#Multi Family Property Management
rizehomesource · 1 month
How to Increase Tenant Retention in Multi Family Property Management
As the demand for multi-family properties continues to rise, property management companies in Salt Lake City are constantly seeking ways to increase tenant retention. With the ever-growing competition in the market, it has become crucial for property management companies to focus on strategies that will not only attract new tenants but also retain existing ones.
Rize Property Management, a leading property management company in Salt Lake City, has recently shared some valuable insights on how to increase tenant retention in multi-family property management. With their years of experience and expertise in the industry, Rize Property Management has identified key strategies that can make a significant impact on tenant retention.
One of the most effective ways to increase tenant retention is by providing exceptional customer service. Tenants who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to renew their leases. Rize Property Management understands the importance of building strong relationships with tenants and goes above and beyond to ensure their needs are met.
Another important factor in tenant retention is maintaining the property in top-notch condition. Rize Property Management takes proactive measures to address maintenance issues promptly and efficiently, creating a comfortable and enjoyable living environment for tenants.
In addition to exceptional customer service and property maintenance, Rize Property Management also emphasizes the importance of offering amenities and community events that enhance the overall living experience for tenants. By organizing social gatherings, fitness classes, and other community events, Rize Property Management fosters a sense of belonging and community among tenants, making them more likely to renew their leases.
Furthermore, Rize Property Management utilizes advanced technology and online platforms to streamline communication with tenants, making it easier for them to submit maintenance requests, pay rent, and stay informed about important updates.
"Tenant retention is a top priority for us at Rize Property Management. We are committed to providing our tenants with an exceptional living experience and we believe that our proactive approach to tenant satisfaction sets us apart in the industry," said a spokesperson for Rize Property Management.
With their unwavering commitment to tenant satisfaction and retention, Rize Property Management continues to set the standard for multi-family property management in Salt Lake City. Their focus on exceptional customer service, proactive maintenance, community engagement, and technological innovation has proven to be instrumental in increasing tenant retention and setting them apart from other property management companies in the area.
For more information about Rize Property Management and their services, please visit https://rizepropertymanagement.com/.
Rize Property Management
Address: 1600 S State St. Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Ph No: 801.210.7002
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idonimanagement · 5 months
Maximize Profits with Multifamily Real Estate Investing – Idoni Management Shows You How!
Unlock the power of multifamily real estate investing with Idoni Management! Benefit from shared costs and reduced risk. In multifamily properties, vacancies are less impactful as other units help cover expenses. Invest wisely and thrive in real estate with us!
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growcapitalgroup · 9 months
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propertymanagementllc · 9 months
How to Draft a Comprehensive Contract
Contracts are the backbone of business relationships and legal agreements. Whether you're a business owner, freelancer, or simply making a significant purchase, understanding how to draft a comprehensive contract is crucial. A well-structured contract not only protects your interests but also ensures that all parties involved are on the same page, reducing the risk of disputes and legal complications. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of drafting a contract step by step, ensuring that your agreements are legally sound, clear, and comprehensive. By the end of this article, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to draft contracts that safeguard your rights and interests.
Understanding the Basics of Contracts
Before diving into the nitty-gritty of contract drafting, it's essential to have a solid understanding of what contracts are and their key components.
What is a Contract?
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines their rights, obligations, and responsibilities. It serves as a roadmap for the parties involved, ensuring that everyone understands what is expected of them.
Key Elements of a Contract
Offer and Acceptance: One party makes an offer, and the other party accepts it. This is the foundation of any contract.
Consideration: Both parties must exchange something of value, such as goods, services, or money, to make the contract legally enforceable.
Intention to Create Legal Relations: The parties must intend for the contract to have legal consequences.
Legal Capacity: All parties involved must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. This means they must be of sound mind and not under duress or coercion.
Legal Purpose: The contract's purpose must be legal. Contracts for illegal activities are not enforceable.
Types of Contracts
Contracts come in various forms, including:
Express Contracts: These contracts are explicitly stated in writing or verbally.
Implied Contracts: These contracts are not explicitly stated but are implied by the parties' actions and behavior.
Unilateral Contracts: One party makes a promise in exchange for the other party's performance. For example, a reward for finding a lost item.
Bilateral Contracts: Both parties make promises to each other. This is the most common type of contract.
Executed Contracts: All parties have fulfilled their obligations.
Executory Contracts: Some or all obligations are yet to be fulfilled.
