#My Guardians
I am absolutely going feral over the act 2 finale. Spoilers and screenshot dump under the cut
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I freaking knew it was Maya Sundaresh from the start and I’m still going feral over it. Also the Saint and Osiris A-posing jump scare over the other Saint’s body caught me off guard. I also almost forgot I was using Sagira’s shell on my hunter.
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Misraaks: *picks up Anthem-99* Anthem-99:
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makoredeyes · 2 months
I don't feel like I've seen this before, sorry if it's been asked already 😅
What's your favorite class to main; and within that class what's your favorite exotic armor piece?
If you don't have a preference play-wise, what's your favorite aesthetically?
Oh this is complicated 😅 I’m still identifying as a Titan main that was my first class and probably fits my personality and play style best and I played Titan exclusively for my first 3 years but one day I got brave and made a Warlock and uh. An OC jumped out at me and I Immediately fell in love with him and I play Warlock almost exclusively now. Especially all my endgame content. If I want any chance of surviving it’s Warlock or bust.
I am not a quick learner either so both classes I am almost exclusively Solar or Void
Exotics for Titan are typically Hallowfire Heart or Synthocepts, Warlock it’s, in reverse order of use, Swarmers, Necrotic Grips (boy’s a nasty man), or… ya’ll’re never gonna guess… Felwinter’s Helm 🤣 (yo that thing is NASTY with Monte Carlo)
I uh… did actually build a Hunter finally but I’m. I lost the manual on how do Hunter >.>
Anyway here are my boys Mako-7 and Damien-14
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sparkofthemachine · 1 year
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since we have polls over here now, I thought i'd do a little comparison between tumblr/twitter for funsies (but maybe you follow me on both--don't vote on both in that case!)
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ahamkara-apologist · 11 months
you have GOT to post guardian pics I'm begging you. feed us (me?) information about your characters. I must know. it is imperative
TYSM FOR ENABLING ME ANON BC THEY ARE MY BLORBOS AND IM VIBRATING ABOUT THEM. buckle the fuck up because this is gonna be a long fucking post
Okay first up is Aeris Sharphawk- aro/ace, he/him. he's my main character, my hunter, and the Young Wolf of my timeline.
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He’s half-Awoken, half-Human (I’ll get to that in a moment, he’s actually an older oc of mine that I ported over from Bloodborne whose bastard nature needed a D2 equivalent), and the older half-brother to my solar titan, Marcelline Attenbough- one of the few little remnants from their past life that they were able to discover in a diary on Marcie’s corpse when they were rezzed together (which occurred because their ghosts are twins). He’s autistic, lawful neutral, and vastly prefers using Darkness over Light because of sensory issues; his ghost (Hoarfrost, previously Mercury) mods his helmets to drastically reduce noise, but he can’t help how Arc tingles, Solar burns, and Void numbs. Tends to spend most of his battles either hyperfocused or dissociated to deal with it. As for the lawful neutral title, that’s because he doesn’t fight for the Vanguard because of a loyalty to humanity, but exclusively for the survival of the Last City and everyone in it. This extended to House Light and the Cabal under Caital instantaneously, and would do so to Eramis if she so chose, because he really just doesn’t take most things personally. He's sometimes derogatorily called 'the Vanguard's Hound' because of this.  
He’s skilled with a bow, and is cursed with a resting haunted stare that can rival even the fiercest bird of prey- hence his title, given to him because his last name wasn’t present in the little diary that Marcie had when they were rezzed. Personality wise, he’s quiet, stoic, extremely efficient at what he does, fiercely protective of those he loves, and deeply curious about the unknown- though if you don’t know him, you’d never be able to guess it, because he struggles deeply with facial expressions and tone, giving him the appearance that he’s ruthlessly cold and unfeeling (pretty much the Guardian we see in game). Because of this, he tends to do much better with Eliksni than most of humanity- bar the Awoken, though Mara makes him deeply uncomfortable- and is thus far more comfortable with them. He’s the moon to Marcie’s sun, and helps keep her in check, for despite her cheery personality, she has a very strong sense of justice and a penchant for impulsive, temperamental behavior when she thinks that justice has been wronged. This goes both ways, however, as Aeris is the very definition of ‘curiosity killed the cat’; he voluntarily gets bit by venomous snakes at venom labs to see how immunity/allergies develops over time, and has a fascination with the Vex that got him a ‘needs watching’ report after he nearly jumped into a pool of radiolaria to see what would happen. The older-brother affection isn’t related to just Marcie, though; he’s unofficially adopted Eido as his younger sister (or kid? Because uhhh that curiosity of his has extended to fucking Misraaks once or twice), and is a mentor figure of sorts to Crow, though he’s unaware that Crow idolizes him; he only hunted Uldren down to keep Marcie out of trouble, as he didn’t like Cayde and was neutral on Uldren, so seeing Crow for the first time didn’t bother him at all. Tutored on occasion by Osiris, and thus has a very deep respect for him. 
