#Mr. T rapping
contac · 3 months
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tha-wrecka-stow · 5 months
The Album
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The Single(s)
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captainpirateface · 8 months
Get it T....
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withbellzon · 10 months
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psychopomparia · 1 year
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I'm doing this fake case for my law minor and....
w-what....is this real?
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theuniversalscat · 6 months
OK I don’t get this.
If she is his mom, how does she not know how old he is and how in the hell is she allowing this child to talk like that to her and how is she talking to him like she’s just met him five seconds ago, and why is Mr. T singing about them and was he waiting for them to stop? No. They were arguing and it escalated and he came in and decided to interrupt the conversation, because he was watching them and he dipped, and decided no, no, no. And that’s why he started rapping I guess, and why is it that he was in studio with these people to begin with and who are these people to him, and and why did he rap about his mom or any mom or anyone’s mom ever? Why is he doing this? Why were you, Mr. T, discussing this to begin with? Did you anticipate that conversation enough to rap a full on song about it? How did you do that? I don’t know.
Ok… that’s good for a start… I know this is a gigantic run on sentiment, so feel free to reread it out loud, and breath and breath wherever you want. 🙈🤷‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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dudja · 1 year
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Favorite @MrT moment in history?
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miracleonice87 · 1 year
the camp letter
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a/n: the requested note (which turned into more of a letter — I’m a writer, what did you expect?) written by Mrs. Kelce, from “new heights, new news, new baby.” enjoy!
“NHL tournament kicks off in my room in ten, big fella!” Isiah Pacheco called through the door after a few raps of his knuckle.
Travis smiled to himself, pushing his now-empty unpacked duffle into the dorm closet and clucking his tongue.
“You know I ain’t missin’ that, son!” Travis assured. “Be right there.”
As Isiah’s footsteps retreated down the hall, Travis grabbed the last piece of luggage on his bed, his toiletry kit, and walked it into the bathroom to hang up. Upon opening the flap, a piece of white notebook paper fell to the counter, folded so only the top of the page was visible.
Open when you get to camp! it read in your unmistakable penmanship. With an enamored grin, Travis quickly lifted and unfolded the page.
the salutation read.
At that simple greeting, his throat tightened with emotion.
Oh boy… he was in for it.
He wandered to take a seat on the bed as he continued.
With another Super Bowl celebration summer coming to a close, another season is now on the horizon and it just might be the most special one yet.
I remember the first time you invited me to Chiefs camp when we had just started dating, watching all your teammates’ kids run to them after practice, watching them chase after footballs, watching their dads throw them up in the air and tote them around so proudly, and I remember thinking, “I hope that’s gonna be Travis someday with our own kids.” Sure, that happened just a little sooner than we planned, but with each day that passes, I only grow more excited to share this with you, and to make those football-centric memories with our little one, and hopefully more little ones to come.
I can’t wait to hold our baby in the stands and explain to them what you do for a living, Trav. I can’t wait to see how excited they get waiting for you on the sideline for a pregame kiss, then watching you ball out. I can’t wait to watch them meet you in the tunnel or the suite after a game, win or lose, and love on you like I do. I can’t wait to see them run around Arrowhead with Sterling and Bronze, and, as much as possible, take them to games with Wy, Ell, and Benny, watching them spend time together and clap for their daddies.
When I close my eyes, I can so vividly see another Super Bowl win, finding you in the midst of another red and gold confetti snowglobe, but this time, with our kid in my arms. I can envision you on the podium with Coach Reid and Patrick, a Lombardi in one arm and a baby in the other. And as much as I already miss you, despite you still being just a couple of rooms away as I write this, we both know that camp is the first step toward making that happen.
We are so lucky to get to do this at all, Trav, but I feel impossibly lucky to get to do this with you. Thank you for being the man that you are – I can’t tell you how much I admire your drive, your passion, your work ethic. You are the best teammate, captain, leader, friend, husband, brother, son, and daddy-to-be that I’ve ever known, and I know you’ll instill your best qualities in our little one.
I love you so fucking bad, Travis Michael. Have fun, be safe… go be great. See you soon.
Silent tears were dripping down Travis’s cheeks and nose as he finished the letter, a fond smile permanent on his lips. God, he was the lucky one, to get to be able to play this silly game he loved so much with your full support backing him. And the thought of you and your baby cheering him on, together, in just a few more months… man, that made him actually giddy, despite the tears he was still trying to get under control.
A moment later, the only person who would ever push open the door to his room unannounced did just that — his quarterback and best friend entered with a casual “you comin’ to play Chel, you hockey freak?” before his eyes actually landed on Travis. Patrick was fearful for just a moment, seeing his friend so emotional, then the tight end met his gaze and held up the piece of notebook paper covered in your neat writing.
Travis cleared his throat and announced, “Letter from home. Got me.”
Patrick smiled, taking a few steps toward him to squeeze his shoulder.
“I gotchu,” he said understandingly. “All good, though?”
Travis nodded emphatically, beaming even as he wiped his watery eyes with the flesh of his thumb.
“So good,” he assured the fellow dad.
Patrick nodded, too, and pawed Travis’s arm affectionately.
“Glad to hear it. Take all the time you need, man,” he directed. “I’ll go take the first round with the hooligans.”
Travis giggled and reached to dap up Patrick, the quarterback giving him a warm hug.
“Thanks, brother,” he said softly.
As Patrick left the room, Travis gave the letter one last brief read, then pulled out his phone, screen lighting up to display his lock background — you from the back in an 87 jacket after this most recent Super Bowl, being hoisted in his arms the very moment you found each other on the field. Smirking proudly at the memory, he unlocked the phone and opened his text thread with you.
Just read your letter, you sneaky lil thing, he tapped. My god, you know how to make a 6’5” NFLer weep like a baby! Thank you for writing it, sweetness. I love you so much. Less than four days now until I hug you and baby Kelce again 😍🤰🏻 Tell Mama I said hi and I love her! Call you later 😘
With that, he hit send, took a deep breath, tucked the letter into an empty drawer for safekeeping, and headed toward Isiah’s room — which was already echoing with his teammates’ raucous cheers and jeers — all while wondering what the hell he ever did to deserve a life so damn sweet.
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sissylittlefeather · 11 days
A House That Has Everything: Chapter 1
A/N: New series! This one came to me when I saw these amazing AI photos on Instagram made by @blackvelvetep and @_chiara975ep. (Be sure to check out their pages on Instagram!) My fic brain went crazy and this storyline was born.
This is an AU set in regency England where Elvis is a gentleman with a large estate. Also introducing a new OC: Annabelle Martin. I hope you love their story! It's a looooong one, so settle in, friends.
Warnings: NONE YET, this will get smutty (obvi, have ya met me?), but it'll be a slow burn with lots of tension, so no real warnings other than I guess the mention of parents dying
Word count: ~1.9k
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Annabelle takes a deep breath and arranges herself to knock on the large servant's door at the back of the great house. This is to be her first day at her new place of employment and to say she is nervous would be an understatement. She has undergone training as a maid, but this is her first real job. Her hope was to be married to some sweet farm boy before she needed to use these skills, but the death of her mother two years ago and her father last month has resulted in her current predicament. She is an orphan of no consequence with no one left to look after her and no marriage prospects. Thankfully, her aunt, a barmaid at the inn with some hidden connection to the family, secured this position for her at Graceland Manor. The letter she has clutched in her fist states she should report directly to the master himself. This is certainly unique as it is typically the housekeeper who would have hired her, but her aunt's connection is to Colonel Presley himself and not the staff. This is beyond unique, but she has learned not to question affairs of the heart when they happen to other people.
She lifts her trembling hand and raps her knuckles on the door. Nothing happens immediately, so she waits a few seconds and knocks again. Finally, the door swings open and a handsome young footman with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes greets her. He manages his initial shock when he realizes how pretty she is, her dark hair curled perfectly and blue eyes rimmed with feathery black lashes. His smile is genuine as he opens his mouth to speak.
"May I help you, miss?"
"I am Annabelle Martin. I'm here to see Colonel Presley about a position as a maid." His smile falls and he looks down at his feet, clearing his throat.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible, miss." Her heart flutters with nervousness. She has nowhere else to go.
"I must, sir. Please."
