#Morgana was trapped in one for like one year
dollopheadedmerlin · 2 months
Someone help I am falling down the Kilgharrah is actually kinda hot pipeline
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overlyspecific · 2 months
Part 11 of Merlin Hood
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 12
Sometimes life is fair and sometimes you are Morgana Pendragon. If the fact that she had to hide her very powerful magic and the only other person she knew with magic was forced to flee into the forest wasn’t enough, she now had to watch as her servant/newly realized love flirted with a very handsome man. She was so distracted by the thought of it, she didnt realize said object of her desires had entered.
Gwen: *still smiling* Hello, my lady.
Morgana: *trying to pretend like she didn’t jump a mile when Gwen spoke* Hello, Gwen.
Gwen: Is something wrong, my lady? You look a little pale.
Morgana: Gwen, dear, we are alone. You can call me Morgana.
Gwen: Sorry, my-Morgana, habits.
Morgana finds that the room has gotten tense and wouldn’t be able to forgive herself for wiping a smile off of Gwen’s face so she tries to hide her sadness.
Morgana: Lancelot seems like a nice fellow.
Gwen’s smile returns to her face and Morgana tries not to let her heart shatter from it.
Gwen: *a little timid* yeah, he is sweet. *a small blush appears on her cheeks* he even kissed my hand when he left
Morgana: *turning her back on Gwen to hide her facial expression* oh wow that’s forward of him
Gwen: *not noticing anything wrong with Morgana* yeah, i thought Leon was going to chase him away but we were lucky he bought our lie that Lancelot is from a neighboring town.
Morgana: oh, Leon is on guard? I need to speak with him.
Morgana jumps at the opportunity to leave the situation and makes for the door.
Gwen: Morgana.
Morgana: *stopping at the door and turning back to Gwen* yes, Gwen?
Gwen: if i’d done anything to upset you, you’d tell me, right?
Morgana: right. i’m just worried about Merlin that’s all. you’ve done nothing wrong.
Morgana rushes out, leaving Gwen alone in her chambers feeling out of place without knowing why.
Back in the woods, a hundred feet from the entrance to the ruins, Arthur and Gwaine are hiding in a bush.
Arthur: I can’t believe I didn’t figure out sooner that you would be one of the forest ruffians that trampses around with Merlin.
Gwaine: technically you didn’t figure it out and Merlin does most of the trampsing.
Arthur: shut up! i see something. *Arthur points at the entrance to the ruins*
Aredian exits the ruins with his face a shade redder than a tomato.
Aredian: *ranting loudly to himself* Never in my life- in all my years- who even knows all the words to the tavern songs- If the king wants answers so bad, he’s going to have to get them himself!
Aredian angrily makes his way to his horse and rides off in the direction of Camelot.
Gwaine: well, that was easy.
Arthur: *looking around confusedly* usually these things take longer or something bad happens…
Gwaine: Usually you don’t have Merlin though *gestures to the ruins* come on!
Arthur puts aside his uneasy feeling and enters the ruins after Gwaine. Neither of them notice a figure shrouded in a deep violet cloak watching them from the tree line. The cloaked figure raises their hand and a large slab of rock seals the entrance, trapping them all inside.
Sorry things in this part got a little bit angsty with Morgana’s POV. There also might be a little more angst to come with Gwaine, Arthur and Merlin all being trapped together but don’t worry ill be sure to cut it with some light-hearted humor.
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dafodils-on-the-moon · 2 months
!!!! So many questions bc I love this with all my heart <3 First, it's freaking hilarious that he became jester because he was "difficult to handle." LOVE that. Second, I gotta know, what does everyone else think about him? Arthur? Gwen? Morgana? Is Morgana doomed to die by the hands of a COURT JESTER?????
Ok so. Crucial part of this Au: Uther knows Merlin in Balinor’s son but does NOT know abt the magic. Merlin does not know about being Balinor’s son. Uther kept him cause he thinks it would be a good idea to have a dragonlord on hand that's loyal to Camelot, given what he's keeping under the castle.
Also I'm very aroace and don't wanna write romance for a while, so no romantic Murther.
Instead, Uther raises Merlin and Arthur as brothers. He deeply encourages the loyalty to one another as keeping Merlin loyal is essetail and Merlin is a very valuable asset that bears protecting. He emphasises to Arthur that as the eldest, Merlin is his responsibility and he should take care of him. Merlin is his younger brother.
Arthur takes to this role like a wildfire. Protective as SHIT over his new baby brother (Merlin is two years younger), esp. Since he was… not doing too hot when he first got to the castle. He was greiving and seemed *terrified* and didn’t speak at all for months. He was sickly too, for reasons no-one could pinpoint. Arthur had made it his mission to cheer Merlin up, as no one should be that sad. He and Merlin communicate at first via drawings.