People other than Marcie that he likes:  Zavala, Ikora, Osiris, Eido, Misraaks, Eris, and Variks, Petrichor-12 (oc), Viper-4 (oc, lightless guardian), Crow
People he dislikes: Cayde, the Spider, Clovis Bray, Savathun, Mara Sov, Petra Venj (can’t read her very well), anyone who is loud or insistent or confusing 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis
Primary class (Light): Arcstrider
Motifs: Dark, cool blue/silver, viper and hawk symbolism
Likes: Learning about things, working with the Eliksni, being good at being a hunter, bows/glaives/swords, playing with Strand, Gambit (surprisingly)
Dislikes: Crucible, loud noises, fusion rifles, snipers because of the kick (despite being very good with them), shotguns, fans and most other guardians 
Fun fact: When Hoarfrost and Solaris found them, it was in a frigid part of old Russia, with Aeris holding Marcie close to his chest with his back to the door- they had frozen to death while trying to keep each other warm, and were under a thick layer of permafrost. When they were risen, they found out their names, their relationship to each other, and the fact that their father was a cheating bastard who produced Aeris after screwing an Awoken woman for the novelty of it because Marcie had a little diary in her front pocket, which had been somewhat preserved by the cold. Both their ghosts theorize that the reason why Aeris is so drawn to Stasis and Marcie to Solar is because of how they died, though neither guardian will say anything about it. He can also speak near-fluent Eliksni.
Then there’s Marcie, younger half-sister to Aeris and the sun to his moon; she/her, Solar Titan, lesbian, lawful good. Where he is quiet and introverted, she is loud and bombastic, and where he likes to dart in and strike down his enemies from afar, she likes to punch. I just recently made her in Destiny because the character creation doesn't really match how I see her, hence why she's got Arc on here
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(closer to her actual face minus the blue eyes; this is a very old bloodborne pic)
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Unlike her half-brother, Marcie is a full human, and- according to the diary she rezzed with- was objectively her father's favorite, though the feeling was not mutual, and their relationship was strained by her taking so kindly to the bastard son he tried to send away. Compared to Aeris, she's bright, bubbly, and outgoing, but has a fierce temper, and is quick to snap if something has pushed her too far-think a jack russel's terrier of a human being. Her ghost's name is Solaris (previously Quicksilver), and she prefers the Light and Solar by far. Her preferred method of combat is to hit first, ask questions later, which can be incredibly effective or incredibly dangerous depending on who's on the opposite end of her wrath. Her and Aeris share many quests together, with me typically attributing all the seasons that I didn’t play to Marcie, given that I didn’t make a Destiny character for her for the longest time. 
