#Courser Synth (X6-88)
nooklingposting · 6 months
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Minuteman X6-88!
(He won’t wear the hat. He refuses to wear the hat. He thinks the hat is stupid.)
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fallout-hoe · 11 months
Coursers are not a lost cause! I’m still sad at the fact you can’t get X6-88 to leave the Institute and explore his own identity because there are glimpses of him “acting out” like during the affinity talks he speaks with more emotion because he feels safe around you (unless you tell him to stop it lmao). You can’t tell me that he wholeheartedly believes he’s just a machine made to serve and even if he does, I know that boy still wants to be respected by Father and the scientists (I like to think the people there annoy him lol). When he finally idolizes the player, I bet he could care less about the Institute and their goals, but Bethesda didn’t want to expand on it
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stoat-party · 7 months
*X6-88 voice* He’s an 😏 earlier model
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4th-fallout · 2 years
Sole Survivor: *Hugs X6-88*
X6-88: "What is this?"
Sole Survivor: "Affection."
X6-88: "Disgusting."
X6-88: "..."
X6-88: "Do it again."
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accecakes · 28 days
consider this: Curie/X6 but reversed roles. Either he's a synth railroad agent (like Glory) and helps Curie escape the institute OR she's a courser and he's a regular synth on the run
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Okay, so here’s the rundown. X6-88 is a scientist who’s on the road documenting his findings of all things in the wasteland. Meanwhile, he stumbles upon a courser who is unaware that his robot brain had been transferred over to a human’s body. The courser believes she had taken X6-88 hostage, to be used as a personal guide. On the other hand, he couldn’t be more glad to have some company. Especially someone who knows their way around a weapon.
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orange-coloredsky · 2 months
Additionally, Institute terminals state that all of the Bunker Hill merchants are Institute informants. If the Sole Survivor walks up to any of them with X6-88 in tow, they will visibly panic as if expecting X6 to execute them.
wait so if the bunker hill merchants (carla, lucas miller etc) are all informants does everyone at bunker hill know that? i mean clearly not because that one barkeep/motel boy is like "saving synths is cool" out in the open without a care in the world.
i havent done the battle at bunker hill in a second is that also why that happens?
the convos each merchant has w x6 also seem kinda personal. as though they know this courser specifically. big fans.
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Platonic X6-88 and Sole Headcanons because that man has a death grip on me and he deserves better.
GN!Sole, though definitely based off my Sole Clara.
Post Institute, fuck the Institute
So gentle touch? Synths don't get a lot of that, this goes double for coursers.
Sole is the first person who actually touches him gently, and with good intentions.
Synths didn't really get to have hobbies in the Institute. Sole asks X6 what he likes to do in his free time and he's ??? Because he's never had free time, his time never belonged to him
Really does not know how to respond to affection. It's not that he doesn't want Sole to be affectionate with him, he does but it can be overwhelming. He tends to push them away.
Cue Sole gently forcing X6 into trying new things. Oh, he's a pain in the ass about it and complains about how it's a waste of time and unproductive.
Until he doesn't complain, Sole shows him how they modify their weapon, and he's watching like a hawk, wanting to do the same. Sole gives him a set of paints, and he stubbornly refuses to touch them. Until he gets curious and does it when no one is looking. His first work is messy and imperfect, it hangs on Sole's wall forever.
Sole has to learn how to read X6's subtle emotional cues. He feels just as much as anyone else but tends to keep most feelings internal. It's not something he's really doing on purpose, it was a necessary defense mechanism in The Institute, it was either keep it inside or be reset and old habits die hard.
X6 will ask sole questions about their old life before the war. If X6 cares about your personal life, he definitely really likes you.
Sole who so badly wants to be able to show X6 the love and kindness that he deserves. Sole who has to remind themselves to take it slow because being loved is so new for X6.
X6 who feels stupid for not realizing sooner that the Institute was wrong about synths being machines. Sole says it's not his fault, but he isn't sure he believes them.
Just X6 slowly learning that he's an independent, living person that deserves to be treated with kindness, it's a difficult process but Sole is there every step of the way. He doesn't know how to say it but he hopes they know he appreciates them.
