#Mother’s Day 2021 Wishes
just-french-me-up · 2 years
when my partner tells me stuff like : "we're this close to slam the door and leave." after another one of his mother's antics rife with guilt tripping and child parentification 🥵🥵
like it isn't one of my deepest fantasies 👀🥵
boy trust me i'm already half way out of the fucking door 👌
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oldpotatoe · 11 months
"the first casualty, when war comes, is truth"
i wish i wasn't writing this.
i wish i didn't have to caveat this whole statement with "by the way, i strongly condemn the killing of innocent civilians in any circumstance whatsoever" because i am a muslim and obviously every muslim voice represents all 1.8 billion of us, right? but your faves can go on instagram and loudly proclaim there is no two sides to this - i stand with the apartheid state bombing and starving children! with no consequences whatsoever. right.
i wish i didn't have to filter every bit of information i saw because of rampant lies and misinformation boosted across social media, especially when it shrouds the actual atrocities happening. it's still unconfirmed whether 40 babies were murdered by hamas militants - if true, it is an awful, awful act done by the lowest of the low. but as we speak, 447 children have been confirmed to be killed - murdered - in gaza just in the last few days.
i wish i didn't see videos of those murders. i wish i could wipe away the horrific wailing of a father as he clawed his daughter's lifeless body out of rubble, falling to his knees as he cried for her to wake. i wish i didn't see mothers clutching small, bloodied bundles in their hands, screaming and screaming and screaming. i wish i could forget that i have been seeing iterations of these videos coming out of palestine from 2021, 2014, 2009, 2006 - oh, basically anytime israel decided to launch an offensive on gaza.
i wish children didn't make up 47% of gaza's 2 million population, of which 4 out of 5 were living with PTSD and depression as per a report from last year (aka before this latest shitstorm started), because living in an open air prison under constant threat of bombing really helps make those childhood memories extra special. i wish these children were considered as human as those across the border, their lives as important and meaningful.
i wish that literal war crimes were not taking place in gaza right now. this includes the war crimes by hamas of taking innocent hostages - hamas, may i remind the reader, is a palestinian terrorist organisation but not all palestinians are hamas - and also the war crimes of the israeli government by literally ordering a siege of gaza with "no electricity, no food, and no fuel." this is to ensure that the children who aren't already dead are well on their way, i guess.
i wish we weren't watching an ethnic cleansing literally taking place in front of our eyes.
i wish i didn't feel so helpless. i wish i could console my friends who are on the daily losing multitudes of relatives, and who now have no way of finding out who else they've lost until the electricity comes back on. i wish my words didn't feel so hollow.
i wish i could wave a palestinian flag in solidarity but i may get arrested for it here, in the uk, so better not.
i wish. i wish. i wish.
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Slippery Rendezvous
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: none
Summary: Natasha doesn’t approve of your feelings for Bucky despite your many attempts to convince her that he is the man for you. What else can you do when she forbids you to date any of her friends?
Squares Filled: natasha romanoff / black widow (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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You wake up to an empty bed. What did you expect? That he’d stay? Bucky isn’t known to spend the night after fucking you but you keep wishing he would. You run your hand down his side of the bed and feel the cool sheets. He must have left early in the morning so that your sister wouldn’t see him.
It’s not like she hates him but she hates the idea of you being with any one of her “coworkers”. Natasha isn’t shy when it comes to relationships and often encourages you to go out and have fun with different men. She loves dating even if she doesn’t show it, and you love telling her about all the dates you get to go on. The issue is that she doesn’t want you dating anyone she knows. She knows the baggage that comes with the men she knows and doesn’t want you mixed up with it.
You went to University to get a degree as a voice actor. You’ve gotten gigs across the country but ultimately settled in New York where you got a job working on a popular animated television series. You’re already in your third season and have no plans of stopping anytime soon. Natasha loves to tell you how normal you are and how different you are compared to the shit she goes through every day.
You’re not a spy and you have no desire to be a spy. You’re not Natasha’s biological sister because you came into her life well after she got done with the Red Room training. She was on a mission to kill your father for all the bad shit he has been doing. You hated the man and had always wanted to leave. However, your mother died at birth and you were a minor at the time. He always hid his shady shit which is why he didn’t get convicted for anything.
She saved you and she adopted you a couple of years later. You don’t blame her for your father’s death even if she did pull the trigger. He’s a bad man who is rotting in Hell and you’re better off for it. Now, you have a successful job and are in love with the infamous Winter Soldier. Only he doesn’t know it and if he does, he doesn’t do anything about it.
You two met when Natasha was having a party at the Avengers Compound. She didn’t want you to go but you insisted that with her by your side, you’ll be fine. It’s not like the Avengers are going to pick a fight with you or anything. Even Bruce had his alter ego under control, so she relented and let you come.
Her world is and was much different than yours. She told stories of how she went to space, how she kicked someone’s ass, and how she infiltrated an organization. All you have to show for is the work you’ve done for entertainment. You’re not nearly as special as any of them but Bucky makes you feel like you are.
He kept to himself in the corner of the room drinking something that wasn’t alcohol when you approached him.
“Hi. Do you mind if I join you?”
“No, go ahead,” he clears his throat.
“I’m Y/N. I’m Natasha’s sister. Adopted sister, actually, but she feels like a real one to me. What’s your name?”
“You seriously don’t know who I am?” he chuckles.
“I know who you are but I’d thought I’d be polite and let you introduce yourself instead of assuming I know everything about you.”
“Right,” he nods. “I’m Bucky.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Bucky.”
You two fell into conversation that lasted well past the party. Natasha had a secret thing for Steve and didn’t mind staying over as long as you were safe and okay with staying. You left that night with thoughts of Bucky and when the next time you were going to see him, but Natasha didn’t share your enthusiasm.
“Listen, I don’t want to tell you what to do but I don’t want you seeing Bucky.”
“Funny. That sounds exactly like you telling me what to do,” you scoff.
“I mean it, Y/N. Bucky is a good guy now but he wasn’t always like this. He’s not all the way back yet and I don’t want you getting hurt. With any of them. They have too much baggage and you don’t need something like that in your life.”
You look out the window in annoyance.
“I just spent the last two hours talking to a guy who made me feel like I was the only woman in the world. I’m not saying I want to marry the guy but I felt something that I haven’t felt with any of the guys I’ve dated.”
“I knew bringing you to that party was a bad idea,” she scoffs. “You’re not seeing Bucky. End of story.”
“I am an adult, Nat. Let me make my own decisions. Let me decide if he’s worth the heartbreak.”
“He will do more than break your heart. He will break you. He didn’t get his name for nothing. His body count is well into the hundreds if not thousands. I am not worried about him breaking your heart. I’m worried about him killing you. I mean it, Y/N. Stay away from that one.”
You tried, God knows you tried, but there is something about Bucky that you couldn’t stay away from. You formed friendships with Wanda and Thor which gave you an excuse of going to the compound where you knew Bucky was living. Wanda caught on pretty quickly at what you were trying to do since she can read minds and all that, and she agreed to keep your affair with Bucky from your sister.
You’re not trying to hurt Natasha but you fell for Bucky and fell for him hard. He just never stays the night like you hope he does.
You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom where you hear the shower going. Natasha must be in there. You slip in and knock on the door to let her know that you’re inside the bathroom with her.
“Hey, Nat, I’m just going to brush my teeth. I’ll be out shortly.”
You slip in, close the door behind you, and walk over to the sink.
“I’m not Nat.”
You tense when you hear Bucky’s deep voice but then smile when you realize he slept the night in your bed. The curtain slides to the side just enough for him to peek his head out of it, and you turn to face him.
“I thought you left last night.”
“Nope. I wanted to stay the night with you. Is that okay?”
“It’s more than okay.”
He closes the curtain again and resumes cleaning himself.
“Got any plans today?”
You’re about to answer when you hear the front door slam open and shut. Natasha is the only one who has a key so she must be back. If she found out Bucky has not only been dating you but secretly fucking you, she’d have a heart attack and probably kill him.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” The bathroom door shakes and you do the first thing that comes to mind. You quickly hop in the shower, fully clothed, and look at Bucky who smirks. The door opens and Nat walks in. “Y/N?”
“I’m in the shower!” Bucky’s mouth opens so you place your hand over it so he understands he needs to be quiet. “What do you want?”
“Listen, Steve and some of the guys are having a cookout at Clint’s farm. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”
“Really? You’ll let me go?”
“I feel bad and I shouldn’t keep you away from your friends.”
“Is Bucky going to be there?”
Bucky nods and looks at you with mischievous eyes.
“Then I’ll go.”
“I invited you because Wanda and Thor will be there. They’re your friends.”
“I know.”
“It’s fine, Nat. I’ll hang with them.”
“Okay. We leave in an hour.”
She leaves the bathroom and you remove your hand from Bucky’s mouth knowing you didn’t need it to be there. He knows Natasha’s opinion of him and how she wouldn’t approve of you two dating. He just wanted to feel your hands on him if he’s being honest.
“Great, now I’m all wet. Look what you did.”
“I like it when you’re wet,” he smirks.
You shove his shoulder and scoff playfully but he grabs you and pulls you into him. He slides his hands into your hair and kisses you. He must forget the situation you’re in because you can feel his growing arousal on your stomach.
“No, Bucky, we should stop. I will not be tempted into shower sex again. Remember what happened last time?”
“Damn, my arm malfunctions one time and you’re triggered.”
“Can I trust you to keep your hands to yourself at this cookout?”
“No,” he chuckles. “It’s gonna be hard not to. Now I’m picturing you wet.”
“Hurry up and leave before she finds you in here. I’d rather not know what a fight between Black Widow and the Winter Soldier looks like.”
You slip out of the shower and back to your room without your sister noticing. While you’d like your relationship to be out in the open, sneaking around is just too much damn fun.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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the-ladyguinevere · 1 month
The most important post I ever make.
Please help me with custody of my daughter.
This is a donation post. I don't know what to say that I haven't already said, so I'm going to copy my statements in the GoFundMe. Please signal boost this and donate if you can, every little bit helps.
I am Guinevere, mother of a six year old daughter and survivor of abuse. In late 2021, I left my then partner with intentions to have shared custody of our daughter. At first he allowed me to have her at my new home, but since mid-April 2022 he has only allowed me to see my daughter when he takes her to my grandmother's house for visits. I do not know when she will be there beforehand; I find out the morning of every time my grandmother has her over, and have kept my schedule open in case I may see her, usually on every other Saturday.
I received a letter on Friday, August 9th, asserting that his current wife wishes to adopt my daughter and that they did not need my consent to do this, they are only required to notify me of the filing to adopt. The reasoning given was that I have not had "significant communication" with my daughter since April of 2022. I have thirty days from the time I received the letter to file a dispute. I object greatly, I will not allow him and his wife to take my daughter from me if I can stop it. She is the most important thing in my world.
I am in touch with a lawyer and am building my case. In addition to preventing the adoption, I wish to form a formal custody agreement so that this cannot happen again, and a formal custody arrangement would mean that I am guaranteed time with her. Before I am able to proceed, however, I have to pay my lawyer at least a portion of the retainer fee, which I am unable to pay on my own on such short notice. Without financial assistance, I won't be able to fight this and I will lose my parental rights.
Please help me keep my daughter in my life, and help her keep the mother that has loved and cared for her since the moment she was born. I will see every donation, and every dollar means the world to me. https://gofund.me/858c21e7
Currently Raised: $0 / $3000
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mrs-monaghan · 10 days
what are your thoughts about this day? What do you think really happened between jikook for Jimin to act so shy and whipped around jk
JK isn't even there. But the mere mention of his name has Jimin like;
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Its giving;
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Its giving that one moment during this:
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I couldn't find the clip but if you've been around a while you know what I'm talking about. JK bumped shoulders with Jimin and Mimi ducked his head, blushing like a teenage girl. 🤭🤭
I wasn't around for this blushing era and I really wish I was coz the analyses people must have been doing were crazy!!! (The blushing is a big Jimin thing that sets Jikook aside from other BTS ships)
I've read a few theories here and there on tumblr, twitter and they all make sense. They do. 💯
But here's my thing, I know we like to talk alot about Jikook sexy times on this side of tumblr and I know its fun and we have a good time 😉 we do. But the thing is, I really do think the blushing had alot to do with that. I think there was something that was going on in the bedroom and that thing was making Jimin all shy and blushy at the mere thought of JK in public.
I mean, think about it. This was 2021, right? They're proper established atp. So why would Jimin suddenly start acting like they just started dating?? Looking at JK and blushing, okay... but JK accidentally brushing shoulders with him?? Just telling us that JK is coming?? Girl!
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There was a little sum'n sum'n that was happening behind closed doors to make Jimin act this way and my money is on something sexual. And that something probably involved dom JK.
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No. Not... not that one
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Nah, thats not it either.
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Now we're talking...
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Holy mother of--- What was I saying?
Right. Jimin was getting his a$$ dominated in the bedroom and so memories of that would pop up sometimes and he would blush like they just met and JK was trying to woo him. Or maybe he had a butt plug that JK was activating during these moments. Who tf knows??
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I'm just saying 🙌🏾... in my sexual opinion, these shy reactions were sexually triggered. That's all. Have a good day everyone. Shazy out.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
I’m sorry
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x asian!reader
Theme : Angst
Just a timeline of Charles’s girlfriend throughout the years, how she went from a girl who migrated to France when she was 6 years old to becoming a girlfriend of the Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc.