She was best friends with Cayde, and was so devastated by his death that Aeris had to go instead, as she would have killed anything and everything in vengeance without a second thought. She did, however, kill Riven- something that Aeris himself was somewhat reluctant to do,given his fascination with the Ahamkara. She's stubborn as a mule, surprisingly strong despite her small stature (well, small-ish), and is an absolute massive lesbian, with her type specifically being 'big strong ladies who can kill me'- which was primarily why she wasn't allowed to fight Eramis, or other big hotties, as she has a pretty hardcore crush on her. (The second reason was that she would have stood and bickered with Eramis about the ethics of what she was doing until either one or the other yielded). Instead, she was assigned to work with Misraaks to evacuate House Light refugees, which ended up being a fortuitous partnership with the coming of the Endless Night. Now, her primary work for the Vanguard consists of aiding Eliksni refugees, along with general alien-human politics and tackling xenophobia, as well as working on being an apprentice Splicer. She is very, VERY passionate about equal rights and will drag you to the Crucible if you fight her- and good fucking luck winning against her, because she fucking loves the Crucible and will beat your ass everytime. She’s somewhat of a local celebrity in that reguard
Her deep fondness for her brother comes primarily from the fact that he is one of the few people to take her seriously without either asking her to calm down or come off as patronizing- he's also a well of stability to her excitable moods, the voice of reason to her hyperempathy. While he keeps her from biting off more than she can chew, she acts as his translator + guide, yanking him back onto the path of sanity if he starts to wander into the Deep, and helping him with dysfunction things that Hoarfrost can’t do. She also enjoys working through the data he collects, even if she has no desire to go searching for it herself, so they make a good pair- even if, like most siblings, they will argue over every little thing and sometimes drive each other up the walls with their stubbornness.
I've already mentioned that she got along with Cayde, but her other friends at the tower are Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, and Ada-1. Misraaks is her mentor, as well as one of the few people who can talk her down from stupid shit, with uh…questionable results. And while she couldn't stand the sight of Crow when Aeris dragged him back, she managed to befriend him reguardless, mostly because he was so different from the Uldren she remembered that she couldn’t help but accept him for who he was. She often went out drinking with him and Amanda, and was devastated when she died. 
People she likes: Cayde, Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, Ada-1, Misraaks, Crow, Amanda (rip), Caiatl
People she dislikes: Uldren Sov, The Osmium Siblings, The Spider, Lakshmi-2, anyone against the Eliksni or people who are rude to Aeris, Calus
Likes: Crucible, Gambit, fucking around with weapons in new and creative ways, going out to drink with friends, playfully flirting, helping with construction work around the Eliksni District, playing around with the Light, moths and other fuzzy creatures
Primary Class (Light): Solar
Primary Class (Dark): Strand
Dislikes: Fighting Eliksni, any exploding enemies that she can’t punch, bows because Aeris will always be better than her at using them, the fact that Aeris fucked Misraaks at one point for science, being alone, her inability to score a girl who isn’t a war criminal
Motif: crimson and gold, bears or lion with eagle wings
Fun fact: Her grasp on Eliksni is actually more fluent than Aeris, and she spends a good deal of her time in the Tower socializing with people while he’s off doing…whatever.
Okay, now onto Petrichor-12, who decided to nope out of being a Guardian so I deleted their slot to make Marcie before I really did anything to dazzle them up
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Petrichor-12 is a now-retired guardian that actually came from a dream I had before I even played Destiny. They/them or he/him, neutral good, Void titan, ghost is seldom-speaking and called Whisper. Neutral good. I attribute them with D1 content, so they’re the guardian that killed Crota and Oryx, though Marcie and Aeris were also there to help.
Petrichor is an older, somewhat quiet, melancholy do-gooder that's been haunted by guilt ever since they found out the memories of who they were via the Deep Stone Crypt- a bodyguard for Clovis Bray that was turned to a path of anger, abuse, and violence after agreeing to be tested on for power, and got corrupted by the Darkness. This, paired with being rezzed in the Dark Ages, means that they have a lot of trauma surrounding violence, power, and the dilemma of being made to kill when all you want to do is save people. As such, Eramis's predicament troubles them greatly, and while it was them who gunned her down in conjunction with Aeris, they often found themselves returning to her frozen body on Europa to talk to her (presumed corpse) about Darkness corruption in a sort of venting monologue-advice system, which worked both as a way of fending off their troubles as well as keep an eye on her state- though now that she’s defrosted they’ve vowed never come near her again out of embarrassment. 
While retired, they are a stalwart defender of anyone who needs it and a keeper of peace, driven partially by a genuine desire to do good and a need to prove themselves not the person that they used to be. No longer able to mingle with other guardians or humanity at large due to PTSD from what they learned, they live in the Botza district as an ambassador between the Eliksni and humanity, they like to knit + quilt in their free time, teaching whichever hatchlings will listen and getting tutored on weaving by old Wolves in return. They're also 6'3", so…lorge. Zavala and Misraaks are the two people they talk to the most outside of the Eliksni refugees, and they drop by to say hi to Eva and knit with her whenever they have the chance. The war with the Witness is threatning to bring them out of retirement, something that they are deeply unhappy with. 
