#Mr. Stenchy
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cookiqueen13 · 28 days ago
Lilo and Stitch Art Dump!
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stitchandani · 4 months ago
In one of the last scenes you posted, 621 finds 620. What will his next actions be in relation to 620? Given that 620 has the ability to find all experiments, 621 can use 620 to find dangerous Jumba experiments. Then most likely it will be used to find experiments that are not on Earth like 254 and 255, right? Therefore, 621 cannot find them without the help of 620. But due to the fact that many experiments are unpublished, it is not known which experiments 621 will need :(
Hello, Rihter513. So! Her name is Page, not 620. @artist-issues may reveal the scene following that one on her own time; I’ll leave it to her if/when she decides to post about that! She may even add to this answer later if she wants (but she’s under no obligation).
621 could use Page to find other experiments, yes - tracking and communicating with other experiments is her primary function. Correct. 621 could use her to locate Mr. Stenchy and any other experiments off-planet if he wanted to, that is correct. Is that the most likely outcome? That’s for Arti to say!
It is also for us to say whether or not 621 could locate off-planet experiments in some other way not involving Page. No one said alternatives are impossible!
You’re right! Many experiments are unpublished, so it is unknown which ones he’ll need! Well - unknown to everyone except Arti and I, the creators of the story. Sorry if you’re impatient! We can post or not post whenever we want!
Thanks again for the interest.
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nuttytyphooncrown · 1 year ago
This is a good post, but you missed a few female experiments
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Mrs. Sickly
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Who can also unfurl her body like this:
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Dark End (well, sorta, they’re from the anime and were female in the original Japanese version but were changed to male for all the foreign dubs, including English)
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What do you think of these guys? Though for Mrs. Sickly I think it’s worth taking into consideration that she’s part of a pair with Mr. Stenchy who looks like this:
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If Disney really had to make the “girl” experiment a pink version of Stitch we could have at least had this:
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She has to have eyelashes and painted nails and boobs and fur in a pattern specifically made to look like a low necked shirt. And she has to turn the other experiments evil while walking around sexily.
And as I’m watching through the show all of the other experiments I’ve seen so far are noticeably called by masculine pronouns or not gendered at all. So. I’m just saying. There’s a reason I’m a little salty. 
Don’t get me wrong. It’s a great show! But this particular thing and the fact that Angel is the only experiment outside of Stitch who is marketed by Disney…. :/ 
Edit: I have been reminded that there are two other “girl” experiments. First one Bonnie:
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And we’ve still got the eyelashes, tiny waist, and hint-of-boob thing going on.
And then there’s Clip:
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Clip I will give a pass to. Not a huge fan of the fact that “she has to have a pink bow so the audience will know that she’s a girl and also she ends up being a hairstylist because gender norms” part. But she is an amorphous blob of pure chaos so I will absolutely respect that.
Other experiments I have found thanks to googling from various Lilo and Stitch media:
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Gigi: She’s… Well, she looks like a dog. No eyelashes here and only a bow because Myrtle put it on her so I’m letting it pass.
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Phoon: Still got that eyelashes thing going on but okay.
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Welco. I just… Dear god. WHY???? (I am so uncomfortable right now did they steal fetish art from Deviantart??)
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Witch: she looks like she’d make an amazing goth gf, still very cisnormative coded but okay.
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Carmen: Angel but buff. (Although I appreciate the fact that they let her be buff so points for that.)
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Belle: y’know what? Aside from the eyelashes I really like this design, she looks like any of the other experiments and she’s just really cute so I respect that! :) 
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So yeah, this is what Disney have given us to work with. Most of it not great, a few passable ones. But I still stand by the fact that the only one who’s marketed and considered a romantic interest for Stitch is Angel which is still not the best thing ever :/ 
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fairestmusesofthemall · 1 month ago
continued from here w/ @wishingxuponxstars
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Pleakley was about to fire back about the majesty of the mosquito and how they were vital to keeping a very rare orchid pollinated, but he felt his features lighten. Really? Pick the number, even? "Well, uh, maybe I'd like that. A lot!" Noodly arms folded around themselves while a singular eyebrow raised. "Since we wouldn't be working together if it wasn't for, you know... Uh, I'm partial to Mr. Stenchy. What Lilo calls him! But maybe we can talk about an experiment you're very proud of."
