#Muslim indigenous
beyondclouds-blog · 1 year
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
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secular-jew · 2 months
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bfpnola · 11 months
watch past the initial person speaking! covers history of Palestine a bit before and immediately after Zionist colonization began
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mosscaller · 1 year
Black queer and trans lives matter
Indigenous queer and trans lives matter
Muslim queer and trans lives matter
AAPI queer and trans lives matter
Disabled queer and trans lives matter
Marginalized queer and trans lives matter
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1000dactyls · 2 months
if they were gonna give tuffnut that hairstyle in rtte-onward then they shouldnt have made him #ffffff
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blahdiblahblah · 1 year
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 6 months
Arabs are colonisers and should be labelled as such
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
The Middle East needs to roll back Arab imperialism for peace
Arab, Turkish and Iranian imperialism deny non-Arabs and non-Muslims self-determination in the Middle East: Palestinian maximalism is an extension, under a different name, of post-WW1 Arab imperialism, which claimed that where Arab Muslims are a significant part of the population, they should rule. Western liberals prop up this view, and ignore the long history of Arab and Muslim oppression of minority national  groups. Ironically, they see Israel and Jews as ‘European settler colonialists’. But it is Arab imperialism which needs to be rolled back if there is to be peace. Thought-provoking article in Fathom Journal by Olga Kirschbaum-Shirazki:
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Kurds are among the MENA national groups oppressed by Arab imperialism
While there is a ubiquitous academic discourse that European imperial powers made a mess of the Middle East – and Africa – over the course of the twentieth century, little is said about the fact that Iranian, Turkish, and Arab state violence towards national groups seeking their independence – a project they have made clear over the course of the twentieth century – has been deadly, and one of the major sources of violence in the region including today. And yet our intellectual class is obsessed with Hungarian, Polish and Israeli illiberalism, which, whatever one might think about it, does not come close to the state violence, oppression, and corruption of the imperial states in Middle East.
And so sadly it is necessary to offer a macabre tour of what Arab, Iranian, and Turkish imperialism, often billed as nationalism, has done in the past century. One could point to the hundreds of thousands of dead Kurds at the hands of all three imperial groups, to the mass emigration of Assyrians due to violence and oppression, to the likewise massive emigration of Lebanese Christians and mass death and destruction brought on by the Lebanese civil war from Arab imperialism. Or the Turkish conquest of Cyprus and current bombardment of Rojava, not to mention Turkey’s indirect support for ISIS. And this is not to speak of the forced Turkification, Iranification, and Arabisation of minority populations, or the death of political dissidents in jails or on the gibbet. Or Iranian and Saudi support for the Islamists in the deadly Algerian civil war, as well as Qatar’s support for Islamists during the Arab Spring. Nor is this list comprehensive, even if already damning. One has to mention the dead in the Arab-Israeli conflict as well.
Indeed, Arab imperialism is a central source of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With the ubiquity of the discourse about Palestinian nationalism, its Arab imperial dimensions are almost totally occluded. Yet Arab imperialism was, a serious political force in the Middle East for most of the post WWI period, and remains so. It started with the aspirations of the leaders of the Arab Revolt to create a unified Arab state in the entire Levant as well as their successful sabotage, with British and French assent, of the creation of states for the other peoples in the region, most dramatically the Kurds, but also the Assyrians, Druze, and Maronites. It continued with the policies of Arabisation and Islamification of the post WWII period in all of the Arab League countries with non-Arab, non-Muslim population without exception. And while many of these policies were carried by states seeking to create a new local Syrian, Iraqi, Palestinian identity, these identities were in practice Arab and Muslim. Indeed, the creation of a Palestinian national identity never meant the rejection of an Arab identity for the Palestinians themselves, as the documents of the major political parties involved in Palestinian politics show. Palestinian maximalism is an extension, under a different name, of the Arab imperialism present in all of the post-WWI states, which claimed that where Arab Muslims are a significant part of the population, they should rule. This attitude of entitlement, characteristic of imperial peoples and their cultures, remains deeply entrenched in many countries in the Arab League. It is also present among the intellectual classes in the West, particularly those in Middle Eastern Studies departments, which idealise Convivencia in the medieval caliphates or the multicultural rainbow of ‘Iraqi’ or ‘Lebanese’ identity, vilifies sectarianism, or simply ignores the history of the national groups of the region.