People he likes: Namrask, Misraaks, Saladin, Zavala, Ikora, Osiris (recently), Marcie and Aeris, Saint-14, Eris (complicated)
People they dislike: Themselves, Osiris (formerly), Eramis (reminds them of themselves), Ghaul, Oryx, Xivu Arath, Clovis Bray, anyone who goads them to fight, Elsie and Ana Bray by association, Rasputin 
Motif: gold and sapphire blue, used to have a gryphon motif but stopped wearing it because they don’t want to be recognized as the Kingkiller
Likes: Knitting, sewing, weaving, gardening, really anything restorative they can do with their free hands that forces their mind not to wander
Class (Light): Void, sometimes Arc
Class (Dark): no.
Dislikes: War, fighting, being a guardian, everything that has to do with what they used to be, anything Braytech sciences, the cumulative trauma from the Dark Ages and seeing recordings of who they used to be in the Deep Stone Crypt, their own fear of themselves
Fun fact: Petrichor-12 can speak Eliksni fluently, having modulated their voice and hearing to be able to incorporate the subsonic clicks and chirps in their speech, and is now working on learning Ulurant despite not at all liking the Cabal empire
Ash: Another dream character of mine, and my newest Guardian (so she’s somewhat of a wip). She/her, solar + void warlock, chaotic neutral to lawful evil depending on her mood. Pansexual but bitchless. Rezzed in the tail end of the Dark Ages, just long enough for her to see how horrible everything was but not long enough to see the true extent of it. Scholar of the Light, and most recently a scholar of the Dark as well.
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Ash is a warlock with an awful temper, a moral code that changes on a whim, and a ravenous appetite for knowledge that comes at the cost of everyone else, including herself. Her ghost (an anxious and caring little lass) is called Nutmeg, and is pretty much the only indicator that she has a soft spot. Ash dedicated herself to learning how to get closer to the Light, but unlike the more conventional meditations that people usually do to, she was inspired by ancient Greek priestesses and decided for a more unconventional route- by doing hard drugs. By getting either extremely drunk or very high, she claims that she overcomes the need for meditation (or, rather, bypasses it entirely because she’s too impatient for it) and gains a deeper connection with her powers, as she’s connecting with it instinctually rather than choosing to seek it out. Nutmeg and many others are not as convinced about this method, but they also can’t deny that it doesn’t have its perks, as Ash does have a very powerful connection to her light- mainly through exploding things, or setting everything around her on fire. It’s how she used to survive the Warlords she’d steal from in the Dark Ages, and she’s known specifically for her ability to mimic a nova bomb, but with solar power, which is strong particularly for how unexpected it is. 
However, being constantly hungover and harbouring no friends doesn’t exactly have its benefits, and as a result Ash is almost always grumpy, abrasive, quick to anger, quick to turn to cruel jibes and mocking when being defensive (which is often), and is generally awful to be around. She has no friends other than Nutmeg (whose bond has become strained as of late, since Ash is now turning to substance abuse for coping with the impending threat of the Witness rather than simply using it for her studies), her apartment is an uncleaned shithole she only uses for crashing in when she’s particularly out of it, and she's constantly in a state of passive-aggressive warfare with Osiris, as she and him used to occasionally cross paths and share research; they might have had a student-teacher dynamic if they didn’t grate so abrasively, and if Ash wasn’t so much of a lone wolf. He’s tried to whip her into shape a couple of times, but to no avail- they just devolved into shouting matches. Pretty much the only people she listens to are the Drifter and Nutmeg, but whether or not she’ll actually take their advice is a toss-up. 
Despite this, she will overall always choose to do what's right and will begrudgingly trudge along with people in random strikes to ensure that important missions get done, as she fears failure more than she does judgment. And yet, to an extent she also fears judgment, for part of the reason why she’s so cruel is to keep people at arm’s length, so as to prevent them from learning her weaknesses- not even her constant complaining about being bitchless will cover up that the core reason why she makes no effort to clean herself up and be nicer is because she fears vulnerability. She’s also brilliant with the Light and cunningly adept with the Dark, which is why the Vanguard continues to ask for her help and expertise.   
