#value added real estate definition
growcapitalgroup · 1 year
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syoddeye · 3 months
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soap x reader | ~1k words tags: established relationship, semi-public sex, fingering, dubcon recording (photos) a/n: couldn't stop thinking about this, so.
“John—Johnny—Can’t, please, Christ on the cross—” 
Your whisper hisses out with a reedy whine on its heels, a boiling kettle left on a burner. Heat licks up your spine and stomach on twin tracts before rushing southward again, not unlike the drop tower you’d ridden on half an hour ago. Before this, before Johnny begged you to hop into the photo booth for a ‘quick one’. How naive you are to think your insatiable boyfriend meant a quick photo.
You’ve been on his lap for all of ten minutes, back to his chest, and he’s already working a third finger between your legs. There’s no prying yourself loose. You tried. He laughed at your blunt nails, then groaned something sinful when you reached back to yank his hair.
He noses your temple as his ring finger joins its neighbors, groaning at the slight give, the reflexive and pulsing clench. “There she is, knew she wanted it.” His tongue dips into the sensitive divot behind your ear. “She’s fuckin’ perfect, so fuckin’ tight every time.”
In your apartment, in bed, you’d swat him for that. He knows you hate it when he talks about your pussy like it’s a whole fucking person, some independent entity conveniently attached to you. Says it to get under your skin as if he doesn’t take up prime real estate in your life, doesn’t course through your bloodstream. Here, in a public place, Johnny knows you’ll keep quiet, though. He might be shameless, but you definitely are not.
You clamp your hand tighter around his forearm and stifle a moan with the other as he furiously thrusts his digits, slowing only to grind the heel of his hand to your clit. The lewd clap of his fingers into your pussy is wet. Probably dripping onto the floor with how he's angled you in his lap. 
The infuriating idiot has the gall to tut, his voice adopting a patronizing tone. “That’s right, hush now, don’t want to let people hear, right? Gettin’ off like this—we’re in public, baby.”
There must be people outside, but a frantic peek at the thin gap between the machine and curtain confirms there is not. Panning up, the sky looks like spilled ink, splotches of gray leeching into the blue. 
A hand curling over your low neckline snaps you out of your gawking. Johnny’s fingers feel for the ridge of your bralette, then yanks both it and your dress down. He strains the fabric, seams popping mutedly. You throw an elbow into his chest, which he takes with a grunt, and return the pain with a bite to your neck. Tucking the stretched material haphazardly beneath your breasts, his free hand paws at them, kneading and pinching.
“God you’re—desperate.” You snark from behind your palm, only half-annoyed when he syncs a plunge of his fingers with a roll of a nipple. 
The curl of his mouth against your neck tells you he’s smirking. “Says the woman whose cunt’s clenchin’ my fingers in a vise.”
“And–and who started it?” You gasp, head lolling against his shoulder.
Johnny chuckles, laving his tongue over a little nibble.“You when you wore this dress.” He buries his fingers, stilling them to work his palm against your clit once more. “Showin’ off those legs. S’practically see-through.”
“You can’t see—”
“I ken what’s up your skirt, waitin’ on me, waitin’ on a little attention. She–You were begging for it.” He grunts, bucking his hard length into your ass, rough denim meeting and chafing skin.
God, his stupid mouth. Juvenile, smug bastard. The worst is that he’s right, partly because you did want his attention, though you expected to receive it somewhere private. You’d rather jump off the pier than admit it.
The warmth in your middle sinks, adding pressure to the coiled tension already low in your body. All while grinding insistently, he spews another string of filth in your ear, some of it pure nonsense, all shock value. It’s always humiliating when it works for you, the way that vulgar shit bids your body to answer.
What sends you over the edge is unclear—the drag over your clit, the fingers stuffed inside, or his teeth to your neck—but you bite off the desperate moan that accompanies your orgasm. But instead of coaxing you through it, fingering you until you’re shaky and incoherent, Johnny slips his fingers out lightning-quick and presses the big red button.
You jerk helplessly in his lap. Four flashes follow rapid-fire, catching you in your most debauched state.
You whine, the words smothered by your hand, super-glued by embarrassment and sweat to your lips, but Johnny doesn’t answer. He coos, wipes his hand on your thigh, and bends, sandwiching you with his body to snake an arm out of the machine. His erection digs painfully into your softness. You groan, uncomfortable and dripping, but watch him blindly snatch the photo strips that appear in the slot. Kissing the crown of your head as he settles back into the seat, chuckling.
Just as you imagined, there you are on color film, spread wide and fully exposed. Framed by cartoonish hearts and looping cursive that reads, I Love My Girlfriend. Over your shoulder, Johnny smiles for the camera. He holds the four strips like playing cards.
“Johnny, you–you asshole!” You curse, trying to fix your dress and grab the prints he holds just out of reach.
He doesn’t have to try to keep them from you. “Stop fussin’, they’re for me. A souvenir from a perfect day. I’ll get rid of the extra three. Just want something to look at when I’m…” His chin knocks your skull, head turning toward the booth’s curtain. He draws it open a hair with his free hand, and the smell of rain drifts in. Droplets splatter the ground and swiftly pick up speed.
“Perfect fuckin’ day.” Johnny reaffirms, drawing the curtain closed once more. He bumps you off his lap to stand on wobbly legs and turns you around. The photos are nowhere to be seen, tucked away somewhere, and he beams. “My turn, baby. On your knees.”
It isn’t until much later, well after Johnny’s shipped out again, that you think to look for the other copies. To destroy them, because you know that dolt didn’t keep his word. But they’re nowhere to be found. And somewhere in the Caucasus, Soap slips one each into the rest of the task force’s bags, grinning like a madman.
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natrogersfics · 9 months
So It Goes... - A Romanogers Oneshot
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Read on AO3 Never compromise your client. If there was ever a golden rule in private security that should not be bent, it’s this one. When it comes to the person you’re assigned to serve and protect, you are not to touch. You are not to get too close. And you are definitely not to wonder what her cherry-lacquered lips taste like.
Those are the rules, and the point of rules is to follow them. It’s a value that was instilled in Steve during his time in the Army, and it’s this same value he’s founded his company upon – a company he’s not only proud of, but also one that’s responsible for the livelihoods of dozens of employees. If only for that reason alone, he knows that he must remain steadfast. A professional.
As he enters the elevator, though, every reason he’s just ruminated on becomes that much more difficult to remember. Next to him, Natasha stands silently, looking every bit the sight that she is in a black silk dress and a crisp white coat draped over her shoulders. The doors whizz shut, and as the car begins to ascend to her penthouse, the familiar scent of her lavender perfume fills his senses, and he has to clench both his hands into fists to fight off every urge he has to reach out to her.
Natasha Romanoff is his job. Ensuring she’s safe and that she remains safe is his mission, and because of that, he can’t be thinking of her this way. And, more saliently, he can’t take any of the events this evening personally.
Only problem is, everything about this job has felt personal from the outset. He couldn’t explain it, but from the moment her parents had approached him, seeking his company’s services to protect their daughter from the stalker who had already evaded security once, deftly slipping past them to hold Natasha at knifepoint in the very elevator bank they were just standing in, all he’s ever thought about is never again. Never again would someone get the opportunity to harm her. Not if he had anything to do about it.
Then he met her. Just as he had done for every new client, he had done his research. As one of the children adopted by Alexei and Melina Shostakov, she was one of the heirs to Red Guardian Realty, the largest real estate conglomerate in the country. It didn’t come as a surprise that she had attended the most prestigious schools, graduating top of her class at university and adding accomplished ballerina on top of an already impressive resume. In his experience, when it came to dealing with society’s upper echelon, that merely came with the territory. What did catch his attention, though, was the fact that he couldn’t find much else. Unlike the rest of her siblings whose faces were plastered across the tabloids every week, details about Natasha’s personal life remained elusive. He had seen pictures of her, of course, mostly next to her parents at official events, but none of those quite did her justice – none of them quite capturing how captivating her smile actually is or how her presence could command the attention of an entire room despite her petite frame. And that’s not to mention her eyes, verdant as the forest in the Summer and bright as day. He wishes he could say it was something as rudimentary as instant attraction, but even that didn’t feel encompassing enough to describe the need he felt to protect her the second his eyes met hers.
And it’s what he’s done for the last three hundred and eighty-nine days since. For more than a year, he’s been by her side, getting to know her. Keeping her out of harm’s way. Uncovering the various layers of Natasha Romanoff – the woman, who despite growing up in extreme privilege and largesse, has never treated anyone as anything but her equal. Who would go out of her way in a heartbeat to take care of those she cared about.
The more he got to know her, the more personal his mission became. And as much as he hates to admit it, she’s become more than just his job. At the very least, he had come to see her as a friend. A confidant. He convinces himself that that’s why the events of tonight have felt so personal, the ire from what he had seen unfold slowly but surely clawing its way under his skin. That’s the thing about being by Natasha’s side as often as he is. It’s like getting a front row seat to everything that happens to her. Sometimes it’s as joyous as the children at the orphanage she frequents running into her arms the second she drops by for a visit. Other times, like tonight, it’s watching the unfair way she’s treated, and hearing the vile things spewed her way.
His thoughts are interrupted by a touch as light as a feather. He stills, looking forward at the reflection on the brushed metals doors to see that Natasha’s stepped closer to him, her fingers working to unclench his fist.
“Natasha,” he whispers, but whether it’s in warning or relief, he’s unsure. Luckily, he doesn’t have to linger on the question for too long as the elevator dings, signaling their arrival on her floor. He gestures to the doors as they slide open. “After you.”
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This isn’t her. The thought rushes through Natasha as she leads Steve down the hall and to her suite. If there is one thing she didn’t do, it’s get involved with the people on her payroll. And that’s what Steve Rogers is – a person paid to keep her safe.
If only that were the whole truth.
In reality, he’s also the person she’s spent the most time with in the last year, his ever looming presence giving her the peace of mind she’s had to go without for longer than she cares to admit. Gone were the days of her looking over her shoulder, of her stomach feeling unsettled over the idea that there were unwanted eyes on her. Not that the scrutiny ever went away, of course. For as long as she can recall, that’s been part of her life. The unintended consequence of her privilege. Now, though, she could rest easy knowing that she also had Steve’s eyes, his sharp, watchful gaze looking out for her.
But it’s not only Steve’s presence that’s allowed her to revel in safety. She was still reeling from her brush with her stalker when her parents had hired Steve, and even with him shadowing her, she knew that if she was ever going to live without fear ever again, she needed to learn to defend herself. To never feel the helplessness she felt that night as that mad man pressed a blade to her skin. Her parents were less than thrilled with the idea (let Steve do his job, her mother had insisted), but much to her surprise, Steve was very much all in. And so began their weekly ritual. Every Wednesday after work, Steve would train her to fight, teaching her all the ways she could protect herself.
If she had to think of the moment she felt her relationship with Steve begin to shift, it was here. Maybe it was the late hour or the exhaustion from the day, but she found that Steve was more willing to let his guard down after those sessions. It’s as they were sitting on the mats, trying to catch their breath between sets at the gym, that she learned all the details about him that she’s grown to admire, like how big an influence his father was in his choice to join the Army. How much he missed his mom. What a little shit he could be with a quip.
Before she really knew it, Steve had become more than just her bodyguard. He had become her sounding board, and she trusted him implicitly – which was more than she could say about some people she called family.
Families were complicated, but hers was a little more so. Their parents had loved them fiercely, of that there was no doubt. But she and her siblings were all cut from different cloths, and after that fateful car crash that had suddenly taken their parents, the very glue that held them together, that couldn’t be more apparent. Those differences were on full display tonight at the first board meeting since their parents’ passing. Weeks of anticipation had ended with the board announcing that they had selected her to be the next CEO, her father’s successor. Her sisters were practically apathetic – Yelena shrugged, and while Antonia rolled her eyes, she said nothing more. Her brothers, though, were incandescent. Helmut had branded her a manipulative snake. But it was John who had the most to say, all but accusing her of sleeping her way into the position. Not that she was the least bit surprised. Of all her siblings, their relationship had always had the most friction. They had been adopted practically at the same time, at the same age, and knowingly or not, were pitted against each other for the same things. So when he had the audacity to level such accusations at her tonight, it hadn’t come as a shock.
