#(Anxious munday meme)
picketmundays · 8 months
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Munday Menu
I decided to make a universal post for Munday questions since I have so many cluttering up my blog ATM
General Munday Question - For those who don't want to send a gimmicky ask
Random Lore - If you want to know anything about the world that hasn't been covered yet in the blog
Character Asks (prompts mainly stolen from @ask-anxious-sylveon) - Send a character along with an Emoji (you're free to use other Picketverse Characters as well)
📸 - Desire Camera
⏪ - Glimpse into the Past
⏩ - Glimpse into the Future
✨ - Random Character Fact
🎁 - Character Info
🔍 - MISC Questions about them
♥️ - Crackship Meme
🖌️ - Paintbrush Meme
More to be added in the future
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overx · 8 months
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
Anxious Munday Meme! [still accepting]
[[Oh I am the worst at this. There are people I have been mutuals with for literal years and never spoken to until a third party introduced us directly. And not just mutuals but like, we have followed each other across several different blogs (both mine and theirs) for mulitple years levels of bad.
Some examples of this include but aren't limited to my wife Cris (@thegatesofinfinitespace ) and Spoop ( @darckcarnival ) and in both cases someone else had to put us into a group chat before we started talking. Oops.
I try to at the very least send memes / asks/ headcanon stuff to people who I'm moots with as a sort of gentle ice breaker but even that is kind of tough for me at times.
I also am pretty bad at DMing people first. I've managed it a handful of times in the past but that required me already knowing they were interested (they sent asks, liked for starters, etc). Like in theory I know if we're following each other, people want to interact with me, but in practice I am very bad at remembering it.
Most of the people you see me regularly interacting with and reaching out to approached me first and did so several times. They have effectively brute forced me into friendship and it's working 10/10 love my extroverted buddies because without them I would be lost.]]
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amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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Anxious Munday Meme! || Accepting
@countlessrealities asked: What is something you want people to know right away about yourself? What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
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I think the most important thing for people to know right about me is just,, I'm a silly little guy. Just a goofy fella. I'm here purely to have a good time, to interact with people and bring joy while enjoying myself too. I'll never find interactions with my mutuals a bother. EVER. Nor do I take things too seriously. Dropped thread? Chill, we'll write another. Accidental mistake in the writing/presumption about my character that isn't true? I'll message you politely to give you the heads up if you want to correct it but even that doesn't have to happen, we can just ignore it and move on lmfao- that's all. It's VERY difficult to annoy me. One of my worries is annoying people or upsetting them by coming across wrong/too intense. That's something I think about A LOT and I may seem twitchy to people in the beginning because of that fact, double checking I've not annoyed them or just,, apologizing for interacting with them, tbh. It's nothing personal, I'm just autistic and have been told countless times I can be 'a bit much' so I don't want to sour blooming friendships by coming across that way. In fact I often start interactions with people with the warning 'I can talk a lot, I promise I won't be upset if you tell me to stop'.
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bloodtwin · 3 months
What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
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⸻ i am VERY shy !! it's more obvious IRL, but i have a hard time initiating conversation w/ new ppl. not because i don't wanna chat ( once you get me talking, i am CHATTY ) but i always draw a blank when it comes to topics of conversation. i think the easiest way to get me to open up is to get sillay & banter w/ me. i live for the bit, if you will. OR, you could always just get me yapping about my special interests; that always works like a charm LOL.
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never-surrender · 3 months
How would friends describe you for the lovely people trying to get to know you? (Friends may send an answer to this question with the ask). On that note: You are a lovely, kind, and hilarious person which an insane amount of creativity and your writing skills are book-publishing worthy! I'm blessed to have you as a mutual, writing partner, and buddy!
anxious munday meme \\ accepting
Uuuuuh.. fuck Idk bro, I'd have to ask my friends how they describe me. I'm not good at questions like these askdjhf but I suppose if I had to guess (outside of what you've described me so kindly as), I'd say they describe me as a kind, supportive friend. Or I'd like to think that they would. I try to be.