I’m not entirely sure about this one but I just wanted to clear my draft. I’m only tagging those who told me they wanted to be included in my general tag list! Please don’t be offended if I didn’t tag you because it’s not Jealousy part 3 😭 so I thought you don’t want to be tagged but please let me know if you wish to in all of my stories!
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 98,765 others
ynusername dropping a selfie bcs it’s been a while
charles_leclerc Mon amour 🧸🤎
ynusername 🤎
user3 she’s asian? can she speaks french?
user4 she has lived in france since she was 6 so yes she can
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 78,072 others
ynusername a quick stop for mirror selfie before rushing to class
charles_leclerc my pretty girl 🤎
user1 oh to be called my pretty girl by charles too 😭
user2 does she always dress like that?
user3 other wags just scream old money with class. this one..i’m not sure myself 😣
user4 lol she can wear whatever she wants
user2 i just wish she wear something more relevant since it’s affecting charles’s image too
user4 that doesn’t make any sense
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 103,665 others
ynusername rainy season 🌧️
charles_leclerc I miss you
ynusername I miss you too 🥺🥺
user1 I love how she still look stunning without all those expensive brands
user3 is it just me or she looks so out of place compare to other wags?
user4 how i wish she paid more attention to her style
user5 too simple 😕
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 277,231 others
ynusername loving this dress! 💛
charles_leclerc beautiful princess
ynusername love youu! 🥺
user1 meeeh tried too hard
user2 lol all those stuffs but still don’t look on par with other wags
user3 omg you look so pretty in a dress!!! AAAAA
user4 charles’s princess ❤️
user5 girl you ate and left all crumbs
“I can’t.”
Charles furrowed his brows to your answer. “What do you mean you can’t? Y/N, we have been together for more than 6 years. Don’t you think it’s time for us to start living together?”
“I got a job offer in London. I’ll be moving away in a week.”
“What? What about us? Don’t you think you should have told me first before you accepted the offer?” He blinked in disbelief, part of him was hoping that you were just pulling a prank on him.
“It was a job that my mom had always been dreaming of, Charles. She sacrificed a lot for me.”You tilted your chin to avoid the tears on your waterline to spill. “She sacrificed her life before she could play with dolls for me. I spent my childhood waiting for the sound of her keys jingling as she came back from her night shift, waking up with just a small note sticked on the side of my breakfast plate because she couldn’t wished me a good morning for having to rush to work. She gave up on her dream, crying from missing her parents in South Korea every night just to make sure I got a chance to draw my life with colours so I wouldn’t have to suffer like she did. I need to accept this job for her. Everything I have been doing and ever will do is for her and you know this.”
Charles remained silence. He had always known your mom’s struggle, raiding you alone as a signle mother and part of him had always known that if you were put in a situation where you had to prioritise your life or your mom’s life, you would always choose hers. He knew it but he was never prepared for the day to come. He couldn’t find himself to say anything else and pulled you into his embrace instead.
“And I’m tired. I’m so, so tired of the constant pressure from everyone. I can’t even wear anything that I want without getting comments about how incompatible I look, how messy I look. I– I don’t know what they– what everyone wants from me. It’s either I looked out of place, an outsider or I looked like I’m trying too hard. I don’t know what everyone expect from me. I’m happy, I’m so goddamn happy that you got to be where you are right now but the more you are building yourself, the more I’m falling apart. I’m losing myself, Charles. I feel like I have been helping you to build your garden while mine is just getting abandoned and forsaken and just full of wilt flowers.”
“I’m sorry.”
That was the last word you remembered him saying as he kept you in your arms, holding you so you wouldn’t fall on your knee from the way your body shook within every sob.
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London, United Kingdom
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 277,663 others
ynusername took a day off to play tourist!
comments have been disabled
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lancomeofficial and ynusername
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 377,620 others
lancomeofficial Lancôme newest global ambassador, ynusername lookingall glammed up by jaime.creates.
user3 been here since day 1
user4 She looks unreal
user5 it’s been a while since the last time i saw her in my feed 🥹
user6 still using her ex bf fame to build her name lol she’s worse than other ex wag
user7 are you high???
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✧.* tags! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando
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nariism · 1 year
my brother's best friend
pair. miya osamu x gn!reader
content: fluff, attempts at humour, miya atsumu is a little shit, first loves, mutual pining
synopsis. miya osamu takes pride in the fact that he’s the smarter of the twins. he, in fact, is not (especially when it comes to you).
wc. 3.1k
a/n: om nom nom nom nom brother's best friend trope nom nom nom... ok i have to come clean about this fic i literally wrote the first draft for this in 2021 on WATTPAD and it's been sitting dormant forever up until recently. enjoy 🫶
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‎oh my god, how did i end up here?
it’s the only thought repeating over and over again in osamu’s head as he sits there staring at you. you’re too preoccupied with the menu in your hands to notice his unwavering gaze, scanning through it and muttering to yourself indecisively about what to order.
of course, the question of how he ended up here on a date with you could be summarized in one simple sentence:
miya atsumu is the world’s biggest idiot.
if kita or aran were here they would surely be poking fun at him right now, lecturing him about how his dna is a perfect carbon copy of atsumu’s. and while they would be right, osamu is convinced his brother has at least 70% less brain cell capacity.
the thought makes him feel a little smug. (he’s in the class under atsumu.)
you were friends. at least as far as how often you saw each other, he considered you good friends. maybe. not that he knew all that much about you other than the fact that you were constantly... around. if he didn’t know that atsumu was the biggest knucklehead on planet earth, he would have assumed you were dating. but he knew his brother was too invested in volleyball to be seeing anyone seriously, and you didn’t didn’t seem like the type to mess around with guys like him anyways.
you were way too level-headed for that despite the raunchy, head-turning jokes you liked to tell, which honestly might be the reason why atsumu keeps you around.
whenever you came to their house, you would stick to lounging in atsumu’s room or the living room. you typically avoided disturbing osamu and the rest of their family — not like they minded having you around. no, in fact, their mother had a strange soft spot for you. you were quiet and well mannered, until it was just the three of you and suddenly an onslaught of fierce attacks on poor atsumu would commence.
for the majority of your friendship, you have stayed out of his way and he stays out of yours. you only talk to each other when deemed necessary, like when walking home from school or when you shyly greet him at the door because atsumu is on the toilet. he does, however, rejoice in the fact that there is another person on the atsumu hate train, and appreciates that you’re at least colourful with your insults. it’s impressive, really.
(he would never admit it. never. never ever. but it warms his heart a little that there’s someone out there just like him, expressing their love for miya atsumu in less conventional ways.)
you were quick witted and funny. a free source of entertainment when he would grow bored of his brother’s shenanigans. and it was a two way street, because when you needed a break from atsumu, osamu was always right there. 
you were noticeably gentler with the younger of the miya twins: asking him how school was, and if he needed help with his chemistry homework, and what he had for lunch. menial little things, but sometimes he found himself thinking that it was the highlight of his day.
otherwise, your presence in his life is, as osamu considers it, indifferent.
sure, he likes to look at you. and sometimes, maybe, he wishes you and atsumu would invite him around more often. it also doesn’t help his heart when you’re so nice to him, like when you’re all having dinner together and you pretend you don’t want the last dumpling on your plate and shovel it onto his. he likes that. or when you invite yourself into their freezer for ice cream, you always make sure to grab an extra one for him. there have been multiple occasions in which you’ve wordlessly slid him your notes to copy, too.
you were good at that; knowing what others wanted and being more selfless than the average person. you’re a people pleaser, and though he and atsumu used to make fun of your type when they were kids, your charm is undeniable.
unfortunately, actually making any sort of move on you is out of the question. not only would it potentially complicate things between you and him, it would also risk putting a strain on your friendship with atsumu. making his brother’s life a living hell is what miya osamu was born into this world to do, but for some reason his stomach turns at the thought of ruining your friendship.
you were just atsumu’s cute best friend. nothing less, nothing more. and he would very much like to beat the “i fell in love with my brother’s best friend” allegations, thank you.
he realizes he’s still looking at you intently with his arms crossed over his chest. he watches as your nose scrunches a little in thought, trying to decide between their two best sellers. he sighs in relief when you get up to order for yourself, tucking a stray hair under his cap before going back to sulking with his thoughts.
atsumu had a lot of bad ideas. so many that if they sat down and listed them all out they might be there for a couple days. but this? this is his worst one yet. and how osamu managed to get roped (bribed) into this, he will never know. but here he is, and here you are, and here atsumu is not.
he really should get better at saying no to atsumu.
(“c’mon, ‘samu! please? for me?!”
“what the hell? no. that’s a shitty thing to do. just tell them ya can’t go.”
“but it’s their birthday! they were lookin’ forward to this. they’ll hate me forever if i bailed!”
“and? why would i help you? ‘specially with somethin’ so stupid. it’s your fault you didn’t plan better.”
“don’t be like that, y’know it was a last minute thing!”
a beat of silence.
“pretty please? it’s their birthday… you guys are friends too, right?”
osamu can’t believe he’s entertaining this stupid idea for even a second. you’re not an idiot. you’d know it’s him with a single glance.
“this is an all time low, even for you. they’ll notice it’s me right away. are ya crazy, ‘tsumu? hit your head or somethin’?”
“it’s just this one time! i’ll never ask ya for anythin’ ever again. never ever ever ever, i swear it.”
“don’t sound so tired with me! do this for your big brother. have i mentioned it’s their birthday?”
big brother? osamu scoffs loudly.
“you actually mentioned it three times. and yer only a couple minutes older than me. but... fine.”
“don’t be such a jacka- wait, what?”
“i said fine. but you owe me lunch for the next two weeks.”
“... are ya sure they won’t know it’s me? i mean, i really think you should reconsider-”
“oh shut up, ‘samu, we’re identical!”
“just know that i won’t hesitate to throw ya under the bus if shit hits the fan.”)
what a terrible plan. pretending to be atsumu was proving to be harder than he initially anticipated. he would have thought that spending every agonizing, waking, living hour with his brother would have trained him well enough, but atsumu is so no-chill that it’s somehow making this already horrible idea even worse with every passing second.
surprisingly, you haven’t said anything. you haven’t acknowledged the massive elephant in the room. this could only mean one of three things:
1. you’ve noticed, but you’re desperately trying to spare atsumu’s feelings and osamu’s embarrassment by not bringing it up.
2. you’re dumber than he thought. dumber than a rock, actually, if you didn’t take one look at osamu and know it was him.
3. you are a cruel, wicked, evil, deranged human being who finds osamu’s situation entirely hilarious and wants this to go on for as long as possible.
judging by your casual banter, he’s willing to bet it’s either option one or two. you’re twirling a lanyard around your finger when you finally return with your drink of choice in tow. next destination: the local aquarium. atsumu put a surprising amount of effort into planning the day.
it’s a shame he hadn’t accounted for planning himself into it.
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‎he shouldn’t have agreed to come here.
spending time alone with you like this was bound to stir up feelings he’d long ago buried in the hollows of his heart. of the miya twins, osamu was always better at keeping his emotions under wraps. there were rare occasions in which he lost his cool, in which he was actually somehow worse than atsumu, but in general he was as level-headed as you were.
you’re ruining him and his plans to never acknowledge his feelings for you.
it’s unfair, really, how his heart seemingly gets lodged in his throat when you cling to his arm so tightly, laughing and pointing out all the funny-looking fish. and when you point at something called a vampire squid, raving about how long it took you to find one in animal crossing, he nearly crumbles to his knees and puts his head in his hands.
(in other words, he’s totally whipped. he’s not beating those allegations.)
osamu thought he could get used to looking at anyone’s face. he always found people boring — he grew up being the other half of his brother, after all. the miya twins are many things, but boring is not one of them, and to entertain them you have to be someone with a special brand of humour.
but now, as he looks at you with the soft blue glow from the tank shining against your face, he can’t help the thought that crosses his mind:
i could never get tired of this.
“... hailing from the depths of tropical and subtropical waters, the vampire squid feeds on marine snow.”
he blinks back into reality, eyes drifting from you to the sea creature you’re admiring, then back to you. “marine snow? sounds gross.”
“it’s the debris that falls to the lower levels of the ocean. lots of deep sea creatures feed that way since it saves them the energy of needing to go hunt.”
osamu seems skeptical. “they really just eat anythin’ like that?”
your head turns to look at him. there’s a little smile playing on your face, like you seem amused by what he just said. “sounds like someone i know.”
he makes a strange expression in response. were you talking about him? did you often bring him up when you were alone with atsumu? the soft and fond look in your eyes doesn’t help his racing heart. the idea that you and atsumu talk about him in private so sweetly makes his face burn slightly in embarrassment.
he shakes his head to get the thought out of his brain before stuffing his hands into his pockets.
your arm finds his again, locking together. it’s an oddly intimate action, even if you think he really is atsumu. he doesn’t know you to be the most touchy person on earth, though he supposes he can’t see what you’re like behind the closed doors of his brother’s bedroom. his blood boils for some reason.
you stop at the next tank, the one situated in the centre of the room filled high with kelp and schools of tiny fish. you’re looking at them with wide eyes, light shimmering in them. he could cry right now. you look like an angel bathed in the shadows of dancing fish as your gaze carefully follows a school circling around the top of the aquarium.
there’s a feeling swimming inside of him, unfamiliar and oh so dreadful. he can feel it in raging in every part of him — in his heart, in the fiery pits of his stomach, in his throat — and he knows exactly which word comes to mind.
miya osamu may be in the lowest class in his year, and he might share a single brain cell with his brother, but he’s read enough books to describe this feeling. he’s listened to enough love songs to know this ache in him.
if you asked him ten years from now, he’d tell you exactly the same thing as he would right now; that your first love is always petrifying.
