#Mun: someone take this computer away from me
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dragonmasterhiccup · 3 months
*UPDATED 9/18*
You can find the headcanons I use here!
See below for details and blog rules!
(((IF ABOVE STATES AS CLOSED: Anons can still ask Hiccup questions, but I can't take on any additional storytelling anons or threads. If we already have one established, we can keep going until it concludes. Please let me know if you have any questions!
I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet, but as time goes things will be added.
My blog is family friendly, please keep content PG! No language is preferred, but any strong language will not be answered, and only deleted.
I will do limited threads, just mainly focusing on asks/anons. Things are limited because I work a full time job, and I am married and have some additional responsibilities.
I have 10+ years of RP experience. Open to M!A and to anons! Any asks that do not follow the rules will be deleted. I will try to message you privately if I can, but if done on anon I will have to make a public post.
I only ship Hiccup with Astrid, and write him as straight. Please refrain from sending any asks hinting or stating that Hiccup has flirted/kissed any other characters.
HOWEVER, sometimes there is undeniable chemistry, in which case I may be open to an AU shipping the two characters.
Anon asks may be reblogged, but if it's an RP thread, please only like so it can easily be kept track of.
If you're an anon, and pretending to be a character from the movies or shows: if there are multiple different anons portraying the same character, it gets confusing fast. I may not respond if I already have another thread going with another anon for that character.
No godmodding, no grabbing or dragging Hiccup, no controlling Hiccup's or Toothless' actions, and no smut.
Mun is 21+, I just like to keep things clean.
You do not have to match my length, however, if all of your replies are essentially one to three sentences, I also struggle with responding to those as well. I work a very mentally demanding job, so sometimes I can't fill in the blanks, unless the muse is particularly strong with our thread.
Please refrain from sending very short responses that consist of: solely thoughts in your characters head, or just a short description of something your character is doing, with very little to no dialogue. I find that these are the most difficult to respond to, as there is not much of anything I can work with. I have nothing against one sentence dialogue responses, as sometimes they can be quite effective, just be sure to make it something I can respond to/work off of and be aware that my response may be just as short.
This goes for anything coming into my inbox: unless it's specified for the mun, please make sure it's something Hiccup can respond or react to in some way.
If you're interested in bringing in more characters from the HTTYD universe, just discuss it with me first! I will extend the same courtesy to you if we bring in more characters from your muses world.
Writing styles: For some reason, when someone writes with me and they're using first person pov (I, me) it's extremely off-putting. I've tried to continue despite that, but for some reason it just causes the Hiccup muse to shut down 🤷‍♀️ Third person works best, since rp is telling two different characters perspectives.
The only exception is if you're asking Hiccup a question, and it's not in conjunction with quotation marks for dialogue, I have zero issue with that.
I only add this because it's come up a few times: Hiccup is the type to ask questions when he thinks of them. If your character sits down and says "You must have some questions for me, ask away!" I tend to panic because everything we've ever written together immediately drops from my brain. I also use the app to write more than my computer, and it can be difficult to track down and reread our threads. Please try not to ask this of Hiccup unless it pertains to something that was revealed in your current response, I'd really appreciate it!
Do not be stressed to reply quickly, real life always comes first!
Got an idea for a thread? Let me know! I love to plot!
Want to bug Hiccup a bit? Send some fun anons! Ask him questions!
Don't know what to ask? Check out the tag #ask memes on my blog for inspiration!
Have questions for me? Message me! I'm open for chatting.
Mun fc is Rapunzel!
As for all of the HTTYD media, I have seen the movies, short films, and Race to the Edge. I am currently reading the books. I have not had an opportunity yet to watch Defenders of Berk or Riders of Berk just yet.
Thanks for reading! Send me a "My ring's outside" so I can know you read this all the way through!)))
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shdwtouch · 1 month
🧤 Name the last need that you Had to take care of before rping!! Anything that made you leave dash, or before turning on the computer, etc.! 🟢 Do You like to tell people when you're online? Why or Why not?
🪪 What's consistent between RP life and not? Anything about you bleed into your writing? 🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp?
Mun Communication Preferences || accepting !!
Name the last need that you Had to take care of before rping!! Anything that made you leave dash, or before turning on the computer, etc.!
probably anxiety / stress / real life stuff from earlier today. I'm dealing with some financial bullshit that I thought was handled but, alas, insurance companies aren't known for their intelligence or empathy. in general I try to keep my personal stuff off the dash, and I try not to, uh, let bad real life vibes impact the vibes of my blog.
Do You like to tell people when you're online? Why or Why not?
yeah, I usually make a dash / ooc post when I'm awake and around. its an old habit, really. when I first started roleplaying on here status posts were pretty common. but I also know, like, I don't need to and I don't owe anyone an explanation of when or why I am here, or when or why I'm not here. but, idk. I also know some people don't like reaching out when they think someone is "away from computer" so to speak, so I guess I like saying I'm around so people know its okay to reach out.
though, I will say, folks are always allowed to message me, even if I'm not around / online. and just because I am around / online does not guarantee I'm going to respond right then or even be in a place to engage.
What's consistent between RP life and not? Anything about you bleed into your writing?
this is kinda embarrassing but. yeah, not much different between RP life and not, cuz... I don't really have a real life ? like. my real life is comprised of school, family, and therapy. I'm a puffin, I don't do much ! so... what you see is what you get with me.
as for bleeding into my writing... yeah, I would say quite a bit of me bleeds into what I write. both Shade and Kaey were kinda... made in my image ? not intentionally of course, but I did realize they do have some similarities to me. I believe in roleplay as a coping mechanism and way to heal, so yeah I've bled into what I write.
What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp?
this is a difficult question, my memory is shit. so uh, I'll just speak generally to something I see happen that literally always makes me smile and feel happy. and that's when people post negativity on the dash, whether RP related or otherwise, and their mutuals comment on their post to cheer them up. I know I try to do it when I see negativity, but it just. gives me warm and fuzzy feelings when I see others do it, and when people do it with my posts. its just nice seeing people in the rpc support each other and be friend shaped, you know ?
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flownintothesun · 1 year
NAME: Orion
PRONOUNS: they/them
BEST EXPERIENCE: To be honest, there are a lot of character dynamics I adore — but probably the best experiences are getting to know muns and characters. I've had my fair share of heartbreak and lost friendships/dynamics on this website, but I've also met some of the best people I know. I've changed and grown because of both ic and ooc communication and I just — am awed and love how deeply I've gotten to feel because I chose to come to Tumblr. (Also I think the dynamics I've built with Nonny ic and ooc is very neat and makes me happy and I am super grateful.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord, probably. But I don't mind Tumblr DMs either.      
MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Probably Marin, followed by Westley, Francis, Enjolras, Henry, Howl (in that order). But if you take the secret menu muses into account, I've had a lot of muse for Mariano lately too (probably up there with Marin) — just haven't decided if I'm fully integrating him onto Tumblr just yet so I've just been harrassing Nonny lovingly with him.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS:  I've been roleplaying for 20 years now but I've been on Tumblr since 2019. :) ♡
RP PET PEEVE: I have a couple. Probably the biggest one is the purity/callout culture to be honest, and how big scary words get thrown around for fictional content that erases the severity of the word in question when it comes to real life harm. Writing something is not the same as condoning it. People have a lot or reasons to write the content they choose to write, and it is a kindness, not a debt or necessity to tag it or refrain from writing it. People's blogs are first and foremost their safe spaces — although many (myself included) choose to make concessions to accommodate other people. You don't have the right to take someone's peace of mind and safe place away from them because you're squicked by something a fictional character does or is. Block and move on or politely request the content is tagged. There is a huge difference between fictional content and real harm.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! I think things work out a lot better with plotting, but I also struggle with it sometimes (worldbuilding isn't my strength in writing, I think) and memes are great icebreakers when braincells aren't complying between the writing partners. A lot of times, sending memes can be a great indicator of interest even if there aren't spoons or you're too shy to reach out yet.     