Understanding these fundamental concepts will provide you with a strong foundation for drafting comprehensive contracts.  
Identifying Parties and Their Roles
Now that you have a grasp of the basics, let's dive into the specifics of drafting a contract. The first step is to clearly identify the parties involved and define their roles and responsibilities.
The Importance of Accurate Party Identification
It might seem obvious, but accurately identifying the parties involved is crucial. Use full legal names, addresses, and contact information. Failing to do so can lead to confusion and disputes down the road.
Defining Roles and Responsibilities
Each party's role and responsibilities should be clearly outlined in the contract. This includes what each party is expected to deliver, deadlines, and quality standards. For example, in a business contract, specify who will provide what goods or services and when they will be delivered. Additionally, consider including a clause that addresses the possibility of one party delegating their responsibilities to a third party with the consent of the other party. This can help maintain clarity and flexibility in case of unexpected circumstances.
Defining the Contract's Purpose and Scope
Once you've identified the parties, it's time to define the contract's purpose and scope.
Clearly Stating the Contract's Objectives
Clearly state the purpose and objectives of the contract. What is the contract aiming to achieve? What are the desired outcomes? Providing a concise and specific description of the contract's goals helps prevent misunderstandings.
Establishing Scope and Deliverables
Define the scope of work or deliverables expected from each party. Be as detailed as possible, specifying quantities, quality standards, and any relevant milestones or deadlines. A well-defined scope minimizes the chances of disputes arising from differing interpretations of what was agreed upon. In cases where changes to the scope may be necessary, include a mechanism for change orders or amendments to the contract. This ensures that any modifications are documented and agreed upon by all parties.  
Terms and Conditions
Now, let's delve into the specific terms and conditions that should be included in your contract.
Setting the Duration of the Contract
Clearly state the contract's duration, including the start and end dates. If it's a long-term contract, consider including provisions for renewal, termination, or extension. This gives all parties a clear understanding of the contractual timeline.
Payment Terms and Pricing
Define the payment terms, including the amount, currency, and schedule of payments. If applicable, specify late payment penalties and any conditions for payment adjustments, such as discounts for early payment or penalties for late payment.
Termination and Renewal Clauses
Include clauses that outline the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated by either party. This could include breaches of contract, failure to meet performance standards, or other specified events. Conversely, if the contract is renewable, specify the conditions and process for renewal. Additionally, address the consequences of termination, such as any remaining payment obligations or the return of assets.  
Drafting Clear and Precise Language
One of the most critical aspects of contract drafting is using clear and precise language to avoid ambiguity.
Avoiding Ambiguity
Ambiguity in contracts can lead to disputes and legal battles. Use precise language to leave no room for interpretation. Here are some tips to help you draft clear and unambiguous contract language:
Define key terms: Provide clear definitions for any terms that might have different interpretations in the context of the contract. This ensures that all parties understand the intended meaning.
Use plain language: Avoid overly complex or legalistic language. Contracts should be understandable to all parties involved, not just legal experts.
Be specific: Avoid vague or general statements. Instead, specify details, quantities, and deadlines as precisely as possible.
Eliminate double negatives: Double negatives can lead to confusion. Instead of saying, "The contract cannot be terminated unless the non-breaching party does not fail to provide notice," say, "The contract can be terminated if the non-breaching party provides notice."
Consistency is key: Use consistent terminology and formatting throughout the contract. This helps maintain clarity and prevents misunderstandings.
Proofread and edit: Errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation can introduce ambiguity. Carefully proofread and edit your contract to ensure it is error-free.
Incorporating Necessary Legal Provisions
In addition to clear language, contracts often require specific legal provisions to address potential issues and contingencies. Here are some essential legal provisions to consider:
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Specify which jurisdiction's laws will govern the contract and where any legal disputes will be resolved. This prevents disputes over which legal system should apply and where legal actions should take place.
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Include clauses that outline the process for resolving disputes. Common methods include negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Specify how disputes will be escalated if they cannot be resolved through negotiation or alternative methods.
Force Majeure and Liability Clauses
Address unforeseen events or circumstances that might affect the contract's performance, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or government regulations. A well-drafted force majeure clause defines what qualifies as a force majeure event and how it will affect the parties' obligations. Additionally, include liability clauses that specify the limits of liability for each party in case of breaches or other issues.  
Protecting Intellectual Property
If your contract involves the creation or use of intellectual property (IP), it's essential to address IP rights and protections.