What did come as a shock was Steve’s reaction. He was standing by the door of the conference room, but from her periphery, she caught the way his entire demeanor went rigid the second her brothers had voiced their outrage. On the car ride back to her building, he remained silent, only speaking into his ear piece to alert the rest of his team of their impending arrival. Otherwise, he gazed out the windshield pensively, his jaw set. The tension that had found its way to his shoulders had never subsided either, and she’s certain if she looked back at him now, she could still find it in his stance.
She couldn’t lie. The idea of this man, who she had come to know as the very epitome of composure and level-headedness, getting incensed on her behalf… it did things to her. While she prided herself in being a consummate professional, with Steve, she found that to be an arduous task. As anyone with a pulse and a pair of eyes could deduce, with his broad shoulders, strong arms, and blue eyes so intense it made you feel as though you were being swallowed whole by the ocean, Steve Rogers was a specimen. Couple that with the fact that she has never felt safer in someone’s presence than when she’s around his, and well. It’s no wonder that this man has been the star of her filthiest dreams for months.
As they near her door, she reaches for her keys in her coat pocket, letting her mind wander back to Steve’s reaction to her touch in the elevator mere moments ago. She bites her lip as she recalls the way he had said her name, as though he was at odds with himself, trying to keep himself together. She wonders how quick he would be to keep his composure if he knew every which way she has thought of his lips on hers, of his hands on her body, and his weight holding her down.
Lost in her thoughts, she doesn’t realize that her keys have slipped from her grasp until she sees a flash of movement as Steve reaches out in front of her, catching them in his palm. Not that she’s surprised. His eyes are never not on her, watching her, and though she knows he’s just doing his job, secretly, she savors it. When she finally looks up at him, the concern that’s been pooling in his eyes all night has somehow intensified, and she finds herself holding in a breath at their sudden proximity. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she says, but the tightness in his expression tells her he doesn’t quite believe her. She mumbles a thanks as she takes her keys back from him, and as they make it to her door, she waits. If all the nights he’s walked her to this very spot were anything to go by, this is where he leaves her. But as she pushes the key into the lock, he remains rooted in place, and a rush of excitement fills her chest as she opens the door to her suite.
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He should turn around now. The idea gnaws away at him even as he nods at Bucky at the opposite end of the hall, officially passing the night shift onto his colleague. But even so, like a moth to a flame, he finds himself following Natasha inside.
“Thank you,” she says as they cross the threshold and he helps her shrug out of her coat. He nods in acknowledgement, stowing it away. “Can I pour you a drink?”
He looks to see that she’s made her way to the living room, glancing at him from over her shoulder as she stands by the credenza, one hand already on the decanter. “I’m still on the clock.”
“That’s what you always say,” she says cheekily, turning her attention back to the crystal before her. It could end here, he tells himself. He could bid her goodnight, turn around, and make his way back home the way he’s done every night. Instead, he pads forward still. “Besides, I saw James out there. As far as I’m concerned, you’re off duty.”
“Is that an order?” he asks as he comes to stand next to her, eyeing the two tumblers she now has in her hands.
The corner of her lips turns up in a sly grin. “It could be.”
He shakes his head, biting back a groan. “Natasha-”
The way she’s looking at him from underneath the fan of her darkened lashes is just not fair. The spark in her eyes is Goliath, and his self-restraint, what little remains of it anyway, is merely David. He sighs in concession. “One drink.”
“One drink,” she parrots, her expression lighting up in victory as she extends the other drink towards him. It wasn’t a secret to him that she’s fond of winning. What is novel is the effervescent feeling that rushes through him knowing he’s letting her, and it’s one he finds he could dangerously get addicted to. They clink glasses before taking a sip, and he relishes the familiar burn of liquor down his throat. “Besides,” she says a beat later, “if a nearly hundred year old scotch can’t turn that frown upside down, what will?” His lips press into a hard line at that, and he watches the way she tilts her head to the side. “Want to tell me what that’s about?”
He wants to. God knows the words have been hanging on the tip of his tongue the entire night, begging to be said. He so desperately wants to tell her that her brothers are low lives. That she deserves better. That it kills him that he couldn’t say or do anything in her defense because not only does she not need him to fight her battles, but also it’s simply not his place. This isn’t a discussion a bodyguard has with his client, which is why he settles for, “Your brothers are a piece of work.”
She hums in agreement. “You knew that, though.”
He did. Her brothers may have never had the audacity to speak to her the way they did tonight when their parents were still around, but the animosity has always been palpable from their backhanded comments to the outright callousness with which they viewed the situation with her stalker, practically ridiculing Natasha for needing round-the-clock security. The latter makes his blood boil – the idea that they think their sister’s safety is something to trivialize, and this time, he isn’t able to hold back. “I should’ve beat John to a pulp.”
The regret sets in the second the words leave his mouth, and he admonishes himself internally. His lips part to apologize, but before he can, Natasha chuckles. “Believe me, he isn’t worth the bruised knuckles or the assault charge.”
“Maybe I’d like to be the judge of that.”
“Such a man,” she says teasingly, taking another sip of her drink.
For the first time since they entered the conference room this evening, he feels his lips lifting into a little smile. If Natasha could find levity in the situation, shrug it off, surely he could, too. And perhaps it’s the liquid courage giving him the audacity to do so, but before he lets the subject go completely, he finds himself finally asking the one question that’s been eating away at him all night. “Natasha, why didn’t you say anything?”
She’s silent for a while, her eyes studying his face. What she’s searching for, he’s unsure. Nevertheless, he holds her gaze, waiting, because none of the events tonight made sense to him. He’s been with her in countless meetings this year, some of which have bordered on incendiary, and while she’s not one to be prone to an outburst, she also doesn’t turn the other cheek the way she did in front of her family tonight.
Eventually, Natasha shrugs. “Because there’s no point.”
“No point?” he asks. “Natasha, I don’t understand.” He’s overstepping now, he knows, but the words slip from his lips just the same. “They shouldn’t be able to speak about you that way! None of what they said is true. The board chose you because you earned it. You submitted the best proposal to take the company forward, not them! And they have the audacity-”
“What choice do I have, Steve?” Natasha interrupts, and for a moment, he can only stand there, frozen, taken aback by her question. As she stares at him, the playful mood she’s been intent on upholding dissipates, and she sighs. “I know none of what my brothers say or think about me is true, but what choice do I have but to take it?”
His brows furrow in confusion. “Natasha, you’re allowed to defend yourself.”
“I wish that were true,” she says, smiling ruefully. “I want this job because I care about continuing my parents’ legacy. But the board?” The resentment in her tone is clear as day she adds, “all they care about is making it seem like there was a clear succession plan so our stock price doesn’t dip.” Her shoulders lift as she scoffs. “If I react… If I so much as show them that my brothers get under my skin, I’m too emotional. Too soft to run this company. But if I respond in kind… I’m a bitch that’ll run it to the ground out of spite.” She shakes her head. “Much as I’d like to wipe that smug look off John’s face, I have to play the long game.”
“Natasha…” he says, placing his drink down on the credenza. He’s been so lost in his anger tonight that he forgot, momentarily, that the stakes are, and have always been, different for her. It wasn’t fair, but the bar for her has always been higher, the fall from the top always steeper. It’s why she’s careful to keep as much of her private life out of the press. Why she meticulously plans her every move, demanding perfection of herself even as her siblings – her brothers, especially – are given seemingly endless leeway for their transgressions. He steps closer to her, putting a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be.”
Her eyes go from the hand he has on her arm to his face. “It is,” she says, agreeing to the sentiment without any specifics. Somehow, that pulls even more at his heart strings. Because it’s all of it, all the time, he realizes.
He sighs. “I wish-”
He doesn’t get to finish his thought as she pushes on the tips of her toes, pressing her lips to his. The kiss is soft, sweet, tender. She pulls away a moment too soon, but not soon enough for him not to catch a taste of the heady mix that’s her lipstick, the scotch, and something uniquely Natasha.
“I’m sorry,” Natasha says a beat later when the silence between them lingers. “I thought-”
A growl rips from the back of his throat, and before he can stop himself, his hands come up to cup her face as he pulls her into a searing kiss. The tumbler in hand falls from her grasp, hitting the ground and shattering into a million pieces by their feet, but neither of them pay it any mind as he backs them towards the nearest wall.
“I want you,” he confesses, exhaling deeply as he leans his forehead against hers, “so much I can barely think straight. Barely breathe.”
Her hands wrap around him, pulling him closer. “It’s the same for me.”
“Fuck,” the curse falls unbidden from his lips as he hears her confirm their mutual longing. As absurd as it seems at this moment, he could still put a stop to all this. They’re both toeing the line, but with one step back, he still could pull them away from it. Go back to what they were, what they ought to be. Client and bodyguard. Business associates. Friends. He could tell himself that what they’re doing is wrong, verboten. But as he looks down at her, he finds that he can’t. He doesn’t want to. Because there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that feels wrong about having Natasha Romanoff in his arms. Whatever line there is, he’s sprinting well and truly past it.
“What do you want me to do, Nat?” There’s a part of him that already knows the answer. Even so, he wants – needs – to hear her say it.
Her eyes twinkle, and her response is the gush of wind that sends the house of cards that’s his restraint crumbling. “Kiss me.”
With that, he finds her lips again, kissing her passionately as if one kiss could make up for months and months of not having her. He doesn’t hold back, and based on the way she gasps, her hands finding purchase on his arms, squeezing tightly, he suspects that she doesn’t want him to. It’s when he takes her hands, pinning them above her head with his own as his lips find their way down to her neck that she cries out, voicing her approval when he pushes his pelvis flush against her, letting her feel the effect she has on him.
“Been wanting this for so long,” she says, and when he looks back up at her, her eyes are dazed as she tries to catch her breath.
He lowers one hand to her face, running his thumb over her cheek as he, too, forces air into his lungs. “Yeah?”
She nods, swallowing hard. “Every night when you go home, I keep thinking you’ll come back. Bring me to bed.”
His hands slide down to her waist, digging into the silk of her dress. “Then what do I do, Nat?”
“You take me hard and dirty,” she says without an ounce of hesitation. “So much that every time I move, all I can think about is you.”
He groans her name, stealing the breath right out of her lungs with another bruising kiss. “You’re all I think about when I come home, too.” He trails his lips up her jaw, to the shell of her ear to whisper, “I spread you out on my bed, kiss every inch of your skin until you’re begging me to let you come.” His words elicit a moan from her, and he feels her nails dig into his biceps through the material of his button up. “I’ll take you any way you want me to, Nat. Hard, dirty, rough… All you have to do is tell me.”
She shudders in his hold, and he pulls away just enough to see her expression drunk with unadulterated lust. There’s a mischievous glint in her eye as she contemplates the possibilities. “I don’t want to think. I just want to feel.” She brings her arms up, wrapping it around his neck. “Tell me how I want to be fucked, Steve.”
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Months of wanting, months of wondering… They’ve all led to this very moment, and as she looks out into the expanse of the room, illuminated only by the glow of the skyline filtering in from the panel of floor-to-ceiling windows right across, she feels her heart race in anticipation.
“Quite the view you’ve chosen here,” she says, her voice sounding breathier than usual even to her own ears. She wasn’t sure where they were headed when Steve had scooped her up into his arms, and in all honesty, she didn’t quite care. But the second he had crossed the hall into her office, it’s as if a fresh wave of desire shot straight through her veins.
“Hadn’t noticed,” Steve says from where he stands behind her, crowding her against the desk. His hands find the thin straps of her dress, and she can’t help the shiver that runs down her spine when he pushes them off her shoulders.
“Why are we here, Steve?” she finds herself asking, sucking in a breath as he begins to pull on her zipper. As it reaches the end, the garment slinks down her body, the material shimmering in the dark in a pool by her feet. He mutters a curse under his breath, and feeling emboldened, she turns around. The first thing she notices is that he’s shed his suit jacket, draped it on the back of her chair, but she can only glance at it fleetingly because the second she looks at his face, her stomach flutters. His typically bright eyes have gone dark, the hunger evident in them as he takes in the sight of her standing before him in nothing but a lacy black thong and heels. “You know, if you keep staring at me like that, I’m going to start feeling a tad obscene.”