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experimentkc · 2 years ago
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For the first time in years, we Westerners are finally getting more experiment merch beyond Stitch, Angel, and to a lesser extent, Leroy and Reuben!
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Previews World says that these bag clips, which are the fifth series in Monogram's Lilo & Stitch ("Disney Stitch") 3D foam bag clip collection, will release in stores on June 28, 2023. Just in time for Stitch Week on the eve of Leroy Day!
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While there are still yet more Stitch variants, there are only three of him this time; one of him holding a lot of food, one of him in his Experiment 626 form and red spacesuit, and one of him picking his nose with his tongue.
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But clearly, the real stars here are his cousins! X-629/Leroy, X-625/Reuben, X-624/Angel (who has been in a couple previous series), X-258/Sample, X-254/Mr. Stenchy, and X-010/Felix can also be found in many of these bags. X-601/Kixx and X-221/Sparky are also found as chasers, so they will be harder to find compared to the others. Yeah, it's a bit unfortunate that these are in blind bags, but at least it's something as we enter the twentieth anniversary of Lilo & Stitch: The Series later this year!
You can preorder six bags in the link at the top, preorder just one over here, or splurge on a whole display case of twenty-four bags over here.
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happyfunf3tti · 2 years ago
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mr. stenchy
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rosetyler42 · 2 years ago
Pleakley would probably take a bit to warm up to any experiment of Jumba's, considering he's USUALLY scared of/suspicious of them at first - particularly after living with and getting repeatedly hurt by Stitch. But since your S/I Calypso isn't THAT destructive and evil as far as Jumba's experiments go AND one of the more civilized/less feral ones, he'd probably like her. I mean, he DID bond with Mr. Stenchy and Yaarp.
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The family dynamic
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vilmublue · 2 years ago
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Experiment 254
Mr. Stenchy
Primary function: To use his charm and emit a noxious odor 48 hours after his activation
An experiment that functions as a ticking stink bomb. 48 hours after his activation, he begins to emit an odor so noxious it will make a 40-square mile area uninhabitable for decades. He appears oblivious of the fact and that his smell bothers others.
He is designed to be so irresistibly cute (both in appearance and behavior) that he can infiltrate any target area, though other experiments are immune to his charms, tend to be jealous of the attention he receives and generally find him irritating.
One true place: Plorgonar (Pleakley's home planet,) where his stench is considered a rare and valuable perfume
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picturejasper20 · 5 years ago
Lilo & Stitch: the series was "proto" Steven universe.
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Since people are bringing up Lilo and Stitch again and i have been rewatching a few scenes recently, i want to express my opinion of why i think this series "was" a prototype of SU before Steven universe started airing
For those who don't know Lilo and Stitch, the series is about a Lilo, a little girl, and Stitch, also know as experiment 626, who together capture other Stitch "cousins" and instead of destroying them, they try finding them a new home.
Much like the gems in Steven universe, each experiment was created for a specific purpose. Some of them can spit fire, others are annoying. Many of them are pretty harmless and rarely represent a real threat.
For example:
Sample, who copies sounds he hears to drive people crazy
Or this cute guy, Mr.Stenchy, who is kind and nice but he's actually a smoking bomb.
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The main antagonists see the experiments as tools and weapons for evil whereas Lilo sees them as beings with capacity of change and doing good. This is subversion of the monster of the week trope.
The show's writing is not fantastic. Still, there are some episodes worth of cheking out. It's very formulatic in it's execution. The continuity is decent for a cartoon made in around a time in which most cartoons were episodic.
And let's not forget about experiment 625 (Reuben) who is voiced by Rob Paulsen and delivers some of the best lines the series has to offer.
The series ends with a film about Stitch fighting a evil copy of himself,Leroy and freeing all his cousins from the main villain.
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abluestitchintime · 6 years ago
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A closer look at Lilo & Stitch The Series Home, Stinky Home
Well here we go this is one of my last true Lilo & Stitch: The Series books. 
This is again a ‘Step Into Reading’ Book much like the one from the original movie “Go Stitch Go!” That was a step 1, this book is a step 2.
“Home, Stinky Home’ is what you expect at first glance, a reselling of the series’s Mr Stenchy episode in 32 pages. It does not use screengrabs from the episode itself but pictures! Some of the pictures are rather unique after so much clipart use in the past but they do make some scenes change from what we see in the episode itself.  The word experiment was a little to large for little kids so I like how Mr Stenchy is now Alien 254 
 Is not a fully new story but I think its interesting to see enough so I’ll be posting the whole thing under the cut.