"As much as I would love to take you to him, Colonel Presley died a week ago." She swallows hard.
"He... died?"
"Unfortunately so. A fever took him swiftly in less than a fortnight." Annabelle searches her mind for her next step. If this does not work out, she will be on the streets.
"May I see the housekeeper?"
"Mrs. Davenport?"
"Yes, I suppose. Please." He can read the desperation in her face.
"Alright then, come along." She follows as he opens the door wider and beckons her inside. He leads her to a small office and introduces her to Mrs. Davenport. Rather than trying to explain herself, Annabelle thrusts the letter forward for her to read. She watches as the older lady's eyes skim the words.
"Report directly to Colonel Presley himself?! Where did you get this?"
"My aunt delivered it. She said it was from Colonel Presley and that I should bring it and arrive on this date. Is it not in his handwriting?" Mrs. Davenport raises her eyebrows.
"It is." Annabelle breathes shakily as she watches the housekeeper try to come to a decision about what to do. "I will have to take you to the young master. I cannot make this decision when it is so clear what his father wanted, though for what reason I cannot understand. Come."
With that, Mrs. Davenport walks hastily out of the room through the kitchen and up the back stairs to the main level of the house. Annabelle does her best to keep her mouth closed as she takes in the overt splendor of the rooms. She's never been in a place like this with so much to see in every corner. She's so busy taking in the walls and furniture that she doesn't notice him at first. In fact, she hears him before she sees him, his smooth baritone echoing in the great hall.
"My father wanted what exactly?" When she does finally turn to look at him, her eyes widen. If she thought the home was stunning, it is nothing compared to the undeniable beauty of the man himself. His dark hair is windswept and falls perfectly on his forehead, just above eyes of the deepest cerulean. He has the bone structure of a Greek statue with thick brown lashes and heart-shaped lips that could be made of storm clouds. Eventually it dawns on her that he's speaking to her.
"I'm sorry, sir?"
"What was it my father wanted with you?" He says it slowly like he thinks she might have difficulty comprehending.
"To offer me a position as a housemaid. He told my aunt there was an opening-"
"There is not. Not one that I am aware of. Molly and Sarah are still here?" He turns to the housekeeper and she responds affirmatively. "We have no need of you."
He turns dismissively, but Annabelle has no other option. She must appeal to him somehow.
"Please! Sir, I am an orphan. I have nowhere else to go." Initially, her impertinence catches him off guard, but when she mentions that her parents are dead, he turns back to her abruptly. He's all too familiar with that feeling now, his mother having died 25 years ago giving birth to him. His eyes rake over her face, seemingly searching for something.
"Fine. We will have a third maid. Give her the kitchen maid's room, since Mrs. Hall insists she doesn't need one." With that, he turns and walks from the room.
Mrs. Davenport turns back to Annabelle and huffs. It's clear she doesn't approve of the decision, but she cannot contradict the Master, even if he doesn't seem to know what he's doing in his new position. She begins the journey back down to the servants' quarters with Annabelle close behind her. When they reach their destination in the kitchen downstairs, she turns to Annabelle with her lips pursed.
"I suppose you have experience as a maid. Where else have you worked?" Annabelle swallows hard.
"No, ma'am. This is to be my first job."
"No experience?! How old are you?!"
"I'm 18, ma'am."
"How is this possible?"
"My father was a farmer. I worked with him there until he died last month. But I have trained." Mrs. Davenport scoffs. Just then, a young girl in a maid uniform with red hair and freckles bounces into the room.
"Molly! Come here and meet Annabelle, the new maid. You will be responsible for teaching her the role." Molly nods and walks over to Annabelle. She looks to be about fifteen.
"You haven't worked before?" Her eyes widen and Annabelle sighs.
"No, I haven't. But I'm a good worker. I'll learn quickly." Mrs. Davenport's eyes narrow.
"You had better. Now, go with Molly and put your things away. She will get you a uniform and you can begin after lunch." Annabelle nods and follows Molly up to the sleeping quarters, pausing at a closet to fetch two uniforms.
"Did she say which room will be yours? Surely she doesn't expect you to share with us." Molly says nervously.
"No, Mr. Presley said I should have the kitchen maid's room."
"You will have your own room?! Hm. I wonder what you've done to earn that privilege." Annabelle shrugs. She didn't choose this. Molly continues down the hallway to a room at the end of the corridor.
"This is you. We're right next door. And that-" she gestures to the door at the end of the hall next to Annabelle's door. "-leads to the house. It's locked from their side, so they can enter our quarters but we cannot go to theirs. Now put your things away, get changed, and come back down." Molly turns to walk away.
"Thank you." Annabelle calls out to her back. Molly nods curtly and takes off down the hallway again.
Annabelle goes into her room and begins to get settled. She looks around at the barren white walls, the simple frame bed, and small wardrobe. A sob threatens to choke her as she remembers her cozy little house on the farm with so many books and warm fires and comfortable furniture. She was only able to bring what she could carry in a small package, which means she had to leave all the books behind. Her heart aches thinking about them and the fact that she'll have nothing to read here. Perhaps she could ask Mr. Presley if she could use the library.
Mr. Presley. She doubts that he will say yes to anything she has to say. He spoke to her as if she were a child and treated her like she was less than that. He didn't even ask her name. It's true he softened a bit when she mentioned being an orphan, but it's not enough to counteract his rudeness. Maybe she's just not used to interacting with members of his social class and this is what she should expect from now on. Either way, she has no intentions of interacting with him again, if she can help it.
Then, she remembers that she's supposed to be changing and hastily dresses in the uniform Molly gave her. It's a little big, so she'll have to do some alterations tonight after dinner, assuming she's allowed a candle in her room and a needle and thread. She looks around the room and sighs, checking her reflection in the small round glass by the chamber pot. Finally, she makes her way back down the stairs to begin.
Mr. Presley stands at the window in the study, looking out over the grounds. How did this happen? He was not supposed to take over the estate for at least another decade. By then he should've been married with children, ready for this kind of responsibility. But now? At 25? He is nowhere near prepared.
Thankfully, the army granted him a leave to take care of things, but he still has two more years to serve before his term is complete and he can sell his commission. He might've liked to rise in the ranks, like his father had, to become a Colonel before this, but now he has no choice but to come home and manage the estate.
And then there's the matter of getting married. A house like this needs a lady to keep everything running smoothly. Besides that, the prospect of living in all these rooms completely alone is a daunting one. Of course the servants are there, but it's not like when he was a child and the strict lines between them were blurred behind the walls of the home. He cannot rely on them for companionship.
For some reason, thinking of companionship brings to his mind the new maid. She is painfully pretty, with her soft white skin and full pink lips. And there is an elegance about her that transcends her station, almost like she was born to be a lady but circumstance had other plans. He hadn't intended to hire her, but the knowledge that she has nowhere else to go made it impossible for him not to. Oh well. Obviously, it's what his father wanted and the estate can afford it. He tries to recall if he asked her name, but if he did he doesn't remember it.
He's shaken from his reverie about the maid when the butler interrupts and announces his lawyer, Mr. Crawford, come to discuss more details of the estate. Mr. Presley sighs and turns from the window. Will the responsibility of this new life never end?
To be continued...
@ccab @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @searchingforgravity
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 day
Tera and Kiara. "Birthday Emergency"
Today was Tera Doorman's sixteenth birthday. And Kiara had already gotten her best friend the best gift she could possibly think of. A red flannel shirt!
it might seem lame, and to anyone else it probably was. But Tera had been asking her parents for any new clothes they could find after she had officially transferred over to her teenager body, and now a lot of her clothes didn't fit quite right because she'd shot up like a weed! She was just as tall as Mrs. V now! Way taller then any other worker drones and especially taller then Kiara herself, a good foot taller. And she'd seen Tera eyeing it when they walked passed the shop window, like all things when it came to her best friend, she never outright said she wanted it, luckily for her she didn't need to! Kiara knew by now when Tera liked something, even when she was trying to hide it.
So she was making her way to Tera's house, gift lovingly wrapped and tucked into her backpack as they'd just got out of school. Her grey converse flattening the blue grass underneath her feet as her vents took in the fresh air. the walled little village of Sanctuary was beautiful in the spring, nestled under the thick shade of jungle canopy with flowers of every color sprouting from the tangled vine covering the circle of metallic houses that made up the colony. A Pump-Jack in the middle that thrummed each time it made it's cycle. The beating heart of town, it's lifeblood running through all of the drones that lived there.
