#Musings: X6-88
baddieladdie · 1 year
FO4 Companions react to Sole's chem addiction
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@falloutchicken Alright! Finished it~ Sorry it's a little long, I had an idea for a different format style and I ran with it - but I love how it turned out <3
tw: addiction, drugs, trauma, chem-use as an addiction
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While trading at the Diamond City market, the Sole Survivor of vault 111 overheard folks whispering over their steaming noodle bowls about an abandoned shopping center filled with valuable loot. The only barrier between them and the score of a lifetime were the supermutants inside. The gossiping locals didn’t have the fire power for such an altercation, but the sole survivor did. And they certainly would not be going alone.
Selecting your companion:
Cait: I’ll come, but just don’t make me wear anything stupid
Curie: “Oh! Shopping!” She mused delightfully, her voice ringing with pleasure.
Codsworth: How delightful, mum! I do so miss shopping expeditions and, please pardon my saying, but your jumpsuit is looking rather drab. Off we go, miss!
Deacon: Sounds like my kind of dig! I could always use some new disguises.
McCready (sarcastically): Oh, we better hurry. I hear clothes practically fly off the shelves with their discounts.
Piper: Jesus, Blue. Sounds dangerous. Something wrong with the clothes you already have?
Preston: Absolutely, General. I wouldn’t want you facing this on your own.
Hancock: *heh* Thought you’d never ask. Let’s get the fuck out of Diamond city.*grumbles, muttering under his breath* Never understood how these bigots can sleep at night…
Danse: I advise against putting yourself in unnecessary danger. The gossip of strangers isn’t worth risking your life, but I’ll be damned if I let you face this alone.
Nick Valentine: Well, if it’s worth your time kid, than it’s worth mine *grabs his hat and coat before locking the detective agency door behind them* Lead the way
X6-88: I agree. We might find something useful. A large shopping center may have valuable pre-war goods. Right behind you, ma’am.
The Sole Survivor walks out of Diamond City with their companion, combat shotgun in hand. Though well armored and stocked with plenty of ammunition, they carefully made their way south through the ruins of Boston. Sole and their companion had not walked far from the Boston Police Rationing Site when they heard the unmistakable sounds of feral ghouls, clumsily kicking tin rubbish and bones left on the broken streets. Sole and their companion crouched behind the remains of a building’s wall. Daring a look, sole peaked above the wall, only to notice the dirty, ruined faces but unmistakable faces of her pre-war neighbors, Mr. Donoghue and Mrs. Donoghue. Sole immediately felt sick and dizzy watching the two ghouls stumble down the street aimlessly, eyes white and staring at nothing. Mr. Donoghue and Mrs. Donoghue were expecting a child as well. Sole had spent hours in their kitchen, chatting about the excitement of parenthood. They swapped ideas over coffee and pie. 200 years after the bombs dropped, while sole was safe in a vault, her neighbors had been turned into radiation monsters, void of the humanity they used to possess. Alive in a physical sense, but her neighbors were lost. Sole had no choice but to put them down and out of their miserable experience. It’s what they would have wanted…
Your companion reacts:
Cait: Jesus Christ, not a way to go. At least you had the ‘ol Vault-Tec treatment, eh? *Cait notices tears filling in sole’s eyes, rapidly decides to change her approach* I - er - um…..I know this must be difficult for you…I…I am here if you need to talk, or something.
Curie: One must wonder, what causes the deterioration of this ghoul condition? Some "ghouls" are in possession of their mental faculties. Others are not. I wonder why Mr. Donoghue and Mrs. Donoghue became feral while many other ghouls have maintained their mental capacities [Sole - Those were my neighbors, Curie. Not a science experiment] My apologies, sir/madam, I didn't mean to offend you. Grief can be managed with a well balanced diet, exercise, and spending time with loved ones!
Codsworth: Oh dear *emotional processors cracking through his speakers* Is that…the Donoghues? Mum, I’m…I’m so sorry *offers a hankie*
Deacon: Well, that was terrible *sigh* radiation, you unbelievable bastard.[notices how upset sole is] Ah..Look, I’m sorry. This…I mean, what you’re going through, I can’t even imagine. If you wanna talk or something…[trails off]
McCready: Oh man…*He pauses, letting the information sink in regarding sole’s neighbors* I’m really sorry. We can turn around if you want. That department store isn’t going anywhere. 
Piper: You okay, [sole]? You seem pretty shaken up. Why don’t we rest for a bit.
Preston: Oh, I’m really sorry, General. *he removes his hat, holding to his chest, tired eyes looking away in respect* Take all the time you need. I can help you bury the bodies if you would like to give them a proper burial.
Hancock: Ah shit. Old neighbors, huh? Hey, let's just get outta here. I hate seein’ you so broken up like this.
Danse: You’re awfully quiet. Want to tell me what’s on your mind? [listens intently to what Sole says about the feral ghouls they had recognized and killed] I see. Take as long as you need, soldier. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.
Nick Valentine: “You seemed to recognize those two, who were they?” [response from sole] “Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss,” he spoke softly, placing a supportive synth hand on sole’s arm.
X6-88: Those were your neighbors? My condolences.
The sole survivor heaves in grief, but is eventually able to continue on, intrigued by the elaborate wooden welcome sign to Fairline Hill Estates. They had toured the gated community long ago when looking for a house. Sanctuary Hills, the houses of tomorrow, had captured their attention more, with all their technologically advanced features the estates lacked. But all that remained now were the corpses of friends turned into monsters from nuclear radiation and two lazy yao guai, chewing on the bloody bones of rotting brahmin.
Your companion reacts:
Cait: Oh! Such fascinating creatures! Shall we get a closer look? I wish to study the effects of radiation on these beasts
Curie: You’ve got be fucking kiddin’ me. yao guai? That’s the last thing we need right now.
Codsworth: Oh dear. You don’t think they can see us, right mom?
Deacon: That is disgusting *he giggles* How do you want to play this, boss?
