#Murayama x Hyuga
apluseffort · 1 year
So I got into HiGH&LOW waaaay too late, but the brainworms got to churning out this little rarepair piece.
Title: Entwine
Rating: T
Pairing: Murayama x Hyuga
Warnings: minor blood play, fighting kink
Summary: Murayama visits Hyuga after work.
AO3 Link
He parks his bike at a nearby parking lot when he finds what he's looking for. The red lights turn everything pink with their glow. The crowds of people lining the streets and gambling stalls are ignored as Yoshiki makes his way nonchalantly further into former rival territory. He can tell eyes are on him, that some of the older Daruma Ikka members know what he looks like. No one stops him and he doesn’t do anything to specifically draw their attention towards him. So he casually walks through the crowd making his way further into their territory.
He only had one thing on his mind all evening and he was determined to find it.
It’s when he makes it to the coveted spot that he stops and speaks to anyone. Two of Daruma’s higher-ranked members guard the door, arms crossed with their faces set in a scowl. They would seem intimidating to the average visitor, but to Yoshiki, they were only in his way.
“Whaddya think you’re doin’?”
The guy on the right calls out to him. Trying to size him up. The guy on the left, while not outright looking familiar, did seem to recognize him.
“Dude, that’s Murayama from Oya Kou Kou.”
The man on the right scoffs at the name Oya.
“As if a buncha school kids got anything on us.”
Yoshiki lets the jab slide. He’s in a good mood, in Daruma territory and this guy looks new. His buddy seems to know that was the wrong thing to say and smacks him on the back of the head.
“Does the boss know you’re here?”
The smart one on the left tries to keep his partner quiet and Yoshiki is in really too much of a good mood to throw a fuss.
“I wanted to surprise Hyuga-chan. I mean, I can warm up with you two, but I was hoping to… well, you know.”
The guy on the left glances back at the door and with an attitude that bespoke how much he didn’t want to do it, he allows Yoshiki through. His partner looks like he’s about to protest, but doesn’t move either.
Giddy with excitement and adrenaline, Yoshiki hops on his feet a couple of times, loosening up before pushing the door aside. He walks into the room with all the confidence of someone who was meant to be here.
“Hyuga-chan~ it’s been a while!”
Hyuga Norihisa barely moves an inch from his spot lounging on his worn tatami cushions. His eagle-eyed focus is centered on Yoshiki, which sends a thrill through him. Facing off against this man was fun, thrilling even. He can sense Hyuga knows why he’s here with the minute ways in which he reacts to Yoshiki’s presence. He especially loves seeing the immediate switch in Hyuga’s eyes going from utter boredom to eagerness in a matter of seconds.
“Lost another job?”
A smile angles itself lopsidedly onto Hyuga’s face; smug satisfaction that he got one up on the former king of Oya. Yoshiki groans a little, shaking his head. It’s unfair how easily word gets around. On the other hand, he’s a little touched that Hyuga would even be interested in hearing the goings on in his everyday life.
“That was three weeks ago now!”
Yoshiki walks casually across the room towards where Hyuga was lounging. “I think I’ve finally found one that sticks.”
Hyuga shifts from his position on the floor to sitting hunched over with his legs crossed. How could he look so boneless while Yoshiki felt as tight as a highwire? It was unfair. Hyuga either is unaware or chooses to ignore his intent. It’s almost annoying that he’d purposefully be ignored like this. This calm front that Hyuga put up; Yoshiki wants to break it.
The burst of energy he’s been trying to keep tapped down starts bursting forth. He tries to stay still as he watches the sake cup touch Hyuga’s lips. They don’t break eye contact and it’s driving him insane.
“And here I thought you’d come to ask me for something.”
“A job?”
Hyuga snickers, it’s as close as he’s going to get to full-out laughter. He was amused at Yoshiki’s reply the very least. After kicking back and finishing off the cup in hand, Hyuga puts the cup on the table and gives Yoshiki a look.
That burst of energy pushes him forward, Yoshiki takes that answer as an excuse to move in closer, stopping at the steps leading to the rouka and ima where Hyuga has set himself up within the confines of his territory. He bounces down to a squat purposefully keeping his eyes trained on Hyuga. He doesn’t want to miss a reaction if he could help it.
“M’feeling too tall standing here like that.”
“If only you’d go on your knees…” Another laugh. Hyuga was in a good mood today. “No one would believe it if I told them.”
“Ugh! Don’t make me regret coming down to your level. I’ve been on my feet working a legitimate job all day.”
Hyuga’s smile drifts back to his standard frown, turning to pour more alcohol to fill his cup.
“What’re you doing here, Murayama?”
Here it is, the big question. He could say his body just FELT like being here, but that would have been a weird thing to say. Not when this thing between them was on the edge between the labels of “new” and “like usual.” Yoshiki really can’t see himself as a clingy kind of guy and can guarantee Hyuga doesn’t want someone like that.
Instead of vocalizing his answer, he bounces back up and climbs up the three steps to stand at the entrance of the room. He falls back into a squat, arms resting on his knees, and leans forward. His knees hover just above the floor as are his hands placed in front of Hyuga’s knees, it’s a gross bastardization of a dogeza, but purposeful. He looks up at him intently and tells him what he wants.
“I wanna have a go at what you can give me tonight, Hyuga-chan.”
Fight or fuck; he’s up for anything.
And for what it’s worth, Hyuga doesn’t do much in response to that but pour another cup and bring it over to Yoshiki’s mouth. He tips it forward gently pouring some of the smooth, fiery liquid into his mouth. The alcohol burns, but he can’t help but lick the remainder of the drink away as Hyuga moves to finish the rest of the cup before putting it back on the table.
“Babe, get over here before I drag you.”
Yoshiki laughs, hopping back on his heels and kicking off his shoes before walking the few steps to quite literally fall into Hyuga’s lap. He can’t keep the smile from his face despite the repositioning of his human cushion’s legs, which nearly jab him in the thigh. He leans forward, pushing Hyuga backward, unsure of what’s happening until he’s on his back on the ground.
“One point for me,” Yoshiki says, the grin of pride poking fun at his partner's misstep.
Hyuga doesn’t allow Yoshiki to revel in his victory. Instead, he bodily flips them over, the weight of a grown man now pushing him into the wood flooring. The Daruma leader is now looking smugly down at him, the biting grin almost a mirror to what Yoshiki had on his face a second ago.
“Don’t think I’ll let you get away with that.”
Yoshiki laughs. This was what he was here for. His laughter abruptly stops as he kicks trying to flip the over. It’s not a perfect move, Hyuga lands on his side rather than his back, but instead of disengaging Yoshiki leans in to steal a biting kiss. He feels Hyuga respond immediately with tongue and teeth. He doesn’t let his guard down, his body tilting then until he’s on top again.
He doesn’t realize that Hyuga’s about to punch until he feels the sudden sharp sting of pain.
“Fuck. That was dirty.”
Hyuga’s breathless reply of “That kiss was dirty” causes a grin to spread across Yoshiki’s face. He makes a move to stand up again as his opponent slowly does so himself.
“All's fair in love and war, Hyuga-chan.”
The snort of amusement that escapes from Hyuga’s mouth only encourages Yoshiki. His fingers tingle with excitement as they come together to throw their first official punches. It’s like a dance of strength and skill. Hyuga is a strong fighter. He’s all determined precise punches of erratic anger and though Yoshiki prefers to flow with his opponent's moves, he ends up matching every blowback with fervor.
A leg sweep nearly takes him down, avoiding it with a short hop, Yoshiki uses gravity’s momentum to bring his fist down. With the sharp sting of skin on skin, he knows his knuckles are going to bruise. He’ll have to think of some story to tell his coworkers if they ask what happened.
As if sensing Yoshiki’s mind wandering, Hyuga grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him in for a biting kiss. It’s almost feral, all teeth and aggression. Hyuga is saying you are here and you will focus on me. He’s right. Yoshiki came here specifically to see him.
He bites back, which causes Hyuga to growl at him. Yoshiki laughs into his mouth, his bottom lip feeling the scratch of incisors accepting the copper tang of blood suddenly in his mouth. Stepping back, a self-satisfied grin on his face as he goes for another punch.
It’s blocked with a knee going up to hit the other in the stomach. It connects but only just barely; Hyuga has the sense to shift away just in time. They stand apart for a moment before Hyuga decides to hold out his hand, palm facing the floor, to make a “come here” motion.
Yoshiki dabs at the blood pooling on his lip, trying to staunch the already healing cut. He wants to rush back in to throw himself into the fray of being with Hyuga. The energy is palpable and he wants to be able to show the Daruma Ikka leader that he’s all in tonight. He feels himself moving forward towards the beckoning, his arms move to pull Hyuga in close as grabs the open happi and drags him back into a kiss. It’s messy, both with and without the blood, but he holds them together as he feels the other’s arms encircling him.
They stay like that for some time. Yoshiki makes sure to leave some dark marks on Hyuga’s neck as a means of pride. They’ll both look pretty worn by the time they’re done. For Yoshiki it’ll be the injuries asked about before the hickey is noticed and for Hyuga it’ll be the opposite. Still, as Yoshiki leads Hyuga to settle above his hips while laying on the ground, they are even as far as points go.
“What made you so fired up today?”
Norihisa pulls a drag from his kiseru, leaning on his side to watch the emotions go through Murayama’s face. It wasn’t as if the man was easy to read, but he tends to wear his heart on his sleeve when it mattered.
However, this time Murayama closes his eyes and smiles. The lackadaisical look nearly has Norihisa crawling on top of him again.
“It was a good day and I felt like coming by. The new building we’re contracted to build is close by.”
An exhale of smoke and Norihisa leans in to take another kiss from Murayama. It’s slow and lazy and it makes Murayama hum with appreciation. It’s faint at this point, but Norihisa can smell the scent of freshly cut wood deep in his partner's hair.
Murayama turns to face him, patting him on the cheek lightly.
“Not like we were always close, but I’ll miss ya sometimes.”
By instinct, Norihisa turns his head to nip at the fingertips by his face. He’s too content at this moment to care how soft he’s coming off in the afterglow. It’s one of the few things he’ll allow after fighting and fucking Murayama; when their energy has been expended and all that’s left are their true selves outside of the pomp and circumstance of being leaders (and former leaders) of S.W.O.R.D.
Unfortunately, the time has passed and with a groan of disappointment, Murayama sits up. His look is apologetic and Norihisa knows what’s coming.
“Gotta head out. Work tomorrow. They expect us there by 5:30. These early days are what mess me up.”
It’s so obvious what Norihisa wants to say as Murayama pulls his shirt back on. He reaches out to pull at Murayama’s sleeve to bring him close and says against his lips, “Just stay tonight, you idiot.”
A pause and then a bright grin follow. Murayama knows he’ll have to avoid a cranky Norihisa that early in the morning, but a shorter commute and overnight company outweigh the risks. Norihisa barely has time to put down the kiseru before his arms are full of the former leader of Oya.
One thing he makes sure of is to give as good as he gets.
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pixaho · 9 months
Hi eli🥳It's nice to see a new high & low writer.how would sword leaders be with their girly lover
How The Sword Leaders Are With Their Girly Lover.
AN | YES! I will happily do this, thank you so much! I decided to also add a wee little twist by adding 1 more character since technically he is a SWORD leader.
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Cobra | Hino Junpei
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Skin care
"What are you doing?" Cobra rounds the corner to your room, taking in the sight of you. Here you were, wearing a face mask, your hair pushed out of your face, and painting your nails your favorite color. "Doing skin care. Would you like to join?" You ask, a sweet smile plastered on your face. He seems hesitant before walking over and sitting next to you. "Good choice, I was gonna force you anyways."
Public affection
He does it rarely, and when it does happen you seem surprised. This is mainly because the others like to tease him. Unless Naomi is around, then they all shut up about it. (I make Naomi a hype woman, because I feel like she would definitely be one. Her and Lala.)
Date Nights
I feel as though Cobra would ask the others about what to do for date nights. This often leads to him just caving and asking Rocky or settling for a movie night. This man is half good of a cook, he never really learned. More of a take-out kind of guy, or will ask Yamato's mom to help him cook.