People she likes: the Drifter, Hawthorne, Nutmeg, Eido, Toland, Shaxx to most everybody’s surprise
People she dislikes: Pretty much the whole Vanguard and 90% of other guardians, Saladin, the Iron Lords, Osiris, Misraaks, 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis, wants to learn Strand but has a hard time letting go
Primary class (Light): Solar, Void
Likes: Learning nuances of the Light that others don’t go into detail to, connecting with the Light, growing more powerful and shaping it into new, experimental Supers that would make Zavala have a heart attack if he saw them in action, taking leadership in Strikes and prodding around New Lights to teach them about what it is to be a Guardian (but gently), killing assholes to put them in their place, spooking people
Dislikes: Being told what to do, being reminded that she’s a mess, being reminded that she’s afraid and that her behavior is starting to turn self-detrimental, being looked down on by other Guardians, the restrictive nature of Vanguard protocol that keeps her from playing around with her experimental supers, guardians who have no respect or care about mortal lives, getting kicked from bars for fighting said guardians with no respect or care for mortal lives, being reminded that she has a soft side and cares so much for other people that it scares her
Colours/theme: black, flame-gold, and green
Fun fact: Likes the Hive aesthetic, and knows their tongue just for the hell of it. Has quite a bit of fun tormenting and taunting Hive Lightbearers, loves digging around the Osmium Siblings. Despite this, she’s not passionate about the Hive, and doesn’t care one bit if they’re wiped out or not. She also pretty much never takes off the Stag helm, as dropping a rift on death has saved her ass more than once, and tends to sleep in her robes. It’s a miracle that she doesn’t stink something awful, but smells perpetually like smoke instead.
and last but not least: Viper-4, an ex-guardian who I have almost nothing on because he tends to be a side character: he/him, trans exo, primarily black chassis with red markings, not yet settled on alignment. A friend of Aeris, he's an ex-Hunter who is now the primary caretaker for a variety of venomous snakes whose species have survived the Collapse. He collects their venom to try to recreate old Golden-Age medicines and antivenom- which he does with Aeris's help- and had his forearms modded with soft silicone so that the snakes don't hurt him if they bite him. Generally a friendly and chill guy, but has a melancholy air as most Ghostless do, and wants to learn Strand so that he has some modicum of control over the elements again, as his lack of feeling the Light was the hardest part about his Ghost's death. Much like Brya and Sagira, his ghost sacrificed her to save him, but he blames himself for her death and pretty much entirely refuses to talk about it. Used to be quite adept with Void. I note that he's trans here because it carried over into his exo body, as he was raised with synthetic top surgery scars that were then worked into beautiful engravings of flowers, swords, and snakes by Viper-1
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Dressing up as Mr. Bloodborne for Halloween
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kaz-identified · 11 months
1, 7, 17, & 18 for whoever you want :33 - Astral
Lady Faolan Ashford, The Young Wolf
1. What's the lie they tell most often? "I'm not hurt. I can keep going." Faolan will light herself on fire to keep her friends warm. She ignores the burns, the bullets, the pain. Because she has to keep going.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell? If Faolan's lost in a crowd, good luck finding her. She's got a real vanishing talent. You're lucky if she's still in the area. Faolan takes "get lost" seriously. If she is, just screaming her name will have her running. back
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? Faolan is almost never seen without her helmet. But on the rare occasion she catches a glimpse of herself without it, it's her smile. Crooked, scheming, and full of mischief. She only notices because Diomedes told her she "grins like a fox". For everyone else, it's her eyes. Bright steely blue, alight with a clever look. Flecks of irridesent purple twinning itself around the iris like vines, the Void seeping into her very sight.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)? Among the living, Ulysses Ashford, Orestes Verlax, Aeneas-12. Among the dead, Patrocales Rowler. Among the missing, Ajax-2, Apollo-12, Achilles Rowler. also cayde cause he was the closest she had to a father figure but yknow
Archivist Ulysses Ashford, The Wingbreaker
1. What's the lie they tell most often? "I won't." Ulysses doesn't lie. Not anymore. Not after he held Agamemnon's hand as his old friend died. "I won't leave. I'm still here. I've got you," he whispered, clutching the dying man's hands in his, desperately thinking of any way to ease the pain. There was none. All he could do was be there for him, hold his hands and offer some desperate comfort. He swore not to leave. Cradle a dying man like a father holds his child, stay by him until the pain passed and his eyes closed. "Don't carry guilt over me, Ulysses," Agamemnon whispered, looking up at his friend. He clasped a hand over his, his eyes, even with the light within fading burned as he spoke. "Not over me, or Clytemnestra, or Menelaus. Not over Orestes," he looked at the shattered Ghost's shell. "Please, don't let me haunt you." "I won't." Ulysses promised, gripping his friend's hand. "I won't." Agamemnon closed his eyes with a smile, even if he knew Ulysses had lied.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell? He wouldn't leave anyone in a crowd.