“You don’t stare at a work of art,” he counters. “You admire it.” Heat rushes to her cheeks, and inwardly, she marvels at the irony. Here she is, standing before this man in nearly nothing, and somehow, it’s his words that have her blushing. She bites back a smile, trying to busy herself by stepping out of her heels when she feels his fingers encircle her wrist. There’s a devious glint in his eyes when she looks up. “Leave them on.”
She arches a brow in intrigue, but doesn’t question the request. “You still haven’t answered my question.”
The grin that creeps onto his lips is trouble personified, and she finds herself holding her breath as he steps forward, erasing what little distance was left between them. “You told me to tell you how you want to be fucked,” he says, reaching for her waist and making her gasp as he hoists her up onto her desk as if she weighs nothing. He nudges her knees apart, standing between her legs and whispering down into her ear. “You want it hard, Nat.” She bites her lip, goosebumps prickling her skin as his breath dances across it, and she’s so entranced by his words that she doesn’t even realize he’s pulled on the pin of her bun until it comes loose at the base of her neck, her hair cascading down her back like a crimson waterfall. “You want it so rough you’ll feel me for days.” Her eyes fall shut when he leans down to press a kiss to her pulse, and as his other hand trails up, cupping her breast and making her nipple pebble underneath his ministrations, she can only throw her head back. “And I think you might even want it to hurt a little.”
He tugs on her nipple, making her gasp, and instantly, she feels herself grow wetter between her legs. “God, yes.”
“Is that what you want?”
She leans further into his touch. “That’s exactly what I want.”
He smiles against her skin. “And that’s what you’ll get,” he promises. “But first, I think you want me to spread you out on this desk…” He pulls away enough to look at her, tucking a tendril of hair behind her ear with his free hand. The gesture is so tender, the complete and polar opposite of what he’s promising to do to her right now, that it makes her head spin. “Eat you out right where you spend your days telling people what to do, making all those important decisions… Tease you with my mouth until you’re out of your mind.” She sucks in a gasp. “How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” she manages to heave out. “That sounds perfect.”
“Then lean back, Nat.”
She does as commanded, moving her palms behind her and watching him take a step back, his eyes never once breaking contact with hers while unbuttons the cuffs on his shirt. As he rolls his sleeves up his forearms, it occurs to her that while she’s all but laid out bare before him, he’s still fully dressed. But even with this imbalance, something about the way his licentious gaze trails up her body, taking her in, makes her feel desired in a way she’s never felt before.
It’s when he slides a hand down the flat of her belly, reaching the lace of her thong and ripping the delicate material away with one flick of his wrist that she feels her sex pulse. “Oh, God.”
“Do you know what it does to me?” he asks as he settles down on her chair. “Knowing that I’ve seen you at this desk, taking all those meetings… Making all those calls.” He hikes her legs up, setting her heels at the edge of her desk and licking his lips at the sight of her arousal glistening between her thighs. “In these shoes.” When he dusts a kiss just above where the strap rests on her ankle, the soft hair of his beard brushing against her skin, she can only whimper knowing his mouth is so close yet still so far from where she’s aching to feel him. “And now here you are, so wet for me…” He brushes a finger teasingly at her entrance, her vision blurring when she hears him groan. “Aching to be touched.”
There’s a part of her that wishes he would tell her. Tell her every single detail of the effect she has on him, to know that he’s as desperate for her touch as she is for his. But then he’s pushing in, her body taking him without any resistance. “Steve,” she whines, her gaze falling between her legs, watching every movement of his hand. For a moment, it’s as though she can’t breathe, too lost in her own pleasure and too mesmerized by seeing everything as it happens to her. Her hips cant upwards when he adds another finger. “Oh.”
He looks up at her, and his voice is tight as he speaks, as though he’s feeling just as inebriated with desire as she is right now. “Good, baby?”
When she mewls out another yes, he dips his head between her legs, his lips grazing her heat, and with his hands and mouth working her in tandem, she falls back on the desk, her arms no longer able to hold her up. Her hands fly to his hair, pulling, needing something, anything, to keep her from drowning in this ecstasy. She’s so turned on beyond words, that when he licks a broad stripe up her center, all she can do is cry out his name. Of all the nights she had fantasized about this, none of them could hold a candle to the pleasure she feels right now. The way he teases her, licking tantalizingly at her folds and sucking at her bundle of nerves until she’s just there, only to pull away before she crests… It’s deliriously good, a high she’s fast becoming hooked on.
“You look so good like this, Nat,” Steve says, easing his mouth off her to press a kiss to the inside of her thigh even as he continues to work her with his fingers. “Look at you, just begging to fall apart.”
“Steve,” she begins to say, only for her words to be replaced by a moan when he nips at the flesh of her inner thigh, the little sting of pain making her back bow off the mahogany. “Yes, yes, yes.”
“Come for me, Nat,” he says, bringing his mouth back to her center, his lips finding her bundle of nerves. She arches against his face, seeking out more contact, more everything, and as white-hot pleasure permeates throughout her every nerve ending, she finds exactly what she’s been craving. All of her worries, her laundry list of things to do… they all fade into nothing, and all she can think about is the heat unfurling low in her stomach, building. Rising.
“No!” She whimpers when Steve pulls his fingers out, tears nearly stinging her eyes as her walls flutter around nothing. Vaguely, she’s aware of him shushing her gently, of his hand moving lower, and then even lower still. “Oh, my God,” she gasps when she feels his finger at her other entrance, teasing. She tenses – unsure of how far he’ll take this, how far she’ll let him. But before she can give it more thought, her body answers for her, a long, needy moan escaping from her lips as his tongue flicks at her clit and his finger presses in. And then her body is trembling, her orgasm washing over her like waves crashing violently to shore.
She’s not sure how long she revels in bliss. Seconds, maybe, but with the intensity of the aftershocks, it feels like an eternity. It takes her a moment, but eventually, she recognizes the telltale sound of a zipper being pulled. Her eyes flutter open, and with what strength she still has, she sits up just as Steve brings a hand to his length, stroking.
Her mouth falls open, and despite the earth-shattering climax he’s just wringed out of her, she feels her nipples already tightening at the sight before her. She’s not entirely certain how her body could still crave more, but as she watches Steve’s hand shuttle up and down his hardness, his gaze trained on her and only her, it does. The scene playing out before her feels like a cut straight out of her dirtiest fantasy, and she couldn’t look away if she tried.
It’s when Steve’s hand slows at the head, his thumb gathering the bead of liquid, that their eyes meet. He’s always been adept at anticipating her needs, and when it comes to her base desires, it seems it’s no different. He brings his thumb to her mouth, slowly sliding his arousal over her lip, and as the salty taste of him hits her tongue, she moans, taking his hand between both of hers and drawing him all the way in.
“Christ, Nat,” Steve says, groaning when she nips at the skin of his thumb only to soothe it over with her tongue, sucking. She’s lost count of the number of nights she’s spent wondering what he tastes like, and now that she knows, she's ravenous with how much she wants more. With a pained groan, Steve pulls his hand away, his lips finding hers before she can so much as blink. The kiss is intoxicating – tasting of her, of him, of them. By the time they separate, she’s practically writhing, the heat between her legs once again unbearable. “Going to bend you over this desk now.”
With a smile, she slides off, stands, and turns. Behind her, she can hear the tearing of foil as he pulls out a condom and rolls it on, and then his hand is between her shoulder blades, pushing her down. She rests her cheek against the wood, and as he presses against her entrance, she cries out in need. In need of the rightness of this very moment. The covetousness. The tabooness of them, together, as Steve widens her stance, spreads her open, and sinks right into her in a single thrust. Her name falls from his lips, his tone gravelly. Intoxicated. She feels it just the same, her nails scratching at the wood as he bottoms out.
Steve curls his body over hers, and as he sets a rhythm with his hips that’s as delectable as it is punishing, she lets her eyes fall shut, the glow of Manhattan below them disappearing as she loses herself in the sensation. The sensation of finally having the man she’s been fantasizing over, of him buried deep inside of her, of him letting her indulge in her wildest desires right in her office, not a single soul knowing what they’re up to.
His lips pepper every inch of her skin that he can find, every kiss like another one of their dirty little secrets that she’ll keep. He’s not the least bit gentle, and when he slides his hands around her, cupping her breasts, she yelps when he pinches at her nipples.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he says, because even when he’s doing exactly as she’s asked, she knows him, knows he could never live with himself if he hurt her.
“It’s not,” she assures him, letting out another whimper when he repeats the motion and she basks in the sharp tingle that follows. “It’s so good. So fucking good.”
Her moans fall freely now, if not a little muffled by the desk, but she couldn't care less. As she tethers between pain and pleasure, pleasure and pain, the seesaw of sensations is like gasoline slowly but surely dripping into the fire of her lust.
“What do you need, Nat?” Steve asks not a moment too soon, sensing her longing before she does in that uncanny way only he can.
She wishes she knew. She can feel the pleasure coiling at her spine, threatening to burst over her, and yet it’s as though she’s searching for that little extra spark to set her ablaze – a spark that she hadn’t even known she wanted, much less needed, until Steve had shown her tonight. As the frustration of tethering on the edge begins to set in, she whimpers. “Steve,” she breathes out, moaning at a particularly delicious thrust of his hips. “More.”
In her haze, she doesn’t quite catch what Steve murmurs in response, feeling only the kiss he presses to her cheek as his hands let go of her breasts, traveling down her sides, until they’re past her waist.
“Ah!” she cries out when his palm collides with her backside, the sound reverberating across the room. The burn dissolves into pleasure, and she keens. “Again,” she says, hearing Steve growl in response, hips driving deeper into her as he raises his palm and swats her once more. “Oh, just like that.”
He obliges her request, once, twice. And then another time, until soon, all the sensations brew into one outrageous storm, and as Steve reaches around her and down to where they’re joined, circling her bundle of nerves, it breaks. With a litany of incoherent sounds falling from her mouth, she falls apart, taking Steve right down the edge with her.
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Just once. That’s what he had told himself when he decided to throw caution to the wind and kiss Natasha senseless. When he slipped that dress off her body, hoisted her up on that desk. One time to get her out of his system. One time to make him stop wondering.
But now that he knows what it’s like to have her in his arms, knows what she sounds like just as she’s on the brink of falling apart, he doesn’t think he can ever get enough.
He should leave, put as much distance between him and the temptation that is Natasha Romanoff. But as he pulls his pants up and disposes of the condom, he finds that he can’t just yet. “Come on, gorgeous,” he says as he lifts her into his arms, mindful of her pinkened skin. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
A sated sigh slips from her lips as she settles against his chest. He pads out of her office, making his way to the other side of her suite enroute to her bedroom and right into the ensuite bathroom. When he reaches the large soaking tub, he sets her on the ledge, watching as she winces. He frowns. “I told you to tell me if it was too much.”
“It wasn’t,” she says firmly as he turns on the tap, adjusting the temperature. She leans forward, running her hand under the running water. A smile breaks out on her face. “Just how I like it.”
“I know.”
“I’m not going to lie,” she says, yawning. “I think I might just doze off.”
“I’ll turn this off,” he says, already reaching to shut the water. “The last thing we want is for you to drown in your own tub.”
“No!” she says, her lower lip jutting out in a pout, effectively stopping him in his tracks. “You know I can’t turn down a good bubble bath.”
“That I also know,” he says softly, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He shouldn’t feel such joy at knowing these things about her. In fact, he shouldn’t even have all these little details in his brain, like the fact that she loves daisies and that her guilty pleasure is watermelon-flavored Sour Patch Kids, so much so that she always keeps an emergency stash of them in the bottom drawer of her desk. Or the fact that she got her love of candy from her mom, who would always have a pack in her bag ready for them to share. It’s also why she makes sure to carry some with her when she goes to visit the kids, sneaking them treats even though she knows the staff at the orphanage frowns upon the sugary delights.
But that was Natasha. Ever caring, ever kind-hearted. Always trying to do good with the privilege bestowed upon her.