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king-and-his-consorts · 4 months
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Anxious Munday Meme! | still accepting
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This is actually an incredibly difficult question to answer.
The short answer is the best way you'll get to know me is if we share fanart we find of our muses because that gets me to talk about our muses, which is how I tend to open up to people about other topics and grow friendships.
the long answer is:
I can be a bit of a difficult person to connect with, I feel. This is because even though I love to talk to other muns, I have a very difficult time making the small talk that is needed to make friendships. I tend to suffer from an inferiority complex. I feel like all my RP partners are so fucking cool and awesome but have a terrible tendency to see myself as annoying and pointless. I always want to talk to my partners but often feel like I'm going to be an annoyance and a bother if I reach out so I just don't talk to them.
I am trying to work on finding more of a backbone but it's hard, especially with my mental health the way it currently is. I tend to click open the messenger or discord thread I have with another mun and stare at it. I'll spend a good ten minutes debating on sending a message because I'm desperate to strengthen those friendships but by the end I usually talk myself out of it and close the messenger again.
But, bouncing off all that, I would actually say that the easiest way to get to know me is to ship with my muses (especially Sanji, I love talking Sanji dynamics). I tend to let my mouth run when talking about shipping dynamics (or friendshipping in the case of Ikkaku and Herbert). I LOVE to talk shipping dynamics and scenarios. Talking ships actually helps me open up and connect with the other mun quicker than talking other subjects because my brain stalls on small talk. Then once that bond grows, I'll actually start talking about other subjects with the mun I now have a deeper connection with.
The problem there in lies with getting to the shipping stage. I'm usually too anxious to ask people to ship with me. I don't want to overstep boundaries. For example, LuSan is my favorite ship but it's not a very popular ship (from what I see). So, I just like never ask to ship it but I also enjoy them platonic or queer platonic. All the people that I play the ship with, my partners all asked me if I would like to play it once they found out I liked it.
So I kinda live in a sad little limbo of always wanting to ship but never having the nerve to ask. Which in turn leads to me struggling to connect to muns I really, really wanna connect with.
It's dumb and I hate it.
My work around I've found to getting to know me is to send fanart or aesthetic pics back and forth because those spark character, aesthetic, or topic discussion. Which I honestly love because I got a lot thoughts rattling around in my brain.
TL;DR - Discussing shipping our muses or discussing fanart we share back and forth.
@ikkaku-of-heart @lovehungered
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enruiinas · 4 months
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
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        Anxious Munday Meme! // accepting!
     Okay, since I've already talked about how I want to help my RP partners as much as I can, and how I understand that the brain is messy and a lot of us are... really freaking anxious, I'm going to do something that's really difficult for me. I'm going to be upfront about something that would be helpful for me.
     At the end of the day, most of my excessive anxiety comes from not knowing where I stand with people. I operate under the assumption that if you're following me, you've read and understood my rules & have that no pressure mindset I'm most comfortable with - but. There is a particular anxiety-soothing magic in being told outright "Hey, I read these things, and I want you to know I 100% get it." Or even "this is all really great, but one request for me personally - I'm not big on meme spam". It's okay if we're not 100% on everything! There's no bigger comfort to me than being explicitly told what kind of interaction you're looking for/would like to have out of our mutual status.
     This is why I feel so strongly about interest trackers. To me, a mun filling out my interest tracker is the most outright way you can say "Hey, I see you, I know these things, I still want to write with you, here are the things I'm okay with." You are giving me permission to be myself and letting me know that I am someone you want to talk to. That said, I no longer have an interest tracker, because I know they annoy a lot of people (I don't think that's personal, I just think people don't think to SEE interest trackers that way) and I set myself up for being discouraged every single time I post it. I don't say that to guilt people - I think it's more my fault, because I'm not great at outright saying, "This would really help my anxiety and let me be the best RP partner I can be". In my head it becomes "nobody filled it out because I am exhausting and not worth a couple of minutes" - and I know that's not true, but again. Brains. Rude.