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tesscorner · 6 months
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X6-88. Acrylic. Don’t judge strictly, it is my first his portrait created to express some my thoughts below.
It is a shame that Fallout fans have such an attitude towards this character. Many people think that he is an unemotional, insensitive robo-killer.
But if you run with him a little longer, you will learn a lot of interesting things about him.
Firstly, coursers, these are the same synths of the third generation.
Technically, it is no different from Dance.
Secondly, he "grew up" at the institute. He says so himself. Yes, he was created as an adult, but it means that we are talking about the formation of his "personality", which the synths of the third generation cannot have, according to the institute. Naturally, he is subject to their propaganda.
He constantly demonstrates his opinion, to the point and out of place. He is very afraid of heights and does not like water. Also, I like his sense of humor.
Yes, he talks in a robotic voice, but in the last dialogue he changes. He even allows himself to joke with you as soon as he feels that he can trust you.
Personally, it seems to me that the lack of emotion in his case is a defensive reaction. After all, if his manifestations of humanity are seen at the institute, then consequences will await him.
I still have a lot of thoughts about this character, if I like it, I will write more.
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nukenai · 11 days
So I never beat Fallout 4 and I never will, and it's entirely for weenie reasons where I want to be friendly with everyone. The Institute is objectively the worst out of all factions, and any other opinion I consider insane, but also... it is full of like, just, people. People who were born down there and don't know anything. And tons of innocent, enslaved synths. And like what are you expecting of people who are born in that isolated environment who grow up being told Synths are just machines? No shit they don't know better. I think just completely exploding the Institute is a little fucked. Even the Brotherhood, fuck them, is full of decent, sometimes very hot people. And I guess there's kids on the Prydwen, but more importantly, a cat.
The actual real reason is that I have a very big crush on X6-88 and want to continue being his friend. "Nuke just get a mod". I don't want to. I'm scared of mods exploding my game bc I have extreme paranoia about game data. I have a mod that cleaned up Danse's face but that's like it.
Anyways the craziest thing that ever happened to me in the game was because I have remained friendly with all factions and not picked an ending. It wasn't that crazy but it was to me and made me rethink my "actually blow up Institute lol" opinions.
I was on Far Harbor and did the quest where a Courser had tracked Chase back to the Island and I had to go confront him to protect everybody, because I would literally die for Acadia in real life. Anyways I went and found the Courser, expecting a fight.
He turned to me and said "Hello, Ma'am."
Because I'm still friendly with the Institute, and he is programmed to know who I am and be nice to me. He even made a comment about X6-88 speaking highly of my skills, because I could talk to him like a regular NPC Courser in the Institute.
And I stood there with a gun pointed at him.
I shot him four times before he became hostile. Then I obviously killed him.
I have not been the same since that encounter and it fucked me up lmao. Many of the choices I made in that game were pretty easy because I'll defend Synths over anyone else 99% of the time. That one was hard and screwed with my brain.
But at the end I'll still shoot anyone to protect Acadia. Because I'm normal about it.
Also I love blowing up the Vertibirds that my shitty neighbor, a 20 year old nazi in a blimp, keeps sending to my Castle house. It's hilarious. Maxson, stop. It's been like 5 years. You need to get over the Danse thing.
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nooklingposting · 6 months
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I told you, this man needs earrings
No I will never stop drawing X6
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elvishdemigod · 3 months
So I was somewhat inspired by the AUs @shitty-fallout-art would do, triggered my brain to come up with this backwards au. The Backout AU? Fallwards? Backfall? Outwards? Anyways- Some backwards in their goals, some backwards in their origins. Brain is still swirling with it.
Piper is either a secret informant for the Institute, or she gave up being a reporter after it resulted in the death of her dad.
MacCready is a Mercenary-turned-Gunner. Maybe lost Duncan to ferals and Lucy is sick and dying, their relationship is relationshit after losing Duncan, but he's still trying to find a cure for her and using his Gunner connections. This also kind of makes it make sense why he'd be fine about staying in the Commonwealth after getting the cure and being open for romance. Not completely but still. And it would make the Gunners a joinable faction, maybe
Maybe X6-88 is still a courser, but he's one who actually has his own mind and thoughts. His goal is to kidnap people for the "perfect society".
