satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
For all my roleplay partners:
Never hold your muse back. For real. If your muse wants to lash out at mine, or kiss mine, or tell mine a horrible secret, or slam mine against a wall — go for it. Don’t ever feel like I’ll get your reply and judge you or your muse. Your character has specific feelings, instincts, and desires, and if they want to do something, don’t hold them back. I want to roleplay with your muse in their entirety, the whole truth of your character, not a watered-down version. Never feel nervous — just let it happen as it happens, and it’ll all be great.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
//i apologize for my unannounced hiatus. things around me have been ... well, quite horrible, so i can't find the motivation to write well. i will come back though, i just am not sure when yet! sorry again! 
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
// im sorry i haven't been on much at all; i haven't forgotten anything, i've just had some really crappy days and have had no inspiration. i'll reply to everything eventually. sorry!
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
day 7
7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why? 
that would certainly be his sister hacking into the admission exam. it brought too many bad events after it, and he still can't quite fathom why his sister would even do it (Satoren is thankful for her effort, but he doesn't think anyone would do something like that for him? he was taught that the only way to get by is with his own efforts and if he can't than he's a failure).
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
day 6
6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory. 
because of almost constant stress and bad past, i think his happiest memory would be something very recent - like finally managing to hear his sister - or something from way in the past. maybe an afternoon spent with Akira that didn't include any worries, or a laid back school day when he was a SCP. maybe a festival that he helped plan went without any hitches? simple things like that would make him happy and he'd remember them for a long time.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
Because we are family | for satomi-renbokoji
Characters: Akira Renbokoji, Satomi Renbokoji Word count: 612 (drabble) Genre: Fluff (?) (But I would say, sad in some way)
It was all over. Thanks to the intervention of Tokishima Haruto, Akira was now sound and safe on the now deflected space ship, saved in the moment she had thought it was over, and that this time her action would have had a dramatic consequence, an irreversible one. Still, while finally letting out a tired sigh, still closed inside the valvrave’s cockpit, a familiar voice calling her out avoided her eyelids to close and shut her brain for a little moment; her thorat suddenly felt parched, and her heart was racing, her heartbeat overwhelming any other sound, making the voice seems like a muffled noise.
She had to go, hadn’t she? Answer to those prays and face him, face the brother who finally wanted to save her, to listen to her, to stay by her side, to be equal, and not be some kind of mediator between her and the outside world. Not the brother who wanted to shut up the voice of his coscience, and turn off the memories which constantly played inside of his mind. This time he didn’t turn his back and walk away, pretending to not see. Was it relief? Was she proud of him? Or was it some kind of happiness? For being heard, for having received an answer?
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
Nightmare, Promise, Lies
nightmare + lies(2 in one yoho) one of Satomi's nightmares is people lying to him about his abilities or reputation - he has a frail self-confidence that, sadly, needs to be fed constantly. another one is something happening to his sister, or just losing contact with her (whether she gets hurt/dies/gets so angry at him she starts to hate him). basically, anything related to being left behind and proving that he's a failure. if we talk about dream nightmares, he might sometimes have some that include people laughing behind his back, or bad things happening with no way for him to stop them.promiseSatomi is very careful not to promise things to people - especially in his days as a SCP. he's good at avoiding that, as he knows that not everything can be done, and if he promises and has to go back on it, people will lose respect for him. the only exception is his sister - he's rather weak to her wishes, so he'll promise her things all the time, whether they're big or small. 
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
one kind of betrayed is if people don't act respectfully towards him, or at least not according to how he expects. Satomi is usually nice and open to most people as much as he can, and expects more or less the same kind of treatment - and feels betrayed if these expectations aren't met. another is any act of doing something that rejects him (like, Akira kicking him out, not being chosen as Prime Minister etc). here, he might be self-pitying for a while afterwards, will try to prove his worth again etc. a third is in the case that he tells you something in secret and then you give it away, for example. he just won't trust you again, and will get really mad.in either case he would only directly address it if he's really cornered or if it's really serious, otherwise he'll keep it to himself and probably only act a little colder towards the person (depending on the situation) and will be careful when he talks to them. he forgives easily but he won't really forget any slight (betrayal, insult, etc)? 
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
// i wont be able to work on a reply today since im in a pretty meh mood but i am willing to answer headcanon stuff
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
Put a word in my ask and I will write a Headcanon about it for my Muse.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
day 5
5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the Kinsey Scale? 
probably either a zero or a 1, though romance is one of the last things on his mind most of the time, lol.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
Satomi felt his breathing calm. Akira seemed to settle down, so it was okay... she didn't look like she was going to keep looking at him the way he dreaded, so he could let himself relax a little. "I'm n...ot saying you can't." Satomi, in attempt to clear out his head and somewhat automatically, started gathering empty cans, bottles and bags and putting them in a bigger empty bag as garbage. He was still half-looking at his sister, but as things seemed to calm down, he wasn't so nervous anymore. While he reached over to grab an empty box of waffles from the corner, he continued, "-- it's just for whatever you don't want to do. I already know what those things are," he added hurriedly, his voice calming down more and more. "I'm s-sorry for before, Akira. I didn't... consider things from e-every angle. Your onii-chan tends to do that." Your onii-chan is a screw up sometimes. Without knowing it, he was starting to act a little childish again, but he wanted to make it clear that he'd protect her. Because he could. Because they were family, right? Because he had to try this time at least. Please don't be mad at me.
