#Morse dislikes Gwen
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oeuvrinarydurian · 8 months ago
I absolutely hate “Scherzo”. I hate most of S8. Not as much as S7, but I do hate it. In any case, though, as with S7, there are wonderful moments. This is one of the highlights for me.
Since I’ve only been part of this cult community for a short time, I’m sure someone has discussed this before now, but towards the beginning of the episode, Morse is getting dressed. We haven’t seen him appear yet and we’re a few minutes in. 
As the scene opens, we hear Wagner‘s famous “Tristan Chord”.
Part of the reason why it’s famous is because of its construction. It’s unresolved. Unresolved chords create tension and uncertainty. They’re also quite dramatic.
This happens several times in the opera “Tristan und Isolde“, and at this moment, at the beginning of Act 3 (the thing is four hours long), our hero, Tristan, is injured and hoping for help.
As the camera pulls back from the image of the turntable, we see empty bottles - it’s first thing in the morning we realize, because Morse is carrying coffee and putting on his tie. That’s lot of bottles. He’s clearly not okay. There’s a knock at the door.
Instead of help for our hero, it’s Gwen. 
I know it’s not a Thursday Thursday, but I thought I’d leave you with a Tristan Thursday before I head off to a busy workday. 
Volume up.
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anchormain · 3 years ago
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WISHLIST 28.03.22
teach morse to cook/bake
picnic date
give morse affection and don’t let him do the little turning his head away to smile about it thing that he always does. don’t let him hide his smile! it’s a good smile and his partner deserves to see it
take morse on holiday! force him to relax! he does horribly if he has to have time off work and he’s alone, but if he’s with someone?? perhaps they can force him to cheer up
bring him home for dinner bc this man is horrible at cooking for himself and will simply choose not to. trick him into coming over for dinner if necessary
romance him! pursue him! morse does most of the seeking out and pursuing in canon so it would be adorable if someone turned up to take him on dates and stuff. plus he’s,, Not Rich so if you take him out for dinner ( while reassuring him he isn’t paying for it and isn’t allowed to try, bc otherwise he won’t accept ) he won’t know how tf to act
morse accidentally napping at someone else’s house
give morse a massage?? he is quite possibly the most stressed man to ever exist idk how he’s still standing and yet. he has never had a massage. he needs some help relaxing.
morse is an attractive man. pls tell him so. he doesn’t dislike his appearance but he wishes he was a bit more muscular and less scrawny. he’s got some muscle but it’s not that visible unless he’s got his shirt off. but he’s got pretty freckles and they should be appreciated and so should his body generally. he won’t know wtf to do with himself if he’s being complimented on it. 
scar tracing! idk it’s cute and morse deserves to associate something cute with his old case scars instead of purely the memory of getting them
attacked/held captive by the same criminal
undercover operations
post-case shit. morse is pretty much guaranteed to be a) exhausted or b) hurt and if it’s extra bad he might need a lil hospital trip. 
mid-case stress. morse does a lot of the thinking part of cases alone in his room, but if he’s got company, he might do it out loud. nice way for someone to realise how genuinely smart he is??
morse gets taken off a case for disobeying orders and chasing leads he’s been told to drop, and then carries on anyway. who bettter to help him than someone else who isn’t supposed to be investigating? 
alternatively, morse gets taken off a case and actually stays off it, but something he did earlier in the investigation comes back to bite him and he gets attacked or poisoned or something by someone who thinks he’s still on it, and since he’s now alone and not near the office, he needs some help from the first person he can find. convenient way for him to meet someone with no other reason to know him. 
DEVELOPING SHIP ( pre- or early-days ship / some of this could also work for platonic! )
only one bed trope
casual sex except morse predictably catches feelings
trapped somewhere together = bonding time?
meeting on a case / in hospital after a case when morse inevitably needs medical attention / someone finding morse after a case when all the action is over 
morse canonically passes out at blood and heights sometimes... so someone could find him like that. great way to discover his phobias.
( tw emotional abuse ) finding out literally anything about morse’s family situation? the general emotional abuse, the fact that morse still sends his stepmother money when he can’t afford it, the way he’s so snappy with everyone else but when she’s insulting him he just sits there and takes it most of the time... idk i feel like knowing that about him explains a lot about his behaviour and the fact that he so genuinely believes he’s a disappointment and a failure. bc those words have come straight from gwen ( plus other people he’s known ). if it’s up to morse he will never discuss it, but gwen does turn up unannounced and expect to stay with him when she needs a place to sleep, so that’s a thing that could happen. rip to morse if he’s got someone staying over with him at the time. 
morse tends to live in some shitty flats so he might need somewhere to stay occasionally if his heating or water stops working... who better than the person he’s crushing on??
alternatively, someone find out how he’s living. how tiny his flat is, how miserable it is. invite him over. 