Unsurprisingly, the most fascist forms of Islam find fertile ground in historical imperial states and among historically imperial cultures. Conversely,  notable Kurdish, Amazigh, or Azeri equivalents are conspicuous by their absence. That is not to say that there aren’t any Islamists among the smaller peoples of the region. However, the Kurdish, Azeri, and Amazigh political movements tend to be comparatively liberalising, and their attitude towards Islam traditionalist rather than Islamist or jihadi. Instead, we find among the traditionally imperial peoples, the Persians, Turks, and Arabs, the state sponsors of terrorism and Islamism in the area.
Yet, imperial rollback is underway in the Middle East. One of the least discussed but in some ways most significant aspects of the Abraham Accords is that its signatories exhibit multiple signs of imperial rollback. It is not simply the recognition of the state of Israel and normalisation. Morocco has made significant steps towards recognising the Amazigh, including language rights, official holidays, and some political rights. These internal policies demonstrate a shift away from a homogenous Arabisation or Islamification, and towards an acceptance of the history of the country its peoples and their aspirations. Gulf Arab states are also making efforts to liberalise, reject Jihad and Islamism, and even more recently to open up a frank interfaith dialogue –  significant signs of imperial rollback in the context of the Arab League.
Israel, uniquely successful as a national movement in the region, is a test case for what path the region will take. This is why it is incumbent, even for those who wish to see a two-state solution, to be honest about the imperial relationship of Arabs and Islam to the areas. Yet rather than supporting these developments, and understanding their revolutionary significance, liberals across the West and in Israel minimise them or view them as part of the problem. In fact, it is they who are the problem.
One of the most damaging developments for the stability of the entire region has occurred among liberals in the West and Israel, namely the internalisation of the Arab imperial discourse in its repackaged form: Israel and Jews as European settler colonialists. Even among people who support a two-state solution, we increasingly find that they only accept Israel as a de facto reality, and agree with Palestinians that the country is indigenously Arab. Other variations of this acceptance come in the form of claiming that both Jews and Arabs are indigenous to the area. The problem with claims about Palestinian Arab indigeneity — or Arab indigeneity anywhere in the “Arab World” outside of the Gulf and Jordan — is not only that they are objectively incorrect by the UN definition of indigeneity, Arabs arrived in these regions through imperial conquest, but more importantly they serve to negate Arab imperialism past and present.  The issue at stake here is not the two-state solution as an option for solving the conflict,  or the existence of a Palestinian Arab collective identity tied to the land – a development exhibited by Arabs in Iraq, Syria, Algeria, Morrocco, etc. who have developed local land-based collective identities as well — but the acceptance of an ideology which fundamentally views any Jewish national sovereignty as unjust because it refuses to see any Arab or Muslim history as imperial.
Today the Palestinian Arab claim to indigeneity, as well any other Arab claim to indigeneity in the “Arab World” in areas outside of the Arab homeland, denies this imperial entitlement, while simultaneously granting its objectives legitimacy: it is a brilliant political manoeuvre.
The two-state solution cannot reasonably survive in the context of widespread commitment not only by Palestinian Arabs, but other Arabs in the region, to the sole legitimacy of Islamic and Arab power. Much of the so-called Israeli left, following or leading liberals in the West depending on who you ask, seems to be propping up this very view directly, in the case of anti-Zionists, and indirectly in the case of supporters of a confederation or two-state solution supporters who accept the narrative of Jewish settler colonialism or Palestinian indigeneity. This approach is dangerous for the entire region as well, as it usually goes hand in hand with an underestimation or even denial of the problem of local imperial culture and politics, as well as the overestimation of the responsibility of Western powers. That is not to say that peace, mutual respect, and compromise are not desirable: they are, but they cannot be based on historical falsehood, they cannot allow imperial entitlement to go unchecked propped up by false histories, and they cannot continue to project onto the Palestinian national movement, as it currently stands, a programme and outlook of mutual acceptance which it is does not in fact support.  The failure to achieve Arab imperial rollback will continue to breed conflict across the region.  One can see it playing out in the past year in Iraq:  the current Shia Arab-dominated government has been attacking the autonomy of the Kurdistan region.
Of course, globally there are two other forces that are upholding imperial entitlement in the region, directly and indirectly. There are the left-wing parties who have historically supported the imperial enemies of the United States, whether Russia, China, or more recently Iran and Qatar. The latter have also strongly cultivated these groups in South America, Africa, and Asia. The others are the liberals in Western Europe and the Anglosphere, as well as business people from around the world whose financial interests come first. Western financial support has contributed to the lasting power of these imperial states as it has to the maximalists among the Palestinian Arabs, most spectacularly in Gaza.