Tera lived closer to the town gate, so that's where she was off to, the houses were stacked on top of each other. a sturdy walkway the only thing connecting the upper houses to the lower ones, she'd have to climb it. Tera's family lived right at the top, the home being slightly larger then all the others. Witch made sense, Tera's mom was the leader of the colony after all.
When she got there she rapped on the wooden door, the entire thing vibrating on it's hinges for a moment before opening wide to reveal the smiling face of Tera's father. N. Missing his signature cap at the moment, and wearing a coat that covered most of his body.
"Kiara! I was wondering when you would stop by!" He wrapped her in a crushing hug, tail wagging behind him. Kiara couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm. She wished her own dad was as happy to see her!
"Hi Mr.Doorman! I'm here to give Tera her birthday gift!" She greeted after he put her down. Shaking her backpack (in the visage of a mouse) gently up at him, smiling from visor seam to visor seam. N looks down at her, a slightly confused expression taking over his face.
"She's not with you? We figured you two would've come in together when she didn't show up here right after school." The same look of confusion passed over Kiara's face. Tera had told her she was headed straight home since it was the weekend, and she wanted to practice on her guitar before her parents threw her "Gotcha Day." party. It usually lasted two days or so, starting Friday evening and going on into the day Saturday. Which meant: Sleepover! (She'd already packed her pajamas!)
But if Tera wasn't here where was she?
"No. She's not with me, she said she was going straight home." She explained, confusion turned to worry on both father and best friend. N hummed, putting a finger underneath his chin. "That's odd, Tera would call us if she went somewhere..."
He was right. Tera absolutely would not lie about where she was going, if she wasn't here, something must have held her up. Maybe Rad had seen her? or more accurately, would he be the one talking her ear off about some new skateboarding trick he learned?
So she called him, not even having to scroll through her system contacts to find him, he was listed right under Tera.
It took only a single ring for him to pick up.
"Hey K. Was just on the way over to T's house for the party. Am I late or something?" His raspy, yet somehow soft voice hit her audio receptors. Well, that answered that question, she wasn't with Rad.
"Sorry, I was just calling to see if Ter-Bear was with you. But it doesn't sound like it." She sighed, forcing down the butterflies in her stomach at the sound of his voice. No time for that! Best Friend was missing!
"Nah. Not with me. Thought  I saw her heading into the gym when I left, maybe she's still there?"
The gym? There wasn't any reason for her to go into the gym when school was letting out.
"Thank yooou. I'm gonna look for her, she's gonna miss her own party!" She replied, and Rad responded with a chuckle. "Maybe she went to fight someone. wouldn't be the first time." He hung up, the double beep signifying the calls end.
That was true... Tera could be described as explosive from time to time. But it was usually only in defense of her friends, not for no reason.
Well... she had been acting strange today, being a bit quieter then usual, taking more sips from her flask and being a little... moody. But Tera had assured her everything was fine! She just felt a little warm was all. But now Kiara was concerned She hoped Tera hadn't just said that to keep her from worrying.
"I'm going to check back at the school Mr. Doorman , Rad said she might still be there." She told N before beginning her decent off the walkway again. N gave her a nod and a wave. "Alright... I'll look around town, maybe she got distracted by something."
Everything Hurt.
Tera was curled up under the bleachers in the gym, holding her sides tightly, panting as she tried to cool herself off, she'd drunk every last drop of oil in her flask that was supposed to last her all week, she'd finished it in less then a day, and it still wasn't enough... nothing was enough.
Her internals were searing, sweat building on her visor as she let out a pathetic whimper. It felt like something was moving underneath her silicone, squirming like some caught prey, she felt like she was going to throw up as she felt it shift in her back.
Another wave of pain overtook her and she sunk her fangs into her own hand to stop from screaming. She was dying, she had to be, no way anything else hurt this bad.
"Tera? Are you here?" Oh no... oh no. That was Kiara's voice, she must have come looking after she didn't show up at home. This was bad, she didn't need to see her like this!
She continued to bite into her own hand to stifle her noises, praying that she could keep herself quiet and unseen long enough for Kiara to move on.
Unfortunatly, that was not happening, as Kiara moved farther into the gym, Tera could feel an unbearable pressure in her backside before-
"AHHHHHH!" She screamed, something breaking through the silicone near her legs with a sickening squelch, boiling oil hitting the floor and running down her legs as she felt something slightly squishy hit her back with a slap. "Oh fuck..."
Tera glanced behind her, a tail with a dozen purple glowing eyes looked back, covered in her own oil now dripping onto the floor.
"Tera!" the commotion led Kiara right to her, tears pricked in Tera's eyelights, from fear or pain or just being overwhelmed, she wasn't sure.
"G-Get out of here!" She begged, her mom had warned her of this of course. Of the day her wings and tail would come in. She knew what came after, the blood-lust, the hunger. "I don't wanna h-hurt you!" Her voice was strained with pain as her tail thrashed. she could feel the fleshy wings just under her casing, pushing and pushing, there wasn't anywhere else for them to go.
"Oh my god! T-Tail..." Kiara kneeled next to her, completely ignoring Tera's plea for her to go, a hand placed on her back that was oh so heavenly cold. It almost made the heat bearable... almost.
"Please... Kiara, leave me here..." She was actually crying now, tears falling unabated on the inside of her visor as she felt a growl escape her mouth, the casing covering her back suddenly fractured, causing Tera to lurch forward in pain.
"Like this? You're burning up!" Kiara exclaimed back, taken aback by Tera's new tail by only a second before she was in front of her, grabbing both sides of Tera's face and lifting it up to face her  pretty white eyelights. "I'm with you Ter-Bear, tell me what you need."
The agonized drone whimpered, words failing as the sensation of cold hands touched her face. Oil she needed Oil.
There was no way in hell she was asking that of her though.
"You need oil, don't you?"
Tera shook her head despite her mouth watering at the thought of it, another wave of pain and she felt the wings started to break through, oil staining her tank top as parts of her casing broke off, she attempted to bite her hand again to stop the scream.
But, Kiara stopped her, grabbing her hand before it could make it to her mouth. "No no no, don't do that..." She hummed softly. "Don't hurt yourself."
"No... Hurt you. Leave..." The words were broken and under static, growling under every note. Kiara shook her head. "I'm not leaving, you won't hurt me. I know you better then that."
Kiara! This was not the time to be stubborn!
"You need oil right? I'm right here, you can take it from me." She offered, Tera's eyelights went hollow, and her mouth watered uncontrollably... the heat was so bad, she felt like she was about to pass out...
"No No No, B-Bad Idea- Bad Idea." More broken words, now more desperate.
"Your mouth is watering, it's okay. I promise..." Kiara drew closer, Tera wanted to pull away, she was trembling as the much smaller girl pulled her up to rest Tera's head into her shoulder, she could hear the oil pumping through the tubing, hell, she could smell it. "You won't hurt me." Kiara repeated again, hugging her gently.
Something snapped.
In a moment, Tera was sinking her fangs into her best friends exposed neck, causing the girl to yelp and stiffen as a brief flash of pain was registered through her system, a warning about a hull breach popped up on her visor but she quickly cleared it, stroking Tera's head.
Two things happened at once. A pair of fleshy wings erupted out of Tera's back, and she could feel Tera bite down on her neck harder in response, and... yeah it hurt. But Tera was probably in way more pain, so she did her best to not wince. Then Tera suddenly gripped her harder, she could feel oil pouring into her best friends mouth and out of her at a frightening rate. Her breath stuttered as more warnings began to arrive, she shut them out too, and stroked through a head of thick black hair instead.
"Mmmhuh... You... almost done?" She began to feel woozy, She was loosing... a lot of oil. But she still wasn't scared. Tera would stop, they would both be fine, she knew that.
Then, at her words, she heard a blessedly familiar sound erupt from Tera.
She was purring, her tail wrapping around Kiara's frame as the amount of oil she was loosing slowed to a trickle, a series of whimpers then followed, as she felt a long tongue lick up the wound until it stopped leaking, and Kiara felt herself sigh in relief, there she was...