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? He will always notice his scars. He refuses to let Minerva heal them, he needs the reminders of his failures. So they don't happen again. Everyone else notices the fact he dresses like a depressed 32 year old PhD student teaching at a high school for the third year in a row, even though he swore he'd do something with his life by now.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)? Faolan Ashford and his clan. To hell with the dead, he won't carry the guilt or the heart piercing love. Not anymore.
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mist-cat · 1 year
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Just wanted to share my guardians. Look at them. Look at their little faces, I love them. Manticore-17, Polar-3 and Kite! Although I draw Manticore pretty differently than how he looks in game. Mostly I give him little fangs.
I main titan and I can play hunter but can you tell which class I never touch? Poor Kite and her 3 screenshots.
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deadal3x · 2 years
My guardians in one sentence.
Titan: Absolute Menace To Society™
Hunter: he’s just trying his best, he’s got Anxiety. Be nice to him.
Warlock: never present but somehow very powerful.
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a-space-lizard · 2 years
The funniest thing about this season for my guardians is that Aisha wasn't even aware of the space pirate adventure going on, and then all of a sudden Crydoch informs her that her signature helmet belonged to a dead disciple, then goes running off to assemble more pieces of his corpse
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tempest-toss · 2 years
[For clarification, Tempest skips are not all the same as the ones usually on the wiki, keep this in mind. All SCPs will be named in the tags in order of appearance.]
Site 230 was bustling as always. Mondays usually didn't have any sessions booked, so most of the sapients were out and about around the site. In the central inner courtyard, a group of younger sapients were having a small picnic, overseen by a single guard to make sure they did not get into any mischief.
SCP 670 was kneeling by the edge of the blanket, picking flowers for a flower crown. She had been given permission to remove her iron boots so she could grow the flowers she needed. She used her anomaly to specifically grow some gardenias. She had been told by Dr. Fern that they were horrible choices for flower crowns, and wanted to prove her wrong.
SCP 888 was currently using the spider legs from his back to scale the big tree near the picnic blanket. The tree was an experimental crossbreed brought over from Site-54; the tree was made out of apple wood but bore grapes instead. 888 was eager to try some out, as well as bring some of them down for his friends to try.
SCP 3160 was acting out an imaginary scene for 2198. The former, allowed to go by Wally was using Ernesto, his personal 952-1 instance to act out a scene of a god arguing with a rock. The isopod chirped as Wally swung him around, eliciting laughter from 2198, who didn't have his titular guardians with him. There wasn't a need since the picnic was a safe and comforting place for him. Both boys (and isopod) were having a grand time in their own little world of acting.
The twins were lost in their own world too. SCP 1926-A and B were occupied with origami. Nobody expected the mostly silent orchard twins to pick up origami, but here they were, crafting small cranes. Every once in a while they would turn to Wally and have him animate them, the paper cranes flying around the kids, much to their smile-less joy.
The other set of twins were overjoyed at being allowed access to a barbecue. Both of SCP 204 had been some of the best sapients as of late, eagerly helping those around them. This good behavior put them in positive favor, allowing them to be allowed to operate an open flame grill. The snake-like siblings were preparing instances of SCP 998s for consumption, as well as some other foods for everyone to eat.
