#Mori and Fukuzawa are long suffering
frankenjoly · 3 months
"A diamond is precious precisely because it is rare." + fukumori? 👀
“A diamond is precious precisely because it is rare.” Mori was saying, somewhat absentmindedly, with his eyes fixed on the book he had been reading. “But, at the same time, there truly is something exceptional about science surpassing more and more limitations each time.”
Fukuzawa hummed in agreement, then became silent again. Not for long, though, since an amusing idea crossed his mind pretty soon.
“Speaking of diamonds, do you think Natsume-sensei’s saying was something he held onto when getting tired of us?” The first response he got was laughter, sudden and genuine. Something he always treasured.
“Bold of you to phrase it like a hypothetical, and to assume he stopped.”
“Fair enough.” Fukuzawa conceded with a brief snort. “Does that mean you did the same too, then?” Now Mori did turn his head, moving away just enough to stare at him with a smirk.
“Oh, you have no idea. In fact, if Akutagawa-kun and your tiger kid ever manage to test Dazai-kun’s patience like that… serves him right. Not only that, but if one of those two ever tries to keep the tradition, then he shall suffer the same annoyance as a side effect. Unlikely so far, though, since none of them seems exactly the scheming type.” Definitely not, opposite to Natsume, Mori there or Dazai.
“Dazai-kun says more or less the same.”
“Yes? And what else does Dazai-kun say?” Funnily enough, when Fukuzawa answered next, he hadn’t meant for those words to be teasing, merely informative.
“He sometimes laughs at your expense with Yosano-kun.”
Of course, it became crystal clear as 1) he  had finished speaking and 2) his partner pouted.
(Also on ao3.)
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Sorry if I ended up spamming your notifs but I looked through your dashboard cuz of that Fukuzawa post- how he could feel the bond snapping if the people he consider his subordinates died, and... never in my life have I considered that bond could've applied to Fukuchi when the guy left---
(But then it crossed my mind as I write this that idk if it's fortunate or devastating for Fukuzawa if something life-threatening happened to Ranpo because Ranpo doesn't have an ability that bonded with All Men Are Equal.)
Anyways, I love your post about Atsushi being in the mafia as part of the exchange cuz I love seeing Mori suffer.
I always define Atsushi as "light in the darkness" because in Beast, that's how he was for Kyouka (he'll always be her light).
Sorry for rambling, I should've sent you this as a message but idk if you'd feel comfy about some random acc popping in your inbox.
First off, ramble away.
I love having discussions and stuff about the stuff I talk about.
You're good, I don't mind. If you or someone else was spamming my inbox, I'd let ya know.
I do generally prefer people message me thro the asks, especially if I don't know you.
That aside and onto ur message.
I just can't get over that line of Fukuzawa saying he'd know if Kunikida had died.
That in some way he would've felt it. And I see it as a connection, as an almost physical bond between them that would've been cut.
And the idea of his connection with Fukuchi breaking. What was possibly one of the oldest connections Fukuzawa had, dissolving over time.
Fukuzawa trying to hold onto it because he still sees him as his friend. But it's broken and there's nothing he can do to get it back.
And it being so sad because Fukuzawa is used to these bonds breaking at death, but Fukuchi was lost to him long before he died.
I didn't think about Ranpo.
I think Fukuzawa sees it as both a blessing and a curse that he can't feel if Ranpo is okay.
But it's a testament to their bond that it isn't required. They trust each other so much, that it's like a sixth sense for Fukuzawa to know what Ranpo's up too.
While also knowing that if he wasn't grey before he met Ranpo, he would've definitely gone grey after meeting him.
Atsushi is the beast beneath the moonlight. He is the literal light in the darkness.
The idea of Kyouka envisioning the light with Atsushi as a apart of that, is gonna make me cry I love them both.
Atsushi in the Port Mafia to me is Mori being like I'm gonna corrupt you and Atsushi's like power of friendship motherfucker.
Atsushi won't go to therapy but you bet your ass he's giving everyone in the Port Mafia therapy.
Atsushi met Mori as werid ex doctor who gave him good but advice once. I think he'd be a bit... Skeptical this man is the head of the Port Mafia.
I think he'd listen to him but would think through and use that advice while following his own morals.
Like he did before.
Which is infuriating and fascinating to Mori because clearly Atsushi gets where he's coming from... He just won't do it.
Quite a juxtaposition from everyone else in the Port Mafia follows Mori without question.
But Atsushi does not.
I love the idea of his interactions with Mori are him being mostly maliciously compliant.
Like he's not outright doing something wrong but he's still pissing him off.
Something Dazai and Kunikida would've definitely taught him.
Like Mori's going on a whole spiel and Atsushi is just colouring on the floor with Elise paying him no attention.
And Mori can't say anything because Elise is so happy so he's just silently seething.
That whole Anne's Room episode and seeing these two interact for the first time, with Atsushi not knowing Mori's identity
Is just so intresting to me. More interactions between them is something I want.
That and I'd be curious to see if there was any information to do with the Port Mafia getting the bounty for Atsushi from the Guild and Fyodor.
Because yeah it could've just been for the reward, but was there more to it than that?
Or if the Headmaster had connections to the Port Mafia.
Because however small it may be, the Headmaster still made contact with the Port Mafia to sell a gun.
He's not from the area, but somehow arranged a meeting with them.
And in my opinion died very suspiciously.
I mean I personally hc that the injections the Headmaster was giving Atsushi were obtained from Mori when he was an underground doctor.
Whether that's true or not, idk but it would be intresting if Mori knew more about Atsushi than we realise.
But yeah that's just some of my thoughts.
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queer-charming · 2 years
Hey! I decided to post some of the unfinished works I have in my drafts, feel free to do whatever you want with it! This was going to be a Chuuya x Reader that I’ll probably never finish, so here y’a go! Go wild!
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Part of you felt guilty, felt like you were being dishonest to your friends, you guessed technically you were, but how were you supposed to explain to the ADA that you regularly met with one of the top executives of the Port Mafia after the two of you had struck up an unlikely friendship? Like what? Were you just supposed to go up to Dazai and say “by the way, remember your former partner? You know, who’s a top member of the most dangerous crime organization in Japan? Yeah I’ve been having lunch with him every other week for the past 6 months without telling you.” You we’re sure that was not going to end well.
However, the fact that you and Chuuya had struck up such an unlikely friendship wasn’t the only secret you were keeping. You were keeping a secret from Chuuya as well, and that was the secret that over the past 6 months, he’d managed to make you fall irrevocably undeniably in love with him. However, being friends with him? Meeting with him every other week at a different restaurant to catch up? That was one thing. Dating him? Sleeping with him behind the ADAs back? That was a completely different thing. That would put real guilt in you. You weren’t sure that was a secret you’d be able to keep.
You let that thought simmer in your mind as you waited yo Chuuya to arrive, because no matter how guilty you felt, no matter how bad you felt about technically lying to your friends, nothing would ever be enough to keep you away from your favorite firey redhead. The restaurant you two had chosen was an expensive one, one that the members of the ADA would be unlikely to visit and one that Chuuya was confident very few members of the Port Mafia frequented. It was large, on the top floor of a 16 story office building. The food was gourmet and the wine was of only the highest of vintage. The wall to your left was made up entirely of windows, floor to ceiling, giving you a beautiful view over Yokohama and a breathtaking view of the ocean.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” You were pulled from your thoughts by the voice to your right, turning to see Chuuya, his standard perfectly pressed hat abandoned at the front door alongside his long jacket, giving you an uninterrupted view of his lean figure. You felt the smile naturally find it’s way onto your lips. You remembered the first moment you met Chuuya, months ago. It had been after a particularly prickly meeting with the ADA and the Port Mafia. Kunikida had spent nearly the entire time nearly coming to blows with a few of the members, Akutagawa spent the entire time antagonizing Atsushi and Chuuya and Dazai couldn’t keep their mouths shut to save the world. The only people there seemingly capable of holding an actual conversation had been you, Fukuzawa, Mori and Kouyou, while also somehow managing to prevent a slaughter. It was only after the meeting had ended that you'd managed to share a few words with Chuuya, he may have been an executive with an entirely dangerous and illegal crime rink but he still wanted to meet the ADA's new girl. Of course, you'd been thrown off a bit by the way he'd first addressed you.
"So what kind of brain damage did you suffer to agree to work with Dazai?" He'd asked. For a few seconds you had no idea how to respond, you kind of just stared at him. After a moment your brain finally caught up.
"Thrown from a horse when I was 12." You quipped back, sufficiently pleased with the look of surprise and mild confusion on the mafioso's face.
"Really?" He asked. You let his question hang for a minute before tossing him a grin.
"No." Apparently he'd liked how you responded to him, becuase after that he'd become much more friendly. After that, you'd ran into Chuuya again at a coffee shop you frequented, and of course, being the curious and adventurous person you were, you walked up to him. You were a little surprised when he'd recognized you, although you definitely were not upset by it. What was originally supposed to be a quick 15 minute coffee stop turned into a 3 hour long "Coffee date" you guessed you could call it. That was when you're biweekly meetings with Chuuya started, and the two of you had become pretty close, of course it wasn't the "I'll tell you everything about myself" kind of close, but it was nice.
"Run into some traffic?" You asked as Chuuya took his place across from you, almost immediately ordering his favorite wine.
"There were some subordinate's who needed some..." Chuuya seemed to search for the words. "Straightening out." He finally settled on.
You and Chuuya rarely spoke about work when you met up, getting together was supposed to be a time when both of you could forget where you worked, and the fact that you two were on opposite sides.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Team Building Exercise- Triple Soukoku
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Recovery date: January 9th, 2021
Description: Three generations of the feared Soukoku must work together to bring peace...
Notes: N/a
Word count: 1 772
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Mori Ougai, boss of the ever feared port mafia, sits at the long dining table with his fingers linked under his chin. It spans most of the room, about four meters or six feet long, with eight chairs spread across. Three parallel to each other on either side, and one on each end. Above the center hangs a crystal chandelier.
