is the origin of my utter love for anti-heros, England and ennemies-to-lovers trope.
He is one of those characters that stay with you forever.
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C'mon look at him, LO_OK.
I had very few memories of the show, only some big moments: Angel leaving for a spinoff, Spike ♥, Dark Willow, Spuffy - Basically I remembered almost nothing.
The first season set the tone for me, i forgot the serie was very funny, and what worked right away was the simple fact that they didn't act seriously either, the actors looked like they just had fun. On top of that, even if i already knew that, the show is very feminist and advanced for its time.
I also forgot how much of an asshole Xander is. lol
The worst season for me is clearly season 4, and between you and me, and me and you, it's unsurprisingly because of Riley and the army.
The best season is obviously season 6, and not only for Spike and Spuffy but for Buffy's whole personality.
I have so much to say about the show really, but I'll stay focused and talk about the two ships: Bangel and Spuffy (and a bit of Riley). Note that it is purely my point of view, based on what i like to see and read in fiction and how I perceive the characters, there is clearly a big difference compared to real life. As well as any "bitch" mentioned here is only affectionate. And if you're crazy enough to read the entire post, I apologise in advance for the many mistakes in my writing, as English is not my mother tongue.
The moment i'm writing this VERY long ass post, I've only just started to watch Angel the series for the first time and I've only seen the first season, so my thoughts on him may change in the future, but I don't think my pov on the ships will. I am also aware of some events in seasons 8 to 12 (comics).
• Bangel:
To be honest I liked their love story more when Angel was Angelus.
First, them falling in love never really clicked, I guess they played the love at first sight trope, but she was 15 and he was 200; at that age, any man who was pretty enough and a bit dark would've worked for her. (I won't talk about a 26 y/o man falling in love with a 15 y/o teenager, the man is from 1727, at this point it's not even the same culture okay??)
I thought I'd still give it a chance and root for them, even if I was fully aware of him leaving and Spike would be the new romance (I FORGOT THE WASTE OF TIME WITH RILEY), because they actually talked about all the issues, they knew something was off with their love story but they couldn't stop.
I have not much to say about the nature of their love, it was a cute romance at best, but the more they went further the cringier it'd get, I still have trauma about their kiss noises, no kidding.
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They slept together and Angel becomes Angelus, which is supposed to be sad and add some angst, but Angelus was so charismatic, I didn't care about Angel anymore.
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And what can I say? I think the soul vs no soul aspect played kinda badly, they all said that Angelus was incapable of love since he had no soul, but we had the concrete proof that love was possible thanks to Spike & Drusilla to begin with ??
I was hoping that, since they sold us their love as super powerful and intense, Angelus would end up falling in love with Buffy, especially after the episode in which both are possessed by ghosts in season 2 episode 19 - I Only Have Eyes for You - which is my favorite moment between them:
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but NO, Angelus cannot love, and only Angel can:
It's either we get the flavored guy but no romance or the bland one with a half romance.
Talk about the greatest love story there.
And the whole season 3 is Angel and Buffy having a teen romance:
"Let's just hold hands and kiss but nothing else"
Of course I guess this kind of love story is possible, but it is made clear they both feel the sexual tension each time they kiss, they even dream of doing it. So the only thing that comes of it, is frustrating feelings, for Buffy, for Angel and for us watching them going nowhere.
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The hottest moment they have is when Angel bites her to survive.
Surely for a love story that is sold to be so grand, I expected Angel to find a cure for the curse? And fight for his love or something?
♫ Nope, he just leaves. ♫
♫ Bitch talks about fighting for what is worth and bails out at the first difficulty. ♫
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i cannot even blame Joyce here, she made the right call, for real. Mother knows best, but he had the chance to prove her wrong.
And in parallel to that we are introduced to Spike, a vampire with no soul who is one hundred times worth Angel, just by existing.
And there is so much to say, whether or not Spuffy was intended, whether or not Angel is supposed to be the love of Buffy's life; After reaching seven seasons, I can guarantee without any hesitation, that Spike is the one, there is no contest.
I can't, for the life of me, believe one second that Joss Whedon and the rest of the team wrote the enemies to lovers story of the last two decades without doing it on purpose? They were so much into Angel, to realize what was happening?
They sold me Angel and Buffy being the "forever love", and, in a way, they are, but only because they cling to the "what could've been".
Of course they will always be attracted to each other until they really try. They'll always idealise their love story and fill the plotholes with their imagination. But it is dramatically bound to end in disaster.
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And no, Buffy, I cannot take you seriously when you say "I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life" ; You were a teenager, it is normal to feel more deeply when you're 16, but that doesn't mean anything, and you know it too well.
Angel left her broken, unable to trust anyone, unable to trust herself and alone: If the love of her life doesn't want to be with her, then who will? (♫ We have an idea ♫ )
Soul or not, he has been a coward, with no intent to get to know Buffy, her family, her friends. He decided what was best for her without asking her.
All he does after that, is coming back into Buffy's life at the worst moments to be jealous.
♫ He is that toxic boyfriend who comes back with puppy eyes each time you try to move on. ♫
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Every time he appears in an episode it's to disappoint even more: I was rooting for him, I even missed him A LOT in season 4 !
And, sure, meanwhile, the dance between Spike and Buffy was already ongoing since season 2, but we really didn't have any concrete scenes between them that could seal the ship for good (them under Willow's spell in season 4 doesn't count). So the best option at that moment was the hope for Angel to come back.
Buffy never really had the chance to move on from Angel because of Riley and his insecurities, but also because Angel cannot seem to move on, while moving on at the same time ? ! ? ♫ Bitch has a child ♫
The moment Angel left the show, it should have been for good. (Note aside, I'm still having a hard time believing the character had his own spinoff because of his popularity, when we barely saw him hanging around in the first 3 seasons, wouldn't have it been simpler for him to stay and have more scenes, like Spike?) • Riley & Buffy (Briley??)
And so Angel never came back, and we got Riley instead. He was the perfect choice to make the bridge between Bangel and Spuffy. She needed to experience a "normal" romance, with a "normal guy" to know what it's like and to understand what she really wants, but one season and a half was way too much. ♫ I ended up googling " WHEN is Riley LEAVING? "♫ The moment Buffy said she held back her strength when training with him, was enough to see what was coming.
Riley was nothing else than just an army guy under steroids who couldn't even handle his girlfriend being stronger than him.
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Him blaming Buffy for not really being around when her mother was dying was the cherry on top of the loser's behavior.
Buffy needed someone with whom she could be 100% herself, an equal, and Riley knew he wasn't half of that; so he made her pay? By cheating on her and leaving? Then coming back a year later to brag about his wedding? Lmao give me a break Riloser.
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So now Buffy is alone AGAIN, both men she thought she loved, left without looking back. ♫ Over my shouuulder ♫
And from those two relationships, we can already see what she needs in a romance:
- An emotionally available man - That can be there for her without pushing her - Someone who doesn't flee the second he encounters the smallest difficulty - A man strong enough for her to unleash the full force without being afraid of hurting him ♫ yes i'm talking about sex ♫ - Someone who understands her role as the slayer and her crazy life - Someone selfless capable of protecting her family and friends - Someone she can trust.
♫ And now, ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome ♫
• Spuffy:
Ok first a bit of context here: I disagree about people criticizing Buffy season 6 Lets just understand whats going on: Bitch sacrifices herself to save the world and her sister; at that moment, she feels peace for the first time in her life, for the first time she is not afraid to die and fulfill her destiny by choice. She has an heroic death, ends up resting in paradise...