Getting hurt (Him)
He gets hurt a lot while fighting, which makes you kind of annoyed. Usually it is just you cleaning him up. You've started to keep a medkit on you at all times of the day.
Getting hurt (You)
Would stay calm but deep inside is worried to hell. If you didn't know how to use a medkit or how to clean your wounds, he would take you to Naomi. If you did, he'd pry the names of the people who hurt you and disappear for hours on end before coming back.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
This man would walk behind you and give anyone who looked at you in a weird way the deadliest death stare there is. We're talking about psychopathic death stare.
Not entirely the jealous type, but when he is, he tends to show it by wrapping his arm around your shoulder. If he is really jealous, he holds your love handles/waist.
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Rocky | Mutsugi
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Skin Care
"Is it suppose to make me feel like my lips are burning?" Rocky asks as he stares at his lips, the lip plumper you had put on him moments ago finally kicking in. "Yes my dear, it is." You giggle slightly as you continue to rub your face wash into your face.
Public Affection
This man does not care if someone sees him being affectionate with you, he wants everyone to know who you belong to and who is the lucky person that gets to be with you.
Date Nights
Ohhh he knows how to cook. I mean, he's been on his own since he was a teen so he's had to learn how to cook. Your date nights are typically him cooking and treating you like you're a goddess. If he doesn't feel like cooking, he'll take you out somewhere and if you're lucky, shopping spree!
Getting Hurt (Him)
Rocky rarely gets hurt since he doesn't really fight but when he does, he usually doesn't want to tell you. He doesn't want to stress you or make you worry so he talks to Koo.
Getting Hurt (You)
If you get hurt, he'll send the others out to hunt down the person or people who harmed you. He will then spend the rest of the time making sure you are okay and helping you clean up. If he's really livid, he'll tell Kizzy to stay while he goes out. Just expect him to come back a wee bit roughed up.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or dress)
He wouldn't walk behind you like Cobra would but he will make you wear his jacket. If anyone makes a disrespectful comment, he will simply make sure they never speak about you like that ever again. We're talking about this man being so unreasonable that he attacks someone.
Doesn't get too jealous unless the other person starts getting touchy feely, then he steps in. His way of making it clear that you are taken is by holding you real close. Unlike Cobra, he doesn't really give death stares but he does give people the stink eye.
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Murayama | Yoshiki Murayama
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Skin Care
"'Yama.." You whisper, he had fallen asleep with the face mask on. His sleeping face looked so peaceful, you almost felt bad for waking him up. "Five more minutes, this is really comfortable to sleep it." He mumbles, holding your hand.
Public Affection
You don't get to really see each other that much as majority of his time is spent at Oya Kou. But when you do, he's super affectionate. Not wanting to lose you of course. Even if its in public, he is still lovey towards you.
Date Nights
Murayama can partially cook, if he does, that is rare. He doesn't want to cook in case it tastes really bad so he occasionally asks you if you want to order take out and stay in all night. This dies down to cuddling and having fun.
Getting Hurt (Him)
He always comes home with new injuries, whether they come from Todoroki or from others in Oya Kou. Although it is tiring to constantly patch him up, you love him nonetheless.
Getting Hurt (You)
Let's just say that this man goes lethal. We're talking man hunts. He will have Seki and Furuya hunting down whoever hurt you while he stays with you and covers you in pink or your favorite colored bandages. After that, he typically kisses your face to make you feel better.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
Best believe this man is walking with his jacket wrapped around your waist. Giving an ugly stare to anyone that stares for far too long. If you do this just to irk him, he'll see to it that you are wearing leggings.
Oh boy, he's jealous. He'll act childish if someone is flirting with you or if they're getting way too close. This usually leads to him getting into a fight or him clinging to you like you are going to drift away at sea.
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Smoky | This man has no first name
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Skin Care
"Lala uses this too," He squints, reading the label. "Did you buy it for her?" "Yes, I've been helping her earn money from things." You laugh as you continue rubbing the lotion into his hands. His hands were not always rough, but he wanted to try your skin care routine.
Public Affection
Private or public this man don't care. He's hugging, kissing, and or giving you all his attention. Unless he's fighting. Or feels really under the weather. Then he is resting.
Date Nights
There isn't really anywhere romantic for you two to go other than hanging around in the high places. Your date nights consist of taking care of the Nameless Road children or spending the night looking at the stars. Your dinner time is spent with the other Rude Boys and or Lala.
Getting Hurt (Him)
You worry enough about him as it is, considering how sick he is and how fighting also effects his condition. The others usually take care of him while Lala takes you with her, this is by his request.
Getting Hurt (You)
If it's from someone who isn't in Nameless Road, he typically doesn't tell anyone to hunt the person down but instead requests the help from the others (Cobra, Murayama, or Rocky (it's usually Rocky)) and takes the day to spend with you. If it's from someone who is in Nameless City (as in was naturally born there) he will have the others get the person. He is a forgiving person so he'll give them a warning and that is shouldn't happen again.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
If he isn't with you, the other Rude Boys (Mainly P and Takeshi) will walk with you, one of them giving you their jacket. If he is, he's walking behind you to make sure that his jacket isn't short either. He does love when you wear clothes that you're comfortable in, he just doesn't like it when others stare for creepy reasons.
Not the jealous type, will feel a tinge of jealousy but he knows you are capable of handling yourself.
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Takeshi | "Beat Takeshi"
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Skin Care
"This won't take long, right?" He mumbles, still wanting to get to Smoky's grave in time. You nod, rubbing the scrub into his skin. His hands placed on both sides of your hips, him looking up at you.
Public Affection
He's very affectionate in private, but in public he minimalizes his affection. This doesn't have anything to do with being manly, but it has something to do with the fact that usually by the time he's running around with the others, he's already covered in dirt.
Date Nights
Just like Smoky, except instead of being around the Nameless Road children, he usually takes you to a high area to cuddle and watch the stars.
Getting Hurt (Him)
Even though he gets hurt, he takes good enough care of himself that he usually doesn't mention it because he forgets or is too busy.
Getting Hurt (You)
Best believe this man will bring up to P. In return, P and the others will go looking for whoever it was and Takeshi will stay with you to make sure you're doing okay. He worries about you even if he sometimes doesn't show it.
Wearing a skirt that is too short (or a dress)
The only and last time you wore a dress that was too short was the time that Takeshi got a jacket that was long enough to help cover your bum. You still wear skirts and dresses but you always wear the jacket.
Definitely the jealous type, he'll boast about how you're his girl and how you're beautiful. If that isn't enough, he will take you away from the person and be super close to you.
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Hyuga | Norihisa Hyuga
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Skin Care
"No." He pushes away the idea of doing your skin care routine, he would like to do it but he does not want you to know that. "Fine then, grumpy." You grumble as you walk back into the bathroom. That was enough to get him to get up and do it with you. Playing it off as though he hates it, when in reality he really enjoys it.
Public Affection
You best bet this man will refuse to show you any form of affection in public, and even in private his affection is quite shit. It isn't that he doesn't love you, it's that he doesn't know how to show it quite yet. His way of showing you affection is getting you all types of gifts, which are usually small (candles, makeup (he so fucks this up), clothes, and sometimes jewelry).
Date Nights
Your date nights are spent at restaurants, but 80% of the time he has the other Daruma Ikka members there, and if they aren't there then you actually spend time alone. The rare date nights are where you both stay in and do shit together.
Getting Hurt (Him)
Actually doesn't care to tell you or bother asking you to help him. It's not about being manly, well it partially is, but its also because he doesn't want you to see him when he's like this. He cares for you.
Getting Hurt (You)
Let's be brutally honest, he'll act as if he doesn't care but in secret he gets his right hand men to hunt and possibly kill the person who hurt you.
Wearing a skirt thats too short (or a dress)
He doesn't really care if anyone is staring because he wants to flaunt you. Granted the people that cat call you annoy him, he's too proud that he landed you to really give a shit.
This mf.. if someone is getting too close or touchy feely with you, he'd act as if it didn't bother him but he's secretly grabbing you and holding you close. Not in the affectionate way, more so of in the "she's mine" way.
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Masterlist High&Low Masterlist
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prodbyblush · 1 year
h&l leaders and texts they'd send you
now loading …
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
・❥・not requested
→ gn!reader
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awritersstuff · 6 months
My husband!
Sword leaders reaction if you called them "husband"
Cobra -
His  head will turn in your direction faster than a heartbeat when he heard the word "Husband " leave your lips , he was more then shock , how could someone like him deserve someone like you but all he could do was smile at you like a painter looks at its favorite art piece. 
It is common thing , you calling him 'my husband ' and him calling you 'my wife' . Rocky doesn't know how you feel when calling him your husband but one thing he knows is that , he is gonna marry.  It will be you and if not you then no one. For Rocky you are the only women in his life .
He is on the 9th sky , he will literally jump around like a little child and form that day get get ready to be called "my wife" and if you call him anything other then my husband and then it automatically means that you hate him and you will leave him (will cling to you like a koala)
Will give you a very weird look like he is judging you ( he likes it but doesn't know how to react )  and as he look at you and you smile at him AND that's it he is marrying you leave everything.  Everything else can go to hell , he is marrying you right there .
Smoky has a dream,  it is not too big or dramatic its very simple.  It is to marry you , have children and live in nameless town with his family , he want to give you and your children a home and a place where they feel safe and loved . He always promised himself to be the best husband and father.  Sooo , if you called him husband, then you are stuck with forever,  will immediately hug and will be extremely happy that day ( and cuddly)
Thanks for reading 😊
Love you, byeee 💜
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airbendertendou · 1 year
self care with your love! ♡
synopsis : various!HiGH&LOW boys allowing you to dote on them. [+ a special guest at the end!]
no pronouns used / gender neutral, though there is tons of talk abt makeup!!
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smacking your lips together and MURAYAMA saying he likes your lipgloss color but before you can put it on him he smooches it away until it fades.
giggles hitting the room around you as FUJIO says the eyeliner you’re putting on him tickles.
convincing YUKEN that the hand lotion you always carry will help his scarred and rough knuckles. [it’s only a small bonus that it smells like you.]
at every sleepover you force ask him to have, SACHIO will allow you to put this slimey n cold sheet mask on him.
while sitting on his lap, HYUGA says the eyelash glue you’re using to put rhinestone freckles on him stinks.
P giggling as he hovers over you as you lay flat on your back, messily appling your eyeshadow.
you n KIZZY ambushing KAITO to put glitter all on his face, his cheeks heated n warm as he sits between the two of you.
suzuran watching on as their tough n badass leader GENJI curses, threatening people even w the multi-colored nail polish you applied to his fingies bc you couldn’t decide what color to do yours.
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name. if youd like to b tagged / untagged, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @straysugzhpe ♥︎ @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @vicious-defect
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Hi! I wanted to ask if I could get some hcs on how the leaders of S.W.O.R.D + Mighty Warriors comforts and takes care of their injured lover? I've had a bad week and got hurt recently and saw your requests open and wanted to ask. I hope you're doing well though!
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a bad week :(((
I hope this helps even just a little bit
I hope things start to get better for you, and that your injury heals quickly!!
I apologize in advanced for the Mighty Warriors, i still dont know much about them, and I know missed most of them, but I hope this makes you smile!!