Identifying and Defining Intellectual Property
Clearly specify what constitutes intellectual property in the context of the contract. This can include copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and any other relevant IP.
Ownership and Usage Rights
Define who owns the intellectual property created during the contract and under what conditions. For example, in a software development contract, outline whether the client or the developer will own the code and whether the client will have exclusive rights to use it. Address licensing terms if the intellectual property is shared or if one party needs specific rights to use it. Be clear about any royalties, usage restrictions, or sublicensing arrangements.  
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
Ensure that your contract complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, so take the time to research and understand the legal requirements that pertain to your contract.
Understanding Legal Requirements
Depending on the nature of your contract, you may need to consider various legal aspects, such as consumer protection laws, industry-specific regulations, data privacy laws, and tax obligations.
Ensuring Compliance in the Contract
Incorporate clauses and provisions that explicitly state the parties' commitment to complying with all relevant laws and regulations. Include provisions that require the parties to indemnify each other in case of legal violations arising from the contract.  
Including Appendices and Exhibits
Complex contracts often require additional documentation to support and clarify their terms.
Organizing Additional Documentation
Appendices and exhibits are used to attach supporting documents to the contract. These can include product specifications, drawings, schedules, and lists.
Referencing Appendices Effectively
Within the contract, clearly reference the appendices and exhibits to indicate their relevance to specific sections. For example, if a payment schedule is detailed in an exhibit, make sure the main contract references it.  
Reviewing and Revising the Contract
After drafting your contract, it's essential to conduct a thorough review. Legal professionals, such as attorneys or contract specialists, can provide valuable insights and ensure that your contract is legally sound.
The Importance of Thorough Review
Reviewing the contract helps identify any potential issues, inconsistencies, or missing provisions. It also ensures that the contract aligns with the parties' intentions and protects their interests.
Collaborating with Legal Professionals
Consider involving legal professionals in the review process. They can provide expert advice, make necessary revisions, and help you avoid common pitfalls.  
Execution and Enforcement
Once the contract is finalized and all parties are satisfied, it's time for execution and enforcement.
Signing the Contract
All parties involved should sign the contract to indicate their agreement and commitment to its terms. Electronic signatures are often legally acceptable, but it's essential to ensure compliance with applicable electronic signature laws.
Ensuring Compliance and Enforcement
After execution, monitor the contract's performance to ensure that all parties adhere to their obligations. If disputes arise, refer to the contract's dispute resolution mechanisms to seek resolution.  
Common Mistakes to Avoid
To wrap up, let's discuss some common mistakes to avoid when drafting contracts:
Common Pitfalls in Contract Drafting
Ambiguous language: Unclear or vague terms can lead to disputes.
Incomplete provisions: Missing key clauses can leave gaps in your contract.
Ignoring applicable laws: Failing to consider legal requirements can lead to legal issues.
Lack of specificity: Not specifying important details can lead to misunderstandings.
Poor organization: Contracts should be well-structured for easy reference.
Drafting a comprehensive contract is a critical skill for anyone involved in business or legal agreements. By understanding the basics of contracts, identifying parties and roles, defining purpose and scope, including essential terms and conditions, using clear language, and incorporating necessary legal provisions, you can create contracts that protect your interests and facilitate successful business relationships. Remember that contract drafting is a skill that improves with practice and experience. Continuously educate yourself on contract law developments and seek professional guidance when necessary. With the knowledge and insights gained from this guide, you'll be better equipped to navigate the world of contracts and ensure that your agreements are both comprehensive and legally sound.
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istormgroupohio · 2 years
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Istorm Group - Risk Management Solution
iStorm Group is dedicated to assisting multi-family property Owners with resolving claims quickly, accurately, and equitably. iStorm has extensive experience in large loss consulting, estimating, construction consulting and project monitoring / Quality Assurance services across the U.S.
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allisas · 8 months
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The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property owner Sims can be present property managers, living among their tenants, or they can live in a separate residence while generating income from several property investments. Watch out – if property owners don’t keep their Unit ratings high, they could face a Tenant Revolt.
THE NEW LOT TYPE IN TOWN New Residential Rental lots give you the chance to get creative with multi-family dwellings. Give your Sims a basement suite to rent out, create a duplex to keep two families close, or even build apartments.
CLOSER THAN EVER Closeness can create harmony – or drama! Sims in Residential Rentals will inevitably get tangled up in each other’s lives. They’ll socialize at potlucks, meet in the garden or other common areas, and have ample opportunity to discover each other’s secrets by eavesdropping, snooping, or even breaking and entering.