McCready: *Chuckles gleefully, silently pulling out his well polished rifle* This is where the fun begins.
Piper: Well that’s just great. Breaking news: Diamond City reporter torn to ribbons by a giant, stupid, irritated bear.
Preston: Dammit, I think we're in trouble here *pulls out his musket, at the ready* I’m with you, general.
Hancock: We ain’t alone *drops shotgun ammunition into the barrels of his gun* Those yao guai are mean bastards, they hit hard. Just lemme know when you’re ready and I got your back.
Danse: Yao guai..Not to worry, we’ll send those monsters right back to hell [Charges, heavily clad in power armor, laser weapons firing away, breaking the silence of a sleepy afternoon] Die, you godless heathen! Die!
Nick Valentine: There’s no getting out of this without a fight *loads his 10mm with a satisfying click* You ready, kid?
X6-88: Good, I was starting to feel a little bored. You ready to engage, [sole]? This shouldn’t take long
The Sole Survivor and their trusted companion gawk at the yao guai corpses, bleeding from their many fatal bullet holes. Sole sighs in exhaustion, dropping to squat and holding their face in hands.Their companion rubs their back sympathetically and suggests the tempting idea of spending the night at Fairline Hills Estates. The area was relatively safe now, with Mr. Donoghue & Mrs. Donoghue and the yao guais dead. Keenly aware of the mental torment they both witnessed and given Sole’s fragile state, their trusted companion led the way to the southeast house. Sole collapses weakly on the sunken couch and watches as their companion wanders into the brokedown kitchen to prepare dinner for the night. They ate the meal peacefully without many words to be said about the days’ events. The sole survivor turned down every request to talk about the killing of her neighbors and the close call they had with the yao guai in what used to be a highly sought after gated community. Their companion accepted that sole just wasn’t ready to talk about. They offer to take the first watch to let the sole survivor get some much needed rest.
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Once their trusted companion shuts the door to the house to begin their watch, the sole survivor slinks away to the attached garage. They had noticed the chemistry station earlier and knew exactly how to use it. There were piles of dead leaves everywhere, a natural fertilizer. Using the leaves along with the plastic from some junk lying around the house, sole knew they could craft jet - lots of jet. Sole gets to work, tinkering feverishly at the chemistry station, sweating from the withdrawal and desperate for relief. The Sole Survivor sighed in contented satisfaction, admiring their own craftsmanship. Not even bothering to step from the chemistry station, they begin taking hit after hit of jet. Sighing happily as the pain of memories and her broken heart eased into comfortable numbness. Sole wanted to take jet until they couldn’t remember who they were, much less what had happened to them. Sole stumbled back slightly, the room a spiraling blur. No matter, they take another hit and watch the world slowly rise until they felt their back hit the floor. The stared blankly at the ceiling, surrounded by empty jet cartridges. Hearing the loud THUD sole’s companion rushed into the room, fearing the worst (an intruder, a kind of murderous threat) only to find in their horror, a close friend in indescribable pain.
Your companion reacts:
Cait: “*tsk* Havin’ a good time now, are we?” Cait teased, pointing on the jet in sole’s hand as they slouched against the chemistry station. Cait’s eyes scanned the scene further, noticing the familiar signs of a serious addiction problem.Given the amount of empty jet canisters scattered on the floor around sole, it was a miracle they were even still alive.] I think you’ve got a wee bit of a drug problem, [sole]. Which ain’t right, especially after everythin’ you watched me go through. Why would you let yourself get hooked on the stuff? Can’t believe you’re doin’ this to yourself?!” She shouted, breathing deepling like sole had taught her to calm down. “You’re an idiot, [sole]. But I’ll help ya, just like how you helped me. Let’s go, we’re getting you cleaned up”
Curie: She stares curiously, “I have more than enough data on the physiological effects of chems, there is no need to provide me with more data, sir/madam.” She notices the dilated pupils, racing heart beat, the sweating… “Are you alright, sir/madam? I believe you should see a doctor, we cannot treat your condition here.”
Codsworth: “Are you well, mum?!” Codsworth panicked, desperately trying to assess the situation. A Mister Handy bot was designed for household duties, not crises.
Deacon: Wow, looks like you’ve been partying pretty hard with out me. Miiiight want to lay off cause I think you’ve enough.
McCready: *Slaps the empty get out of sole’s hand, they glare at him angrily, demanding an explanation* That crap is gonna rot your mind. This stops right now (Dad-mode activated)
Piper: Ooooookay (nabs all the empty jet cartridges) I think you’ve had enough, Blue. (Stares at the insane amount of jet in the room). I think we better get you to a doctor. I just hope it’s not too late (she sighs heavily, emotion tightening around her neck hotly) This is why I wanted to talk, Blue! So you - you wouldn’t do anything stupid! Arg! What a mess. Come on, (she lifts sole up) let’s get you to a doctor.
Preston: This is how it ends, [sole]. You keep this up and I’ll have to bury a friend. The Minutemen need you. I need you. And you don’t need those chems. You have people who love and care about you.
Hancock: “Woah!” Hancock froze, staring at the used jet scattered about the room. 2..4..6..three over there, that makes 9…pile of 5 in the corner makes…14? 14! How are they alive? Hancock glanced at the sole survivor, slumped pitifully against the chemistry station, empty jet still in hand. They just kept staring at his boots, completely unresponsive, but he could see the steady rise and fall of their chest with each shallow breath. Hancock began to sweat, panic sweeping in, staring at sole’s chest. What if it they stop…what if they breathing stops - he’s mayor, not fucking doctor.”H-hey, stay with me, now! Look,” He turn’s sole’s face to look at him only to be greeted with dull and empty eyes. “Hey, sunshine. It’s me, remember? Hancock. D-don’t go, you can’t do this to me. I need you, please. Don’t leave me alone.” Tears welled in the crevices of Hancok’s face as he sat beside the sole survivor, holding their hand. He gasped as a familiar smooth hand rested on his. “I could never forget you, Hancock.” The mayor choked back sobs, gripping sole’s hand like it could fade away any moment. “Don’t you ever do this again. Never trip alone. We’re getting you help. Like, now now.” He takes sole’s arm and wraps it around his shoulder’s, pulling them to their feet.