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They cut out Stitch thinking about ways to get rid of Stenchy and the whole ‘devil and angel on your shoulder’ scene not surprised there for the age group they are going for that was kinda dark ;)
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Now this scene was changed a bit not sure why? Stitch having a bib = better table manners? I wished they focused on that guilty look he flashes at the table instead. 
Now its just going to get less matching  up with the episode from here on end in the sake of simplicity I’m sure. Its meant to be a shorter read after all.
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These scenes now take place outside instead of inside the ship and unfortunately 625 did not make it into the book! It does make less sense for Mr Stenchy to go to Gantu now that they cut out Stenchy and Gantu bonding scenes.
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The couple that ends up ‘adopting’ Stenchy have been changed big time design wise too. The female doesn't have her hair anymore and now has a bald head like the male. He used to be wearing glasses as well!
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Well that’s it! 
I don’t have any more series books unfortunately I have yet to get a copy of that ‘Sprout’ themed activity book. That might be something to invest in obtaining for my collection in the future. 
ps. If anyone DOES own it I’d love to see what its all about I haven't seen much around but the cover itself and of course the ruler it came with.
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minotaur-in-my-labyrinth · 3 years ago
So does anyone remember the Lilo and Stitch: The Series tv show on the Disney channel?
One of my all time favorite experiments, not necessarily the episode, was Experiment 254.
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This little guy, Mr. Stenchy. Originally a military weapon, this overload of cuteness was designed to trick people into bringing him along through the sheer adorability factor. 2 days after being activated though he would emit the foulest stench evil genius Dr. Jumba Jookiba could devise, rendering the location and possibly an entire planet inhospitable.
Plot twist: the stench that gave Mr. Stenchy his moniker is a prized perfume on Pleakley's home planet, reminding Pleakley of his first date.
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In essence, in trying to create the worst smell possible, Jumba created a smell that gets Pleakley's entire species fucking HORNY, which perfectly encapsulates the duo's entire dynamic.
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stitchandani · 4 years ago
Hey Arti! I have a list of questions that bother me:1. Which experiment Leroy had the most trouble capturing him?2. Which cousin Lilo and Stitch caught last?3. How many cousins ​​are there on Mrs. Edmonds' cat list?4. Which cousin did you make up first?5. How do you think Mr. Stenchy returned to Earth?6. Which cousin did Jumba consider the best creation before creating the 600 series?
Here we go!
1. Leroy captured all the Experiments with ease because they didn’t see him coming. But Angel gave him the most trouble.
2. I haven’t decided who was dead-last yet, but the latest is Witch, 610!
3. Mrs. Edmunds’ cat list started at 30 and its even grown on-and-off, because she considers any Experiment who visits or comes to stay for however long another “kitty!”
4. The first cousin I ever designed was Flame! But the first finalized one was Mama Frita, Rueben’s boochiboo.
5. Pleakley got in touch with his mother and she looked Mr. Stenchy up on their home planet. She brought him back to Kauai for visits (after Jumba made a stink-neutralizing perfume for him.) Mr. Stenchy also knows the intergalactic phone number for the Birds of Paradise Hotel, so before Trip turned renegade, he could call and try to get a portal home any time he wanted to see the Ohana!
6. Jumba didn’t start thinking in terms of “best” until he had the idea for creating ”the ultimate monster of destruction.” But after Woops and 621 were failures…he probably had the biggest soft spot in his dark heart for Experiment 624. (And his least favorite was Jumby!)
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hitchell-mope · 4 years ago
Reuben’s getting pissy
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heather0feather · 5 years ago
(part 2)
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Sorry I couldn't help myself. Had to do more!
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saveliloandstitch · 5 years ago
Wotso Videos has released a new Lilo & Stitch video called "All of Stitch's Cousins, Ranked", here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V81ReCVWrv4 
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experimentkc · 6 years ago
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So, I was just browsing around the web doing my own thing when I found this Instagram profile of a Thai Lilo & Stitch fan. I took a good look at their posts, saw what they’ve shared, and...
I want to cry.
Why can’t we Western fans have nice things?! 😭
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