It took a moment for Tera to register where she was and what she was doing, she pulled back, frightened by the massive bite mark she'd left on Kiara's neck, But Kiara just smiled, much more relieved that Tera was back to herself and collapsed into the taller girls chest.
“W-what just happened?” Tera asked, stammering as she blinked around in confusion, there was the taste of the sweetest oil she'd ever tasted in her mouth.
“Mmm. Aha… I'm kinda dizzy.” Kiara's voice came muffled from being buried in Tera's tank top. Followed by a tired giggle.
“Kia! I'm so sorry! I was just so hot and- Kia?” It didn't matter what she said, Kiara had fallen asleep the moment she knew Tera was okay. Curling up into Tera's lap as the purple eyed drone tried not to panic.
For the moment though… she let Kiara sleep, tail still wrapped around her frame as Tera flexed her new wings behind her with a sigh.
“You stubborn…. Ugh. I could've killed you.” She mumbled, moving some blonde hair out of Kiara's face. [Recovery Mode] reading out on her visor. But she couldn't stop the purring that came from her core. “You trust me too much.”
And yet, there they stayed, Tera stroking down Kiara's back, until Kiara recovered enough to wake back up…
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
can you talk more about harry being able to feel magic throughout the series?
Sure, so there are a few instances I recall of Harry feeling magic and I honestly don't know some of them. Like, some are questionable evidence and some are much clearer...
It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. His panic fading now that there was no sound of Filch and Snape, Harry moved nearer to the mirror, wanting to look at himself but see no reflection again. He stepped in front of it.
(PS, 149)
Compared to Ron:
“See?” Harry whispered. “I can’t see anything.” “Look! Look at them all…there are loads of them.…” “I can only see you.” “Look in it properly, go on, stand where I am.” Harry stepped aside, but with Ron in front of the mirror, he couldn’t see his family anymore, just Ron in his paisley pajamas. Ron, though, was staring transfixed at his image.
(PS, 151)
Ron is implied to not feel the urge to look at the mirror the way Harry does. Not only that but Harry just instinctively gets how the mirror works, where you need to stand to see the reflection, and why Ron can't see it from where he is standing. This isn't something he experimented with before, he just, knew.
Harry couldn’t explain, even to himself, why he didn’t just throw Riddle’s diary away. The fact was that even though he knew the diary was blank, he kept absentmindedly picking it up and turning the pages, as though it were a story he wanted to finish. And while Harry was sure he had never heard the name T. M. Riddle before, it still seemed to mean something to him, almost as though Riddle was a friend he’d had when he was very small, and had half-forgotten. But this was absurd. He’d never had friends before Hogwarts, Dudley had made sure of that.
(CoS, 218)
Harry senses the Horcrux in the diary. It's possible this is because he, too, is a Horcrux and not because he is sensitive to magic in general, but I'm noting it here anyway.
“Three . . .” muttered Mr. Weasley, one eye still on his watch, “two . . . one . . .” It happened immediately: Harry felt as though a hook just behind his navel had been suddenly jerked irresistibly forward. His feet left the ground; he could feel Ron and Hermione on either side of him, their shoulders banging into his; they were all speeding forward in a howl of wind and swirling color; his forefinger was stuck to the boot as though it was pulling him magnetically onward and then —
(GoF, 73)
In this above one everyone is urged forward, it's the hook painful sounding sensation I'm not sure others are experiencing.
Moody raised his wand, pointed it at Harry, and said, “Imperio!” It was the most wonderful feeling. Harry felt a floating sensation as every thought and worry in his head was wiped gently away, leaving nothing but a vague, untraceable happiness. He stood there feeling immensely relaxed, only dimly aware of everyone watching him.
(Gof, 231)
Again, I'm just not sure how the Imperius is supposed to feel, but Harry describes a light floating sensation besides his worries being wiped away (the latter of which I think is part of the curse, but I'm not sure about the first one)
“Disillusionment Charm,” said Moody, raising his wand. “Lupin says you’ve got an Invisibility Cloak, but it won’t stay on while we’re flying; this’ll disguise you better. Here you go —” He rapped Harry hard on the top of the head and Harry felt a curious sensation as though Moody had just smashed an egg there; cold trickles seemed to be running down his body from the point the wand had struck.
(OotP, 54)
Harry feels the disillusionment charm washing over hum in cold trickles. Again, it's hard to say if it's normal or not since no one else describes feeling anything like that from what I remember.
“Sirius?” Harry spoke again, but much more quietly now that he was nearer. He had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the veil on the other side of the archway. Gripping his wand very tightly, he edged around the dais, but there was nobody there. All that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil.
(OotP, 773)
I talked here more about Harry and his weird sense regarding the vale, but yeah...
“You’re quite right,” said Dumbledore serenely, shaking back his sleeve to reveal the tips of those burned and blackened fingers; the sight of them made the back of Harry’s neck prickle unpleasantly.
(HBP, 67)
It could be a description of stress and discomfort, but I don't think Harry used these words to describe discomfort or worry at any other point in the books. And considering it's Harry Potter who spends most of his life in discomfort I think it's interesting and likely Harry sensing the curse.
Harry could not tell whether the shivers he was experiencing were due to his spine-deep coldness or to the same awareness of enchantments. He watched as Dumbledore continued to revolve on the spot, evidently concentrating on things Harry could not see
(HBP, 557-558)
This is what I mentioned in the post anon is referring to.
I don't have notes of something like this from DH, since I'm still compiling them, but I did find this scene to add on the train of Harry's magic being super intuitive and intuned with his emotions:
Dust swirled around Harry like mist, catching the blue gaslight, as Mrs. Black continued to scream. “Mudbloods, filth, stains of dishonor, taint of shame on the house of my fathers—“ “SHUT UP!” Harry bellowed, directing his wand at her, and with a bang and a burst of red sparks, the curtains swung shut again, silencing her
(DH, 171)
Harry literally casts "shut up" as a spell, and it not only works, but it works when no one in the Order succeded in shutting the portrait up magically! Harry is so insanely powerful I don't know what to do with this information anymore...
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nataliawrites · 2 years
Sweeter Than Revenge // Toto Wolff
Toto Wolff x Verstappen!Reader
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Toto Wolff was a perfectionist. He demanded nothing but the best. He refused to settle for second or third. He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get what he wanted.
That’s where you come in. Some would call you a jack of all trades. Despite your relatively young age, you had graduated at the top of your Oxford class with a Doctorate in Engineering Science — specializing in automotive and mechanical engineering — and a Masters in Strategy and Innovation. Your thesis on exploiting friction and wind resistance instead of battling against it caught the eye of numerous car manufacturers, all wanting to snatch up the mind behind the innovate approach that could revolutionize the industry.
But when Formula 1 teams joined the fray for your employment, your mind was made up the second you saw the email from the Mercedes-AMG Petronas team principal himself. The exorbitant salary, company car, and executive position Toto was offering you were benefits but they paled in comparison to the opportunity to do the one thing you had been waiting for since you permanently left home at 18 years old — prove the people that you had once called family wrong.
Growing up as the eldest child of Jos Verstappen and half-sister to Max Verstappen was anything but sunshine and rainbows. Constantly in the shadow of your younger brother. Always ignored in favor of your father’s golden son. Never receiving approval or the affection you desired after the loss of your mother. Always an afterthought to racing.
When you moved to an entirely different country, merely a teenager yourself, the only communication you received from your family was a text message from Jos reminding you “not to embarrass the family name” a few months after you started university. So you powered forward, completely alone in a foreign country and forced to work two jobs on top of school, but finding solace in your studies.
Now, as you hit send on your response to Toto Wolff, all of your struggles were going to pay off.
Not long after, you were invited to formally meet the team and sign all the necessary paperwork in the beginning of the offseason. You made the drive to Brackley and smoothed your power suit before entering the team’s technology center. A composed receptionist took your name before guiding you down the halls lined with moments and memorabilia from team history and leaving you in front of a door with a steel “Toto Wolff” nameplate on it.
You took a moment to collect yourself and rapped your knuckles against the solid wooden door, turning the handle when a deep accented voice from within the office told you to enter. The Austrian, who painted an imposing picture behind his desk, rose to greet you with a firm handshake. You quickly realized that he was tall and fit and, despite how hard you tried to keep your mind professional, extremely handsome.