On the other end sits Fukuzawa Yukichi, the president of Yokohama’s armed detective agency, quietly sipping tea. The once partners now sit on opposite sides of both the table and the law, though neither hold any resentment towards the other. 
The same can not be said for Chuuya and Dazai, the once and still feared duo of darkness. As time passes, it seems Chuuya’s resentment for Dazai only grows. Even now, he sits with his arms crossed and head turned like a defiant child. Meanwhile, Dazai sits across from his ex-partner with an almost strangely pleasant smile. No matter what Chuuya says, they both know Chuuya resents Dazai for leaving him all those years ago. Not that Chuuya would have left the mafia easily, if at all, but Dazai never even tried to talk to him. And that was what hurt the most.
Only one pair lacks resentment, not to say there's no malice between them. The final pair at the table, and the youngest, are Atsushi and Akutagawa. Unlike their two predecessors, they have no history of abandonment and betrayal. At least between each other. Their distrust is nothing more than a product of bad decisions and miscommunications. Nothing that can’t be dealt with over time.
They sit in relative silence, with the loudest sound being the occasional cough from Akutagawa. Both Mori and Fukuzawa have their eyes closed, it was almost as if they were asleep. 
Atsushi sat nervously between Mori and an empty chair, while Dazai sat on the other side of said chair and beside Fukuzawa. Akutagawa was leaning back in his chair glaring at Atsushi, which only served to put him more on edge.
“Nakajima-kun,” Mori said, breaking the silence.
“Yes!” Atsushi sat up as straight as possible, causing Dazai to snicker beside him.
A small smirk pulled at the corner of Mori’s mouth as he opened his eyes to look at the young man.
“Please relax, we aren’t going to hurt you. Isn’t that right Akutagawa?” 
“Hm,”Akutagawa gave a small hum of acknowledgement that did little to calm Atsushi’s nerves.
“So, shall we begin?” Fukuzawa asked, setting down his tea and looking up at Mori.
“I do believe we’ve let them suffer enough… for now.”
“Still as sadistic as ever Mori-sensei.”
“Why thank you.” He smiled. “Now, we called you all here today to discuss a mission of the utmost importance.”
“Is the city in danger again?” Atsushi asked.
Everyone was now sitting up right and looking at Mori.
“No, it is a much more pressing matter.” He paused for a second and looked up at Fukuzawa. “We have decided that the agency and port mafia need to… get to know each other, better. So we decided to kill two birds with one stone.”
“How?” Chuuya asked wearily. After being in the mafia for years, he knew Mori’s ideas could be… well sadistic.
“Mori-sensei and I decided to use this as an opportunity for Akutagawa and Atsushi to work on their teamwork.”
“What do you need us for then?” Dazai asked.
“As their predecessors, it seems only fitting you help them as necessary,” Fukuzawa said.
“Because you two helped us so much,” Dazai mumbled, rolling his eyes.
“That was different. No, I will not elaborate.”
“Of course you won’t.”
“Now,” Fukuzawa said, “we plan to hold the event this saturday-”
“Yes, Kunikida-san has already been informed to clear his schedule. We all know what happens when you change his schedule last minute.”
“I suppose it’s an insurance of sorts…” Mori hummed. Fukuzawa scowled as he was cut off again.
“Mori-sensei has agreed to sort out whatever venue you decide on, and I do believe Fitzgerald-san and Alcot-san are willing to help with security and catering. Everything else is up to you four.”
“Do we really need security?” Atsushi asked, mostly to himself. 
Everyone at the table shrugged. The port mafia, agency, and possibly guild all in one place? You’d have to be stupid, or suicidal (or both) to attack.
“Now,” Mori clapped, “we’ll leave you to it! Fukuzawa-dono?” 
Both Mori and Fukuzawa took their leave.
Atsushi continued to shift awkwardly under Akutagawa’s glare as they waited for Dazai and Chuuya to come back with a computer and paper. 
Dazai had practically dragged Chuuya out as soon as the bosses left.
“They’ve been gone for awhile…”
“Think they’ll be back soon?”
“Are you going to talk to me at all?”
“Fine. Then I’ll talk and if you have a problem feel free to speak up,” Atsushi huffed before falling silent. “... Soooo, what kind of event would the port mafia like?”
“The agency would be okay with anything semi-formal… and we should probably do a buffet to keep Kenji fed… with lots of sweets too!” Atsushi had a soft smile on his face as he thought over things the agency would like. “Come to think of it, doesn’t Elise like sweets too?”
He looked up at Akutagawa for an answer. The man in question stayed silent, waiting for Atsushi to continue. However Atsushi continued to wait, dead set on getting Akutagawa to help.
“... So does Q.”
“Q? The one with the doll?” Akutagawa nodded. “Are they coming?”
“I’d assume, they’re still a part of the mafia. I believe a semi-formal event will work.”
Atsushi smiled.
“See, that wasn’t so hard.”
As they continued to discuss what to serve, music, and where to hold the event, they didn’t notice the door open slightly.
“And you thought they would kill each other,” Dazai whispered, still looking through the small crack in the door.
“Fuck off,” Chuuya growled. “Now, move out of the way you damn lamp post, I’m trying to see.”
“Ah, sorry! I forgot how short chibi is.”
“You bastard!” Chuuya yelled, kicking Dazai through the door.
Atsushi stopped talking and jumped into a defensive position at the sudden noise. Akutagawa, who was used to this to a degree, didn’t even flinch.
When Atushi realized it was Dazai who had come barreling through the door, he only sighed. He missed the slight smirk that formed on Akutagawa’s face.
“Are you sure we should have left them like that?” Fukuzawa asked.
Him, Mori, and Elise now sat together in a small cafe of Elise’s choosing.
“They’re in a building of trained killers, most of whom lived through the chaos of the teen soukoku years, they’ll be fine.”
Fukuzawa frowned. “I wasn’t worried about the other people in the building… Everyone in that room has tried to kill each other at least once.”
Mori raised an eyebrow. “Dazai-san tried to kill Nakajima-kun?”
“That wasn’t what I meant.”
“Of course,” Mori smiled, folding his hands under his chin. “Though we both know Dazai-san intends to turn those two into shin soukoku, and I believe Chuuya-san agrees with him on that. Even if it is rare, when they agree on something, it usually turns out okay.”
“Rintaro! You promised you wouldn’t bring work into the cafe!”
“Yes, of course Elise-chan,” he smiled, ruffling her hair. “What would you like, Fukuzawa-dono can go up and order.”
“Why am I being volunteered?”
Ignoring him, Elise began to make a small list.
“... And I want extra strawberry sauce on the cheesecake!”
“That’s quite the order, how about you start with a drink and a slice of cake?” Fukuzawa asked, a habit of trying to get Ranpo to limit his spending in restaurants.
Fukuzawa had no problem with Ranpo buying cheap convenience store sweets, or buying more expensive and higher quality ones in bulk. But buying expensive cakes in a cafe, that he could finish in two bites, was a waste.
“Hmph but I want all of it,” Elise pouted, crossing her arms and shrinking into the booth. He imagined she’d stomp her foot if she were standing.
“Then you can come back later and get something different, or order again once you finish the first one.”
Mori stayed quiet, watching the exchange between his ability and his ex-partner.
“Mmrg,” she groaned, really it was more a cross between a growl and a groan, before relenting. “Fine! I’ll just take the cheesecake and hot chocolate. But I want extra strawberry sauce and whipped cream!”
“Alright. Would you like anything?” Fukuzawa asked, looking at Mori.
“Just a coffee.”
“Alright then, I think that settles everything.” Dazai smiled, clapping his hands together.
They’d just finished writing out the plan for, what Akutagawa and Atsushi had decided would be, a semi-formal party for the Armed detectives and Port Mafia.
Atsushi had done most of the idea pitching, with Akutagawa telling him what was and wasn’t a good idea. Chuuya and Dazai had even left the room a few times without them noticing, much to both of their surprises. After all, Akutagawa normally watched Dazai like a hawk.
In the end, they’d decided on a semi-formal “party” of sorts. With a buffet type dining situation, with plenty of deserts obviously, on a boat. The boat had been an idea supplied by Chuuya who had said, “We’re less likely to start an all out war on a boat. No one wants to be the reason it sinks, and if they are, they won’t just have to answer to the other side.”
Without waiting for further dismissal, Akuatagawa went to leave.
“Hey? Where do you think you’re going?”Chuuya called, before he could make it out the door.
“You could at least pretend to not be running out of here,” Atsushi grumbled.
Soukoku stifled their laughter. No matter how well Atsushi and Akutagawa worked together, Akutagawa preferred to limit his time around his partner.
“Nope! This was just the warm up.”
“Warm up?” Atsushi asked, worry seeping into his bones.
“Of course! Everyone knows the only proper way to get to know someone is to go drinking.”
“Please,” Chuuya sighed, “you just want to see them make fools of themselves. Plus, they can’t drink at a bar, they aren’t 21.”
“But Chuuuyyaaa,” Dazai whined.
“No,” he said, not wavering in the slightest. Then, he turned back to the other two. “You two can leave, I’ll see you both Saturday.”
“No! Can we at least do karaoke?”
“Stop looking for blackmail material shit mackerel!”
As the two left, they could still hear their seniors yelling about karaoke, bars, and blackmail.
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gildeddlily · 2 years
why the abuse cycle is the best thing ever written (ok not the best but almost)
I wouldn't define myself an Akutagawa apologist, 'cause no I simply can't do something like that knowing what he did to Kyouka, but hating on him for that is the same as hating Dazai for it? not really.