Curie is a synth who wants to be a Mrs. Nanny because she's tired of thinking so much.
Deacon was a member of the Railroad, until he lost his wife to a malfunctioning synth, and became part of the University Point Deathclaws.
Nick was a detective but sooner or later was oucasted and either left to rot amongst junk, or the Institute took him back in to help him.
Preston leaves the Minutemen to be a simple farmer.
Danse might have found out he was a synth, and joined the BoS in hopes to hide and even forget his identity.
Shaun will still be a child, and believes synths are equal people. And/Or the Institute actually wants synths to have free thought, the goal is to restart society underground and make free-thinking immortal people with the synths, which is their reason to kidnap people. I don't want to take them away from being villains, but I do want to make it so that their delusions of kidnapping and killing people for turning into synths to be more justifiable, I guess.
Cait maybe was a chem-addicted fighter whose parents gave her to Tommy because they couldn't feed her, and she ends up getting clean and finding her parents? Kinda similar to the Pauper in the Barbie Princess & The Pauper, tbh.
Dunno about Strong, Hancock, Sole, or Dogmeat though. Then there's the Railroad, Minutemen, and BoS stuff. Railroad and Minutemen might be more thriving this switch-around? And maybe the RR is for synths who escaped because they have the memories of the families they were taken from and see the situation as so wrong.
This whole idea would need tweaking and more thought, some doesn't feel like it's backwards and more of a switch or opposites thing. But characters having their stories made backwards or flip-flopped would be interesting!
If I weren't working on the fanfic with the vampire idea, I'd work on this instead.
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lastarvek · 1 month
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I am honestly so disappointed that we can't romance X6-88, and before you go "he's a courser and he is loyal to the institute and he has no emotions blah blah blah" LISTEN!
Paladin Danse is basically the same as X6, when you think about it. Both are blindly committed to their duties and responsibilities, and unwavering in their loyalty to the Brotherhood/Institute, respectively.
When Danse learns that he is a synth it obviously crushes him, and destroys his entire concept of reality. Yet you can teach him that he is an independent and sentient being, deserving of love.
Now, X6 already knows he’s a synth, and so he believes he’s nothing more than a machine, because that’s what the Institute has told him.
But we already know X6 has emotions! He has independent thoughts/quirks. And just because he is a Courser, that doesn't make it any different. You think he was programmed with a fear of heights? Does that seem tactical? Of course not! This, and his deadpan humour, are some obvious signs of individuality.
Thus, if we can convince Danse that synths are beings capable of emotion and love, we should be able to convince X6 as well.
A side note - the game is really lacking in black love interests, and POC companions in general. There’s literally one black man you can romance, Preston, and in my humble opinion he’s lame af. X6 is cool, funny, suave, and he would have been a great addition to the roster. We also could use more female LIs buuut that’s a rant for a different day. 💀
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
k-peasants asked: An actual prompt this time! I know you're busy and have plenty of things to write yet, take your time. Soo I was thinking that maybe companions (and Maxson) horribly failing at confessing to Sole. Like for example they could clear out some Raiders, companion is impressed, tries to confess BAM Sole gets fucking decked by random raider they didn't kill. I feel like you could get pretty creative with that one. Like deathclaws, something exploding, just settlers running in, other companions interrupting etc.
Dunno why, but I seems to experience a bug and Tumblr didn't let me add more ... it will be a long ask if I had to add all the companion on one distinctive post after they other... Anyway for now
Part 3
(Part 1 : Danse, Deacon, Nick Valentine)
(Part 2 : Hancock, Preston, Strong)
(Part 4 : Gage, MacCready, Piper)
(Part 5 : Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson)
X6-88 : Since Father assigned him to Sole's protection, the Courser has gone a long way, both literally and morally. Far from it, not everything went as smoothly as butter in the pan.