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glitchgaymer · 2 years ago
AJ Tennyson
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Althea Jacqueline Agbayani Tennyson
7 [start of OV]
9 [end of OV]
17 [Present]
Birthday: March 17, 2005
Status: Alive
Species: Human [Genetically]
Nationality: Filipino-American
Gender Identity: Girl [Cis-gender]
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself
Sexuality: Bisexual Demisexual
Homeworld: Earth
Residence: Salvador-Tennyson Household
Future: Gotham City University
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Currently]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Middle School [Formally]
Madison High School [Currently]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Gotham City University
Grade 3 Student
Grade 11 Student
Real Estate Agent
Skills & Abilities:
Freestyle Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Sign Language
Morse Code
Mathematical Reasoning
Artistic ability
Carl Tennyson [Dad]
Sandra Tennyson [Mom]
Ben Tennyson [Older Brother]
CJ Tennyson [Older Sister]
BJ Tennyson [Older Brother]
Max Tennyson [Paternal Grandpa]
Verdona [Paternal Grandma]
Vera Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt]
Gordon Tennyson [Paternal Great Uncle]
Betty Jean Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt-In-Law]
Mr. Salvador [Maternal Grandpa]
Mrs. Salvador [Maternal Grandma & Deceased]
Unknown 20 Maternal Great Aunts [10-in-laws]
Unknown 20 Maternal Great Unlces[10-in-laws]
Frank Tennyson [Paternal Uncle]
Natalie Tennyson [Paternal Aunt-In-Law]
8 unknown Aunts from Sandra's side [5 are In-Laws]
10 unknown Uncles from Sandra's side [5 are In-Laws]
Ken Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Gwen Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Sunny Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Clyde Fife [Paternal Cousin]
Lucy Mann [Paternal Cousin-In-Law]
Unknown cousins from Sandra's side
14 Necrofriggians [Nieces or Nephews]
AJ Prime
Miss Jacqueline Tennyson
Tita/Aunt AJ/Jackie
Ben's 2nd sister
Making miniature houses[OV and Present]
Playing house with her siblings [before OV]
Doing Arts & Craft
Playing with Calico Critters, Strawberry Shortcake, Ever After High, Little Pet Shop, and Hello Kitty Dolls or figurines
Making up stories about her Calico Critters dolls
Customizing her dolls or figurines
Making a doll or figurines
Time & Dimensions Traveling with her Ate CJ & Kuya BJ
Playing Hello Kitty & Strawberry Shortcake games
Playing Chess
Making miniature stuff for her house
Watching T.V.
Hanging out with her siblings
Designs of her customized dolls
Calico Critters babies
Hello Kitty Dolls
Ever After High Dolls
Pokemon Figurines
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls [2009]
Fun Toys
Miniature houses
Her favorite shows & characters
Calico Critter babies
Mac & Cheese
Strawberry Milkshake
Red Velvet Cupcake
That student that will remind the teacher about the quiz or homework
Rip off toys
Grandpa Max's cooking
Sour & Spicy Food
Too much Homework
Studying too much
Will Harangue
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 3 years ago
Hey Specs, did you ever hang with the avengers? And, on an unrelated note, if you had would you have ever gotten your hands on any avengers authorization codes?
(Purely hypothetical, I'm not fighting a losing battle with code or anything here)
Did I ever--
Gwen, this is...this is me we're talking about. Someone with a borderline allergic reaction to the superheroes-as-celebrity phenomenon. I saw the Avengers on Oprah when I was twelve and felt myself seize up. The encounters I've had with them as a group have been purely professional, with teeth clenched. Individually, though:
I met Captain America on a rooftop when I was fifteen. Now, admittedly, I was an immature jackass at that point (as compared to the mature jackass I am now). So when he started expressing concern over an obvious child fighting people, my awe at being in the presence of a living legend quickly morphed into a more fuck-you-old-man mentality. Our argument there was the first of a few. Cap had a...an unshakable self-righteousness to him that I've never quite learned to like. But looking back on our encounters now, I can see that he was just trying to do the right thing. And I'm a bit ashamed that he died thinking I disliked him.
Iron Man, on the other hand, I'm quite pleased to be on bad terms with. Every single time I've met Stark, in or out of his tin can, he was trying to either fight me, buy my services, or use me as a lackey. The man's an egotist and a megalomaniac who's barely better than Norman Osborn, and the only reason the entire world doesn't see him as such is because he paid lip service to the idea of combating terrorism or stopping the expansion of HYDRA or whatever Cap was twisting his arm into caring about that week. I am so glad he's lost control of his company by now.