All the love ~ ember 🤍
S.W.O.R.D and Mighty Warriors Take Care of Their Injured Partner
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Okay I know this man is portrayed as one of the toughest guys in the series, but I just know he’s a softie for his partner
When it comes to injuries, he’s got plenty of experience, and knows how to take care of almost anything
However, if it is a more serious injury, he is right by your side taking you to the hospital
And he’s not leaving your side until you are comfortable
Very very attentive to everything
Whether he is the one treating the injury, or its the doctors, he is paying attention to you fully and completely
If the doctor is the one treating the injury, he is listening to everything that they are saying so that he knows what to do when he takes you home
When y’all are back home, do not even think about lifting a single finger
He is an acts of service kind of guy, honestly he would love taking care of you
Again with being attentive, he doesn’t exactly know what you might need, so he over prepares
And he has no shame is asking friends for help getting him stuff if you dont want him to leave you alone
Need food? He’s asking Naomi to bring something from diner Itokan
Yamato is also on speed dial for anything that you could possibly need (bestie benefits lmao)
Has no issues changing your bandages if that’s what you need
And is immediately reassuring you that he wants to help if your an over thinker (talking about myself lol)
Honestly, Cobra is one that I would definitely want around
Becomes clingy when he knows your hurt, but dont tell anyone
Baby just wants to take care of you
Rocky is great at taking care of his partner, however he is not the best when it comes to medical things
Naturally he is taking you to the hospital, cause he knows that the doctors will give you better treatment than he can
Attentive to you, more than what the doctors are saying
When the two of you get home, he might need reminders on treatment and what to do
He was just so worried about you, he missed a lot of the instructions
Does everything he can to make you comfortable
Is totally willing to shut down the club until you are better, so that nothing distracts him from you
Another attentive man, he is constantly asking what you need
Acts of service pt. 2, will not let you move a muscle
Tries to keep his normal calmness, but is rushing to your side no matter what
Gets nervous that anything touching you will hurt you
Honestly, he wouldn’t be clingy with you, and might not cuddle you at all
He’s just so nervous that if he touches you, you’ll be in pain
Honestly, protects you from everything as if you’re made of glass
Might even feed you soup if you ask nicely (again, dont tell anyone)
Wont let anyone go near you unless you say its okay
Even then, hes watching like a hawk to make sure nothing could possibly hurt you
Treats you like a queen always, but is extremely careful when you are injured
I cannot with this man
Such a softie for you and honestly is not afraid to show it
He already is clingy, but when you’re injured, mans is glued to your side
Fairly confident with his ability to treat injuries, but will still take you to the hospital, just to be safe
Doesn’t seem like he listens to what the doctors tell him, but remembers everything when the two of you get home
Doesn’t necessarily watch over you like a hawk, but will scold you if you try to do anything on your own
He doesnt need to watch over you because he is stuck to your side
Honestly you are not getting him off of you anytime soon
Has his friends pick up literally anything you could possibly want or need because he refuses to leave your side
Honestly might get a little annoying asking if you’re okay or if you need anything
But its just because he loves you and wants you to get better
Holds you as if it’s the last time he will ever be able to
Refuses to let anyone near you because “you’re his fragile baby”
No shame in having others see him cling to you
Honestly his friends have no issues helping to get what you need
Partially because you’re friends with them too
Partially because Murayama would give them the “say no and I’m beating you up” look
He really does a good job taking care of you, though might go a little bit overboard, but its just because he loves you
Ohhh no
This man is freaking out
Internally of course
Not once does he lose his composure
Very good with injury care, so he probably will just treat the injury himself
Seems upset, but in reality, he doesnt want you to know that he is freaking out, cause he doesnt want you to freak out too
Another attentive partner
He’s already attentive to your needs, but when you are injured, he is willing to go to the ends of the earth to get what you need
Even if he needs to leave your side, he makes the trip very quick
Honestly is never gone for more than 15 minutes
And wants to get everything himself, cause he is internally blaming himself for you getting injured
Even if he had nothing to do with it, or no way of preventing it from happening
Poor baby :(
Wont necessarily cling to you, but also refuses to leave your side
However if you ask he will cuddle you for as long as you want
Another one who is cautious to let others near you, but isn’t super stressed about it
He’s stressed about your own well being and you getting better
If there are any issues going on in nameless city he will send the others to deal with it until you tell him its okay for him to go
He is their guardian angel after all (what a man)
Another leader that I would for sure want around when injured
When he finds out you’re injured, he’s beyond angry
I mean who has the audacity to mess with his partner ?!
Please tell him what happened before someone ends up in the hospital room next to you
With him, you might be the one calming him down
There is nothing he hates more than seeing you hurt, it makes him so angry
Still attentive to you, and will take care of you before he tries to hurt anyone else
If someone else did hurt you, they better flea the city before he gets to them
If it was a matter of you injuring yourself, like falling out of a tree or something PLEASE TELL HIM IMMEDIATELY
Sorry that was the first thing that came to mind lol
Might turn into a protective dad and lecture you about being more careful
He just wants you to be safe
Like Rocky, hes not the greatest when it comes to injury care so he is taking you to the hospital
Seems aloof throughout the entire healing process, however he did actually listen to the doctor, and he does actually take very good care of you
Doesn’t mind of others come to see you
Also isn’t super clingy, unless you ask him for cuddles
Very calm about the situation once he finds out what happened
Gets you what you need, and a little extra gift too to make you feel better
He is attentive to you always, despite what others may think
Ice is calm the entire time
Doesn’t really know how to treat injuries, but also doesn’t necessarily freak out when you are injured
Takes you to the hospital, listens to what the doctor says, and follows their instructions carefully
Attentive in a very calm manner
Very laid back, however he is still at your side the whole time
Will sit with you and cuddle you, but wont necessarily be glued to your side
Still takes care of the things that he needs to do, while also taking care of you
Productive king
Cooks for you, cleans for you, does anything you ask of him
But will also sit by your side all night watching whatever movies you pick with a pile of your favorite snacks that he picked up earlier that day
If you need something, but dont want him to leave, hes asking Sarah (bestie benefits pt.3)
If you try to do something on your own, hes not gonna lecture you, but he will question you
“What are you doing?” “Getting a glass of water…” “Why didnt you let me get if for you?” Type of thing
Honestly, others may think that he really doesnt care, but in reality, he cares more than he wants to show
And he shows you that he cares with how he takes care of you
Wont shut down the club, but also wont perform either
You are his top priority
Unbothered king
After his time fighting in prison, he knows how to handle injuries
Takes care of you himself
Is super sweet with you and only you, ALWAYS, but is more intense with others when you are injured
Does not want anyone distracting him from taking care of you
And will only leave to take care of business if it is something big
And if you say its okay, of course
Another productive king
He already treats you like a queen, its just emphasized when you are injured
Another acts of service kind of guy
Wont lecture of you try to do something on your own, and will only ask what you are doing, but wont be bothered by anything
He knows you are an adult and you can take care of yourself
But he does want to do it for you, regardless
Again, not super clingy, but will hold you if you ask him too (awwww)
Becomes even softer with you
Doesn’t necessarily treat you like you’re gonna break, but just wants you to know that he is there for you
Wants to show you that, despite his fighting habits, he can actually take care of you the way that you deserve
Loves you so deeply, sometimes he doesnt know how to show it
Will play with your hair while the music from the club is shaking the building (something you’re used to already)
Unbothered, but very attentive
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yuken-gf · 2 years
spending a day with sword leaders ♡
amamiya kyōdai here
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are we even going to elaborate this, it's obvious
Harleys in Hawaii😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
he would half-planned it
he knew the big picture of where he wants to go with you
but if you request any destination, that's okay too! he would be more than happy to grant your wish
meals at some local diner (because we love the vibe)
would be something that start with the beach and ended on the hills to see the sunset‼️
he always make sure you hug him tight while riding his motorbike
((shit bro i'm going to die))
loves it if you vlog about the whole day
you wouldn't even ask it
always helps you put on your helmet
randomly stares at you while you're at the beach and/or hills
and when you asked him what's wrong
he just said "nothing"
of course you want revenge
you stare at him until he asked "what's wrong"
you answered with something like "just admiring my boyfriend"
watch him FLEW
he would be so flustered, you caught him off guard😝
when you parted ways because you need to go home
he would kiss your forehead
"see you tomorrow, my love"
he loves it when you say "text me when you arrived"
he feels loved
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this is so basic but
breakfast, lunch, dinner in 5 stars restaurant
shopping in between
he would be mad if you don't want to buy anything
"please spend my money or i will buy everything for you"
"no buts"
you buy little things that are pretty cheap
and he would be so done like
"fine, i'll choose for you"
walk out from every store with a big shopping bag
"rocky, it's enough"
he wouldn't listen because you didn't listen to him too
get that bag sis🤑🤑🤑🤑
"fine, ill pay you back later"
"go ahead and i'll spoil you more"
he would ask for your opinion when he wants to buy something for himself
"do you think this suits me?"
"which one do you like most for me?"
he knows that you always know the best
your small and shy thank you would make him sigh
"i'd give you the whole planet and it would be still not enough to appreciate your precious presence"
bye he has all 5 love languages
((remind me to make rocky fic))
the dinner would be extraordinary
3 course meal and in the vip seat
he would go for the best seat for city viewing sunset omsgsiahshsu ((blushing))
he holds your hand and thank you for the day and how he's so thankful that he has you by his side
he would also reminds you that he makes money FOR YOU
you would be "isn't that wife privilege"
"we're getting married anytime soon, what's your point"
goofy ahh argument about the money he spent on you again
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café and resto hunting
i assume you ran out of place to date like
murayama gets bored easily
so you have an idea
and he's excited!
you two would look like some food critics because you bring your notes
would be so funny when the café give you some bonuses because they thought you're a food critics😭😭😭😭😭
he's judgyyyy
murayama ramsay
"write down broken aircon babe"
"also the fries are bland as hell, add that to the list"
"the coffee is a joke. i'm way better"
so unserious
you go to the arcade to wait for the next meal time
killing time by competing with your boyfriend
he's pouty but proud at you whenever he loses
so freaking cute
he would consider to take food critics as a job seriously because he feels like he's doing good at it
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all i can think about is dog/cat café date
((bury me in red casket plz))
he will melt when you play with the puppies
bro is smiley and cute
got you blushing over nothing😭😭😭
im not sorry, because me too😭😭😭😔
cute pics‼️
anti PDA does not exist for a day
he would be so touchy with you
reason: you're adorable and make him want to die so he feels like he need to be clingy
waiting for your snack and drink?
he grabs you by the waist and pull you to his chest so he can lean his head on your shoulders
you would be 😧🤨
"what's wrong, baby?"
he would just hums and snuggle into your neck
shit bro im going to faint don't do that
enjoying the foods while watching puppies n kittens😻😻😻
he would feed you cause he can
so lovey dovey bye
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sleeping all day
and then a night ride with one of his vintage cars
you can choose your favorite color
both of you don't know where to go, but you just spend the night driving
just enjoying each other's company
some accidently deep talks along the way
late night meals at some random restaurant
y'all joking around so cute
he's in his smiley mood <3
stops somewhere to watch the stars😮‍💨‼️
but you know
watching the stars in your eyes make him feels something
like he would burn the world for you
drive back home at around 4a.m.
if you fell asleep when you arrived at home. he'll carry you to the bedroom😮‍💨😢
kiss your whole face before he joined you to sleep
"i love you"
if you're fake sleeping and said "i love you too"
he would be so flustered
"why are you tricking me?"
he's a big spoon
and he loves give your nape a kiss before he really dozes off
only you know this side of daruma ikka's leader
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Request: @c2e2r2n Hello, your writings are so beautiful first of all😍💓 I had an idea and decided to ask murayama is dating hyuga's gentle and cute sister, but also hyuga is dating murayama's older sister😋
Character(s): Murayama Yoshiki (x reader), Hyuga
Plot Line: You and Murayama were young, wild and free. And that showed in your guys' relationship (if it could even be called that). However, what if a shocking revelation happens? Will this cause you two to finally start acting like adults?
Warning(s): Adult/Mature content
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Fuck, you were crazy. 
Really crazy.
“Say cheese,” Murayama says, causing you to snort as he takes a picture. The flash of the camera lighting up the room; showcasing the sweat and other bodily fluids that litter your two’s bodies, “There you go.”
Murayama cooes as he watches you push your breast together, quickly pressing the screen on his phone to take another picture. This time pulling the phone further away so as to showcase where you two were connected. His hips pushing up to meet yours as you rode him.
“Such a perverted Maiko,” You scoff as Murayama pulls at your sash, pulling more of your pink kimono off of you. Though that only causes his smirk to grow; his lips and the area around it covered in red kiss marks from your lipstick, “Does your brother know you have been taking lessons from the Oiran at his gambling den?”