♫ Then her friends who can't handle to live without her, decide to bring her back to life. ♫
Not only she comes back to life in her fucking coffin, she also: - Has to crawl to the surface (almost dying stupidly) - Has to act as if nothing happened - Has to be the slayer again - Cannot even go back to university - Has even less prospect for a normal life - She is poor - She needs to find money (ends up working in a fast food) - Has to thanks her friends for bringing her back to the life she never wanted - Is being blamed for not really being around.
So what? She comes back, feels different, depressed, alone AGAIN and figuratively chained to a life she still doesn't want, and the only person who does understand what she is going through is Spike. Spike who has been here for her family and friends the whole time she was dead, meaning, he did it because he wanted to, because he felt genuine pleasure in hanging out with them while keeping his promise to protect Dawn.
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He could have left, but never did, even though his love was one-sided, he loved her so much he stayed.
♫ Death couldn't do them apart ♫
He has been a father figure for Dawn, but not only that, Spike was also the only vampire Joyce liked and trusted, a presence she didn't mind in her home without Buffy around.
And Spike did love Joyce very much ♥
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And I have so much to say about Spike, he is that multi-flavored character with so many layers, who stays interesting with or without a soul. He is a slayer's killer, seen as one of the most dangerous vampires, that anyone should be scared to be around, he has so much confidence in himself, he doesn't even mind being so freaking pathetic when it comes to love.
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He is not even afraid nor ashamed to show his affection, to be vulnerable, to be open about it, and most of it, he just embraces it without a care of the outcome, he is just living by the day, knowing perfectly that everything could stop at any moment. Though, that being said, i'm still well aware Spike has also MANY flaws, all he does is mainly driven by love but it is still extreme and twisted due to his soulless condition. I really don't know where to start, because i feel like Buffy and Spike's destinies are intertwined - They are a mirror to each other. Buffy's behavior has anything to do with Spike, as Spike's behavior has anything to do with Buffy - it is really like watching a dance.
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Spike allows her to embrace and explore the darkest part of herself - She was always the perfect girl everyone expected her to be.
She needed to do good, to BE good, but what if she, for once, chose the other side? Of course she never went as far as Faith did, but she allowed herself to fall into a forbidden romance, and to go against everyone's expectations, because she only felt something when she was with him. And i loved this part of her, because to me, she finally has flaws! I mean, she always had some but not to that extent. And maybe, maybe being like this, was a way for her to never fall completely into the darkness nor into Spike's influence.
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Maybe she was in an inner battle between good and bad.
Maybe it was an unconscious way to either push him away, or test him to see if he will ever leave her. Abusive or not towards Spike, let's not forget that he is still William the bloody, and the only thing that stops him from killing anyone is the chip in his brain. We're still talking about the guy who would have easily killed Willow if he had the chance, the one Buffy wouldn't trust at all without that said chip.
Even though Spike has done TREMENDOUS good deeds with the scoobies, he is still a slave to his primary emotions.
Don't get me wrong, this is why i love Spike SO MUCH, his duality as a soulless vampire is everything. The man can talk to you about his favorite romantic show and a minute later kill someone in cold blood and find a great pleasure in both.
♫ Anyway ♫
Above all things, they are in love, and this love is extremely intense, deep, powerful, unbearable and terrible.
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Thanks to Tara, Buffy realizes she did not come back as any different as before she died and realizes the horrors she has committed to Spike by treating him like a monster he never trully was.
Buffy ends up admitting her wrongs and grows out of her darkness and chooses to be good and to end her relationship with Spike. And she is glowing and glimming, and she's not his anymore.
Which leads Spike to end up doing something awful.
And what does he do after that??
He leaves the city...
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ TO FIX HIMSELF ♫ ♫ ♫
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in the year 2002, and yes you read me well:
♫ William the bloody risked his fucking life in a trial to get back his soul ♫
She doesn't fix him, he does it on his own because he knows something must be done to repair his wrongs, that his love needs to be purified of his monstrous side to be a better man and stand at her side.
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And even though she doesn't know that, she is still looking for him, even after what he has done, she is always drawn to him, she always wants to be around him.
Then she learns he got his spark back for her and she does everything in her power to keep him by her side.
Because now it is time for Spike to embrace the brightest part of himself thanks to Buffy.
I love them so much, especially in season 7 because they don't even have to act romantically to show how deep their love is for each other. How simple it has become, how instinctive their complicity is. They know how to complement each other, it is almost symbiotic.
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They are clearly not ready to be together again until they really sort things out but Spike has seen the best and the worst parts of her, and is still hers entirely, and will always be.
As much as Buffy has seen the best and worst parts of him, and she still trusts and loves him to the point of asking the initiative to remove the chip in his brain. ♫ On top of desperately not wanting him to die ♫ Also, without knowing it yet, she is entirely his and will always be.
Buffy sees Spike’s worth, and Spike sees Buffy’s, even when neither of them can see their own.
They lift each other up, and become an unbreakable force, to the point that no one can split them.
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And this is one of my favorite parts of Spuffy, in season 7:
Before, she would never have let Spike kill a human, not even out of revenge. But now, she’s willing to let his shadow take over if it means keeping him alive, just as he learns to hold it back. To me, episode 17 - Lies My Parents Told Me - marks how far their connection has grown: Buffy running as fast as she can to save Spike Spike's past with his mother, helping him make peace with some of it, as part of his ongoing redemption arc ♫ it broke my heart ♫ Spike coming back to his senses to beat the shit out of Robin, and giving him a last chance Buffy telling Robin she'll let Spike kill him next time he even tries to harm Spike Buffy choosing Spike over Giles Buffy choosing Spike over the "common sense" Buffy choosing love over her duty (even if she pretends otherwise) ♫ Buffy, you cannot fool Spike, but you cannot fool us either! ♫
And i love this parallel with the end of season 2 when she had to choose duty over love and kill Angel. This is Buffy allowing herself to be a bit more selfish while Spike is allowing himself to be a bit more selfless.
And then in the middle of the biggest battle of her life, she is overthrown over shitty excuses ♫ i have a LOT to say about the Scoobies but that post is insanely long to add some salt ♫ and who is the one that still has her back? Spike. Spike has always been unconditionally here for her and never let her down, which even the Scoobies didn't always do.
Spike is the one who delivers the most selfless and beautiful love declaration of the whole show, to her. When she needs it the most, because he is the only one who can see her.
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And his love is what gives strength to Buffy to trust herself and pursue her goal. He is the one who brings back the light in Buffy, who pushes her to live and accept her fate as being the one.
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And talking about light,
♫ What a freakin' poetry to have centered Spike's whole redemption arc around it ♫
He was always pursuing that light, whether in Cecily when he was a human or Buffy as a vampire. All he had to do was bring the light into him and embrace his humanity to fulfill his redemption. And so he makes the ultimate sacrifice, And he glows. Not only he saves the world willingly and selflessly but he also gives back the fire inside Buffy, frees her from Sunnydale and her role as the sole slayer.
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♫ "I love you" - "Spike" are the last words Buffy says in the show ♫ • Conclusion A freaking long ass post only to say that to me, Spuffy is very well written as enemies to lovers, thanks to Jane Espenson, Douglas Petrie & Marti Noxon. Though i think Spike still suffers some injustices, but I'm glad he got the respect he deserves in the comics, (which i consider canon) : Not only does Spike end up as part of the Scoobies but also with Buffy, and he is the only one with whom she fights for their relationship to last. ♫ And they're endgame in season 12 ♫ (Thank you Christos Gage)
I also think JW made many mistakes for Bangel to work: I know he was kinda annoyed by Spike's popularity at first and wanted Angel to be seen as the main vampire of the franchise, which led him to give Angel his own spinoff, but by doing that, he also broke the link between Buffy and Angel. Which ultimately led Spike to have a more organic evolution with her instead of Angel. They both had their own paths in their own separate worlds, which forced JW to accept Spuffy as being the logical conclusion. Just as Cordelia was also the best choice for Angel to grow and be more open about his emotions. Claiming in interviews that Angel is the love of Buffy's life without ever demonstrating it concretely in any of the media itself makes this statement fall flat. I do not hate Bangel, I think the ship was necessary for Buffy to grow, but i do see more Angel as her first idealised and tragic love, while with Spike, it is more grounded, mature and based on mutual respect, trust, acceptation and stability.
