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vidnik · 2 months ago
Make 2025 your year
and seek a faith-based marriage💕 that aligns with your culture and traditions. Join Vidnik, the halal marriage matchmaking platform that connects like-minded individuals who are serious about matrimony. 👉Join today to get earlier user discounts for your 2025 membership.
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talhanoblemarriage · 11 months ago
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A successful day starts with Fajr. Make your day beautiful.
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factflow · 2 years ago
Take part in a fascinating examination of Islam, the second-largest religion in the world, with more than 1.8 billion adherents.
Explore 8 illuminating facts that provide light on the core of Islam, its principles, and its cultural effect. using the tremendous significance of the name "Islam" in relation to the revered
This film provides an immersive tour through the fascinating artistry of Islamic architecture.
into the center of a complex and varied religion. Join us as we explore the fundamental ideas and
Islam's historical influence, which changed the trajectory of civilization and motivated countless people lives.
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americanmuslimt · 2 years ago
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Discover the diverse traditions and unity of the Muslim community as they commemorate Prophet Abraham's sacrifice and share their Eid Ul Adha celebrations. #EidUlAdha2023 #FeastOfSacrifice #MuslimAmericans #CulturalDiversity #EidInAmerica #JoyfulMoments #EidCelebrations #MuslimUnity #FaithAndGenerosity #EidTraditions #EidSpirit #EidFamily #EidLove #EidBlessings #Eid2023 #EidMubarak #MuslimCulture #MuslimHeritage #MuslimLife #AmericanMuslims #MuslimAmericanToday #EidWeekend #MuslimHoliday
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faheemkhan882 · 2 years ago
ثقافت کے نام پر بے حیائی کا فروغ #ڈاکٹراسرار
#drisrarofficial #DrIsrar #drisrarahmedofficial #DrIsrarAhmad #Pakistan #islam #AzadiMarch #womensday2023 #AuratMarch #pakistaniculture #viralreels #FacebookReelsContest #fbreels #fbreelsvideo #PTIAJKGovt #PTITMultimediaChallenges #reels2023 #PTIvsPDM #reelsvideo #trendingreels #PTIofficial #PTI #ImranKhanPTI #IK #trending #trend #trendingnow #trendingpost #trendingvideo #viral #viralvideo #viralpost #viralshorts #viralpage #reelsfb #reelsviral #reelit #reelsinstagram #fb #fbpost #urdu #urdupoetry #urduadab #urdulines #urduzone #islamabad #islamicpost #islamicquotes #islamicreels #islamic #Muslims #muslimworld #muslimculture
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thivankavithanage · 3 years ago
Celebrating Qatar National in Style.
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afortunatemuslima · 5 years ago
There’s no rooh afza at our house
Idk how to feel about Ramadan without it.
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lostinlit-becca · 5 years ago
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Do you enjoy modern day retellings of classic books? . I always find them so fascinating and love to see how they are similar to the original. I also really enjoy when they are told from the point of view of a different culture than the original, it just adds a whole new layer to the story! Ayesha at Last is a modern day, Muslim retelling of Pride and Prejudice written by @uzmajalaluddin ! As soon as I read the synopsis I knew I had to read it! This book is already on shelves and I will leave the synopsis below! . Thank you so much to @berkleypub for gifting me with this free book! • • • A modern-day Muslim Pride and Prejudice for a new generation of love. . Ayesha Shamsi has a lot going on. Her dreams of being a poet have been set aside for a teaching job so she can pay off her debts to her wealthy uncle. She lives with her boisterous Muslim family and is always being reminded that her flighty younger cousin, Hafsa, is close to rejecting her one hundredth marriage proposal. Though Ayesha is lonely, she doesn't want an arranged marriage. Then she meets Khalid, who is just as smart and handsome as he is conservative and judgmental. She is irritatingly attracted to someone who looks down on her choices and who dresses like he belongs in the seventh century. . When a surprise engagement is announced between Khalid and Hafsa, Ayesha is torn between how she feels about the straightforward Khalid and the unsettling new gossip she hears about his family. Looking into the rumors, she finds she has to deal with not only what she discovers about Khalid, but also the truth she realizes about herself. #ayeshaatlast #uzmajalaluddin #berkleypub #berkleyromance #contemporaryromance #muslimculture #classicretelling #moderndayretelling #retelling #storiesretold #bookaesthetic #bookstagram #bibliophile #flatlay #bookflatlay #booksofinstagram #bookworm #readersofinstagram #igbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Wp0mEAlI7/?igshid=imx873pjow4h
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robimypodroze · 2 years ago
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Oszustwo w meczecie? Niemożliwe? A jednak 🤔 I to w meczecie nie byle jakim, bo w Wielkim Meczecie Szejka Zayeda w Abu Dhabi. Islam to druga po chrześcijaństwie religia świata i co ciekawe obie te religie mają wspólne korzenie. Jednak różni się od chrześcijaństwa choćby tym, że „niewiernych” do meczetów się nie wpuszcza. Wielki Meczet Szejka Zayeda jest wyjątkowy, bo każdy jest tu witany z szeroko otwartymi ramionami, choć musi przestrzegać surowych zasad. Meczet Szejka Zayeda powstal z inicjatywy pierwszego prezydenta Emiratów i w swoim zamyśle miał jednoczyć nie tylko świat islamu, ale i inne kultury i religie. Jego budowa trwała 12 lat. Jest ogromny, zdobiony włoskimi marmurami, cennymi kamieniami czy macicą perłową. Wokół głównego dziedzińca biegną arkady podparte 1096 kolumnami, a sam meczet posiada aż 82 kopuły, z których największa ma aż 84 metry wysokości. To tutaj znajduje się także największy na świecie żyrandol zdobiony kryształami Svarovskiego i dywan