"dazai should pay for what he has done-" uh he already did? like alright go on and forget the suicidal tendencies (and the almost canon sh) that definitely aren't sarcastic (even my bed knows that), the years he spent in the mafia as a teenager (if the word child is exaggerated for you)(at fourteen you're still a child yes), how he was around killing people at fifteen, how he learned ways to torture others at the same time, how he lived in a literal container far from everything else and how he was considered a demon by everyone to the point that he was sure of that by sixteen (how he was the ward of a canon pedophile (not saying he was s/a for sure, but it wouldn't make things better)), and an entire characterization for your "poor innocent akutagawa" act
like, I love Akutagawa, he's one of my favourite characters and of the best written ones, and despite my love for him I recognise the bad things he has done. naturally I'm not talking ab the killing, like who cares they're all kinda useless or not so important to me and everyone in general, but the "Abuse Cycle" thing, one of the best things Asagiri wrote for this plot. he just treated Jyouka like shit, and everyone has to admit it: he abused and manipulated her for a long time, badly influenced her and using her as a tool for the mafia. Dazai did the same, saving Akutagawa, "giving him a reason to live" if making him proud can be called this, and abusing and treating him probably the way he was treated under Mori's cares.
I remember when some years ago I said to a friend of mine (I was like thirteen and they were sixteen) that I didn't like Dazai for what he did to Akutagawa (my favourite boy when I had yet to read the manga) and they told me something like "but that's hypocrisy, Akutagawa did the same thing to Kyouka" yes and no, again.
chapter 49 is like the thing that make me says that even tho the things they both did were bad it still is not the same
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I'm citing another post here on tumblr that I saved and lost cause I'm a genius, but the "eyes represent the way the see themselves" theory is perfect for this chapter, that is a whole "you're eyes are different". it's the cannibalism arc and Kyouka is ready to kill Higuchi to save the ADA and Fukuzawa cause they're the first real family she has had after her parents died, Akutagawa starts to fight her and after her attempt to kill him surprises him, she backs away and he sees her face clearly, specifically her eyes. Asagiri drew them like this for a reason.
Akutagawa's surprised eyes are wide open, iris grey (like his hair so they would be just pitch black) like the pupil in an almost blank look. they express nothing, and the only way we understand how he's feeling is the "eyes wide open" thing. they're just dull. Kyouka is determined, and in her eyes shines that determination to help her family. the sparkles are there for a reason like every other time, and they're open. filled with emotions and just human. her eyebrows are frowned, and she's so different from him it hurts. (Asagiri even put the little panel with his eyes next to her, he's screaming "look at how you'll suffer now")
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this is a creepy expression our silly little guy makes at the idea of fighting someone as strong as kyouka, and the differences in their eyes is even more prominent (crazed look doesn't suit you bby)
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and he sees that difference, even if kyouka probably ignores it. he admits that she's right: she's changed since she worked under him
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he describes kyouka's eyes as "yearning for death/with no values for her life", and says that he knew someone with the same eyes as her, and at first it would look like he's talking about himself, but then there's a picture of sixteen/seventeen Dazai, that like her joined another organization and found a reason to live (Dazai definitely didn't found a reason to live, maybe a reason to don't die and survive but it's another matter). so he isn't talking ab himself, and he even sees the part of the flashback with himself like a little icon in the corner. Asagiri drew the way he remembered that day, not someone else's perception
so he doesn't think of himself as someone like Kyouka or Dazai. But both Asagiri and Bones did a good job making things clear (bones almost useful for the first time with the iconic parallels)
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they're the same. they're identical, and maybe bones did akutagawa's part too evident, removing the "hidden truth" behind that panel, but the effect is perfect. they have the same eyes, but Akutagawa says that they're like Dazai's ones, who sure look like theirs in the "you're the witness to that fact" scene. he completely ignores the parallels between his past (and present) self and kyouka.
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he says that he's glad about kyouka's (and dazai's) happiness and new-founded reason to live/stay alive. he's happy for them, cause he recognise that they're better like this, and he accepts the fact that they've found a place outside the mafia. (kyouka screams flabbergasted) so, basically, he also recognize how the time she spent with the mafia (and with him) was bad for her mental health and didn't help her wellbeing. I'm pretty sure t is the closest thing to an apology he could ever manage.
the "best" thing about the abuse cycle is the differences between them. Kyouka breaks the cycle and finds happiness. Akutagawa gets abused and abuses, he recognise it and "apologies", declaring himself glad that his and the mafia's influence weren't able to break Kyouka. Dazai gets abused and abuses, and we aren't sure of his feeling about what he did to Akutagawa. (mori is a good character but a bitch that I don't care ab)(his backstory would be gold but asagiri isn't that kind)
Kyouka recognize herself as a victim, and search/welcomes people who want her good. Akutagawa doesn't recognize himself as a victim, but says that Dazai and Kyouka are, thinks of himself as a weakling (and probably would react badly to anyone telling him that he was abused)(killing them maybe) Dazai doesn't recognize himself as a victim, 'cause he doesn't even thinks of himself as human to begin with, and there lies the difference between him and akutagawa
Dazai recognized that what he was doing to Akutagawa in Dark Era was bad, but didn't found in himself the "humanity" to be better, basically, saying that someone good like Oda would have done a better job. after Oda's last world he "became" a better person (he thinks he's acting all the time. like he really is unable to be human, when we know it isn't absolutely true), and started to "act" as "human". he truly sees himself as unable to be genuinely kind (like genuine kindness exists pfft), and it makes me feel bad cause it's horrible to live feeling like some empty shell of fake human traits. but it also is his excuse for his bad actions in the mafia. he doesn't recognise Mori's influence as the thing that made him who he is, that made him do what he did to Akutagawa, and doesn't think of himself human enough to be a decent guy, and decides to just be inhuman. I'm not saying he doesn't try, he for sure did back when he was younger, but I think at one point he simply choose not to anymore
(dazai "apologising" to akutagawa or thinking explicitly ab the bad he has done to him would be the apex of character's development)
so at the end Akutagawa recognizes (if I use this verb another time hit me with a spatula) what he has done to Kyouka but doesn't do the same with what Dazai has done to him Dazai probably doesn't fully recognizes what he has done to Akutagawa cause he does the same with what Mori has done to him, and if he did he still didn't find himself capable to be kind enough not to do bad (even tho he'll be with atushi ) (they need someone to make them understand) (someone hit them in the head please)
and nothing I should to study and I'll write the rest later cause I have too much things to say ab them
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kaurwreck · 2 months
curious what specifically your opinions are for romantic relationships in a/b/o au since it came up... i feel like i've seen you mention entangled polyamory before but idk about specifics
Entangled polyamory is almost always how I approach romantic fictional relationships. I don't really care for dating or sex myself, but I really love romance and sex in fiction as a means for exploring personality, characters' relationships with themselves through others, interlocking dynamics, and narrative themes. I tend to experience my own relationships very intensely and romantically (for lack of a better word; none of them are romantic in the sense that the term is generally used). They're all intense and distinct, even if some are more ephemeral or impersonal or contextual than others, such that they're not interchangeable or relative to each other. So, when I'm exploring sex and romantic relationships in fiction, I gravitate towards a similar intensity and diversity of emotion and attachment, and it sometimes feels unnatural to separate, prioritize, or neglect one relationship over another.
(In other words, some are more ambiguous and mercurial than others, such that polyamory might not be quite the right term, but platonic isn't well fitted either.)
I approach romantic relationships in the a/b/o au the same as I do in my canonverse bsd headcanons, as adapted to a/b/o genre conventions and worldbuilding:
Dazai and Chuuya each have the other's mating bite/are swan-married. But their mating bite scars are wild; they're messy and vicious and it looks like they mauled each other (they did). They also bit each other at 15, which is not socially acceptable, to Mori and Kouyou's exasperation.
Dazai and Chuuya are dating Kunikida, together and separately from one another. Kunikida is their partner, but not their mate (i.e., it would be egregious, offensive, and violating for him to bite them.)
Ango and Dazai are in a years-long situationship that. Resists description. If you asked each of them separately about the nature of their relationship, they'd offer wildly different but similarly cryptic explanations.
Ango is an alpha and becomes immensely sexist regarding omegas when speaking about Dazai, like, entirely unprovoked; flagrantly offensive; shockingly out-of-pocket. But only in contexts involving Dazai. Otherwise, he doesn't seem to notice or harbor any explicit or implicit biases related to designations.
Katai and Kunikida have each other's mating bites/are swan-married.
Jun'ichiro and Naomi blatantly have each other's mating bites, because there isn't a reality in which they don't.
Ranpo and Poe are in a relationship but haven't bitten each other as far as anyone is aware. Fukuzawa is not tolerating the matter especially well regardless.
Chuuya and Dazai's heats are synced, and typically spent in the Agency dorms rather than Chuuya's Port Mafia-affiliated penthouse to avoid triggering Dazai while they're both vulnerable.
They're both aggressive while in heat; Kunikida doesn't join them until near the end of each cycle, when they've calmed down enough to tolerate him.
Chuuya has an elaborate, multilevel nest in his penthouse. He makes do in Dazai's dorm.
Atsushi also has an elaborate nest, but only because of an incident in which Kunikida threw most of Chuuya's makeshift dorm-nest in the wash without realizing it was a nest, resulting in a conniption over which Dazai quietly sent Akutagawa and Atsushi on an errand to fix the matter, during which Atsushi discovered fancy, high-end nesting furniture and engaged in intensely brat-like behavior until Akutagawa conceded his credit card.
The above incident is also how Kunikida learned he has been regularly destroying Dazai's nests on the assumption they are trash piles; Dazai just let him without saying anything, unlike Chuuya, who made him duly suffer for the transgression.
Akutagawa and Atsushi keep using sudden and vicious mating bites to one-up each other/prove points/win fights against the other, only to scamper to Yosano to whine and throw fits and accuse each other of impropriety until she heals them. The first time it happened was a miscalculation, but it's become habitual. They're in a romantic relationship, and Atsushi, who would rather not be cut to bits by Yosano every time Akutagawa is about to lose an argument, insists they could just leave the mating bites alone. But the circumstances in which they bite each other are so terribly stupid and unfit for sincerity that Akuagawa is committed to shaking Atsushi like an Etch-a-Sketch until they're competent about it.