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I would love so much to say 'short' replies, but I seem to be perpetually unable to write anything shorter than 3-4 paragraphs unless I'm REALLY trying and condensing down my character.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: It's interesting because I'd always thought that everyone's muses were at least a little bit of a self-insert — but I've been corrected by two lovely people who don't see themselves in their muses at all. This to say, yes, I think so in my case at least. I can see little pieces of myself in all of my muses. I'm probably most like Francis at my healthiest, though. ♡ I think I carry Francis's romanticism and urges to escape into fantasy and the being in love with love itself. I carry Westley's insecurities and sometimes his snark. I carry Marin's desire to be what other people need, but also to be good enough and loved. I carry Mariano's overthinking and sometimes his seriousness (and also his dad jokes). I carry Lucienne's fierceness in protecting her loved ones (though not to the same extent). I tend to try to take the lead like Enjolras, I am volatile like Howl at times, and I am a poet like Henry.
tagged by the lovely @imprvdente (thank you ♡) tagging hm... let's go with @batteredoptimist ; @dutyworn ; @unfinishedbusincss ; @anderwhohn (when your computer complies ofc ♡) ; @voxvulgi ; @wehavefoundthestars ; and you if you'd like to.
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Wait wait wait! What happened to Jinx then!? is she alright!!!
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((You wish to know what happened to her after she told the six claws to take her demon sister way? Well, I can give you a little hint. Now, I will warn you; this part of this Au is dark. Like seriously dark. If you are not comfortable with anything that is going to be in this part, do not read. Or if your under 18 don't read this please. ))
((Warning: Will have dark themes/18+ involved: Torture, overdose drugs, sickness, etc. You have been warned and if your still reading this, you have been warned. Oh and Ink belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
They were not expecting to find someone out here in all this chaos. Many people have been killed or eaten thanks to it. Knowing this infection along with the fractions being broken up just adds onto it. However, that involves who they find to bring back to a hidden area somewhere within new york. Over the last few days of course it became like this so it's a good work in progress. The weeks just keep passing along with more results showing up.
"Are you sure this is worth improving? We been going over this for a few days now and nothing is working." A male wearing a lab coat said checking the results but the other sighed to look.
"It is going to work. It's just the subject is being...stubborn. We were about to get Van ink but she got away before we had the infected take her." the other said checking some lab results and yet, this only got them looking at the information then at the computer.
"Though, so far the infection has started to spread and claiming more and more demons. Sooner or later it's going to get better. That means more money too." he said but that's when a knock was heard to make the two look up.
"Come in.."
The door opens to show another person but a female but she was coated in blood while looking bored. Sobbing was heard in the other room as she walks over to them. "I got your message so what is it? I'm still working on breaking her you know."
"Sorry about that. We need to know how long. You been trying to break her mind in the slightest and no luck?" He asked.
"As I said, she's hard to crack. I heard great stories about the leader of the cursed Vixens but I didn't know the leader was this stubborn. Though, breaking her down more and more over the last few weeks were challenging." she sighed but crosses her arms while looking. "Unless you wish to take a look." she said.
The two scientists look at one another but nods seeing the female going to check on the subject. They walk through the dark hallway of this hidden building but they were passing some rather...disturbing rooms with the windows coated in nothing but blood behind tint windows. You don't want to know what is going on in those rooms.
The three keep on walking but gets to the room before the woman takes out the key and unlocks the door to open it. She walks inside but shows the subject. Jinx violet had her arms above her head but she looks like a mess. Her clothes were torn even with them replacing them. She looks to be sick even with her demon factor trying to heal her, she was pumped up too heavy with drugs to focus.
She was dirty from the looks of it. Mud and dirt from the outside made her like this. Messy from the blood that dried blood is seen on her skin. Wet from the water splashed on her but she was heavily being eaten on by another infected who was eating away like nothing. However, the female snaps her fingers seeing the infected stop but pulls it's head up showing torn flesh and muscle. It seriously was biting too hard on her.
"As you can see. She's been...already infected but she won't respond to anything. She's a tough cookie since I been trying to get her to tell me where Van Ink and the other fractions are. But no luck." she said walking over but she then grabs Jinx's hair to roughly pull her head back seeing her hiss in pain. Her face shows she was beaten up a bit but they healed to show she was fine even with blood running down her head on the left.
"Wakie wakie little cat. We need to have another talk." she hissed but she only looks to keep gripping some of her hair. "Tell me where your friends are. We know you know so we can spread the infection more. We got reports that some of them have got infected but we need All of them." she said to Jinx.
The other two were quiet watching this but they didn't bother to do a thing seeing the female look to her. "Hey, you can hear me can't you? Where are the other demons!?" she said to punch Jinx in the face as blood shows from her chin. She looks to the side but spits the blood out of her mouth coughing.
"How much of the drugs did you give her? We told you not to over dose her." The first one said.
"I didn't. I gave her weak doses to keep her from trying to fight back. That and torturing her to get something but no work. I guess she really is stubborn." she said but the other infected was still hungry only for the woman to tell it to leave.
"I'll have to keep breaking her more and more till she spills-"
"We know you will but we still need her alive. Given time, someone or her fraction will come and try to save her. Even if they did, she is already infected with the Di5 anyway." he said.
"I know, I know. I just wish she would stop being a pain in the ass and SAY SOMETHING!" She shouted kicking Jinx in the gut that she coughs harshly to wince leaning to the side. However, she felt really sick only to throw up on the ground coughing. She was panting trying to catch her breath but was crying to cough even more.
"Tch.....well, are you going to talk?"
Jinx still said nothing only to glare at the three. "F....fuck..O..Off.." she snarled only to get kicked in the stomach again as she curls up in pain.
"You little bitch! I should-"
"Enough." she looks to the scientists who was quiet. "It seems she'll need more time. Take her back to where you had her. I'm sure the dark room will help her. Take her there and just keep working on breaking her." he said seeing the female nod.
"Of course." she said but saw the two turn to leave before the woman sighed. "You know, you really are a piece of work. I was hoping to do this with the other leaders but you will do for now.." she turns to walk over but grabs Jinx to hold her down and shows a needle. "Though, maybe keeping you in the cells down in the dark will fix you." she said as Jinx struggles to get away from her if only she could burn the bitch away.
However, she injects the knock out drug into her body seeing her thrashing again. But she only keeps Jinx down waiting for it to take effect. It didn't take long only for her to stop thrashing moments after. She was knocked out. She unchains her wrists from the wall but picks her up.
She goes to another door to walk down and head to a cell as she opens it and puts Jinx inside after chaining her down again. "Maybe spending time down here will help..." she said turning to head back up before the area with Jinx had showed the only bit of light before the door slams shut.
"!?" At this time, Ink snaps awake from a nightmare sitting up as she looks around. She saw the guys were resting after they were done keeping a eye out. However, she covers her face wondering what that dream was. But she was deeply worried about her demon sister Jinx.
Where was she? What happened to her? These were questions she wishes she knew only for her to grip the blanket that covered her. Slowly, she looks out the broken window seeing how ruined New york was only hoping that her friends and team and everyone else was safe.
'Guys...where are you?...' she thought even with the gentle breeze blowing. Ink hopes they were alright and still alive. For now, she still needed some sleep.
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forcenexus-archived · 9 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag nine others that you would like to get to know a little bit better.