Read article in full
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caitlinjohns77 · 3 months
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beyondclouds-blog · 1 year
Who was Muriyd ‘Two Clouds’ Williams?
Muriyd Abdullah Muhammad Williams (also known as Niishwak Akumahkwak, translated as Two Clouds) was an Afro Native Muslim who was born in Newark, NJ and raised in East Orange. In most recent years he became known for his activism and teaching endeavors. As an enrolled member of NJ's Ramapough Lenape Indian tribe, he successfully fought large corporations, the Mahwah Police Department, and New Jersey state itself to (almost single-handedly) win back and/or stop the taking of dozens and dozens of acres of land which rightfully belong to the tribe.
An autodidact, Muriyd spoke more than a dozen languages, was a gifted artist and musician, and innate healer. Being of a multi-racial/ethnic/cultural/spiritual reality, he embraced his Islaamic, Munsee, and Haudenosaunee heritages, accepting them as one Truth sent from the One Creator of all. He was earning his BA at Ramapo College when he was murdered.
Learn more: beyond-clouds.org
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dykeogenes · 11 months
Hmm I believe I remember learning a few years ago that when one is asked to acknowledge that they’re impacted subconsciously by systemic racism/sexism/homophobia etc, or is told that they’re behaving in a way that’s bigoted/harmful, “no I’m not” is the wrong answer. So I think some of you should get less excited about saying that when Jewish people tell you you’re being antisemitic.
#guess what. Your views on Israel and Palestine ARE in fact going to be influenced by the fact that one of those nations is Jewish.#Just as it’ll be influenced by the fact that one of those nations is majority Muslim.#Just as your feelings about police shootings will be influenced by the majority of victims being Black or Indigenous.#Just as your feelings about EVERYTHING will be impacted by the social forces that have shaped you and colour your perception.#Antisemitism actually DOES colour the words of people insisting that targeting Israeli civilians was a legitimate act of resistance.#Just as racism and Islamophobia colour the words of Israeli politicians and soldiers who insist that wiping out Gaza is a fair price to pay#for wiping out Hamas.#it has been absolutely staggering to see person after person on this site#casually assert that rules of war do not apply when the civilians they protect are Israeli#and refuse to consider even the SLIGHTEST possibility that the ease with which that assertion came to them#might have SOMETHING to do with an internalized belief that — say —#there is no such thing as a Jewish civilian? that all Jews are inherently loyal to other Jews above any loyalty to justice?#that all Jewish people wield a sort of inherent power that makes them less vulnerable and therefore acceptable targets?#Of course you’re antisemitic. Yes. You. I am too. We all are. We live in an antisemitic society.#And if you‘ll acknowledge that societal racism and sexism and homophobia inform your subconscious beliefs#and you’ll critically reflect on THOSE#but you won’t afford antisemitism the same dignity#I think that probably says something about something.#Just to be clear this actually isn’t a post that says anything about my stance on Israel and Palestine#because my stance on that is actually extremely simple— FTR it’s ’apartheid and war crimes and forced displacement are bad things’#but this is about the internet’s RESPONSE#and the downright celebratory glee that I saw people have on oct 7th#and the fucking twisted excitement they’ve shown treating further Israeli war crimes like ammunition to justify it#and the simple truth that — while I’ll believe you MIGHT still have condoned it —#I do not believe any of you would have CELEBRATED the massacre of thousands of civilians in a period of minutes#if. those. civilians. had. not. been. Jews.#Rhi talks#palestine#antisemitism#Yeah and I’ll post this one too. Anon is still on. String me up.
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secular-jew · 5 months
Native Americans, who like Jews are indigenous (Jews are indigenous to Judea, as Native Americans are to their native lands in north and south America) show support in California, near UCLA.
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mainfaggot · 4 months
criticizing countries that have insanely oppressive governments due to the weaponization of religion (Iran and Saudi Arabia for example) is a perfectly acceptable thing to do, but tumblr users are actually fucked in the head and jump onto any opportunity to be blatantly islamophobic... like fuck you for real... it's always the hindu nationalists, zionists, and catholic fucking freaks banding together to be disgustingly uneducated in the tags of any critical post
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bfpnola · 11 months
no matter what i do, my download of this tiktok won’t load so i’m just gonna drop the link! it’s a 10 minute informative video by anti-zionist Jewish author Sim Kern exploring the question of “when does the native become the settler?” with academic texts to back them up!
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bananahkim · 1 year
It’s so disappointing to see people attacking black, indigenous, and other POC when all they were trying to do was raise awareness of their culture being disrespected and erased.
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