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bnesszai · 6 months
How do you think each ada member would rebel against what people expect of them in a way that fits their character?
i have been thinkin about this for so long and i don't think i have very good answers. I also didn't do everyone cuz i just....can't. apwroj
Kunikida: If something came up and Kuni changed his ideals, he would do anything for them. Even if it seems like a betrayal to what we know of him or to those around him. Like when the ADA was in danger. he straight up walked to someone and said "congrats you'll be getting a new car. get out" which is largely in character, but also something that kind of goes against who he seems to be when we first see him. If that makes sense?
Atsushi: i really want to come back to this. I love him but i still cannot think of something for him.
Yosano: Healing under the command of someone else. Hear me out. This is going to be so incoherent but hear me out. After her past with Mori and the Great War, Yosano is horribly scarred. I fully believes she will not heal someone if she does not have their consent to do so now, with a few exceptions. She does not want to be ordered to heal somebody, because she does not know if they want to be saved and/or if they will just be sent out to suffer again. However, it would also be in her character to have Dazai or Fukuzawa or Atsushi come up to her with a bloodied person, asking her to heal them.
(this one makes the least sense of them all I'm sorry)
Dazai: Gonig out of his way to do something good. Like, for no reason that seems beneficial. Just because he can. It would align with his development while seeming strange. And i say this a "Dazai has many emotions and care a great deal" truther. But, despite that, Dazai does good when he sees a benefit to it. If he were to do it for no reason, it would be "rebelling" against who he is while being in character.
This entire post is a mess. Maybe some day I'll come back and edit/add more characters but for now, I still don't have all of my bandwidth back but. i hope you enjoy this nonsense<3
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
🤧,🌸,😭, 😞 for fukuzawa if you'd like!! Your headcanons are amazing btw I'm loving all of them sm
Hello, aw thanks~ Glad you're enjoying!! And thank you for the ask! ~From This Ask Game~ Dropped under cut since it's a bit long (I'm so sorry haha~)~~
Wanna add quickly too- hcs for me are so fun, but also definitely not set in stone, and if anyone (or even me a lot of the time) have any other ideas for them, I'm always thrilled to see that side for them too!! I'm a believer in 'if you wanna, then do' when it comes to snz/hc content~ doesn't have to be consistent, long as it's entertaining and well done! that said, here's the hcs!
~~~~~ 🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!) A bit rough, not rapid, but definitely fast paced. Not insanely harsh, but using a lot of his voice. Something like "rshhh'oo-! errshhh- eshh- krsshhh- ak'rshhhoo-! yierrshhh'oo-!"
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
Hmm, I think yes. Personally I'd say flowers, specifically some dainty ones that just... wreck him. Tough man brought down by smol flowers. But he still loves them, and honestly, he kinda loves that they wreck him so bad, makes him feel a bit softer. (because they do. He's reduced to a mess, eyes streaming, nose running, sneezing, whole shebang~)
😭: When they’re sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
Absolutely the 'suffer in silence' type. Denies it until the very end, only admits it when he has to (if he risks hurting the missions, or if he needs to convince someone else to go home too~) . Though, I do think he complains in his own head, but only lightly, and only if it's extremely bad, or someone is making it worse <3 (cough ranpo cough)
😔: What are their “tells” when they’re not feeling their best? Do they sleep more or less? Do they become easily irritated, aggressive, snap at little things? Or do they withdraw and become quieter, cry at the drop of a hat, stay in the background? What’s the one surefire way that one of their loved ones would be able to tell that they’re sick?
I think there's two answers to this. His 'tells' that anyone who knows him would be able to see, and his tells that only Ranpo (and mayyybe Mori in certain fics/situations) can see.
Normal Tells: He'll be quieter, even then normal, constantly clearing his throat when he's speaking. You'll find him falling asleep on his desk, or closing his eyes when he's standing. Withdraws from people/situations.
Ranpo - Mori Only Tells: He does a certain crinkle with his eyes that's a surefire way to tell he has a headache. Moves his hands in certain ways to show that he's resisting the urge to touch his nose. Has little scrunch lines that appear around the bridge of his nose from trying to hold back.
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cerebralinvasion · 1 year
how are you feeling today? :) also do you have any wips you might be sharing with us in the future(apart from the yan feb event)
hello i’m doing great thanks for asking!
as of my wips for the ones i’m working on already ive got 
headcannons for characters reacting to the reader having a panic attack (this one has nine characters so it may take a little while😭)
fyodor, dazai, and nikolai w/ reader that has time manipulation
odasaku and fukuzawa x a reader that’s stressed out to the point of numbness
yandere kouyou stopping reader from leaving the port mafia
mori and reader celebrating elise’s birthday
mori general headcannons (both sfw and nsfw)
dazai convincing reader not to kill their family(crack treated seriously)
dazai & protective older sibling
i also have the following requests that i have not started but i do plan on answering at some point (will probably take a little while though)
fyodor x reader who is prone to passing out
chuuya x hostage reader
yandere jouno interrogating reader 
reader pushing dazai away because they’re scared of getting too close
i have two requests of chuuya x reader who is suffering from dementia/dying from a terminal illness that i may or may not write… idk i just haven’t really felt that motivated to work on them
and i have one mukuro ikusaba sfw alphabet that i started back in october… and i don’t really write for danganronpa anymore but the request is from a long time ago and i did get most of the way through it so idk if that’ll happen or not
anyways thanks for asking and have a great rest of your night!!… or day if you’re in a different time zone but it’s like 3am for me lolol
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amethystroselily · 2 years
I finished reading the beast manga, and honestly I don’t think it’s as much of a tragedy as people make it out to be. It’s just redistributing the angst. Or maybe even preventing future tragedies.
Atsushi might be doing worse in this universe, but Akutagawa’s getting his chance at happiness. Dazai died, but Oda and his kids didn’t. The port mafia might be in ruin, but maybe in the long run this prevents them from all turning into fucking vampires. Who knows?
The ending of Beast feels quite hopeful in my opinion actually. It feels like at that point almost everyone has a chance to fix their situation. Akutagawa can take the time to reflect, to work on his anger, and then maybe he can reconnect with his sister. Atsushi finally has some sort of stable parental figure in his life, and it made it sound like Dazai fully intended for Atsushi to take Kyouka with him. He’s getting a chance to recover, to fully remove himself from his previous life in the mafia, something that doesn’t seem possible for Akutagawa in canon. And with Mori being out of the mafia, this means he can’t play those sick mind games with Yosano like he did in canon. Dazai says Atsushi and Akutagawa are finally ready to take on the threats that are coming, and like Oda’s ability might be pretty useful against certain enemies, so maybe this will prevent the ADA from the suffering they’re currently facing in the manga. Maybe Kunikida won’t have to witness that kid die, or go through that whole thing with Jouno. And Ranpo, and Kenji, and Fukuzawa, and Tanizaki etc. butterfly effect and whatnot.
I just think it’s really only a tragedy for some of the characters. For others it’s genuinely the better universe.
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mayday505 · 2 years
poke poke? Yosano mafia boss au??? i'm listening...
Okay so I actually plan to write a fic on this bc I’m so passionate about the idea and I’ve been brainstorming for so long. But essentially talking about AU!Yosano and the basic idea:
Fukuzawa missed Mori at the mental hospital by like a year? Two years? Yosano is 12 at this point when Mori takes her back in into the mafia this time. He disposes of the previous boss at this point. He plans for her to eventually be his successor and to use her ability to make the mafia an unkillable organisation.
Yosano, who has lost all compassion for the world and the people in it has become extremely apathetic and uncaring for things around her including her own health. Because she never meets ranpo or Fukuzawa she remains this way, and Mori grooms her into his image of a cold ruthless mafia leader capable of using her ability to make others suffer and command those around her to be loyal. She becomes very sadistic because of this and actively uses her ability to manipulate and torture others both physically (she’ll bring someone who disobeys her to the verge of death before healing them) and psychologically (she holds the fact she can decide whether someone lives or dies over their heads. This is important for later remember this)
Yosano still wildly dislikes Mori and often attempts to kill him. Mori let’s her, knowing because of the trauma bond she will always bring him back. On one occasion however, Mori miscalculates, and Yosano actually ends up killing him. She is fourteen at this point and immediately assumes the boss seat. Lots of people underestimate her, and there is infighting and insurgency within the mafia for two weeks, until Yosano and Kouyou (who is one of the few that believe Yosano is suited for the job) team up and squash the rebellion.
(Forcing Kousano soukoku generation hc on you. They are the fem generation and no one can change my mind. The reason they haven’t interacted in canon is that their duo would be too powerful)
Flashforward four years, Yosano is a well respected, slightly feared Mafia boss at 18 who has a reputation much like urban folk legend in Yokohama. No one quite knows who she is what she looks like and much less her name or ability, but she’s known as the Angel of death for her miracle healing ability and her ruthless homocidal streak. Kyouka is taken in at this point and Yosano, mostly apathetic, sees herself in Kyouka and grows to care for her. She becomes Yosano’s protege and is her intended future successor.
Currently (Yosano is 26 now) the structure of the mafia is very different than it was under Mori. Yosano feminised the mafia actually. The executives are: Kouyou, who is also Yosanos right hand and most trusted confidante, Higuchi (because I said so she deserves it), Verlaine, Pianoman (flags appreciation), and Kyouka (she holds the youngest executive seat. Kouyou discourages this but Yosano argued that she was 14 when she became boss so Kyouka is old enough to take a more important role in the mafia. There is friction over this, as Pianoman also disagreed with the decision however Verlaine approved of it)
UH I CANT SAY ANYMORE WITHOUT GOING ON FOREVER BUT!!!! I JUST LOVE PLAYING AROUND WITH THE DYNAMICS AND CHARACTERISATION!! like I love love ripple effects because the amount of things affected by one change is just UH love it. (Eg because Mori chose Yosano as his successor he never sought out dazai therefore dazai never joined the mafia in the first place, resulting in a ripple effect because without dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa also would not have become involved.)