     Knowing how I get in my head and hurt my own feelings, it's probably in my best interest not to bring it back/set myself up for that. What I will do instead is list some questions I generally have/would like to know about people that could help me be a slightly less anxious mun - in case anyone ever does feel like something is off and wants to give me that explicit permission to interact. You don't have to answer all of them. Hell, you don't have to answer any of them. But if you feel like we could have a better connection or I could be a better writing partner to you, I think these could help any anxiety issues I'M having to make it that way.
Do you want to write with me? (I know it seems silly and should be obvious, but yes, sometimes if we've had a shy start or haven't found our footing yet or just whatever, just being told someone wants to write with me, well - there's not a lot of issues that can't solve.)
Do you want to talk OOC (either about RP stuff, or real life stuff, or both.)?
Do you prefer one ongoing interaction, a "few" (like, up to 5?) or many? (5+ - BRING THEM ALL).
What kind of dynamic are you interested in exploring between our muses? What kind of threads (genre, canon or AU, etc) do you enjoy or not enjoy?
Is who I am as a roleplayer going to hurt or upset you? Things like: Being slow with replies (I don't put a timeline on them. Sometimes I reply to stuff instantly, sometimes it takes me 6 months to get an idea for something - this is why I like lots of interactions/options.) Replying out of order. The fact that I struggle with silly/lighthearted stuff and have to be in just the right rare mindset to do them because I don't have a funny bone in my body. Occasional hyperfixations on certain threads. A tendency to favor replies for my affiliates when my time is limited, because those are the ones I know best OOC and I know they understand me, so yeah. They're easier to reply to - they've given me that permission to be Saro. Sometimes posting memes, meme calls, or starter calls even if I'm already behind on things. Liking meme or starter calls even if I'm already behind on things. Enjoying receiving and sending meme spam. Some of these are not things I can or will change. I will never commit to being a fast replier, responding within a certain time frame, or replying in order. I can't. So it may turn out that one or some of these things are deal breakers for us and that's okay. I'd just rather be upfront about it both ways. Some of these things are not dealbreakers, and just useful for me to know. If you don't like meme spam, okay. I won't meme spam you. If you don't want me to like your inbox calls if I owe you stuff already, totally get that. I just need to know what I should or should not overthink with someone to truly get to know and be comfortable with them!
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@enruiinas asked: - Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people? - Ask anything you’ve wanted to know! Literally anything this is an invitation for knowledge. Apologies if you’ve talked about these before, but some “what were the moments” questions for you! How did writing Ikkaku come about for you? Was there a canon moment (or NOT one, but you wished there was?) where you were just like “Oh yes, this needs to happen!” Same for the LawNa ship! I’ve read Ikkaku’s wonderful TEDTalk and your fics of course, but was there an epiphany “oh hey, this ship works!” moment for you? Anxious Munday Meme (Still Accepting)
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💛 I absolutely feel nervous trying to get to know people. I'm friendly and nice, but I've had some bad experiences in the past. Oftentimes I'll worry that I'm annoying them, or that they're not actually interested in what I'm saying, or that they'll get too personal too fast and turn me into their therapist and trauma-dump on me, or I'll accidentally cross a boundary or say something stupid that will make them hate me, or that I'll get attached only for them to get bored of me and move on. Frankly, I frequently over-analyze my online interactions with people for both legitimate reasons and ones that are just in my head. It's awful lol.
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💛Ok, so this is a doozy of a question(s) but they're all good ones so you're getting an in-depth answer.
How did writing Ikkaku come about for you?
Honestly, it started with me writing Ikkaku in my LawNa fanfic Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya. She and Nami roomed together on the Polar Tang, so they interacted a lot, and I found I enjoyed fleshing out Ikkaku's personality and backstory the more I wrote her. She has so much potential, being the only woman on the ship, her job, her dynamic with Law, all of it. Then I discovered RP and decided that would be the best place to indulge in writing her, since I figured not many people would be all that interested in reading any fanfics about her. It helps that I had @cxnsolatio and @shambledsurgeon around to encourage me and gave me some great Laws to work with when I was first starting out.