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⤷⠀:⠀⠀ ROLEPLAYER NAME :⠀⠀ Emrys ⤷⠀:⠀⠀ ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS :⠀⠀ They / Them ⤷⠀:⠀⠀ MUSE NAME :⠀⠀ Anakin Skywalker
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ PREFERRED COMMUNICATIONS / discord or tumblr messages for out of character chat? :⠀⠀ I'm fine with either or. Discord I'm better about asking since Tumblr doesn't like to give me notifications. Also its better for when I can't get on the computer during the weekends and such. It's always logged in on my phone.
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ EXPERIENCE / how long you’ve roleplayed:⠀⠀ Okay, I'm going to sound very old. I started in the days of AOL and yahoo chat rooms. Message boards and Forums. I don't remember how I came across it, only that once I did - I was hooked. I've taken long breaks before. My longest about five years. Tumblr probably is my favorite platform to rp in and the most welcoming one I have come across.
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE / fluff, smut, or angst? :⠀⠀ I like all of them but I am a sucker for angst. You can ask Belle or anyone that knows me. I tend to throw it in after a while to liven things up and the themes I place are for a mature rper. Why I only rp with 21+
Mixing up muse with mun is a major one. I've had muns say they fallen in love with me before thinking I am the muse and try to force a irl relationship on me because of it. I am weary about new writing partners because its happened more times than I care to admit.
Force Shipping. It's a major no for me and I've had plenty of ex partners try to do this to me. Alot of these people get obsessive or jealous of my other partners and have tried to isolate me away from my circle. I've gotten alot better at being vocal about boundaries since. Force Shipping or pressuring of any sort will have me running to the block button.
Stalking. I've had ex partners stalk me before and try to avoid the block by making new accounts. It's happened for months or years before and it doesn't make me want to interact with them. Unfollowing just to refollow is another one I will run from too. Please just move on, there's no sense in hounding or harassing muns.
Toxic RPers in general. They're the obsessive, guilt tripping gaslighting, love bombing, narcissist people I tend to stay away from. By no means I am perfect and have my bad days too. I run far away from anyone that shows any warning signs now. I have no energy for those that wish to control me in any way.
People that godmod / extreme mary sues. I don't know how hard it is for others to just control your own muse and not control mine, but its a no for me. When I mean extreme mary sues, I mean the ones that say they are the strongest without flaws, can kill my muses without thought and threaten too. They are the ones who refuse to flesh out their muses and always wish to be the most powerful and the ones who wish to control the narrative. (Bleeds into godmodding) I do read bios, rules and such and also look at past threads with others. So if I see that kind of rp, I'm not likely to engage.
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ PLOTS OR MEMES? :⠀Memes. I am better at making memes into threads and will continue them if the other person wants too. Plotting, I love when there is a general idea of what both people want. I can't stand when someone hits a plotting call to only say they have no clue what they want to do. (I've been guilty of this but alot of times will send memes in the place if I can't think of anything.)
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES? :⠀Depends on the thread and who I am interacting with. I don't do one liners unless its banter. Alot of my replies range from one para to three. Longer ones or novella take me longer to reply to unless its a strong muse.
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ BEST TIME TO WRITE? :⠀⠀Anywhere from 7ish - 8pm to about 11pm my time. It's when the kids are the quietest and I get the most writing done. weekends i have noticed, I don't do replies as much because that's family time and I need a break away from Tumblr.
⤷⠀:⠀⠀ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? :⠀⠀I try to put a little of myself in each muse so I connect to them. Anakin and me are nerds. As a little kid I too use to take things apart to put them back together. It drove my mom completely crazy.
TAGGED BY : @prodijedi TAGGING : @legeandary, @jundlcndwastes, @immortalmuses, @petitsdieu, @theresastargirl,
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kahrma-a · 1 year
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─── indie, private, selective rp blog for Nanno from Girl from Nowhere. Established November 2022. Penned by ROXETTE.
─── a study in: bringing karma to misdeeds (and sometimes good deeds too!), law of sacrifice, strange love, death after death, not knowing what you had before it's lost, cheating, manipulation, exposed hypocrisy, analysing emotions, jerk with a heart of gold, being ambiguously human.
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This blog is strictly for muns who are 21 and over. Chances are, I'm old enough to be your mom, so please respect that I do not want to engage with anyone below that age and even less minors.
This is not a follow for follow blog. I’ll follow back if I feel our muses could have interesting interactions in some shape or form, or because I really enjoy the content of your blog and your writing, so I’ll be lurking for a bit before contacting you. In that same vein, if you unfollow me please soft block me.
I personally do not have any triggers.However be advised that this blog can be triggering. Themes portrayed can and will be dark at times. I tag triggers as word tw. If there’s a trigger you’d like me to tag, don’t be shy to message me! I AM NOT MY MUSE AND SHE IS NOT ME. I do not condone the themes portrayed nor what my muse may do/say.
Banned Fandoms: 13 Reasons Why. Euphoria. Stranger Things (unless I know you or you were recommended by someone I know well). Banned FC’s: Real people and historical figures. (Using Markiplier as your fc for your muse is fine, but if you roleplay as Markiplier himself, that's a big nono for me unless it's one of his roles/characters.)
I will not tolerate hate of any kind of hate on my dash. Anyone partaking in sending hate, slandering someone in any shape or form, and perpetuating drama, as well as vagueing, will be instantly blocked. This also applies to anyone creating callout posts that hold no proof but hearsay. And I will not, under any circumstances, reblog a callout post, so don't bother asking me to do so.
I’m very opened to ships as this blog is multiship. In fact, I love them! That being said, I retain the right to be selective on who I ship Nanno with. I’m always looking for chemistry first. But don’t feel intimidated by that! Sometimes the spark happens at the least expected moments! I will not write any smut on this blog, as while Nanno is clearly much older (she doesn't age), she still passes as a 16/17 year old.
I am slow. Especially at the moment, as my health has been on the decline the last few months. I can take a day, or a month to reply, but know it does not ever indicate how much I like a thread. I go by inspiration in that moment I'm sitting at the computer. I prefer quality over quantity. Sometimes I can write novels, other times, hardly anything.
I practice mains, and I'm giving exclusives another try. However, earning exclusivity is difficult, I won't lie. I need to know you well and trust you. It's something that has burned me in the past and I'd like not to repeat that. For now, since this blog is very new, I have no mains or exclusives.
Most graphics and icons have been made by me unless stated otherwise and are not for the taking. Headcanons are not for the taking either. Artwork made by me is not for the taking either. Icons, dash icon, carrd && mobile/pinned: me. psd used: jaynedits
Lastly: be good. Be excellent with each other. Don't start drama with me or my friends. Stay away if you support homophobia, sexism, ageism,p*dophilia, incest, etc... you get the gist. Basically, just be a decent human being, and treat others as you'd like to be treated. I know I may sound harsh with some of these, but I’m literally just a shy kiwi and chances are I’m more scared of you than you are of me. Thank you for reading through this 500 pages novel (SORRY ;_; ) and remember that I love you and you deserve the best!
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panicsprey · 6 years
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   Priority phrases to teach your dog if you’re going to take them into public venues: STOP.
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@awesomeuchuu​ asked: Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people? What is something you want people to know right away about yourself? What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
Anxious Munday meme - accepting!
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Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people?
Not usually? Admittedly, I do tend to wait for people who followed me first to reach out after I follow back. Mostly because I can’t often tell if someone just wants to read my posts, even as a fellow RP blog, or wants to interact. And I’ve dealt with quite a bit of the former, leading to muns taking offense that I want to interact with their muses when they followed me first.