Thor is....they're hot. I don't know what else there is to say. They're outrageously, impossibly, mind-numbingly attractive, with that luscious red hair and those rippling arms and that firm bit of tummy fat and--I'm getting off track. I don't think I've ever had a full conversation with Thor outside of, like, a battle, but they've never given me a reason to dislike 'em. And the way they're summoning rainclouds to alleviate the California wildfires and put an end to droughts the world over is...it's good. It's really, really good.
Does Wasp count as an Avenger? I dunno. She was in the beginning, so I don't care if she says she's retired. I respect her as a scientist, I guess, but I don't particularly like her attitude as to what superheroes are supposed to be.
Mockingbird? I've never paid attention to Dr. Morse in my life.
Hawkeye? Clint was fine when he was alive, but I'm like 90% certain that he trained Bullseye in the ways of ridiculous supernatural accuracy so I'm blaming him for that. I like Kate, based on the, like, three times I've met her. Come to think of it, she was actually in Prison 42 when we were busting everybody out. I wonder which portal she escaped through.
Hulk? Listen. Banner needs to stop trying to suppress the poor kid and start trying to let him out in safe, comfortable environments. There's a reason why that alter is only ever seen in the midst of a violent, screaming meltdown. I feel sorry for the Hulk, and I'm frustrated with Banner for his part in that.
...And, of course, there was that time during the War of the Worlds when every superhero was drafted into in the Avengers to help fight the Chitauri. I'm never going to stop hating Nick Fury for that. But I...might have some old access codes from when I was a part of that?
I'm not sure. My laptop is in the back of Emjay's car, currently in...Minnesota, I think. I'll send you whatever I've still got once I'm back with her.
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oc-character-development · 3 years ago
Right so in the light of a person from Morse’s past apparently turning up in Morse’s life in tonight’s episode I’m speculating as to just who it’s going to be and I have whittled it down to two options, one not very likely but could still happen and one more likely (for the record in case I do accidentally get this correct: I didn’t look up anything about who’s in this week’s episode aired because I like to speculate on these things but not actually know them until the episode airs):
Option 1) Gwen Morse.
Option 2) Susan.
Let’s start with the one I think is slightly less likely, Susan, Morse’s ex fiancé. well i don’t think this is likely to happen since I don’t think Morse meets her again until her husband is found dead and he’s investigating it in the 1990s but it could still happen, the Morse continuity has been changed a bit before in Endeavour (like the age he was when his mum died for example) but still, I also struggle to think of a reason why she’d be there at Morse’s door.
So I reckon it’s going to be Gwen.
Purely because the Radio Times description said it’s someone from his past he’d rather forget. So if it’s family, it’s not going to be Joyce, Morse canonically likes his little sister, and who do we know made his younger years hell and he doesn’t get on with? It’s his step mother, Gwen. I mean, she almost drove him to s****** through petty bullying, so him not getting on with Gwen is an understatement. Also we haven’t heard about Morse’s family for a while, so why not have the member Morse dislikes the most pop up (maybe with some family news like...Joyce is getting married to Keith Garrett? It’s around the right time for Joyce to be getting married or into that relationship considering Marilyn Garrett is 15 in 1992 when she dies so she’d have to be born in the late 70s for that to work out) right when he is going through some emotional turmoil (still over Violetta and Venice, and also added with the fact that Joan is going out with Strange, one of his best mates) and when he least expects it. It just sounds like something the writers would do to torture poor Morse even further.