Was there a canon moment (or NOT one, but you wished there was?) where you were just like “Oh yes, this needs to happen!”
See, the thing about Ikkaku is that there are barely any canon moments or information for me to work with. She's pretty much one degree away from being an OC, which is both difficult and fun. It's also made me feel hella protective of her and how she's viewed/portrayed/written. I both want Oda to give more information on her, and don't because I don't want to risk him saying something that contradicts my headcanons.
But there is one canon moment we got from the anime that I was over the moon about and said “Oh yes, this needs to happen!” and immediately added it to my portrayal. That's when we saw her with two swords in Wano. I didn't care that it contradicted my original headcanon about her using primarily a taser/baton. It was so cool and badass that I instantly accepted canon and found ways to marry it with my original headcanons, making it so she did have sword skills, but preferred to use non-lethal weapons until she hit the New World, where she realized she needed to take combat more seriously. Add in a time period where Zoro would have canonically traveled on the Tang with her, and it all works out beautifully and that crumb of canon is fully embraced. It's sad I don't see it more.
Same for the LawNa ship! I’ve read Ikkaku’s wonderful TEDTalk and your fics of course, but was there an epiphany “oh hey, this ship works!” moment for you?
Hoooooo boy. I won't keep you all day, but essentially what made me realize LawNa worked and had such potential was when I started analyzing the parallels between Law and Nami's backstories. They're both opposites and the same. Rescued by Marines who take a parental role? Check. Ostricized as a child? Check. Trained by a monstrous pirate that covets them for their skills and intelligence? Check. Betrayed by a Marine? Check. They would be able to understand each other in ways no one else really could. Add in the fact that Law could easily steal anything for her and Nami's an island of sanity and intelligence among the Straw Hats, and it immediately worked in my head.
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starscrxssed · 8 months
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
Anxious Munday meme | Accepting
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[OOC] - TBH?? I am not only super shy at first, but I am also SO afraid that my shitty memory troubles are going to make people think I am not interested in them if I don't remember to start a conversation and so I wrestle a lot with my feelings and it's so hard..
It's difficult for me to approach others unless I've already established a baseline of mutual understanding.
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mundmutter · 8 months
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
Anxious Munday Meme!
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It's hard for me to talk to people because I fear being annoying. Even with the smallest questions or conversations, I'm just too worried about it. This doesn't only apply to people I've just met either. You could know me for decades and I'd still be worried I'm getting on your nerves. I've been told this by a few people before too so I suppose that adds to it. There are a lot of ideas I have with lots and lots of people but I just. Don't want to be annoying! So I keep most all of my plot ideas all to myself. If you've ever written with me, I guarantee I've had at least five ideas for our muses but did not say anything because I don't want to be a bother lol
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captivemuses · 8 months
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
Anxious Munday Meme!
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That can kind of vary?? I'm a bit weird in that for as social as I can be I can be an absolute chickenshit talking to people first (literally took me almost a week to follow and say anything to @frozenambiguity before I finally did) but once I start talking to someone and loosen up it's usually hard to get me to shut up lmao.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@janeromeroshow | the salty af munday meme
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
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[ People that take the RPC too damn seriously. This is a hobby. Oh my god this is a hobby. For fun. And recreation. Do not stress yourself out about it, and you sure as shit better not stress other people out about it either. I appreciate and genuinely do need reminders and check-ins every now and again for threads I very well may have lost without even realizing- but the second someone starts acting like it's a personal affront that I'm not answering is the moment I stop having any interest in writing with them. ]
[ And because I'm also an anxious ball of dread, let me end this answer by saying if you're able to read this you absolutely haven't exhibited any of the behaviors I'm talking about. You would be long blocked by now otherwise. You're all good <3 ]
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amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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Anxious Munday Meme! || Accepting
@riiese sent: What’s something you do to try to get to know other’s?