The most awkward situations are trying to plot and the other mun replying with “Whatever you want to do is fine!” or not wanting to plot at all. Or being forced into a ship or verse without even asking me: I see this often with the Chiaki Nanami/Sonia Nevermind ship (which I ship platonically but not romantically) or forcing me to interact, through dashcomm or asks, in my Despair!verse (this verse is very rarely used on this blog, and never for a first interaction. Mostly because it’s a ton of trigger warnings and I prefer not having to tone down my content because of it). 
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
The three biggest things: I write a lot, I’m (usually) slow at replies, and I sometimes just feel certain threads/verses/interactions more than others, and that’s not your fault. 
I put it in my pinned and my rules, but overall I’m a multi-para to novella roleplayer. While you will likely see one liners and short para replies on this blog, they’re usually crack and reserved for muns and muses I’ve got character development and many past interactions with. They’re fun for a break or as a throwaway or crack thread, but that’s not the bulk of this blog, and most of the time I do prefer longer threads.
I also am slow at replies, especially if you’re used to getting thread replies in 24-48 hours or less. My current turnaround time is 14 days or less, which I’m mostly able to stick to at the moment. This is due to the longer thread style and the fact I’ve got a full-time job, several other hobbies, and am trying to move into my new house at present (I’m currently in the hell that is the packing stage. Thinking about the amount of zeroes I’ll be writing on my downpayment wire is...humbling). I’m hoping by the end of April, my queue will be able to post at 2x/day again instead of 1x/day, which is easier for me to handle right now.
And finally, there’s some character dynamics/verses/interactions I tend to have more muse for overall. In some instances it’s new and fresh, in others it’s a familiar rapport. But most of the time, I just have more ideas for those interactions and will reply and queue them a bit faster. It’s not a slight against my partner as a person, it’s just where my inspiration goes and good writing chemistry. While muses have ship chemistry, I fully believe different roleplay writers have writing chemistry of their own: different writing styles, plots, and interests may inspire some muns while repelling others. And that’s just fine!
In general, I do try to have one active thread with everyone who wants to write. But I don’t always have muse for more. It happens.
What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
I used to have a lot more worries, like writing style and if we had a bunch of mutuals in common, would they write with me too.
Now, it’s mostly boiled down to one of these two issues (beyond the usual incompatible writing style/forceship/uncomfortable content/etc):
1. You’re writing a canon muse and I have no idea who they are (And I don’t know a lot of canon anime and game muses. Especially video/computer game muses. Unless you write from Danganronpa, The Nonnary Games, an otome title, and possibly Persona 5, assume I likely don’t know who your video game muse is). This happens quite a lot actually, but the problem I run into is that the mun in question either doesn’t want to plot or discuss any sort of interaction so we can figure out a verse/common ground that works for us, or they just don’t have any rules or character info available at all.
It gets really uncomfortable when said muns get offended that I don’t know who their super popular muse is and refuse to make a rules or about page, either.
To that end, it can be easier sometimes to approach fandomless OCs in that retrospect: many OCs I’ve come across do have fandom-specific verses, but also more general verses that I can usually work with. Unless it’s a magic/high fantasy verse, or something with a lot of combat/fighting scenes. Those are my least favorite things to write. 
2. You’re posting starter/meme/interaction calls and getting many (a dozen, two dozen, sometimes more!) replies and then post how difficult it is to keep up with them. There’s nothing wrong with that! It just shows a lot of people like to write and interact with you. However, I’m a bit wary of blogs like this because I feel that I only add to their stress and our thread(s) won’t go anywhere because you have a lot on your plate. I may try to wait to interact with you when you have fewer interactions, or at least don’t sound overwhelmed by all of your replies and threads.
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writinghannibal · 3 years
I've never rp'd before but ur blog makes me want to start. how?
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Ope. That's flattering!
I started RPing some... 24? ish? years ago. I started in notebooks, then went to AOL chat rooms, forums, PBeM, MSN and Yahoo... LiveJournal and even WoW. So, how I started to roleplay is very different than what is available today.
I had never roleplayed on Tumblr before when I decided to make this blog. Tumblr RP was something that didn't quite make sense to me, despite the fact that I have been using Tumblr off and on since 2012. It took some observation to understand how it worked and honestly I still feel like I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. In part because I struggle with a lot of the aesthetic formatting that's really common in the Roleplay Community (RPC). But that's an aside!
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When I started Hannibal, I made his blog and then searched "Hannibal RP" and started to follow people that were active in the RPC. Or, if they looked interesting. I binged Hannibal and wrote drabbles to get his voice back down since it had been since 2013 since I had written him, and since.... 2006? ish? Before that. Yikes. Anyways, I wanted to get the feel for writing him so I wrote drabbles and fics. After that, I jumped in and started to interact with the blogs I followed, plus ones that were starting to follow me.
One of the important things to remember about roleplay is that it is a lot like improv acting where you want to follow "yes, and..." If your partner is writing about it being a dreary night and having a headache, don't swing in talking about sunshine and how healthy they look. Build on what they've given you and always provide opportunity to respond.
John smith opened the door and greeted the woman on the other side. While he was in a bad mood, he still welcomed her in. 'How are you?'
is a better RP post than
The door was opened by John Smith. He looked outside, and there was no one to be seen. He closed his door again and went back to his computer. He was sullen.
The second one, besides having passive voice, isn't as good as an interaction because it doesn't leave room for someone else to respond --- easily. Theoretically, I suppose someone could send an email to John Smith. But the top one gives the other person roleplaying something to say and something to do. She can greet John, come inside, and answer his question -- and observe that he's in a bad mood.
You also want to avoid controlling someone else's character unless you have explicit permission. You never want to write what someone else's character is doing, thinking, or feeling. That's bad etiquette and takes away the fun of roleplaying! You're collaborating and part of the fun is not knowing exactly what the other character is going to do or say.
As an extension of that, you never want to hurt, maim, or kill another character without explicit permission from the other mun. To avoid doing this, I usually try to provide outs or ways that characters can avoid getting hurt. Instead of writing something like "Hannibal stabbed him" I write
The knife was like an extension of Hannibal's hand, wielded with the same practiced grace as a dancer. He slashed out at his intended prey, the blade slicing neatly through the air.
Again, opportunity to react and respond. The other player can decide whether or not that slash lands and how bad it is. You can be more specific than that, but this is an example. Usually if I am writing something like this, I talk to the mun first and ask what it is OK to do so that waiting for an OK to stab (lol) doesn't interrupt the flow of a post. When you get really used to writing with someone, you probably don't need to have these conversations as much, but it is still nice to check in.
When you're first starting to interact with someone, make sure you check out their rules and about pages. If they're OK with you reaching out and contacting them OOC (not all people are, for some it causes a lot of anxiety) then I would encourage you to do so and develop a rapport with them. Roleplay is a community effort so don't be afraid to build community when it is possible.
It is also a learning curve! But a fun one. Don't get discouraged if it feels like you're not getting somewhere or someone doesn't like you/your character. There's someone out there who absolutely will.
Hope that helped!