Sitting on the edge of the nearby fountain SCP 5854-A was painting a portrait of SCP 792. The former used his innate knowledge to create a stylistic version of the latter using oil paints. Every once in a while -A would lightly scold the forced marionette to stop moving, as it would disrupt the concentration needed for the painting. Every once in a while 670 would use a plant to help set 792's head back upright, since -A couldn't get up to do it himself lest he loses his stride.
Sitting on another edge of the fountain was SCP 919 and SCP 414. 919 enjoyed sitting on the fountain's edge and letting the sound of the water wash over them. She frequently looked over at 414, to make sure she was okay. 414 was just recently the victim of an attempted abduction that led her to begin turning into a living book. Her condition was troubling to her, as her infection was steadily spreading with no one on-site to help her.
However, today was a day when all of their fears could be put aside. Today they were going to have a picnic with nothing to ruin it. No tests, no evals, no worries about a GOI attack. They were going to spend this lovely Monday afternoon with a picnic of friends, and nobody was going to ruin this for them.
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creekfiend · 1 month
what's my biggest pet peeve well it's when someone makes a text post on tumblr dot com in which they are trying to romanticize the notion of the livestock guardian dog but they don't know the distinction between a livestock guardian dog and a herding dog and also they've never met a livestock guardian dog and do not realize what their attitudes towards the sheep that they protect actually are
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A Wish, Kel Tas Ne
The Awoken Warlock's heart weighed heavy within his chest. Walking past his siblings, all chittering and conversing, scuttling around with four arms instead of two, Velliks glanced upon his own form.
No claws. Two arms. Entirely Awoken, not Eliksni.
The man sighed heavily, frowning as he bit his lower lip, and shook the dismay away. Velliks located his Kell, then approached, bowing.
Misraaks turned around and looked upon the captain. "Velliks. You are brave as always. What may I do for you?"
Velliks lowered his shoulders, dropping his gaze. "I... I'd like some guidance, if you're willing, Kel-ne."
The Kell smiled warmly, and nodded. "Of course, Velliks, kir ma sha. Speak your heart, and I will give it Light."
Nodding, Velliks inhaled deeply, thinking for a long moment. Searching for the words to express his mind, he spoke. "I'm... not like everyone here. I haven't been. I never was." The Warlock shook his head, tensing. "You call me captain, and granted me my name as one of you, but I am Awoken walking amongst Eliksni. I mimick your habits, and your movements. Zavala believes me strange because I chitter as I speak, and I crawl around as much as I walk. He sees an Awoken. Everyone does. I see an Awoken... But... I wish I didn't have to..."
"Hmm..." Misraaks chirped gently for a moment, pondering in silence otherwise. Then, he looked upon Velliks, and motioned for him to follow. "We should not speak this matter to the House. They would be afraid, and rightly so."
Velliks stood, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"You will know soon," the Kell promised. He began walking away from the rabble of all.
Quickly, the Warlock followed, rushing to his Kell's side as they made way for the outskirts of the Eliksni Quarter.
Misraaks halted, and turned to see Velliks once more. "Have you heard the tales of the Ahamkara?"
Velliks shook his head, puzzled. "...No. I don't believe I have," he replied.
"It is hard to regale one in the stories of what was and no longer is. But still the tragedies of these wish-masters is known by all who lived their wrath." Misraaks glanced to the infinite sky above. "Centuries ago, Guardians made contact with the Ahamkara. Wish Dragons. These creatures were capable of granting anything one sought regardless of what it was. However, the price was grave. That wish would be forced to drive its maker to the bitter end, in that whatever the wisher received, they'd have no choice but to submit to it entirely. If a Guardian asked for power, they'd find themself forced to obtain power by any and all means necessary including that of everyone else. They'd kill, they'd slaughter, and they would not stop until put down. If someone wished for riches, they, too, would seek their fortune at the cost of all, never stopping even if the universe were drained of all its wealth, the very promise torturing its maker to forever hunger for more. But... the wishes were granted nonetheless. Whatever was sought became theirs. And it could not be taken away.
"Guardians feared the power of the Ahamkara, and watched as all whose desires were granted tore apart the universe. The Vanguard began a mission to slay all these wish-masters for the safety of Humanity. Dead Dragons could no longer twist their promises to those whom they granted their will. And since this elimination, none have wished. There are no Ahamkara to speak desires upon. Or so the legends say..."