This asshole–
With a sickeningly sweet smile, you stop your hips and plant yourself on top of Murayama. The older man looking at you with an excited expression, seeming interested in whatever you had planned next, “Are you saying I’m nothing more than a common whore?” 
“Well, you aren’t exactly serving me tea,” Murayama folds his arms behind his head as he takes you in. Seeming unfazed by your stop of movement that also stopped the pleasure from rolling between you two, “Or playing a shamisen.”
“True. Well then, I guess I should probably join the rest of the Oiran downstairs,” You roll your hips in a circle motion once before lifting them. Making it look as if you are getting off of him, “I’m sure Futa or Raito will be around to satiate me. Afterall if I belong to Daruma, I can’t be having sex with someone from Oya–”
You yelp as Murayama suddenly grabs your waist, his tight grip slamming you back down on him before he flips you two over; making it so he was on top. The part-timer smirks against your neck as he continues snapping his hips into you. His brutal pace accompanied by his nips at your collar bone and breasts. Leaving hickeys and bite marks in his wake. 
“Murayama,” Upon hearing your yelps and pleas, his smirk only widens, “W-wait, Slow down. Sto–Stop.” 
“No way.” Murayama presses a searing kiss to your lips, “I’m keeping you right here.” 
Grasping his hands in yours, Murayama leans down to whisper in your ear, “You can take it, my Maiko.” 
“Murayama. I’m serious. Hold on a second.” 
At your words, Murayama comes to a grinding halt; freezing dead in his tracks while on top of you, not even attempting to move another centimeter. At first, Murayama thought he had hurt you. Something that brought an unsettling feeling deep in his gut as he quickly snaps his head up to look at you; worry clouded in his eyes. But, that assumption was quickly disproven by your expression–your face looking focused at the door of your room–as well as your body language. Unable to help himself, Murayama muffles a groan against the tatami bed as your legs tighten around him. Allowing him to complete the thrust he stopped mid-way. Though, you kept your legs tightly wrapped around him, letting him know not to move. 
So, he didn’t hurt you. He didn’t think you were angry or upset. He knew you were enjoying it by the sounds you made earlier. So what was the hold up?
“Hyuga! You can’t say that!” 
Oh no.
Not even hesitating, Murayama instantly sits up at the voice. His eyes trained to the door just like yours were moments ago; you had just turned your gaze to look at him, hoping to confirm what you just heard. “Oneesan?” Murayama finally lets out, his face in pure shock as he looks back and forth from the door and you, “Why is…? Are they…? What…?”
“Like I know?” You respond, wanting to slap the male on the head at his sputtering. But stop yourself as you hear your brother and Murayama’s sister laughing in the background. The two of you instantly groaning in annoyance. Especially as you knew what this meant. 
They were on a date.
While one couldn’t outright assume that, you two could. Especially as each of your siblings had told you they were dating someone and that they had a date with said person, tonight. A fact both of you had shrugged off, not exactly caring all too much about your elder siblings dating life. Though, now you wished you did. 
“This is terrible.” Murayama whines, his voice slightly muffled in your hair as he collapses back on top of you, “Our older siblings are dating.”
Then a sudden realization pops into Murayama’s head and he scurries back upwards, a look of horror on his face, “That means we are siblings!”
Not even hesitating, you bring the pillow from behind your head around and smack him in the face. Idiot.
“That's not how it works, dumbass.” You scold, wanting nothing more than to suffocate Murayama with the pillow right now, “Plus, it isn’t like they are married! They could always break up.”
“Really?” Murayama says, his voice muffled from behind the pillow. Which, with a sigh, you pull away before wrapping your arms around his neck. Bringing Murayama back down to lay on top of you as he pouts. 
“Yeah,” You grumble, your nose scrunching up in distaste as you hear your elder brother use a cheesy pickup line. Cursing underneath your breath, you grab your blanket and pull it over you two, making sure it covers your heads and muffled out the two outside, “We were first anyways.” 
“Yeah.” Murayama mumbles, a slight edge to his tone after a pause, “We’ll show them.”
“Murayama.” You knew that tone, he was up to something. Especially as you feel him lift his hips and leave you, “What are you up to?”
Though as you feel something fall against your cheek in the darkness, you knew it wasn’t nothing. It takes you a moment, maybe three as you feel Murayama enter you once more, before you realize what it is. The smell of latex and the sticky feeling of it being a dead giveaway.
“You took off the condom?!” You say, nearly shouting if it weren’t for the fact you didn’t want anyone to hear. Though, all you get in response is a chuckle from Murayama as he places a peck on your collar. His hips beginning to move, “Idiot! Murayama, wait!”
“Yoshiki.” Murayama suddenly says as he takes your hands in his, interlocking the two of yours fingers. Even though it was dark, nearly pitch black, you could see Murayama’s face over yours; likely looking down at you with an expression you couldn’t see, “Call me Yoshiki.”
“Why?” You sputter out, feeling heat begin to travel up the back of your neck at his request. Freaking idiot. It wasn’t as if you two were married. You couldn’t call him by his first name so casually.
“Cause…” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice, “I’m thinking of a shotgun wedding.”
“You– Idiot Yoshiki!” 
“Atta girl.”
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minniesstar · 1 year
high&low is so underrated🫠 i wish it was more popular so there would be more ff n overall just more content for all the characters.I am in desperate need for fujio n murayama ffs rn😧
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
Kimura Delivery Service: Prologue
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Pairing: OC x S.W.O.R.D leaders (yes, you read that right)
Genre: smut, fluff, angst,
Word Count: 7k
Fandom: High & Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D
Summary: After a life of swinging her fists, Sakyia is hopeful about her easy going job of delivering packages...However, her aunt neglected to mention the "regulars": The gang leaders of S.W.O.R.D. and the undeniable affection they all grow to have for her.
Overall Warnings: blood and violence, fighting, gang activity, crime, mentions of death, multiple relationships, girlboss being a girlboss, not really 'poly' but girl has a string of lovers,
Part 1 >
Sixteen, she surmised. Lean, limber, and tall, he did not look his age at all, which is why they let him enter the ring. Not that the managers cared about the age. They’d turned a blind eye to thirteen-year-old Sakyia back then too. She saw the determined look on his face when he stepped into the pit, a circular spot bordered by short wooden planks. She heard his manager’s shouts from his side as she wrapped her knuckles with bandages, telling him that she’s only a girl and he’d look weak losing to a girl. These words seemed to fuel Yoshi’s eagerness to win. It was either that or his manager’s severe debts. They’d fueled her too until she actually saw Yoshi in the light. He did not have the aged looks other fighters had; he was fresh and young. A child. 
“Jiro!” the young woman turned to the large man standing off to the side. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, and she could see the heat of the warehouse beading sweat on his forehead. “Jiro,” she moved close to him, “I’m not fighting.”
“The hell you mean you’re not fighting?” he asked with angry eyes. “A lot of things depend on this fight. What are you talking about?”
“He’s a kid, Jiro!” she retorted, calling over the loud crowd around the ring. “Look at him! Just look at him!”
“I am looking,” he said, “And that looks like someone who wants to be here. If he gets fucked up, it’s his own fault!”
Sakiya knew that was not true. She looked back at Yoshi, who was talking to an older gentleman on the other side. The man poured reassurances that made the boy nod his head. He did not appear as confident as before. She could tell the man was psyching Yoshi up, trying to get him in the mood to fight someone. He did not pick this fight; he did not want to be here. Nobody ever wants to be in the fighting pits. The underground fighting rings in the warehouse district were not the typical boxing matches. They did not end after a few rounds. They ended when someone passed out, yielded, or died. She gazed around the large empty warehouse. They’d blocked off the ring with wooden barriers, and spread sawdust and dirt on the floor for an easier clean up. She saw dozens of faces standing around, already cheering and holding their betting tickets. She knew a lot of people counted on her to win, but winning did not always end pretty. 
“I don’t know about this,” she told her stepfather. “You know how these-”
“-Get in the damn ring, girl!” He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her close. The stench of sweat and cigars made her nose wrinkle, and his hot breath suffocated her. “You want those men to come back? Because, if I don’t pay them tonight, they’ll come back and they won’t be so lenient like they were today. Do you want to see your mom in the hospital? Hm?”
Sakyia glared at him, and twisted out of his grip. Her forceful push shocked him for a second, but then he smirked. It was a dirty trick. She thought back to the men who’d accosted her mother earlier that day. They’d come seeking out Jiro, but found her instead. Sakyia saw her by their front door, holding her groceries as three men circled her. Thankfully, Sakyia appeared before they could truly hurt the small woman. They told her that if Jiro did not have their money by tonight, they’d come back with more men. She did not know who Jiro owed money to now, but they were not above hurting families. Winning this match would keep her mother safe. So, she turned back to the center where Yoshi met her. 
“What are you doing here, kid?” she asked him as the referee approached the ring. “Really? This place isn’t for children.”
“I’m not a kid. I’m eighteen,” he defended. 
“Sure, you are,” she scoffed. “You should forfeit while you can,” she fixed the bandages on her hands and knuckles, “So you don’t get hurt.”
“I doubt you can take me on. You should be the one forfeiting the fight before you break a nail.”
“Break a nail? Is that the best you can do?” she snorted out a laugh. “If I break a nail it’s because I smashed it into your pretty face, little boy.” 
The referee stepped over the wooden fence and came between them. He mentioned something about a ‘clean fight’ which amused Sakyia. Nothing about the pits was clean. It took a ring of a bell to set everything off. Her body immediately tensed and she raised both her fists up. She took a deep breath as she moved her body to a fighting position. She could do this; she’d done it dozens of times before now. The fact that her opponent was a boy changed nothing; there’s too much at risk to forgive that. 
Sakyia made the first swing. Her punch was as fast as a snake. Yoshi surprised her by blocking and punching back, barely missing her head. Another punch. She grunted as he grabbed her arm, twisting it and forcing her to kick him until she came free. 
Damn, he was better than she’d expected. 
“Not bad, kid!” she exclaimed as she kicked his stomach, throwing him back against the fence. The spectators roughly pushed him back into the ring, and she sighed. “But not good enough.” 
He played defense, most likely hoping she’d tire herself out if he hung back. Her father taught her all the signs. Her real father, not Jiro. They don’t really hit back; they'll mostly block or dodge the hits. He told her to do the same when this happened. Either they end up dancing in circles, or her opponent is forced to start fighting. When Sakyia stepped back, it forced Yoshi to move into the center, and that was when she attacked. In a series of fast, hard blows she knocked Yoshi to the ground. But, he tripped her by the ankle and she slammed down onto the floor beside him. She groaned at the impact, and this put her guard down a moment. She imagined her father being there where Jiro stood. He’d be cheering her on. He’d be throwing encouragement and pointers. Then again, her father would’ve never brought her here. They would be at home with their punching bag or eating dinner with her mother. 
“Stop playing around and finish him already, Sakyia!” 
She should’ve stayed down. She should’ve faked an injury. Sakyia was more than aware how these fights ended. But, she recalled the men at their door and her fearful mother. If she yielded, she lost her earnings. So, she stood on her feet again. Her eyes glanced over to where Jiro stood talking with a man in a black suit. She hated him. She hated him from the moment she met him. She wished they’d just kill Jiro and leave her mother alone. It was because of him that she’d entered the warehouse at all. 
She’d been a skinny twelve-year-old when Jiro came into their lives. He’d claimed to own a famous car dealership, a nice house and even a boat. He’d managed to pull it off while her mother and him dated, but once they married, she found out the truth. Jiro gambled most of his money away. He went bankrupt and sold his car dealership. He sold his boat to pay off some loan sharks, and he lost his house to the bank. He promised her mother he’d stop his gambling ways, but never did. 
It did not help that his self-loathing projected onto her mother, a thin woman who never hurt a fly. Sakyia tried protecting her, but she’d been too small to fight him. Jiro eventually realized her skills when he caught her fighting a pair of boys who’d followed her home. Rather than sell her like most scoundrels do for money, he pushed her into a fighting pit. Thirteen-years-old by this time, he told the men who ran the fights that she was “old enough”. She doubted the men believed him, but still accepted her. Sakyia, despite hating the fights, was rather good. Her mother never approved of the fighting. Even if he gave her black eyes or swollen cheeks, she still protested against it. Not that Jiro listened. Sakyia soon gained a reputation for her hard, quick fists, earning the nickname ‘Viper’. 