“pretty, aren’t they?”
“yeah. real pretty.”
but he hasn’t looked at them even once. how could he when there’s a living, breathing angel standing next to him?
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‎osamu delivers you to your doorstep that night.
it feels like a dream, the whole day and having the privilege of holding your hand and feeling your body against his.
maybe it was just the greedy monster in him speaking. the laws of the universe dictate that if it’s you and osamu, atsumu needs to be there, too. the miya twins have always come in a package. a duo. there is no just atsumu or just osamu, at least there wasn’t until you came along.
suddenly it was you and atsumu. it was atsumu and osamu, and you. but there was never just you and osamu. it didn’t work that way.
well, screw the universe and its laws. osamu never believed in that astrology shit anyways.
he’s fully prepared to keep this day an untarnished memory — something to cherish when life goes back to normal and he’s unable to stand shoulder to shoulder like this with you again.
when you lean in to kiss him, there is only one thought repeating in his mind like a mantra:
it’s just once. just one day. one last perfect memory.
you’re so close that he can feel your breath filling his lungs. his heart hammers where it rests in his chest, so loud that he can hear it thundering in his ears. it’s then that he realizes this is wrong. all of it is wrong.
he recoils back with lightning speed, and his heart aches at the sight of your disappointed and puzzled expression. but it’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to atsumu either.
he cares about both of you too much to be selfish right now.
how could he possibly risk hurting two of the people he cared most about in the world? he couldn’t be that self-centred, to be able to steal a kiss from you just to keep his memories of this day perfect.
perfect doesn’t exist if none of it is real.
“i’m not… i’m not who you think i am.”
he slides the hat off his head with shame burning in his cheeks, avoiding your eyes like a child who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. it was time for him to be honest, both with you and himself.
“look, yer really cool. and i– crap, it’s complicated, ‘kay? i might like you. like– like you, like you. i wasn’t thinkin’ straight. 'm really sorry, i know it was wrong to string you along, i was just havin’ so much fun today that–”
his mouth suddenly comes to a halt as you reach forward and capture his cheeks between your fingers, squishing them together so he’ll stop rambling.
you look at him with a confused but amused smile. “um, ‘samu? i like you, too.”
“what?” he sputters out as much as he can with his face still held in place. his brows furrow, but all rational thoughts have stopped flowing in his mind. he’s staring at you like a flabbergasted idiot, so you continue.
“why else would i agree to go on a date with you on my birthday?”
“but– i– huh?”
your head tilts. “this was a date, wasn’t it?”
it dawns on him then. it had never occurred to osamu that there was another explanation for your strange lack of acknowledgment that he is painfully easy to see through:
4. you like him and simply thought this was a date. you like him as much as he likes you, which is a stupid amount. after all, he likes you enough to go through with an infinite number of atsumu’s terrible ideas just to make you happy.
of course you weren’t that dense. of course he was found out the second you laid eyes on him. of course he had misread the entire situation because he was blinded by his brother’s boisterous claims that they were indistinguishable.
“this is ridiculous. i can’t believe you–… atsumu somehow always pulls through even when he doesn’t mean to.”
“what do you mean?”
“whadd’ya mean, what do i mean?”
“about atsumu?”
“oh, he was freakin’ out about missin’ today and wanted me to go through this whole thing pretendin' i’m him so ya wouldn’t be mad at him.”
“but he already told me he couldn’t make it today? you really didn’t have to do… all this,” you gesture to his whole body with a flick of your wrist.
at your words osamu finally crumbles to his knees in pure agony. he looks up to the sky, to whatever god has forsaken him by making atsumu his other half, and sighs with the weight of the world on his shoulders. he can just imagine the shit-eating grin his brother has right now.
“i’m…” he pauses, carefully selecting his next words, “going to smother him with a pillow.”
you blink at him for a moment before all the pieces fall into place.
all the times you’d gushed to atsumu about your massive crush on his twin and the way he’d complain to no end about neither of you making a move, forcing him to watch on with mild disgust as his best friend and brother made goo goo eyes at each other. all the times he would “forget” his shoes at the gym and need to run back to grab them, pushing you into small talk with osamu. all the times he would suffer through your teasing just to see the two of you walking side-by-side sharing proud little smiles.
atsumu’s resume looks something like this: world’s biggest idiot, volleyball player, third-wheel, and tired wingman.
you’ll have to thank him later.
“no wonder you’ve been acting so weird all day! i thought you were just one of those guys who gets nervous on first dates!” accompanied by this statement is a laugh that makes osamu weak.
he grumbles. “what’s so funny?”
“say what you want, but you’re as dumb as ‘tsumu.”
“no… please… don’t compare me to that nitwit… i might have a heart attack at this rate.”
you snicker quietly as you help osamu back onto his feet, eyes shimmering with joy as you let his confession sink in.
“you’re right, he is an idiot.”
“he’s gonna hate us even more from now on,” osamu smiles uncontrollably, inching closer to you again.
“yeah?” your lips brush against his daringly, “i can live with that.”
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
🏷️ @hyomagiri (im dead like actually dead)
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The Harris campaign kicks into high gear
July 26, 2024
Kamala Harris has the Trump campaign on its back foot. Whatever Trump’s advisers expected from V.P. Harris, they were wrong. Although Trump and his surrogates have tried several lines of attack, each attempt backfires as Trump offends important constituencies he needs to win. In attacking Kamala Harris, Trump is offending Black Americans, successful women, mothers raising blended families, couples trying to conceive, young people, and more. The Harris campaign has responded forcefully, using a pointed sense of humor that is refreshing and attractive to younger voters who see the internet as a battlefield of ideas.
On Thursday, the Harris campaign released a powerful television ad that was a “no-holds-barred” look at the threat to democracy posed by Trump. See The Guardian, ‘We choose freedom’: Kamala Harris campaign launches first ad. The ad is embedded in The Guardian article; I urge you to watch it. If you don’t, here is The Guardian’s description of the ad:
Released on Thursday morning, the ad opens with shots of Harris’s smiling face behind a podium, the word Kamala, the word Harris, and the American flag. The soundtrack is the beginning of Beyoncé’s song Freedom, to which Harris entered and exited her first speech to campaign staffers after gaining lightning speed momentum on the road to becoming the presumptive nominee. The ad is narrated by Harris, whose first words are, “In this election we each face a question. What kind of country do we want to live in?” She continues: “There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos. Of fear. Of hate,” she says, over shots of Trump and JD Vance. “But us, we choose something different.”
On social media, the Harris campaign has been even more aggressive. The Harris campaign took a clip of Trump imitating Kamala Harris, saying, “I’m the prosecutor and he is the convicted felon.” After Trump admits that he is a convicted felon and Harris is a prosecutor, the ad immediately cuts to a picture of Kamala Harris with her voice saying, “I am Kamala Harris and I approve this message.” The Harris campaign is showing early signs of social media savvy—just as Barack Obama’s campaign did in 2008.
The Harris campaign also went after JD Vance, who described Kamala Harris in 2021 as a “childless cat lady” who should not have an equal voice in the future of America because she does not have biological children. (Harris is a stepmother to two children with Doug Emhoff.) Thursday was “In Vitro Fertilization Day.” The Harris campaign released a statement saying, “Happy World IVF Day To Everyone Except JD Vance.” See HuffPo, Harris Campaign Wishes Happy World IVF Day To Everyone Except 1 Person.
The confidence and swagger of that ad was reflected in the Harris campaign’s immediate acceptance of debate with Donald Trump, set for September 10. But as Kamala Harris demonstrated an eagerness to debate, Trump began hedging his bets, saying he “did not like the idea” of a debate on ABC. See CNBC, ‘Let’s go’: Harris agrees to debate Trump, accuses him of ‘backpedaling’ on Sept. 10 date.
The Harris campaign also used social media to troll Trump's morning appearance on Fox News, during which Trump called Kamala Harris “garbage.” The Harris campaign issued a press release entitled Statement on a 78-Year-Old Criminal’s Fox News Appearance. The press release said,
After watching Fox News this morning we only have one question, is Donald Trump ok? Trump is old and quite weird [and] this guy shouldn’t be president ever again.
For their part, Trump and his surrogates were reduced to claiming that Kamala Harris is a “DEI hire,” a “failed border czar,” and a socialist who will destroy the economy of America.
Luckily for Kamala Harris, economic growth and border security both improved in the second quarter. On Thursday, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the gross domestic product grew at a 2.8% rate in the second quarter, well above the consensus prediction of 1.9% by economists. See USA Today, US GDP report: Latest data shows economy grew 2.8% in Q2 (usatoday.com)
At the border, crossings by immigrants dropped to their lowest level since 2020 (under Donald Trump). See CBS News, Migrant crossings continue to plunge, nearing the level that would lift Biden's border crackdown. Per CBS News,
July is on track to see the fifth consecutive monthly drop in migrant apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border and the lowest level in illegal immigration there since the fall of 2020, during the Trump administration, the internal Department of Homeland Security figures show.
My point in noting the responses by the Harris campaign is not to revel in the “zingers” and “smackdowns” that are long overdue. Rather, it is to highlight the nimbleness, swagger, and professionalism of the Harris campaign. The lightning-quick responses would be exemplary for any presidential campaign; they are stunning for a presidential campaign that is four days old.
Although it is still early, it seems clear that the Harris campaign will focus on Trump's criminality, incoherence, age, and hateful agenda. And it is doing so with a satirical edge that transfers easily into internet memes—which is an effective way to create viral messaging that reaches young people. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has been caught flat-footed, trying to ignore the awkward creepiness of JD Vance and Trump's part-time approach to campaigning.
All of this should give Democrats confidence that Kamala Harris will run a strong campaign against an opponent who will wage a vile and hate-filled counter-offensive. If the first few days of the campaign are any indication, Kamala Harris is up to the task.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
How I met your father pt.1
An COD au for the series How I met your mother, the boys are civilian in this and live in London.
Reader is described as plus sized
Tw: Author only knows shit about London from vacation
James and Sophia sat on the couch in the living room, bantering about what they should watch today. It was usual for the kids to start World War III over TV privileges. Sophia won and settled for a romance movie. “Mom, how did you and Dad get married?”
“It was the summer of 2021. Your Uncle John and Aunt Holly had finally gotten engaged. They were searching for their own apartment in London, which led me to move in with Johnny in a shoebox apartment in Ealing. He was working as a gym instructor at that time—hard to believe, I know—but he needed that extra money for his law studies. I was still working at the investment banking firm where I met Kyle. We spent most of our time at a pub in London called The Swan near Hammersmith.”
“Are you getting to the point?”
“It’s a long story, sweetheart.”
“I wish I never asked.”---------
Price and Holly had been all over each other since their engagement, his hands never leaving her hips, her lips never leaving his. You were glad for your best friend, but the urge to settle down yourself grew every day.
That day, Simon came into the pub. You had never seen him before, but you were mesmerized instantly. He was the biggest man you had ever seen—bulky, handsome and dressed in a black turtleneck.
“Bonnie, are you even listening?” Johnny complained, tugging on your arm as he always did when he tried to grab your attention.
“That guy at the bar? I’m going to marry him and have a bunch of blonde-haired mini-versions of him,” you declared. He was the definition of your dream man.
Kyle eyed Simon and smirked. “I can understand that. I’d fuck him—both of you at the same time if you’d let me, babe.” That earned him a swat from Price.
“You fuck everything that has two legs and is above 21.”
“If you look this good, it would be unfair to settle down.”
“Yes, what would the girls do without a Kyle Garrick by their side?” Holly replied sarcastically.
Holly and you had known each other for ages, even before her transition. You were there for her during the hardest time of her life, supporting her when her parents kicked her out. You found a small apartment in Brent and moved in with her.
One day, Mrs. Miller from downstairs forgot to take out her roast, and the apartment complex was engulfed in flames. You thought it was over, but that’s when you met John Price. He was very new to firefighting then—not the imposing captain he is now. He was just John.
“I think everything will be better now,” Holly said, and she was right. She got together with John a few weeks later. As for you, you met Johnny in college. You were hurrying down the stairs when you ran into him. You were ready to hear, “Watch where you’re going, cow,” but instead, he helped you up, and just like that, you became inseparable. Johnny and you spent every day together—shopping, studying for exams, cooking. You even held his hand when he got his nipples pierced, and he was there when you got that terrible UTI from a one-night stand. At one point, you were sure John MacTavish was your soulmate, but you were content with being his platonic soulmate, playing the role of the funny friend.
You motivated him to go to law school even when no one believed he could do it with his ADHD. Johnny had his first internship at the investment banking firm where you got your job in HR. Everything was perfect, and then you met Kyle.
Kyle could be a supermodel. He won the genetic lottery many times over—he had the prettiest face, a perfect muscular body, and, according to half the office, the biggest dick you could wish for. Despite the odds that he would even notice you, he spent every lunch with you and became one of your best friends, much to Johnny's chagrin.