♫ Angel should have stayed and Spike and Drusilla should have had their own spinoff, and i'd have paid to see that. ♫ • My pov on Sprusilla?
Literally nothing to say about them, they match each other freak to a level no one can ever comprehend.
♫ They are a perfect match and untouchable. ♫ ♫ May they end up together again and last for eternity. ♫
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♫ With animals. ♫ (alive)
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mahboimahboi · 2 years ago
NEIGHBOR BUDDY x M!Reader (Featuring Actor Mackenyu)
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You slammed the door of your room shut, while stomping your way to the balcony, huffing at the sound of your mother who's still screaming at the top of her lungs, angry that you went out last night again without permission and to top it off you went drinking. That was the first rule your mother ever wanted you to follow, but considering just how your head is made of rock, you always went against her laws and always obeyed nothing. At first it was just an impulsive thought, going out with your friends, but it soon became a habit and this type of situation between you and your mother became more of a routine. Well, you can't blame yourself, your mother is too strict for literally everything. You wanted to live your life not just stay around in your house and play prison jail. That is just suffocating.
Soon, after a few minutes, the noises died down and you let out a breath that you didn't know your were holding. You sighed through your nose, thanking the heavens that it is finally over. You just don't understand why your mother is specifically too harsh on you, when you're siblings both could do the same thing, but could avoid getting into trouble every single time. So, what difference does it make when you do it? You're literally a grown up already. In your 20s, to be exact, yet you're mother still treats you like an overgrown sized baby.
Usually, your anger would have seeped out and you'd start rampaging inside your room, but the sight of your handsome, tall, buff and everything hot and sexy neighbor, you couldn't help, but let your anger vaporize in just a second. It was the only sight you'd ever need to calm you down.
Mackenyu, your neighbor crush, noticing eyes on him, meets yours and gave you a smile. He waves his hand at you (so cool), while you did the same thing in reply to him. He soon catches the tiniest hint of sadness in your eyes and grew a little concerned. Just like always, he'd move across the street to get to you and climb from the ladder that was located near the railings of your room's balcony. "Your mom caught you again?" He asked you, his voice deep and calming, brows furrowing upon his worry. You nod your head, not saying a word. "Figured. You're such a naughty boy, Y/N. Can't say I dislike that fact about you." He commented, making you blush, but externally all you could ever do is just scoff.
"I can't just stand being with this family anymore. It's crazy how it's madly obvious that they have their favorites yet continue to state that they treat us all equally. What some pure bullshit." You complained to him, Mackenyu hopping inside to get to your side and sat on the bench, the male inviting you to take a seat beside him. You complied, before getting shocked when the buffer sized male wrapped his arms around you and started to caress your back.
"You know the thing I admire the most about you, Y/N? It's that even if you realize the mistakes they did to you, you still stay strong and resilient. You're so brave, Y/N." He said, while tears started to prick the side of your eyes. "If you want to run away, my house is always free." He said, you looking a bit confused.
"But, your house is just across ours." You told him in reply, hearing a soft chuckle from the other male.
"I never said which house, Y/N." Your eyes widened and looked up at him like a dog getting a new owner.
"You don't mean...?" Mackenyu nods his head and you throw yourself at him with so much joy that all you could ever think of was just how excited you are to finally be able to leave this hell of a house. "Yes, yes! I'll start packing." You said and immediately ran to your room and quickly did a heavy packing after locking the door to your room.
"That's my boy."
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diazsdimples · 5 months ago
Fic Writers Meme
Tagged by @inell
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 but I did write a bunch of British Actor RPF back in high school lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (Buddie) How can this be wrong? (Bucktommy) For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) (Buddie) Sweet child of mine (Bucktommy) The heat of the moment (Buddie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do, even though it takes me a second sometimes. I always appreciate people putting in the time to tell me what they thought of my stuff!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of them? All my fics have happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) just for the hopeful Buckley-Diaz family feels but honestly any of them could work
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The occasional "this wouldn't happen in canon!!" and I'm like yeah! That's cause it's fiction!! But other than that, not really no.
9. Do you write smut?
9 of my 19 fics are smut and my smut fics are usually my longest. So, yep!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope but I do write AUs based off premises from other things? Sort of?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Kind of? I deleted a fic once bc it wasn't a vibe for me (it was a request that I didn't love and didn't know how to say no) and the original requester of the fic, with whom I'd fallen out, messaged being like hey!! saw you deleted it!!! good news is I copied it into google docs before you could!!! Which I did not love
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I am currently co-writing 2 fics with @hippolotamus and one with @theotherbuckley, when I remember they exist 🫣
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
Buddie will always be my go to for writing. I'm compelled a lot by Bucktommy and Buddietommy (and Eddietommy lbr) but for the most part if I come up with an AU, it'll be a Buddie one.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Single Dads AU or Frostpunk AU. They've just been around for so long that I feel like people have either forgotten or are sick of them and I just have No Beans for them
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof I don't know, I think maybe coming up with plots/ compelling storylines
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I struggle most with describing things and emotions and if there's a scene that very emotion heavy it'll take me a long time to write it because I agonise over the correct words to use.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language during a fic?
I wouldn't unless I had someone who spoke the language who was able to help guide me, mostly because I don't want to make mistakes
19. First fandom you wrote for?
British Actor RPF (specifically Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Play me like a fiddle is my baby, will always be my baby, and it is my most beloved. 34k of Music Nerd James with a whole load of Buddie feels and closet sex. Idk, I peaked there tbh
NP tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @buckera @watchyourbuck
@spotsandsocks @bidisasterevankinard @bigfootsmom @wikiangela @jesuisici33
@rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings and anyone else who wants to share their stuff! (And if I forgot anyone, I apologise)
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jeon-ify · 1 year ago
smut prompts!! pick some and send me a request with an actor/idol :)
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1. open up, baby
2. so fucking pretty like this
3. shh, baby its okay, it’ll feel good i promise.
4. please, i can’t take anymore
5. stop doing that or i’ll make you
6. youre my favorite girl
7. best feeling ever, my love
8. wanna fuck you in the back seat
9. i’ll spend every dime on you, even if i have to sell myself to please you
10. you act so high and mighty, wonder what theyd think when they see you on your knees half naked for me
11. look at me, wanna watch you come all over me
12. youre so hot when you talk back
13. hands behind your back
14. so messy
15. you smell so good baby, your skin is so smooth
16. stop fucking crying
17. i’ll buy you a hundred new ones baby
18. does that feel good, my love?
19. yeah? you get off on me talking down to you?
20. right here? that feel good?
21. atta girl, taking it so deep in your stomach
22. enough— please, i cant take anymore
23. put my necklace on, wanna fuck you in my jewelry
24. what would he say if he saw you on top of me losing your fucking mind hm?
25. thats it, just like that
26. the day you leave me is the day i’ll fucking slit my throat
27. cant you see youre made for me?
28. fuck, baby, i feel you everywhere i go.
29. you nasty girl.
30. my love, my baby, don’t leave me.
31. i will sell myself to you, i belong to you.
32. you belong to me, understand?
33. whose is it?
34. louder.
35. seeing me on stage gets you all worked up, hm?
36. its not enough.