There isn’t a goddamn thing that he doesn’t like about this woman, he realizes. Mind, soul, and now body – it attracts him all.
Which is why he shouldn’t be privy to all these things about her. None of it has to do with him doing his job. With keeping her safe.
He has to leave.
“Steve.” Natasha’s voice breaks him out of his reverie, and when he looks at her, he finds her brows furrowed in concern. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“All good,” he assures her. He wishes he could give her more than a few words, but he doesn’t trust himself not to crack open now, to confess to her that the absolute last thing he wants to do is leave.
“Well, then…” she begins, a sheepish expression suddenly painting her features. “Do you mind stepping out for a bit while I use the little girl’s room?” Despite his thoughts being at war, he finds that he can’t help but chuckle at her request. She gasps, shoving his arm even as she tries desperately not to crack a smile. “Don’t laugh! Everyone pees.”
“Really? I never knew,” he quips, prompting her to roll her eyes.
“You just fucked me into oblivion,” she adds. “Peeing is not optional.”
He arches a brow at her. “You’ll say things like that, but God forbid I watch you pee?”
“A little mystery never killed anybody.”
He shakes his head. “I can just go.”
“No,” she says, reaching out to catch his arm again. “I only need a minute.” She looks up at him, eyes wide. “Come back, please.”
He’s not sure if it’s the please she added at the end of her request or the vulnerability in her eyes as she said it, but either way, it renders any thoughts he had of walking out of her front door right now moot. With a nod, he makes his way out of her bathroom, leaving the door just ajar.
As he waits, he paces her bedroom, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck. He stops by her windowsill, looking out into the glimmering city. Below, he finds the crowds still bustling, going about their night, the image only serving to highlight his current solitude. Here he is, standing atop one of the tallest skyscrapers in town, alone in the bedroom of the woman he’s just slept with. A woman who also happens to be his client, his assignment. A woman he had no business touching, much less having.
He leans his forehead against the glass, sighing. It’s when he finds himself at a crossroads like this that he truly missed his mom the most. What he would give to be able to pick up the phone and give her a ring again. But even though that’s no longer a possibility, he still knows what she would tell him – the only answer she deemed right and universal to every predicament.
When in doubt, do the right thing.
Guilt washes over him from the top of his head down to his toes. If there’s one thing that’s crystallized for him tonight, it’s that being with Natasha impaired his judgment, and that’s just not something he could afford, given his job. The very same job that not only requires him to make decisions on the fly, but that also demands that he make the right ones. Mistakes didn’t come cheap in his field. At best, they led to injury. At worst, they were fatal. The last thought brings a chill down his spine, and he reminds himself of the file he has in his office, the very same file Alexei had brought to him way back when, filled with stolen pictures of Natasha that the maniac had coveted, and letters that he had written to her. The endless reports that detailed every which way that poor excuse of a human being used to subvert security. He reminds himself that if not for that one detective who had gotten there in time, he may never have gotten the chance to meet Natasha.
He implores himself to remember all of that. To sear into his memory what was at stake if he chooses to be selfish right now, and what the consequences could be. With that, he moves away from the window, rapping softly on the frame of the open door.
“All clear!”
Given the clearance, he walks in, and the sight that greets him has him cursing under his breath for the umpteenth time this evening. In the tub, Natasha sits surrounded by bubbles, her hair piled high up in a bun.
“Hi,” she says, her tone soft and her face all but glowing. She pats the space he had set her down on not long ago. “Come sit.” His only response is to nod, making his way over to her to perch on the marble ledge. “We should talk.”
“We should,” he says, resisting the urge to push the strands of hair that have fallen loose from her bun away from her face.
“I can tell you’re wound up, Steve,” she says.
His lips quirk up slightly. “Isn’t that what I usually tell you?”
She cracks a smile, but it lasts but a second as she reaches for his hand. “You regret this.”
“What? Natasha, no,” he says, shaking his head. “Never. Don’t you ever think that.”
She bites her lip. “Really?”
“Of course,” he says without skipping a beat, his hand reaching to cup her face. “Being with you was a dream come true.”
She sighs, relief washing over her face as she leans into his touch. “It was a dream come true for me, too.”
“It was incredible,” he adds, swallowing the tightness that’s suddenly formed in his throat. “I could never regret it.” He sighs, dreading his next words. But he has to say them. Has to be honest. “But, Nat, it can’t happen again.” The sadness that fills her eyes is a dagger straight to his heart, but he soldiers on. Do the right thing, he reminds himself. “My head isn’t clear when I’m with you, and I need it to be in order to do my job. I can’t let anything happen to you.”
“You would never let anything happen to me.”
The way she says it, with so much trust and certainty, floors him. And it’s this, the amount of faith she has in him and in his ability to keep her out of harm’s way, that gives him the strength to remain steadfast. “And it’s going to stay that way,” he promises. “You haven’t a clue what it would do to me if something happened to you.”
“Tell me,” she says, eyes imploring.
He shakes his head, his mind refusing to entertain the possibility. “It’s not going to happen.”
She reaches for the hand he has on her face, clasping it between her own. “Having you by my side this last year… I’ve never felt safer.”
“Good,” he says, allowing his lips to pull up in a little smile. “I’m glad.”
Easily, if not a little too easily, they slip into conversation as if it’s the end of just another night for them at the gym. She talks about the plans she’s made for the upcoming bachelor party of her best friend, and they both laugh at how ridiculous some of the decorations she’s ordered are going to turn out. In turn, he gives her his assessment of what he thinks is blooming between the doorman and the receptionist in her building.
“You suspected there was something going on between those two and you’re only telling me now?” she says, narrowing her eyes at him. “You know I’ve been trying to play matchmaker for weeks!”
“I needed to make sure my intel was- hey!” he exclaims, barely dodging the water she splashes his way. As she sticks her tongue out at him, he glares at her witheringly.
“Serves you right for withholding information,” she says, only to gasp when he suddenly retaliates. “Rogers!”
The image of her cheek and shoulder marred by bubbles causes him to burst out in laughter. “I’m sorry!” he says, and despite her best effort, she too begins laughing. “Here, let me help you.”
“You better,” she mutters, and he rolls his lips to prevent another laugh from slipping.
He reaches forward, gingerly wiping away the suds from her cheek with the back of his hand, doing the same with the ones on her shoulder. “Your skin is so soft.”
“It’s all the bath oils,” she says, taking his hand. “You should try them sometime.” She scoops some water into her palm to pour it over his, massaging his fingers. “Or, better yet… you could come join me.”
As she looks at him, she bites her lip, and he can only groan. “You, Natasha Romanoff, are trouble.” Her only response is to shrug, and it takes every bit of restraint he has left in his body to not lean in and kiss that little smirk off her lips. Focus. “That… person. He could have easily harmed you, and all he got was a measly six months of jail time.”
“And he hasn’t sniffed this place since,” she points out. “You’re exceptional at your job, Steve. As is your team. I haven’t even gotten so much as a suspicious letter.”
“And that’s how it’s going to remain,” he says, adamant.
She huffs out a breath that’s long and winded. “You’re really not going to touch me again, are you?”
He shakes his head no, smiling sadly as his response elicits another disappointed sigh from her. He lifts their joined hands, bringing it up to press a kiss to the back of hers. “But know, in my dreams, I have you every night.” She throws her head back, groaning, and he chuckles. “I should go.”
“Yeah,” she says, tilting her head playfully to the side. “You keep saying that.”
He grins. “Can I get you a towel?”
He stands to retrieve a towel from the rack, grabbing the fluffiest one, and when he returns to her, he finds that smile playing on her lips again. “What?”
“Well, if you’re going to leave, I guess you better turn around.”
It shouldn’t be that hard to do. But when all he wants is to wrap this towel around her, pull her in, and carry her to bed, the effort feels Herculean. He chuckles, setting the cloth down by the ledge before making his way out. “Goodnight, Natasha.”
“Goodnight, Steve,” she says, and though he couldn’t see her face, the amusement in her tone is all the confirmation he needs to know that she hasn’t wiped that smirk off her face. “See you tomorrow.”
Read Part 2: Blinding Lights here
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Importance of Holiday Home Investment
Importance Of Holiday Home Investments: Definitive Guide
Venturing into the realm of real estate investment can be as thrilling as it is rewarding, especially when it involves the allure of a holiday home. In recent years, an increasing number of families have embraced the idea, viewing it as not just a potential retreat for relaxation and escape but also a prudent financial investment. The charm of owning a second home where life’s most treasured moments can be enjoyed away from the regular hustle is undeniable. Moreover, the investment perspective offers substantial financial benefits which makes the proposition even more attractive.
Defining a Holiday Home
What exactly is a holiday home? Typically, it could be a cozy cabin nestled in the woods, a breezy beach house, or a serene cottage by the lake—places where families can escape from the demands of city life. These properties serve as sanctuaries to decompress, rejuvenate, and create joyful memories. Unlike primary residences, these homes are chosen for their locations in idyllic settings, offering both relaxation and recreational activities that are a departure from everyday life.
Benefits of Holiday Home
Investing in a holiday home brings a multitude of advantages that go beyond the mere enjoyment of having a second residence:
Mental Oasis: Escape the stresses of daily life and rejuvenate in a space that’s entirely yours, providing a mental and emotional break that is invaluable.
Family Bonding: Provides a unique and consistent location where families can strengthen bonds, celebrate traditions, and create lasting memories together.
Investment Potential: Besides personal use, holiday homes have significant potential for appreciation, offering a worthwhile investment as property values in popular areas increase over time.
Rental Revenue: When not for personal use, holiday homes can be rented out to generate a steady income stream, helping to offset maintenance costs and mortgage payments.
Tax Advantages: Depending on jurisdiction, owners might enjoy tax deductions related to property investment and rental operations, enhancing the financial viability of the investment.
Lifestyle Enhancement: Owning a holiday home allows for spontaneous getaways, encourages a lifestyle with more breaks and leisure, and contributes positively to one’s overall well-being.
Long-Term Appreciation: Real estate in popular vacation destinations tends to appreciate over time, contributing significantly to wealth accumulation.
Tailored to Your Taste: Enjoy the freedom to design and decorate your holiday home to perfectly match your personal style and functional desires.
Educational Opportunities for Children: Exposes children to new cultures and environments, fostering a broader perspective and a love for learning outside traditional settings.
Drawbacks of Owning a Holiday Home
While the advantages are compelling, potential holiday home investors should also consider several drawbacks:
Maintenance and Upkeep: Owning a second home comes with the added responsibility of maintaining another property, which can be both costly and time-consuming.
Security Concerns: Ensuring the security of a property that may often be vacant requires additional measures, potentially adding to the costs and complexities of ownership.
Local Regulations: Navigating the local laws and regulations related to property ownership and rental can be challenging, especially in foreign locales.
Market Fluctuations: The vacation property market can be volatile, with values and rental income potential fluctuating based on tourism trends and economic factors.
Isolation and Accessibility: Depending on the location, some holiday homes might be difficult to access, limiting their use and convenience.
Management from Afar: Managing a property from a distance can pose logistical challenges, including finding reliable property management services to handle day-to-day operations.
Top Holiday Home Dealers to Consider for Your Dream Vacation Home
For those contemplating a holiday home purchase near Mumbai, here’s a list of top dealers known for their wide range of properties in various desirable locations:
Holistic Holiday Homes
Locations Available: Raigad, Karjat, Roha
Info: Holistic Holiday Homes is renowned for blending luxury with nature, providing properties that are not just residences but retreats from the daily grind. Each property is designed to enhance the natural beauty of its location, ensuring that owners can relax, unwind, and reconnect with nature.
Serene Estates
Locations Available: Alibaug, Pawna Lake, Lavasa
Info: Serene Estates excels in offering properties that provide breathtaking views and direct access to natural landscapes. Their portfolio includes beachfront homes, lakeside cabins, and hilltop retreats, all designed to maximize comfort and tranquillity.
Tranquil Realty
Locations Available: Karjat, Igatpuri, Matheran
Info: With a focus on rustic charm and peaceful surroundings, Tranquil Realty offers homes that serve as perfect escapes for those looking to avoid the urban hustle. Their properties often include expansive outdoor spaces, ideal for family activities and relaxation.