Pls send me more asks I need to word vomit about it. :)))))
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along-came-atsushi · 4 years
Akutagawa – Dazai – Atsushi: An analysis about their relationship
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And why Dazai treats them so differently.
The symbolism of Atsushi and Akutagawa:
From their outward appearance and their design alone, Atsushi and Akutagawa are meant as opposites, but they’re also a duality:
Both wear black and white clothes, but whereas Atsushi is mostly white with a streak of black, Akutagawa wears mostly black with a streak of white. It’s even represented in their hair colours.
Besides this, there are many other things that mark their oppositeness and their duality to each other:
Atsushi is a member of the ADA, while Akutagawa is a member of the PM. Atsushi’s ability colour is blue, Akutagawa’s ability colour is red. Being a member of the ADA makes Atsushi someone who works for the “light and day”, Akutagawa is someone who works for the “darkness and night.” Atsushi loves cats, Akutagawa hates dogs. Atsushi’s ability takes the form of a tiger, Akutagawa’s ability represents a dragon, both creatures are important elements in Asian mythology. Ultimately, Atsushi symbolizes life or is associated with life, while Akutagawa symbolizes death or is associated with death.
Considering this, the title Shin Soukoku (Double Black) isn’t even a fitting name for them, since they both aren’t simply a double, as both Mori and Fukuzawa or Dazai and Chuuya were.
[Beware: Spoilers starting from chapter 83]
Dazai’s mindset and his relationship with Akutagawa:
1.) One of the reasons why Dazai’s treatment towards Akutagawa as a mentor was so cruel and brutal, firstly lies in his overall negative mental state during his PM time. He was visibly unhappy, constantly surrounded by death and violence, and more than now struggled with his suicidal thoughts.
Is it an explanation for his treatment of Akutagawa? −Yes, it is.
Is it an excuse for his treatment of Akutagawa? −No, it isn’t.
2.) Another reason is that this is just how things are done in the Mafia. There is no sense in handling someone with kid gloves in the PM, a place where you get killed for disobeying orders, where you shouldn’t see your peers as friends or get to intimate with anyone:
“It’s an unwritten rule in the Mafia to not stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. One must never open the door to another’s heart and try to judge them for the darkness tucked within.” – Odasaku
If it wouldn’t have been Dazai who taught Akutagawa in such a cruel way, with high probability, it would’ve been someone else. Or as Dazai explained, a sign of weakness will get you killed in the PM:
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And Dazai had the absolute chance to kill Akutagawa after he disobeyed orders and killed a person captured for interrogation. His ability can nullify all other abilities by mere touch. He could’ve simply touched Akutagawa, so that he wouldn’t have been able to use his ability to protect himself, and then shot him on the spot. But he didn’t do that, because:
“Akutagawa – he’s like a sword without a sheath.” Dazai grinned from ear to ear. “He’ll surely become the Mafia’s strongest skill user in the not-so-distant future. But for now he needs someone who can teach him how to put that sword away.”  [...]
“When I first saw him over in the slums, I was horrified. His talents are extraordinary, and his skill is extremely destructive. Plus, he’s stubborn. If I’d left him to his own devices, he would’ve ended up a slave to his own powers until he destroyed himself.” – Dazai to Odasaku
He already valued Akutagawa’s skill and saw the huge potential in him:
I was surprised. I had never heard Dazai openly speak so highly of one of his men like that before. [...]
Dazai didn’t freely make people work under him, period; much less a boy on the verge of starvation in the slums. But Dazai seemed to have his own reasons for doing it. – Odasaku about Dazai
Something which is also later confirmed by Atsushi:
“I believe Dazai-san has acknowledged you long ago.”
Why is it then that Dazai still treats Akutagawa so badly and doesn’t tell his approval right to his face? Something that becomes Akutagawa’s main purpose for a long time, even after Dazai left PM.
Dazai’s relationship with Odasaku and Ango:
Dazai’s behaviour and actions when he’s with Ango and Odasaku clearly shows that he can be different and doesn’t treat everyone with cruelty and coldness, if he wants to.
But what’s the difference between the two people he considers his friends and the people who are his subordinates?
-> Ango and Odasaku value and respect life.
The reason Dazai becomes and is attached to Odasaku and Ango is their viewpoint about death and life:
“I would become a novelist and write a story about why the man stopped killing. But to become a novelist, I needed to sincerely know what it meant to live. – Odasaku
“You’re quite the interesting fellow, Ango. Doing that isn’t going to make the boss happy. […]” “You’re making records of the lives of the deceased. Am I right?” […] “The line between human losses and those of money and equipment begin to blur. There is no individual, no soul, and no dignity to death. But you’re fighting back against that.” – Dazai to Ango
This is the reason why he values them so much that he considers them his friends. He’s not friends with them because he gains something from it, or because they have interesting abilities, or because they are on the same intellectual level as him (which they aren’t). Something that gets emphasized by Odasaku’s rank. He descended from an assassin (a high reputation in the PM) to a maid-of-all-work and an errand boy (a low reputation in the PM).
Dazai is attracted to and fascinated by people who value life – something you don’t find in the PM, and something he himself struggles to understand. Probably because there never was a person who taught him this. Like a curious child, he turns to people who he knows have a better understanding in this than him.
He even becomes very irritated when one of his subordinates questions his friendship with Odasaku:
“Dazai, sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but… I saw him [Odasaku] sweeping behind the office the other day. A man of his status isn’t qualified to be your friend, let alone with an enemy like this.” Dazai stared, flabbergasted, at his underling.
“Are you joking? Odasaku’s not qualified?” Dazai asked, thoroughly surprised. […] “You fools!” Dazai’s lips curled into a sneer in genuine disgust.
This respect doesn’t solely concern Odasaku and Ango. Hirotsu is also one of the very few people he respects for this reason. Even though Hirotsu may not value life in the same terms as Odasaku and Ango do, but he also doesn’t lightly throw away his subordinates lives either:
“…Ha-ha! Just kidding!” Dazai abruptly added in a cheery tone. Hirotsu stared back at him, confused. “The reason you have so many people following you is that you don’t turn your back on them. I’ll leave things in your hands. I won’t tell the boss.”
It’s only when Odasaku dies in Dazai’s arms and tells him to go protect the living, that he starts to change his behaviour and viewpoint.
Dazai and his many failed suicide attempts:
Why is it that Dazai − a genius, a manipulator, someone who exactly knows how the human psyche works, someone who’s predictions always come true and who has plans within plans – then always fails when he tries to kill himself?
Dazai has read the book “The Complete Suicide” so often that he can cite it in his sleep. He has engaged in torture and killed many people. He knew exactly how to involve Ango and himself in a car crash without them dying.
If he really wanted to, he could’ve already killed himself many times ago. He claims that “he doesn’t like pain and suffering”, which according to him is the reason why his suicide attempts fail. But there are ways how he could kill himself without just that. It’s just that he doesn’t WANT to die.
„I thought if all went well, I could die a heroic death on the battlefield. But the dozen or so armed guys who showed up were a real scrappy bunch. […] Thus, I unfortunately avoided death once again.”
He always tells that something inconvenient happened that kept him from dying. But sometimes people around him notice that there’s something wrong in his attempts:
“I was walking and reading a book called ‘How To Not Get Hurt Out Of The Blue’ and fell into a drainage ditch.” A surprisingly absurd reason. – Odasaku and Dazai
“I glance at his desk and see the blasphemous book he bought the other day, ‘The Complete Suicide’, opened to a page titled ‘Death by Poisoning Mushrooms.’ Next to the book lies a plate with a half-eaten mushroom on it. However, upon further inspection, it appears to be a slightly different color from the one in the book. – Kunikida about Dazai
“I thought you [Gide] were similar to Dazai at first, rushing into battle and wishing for death without even considering the value of your own life. But he’s different. […] And he’s just a child−a sobbing child abandoned in the darkness of a world far emptier than the one we’re seeing.” – Odasaku to Gide about Dazai.
Dazai is a person who actively seeks life and wants to be freed from his own philosophy. He’s struggling between seeking death, which he thinks is the only way to free him from his loneliness and suffering, and seeking life for the simple reason that he doesn’t want to die.
Dazai’s relationship with Atsushi:
Atsushi saved Dazai from drowning despite the fact that he himself was on the brink of starvation. The first thing Dazai got attached to Atsushi is his view on life. Despite the abuse he suffered, Atsushi seeks life and wants to live, makes it even his reason to fight and his life motto.
“The lives of those who can’t save anyone have no value”. In that moment an idea suddenly popped into my mind. […] If by any chance I can let the passengers return home save and sound does that prove that it’s okay for me to live?”
Throughout the story, Atsushi transfers his viewpoint and determination to characters who have a connection to death, darkness and/or suffering (e.g. Kyouka, Lucy).
The reason Atsushi values life, being the symbolical personification of it, is the reason why Dazai is able to treat him much better than Akutagawa.
Forming Shin Soukoku:
Dazai says that Akutagawa is a highly skilled student, but he needs someone to sharpen him. He instantly decides and plans to team him up with Atsushi, the moment he meets him. He knows that Atsushi, due to his view on life, is the only one who can teach Akutagawa to value life himself and to change as a person. In other words “the one who can teach him how to put that sword away”.
This is something Dazai in the past couldn’t and still can’t teach Akutagawa (or anyone at all for that matter). Because he himself needs and wants to be taught that, so he seeks people who are able to give him a different understanding in this (see Ango and Odasaku). Vice versa Akutagawa isn’t able to teach Dazai how to value life, because he himself represents death and has a strong connection to it. It’s one of the very first things he says when he gets introduced in the story:
“Fear death. Fear slaughter. Those who desire death have an equal desire to die.”