“Dr. Verstappen, it’s great to finally meet you,” Toto motioned for you to sit down across the desk from him.
“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Wolff. I am so grateful for this opportunity.”
“The pleasure is ours. We are very excited to have you onboard this coming season. And, please, call me Toto.”
“Then you must call me Y/N. And while we’re on the topic of names, I’m sure you’ve noticed mine.”
Toto leaned back in his leather chair, “a funny coincidence to be sure. I hope that doesn’t mean you cheer for Red Bull.”
You hid a wince at his joking tone, “about that … it’s not exactly a coincidence. Max Verstappen is my brother. Half-brother if you want to get technical.”
You continue as you see him about to speak, “let me assure you that this will have no negative impact on my work with you. If anything, it will make me work harder towards the team’s success. I don’t exactly go around making this public knowledge, but my childhood was not the best and I haven’t spoken to my brother or my father since I first moved out at 18. They never supported me or showed that they cared about me. I’m doing this for myself. I’m going to help Mercedes win to prove them wrong.”
Your heart pounded out of your chest as Toto impassively stared into your soul. “I believe you.” A breath you didn’t even realize you were holding rushed out in relief. “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Jos Verstappen and what you’ve told me does not exactly come as a surprise.”
“Thank you, Toto. I promise you won’t regret it. We’ll get Mercedes back on top.”
“I am counting on it. Welcome to the team.”
You spent the rest of the off-season working more often than not, applying the research your Doctorate was built on to the car and optimizing it as much as possible. You spent your days working closely with the engineering team and both Lewis Hamilton and George Russell, gathering as much data as possible before you flew out to pre-season testing. Your evenings were usually taken up by Toto, the both of you workaholics who stayed far past the time that everyone else had left, typically discussing strategy and your mutual loathing of Red Bull over dinner that was ordered into the office.
The attraction that you felt upon first meeting your boss grew more and more as you got to know him better. While his handsomeness certainly didn’t hurt, his intelligence and passion truly did it for you. His age didn’t bother you — boys your age certainly left something to be desired — but you refused to be known as the woman who slept her way to the top (despite how unfair and inaccurate that would be) in a heavily male dominated field. So you used all your willpower to stay professional and prayed that Toto didn’t notice when you would gaze at his lips or his forearms or his chest in that famous button up shirt for a bit longer than strictly appropriate.
There was no way that Toto Wolff could possibly reciprocate your feelings so your resolved to keep them tightly bottled up.
He had a different idea.
You were in Toto’s office to mark your last dinner before flying to Bahrain for pre-season testing, lightly talking over a bottle of wine, when he abruptly set down his glass and looked resolutely down at you. “Tell me if I’ve misread the situation,” he pushed your plates to the side, uncaring, as he reached out to pull you across the desk and towards him.
You seized up in shock but melted as he crashed his lips to yours.
You gathered what little common sense you had remaining to detach yourself from him, “Toto, we can’t.”
His eyes went guarded, “Do you not feel the same way?”
“No but-“
“Then why?”
“Because you’re my boss! Because even the thought of this is unprofessional! Because it can ruin both of us!”
“But you want this.” He said it as a statement.
“Of course I do,” you deflate. “But we can’t-“
“And I want this too. I want you. You are strikingly intelligent and incredibly beautiful. We are both consenting adults and the team does not have a fraternization policy. There is no reason we must suffer in restraint.”
He takes both of your hands, engulfing then with his large ones before continuing, “you have been taking care of yourself for so long. Now, let me take care of you.”
You were extremely thankful the next morning that you accepted Toto’s offer to join him on his private jet instead of flying commercial charter with the rest of the team. At least this way he had time to drop you off at your apartment so you could pick up your luggage on the way to the airport without having to rush.
The other perks were pretty nice too. If you had told your younger self that you would be joining the Mile High Club with Toto Wolff on a private jet heading to Bahrain for the start of the Formula 1 season, you would have laughed in your own face (and then tried to work out the physics of how you time traveled to see your younger self in the first place).
Once in Bahrain, you jumped into the beautiful chaos that is the F1 season head first. Mercedes started off on a much higher note than last year and the mood around the garage remained light as the team kept the momentum going. It quickly became common to see 1-2 Mercedes finishes or at the very least both Mercedes drivers on the podium as the optimized car and your unorthodox strategies gave them the extra edge.
You and Toto tried to steal as many moments together as you could away from the hurricane of work that sometimes swallowed you up. Soon, neither of you particularly trying to keep your progressing relationship a secret, the rest of the team became aware that you were together. Despite your initial fears of backlash, you were met with support and the worst you got from the team was gentle teasing about managing to tame the infamous Toto Wolff.
As the season unfurled, neither your father nor brother had noticed you working for their rival. While photos of you with Toto, your drivers, and generally around the team did circulate, neither of them made the connection between the woman in Mercedes gear and the daughter and sister they cut off years ago. You ignored the traitorous pang in your heart every time Max or Jos’ eyes glossed over you, not realizing who they were looking at.
Or at least they didn’t until the FIA Prize Giving ceremony.
Toto was attending to receive the Constructors’ Championship trophy while your drivers collected their respective Drivers’ Championship and second-place trophies and you had come along as his date. While making the rounds on Toto’s arm at the gala after the ceremony, Max happened to overhear Toto introducing you to an acquaintance and your brother’s head snapped up at the sound of your name.
Max stared at the woman with Toto. It couldn’t be … but she had the same face shape and nose shape and hair color he remembered. His feet moved towards you before he could help himself, “Y/N?”
You heard the familiar voice interject from behind you and steeled yourself before turning around, “Max.”
“Is it really you?”
“Last time I checked.”
Toto had managed to excuse himself from his conversation and joined the awkward reunion between the estranged Verstappen siblings.
“Verstappen,” he nodded a curt greeting.
Your brother paused, looking between you and Toto, “wait-wait. You and him? You’re together?”
“For a while now,” you gained some satisfaction from the mix of emotions, none of them pleasant, that crossed Max’s face. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice earlier. I mean, Toto and I did only meet because I work for Mercedes. I’ve been around the paddock every race.”
You didn’t notice the approach of your father until you looked at Max’s wide eyes frozen on someone behind you.
“How dare you! To go against your own family? To actively work against your brother?”
“Hello, father. How are you? I’ve been great! It’s only been a little under a decade since I’ve heard from you.”
“Why you little who-”
Toto stepped in front of you before your father could finish what was sure to be a very complementary sentence, “Verstappen, I would stop it right there if I was you.”
“I always knew Y/N was an embarrassment but even I didn’t expect for her to become a gold digger going after men her father’s age.”
Toto came to your rescue once again, “she’s far from a gold digger. Y/N is Mercedes’ Executive Engineer and Strategist. She’s a large reason why we beat your son all season long.”
“What she is,” Jos spit out, “is a shame to the Verstappen name.”
Toto resolutely held you close, “then it’s a good thing she won’t be a Verstappen for much longer.”
Taking the opportunity, you raised your entwined hands to show off the diamond ring that graced your ring finger since Toto took you on vacation to the Seychelles and surprised you with a beautiful proposal a week ago.
“Max, Jos … we’ll be sure not to invite you to the wedding.”
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Porcelain Steve - Part 5
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
"Get a grip," Eddie mutters to himself as he places the phone back onto its cradle for the fourth time that day without having made a phone call. He paces back and forth in front of the phone, one, two, three full lines across the room and back before he picks up the phone, dials the Henderson's number, lets it ring one and a half times, then slams the phone down again before someone can answer.
He thinks he's losing it a little. All this time he thought he was the level-headed one but now that it's been two full days of not seeing Porcelain Steve, he thinks he's going to climb the walls and start ripping up the carpets. Logically he knows that nothing has happened. If something had, he would have heard from Dustin already, either by phone or over the walkie (which may or may not be on him at all times, volume as loud as it goes). They wouldn't leave him in the dark.
Right. Right.
He picks up the phone again, dialing the Buckley house instead.
Robin's dad answers, which is great. Robin's mom likes to play 20 Questions before handing the phone off. He keeps meaning to ask Robin if her mom does that for everyone that calls, or if he's just the lucky one. Robin's dad is a straightforward guy. He wants to know who is calling, and who they want to talk to.