tkany przez blisko 1200 osób. Tego wszystkiego doświadczyć można za darmo, bo za wejście się tu nie płaci. Trzeba się jednak zarejestrować, odpowiednio odziać i zachowywać. I tu pojawia się pewien zgrzyt między tą gościnnością a próbą naciągnięcia nieświadomych turystów, którymi i my się okazaliśmy. Okazało się, że mój luźny, długi strój jest nieodpowiedni na wizytę w meczecie i potrzebuję abai, co zostało mi powiedziane w dość ostry sposób. Na pytanie, gdzie można wypożyczyć odpowiedni strój usłyszeliśmy, że muszę go sobie kupić, bo wypożyczalni tu nie ma. Posiadaliśmy nieco inne informacje, ale nie zamierzaliśmy się spierać i zakupiłam abaję za 100AED. Po zakończonym zwiedzaniu, opuszczając meczet dostrzegliśmy szyld „zwrot wypożyczonych ubrań”. I tu pojawił się pewien niesmak, który mimo niewątpliwej urody meczetu, jego pięknego przesłania, pozostał. Nie zmienia to faktu, że abaja, która została mi na pamiątkę, jest piękna 😉 i nie żałuję jej zakupu. Spotkały Was może takie sytuacje? . . . #abudhabi🇦🇪 #emiratesholidays #grandmosqueabudhabi #sheikzayedmosque #abudhabimosque #robimypodroze #disabledcantravel #islamicculture #grandmosqueabudhabi🕌 #muslimculture #podróżnicy #abudhabibest (w: Grand Mosque,Abudhabi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CofYH0CIBz_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ultra-parislove-blr · 4 years ago
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Monument minature - Victoria & Albert Museum #art #history #memories #wanderlust #photography #minaturenbuildings #museumdisplays #explorelondon #architecture #victoriandalbertmuseum #london #europe #architecturephotography #muslimarchitecture #muslimculture #architecturelovers #traveladddict #travelphotography #travelphotography📷 #minatures #architecturelovers (at Victoria and Albert Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bihyu65FyOv/?igshid=bave8djqo455
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urbanbibantwerpen · 5 years ago
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Now available @urbanbibantwerpen @bib_permeke ‘HALAL if you hear me’ edited by Fatimah Asghar and Safia Elhillo. The collected poems dispel the notion that there is one correct way to be a Muslim by holding space for multiple, intersecting identities while celebrating and protecting those identities. Halal If You Hear Me features poems by Safia Elhillo, Fatimah Asghar, Warsan Shire, Tarfia Faizullah, Angel Nafis, Beyza Ozer, and many others. #halalifyouhearme #fatimahasghar #safiaelhillo #beyzaozer #angelnafis #warshanshire #poetry #breakbeatpoets #hiphop #muslimculture #urbanbib #permekebibliotheek #openbarebibliotheek #publiclibrary #poëzie #readmorebooks (bij Bibliotheek Permeke) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNwHO4geRl/?igshid=1ago301ub2gy5
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afortunatemuslima · 5 years ago
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I would often find people on Instagram and other social apps go
'Don't step over eachother'
'we are all in this together'
'let's build eachother'
They talk about empowerment and then choose to only endorse and support their own. That's called selective empowerment.
"Build eachother" doesn't only apply for your circle and honestly... this is why we don't find enough Muslim creators out there. Muslim community has so many influencers, musicians, designers, writers, photographers, comedians, filmmakers, artists, chefs... and it takes these people a lot to come out of their comfort zone and showcase their talent. I wish being different could sell it but reality is.. Either you gotta fit a certain look or create on certain subject or just fit in those aesthetics..else you'll be shut down.
In short,
1. Don't lock yourself in echo chambers .
2. Don't just get inspired silently.
Comment and reshare.. it helps a Frikin lot.
3. Don't pull the ladder up behind them on their way up but help them build.
After all,
'we're all in this together'
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khurramnaseerraja · 6 years ago
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May Allah give a long life to the custodian of the two Holy Mosques who supervised all the arrangements for the Hajj this year and accept the efforts and prayers of Muslims. #hajj2019 #Saudiaarabia #MBS #mohammedbinsalman #alsaud #islam #love #peace #eidaladha #eidmubarak #muslimculture #religionofpeace #muslimummah #muslimsaroundtheworld #ksa #khurramnaseerraja #khurrambinnaseer #likeforlike #follow4follow (at Bahria Town Phase 8) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GiPcQnCJu/?igshid=1k4h66r28kerr
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blackbird-cris · 8 years ago
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roikinneret5764 · 2 years ago
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from: https://twitter.com/muslimculture/status/1006933135408365569
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dailyamazingfactz · 4 years ago
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The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a country home to (12.7%) of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.1%), India (10.9%) and Bangladesh (9.2%). About (20%) of Muslims live in the Arab world. But shockingly, India has more than 300,000 active mosques a number which is more than every Islamic nation. FOLLOW👉🏻 @teshfact_Z ALSO STAY TUNNED, For more Amazing Facts like that.. & don't forget to give your opinions via Comments. FOLLOW👉🏻 @teshfact_Z DM for any credits/Post removal. #scrientificfacts #doyouknow #didyouknow #didyouknowthat #knowledge #education #worldallfacts #factsdaily #facts #dailyfacts #truefacts #certifiedfacts #verifiedfacts #factsknowledge #factseveryday #shockingfacts #religion #muslim #muslimworld #factsaboutindia #india #populationfacts #pakistanfacts #pakistan #muslims #mosques #mosque #masjid #masjidfacts #pakistanfacts #muslimculture (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTTmeWRFr_I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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