Danse: [Stares in stunned silence mixed with disgust and concern] He crouches beside sole, pushing the drugs away, and whispered angrily, “How can you fight when your brain’s clouded with those drugs? You’re going to get yourself killed. And I’m not just gonna stand here and watch brotherhood’s best, my friend, die unnecessarily. We’re getting you clean and that’s an order.”
Nick Valentine: “SHIT!” Nick hissed under his breath. He'd see a lot of folks at their worst in his line of work. He’d seen this scene too many times before. A case closed in an overdose. There were even some rare occasions where he found Mayor Hancock after a few too many chems. But usually, there were warning signs. How could he call himself a detective when he couldn’t even save his friend from themselves. Nick crouches beside the body, holding their limp wrist in his. A pulse, weak but still there. “Alright, now you’ve done it, kid” He scooped up the sole survivor into his arms. “We need to get you to a doc.”
X6-88: Oh god…[composes himself] You don’t look so good sir/ma’am, Might want to lay off the chems for a while. I’ll be throwing these away (disposes of all the chems the Sole Survivor made and had on their person)
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The Sole Survivor wakes up in a familiar bed at the Castle, a stack of addictol was left on the nightstand. This was certainly a more permanent detour to Fallon’s Department store than they planned for. Sole’s companion apologizes for moving them and delaying their trip to the department store. But sole’s close friend promises profusely that it was and always will be for the sole survivor’s own good. They promise again and again that they do not feel any different about them and still deeply appreciate the relationship that they share. So much so, they couldn’t bare to lose their friend to addiction. After some time and regular check-ins with the Minutemen Surgeon General, The Sole Survivor will finally leaves thre Castle and continuing their journey.
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sharkssharpteeth · 9 months
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。Muses ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours”
- “Against the Kitchen Floor” by Will Wood
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Listed below are my current fandoms and muses within them. I’m not too picky when it comes to ships, though I tend to lean towards those that are under-explored when the fandom allows (ex: Hadir Karim/Alex Keller). If you want to shoot me a DM or ask regarding a plot ideas, go for it.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Current Fandoms:
The Boys ♢ Brokeback Mountain ♢ Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot) ♢ Detroit: Become Human ♢ Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves ♢ Fallout (New Vegas & 4) ♢ Far Cry (4 & 5) ♢ Gen V ♢ Hannibal (NBC) ♢ House Of Ashes ♢ Legend of Zelda ♢ Moon Knight ♢ Mortal Kombat (1) ♢ Night At The Museum ♢ Outlast (1 & Whistleblower) ♢ Pokémon ♢ The Quarry ♢ Resident Evil ♢ Scream (1) ♢ Uncharted (2 & 4) ♢ Until Dawn
Muse List:
Brokeback Mountain
Ennis Del Mar
Jack Twist
Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Phillip Graves
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Hadir Karim
Alex Keller
John “Soap” MacTavish
Vladimir Makarov
Andrei Nolan
Rodolfo Parra
John Price
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Alejandro Vargas
Detroit: Become Human
Colton (RK900)
Connor (RK800)
Elijah Kamski
Markus (RK200)
Gavin Reed
Simon (PL600)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Edgin Darvis
Xenk Yendar
New Vegas
Craig Boone
Arcade Israel Gannon
Benny Gecko
Joshua Graham
Vulpes Inculta
The King
Paladin Danse
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Robert Joseph MacCready
Arthur Maxson
Far Cry
Ajay Ghale
Paul "De Pleur" Harmon
Charlemagne "Sharky" Victor Boshaw IV
Jacob Seed
John Seed
Hannibal (NBC)
Frederick Chilton
Francis Dolarhyde
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
Mason Verger
Legend of Zelda
Prince Sidon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steven Grant ♢ Mr. Knight
Jake Lockley
Marc Spector ♢ Moon Knight
Mortal Kombat 1
Johnathan Carlton ♢ Johnny Cage
Bi-Han ♢ Sub-Zero
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Kuai Liang ♢ Scorpion
Syzoth ♢ Reptile
Kenshi Takahashi
Shang Tsung
Tomas Vrbada ♢ Smoke
Night At The Museum
Outlast + Whistleblower
Jeremy Blaire
Eddie Gluskin
Waylon Park
Miles Upshur
Professor Kukui
Chairman Rose
Professor Sycamore
Resident Evil
Karl Heisenberg
Leon Kennedy
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Ethan Winters
Scream (Original)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Supermassive Games
The Devil in Me
Charles Lonnit
House of Ashes
Nick Kay
Eric King
Jason Kolchek
Salim Othman
Man of Medan
Bradley Smith
The Quarry
Jacob Custos
Ryan Erzahler
Chris Hackett
Travis Hackett
Dylan Lenivy
Until Dawn
Christopher Hartley
Michael Munroe
Matthew Taylor
Joshua Washington
All Entries
Nathan Drake
Victor Sullivan
Among Thieves
Harry Flynn
A Thief’s End
Rafe Adler
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gwinnetts-archive · 6 years
‘ gum, cake, pie or ice cream? ’ @ x6
interview the muses | @starkunlimited​
This? This is one of X6-88′s trademark bland but somehow simultaneously baleful looks. And for a long moment, it seems like he isn’t going to answer.
“... Cake.”
(He’d better actually get cake out of this.)
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tempesttragedya · 3 years
p.reston garvey, minuteman & best boy, fc: a.ldis hodge x.6-88 (Xavier), courser & all around buzzkill, fc: d.b., woodside gestalt, 4 bodies with 1 mind, fcs: J,on Fletcher, R,onan Raftery, C,atherine Steadman.