"Robin is out, but I can give her a message, Eddie," Mr. Buckley says.
"Yes, please. Sir. Just let her know I called."
"Will do. Goodbye."
He listens to the dial tone for a few seconds before setting the phone down for the sixth time in less than 15 minutes. He has got to do something to keep busy or the carpets are toast.
Usually when he's this restless he bothers his friends, but Jeff is out of town on a family vacation, no one answered the phone at Gareth's house (first person he called this morning), and Brian has a summer job taking up his time, so now he's left to figure out distractions on his own.
His room is filled with distractions, but nothing that can claim his attention for too long. He puts a cassette in the player but doesn't turn it up to the volume that usually calms him because he doesn't want to miss hearing the phone ring. He'd been trying to distract himself with campaign planning and keeps getting off track with the fantasy that this would be the campaign he could convince Steve to at least hang out and observe, if not play in one or two sessions as an over-powered NPC.
Even Return of the King can't hold his attention for more than two pages, even if he flips through to read just his favorite parts because his mind immediately plays word association games which leads to thinking of Steve.
It hits Eddie then that he misses Steve. He misses climbing into Steve's car and bitching about whatever station Steve's set the radio on playing the Top 40. He misses late night smoke sessions where Steve seems to soften under his high and the night sky as they lay atop the trailer close enough to touch and talk about nothing. He misses being able to steal glances at Steve when he throws his head back to laugh hysterically at something he or Robin had said.
He misses Steve so intensely and fiercely that it sits like a rock in his stomach. He would give anything to hear Steve's voice again.
Oh. Oh no. He needs distraction from his thoughts now.
He successfully managed to hem and haw about his room for almost an hour before he marches back out to the living room and the phone set on the end table next to Wayne's recliner. Picks it up then sets it down again, turning on heel to the kitchen. Maybe breakfast (a glance to the clock on the wall tells him the time is 12:50, so maybe it's actually lunch) will be a sufficient time sink.
He pulls out all the fixings of a PB&J and is in the process of searching for a clean(ish) butter knife when three rapid knocks startle him, freezing him in place for a moment.
The knocking happens again, five quick raps this time, but Eddie was already making his way to the door by the third this time. There is a thought in the back of his mind that rises, unbidden, oh God, something's happened and it makes him wrench the door open with more force than necessary.
Robin stands on his porch, but not for long. She's got a backpack on and a grocery bag hanging off of one arm and when Eddie just blinks at her in a moment of confusion, she huffs and bullies her way inside. He full body turns, closing the door as he does so, to watch her deposit the bag, then backpack, onto the couch.
"Uh, hi?" Eddie manages as he watches her begin to unload the things she brought. A box of microwave popcorn, an obscene amount of candy bars, an assortment of nail polishes, and more but his attention is dragged up to the side of Robin's face when she starts talking, pulling out VHS tapes, clearly rented from Family Video.
"So, I brought a few options for us. Halloween because it was your most rented film back when Steve and I still worked there, so I thought it was a safe bet. Also go The Black Cauldron because you strike me as a Black Cauldron kind of guy, The Hidden Fortress because it's one of my favorites and you might enjoy it, too, and Top Gun, because, well, it might serve as a good distraction for a bit," Robin holds up each tape as she lists them off, setting them on the coffee table next to the assorted stuff she brought with. "Also got, like, a manicure set and some scrunchies and bobby pins. Not really sure how occupied you need to be right now."
"Uh.... what?"
Robin rolls her eyes like Eddie's slow on the uptake, "Distraction. I'm here to provide it. Though, maybe I should have called and asked what you do when you want to kill time. I just... defaulted to what Steve and I do. Movies and makeovers, but, like, if that doesn't work that's fine. It's just, you've joined us before on movie makeover nights, so I assumed..."
Eddie swallows pushing down the knot threatening to form in his throat. It's not a shock (anymore) that he's truly friends with Robin, but sometimes it's not at the forefront of his mind. When he thinks of friends, Jeff, Gareth, and Brian come to mind first. They've years of history together, after all. What he's got with Robin, and everyone else, is deeper than just friendship, the shared secret of Spring Break '86 that's made them all ride or die. So, now, with Robin showing up, instinctively wanting to help because they're friends even without Steve as a buffer, it just kinda rocks Eddie emotionally.
"No, it's great. I just- how did you know?"
Robin cocks her head at him, "You didn't leave a message."
He's not sure what facial expression he makes but everything about Robin softens just a bit. It's so reminiscent of how she is with Steve in the soft, quiet moments when she thinks no one else is paying attention to her and Steve. (Eddie's always paying attention.)
"Oh, dingbat," She says it softly and with a shake of her head before grabbing the popcorn box and ripping it open. She fishes out a packet and tosses it to him. "Get that going. I'm putting in Top Gun."
Wordlessly, Eddie obeys. He wants to ask more questions. What's the look for? Since when does she call him dingbat? What is happening? He throws the bag into the microwave, then remembers the PB&J he was attempting to make earlier. He makes two sandwiches, pausing only to dump the popcorn into a bowl once the microwave beeps. He puts the sandwiches on a plate to make carrying everything easier and joins Robin on the couch.
She accepts the offered sandwich with glee and they watch the first half hour of Top Gun in silence before Eddie gets his words gathered.
"How did you know?" He asks again.
"My dad," she says like a confession, not even needing Eddie to elaborate what he means, "it's, like, the highlight of his day when I miss a call from you. He's so overdramatic about delivering it, all bowing at me and repeating whatever lame thing you said like the esteemed Mister Munson has called to inquire if the lovely Lady Robin would like to partake on an outing the afternoon overmorrow or whatever shit you decide to sprout. Who says 'overmorrow' anyway? So, when I got back from helping mom grocery shop, he just... he pulled the grocery bags from my hands and told me 'I think Eddie needs you'."
He's only met the Buckley's face to face a few times. They don't hang out at Robin's house much so he's a bit shocked that Mr. Buckley even picked up Eddie's dramatics enough to notice something was off.
"My parents are a bit overprotective and overbearing sometimes but they care and listen," Robin says, "so when you called and seemed to different to what my dad is used to hearing- well, I asked to borrow his car, and made a quick pitstop. I was just kind of banking on the fact you need a distraction the same way I do."
He understands what Robin isn't actually saying. "From thinking about Steve."
She nods, "yeah. I know Dustin would never let anything happen to him, but it still leaves me jittery when I don't see him. Especially since the last time I went two days without seeing Steve he- well, he turned into a porcelain doll."
"I thought I was doing okay with all this, you know?" Eddie finds himself saying. "But I'm not. And it's so fucking stupid. It's not like I'm the only one who cares about Steve, or is worried, but- And it's not that I don't trust Dustin to keep him safe. I just- it's..."
"It's different. How you feel about Steve, how Dustin feels about Steve, and how I do. It's all different."
Eddie freezes. He's never- they don't talk about it. He's only said it out loud to three people. Wayne, Jeff, and his father. The last one landed him in the hospital and Wayne's custody so it's not a secret he lets out lightly.
"Dustin's his brother," Robin continues, either unaware of how Eddie's basically quit breathing or choosing to ignore it, "but he's also a dumb teenage boy. He'd never let anything happen to Steve, but that's not a guarantee that nothing will happen. I worry, too. I want to just take Steve and wrap him in bubble wrap, put him in a box, wrap that in bubble wrap, then put that in a bigger box and set him in the middle of an empty room where nothing could accidentally fall over onto the box."
He huffs out a laugh at the mental image that conjures up. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Robin says before sucking her lips between her teeth, then pushing them out with a pop! sound, seeming to think over something. He watches as she mentally braces herself, the physical tales of her shifting to face him more, shoulders tensing, leg bouncing slightly. "So anyway, it's different, how we feel about Steve. Dustin loves him. I love him. And you... You're in love with him."
Even though they're inside his own home, Eddie still jerks back and looks around, for anyone who might hear what Robin is accusing him of. "Listen, Buckley, you can't believe every rumor you hear ab-"
"Eddie," she says, holding one hand out, palm up, "stop. Give me your hand and make terrible, awkward eye contact with me for, like, five seconds, please. It's important."
Eddie, very slowly, slips his hand onto hers, and she covers it with her free hand and, as promised, they make awkward eye contact.