A stupid name that she hated.
She blocked Yoshi’s blows, despite the impact making her muscles and bones burn. Their arms locked together, and each of them began punching the other’s side. She made sure each hit counted. All she needed to do was get him to yield the fight. If he yielded, he’d leave intact. They broke apart, and Yoshi kicked her back. The blow took air from her chest, but she recovered quickly enough to grab his ankle in the second kick. She managed to turn it so he fell. 
She saw the fight starting to wear Yoshi down. Her father always told her fighting was hard on novices, who used all their energy too quickly. She saw him using the fence to get onto his feet again, and struggling to breathe properly. He was only a child. This was not the place for him. 
“Yield,” she said over the crowd, “Yield and go outside.”
“No,” he shook his head. She spotted a glimmer of fear in his eyes when they met, desperation mingling with it. “I can’t.”
He moved once more. He charged forward and punched her face again. Up against the fence, he started pounding on her torso and sides through her shield. She waited him out before pushing him away with an elbow to the face, then a backhand afterwards. It was a clear kick to the chest that landed Yoshi into the dirt. She heard his choked gasp and cough when he hit the floor. Sakyia saw him clawing the dirt and sawdust under his fingernails, rolling to his side and coughing. She’d turned to Jiro. 
“Finish him!” he called out to her, gesturing to the boy on the floor. 
“He’s down! It’s over!” she called back, shocked by what was happening. 
“I said ‘finish him’! Do you want them to come back?!”
Sakyia turned back to Yoshi, who still struggled for air. She watched his chest heave up and down as it tightened. In her heart, she knew how wrong it was. Looking up, she spotted the three men from earlier in the day. They wore fancy suits with small golden pins on their lapels. They watched her with expectant gazes. She knew then why she was being pushed to murder this boy. 
Jiro promised them she would do it. 
“Finish him, Viper! Finish him!” Jiro shouted angrily, hitting the fence with his fists. 
She ignored him. She saw the men watching her still. The tallest one, dark with his hair slicked back from his face, opened his jacket to reveal a gun. He kept his eyes on her and she did not look away. She knew what he said without hearing the words: ‘Finish the damn fight’. 
Sakiya stared right at the stranger, then back to Yoshi. She saw the boy clutch at his chest, gasping deeply and coughing up the dust around him. She looked up to the stranger again. She cannot let this boy die. Whatever slight him or his family caused was not her responsibility to handle. She ignored Jiro’s protests and the jeering crowd around her. “I yield,” she said to the referee, “Go get the doctor.” 
“What?! Are you insane?!” she heard Jiro call from behind her. 
“Are you sure?” the referee asked. 
“I’m sure.” 
She saw the disapproving looks the suits gave her, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t a killer. They could get their money another way. Sakiya walked over to Yoshi, who struggled to breathe. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said gently, bending down to him and helping him sit up, “Just relax.” 
“Yoshi!” the old man hurriedly approached them, holding up an inhaler. “Here,” he bent down and pressed the inhaler to Yoshi’s mouth with a wrinkled hand, “Breathe.” 
Sakiya held Yoshi’s head as his grandfather pumped air through the small container. A rough hand then yanked her to her feet and spun her around. Jiro’s beady eyes glared into hers, and she didn’t move away. “Do you realize what you’ve done?! What’s the matter with you?”
“I wasn’t going to let him die,” she spat back. “If you want to settle your debts this way, then you do it,” she shoved him with a hand, putting her bloody bandages on his chest. “I’m done.”
“Done? What do you mean you’re ‘done’? You got two more rounds to go! We have to pay back those guys or they’ll get your-”
“-It’s your problem now,” she shot back over her shoulder before storming off. 
‘The next round’. He truly expected her to continue fighting after Yoshi. Sakyia clenched her fists holding back her anger. Hot tears brimmed her eyes, but she did not dare cry in front of Jiro. 
She walked away from the ring to an employee locker room. There was nobody there but her. She saw the medical kit on the bench, but did not take anything from it. Despite the burning pain on her nose, the caked blood on her upper lip, she couldn’t be bothered at the moment. In the fluorescent lighting of the room, she finally saw her hands. Her wrappings left indents on her skin in places, and she saw Yoshi’s blood staining her fingers. She unwrapped them as she walked over to a sink to quickly wash it off. She could still hear Yoshi’s shallow gasps as he inhaled more dust and sand. She spotted the bruises on her knuckles, and knew they’d hurt in the morning. She pitied him, and hoped the inhaler saved him. Sakiya was a lot of things, but she was not a killer. She wasn’t going to become somebody’s weapon. She splashed cool water on her hot face, putting some on the back of her neck and letting it fall into her scalp. The soothing water cooled down her hot cheeks. She needed a moment to think. She needed a plan to get out. 
“You said you’d have the money by tonight, Jiro,” she heard a man’s voice echo somewhere nearby. Standing upright, she turned off the sink to listen. 
“I-I-I will,” Jiro said in a shaky voice. “The girl is just freaked out. You know women; they’re so sensitive when it comes to these things. Give her a few minutes and she’ll be back out there. You’ll have your money, Nikadio. I promise.” 
“You better, if you know what is good for you.” 
The voices outside brought her back and she knew what to do. She grabbed her backpack and dark green jacket from a nearby locker, made sure she had everything, and stood up to leave. She needed to go home. Her mother was there waiting for her. If she hurried, they could run away. She did know where they’d go, but they had to get away. If they stayed with Jiro any longer, they’d both end up dead. When Sakyia left the locker room, she made to move towards the exit doors before a hand grabbed her wrist. 
“Where are you going?” Jiro gripped her arm hard, “You still have two more fights. We’re not done tonight. Those men are dangerous people. If they don’t get their money, they’ll come back to the house and hurt your mother.”
“Stop acting like you care about her so much! We both know you don’t,” she shot back, twisting herself out of his grasp and staring him down. “I’m done being your race horse. I’m not going to kill a kid because you promised a bunch of gangsters that you’d do it for them. Settle your debts on your own or get out of town before they toss you into the river.” 
“You little, ungrateful bitch! After all I’ve done for you! This is how you repay me?!” She heard him storm after her, and reach for her again. 
Sakyia balled up her fist tightly and punched his lower jaw. With a small jolt, Jiro dropped to the ground on his side. She was about to turn away before she spotted the rolled up bills hanging from his pocket. She did not waste any more time. She rifled through his pocket, took the money and his car keys and rushed down the hallway through the exit. She needed to get home. 
“Ma, Ma! Ma, Pick up!” 
Sakyia tapped her mother’s number on her phone once more. Her heart raced thinking of what she might find when she came home. Jiro might be an idiot, but he was right. If the gangsters see that they’re not getting their money tonight, they’ll send a message. What if the man in the suit called his friends to go over to her house? What if they’d taken her mother somewhere? Racing down the street, she nearly screamed from the adrenaline in her body. She had trouble keeping her eyes on the road while dialing and redialing her mother’s number. Every time she heard the ringtone over the speaker, a message came out:
“Hello! This is Tanaka Midori. I am not available right now, but if you leave your name and number, I will call you back-”
“-Why did you get a phone if you won’t answer it when I call you?!” she grunted and tossed her phone into the passenger’s seat. 
She kept her eyes peeled on the road for any suspicious cars. Not that she’d be able to tell in the first place. Ending up on her street, she spotted a black car parked outside her house. A thousand horrible scenarios played through her mind as she stepped on the breaks outside. They’d already come. She was too late. She slammed her hands on the wheel angrily, her heart thumping hard in her chest. Quickly, she rushed out of the car, up the steps to their door, and fumbled the keys. She heard people talking on the other side, and she gulped thickly. Her entire body tensed in preparation for a fight. She tried steadying her breathing, but there didn’t seem to be a point anymore. 
“Ma! Ma, I’m here!” she called out frantically into the hallway. 
But, it was not screams she heard. Nobody had ransacked the house or left any sort of damage behind. She heard people in the living room chatting jovially and laughing. Confusion set in when she walked into the living room to see three people there. Her mother, Midori, sat wearing her silk dressing gown over pink pajamas; her black hair in curlers underneath a matching hair bonnet. On their loveseat sat two men: one older and one younger. The older gentleman wore a tweed gray suit and a gold watch; the younger had black hair cropped over his eyes and wore a dark navy jacket and pants. The elder was talking to her mother, who laughed at something he said. She’d set out her nicest tea set, and a small plate of treats. 
Something she only brought out for “important” guests. 
The three people looked over to her. “Ah, there she is! You’re home early. I thought you’d be out much later,” her mother beamed, standing up to greet her. “Oh gosh, look at your face! And your nose!” she gasped and began examining her daughter’s face, “It was already kinda crooked. I hope this doesn’t make it worse. Where’s Jiro?”
“Ma, what’s happening?”
“Good things now,” her mother assured her. “These two gentlemen,” she gestured to the men on the sofa, “Came to see Jiro about the money he owes them.” 
“But...What about…” the scene all together made her head hurt. She stared around at them in confusion, trying to make sense of everything. “Those men from today…”
“Don’t worry about them,” said the older gentleman, “Those were some punks we sent to intimidate Jiro. I told your mother we had no idea they would treat her like they did. We’re sorry if they gave you any cause to worry about your mother’s safety or wellbeing.”
She thought she might faint. When she swayed, her mother helped her into a chair. “I’ll go get the kit from upstairs,” her mother said, “If you’ll excuse me…”
“Who...Who are you two?” Sakiya’s questions came out in rapid fire. “Why are you in my house? Why are you here and not at the warehouse where Jiro is?”
“I am Kawata,” the elder man said, shaking hands with her and then sipping from his teacup. “I am a representative of the Ieruma-Kai group. This is Noboru, who is also part of our organization.” He put his cup down and said, “Your stepfather owes our clan a great sum of money. Your fighting tonight was supposed to cover a small part of it-”
“-Did that part involve murdering Yoshi?”
“You killed him?” Noboru looked at her with wide eyes, “You actually killed him?”
It hurt hearing someone say it that way. “I...I didn’t…” the tears suddenly returned, but she fought them away, “I yielded to the fight before anything serious could happen to him. He...He was coughing a lot. He had trouble breathing. I-I-I told him to go outside and get some air. He shouldn’t have been in that place like that. He’s only a kid.”
“Yes, his father mentioned he had asthma,” nodded Kawata. “All the sawdust and dirt must’ve not been easy on his lungs.”
“Why was he there?” Sakyia glared at them. 
“Probably to pay off his father’s debts like you,” the man replied. “You know just as well as us how dangerous the fighting pits can be if you’re not careful.”
“He’s a kid. He couldn’t be older than fifteen or sixteen,” she replied.
“The father was too old to fight, and the boy seemed eager to prove himself,” Kawata reasoned. “From what Jiro tells us, you’d been younger than him when you were thrown into the ring.”
“Really?” Noboru asked, eyebrows raised in surprise. 
“Oh yes,” Kawata answered, “Sakyia here was-what?-thirteen? Fourteen-years-old?"
"Thirteen, sir."
Sakyia preferred not to think of those days. Like Yoshi, she'd gone into the ring scared and confused. Luckily, some of the older fighters took pity on her. They did not hit as hard, and some gave her tips or tricks she could use. Her father began her training, but when a car accident took his life, those people became her teachers. Jiro saw the potential in her, he claims, and exploited it for his own benefit. Sakyia could not count the number of times she'd fought to earn him money. Not for the family, but for him. 
“Since you were thirteen?” Noboru asked. She recognized the pity in his voice, and did not need it. “But…you must’ve been so much smaller than your opponents.” 
“Do not be fooled by her size,” Kawata said. “I’ve seen you fight, young lady. My boss calls you ‘the Little Viper’ with those fast jabs of yours.” 
She snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, I’ve heard the name thrown around. Jiro said all the great fighters have nicknames,” she rolled her eyes and wiped the side of her mouth with her sleeve. It’d stopped bleeding thankfully. “I always thought it was a silly name.”
“A silly name that gained you a lot of recognition in those warehouses.”
“Oh, I hate that place,” Midori reappeared with the medical kit. She set it on the coffee table, and grabbed disinfectant, “You always come home with these nasty bruises and you’re limping all over the place. It’s not right. I told Jiro over and over that if he wanted to pay off his debts, he should settle it on his own.” Sakyia winced when the small wet cloth touched her cut nose, but her mother kept her still. “I didn’t care if he hit me or not. I didn’t want him throwing you into the fire.”
“And we completely understand,” Kawata said to her. “Sakyia is a very pretty, charming, young woman. She should be out with her friends and going to college.”
“Exactly my point!” Midori agreed. She wiped the dried blood from Sakyia’s face, then continued, “I worried it’d end like this. I worried one day he’d drive you to do something reckless or dangerous that would get someone killed.”
“There was a man there,” Sakyia said to Kawata. “He was wearing a black suit. He had short black hair slicked back from his face. I overheard him talking to Jiro about the fight.”
Kawata thought, then said, “Ah yes, that must’ve been Nikaido. He works with us too. He was there to collect your earnings tonight.” He paused, “Did you run into him?”
“No, I saw him, but we never spoke. So, you’re telling me you didn’t mean for Yoshi to die? That it wasn’t some elaborate way of sending a message or something?”
They both chuckled softly, then Kawata said, “Of course not. If we want to kill someone, we do it ourselves. Whatever happens to Yoshi after tonight is a result of the fighting ring, not us.” 
She looked up at her mother. Her headache from all the confusion pulsed in her temples, and she didn’t know what to say. “I...Mama...I’m…”
“I think it’s about time you gentlemen were off,” Midori said to the two men. “My daughter needs rest and I believe our formal business is done.”
Kawata bowed his head, “Yes, ma’am.” 
They stood up together and they each thanked her for her hospitality. Kawata told her someone from Ieruma would stop by the salon to check it out, and she led them out. Once they were gone, she returned to Sakyia on the chair. Looking up at her mother, who smiled warmly at her, she sobbed. The tears she’d tried withholding came forth in hard trembles. She leaned forward, her head in her hands as she cried. Her mother gave her a tender pat on the back and stroked her head. 
“It’s alright, Blossom,” she said softly, sitting her up and stroking her hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing has happened; I’m sure the boy will be alright.” 
“I couldn’t do it, Mama. I couldn’t finish the fight,” she took a deep breath, “I thought something awful was going to happen to you.” She blinked the tears from her eyes, until she wiped them with her sleeves.  “The Ieruma men weren’t going to get their money, so I thought they’d come and hurt you. Jiro’s problems have always become our problems, and I’m sick of it. I didn’t care when it was him and me, but the fact that you were going to be dragged into it…” 
She sighed sadly, and continued cleaning up Sakyia’s wounds. Smoothing over the cut on her nose, she said, “I hate that it’s become like this. The child protects the parent when it should be the other way around.” She must’ve decided stitches weren’t needed, and began disinfecting the wounds to bandage them, “Jiro is too cowardly to face his own troubles,” she said, “So he threw you in front of them. I should have left him. I should have not let him do what he did, but I...I was weak, Sakyia. I’d just lost your father and we didn’t have the salon yet. We would’ve been homeless if Jiro had not come along. I’d hoped he’d be a proper father figure to you, but I was wrong.” She placed the last plaster on the bridge of her nose and said, “It’s my fault you were there in the first place. I should have fought him harder; I shouldn’t have been so weak. I’m so sorry, Blossom. I’m sorry that I am not your-”
“-Mama,” she took her mother’s shaking hands and squeezed them gently, “Jiro would have done it whether you fought back or not. I don’t...I don’t blame you,” she sniffed back her tears. “I’m so confused,” she admitted, “Everything is happening so fast and I can’t-c-can’t keep up with it.”
“Then don’t say anything else,” she comforted, “You can just listen.” When Sakyia rested her head on her mother’s lap on the couch, Midori began: “When those three punks came up to me today, I knew Jiro was in a bad situation with bad people. I wasn’t surprised, to be honest, since Jiro only ever dealt with shady types. Yet, I noticed one of them was wearing this little golden pin on his jacket. It had a triangle with dragons around it, and I recognized the symbol. The young man who brings Yori- you remember Mrs. Ieurma, right? She’s the lady who used to give you candy when you were little?”
“I remember her.”
“Well, her chauffeur also has that little pin. When I saw her at the salon today, I told her what happened and she was shocked! She said she couldn’t believe her husband would send men to harass a lady, especially a dear friend of hers. If my husband owed money, she said, they should be harassing him. She told me she’d be speaking with him personally about it.”
“That was nice of her to do,” Sakyia said. 
“Oh, Yori’s one of my oldest clients. I adore her!” she caught herself before a tangent, and said, “Anyways, she got me in touch with her husband and we talked about it at the salon.”
“You spoke to Tatsumi in person? Isn’t he, like, the boss?” 
“Over the phone, yes,” she said, “He explained the entire situation to me. He said it was all business and he didn’t mean to involve us, but that Jiro did owe them a considerable amount.”
“He must know how fond Yori is of you,” Sakyia added, “To change his character so easily.”
“To be honest, it was probably because he knows Jiro wouldn’t care if either of us died,” she shrugged. “I hate to say it so harshly, but family is only a good leverage if the person you're threatening actually cares about them.” 
She supposed that made sense. Her mother continued her story, “As I was saying, I spoke with Tatsumi and asked how much Jiro owed him. When I realized how much it was, I knew your earnings alone wouldn’t cover the amount. That’s why Kawata and Noboru came to visit. They came to discuss payment. I give them ownership of the salon; they cut Jiro’s debts in half and only deal with him from now on.” 
“Ownership of the salon?!” Sakyia bolted upwards in her seat and looked at her mother in disbelief, “You sold the salon? Ma, that salon is your entire life! You spent years working towards it! It means everything to you, it’s your work! Your life! You can’t just-”
“-I can and I did,” she hushed her daughter gently. “The salon might have been my work, but it was not my life and does not mean everything to me.” She cupped Sakyia’s swollen cheek and looked her in the eyes, “You are, Blossom. If selling the salon meant you did not have to fight anymore, then it was worth it to me. I can rebuild a salon, but I can’t rebuild a daughter.” She gently kissed Sakyia’s forehead and hugged her close. “Tatsumi agreed to the deal and Kawata came to finalize the papers.” 
“What are you going to do for work, Ma?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “We can’t afford to stay here, so we’ll have to move somewhere else. But, we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” She gazed over her daughter’s face, taking in each feature and comparing them to her father. Sakyia looked like him in certain lights. “This can be a new start for the both of us; you and me,” her eyes glazed over with tears, “The way it should have been the whole time.”
“Ah, Ma…”
Midori kissed her head again, then made her eat. Sakyia didn't realize how much everything hurt until she relaxed. She swore she felt her entire body throbbing all at once everywhere. She winced when she finally stood up, feeling the fight in her muscles. She made her way upstairs, where her mother prepared a hot bath, and she sunk into it slowly.  As the soothing water worked on her sore muscles, she knew one thing for certain: her mother would be safe now. Midori wouldn’t have to worry about Sakyia being injured or Jiro’s furious hits. She could focus on more important things. Sakyia considered what she might do now that she had no warehouse fights. Thinking of the future felt better than remembering the boy she’d fought tonight. Her mother would tell her to go to university, but she felt too old for that now. 
Maybe she’ll know when she finally gets to wherever they’re going. 
Their landlord gave them a month to leave the house. Midori told her that Sakyia’s aunt, Hana, had an extra room above her shop where they could stay until they got back on their feet. Sakyia remembered her aunt, a round-faced woman with coarse black hair, and felt thankful to be moving in with someone familiar. Hana joked that now they’d have someone to protect them if a robber came into the apartment. 
However, remembering the shabby apartment, she doubted there’d be any burglars to worry about. Her aunt lived in a town called Sannoh which was outside their district. Her mother had grown up here, she knew. It was a small place with local businesses and friendly neighbors. As they drove through, she saw the kids playing in the street, the vendors haggling with customers at their shops, and people walking or bike riding. It seemed like such a simple place. It looked quiet and peaceful. 
“Is there no post office?” Sakyia asked as they drove down the street. “I’m sure people can mail things to each other.”
“It’s an inner-district delivery service,” her mother answered. “Sometimes people need things delivered quickly and the post office doesn’t always work that way.”
“Like what?”
She hesitated, as they turned a corner, “Just things, Blossom. Nothing you need to worry about. You’ll be helping me in the salon, remember?”
“What salon?”
“Hana says our friend Sungmi is going back to Korea,” she said, “And is selling her salon.”
“Ma, you don’t have money to buy a salon. We don’t even have our own place to live yet.”
“Hey, who is the parent here, huh?” Midori laughed. “You worry about things too much, Sakyia. I’ve known Sungmi since we were in beauty school, and she said she’ll keep ownership until I’m able to pay to buy her out.” She squeezed Sakyia’s leg, “Don’t you worry, little blossom. Mama’s got this all taken care of. You and I are gonna get through this together, okay?” 
Sakyia smiled. She’d spent most of her time relaxing her worn out body. It felt weird not doing anything besides training in their garage. Looking at the sketch book in her lap, she’d gone back to art like she’d done as a kid. On the page, she’d drawn a stocky man punching a large punching bag. He had a straight jawline like hers; his broad build was all muscle. She added a few strays in his black hair, and added shade to his wrapped hands. Her mind often drifted to her father in times like these, when the world felt so uncertain. She traced out the shadows of his crooked nose, which had been narrow before being broken in several fights. He’d been the strong one out of the three of them. 
Then the accident happened. The weight then fell on her shoulders, because Jiro weakened her mother so significantly. 
“We’re here now.” 
She looked out the window to see a small storefront on the side of the road. On a faded sign above the windows, someone painted the words: “Kimura Delivery Service: Stamped, Sealed, Delivered.”
Midori chuckled, “That was from when it first opened. Your grandfather used to have this little stamp to verify packages. Now, your aunt prints a label. But, the sign meant a lot to your grandfather, so she promised she’d never change it.” Then she added, “Also, new signs cost a fortune.” 
Sakyia was sure the business did not have money for anything new. Through the wide windows, she saw her aunt already standing at a counter beside a register. A young man in a red jacket stood scribbling down on a piece of paper in front of her, both chatting. She also noticed the ‘Help Wanted” sign in the corner of the window. How much business could this place be getting that she needed more help? Sakyia and her mother then stepped out of the car. Their appearance made Hana look out the window, and she smiled widely and waved. The young man noticed her waving and turned around. He was short, maybe two or three inches taller than her, with blond hair he kept parted to the side. He looked at Sakyia curiously, most likely trying to remember if he recognized her. Sakyia knew she’d never seen him before. 
“Midori!” Hana cheered as they walked into the store. She moved around the counter and the sisters hugged tightly. “I thought you’d be coming in the afternoon! I would’ve closed up the office early!” 
“Sakyia stayed up to pack the rest of our things,” she told her as they released each other. “And the movers put our furniture into storage yesterday.”
“We didn’t have much to begin with,” said Sakyia, shouldering her backpack. “Hello, Auntie.”
“Ah! There she is!” Hana embraced her, “My favorite niece! Oh, look how big you’ve gotten!” She moved away to take a look at Sakyia, “Good lord, girl, you’re so skinny. What has your mother been feeding you? Grass?” 
Sakyia did not have the heart to tell her about the strict diet Jiro kept her on before his ‘disappearance’. She’d thought she might gain some from stuffing her face the past few weeks, but nothing goes past her Auntie Hana. She noticed the man behind them leaning against the counter, looking at them with interest. Sakyia could not get a read on him, and that bothered her. 
“I tell her all that training burns off anything she eats,” her mother lied immediately, “But now that you’re here, I’m sure she’s going to be eating tons.”
“Of course!” Hana exclaimed, “A few days here, and you’ll be all rounded out.” 