BUSTLING AND BEAUTIFUL Explore a new world that’s alive with possibilities. Visit the botanical garden, leave an offering at a Spirit House, and discover an animal sanctuary! One of the most iconic scenes Tomarang has to offer is the Night Market where your Sims will discover new foods and unique objects.
The Sims 4 Horse Ranch is available on December 7, 2023, on all platforms!
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doberbutts · 1 year
(asking in good faith) do you not think any trans men experience male privilege, and if so, do you think anyone truly experiences male privilege, and if not, what do you think male privilege is, and what sort of man experiences it?
I think that the privilege conversation as it exists both online and in progressive spaces irl is extremely bastardized from its original context to mean “have” and “have not” rather than an actual complex look at what’s going on.
Do trans men have male privilege? On an individual level, at times, if perceived as men, an individual trans man may benefit from male privilege during a specific interaction. On a societal level, it very much depends, because the transgender part of his manhood impacts the way society treats him.
Is it easier for a trans man to have an abortion than a cis woman? No, in fact, it’s often harder. Is it easier for a trans man to receive government aid? No, again, it’s often harder. Do trans men win more of their court cases? No, most of the time they lose, if they manage to survive whatever encounter led them to court in the first place. Are trans men in STEM and other high paying jobs at similar rates to cis men? Are they there more than trans women? To the first, not at all. To the second, it’s difficult to find an exact number due to these high paying jobs almost universally requiring stealth or being closeted, but I’d wager it’s probably equal. Are trans men free from worry about rape or domestic violence? No, it’s often occurring at higher rates than cis women. Have trans men historically been free from being considered their family’s property to be sold to the highest bidder for their husband? No, in fact, some trans men still experience this to this day. Have trans men historically been able to perform male-dominated or male-only jobs? Not unless they were stealth, and if they were found out they were usually immediately jailed or killed. Have trans men historically been able to own property, have credit cards, or use bank accounts in their name? No, to the point where when this began to be challenged entire laws were written up to prevent this from happening. Are trans men free from the societal shame regarding menstruation cycles? Not unless they’ve had a hysterectomy or have some other reason to not menstruate, just like a cis woman. 
Has there ever been a trans man as president or otherwise leader of an entire country? Have any trans men held any meaningful office for long enough to actually create policy and write laws? Are trans men running huge multi-million or multi-billion dollar companies? How many CEOs are trans men? How many characters in the media are trans men- actual trans men, not “trans-coded”, not “probably transgender”, not “popular fanon trans”, but actually trans men? How many of them are played by actors who are trans men and not just cis women? How many religious leaders are trans men, and how many religions value trans men as actual men instead of as woman-lite or disobedient women?
Again, in specific situations, an individual trans man who passes in the moment may benefit briefly from male privilege. A particularly lucky individual may be able to live as stealth for the bulk of his life and never be questioned. But the mistake of considering “passing privilege” the same as “cis male privilege” is especially egregious when considering that this just isn’t the life of the majority of trans men- not even taking into account that many trans mascs are not men, they are non-binary, but they are being lumped in with men all the same despite not being men or passing as men at all.
I think all privilege, not just male, is highly conditional when in individual contexts and depends incredibly on the giver’s bias rather than the receiver’s identity. A gay man may have “straight privilege” if he is closeted, and may enjoy a life free from homophobic attacks due to being perceived as straight, but that doesn’t mean society at large somehow got better for gay people. It just means he had to hide in order to be spared, and I don’t think being forced to hide is a privilege.
Rather, I think when discussing who “has privilege”, it’s better to consider the broader picture of society rather than pointing at an individual and deciding for them how their life and experiences worked. Certainly, if that individual tells you, “I’ve never thought of [blind spot]”, that is an example of that person’s privilege. But I think it’s better to say male privilege is better shown in the examples I brought up, and how it’s societal, rather than pointing to someone you don’t know and saying “you’ve never had to deal with this”.
Especially when the discussion becomes warped to the point of “trans men received male privilege from birth because they’re men.”
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effypcfcwrites · 27 days
Percy Jackson and The Olympians
(Originally posted on my personal Facebook dated February 1, 2024)
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I've been meaning to write another review of a piece of media that I liked for a while now, following my extensive review of The Owl House back in mid-2023, so here goes me again, rambling about it.