Vista Homes
Locations Available: Matheran, Lonavala, Khandala
Info: Vista Homes specializes in properties situated in hill stations, offering cool climates and scenic views. They provide a variety of architectural styles, from modern aesthetics to traditional designs, all crafted to enhance the vacation experience.
Premier Properties
Locations Available: Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, Ganpatipule
Info: Premier Properties is known for its luxurious holiday homes that combine elegance with functionality. Their estates are equipped with all modern amenities, set in locations that offer both privacy and accessibility to local attractions.
Investing in a holiday home offers a plethora of benefits that extend well beyond mere financial gains. It’s an investment in family happiness, lifestyle enhancement, and long-term wealth. For families contemplating this decision, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the challenges carefully. With thoughtful consideration and strategic planning, a holiday home can be a wonderful addition to one’s life, enriching family experiences and providing a solid financial investment for years to come.
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Signs It’s Time to Hire a Home Stager
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Every realtor and home seller wants one thing: to close on their property as fast as possible. If you’re also selling a property, there are many things you can DIY to make your home attractive to buyers. However, staging may not always be one of them.
In this post, we discussed 7 signs that it’s time for you to hire outside help to prep your home for selling. We also shared some red flags to watch out for when scouting for a house stager to ensure that your property is in good hands. 
What is a stager?
A stager like us are professionals who prepares properties or homes for sale. Basically, our job focuses on uplifting the visual and functional appeal of your home, so it will be more attractive to buyers.
It’s our task to select and arrange furniture, decorations, artwork pieces, and other items that showcase your property’s best features. This way, potential buyers can picture their own belongings in your home instead of staring at an empty room or a place with too much “lived-in” atmosphere.
Still, knowing how to become a house stager is more than just putting furnishings together. It takes a team of interior designers, stagers, and movers to bring every room to life – something that can be overwhelming to do by yourself alone.
7 signs you need to hire a professional stager for your property
While there are many things you can DIY to improve your property’s appeal, staging may not be as easy as the others. Here are some tell-tale signs that you need the help of a professional stager:
1.  You’re selling a vacant home.
If you’re selling a vacant home, whether it’s a new construction or previously occupied property, staging will boost its visual appeal.
Aside from that, staging a vacant property will help buyers visualize the potential of every room. It gives them an idea on how their own belongings will fit into the room while it also helps them visualize living in your property.
Staging will also prepare your home for professional photography. You can use these photographs to spruce up your online listing and attract more views from homebuyers.
If you’re still weighing the pros and cons of staging a house for sale, this very first sign might seal the deal for you.
2.  Your real estate listing has been in the market for too long.
Is your online listing already gathering dust on the market? Or do you get very scarce views or showing requests? In that case, you should consider hiring a professional stager to breathe life into your old listing.
Stagers like our team at HolmeStage will give your property a fresh perspective to revive its market appeal. This will help present your home in a new light, which will make it stand out from other properties on the market.
Take note that many of the homes we staged were sold in just a few days. We have one that sold in just 5 days while others were closed in as little as 10, 12, or 18 days – much faster than the market average.
3.  You’re selling a home in a competitive market.
In a competitive market such as Los Angeles and Greater LA, it can be challenging to sell your home fast. But with staging, you’ll have an added competitive edge over other home sellers.
Our home staging will also bring the latest trends to your home, so it will appeal to modern buyers. This will help you create a better impression on buyers and possibly close on your property faster as compared to the lack of staging.
4.  Buyers always negotiate a lower price.
If you’re not getting your asking price, you should definitely hire someone to get your house ready to sell.
It’s possible that buyers have a lower perceived value of your home, which makes them negotiate a much lower price.
So, how can you make buyers see that your home is worth more? Well, the key is to guide their eyes through professional staging.
Upgrading the presentation of your home will have a massive impact on how buyers will see it. In fact, many of the properties we stage were sold thousands of dollars above the asking price. Some manage to get up to $75,000 by simply seeking our help.
When potential buyers can see the best features of your home, they can easily make an emotional connection
5.  You’re too busy to rearrange your home.
Staging is not an easy task, and if you don’t have the time to rearrange your home, your best bet is a professional like us. We understand that there goes a lot more into selling than simply making your home look nice during showings.
So, instead of trying to haul everything on your own, you can call a team to handle everything so you can focus on marketing and entertaining interactions on your online listings.
Many of our clients tend to get overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering, picking new colors for the house, thinking about decorations, and the list goes on.
On top of that, the process gets even more complicated for occupied homes. It can be hard for homeowners to remove personal items, so they need another pair of eyes to ensure that there’s nothing to distract potential buyers.
6.  You need minor repairs and additional items.
Do you need handyman repairs on your home? Or do you think your current furniture pieces are a bit underwhelming? You may be at a loss on where to start or how to get such items. But with a home staging service, you’ll have a one-stop provider for all these home improvements.
At HolmeStage, we provide minor repairs, painting services, and wallpaper installation. We also offer luxury furniture rental, so your home will have sophisticated-looking pieces that will boost the property’s perceived value. 
Overall, if you want a total upgrade on your home’s appearance, partnering with a professional stager is your best bet.
7.  You’re not sure what color suits your home.
Did you know that the wrong choice of paint color can cost you a sale? Instead of risking it with guesswork, you’ll benefit from the eye of our professional interior designer.
Our interior designers can pick the best color scheme for your home, ensuring that the colors of your furniture, walls, and accessories all tie up together.
Aside from that, we provide a consultation where we can walk you through the best color options for your home. This way, your property will appeal to a wide range of buyers, helping you sell fast at top dollar.
Red flags to watch out for when hiring a stager for homes
What is a home stager, and how do you hire one? Much has been said about what to look for in a stager, but we think it’s also necessary to warn you about some red flags that could sabotage your property.
Make sure you keep an eye on the following:
1.  They hide problems, not help fix them.
While stagers are not home repair contractors, it’s still our job to advise home sellers about the right thing to do when their properties have damage.
So, if your preferred home stager uses sneaky tactics to hide signs of damage, you should look for another provider. This can spell trouble for you in the long run, not to mention that you’re inadvertently giving buyers the upper hand to negotiate a lower price.
In that case, look for a stager that advises you to prioritize repairs before staging. This is a sign that they truly want to help sell your home fast. It will also justify the home stager’s salary, especially if they charge quite a premium.
2.  Lack of portfolio and references
Home staging is a very visual process, so if the stage you’re hiring can’t show a portfolio, it should immediately raise suspicions. This is often a sign of a lack of experience, which is not what you need when selling a home, especially a luxury one.
At the same time, ask the stager for references on their previous clients. If they can’t give any or if their past reviews are mostly negative, it may be best for you to look for another option.
3.  Limited experience with your property type
Some stagers specialize in specific property types, like homes, commercial spaces, and so on. In that case, you should hire a stager with experience in staging the kind of property you have in LA.
For example, at HolmeStage, we are the trusted stager for all kinds of homes and luxury properties in Los Angeles. Our extensive portfolio speaks for our expertise and our experience in real estate.
Instead of inquiring how much does a home stager make and how much they will charge you, it’s best to focus on their experience. In the end, hiring professionals will give your home a much higher ROI.
Looking for a trusted professional home stager in Greater LA?
If you’re struggling with any of the situations we discussed above, feel free to contact our house staging company today! Our HolmeStage team can stage all home types and sizes – vacant or occupied. You can also choose to request full staging or partial service if you only wish to enhance certain areas of your home.
Why put your home selling to chance if you can have a strong competitive advantage? Call us today for a quick consultation to see how we can make it possible for your home!
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Discover Premium Real Estate in Green Valley: Houses for Sale and Rent
Green Valley is a progressive suburb in western Sydney It also boasts of a greenfield style suburb style feel with all the contemporary amenities. Green Valley for instance is characterized by vegetation, family oriented facilities and has a good community pull factor leading to high demand for houses among the population. Whether one is in the market for a home to buy or a rental, the real estate market of Green Valley is definitely out to meet your expectations. Real estate Green Valley
 Why Green Valley?
 If ever there is an ideal suburb that deserves its name ‘Green Valley’ then this is it. It is bounded with green lands, parks, and other recreational centers, thus the perfect place for family and any nature lover. The community is closely knit with good schools, shopping centers and health facilities within the vicinity. Another factor which makes the suburb appealing is the fact that it is situated just a few kilometers away from Sydney's central business district which makes it suitable for businessmen and workers who desire a quiet environment away from the city but close enough to commute to work.
 Real Estates; Houses for Sale in Green Valley
 The real estate market of Green Valley is quite diversified meaning people can find houses that will suit their preferences and income. It may be that you are in need of a large house that will be able to accommodate your large family or it might be that you are in need of a small house and in either of these categories, you’ll find several houses for sale in the Green Valley area. The popularity of this area has led to the construction of numerous new homes as well as well-established homes giving the buyers a variety when it comes to architectural designs and sizes.
 Of the properties within Green Valley, some of the most sought after are the 4 bedroom houses, these are mostly preferred by expanding families. More often they span several floors; contain several bathrooms, giant living spaces and huge yards for the kids or entertaining visitors. The vast majority of these properties also feature contemporary features such as the open-to-plan kitchen, ensuite master bedrooms, and double garages among others which are very much essential in the current market.
 For anyone who wants to either live comfortably or has the potential for future expansion the houses for sale in Green Valley are something to consider. Demand has been constantly high over the past few years and with the prices slowly but surely increasing, the suburb is suitable for first-time buyers as well as investors. 
 The following are the types of houses that we have for rent in Green Valley.
 There are also many people who are not yet in a position to buy a house or have not yet decided on the fact that they need permanent housing, or those who value the opportunity to rent, and for this, Green Valley has many sectors with rented houses. Both small apartments and large houses, bachelor pad and family houses, there are houses for rent in Green Valley to rent for anyone. Renting a house in Green Valley will give you the opportunity to experience living in this magnificent suburb without adding to your debt by ‘owning’ a house.
 There is stiff competition in the Green Valley; most of the compliances properties are let out within a short span of time because of their increasing popularity. The most popular rental offers are the houses with 4 bedrooms which are comfortable for families or groups of people. These homes are generally maintained in good condition and it is fitted with adequate amenity to facilitate a comfortable stay.
 It is, therefore, evident that tenants in Green Valley are well privileged in as much as the amenities available in the suburb are concerned. Strolling around this area of the city, one may definitely mention such advantages as the availability of several schools, shopping centers, and public transport nearby which makes the life in Green Valley both comfortable and fun. Another advantage of living in the city is that there are many parks and recreational areas which makes it possible to have something to do no matter what one likes to do; even if it is to have some quiet time.
 Why Green Valley for the Next Home Purchase?
 The real estate market in Green Valley is strong and it is very apparent as to why this is the case. Living in the suburb brings the feel of both the urban and suburban as it is close to the city center but also very quiet. There are plenty of opportunities to buy or rent a house or a flat in Green Valley and the choices are versatile to meet the requirements of anyone.
 To the buyers the houses for sale in Green Valley are an opportunity to invest in a burgeoning neighborhood that boasts of togetherness. The existence of the suburb in question and the constant growth as well as the increasing prices on the real estate make it very versatile for those individuals who are interested in purchasing a house that will be fit for their family or for gaining the steady income from the house renting process. To the renters, the available houses for rent in Green Valley provide an opportunity to enjoy all the aspects of the family oriented prosperous community without bearing the responsibility of owning a house. 
 If you are in the process of looking for good investment property in a calm place which can also be ideal for dwelling, then Green Valley should be on your checklist. Green Valley Real Estate is your premier source for commercial and residential property, and with the numerous options for sale and rent as well as its modern and comfortable facilities and the favorable geographical location, it’s time to find your new home at Green Valley.
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hauptrealty · 12 days
The Outstanding Beaumont Homes For Sale For Family-Oriented Community
Beaumont has lots of diversified housing to accommodate different tastes and budgets, from cute starter homes to trendy townhouses, and even a large single-family house to luxurious estates. You should definitely uncover the top benefits of the Beaumont Homes For Sale, and professional real estate Edmonton.