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nimbusalba · 9 months ago
Neil Gaiman, my thoughts and my love for good omens
I already said something about all this deal with Neil Gaiman yesterday in another blog. But I still have Things To Say, so here it comes (with links to all the info):
Here is the article (thank you @procrastiel)
Here is a link to the podcasts for free (thank you @queermarzipan)
Here is the Xitter post with the accusations podcast thingy (thank you @embracing-the-ineffable)
Here is the transcript of the first podcast episode.
The Main Thing I Have To Say:
We need to separate the author from his work (and with this I’m not speaking only about Neil Gaiman). While we might not agree with some things about the author's life or thoughts, that doesn't mean we can not keep enjoying their work, as long as that work is not morally unacceptable, obviously. Let’s take the example of one of my favorite tv shows of all time (other than good omens): Buffy The Vampire Slayer (and with this I’m showing my age here, ahem). Buffy is a magnificent show, a wonderful exponent of feminism (strong female protagonist and secondary characters), diversity (one of the main characters is a lesbian), critical thinking, death, love, inner strength, battling your own demons… As we all know, accusations of harassment against Joss Wheddon appeared in 2020 and a lot of his work was left behind. I agree that knowing that the creator of something you love is an abuser breaks your heart. But that doesn’t mean that you have to stop loving that show, that it stops being a great work of art or that you should feel bad for still liking it. Buffy the vampire slayer is still one of my favorite shows and I still rewatch it from time to time (not on loop as I do with good omens, but that’s another problem). And why? Simply because in that show a lot of very talented people worked very hard to make it great, not just Joss Wheddon. And I appreciate it even more now knowing that the actresses and actors (and rest of the crew)  in the series didn’t have as good a time filming it as they should have. 
My take on this story:
I’ve already said that my first impulse is always to side with the victims in these cases, because they rarely lie and the accusations tend to be proven true in the end. In this particular case, for the time being, I’m waiting for developments, as the information that has transpired is fishy, to say the least. I’m not defending Neil Gaiman either, mind you. Maybe tomorrow we will find another 20 people accusing him of abuse. I don’t know him nor pretend to know what he’s done in his life. For the time being, as I said yesterday, this looks to me like consensual sex between consenting adults. That shouldn’t be news to anyone, even if the practices in themselves are not your kind of kink. It’s not on to have sex with someone who is working for you, of course, but still in this particular case that’s not exactly what’s happened. The woman in question (Scarlett) was a friend of the family, not strictly a worker. They already had a friendship relationship before turning it into a sexual relationship and a working relationship on top of that. With this I’m only trying to say that it doesn’t look like she felt forced to have sex with him in order to keep her job and she has said that the sex was consensual. The other victim has also said that even if she didn’t particularly enjoy the sex it was also consensual. 
It looks like both victims were pretty young when the relationships took place. It's true that younger people can have problems when it comes to place boundaries, and an older or more experienced partner could take advantage of that. It is also true that later in life, when that person is more experienced or has had time to think about things, they can think about what they did and feel uncomfortable with it, even though it didn’t feel wrong in the heat of the moment and they said nothing then. But, as far as I know, that's not sexual assault.
This looks to me as something that’s been designed to hurt Neil Gaiman’s public image. Maybe he’ll come out of it without any criminal charges, as he has already offered his help to the New Zealand police and they have refused to interrogate him for the time being, apparently because of lack of proof yet. But his public image has been tainted, not only because of the accusations, but because anyone who has their sexual life exposed and discussed publicly suffers a great deal of humiliation, even more so if their sexual practices are not exactly mainstream. With this I’m not implying that BDSM or any other kink is wrong, as long as it is being played by consenting adults. No judgment here, everyone has their own kink, and I don’t care as long as they don’t harm anyone (or if they want to be lightly harmed).
Keep also in mind that one is innocent until proven guilty and in this case there is not a lot of proof yet and the place the news is coming from is suspicious, to say the least. Wait for developments (and see).
So keep loving good omens, I know I still do, keep enjoying it, writing fanfic, drawing amazing art, writing metas and discussing about it. Because this show is still a brilliant show, in which a lot of very talented people worked very hard to make it the wonderful work of art that it still is and we shouldn’t dismiss all that work because someone wants to hurt one of the authors. 
(Edited because of wording)
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
This Week in BL - 2 GREAT Shows but everything else is kinda blah
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Happy new year, BLabies!
Jan 2024 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 9 of 12 - This show is really earning its chops, and these actors are executing beautifully. I think this is a great BL, and it reminds me quite a bit of ATOTS, only the physical comfort between the actors is more genuine and easy to watch. Unfortunately a guitar came out. Nice communication tho.
That was a very lovely romantic sex scene. Very prettily done. Classy boys, very classy.
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Gah what a beautiful final scene with Day saying the last thing he wants to see is Mhork. Pure unadulterated romance of the highest order.
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 7 of 12 - If killer, why hot? Poor Tarn compelled to try to rescue everyone else from their fate, because he cannot save himself from his.
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Meanwhile Phaya is finally learning that you catch more water snakes with honey lube than vinegar.
Stellar confession from Phaya brutally honest and very fated mates.
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And another lovely sex scene, so I guess that was a vision and not a fantasy Tharn had.
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Lets be clear those two shows were GREAT everything else this week was kinda blah.  
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 6 of 12 - I find the backstory very odd. Are they twins? What happened to Blue? Am I meant to care? Do I care? 
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 10 of 12 - I mostly just feel sorry for First. He’s so rightfully confused. Zee/Sprite keeps blowing hot and cold because they two different people! The after sex cuddle was cute. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 8 of 14 - Love getting more JeffAlan. Also I switch favorite character allegiances in the trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 6 of 12 - Didn’t air this week and I hardly noticed. 
You and My Stars YT 1 of 2(?) - school kids, love triangle, it’s cute enough.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) 1626 ep 20 of 24 - Just so boring. 3/10 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - I’m not into the love triangle. Although I kind of like the new suitor, he’s honest and a good communicator. I appreciate these things in a BL boy. But I begin to wonder if triangles should be left for KBL. Also, this should have been an 8 epper, 10 is too long.
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - No ep until Jan 12 
I Became the Main Role of a BL (Japan Sun Gaga) ep 1-3 - AKA BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen - A rising star is paired with an (older) former child actor (doesn’t think he’s good enough) in a BL series. It’s fun, built on a dynamic of off screen paralleling the on screen, so near constantly meta. All the tropes are there but are as a result of the filming process. The star turns out to be obsessed with the former actor and very dorky about it. In fact, everyone in this show is a little gremlin weirdo (affectionate). There’s tons of scenery chewing miscommunication drama, slapstick, voice over head hopping, and eccentric sides characters. “And he comes with feathers” applies to a number of my friends. You know I don’t like stories around fan obsession, but otherwise this was enjoyable. 8/10
A nice start to the JBL year. Keep em coming, Japan.  
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It's done I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
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It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
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In Case You Missed it
All my year end round ups (so far) are as follows:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
Best Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
BL 2023 - Cute Bits of Domesticity
BL 2023 - Boys Feeding Boys
BL 2023 - BOOP!
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Next Week Looks Like This
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Starting This Week:
1/9 Time the series (Thai Gaga, WeTV, Channel 3) 10 eps - MFlow Entertainment brings us yet another "fix the past" narrative. After witnessing the gunning down of his beloved, a heartbroken actor uses a magic pocket watch to go back in time and discover the truth and maybe fix it.
1/11 Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) - Soga, who, after a divorce and relocation to Osaka, seeks solace in dining at 26-year-old Sakae's restaurant. Unbeknownst to Soga, Sakae sees him as more than just a regular customer.
More Coming Jan 2024
Beside You (Thai YouTube)
Love For Love's Sake (Korea ????)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan ????) - five years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so... probubly not. I won't be watching this.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Yes, you SHOULD apologize!
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This was a FANTASTIC moment! Last Twilight
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Night Dream referencing the Shrimp Trope.