What strange creatures brothers are! | @satomi-renbokoji
Isn’t it too late?
It was an undeniable fact that her brother was doing everything in his power to make it possible, for her, staying there, away from other people’s eyes and above all, away from any indiscreet comment. Of course, Akira acknowledged it. But why now. Why didn’t he save her when she called out for him? If he was doing it to live in peace with his conscience, then he was trying to save himself, and not her.
Why would he listen, why would he come and help me? I don’t need to be protected, not in this way.
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Not speaking a word of her thoughts, Akira nodded and decided to quickly forget about the topic, she didn’t want to talk about it for the simple reason that it was arduous, for her, to put into words her feelings; also, the red haired wished for Satomi to understand it himself, there were things which she couldn’t explain and that only him could understand. Maybe neither of them was ready to listen to the other. Not yet.
"T-there are things that I-I can take care o-of myself". Akira was not specific about what things she was talking about, however, she couldn’t depend on him forever, if he would really become her mediator with the outside world, then they would lose their personal battle; Akira wanted to show him that she could stand alone, and that, as has happened in the past, she could still help him. But this time, not with the same naiveté from back then.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
day 4
4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive? 
Satomi isn't exactly vain as much as he just has confidence in his looks. it's not extreme to the point where he boasts about it, but he likes to show it off with small gestures like flipping/sleaking his hair back, wearing clothes that can complement him best, etc.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
day 3
3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
Satomi has one small scar on his knee from a bike incident when he was a kid. he finds the story rather embarrassing and awful, as he wasn't supposed to be riding a bike in the first place when it happened. meanwhile, he also has some leftover emotional scars from his parents' demands and pressure and from seeing Akira get bullied. 
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
Her eyes looking at him with disappointment... he'd seen that look many times before. In different situations. In more horrible situations. He didn't want to be looked at this way by her. Not again. He didn't want to be a failure to someone again. "Th-that's okay!" the exclamation came before he could stop it, and he looked up at her face, confidence growing a little again. "In that case, I'll-- I'll use my position to make sure no one finds out you're here!" He nudged just a bit closer, eyes still looking at hers, shoulders shaking. If that's what you want... you'll forgive me, right? You'll forgive me. "I-I'll do everything and if you need to talk to anyone, do it through me! Ev-everything will be done through me!" After all, wasn't that also why he wanted that position...? (he didn't think about their parents for once, though they'd certainly had an influence on his academic career. He told himself, this is for Akira's sake, and what's good for Akira is also good for me. I'll make it right). "You don't have to go out, you don't have to talk to anyone!" he felt that his voice had climbed, so he lowered it promptly. "J...just keep writing down... classes as much as you want, and your onii-chan will take care of everything else!"
Please don't think that I've failed too. 
What strange creatures brothers are! | @satomi-renbokoji
A pair of purple eyes looked at Satomi with a mixture of anger, disappointment and sadness, why wasn’t he leaving, what did he had to say, Akira had heard enough from him, he didn’t need to make the situation worse. She wouldn’t be able to bear it, she wouldn’t be able to hear people talking behind her back, making comments about her, calling her the hacker who had managed to get into the school’s exams system, the one who had ruined her brother’s scolastic career; in the past this had been enough for everyone to pick on her, to treat her badly every day, forcing her to go through humiliations which left some burning wounds on her heart.
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However, that shaky voice and that insecure boy in front of her immediately reminded her of the kid sit at his desk, desperately trying his best to not let their parents down, to meet their expectations, the same that with a trembling hand was writing results and writing them all over again, the brother she wanted to help and see happy. That expression, that voice… nothing had changed from back then, except their growing insecurities.
"I-I won’t". Akira cut it short, her statement completely lacked the confidence needed to make it sound like a determined decision. "I-I can’t, I don-don’t want to". The red haired had the clear image in her mind of her parents affably telling her that she needed to experience more the outside world, it was still able to put her under an incredible pressure. Please don’t become like them, not you too.
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satomi-renbokoji · 11 years
this is my fault, he thinks when he looks at his second place score on last week's exam.
it wasn't my fault, he wants to scream, because the second-best score was only second best due to a difference in one point between him and number one.
but he knows it was his fault anyway.
this is not my fault, he feels the thought sneak up as he hears that "the hacker got beat up again".
but the 'not' fell away with the years, and when he thought back, he told himself, it was my fault.
it was my fault, so i'll keep your secret.
it was my fault, so i'll do anything you want.
i'm sorry.
i'm a screw up.
i'm no winner.
i'll win and you'll forgive me.
this was my fault.
i'm sorry.
i'm sorry.
everything is my fault.
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