First, before even learning that he would be the companion of this weird individual, X6 had a very negative view of them on their first expedition together. Sole was paralyzed for a long time in front of the flow of the waves on Libertalia, explaining to a rogue synth that they were terrified by the sea.
The sea frightens them.
Fear of something so...ineffective.
The rogue had long urged and persuaded Sole that finishing this mission was critical. With cover words that sounded like an unknown language, the underdeveloped machine ultimately persuaded Sole to go collect Gabriel, even though the act clearly stinks to him.
That was a lot of information. X6 should have begun to comprehend. But he had clear directives, and none of them prompted him to doubt Sole's objectives or their manners.
And, following this incidence, Sole proved to be effective enough.
Exactly like any other mission.
Over the next few weeks, X6 admitted to having a moment when he thought he had a malfunction. Only for a little moment. There was only one intermission.
Sole gave him the command to execute a child.
Sole was closely detailled by the Courser. Because of the time he had previously spent with them, it appeared to X6 that asking for such an act was completely against Sole's nature. Despite this, Sole ordered X6 to execute the child who had escaped a super-mutant raid under the Commonwealth sun, away from any witnesses.
And X6 stalled.
And X6 declined.
He has no idea why, how, or what compelled him to refuse to obey a command. However, it was "stronger than him," and he was unable to kill the infant.
Sole's lips curled into a faint smile.
They only said, "I knew it," and hugged X6.
A hug!
Sole transferred the child to safety in Diamond City, where he had a few families, and led X6 into the back aisles, forcing him to confront the annoyed rogue in person. And the rogue appeared annoyed.
"Well, well, well. Well, well, seems like they've got themselves quite the collection. They've got my mug, my moniker, and now you've even managed to snag them my humble abode. There were simpler means to inform me that my company is no longer desired, and employing your Courser was unnecessary."
"This one is different."
Sole believes that X6 is distinctive.
Sole then drastically changed near X6. They opened up and got more... tactile. They frequently sit with him around the fire, talking about morals and philosophy.
X6 was initially hesitant to respond. X6 was initially hesitant to respond because he was not programmed to ask inquiries.
But time passes, and some questions replace others. Increasingly so. And X6 finally questions the Institute.
He let himself fall heavily onto the visitor's seat one evening when he joined Sole in their office at the back of the Sanctuary's bar. Sole considers the Courser with interest, having never seen him do so before.
"Are you okay?"
"Negative. It is not within acceptable parameters. I have successfully perused the reports you requested. As per your directive, I have engaged in the act of examining and pondering. It is not deemed acceptable. It is not within acceptable parameters. The Institute's directives and visions, their actions, and the truth of the matter. It is no longer within the expanse of likelihood… I am unable to comprehend its meaning any longer."
Sole smiles lightly and sweetly and moves one hand toward X6's. He allows it. He is astounded by how much he has grown acclimated to Sole's contacts, as well as how much he feels the need for them.
"What they're doing is incorrect. And you're grasping it. To be honest, consider how incredible it is that you can determine what is right and wrong on your own. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that, contrary to popular belief, you are more than a machine. I've known for a long time that you are a thinking being, X6. A true individual capable of his own morality."
"It was all a lie?"
Sole nods solemnly. X6 is even more befuddled.
"However, the subject of your inquiry revolving around your progeny. You did not prioritize preserving your own son's vision? His work?"
Sole sighs despondently. Sadly, the Courser stares at them for a moment. He wants to break, toss away, and destroy what he sees in Sole's eyes. He wishes he could just glimpse the flame in Sole's eyes. This flame of passion that glows when this person feels they have done the right thing, when they fight to liberate a community from their attackers, and when they speak of a world where all would live in peace, harmony, and perfect collaboration.
He doesn't want to see Sole in such sorrow. Never.
"My son. I'm not sure if that's a proper title. I gave birth to a child whom I adored. I would have given anything for him. I fought the entire world for him. I had to go through hell to find him. But I failed to find my son. My son would have understood logic. Instead of these abominations, my son would have realized the good he could do. I was shocked by the destruction when I first was what happened to the Commonwealth, but I also saw the life that wants to return, the hope that seeps in and clings to it with tenacity. My son only saw an atrocity that he had to finish eliminating. At that moment, I realized—my son died in the vault alongside his mother/father."