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Some didn't like this bit BUT I love a claiming moment, even in a briefing room... especially there.
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I ALSO love a good Grandma Moment in a BL.
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Such a good sex scene. The Sign
(Last week)
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crowsintheforest · 2 months ago
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2024 is now over, for better and for worse. it's been a hell of a year: switching careers, leaving the academy, going back to uni in a fully different field, getting a fulltime job that I start on Monday, starting up my goodreads account again--
all of which means it's time for my annual top 10 of things that I enjoyed the very most out of the whole year! unfortunately I'd been using cohost to keep track of my weekly media usage, and well, that site went a lil bit kaput. hopefully 2025 I do a better job of keeping track of these sorts of things.
without further ado, thoughts etc. under the cut.
end of year top 10 tag
yatagarasu: the raven does not choose its master (pierrot): out of this whole list, if you only experience one thing, it should be this. a court drama set in the fantasy world of the yatagarasu, giant three-legged ravens who can also take human form, the first cour follows two interlocking stories: yukiya, a young man who's the adoptive son of a rural lord roped into serving the crown prince, and asebi, one of the four women in the running to become the prince's new wife. it's got twists and turns, a fully realized world, and spectacular character and plot. highly recommended.
alan wake 2: night springs dlc (remedy entertainment): yes, yes, I put aw2 on my top 10 last year, but see, this is THREE alan wake dlcs in one! which is chock full of remedy's wild-ass ideas, from rose the waitress's uh....unique take on mr. scratch (matthew poretta's line readings are best of the year), to the bonkers story starring Actual Real Life Actor Shawn Ashmore that needs to be experienced. also, makes me think that maybe integrated universes aren't totally lost? didn't think that was possible. also, one of the best bops of the year with the theme song. speaking of which...
brat (charli xcx): is it the best album of the year? no. is it my favorite? probably yes that's why it's here. "sympathy is a knife" is my favorite song of the year
worlds beyond number: this beat out dimension 20 for my favorite actual play of the year, and it wasn't even close. I adore this podcast so very much. come for the longform storytelling of "the wizard, the witch, and the wild one," stay for the balls-to-the-wall chaos of "space cram."
tidal creatures (seanan mcguire): middlegame is one of my favorite books of all time, and the third book in the series feels like a return to form, overlapping a murder mystery, the weirdos you meet around college campuses, and multiple mythologies around the moon. good stuff.
dandadan (tatsu yukimoto, anime production by science saru): just a few things in dandadan: aliens! ghosts! demons! kaiju! sex comedy! jumanji! true love! giant robots! ranma 1/2! and teenagers falling in love and making friends! the manga slaps, science saru is doing impeccable work on the anime, and I cannot WAIT for more.
dragon age the veilguard (bioware): this game feels like coming home to a warm bath after a really long and not always successful bathroom renovation, if that makes sense? sure, it's not top 5 bioware games, but it does have a strong plot, fun characters, combat that surprised me in not sucking horribly, and one of the best act 3s in bioware. also the best boys of 2024: assan the griffin and manfred the skeleton.
star trek: lower decks (paramount+): what an ending to lwd, my favorite modern trek crew, and it's not even close. cerritos strong.
witch hat atelier (shirohama kamome): these girls have done nothing wrong in their lives, I love the magic system almost as much as I love the gorgeous detail on the artwork, and I fear for when the anime comes out and the internet gets another Sad White Haired Anime Teacher Man to moon over.
genshin impact (hoyoverse): yes I'm just as mad as you that the weeb video game is on this list. damn you hoyo for making a game this good. anyways I gotta go get primos to try to pull mavuika now so bye
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silveragelovechild · 2 months ago
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You could say going to see a movie at a theater is my hobby. I much prefer the theater experience. I saw 40 new films released in 2024. Only one of those via streaming because it was only shown in two theaters (LA and NYC).
Below are my nine favorite films and the reasons why. I added to honorable mentions (coincidentally both biopics) that I liked but had flaws that prevent me from calling them favorites.
I’ll post a list of my least favorite films later.
The Return (Odyssey) (12/05)
This film tells the last chapters of Homer’s the Odyssey. Odysseus (Ralph Fiennes) return home from the Trojan War after being away from 20 years. No one recognizes him and his wife (Juliette Binoche) is being pressured by dozens of men to finally remarry. The film is very faithful to the story. Very well done and both Fiennes and Binoche are terrific.
Count of Monte Cristo (01/06/25)
It’s based on the 1844 novel book by Alexander Dumas (author of the Three Musketeers). Monte Cristo is beautifully filmed and suspenseful from start to finish. (French with subtitles, limited release)
September 5 (12/09)
A film about the hostage taking at the 1972 Olympics at Munich. But it’s told from the perspective of the ABC sports crew there to report on the sporting event. I was surprised by how suspends they were able to tell the story. Some good performances by John Magaro as the control room director and Leonie Benesch as a German member of the crew.
Mars Express (05/07)
Another French movie - this one animated. It set in the far future where robots of all types work side-by-side with humans. A human detective and her robotic partner try to find a missing girl. Like all good detective stories, the more they dig, the bigger the conspiracy becomes. The art design is superb.
Nosferatu (12/25)
This remake is probably one of the best retelling of Dracula. But all the names have been changed. Orlok the vampire isn’t a romantic Count, he’s hideous. It’s creepy and beautifully shot. I particularly liked Nicholas Hoult (as a version of Johnathan Harper). He’s is terrific. (How did he sustain that level of fear and panic during the shoot?) My only “but” regarding “Nosferatu” is that I thought it was too long. It may eventually show up on Peacock but I’m an advocate for seeing movies in theaters.
Wicked: Part One (11/22)
Cynthia Erivo is terrific as Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch. Her closing number “Defying Gravity” is a show stopper. Ariana Grande as Galinda holds her own opposite Erivo. The special effects and art design are also great. A couple of things keep it from being the top of my favorite list: too many of the supporting characters came off like gay stereotypes; and does Jeff Goldblum ever actually play a character or does he just play himself in everything he’s cast in?
Conclave (10/26)
I did not plan to see “Conclave”. I don’t have any interest in stories about religion nor the Catholic Church in particular. There aren’t any murders in “Conclave” but the plot follows a typical detective mystery story - Fiennes must discover who is telling the truth, and what secrets are they hiding. Fiennes is very good and it was nice seeing Isabella Rossellini in a small role.
Challengers 04/26
Challengers is about professional tennis players starring three of best young star of modern Hollywood (Zendaya, Josh O’Connor, and Mike Faist). There are many sexy scenes of sexy actors kissing each other sexily. But the real action is on the tennis court, where they exerting themselves, sweating, grunting and slamming the ball. At there first meeting, Zendaya asks the boys if they already have girlfriends, because she doesn’t want to be a Home Breaker. This question will have repercussions in the years to come. The film is well paced and edited (especially the tennis matched). It’s directed by Luca Guadagnino who directed “Call me by your name” (2017).
Dune Part 2 (03/01)
Part 2 lives up to the promise of Part 1. Denis Villeneuve’s films are vastly superior to David Lynch’s 1984 film. The worlds and worms are masterfully created. Timothée Chalamet leads a terrific cast. The one exception is Christopher Walken as the Emperor - another actor who stopped “acting” decades ago).
Better Man (01/07)
This is Robbie Williams biopic where he’s portrayed by a CGI chimpanzee. I accepted the conceit immediately. The movie is at its best in the first half and with the musical numbers. They are dynamic, cleverly stage and edited (especially Rock DJ). I didn’t enjoy the second half as much, as it dived into Williams’ addictions and ends with a couple unearned redemptions.
