#Murderface family
lazyghostmiserishere · 3 months
Chat, is this something?
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maned-wo1f · 1 year
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pov you are skwisgaar and you’re about to lose a staring contest with toki
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thatwritingho · 1 year
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Brendon Small @ everyone
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mr-megaphone · 10 months
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minecraft doodle dump
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pickles the mother doodily doo
ME PIGCKLES, @thedinkler MUTDERFACE, @xlaken NATHAN!!!!!!
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Nathan took the picture.
They are waiting for Toki together with his Deadybear.
Wonder who's pillows and blankets are those. Nathan wouldn't tolerate Pickles sleeping on the steel headboard, nor having a light, thin blanket.
Family au next post
The post that set off my Family au
This scene, a bit reimagined:
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infecteddaydreamz · 2 months
i think they scatter like cockroaches when you turn the lights on in a dark room /aff
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coming up w funny captions is so hard guys what is this... anyway! more art of these fucking goobers that i cant seem to get enough of!
little explanation of the process thing / yap sesh below the cut smirks
i did the sketch on a 3 hour car ride coming back from the convention like 3 days ago and oh my god i hate drawing in cars !!! its not the sketching i so much mind, its moreso coloring, so thank god i did all the coloring and such at home!! but this piece took literally one million years but its done trust!! i have a lot of other *sketches* and doodles i could / should post from that trip! ill probably bring myself to actually posting more doodles and drawings and things bc i have tonsss especially of skwisgaar!! theyre literally all ive drawn for the past two weeks
anyway i just love to yap and man i just had the best midday sleep of my life! wake up and post ykwim mwahahahaha the grind never stops 😴😴😴
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burgerlabs · 7 months
murderface can understand spanish (citation: dethvanity + s4 dvd extra about the mask) but isn't ever seen or heard speaking it. pair this up with my hispanic+latino murderface headcanon and this can only mean one thing in my interpretation:
murderface grew up being a no sabo kid
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klokaqueer · 8 months
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lemurworm · 2 years
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The Bassist & the CFO
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 2 Group 10
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Dethklok: Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles (The Drummer), William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, and Charles Foster Offdensen
The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Submissions are still open!
Admittedly most of the time they are kind of assholes to each other especially early on (except for Charles) ,but they do love each other deep down and get a bit more caring towards each other as time goes on, there is quite literally an entire special dedicated to the found family factor. Like Doomstar Requiem drinking game: take a shot every time they say “brother”, you will be dead and it will brutal!
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The Robinsons:
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
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modpoppy · 7 months
just remembered the first time i saw a metalocalypse clip, it was the scene where nathan was reading off the checklist for toki to go to that camp and got him a snow globe
and, with no prior knowledge of the show, just accepted that the plot of that sequence was that the band had adopted a normal adult man and were just so familially loving of him they even sent him to a summer camp to have fun
and i cannot believe that that is 100% what was happening
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mapledkanata · 3 months
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Blueklok blueklok blueklok
I like to think that in Blueklok, Skwisgaar, Toki and Murderface may have a more trio dynamic (with Skwisgaar being begrudging and mainly just looking out for Toki).
Skwisgaar also just,, looks a little more haunting? Deathly ill? His pallor is only emphasized by his darker eye circles and darker clothes.
In general, I like to think Blueklok would have a more familial dynamic. Really putting the family in dysfunctional family!!
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maned-wo1f · 1 year
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Doodily doo ding dong doodily doodily doo
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basu-shokikita · 8 days
About Depths of Humanity
So, I talked about The Duel some time back and I thought, why not do the same for this song too? It's actually one of my underrated faves from Doomstar Requiem.
This more of a rant than a strict analysis though, I just really enjoy thinking about the implications of this song and what it means in regard to Skwisgaar.
Let's start with Ishnifus' warning. He claims that inside lies danger, the ghosts of their pasts and their fears. He cautions them to stay alert and Dethklok brave forward, even if scared.
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Inside, they encounter their old manager, old groupies and Skwisgaar's old guitar teacher, in that order. As promised by Ishnifus', they're all people from their past, coming back to haunt them.
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Immediately, these people start recriminating Dethklok for not having paid them back after how much they helped them. In short, they're jealous of Dethklok's fame and money.
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The band is clearly affected by the plaints, quickly forgetting what they were here to do. Except Skwisgaar, who reminds them all they have to find clues about Toki's whereabouts. It does not seem like they're listening to him, though.
Now up to here, I want to point out 2 things:
That Nathan and Pickles seem the most upset by these confrontations.
That, while Skwisgaar is disturbed, he still has their goal in mind.
About Nathan and Pickles, I think it makes sense, they are the leaders of the band, they're most conscious of its tremendous success. They also know they're extremely talented musicians, meaning, they're aware of their value. They know they're far from being these miserable pricks demanding rewards. Nathan had a nurturing family while Pickles used to be in a huge band, previously to Dethklok. They're both people that have been inherently helped by other people, which is why being confronted is actually uncomfortable.