“He’s not that good-looking, Bonnie. You deserve better.”
“Are you blind?” Even John could appreciate a handsome man when he saw one, and the blonde, scarred guy was beautiful.
“He’d probably crush you. He looks like the type who’d fuck you and never call you back,” Johnny protested. He knew what he said was unfair, but he just wanted to protect you.
“Are you implying I’m only good for one night, John Callan MacTavish?”
“Full name, Johnny—you better run.” John laughed as if you weren’t close to telling Kyle that Johnny’s middle name was William. Kyle had offered you £1,000 for John’s middle name.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that, Bonnie. He’s just not good enough.”
“I can decide that for myself, Johnny.”
“Before you start World War III, maybe find out if he’s actually single,” Holly suggested, and she was right. So you looked at Kyle with puppy eyes.
“Don’t worry, babes. I’ll handle it.” Kyle was the perfect wingman, though Johnny always declined his offers.
“Hey, mate, mind if I actually sit down?” Kyle asked, not waiting for Simon’s reply and already sitting down.
Simon only replied with a gruff hello, not in the mood for the overly cheerful man. He was here because he had to be. His brother’s wife had organized a blind date for him. He had half a mind to stand her up but didn’t want to disappoint Beth.
“So, you’re waiting for someone?”
“I missed the part where this is your business.”
“So, no date? Single?”
“I have a blind date.”
“What’s her name?”
Simon just stared at him. If he left now, he could watch the Manchester game against Tottenham.
“I’m just asking because my friend has a blind date and wasn’t sure if it’s you.”
Simon could detect a lie from a mile away, but he was interested in where this was going, so he lied, “Rachel.”
“Oh, that’s great. I’ll show you, Rachel.” Fucking liar, Simon thought, but then he saw you. “Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered as he stood up, walking towards you.
His blind date was forgotten—sorry, Beth—but you were exactly his type, shorter than him with the right amount of curves. You had a beautiful smile and a face that almost made him forget about your soft chest that pushed against your shirt and the belly pouch he wanted to grab as he rutted inside of you. Concentrate, Simon.
He extended his hand, and you shook it, looking at him with big eyes. “Hi,” you said, your breath almost stuck in your throat. His smirk grew wider, noticing the effect he had on you.
You wanted to punch yourself for being so awkward, but all the confidence left your body. You wanted to run back to Johnny and beg him for help, but if you had looked back, you would only see anger in his baby-blue eyes.
“Let’s go to the restaurant. I have a reservation.” You looked confused but only nodded. How did he have a reservation if he didn’t even know you four minutes ago? But that’s a question for another day.
The Italian restaurant was beautiful, far from the tourists. It looked authentic, and the staff was overly nice.
“So, what do you do, Simon?” you asked, pushing your fork into the pasta.
“I was a lieutenant in the army but got discharged. I’m doing tattoos now.” His voice sounded gruff, and you weren’t sure if it was just his voice or if he was annoyed by you. You didn’t even know what major lies Kyle had told him about you—hopefully not something like the time, he told a girl he was Lewis Hamilton. He did look like him, though.
“Do you have many tattoos yourself?” Curiosity piqued, you couldn’t see much behind his long black pants and the turtleneck. The only evident body modification was the piercing on his tongue you noticed.
He pulled his sleeves up, revealing tattooed sleeves covering some scars. You wouldn’t have noticed them if your manicured finger hadn’t instinctively traced the fine lines of the beautiful artwork.
“You like them?”
“Yes, a lot.”
“I have a few more.”
“How many is a few?” You didn’t have the guts to ask where.
“About 23. Do you have any?” You remembered how you wanted to get one the day Johnny got his piercing, but you chickened out as usual.
“I’m afraid of needles.”
“It only hurts like this,” he replied, tracing the outline of his jewelry on your skin, giving you goosebumps and shivers. Embarrassing—you were acting like a schoolgirl because an overly handsome man gave you attention. “Tell me what you do for a living, love.”
You didn’t have a cool job like him or John, a well-paid one like Kyle’s, or as sexy as Johnny’s. “I’m just an HR coordinator.”
“Leave the ‘just’ out of that sentence.”
The server rolled out a TV, starting the Premier League game. You desperately wanted to watch it—oh god, you promised Johnny you’d watch it.
“What’s so interesting there?” He looked around. “Into football?” His caramel-colored eyes lit up, and he seemed smitten.
“Yes, I love Tottenham.”
“Do you want to send me to an early grave? My date is a Tottenham fan?”
“Hey, they’re good! Are you a Manchester fan?”
“Of course, born and bred there.”
“Tottenham will win.”
“In your dreams.”
You watched the game in anticipation, screaming your lungs out when Tottenham scored. Even if he wanted to be disgusted, he could get used to this—a soft little thing watching football with him.
Maybe he’d even get lucky today. He still needed to work on your taste, though.
You walked outside the restaurant, too distracted by cheering and laughing to notice his big hands around your waist as he walked with you towards his apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was above his shop in Camden.
“We’ll win next time,” he said, his thumb kneading the flesh of your hip.
“Sure you will.” He stopped at an ice cream shop next to his apartment. “What’s your favorite?”
“Honeydew melon.”
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Say something normal like strawberry.” He laughed, flicking his thumb over your lips. You automatically parted them and stopped pouting at his ice cream insult.
He ordered your ridiculous ice cream choice and for himself, dark chocolate ice.
“Want to try?”
You licked the ice as some of the remaining cream stayed on your lips. “Not even now?”
“Cheeky little minx.” His burly hands cupped your full cheeks as he placed his lips hungrily on yours. He could curse that you were right again—the ice cream was delicious. His hands drifted down to your hips, groaning as they filled his big hands. He wanted more, needed more, so he pushed you against the wall, placing his hand behind your back to protect you from the cold.
The kiss was perfect, but when you felt his way too big bulge against your stomach, overthinking thoughts bombarded you. You didn’t shave, what if he didn’t like your body, you had on a pink thong and a grandma bra, what if he was a serial killer? You panicked, and before Simon could address your panic, you were already running to the next tube station.
“That’s a first,” he muttered.
You walked inside, finding Johnny half-naked as usual on the couch, glaring at you. “You missed the match.”
“I’m sorry, Johnny. I’m an idiot.”
“You ran away again?”
He sighed as he walked to the fridge, his six-pack glistening with sweat, probably from a workout. You should be used to that sight after six years, but it still made you breathless. “Got a tub of honeydew ice cream and vinegar crisps.”
You planted yourself on the small couch and dipped the crisps in the ice as Johnny listened to everything you had to say.
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Nitro Chiral April Fools’, 2005 - 2021
Nitro Chiral recently announced that they will probably not create any new content for April Fools’ in the future. I remember really looking forward to this every year, so I was a bit sad to hear that...! They mentioned that they might change this decision again some day, so we will just have to wait and see... To remember all of the fun jokes they’ve created throughout the years I wanted to make a fun compilation of all their previous April Fools’ jokes (or at least the ones I remember and took screenshots of). Maybe someone already posted something similar, but I had a lot of fun looking at these old pictures again! 
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2005 Togainu no Chi 'Vischio Jack'. This was just one month after Togainu no Chi was released! Nitro Chiral’s website was filled with Arbitro’s hobbies. He announced that the next game will be called ‘Makeinu no Chi’ which means ‘blood of the losers’... The new main visual also shows all of them bleeding from their noses lol.
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Some interesting new items... the Shiki body pillow?
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2006 A year later Arbitro hijacked the official website once more and comments on each Lamento character. He seems to be a fan of Konoe but the others aren't his type... This blog describes it in greater detail (Japanese only). Second part of the website teases the Togainu no Chi fighting game (咎狗の血 餓狗 Mark of the Dogs). I kind of wish they really made this game because the description of it sounds fun.
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2007 Lamento Love Love Gakuen, which was later made into a real drama CD also started as an April Fools' joke! Asato is Konoe’s childhood friend in this, Rai the student council president and Bardo’s a health education teacher. 
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You can still listen to some of the audio clips from the original page here! The plot doesn’t seem much different than the real drama CD they ended up making later. 
2009 Nitro Chiral mentioned they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ 2008, but they were back in 2009 with..one of the weirder ones. They posted a teaser of their new game, ‘Sweet Potchari’ which literally means ‘sweet chubby’ and as the name suggests, they posted art of all of the sweet pool characters, but this time they’re chubby.
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You could check the profile description of each character and Kunihito’s description mentions that he’s very charming and “both men and women love him” lol. I unfortunately don’t have any high quality versions of these wallpapers anymore. Someone also recorded the voice lines, though listen to it at your own risk.
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2010 This time Nitro Chiral announces a new project called 'YO! Akira'. It’s Togainu no Chi except all of the characters are replaced by mannequins and they’re kinda terrifying. They made videos in which they re-created part of the opening and the game, which someone actually saved and uploaded, so you can still watch it here...! The whole thing is a parody of Japanese sketch comedy series 'Oh! Mikey!!' which focuses on an American family living in Japan, but all the characters are played by mannequins.
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This blog has some more pictures of what the website looked like. The day after this Nitro Chiral made a blog post about maybe spending too much time creating these April Fools’ jokes, but it seems like they had fun! They also had no idea what to do with the mannequins after this.
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2012 I think they skipped 2011 because I cannot find any information about it, so let’s move on to 2012! Arbitro took over the Nitro+Chiral website again and changed it to Bitro+Chiral...
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You could play this short visual novel on the website in which Arbitro introduced his new product line-up. A hataki (feather duster) shaped like Konoe’s tail, a life-sized Akira statue made of chocolate, Onnushi-sama's curry, and blue butter which is supposed to decrease you appetite so you don't have to eat anymore. After looking at these last two pictures I think I don’t feel hungry anymore...
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This is also the year DRAMAtical Murder was released, so they changed the website too! Now it’s DRAMAtical Mother, which is of course referencing the Mother series (Earthbound). You can find some more screenshots and information here.
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Aoba got his own Twitter account too this year, which someone also archived here! The Twitter account actually still exists but I believe they locked it after April Fools’ ended. 
2013 This year they focused on DRAMAtical Murder too! They transformed the website into Junkshop Heibon's webstore (the store Aoba works at in the game). It feels kind of nostalgic... 
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That same year they also released a radio show in which Aoba and Mizuki work for Midorijima Radio Station. They invite Koujaku, Noiz, Clear, and Mink as special guests. This has been uploaded and fan translated, so I definitely recommend checking it out here! They also ended up selling this as a CD later.
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2014 This is one I remember very well because I remember playing the short game they released. It's called ‘Osu-Boys!! ~Ikemen Ryoujoku ☆ Paradise~’ and it's a short visual novel which features the four protagonists, except they're all really clumsy and end up in some really embarrassing situations... I am guessing the artstyle is supposed to be similar to KyoAni’s Free! anime.
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I don’t think I can show the full pictures here because the CGs of this game are quite NSFW, but you can probably still find them somewhere online. Aoba worked at an adult goods shop in this game though, nice new job (?). Unlike the browser games, this one could be downloaded, so some people probably still have it.
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2015 Arbitro once again returns and opens his own 'hentai' museum.... yeah. Someone uploaded the theme song they made for the website, you can find it here. I believe it’s supposed to be a parody of ‘Atami Hihokan’ (an adult museum).
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The website shows a map of the museum and its facilities, some more pictures can be found here. I think the art of the mascots is pretty cute this time...
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You could also play this minigame on the website which also featured the four protagonists. There’s still a video of someone playing through the game, so definitely check it out if you’re interested. The artstyle has a bit of a retro feel.
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2016 This year the website turned into the 'Raira-ryuu honpo' official homepage, an art school that specializes in the traditional art of ...boys love. All of the characters are drawn like famous Ukiyo-e paintings.
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All of the ones above are Tōshūsai Sharaku paintings, so it was pretty easy to find which ones they were referencing!
They also re-drew all of the game covers too and the descriptions of the games were pretty funny. Midorijima was transformed into a big red-light district and the people who lived there were kicked out and are now living in poverty. I hope you’re surviving, Aoba...
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This time there was also a flash game which could be played on the website, a shunga (erotic painting) puzzle. You can find all of these pictures here. Like the previous year they are heavily censored and not really NSFW. 
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2017 This time the April Fools’ joke is a parody of 'The World of GOLDEN EGGS', a Japanese animation series set in an American-style fictional town, except this time it’s called ‘BOYs LOVE Nitro+CHiRAL’. I’m assuming most people who have been in the fandom for some time remember this one. They created a short YouTube video series and it had English subs. You can still find the videos if you look for them on YouTube so please watch them...! It’s all worth it for Konoe singing ‘I’m in Blue’ and the Rhyme fight.
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Youji is always the victim of these awkward conversations... Some more pictures here! You can find the YouTube videos by just searching for the title of the series mentioned above.
2019 After 2017 they stopped updating their website on April Fools’, probably because they were busy working on Slow Damage, but in 2019 they did post some extra illustrations. Not the most happy kind of illustrations, featuring the protagonists and Naito-kun apologizing because they couldn’t do anything for April Fools’ that year...
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2021 Unfortunately this is the last one! 2021 is the year Slow Damage was released, so it makes sense the final April Fools' joke focuses on them. It's called 'Warau Euphoria', which means ‘laughing euphoria’. It’s a reference to Japanese series 'The Laughing Salesman', so they're also drawn in a similar artstyle. 