Beaumont has a reputation for its family lifestyle, which makes it an ideal area to grow kids. The town is availed with great schools, numberless parks, playgrounds, and community centers which enhance community living. Low levels of crime and a friendly environment can help ensure a comfortable setting where families can easily raise their kids in safety.
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Proximity to Edmonton
An enormous added value about being a resident of Beaumont is its nearness to Edmonton. Residents can have access to opportunities and amenities that the big city offers but live quietly in a suburban Beaumont homes for sale, with just a 10-minute drive. In the prime industrial area and offering the best of both worlds, it's for people working in Edmonton but needing some peace and quiet at home.
The Role of Professional Real Estate Services
One professional real estate agent would provide a very valuable asset in your purchasing process: expertise and knowledge of local markets. They will know all the ins and outs of the real estate market in Beaumont, from trends and property values down to the characteristics of given neighborhoods. Such knowledge equips you to make decisions on a home that best serves your needs and budget.
Professional real estate Edmonton offer personalized services that cater to individual needs and preferences. Aligning with a professional real estate agent in Edmonton will assure you of the experience and backing you need to work the market. With a professional realtor, you will be able to get a cozy starter home or a luxurious estate in Beaumont. Discover the opportunities that your dream home offers in a fast-growing community.
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tulipmonsella12 · 1 month
Tulip Monsella: The Ultimate in Luxury Residences in Sector 53, Gurgaon
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Tulip Monsella sets a new standard in high-end living with its luxurious residences in Sector 53, Gurgaon. This prestigious development combines sophisticated design, top-tier amenities, and a prime location to offer an unparalleled living experience. Here’s why Tulip Monsella is considered the ultimate in luxury living.
Exceptional Design and Craftsmanship
Tulip Monsella is a testament to architectural excellence and modern design. The residences are crafted with a keen eye for detail, blending contemporary aesthetics with timeless elegance. Spacious layouts, high ceilings, and premium finishes create an atmosphere of opulence and comfort. Each home is thoughtfully designed to maximize natural light and provide breathtaking views, ensuring a serene and luxurious living environment.
World-Class Amenities
The project offers an array of world-class amenities that cater to every aspect of a luxurious lifestyle:
Golf Carts: Enjoy effortless mobility within the expansive grounds with the convenience of golf carts, adding a touch of luxury to your daily routines.
Vastu Compliant Homes: Embrace positive energy and harmony with residences designed to adhere to Vastu principles, promoting a balanced and harmonious living space.
5-Tier Security System: Experience peace of mind with a comprehensive 5-tier security system, including advanced surveillance, secure entry points, and professional security personnel, ensuring safety and privacy.
Multipurpose Ground: Engage in various recreational and community activities at the versatile multipurpose ground, designed to accommodate sports, events, and social gatherings.
Private Party Lawns: Host elegant celebrations and intimate gatherings in the beautifully landscaped private party lawns, offering a sophisticated setting for special occasions.
Family Pavilion: Enjoy quality time with family in the dedicated family pavilion, providing a comfortable and inviting space for relaxation and bonding.
Tropical Garden: Escape to the lush tropical garden, a serene retreat within the community that offers a tranquil environment for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Prime Location
Located in Sector 53, one of Gurgaon’s most sought-after areas, Tulip Monsella benefits from a prime location that combines convenience with tranquility. Residents have easy access to major business districts, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and shopping centers. The strategic location also ensures seamless connectivity to key areas and major highways, making daily commutes and travel effortless.
A Community of Excellence
Tulip Monsella residential project community that epitomizes luxury and sophistication. The focus on high-quality construction, exceptional amenities, and thoughtful design elements creates a refined living environment where every detail contributes to an elevated lifestyle. The project is designed to foster a sense of belonging and offer a superior quality of life.
Investment Potential
Investing in Tulip Monsella represents a smart choice for those seeking both luxury and value. The combination of a prime location, high-end features, and exceptional design positions the project as a valuable asset in Gurgaon’s real estate market. The potential for appreciation and the growing demand for premium properties make Tulip Monsella an attractive option for investors.
Tulip Monsella stands out as the ultimate in luxury residential in Sector 53, Gurgaon, offering an unmatched blend of elegance, comfort, and sophistication. With its exquisite design, world-class amenities, and prime location, Tulip Monsella provides a living experience that is both exceptional and fulfilling. For those seeking the highest standards of luxury living, Tulip Monsella is the definitive choice in Gurgaon.
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skitfirm · 1 month
Plottage Real Estate Definition and Applications - The Complete Guide
1. Introduction : Plottage real estate definition  Definition of Plottage in Real Estate In the domain of real estate, it is when several small pieces of land are assembled into one large piece that is more valuable such that they are said to be plottage. The worth of these combined plots is much greater than what could have been attained by adding up their individual values due to the enhanced…
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Sushant City, Panipat: A Hub of Investment in Realty
Introduction: Real estate in Sushant City Panipat has now become synonymous with growth, luxury, and opportunities. With Panipat fast turning into an upbeat urban center, Sushant City has become one of the most coveted residential-cum-commercial destinations in the country. The article explores why real estate in Sushant City Panipat stands out as a prime and ultimate destination for those who wish to invest in the future.
A Thriving Urban Hub: Sushant City is the most impeccably planned township that has set new standards in urban living. It enjoys a perfect location on the outskirts of Panipat, offering the best combination of city life and tranquility. The area is well-connected to the highways, making it easily approachable from Delhi and Chandigarh. While Sushant City continues to integrate with the fast growing Panipat, real estate here will have no reversal in its appreciation cycle. Comprehensive Infrastructure Development: The development is fully integrated and self sufficient. One of the major reasons behind the popularity of real estate in Sushant City is its world-class infrastructure. The township has wide, tarred roads, sufficient green belts, and a perfect drainage system so that residents may taste a decent style of life. With new commercial centers coming up along with educational and medical institutions in and around Sushant City, the township becomes the choicest destination for families, professionals, and retirees.
Options in property to suit every need: Sushant City is furnished with an extensive and diversified portfolio, which can answer all needs and tastes. From luxurious villas to modern apartments, commercial plots, office spaces—you have everything here. This diversification will definitely be very appealing to the eyes of investors looking at diversifying their portfolios. Whether you're interested in residential or commercial real estate, Sushant City has a lot of opportunities that yield high returns.
Investment Potential: The real estate market at Sushant City, Panipat, has immense growth potential. With the completion of more and more infrastructure projects and the region getting inducted into the larger area of Panipat at a faster pace, the price appreciation for property is sure to appreciate at a constant pace. Thus, it will turn out to be good for investors with a high potential of appreciation and return on investment. Additionally, its growing popularity has fostered a healthy rental market that provides a clean income stream for property owners.
Community and Lifestyle: Staying at Sushant City Panipat is not just about owning a property; rather, it is a way of life. The township is designed in a style that shall give residents a sense of belonging, with frequent community events, social gatherings, and recreational activities. Adding to the vibrant lifestyle that one lives in Sushant City are parks, walking trails, sports facilities, and cultural centers. This additional advantage is to the families with a peaceful mind and a high quality of life in this safe and secure environment.
Future Growth Prospects: The future of real estate in Sushant City Panipat is very promising. With ongoing developments and a very clear vision of future growth, it definitely gets positioned as the central hub in the Panipat region. Along with the expansion of nearby industrial zones and the influx of businesses and residents, demand for properties will rise at Sushant City, so this would be the right time to invest as property values are only going to appreciate substantially in the future.
Conclusion: Sushant City Panipat offers an ideal blend of location, modern infrastructure, and investment potential in the real estate sector. Be it the first-time buyer, seasoned investor, or a home seeker, Sushant City has a lot to offer. It is the ultimate destination for investment in Panipat, with its thriving community and manifold property choices, and bright prospects in the future. Don't miss being a part of this vibrant growing community.
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growcapitalgroup · 3 days
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auromirafilms-blog · 1 month
Creating the Best Real Estate Video Ads in Odisha: Auromira
In the competitive landscape of real estate in Odisha, standing out is not just an option—it's a necessity. Video ads have quickly become a cornerstone of effective real estate marketing, offering a dynamic way to showcase properties and capture the attention of potential buyers. At Auromira Entertainment, we specialize in crafting video ads that not only highlight properties but also tell a compelling story to engage viewers. Here, we'll dive into the nuances of what makes real estate video ads successful and how Auromira leads the charge in this creative domain.
Challenges in Real Estate Marketing
Marketing real estate in Odisha comes with its unique set of challenges. The market is diverse, ranging from urban apartments in Bhubaneswar to picturesque villas along the coastline. Each property appeals to different segments of buyers, and distinguishing these properties in a crowded marketplace is crucial.
Key Challenges:
Visibility: With numerous listings online, getting potential buyers to notice your property is challenging.
Emotional Connection: Photos and descriptions are often not enough to create the emotional pull that a physical visit might.
Complex Information: Conveying the full value of properties, with their amenities and neighborhood benefits, can be complex through static images and text alone.
Benefits of Video Ads in Real Estate
Video ads serve as a powerful tool to overcome these marketing challenges. They provide a rich, immersive experience, allowing prospective buyers to visualize themselves in the space without needing to visit in person.
Advantages Include:
Enhanced Engagement: Videos retain user attention longer than text and images, providing more time to impress and persuade potential buyers.
Emotional Storytelling: A well-produced video can evoke emotions, making a property feel like a future home rather than just another listing.
Comprehensive Information: Videos can seamlessly integrate details about the property, amenities, and neighborhood, all in a digestible and engaging format.
How Auromira Crafts Top-Performing Ads
At Auromira Entertainment, our approach to creating real estate video ads is both artistic and strategic.
Our Process Includes:
Pre-production Planning: Every successful video starts with meticulous planning. We discuss with realtors to understand the property’s key selling points and the target audience’s preferences.
Story Development: We craft a narrative that goes beyond showcasing the property. Whether it's a day in the life at a new home or highlighting the journey of finding the perfect home, we make the viewer's experience central to the story.
High-Quality Production: Using state-of-the-art equipment, our team captures stunning visuals, whether it's aerial drone footage or high-definition interior shots. Lighting, angles, and movement are all carefully considered to produce the best visuals.
Post-Production Excellence: Our editors and sound engineers work to enhance the raw footage with compelling edits, color grading, and emotive music, which are crucial for creating mood and enhancing appeal.
Case Studies of Successful Campaigns
Example 1: The Riverside Condos
For a luxury condominium complex by the river, our team created a video showcasing not just the homes but also the lifestyle offered by the community. The ad featured testimonials from residents, scenic views of the surroundings, and high-quality visuals of the amenities, resulting in a 30% increase in inquiries.
Example 2: Downtown Bhubaneswar Apartments
This campaign focused on young professionals. Our video emphasized the modern amenities and proximity to city hotspots. By targeting ads on social media platforms frequented by this demographic, the client saw a significant uptick in scheduled visits.
Getting Started with Your Real Estate Video Ad
Starting with Auromira is simple:
Consultation: Reach out to us, and let’s discuss your project details and objectives.
Strategy Session: We’ll help devise a strategy that aligns with your marketing goals.
Production and Launch: We handle everything from shooting to launching the ad, ensuring everything aligns perfectly with your vision.
In the digital age, video ads are not just beneficial but essential for real estate marketing in Odisha. With Auromira Entertainment, you gain a partner who understands how to navigate the complexities of real estate promotion and can deliver video ads that drive results. Contact us today to start creating video ads that do more than just showcase properties—they sell dreams.
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sealyestatesblog · 1 month
Sustainable Real Estate: How Estate Agents are Promoting Eco-Friendly Properties
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With the growing consciousness of the need to protect the environment, more and more commercial real estate is being developed to be environmentally friendly. This movement is most actively supported by the estate agents North London with green houses and buildings that are energy efficient and have relatively small carbon footprints. These agents are not confined to marketing practices and innovations that can make buildings environmentally friendly; they are considerately establishing a new trend for environmentally conscious living, while at the same time adding great value to property investment.