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courierdusters-a · 6 years
rpc etiquette question tho,
// okay i have three drafts left in my lottery pile, so i’m gonna stop there for the moment
but while i’m thinking about it ...
i genuinely have no idea how kosher it’d be to post headcanons on how OCs/couriers/sole survivors will get along with companions or other npcs?? i have some fairly developed headcanons for how elle interacts with some of them and i wanna talk about My Feelings and such, but i don’t write all of them? and i dont wanna make ppl who rp those characters uncomfortable under the assumption that i’d Expect those interactions from them?? hrffhrhfhr
i’m probably overthinking it but................. i wanna ask.......
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eggebread · 7 years
@justificd ordered a murder egg combo
X6-88 can’t say he cares much for Diamond City. He has been here on assignment many times, between relaying orders to Kellogg and occasionally being the one sent to pick up McDonough’s reports. But he’d never spent much time in the city proper, out among the humans, until he started accompanying Father’s aunt on the surface.
She seems to have a fondness for it. In the beginning, she told him it was because of its resources, and as it’s a trade hub, X6-88 understood. But, in the recent month, she confessed to him that it was because sometimes, she needs to be around people. “Not that you’re not,” she’d immediately said, hands darting out to press against his lower arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t phrase that right.” X6 took no offense, but knew what her response would be if he told her that, so he didn’t.
This time, they’re here so she can meet up with her... partner. X6-88 doesn’t understand why she has romantic or physical interest in the man, but it isn’t his place to question her. He will follow his orders, which are to remain in the Diamond City Market while she convenes with her partner in Home Plate.
X6 remains near the door like a guard, leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. Waiting is not difficult for him. He will wait.
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I remember an ask that was about the companions reacting to Sole saying their dead spouse’s name in their sleep. So, how would romanced companions react to Sole saying the companions name in their sleep? :)
(Not related to the post but thank you everyone for your kind words)
•After getting over the initial agitation of being woken up, Cait wouldn't know what to do with herself.
•Since you're alseep, she won't feel the need to hide her satisfaction in your musing- instead she'd just give a gentle sigh and lay back down, wondering just how she got so lucky to have someone that loved her so much that they thought of her even in their dreams.
•50/50 chance she'll tease you in the morning.
• "Pleasant dreams, lassie?" (And yes, she's gonna call you lassie regardless of gender)
•Curie has a habit of bringing her "work" to bed, so she's more than likely completely awake whenever you're passed out- probably scribbling some random thought she had regarding her newest research. Hearing you call her name would of course cause her to look your way, however upon seeing you peacefully asleep- she just giggles.
•Then she starts to wonder why you're calling out for her....she just hopes your dreams are pleasant.
•Hearing his name being called out wakes him with a start, automatically assuming something was going down. Eh, Brotherhood training one would assume..
•Seeing that you're completely fine, peaceful in fact, Danse would be immeasurably relieved. He'd then take a steadying breath and pull you closer to him, as though to say "I'm still here".
•Cue the "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Dialogue in the morning.
•He isn't exactly a heavy sleeper- if he sleeps at all in that night- so you even muttering his name has him standing at full attention.
•He's chill about it, whispering about how sweet he thought the gesture was as he gets up to busy himself with something else. He may or may not respond to your comatose rambling by saying "yep, that's me."
•It's a good thing you're asleep...or at least that's what Gage tells himself. Why? Oh, because he absolutely melts.
•Granted that you're a heavy sleeper and won't wake up to see him so "soft", Gage would pull you on top of him and kiss the top of your head. Honestly? He thinks it's the cutest thing in the world.
•With Hancock being a startlingly heavy sleeper, let's just say it was surprising that he even heard. Boy, oh boy, when he realizes what's going on through his drowsy haze- he has the biggest grin on his face.
•If a ghoul could blush, he would be. He thinks it's so sweet.
•Watch out waking Macready up...but let's just face it..he's probably not gonna wake up unless you say his name multiple times.
•In the event that this happens, Mac would groggily pull you closer and start asking what was wrong- keeping his eyes closed the entire time so he can stay right on the edge of sleep.
•When this happens, chances are he's not even in bed. Instead he's over at his terminal, typing away at whatever was needed at the time. However he'd find himself pausing for just a moment upon hearing you call for him. He knew you were asleep and yet he couldn't help but look over where you were peacefully laying, hugging his pillow tight.
•It's around then that he'd stop his letter and instead go to your side. Believe it or not, you do come before the brotherhood.
•If only he could tear up....
•Being so close to you, having you cuddled up to him and muttering his name fills him with this immeasurable happiness.
•Might make a remark in the morning as you make coffee.
•She's even irritable the Cait when it comes to being woken up.
•Once she gets past the strange urge to strangle you for making noise, she kind of "aww"'s aloud.
•Much like Danse, he wakes up a bit startled. However unlike the Paladin, he kind of starts giggling at first- turning to lay on his side so he can look at you fully.
•He'd then brush the hair out of your face and smile. Life sure was good...and you bet he's gonna tease you for this in the morning.
"I'm trying to sleep, what is it?"
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
Omg so I'm studying for my psych test tomorrow and I was reading up on a study over giraffes and i got to thinking!! How would the companions react (especially Deacon) to sole describing and maybe even showing pictures of animals pre war I'm curious on your take on that :) have a good day and prosper ^^
As with all of my requests currently, this is months late, so I hope you aced that test! There is no intro for this, just simply imagine Sole handing the companions a picture of said animal! Please enjoy!😊 (Codsworth isn’t in this because he’s already aware of Pre-War animals)
FO4 Companions React: Sole Showing Them a Picture Of a Pre-War Animal
“It’s so damn round,” the redhead commented, squinting to get a better look at the image, “And why the bloody hell are there birds pickin at its back?”
Sole decided to show Cait a picture of a pre-war hippopotamus. Their companion was fascinated by the creature.
“So let me get this straight: the birds pluck off bugs by cuttin up the hippo with their beaks?” Cait shook her head, “Those parasitic bastards. If I were the hippo, I’d fling those damn nitwits off me back and stomp them into the ground.”
