#Muskrat mention
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adulthumanproblem · 5 months ago
Just got another reminder that the general public is mostly pro trans
I had coaching to pimp my resumé and find a job. Today was the last day, and the last two times I was with a new coach.
Since it was the last time, we mostly had to do paperwork and when we were done, we still had time left and we started looking at electric cars
And of course, the Muskrat got mentioned.
And the coach, this 50-something cishet man who has kids of his own, said, almost seething with repressed anger,
That he could NOT understand how anyone could shun their own child for, and I quote, "following their nature" (referring to Vivian)
Guys, get offline every once in a while. Yes, there are bad people out there, and not everyone has the right language (he stumbled a bit), but I promise you
It's good out here in reality.
Don't let TERFs tell you how it is. Because THEY LIE. And they don't live in reality. They only live in their own little echo chambers.
It will take time and effort, but we will be okay.
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cattlemutilated · 1 month ago
(quick cw, mentions of homophobia, the holocaust, and current US politics)
in lieu of recent events, everyone please keep in mind:
queer people were part of those persecuted in the holocaust.
this is why the pink triangle symbol exists.
it should also go to show though that queer people have persisted through that atrocity. not to mention much more before now.
we’re going to make it, we just need to be careful and resist. we need to show them that we are always going to exist and be ourselves no matter what horseshit rhetoric. their hatred will have amounted to nothing once we’re all dead.
i love you all queer weird people, be safe.
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revscarecrow · 3 months ago
Apparently Bitcoin is climbing again. Made me think of yours. You still got that? If you do, I wonder if it'll ever get to the point you can cash out for a non-negligible sum.
I sold $20 just so I broke even. Now I'm not sure what to do with the rest of it. Probably just gonna sell it all before the end of the year for tax reasons. For anyone unaware back when nfts were a thing I bought $20 worth of bitcoin so I could better understand blockchain shit so I could decide if I should reccomend nfts to artists on my art youtube artcade where i talk about art stuff. After my research I found that it was mostly scams and the chance anyone would care about nfts a year from then was minimal and the chance it would damage your reputation was high. Seemed like a bad idea before and after research but hey I gave it a real go and no one can say I didn't actually look into it. This was just before elon went on snl and tanked the value. It's been below $20 since then more or less. Then dipshit got elected and cryptobros who are historically stupid as fuck and willing to fall for scams got really excited and so bitcoin is up.
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thegroundhogdidit · 1 year ago
anyone want to tell me why i watched a scene from the princess bride on youtube (the one where inigo kills count rugen)(needed to get inigo's voice right for a fic) and people in the comments were saying elon musk (the evil billionaire) brought them there??? what the FUCK did he say about the princess bride (my favorite movie) and why did he say it
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onlytiktoks · 7 days ago
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funny-mommyclan-moments · 1 year ago
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guatemala-official · 7 months ago
Woah!!!! That's so cool!!!!
the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
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grungepoetica · 1 month ago
reworking some of the ideas for the ybc tf au because sometimes i get too caught up in the bit and then stop to think
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thecherubprince · 3 months ago
why are some of your guys final push to getting off X being the stupidest reason when there is legitimate footage of child sexual exploitation on there that should've gotten you off your ass when it first started? like christ??
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camryemerald · 1 year ago
i feel like everyone should be very concerned with the fact that between its size and weight, it rusting from new, the steering being done via computer with no mechanical backup (and from the company rife with steering component failures), and teslas reluctance to provide information on the stuff people have concerns about (mentioned in steering source), the tesla cybertruck is quite literally Hazard For Sale and its already selling reasonably well afaik
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virovirokun-has-adhd · 1 year ago
HAPPY NEW YEARS (im Australian we get new years so far ahead of y'all)
uhm also i heart my discord mods forever and ever
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months ago
The worst part about my beloathed coworker is that I so badly want to hate him less. Whenever I’m gonna work with him I try to think of positives or ways to connect. My life would be more pleasant if we had any common ground.
One day he came in and said, “I’m glad I looked at the schedule and saw I was working with you. I remembered you’re sensitive to my cologne so I didn’t wear it today.”
That was so thoughtful!! Wow! A genuinely nice moment!
I was like, “Oh man, wow, that’s so sweet, thank you!!!”
I moved his mental ranking up to 2/5 stars, it was a lovely gesture.
“Yeah,” he continued, “when I’m working with [Manager] I don’t have to worry, we just geek out about cologne.” He laughed and added, “Not that he could afford the one I wear.”
I crashed back to 0/5 stars. What. Back to square one.
I would later learn the cologne my manager “couldn’t afford” was $300. Like. I’m pretty sure he could waste that much on cologne but chooses not to?