A Complete Unknown (12/25)
This is the Bob Dylan biopic starring Timothée Chalamet. The supporting cast is terrific: Edward Norton as Pete Seeger, Scoot McNairy as Woody Guthrie, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez and Elle Fanning as Dylan’s on again off again girlfriend. While Chalamet is good as Dylan I felt the character was a selfish asshole.
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jordanraye47 · 9 months ago
Izzy headcanons that aren’t an entire fic🔥
Answers scam callers the best way possible “hi welcome to Pete’s roadkill pizzeria where yesterdays loss is todays sauce, how may o help you?” Like that’s her duty
Considering she’s a literal famous actor, she probably has a social media accounts, and even though she rarely posts, when she does, she’s on the damn edge of being canceled.
^ “damn getting arrested for no reason🔥 guess orangre really is the new black”
Speaking of spelling mistakes (no I don’t know how to spell organge), she has dyslexia.
She’s not th favourite kid we could all tell.
Regardless of how much she smiles normally, she can not for the life of her smile for pictures. So 90% of the time her pictures looks like an alien that hasn’t quite figured out where they are, or just a thumbs up.
Thst or that stupid Lin manuela (I think that’s his name) pose.
Speaks crazy many languages, including ASL
She has very good curls, just doesn’t care to take manage them (yes this is me being desperate for representation of girls with curly hair that doesn’t know how to mangene them)
That and the reason she wears the bathing cap is because chlorine FUCKS UP curly hair oh my gosh soaking from experience 🙏
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Scarlett is her older sister.
dicorced nightgown porch cigarette mom and Texan truck motel dad that doesn’t give a shit what their kids do.
Always slightly thrown off when someone is nice to her bushes so used to Noah and Eva’s “mean love” or whatever you call it.
This girl did NOT have friends in school she BIT the other students
Favorite subject is art and sience (I have dyslexia you stuf don’t correct me)
So smart and also so stupid ^ “so what’s the square root of 589 iz?” “24.269.” “ok so do you think Pluto should be considered a planet?” “No of course not he’s a dog. Did you not watch Mickey Mouse”
“Parents got confused and chose daughter on anti-psychotics”
deadass i think her pshycosis is a genuine problem to her but it’s so easy to take it as a joke so she just goes along. (Read “artificial lawns” on AO3 by necrosys its very well explained there)
Has THE most vile t-shirts ever and she wears them in public with a pair of long ads jorts like she’d Adam sandler
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Like these <33 - she lives on a farm it’s true she told me
She’s actually pretty funny she just can’t tell a joke without laughing at it herself
She is banned from the kitchen in every kitchen in the world
Izzy Cody and Duncan would be such a fucked up trio I’d love them
I got this from @kijosakka but she’s a really good braided us give her like 20 minutes.
Still has all her baby teeth in a jar
I wanna write some angsty ones so bad but I’m not putting you guys through all that.
I truly believe that Heather and Izzy used to be so good friends but after Heather got a teste of sweet popularity she didn’t hesitate to leave Izzy behind.
She has a secret room in her room
Snacks on yogurt and frozen fruit
She’s covered in freckles so badly like it’s top to toe
Can raise one eyebrow
her mother or herself are the only ones that cut her hair
^ and she has probably never been to a proper hairdresser
That’s all i have for today don’t forget to like and subscribe if you want morir epic content 🔥🔥
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bonniehooper · 1 year ago
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Top Picks of 2023
My Top 20 New Favorite Actors - #4: Taz Skylar
Introduction to Him: One Piece
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microcomets · 3 months ago
end of year ask thing just answer the whole thing bc im nosy like that
LOLLL oh man well! here i go
i answered 1 and 14 but:
Song of the year?
Album of the year?
my top five albums of the year were ESCAPER by sarah kinsley, SEED OF A SEED by haley heynderickx, WHAT A RELIEF by katie gavin, BRIGHT FUTURE by adrianne lenker, and TIGERS BLOOD by waxahatchee!
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
orville peck and adrianne lenker!
4. Movie of the year?
sadly i don't watch a lot of movies...........i've been enjoying the WICKED renaissance a lot as a recovered theater nerd but other than that, probably LONGLEGS or LOVE LIES BLEEDING
5. TV show of the year?
interview with the vampire!!!
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
i wouldn't say it "defined the year" but honestly probably that episode with the loumand fight scene in iwtv.......sauce
7. Favorite actor of the year?
jacob anderson lol
8. Game of the year?
i truly wish i could say dragon age the veilguard but alas i cannot.....i'm playing elden ring right now and enjoying it a lot
9. Best month for you this year?
probably june! i quit an abusive job, did a lot of traveling, saw some old friends, and got to attend a cool workshop
10. Something that made you cry this year?
aside from serious real-world atrocities, getting lots of rejections and my cat dying lol
11. Something you want to do again next year?
finish drafting a book!
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
this year i met @erebones through gaming and writing stuff and they are the coolest!!
13. How was your birthday this year?
it's in two days and i'm celebrating it tonight with friends so that remains to be seen
14. Favorite book you read this year?
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
eating ice cream while i play video games :C
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
17. Post a picture from the end of the year
18. A memorable meal this year?
i had some really good irish stew when i was staying in ireland :3
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
going to scotland on another fiddling trip!
20. What’s something you learned this year?
things that are meant for you will happen when they're meant to happen and not a moment before, and forcing things that are not meant to be will only backfire on you
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
i have a new kitten, ophelia!
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
ireland, followed closely by the pacific northwest
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
hang in there queen lmfao
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
for a little while! i was rock-climbing for the first half of the year, and i finished drafting my novel/started the querying process (l o l)
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one.
yep, a few new ocs this year!!! my main guy in my new project is an orphaned seafaring thief who's desperate to change his destiny
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kenjiyabuki · 4 months ago
gmmtv 25 ql musings :0)
ok so gmmtv went into oprah mode and said you get a series you get a series you get a series you get a series you get a series you get
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Dare You to Death
JoongDunk said "no, we are not turning in our fake guns after the THK shoot". i like their sexy and cheeky flirting, it fits them. and speaking of things that fit... that slim cut suit, it really fits Dunk 😜
i like the plot, with the slasher, mystery, whodunit vibes... and i liked seeing the new faces as side characters (the victims, more like) especially Ohm and Pahn.
Head 2 Head
i dont know anything about these actors. apparently they are beloved enough to get a second series but i never saw anyone i follow talking about them, ever. most of the time i watch series through my following's incessant posts lol but w them, i am in a blind spot. and it seems that will stay the same w this series as well.
Burnout Syndrome
hey, did anyone see my wig around? it seems i lost it the moment this trailer come on?
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when it first started i was like WAITTTTTTTTT am i getting that SATC Gun series by Jojo but the mood was too mellow for him. but the universe had even better plans for me. i am not embarrassed to admit i DID a little jig when Nuchy's name came on the screen. maybe God is real because all the collective praying about OffGun working again w Nuchy paid off. i am attracted to Off always and forever but he is even hotter through Nuchy's lens like she knows how to serve him up... Cold, sexy, confident, smoking Off... Call boy Gun, a love triangle, just mess all around. The way it already looks like not a pilot but a final trailer. Thank you for your service Nuchy, you are unmatched. I will be tuning in every week with drinks and snacks.
Whale Store xoxo
My girls MilkLove out of the uniforms, now that's a sight i like to see. i like that this time the main plot is more relatable to me: nightmare that is being in your 20's. very cute without being saccharine and i like when Love gets flirty. and no comments about Milk licking cat food, i understand how lesbian flirting can get very strange.