“What is that thing,” Piper gushed, “It’s absolutely adorable! It looks like a stuffed animal!”
Sole had shown the reporter an image of a sloth.
“So they’re super slow and just eats and sleeps all day. Ha...that’s the dream, honestly.”
“Damn. He’a about as fucked up as I am right now,” the ghoul laughed, “Look into those eyes and tell me he ain’t on somethin.”
Hancock had just shot up a massive amount of Daddy-O moments before Sole decided to show him a picture of a Tarsier.
“Getting that high and not wearing shades...the little dude’s got balls.”
“Woah! That a gaterclaw!?” Gage asked, snatching the picture from Sole’s hand, “Is it a fuckin toy? Why is it so small? That thing ain’t gonna cause any damage. Hell, I could probably kill it with a pop in the nose.”
Sole explained that alligators were considered extremely dangerous in the Pre-war days, and the raider chuckled.
“Ya’ll were all a buncha softies.”
“Ah, a bloodhound. Classic,” Nick chuckled, “I’d always wanted one of those. Too bad Jenny was allergic to dogs.”
He smiled as he studied the image.
“Their sense of smell was no joke. It’s supposedly one thousand times more sensitive than the average human’s, Imagine how much faster I could solve cases with a pup like that on my team?”
He set the picture down at his desk, “But, we have Dogmeat. And he’s a very good boy.”
“That’s a bald eagle, isn’t it,” Preston mused, marveling at the image of the patriotic bird, “It looks so fierce, yet majestic at the same time. I can see why this bird was used to symbolize the country.”
The Colonel thought for a moment.
“Maybe we could make the bald eagle a symbol of the Minutemen. It would be a wonderful allusion to the old world ideals.”
“Hey, I actually kind of like it,” MacCready chuckled, studying a picture of a raccoon, “It has a little burglar mask and everything.”
Sole explained that raccoons were nocturnal creatures that rummaged through trash for food. MacCready frowned.
“Are you implying that me and this oversized rat are similar? Because we’re not!”
“What that thing with big claws and bulging eyes and seashell armor?” Strong asked, “Look familiar.”
It suddenly clicked.
“MIRELURK! “You had mirelurk in your time, human!?”
Of course, Sole hadn’t shown Strong an image of a mirelurk. Sole explained that these were hermit crabs, and they were only inches tall.
Strong laughed.
“A shark?” X6 asked, “Bioscience is developing improved versions of them. Rougher skin, sharper teeth, and laser eyes. It has the potential to be an unstoppable weapon.”
“Zwat ees zat creature!?” Curie asked in amazement, “Eets neck ees zo long! And eet is zuch a pretty yellow color— my vavorite!”
Sole was currently showing their companion a picture of a giraffe.
“I truly wish zees lovely creatures existed in ze Commonwealth,” Curie marveled, “Eet ees not only beautiful, but eet would be an interesting animal to conduct research on—especially rezearch related to balance and bone structure.”
“Hey! This little lizard thing kinda looks like a mini deathclaw!”
Sole explained that the picture he was looking at was of a reptile called a chameleon.
“So this chameleon thing can change colors to blend in with its surroundings? That’s awesomeee,” Deacon gushed, “Maybe I can convince Tom to make me some color-changing thingamajig.”
“Yeah?” Danse studied the image that Sole had handed him, “It’s a bird.”
When Sole specified that he was looking at a picture of a pigeon, the Paladin nodded.
“Ah, that rings a bell,” he explained, “I‘ve read that pigeons were a nuisance in Pre-War America— always eating scraps and defecating on buildings and vehicles. But I’ve also read that they were used as messengers in World Wars I & II. The reason why is beyond me. They look incompetent and weak.”
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vendettacanons · 4 years
// Finally finished adding those Fallout 4 bios I was working on-
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// Curie - Dogmeat - Hancock  - Nick Valentine - X6-88
// Also updated the Fallout muses page while I was at it-
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falloutdialogue · 6 years
Companions When You’re Taking Too Long To Respond
Now you're just bein' rude.
Oh come on... say somethin'!
Oi! We were talkin' here.
Hello? Anyone there?
Fine... ignore me. See if I care.
S'matter? Got shite in your ears?
We talkin' or what?
Take all the time you need.
No rush.
Cat got your tongue, sir/mum?
Daydreaming perhaps?
Sir/Mum, you were going to say...?
Oh please, take your time. I actually do have all day.
I'm still here, you know.
Distracted a bit today, sir/mum?
A well thought out response is always best.
Is this sort of thing customary?
Are you all right?
The societal norms dictate a response.
Are you performing some sort of psychological experiment?
I sometimes get lost in thought, too.
I fear you may need a reboot.
You are awfully... quiet.
If it would not be too much trouble, can we continue?
You're awfully quiet.
Excuse me... I believe we were talking.
Are you ignoring me for a reason?
I’d appreciate it if you said something.
You ignore people often?
I'd appreciate a response, Knight/Paladin/Sentinel/Initiate.
So here we are. Just soaking in the moment. Nice.
Awkward silence or quality time? You be the judge.
Formulate that response. Lives are depending on it. Well, not really.
So... you watch the game last night?
I know I'm not that boring. Right? Don't leave me hanging.
Now let's practice our 1000 yard stares.
I like to fill long silences like this with my poetic musings.
Maybe being on ice that long knocked a few of your marbles around? No offense.
This meditation break brought to you by Hubris Comics.
Did I say something wrong?
You wanna talk? Makin' me a little nervous over here.
Uh, you all right?
Anybody in there?
You check out on me?
What gives? I thought we were talkin'?
Did your chems just kick in or something?
Like talking to a brick wall sometimes...
Lights are on but no one's home...
What? Mole Rat got your tongue?
You off somewhere else or what?
Come on, I can't be that boring.
Okay, you're starting to freak me out.
Come back down to earth, spaceman.
I loooove one-sided conversations.
Hello? Anyone in there?