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glitchgaymer · 2 years ago
CJ Tennyson
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Carmenlita Jennifer Agbayani Tennyson
12[Start of OV]
14[End of OV]
22 [Present]
Birthday: July 22, 2000
Status: Alive
Human [Genectically]
Anodite [Spark]
Nationality: Filipino-American
Gender Identity: Girl [Cis-gender]
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself
Sexuality: Lesbian
Homeworld: Earth
OV: Bellwood
Present: Friedkin University
Ben's Team
Team Tennyson [Disbanded]
Alien Force [Disbanded]
Tennyson Family
Agbayani-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Formally]
Madison Middle School
Shim [Crush]
Ben's Team [Disbanded]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Formally]
Madison Middle School [Formally]
Madison High School [Formally]
Friedkin University [Currently]
Shim [Lover]
Grade 7 student of Madison Middle School[Currently]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
College Senior of Friedkin University
Student of Madison High School [Formally]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
Plumbers Academy Student
College Senior of Friedkin University [Formally]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
Skills & Abilities:
Freestyle Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Sign language
Morse Code
Self Defense
Artistic ability
Mana Manipulation
Mana Absorption
Mana Detection
Mana Telekinesis
Mana Flight
Mana Constructs
Mana Construct Tampering
Mana Projectiles
Mana Field Communication
Innate Magical Abilities
Limited Reality Warping
Space Survivability
Object Creation
Object Reparation
Object Dissipation
Object Duplication
Object Animation
Dimensional Travel
Astral Projection
Body Creation
Human Disguise
Size Alteration
Prehensile Hair
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Dexterity
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Speed (with enough mana)
Anodite Form Only:
Size Alteration
Magic Vision
Portal Creation
Light Generation
Equipment: Bow & Arrows
Carl Tennyson [Dad]
Sandra Tennyson [Mom]
Ben Tennyson [Older Brother]
BJ Tennyson [Twin Brother]
AJ Tennyson [Younger Sister]
Max Tennyson [Paternal Grandpa]
Verdona [Paternal Grandma]
Vera Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt]
Gordon Tennyson [Paternal Great Uncle]
Betty Jean Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt-In-Law]
Mr. Agbayani [Maternal Grandpa]
Mrs. Agbayani [Maternal Grandma & Deceased]
Unknown Maternal Great Aunts
Unknown Maternal Great Unlces
Frank Tennyson [Paternal Uncle]
Natalie Tennyson [Paternal Aunt-In-Law]
unknown Aunts from Sandra's side
Uncles from Sandra's side
Ken Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Gwen Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Sunny Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Clyde Fife [Paternal Cousin]
Lucy Mann [Paternal Cousin-In-Law]
Unknown cousins from Sandra's side
14 Necrofriggians [Nieces or Nephews]
CJ Prime
Miss Carmenlita Tennyson
Ate CJ/Carmenlita
Tita/Aunt CJ/Carmenlita
Ben's 1st sister
Playing and Training for Soccer, Basketball, and Swimming[OV & Present]
Reading her comics, graphic novels, and books[OV & Present]
Bicycling[OV & Present]
Hanging out with her siblings, or her friends[OV & Present]
Archery[OV & Present]
Playing house with AJ[before OV]
Dimensions & Time Travel
Hot Sauce smoothies
Spicy Food
Hanging out with her siblings, or her friends[OV & Present]
Her comics & graphic novels
Sour food
That student that will remind the teacher about the quiz or homework
Studying too much
Will Harangue
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anchormain · 3 years ago
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        it isn’t mother’s day where i live however i know it is where a lot of you live, so! morse & his mother headcanon post. ( some of this is canon not hc but i gotta give you the context! ) 
        morse’s mother died when he was 12. her name was constance. she was a quaker and that’s partly why morse’s first name is what it is; it’s a virtue name like hers. she’s also the reason he hasn’t changed it. he doesn’t like his name much, but it’s also one of the only connections he has left to his mother, which makes it very special and makes him extremely reluctant to change it. so, he settles for simply not using it. 
        morse was raised in quakerism as much as his father would allow. he went with his mother to the meeting house although he didn’t particularly like going or believe, because he didn’t want to disappoint her. he stopped going when he lost her. 
        he doesn’t remember a whole lot of her, but he remembers the scent of her hair, and “tenderness”. it was a very soft, loving relationship, full of affection and trust. morse likes physical touch very much and he would’ve been getting a lot of that from constance, running to her for cuddles when he was upset or hurt, getting tucked into bed at night, that kind of thing. he was very attached to her and he stayed with her after she and his father got divorced. 
        when she got sick, morse did most of the caring for her. he knows how to look after people, as a result. he also retained the constant urge to help people. he couldn’t save her, he just had to watch her slowly get sicker and sicker, and that left him with the belief that he has something to make up for. i’ve discussed this before, but morse has her death certificate still, along with a picture of him with her. the death certificate states that she was found in bed. morse and constance lived alone, which means it’s highly likely that little morse was the one to find his mother’s body. no prizes for guessing where the phobia of dead bodies comes from. 
        losing her broke his heart. morse went from this very loving, very affectionate and close relationship to living with a father who was indifferent towards him at best and a stepmother who actively disliked and bullied him. no more affection, no more hugs, no more getting tucked into bed at night, no more feeling like someone cared if he was upset. he wouldn’t have gotten any of the same affection from them. the closest thing morse had to affection would’ve been when he held his baby stepsister. he loved her a lot, but probably wasn’t allowed to hold her very often, courtesy of gwen. morse didn’t consider gwen to be anything like his mother, and certainly wouldn’t have come anywhere close to filling the gap left by constance. she was his stepmother legally, but nothing more.
        morse’s mother formed the part of his childhood where morse felt loved. when he lost her, he lost the feeling of being loved and appreciated simply for existing. from that moment on, his existence wasn’t enough, and he felt he had to earn love. 
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