Shaking his head, Velliks sighed. "Why does it matter, then? What bearing do the Ahamkara have if they no longer exist?"
"I have traveled far, across many systems in this galaxy, and I have seen boundless infinities. I've heard whispers spoken through the mouths of things which cannot be seen. Those voices are waiting. Calling." Misraaks looked Velliks in the eyes sincerely. "I am certain that the Ahamkara have not all been killed. There are few, and they live. Hidden. Waiting.
"It is true an Ahamkara will force the wisher to follow their will eternally, however Guardians would free those bound by promise when the Ahamkara who granted the wish was slain. The dead cannot enact a living will. If you can find one, you can make a wish to become Eliksni. And if you gather your fireteam, you can kill it once your wish is granted. You'll be free as the very self you desire to become."
There, Velliks's mouth fell agape, his shoulders falling as he grew entirely silent for many moments. "But... Who could I even trust to do this?! Who would be willing to go against the Vanguard law to help me?! Where would I even begin to look for an Ahamkara?!"
Misraaks grinned. "The law-breaking part is simple. My partner, Anthem-99, has been dubbed 'The Lawless Vanguard' for a reason. All the same, Magnuskel is a good man willing to give aid to all in need. He is powerful, and it would not surprise me if his might alone could tear apart an Ahamkara. Both their allies are many, and with the Titan and Hunter, you will find an army ready to follow you forth as you make your wish. As for finding one, listen to the stars. Travel in the direction of voices, and seek their sources. If you hear words from something unseen, and they reach not your ears but your mind, you will know. You will find them. Let their whispers guide you. But do not go alone. An Eliksni is nothing without his House to stand by him."
Velliks immediately bowed to Misraaks. "Kel tas ne, thank you. Truly. Thank you."
Nodding, the Kell grasped Velliks's shoulder, gripping it firmly. "You are Velliks, kir ma sha. Brave and strong. You are our captain. And I am certain your unrelenting prowess will serve you well in the battle to come. Light guide you, hatchling." Misraaks smiled, releasing the Warlock, then walked away toward the House once more.
And Velliks's heart lifted, filling him with hope. Standing up, the captain smiled, chirping gently.
A wish... He would make a wish, and become Eliksni.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Guardian Angel AU 👼🏼🪽⚔️🩸
It’s radioapple and Chaggie because I’m entirely self serving in my fanart/fanfics lollll
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sailorsenshigifs · 5 months
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starblaster · 1 year
"but if you're pro-union, why are you anti-cop-union?" because cops are not laborers. what cops do is not labor. they are enforcers of the laws that oppress laborers and exist solely to protect capital. don't bother me with stupid questions.
🛑 STOP asking me to make the post rebloggable. i refuse to let a bunch of anticommunists, libertarian anarchists, neoliberal spooks, and other pro-cop fascists pass around their bad-faith additions on a post if i can help it (which i can, by disabling reblogs) while others of you are saying some really misguided, off-topic shit, and it’s pissing me off.
please get your facts straight before embarrassing yourselves on the internet. for fucking ONCE in your lives.
i am not “redefining labor” i SAID that cops are not LABORERS (EXPLOITED WORKERS) unionizing to receive better working conditions for the betterment of their fellow workers. they participate in collective bargaining with the express goal of subjugating and abusing the working class by protecting their fellow cops who harass, brutalize, stalk, rape, and kill the poor, homeless, working class, and other marginalized people. OTHER, ACTUAL LABOR UNIONS also use collective bargaining power to protect their members. if you argue otherwise, i’m sorry but you need to get serious and examine not only the truth about what a labor union is and does but why our purposes and missions and goals as unions are what they are. clarification aside, here, that wasn’t the fucking point of this post! the derailing and misunderstandings of what a LABOR UNION IS that occurred in the short time this post was rebloggable was too insane not to shut off reblogs!
if you agree with the post so much that you NEED it on your blog or whatever, post a screenshot of the original post with this part cropped out and leave me the fuck alone! THANK YOUUU!!!!!!!
and to the wiseasses saying screenwriters and actors "aren't laborers, either," are you just fucking stupid actually? you think artistic labor isn’t labor? shut the fuck up.
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