Hey, we're talking here, right?
What? No comment?
Kinda like to know what you're thinkin'...
I didn't say something wrong, did I?
h, everything okay?
Hey. You still in there?
So, we done talking?
Well, don't go all quiet on me.
Feel like I'm talking to myself here.
Yoohoo. In the middle of a conversation here.
Blue? You okay?
Hop in whenever you like.
I don't think we were done.
Take your time.
You need a minute?
Let's get on with it.
I'm still waiting.
Speak, human.
Human confused?
{A loud belch}
Is brain stuck?
Human smells funny.
Say something.
Why human not talking?
You gonna say something?
Could really use your weigh-in about now...
Sorry. I understand this is a lot...
Uh, anybody still in there?
Giving me the silent treatment, huh?
Nothing to say on the subject?
What? Did I say something?
Don't let me bother you.
Not much for conversation today, are ya?
Would love to know your thoughts on the matter...
I can wait.
Take your time.
Still with me?
I've lost you.
Something wrong?
You seem preoccupied.
Something on your mind?
Try to focus, sir/ma'am.
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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muselist update!
// alrighty, the muselist is now 100% DONE. unfortunately, poor X6-88 got downgraded to the miscellaneous muses list, but i don’t take him out of his box very often... (i’m so down for changing that, and he’s still keeping his distinct tag, tho)
SO: the muses that get full descriptions (but still not as in-depth as the high activity ones) are those shown in the screenshot — edward deegan, dean domino, shaun, and xavier zellweger. please check it out!
now i just need to do... verse summaries... and i can call the entire gdoc complete
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rogue-lavellan-trin · 5 years
About the Muse
I was tagged by @viewfromthevault (thank u!)
Tagging @dancing-flamingo-pirates @vixils @fallout-and-dragon-age @trenchantdante @feeshies to do any of y’all characters!
RNG has decided I will be going with Vanessa for this one
— Your muse’s name:
Vanessa, unit A5-01, [Former] Assistant Head of Robotics in the Institute
— One favourite picture/faceclaim of your muse:
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Here’s one of the few solo screenshots I have of her o:
— Two headcanons you have for your muse:
 The reason Vanessa is in a special position for a synth in the Institute is that she has the saved memories of one of the Institute’s early robotics experts, Dr Vanessa Hersh, loaded into her. As a result she’s treated differently to the other synths, but knows she’s not quite on the level as other scientists, evident in the unwillingness to promote her to division head.
 Being a very early model of Gen 3, Vanessa ended up being one of the models that wasn’t created with a bellybutton, as it was an oversight between the various teams, resulting in early models not being viable for infiltration. Not that Vanessa was going to be in that role.
—Three things your oc likes to do in their free time:
 Working on her personal robotics projects, like her little bots
 Listen to some of the old tunes Dr Hersh liked from before the bombs
 Relax with the people she considers close
—Seven people your oc loves/likes:
Tessa (Her Sister)
Hersh-2 (Mentor/Mother)
Matt (Like a son)
Diana (Old friend)
X6-88 (Good friend)
Haylen (LI?)
Isabel Cruz (Later co-worker and friend)
— One phobia your muse has:
Mild claustrophobia. Not bad enough to cause issues in most of the Institute, but things like small elevators aren’t fun at all.
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nukagalreacts · 6 years
For Anonymous who requested Companions react to a Sole who loves to write poetry!
Here it is! I hope you enjoy reading it :) and thanks for the request 
Curie(synth): She was always curious as to what Sole was writing about in that journal of theirs, it didn’t matter where they were they never failed to catch a glimpse of Sole furiously writing away in the journal sometimes for hours on end. So one night while they were camped out around the fire Curie decided to finally ask Sole what they were always writing about, causing Sole to look at her in surprise because usually no one ever bothered asking about it, seeing writing now a days as a waste of time. So sheepishly they admitted they loved writing poetry. Which made Curie instantly perked up because she adored reading poetry books as part of one of her newer hobbies and asked Sole if they could read any of their work. Sole was hesitant at first but they trusted Curie and knew she would never make fun of them so they let her read everything they had ever written in the journal. Sole for once felt proud of their work as Curie made encouraging comments and said their work was as good as other poems she had read from famous poets of the past.
Codsworth: The Mr.handy had always been encouraging of Sole’s hobby of writing poetry, and before the bombs dropped he even suggested they should publish a poetry book. Even now he still gushed about what an excellent writer they were and said they should continue with the poetry writing even though not many people took the time to read or write such things anymore. All that mattered to him was that it was something Sole loved doing and it had become a way for Sole to cope with all the changes and how different their life had become waking up 200 years in the future.
Cait: Could barely read to begin with so when she first heard about Sole writing poetry she thought it was a bunch of nonsense and didn’t see the sense in them wasting their time on, which of course hurt Sole’s feelings pretty badly and made Cait feel like an asshole. Cait tried to make it up to Sole by asking them to read some of the poems they wrote to her, and she was happily surprised by how much she actually liked to hear them. Sole even wrote one about Cait and shared it with her, and the tough irish fighter almost got teary eyed when Sole read it for her, and she was sure to memorize the poem and even hold on to the paper and keep it in her pants pocket almost like a good luck charm.
Danse: He knew how to read and had come across a few old poetry books in his explorations and missions across the wastelands, but had never really sat down and read one in his spare time. After he met Sole though he noticed that they had a keen interest in such books and seemed to enjoy reading and collecting them whenever they got the chance. When Danse inquired about it Sole admitted they had always loved poetry even from a young age and rather enjoyed writing it themselves, it helped them cope with different things by writing down what they were experiencing or seeing in poetry form. Danse had never heard of such a thing but was glad Sole had picked up such a relaxing hobby that made them feel better, because he knew living this life was never easy.