Skwisgaar is certainly a different case. I have to say, I was pretty surprised to find out that he had a guitar teacher. Based on the flashbacks in Fatherklok, I assumed he had been self taught. Skwisgaar himself has admitted he was pretty poor in his childhood so it's hard to believe Servetta would've invested in his music education. Plus, he can't read music which I think would be hardly the case if he had gotten classes.
But anyway, I'll play along. This teacher is speaking English and he doesn't make any mistakes so I'm guessing he's american. Meaning, Skwisgaar took classes when he went to America, which was later in his life. To strengthen his game and/or learn the technical bits he might have missed before? Maybe? And if this was the case, then Skwisgaar would've felt less obligated to indulge to other people in his life, when he learned to be independent from a really young age. He doesn't feel like he owes shit to other people, because other people didn't give him shit. Thus, the Depths of Humanity effect is not that strong in him.
You could also argue that the loss of Toki is a far more terrifying prospect than these bitter acquaintances from their past but I'll elaborate on that further in this post.
Murderface? Well, Murderface has low esteem and is the less popular member in the band, so of course he can't fall victim to guilt-tripping. Because that would mean acknowledging he feels like he's in a better place than others, it would mean that he actually believes himself superior than others. But he doesn't, Murderface is convinced he's worth nothing, so this whole charade is more grating than anything. Which brings us to the next moment.
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The way Murderface is coaxed by the Depths of Humanity crew, is when a seemingly fan approaches him and starts praising him, claiming he's the best one. And then, is when Murderface is hypnotized by the attention. He's already such a negative person, of course more negativity isn't going to get to him. But positivism? That's another deal.
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Skwisgaar once again insists that they have to find a clue on how to find Toki but it falls on deaf ears. Nathan is grabbing his head in despair while Pickles clutches his chest in what seems to be an impending panic attack.
Now I really like the wording 'I'll look if you do, too' from Skwisgaar. It almost feels like, even in this situation, he's trying to sound cool about it. He doesn't want to be the only one caring this much about Toki, he doesn't want to be the one leading this operation. He's not a leader, he's never been a leader, even less when it comes to emotional stuff, which is the implicit purpose of this search. They care about Toki, and that's why they're looking for him. But is Skwisgaar seems to be unconsciously rejecting this fact. This attachment.
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However, his bandmates aren't listening, too self-absorbed in their anguish to do so. Skwisgaar continues the search and is quick to point out at something on the wall. It's a flyer that he grabs and, immediately, seems to connect the dots about. In an unusual display of leadership, he tells Nathan to grab Murderface so they can leave. Their purpose has been fulfilled and they can finally escape this horrid place.
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Okay, so this is my favorite bit, obviously. Once they're outside, Nathan and Pickles keep complaining about what they were just subjected to, and Skwisgaar stops them to show his discovery. It's the same flyer he just grabbed, and it features the place where Toki had his audition. Also known as the place where they all met Toki for the first time and Skwisgaar and him had the legendary duel.
We don't have a precise Dethklok timeline but it's been a long time since Toki joined the band. Several years, at the very least. And this building is nothing but a far away memory, from when they were a lesser band. From when they weren't the big rockstars they are now. So, it really begs to question that not only did Skwisgaar remember the place, but he did so at once, when he hadn't seen or heard of it in years.
...Unless, he had been thinking about it recently?
We know, thanks to the beautiful central section of the movie, that Toki had been thinking of his audition, of joining Dethklok, as a means to cope with the devastating reality he was faced with. We know reminiscing of his dazzling battle with Skwisgaar and the happiness he found within the band gave Toki strength to carry on. But what about Skwisgaar?
For someone who considered himself much better than other guitarists, to the point he didn't want to play with another one, to actually find an equal, someone that challenged him, it couldn't have been anything short of extraordinary for Skwisgaar.
The summit is for the very best only, yet it's quite lonely too, and Skwisgaar had been basking in that isolation his whole life. Until he played with Toki, then the idea of sharing his field no longer felt like an insult, but potential instead. He found someone that could improve his own playing, someone that could compliment his guitar, take it to even higher heights.
And so, Skwisgaar was the one to invite Toki to the band, more specifically, to tell him he wanted him in the band. While we can't factually know how the rest of the members joined Dethklok, we know for sure that Skwisgaar was the sole responsible for making Toki join, as the rest were already bidding him farewell for failing to keep up with Skwisgaar.
So, when the one person that challenged Skwisgaar's playing was taken away, it wouldn't be a stretch for Skwisgaar to look back on how it all happened. To ponder about the circumstances that lead them to the current situation. It's clear the whole band loves Toki and, unable to deal with their own sadness, drank and fucked to oblivion. This also applies to Skwisgaar, except that with him it's especially complex, given that he's the one that brought Toki to his world to begin with. Given that Toki and Skwisgaar share the same instrument. (Fun fact: you don't actually see Skwisgaar fiddling with his guitar in Doomstar Requiem, just puttings dat out theres.)