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ariadne-inthesky · 3 years
I heard we still got Amazing People sending hate to OCs. Once more. Acting like the disgusting little bullies they are - yes sweetie. Sending hate is not having an opinion. It's being a bully. Long-ass rant behind the cut. TL;DR : stop treating OCs like a rug to wipe your boots on and interact with them only when you’re bored. Stop thinking we’re at your feet waiting for a crumb of attention and ready to endure anything for said crumb of interaction. Stop trying to harass us out of the fandoms. Stop being little bullies and being all surprised when we, actually, block you and tell others what you truly are (: OCs’ Muns talk to each other, you know ? (also, to my followers : it is a general rant not adressed to someone in particular, even if it does sound like it. It isn’t. I’m talking to the faceless, genderless, nameless bullies attacking OCs in their asks from which we’ve seen a ressurgence of, nowadays)
You gonna make me rant again, don't you ? Good thing I love that. Good thing I'm an Alpha Bitch whose fingers block faster than you can type your lil' shitty hate-fueled anons, mh ? So let me get things straight (which neither my muse or the gremlin that I am, are) : Females OCs - because it's often female OCs, almost never males ones that you hate upon. Your (internalized?) misogyny is showing sweeties - are self-insert only there to fulfill the sick fantasies of their disgusting muns, right ? Alright, so the many male-canons being used to fulfill some people fantasies are also a problem or are they a-okay because fetishizing the (cis-male) GaysTM is sooooo progressive ? (And let's not talk about the Trans and Non-binary characters being glossed over or fetishized - you're not ready for that talk and it isn't my place to talk about those, as I'm not fully sure where I stand myself on the gender-whirlwind. Nor where Ari stand on it, either). So why do you interact ? Why not blocking them ? Unless you just like stirring shit for the pleasure of it, going out of your way to harm people who are simply coexisting on the same plateform as you. This is called bullying btw (: Don't get me wrong, shitty OCs with annoying Muns exist. But so do shitty Canons with annoying Muns. And you don’t have to interact with them. And if they hurt you, you can block them, you don't even have to warn them, like... I know this website will try to make you believe this is a "toxic behavior" but.... It isn't. You wouldn't let creepy strangers talk to you in the street, so, I mean, protect you. And yes, some Muns are shitty and disgusting. But for every shitty OCs I've met, I've also met as much shitty Canons. And also : people can change. There was a time when I cried out loud on this blog about being ghosted (and times where I ghosted and burned bridges because I took too much than I could bite rp-speaking). But I've realized other people don't own me an explaination if they do not feel comfortable anymore. Still. That doesn't mean sending hate is a-okay. If you see an OC, especially one of those disgusting female OCs [ /s ], step away from your computer, open a window, take a good gulp of fresh air, drink some water, pet a cute critter, look at a flower. Block said horrible disgusting female OCs and go on with your life. Don't make yourself more of a clown that you already are by sending us hate. Or you do you. Do whatever you want. But then don't come crying when we remark out loud it's a fucking shitty behavior and refuse to bow down to your desire of having us disappear. Because yes, we see your lil' campaigns in our asks trying to get us to leave the RPC community (; - Also : stop thinking OCs are so starved of interaction they'll accept anything, that they'll accept being used as chew toys when Canons are bored. That we'll whitstand abuse or being talked over. That we'll come running to you when you give us a crumb of attention. If you don’t own us attention, so neither do we. - Also : to the new OCs out there.... Do not think you have to accept anything from fellow rpers because you're just an OC.
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
Wave Incense/Odd Incense [one, both, or neither x]
Whispering Smoke || Accepting
Wave Incense: What Ship have you been running the longest?
I feel...like this is a two part answer. Part the first...
In 2000, one of my oldest friends and I began a ship with a novitiate nun and a vampire {who to this day, has terrified me, the mun, a number of times}. There were beautiful moments of madness. There were maddening moments of beauty. There were a cast of thousands surrounding this story, npcs we created, other people’s OCs who wanted to help or hinder the relationship, including the vampire’s sister, his best friend, her good friend, the Queen, the Crown Prince...it was so incredible, it was vast but it was also intimate, it was perfection. There’s you-tube videos about it, there’s documents on people’s computers across at least two continents, it’s an experience that shaped me as a writer.
And it’s also the vampire’s turn to reply.
No, none of this is a joke or an exaggeration on my part.
Part the Second... I’ve been really fortunate to meet the people on tumblr that I have. And I have been so fortunate in being involved with the ships both platonic and romantic that go along with the muns I’ve become friends with. Come September, I will have been on tumblr for five years. And in those five years I’ve had: Beth and Zarek which lasted four years, one marriage, one child. Everyone is still surprisingly alive, even if some of them maybe don’t feel like they want to be. Beth and Baz,which is also four years in the running {and they may actually have their first real date soon!} Beth and her favourite Trash Panda, James Barnes. This is at least four years, though it may actually be five now, and it’s so very soft.
Beth and Ron have this beautiful and honest relationship for four years, and it’s been exquisitely tender, with pups, foundlings, older brothers, mutual mental illness and multiple eras.
Beth and Loki, which I do count even if it’s mostly {I think} one-sided. Look people, it’s a trauma-feels pinata, and I don’t make up the rules.
Beth and Luka, which is three years running, and someone somewhere told me that the man still has hope in his eyes. Beth and Billy, also three years and some very dirty looks from Baz and Luka and some death plotting by Lorcan. Melakeni and Anakin are also three years in the making, and it all started with an intriguing ask and some hair petting.
Odd Incense: Do you have any ‘crack’ or otherwise ‘weird’ ships for this muse? Have you role-played them before?
The crack ship on tumblr that I never really saw coming was from what I believe was the other mun’s ask box, a magical!anon that spawned Lorcan out of Luka’s subconscious. It was supposed to be a joke, some steam being let off by his mun. And then we got talking about it over discord and eventually we created and built this truly gut-wrenching backstory and plot that filled in details for Luka’s backstory, and created one whole cloth for Lorcan, and then Lorcan became an entity all on his lonesome. And there are some aspects of the story that I will not and will never let anyone else get away with, but that absolutely make sense in the context of the story we created.
And I do absolutely think my favourite part about this ship and this muse is that Lorcan should not work at all with Beth, they are diametrically opposed at every point and lack any sort of logical reason to even be in the same room together, and yet they DO work, if you can call it that, though both of them are entirely too themselves, and too downtrodden to recognise it.
Then of course, there’s Anakin and Melakeni, in which essentially you have the living Human embodiment of the Force who happens to be involved with an actual Sentient Plant who may or may not have cannibalistic tendencies. So if we want to talk about inter-species relationships, I mean this is a good place to start. And Anakin is one of the very few people outside of her home-world that even knows she’s essentially really interesting, really intelligent salad.
There is something about them that is so poignant, so very real and raw that I absolutely adore every moment I can spend in that head-space, taking in the wonderful replies and reading them, deconstructing them, and rebuilding them from an equal but opposite point of view and indulging in the trust and passion that is so layered and unique. I don’t think that when I got that ask about the hair petting that seemed at first so random, and almost like a joke, that it would turn out the way it has. 
And that’s not even getting into Anakin’s pet Loth-Wolf/Human hybrid, Imperial assassinations and 40 years of love and hate for a single fandom.
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naomipkx · 4 years
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Naomi Powell-King’s Summer + Future Plans - @gallaghertasks 
“thank you naomi for being one of my favorite babies. from you running into things to you being late to all of your classes to your beautiful positive energy, i’m gonna miss you, stupid.” - kashia, the mun that cried several times while writing this task
The Powell-King sisters go on a road trip!
She got back to their shared apartment in Texas late that night, exhausted from staying for graduation and the flight back home. Sitting on the couch, sound asleep was Wren, the TV playing some random Netflix show and a blanket pulled over her. It was at the sight of her younger sister that Naomi smiled, locked the doors, and dropped her bag. Walking over to her, she sat down next to her younger sister, snuggling up next to her. This woke up the younger of the duo, a soft “welcome home” slipped through her lips, causing Naomi to laugh softly to herself. She was home, safe, loved, and warm. The two fell asleep together on the couch, Netflix soon asking “Are you still watching?”
The plan was for the duo to go on a roadtrip, a bunch of destinations in mind. They were happy to be back together, since they’ve rarely stayed apart. Naomi was the one to raise Wren ever since the death of their fathers. She was always by the other’s side, or at least, the best she could be as a spy. Maybe that was why the duo always loved and looked forward to these moments. Because of Naomi’s line of work and the dangers of it, that maybe they’ll never see again. That Wren would be all alone in this world, losing three of her only family members. Thoughts like that always made her stomach churn, there was no way she would leave Wren alone like that.