When the Disney+ adaptation of Percy Jackson and The Olympians was announced some time ago, me and my high school self were excited to know the series would be in good hands, coming from the same place that gave us gems like Star Wars: Andor and WandaVision, this time, with much more participation from author Rick Riordan himself, AKA, the cooler, less-problematic version of J.K. Rowling. For context, Percy Jackson and The Olympians is technically a Disney property, since it was distributed by Disney-Hyperion Books back in the day. Don't get me wrong though. At this point, I have no love for the multi-billion corporate titan that is Disney. I am more invested in the stories they tell, which I wish would just exist as their own thing, independent of the looming shadow of The Mouse.
Disney+'s Percy Jackson and The Olympians did a good job so far, in my opinion as a fan of the books, to adapt The Lightning Thief (the 1st entry in the OG series) into the age of streaming with a Herculean debut 1st season. Writing-wise, I acknowledge the effort put into it being a more loyal adaptation of the source material compared to the cheesy and gods-awful movies of the early 2010s, even though it threw in some creative liberties here and there, which I have no qualms with. I felt like what it did best was to focus less on all the wide-eyed fantasy of Greek Mythology and all its gods, monsters, and heroes, and explore more of the grounded human emotion and familial relationships of its cast of characters, from Percy and his mother and the subsequent quest to save her from the Underworld; the messy family of the Greek Pantheon and its bloody history; to even Medusa, whose story is a grim reminder that the Greek gods are problematic and flawed figures that should not be put on a pedestal willy-nilly.
Acting highlights for me were Walker Scobell's performance of Percy, that managed to portray the witty and world-weary personality of his character properly; Jason Mantzoukas (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Close Enough) as the sarcastic Dionysus, who makes it clear he is not enjoying his punishment on Camp Half-Blood, denied the hedonism of alcohol and festivity, which he is best known for; Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, In The Heights, Encanto) as Hermes, who plays a more serious role of a father acknowledging his part in the emotional damage he has caused his family; Lance Reddick (John Wick, White House Down) as Zeus, who was stern and imposing as you'd know the head Olympian to be, making it a memorable posthumous performance, following his passing back in March 2023; and Adam "Edge" Copeland as Ares, who channeled the feral energy of his WWE persona into the unhinged fire-starter god of war.
The music and score were able to instill all the drama of Greek hero stories, mixing glory, tension, and melancholy well, and the cinematography and effects wonderfully brought to life the worlds and the multiple monsters of Greek myth as well as other concepts from the books, like gods showing their true forms, which was said to be fatal to mortal beings should they lay eyes on them. Fortunately, unlike what I just mentioned, it was all a great sight to witness.
If you're a fan of the entire PJO/Heroes of Olympus/etc. universe that Rick Riordan has brought out into the world, then I think you'd be in for a treat when you give this series a spin.
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thesims4blogger · 8 months
Community Blog: “Become a Successful Property Owner with The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack”
Maxis has shared a community blog with more info on its newest The Sims 4 expansion pack, For Rent.
Oversee multiple residential rentals as you bring neighbors together – literally!
It’s time to open your door to new rental opportunities in the picturesque world of Tomarang! Experience the neighborhood as a Property Owner or tenant – fix utilities, deal with unruly neighbors, create a community and even manage multiple Residential Rentals.
In The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack, players will have the opportunity to build and create a variety of dwellings, including townhomes, duplexes, apartments and more! Players will discover that close living quarters make for some of the most harmonious relationships that will either bring the community together or drive it apart!
Now, answer the door and get ready to discover the drama at your doorstep!
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Welcome To Tomarang
Sul Sul, neighbor. Welcome to the bustling city of Tomarang, a scenic world nestled in a lush tropical landscape and vibrant city skyline. In a world alive with possibilities, Tomarang breathes new life into the many stories that can be told in multi-family dwellings. 
Inspired by a unique blend of tradition and modernity, Sims can immerse themselves in this Southeast Asian-inspired world and discover various new exciting community activities. To reflect elements of Southeast Asian culture, The Sims team proudly collaborated with Jason Chu, an Asian-American rapper, social justice advocate and cultural expert with family roots in Southeast Asia, to consult on the For Rent Expansion Pack to deliver more choices with how players explore and express their individuality.
When your Sim needs a break from the hustle and bustle of a big city, they can relax in the green haven of the botanical gardens, visit an animal sanctuary or leave Incense or Fruit offerings at the Spirit House, while child Sims can play Hopscotch and Marbles in the park.