After that I’ve noticed he tries to worm into good graces with gift giving. He gifted a different coworker a new pair of earbuds after noticing the guy was using very old ones. The guy was stoked and thankful but then got roped into listening to a rant about how bad his old ones were that somehow ended up dissing his taste to have had the old ones at all.
Today he showed up with a new mouse for my laptop after I mentioned I needed one.
So thoughtful!! He’d offered weeks ago and I just assumed he’d forgotten!
Then he told me what a great business man Muskrat is and laughed about sexist comments he’d heard while playing Call of Duty. Back to square one.
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curlyhairedbooklover · 6 months ago
What is the gender spilt of the murders in NBC Hannibal?
This is the third of three posts though this one works as a standalone, the first two are about the characters saying each other’s names and can be found here and here (I promise they are much more interesting than that summary makes them sound….) I decided to make this post because of this quote from Bryan Fuller; “And we are very conscious in the writer’s room; ‘Okay we just killed a woman, we have to kill a guy now.’” (47:20) And I always wondered how well they actually managed to do that…. thus I went out and collected the data and here it is!!
Adding a quick disclaimer that I did this for fun so I haven’t double checked it meaning there may be some mistakes!
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As you can see from the data it turns out that they did kill less women than men during the show!!!! The total known kills in the show are 200 with 98 of them being men, 65 women and 37 were unknown!! I also kept track of who did the murder and those categories are: Hannibal, killer of the week, Will, and other.
To preface, I am only using “women” and “men” for my categories in this data as the show does not depict any trans or nb people (explicitly at least, there are a couple metaphorical/subtextual ones…) and if I could not tell the person’s gender or I simply did not see a body I categorised them as “unknown” 
You will be pleased to know that Hannibal killed 39.5 people (the 0.5 is Dolarhyde which I split between Will and Hannibal as it was a joint kill 😌)  over the show on screen and that 26.5 of them were men, 9 were women and only 4 were unknown! All I can say is that Hannibal is a feminist queen! That or women are significantly less rude in the Hannibal universe… although Freddie seems to defy that theory…. He does kill the most in s1 at 21 times! That essentially halves in s2 to only 12 times and again to 6.5 times in s3.. although it’s worth noting that I was unable to count his kills at Muskrat Farm as we don’t see any bodies on screen (though the script implies it was at least 7) and I only counted the Il Mostro kills that we saw evidence of instead of including the amount killed by the actual Il Mostro killer(s).. Not to mention that he spent half the season in prison! So all that said he did okay! Also I personally believe that his kill count across his lifetime is easily in the high hundreds, he has to meal plan if nothing else so let's put some respect on his name as Hannibal THEE Cannibal!
Unsurprisingly the killers of the week did make up most of the kills in the show, and killed 62 men, 56 women and 33 of unknown gender altogether. The killer of the week who did the most murder is James Grey at a whopping 50 but he did have a mural to create so that takes a lot of bodies! Second place goes to Lawrence Wells who murdered 17 people over his lifetime to create his totem pole, while Clark Ingram sneaks in at 3rd with 16 murders, although he only killed women and is the main reason why the women’s s2 kill count is higher than the men’s, boooooo! Poor Dolarhyde had to pick up all the slack in s3 as the only killer of the week but he did at least get 15 kills in! Sadly he was bound by the orders of the moon and could not do the suitable legwork 😔
Now Will DID get his own section of the table as is his right as the main character 😤 even if he only killed 3 people (which translates to 2.5 on the table as a result of having to share the dragon with Hannibal…). But they were all monumental kills, I mean Garret Jacob Hobbs haunted the rest of the show, Randall was turned into a magnificent tableau, and Francis was the culmination of his becoming and gave us That Ending!! It’s also not like he didn’t successfully manipulate multiple people into killing (or almost killing) people so I think he deserves extra points for those if only in our hearts!! Despite his low kill count he is the character we see commit murder the most on the show! He fantasises/imagines/hallucinates murdering 32 people across the show!! As the show moved away from the procedural nature he imagined killing less people; with s1 standing at 16, s2 moving down to 9 and then only 7 in s3! Just because most of the time he’s empathising with killers to recreate their kills doesn’t make the scenes any less sexy or iconic!!
The 7 other kills actually all come from women!! Another feminism win!! 3.3 is when Chiyoh killed her prisoner after being manipulated into it by Will. 3.7 sees Chiyoh kill again, this time’s it’s the 2 guys who were going to kill Jack and the 2 guards at Muskrat Farm, where we also we get Mason’s murder from Alana and Margot!! Then in 3.10 we get the flashback to Bedelia killing her patient! Go Girls!! Whooo!! 
In conclusion no one is surprised that there is a lot of murder in this show and Bryan Fuller while not exactly alternating each week in killing off each gender did not kill more women than men so arguably achieved his goal!