Their road trip was filled with laughter, lots of girl talk, and talks about their semesters. Wren met someone, a very pretty computer science nerd by the name of Nolan (”They’re really cool, Nao,” Wren said, her cheeks turning red. “And they only live like an hour away from us and said that they want to hang out with me this summer.”). Naomi didn’t share about what happened at Gallagher, not having the heart or energy to relive the stress and pain. Instead, she gave her sister a gentle smile and said that the semester was tough but that was the norm at Gallagher. But losing two students was not a norm and no one should expect for it to be.
It lasted for about two weeks; going to different restaurants, taking pictures, weird stop stations, and just being normal. The two spent this time together as if the world was to end after two weeks, for all they knew, it could. But for the time being, they were both normal. Wren made Naomi buy a polaroid camera, as a way to document different points in her life. It was used at every moment during their road trip. 
Naomi went back to work, both spy related work and her self-defense training job. Contact with the other alumni was rare, everyone went back into work mode thus limiting their amount of contact with each other. It was only Bobby ( @bbygrvr ) (”Bobby, I swear to God I’ll break your hand if you keep asking me if everything is bigger in Texas.”) who she stayed in contact with, the two were planning their own road trip but make it Vin Diesel. Her mind stayed on one individual the most and it was Elise ( @eliseprks ). The last time she saw her, it was when they all captured the Brotherhood members at Gallagher. There were tears threatening to run down her cheeks, the betrayal and hurt was apparent. But she kept it together because she was working, no one needed for her to be so emotional.
Even as the days went by, it just didn’t sit right with her. None of it made sense; why in the world would Elise Park help the Brotherhood? Was that really the end of the Brotherhood? More questions rushed through her head, zero answers following after. It was a certain phone call that gave her the opportunity to answer them. 
Strike Team
As soon as she got Roman’s ( @grayroman ) phone call, she went to her office with a request to help out with another mission. “More Gallagher business, huh?” her boss laughed at her, she didn’t return the laughter. Permission was given to her and she immediately got a plane ticket to D.C. “I’ll be home soon,” Naomi said too Wren, hugging the girl. It was a promise that was always kept between them, that she would always return after a mission. A hard promise to keep but it was going to happen. 
There began the integration of Elise, well, it was more of Naomi making fun of the other for wearing orange and promising that they will get back at the Brotherhood if it was the last thing she did. Which became the beginning of the Strike Team. 
It was nice, being with everyone again, or at least, mostly everyone. There was Roman, Jack ( @jvckstone ), Irene ( @ofgunshy ), and Elise. It was the five of them, inside of a dingy office that became their home for the next few months. Time spent looking for clues, in front of a computer, sorting through files, talking to different people who may be connected to the Brotherhood. But there were also days spent eating, laughing, pictures being taken of each other, lots of jokes, and, well, love. That was the best part of this mission for Naomi was their new family dynamic. The others would never say it out loud, maybe too scared to admit to it, but she did. Every single minute, hour, and day, it was her that would comment on their dynamic and how happy she was. There were times that her energy seemed unnecessary, the air being serious and everyone so focused. But maybe it was appreciated, as she centered all of them, bringing them back to Earth. Maybe it was her energy that kept them calm, that gave them the strength to go on. She hoped that it was that. 
When they were able to find a lead, it was both great and heartbreaking news. Great because the Brotherhood was finally being destroyed, heartbreaking because this... the Strike Team, this family was going to an end. And she didn’t want this dynamic to end, no matter what. But a job was a job and it needed to be completed. 
Everything was going just as planned. The members were being taken down, Tristan was found, information to completely taken down the Brotherhood was uncovered, things were good. Until they got to the hospital and everything went downhill. She watched him fall, tried to call out for help, for someone to save him. But he didn’t want their help. Jack had accepted his death back at the house. Her shouting came to an end, replaced by tears. This wasn’t supposed to be the end of their mission, not like this. 
But this was their norm: you were bound to lose someone important to you. 
Home, Love, Family
Months had gone by and there was still an obvious missing piece in all of their lives. Their newly formed family had lost a member but it didn’t break their bond. It showed all of them how important connections and family was, it just would’ve been better if they had their other family member. For Naomi, it was too close to losing her fathers, just this time she was there to watch as he died. None of this was fair but that was the career that she agreed to, death was an included feature.
But even so, the Strike Team didn’t die. Naomi, who only had one family member, had gained three more. She had people there who cared about her, people who she could count on and call if she needed help with anything. The Strike Team were together for Jack’s funeral, for Elise’s wedding, and years later, at Wren’s graduation. 
And throughout it all, Naomi just knew that Jack was beside them all. Because she loved that cheesy crap, that a person always remains somewhere deep within you even after they die. Because that was Naomi for you, a woman who believed in such cheesy and mundane things. It was apart of her brand after all.
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dokuhebi · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50/50 (people either adore or hate them)
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50 /50 ( again it is either adoring or hating)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO
Are they underrated?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO /
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  I take canon in to consideration and incorporate it mostly. If there was something sloppily handled by canon, I either veto it or try spin it in another direction to make more sense. There was some fantastic writing in Naruto/Boruto and there was some very lazy half-assed writing. I adhere to canon up until a point.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  They are one of the most versatile and unique characters to ever grace the stage. There is nothing predictable about them other than their unpredictability. Through out the show, they have managed to remain this perfect ethereal paradox and enigma. Everything they do is a combination of being on both sides while also walking the line in the middle. You can not deem them merely ‘bad/evil’, you can not deem them merely ‘good/heroic’. You can not deny the way they are akin to an all knowing deity, but you can see the clear humanness in them too. Even the minor stuff, they will be wearing the most traditional kimono you have ever seen while tapping away at the most modern technologies the world hasn’t even invented yet. They can be the daintiest and most regal looking person, then shift in to the most fearsome monster. Let’s not even get started on their gender freedoms. They play all sides at their leisure and they do it well. They embrace every aspect of the world with this undying curiosity. They are so strictly ‘themself’ and untouched by any world/social standard, they just do not conform. Greatness and madness have never been harder to tell a part as it is with Orochimaru. They are complex in a manner that is so captivating, so very set on constructing pillars of individualism. And this is simply speaking on one aspect of their very intricate personality. It is not even touching on the feats they have made, as a shinobi, person, parent and scientist. Nor the unspoken story that is looked over, the abilities they possess, the fact that they have a hand in absolutely everything, and have formed part of nearly every group. Nor does it speak upon their ambitions and just how interesting those were to begin with.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — The main and most obvious point of conflict is their crimes. Their freedoms can dabble in places that should come with clear lines and boundaries. So while it is a marvel to watch when their inquisitiveness and innocent decisions take form so wonderfully together, it is a horror show to see that inquisitiveness and maleficent combination rise up instead. A prime example being their human experimentation. They have committed countless atrocities that overstep the mere boundaries of shinobi warfare. While they may think killing in the name of science should be more excusable than killing in the pursuit of pointless war, they do manage to step on everyones toes by conducting their research on human beings. In the exact same fashion as the wars they fought in, they do not discriminate on who they kill/use by age either. That is highlighted the most by people who dislike them in the fandom, with ‘corrupting’ Sasuke as a close second. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Orochimaru themself was the only inspiration. Everything about their character was appealing to me. I enjoy someone as versatile as them, and someone who challenges the worlds views. They are not always correct, and they can sometimes be too extreme, but they are truly fascinating to me. Often raising questions that need to be raised and setting the stage of some very unique interactions. They are truly fun to play around with from psychology, to abilities to personality.