The emotion in Sole's voice stirs X6's heart. Their speech is completely unacceptable for a Courser, and X6 should immediately report it to the Institute. But X6 is now aware that he has entirely defeated this condition of mind. He has the impression that Sole is telling the truth. He now realizes that the Institute is bad and that X6 no longer stands for this cause.
He then places his hand on Sole's. This thought came along with something more, very deep and very primary, that he must absolutely let out. He takes a deep breath.
"Sole. I am grateful for your confidence in me, and I shall clarify upon one matter at hand, for it is imperative that—
"Whisky!" exclaims MacCready as he actually jumps into Sole's office.
The mercenary has apparently already abused much of Sole's reserve with the other companions, and the party in the other room has virtually ended at X6's feet. Sole smiles lovingly at the mercenary, whom they name their little brother.
"Whisky!" They take over the choir, picking the man up and taking him into the other room. They glance apologically at X6. "We will continue this conversation another time, I promise you."
"Yeah,” growls X6, not convinced.
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Deacon : I am hidden
Preston : You know the minute you mention it, it burns your position?
Deacon : I am disguised as minutemen and the colonel speaks to me causually, I didn’t burn anything
Preston : [sigh] who are you hiding from?
Deacon : Nora drags a Courser with her
Preston : You know you’re NOT a synth?
X6-88 : there’s a rogue here?
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nthflower · 1 year
Coursers are enslaved lab-made human clones with mechanic parts and extremely dangerous and actually have personalities and sentience but people who make them says they don't and they are just tools and synths that have gone rouge seem as so dangerous even in fact they are not and this is just like SecUnits or comfortunits etc from murderbot.
Soooooooooo I am using my autistic power of crossovering and headcanoning now X6-88 actually have a pretty colorful inner monologue. And extremely rich personality. Because that bitch has a personality I can feel it.
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orange-coloredsky · 9 months
courser headcanon dump from notes app
all coursers are used for synth retention and internal policing of other synths, but are split into two subtypes based on specialty:
x-class (x6-88, x4-18, kellogg)
colloquially known around the institute as the "executioner class" because. yeah. typically sent into missions that involve inflicting mass casualities, like the cpg massacre, the switchboard raid, bunker hill, etc. or to hunt and kill individual institute enemies/snitches/etc. programmed to have extremely blunted emotions and the lowest possible capacity for self determination... for obvious reasons. combat & endurance focused
z-class (z2-47, chase)
usually used for intelligence purposes inside the institute and reconnaissance outside. trained more in psyop bullshit -- thought-crime policers. good with computers. still emotionally disengaged, but has more of an ability to display emotion with the intended purpose of manipulating others or gaining intel.
the courser chip is a multipurpose item that allows them to get in and out from the institute, acts as a radio to communicate directly to others within a mission underground, feeds them information on missions, and connects to another programming chip that handles their propensity to dissociate from atrocities and themselves by giving subconscious feedback loops that praise them every second of every day for continuing to be unquestionably loyal. the second chip often has to be given an update every year or two, as the biological parts of the courser's brain will start to "catch up" in a sense, making them more self aware and more likely to start weighing their own abilities against the defensive capacity of the institute; or worse yet, feel empathy or attempt to build solidarity with the working synths theyve been made to subjugate
despite all of this, coursers are not entirely incapable of autonomy. they actually often act in ways that are autonomous, just hidden from the sight of higher-ups; and even if they do get caught, coursers are less likely to be harshly punished due to their high social standing comparatively to other synths. also because most institute humans are genuinely terrified of them. coursers often keep things from aboveground missions in their quarters, despite constant warnings against it. most have a unique item on their body or uniform as a subtle display of individuality (x6's sunglasses, chase's orange stripes on her shoulderpads). a few have successfully escaped, sometimes taking a decent pack of other synths with them. all of these escapees have been marked as complete losses and no attempt to retrieve them has ever been made.
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