The young man coughed into his fist for her attention, and Hana whipped around. “Oh gosh, Junpei,” she said, coming back to the counter, “Forgive me. You finished the label?”
“It’s alright, Ms. Kimura,” he replied, “I already sealed it there for you.” 
“Excellent,” she said, smoothing out the printed label he’d signed. “Ah, Junpei, this is my sister, Midori, and her daughter, Sakyia. They’re moving into the apartment upstairs. Midori, Sakyia, this is Junpei. He’s one of my more frequent customers.” She took his payment from the counter, entered it, and gave him change. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” he said, bowing his head to them both. “Welcome to Sannoh.“
Despite his baby face, Sakyia recognized his kind right away. The gangster types who frequented the warehouses and clubs around the bayside of the city carried the same similar shadiness about them. Sakyia saw them all the time growing up: they’d be the ones placing bets, taking bets, and on the sidelines with their fighters or participating in the fights. She wondered if he’d ever gone there. The bay district might be too far for him. She stepped closer to her mother. 
“You must need a lot of packages delivered quickly to be considered a regular here,” Sakyia said curiously.
“A lot of people in Sannoh use your aunt’s business,” he replied innocently. “Not everyone is able to go outside town to get packages delivered and going through post offices takes longer.”
“I can’t promise it’ll get to your friend by tomorrow,” Hana cut in. “I haven’t found a courier since Koichi quit.”
“That’s fine,” Junpei told her. “I just need it there as soon as possible." 
"I understand," Hana nodded. She struggled to put the parcel on the tall stack of boxes until Junpei came and helped her. “Oh, thank you, sweetheart. I’m going to be buried in these boxes at this rate.”
“I can always have one of the gang come help you,” he said. “Chiharu and Dan would be glad to help.”
“I’d appreciate that,” she smiled. “Tell them I’ll pay them well for it. If they don’t get lost, that is.”
“Dan only got lost once,” Junpei defended gently. 
“Alright, yes, twice. I’ll let them know and send them here.”
“Such a sweet boy,” she patted his cheek tenderly. “You take care of yourself now, and wear a helmet when you ride that thing,” she nodded to the motorcycle outside. “You could get in an accident and crack your head open.”
Junpei nodded, “I will, Ms. Kimura.” He turned over to Midori and Sakyia, and nodded again, “It was nice meeting you both.” He looked right at Sakyia as he said, “I’ll see you around.”
He reminded her of those dreamy characters in manga. The tsundere characters with kind hearts who sport leather jackets and ride motorcycles. They pretend not to care, but they care very deeply. She admitted he was handsome. Even a blind person would think he was handsome. But, something about him kept her distance, but then again, she kept everyone at a distance. 
Except her mother. 
Sakyia looked back to her aunt and her mother, who’d begun catching up while her aunt shut down the store for the day. She decided she’d make her way up to the apartment and begin unpacking her things. Junpei came to mind. If he was what she thought he was, then Sannoh might be more dangerous than it seemed. Sakyia remembered the gangs who’d come strutting into the warehouse; Jiro usually owed them money, so she’d become good at spotting them. They either wore flashy clothes, business suits or leather jackets. Junpei was clearly the ‘leather jacket’ kind. 
She’d need to keep an eye out for him.
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peanutpinet · 1 year
hi you are getting request for h&l right🌝 can i ask for a request too sword leaders how would it be with an albino girlfriend and have a nice day take care of yourself 💞
High & Low S.W.O.R.D Leaders x Albino Girlfriend
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A/N: can I just say that this is me when I first receive this request. Also, yes, I’m one of those that watch this series because of Yuta (fellow nctzen here). But I must say that I really enjoy the H&L SWORD era more than ‘The Worst’ one. But anyways, thank you reader for requesting and while I haven’t fully grasped Rocky & Hyuga’s characters, I hope that you still enjoy reading <3
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First off, can we have another SWORD film for the next High & Low but combined with the current Oya High, Housen and even Suzuran :’))
Honestly, I feel that he would be the type of guy that always be there to comfort you whenever you feel self-conscious
Your number #1 Hypeman
Would never be shy to show you off to everyone
Would feel proud whenever he sees you being confident in yourself (secretly boost his own ego because again, he’s proud to have you as his girlfriend and would be happy whenever you’re happy)
Would definitely give the “BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE”, “CRIMINAL OFFENSIVE SIDE EYE” to anyone who dares to make fun of you or even give you weird looks
Would probably excuse himself for a moment and come back with a “slightly” bruised hand because he was beating someone that offended you
Overall, Cobra would be the type to show his affection in the little things he does, he will be your #1 hypeman and would not hesitate to protect you
Rocky (so sorry this is short T^T):
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Man is always about “Protecting Women”, “Women empowerment” so you best believe that this man will make you feel like the queen you are
This man will always give you praises no matter what time of the day or event it is
Will always make sure that you are safe and know your worth; regardless who told you otherwise
Will threaten every single other person who dares to make you inferior to everyone else
“Don’t you dare hurt women; especially my woman. Ever again”
Would practically spoil you and get you anything that you want; even if you think that it’s too expensive
Overall, this man knows how to respect women and will not hesitate to “teach” everyone else on how to respect other women, especially his (aka you)
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UGHHH I MISS MURAYAMA T^T I want him back in another High & Low film 🥹
Honesty, the man is most likely awkward with girls but I know for sure that Murayama would still respect any kind of girl he comes across with (except if they are an enemy)
Would most likely be completely shocked at your appearance at first (not in a bad way) but later on would think that you look cool being different
Probably would show you off to the other Oya High students but without giving them all a warning if they say anything mean to you because Murayama knows what it’s like to want to fit in with everyone
If someone at Oya started to bully you, Murayama would stride his way to that person and proceed to give them 100 punches - ehem, you’re probably the only one that could stop him from actually reaching that 100 punches
Would be your personal bodyguard because he knows how some undisciplined students can be especially when you’re the only girl in the school
Would joke around to make you laugh
But would also purposely fake hurt himself so that he could be clingy towards you
Overall, Murayama would be the chaotic but loveable boyfriend who is clingy towards you but also would always have your back
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Can I also firstly say that I miss him so much T^T Alright, to the actual headcanon
Just like everyone else in Nameless City, Smoky would not see you any differently than everyone else
He considers you family regardless of your appearance
In fact, he sees your different appearance as something special, which makes him feel that you’re someone special - which you are (to him)
But it isn’t just Smoky but the entire Nameless City sees your different appearance as something new, fresh and beautiful
Such an Acts of Service kind of person
Doesn’t say much but shows his affection towards you. Am sure that he would be there to comfort you whenever you feel self-conscious
Holding hands, back hugs are a must with this man
Though Smoky rarely says anything, when he does, they are all compliments about how beautiful you are
Overall, this man is precious and he would also treat as someone very precious and special
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ngl, I feel like I know Hyuga the least out of all the SWORD leaders but I’ll still try my best
I just feel like out of all of the leaders, he and Smoky are the least to get into a fight even if someone were to be mean
Not that he doesn’t care but more so he already has someone to do the dirty work for him whereas he would be there for you
He would personally take you out on a drive
I can imagine a late drive together even when it’s like 3am :))
For some reason, I feel like he would be more of a gift-giving kind of person
Like I just feel that he’s the type of person that would give you like surprise gift every now and then because this man is full of surprises
Would always lighten the mood whenever you feel down or insecure
Would probably throw a party dedicated just for you just to make sure that you know you are loved
Overall, there is never a dull moment in your life or a time where you feel unwanted because Hyuga will always make sure you know that you have a special place in Daruma and his heart (ngawwwww)
A/N: once again, thank you reader for requesting and I hope that everyone enjoyed reading! Stay safe and always be happy :) xoxo Vinet
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prodbyblush · 1 year
SWORD leaders responding to your ex messaging you
now loading …
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
・❥・not requested
→ gn!reader
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awritersstuff · 4 months
Man who cry in your arms , and when he bury his face in your neck as a trail of tears leave his pretty eyes . Making you worried, as all you can think is , why so suddenly? And when you ask then he starts crying harder , sniffling, sobbing like a child. You start rubbing his back but all he can do is sob in your neck , leaving a trail of tears on your shoulder. He softly kisses your neck as he chock out between tears
"I love you so much !! *hic* I love youuuuuu so so so much , I just *crying * I can't live without you my baby I love you with my life"
Cobra,smoky,yuu,futa,murayama ,shiba,fujio, And all your favorites
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airbendertendou · 11 months
synopsis : you work at one of bonten's clubs, but recently, have been acting suspicious. a member is sent to watch you and is met with something completely different.
cw : bonten boys being sneaky , brief violence , mentions of guns , an abundance of pet-names
song inspo ; love foolish by twice
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
someone is following you. the club isn't far from your home — far from your boys. footsteps fall behind yours quietly and you gulp. shaky hands drag your phone from your pocket, pressing on the one until he answers.
"on your way home?" he doesn't say hello. he knows your routine — knows it's time for you to be near him. "[name]?"
"hey! yeah, a pepperoni is fine," you pause before letting out a breathy laugh. "you know how i feel about my pizza."
"someone following you?" his voice turns stern and serious. you let out a quiet mhm as you attempt to locate your stalker from the corner of your eye. it's what you'd rehearsed ; your panic words incase you were in trouble. "how close are you? i'll meet you halfway."
you turn your head with a nonchalant hum before rattling off the street-name you're near. a flash of a tattoo catches your eye before it's out of view — it makes you even more nervous.
you let out another staged giggle, "yeah, just don't watch another episode without me. promise?"
"already on my way, sweetheart."
— SANNOH HOODLUM SQUAD! ♡ ft. ran haitani
the sound of a motorcycle disturbs the quiet neighborhood around you. a breath is let out of your lungs at the sight of headlights coming towards you. echoed footsteps have long since fallen quiet, but that only heightened your fears.
cobra steps off of his bike, face stern and serious as he makes his way towards you. noboru sends a grin your way, yamato towering behind him as they scope out the area around you. cobra frowns at you, "you okay?"
"physically." crunching of glass hits your ears and you spin around. streetlights hit purple hair and you stiffen once more. "ran?"
he looks you up and down, his tongue in his cheek before he grins. "heya, doll."
your chest is pressed to a back before you realize it. cobra is looming in front of you, shoulders and chest widened threateningly. noboru is to your left ; yamato on your right, matching scowls on their faces.
the blond's voice is a growl as he speaks, "and who are you?"
"just the boss," ran raises his hands in surrender. he's too casual ; too relaxed to be outnumbered. sleepy eyes meet yours. "of sorts."
your breath catches in your throat. "he sent you... after me?" ran hums, tilting his head tauntingly. your eyebrows furrow, "why?"
"thinks you're up to somethin'." ran shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. a flash of silver catches your eyes — he's carrying his gun, of course. "in enemy territory. telling secrets."
the words oddly make you relax a little. a misunderstanding, that's all it is. but, before you can speak, cobra does. "just who is your boss?"
ran grins, "you don't want to know."
"i live in... opposing territory," you speak up. brushing past cobra — you smile over your shoulder reassuringly at him — you stand between the men. "that's all. i travel back and forth between other claimed areas."
humming once more, ran thinks over what you said. he eyes the three men with you — sees how guarded you are. his eyes scrape over your figure once more before he nods. "okay. i'll believe you."
turning without another word, ran leaves you standing there. he looks over his shoulder at you, eyes gleaming dangerously. "get home safely, doll."
waiting until ran is long out of sight, cobra wanders up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. you turn, letting out a breath of relief and grin. cobra frowns further, "don't get in front of me like that again, okay?"
your smiles fades at his words. cobra sighs, hands dropping to your hips as he squeezes. "he had a gun, angel. would much rather i got shot than you."
"whatever you say, mister sannoh, sir." you kiss his cheek delicately before walking to his best friends. "and thank you both for coming with him. i appreciate it."
"whatever you say," noboru grins down at you, "mx sannoh."
— WHITE RASCALS! ♡ ft. kakucho
a white bike pulls up in front of you as rocky steps off. he's got a lollipop in his mouth — blueberry, from the scent — and a nonchalant demeanor as he stands in front of you.