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Even though Atsushi’s words may seem very harsh, but it IS one of the reasons why Dazai so abruptly abandoned Akutagawa. Is it an explanation? −Yes, it is. Is it an excuse? −No, it isn’t.
Another reason is that Dazai tries to flee from his responsibilities, his past and the terrible things he has done (including Akutagawa’s abuse), because he is not able to face them. Not now that is. He is still in need of guidance and of change, in order to be able to do this.
[Side note: Dazai and guilt is something that can be analysed in its very own meta. I’m not expanding on it further here].
Akutagawa’s connection to death gets emphasized by him even disobeying orders to not kill, for the sole reason that in his mind, killing is much simpler and more effective. He lashes out and tries to kill the people who are respected by Dazai and/or considered friends, even though he should know that an action like this will definitely not get him the approval he so wants.
He was willing to kill Atsushi, even though his mission was to capture him alive, ignoring the possible consequences this would have had for him.
But throughout the story Akutagawa changes his viewpoint. He thinks that the reason why Dazai acknowledges Atsushi and puts him above him, is because he is a better (better in the sense of physical and ability strength) subordinate than him. But he realizes that this can’t be the case and questions it more than once:
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His former pure jealousy and grudge towards Atsushi (something which he also felt for Odasaku) slowly turns into questioning, trying to understand what differs them from each other. Dazai knows very well that Akutagawa is still obsessed with him and his approval. Therefore if necessary, he uses this to manipulate him, if it’s to either protect/help Atsushi or to get them both to work together:
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Akutagawa starts to constantly challenge Atsushi, questioning him, and demanding him for an answer. It’s only when Akutagawa saves Yokohoma from the Moby Dick crash, that Dazai openly tells him “you did well”.
The reason why Dazai does this so hesitantly, shows that he is still in his own metamorphosis. He’s slowly changing as is Akutagawa. He is still afraid to face his responsibilities, but doesn’t treat his former subordinate cruel anymore.
This change in Akutagawa goes so far that Atsushi is able to ask him to not to kill anyone until they meet again. When told about, Dazai is visibly happy, as it is something that he as a mentor wasn’t able to do. He is reminded of Odasaku, comparing Akutagawa now to him:
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Due to this, Dazai now has this much faith in Akutagawa that he puts the task to keep an eye on Atsushi and to protect him in his hands:
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Mind the difference of his expressions when he talks with Akutagawa then and now:
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Dazai doesn’t team Atsushi and Akutagawa up only for strength and fighting reasons. Or because their abilities are compatible in battle. But because Dazai knows that Akutagawa won’t unnecessarily kill anymore, because he is seeking answers through Atsushi and is changing through their interactions:
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He keeps his promise, much to Atsushi’s surprise, but it’s out of the question that he is happy about this:
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Akutagawa promising not to kill anyone, keeping his promise in the end and even going so far as to protect someone, in other words valuing life, is something which Dazai could’ve never taught him. And again, he still can’t. Dazai is not solely the teacher, but the student himself. And although Atsushi may be a teacher for both of them in his philosophy, he is a student of Akutagawa and Dazai in other things.
Because what Atsushi lacks is self-confidence and his own worth, faith in his own abilities and the mental strength to overcome his past abuse and trauma. Those are things he learns through Dazai and especially, through Akutagawa.
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voidix · 3 years
So my dear friend @kittytudor and I were discussing some takes the fandom has on Dazai and especially his interactions with Mori and I thought I’d share
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I really hate the train of thought that goes like “they’re super smart so they know life has no meaning and nothing matters” like that’s cynical for no reason whatsoever and just nihilistic
Yea when you are intelligent you see all the bad in the world and feel like you’re powerless to stop it a lot of times but the things is
You know scientists see beauty in everything geologist will get excited about literal dirt a marine biologist about a gold fish. When you’re intelligent you see all the bad but also all the good
However it’s easier to see the bad and often times it clouds your view but part of the healing process is starting to see beauty and happiness in the smallest things and I think that’s a journey Dazai is slowly going on.
So I really don’t think intelligence is the issue here and I’m gonna assume you’re an edgy bastard if you say so
I feel like Dazai’s issue is more the environment than anything and the lack of meaningful relationships. I know we clown the scene where he says actually living is okay now 1 day after meeting Chuuya but here is the thing. This might have been the first time he had someone his age who wanted to hang out with him or even less just someone his age who tolerated him. I personally know nothing about his life pre mafia but you can assume it wasn’t a good life if at age 14 you decide the bloody mafia is preferable to wherever you’re at at the moment
In my opinion Mori didn’t encourage it per se but he didn’t try to stop it either I really think that for him he did not expect Dazai would go through with it (again) and /or as cruel as it sounds if he actually did it which Mori didn’t think was likely he had one less rival to worry about but I really think that’s Mori’s reasoning for staying “neutral” for lack of a better word on this issue
That being said I’m sure being surrounded by death and suffering did not do any good for an already depressed 14/15yo
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Which leads me to the second point. I really don’t think Mori expected Dazai to leave or tried to make him leave. For Mori Dazai was a powerful asset because of his ability and because of his intelligence that y’all are obsessed with. So why would you want to push that person away and it’s not like he was encouraging him to suicide here which would make much more sense than wanting him to leave.
And I have evidence
I’m gonna start it with: Oda did not die to set an example I don’t think so no. In his conversation with Chuuya he said something like “being a leader means making sacrifices for the well being of the group” or something like that and that’s what he did here.
He sacrifices Oda to get the permit.
The strange thing is I do think Mori meant what he said to Chuuya that he is a leader but also a servant to the mafia he wants the mafia to gain more power and that’s why he did what he did to get the permit.
I do think it could be a lesson to Dazai but not in the “if you cross me this is gonna happen to you” because Oda didn’t cross him Oda didn’t want power he is the last person who was interested in that. I think if anything it was more a lesson as in “when you take over this is something you’ll have to do and I’m showing you how it’s done”
Evidence for that is he was chuckling when he mentioned that possibility that Dazai would kill him and take one someday. And I agree that Mori
Wouldn’t mind if that was better for the Mafia. Like he wouldn’t make it easy for him and he wouldn’t give up but if he is defeated he wouldn’t be angry or annoyed because like I mentioned above I do think he was genuine when he said he is also a servant to the Mafia
My other piece of evidence is that when he showed Dazai the permit he seemed proud of what he’s done. The way he presented it and the entire scenario he seemed proud more than smug. If he really wanted Dazai out I feel like he would’ve been more smug about the whole thing and we know he can do that well.
And obviously there is also the fact he offered him not once but twice to come back. And what’s interesting is that the first time the offer was secret like he sent Gin and Higuchi and it was in a shady ass tunnel
Now the other time is where it gets interesting because it was very public in front of Dazai’s colleagues the black lizard and Fukuzawa.
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Now Mori is a smart guy but also he has a sense of pride as we learned so I really don’t think he would risk being humiliated in front of Fukuzawa of all people just to mess with Dazai and he seemed genuinely surprised when Dazai said “you kicked me” and he didn’t offer him to just come back no he offered to be back as an executive and having Dazai decline and clown him in front of Fukuzawa like that I don’t think he would risk that if he was just playing
The thing is Mori is smart but he has tunnel vision in my opinion. He was so focused on getting the permit he forgot that this plan has consequences that aren’t just “we get the permit”
And also one of Mori’s issues is that he never takes into consideration people’s emotions. You can predict human Behavior to a certain degree a lot of times you can know what to
Say or what to do to get a certain result but the thing is humans aren’t algorithms they don’t always operate on logic they have emotions. And these emotions can be so strong that they override any crumb of logic left which is something I think Mori fails to understand. That’s why he didn’t expect Dazai to leave he forgot about the emotional factor.
That’s what Mori lacks but Dazai has and my evidence for this is a scenario we laughed at because it was presented in a funny way but I think that’s something that shows that Dazai is better at this 4D chess game than Mori.
On the Moby Dick he knew that Akutagawa would abandon everything to talk to him. If Dazai only operates by thinking about logical Behavior he wouldn’t have told Atsushi to do this but he realises that the emotional factor is one of the strongest drives humans have.
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And you know I think Mori knows that when it comes to 4D chess Dazai would defeat him but he doesn’t mind that he isn’t scared of that. In dead Apple he couldn’t have possibly known the whole business with the pill but he told Chuuya to interfere. Mori has a strange sense of trust towards Dazai even now that they’re part of different sides.
I think Mori is has always been aware that although he says he does Dazai doesn’t actually want to die and I think the scene with the hyper and hypo tension medication in 15 shows this. If you actually want to die why would you Mix medicine with effects that cancel out each other and Mori is a doctor he knows this. That’s why I think he didn’t expect Dazai to commit and that he believes Dazai actually wants to live and because of that he will try and preserve himself and by extension Yokohama which is why he told Chuuya to go in dead apple, which is why he let Akutagawa go on the Moby Dick in season 2 because he realized Dazai wanted him to go there and he trusts Dazai to a certain degree .
I really feel like his underestimated the emotional factor and this will ultimately lead to his downfall. Like he didn’t expect Dazai to leave he wouldn’t expect anyone to react super emotional to god knows what he’ll do and thereby underestimate their response to that which will make him meet his end.
I don’t think the “you kicked me” is Dazai in denial he acted ok emotions or at least that’s not the whole thing. I think that Dazai’s reasoning for saying that is this:
Oda died so Mori can get more power which was part of Mori’s plan all along so looking at the bigger picture it was Mori’s plan and actions who drove me out of the Mafia so he basically “kicked me out”
Also I wanna add that I feel like Mori because he underestimates the emotional factor he doesn’t understand to this day why Dazai left like he knows it’s related to oda he can follow that train of events but in his mind it doesn’t make logical sense why Dazai would do that which is why he didn’t manage to win Dazai over back to The Mafia because in his mind be doesn’t know the logical reason why Dazai left which is also another reason why he was so surprised when Dazai said he kicked him
Also I’d like to add that I really don’t think he felt threatened or wanted to just get rid of him
Dazai was already suicidal so if it would very easy to make it look like that. And like I mentioned before if it was the best choice for the Mafia I really don’t think Mori would be that bothered about being replaced by Dazai.
