#Mutt 2023
gael-garcia · 26 days
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Mutt (2023, Vuk Lungulov-Klotz)
Over the course of a single day, three people from Feña’s past are thrust back into his life: his father, his ex-boyfriend, and his 13-year old half-sister.
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orion-sbelt · 7 months
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We'd listen to the rain. The two of us.
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junosfilmjournal · 4 months
my review for mutt (2023) dir. vuk lungulov-klotz
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this is my first time seeing someone like me (a gay, latino trans guy) on screen. we barely get represented in film and i couldn't stop crying while watching. i'm also glad that feña's unlikable. it made me like him even more. trans people are always put into this box on who we're supposed to be. trans men are regarded as a "safe type of man" because we were born female. whether it's intentional or not, it's obvious the people who say that don't see us as men, but as gender non-conforming women. more trans men need to be assholes!
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there were so many parts of this movie that were painfully relatable that it was just hilarious. i had the same conversation with my 11-year-old niece, who's basically my little sister, that feña had with his sister. she was my first and only family member who didn't look at me like i was crazy. if anything, she rolled her eyes at me because she already knew due to the trans flag in my room. she told me "okay? i have gay friends.", which just made me laugh.
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his relationship with his parents is like mine but reversed. my mother wants to be supportive, but she just doesn't understand what being transgender is. i've been out for more than a year and my mother has only called me her son once. she still uses my deadname and misgenders me. in the beginning, i would remind her not to, but i've grown tired of that. we got into so many arguments over it. they would always end with me sobbing while she told me it was hard for her too. she still has her moments though. i'll never forget when we were shoe shopping together and i saw the cutest mary jane platforms. i gathered up the courage to tell my mother i wanted them, but it didn't change the fact that i'm a boy. she told me, "i don't fully get you, but i know." that was the first time i was sure she wasn't lying to me.
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growing up, my father was pretty much my hero. i was closer to my mom, but i still looked up to him. he wasn't around much when i was in elementary and i would cry while looking through the family albums. he eventually came back for good and i was the happiest kid ever. though, it didn't last long. as i was growing up, i was also realizing just how much of an asshole my father is. the first time i hit back, i was 15, protecting my mother from his drunken tirades. i can still see his shocked face clearly in my mind. ever since then, our relationship has become nonexistent and it got worse when i came out. he looks at me in disgust because i'm "trying (and failing) to be a man" to him. he looks at me like he doesn't know where he went wrong.
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everything about this movie pulled at my heartstrings. i'm so glad i had a box of tissues next to me. i'm gonna have a hard time moving on from this. it's just so special TO ME! thankful for all the trans artists out there who make me want to keep going and create art of my own. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
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akiasi · 8 months
I need to talk about brilliance of the film Mutt (2023). One of the most gorgeous and layered and angsts driven and and and and textured and and and that scene in the laundry mat between Feña and John….the scene in the car between Feña and the dad….
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nitrosplicer · 10 months
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Death of Marat (1783) // poster for Mutt (2023)
“You’re just afraid of loving a trans man.”
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clockwork-stars · 28 days
Watching Mutt (2023) right now and...
"- It's okay.
- No, it's not!
- It's fine, I'm fine with it.
- Yeah, well, I'm not."
It hits somehow
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oliviawhen · 11 months
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A very summery Doggust so far. 🍃
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densewentz · 9 months
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In His Spot Day 10 (Fursona) and 11 (Yandere) got lumped together and shaken into some Dreamling fluff! (feat. some particularly unfortunate grad students)
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ryulota · 11 months
Day 1 - Aspin, which is derived from the Filipino language and it’s commonly used to describe mutts or cross breeds.
I decided to be a little different on this one, and when to one of my local shelters to choose a cross breed to draw. I went with this beautiful girl named Luna!
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hobartshobie · 11 months
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hobie brown and spider-mutt in marvel's voices: spider verse (2023)
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scrarefest · 1 year
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We did it, folks. It’s Friday, and we’re rounding out our week with our final selection of works. This year’s Rare Fest comes to a close with themes of friendship, family, and love — much like the show that we’re all here to celebrate. We hope you enjoy them!
Have fun following along this week? Don’t forget to leave a kudos or comment to show our writers your appreciation!
Taking Care of David
[Alexis & David, Teen, 5,590]
With Patrick out of town, the last thing David needs is to be stuck in bed with the flu. They've been planning Patrick's attendance at the conference for months, there's no question of him returning to help out. But as chance would have it, Alexis is in town for a couple of weeks and reluctantly, David agrees to let Patrick ask for her help. It isn't like she's going to say 'yes' anyway...
Marcy's Girls
[Alexis, Marcy, & Stevie, Teen, 4,464]
Marcy is left alone with Alexis and Stevie after David has to pick Patrick up from a vendor run. Alexis and Stevie both turn to Marcy for relationship advice, and Marcy finds herself to be a substitute mother to the girls.
Want S’more
[Patrick/Jake/Mutt, Explicit, 3536]
Patrick goes camping and gets a crash course in survival woodworking.
your secret's safe with me
[Ruth/Stevie, Mature, 3,125]
Stevie hates surprises. Truly, there’s nothing she hates more. They make her extremely uncomfortable, and always make her cry, whether or not they’re good surprises. She’s terrible at planning them, too. She’s never been particularly good at keeping secrets, which seems to shock most people.
But somehow, despite all of this, Stevie has ended up dating Ruth who not only likes surprises, but also just informed her that she booked a trip to visit Schitt's Creek for her birthday. So now Stevie has to plan a surprise party for her sophisticated, big city girlfriend in a town that only has one restaurant.