As Sims move into these new Residential Rentals, it’s inevitable that they will get tangled up in each other’s lives. From basement suites to duplexes, Sims can discover drama right at their doorstep as they will have ample opportunity to discover each other’s secrets by eavesdropping, snooping or even breaking and entering.
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With so much to chat about, Sims can head on over to the city’s iconic Night Market for an evening stroll. After exploring a world aglow with lanterns, buzzing with vendors, tantalizing foods and unique items, Sims can be inspired to eat like locals at home where they can cook dishes including Khao Niao Mamuang, Tofu Pad Thai, Pancit Bihon, Burmese Samosa Soup and Banh Cuon. After their meals, Sims can enjoy a Halo Halo and a Thai Iced Milk Tea.
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It’s time to open your door to new rental opportunities in the picturesque world of Tomarang! Experience the neighborhood as a Property Owner or tenant – fix utilities, deal with unruly neighbors, create a community and even manage multiple Residential Rentals.
In The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack, players will have the opportunity to build and create a variety of dwellings, including townhomes, duplexes, apartments and more! Players will discover that close living quarters make for some of the most harmonious relationships that will either bring the community together or drive it apart! 
Now, answer the door and get ready to discover the drama at your doorstep! 
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Welcome To Tomarang
Sul Sul, neighbor. Welcome to the bustling city of Tomarang, a scenic world nestled in a lush tropical landscape and vibrant city skyline. In a world alive with possibilities, Tomarang breathes new life into the many stories that can be told in multi-family dwellings. 
Inspired by a unique blend of tradition and modernity, Sims can immerse themselves in this Southeast Asian-inspired world and discover various new exciting community activities. To reflect elements of Southeast Asian culture, The Sims team proudly collaborated with Jason Chu, an Asian-American rapper, social justice advocate and cultural expert with family roots in Southeast Asia, to consult on the For Rent Expansion Pack to deliver more choices with how players explore and express their individuality.
When your Sim needs a break from the hustle and bustle of a big city, they can relax in the green haven of the botanical gardens, visit an animal sanctuary or leave Incense or Fruit offerings at the Spirit House, while child Sims can play Hopscotch and Marbles in the park.
As Sims move into these new Residential Rentals, it’s inevitable that they will get tangled up in each other’s lives. From basement suites to duplexes, Sims can discover drama right at their doorstep as they will have ample opportunity to discover each other’s secrets by eavesdropping, snooping or even breaking and entering.
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With so much to chat about, Sims can head on over to the city’s iconic Night Market for an evening stroll. After exploring a world aglow with lanterns, buzzing with vendors, tantalizing foods and unique items, Sims can be inspired to eat like locals at home where they can cook dishes including Khao Niao Mamuang, Tofu Pad Thai, Pancit Bihon, Burmese Samosa Soup and Banh Cuon. After their meals, Sims can enjoy a Halo Halo and a Thai Iced Milk Tea.
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A New Type of Lot in Town
We know apartments and multi-residential rentals have been highly requested by players, and we wanted to ensure that this feature offered enriched and immersive gameplay that expands on the multitude of storytelling opportunities. The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack introduces a new dimension to housing options, enhancing the overall depth and complexity of Sims’ relationships, personalities and experiences. 
For the first time ever in The Sims 4, Simmers can build a fully customizable multi-unit dwelling where multiple Sim families can live on the same lot. This is possible in ANY liveable The Sims 4 world! 
In Tomarang, these gorgeous dwellings feature versatile wooden window shades, homes on stilts near scenic beaches as well as historic bridges. For interiors, there are traditional wood carvings and rattan furniture available alongside traditional Southeast Asian-inspired rugs, chairs, tiles and lamps. 
New Residential Rentals allow a Sim to get creative with fully customizable multi-family dwellings. Give your Sims a basement suite to rent out, create a cozy duplex for close families or even build spacious apartments for large families. 
Community events, like a Potluck and Pool Parties, provide the perfect opportunities for Sims to engage with their neighbors and get a sense of community within their Residential Rental. 
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Property Management    
Sims can soon evolve into savvy Property Owners and live amongst tenants or maintain separate residences while generating income from multiple property investments. While being at home can be relaxing, Property Owners may face a tenant revolt if you allow your ratings to slip too low, amongst other potential surprises including insect infestations, and challenges including mold. 