In North London, with estate agencies widely consisting of highly knowledgeable individuals on the benefits of green homes, people in these regions are getting prospective property outlooks that include factors such as low energy bills, and quality indoor air. The incumbents are also conversant with green certifications and ways of integrating environmental features to the property listing. Through such policies it supports the buyer to be informed hence they can make informed decisions that exceed their environmentally conscience hence encouraging sustainability in the region.
The Rise of Sustainable Real Estate:
Sustainable real estate emphasises on reducing adverse effects of structures to the physical environment; at the same time it enhances energy use, occupant and general health. This trend includes green buildings and structures, energy efficiency in building systems and properties and good management of property with sustainable systems.
Benefits of Green Buildings and Energy-Efficient Homes:
Environmental Impact: Green buildings are environmentally sensitive and implement resource friendly construction materials and techniques. These include facilities that use proper insulation, solar energy, and appliances that use little energy thus reducing the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere..
Cost Savings: While using renewable technologies will cost more initially, long-term cost savings are immensely beneficial in the long run. Less energy expended implies little or no bills thus making energy conservation advantageous financially from an economic perspective.
Health and Comfort: There are higher levels of environmental quality in sustainable properties since they usually have enhanced indoor air quality, natural light, and thermal comfort. All these features help to make the living environment healthier and the overall conditions in the dwelling to improve the quality of life of the owners.
Market Value: More consumers are becoming aware of the environmental issues hence the need for green buildings. Sustainability lets in green certifications and eco-friendly attributes to enhance the intellectual property’s web value and draw the growing number of shoppers with sustainable ideals.
The Role of Estate Agents:
It is the estate agents who help identify customers who are interested in procuring sustainable buildings. The activities that they participate in vary from raising the awareness of their clients on the need for environmentally sensitive structures to establishing the most recent innovations in building sustainability. Here’s how estate agents are promoting sustainable real estate:
Education and Advocacy: Some of the key areas that agents have begun to take considerable interest in providing information to their clients include green building certifications including LEED and BREAM. These are some of the standards that the agents must grasp and convey the usefulness of having sustainable features with the purchasers.
Marketing and Promotion: This widening template of definition of sustainability is being formulated in the marketing strategies of estate agents. Using pictures and descriptions of appliances and energy supplies, and choice of materials that are environmentally friendly when listing properties gets the attention of buyers who are conscious of the environment.
Networking with Green Builders: It makes agents develop working relationships with builders and developers who primarily work on green construction; this way, the agent gets to know what kind of green real estate is available in the market. This network also entails one to a variety of environment friendly accommodation facilities that one might otherwise not find easily.
In conclusion, the growing trend of sustainable real estate reflects a broader societal shift towards environmental responsibility. Estate agents are instrumental in this movement, promoting eco-friendly properties and educating clients about their benefits. As the demand for green buildings continues to rise, those in the real estate industry who prioritise sustainability will find themselves leading the charge toward a more eco-conscious future.
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assetanalyst · 2 months
Net Worth Revealed: The Inspiring Financial Journeys of Leading Business Figures
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In the dynamic realm of business, certain individuals transcend conventional success to become icons of financial achievement and innovation. In this exploration of net worth, we delve into the remarkable financial journeys of three such luminaries: Daymond John, the visionary behind FUBU and a prominent investor; Bob Lee, a trailblazer in the tech industry; and Arthur Blank, the influential founder of Home Depot and a dedicated philanthropist. Each of these figures has sculpted their financial empires through a blend of entrepreneurial spirit, strategic acumen, and relentless ambition. 
Their stories offer a unique lens into how they amassed their wealth, navigated the complexities of their industries, and ultimately defined their legacies. As we uncover their financial profiles, we gain insights into the remarkable paths that led them to their current standing, revealing the essence of their success and the principles that drive their enduring influence.
Decoding Net Worth: A Classic Approach
Definition: Net worth is the total value of an individual's assets minus their liabilities. It provides a snapshot of financial health at a given moment.
Assets: Assets include everything owned of value such as real estate, investments, vehicles, and personal property. They are typically categorized into liquid (easily convertible to cash) and non-liquid (harder to sell).
Liabilities: Liabilities are financial obligations like mortgages, loans, credit card debt, and other outstanding debts. They represent what is owed to others.
Valuation of Assets: Assets are evaluated based on their current market value, which may fluctuate due to economic conditions or market trends.
Debt Calculation: Liabilities are tallied from all sources of debt, ensuring all current and long-term obligations are accounted for.
Investments: Investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are factored in at their current market value. These can greatly influence net worth.
Income Streams: Regular income from employment, business ventures, or other sources is considered, though it does not directly affect net worth calculation.
Property Valuation: Real estate is appraised to determine its value. This can be subject to significant variability based on market conditions.
Market Fluctuations: Asset values may vary with market conditions, making periodic reassessment necessary to maintain an accurate picture of net worth.
Net Worth Statements: Financial statements or balance sheets often summarize net worth, providing a comprehensive view of financial status for personal or business use.
Daymond John: From Streetwear to Wall Street
Daymond John’s financial journey is a testament to entrepreneurial spirit and business savvy. Born in Brooklyn, New York, John initially gained fame as the founder of FUBU, a fashion brand that revolutionized streetwear in the 1990s. With a keen eye for market trends and a relentless drive, he transformed FUBU from a modest venture into a global phenomenon, amassing significant wealth. His innovative marketing strategies and ability to tap into the cultural zeitgeist played a crucial role in his success.
John’s net worth is estimated at around $350 million, reflecting his diverse business endeavors and investments. Beyond FUBU, he is a prominent investor on the television show Shark Tank, where he has mentored and invested in various startups, further enhancing his financial portfolio. His investments span industries, from tech startups to consumer goods, showcasing his strategic approach and broad business acumen.
In addition to his business ventures, John has authored several books and is a sought-after speaker, adding to his financial success. His wealth is a reflection of his multifaceted career, entrepreneurial spirit, and ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. John’s story illustrates how passion, innovation, and strategic investments can lead to substantial financial achievements.
Fascinating Facts:
Daymond John started FUBU with just $40 and a sewing machine.
He has been featured on the cover of Forbes and Inc. magazines.
John’s first investment on Shark Tank was a $200,000 deal for a 20% equity stake.
Bob Lee: A Tech Visionary's Wealth
Bob Lee, renowned for his pivotal role in the tech industry, has carved out a remarkable financial legacy. As the founder of Cash App and a key figure in Square’s early development, Lee has significantly impacted how financial transactions are conducted. His innovative contributions to digital payments and technology have not only shaped the industry but also bolstered his financial standing.
Lee’s estimated net worth is around $50 million, a reflection of his successful ventures in the tech world. His work with Cash App, a mobile payment service that simplifies money transfers, has been instrumental in its growth and widespread adoption. The success of Cash App and his involvement in other tech startups have solidified his position as a leading entrepreneur in the tech sector.
Beyond his entrepreneurial success, Lee is known for his strategic insights and contributions to technology development. His financial profile showcases the rewards of innovative thinking and successful tech entrepreneurship, offering a glimpse into how technological advancements can translate into substantial wealth.
Fascinating Facts:
Bob Lee was instrumental in developing the first version of Square’s point-of-sale software.
He co-founded Cash App to simplify peer-to-peer money transfers.
Lee has been a prominent advocate for fintech innovation and digital financial solutions.
Arthur Blank: Building a Legacy of Wealth and Philanthropy
Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot and a prominent philanthropist, has built an impressive financial empire through his entrepreneurial ventures and charitable efforts. Blank’s journey began with the founding of Home Depot, which revolutionized the retail hardware industry. His strategic vision and dedication played a crucial role in the company’s rapid growth and success.
Blank’s net worth is estimated to be around $7.5 billion, reflecting his significant achievements in business and philanthropy. After stepping down from Home Depot, he diversified his investments into various sectors, including sports franchises. As the owner of the Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United FC, Blank has further expanded his financial portfolio while enhancing his public profile.
In addition to his business accomplishments, Blank is known for his extensive philanthropic efforts. Through the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, he has supported numerous causes, including education, healthcare, and community development. His wealth and influence highlight the power of successful entrepreneurship combined with a commitment to giving back.
Fascinating Facts:
Arthur Blank is a major supporter of the Atlanta Botanical Garden and the Atlanta History Center.
He purchased the Atlanta Falcons for $545 million in 2002.
Blank’s philanthropic foundation has donated over $600 million to various causes.
In conclusion, while net worth offers a valuable snapshot of an individual's financial standing, it is just one aspect of a broader financial picture. True financial health encompasses various elements beyond mere numbers, including income stability, debt management, financial goals, and lifestyle choices. Understanding these factors provides a more comprehensive view of financial well-being and success. It's essential to consider the full spectrum of financial dynamics to gain a deeper insight into a person's economic status and long-term sustainability. Net worth is a piece of the puzzle, but it does not tell the whole story.
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threelittlepigspro · 2 months
E-Commerce SEO: Guide to 10x Online for Singapore Business
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E-commerce in Singapore is booming. It is also highly competitive between platforms such as Shopee, Carousell, Lazada and many other small to medium businesses vying for digital real estate on search engines, making E Commerce SEO an invaluable part of their online operations. This is especially true for small to medium enterprises using E Commerce as a main channel of sales. SEO traffic is invaluable. SEO drives organic traffic, boosts online visibility and sales. Unlike pay per click advertising, SEO offers long-term benefits, ensuring continuous traffic growth and cost-effective marketing.
What is E-Commerce SEO?
E-commerce SEO involves optimizing an online store to improve its visibility in search engine results. The end goal is to increase sales, conversions and revenue online. It includes keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO, and technical SEO, focusing on product pages, category pages, and site architecture. - Keyword Research: Identifying commercial search terms that potential customers use. - Content Marketing: Mapping keywords to SEO optimized content/ pages. Ensuring content is helpful and beneficial. Secondly, answering keyword and user queries. - On-Page SEO: Optimizing product pages, meta descriptions, and internal linking. - Off-Page SEO: Managing an outreach team and building backlinks. - Technical SEO: Enhancing user experience on product pages: site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability. I can't go in-depth into all sections on all pointers in one article. However, this article shall delve into actionable steps you can take today for your online store.
Singapore's E-Commerce Market Statistics
Singapore’s E-commerce Market is is expected to continue its upward trajectory with increasing internet penetration and smartphone adoption.  - Market Growth The E-Commerce market in Singapore was valued at approximately USD 16.38 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow to USD 23.52 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4%​ (GlobeNewswire)​. This growth is fuelled by a advanced digital infrastructure, a tech-savvy population and high disposable incomes. - Mobile Usage Singapore boasts one of the highest smartphone penetration rates in the world, estimated at around 88%​. Singaporean consumers are highly engaged with mobile technology, spending an average of 45 hours per week online. This extensive mobile usage supports a thriving mobile commerce sector, which generated $4 billion in revenue in 2021 and is projected to grow to $11 billion by 2025​. Source: Commission Factory Blog. - Consumer Preferences In addition to high mobile penetration, Singaporean consumers show a strong preference for purchasing electronics and fashion items online. This is complemented by a growing trend of live streaming on e-commerce platforms like Tiktok where users can engage in real-time online shopping experiences​. E commerce is a multi billion dollar market and growing. You should NOT ignore it!
Here is Why You You Care about E-Commerce SEO as a Business Owner
Our team made comparisons between SEM and SEO. Yes, pay per click advertising itself can give you enormous results. However, E Commerce SEO is definitely an invaluable long term investment for your business. Here's why: - Long-term Traffic Growth: SEO ensures continuous traffic growth, essential for building a sustainable e-commerce business. - Cost-effective Marketing: SEO reduces dependency on paid ads, giving you diversification of traffic. Imagine dominating the top of organic and paid traffic. Organic traffic can also reduce the financial reliance on pay per click advertising in the long run. - Building Brand Credibility: Top ranked sites on Google are perceived as more credible.  - Competitive Advantage: Highly relevant organic traffic gives you an advantage to outperform competitors. SEO allows you to capture more market share.
How to Improve Your Product Pages for E-Commerce SEO
- Keyword Research Identify relevant keywords, including long-tail and commercial intent keywords. Tools like SEMrush can help analyze competitor keywords, giving you insights into which terms are driving traffic to similar sites. Here I analyze the Singapore's bird nest by popping to top search result of "bird nest Singapore" into SEMrush.