Obviously, this is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo but as any Pepe-Silvia-scene impersonator that respects themselves, I want to point out how interesting of a coincidence it is that, less than 2 songs later, Skwisgaar is saying this:
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Right before they head in to rescue Toki and Abigail, Skwisgaar imparts some reflection of his. He's been wondering if maybe it wouldn't be better to go back to being a one-guitar band. Toki has been in Dethklok for a long time now, so it's interesting Skwisgaar has been thinking about this...
...Except, that's exactly what his mentality used to be like, before meeting Toki. Right when he was trying to convince Pickles that they didn't need a rhythm guitar, he spoke these words exactly. One-guitar band.
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It's almost like Skwisgaar is trying to do some self-preservation by returning to his aloof roots. He made Toki join the band, now Toki's gone and in danger, and maybe this wouldn't have happened if they had stuck with Skwisgaar's original plan. Because they attempted to replace Magnus is why this came to be. The revenge Magnus promised did arrive.
I just wanna be clear. I don't think Skwisgaar believes he's the sole to responsible for this, I'm sure he knows Magnus is the main perpetrator here. But the facts remain the facts, and had they all stayed as they were, then they wouldn't be risking their lives now to save their fifth member.
Like this, it seems entirely logical that Skwisgaar would be thinking of his former reluctance, of the Duel, of everything. It's all fresh in his mind once again, because Toki's kidnapping has forced him to realize they're not actually untouchable. Their mortality is back on the table, and so are their bonds.
In short, Skwisgaar had been repressing all his emotions about Toki's disappearance, but from the Depths of Humanity onward, he can't help but show them. He can't help but admit to himself and others, that he wants Toki back. So much, that a bunch of angry and entitled people can't affect him enough to forget it. So much that it's making him remember how distant he used to be, before Toki. So much that it's making him realize how different he is now.
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tokiwarcube · 1 month
I have a funny thought ! How would the boys react to their s/o meeting their parents. I feel like this would be hilarious or uncomfortable for the s/o (because they may get to see pictures of the boys when they were babies/kids or some of them talking about weird topics) but downright mortifying for the guys, because they’re parents are embarrassing at times, lol !!
And it’s okay if you don’t do this one, have a nice day or night :) 
I swear, I went into this with silliness and joy in my heart. But alas, not all of our boys had... passable parents. Not angst, but some of our boys are tinged with it.
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Nathan Explosion
Maybe if he smashes the photo frames, he can gouge out his eardums so he doesn’t have to listen to this anymore. He regrets ever introducing you to them, and worse, he’s wishing death unto whoever created the fucking camera. How do they have this many photos of him? How do they remember such weird shit about his childhood? How does he not remember that phase, and how did they even get that photo? He hates every moment of this. I mean really, with how quickly Rose pulled out the baby albums, its like she’s been waiting for this moment her entire life. Maybe she has. And he knows his dad has too, with how readily he’s jumping on to add details to every little story. He knows you’re never gonna let him live any of this down.
He would like a copy of him, age 10, punching Donald Duck though. Now that, that was brutal.
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Pickles the Drummer
If the stories that Molly remembered weren’t so damn embarrassing, he might feel happy that she remembers so much of his toddling years. But then she’s pulling out her phone to show you the old family photos she “sent to the clouds,” and she’s zooming in on one of his baby photos, and good God, he’s about to walk into the woods and never come back. He hates that stupid polo shirt.
He chooses not to comment on how she doesn’t talk about his teenage years, and he bites his tongue when the garage discussion comes up. Place a hand on his thigh to quell his bouncing leg before he loses it, please.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
This could go one of two ways — either A.) She sets her sights on you, or B.) She doesn’t. The former is just about the most uncomfortable situation you could possibly be in, and no amount of reminders that you’re dating her son will dissuade her. When Servetta is over, Skwisgaar has learned to just keep his head down, ignore everything, and just practice his scales. But the moment she starts flirting with you? It’s the only time you’ve ever heard him miss a note.
In the latter case though, she does actually try to regale you with stories from Skwisgaar’s childhood… but they’re tinged with a sadness that frankly, I don’t think she entirely grasps. Stories of him holding her hair back in the morning, that time he punched one of her dates, or that time he walked home in the snow because he thought she forgot him at school… not all of the stories are like that, mind you, but they’re interspersed so casually with the normal ones that really, it leaves a rather heavy impression.
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Toki Wartooth
He’s catatonic, and for better or for worse, doesn’t recall much of the meeting once they leave. He’s left with very faint memories, ghost-like in nature, of Anja silently encouraging you to go out on the town with her… but it’s all very foggy.
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William Murderface
Now surely, murder has to be warranted in this case. How the hell Stella keeps finding him, he’ll never know — what he does know, however, is that he’s about to lose his fucking mind. Rationally, he knows that the stories she’s telling shouldn’t be that embarrassing — he still pisses in the apple bins at the grocery store, who gives a fuck? — but it’s the way she says it that just makes his anger boil and his face flush in embarrassment. You have to be the voice of reason for him, otherwise he might actually kill her this time.
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He arrived :3
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What do you mean this isn't how the doomstar requiem went?
This is my new background now.
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