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The website has a warning that you need to be over 35 years old to enter instead of the usual 18+ warning lol. They also got Towa’s voice actor to record a couple of new lines on the webpage, if you click here you can still listen to a recording of it.
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I’m a bit sad they might not do any of this stuff anymore in the future, but I’m also glad many people recorded videos of the old websites and minigames so we can still enjoy them even now. I couldn’t include every single screenshot in this blog post, so I tried my best to link other pages with more information.
I had a lot of fun checking out their website every year and I really appreciate the effort they put into all of this. I might update this blog with some additional info later!
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WIBTA if I asked my best friend to stop sharing his transition with me
[LSKDJFDJKFNLKDJFN keysmash so I can find later. Yeah it's me again] I know this sounds bad but please read the whole thing before you judge.
We're both trans men in our early 20s. We met online around 2021, and he realized he was trans and came out to me about a year or two later. I've known I'm trans since I was at least 16, probably earlier but that gets complicated. I've of course been supportive of him, I have no issue with him being trans in itself.
The problem has been arising because he's starting testosterone soon and I'm not currently able to. He has it so easy compared to me in general. Since we met, he's moved out with his partner, started working out, and now is even able to medically transition. Meanwhile, I'm stuck homeless in a motel room with my transphobic mother, trying to crawl out of a set of circumstances I was thrust into as a kid and piece my life together from almost nothing before I can even think of medical transition. I'm trying as hard as I can to be happy for him, I want him to be happy. But every time he brings up going on testosterone it fucking hurts. Like, I break down and start spiraling into self-harm habits in some sort of mix of jealousy and anger (at my circumstances & God, not my friend), I guess. I'm generally a jealous person toward all of my friends but I try my hardest not to make it their problems. It's not his fault I'm in the situation I'm in, I have no reason to take anything out on him. It just hurts so bad how much easier his life is than mine, in this specific way. None of the other aspects of his life make me break down this hard.
On the one hand, I don't want him to think I don't care, or am upset at him for this. It's obviously such a major, good thing for him, and it's not his fault I'm this jealous. He only brings it up like, once every few weeks, and I feel like I'm over-reacting. (I'm not gonna break up with him over this btw, if anyone suggests that I'm ignoring it)
On the other hand, it ruins my whole day when he brings it up. Like no matter how I try to think about it, I can't stand my life and I wish I could be in his place so goddamn bad and the reminders ruin me. It's not like I don't hide things from him either, if he knew the depths of my problems it'd ruin his day too.
BTW we're only online friends, he lives in a different state from me. This would probably be a bigger issue if we knew each other irl, I'm only able to hide how I feel because there's screens between us.
I just wanna know if I'd be an asshole if I told him to stop. Advice on how to deal with the jealousy would be rad too tho
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 11 months
Spencer's Choice
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, reuniting long lost love, heartbreak, impossible choice to make
Summary: Breaking up with Spencer is the hardest thing you've ever had to do. You left and returned years later, only to run into him again. Feelings return that you thought were gone. Spencer has a choice to make: you or his family.
Square Filled: goodbye letter (2021) for @cmbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Ah, back in your hometown. You miss the way the sunshine feels on your skin even when the wind blowing is almost at freezing temperatures. You miss the way the cars sound as they’re rushing down the road as a reminder that people need to leave earlier when it comes to this town. You miss the small-town feeling of everyone being so close-knit that you can check up on your neighbors and see how they’re doing every day.
You miss home.
You haven’t been back in the United States in a little over a year, and back in this town for much longer. Ever since you left after you graduated, you really haven’t looked back. It killed you to do so but you were on a mission to better people’s lives with your degree and experience. You’re a very skilled architect who has been involved in many unique projects all over the world. It’s been one big adventure that you love having. You’ve met genuinely good people, tried amazing and unique food, delved into different cultures, and got to experience what others only dream about.
Now you’re just glad to be back in your hometown, relax, and spend the money you’ve been saving for years.
You walk down the familiar road next to the park you used to go to after school every day with your friends. There is something brown in the middle of the sidewalk but upon closer examination, you see it’s a child’s teddy bear. You pick it up in hopes there is a name or a number you can call, but the only thing you can find is an address. Weird. Most people don’t put their addresses on kids’ toys but who are you to judge?
With a quick Google search, you find the address is only two blocks from where you’re at. This is your chance to be a good samaritan and return the bear to a child who is probably missing it. You find the house easily and walk up the porch steps. You knock on the door and wait only ten seconds before it opens. A young girl about the age of seven is standing there with sad eyes.
“Hi, does he belong to you?” you ask and produce the bear.
Her eyes light up happily when she sees the toy. 
“Thank you so much!” she squeals and grabs it from you.
“Marissa, what did I tell you about answering the door without your mother or me?” you hear her dad say.
You look up and lock eyes with the only person you’ve ever been in love with: Spencer Reid. You two were high school sweethearts back then, and it was clear to everyone at that school that you two were going to end up together for life. You were in love with him so much and wished you could have stayed, but it broke your heart to break up with him.
You have always wanted to be an architect even when you were younger. Your parents got you Legos that you could build houses from, and you’d build all sorts of different houses with different rooms for everything a person could need. When you got to your junior year, you applied to different colleges for architecture which also included colleges outside of the United States. Never in a million years did you think you’d ever get into those colleges but your mother encouraged you to apply.
Four months before graduation, you got an amazing offer to study at UCL in London with the opportunity to be an intern side by side with one of the most famous architects at that time. What an amazing opportunity, your mother told you. Yes, it was but there was one thing holding you back: Spencer.
It started one of the biggest arguments between you two. It lasted for months leading up to graduation. He obviously didn’t want you to go since you’d be in a different country, but he didn’t want to be the only reason why you’d stay. You wanted to go because this would be an amazing opportunity for you, but you didn't want to go because you didn’t want to leave him.
It took months to come to a decision but Spencer convinced you to go. Long-distance relationships never work out for anyone, and you didn't want to put Spencer through the pain of not seeing you every day or being with you. Breaking up with him was and still is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.
You’ve had a few flings over the years that never meant anything because none of them were him. It took a really long time to stop crying over him. Now, seeing him right in front of you is bringing all those fights, that love, and every conversation you’ve ever had with him back. It’s a bit overwhelming, to be honest, and you step back to ground yourself.
Marissa looks up to see her dad looking at you with the same look you’re giving him.
“You don’t look at Mommy like that,” she observes.
“Why don’t you go inside and play? I’ll be right there,” Spencer says distractedly.
Marissa looks at you and goes inside to play with her teddy bear. Spencer steps outside and closes the front door for some privacy.
“I can’t believe you’re standing in front of me right now.”
This isn’t a good idea. You’re going to start crying because the truth is, and you’ve tried so hard to bury it, you’re still in love with him. If you don’t get out of here quickly, the patch over your heart is going to tear and you’re going to start bleeding all over again.
“I’m sorry. I can’t be here right now. I have to go.”
You turn around and walk down the porch steps, but Spencer jumps toward you.
“Wait.” You turn to face him and he sighs in frustration. “I have to get Marissa to the doctor. How long are you in town for?”
“As long as I want. I’m in between projects right now.”
Maybe the reason why you told him this is for the false hope that you two can resume right where you left off.
“Please don’t leave. Please meet with me for coffee tomorrow morning. You remember Jack’s Cafe, right?” How could you not? It’s the place where you and Spencer had your first date and first kiss. “My number hasn’t changed if you still have it.”
“I do,” you whisper.
He never changed it in hopes that you’d call it. You got home after parting ways with him and cried yourself to sleep. Seeing him again after all these years is reverting your mind back to high school graduation. You’re not much better the next day. When you wake up, you decide you’re not going to meet Spencer and just leave. However, when you look at past messages between the two of you on your phone, he deserves this meeting. You deserve to catch up with him.
You rush into the coffee shop knowing you’re late. Spencer is sitting at the table you two used to sit in every single time you went here.
“I thought you weren't going to show,” he says when you sit across from him.
“Honestly, I almost didn’t.”
Spencer slides a coffee over to you and you catch it to prevent it from falling. Just based on the smell alone, you know he still remembers your coffee order.
“How have you been? Any interesting projects you’ve been on?”
You don’t know if the small talk is good or not. It’s to distract you from the real issue but you welcome the distraction.
“Yeah, I’ve done some work in third-world countries with nonprofit organizations. We’ve built homes for people, homeless shelters, and enclosures for animals who are suffering and endangered.”
“That’s amazing. I’m really happy for you.”
“What about you?”
“I pursued my career in the FBI. I have been a profiler for many years. I’m retired now and get to teach others before they go into the academy.”
“Retired? You’re still so young. What happened?” you ask and sip your coffee.
“I went to prison for a couple of months for a crime I didn’t do. It messed with me mentally so I decided to take a different approach. I’m still involved with the FBI just as a teacher.”
Once you two get into the groove of talking, it’s like no time has passed. You’re laughing and having a good time with him as if you didn’t break his heart all those years ago. You’re falling in love with him all over again.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
Just like that, you’re back to how you were feeling before. The laughter dies off and you pick at the ends of your sweater.
“No. I haven’t had a steady relationship since--” You stop yourself from saying it out loud. He understands what you’re trying to say. He reaches over and grabs your hand. As soon as he makes contact with your skin, you quickly pull away from him. “You have a family.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You look happy.”
“Yeah, I am.”
His words tell you one thing but his tone tells you something completely different. There is a longing in his eyes that suggests he would drop everything in his life if it meant he got to be with you.
“I’m really happy for you,” you say with tears in your eyes.
“I shouldn’t have come here. You have a wife and daughter now.” You drop your voice to a whisper. “I’m too late.”
You’re already out the door before Spencer can process your words. Not only was coming to this coffee date a bad idea, but coming back to your hometown where Spencer also lives was an even worse idea. The projects waiting for your involvement will have to come a little earlier than planned.
You hate doing this to Spencer but you write a letter explaining how you feel about him and this whole situation. Once you’re done, you head to his house hoping he isn’t going to be there. You walk up the steps and notice something in the window next to the door. Spencer is sitting on the couch next to his wife and she’s comforting her. About the botched date? About you? About something else?
Damn it. Why did she have to be gorgeous?
You stick the note in the door and swiftly turn to leave. Spencer sniffles and looks up to see your long hair flowing in the wind. At first, he thought he was seeing things but then his brain caught up to the rest of him. By the time he walks out there, you’re already gone. Your note sways to the ground so he picks it up and starts reading it.
I am so sorry for the way we left things all those years ago. Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and hurting you was never my intention. I love you with all my heart and wish things had ended differently between us. You have a family now that I never wanted to disturb. I kind of thought by coming back here, I’d be reminded of what’s really important. Seeing you after all these years did just that. I don’t want to hurt you now, but I’m leaving. I’ll be accepting other projects that need me, and you can continue to be with your family. I wish you the very best.
Spencer can’t let you go this easily without letting you know how he feels. He tells his wife he’s going over to Derek’s house but ends up going to the biggest airport in the state. It’s the airport that has the most flights coming and going so you have to be here. He doesn’t know which flight you’re going to get on so he buys a ticket for one of them and hope for the best.
He rushes through the entire airport in search of you, wishing you hadn’t gotten on one of the airplanes yet. He’s sweaty and disheveled but determined to find you before you board. He runs around the corner and scans the many gates with people boarding their planes. There at the far end of the building is you. You’re in line to get on the plane.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
You don’t hear him and move up in the line. Spencer breaks out in a run in hopes of getting to you in time. You hand the attendant your ticket so she can check you in. She doesn’t question the dried tears on your cheeks as she does. Once finished, you grab your ticket and walk onto the bridge.
“Y/N! Wait!”
Spencer runs past everyone and tries to get onto the bridge but the two attendants posted there prevent him from going in.
“Sir, you need to wait in line like everyone else.”
“Please, I just have to talk to her.”
“Sir, I can’t let you on there without a proper ticket.”
“Y/N!!!” Spencer screams to get your attention, hoping you’re not too far away. He waits agonizingly for you to show up. He’s about to yell again when you come around the corner with tears in your eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you.”
“Spencer,” you gasp. You leave the bridge and take him off to the side. People stare but go about their business to give you two some privacy. “What are you doing here?”
“Please don’t leave.”
“But your family--”
“Please don’t leave. I can’t bear to watch you walk away again. I let you go once. I can’t--refuse--to let you walk away again.”
Spencer grabs your face and kisses you like he should have done all those years ago. You get lost in the way he’s making you feel so you kiss him back. It feels so good to feel his lips on yours again. He feels like home. The image of him and his wife pops up in your head, and you pull away from him with tears streaming down your face.
“What about your wife? Your daughter?”
“I don’t know but please don’t leave. I love you.”
He’s only here because of the feelings you drudged up. He was happy before you came back into his life.
“I can’t do this right now. I have to get on the plane.”
“Please don’t get on that plane,” he begs.
“Miss? Are you getting on? We’re taking the last call,” the attendant asks.
“Spencer, I have to get on the plane. They’re waiting for me.” You step away from him even though it kills you to. “You have a family now. Maybe if I never left before, things might have been different. I can’t do that to them.”