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Clearly, there is clearly search volume from local Singapore search engine on bird nests. - Use Title Modifiers Enhance CTR with modifiers like "Best," "Cheapest," and "Top-rated." These modifiers can make your titles more compelling and clickable, which can improve your search engine rankings. - Using Social Proof Insert customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials in your landing page. Social proof helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to make a purchase. You can reach out the social media influencers and get them to endorse your product.
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User Experience/Interface Use high-quality images. If you're selling products online, high quality visuals are non negotiable. Your page's user purchasing experience, general flow, spacing, UI/UX, payment systems must signal trust to the consumer. They are after all, transacting online. SEO tip: SEO optimize your images with descriptive alt text. - Implement Schema Markup Use schema markup for products pages. Search results can enhanced with rich snippets. These snippets can include star ratings, product prices, and availability, making your listings more attractive.
Common Content SEO Problems for E-Commerce Sites
- Duplicate Content Using content audit tools too suss out duplicate content. Then use canonical tags and noindex tags to handle duplicates. Canonical tags help you specify the preferred version of a page, while noindex tags prevent search engines from indexing duplicate pages. - Too Manage Pages/ Thin Content Manage crawl budget by consolidating pages. Large e-commerce sites can have thousands of pages, which can overwhelm search engine crawlers. Consolidating similar pages can help ensure that all your important content gets indexed. Secondly, thin content offers little value to users, takes up your crawl budget and doesn't help your search engine rankings. Make sure all your pages have substantial, informative content that meets the needs of the keyword query.
Helpful, Non Fluff Content Marketing for E Commerce SEO
Helpful, unique, rich content on your product pages is going to help in ranking that product page against other competitors in the SERPs. There are many fluffy copywriters in the market. That is why content briefs are important. Here are some guidelines that our team follows when hiring.  Ensure your product pages are packed with value and insights that actually help the reader. - Clear Product Descriptions Use primary and secondary keywords naturally within the text. Make sure your descriptions are informative, highlighting both benefits and features of your products. - Detailed Insights and Reader Impact Offer important details that directly affects the reader. For instance, don’t just describe a product’s features, explain how these features benefit teh reader. Help them make informed decisions and persuade them of the product's value. - Expert Opinions/ Evidence Based Information Includes insights from industry experts. Leverage expert's extensive knowledge to provide the reader with authoritative opinions. - Clarification on Complex Topics Some times, products may be highly technical. Your content has to break down intricate topics into understandable segments. The goal is to demystify the technical jargon and provide clear, concise explanations that average reader can grasp. - Practical Instructions Provide expert instructions that show you exactly how to use the product features. You can include step-by-step guides through infographics or text in your product pages.
Technical E-Commerce SEO Strategies
Here are simple technical considerations you can pass to your team today to implement. - Flat Site Architecture Ensure easy navigation with minimized clicks to important pages. A flat site architecture means that users can reach any page on your site within a few clicks, which improves usability and helps search engines crawl your site more efficiently.
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- Short, Keyword-Rich URL Structure Use descriptive URLs. Short, descriptive URLs that include your target keywords can improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for users to understand what your pages are about. - Internal Links Link strategically to high-priority pages to enhance crawlability. Internal links help search engines discover new content on your site and distribute page authority more effectively. - User-friendly Design Ensure a user friendly intuitive design. In simple terms, this means get your basics right: menus, no broken links, easy navigation bars, breadcrumbs. Easily accessiblility in general! User-friendly designs keeps visitors on your site longer and reduces bounce rates. I mean Google did leak that bounce rates and time spent are ranking signals. ;) Mobile Responsive Design/ Friendly Navigation Singaporeans LOVE using their phones. Hence forth, ensure your site is user friendly on all mobile devices. Ensure that mobile users are able to easily navigate your site. This involves designing menus and navigation bars that are easy to use on smaller screens, ensuring that users can find what they need quickly and easily. These days, almost every other theme is mobile responsive. However, it's never late to re-check. Mobile responsive designs automatically adjusts the layout of your site to fit the screen size of the device being used, providing a seamless user experience. - Site Speed Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you test and offer suggestions to improve site speed. Slow-loading sites frustrate users and negatively impact both user experience in SEO. Use tools like Google Lighthouse to identify speed issues. Get your web developer to implement technical SEO audits: image optimization and browser caching.
How to Build Backlinks for E Commerce SEO
On page optimisations, helpful content and a smooth user experience is only 20% of inputs that drive results. Ultimately, backlinks are the needle mover for SEO. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites signal to search engines that your site is authoritative and trustworthy. Yes, and not all links are made equal. Hiring out a bunch of random SEOs on freelancer sites that promise you blog commenting/ forum backlinks aren't going to work anymore.
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Example of blog comment backlinks Here are some link building strategies you can implement today. Publish High-Quality Content and Promote It using the Skyscraper This is commonly known as the skyscraper outreach strategy. - Skyscraper Research for Topics Use tools like SEMrush to identify topics relevant to your industry. You can get creative. They can be related niches such as "super foods" is to "bird nest". To increase the success of the skyscraper technique. One must ensure that the search results for these topics contain many referring domains. This means that the articles are heavily "in demand" and linked to! Increasing your likelihood of landing backlinks! The essence is to look for top search results with lost of potential backlinks so that you can do a skyscraper outreach to outreach, and promote your content. Here's an example:
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Then pop top results into SEMrush and look at the number or referring domains. The higher the referring domains, the better. I'd say gather as many referring domains that you can outreach as possible and do an outreach campaign!
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  - Create Skyscraper Content The skyscraper idea here is to create blog articles that are equally if not better than top Google search results: this can range from reviews, guides, and how-to articles. For skyscraper guides, you can including infographic (use tools like Canva to design professional-looking visuals) and step by step guides. - Promote Content Share that "Skyscraper" post on social media and relevant forums. Outreach to bloggers, publishers, influencers and pitch them for a backlink! HARO (Help a Reporter Out) - Sign Up for HARO: Create an account on HARO, also now known as Connectively and start pitching! Provide insightful and prompt responses to journalist queries related to your industry. Partner Links - List Potential Partners: Identify suppliers, distributors, and other business partners who have websites. - Request Backlinks: Since you're already in a commercial relationship, you can approach them with request to add a backlink to your site. - Offer Reciprocal Links: Highlight mutual benefits of SEO, propose adding their links to your site in exchange. Thus creating a win-win situation. Resource Pages - Search for Resource Pages: Use search queries like "best online shops in Singapore" to find relevant resource pages. - Craft Outreach Emails: Use an outreach software like Mailshake. Craft personalised emails to the editors and pitch to them why your site would be a valuable addition to their resource page. Creative PR Campaigns - Identify Unique Angles: Find unique selling points of your business that can attract media attention, such as innovative products or community initiatives. - Craft and Pitch Press Releases: Craft compelling press releases and pitch your story to local newspapers, TV channels, online publishers and online news portals. Guest Posting for Backlinks - Scrape Competitor Backlinks: Use Majestic SEO to identify your competitors backlinks. - Use Google Search Operators: Look for qualified prospects by search on Google: "Keyword + Write for Us". - Filter and Reach Out to Pitch!: Filter out your contact list using metrics such as domain authority and traffic. Then reach out to contact the site owners, pitch them a guest article, and earn backlinks! Our Singaporean led team of SEO experts are kick butt at reaching out for guest post backlinks. That is because it is the most scalable, and it can be systemized. However it requires a lot of coordination from content creation to prospecting. Nonetheless, this is the link building system that our agency team uses.
The Pros and Cons of Hiring an Agency for E Commerce SEO
E Commerce SEO isn't simple. It involves many moving parts. There are many factors that can determine success from user experience to search engine traffic. Hiring out an SEO agency that can offer comprehensive services like SEO audits, keyword research, technical SEO fixes, content strategy, and link-building campaigns can be helpful if you lack resources to build an in house team just yet. Inhouse Agency Cost The need to hire full time staff Cost effective Control Higher control Medium control Expertise It depends of your staff is trained High expertise Communication Easy and direct Less control Results It depends of your staff is trained High expertise lead to higher probability outcomes Time Takes time to integrate and train Team of experts ready to help you
Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for E-Commerce Solutions
If you're a Singaporean business owner. Then you may be in luck. The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is a government initiative in Singapore designed to support businesses in adopting IT solutions and equipment to enhance business processes. The PSG offers up to 80% funding support, making it easier for Singaporean businesses to implement e-commerce solutions. Eligibility Criteria: - Your business has to be registered and operating in Singapore. - Annual Sales Turnover: Not more than S$100 million or employment size not exceeding 200 workers. - Local Shareholding: At least 30% local shareholding. The Application Process: Businesses can apply for the PSG through the Business Grants Portal and select pre-approved IT solutions and vendors to assist in their e-commerce journey.
There are huge opportunities for E Commerce SEO in the Singapore market. Evidently, there are many moving parts and SEO-ing an E Commerce site isn't the simplest of tasks. Nonetheless, for small and medium enterprises that are forward looking, making an investment into E Commerce SEO can be long term competitive business moat. Read the full article
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thesunisout123 · 2 months
Great Long Beach Auxiliary Dw
covenant adjunct dwelling Units (ADUs)
What is a Long Beach ADU? Definition and Overview An adjunct dwelling Unit (ADU) is a additional housing unit on a single-family residential lot. ADUs can be attached to the main house, detached, or even a converted allowance of an existing structure following a garage. Types of ADUs Long Beach Attached ADUs Attached ADUs allowance a wall following the main house. These units are often built as extensions or additions to the existing home, providing convenient access even if maintaining some level of privacy. Detached ADUs Detached ADUs are surgically remove structures on the thesame property. These units have enough money more privacy and can be meant to adjunct the main house's architecture. Garage Conversions Garage conversions are a popular type of ADU where an existing garage is transformed into a livable space. This unconventional is often more cost-effective as it utilizes an existing structure. Benefits of ADUs Additional Income ADUs can be rented out to generate supplementary pension for homeowners. This can support offset mortgage payments or have enough money a steady rental pension stream. Housing Flexibility ADUs have enough money supple housing solutions for elongated family, guests, or even as a house office. They have enough money an excellent unconventional for multi-generational active without sacrificing privacy. Increased Property Value Adding an ADU can significantly growth the value of your property. As more people look for versatile housing options, properties following ADUs become terribly attractive in the real estate market. Long Beach ADU Regulations and Zoning Laws Local Zoning Requirements ADU regulations revise by location, suitably it's crucial to understand your local zoning laws. These laws dictate where ADUs can be built, their size, and supplementary specific requirements. Permitting Process Costs and Fees The Long Beach permitting process involves various costs, including application fees, inspection fees, and supplementary linked expenses. It's important to budget for these costs in advance in the planning stages. Approval Timeline The timeline for getting an ADU certified can vary. It typically involves several steps, including plot submission, reviews, and inspections, which can receive several months. Designing Your ADU Space Optimization Designing an ADU requires careful freshen planning. Maximizing the use of limited freshen is key to creating a functioning and compliant active area. Architectural Styles Modern Designs Modern ADUs often feature slick lines, large windows, and minimalist interiors. These designs focus on functionality and aesthetics. Long Beach ADU Pros Professional Orange Park Acres Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Contractors Anaheim Hills Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Construction Corona Del Mar Expert Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Contractors Best Anaheim Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Contractors Tustin Excellent ADU Builders https://greatlongbeachauxiliarydwelli731.blogspot.com/2024/08/great-long-beach-auxiliary-dwelling.html Long Beach Accessroy Dwelling Unit Construction https://bestcityoforangeaccessorydwel682.blogspot.com/ https://bestcityoforangeaccessorydwel682.blogspot.com/2024/08/best-city-of-orange-accessory-dwelling.html https://greatcityoforangeaccessorydwe845.blogspot.com/ https://greatcityoforangeaccessorydwe845.blogspot.com/2024/08/great-city-of-orange-accessory-dwelling.html https://www.tumblr.com/blogsaplentyful1010/757850323038650368
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