Deacon: Once he had been snooping around in Sole’s stuff and he came across what he had originally thought was a diary and he got all giddy thinking about what secrets he would come across, but when he started reading he realized it was all poetry. He ended up reading all of the poems Sole had written and couldn’t believe how good they were at it. Writing was such a rare thing because most people never learned and it wasn’t considered an important life skill compared to learning how to use a gun. Sole caught him reading the journal and was somewhat embarrassed, but not so much when he started asking why he had never gotten to read these before, and he thought it was cool that Sole still practiced this and that they were probably the last poetry writer in the world, which might be true.
Dogmeat: He could never understand what Sole was saying but he liked listening to them when they read their poetry out loud to him either in the early mornings or late at night laying in bed, he found their voice soothing. Sometimes he even heard his name in the poems and he would get so excited wagging his tail and perking up his ears! Other times he would be a little naughty and eat the paper Sole had be writing on, and they would get a little mad at him but couldn’t stay that way when he gave them the puppy dog eyes and lots of kisses.
Hancock: The first time he ever learned that Sole loved writing poetry in when he kept finding love poems all over the old state house meant for him. He loved reading them and they made his heart swell knowing that even though him and Sole spent so much time together that they still took the time and effort to sit down and write all of these for him. He actually kept everyone he got in a special chest with a lock on it and would break them all out and re-read them anytime Sole had to be away for a while, just so he could keep a part of them close. He even felt inspired to start writing love poems back to Sole, even though they weren't nearly as good as Sole’s poems they still appreciate the sentiment behind them.
MacCready: Sometimes when him and Sole where walking to wherever they needed to go on a mission he would look over and see them writing away in to the pages of an old journal. He would try to sneak a peak and Sole would just yell about how they weren’t finished yet and slam the journal shut, and poor Mac would be so confused. Finally one day Sole shoved the journal is his hand and said it was ready for him to read now and to his surprise it was all poetry, every page filled to the brim with words. The best part though all the poems were about him and Sole’s adventure across the Commonwealth and they had made this for him as a present, and he was sure to never go anywhere without it, always taking it out at night and reading it before he went to bed.
Nick: He first found out about Soles love for poetry writing when they came to him asking if he had any extra paper laying around for them to write on, when he asked what for, they admitted that poetry was their favorite pastime. Nick was surprised anyone still did that and was rather curious and asked if he could read any some time. Sole was a bit shocked usually no one had ever shown interest in there work except when their spouse had still been alive. They knew Nick wouldn’t make fun of them though and let him read a few and it actually made him smile to see such an old world thing still be practiced and told Sole he actually had an old typewriter that still worked if they wanted to use that, and Sole was beyond ecstatic to use it!  
Piper: She was so pumped to have someone who loved writing as much as she did and always wanted to read every new poem they came up with. Piper was obviously more into writing news pieces with facts and what not and she found Sole’s poetry refreshing and kept wishing she could write as creatively as them! Sole found it nice to that instead of having to constantly scrape up whatever paper they could find Piper was nice enough to give Sole their own little desk and terminal to type up and save all their work.
Preston: He thought it was cute the way Sole mused over everything, even though the Commonwealth was a mainly ugly, radiated place full of unsightly mutated creatures they found a way to make everything seem beautiful in their poems they scribbled down in their little notebook all the time. If they weren't out helping a settlement  he could find Sole sitting up on the castle walls, staring out dreamily at the sunrise or sunset and writing some more. He found it nice to see someone have such optimism and see the good in everything around them, and he found that Sole’s way of seeing things was starting to rub off on him which he didn’t mind the slightest.
Strong: He didn’t see the point in writing or reading, and when Sole tried to explain poetry to him he laughed at it and told Sole they should focus on fighting! Sole tried to change his view on it by writing a battle inspiring poem about Strong and his excellent smashing abilities. They read the poem to him and Strong actually liked it and told them he wouldn’t mind if they wrote him more if they ever felt like it again. He even suggested they should write a poem about the milk of human kindness, which Sole happily agreed to!  
X6-88: He had heard of the concept of poetry but in his mind it was a pointless pursuit and a waste of one’s energy. He noticed that Sole did spend a lot of their time typing up stuff on their terminal and he became rather curious what they were typing up at all hours of the day and night. X6 knew he shouldn't be invading Sole’s personal privacy like this, but he was dying to know what they where doing and lone behold it was pages of poetry, much to his shock. He had never thought much of it before, but after reading some of the poems he found it to be a rather beautiful and inspiring form of creativity, and long as it didn’t get in the way of Sole’s duties he didn’t see the harm and letting them continue this hobby.
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x688plsloveme · 6 years
Companions react to a fem!SS that enjoys (quietly) admiring them, like how they move and react to things, admiring the lines/curves of their faces/bodies/etc?
ADA: Ada never really questioned how Sole did things. This however, got her a bit curious. She would notice her companion watching her for minutes on end, assuming that she had an interest in robots, but she thinks not even the Mechanist had such a liking for her creations. This lead Ada to asking a question on day. A simple, “Why are you always watching me?” Sole just laughed and told her to not worry about it. Ada’s curiosity was left to fester.
CAIT: Cait knew she was good looking. She always has. But not even the creepy guys in bars wouldn’t dare continue to leer after she threatened to knock their teeth out. Which is why it is so perplexing to Cait whenever Sole would continue to gaze at her, even after sending her a signature death glare. She didn’t really mind the prolonged looks, but it was confusing as hell to how Sole didn’t even flinch.
CODSWORTH: Being used to this kind of behaviour from his mistress, Codsworth wasn’t bothered by her watchful gaze at all. It wasn’t until Ada inquired him as to why Sole does it that he bothered to ask her. Since she knew Codsworth better than just about anyone, she told him the truth. “Everyone that I’ve ever met acts in a different way. Their likes and dislikes are reflected in the slightest change in posture. Their life stories are mirrored in their eyes. I find it simply fascinating to see every different social cue a person has. Especially after waking up to post apocolyptia,” Codsworth could definitely understand where she was coming from. People now are so different than they were pre-war.