"I'm a lesbian," she blurts out and immediately looks away from Eddie's face, letting out a deep sigh of relief.
And Eddie? Well, he laughs. It starts as just a snort but then it grows. And Jesus, it's such an awful response to Robin coming out to him, but he can't stop. He knows that Robin has gifted him with this trust, with knowledge that could get her murdered, and he should not be laughing.
Robin, for her part, takes it well. There's a few seconds of startled silence from her before she barks out her own laugh. Eddie laughs so hard and for so long he thinks he's going to puke, and Robin almost falls off the couch.
"Jesus Christ," is what he can manage to say once he's caught his breath.
"Jesus Christ," she echoes in a quieter voice.
Top Gun plays on in the background.
Eddie still can't say it out loud, so instead he says, "am I that obvious?"
"No. But I can recognize the signs of trying to hide a massive crush on someone of the same gender. You know, with all the experience I have at it."
"You are far better at hiding that then me I guess. I had no clue about you."
She shrugs, "yeah, well, it's not like we hang around a lot of girls for me to crush on. It's you, me, and Steve. Occasionally a kid or five. No offense, but I'd rather die than look at any of you lustfully."
Eddie fakes gagging at the thought.
Robin swats his arm playfully. "Anyway, what I'm saying is, I get that it makes you feel a little crazy not being around Steve. Especially when he's, like, literally unable to protect himself currently. I feel like that, too. He's my soulmate and no one knows me as well as he does. It's... lonely without him."
"So... Steve knows...?"
"Oh yeah. Me telling him it what I think kicked off our real friendship."
"I thought all the shit that happened at Star Court did that."
"That's when I told him. After barfing into a toilet."
"It really was. Steve took it so well. Then he mocked me for my crush."
"Which was...?"
"Absolutely not telling you. Anyway. That's enough mushy talky time. Paint my nails," she says, leaning over to grab a yellow nail polish off the coffee table.
Eddie holds out his hand to take it. He's not even going to pretend he doesn't want to.
Silence falls over them, a comfortable one. Eddie doesn't feel like climbing the walls much anymore, so Robin's distraction is working. Maybe it's just the not being alone in the trailer anymore. Maybe it's the knowing he's not alone anymore.
Maybe it's also knowing that Steve knows about Robin and still loves her.
(Funny that Steve just happened to find and befriend the probably only two queer people in all of Hawkins.)
They put in The Hidden Fortress next and Robin talks through almost the whole thing, telling him facts and that this next part is actually her favorite part.
By the time Robin leaves, well after nightfall, Eddie is feeling more settled.
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hpsaffics · 2 months
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We have 40 wonderful double drabbles gifted as part of the exchange!! All works are 200 words exactly. More treats coming soon!
Read all drabbles on AO3
1. Girls' Night Out by Amazuppai for beeprescott [Hermione/Tonks, T]
Tonks helps Hermione with her makeup in preparation for a night of post-divorce clubbing.
2. With you, awake in slumber by @apricitydays-lazynights for Elvira_Kamgut [Narcissa/Mrs Zabini, M]
Living a picture perfect life, Narcissa only truly awakens in her dreams
3. in bloom by beeprescott for @herochicklyrrie007 [Luna/Pansy, G]
a sliver of a fairytale AU featuring Pansy and Luna
4. the best laid plans by @nanneramma for @sortofshea [Pansy/Ginny, G]
Ginny and Pansy plot, scheme, and fall in love along the way.
5. A Rap on the Knuckles by @cntrl15 for @lumosatnight [Pomona/Dolores, M]
Dolores can be a terrible bully to the Hufflepuff girls. Professor Sprout believes in traditional punishment. Or, The Many Uses of Skele-Gro.
6. lifeline by @unwoundcorridors for @storyof-eden [Hermione/Narcissa, T]
Narcissa finds her at her worst.
7. Acceptance by @daydreamingfoxglove for dykevader [Hermione/Pansy, E]
After two years of radio silence since Pansy came out as trans, her mother invites her, and long time girlfriend, Hermione, to tea.
8. The Tangles by dykevader for @megowaffle [Luna/Pansy, G]
Luna's been working non-stop, and Pansy is sick of it.
9. The Pianist!? by el_i for @snarkygranger1-blog [Bellatrix/Narcissa, M]
Bellatrix and Narcissa Black, fresh faced and in their early 20s, go to a concert where a wixen band is headlining. The synth player? None other than Lucius Malfoy.
10. Found Somewhere in Time by Elvira_Kamgut for sky_watcher_rose [Minerva/Rowena, G]
Time travelling lesbians
11. the escape of a soulmate by @fantasyborn for Marenke [Astoria/Daphne, T]
“We’ll run away together. Then no one has to marry a stinky boy.”
12. Love Is a Dress That You Made by @hawksquill for @sliebman10 [Fleur/Tonks, M]
Fleur and Tonks share a tender moment after a night out.
13. Her New Favorite Subject by @hermioneclone for @ultramarineorchid [Augusta/Minerva, G]
Or, the real reason Augusta wanted Neville to stick with Transfiguration over Charms.
14. Knew Each Other Perfectly by @herochicklyrrie007 for @picklesonjupiter [Narcissa/Flora, G]
Narcissa and Flora go shopping for engagement rings
15. The Fertility Ritual by @iseliljathedreamer for @schmem14 [Narcissa/Molly, E]
They have tried, and tried, and tried, but Lucius is yet to bless Narcissa with a child. Desperate, she seeks help to perform the strongest of dark fertility rituals, never considering who might be performing it.
16. come to dinner by lady_in_black_ao3 for @daydreamingfoxglove [Hermione/Luna/Ginny, G]
Ginny ran into Hermione and got a chance to ask her, one more time.
17. Perfection by @fiestylilmetalbendingqueen for @nanneramma [Bellatrix/Morgana, Walburga/Morgana, M]
Morgana has been searching for the right vessel for some time now.
18. A Welcome Distraction by @lilacsintherain for @iseliljathedreamer [Minerva/Poppy, T]
The hospital wing keeps Poppy Polfrey busy. She allows only one person to be a distraction.
19. Friday. Again. by @lumosatnight for Amazuppai [Hermione/Padma, G]
Of all the people to be stuck in a time loop with, it had to be Hermione Granger.
20. catch your breath by Marenke for DrPansyParkinson [Astoria/Pansy, M]
Astoria’s golden hair fanned in the water as she floated idly in the pool.
21. Just Another Late Night Pool Party by @meggowaffle for @sugareey-makes-stuff [Hermione/Pansy, T]
The party is over, but Hermione and Pansy won't be leaving for a while.
22. Pick Me Up by @mugsdontlie for the_prettiest_w0lf_star [Narcissa/Lily, G]
"pick me up after work pls?"
23. I'd like that by multiimoments for @apricitydays-lazynights [Pansy/Ginny, G]
Pansy runs into her crush while holidaying in Italy. Panic and cuteness ensue.
24. in the red by @nanneramma for Silkbuggy [Alice/Narcissa, T]
Alice wants her. She wants her so much.
25. Melt by nocturn for @lilacsintherain [Daphne/Ginny, T]
She knew Ginny would be here. She’s always here when Daphne is.
26. My Dahlia Bathed in Possession by @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad for @cntrl15 [Fleur/Bellatrix, M]
Bellatrix pays a visit to her pet.
27. F*ck the World by @schmem14 for @nihilisticnomad [Fleur/Hermione, T]
Their Ministry-mandated marriage should feel like a slap in the face, but Fleur and Hermione are determined to make the best of it.
28. Back-Up Plans by shewritesmaybe for lady_in_black_ao3 [Hermione/Astoria, G]
It's the day of Draco and Astoria's wedding, but he loves Harry and she loves Hermione. Who else can fix it but the Golden Girl?
29. Bright by Silkbuggy for @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad [Bellatrix/Lily, M]
Bellatrix found a new pet.
30. Soft like a Secret by @apricitydays-lazynights for shewritesmaybe [Hermione/Pansy, M]
What comes after is Hermione's favorite part.
31. Adventurous by sky_watcher_rose for @fiestylilmetalbendingqueen [Druella/Minerva, G]
Minerva knows the woman sitting in the ice cream shop, and she wants to see her again…badly enough that she's willing to risk eating bacon flavour ice cream.