I also don’t think he thought Dazai would be more useful on the outside because once again why lose a valuable addition like that
And it’s not like
He wanted to use him
As a spy or anything we know that would’ve been arranged differently see Ango
So Mori the logical guy he is wouldn’t want his enemies to have someone with Dazai’s ability because that’s a pain in the ass and also
He wouldn’t want an insider like Dazai to join his enemies and spill all his secrets. Dazai had a very high rank and like I said I don’t think Mori expected him to leave so he had no reason to hide things from
him so even without his ability he would be a very strong asset to the Mafias enemies so there is no way Mori would think he is more useful on the outside since
1. we already said mori has tunnel vision he couldn’t possibly predict that much that he thinks Dazai is better out
2. We established that he isn’t afraid of him
3. He wouldn’t want the ability and the information to fall into his enemies’ hands
4. If he was actually scared and wanted to get rid of him making it seem like suicide or actually driving him to suicide would be much easier especially since mori is a doctor
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So yeah this is long thanks if you read until the end it was super fun to write this id love to know what others think I’m sorry if it’s a bit unorganised it’s copied from my notes app
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dazai-ism · 3 years
bsd college au headcanons
i have so many thoughts on this that it's unbelievable. also, i'm an american, so i'm going to base this on u.s. colleges and universities (i'm so sorry). anyways, here we go
firstly, on dazai and fyodor:
for me, in all bsd modern aus, dazai and fyodor are rivals and begrudging acquaintances-maybe-friends. dazai is a psychology major, and fyodor is a criminology major. they share so many fucking classes together that they can't help but acknowledge each other's existence
that being said: they constantly battle for the valedictorian spot of their class (year). i would like to think that in the first semester of their freshman year, dazai won, but in the second semester, fyodor did. that earned him a whole quarter's worth of rebuking insults and pettiness
and they're both arrogant as hell, so they can't not brag about their scores
i imagine that if they were ever in the same literature class, one of them would purposely be the 'devil's advocate' in every single seminar just to annoy the other
on that note, can you imagine them debating the moral rationality of crime and punishment??? if you've read the book, you would understand. it would start world war fucking iii
they do work well together on group assignments and stuff, though. they prefer partnering up with each other because, in their words, "everyone else is too damn stupid"
next, dazai and kunikida:
kunikida and dazai are roommates. they met in college, not high school (probably came from opposite sides of the fucking country)
i imagine that their first interaction went like this:
dazai: oh!!! my roommate!!! welcome!!!! do you think this curtain bar is tall enough for me to hang myself on???? kunikida: what the fuck?? no????? dazai: oh, that's terribly unfortunate. also, did you request our dorm to be on the first floor? kunikida: yes, of course??? why would you want to unnecessarily climb extra flights of stairs? dazai: oh, no reason. i just wanted to try jumping out of the window, but i guess that's a foregone conclusion now [sighs wistfully] kunikida: what the actual fuck
(more under the cut!!!)
yeah. anyways
kunikida is ever-annoyed by dazai, but he also is a little bit concerned, not that he'd ever admit it
he's also a political science major on the pre-law track, so he's slightly stuck-up. at first, dazai can't believe he has this righteous, lofty dude as his roommate, but he gets used to it. i also think he would play tricks on kunikida like he does in canon—his notebook mysteriously disappears and then reappears twice a month without fail, like clockwork
kunikida is the suffering listener to most of dazai's daily ramblings (most of which are answers to 'philosophical' questions), his most recent one being: is "X food" a soup or a salad??
moving on. stem vs. humanities
there is a long-running war between the stem and humanities departments in the university, and people hold a lot of grudges. for example
tanizaki (a chemistry major) dumped a whole bottle of 1879 wine inside chuuya's (a literature major specializing in poetry) backpack once. dazai cackled at it (despite also being a humanities major), but he still took chuuya's side
kouyou (a gender studies major) started dating yosano (a biology major on the pre-med track) in their sophomore year, and it caused a huge ruckus. kouyou still has stains on her favorite dress
mori (a biology professor) is definitely not above joining in on the scheme. i imagine that he occasionally helps his students plan some quite elaborate pranks on fukuzawa (a comparative lit. professor) and his classes
atsushi is an anthropology major, while akutagawa studies astrophysics. with their peers involved, they've reluctantly participated in a few (read: a whole fucking lot) of prank wars, one of which involved a pack of gummy worms and the communal showers. dazai eggs them on every chance he gets
on the hunting dogs:
jouno is an electrical engineering major who absolutely delights in bothering his rather apathetic roommate, tecchou (a government major)
fukuchi is definitely the applied mathematics professor that everybody hates (fuck canon fukuchi)
teruko is a film and visual studies major, but she wants to minor in contemporary art. honestly, though, teruko is more of a wild card in my hcs because i like to think that she wants to dabble a little bit in everything but simply doesn't have enough spare time to invest
tachihara is a classics major. i love the idea of tachihara being a total nerd about greco-roman history. he probably sculpts as a hobby or something. i don't know
i have way too many ideas about this. i might update this more in the future >:D reply with your own hcs if you have any!!! i'd love to hear them
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
I support Kunikida for next leader of the ADA, pt 3
Part two can be found here. 
Manga spoilers ahead.
(This panel is mostly an addendum for the first post, where I spoke about Ranpo deferring to Kunikida. As if we needed any more confirmation that Ranpo thinks Kunikida is the best choice.)
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That out of the way, let’s take a look at the end of Fifteen, to that conversation between Chuuya and Mori.
What does it mean to be a leader?
"The leader stands at the top of the organization, but is also its slave. For the profit and survival of the organization, I will gladly soak in all its filth. Raise my subordinates, position them optimally, and if I need to, use and throw them away. I will gladly do any inhumane act if it's for the organization. That's what it means to be a leader...All to protect this beloved city."
Mori paints a rather bleak and ruthless picture of what leadership means to him. His version of leadership is inextricable from his own moral code, which is a Machiavellian, pragmatic thing on its own--achieve the goal at any cost. Lives don’t matter to him. Ideals don’t matter to him. The goals of his own subordinates don’t matter to him, past how he can leverage them to suit his own needs. 
But that doesn’t necessarily make Mori a bad leader; in fact, he’s a rather effective one. Efficient, too, and surprisingly good at inspiring loyalty in his subordinates. You’d only need to look at the Port Mafia’s reaction to Cannibalism to see that he’s raised a rather devoted fighting force.
And yet this sort of leadership is almost directly contradictory to everything Kunikida stands for. For instance, Kunikida values the lives of his subordinates over the mission--see the helicopter scene discussed previously. He’s not suited to Machiavellian manipulation the way Dazai might be, if only because his emotions run so hot that he has no choice but to be unflinchingly honest. 
Almost directly contradictory. 
Because while Kunikida won’t compromise on the lives of his subordinates (which makes sense, considering the PM is a sprawling organization with resources to burn and the ADA is a small, tight-knit group of colleagues), something interesting happens when those lives are at risk. 
Or did you forget, the same way I did, that Kunikida tear-gassed a group of kids in Cannibalism?
Kunikida will take the inhumane way out if it’s for the organization, with the caveat that the sin and suffering is his own. Poor man’s got a bit of a savior complex that, more likely than not, is based in trauma--see the Azure Messenger arc and the way watching that kid blow himself up nearly broke him. He can be surprisingly ruthless when it comes to people he doesn’t (yet) consider comrades--like how, back when Akutagawa captured Atsushi for the first time, Kunikida was initially against spending resources on saving him. 
(I love this anime for how nuanced its characters are, and how even if Kunikida is more stringently archetypal than most, he will deviate with the pressures of the situation.)
All I can really conclude is that Kunikida and Mori can both be ruthless, because Kunikida possesses the ability to be practical. But Kunikida has lines he isn’t willing to cross--ones about permanent harm and personal culpability. 
With that in mind, let’s revisit the hospital scene between Jouno and Kunikida. 
It’s a fairly standard “join the dark side” speech, isn’t it? Jouno starts off with the entirely orthodox and unsurprising flattery, then makes the offer. Join the Hunting Dogs and chase down the ADA with the rest of them. He’d get acquitted, but he’d be selling his soul. 
And there’s an entirely orthodox and unsurprising denial, but the slightly unorthodox and surprising order to leave. And isn’t that interesting? The offer isn’t tempting at all. In fact, it’s insulting. Kunikida’s loyalty belongs entirely to the Agency.
(I wonder what Mori would have done, in that situation.)
But is Kunikida the most like Mori?
(Short answer: no way in hell.)
When I examine the more antagonistic leaders in BSD, I see a common thread. Mori will sacrifice his subordinates for his goals, because he sees the world in amoral, utilitarian colors. Fitzgerald was willing to let Yokohama’s civilian population burn for his own ends. Fukuchi will use and abuse his subordinates as long as he gets what he wants (see how he treats Stoker?) and also could give less of a shit about civilian lives. 
And maybe that’s the difference between them and Kunikida. He’s not willing to do that, the same way Fukuzawa isn’t willing to sacrifice his people or civilians for any greater goal. He takes in Kyouka, after all, when he was under no obligation to do so. When really, Kyouka was a liability at the time. It’s the sort of kindness that Kunikida shares with him. 
Fukuzawa’s leadership style is revealed less through what he says, himself, and more through his subordinates. When Fitz tries to make a deal with Atsushi, where Hawthorne and Mitchell would kill each other, Atsushi reacts with digsust. “If I make this deal, I think I’ll be scolded by the director.”
Because neither Fukuzawa nor Kunikida are willing to sacrifice other people for the sake of their goals, or even their organization’s goals.
It’s not a coincidence, then, that he looks so similar to Fukuzawa in the hospital scene.