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  It’s still Oro being interesting to me, and a healthy combination of muns on here that bring out their characters with equal enthusiasm. Being able to meet wonderful people who delve in to their characters and bring out all the details from big to small really keeps the rp alive.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / 50/50 /NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — Yes, I do. But only from those I feel have an understanding of the character too, and for so long as it is a valid critique and not one based on the other person wanting Oro to be a certain way. I live for the discussions about my muse, positive or negative feedback is most welcome. I want to do better, I want to write better, I want to ensure what is in my head is being reflected on to the page. However in this fandom there is a trend where people forget portrayals are unique and that is what makes it enjoyable. I won’t take criticism to heart if I can tell the other person is only trying to ‘change’ how I play my muse to better suit the needs of their muse. That happens frequently sadly. But valid, insightful, wise corrections? I appreciate those a great deal. It is still someone taking the time to view my work and evaluate it. I am not sensitive to criticism. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Oh yes please. I adore those questions. It really helps to explore my muse more and add to my headcanons and understanding of them. It is loved on this blog.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Sure! I accept readily if someone does not agree with my headcanon. We all have different takes. For so long as my views are still respected, I am happy to hear out why someone else is not favoring mine. In fact, it can help to continue to grow my muse and develop them further. To adjust the headcanon perhaps should it have been presented in a way I did not intend.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  simply put, we should not follow one another. There is nothing upsetting about someone not fancying my take on a character. It would be futile to remain mutuals or interact, since I am not changing my portrayal for someone elses preference, but there would be no bad blood.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I just use the blacklist button liberally to be honest. Sadly, the hate Oro is often subject to is childish at best. It reflects no understanding, and drops them in the villain trash pile. I do not have much care for senseless hate of any character if I am honest. Mine or those who I do not rp.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Be my guest haha, Language has never been my forte in general. So I assume there are so many mix ups. More so than just grammar, I have this horrible habit of mixing words and phrases. My brain just hates computing stuff sometimes.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I do not know if I am easy going, I have some hard lines I will not tolerate people crossing. I try to be easy going, and to keep myself in check however. I prefer to keep conflict to a minimum, so I will speak my piece in the most diplomatic manner possible. That said, I will speak my piece. I have never been the best at keeping my mouth shut if I feel wronged, or if I feel something may be headed down an undesired road. I will say what I feel needs to be said. I will however, ensure I am being fair, rational and objective to the best of my ability with any topic. I just want to know that there is common and mutual respect. If there isn’t, I will politely excuse myself from that narrative. There isn’t a great deal that can ruffle my feathers, I am naturally quite relaxed. But I am inclined to voice my opinion as diplomatically as possible if I am caught up in something I feel is unjust. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @shikkotsunin​ (thank you!) Tagging: @peepingtoad​ , @shattered-by-sparks​ , @fcrgiivn​ , @likexaxdoll​ , @shatteredxlookingxglass​ , @thatsneakymedic​ , @super-kame-love​ , @dobujutsu​ , @chidorikiller​ and you!
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psychefm · 4 years
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talk to the hand [ TIMOTHEE CHALAMET ], [ REED ‘NEWT’ NEWTON ] is the new kid on the block around here. at [ TWENTY ], the [ CIS BOY] works at [ BABBAGE’S ] in the mall and, like, [ HE ] totally reminds us of [ CHANDLER BING ]. oh snap! what? their favorite movie is [ HOME ALONE ]???? so is mine!
ABOUT THE MUN.  i used to lie to y’all, my mom didn’t say no, i did
i hate this site man. and that’s it, that’s all you gotta know about me. 
BIO. good news!!!! i’ve successfully replaced all my emotions with jokes !!!! tw bullying
reed newton was born in london england to sylvia anne bixby and cornelius otis newton and honestly, he’s regretted it ever since.
newt was an accident. he was the product of one of his mother and father’s first ever lustful encounters, and their subsequent shotgun wedding so honestly they both spent most of newt’s formative years in the honeymoon period. some of newt’s earlier memories are of him walking in on his parents doing the devil’s tango in the broom closet and his nanny rushing to cover his eyes. good times. 
honestly newt walked in on his parents doing the do more times than any kid should have before the age of nine. and then he walked in on a parent doing the do with a non parent. in other words newt got an eyeful of his father and the pool boy and it wasn’t long after that that his parents went through a long and messy divorce. once again, good times. 
his mother decided to pack up their things and move herself and her nine year old very impressionable son to nebraska, because fuck that kid amiright. newt was quickly designated as the skinny weird nerdy kid with glasses and a funny little accent, and so as you can guess he was pretty mercilessly bullied from age nine to eighteen. he really never stood a chance.
i feel like this is a good time to mention that newt’s mother was a sex therapist, which is not the same as a regular therapist but still, therapist is in the name. he should have been able to talk to his parent in this time of strife and get some level of support right? nope. sylvia bixby is well known for writing a men are from mars, women are from venus like book on communication and dating and all that, so his mom was generally on book tour after book tour. but maybe she would have been supportive if she was ever actually around, right? again, nope. 
unbeknownst to newt whenever his mother was around she was not only just casually psycho analyzing her only child for shits and giggles, no, she as also writing about it. newt’s mother wrote an entire book about raising a highly repressed teenage son with newt as the star, and you can only guess what that did for newt’s stellar high social status in high school. nothing great. 
did newt ask her not to publish it once he realized she had wrote it? yes. did she still publish it? also yes. so newt and his mother no longer have the greatest relationship. holidays are awkward.
things were not better on his fathers end, but it wasn’t because his father particularly did anything nearly as tone deaf as his mother. yes, his father was a famous erotica novelist and yes that made newt’s life a living hell, but newt luckily wasn’t the subject of those books. neil transitioned from writing fabio like novels to writing some lgbt fiction which, great for representation, horrible for your teenage son who is now known around school for having a dad who writes porn. to top it off, neil ended up starting a long term relationship with the pool boy and gaining a pseudo step son from it. benjamin caley was not only more athletic than newt, not only more attractive than newt, but also better than newt in every single way imaginable which was a real self esteem booster. his father actively prefers benji and every time newt visits him in england over the summers he comes home hating himself a bit more.
which works out because after the book being published, most people kind of hated newt too so at the very least he was on trend. there was a lot of classic nineties bullying you know, wedgies, swirlies, shoving newt into lockers. all very cliche. newt would tell his bullies as much, but it never really went over that well. 
but then finally newt graduated. he was free from the hell that was the public education system and his childhood household. he graduated with honours, moved out of his mother’s house, and got himself his own apartment with a roommate near the mall where he got his first real job. 
goes to university for software engineering. has an internship at apple that he’s absolutely terrified to mess up. has an old beat up car that was like the first big purchase he ever made with his own money, so he loves it to death even though it’s a piece of shit. 
PERSONALITY.  do you fear me? don’t feel so special now. i have social anxiety. i fear everybody.
this is my first time playing newt so all of this is subject to change BUT
INSECURE. newt is a weird mix of cripplingly insecure and weirdly confident and there is no in between ever.
WITTY.  humour is and always will be the only defense newt has against anything, so he makes a lot of jokes especially when he feels uncomfortable.
EMPATHETIC. newt is a big push over when it comes to emotions like he would never do anything to hurt someone unless it was by accident or he was provoked or you’re his step brother benji or either of his parents in which case he will run you over with his car on sight. but no really, if newt is in a position where he has to hurt somebody he will do absolutely everything in his power to either not or avoid the situation completely. 
AWKWARD. sometimes honestly, although it depends on the day. v clumsy though. usually he can try to make his awkwardness funny but does he always succeed? the answer is no. 