"you're here," you breath. you relax, your forehead resting on his shoulder as you control your breathing. "you got here really fast."
a clink! hits your ears as the lollipop is taken from his mouth. "you were in trouble."
sunglasses sit on the edge of his nose as he scours your surroundings. one hand holds the back of your head, hugging you close to his body. you savor his warmth and the comfort he brings ; the safety he makes you feel. rocky stiffens, his mouth near your ear as he speaks, "found 'em."
"[name]." rocky pulls you closer as your name is called. you turn your face, still hiding in your boyfriend's chest. you see a familiar suit, eyes crawling up until you see an even more familiar man. "may we talk?"
your eyes widen, "mister kakucho! ...were you following me?"
"my apologies," the man sends a half bow your way, "i didn't mean to frighten you."
rocky's chest vibrates with a hum. both of his arms are around your waist, a little more relaxed. still poised to attack if he needed to, though. "so, why are you following my flower?"
kakucho eyes the way you're standing — practically melted into rocky's chest. a small, distant smile curls on his lips before it falls away, back to his neutral expression. "the boss asked me to... check on you."
you face him fully now, your back to rocky's chest. "me? why?"
with a shrug, kakucho looks away nonchalantly. "just as a precaution." he meets rocky's eyes over you, seeing the silent threat in his eyes. he nods rocky's way, "we can talk more at work. get home safe, you two."
it stays silent as kakucho leaves your sight. rocky squeezes your hips, placing a kiss on your temple before backing off. "don't like that boss of yours. seems like a prick."
you snort, "you have no idea."
— OYA KOU! ♡ ft haruchiyo sanzu
it isn't long until murayama is stomping his way towards you. seki and furuya have to almost run to keep up with his hasty pace, failing to keep their serious faces on. you're bombarded with questions almost immediately.
"who is it? where are they? are you being threatened? did they touch you? if so much as a fingernail is broken, i am going to—"
both of your hands clutch onto one of his. a simple, pretty smile is on your face as you look at him. "hi, yoshiki."
"hey, sweet baby," he melts. the duo behind him share a glance as murayama shakes his head, getting focused once more. "i'm being serious. you've never panic-worded before."
pink hair pops up before you know it, a fist swinging murayama's way. in the time that it takes for you to widen your eyes, two bodies are on the ground. seki and furuya stand with you, blocking your body with theirs.
heaving breaths are all you hear until almost identical manic laughs spill from their lips. as the new figure sits up, you blanch. what could you have done for the guard dog himself to be after you? sanzu grins, "you're pretty good."
murayama lets out his own breathy laugh, "haven't had a fight like that in too long."
"boss?" the friendly, sparkling atmosphere is broken by your meek voice. your legs are trembling together, eyes wide and teary. why was bonten after you? "is... is there a problem?"
when sanzu's icy eyes slide to yours, you can't help but wish you never spoke at all. he huffs as he stands, wiping blood from his crooked nose. sanzu clicks his tongue in disappoinment as he stands before you. he says your name three times, "just what have you gotten yourself into?"
"you work for this guy?" murayama is beside you within the next second. his knuckles are worn and bleeding as he clutches your hand in his. "small world."
"boss said to keep an eye on you," sanzu sweeps his striped suit. a diamond encrusted grin is thrown your way — it makes chills run up your spine. "i'll be watching you, [full name]."
sanzu leaves, but your chest still feels crowded, like you can't breathe. you stare with a dead gaze at where he once stood. an arm is slung around your shoulders, heavy breathing echoing into your ear. "that sounded like a threat."
your eyes meet murayama's, "it was."
— RUDE BOYS! ♡ ft. rindou haitani
you're already talking to someone by the time he arrives. sneakily, smoky watches from the rooftop he's perched on as you exchange conversation with the man across from you. lilac hair wasn't something he was used to seeing — the color stood out in nameless.
"yeah," you shrug your work bag further up your shoulder. "that's it, i think."
rindou nods, looking to the ground as he kicks a rock. he goes to speak again but stops at the new figured that has joined you. looming behind you is a man with shaggy hair and a dead look to his eyes.
you tilt your head at rin's silence. you see a flash of green in the corner of your eye. jumping, you step away from the shadowed figure before sighing. "smoky. hi. what did i say about the sneaking thing?"
"sorry," a small flash of a smile greets you. he slides closer, his left pinkie linking into your own. smoky stares at rindou, "who's this?"
"friend from work," you answer before rindou can. a minute shake of your head distracts the purple-haired man. he smirks lightly — you were worried about him beating this frail guy up, right? you eye smoky, "is it jus' you or...?"
he smiles again, "only me. for now."
rindou sighs, scratching the back of his head. he looks at smoky once more before meeting your gaze. "and with that, i'll be off. thanks for the chat, [name]."
as rindou walks off, you lace your fingers through smoky's, leaning onto his shoulder. you let out a yawn, "ready to head home?"
he nods, leading you away. looking back, smoky watches the shadowed figures that follow an unsuspecting rindou. he gives a small nod — they follow their leader's command.
— DARUMA IKKA! ♡ ft. hajime kokonoi
a vibrant, purple car pulls in front of you, music booming from the speakers. hyuga slides off of the hood, standing in front of you meanacingly. he scowls, "problem here, [name]?"
you grin, "no, not now that you're here."
silence and then a snort. hyuga reaches out to pinch the top of your arm before he pulls you close. smoke travels from the pipe he uses, enveloping you in the smell and fog. you narrow your eyes, "that's so unnecessary, norihisa."
his arm wraps around the back of your neck, bringing you close. his mouth brushes against your ear, "whatever you say, baby."
a newer, white car pulls in to your right. the conversation and music pauses, eyes on the figure leaving the vehicle. you straighten up with a widened mouth. "kokonoi? um, is there something you need, sir?"
kokonoi smooths his suit out and tucks his hair back into the low bun it sits in. he greets you with a smile before his eyes fall on hyuga. "i didn't know you knew a hyuga, [name]."
"and how do you know my hyuga?" koko looks at you before tilting his head and smiling tantalizingly. you purse your lips, "right. your gambling problem."
"careful, [name]," kokonoi sticks his tongue out, "i'm still your boss."
you wrap your arms around hyuga's waist, bringing yourself closer to him. half of your face is hidden in his red jacket, barely visible pout on your lips. "we're not in work now, though..."
hyuga kisses the top of your head. "need somethin' from us?"
"just had a little question." koko looks at where you're attaching yourself to hyuga before nodding to himself. "things are starting to make sense now, though."
humming, you frown at your boss-of-sorts. "you're acting shady."
koko grins, closing his eyes with a small laugh. "aren't i always? see you tomorrow, [name]."
hyuga pats your bottom in a pattern as you both watch the white-haired man leave. he honks, flashing his headlights before he leaves. hyuga sucks in air through his teeth, "what a weird guy."
"are you allowed to say that?" a pinch to your butt causes you to squeak. "okay, alright! i take it back."
——♡—— ive decided i love pairing them together <3 but that was a lil obvious beforehand do we like the pairings though?? could’ve changed them but….. if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyorev OR hnl content, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @cheshirecatuniverse
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @night-shadowblood-writes2 @muichirouswifeandhusband
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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graceinitiatessarcasm · 9 months
If you’re in the High & Low fandom then you’re gonna loooooove my AO3.
A rundown of some of my most popular fics:
Pair/s: Murayama Yoshiki/Cobra, Hyuga Norihisa/Ranmaru
Summary: Murayama seeks advice about his not remotely subtle crush on Cobra in the most unlikely place (AKA - Hyuga and Ranmaru are Murayama’s gay parents).
Vibe: utter fluff, humour and wholesomeness for the OG High & Low ship
The Happy Family
Pair/s: Basically all the Rudeboys in polyamory glory (you might even spot Nikaido/Kain)
Summary: Smokey recovers from his illness and reminisces and revels in the attention of all of his boys.
Vibe: Gay galore, happy AU, wholesome
Pair/s: Cobra/Murayama
Summary: Murayama thinks his crush on Cobra is subtle but Cobra clearly has eyes in his head and can see the obvious.
Vibe: Murayama is a puppy but Cobra loves him for it, wholesome fluffy love
The Surprise
Pair/s: Rocky/Koo, Kizzy/Kaito
Summary: Koo thinks Rocky is hiding something from him and spirals a bit buuuut maybe it has something to do with his birthday coming up…
Vibe: elements of angst to have a big gay payoff at the end that is tooth-rottingly cute
Pair/s: Hiroto Amamiya exploring the potential of the Mighty Warriors & prison gang (so a lot of polyamory and potential relationships)
Summary: Hiroto struggles in the aftermath of the Kuryu group’s defeat but manages to find friendship in the unlikeliest place.
Vibe: found family, introspection, longing
The Spark
Pair/s: Jesse/Cobra
Summary: Jesse is lowkey (highkey) obsessed with Cobra after their fight and does very little to hide it. Including introducing Cobra properly to his Mighty Warriors/Prison Gang family.
Vibe: two idiots in love, meeting the family, instant attraction
A Moment’s Peace
Pair/s: Hanaoka Fujio/Ueda Sachio
Summary: Sachio isn’t sure when it started becoming so casual (AKA - Fujio shows up at Housen all of the time because he’s in love)
Vibe: fluff, gays being gay, Housen boys narrating their leader’s love life
Like The Sun
Pair/s: Hanaoka Fujio/Takajo Tsukasa
Summary: Fujio’s gay introspection on how pretty and perfect Tsukasa is and Tsukasa pretending like he doesn’t love that absolute dork. Yasushi also makes a very on-brand cameo.
Vibe: fluff, introspection, friends to lovers
In total, we’re talking 59 fics and counting across the High & Low franchise, including The Worst films.
I’ve been part of this fandom for so long but I genuinely forget to promote my shit soooo if you love it, I’d love to know! 💖
I’m sure I’ll create an actual master list at some point of all the pairs but to summarise, there’s plenty of rare pairs for totally background characters, some of the most popular ships, and a shit ton of polyamory.
Enjoy ✨
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yuken-gf · 2 years
hi check out your account frankly i like it and i guess you are not very active on tumblr and frankly i have a request too if murayama and rocky would meet their childhood love again what would their reaction be
hello there! yes, i'm not that active due to my school ridiculous schedule :( thank you for checking out my account!
let's head straight to their reaction when meeting their childhood love again. i decided to do all the sword leaders cause why not [smirks]
cobra will try to look unbothered and you might be the one who greets him first. he is not arrogant or whatever, he's just shy! will be dense at first but will loosen up once you started to bring back memories like "hey, do you remember when we used to eat pudding together after class?" he will try to convince himself that you're just a childhood love. but, if you do show him that you're having a crush on him or whatever... he will definitely make a move!
for rocky, however, i think he will act cool in some ways. i think you guys will reunite in some fancy restaurant or something. he would simply pick up where you guys left off pretty quick too since he's probably still madly in love with you. you are one of the biggest reasons for his desire to protect women, honestly. big thanks to you. and i think if you show him some interest, you will end up with him faster.
so, i think murayama will be so surprised for whatever reason. he won't hesitate to hit you up and ask how things are going for you, how's your mom, how's your pet, what are you currently working on. it's easy to hang out with him again too! if you show him some signals of attraction, i think it would be easy to make him fall in love again ((at some point i think he's a hopeless touch-deprived romantic))
smokey will approach you slowly! he would be so happy if you still remember him ((who would forget you BABE???)) he would bring back childhood memories first! honestly, he's that crush who never leaves your heart. i mean, who would succeed in getting over a fluffy ass emo boy???? you never left his heart too so, [blush]. anyways, you would never realize how things went so fast. it's really because you have known each other for so long babe.
hyuga is one of a kind. i think he would just straight believes that you really meant to be with him when you meet him again on accident. he will bluntly show affection and interest in you since then, so be ready ig... would 100% get obsessed with you, are we even surprised? would convince you that you guys are soulmates every day. but, i mean if you're still in love with him, there's nothing to worry about right? a big W for you instead!
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