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
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canisbrutus · 1 month ago
AAAHHHH your headcanons are amazing !! Do you have more to tell us on the bullies? Maybe Trent, or Tom? I would love to hear about them too!!!
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you're flatterin me lmao. alright lets see. this was supposed to be short. its not. youre gettin Trent Tom & Ethan. And i'm barely holding back from dumping abt Russell too bc goddamn everyone did him dirty. anyway enjoy.
Trent Northwick 🎬
The Basics:
he got laid exactly once and made it 3/4ths of his personality.
yeah he's got a bit of an ego, or so it seems. but he's arguably still one of the better folks on campus.
he's also an actor, part of the drama club, something he takes very very seriously.
wants to make it to hollywood someday. make it big. be adored.
and he is a Very good actor, believe it or not.
"i'm so hot" this, "I'm a star" that.
a begging to be believed.
tough crowd at bullworth, you know? not his fault nobody can recognize pure talent.
but at the end of the day, its not even a convincing enough performance to fool himself.
Expanded Lores:
his home life aint the greatest. not the Worst, but not good.
father aint in the picture, he had his grandmother for a moment, but she died, as old people tend to do, and he was on his own with his mother.
and his mother. hrms. after a certain point she just got too tired to really give a fuck about him or anything he did.
he helped out with finances by working part time. as they did struggle with like. food insecurity. keeping the lights on and the water running. all that jazz.
at least they had a house. in a slum, but still.
much like wade and co., his grades were ass, and he didnt feel like concussing himself on the field over Balls.
with not many options on his plate, he turned his gaze to his one passion and form of escapism: the big screen.
the man can memorize entire films in ~3 watches at most.
has the shittiest notes known to man but he's still good.
yes he was part of the drama club as mentioned before. and yes, he was romeo in that one play.
and yes, he got Really into the role. and Really into 'juliet.'
was he accosted by his buddies for taking a fonder interest in a nerd? also yes, but when pressed he'd laugh it off.
'it's not his fault there's prettyboys everywhere to those with eyes to see.'
their fling was cut short when earnest caught them in the library tangled together and he chastised cornelius for. well. 'getting sloppy' with one of their sworn enemies.
many such cases. but luckily for trent he caught the eye of another boy: kirby olsen, star of the field.
i can talk about those two for ages but i'll try to keep it brief here.
in short they were the only ones who took eachother seriously and recognized the effort they put into their respective passions.
they had their hangups still, most notably being kirby's own internalized homophobia, but clung to eachother like moss to a stump all the same.
trent actually told his bully boys about his relationship, top secret shit. but believe it or not that was chill.
long story short they made a blood oath they'd always have eachothers backs, cause as ive said before, they aint got much else.
that, and, well. it's not like they werent unfamiliar with such bonds anyway. between troy's questioning and certain other things, what happens in the trenches stays in the trenches.
the trenches being the various Ditches around, usually the school parking lot.
yeah none of these boys really care abt getting dirty they usually took cover in them.
this earned them the nickname 'gutterslime' from the preps.
funny story: trent once pulled a muskrat out of a particularly wet ditch. named it Bucky II and held it up for his friends to see.
the rat then bit him and ran away, of course.
final thing take these two songs that fit him. 1. 2. moving on.
Tom Gurney 🧿
(CW: abuse/stalking mentions)
The Basics:
alright this one might be a stretch but hear me out.
he doesnt live with his parents, just his crazy ass brother.
his paranoia? comes from them and alll their stunts.
that trauma and fear's wormed under his skin and ofc it reflects in like. most of his worldview.
hard to trust anything or anybody when your own parents turned out to be monsters ya know?
but he still tries to trust his friends.
that blood oath meant sumn to him.
if only they'd just listen to him a bit more sometimes.
Expanded Lores:
tom is what youd call legally emancipated. in other words he went thru the courts and got divorced from his own parents and doesnt need any guardian's permission to get a job enroll in school n shit etc etc etc.
this was hell.
for one they didnt want him out of their vise. for another they Damn sure didnt want him under the same roof as his disgrace of a brother, not after they sent him off to that boarding school.
yeah tom didnt grow up in bullworth and his brother kind of kidnapped him. but it was justified.
as such, he was kind of an oddball amongst the bullies, being one of the youngest, if not The youngest addition to their group.
this all went down his freshman year, two years prior to ingame events.
regardless they did accept him wholeheartedly. he's got his own attitude and Bite.
they even included him in the blood oath. which was Very significant to him.
practically solidified them as his Brothers. his new family. etc.
sidenote: his actual brother is the townie Gurney. his deal was he dropped out and just never went home because it sucked. he's got a few screws loose but he's a good guy. he's also like 20something.
anyway tom's a horror nut yeah. always was. likes junji ito, texas chainsaw massacre, that sort of thing.