CURIE: Sole found Curie adapting to become a human of sorts was intriguing to say the least. Not having the experiences other humans had that made them guarded all the time, meant that Curie in particular was a very expressive person. Being a woman of science herself, Curie could definitely share the same love for observation as Sole. She found it flattering whenever her friend would choose her as a sort of “muse”. 
DANSE: Danse was used to being watched closely by all the drill sergeants back in the Brotherhood, so Sole watching him was no different. Although...He doesn’t get the same feeling from her as he did the drill sergeants. Where they watched him closely for any sign of mistake to point out, Sole watched him with what seemed like a mild curiosity. He never felt scrutinized under her gaze.
DEACON: Being the suspicious guy he is, Deacon thought that Sole was a secret institute spy when he first noticed her habit. The way she observed people was akin to how he does the same thing because of his wariness. What steered him off of that though, is the fact that he notices she does that to everyone, including X6. No reason for an institute spy to suspect a courser. Deacon decided that he could make a game out of it instead. Every once in a while, he’ll take up a new face and persona, and see if Sole notices. The only problem with this game is that he never loses. She’s just gotten to good with reading him.
DOGMEAT: Even Sole’s trusty canine companion couldn’t escape her habit for observation. Thanks to how closely she pays attention to him, she can tell right away whenever her dog is feeling stressed or unhappy, even when the cues aren’t obvious. This also comes in handy when the pair are out exploring and Sole picks up on Dogmeat’s signals for danger. Dogmeat is just happy to have such a caring owner who pays a lot of attention to him.
GAGE: He thought that her habit of people watching is a testament to how smart his overboss is. Get to know what makes a person tick, and they’ll be just to easy to manipulate. Knowing that she watches everyone didn’t stop his surprise when she commented on him. “Gage. When did you come to be so...different? Most raiders I see are hot headed and don’t take shit from anybody. Not that I’m saying you’re a pushover, it’s just that you always seem to have the upper hand with dealing with anybody. It’s nice to know that I don’t have an idiot as my second in command you know?” The surprising part of Sole’s speech was that she pointed out something no one else has ever pointed out before, figuring out his habits through her own.
HANCOCK: “What, see something you like?” Hancock must’ve asked this question to Sole a thousand times, and he always got the same answer. She dodges the question by laughing and leaving the room. This time was different. Sole actually answers back. “Yes. You’re a really interesting person. You carry yourself in public like you own the world, but I can tell you are insecure and uncertain about certain things. What chem you use is also almost always linked to how you’re feeling. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye!” Hancock just sat there, bewildered. He’s never known someone who could pick up on so many subtle things in his life. He just chalked it up to another one of Sole’s charms.
LONGFELLOW: At first, Longfellow found Sole’s habit of watching people (namely him) to be creepy. Then he realized that she actually had the same habit that he had when he was out hunting, just in a less dangerous sense. Sole could tell the miniscule movements of people and read what they mean just as well as he could read different animals. He ended up finding her admirable for it.
MACCREADY: Being a sniper, MacCready wasn't used to people watching him for long periods of time. It was usually the other way around. Whenever the pair ventured out together, if they were in a safe spot, Sole’s eyes were glued to him. Much to her amusement, he tried hard to hide his discomfort even as his body got tense whenever he felt her eyes on him. Some of the others would tease him for it, but he always refuses to bring up the topic with Sole, as if she hadn’t noticed already.
PRESTON: Sole’s habit was simply exasperating for Preston. She would always be watching him or some other person when she should be looking out for danger. Codsworth told him long ago the explanation that she gave him long ago, but it didn’t make a difference in his eyes. At this point, he though that she’d watched him enough to not need to anymore, but that never seemed to be the case. Eventually, Sole just keeps doing it around Preston because she thinks the sight of him being all huffy is hilarious.
PIPER: Piper always felt kind of weird when people watched her. She didn’t like the thought of people judging her when all she wanted to do is the right thing. She voiced her anxiety to Sole one day, and after many comments like, “You’re gorgeous and interesting to watch,” Piper allowed her to continue her habit. At least she didn’t have any bad reason for watching her. Plus, Sole always made sure to ask beforehand whenever she decided to watch her friend. Piper really appreciated the care she gave to her worries.
STRONG: Needless to say, Strong hated it when he caught Sole staring yet again. He didn’t care that he was “literally the only super mutant that I can observe without getting killed!” He just plain didn’t like Sole wasting her time with what he though were completely useless skills.
VALENTINE: Nick was used to being watched, so it never bothered him that Sole had a fondness for observing people. In fact, it was quiet useful whenever he had someone to interrogate. Sole could tell him if someone was lying or not. He was always telling her that with her attention to detail and her ability to read people, she’d make a great detective.
X6-88: Saying that X6 was a challenge when it came to reading him was an understatement. Sole could attest to that. She could spend many long minutes trying to decipher the enigma that was X6, but even she had trouble sometimes. X6 thought that he was perfect at keeping his reactions in check. Until one day when Sole walked up to him to give him some Fancy Lad Snack Cakes then left with a smirk. He thought that it was unfair that anyone could be as good at what they do as she is.
Requested by the lovely @akarigoshihime
I honestly don’t know if this is any good or not, but I hope you like it regardless.
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gwinnetts-archive · 5 years
// seeing all the “my muse is [orientation]” posts makes me, as a multimuse, weep gently bc i dont wanna spam everybody by reblogging them. SO here’s a post with a listing of my characters’ labels instead, which is something i... don’t think i’ve done anyway
elle — panromantic gray asexual zetta — demisexual and not as straight as she expects she is riley — bisexual bellamy — aromantic asexual, borderline sex repulsed maccready — bisexual
dean domino — heterosexual edward deegan — bisexual shaun — aromantic asexual x6-88 — [redacted] xavier — homosexual
jack cabot — oblivious but he ain’t as straight as he’s expecting either, he just hasn’t put any thought into it emogene cabot — bisexual link — he aint know, i aint know braska — bisexual xion — she aint know, i aint know saïx — homosexual will turner — elizabethsexual
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