Stevie enlists David's help to plan a surprise party for Ruth. It goes about as well as one would expect.
Best Budds
Stevie, G, 2,875]
A pre canon telling of Stevie’s relationship with the Motel over the passage of time and the lifelong effect it bestowed upon them.
You Miss 100% of the Tapes You Don't Play
[Patrick & Stevie, Teen, 995]
Patrick and Stevie support one another’s endeavors on two separate occasions.
a reason to stay
[Alexis/Twyla, G, 606]
 It isn't like she's never been used, like no one's ever looked at her and seen someone they could discard. It isn't like her family, their voices raised through the mansion as they all pack up their lives, cares about her.
 She shoves things in suitcases. Stavros will get her out of this; Stavros will bring her home.
 Still: when she finds David's stuffie in her closet, she packs it, too.
Alexis has packed and unpacked her life countless times—but until Schitt's Creek, she never found a place that made her want to stay.
Creators, don’t forget to update your posting dates if your work was revealed today!
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gael-garcia · 26 days
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Mutt (2023, Vuk Lungulov-Klotz)
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orion-sbelt · 7 months
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Why did you choose this life?
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allianettemie5 · 1 year
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For this week, I'd like to present you two incredible archaeologists — Chilled and his father Junk!
They are currently being chased by the nazis, but don't worry, they will come out of this chase without a scratch!
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transjemder · 1 year
Hm. Trans people in film industry make the world a brighter place
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cinema-tv-etc · 7 months
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Mutt 2023
Fena, a young trans guy bustling through life in New York City, is afflicted with an incessantly challenging day that resurrects ghosts from his past. Laundromats, subway turnstiles, and airport transfers are the hectic background to this emotional drama that overlaps past, present, and future. Settling the disharmony of transitional upheaval in relationships familial, romantic, and platonic is Fena2s task at hand, and his resulting juggling act is equal parts skillful, fumbling, and honest. In negotiating his obliqueness, the poignant moments he finds between himself and others as the distance between them closes are warm, true, and touching
Q&A with MUTT Filmmaker Vuk Lungulov-Klotz and Stars Lío Mehiel, Cole Doman & MiMi Ryder
Chilean and Serbian immigrants, he was raised between Chile, the US, and Serbia. As a transgender storyteller, he hopes to expand queer narratives. His work focuses on intimate moments we often miss if we're not looking. Mutt is his debut feature film. With his feature film script, MUTT, he is an alum of the Sundance Institute Labs, the Inside Out Financing Forum, and was a top five finalist for the Tribeca / AT&T Untold Stories Grant. His award winning trans-themed short film, "Still Liam," played at festivals internationally and earned the attention of celebrated queer filmmakers Ira Sachs and Silas Howard, who have both become mentors. Vuk is also an alum of the Ryan Murphy HALF Initiative Program, where he completed a mentorship under director Janet Mock on the FX series POSE. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.
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Lío Mehiel is a Puerto Rican and Greek artist, actor, and filmmaker. Their work spans film, television, multimedia installation, theater, and events. They are fascinated by the inherent contradiction of the trans experience — one deeply rooted in the body while also transcending beyond the body. Lío began their career as a professional salsa dancer and child actor on Broadway. They can now be seen on shows like WeCrashed (Apple+) and Tales of the City (Netflix). MUTT is their feature film debut. As a filmmaker, Lío produced Chaperone, a queer short film which premiered at Sundance 2022. They wrote, directed, produced, and starred in Disforia, a short film which premiered at Outfest Film Festival in 2018. They are now stuck inside of a psychomagic act with this story as they write the feature script version and confront their own medical transition. As an installation artist, their immersive piece Arcade Amerikana was included in the list of 10 Best Immersive Shows in NYC by Time Out and GOTHAMIST. Lío is currently the producer and creative director of Angels, a developing collection of stone sculptures of transgender humans. The works were first featured as part of a pop-up installation at Outfest LA in 2022, and will be debuted in full at SIZED Gallery LA in 2023. Lío is a co-founder of Voyeur Productions with Russell Kahn and Dulcinee DeGuere. They attended Northwestern University, and are an alumni of the Emerge NYC residency program for artists and activists. Photo credit: Jordan Rossi
Cole Doman is a trained stage and film actor living in Brooklyn, NY. During his time in Chicago, he studied at the School at Steppenwolf under Amy Morton, Tarell Alvin McCraney, Michael Patrick Thornton, and more. Chris Jones of the Chicago Tribune named Cole among the "Hot New Faces of Chicago Theater" in 2016. He made his film debut as the titular role in the critically acclaimed HENRY GAMBLE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY directed by Stephen Cone. He has profiles with IndieWire, Brooklyn Magazine, OUT, Milk.xyz, and was featured as one of "Best Breakout Performances of 2016" by The Film Stage. He can also be seen in Alan Ball's UNCLE FRANK (Sundance 2020, Amazon Studios) as young Frank Bledsoe played by Paul Bettany. On television he has appeared in Let the Right One In, Gossip Girl, Modern Family, Law & Order: SVU, Chicago PD, Equal, and Shameless. He developed & stars in the short film Starfuckers (MUBI) directed by Antonio Marziale which was presented in competition at Sundance Film Festival, Berlinale, and Telluride Film Festival. Other forthcoming films include: Matt Fifer’s sophomore feature TREATMENT for AMC’s Shudder and Zia Anger’s debut feature MY FIRST FILM for MUBI. Mostrecently, he starred in the world premiere of Your Own Personal Exegesis by Julia May Jonas at Lincoln Center Theatre, directed by Annie Tippe, for which his performance was lauded by The New York Times and even cartooned by The New Yorker.
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