Only Friends : Dream On
can i just say upfront, the trailer was just gorgeous?? i loved the perfectly choreographed beginning. i was watching it with my mouth wide open, just trying to register all the information. and it DID look like a fast paced ensemble theater play. very meta haha
siren Mix in a frilly shirt, Earth in those glasses, Leng twinking it out, Ohm playing the saxophone???, JOSSGAWIN again, that Challengers ass music, everyone in those slutty tank tops and see through shirts, BOSTON my favorite troublemaker showing up just to bless this mess... i wish i can delete this from my memory and be gagged again and again and again
i love Only Friends' chaos and i think its stupid to take these messy shows THAT seriously. even though there is a hefty amount of loud shipper fans demanding for their fav actors to ONLY play morally good characters, ONLY in their brand pair, i ADOREEEEEEE that they didnt back down and doubled down on this entagled, morally gray mess with even more beloved actors to piss off more delulus... yes, I will be tuning to the mayhem on the screen and on the social media every week.
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also, cant wait for the rock theme song sung by Gawin, bc they would be stupid to not do that!!!!
EDIT: lmaoooo i thought, as the trailer had lots of Jojo-isms (he loves his Shakespeare and energetic trailers), he would direct this but he will be only the producer (i was actually surprised he would come back to this project as some people act like he killed their dog because the series ended in an disappointing way). so, okay, WHOOOO is the director then bc i didnt catch it?
That Summer
hmmm, okay. these unrelated plots piled over each other sounds exhausting to me, like here is an unruly kid sent away to get disciplined, then someone gets washed up ashore, identity mystery, then he turns out to be a PRINCE, there is mystery behind that too?? i am not smart enough for this… but i am sure WinnySatang will improve as a duo and actors even more w this project.
that shot of Satang holding up a pair of undies with abject horror on his face did make me genuinely cackle like, i love Satang's comedic timing (his performance was one of the best things about We Are).
alsooo, Neo must be the luckiest BL actor ever bc while some actors get flack for breathing next to a woman, he gets to not just openly be w his gf but also star in series w her now. i mean, i am glad for him, that's how it should be. and i cant believe i have to defend heterosexuality because of insane delusional fans.
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My Romance Scammer
i love that after the wake of Thai Marriage Equality, instead of going full on romance drama about the sanctity of marriage with sentimental vibes... GMMTV decided to make a slapstick romcom about scammers using marriage law to deceive and steal. Love that. Big brained shit haha. I dont really care for these actor pairs but who knows... Plot made me laugh and I like being surprised.
Melody Of Secrets
i know this might sound VERY stupid but the reason ForceBook sometimes feel repetitive isnt just they keep playing the same dynamic (stoic Force, innocent Book) but also because they LOOK repetitive. they seem to always have the SAME styling, same makeup and even the same hair. Let's change it uppp, someone slap some fake tattoos on Book or put them in leather or something. Or at least, give me Force's long prince hair from Enchante back...
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but I do like they went darker w the plot this time! and Jan looks hot and all serious in this role, i will be skimming to get to her scenes.
Love You Teacher does this count as born sexy yesterday lol? only BLs can get away w these weird plots, its their charm. i dont know if can watch this though as i still suffer nightmares from my teaching English to kindergarten & primary era. i felt it deeply when he was screaming about hating kids lmao (i DONT. but that teaching in a exploitative school really tests your mental health).
but as always, happy to see Sammy!!!! hope her screen time will be even more than the trailer and i love that it features an established couple, we dont get them often.
every time i thought the trailer ended, new actors showed up. i am positively confused but kind of intrigued. and also positively gagged by Neo in that wig. happy to see Fluke, Lego, my queen Jan. also GMMTV dont play about OhmLeng, didnt foresee that, wow...
Cat For Cash
not for me but i feel like this specifically was made as a compensation for the ones who shipped FKT in Moonlight Chicken and were disappointed w the crumbs. I am sure FKT will have the time of their lives with surrounded by all those cats but filming with animals is a such a pain in the ass so i wish patience and luck to the crew...
Girl Rules
more like, girls rule, am i right :dddd the messy ensemble GL we were begging for finally arriving by Jojo himself........... NAMTAN AND LOVE KISSING??????? confident, kinda asshole-ish playgirl Milk?? Love bouncing on Milk to make out against a wall???? like did you read my diary or something??? also i cant w Film's name being Bambi... yeah, look at her, she is Bambi.
we know MilkLove and NamtanFilm will BRING it but curious to see ViewMim as well!!!
Boys In Love
GMMTV said "we have BEEN doing Heartstopper way before Heartstopper but just in case you forgot, here is us doing Heartstopper again." very cute, very lively. happy to see they decided to forgo the uniforms and opted for a pastel, colorful styling. that way, it does differ from other high school bls aesthetics-wise and it fits the youthful tone. PoddPapang as the sides... maybe it was too ambitious of us to imagine them getting mains immediately, they had just let been out of the basement, might take a while to get used to the sun and all...
what the fuck is up with that lazy title tho?
My Magic Prophecy
maybe bc it came on when i was at the point of "when is this showcase endingggg" but i am not feeling this. but glad to see jimmysea not separating this year and acting in a series w a layered and intricate plot again. plots wise, they really do have one of the most varied filmographies a BL couple could have.
A Dog and A Plane
so Jojo wasn't joking when he said he would have a sweet love story for 2025. Tay with those tattoos, New as a flight attendant, MarcPoon being lil weirdos again, the guy from LYKN, OAB??????
this kind of comedy is perfect w Jojo's fast pace. i can see like, remnants of maybe The Warp Effect but mostly i think this is a new territory for Jojo. its fun to see his evolution as a director and i trust his vision for this show as well.
Me and Thee
people asked and cried and begged for Phuwin to be the one pursuing Pond for once and GMMTV deliberated on it and said, "No. But you can have Est in a suit." Okay, that last part was for me. I decided to imagine this is the new gig of Est's character from Naughty Babe.
i think this is a great role for Pond bc he is perfect for goofy comedies (see Dirty Laundry), maybe because he is goofy and funny in real life too haha.
i think it would be hilarious if this turned out be another bromance...
Memoir Of Rati
period drama is a good choice for both couples but like. literally fuck everything else, did you see how Aye looks GORGEOUS in those period costumes??? are you kidding me?????? looking that good and she is playing the black cat lmaooo i wish she had her own couple so would have more screen time :(
yes, i am focusing on my attraction to Aye to suppress my rage about AouBoom being put into side couple prison again.
Ticket To Heaven
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh this eatsssssssssssssss. do i need to put that bald ariana gif again?
sometimes BLs do tackle heavy subjects but kind of shy away from fully opening up discussions (it happens a lot w SA and homophobia). glad to see this series going full on w the themes of religious guilt, homophobia, figuring out and developing your sexuality in an hostile environment, complex relationship between queerness and faith. and ofc Aof and GeminiFourth are skilled enough to pull it off. excited for this one. what a perfect one to finish this exhaustingly long showcase.
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superlc529 · 11 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @esmealux ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 29 works on AO3. I've been working on a new Lucifer fic for the past 2 years on and off (mostly off) and that'll be my 30th on the site. However, I do have 63 works on ff.net (29 of them are the same) from various fandoms.
What's your total AO3 word count? As of right now, I have a word count of 179,925 words on AO3. I know that total is sometimes some writers' word count for a single fic. ;)
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, it's mainly Lucifer (and Supernatural). I've been writing fanfics since I was a sophomore in high school. On ff.net I have written for (in no particular order): Bewitched, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Doctor Who, Forever, Heroes, Jimmy Neutron, Lucifer, Smallville, Supernatural, Timeless, and Will & Grace.
Top five fics by kudos:
The More Things Change... (Lucifer): 1,090 kudos
Been Down This Road Before (Supernatural): 621 kudos
A Unique Guilt Trip (Lucifer): 548 kudos
Trick-Or-Treating Revelations (Lucifer): 543 kudos
Thanks For Listening (Lucifer): 449 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment if I can... at least on AO3.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually write angsty endings. All my fics have happy endings actually. ❤️
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, wow. Since all my fics have happy endings, it's hard to choose just one... for the ones I wrote over a decade ago, honestly, I can't remember... LOL. Read them if you so choose and pick your own. ;)
Do you get hate on fics?