You hand your ticket to the attendant even though she allows you to go through. Spencer watches you get on the plane, and the attendant shuts and locks the door behind you. Spencer has a very important choice to make:
Does he go back to his family and pretend this never happened or follow you? Stay with what’s comfortable or follow the one woman who has always made him feel alive? Her or you?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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burnmarksofficial · 1 year
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liked by redbullracing christianhorner 126,764,784 others
jaeeunlee bring on 2021
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user I hope you dnf every race
kimimatiasraikkonen I told you this last year now where is my money also I'm gonna beat you in the driver standings ⤷ jaeeunlee you wish old man ⤷ user these two >>
redbullracing bring on 2021 🫡💪 liked by jaeeunlee
user KOREA REPRESENT🇰🇷 rahhhh
minjihwang 이런 경주 시간은 말도 안 돼요 평소에는 무슨 일이 일어난 걸까요? these race time are ridiculous what happened to things being at normal times? ⤷ jaeeunlee 시차 엄마 time difference mum ⤷ user my fav mother-daughter duo!!! ⤷ user I would like to personally thank Mrs. Hwang for birthing Jae and her siblings ⤷ minjihwang your welcome.
user ain't no way she's gonna get anywhere near verstappen 😂
arilee 아빠는 네가 자랑스러울 거야, 우리 모두가 그러하듯이 dad would be proud of you jae, just like we all are ⤷ jaeeunlee 고마워요 언니 thank you sis ⤷ user I'm tearing up rn 🥹🥹
daehohwang 그 사���은 내 여동생이야, 네, 여기 계�� 여러분, 내 여동생이 레드불에 있다는 사실이 자랑스럽습니다. 재… that’s my sister , yes everyone here that MY SISTER IS IN RED BULL we’re proud of you Jae… ⤷ jaeeunlee 네, 사람들에게 당신에게 정말로 여동생이 있다는 사실을 상기시켜주셔서 감사합니다. 하지만 고마워요 호베어 yes thank you for reminding people you indeed have a sister but thank you ho-bear ⤷ user god if only me and my brother were like this
user the goat has resurrected
daeeunhwang 끝까지 자랑할 권리를 줘서 고마워 언니 thank you sis for giving me bragging rights till the end of time ⤷ jaeeunlee 물론이죠 you are welcome
user I bet she’s going to go through the barrier in monaco like her dad did ☺️
sajalee 재 님, 이제 이렇게 큰 월급을 받으셨으니 새 ps4 사주실 수 있나요? 당신은 더 이상 한국에 살지 않고 우리가 자주 만날 수 없다는 걸 알고 있으니 제발 도와주세요. 형 아웃. 하지만 어쨌든 사랑해 언니는 빨리 너를 큰 화면에서 보고 싶어 I'm so excited for you Jae, now that you're on this big salary can you buy me the new ps4 since you know you don’t live in Korea any more and we don’t see each other often please, help the bro out. but anyway love you sis can’t wait to see you on the big screen ⤷ jaeeunlee 우선 감사합니다 자자님도 할머니가 자기 꽃병에 무슨 일이 일어났는지 알아주셨으면 좋겠나요… first of all thank you jaja also do you want halmeoni to fins out what happened to his vase... ⤷ sajalee 아니요! no! ⤷ user bro saw a chance and took it but forgot who he was messing with
user nepotism at its finest
choiminho_1209 Jae, 많이 컸구나. 너희 아버지가 한국을 대표해 F1을 제패하고 우리를 지도에 올려놓으시는 모습을 본 기억이 난다. 넌 그들에게 지옥을 선사해 Jae you’ve grown up so much, I remember watching your dad dominating f1 representing Korea and putting us on the map. you give them hell ⤷ jaeeunlee 감사합니다 thank you
user the story continues
lewishamilton i believe in you jae, welcome to f1 and stay strong though the hate you are gonna do great things ⤷ jaeeunlee thank you lewis ⤷ user the fact she is already getting recognition from the goat means she must be GOOD 😌
user she's slaying on the main again!!!
chaelincl i knew it!!! you’ve done well, from the day your dad introduced me to you i knew you were going to continue his legacy ⤷ jaeeunlee 고마워요 언니 thank you sister
user more asians in this sport, they own everything nowadays
yukitsunoda0511 今ではアジアを代表していると思います。 おめでとう!! I guess we’re representing Asia now. congratulations!! ⤷ jaeeunlee 今度はあなたの言ったように食事に行ってもいいですか now can we go out to eat like you said
user another china invasion 😡
sebastianvettle i’ve seen you progress over the years, your dad would be proud!! redbull will take care of you… ⤷ jaeeunlee thank you seb
user the story continues
liamlawson30 redbull jnrs represent!!! ⤷ jaeeunlee as one should
user making history like her dad 👑
danielricciardo so proud of you little jj can't wait to see you on the track ⤷ user The fact that jae responded to every driver but daniel... ⤷ user I though daniel and jae use to be close? ⤷ user somethings not right between jae and daniel ⤷ user another reason to hate jae like she did daniel dirty ⤷ user what happened to daniel and jae they were supposed to be THE f1 duo ⤷ user is this brocedes 2.0 ⤷ user jae replied to all of the other drivers but not daniel, something definitely happened ⤷ user nahh I don't blame her he is joining the team that killed her dad m*laren ⤷ user that hasn't been confirmed yet
user I have a feeling the 2021 season is gonna be filled with drama
leetaehyung Jae가 말로 표현할 수 없을 만큼 자랑스럽습니다. (모든 경주를 지켜볼 것입니다) so proud Jae words cannot describe (I will be watching every race)  ⤷ jaeeunlee 너 예전엔 아니었어? you weren’t before?  ⤷ user broo got caught big time ⤷ user best football x f1 duo
user here for Jae's friends comments 🤞
junsehun 내 목장이 p.o.를 통과하는 것을 허용하겠습니다. 상자. 농담이었는데 이제 한국을 대표하는 빅리그에서 뵙게 됐는데, 이 재재를 위해 고생하셨고 성과가 있었습니다. I’ll accept my paddock passes through p.o. box. I’m just joking Jae but now we get to see you in the big leagues representing Korea, you’ve worked hard for this Jae and it paid off. ⤷ jaeeunlee 누가 합격한다고 하던가요 선생님 🤨 who said you were getting passes sir 🤨 ⤷ user THIS IS WHY I LOVE JAE ⤷ user best basketball and f1 duo
user Jae with her friends and family >>>> Jae with everyone else
hanyejun 이제 귀하의 GP를 평가하는 시리즈를 만들 수 있습니다. (scotty j tiktok과 유사) 하지만 우리는 힘들고 어려운 일을 겪었고 당신의 우울함도 겪었습니다. 그날의 공포는 생각나지 않지만 대체로 당신이 해냈습니다. Jae Jae, 나는 당신이 자랑스럽습니다. now I can make a series rating your GP. (similar to scotty j tiktok’s) but we’ve been through thick and thin and your downs, don’t remind me of the horror of that day but all in all you made it Jae Jae, i’m proud of you.  ⤷ jaeeunlee 10/10 아니면 내 차로 너를 때렸어 (저렴한 차) 10/10 or I hit you with my car (the cheap one) ⤷ user okay this made me stan her SO hard 🤭 ⤷ user best ice hokey and f1 duo danny and Scotty better watch out 👀 ⤷ user nahh they are clear of these spoilt nepo's
user Jae really is such a different person with people that she genuinely cares for 🥺
parkjiho 포뮬러 1에 들어가고 싶었고, 모토 GP에 들어가고 싶었을 때, 인제 스피디움에서 밤낮으로 트랙에서 열심히 일하는 모습을 본 기억이 납니다. 비가 와도 넌 f1 진출을 축하하지 않았어 Jae Bear FIA가 너한테 장난치기로 결정했다면 나한테 전화해 바로잡아줄게 I remember when you wanted to be in Formula 1 and I wanted to be in Moto GP, day and night I saw you work hard on the track at Inje Speedium. even when it was raining you did not stop congrats on making it to f1 Jae-bear if the FIA decided to fuck with you call me and I'll set them straight ⤷ jaeeunlee 우리가 얼마나 멀리 왔는지 봐 look how far we have come ⤷ user I ❤️ women in motorsports ⤷ user this just shows how much work and effort they put in
user the only nepo's with actual talent
kimlia 재야, 네가 해냈어. 지금은 아무것도 믿을 수가 없어요. 너는 나의 첫 번째 날이고, 네가 아빠처럼 포뮬러 드라이버가 될 거라고 말하며 제주 해변을 뛰어다녔던 기억이 난다. 해냈어, 제이!! … 비록 많이 만나지는 못하더라도 전 세계 어디에서나 항상 응원하겠습니다. Jae you did it. I can’t believe anything right now. you are my day one and I remember running around on the beach in Jeju saying you were going to be a Formula driver like your dad. you did it, Jae!! … even though we don’t see each other much I will always support you even from across the globe  ⤷ jaeeunlee 그리고 나는 전 세계에서 당신을 지원할 것입니다 Lia and I will support you from across the globe as well Lia ⤷ user kinda want Lia to introduce Jae to Lily ⤷ user how would they know each other ⤷ user Lia and Lily are both golfers bro ⤷ user won't it be awkward seeing as Jae replaced Alex
user I swear Jae's friend group is so iconic I can't 💅
rkive Redbull에 입사한 것을 축하합니다… 이 놀라운 성과를 축하하기 위해 GIF로. 당신이 원하는 티켓을 얻었습니다. 무대 뒤에서 봐요🤭🤭 as congratulations on getting into Redbull… as a gif to celebrate this amazing achievement. I got those tickets you wanted. I’ll see you backstage 🤭🤭  ⤷ jaeeunlee 응, 정말 고마워 okay, thank you very much  ⤷ user dawg flirting in the comments and she just ignored him ⤷ user Jae 💀
user 🤮🤮🤮
jin 행운을 빌어요 제이!! 자신을 돌보고 수분을 유지하는 것을 잊지 마십시오 !! best of luck Jae!! Remember to look after yourself and make sure you stay hydrated!! liked by jaeeunlee
user girl really thought she did something 🙄
agustd 다가오는 시즌을 축하하고 행운을 빕니다. congrats and best of luck for the upcoming season Jae liked by jaeeunlee
user the fact that she is just 18 🤩
uarmyhope 빨리 트랙에서 뵙길 바라요 Jae!! Can’t wait to see you on the track Jae!!  liked by jaeeunlee
user max >>> Jae
j.m 이번 시즌에 당신이 굉장한 모습을 보고 싶습니다! can’t wait to see you smash this season! liked by jaeeunlee
user I feel bad for the grid...they have do idea what they are getting into
thv 자랑스럽다 재화이팅 ✊ proud of you Jae hwaiting ✊  liked by jaeeunlee
user I just know Jae will make F1 her bitch 😭😭
jeonjungkook 한국 Jae에게 우승을 안겨주세요! Bring home a championship for Korea Jae! liked by jaeeunlee
user as an A.R.M.Y I support Jae ✊🏼
sooyaaa__ Jae에게 행운을 빕니다! hwaiting Jae best of luck! liked by jaeeunlee
user real BLINKS support Jae 👏🏼
jennierubyjane 축하해요 아가씨 ❤️💙 congrats girl ❤️💙 liked by jaeeunlee
user Jae fr uniting the most powerful fandoms in the world...the rest of the grid is shaking rn 🤭
roses_are_rosie 정말 자랑스럽습니다 언니, 대한민국 모두가 당신 뒤에 있습니다! so proud sis all of Korea is behind you fighting! liked by jaeeunlee
user Jae really got ass whole nation behind her
lalalalisa_m OMG 정말 기대됩니다. 첫 번째 GP에 가겠습니다. 재야 축하해… OMG I’m so excited, I’m coming to your first GP. Jae congratulations…  liked by jaeeunlee
user god she is so overraterd and she hasn't even raced yet 🙄
xxibrgn.x Jae님, 이번 성과를 축하드립니다!! 제가 목장에서 보이더라도 놀라지 마세요 ;) Jae, congratulations on this achievement!! Don't be surprised if you see me in the paddock ;)  liked by jaeeunlee ⤷ user the fact that G-dragon acknowledged her...🤯
user go back to china
itzy.all.in.us 앞으로는 경마를 종교적으로 지켜볼 예정입니다. Going to be watching races religiously from now onwards liked by jaeeunlee
user Jae def ran out of replies which is why she is just liking now 😅
realstraykids 역사가 만들어졌고 우리는 이를 지켜보는 영광을 누리고 있습니다. history has been made and we have the honour of watching liked by jaeeunlee
user the fact her brother and sister groups official insta's are showing her support 🥹🥹
ateez_official_ 팀이 당신을 지원하고 있습니다 !!! 당신의 존재로 우리를 우아하게 만드는 당신의 경주를 지켜볼 수 있어서 기쁩니다!! 화이팅 the team is supporting you!!! We’re excited to watch your races as you grace us with your presence!! Hwaiting  liked by jaeeunlee
user I don't even think the tifosi or the orange army will be any match for J-nation
user these comments are giving me whiplash 😅
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febuwhump · 9 months
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leap year edition
Q: what is febuwhump?
A: febuwhump is a prompt challenge during february, in which creators try to fill one prompt a day, as guided by the official prompt list, in whatever creative way they wish
Q: what is whump?
A: it’s when you put a character in emotional or physical hurt. can be to any extent
Q: do i HAVE to create whump?