32. Biker Bitches by @sliebman10 for nocturn [Fleur/Tonks, T]
Fleur and Tonks hit the road again after they take care of their latest kill.
33. Devilish Fun by @snarkygranger1-blog for @hermioneclone [Pomona/Eileen/Petunia, E]
Pomona and Eileen accelerated Petunia's love of plants to another level.
34. Rapture by @sortofshea for @mugsdontlie [Padma/Parvati, E]
The twins spend an early summer morning in bed.
35. An Astute Observation by @storyof-eden for @miss-grimwood [Hermione/Bellatrix, Narcissa/Ginny, T]
Bellatrix and Narcissa tease each other for being in relationships with younger women.
36. Sentiment by @sugareey-makes-stuff for @hawksquill [Luna/Ginny, T]
Luna receives a special delivery from Ginny.
37. Through Adversity by @picklesonjupiter for multiimoments [Mary/Marlene, G]
Friends support each other through adversity, with budding romance emerging.
38. Weddings suck until they don't by Starfuckers_Inc (the_prettiest_w0lf_star) for el_i [Bellatrix/Narcissa, E]
Narcissa came back to her hometown for her father's fifth wedding.
39. Inexplicably Resolute by @ultramarineorchid for @unwoundcorridors [Hermione/Narcissa, G]
Narcissa wants nothing more than for Hermione to leave. Hermione never was particularly good at doing what other people want.
40. Piece by @lumosatnight for @fantasyborn [Daphne/Romilda, Cho/Romilda, Romilda/Ginny, M]
Everyone loves Romilda; no one ever questions why.
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cal-flakes · 1 year
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╰┈➤ reunited, part two
warnings: mentions of violence, swearing, use of weapons.
summary: it takes rafe confessing his feelings to get y/n to finally trust him. read part one.
rafe’s eyes opened suddenly to the sound of y/n tapping on the window, attempting to draw one of the guards’ attention. the shrill sound of her manicured nailed drumming against the window was enough to have him on his feet, stalking towards her.
“what are you doing?” he asked, brows furrowed. scoffing, she ignored his pries, brushing him off. “get..mr..singh” she whispered, mouth the enunciations dramatically, before rolling her eyes at the man outside her window turn back to his duties.
“y/n, seriously, what are you doing?” he asked again, this time more firm as he placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her from the window.
“i don’t need to tell you shit, rafe, get off of me” she spat, shoving him away. cursing internally, he paced the room slightly, struggling to find the right words. “look, i know i’m the last person you’d rather be here with, but i am the only person you have right now..” he huffed, gesticulating frantically.
y/n pushed passed him, rapping on the locked door with her knuckles incessantly, causing one of the doors to open the door abruptly. “what?” the man snapped, flaunting the gun in it’s holster, hung around his waist.
“i need to speak to mr singh. please, it’s urgent..” she plead, looking expectantly at the guard.
rafe watched as the man guided y/n out of her room, his hand situated on the middle of her back, pushing her. rafe’s jaw tensed at the action, growing increasingly frustrated with her stubbornness as the door shut behind her, leaving him alone in the room.
he sat on the four-poster bed for the next fifteen minutes, tapping his foot anxiously until she returned.
his eyes lit up as the door opened once more, revealing a trembling y/n, with puffy eyes and dried tears trailing from her cheeks to her neck. “what happened?” he asked, immediately reaching for her. snatching her hand away, she looked at him in horror.
“do you really think, that after everything you did to me, and everything you did to sarah, that i’d just give in? because you just happen to be here as well?” she snipped, her sharp tone cutting into him like tiny knives, desperate to hurt him.
he sat against the window as he held his head in his hands, chest heaving. “you-you think i meant to hurt you? you think that’s something i wanted to do?”
“an-and sarah? you think i’d purposely hurt my own sister?” she watched, mouth agape, as his eyes glazed over. y/n listened intently as his tears flowed, rambling about ward, and that he’s know who she thinks he is.
“i’m not the bad guy you’ve convinced yourself i am y/n, and i know, that you know, i’m what people say i am..” he muttered, drumming his fingers against his chin as he awaited her response.
“i don’t know who you are anymore rafe..” she mumbled, turning away from him as her own eyes turned glassy once more. fond memories crossed her mind for a split second, as if her own soul was trying to show her the truth.
“yes-yes you do, you do y/n! you are the only one, the only person who knows who i am, who knows i’m not som-some monster!” he exclaimed, a pleading look on his face.
he sighed heavily as his ocean-like eyes followed the confusion settling in her face. “did you never think about how it was never you? about how i always made sure you weren’t there, or at least out of the way when ward had me running about, doing his dirty business?”
“rafe, i don’t know what you’re getting at, but i don’t see how it’ll get us out of this?” she breathed, her voice shaky.
“because, okay- yes i made you cry, yes i teased you, but-but i would do anything t-to take back everything i’ve ever done, if it would make you see me differently!” he gushed, stepping closer to her seated frame, perched on the edge of the bed. “rafe, please just spit it out..”
she sucked in a deep breath as he placed a gentle hand on her knee, now crouched in front of her. “i-i have loved you since i was eleven y/n, i loved you so much i hated you! o-or at least i thought i did.” he sighed, bowing his head.
her features softened as he lay his heart out in front of her, hot tears cascading down his chiselled jaw. “and, i know. i know it doesn’t make up for anything, but please, just trust me this once, and i promise i’ll get us out of here..”
their eyes met as he tilted his head to glance at her, gaging her reaction. exhaling deeply, she allowed his words to sink in for a moment, contemplating the possibility that it was all a ruse, anything cunning trick up his sleeve. sighing, against her better judgement, she nodded slowly, wiping away her brimming tears quickly.
once more, happy memories ran through her mind as their eyes met one another’s, seeing straight through his hard exterior, all the way to those cherished memories in the tannyhill garden. she chuckled slightly, as she thought of the most prominent one.
his brows furrowed at her laughter, immediately standing up in disappointment. “who’s the crybaby now huh?” she teased, sniffling.
rafe released a shaky breath, relieved of the tension between the two. “i have a boat, a boat that can get us off the island..” he offered.
“i’m not leaving without the others rafe” she stated with a stern tone, laying down the conditions.
his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose as his frustration returned. “i can’t trust them y/n..”
“what makes you think you can trust me?” she snapped. “because you know me, you always have”
“and i always will rafe, but if you know me? you know i will never leave my friends behind”
“fine. c’mon..”
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thislovintime · 4 months
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Peter Tork with Arlo Guthrie and Timothy Leary on the set of Alice's Restaurant, 1968. Photo 1 by Steve Schapiro/Corbis via Getty Images, photo 2 courtesy of Everett Collection.
(Peter knew Arlo from the Greenwich Village days, particularly, according to 16 magazine, Peter's February 1964 visit to his old stomping grounds.) "[T]he Monkees use the new energies to sing the new songs and pass on the new message. [...] The Monkees' television show. Oh, you thought that it was silly teenage entertainment? Don't be fooled. While it lasted, it was a classic Sufi put on. An early-Christian electronic satire. A mystic magic show. A jolly Buddha laugh at hypocrisy. At early evening kiddie-time on Monday the Monkees would rush through a parody drama, burlesquing the very shows that glue Mom and Dad to the set during prime time. Spoofing the movies and the violence and the down-heavy-conflict-emotion themes that fascinate the middle-aged. And woven into the fast-moving psychedelic stream of action were the prophetic, holy, challenging words. Micky was rapping quickly, dropping literary names, making scholarly references: then the sudden psychedelic switch of the reality channel. He looked straight at the camera, right into your living room, and up-levelled the comedy by saying: 'Pretty good talking for a long-haired weirdo, huh, Mr. and Mrs. America?' And then ZAP, flash. Back to the innocuous comedy. Or, in a spy drama, Micky warned Peter: ‘Why this involves the responsibility for blowing up the entire world!’ Peter, confidently: ‘I’ll take that responsibility!’ And Micky, with a glance at the camera, said, ‘Wow! With a little more ego he’ll be ready to run for President!’ Why, it all happened so fast, LBJ, you didn’t even see it." - Timothy Leary, The Politics of Ecstasy (1968)
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