I would get hate on fics on ff.net but thankfully (not so far) on AO3. When I first started writing fanfics, I interpreted some helpful advice AS hate, but it really wasn't. Thankfully the response is mostly positive on my writing. Sometimes I'll still get some "hate" on ff.net, but I still feel an obligation to post there for consistency since I cross-posted since getting an AO3 account.
Do you write smut?
No. (But I read it).
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have written was a Castle & Forever crossover that can be found on ff.net and AO3 called Ties That Bind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think somebody wanted to translate one of my older Smallville fics back in the day. Honestly, I can't remember which one or if it came to fruition.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not to my memory, but I used to beta all the time for Smallville. And I was a "consultant" on a fanfic on AO3 from a friend for a Forever and Quantum Leap crossover fic. Plus, I bounce ideas off with fandom friends in the Lucifer fanfiction world. ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhh... I can't say an all-time favorite ship because I love all of my ships equally. But I'll settle for my top two: Clois (Clark Kent and Lois Lane) and Deckerstar (Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've had a WIP for Sherlock/Sherlolly in my documents for quite a few years. It's a time travel one where Sherlock from post S4 gets sent back to the time between the end of S1 & beginning of S2. I don't think that one is ever gonna be finished to be honest. I never post fics until they're finished anyway, so at least there won't be anybody disappointed. ;)
What are your writing strengths?
I try to pride myself on the characters being written in-character - where the reader can actually picture the actor's expressions, mannerisms, etc - like they're watching an episode. Dialogue is definitely where I excel.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really suck at descriptions. I'm not gonna lie. I have tried to work on setting the scene and character movements, etc but I still struggle with those factors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm not really great at it. If the character is known to say words or phrases in another language, I might write it in a few times, but nothing that needs a long translation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Jimmy Neutron (on ff.net) when I was about 16 years old.
Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few, but honestly I'm more proud of my Lucifer stories and my one Supernatural story, so I'd have to go with a tie between my first ever Lucifer fic: The More Things Change... and my Supernatural fic: Been Down This Road Before. And right now the Lucifer fic I've been working on for 2 years is quickly becoming a favorite too. LOL. We'll see if people like it once I've finished it and started posting. ❤️
Tagging a few of my fandom friends: @my-crazy-awesome-sox, @mightbeawriter, @wendeckerstart, @kaykat666, @thewollfgang and anyone else who wants to or feels inclined to do it! And to those that I tagged, please don't feel obliged to do it. Love oo!! ❤️
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skibasyndrome · 10 months ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much @darktwistedgenderplural, @wilmonsfolklore, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & @earlgrey-lateatnight for tagging me in this!!!! This is so much fun!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
How many works do you have on Ao3?
17! (but only 12 of those "count", the other 5 are 6+ years old)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals
Top five fics by kudos
You crave the Applause / Yet hate the Attention
Lavender Haze
It's in the water, baby
Never Letting You Go
Close, Closer
Do you respond to comments?
Yessssss, I really want to reply to every comment I get because I appreciate people taking their time to write them a lot, but sadly I've been super busy this semester and so there are quite a few still waiting to be responded to. But!!! I've seen them, I have and continue to feel over the moon about them and some day you'll all get your replies!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're only talking about the current fandom... none? I don't think I've ever given anything an angst ending. I don't even know if I'd be able to do that with Wilmon
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
By that logic, all the rest lmao. I think the ending that made me personally most giddy/happy for my blorbos was probably Lavender Haze because the potential, the big feelings that don't have a name yet, the I-really-wanna-see-you-again of it all? Yeah that one feels the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, no. Although I had one salty anon who apparently thinks writing about characters being attracted to each other qualifies as fetishizing the actors? Lot to unpack there.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I don't think I've ever written anything that could be considered a crossover
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, in the early days of me writing fics people would go around and just... copy a whole fic and post it to their blog instead?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I get comments asking me if people can translate my fics, but I haven't seen a translation thus far, no.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Would love to try it some time though
All time favourite ship?
Wilmon all the waaaaayyy
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh the list is so long. One thing that I'd LOVE to write but I'm just not sure I've got it in me worldbuilding-wise is a fic where wilmon are ancient greek heroes to be
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that "filth with feelings" is one of my strengths. Oh and some of my favorite compliments have been ones that said I was good at really getting into a character's (let's be real, it's Wille's) psyche
What are your writing weaknesses?
How long do you have lmao? Idk where to start, hmm. I think I just always question myself and every choice a little too much in general, I have a very weird mix of perfectionism and impatience going on, I start too many new things before old ones are finished, my English isn't as good as it could be, I don't know when to stop rambling...
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I really don't see why you wouldn't use it. I think it's a nice little touch, at least I like it a lot on YR fanfic. It needs to make sense of course, but why not have a casual little "nej" somewhere, I think that's fun!
First fandom you wrote in?
One Direction, in ye olden days (2012) lol
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh this is difficuuuuult, aaaaah. But tbh I like Lavender Haze and the sequel All this shit is new to me a lot. Those are my sweet, sweet babies, because, I think I've said this before, this is my first multichaptered Wilmon fic that isn't "just" pwalp (=porn with a little plot) and I feel like I get to try myself out a lot with All this shit. I like the process of writing it and as for Lavender Haze, there are just some tiny elements in there that I feel immensely proud of.
I'm gonna (very much no pressure) tag @grapehyasynth, @oneofthosebells, @toffeelemon, @goldenwilmon & @piebingo and anyone else who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet (and if I'm double-tagging, apologies!) 💜
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mydaddywiki · 1 year ago
John Goodman
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6'2" (1.88 m)
John Stephen Goodman (born June 20, 1952 -) is an American actor who rose to prominence in television before becoming an acclaimed and popular film actor. Goodman has received numerous accolades including a Primetime Emmy Award, Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Vanity Fair has called him "among our very finest actors." TV fans, Goodman will always be Dan Connor from the hit sitcoms Rosanne and The Conners. Yet for film fans, he will forever be Walter Sabchak of the cult classic The Big Lebowski.
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Through the years, the Affton, MO native could be seen in Always and heard in The Emperor’s New Groove movies, the Monsters, Inc. franchise and The Jungle Book 2. And while he enjoyed mainstream success with Roseanne and box office hits The Babe, Barton Fink and Everybody’s All-American he maintained an "bear/chub" fan base as a perennial favorite in shows Normal, Ohio. Even popping up in the Oscar-winning Best Pictures like The Artist and Argo.
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Not bad for a frat boy who earned a football scholarship to Missouri State University. Alas, the sporty stud failed to score many nude scenes. But there are a couple where Goodman makes good. In the R-rated rom-com Everybody’s All-American, the shirtless actor relaxes in his underwear while drinking a beer. No doubt, those who fancy a man with some meat on his bones will get a bone! If that’s not arousing enough, in Alpha House featured John’s bare chest and his body double’s nude booty. Apparently John’s too big of a star to display his full moon!
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Apparently, married for over 30 years with one child, Goodman was arguably the most successful big-guy actor in Hollywood playing characters that make us swoon. And consequently he was a first crush for thousands of young bears and chasers around the world. In recent years, John has lost a lot of weight, but he’ll always be my top chub no matter what.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: The Righteous Gemstones (TV Series 2019–) Black Earth Rising (TV Series 2018) 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) The Monuments Men (2014) In the Electric Mist (2009) Speed Racer (2008) Fallen (1998) Freshman Orientation (2004) King Ralph (1991)
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