To further immerse players into the world of For Rent, Sims can gain four new Aspirations, five Traits and a new Fear that help create unexpected and exciting stories. Tenants can experience evictions, and as a result, Fears now include a tenant being afraid of being evicted due to misbehavior–but don’t worry, you can always give someone a second chance! 
On the flip side, Property Managers have their own layer of responsibility. It's not all fun and games! Property Owners can visit and do inspections, shoring up any broken objects—including the new Water Heater and Electrical Fuse Box utility objects. No Tenant is going to want cold water or flickering lights.
Sims can also have Aspirations to become the nosiest of Seeker of Secrets, a Five-Star Property Owner, the local Fount of Tomarani Knowledge, or a Discerning Dweller–the best neighbor and tenant ever. To make these communities even more interesting, Sims have five new traits. Sims can be Nosy, Generous, Cringe, Child of the Village and the Elder specific Wise–as wisdom comes with age.
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If you purchase the For Rent Expansion Pack anytime from November 2 to January 18, you’ll have access to our Street Eats Digital Content, which allows you to bring the night market flavor home with a grill cart, street umbrella and fruit basket. 
Preorder The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack now to start playing immediately when it launches on December 7, 2023 on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC via EA app for Windows, Origin™, Steam® and Epic Games Store. 
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brehaaorgana · 22 days
The previous scam my dad was into was a run of the mill "beautiful young single wealthy mom of young kids whose family is rich and from the nation of Georgia!" and the promise of being paid like, $50,000 a month or something insane for a job in the family business in Spain selling real estate. AND, he could ALSO hire ME, into this family business, and I could also fly to SPAIN to VACATION at their beautiful property before accepting the job!
And I had to be so soooo nice about it to his face (well, over the phone) like:
Father, perchance does it sound like the family business is part of a Mafia?
Because one time you did date a woman who was literally in an organized crime family before. So I have to ask.
Are you not concerned you told this woman about your adult daughter and she immediately wanted to hire me for a job in another country despite me knowing nothing about real estate, and not being fluent in the local language?
That doesn't sound like I might get human trafficked to you?
No no, he explains. Don't be ridiculous!
Also she's so rich! She has a BOAT! A BIG BOAT!
father, does she HAVE a boat or does she OWN a boat? That's two different kinds of money.
Has she ever asked you for money before you visited her in Spain? Because of some sudden financial little mishap tied up her funds? The kind of mishap an actual multi-millionaire heiress wouldn't have to deal with because she'd be a wealth management client at a bank and have at least one accountant?
....Have you remembered you don't actually enjoy children, yet? Because you don't really enjoy children. You barely talk to the adult ones you have.
I am offended you would expect me to ever have to work again if you suddenly get a $50,000/month salary. Get real. Give me $20,000 every month just for being a fucking delight, or pretend it's steep interest for the literal thousands of dollars you owe me, and then pocket the other $30,000 every month. Get it together.
Migraine inducing.
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rizehomesource · 4 months
How Multi Family Property Management Improves Tenant Satisfaction
Rize Property Management, a leading Utah property management company, is proud to highlight the importance of multi family property management in improving tenant satisfaction. With a focus on rent management in Utah, Rize Property Management has been at the forefront of providing top-notch services to property owners and tenants alike.
Multi family property management plays a crucial role in ensuring that tenants are satisfied with their living experience. From timely maintenance and repairs to efficient rent collection and property upkeep, a professional property management company can make a significant difference in the overall satisfaction of tenants.
At Rize Property Management, the team understands the unique needs of multi family properties and is dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet those needs. By leveraging their expertise in rent management in Utah, they have been able to streamline the rent collection process, ensuring that tenants have a hassle-free experience when it comes to paying rent and addressing any related concerns.
Moreover, Rize Property Management takes pride in its proactive approach to maintenance and property upkeep. By promptly addressing any maintenance issues and ensuring that the property is well-maintained at all times, they create a comfortable and enjoyable living environment for tenants.
In addition to their commitment to tenant satisfaction, Rize Property Management also offers comprehensive property management services, including marketing and leasing, financial reporting, and legal compliance. This holistic approach ensures that property owners can entrust their investments to a reliable and experienced team, while tenants can enjoy a stress-free living experience.
As the demand for multi family properties continues to rise, the role of professional property management becomes increasingly important. By partnering with a reputable property management company like Rize Property Management, property owners can maximize their investments while providing an exceptional living experience for their tenants.
For more information about multi family property management services, please visit https://rizepropertymanagement.com/.