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Admittedly I'm TERRIBLE at approaching others but my general go-to with trying to befriend people is trying to assist them with something. I see a mutual struggling with graphics on the dash? I offer help or to make them something, if they'd prefer. Hopefully that starts conversation and I can then use that as an excuse to interact with them. Secondly would be to info-dump tbh. This is only for specific sorts of people who carry the same intensity but if my energy is matched when talking about something I'm passionate about then you can BET I'll be there throwing fanart, headcanons, rp ideas and all sorts to that person- because I'll feel like I'm (mostly) not being annoying. I'll probably still apologize if I send too much at once though, cause that can happen.
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wayward40k · 6 months
How scared are you of people, compared to how scared they should be of you?
Anxious Munday Meme!
Sometimes I legit feel tears welling up in my eyes as I hover over the 'send' button to throw a meme in someone's inbox, that's how anxious initiating contact makes me. Most of the time I don't have the energy to force myself to do it... so I send random shit on anon instead...
No one should really be scared of me? I know some of my writing/typing can come off as blunt or aggressive, but that's not really the case in private DMs, I think? If anything I think I'm much more annoying than scary...
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flock-keeper · 6 months
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
Does knowing the other mun make writing threads easier or harder?
Anxious Munday Meme
I’m trying to be the best person that I can be, and that I pour my heart into everything I create.
For me knowing the other mun makes it easier, because tbh if I don’t know the other person at times I put pressure on myself to instantly respond because I get anxious and feel that the other person wouldn’t care about the character I’m RPing anymore if I didn’t.
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enruiinas · 4 months
How much anxious internal screaming goes on with you on a regular basis?
What’s a way someone could ease the anxiety of unfamiliar conversation?
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        Anxious Munday Meme! // accepting!
How much anxious internal screaming goes on with you on a regular basis?
     Well, for someone who feels so strongly about a "laidback"/no pressure/this is a hobby and we should all just be here to have fun mindset - ahem - honestly? It's a LOT. I don't think she'd ever call me out on it on her own, but I'm pretty sure @climatact would attest to this: if Saro is awake, Saro is overthinking something.
     I'm 100% serious when I tell people they probably can't go wrong with interacting with me (chatting or IC stuff). And when I tell people how much I love their writing and enjoy our threads. And yet I somehow still exist in a constant state of "I'm not doing something right", "I'm not sure how I feel about my portrayal", "I think I'm annoying this person and they're just too nice to say it/they don't really want to talk to me", "my replies have gotten too long and I think they're offputting", "I don't have enough medical knowledge as a person to do a lot of Law's stuff justice I'm a terrible imposter", "that mun already writes with another portrayal of my muse, they probably don't want me to send them anything". It's hypocritical and exhausting, but, y'know. Brains are rude.
     (So when I'm telling you these things, y'all, I'm telling you from the POV of an overthinker who has had every self-doubty thought you can possibly have- and is probably having some at any given moment. I wouldn't say these things are okay if I DID NOT mean it.)
What’s a way someone could ease the anxiety of unfamiliar conversation?
     If you're in that awkward "we haven't talked at all" or "we've talked a little but I don't feel like we've really found our footing yet even though I think we will and it will be awesome?" place, and it will help at all, I encourage you -if it helps- to skip right over the "i hope this is okay"/"sorry to bother you" and roll up into my DMs like we've been BFFs for a decade. If that's not your speed, that's okay too! I'm shy in real life, but I'm not shy on here, so if you're struggling, and just want to say "hello I'm shy" I will do my very best to be the extrovert/bridge that gap for you! I also LOVE a conversation that starts with a crazy what if or "hear me out" or "how would you feel about"/"do you think Law would ever"... Scream at me about the frustrations about self-doubty thoughts like the ones I talked about! I will be able to relate and it'll be good conversation fodder.
     Once again, I want to be friends & writing partners with all of my writing partners. If there's anything I can do to make that easier or more comfortable for YOU, let me know!
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