A: i’m not gonna come to your home and make you create whump, no. ‘whump’ is in the title of the event and it’s a whump-centric challenge but if that’s not inspiring to you or going to help you be creative then forget it and do what works best for you. challenge yourself how you want to and let febuwhump be the guide, not the law
Q: how do i win febuwhump?
A: officially, you can become a completionist by producing or posting 29 unique whump-themed works over the 29 days of february. you do not have to aim to win febuwhump if you don’t want to, and if you are not aiming to win, you do not have to follow all the rules, because at that point who cares
Q: can the 29 unique works be chapters to one fic?
A: yes
Q: can the 29 unique works be in any order?
A: no, please follow the day order as given to the best of your ability
Q: can the 29 unique works actually be less than 29 unique works because i blend a bunch of prompts together for one day or something else along these lines that directly contradicts the explained definition of febuwhump?
A: no
Q: can i complete febuwhump in tandem with other events?
A: yeah like what do i care, of course you can
Q: how do i inform you that i have won?
A: there will be a google forms link made available during the month of february. you have until march 3rd to fill it in
Q: how do i prove that i’ve won?
A: you don’t have to. this is an honour system and if you fill out the form, i will believe you. however, there will be a completionist badge you can use to post with your masterlist to show everyone else that you’ve won
Q: what are the exact requirements for the hall of fame?
A: the exact requirements are as follows:
you must have completed 29 sections/chapters/works/projects etc. inspired by 29 unique prompts and posted/produced them over the 29 days of february
you may combine prompts so long as there are still 29 unique prompts for 29 sections/works
this means that you can combine a core prompt and an alt prompt
or two core prompts, so long as an alt prompt replaces one of them
you must inform the blog by the 3rd of march that you completed febuwhump or your name will not feature in the hall of fame.
Q: am i allowed to–
A: you can do literally whatever you want, in any medium you want
Q: even–
A: yes even that
Q: what about–
A: that too
Q: really? anything at all?
A: if you want to win, follow the rules as explained. if you don’t actually care, do whatever you want. i will not stop you. i am not your mother
Q: can you give me extra ideas for prompts?
A: no! i’ve provided 39 prompts already, so i’m not really in the position to be creating extra lists for specific tropes right now. if you need help with specific prompts (such as not understanding what one means or could possibly involve/be in reference to) then i’ll do my best to help - but i’m only one person and i don’t really have the time or effort to be giving extra ideas right now
Q: how do i add my fics to the archiveofourown.org collection?
A: the ao3 collection will be open from february 1st to compile all ao3 works. you do not have to have completed all 29 days of febuwhump to submit - any and all febuwhump works are welcome there, but the cut off date is march 5th - the collection will be closed from then.
you can add fics as you’re posting or after they’ve been posted by using the ‘collection’ bar on the creation page. all you have to do is type in the name of the collection: febuwhump_2024. do not wait for the drop down menu, it will not show the name. press post and it will be included in the collection.
febuwhump 2021 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2022 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2023 collection can be accessed here
febuwhump 2024 collection can be accessed here
Q: i have literally any other question
A: check the rules and previous posts and asks and if your specific question isn’t answered, feel free to send an ask. if it has been answered before, and especially recently, i will not answer. please go looking, thanks
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pa1nkill3r · 6 months
Day 2,557 [G.W]
[Pairing:] George Weasley x GN!Reader
[Summary:] A boy comes into the joke shop with his mother; It felt all too weird for the one-eared owner to feel so at ease, something he never felt for the past 7 years.
[Warnings:] angst, sad, major character death (not Fred obv), reincarnation, grief, mourning, swearing
[a/n:] Scrolling through facebook and getting videos of children talking about their past lives really intrigued me. This is my first fic and it might be bad so please don’t bully me, I’m sensitive <3 (jkjk but I am open for constructive criticism!)
[a/n; March 2024] I wrote this draft back in 2021 or 2022 I believe, waiting desperately for the opportunity to finish and post this. That time never came. Now, 2 or 3 years later, I gravely admire my vocabulary, creativity, and passion for writing back then. Honestly speaking, moving schools killed my spark and I am desperate to get it back. For now, I am working on reviving that spark within me by going back to where I started. Even though the HP fandom isn't as active as it used to be, I would still like to share this piece I made because I am so, so proud of my younger self.
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
There was something about Y/N wearing white that George loved so much. He always got so giddy and cute which in turn made their eyes roll and mouth grin.
The way Y/N looked sitting at the Great Hall with their white sleeves rolled to their elbows, one hand under their chin and the other twirling a spoon while their eyes dragged along their charms textbook, cramming in as much information as they could for the upcoming test that afternoon. 
Or that time at the Yule Ball when they thought it’d be funny to wear an all white ensemble because: “What?...I wanted to feel like a bride at their wedding.” whilst having the best night with George, their “groom”.
Even small moments like when they would steal a shirt from George’s drawer and wear it to sleep. He loved every single bit of it, even if it cost him many shirts.
He truly never got enough of them wearing white. So seeing them in a casket wearing that same color 7 years ago, looking so peaceful and so… dead. That killed him. That’s the last time he will see them in white; That’s the last time he’s going to see them at all. 
That was the last time he could actually feel their hand rather than just dried oil on linen canvas, framed in oak and hung atop his bed. How he wished their eyes could roll one more time at how stupidly in love their boyfriend is with them, especially in white.
Voldemort’s reign of terror had ended, as well as the lives of many others, and maybe even George. They were a horcrux he never made, his life force created by deep love and affection rather than the hunger for immortality.
It never got easier even after 7 years, he simply just got used to it. 
He got used to the feeling of an empty bed. He got used to gripping onto a cold body pillow instead of a warm figure and a heartbeat with Y/H/C hair disturbing his lips. He got used to counting the days since their death which gravely disturbed Fred, his twin. He got used to waking up everyday and checked off a box from the calendar with an absurd amount of numbers on it. 
Admittedly he is doing better than he did 7 years ago. No more jumping from every small sound and drawing out his wand in the middle of the night. No more vivid dreams of several dead bodies laid across the Great Hall. No more crying himself to sleep. No more missed dinners. No more grieving. 
He’s longed for them longer than he has actually been with them. But his love never faltered. Not once. 
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Day 2,557
It's now exactly 7 years since the Battle of Hogwarts. And in a month it would be the 7th anniversary of his obituary for Y/N on the Daily Prophet, a suggestion made by Percy to try and help his grieving brother. It helped, but not really. 
The small May 2nd, 2005 box wrote “Baby Vic’s Birthday!” in bold red ink. George moved the yellow paper star that stuck gently onto the calendar with paper tape as Fred walked into his room. Envelope in his hands, bread between his teeth, and a beautiful haughty looking owl on his shoulder.
“Fun to finally see you up, Georgie!” Fred greeted sarcastically as George hummed in response. “Bill just sent an owl that little Vicky’s turning 5!"
"That is usually how birthdays work, Freddie." George joked, grabbing his wand and with a flick, his bed is magically fixed. "I'm not a dumbass, you know?" Fred chuckled lightly as he handed George the letter from Bill and Fleur, "They're hosting a party for her at the Burrow at 5."
He took the piece of parchment and flattened it by his desk before pulling it closer to his face, his back mindlessly pinning itself to the wall. 
Dear Fred and George, 
Bill here, As you should know, it's baby Victoire's 5th birthday today and we would really like love to have you two come by the Burrow at 5 pm. 
Vic really misses you both. Uncle George this, Uncle Fred that. She’s going to be like you two one day, I’m tellin’ ya. She loves listening to stories you tell her, especially the ones about Y/N and Tonks. She thinks that they’re the coolest people ever and that she wished she could meet them. I simply told her that one day she would, but it’ll be far far away from now. 
Hope to see you later! Please owl back immediately, Vic’s got Ginny’s temper.
xx Bill
“I’ve already owled them my ‘happy birthday’ letter before Chouette came.” Chouette, the owl cooed at the mention of her name. Slightly shuffling her feathers therefore lightly tickling Fred's neck, making him shiver. The haughty owl flew from Fred's shoulder to George's making the younger twin chuckle. 
"Seems like Chouette is telling you to take a bath, mate." George laughed as the back of Fred's hand flew to his forehead. "I got us crepes and bread for breakfast! And you go on and call me stinky?" Fred exclaimed dramatically. 
"How 'bout you be a dear and write to Bill and Fleur that we are going to Vic's party, alright?" 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll do that." George agreed, taking out a roll of parchment from his desk drawer as well as a quill and a bottle of ink. "While I eat my breakfast and write this, will you be a dear and take a bath!" Fred cackled at his younger brother's statement. Though in a bit the sound of water dropping down the shower head echoed through the small flat above the shop.
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
School owls poured in as numerous Hogwarts students wanted to take advantage of the annual “54% off ‘End of War’ sale” at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes held in memory of the fallen 50. Because in Fred and George’s philosophy, “...We might not be able to save them, but they can save our customers over 50% off of all our products!”
It seemed insensitive but it’s the thought that counts. They wanted to make sure that their passing didn’t go to waste, even if it is counted as a discount to the famous Diagon Alley shop. 
Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were rather busy picking up and shipping out their joke products, sending it to the owls who were perched up in a little area at the back of the store, nibbling on insects Verity; a part of their staff had handed them before sending them back to the school her bosses previously dropped out of. 
It was nearing lunch time when everyone wearing magenta robes stocked up the shelves again, having been sending out owls since 8 in the morning when they heard a clanging from the front doors, signaling that a customer had finally came; A middle aged woman looked starstruck whilst holding onto a young boy that’s slowly getting out of her grip, having the same eagerness as his mother.
It wasn’t unusual for customers to react this way coming into the Weasley’s joke shop. The boy’s eyes sparkled while the mother looked in admiration. The mother crouched down to hold onto her son, keeping him from running while his mouth spilled with words. 
“Mum, we have to get something for Mia!” the boy cried out eagerly, eyes darting towards every single corner of the store. George’s mouth upturned into a sloppy grin whilst listening to the boy. 
“Marty, that’s sweet of you, but we already got the quill she wanted.” The mother said quietly, running her hands over the boy’s shoulders, easing it. “And it’s your birthday...” George didn’t know what came after that as he took the chance and walked towards the small family with a big smile on his face, quickly followed by Fred. 
“Heard it’s a little man’s birthday.” inclined George, hands in his pockets and head down turned. The mother looked up and stood from her spot, giggling slightly as she kept a hold of her son’s shoulders. “What’s your name?” he asked, now being the one to crouch down in front of the boy.
The boy tilted his head to the side, eyes slightly strained. He looked both confused and hyper focused at the same moment. Though weird, George thought nothing of it. After all, he was a kid, the man he’s looking at has one ear, and the hyperfixation was quickly ended by the slight shake of his shoulders. The mother looked down at her son, silently telling him to introduce himself. And so he did. 
"I'm Martin! I turn 6 today!" the boy said enthusiastically,bringing a smile on George's face. Being around Martin felt odd, it felt so unapologetically peaceful and rather… familiar. 
"SIX?!" Fred loudly piped in. "Well now that's big, little man!" 
The mother was slightly startled by the appearance of the ginger's twin, though the same cannot be said about Martin who simply smiled absentmindedly. 
"I knew you before." said Martin, eyes targeting the younger twin. George smiled and kept close to the boy, keeping the conversation going. "Really?" he asked with vivid curiosity, he did not recognise the boy or his mother but fueling a child's imagination wouldn't hurt anyone. 
"How?" piped in Fred, now also crouching beside his twin, "And why just him?" he asked comedically, pointing to his brother. 
"Since we were 11." Answered Martin with no signs of struggle on his face. The red haired owners looked at each other, though more in disbelief than in confusion. 
"Thought you said you were 6, Martin?" George asked with a kind look on his face. The boy’s mother shook her son’s shoulder harder than she did the past few times, mumbling “Marty, what did I tell you?” in tired disbelief.
“M’sorry mum.” Martin said with a pinch of sincerity before turning back to face the bigger man in front of him. “I was 20 before I became 6.” “Marty.”
Chilling, the owners thought. As they were 20 at the time of the battle of Hogwarts. 
“I’m so sorry Mr.--”
“Weasley.” Fred replied as the confusion simmered throughout his twin brother. “S’really nothing to worry about Mrs.--?”
“Edevane. But I truly am sorry, he’s just a very imaginative little kid. Always has stories of his quote-unquote ‘past life’.“ she explained, making the kid become a bit mad. “But mum, it’s true!-”
“Marty, how about we look around the store, alright? Mr. and Mr. Weasley could show us around perhaps?” Mrs. Edevane hinted to the twin owners, relief gracing their legs as they were now able to stand on their feet. 
“Yes, we can certainly do that! Come along Marty, tell us more about this ‘past life’ of yours.” Fred’s arm wrapped around the small boy’s shoulders, showing him around the color filled shop. “Sorry about that Mrs. Edevane.” he added mischievously, “Here at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, we like to encourage creativity and imagination.”
“--As it is the reason we got here.” George finished, giving Mrs. Edevane a kind smile as they start roaming around the shop. “Uhh. Mr. Weasley.” Her fingers tapped onto George’s shoulder. His head whipped around and mouth about to open when suddenly the 6 year old spoke; “Mum, Mr. Weasley’s name is George. This one’s Fred.”
The utter shock that went through the twin wizards was clear as day. No where in the shop did it say the owner’s names. Even their name tags; The little badge pinned on their suits merely wrote ‘Mr. Weasley’. Fred, being the initiator that he is, leaned forward. “Now how can you be so sure, Marty?” he teased, “What if I tell you that you’re wrong?”