About Rize Property Management:
Rize Property Management is a full-service Utah property management company that specializes in providing exceptional services to property owners and tenants. With a focus on multi family property management and rent management in Utah, they are committed to delivering tailored solutions that exceed expectations.
Address: 1600 S State St. Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Ph No: 801.210.7002
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divinekangaroo · 7 months
While "patiently" waiting for fic updates :) , was wondering what other stories you're working/will be working on? Will you be writing still when you go back to work?
No pressure btw, this is me trying to manage my expectations XD
lol, yeah -> my 8 hours of blissful 'do nothing but write idly' day has dropped to about 2 hrs in the evening. the increasing arc of life resuming. The writing is still ok in these 2hr bursts but getting it to a readable standard is agony. The one benefit is that these 2 hours are probably going to be the same 2 hours I'll have once back at work.
My past fandom experience is that I usually mono-play in a fandom for around 5 years -- but I've never had kids+work+other family commitments when writing before.
I do hope I still have the drive to keep writing once am back at work. I can already feel that anxious itch of pressure, though, and my way of coping with pressure is to aggressively prune everything (friends, family, hobbies, chores, self) that causes the slightest bit of peripheral friction so I can concentrate on the thing that I can't prune (work, money, survival). BUT, this time, I go back to a new area-director role rather than my past project-director role, which should have less crazy deadline pressure/inconsistent hours than most construction work, so I'm just not sure what to expect. It'll be the first time in my life when I actually have a desk job with consistent hours.
Of my current Last Second Ending arc, I really want to finish the Holford fic, the Diana fic, and the Charlie fic (the 'Churchill' vehicle, although I'm so many chapters away from Churchill it's nuts!), which are all the live and incomplete multi-parters-- but as multiparts they are more challenging to do. I have several other ideas/snips scattered through the timeline, but they're fairly short as drabbles, flash-fic or circa 10k standalones, so they will be less heavy to complete and easier to do around work hours -- but they do tempt me now because they're more easy and fun to produce. This timeline's list of ideas has stayed stable for a couple of months now, so at least I know what 'finished' looks like for this arc, even if I don't quite get there.
I do have two firm AUs which itch at me wildly (timeline arcs again). I'm desperate to write the first piece of both as an anchor/test, but keep deferring because I know I'll have to sanity-check my motivation after finishing (or hitting a motivational brick wall with) Last Second Ending.
The 'easy' AU is the 1990s AU which is Tommy x Lizzie, set broadly post S3 and to the end of S4 as an AU S4. It's easy because there's only a few scenes in my head but they're all pretty heavy/hardcore and I can't find an 'in' for framing them yet.
But the second is that weird-arse Dragon Age II fusion AU which is less pairing focused and more family focused, albeit a great deal of pairings and sex within - but it could be a fascinating little monster of a thing, so I'm letting that simmer in back of mind until well after I get back to work to see if there's sufficient motivational drive. It's likely to become a 'what if the PB version of the Real World also had five millennia of Blights, mages, the Fade and Circles as part of Real World history/currency?' idea (alternatively: magic is real but it's pretty fucking ugly what humans do with it).
I also have about five loose BUF-Britain AU list of flashfic sketch ideas, which are generally 'things and scenes that might happen if Mosley was voted into power and took over england', which is primarily Tommy and Alfie.
And I have one solitary sort-of crackfic sort-of-not-crackfic -- S5 from the 'My Property' scene onwards but with the addition of a male chastity device -- which despite the crack premise will actually be really difficult to write compelllingly with the amount of scene checking and chronology I'd need, and accordingly is so low on the list I only think about it in idle moments to amuse myself.
There were a range of other ideas (like a 28 Days Later AU, or a Butcher x Baker AU, or why can I not have these endlessly magnificent threesomes I desperately want to read) but mostly they were isolated 'wouldn't that be cool' scenes without any sustained continuity or theme, so with time limits, they've sort of withered away.
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growcapitalgroup · 9 months
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propertymanagementllc · 9 months
10 stars property management landlord rescue
Our team of real estate experts have been working in the real estate industry for years and are passionate about property management.
They have over 30 years of combined experience in real estate, customer service and property management!
As landlords ourselves, we also understand how to maximize your return!
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smute · 8 months
i cannot believe we're finally getting proper apartments and multi-family lots in the sims but the top feature they're advertising for this expansion pack is PROPERTY MANAGEMENT KDFKKGKGLKD
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