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(When making deals in a shaky position, neither of them would compromise their subordinates or their organization. Even if perhaps joining the Hunting Dogs would save him, even if perhaps letting Mori pick Yosano would make him more inclined to help. The choice comes easy to them both.)
With that rambling done, I think that’ll be the end of this series. It may be updated as we get more Kunikida content.
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linkspooky · 4 years
A Mafia Member Who Doesn’t Kill
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Bungou Stray Dogs chapter 88 has made it clear to me just how strong the Akutagawa and Odasaku parallels are. They are both orphans, raised to kill and taught their only value is the strength of their abilities that they use for killing, only to slowly unlearn that behavior over time. They are both characters who value life above everything else. I’m going to explore the connection more in depth, under the cut.
1. Origins
The temptation might be to parallel Oda to Atsushi, and Akutagawa to Dazai. Not only is Akutagawa Dazai’s first and direct disciple, and currently wearing his coat, but Atsushi has always been “the good one” of the pairing. The one obsessed with being good, and saving people in the way Oda was. Oda is also the closest thing Bungou Stray Dogs has to an example of living the life of “a good man” that all the main characters are currently striving for. However, I would say that it’s Akutagawa who parallels Oda’s life far more than Atsushi. 
Of course Akutagawa parallels Dazai’s life quite a lot as well.He was recruited by Dazai the same way Dazai was recruited by Mori,wears Dazai’s jacket as his most precious possession, but he shares so much in common with Oda too including his origin. 
In their youth they’re both referred to as killers who kill without showing any emotion. They start out completely empty and dead to all feelings inside, because neither of them have experienced anything to give them a reason to value life. 
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Fukuzawa suddenly recalled a rumor he had heard about a young redheaded hit man who wielded two pistols, and killed his targets while never showing any emotions. - BSD LN 3
They both kill because they’re strong, and that’s all they’re seen as. Both boys, orphans with nothing else to live for have been gifted with incredibly strong abilities. They kill, they don’t relish in it, they don’t gain anything from it unlike men in positions of power like Mori Ougai because they are ultimately tools, but they kill nonetheless. 
“I’ve been working alone as an assassin for as long as I can remember,” he began. “I’ve never wanted friends or a boss... but seeing a martial artist like you compromise your principles to save one of your men... It makes me kinda jealous. He must be the happiest guy in the world to have you as a boss.” - BSD LN 3
They both start killing as a means of survival, because they are both orphans who have no one to care for them and look out for them. However, they also slowly over time begin to kill as a way to demonstrate their worth. Akutagawa was an orphan who lost the small amount of friends he was protecting, Oda had no organization he was working for, no connections their lives are utterly empty except for their strength so they come to understand killing as something that gives their life meaning and value. If only because there is nothing else for them. 
However, for both of them killing isn’t enough. It’s merely surviving not living. Which is why no matter how strong they become they both remain empty, and they both feel insufficient, and even jealous of others. Oda is jealous of Fuzukawa’s connection to his subordinate, Akutagawa is jealous of Atsushi who is valued and connected to everyone around him and treated better by Dazai. This jealousy is also a realization that they are missing something in themselves but they don’t know what. 
Most skilled hitmen looked down on others as if they were insects. Their eyes were cold and lacked compassion. But this boy’s were different. They weren’t cold or any temperature. They were just empty. Not only was there no compassion or kindness, there was no hate or passion to kill. His eyes were those of a person who had given up on hope and despair - the eyes of a person who had removed himself from emotional things. - BSD LN 3
Both Akutagawa and Oda start at a point where they are killing, not because they enjoy it, or they’re particularly sadistic, or think they are just or right. They kill because it’s the only thing they’re good at. They kill to demonstrate worth. 
This kid’s different from the old me. Perhaps he never felt any joy from killing others. He was probably only killing because he had nothing to do. - BSD LN3
This also plays into a fundamental misunderstanding that Atsushi has of Akutagawa. He basically views Akutagawa as a bully who kills people to flaunt his strength in front of others. 
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He doesn’t realize that Akutagawa is strong yes, but that’s all he is. He clings to that strength, because he’s been given no other alternative. He hasn’t been given nearly the opportunities that Atsushi has. If there is a difference between Oda and Akutagawa, Akutagawa is noticably angrier, more resentful, but that’s because anger is the first emotion he ever definitely felt. 
I feel hatred.  I am no longer a dog. I have become a human being with feelings of my own. -’A Heartless Dog’
Akutagawa and Oda are both boys who lived considerably empty lives, that is until they meet somebody who shows them an alternative and changes their lives forever. Oda and Akutagawa meet someone and from then on they want to find meaning in their lives. 
2. An Assassin Who Doesn’t Kill
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Akutagawa kills without hesitance, and yet I would say he’s the only character in the manga who values life as much as Oda does. This might seem like a paradox but both of their characters are built around this paradox. That’s why they become mafia members who do not kill. 
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Akutagawa’s response to the old man in the latest chapter seems sassy, but Akutagawa’s never sassy, he’s overly serious and sincere about everything. He’s saying what he really thinks. All people are equally alive. Akutagawa is someone especially aware of the value of life, because in the past his life was treated as something so worthless. 
He was not afraid to die. He was thinking perhaps even hell would be a better place to live then here. JJust continuing to live in this state was suffering, after all. 
What’s the point of our lives? He had once asked travelers in their place this equestion. Why Must I go on living?
It’s because they have both lived through the absolute worst circumstances, that they value life more, and go on searching for these answers. Akutagawa equally treats life as worthless (kills people without hesitation) and also values life (tries to give people a reason to live, tries to justify his own life, tries to fight against the idea that someone from the slums lives a meaningless life). 
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When Kyouka finds a reason to live even though he’s not the one that gave it to her, he’s genuinely happy for her. Because Akutagawa values life, and wants people to find a meaning in life even though he kills. 
Akutagawa is currently on the same path Oda is on. The lines in this scene are vague because they’re meant to apply to both Dazai and Akutagawa. He met a certain person, joined a certain organization, and the hope for death in his eyes vanished. 
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Oda gave Dazai reason. Dazai gave Akutagawa reason. Oda was also given reason when he met Natsume. All three continue on with a life of empty killing until an outside force intervenes and teaches them there could be something more to life. 
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They both come across someone who tells them that there is more to life than just killing. That they are capable of more than that, and they actually follow through and stop killing. Because, Akutagawa, and Oda deep down respect life. As cruel and heartless as they can be, Akutagawa is also one of the most heartfelt and respectful characters in the series when he opens up. 
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Akutagawa and Oda are people who understand other people on a level deep down, because they’re genuinely interested in the lives of others. Akutagawa is the only person who thinks about Atushi in a deep way, in ways Atusshi doesn’t even really want to understand himself. Oda is the first person to treat Dazai like a person, behind the genius. They understand, even the ugly parts of people because they don’t really look away from the dark parts of the world, of life, because no one’s experienced life’s cruelty like they have. Oda sees Dazai for who he is, and tells him that helping people probably won’t make him feel good, and that he’ll never feel good, but he should help people anyway because he’s capable of doing good. 
Oda is the one who started the journey in an assassin trying to find meaning in life, but he didn’t finish it. In the end Oda’s character arc ends tragically, and his path is half finished. Because, Oda eventually chooses death. 
I think a lot of people don’t realize this character flaw of Oda, because he’s usually such a good example, but he chose to kill again, chose to become a martyr to Dazai because he genuinely gave up on living when it became too hard for him again. 
“Odasaku...” Dazai said softly. “Forgive me for the absurd wording, but - don’t go. Find something to rely on. Expect good things to happen from here on out. There’s gotta be something...” - BSD, Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda died because of tragic circumstances yes, but Oda also dies because he chose death. He chose the escape. He chose the easier path. There were still people that needed him even after he lost the orphans, people like Dazai, and Akutagawa who were orphans in need of help as well and Oda chose to let go of them. 
Oda gave up on his attempt to find meaning in life, because the best way to find meaning in life is simply by living it. 
‘People live to say themselves, it’s something they realize right before they die, eh?’ - BSD, Osasmu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda chooses to die for the sake of someone else, rather than living for himself. While that’s a tragic choice it’s also a bad choice with consequences, because now there’s nobody around to help Dazai and Akutagawa who also appeared in light novel two and who both needed him to some extent. 
In that sense Akutagawa can be stronger than Oda. Their lives are parallels but they’re also exact opposites. Akutagawa starts out by losing every orphan he was trying to take care of. Oda finishes his life when he loses the orphans who he was trying to raise and protect. 
The choice they make in those moemnts is the opposite ones. Akutagawa tries to choose simply revenge at first the exact same way as Oda did, but when he meets Dazai he realizes there was something he wanted even more than revenge. 
The question resounded in Akutagawa’s heart, and a single answer floated to the surface. Something he qished for. His heart’s desire.  The lowest of the low. In a world that was the lowest of the low, it was a wih that could never possibly be granted.  Akuagawa had to force the words out of his dry, trembling throat. “I want to find a reason... a meaning to my life.” - SHORT STORY A HEARTLESS DOG
Akutagawa wants to live for himself, stronger than even Oda did. Whereas, Oda stops wanting everything. 
Dazai paused before continuing. “I would be able to find something - a reason to live.” 
I looked at him; he looked back at me. 
“I wanted to be a novelist.” I said. “I thought I wouldn’t deserve such a life if I killed someone during a mission. That’s why I never killed anyone. But that’s all in the past. There’s only one thing I want now.” - BSD VOLUME 2, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era
Oda’s words to Dazai to conitnue to live are meaningful, but he’s also a hypocrite to those words. He tells Dazai to live on, when he made the choice to go off and die. While, Akutagawa as dirty, and arduous as his path is, is the one who keeps struggling to live no matter what like a stray dog starving in the streets.
Which is why Akutagawa is the one who is going to finish what Oda started so long ago, and be the true inheritor to his will. Utlimately, I predict, that’s the path his character development and arc are going to take him. 
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