Martin simply smiled, angling his head a bit to the side again. “Mr. George has a longer face, down turned eyes and eyebrows, he’s a bit taller than you, Mr. Fred. You have a squarer face and shorter features than him.” he explained smoothly and innocently. As if it’s something he’s observed over the course of his whole life.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid your son’s a genius.” George joked, even if he’s visibly disturbed, though nonetheless intrigued. Nobody has ever differentiated them this way, even their own mother. Though one person did. The one he cherished most. The mother smiled, holding onto her son once again. 
“I’m no genius.” Martin spoke, a shy smile gracing his small little lips, so identical to the person’s portrait above George’s bed. He even said their typical response to their mind being praised. 
“-- I just quietly observe.”
Martin spoke but George merely whispered. A shiver ran through his spine, heart pumping, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. It could’ve all been a coincidence. One big coincidence served on a silver platter, garnished with confusion and terrifying accuracy. 
“Mr. Weasley?”
He snapped back, giving the woman a sign to continue. “Uh, I just wanted to ask... err. Why that big of a discount? Why is it 54% off of everything? That doesn’t really sound like a good marketing strategy, doesn’t it?” She asked curiously. 
“Well Mrs. Edevane.” George started, seeing as Fred and little Martin were still going around the shop. “Remember the last wizarding war?” Mrs. Edevane shook her head. His smile faltered a bit but still kept his composure. “We’re, what you call it? Muggle--born?” Her eyebrows furrowed while her teeth sinked into her bottom lip. “Well, my daughter... err. Just started her first year and that McGonagall woman said that she’s a ‘muggleborn’.” 
They truly didn’t know who they are.
“-- What I’m trying to say, Mr. Weasley, is that we, or at least I, am not magical. Nor is my husband.” He nodded, breathed in a bit as his mind tried to ease itself. The boy couldn’t have known who he is as they wouldn’t have known anything about the prophet, or could they?
“Well, Mrs. Edevane. 7 years ago at this date. The second wizarding war has ended. My brother-in-law defeated... him.” It was still hard to say his name, even years later. “V-Voldemort.”
She looked curious but silently let him continue. “Uh, remember when. Uh-uhm that bridge collapsed in muggle london? 7-8 years ago? A big hurricane happened? When a lot died like-” It was hard to explain. Truly. It was hard to live through it again.
“Like that Emmeline Vance lady?”
“Yes, exactly!” He exclaimed. “It was all caused by him. By wizards! Dark wizards!” Her previously bright face now looked horror struck. It was all making sense. “Seven years ago, this day. Everything ended at Hogwarts. As well as the lives of 54 on our side.” He wanted to mention one very special loss, but figured that she doesn’t need to know about it. She was just a muggle mother who brought her son birthday shopping. “We wanted to commemorate them.”
A sincere look graced upon her face, out of pity. “Is there any chance that you’ve seen anything from the ‘Daily Prophet’, Mrs. Edevane? Or your son?” He asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. She shook her head, now gracing a look with pure confusion. “A-Anything. Like a paper? A newspaper with moving photographs? Or maybe a-a Quibbler?”
She shook her head. “Why’re you asking Mr. Weasley?” His mouth opened, about to burst out his concerns and held in grief to a complete stranger when; “George!”
It was Fred, hand resting on his twin’s shoulder as the six year old boy beside him just stood. “-- Can I talk to you? I need to talk to you.” He said, fright gracing his features and panic in his voice. 
George nodded, bidding a quick goodbye to the mother and son who came in a few moments ago and calling for one of their faculty to give them the tour they wanted.
Fred pulled his twin to an empty corner of the shop. Sound muffled by the stacks of products ranging from fireworks to extendable ears. “That boy George.” Fred panted. Voice shaking. “He knows too much. Is there a chance that you put anything about how Y/N saved me?”
“Briefly. Why?” His heart was about to pop out of his chest at any moment. Any moment now his heart would be a new WWW product. 
“He explained everything! Everything George! Knew things that he shouldn’t have!” Fred said, terrified. “What did he say?” asked George. Croaking out whatever’s left in his heaving lungs. 
“He said that he saved me. Me and Percy! From the explosion! I didn’t think much of it at first, George! I knew that you wrote that in their obituary. But he just kept going.” Frightened. They were both frightened. “Everything they did. He knew.”
“How accurate was he?”
“Very. George. Disturbingly accurate.” Back straightened and composed, Fred stood back, eyes darting back and forth from his brother to the entrance of the shop. “He knew that they transfigured the rubble to sand. He knew that they cast that ring of fire shit they did. The diabolica thing to ward off the death eaters? Yeah. He named the spell. HE NAMED THE SPELL, GEORGE!”
“I heard you the first time!” George yelled back. Disturbed, yet he felt at peace. He could have the last goodbye he’s always wanted. “We need to talk to the boy, Fred.”
His twin nodded fervently, about to walk away from the corner when he felt an arm tug on his elbow. “Oi, how can we do it without worrying the mother?”
“Give whatever he wants for free. It’s his birthday after all. Now come on!”
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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ruiniel · 2 years
ok I just thought of this but Alucard x reader where the reader has been turned into a vampire (while he's away or something or during battle)and feeling like maybe he won't love them anymoreeee?
Ouch, anon!
This will be so angsty.
A Place to Hide
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x Reader
Count: 1.5k
Rating: T
Tags/CW: Oneshot, Mutual pining, Angst, Context of battle, Mention of death, Alternate universe, Dark fantasy AU, Alucard POV, Vampirism, Longing, emotional hurt/comfort
Summary: This can be considered a follow-up of sorts set after 'To be free'. The murder of Lisa never happened. Instead, sometime in the future there is strife in the vampire world with an alliance of rebelling war chiefs over territory and Dracula is forced to respond. Reader character is an apprentice learning the doctor trade under Lisa. Trying to seek Adrian out after he left for battle was not a successful endeavor...
All characters depicted are 18+
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"And you worry too much…"
Your words ricochet through his mind as he dismounts in haste along with the returning troops, the too-hindering armor singing mournfully with every movement, as it had done all those cold, cluttered days and nights he'd been away.
He crosses the barracks area built before the castle and ascends the stairs of his home, a bloodied letter crumpled in his right hand.
Like a ghost, a drop of crystal-clear water in a sea of blood, his mother runs towards him, sullying herself against his filthy form as she enfolds him in a fierce embrace. Her dainty fingers curl into his tattered cloak, and Lisa holds on to him with a frenzied relief after, he knows, weeks of fretting.
"You’re safe," Lisa murmurs, "You’re home," she shivers, drawing back to run swift, trembling fingers through his windswept hair. 
"Mother," his eyes press shut, and he falls against her. She whispers to him, and all he wants is to drown in her arms and forget; the missive burns like hot coal, still crushed in his hand.
"Your father arrived ahead of you," Lisa says, holding him fast to her. "...they're still assessing status in the council chamber." 
And Lisa, for her part, had been running the improvised hospice for their human allies. She looks as weary as he feels. "I know." He can barely speak. "Mother I… I received your letter; before the last skirmish."
They won. Careful tactical planning and losses included, there will be peace again in the borderlands without. For how long? None ever know.
He does not care. "... Where?"
Lisa releases him, slowly, holding him by the shoulders. "Adrian, will you not take the time to... to …"
"Where?" His voice cracks, his bones ache. He wishes he'd never welcomed you here, wishes he'd never met you, befriended you, loved you. He wishes, wishes, wishes as fools do.
"Why do you always push me away?"
Your voice, your face: enraged and so desperate. You needed him then, needed him and he was not here, and the closer he is now, the more the truth gains a near physical weight he pushes against with sisyphean misery.
"Adrian," his mother tries again, as he slowly pries her from him, shaking his head.
She tells him. She tells him how you insisted on riding after him, two weeks or so prior, with a meager company through war-torn lands. How Lisa had done her utmost to deter you, but the influx of wounded human soldiers demanded most of her time and energy, day in, day out. She failed, and you would wait no longer. "Forgive me, forgive me..." 
He brings Lisa close again, fervently kissing the top of her head, "Don’t. Please. Just... just tell me."
They stay embraced for another moment as the clamor of many rises up to the high, domed ceilings, and figures wade around them like wraiths. "The east tower," Lisa whispers, finally.
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By the time he reaches the door, having carelessly stripped and cast off pieces of armor on the way, his vision is blurred. Memories of that day, that last day when you were angry with him but would not leave his side, had been a torturous comfort to his nights through each cut and healing wound, each enemy pierced, each slash of the sword; that day, when he awoke the evening of his departure with you in his bed and in his arms while the chamber's golden light caressed your bareness.
The hinges creak. The door opens, and darkness greets him.
"How am I to learn, Adrian, if you stand in my way?"
He calls to you. He seeks a heartbeat, but there is none; of course, there wouldn't be. The letter falls from his hand like a withered autumn leaf. He calls again, and again, stepping inside the room.
Darkness never posed a challenge to his sight, and as his eyes follow along the richly woven rug, he sees a bare foot, slowly retreating; a huddled shape, in one corner.
"Leave." A broken, barely audible voice.
Never again. Adrian nears and kneels by your side. "But I’ve only just arrived," he says through a forced, trembling smile.
A stir, a rise of hunched shoulders. "... you..."
"Yes, me," he says. "And I’ve missed you… so, so much." 
A sigh his only answer, Adrian curls and uncurls his fists. "Will you look at me?"
"Why?" The shape stirs anew. He cannot tell what you might be feeling, not anymore. The signs are gone, but of course, it is you; wherever you are, whatever you are, he will always know. 
"Because I… you went seeking for me, and I understand. A part of me... longed for you to do so, from dawn to dusk, every hour, every minute and second." He swallows. "Please," he begs even as a pair of glowing eyes meet his.
He reaches; cups your cheek and falls in dismay when you shun his touch, hiding your face away from him.
Your beautiful, determined face. His anger is boundless; he wants to know who, and make them pay. But you would tell no one of it, from what he learned, and it matters not at the moment. An interrogation is not what you need, nor does he. 
"I am sorry. It should have been your choice, if it ever were to happen. I did not listen to you that night where... where I should have."
"Not your fault," he sees half of your face, eternal now, cut by a beam of moonlight. "I was impatient, wanted to reach you, to see you. I was—am, a selfish, selfish fool," you press your knuckles into your eyes "And now, look at me..."
Adrian carefully sits beside you. "No," he objects, poorly, but he's too exhausted, too weak; entranced by you being here, so close, alive despite the shadow imbuing your essence.
"You cannot hear it anymore, can you?"
Adrian shakes his head.
"It is gone."
"But you are not." He reaches, tentatively, and takes your hand, massaging into the knuckles.
"You're so... so warm..." you whisper, close to tears. "I never noticed before, but now, now..." Your words are as cold as your skin. "... what you knew is gone."
He is exhausted, you are hurting. It is over, it should’ve been over, he’d barely convinced you to stay behind back then, to keep safe and continue your work; but here you are anyway. Adrian tenderly pries your other hand away from your chest. He remembers the texture of your skin so well, remembers it soothing his face, his chest, gripping his hips with earnest abandon. Now, it barely returns the slightest pressure. He brings it to his forehead, breathes in deeply and raggedly before pressing the hand to his dry lips. 
What can he say? That he regrets not being there? That it eats him from the inside like rot? That he’s never felt such longing nor such pain, and unless you demand it, he will never let you go again?
"I've not slept in days."
Adrian nods slowly, bringing a tentative arm around your shoulders. "It will be so for a while, from what I know." The freezing nightly air glides through an open window by your naked feet, but he realizes it has long ceased to be an issue for you.
"I hear everything around me; every beat of wings, every sigh of wind or flutter of a living heart. The darkness in all things speaks to me in a language I understand, and yet do not."
Unable to resist any longer, Adrian brings and cradles your head to his chest. "There are other changes, yet to come. It is fresh, and you will… you will hurt for a while longer. But... but I am here now, and, if you'll have me, will... I can help."
You're shaking against him, and he knows, if you had tears to shed, they'd be blood. "Adrian, I regret what I said to you that night, how I pushed you, how—"
"I do not." He tips your chin up, rubs his thumb over your lip. "You spoke your... our truth. And for that, you were much braver than I," he follows. "I missed you," he repeats, like a craven. 
You melt against his side. "You are warm, I am cold."
"You will take from my warmth."
"I've lost… I’ve lost myself, my very being, my humanity, all my doing," you murmur, spent.
"No," he shakes his head, "Humanity consists of much, much more than a beating heart, you know this."
You smile sadly against the black canvas of the room. "So many out there who would beg to differ."
"... and none of them will ever lay a finger on you in this life, or any other."
Adrian dares to bring you more into him, a hand pressing into your back. You feel the same, he feels whole again. Will you see it? Will you understand? 
"I hunger," you speak, the word coated with shame as you melt into him. "I hunger, but I refuse to… to…"
"You must drink to live, now. That is the way of things." 
Your fingers claw at his chest. You are strong, so very strong. "My creed is to save lives, not take them."
Adrian draws you into his lap as you finally meet his gaze fully, a peek of fang between your lips. "And so it will stay," he tells you, soothingly but with conviction, pressing you closer as his hand cups the back of your head, as he reaches and unfastens the collar of his tunic. "... I promise."
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