he was actually in a creative writing club working out his own creepypasta-esque stories lmfao.
earned him the title of creep. sometimes got him smacked.
he Also likes radiohead but shhhh.
sigh. his parents Really didnt let him go easy.
in fact they refused to accept the court's orders.
came up, watched him, for a time.
he thought he'd just be experiencing sleep paralysis, seeing shadows from the window.
if only. no. they Wanted him back.
they got arrested thankfully. finally. gurney spoke of moving again but tom didn't want to leave his friends behind.
anyway. absolutely horrid upbringing aside, tom was a pretty decent guy, largely.
yeah he's been through a lot, but it toughened him up, or so he thinks. if nothing else it's hardened him somewhat.
bullworth was a shithole for many, but it was probably the only place he felt really free.
on a lighter note. damn this boy loved bmx tricks.
liked bikes just as much as the greasers really.
wasnt uncommon to see him at the park on the ramps practicing his stunts.
didnt wear protection nope who needed that.
thats for girls and he aint a girl. he's rawdogging life already.
you can tell how that went by his face alone.
usually gurney cooked bacon n eggs to help him feel better n shit.
fav food yaknow. poached especially. extra crispy bacon.
i got a song for him too dw. boink
Ethan Robinson 🥋
The Basics:
he's arguably one of the most put together of the bunch.
or at least, he knows what he believes in and he's sticking with it.
it's all self-empowerment to him. discipline and whatnot.
he's still a hooligan, but that's just the way of the world. to turn the other cheek, to not assert yourself? that's weakness.
they'll thank him for showing them the way, someday.
they'll know respect. they'll know strength.
they'll see.
Expanded Lores:
the home he comes from has suffered some hardships. but he didnt have a bad upbringing, per se.
loving parents, strong father, they only want to see him succeed.
some things just cant be helped. like the shithole neighborhood they're in.
but at least he met his lifelong friends there.
the boys pile up on his couch to watch cowboy bebop on a semifrequent basis. lol.
his place was a safe haven when trent's home wasnt available for movie night. and movie night was Important.
this boy has a massive collection of flicks, on that note.
most of which are either kung fu, samurai, or anime related.
yeah his obsession runs deep.
one might even call it a special interest.
he's got katanas on his bedroom walls and shit.
absolutely heartbroken he cant bring them on campus.
but he makes do with his fists, of course.
he was lucky enough to join an afterschool martial arts club in his elementary years. unfortunately it shut down sometime in middle school and he hadnt been able to find another since.
he doesnt remember all the moves, but he still has his Belts.
he also has a very fat orange cat named Buddha.
morning tradition is to rub his belly for luck every day.
not a hard task as that cat is frequently splayed out on his back.
or in somebody's lap. the boys frequently pass him around like a potato during movie night.
admittedly he really likes animals. feeds strays and whatnot.
volunteers at shelters. usually on weekends.
breaks his heart when he cant save em all.
anyway he does meditate and Often.
usually under an ice cold shower pretending its a waterfall.
sometimes perched precariously on the roof of some building.
how does he get up there? parkour.
yeah in his quest to be a ninja he picked up some tricks like Scaling Buildings and Long Jumps.
he's Very hard to knock off balance.
sometimes he can be seen just chilling on top of the boy's dorm when he wants some peace and quiet.
the others accompany him up there sometimes but usually they back out from fear lol.
tom's generally fine with it though. he's used to heights.
funny pair of alleycats they are.
anyway aside from his.... particular views on pushing folks around, and his attitude most of the time. he's a nice kid.
honestly he's got some of the best grades of the bullies lmfao.
music blast
that took me all night i hope u like it lmao. these boys. shakes my fist. their dynamics amuse me.
requests are still open but i may close them soon
[hc masterpost link]
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cooking-hazard · 2 years ago
It's been great getting ocasional updates of Elon continuing to dig himself into a whole ever deeper, but from a safe distance where there's no danger of ever being affected by that directly.
And the best part is this is mostly his own doing. Like, it probably comes from him both pushing companies into data scraping by restricting API access, and running his contract with Google cloud services short from meddling so much with the site that ir ends up working so inefficiently. And then? He just decides to take the cruddest, most ham-fisted solution available that's gonna send his investors into a frenzy.
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what the everloving fuck
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transman-badass · 1 month ago
Tumblr [or maybe my internet] is fighting me here but
Y'all Americans, you need to call your reps NOW. Muskrat is taking over the computer systems in the US gov. It's an outright coup, but people are saying when they call, the people answering have no idea what they're talking about
CALL THEM. Look them up online, or use one of the many posts on here for guidance
Mention the Reuters article [I hope Tumblr will post this] or this Wired article:
NOW is the time, before things get worse!
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