HEADCANNONS.  actually all of my systems are nervous.
has to drink like six cups of coffee or tea a day. very serious about his tea because english. also has vegemite on his toast. 
can actually cook pretty well even though he prefers to eat takeout. cooks because it’s cheaper and he’s a broke ass student yk. won’t take money from his parents ever, and will straight up give it away if it’s forced upon him. 
writes star trek fanfic for fun and has a kind of weird relationship with writing because of his parents honestly?? but he enjoys it so, maybe the apple in fact does not fall from the tree. 
has commitment issues because of his parents divorce but don’t we all. 
developed a stutter after all the divorce drama because he thought it was his fault. he later had to see a speech therapist. his mother later had a fwb relationship with this same speech therapist. newt wanted to die. 
traded his glasses for contacts and you will literally only see newt in glasses if he rips or loses his contacts or if he’s at home. 
in love with all things sci fi, will rent and see every sci movie ever made if he can 
accidentally knocks down at least one display in babbages per day so there’s that.
speaking of newt runs a small side gig out of babbages where he fixes up tech because paying for university, rent, and car insurance out of pocket gets up there. so if you need someone to fix your desktop newt is your guy. 
is actually a pretty good flirt when he’s drunk or feels comfortable. is constantly teetering between painfully insecure and confident. 
is very bi and very hesitant about it because of his father and all his feelings towards that, but he will eventually stop fighting it so much soon hopefully. has probably had a few drunken hookups with guys but tries to convince himself that is just a drunk thing yk. 
is allergic to bees so death has a kiss just for him i guess. 
loves video games but that goes without saying
has anxiety and takes medication for it, one of the few healthy things his mother has ever done for him. 
speaking of his mother if newt ever sees her book about him in a book display he will spend as much time as needed taking each book and hiding them in obscure places so that no one will ever be able to find them and buy them. he read the whole thing because he had to know and yep he absolutely hates it. 
goes by newt and only newt so that no one can make the connection between him and his mother or his father upon first meeting him or hopefully ever. a lot of the kids he went to high school with still know though and with the accent and everything, he’s not fooling anyone who has at least heard a rumour 
idk what else y’all imma fite tumblr for making me write this twice
WANTED CONNECTIONS.  actually wait, i take that self deprecation back, i’m great.
ROOMMATE. because newt can’t afford his place on his own between all his expenses. please. think of the shenanigans. 
ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN THING. kind of inspired by chandler and janice tbh. these two are pretty incompatible and whenever they’re together all they talk about is breaking up with each other but whenever they’re broken up and they see each other they somehow always find themselves waking up in bed together the next morning. it’s a mess.
NERD SQUAD. give me newt’s friends from high school please and thanks. just a crew of absolutely dweebs and misfits. 
FWB/EWB. self explanatory considering newt’s big commitment issues but i just imagine like making out in the back room and like hooking up in the break room and someone leaving like a damning article of clothing in there and the two of them scrambling to get it before anyone notices. just fun. 
EX. self explanatory but yes, an ex gf or bf, an ex fwb or ewb, give me all the exes please. 
REPEAT CUSTOMER. this person is always paying newt to come fix their computer and other tech and newt just doesn’t understand how they mess it up so badly. like he doesn’t get how or why technology hates them as much as it does, but he’ll take the money.
HATESHIP. just good old fashion animosity. could be hate from school or the fresh hate upon working in the mall together or they can just be newt’s least favourite customer and he can hate them for that. 
CRUSH. maybe newt had a crush on them in school. maybe they had a crush on newt in school. maybe newt has a crush on them now. maybe they have a crush on newt now. 
and anything else tbh. i’d love a smoking buddy for newt, a friend who he can never get any work done around like when they’re together they’re just like !!!, someone who used to be one of the popular kids who he is now getting along with or still holding a grudge against, his big gay awakening in school maybe like the first masc person he had a crush on, someone who tries to get newt to party and come out of his shell, someone who idk steals from babbages skjsdj idk man i am open to anything at all so just like this and we can brain storm if anything!
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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@ahogedetective​ said:  1, 4, and 12!
Asks for Writers
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1.) Is there a specific environment you prefer to write in?
Yes! And it’s entirely based on what time of day it is, actually.
Daytime/sun is still up: At the dining table, with a spotify playlist, and with water, hot tea, or a light meal. I take periodic breaks to wash dishes and turn on the kettle, and when I’m being a bit delinquent, I’ll write during work breaks or general lulls in my workflow, too. Sometimes I can write when others are in the room but I don’t prefer it, and I know I can’t when others are speaking to me directly.
Nighttime/after sundown: In pajamas, on a sofa, with a thermos of tea and either a spotify playlist or something streaming/playing on TV in the background. Sometimes it’s inspo for a muse or just a comfort movie or playlist, but I need something going on to temporarily distract me when I’m either stumped on ideas or just can’t fit the right words together.
I used to write over larger meals and alcohol, but I haven’t done that for months now due to health reasons.
In general though, I like being full, hydrated/caffeinated, and in comfortable clothes when I write. Sometimes with various beauty treatments. It feels almost like a spa and an office combined when I’m doing a multi-step skincare regimen and I’m waiting for a serum to set or a sheet mask to work while working on a draft.
4.) Do you like to plan something out, or just wing it?
I try to work with what my writing partners are comfortable with most of the time. Some muns really like to plot and are open to conversation about it (sometimes chatting all night about plans!) and others are very much hands-off, preferring to see how the thread spontaneously evolves. Personally, I’m a bigger fan of the former but it relies upon having a good rapport with a writing partner to make it work. 
I will say for many of my romantic ships, especially ones with a lot of AUs and various threads, I’m plotting quite a bit with the muns of those muses. I prefer to do that for those sorts of interactions because I’m not an auto-ship sort of writer and I like seeing how that sort of intimate relationship can and will evolve over time and many threads.
I tend to have more confidence in my writing when some of a story is planned out, too. That’s also a perk, and helps me reply to threads and interactions far more easily. And when I’ve hit a writer’s block or have a question for the other mun regarding their muse and/or verse (especially when it comes to crossovers and OCs I’m not familiar with), it’s far easier to reach out and ask if I’m already plotting with them.
12.) What’s your best advice for someone struggling with their writing right now?
First and foremost, take a break. Sleep, eat a good meal, indulge in another hobby, see family and/or friends. Step away from tumblr and possibly the computer in general. You’re not getting paid to RP. Take some of the pressure off you. Any writing partner worth writing with will understand and will be eager to welcome you back when you’re ready.
Otherwise, I try to follow this advice: write what you want to read. And in order to do that, read the sort of content you want to write. I find that there’s plenty that can inspire writers in their work, their characters, their plots, their content: TV, movies, video games, comics, podcasts, blogs, etc. However, RP is very much a writing hobby. It’s just as much about the actual writing, putting ideas and words to paper or a digital document, as it is reading. 
I don’t necessarily mean sticking to the ‘great novels’ or ‘great poems’ or what have you, the sort of thing you may have analyzed in classes in school. But I do mean seeking out the sorts of stories, characters, even general writing styles that inspire you and that you really enjoy reading. 
For me, that’s a mix of all sorts of writers, from those who penned some of the worldwide ‘classics’ that have been discussed in plenty of schools and made and remade into plenty of films to contemporary offerings and even some things that...ahem...I’d never admit I read in a public setting (and am glad I can purchase secondhand online!). I like to write about royals/aristocrats/rich people problems, luxury, class divides, romance, thriller, horror, and history the most, so I focus on titles about those topics. I’m less interested in writing fantasy, science fiction, and battles/war/fighting scenes, so I don’t usually choose those to read for fun or inspiration.
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