He only seemed to improve after he started talking quietly to an imaginary freind he named “Kiggah.” It seemed to help cause merlin slowly started talking to Arthur and then in general and his health imrpved too.
Yeah… Merlin’s imaginary freind is Killgarrah lol.
Killgarrrah, or Kiggah as a now 5 year old Merlin could pernounce, is getting a major overhaul in this AU. His is going to be far far less of a bastard. Cause dragons are too cool for him to be the absolute worst.
In this AU Kiggah actually cares more THAT HIS ENTIRE RACE WAS ERADICATED than that he was trapped under the castle. Cause, fr, that is not the part id focus on. Also I gave him a family before, sorry man. Kiggah was also really really fond of dragonlings and hatchlings and was very excited to see the hatching of his first great-grandhatchling before the purge. Ow.
Anyway, Merlin is TERRIFIED of being in Camelot. He’s terrified he’s going to say something wrong and reveal his secret and die. He blames himslef for his mother’s death (cause he’s like 4 1/2 and thats normal for kids that age) and more specifically, his magic. So he supresses the shit out of it, which is why he’s so sickly.
Kiggah senses Merlin basically killing himslef and tries coaching Merlin into using his magic again. Adopts Merlin as his own hatchling. Kiggah doesn’t know Merlin’s dad is Balinor, but he DOES know he’s emrys, magic itself. As a result, Kiggah views Merlin as a fellow magical creature and raises him accordingly. He… doesn’t really get how human hatchlings are supposed to work.
Merlin starts acting weirdly dragonlike. His growling, he’s biting people, hee’s climbing everything, hoarding things and has a major fixation with fire. He is gettign “difficult to handle” as UTHER, assumes this is just how dragonlordlings are, (good gracious), but needs a way to coverup the fact he’s raising one.
Fooleswurth, nuerdodivergent in ye-old times, sees Merlin and his like “haha verily. Reminds me of when I was that age, I was just the same. He must have “The Jester’s Spark, haha.”’ Uther goes “yes and” and now fooleswurth has an apprentice and Uther has a way to explain why his ward is so weird.
Anyway, Kiggah is NOT excited about Merlin’s new older sister, but Merlin loves her. He is very excited for whenever Morgana’s magic manifests. She grows on Kiggah. (Esp. With all teh trouble she gives Uther). Morgana’s going to be fine.
She and Merlin get on like a house on fire. Gossipy bitches. Morgana sics Melrin and his “jester’s privolegde” on bothersome nobles to insult them into the ground.
Gwen becomes Morgana’s maidservent, and she Morgana and Merlin are great friends.
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wellpresseddaisy · 3 months
The Potion Master's Guide to the Magical Ton pt.1
Narcissa suppressed the urge to bite her lip and forced her face into a smooth visage, even though no one else sat in her boudoir with her. She would not give Mother even one forty-sixth of an inch to get her claws in the next time they met. She heard what Mother said to Bella at the last Lattimore-Comstock card party about her complexion. No, she would not frown or bite her lips or do anything that would allow Mother to find either wrinkle or imperfection, which made the letter in her hands all the more irksome. Who on this earth did Frank Longbottom mean? Lucius, while certainly exceeding pretty, hadn’t been considered ‘little’ for a great many years. Possibly never, if Maman Amelie’s complaints over birthing him were to be believed. Narcissa patted the soft swell of her abdomen and hoped her child would be quite a bit smaller than Papa at birth.
Lucius also hadn’t made a curtsey at Almack’s, so that let him quite out. Purebloods only ever complained when they found one of their number who’d curtseyed unchaperoned in London, specifically. She’d no idea why London made them get their backs up when meeting in a country lane did not, but there lay the hypocrisy of Society. Social conventions must be honored, but only where everyone could see. But why would Frank think it her problem? She and Lucius had guardianship of precisely 0 young men who’d curtsied.
Could he mean Severus? Surely Longbottom knew Severus was not actually under their purview? He was the only one Narcissa knew who might get into anything termed a row with anyone, although he generally had good reason. Docile, Severus was not. Lucius had, after one full day of Severus at his most waspish, likened his personality to a bear trap in a moment of frustration. As much as Narcissa adored their young friend, Lucius had a point.
She rose from her escritoire and went in search of Lucius. Perhaps he could make heads or tails of any of this? She thought he’d been rather close with Longbottom, once. Perhaps he would still understand how the man’s mind worked? She ran him to ground in his study, frowning over a pile of ledgers.
He’d taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. Merlin and Morgana. She took in the sight for a moment, appreciating the soft, golden light of a Summer afternoon shining off his hair and highlighting the breadth of his shoulders under crisp, white linen. She could be half dead, she decided, and she’d still get up off her bed to see her husband in shirtsleeves and waistcoat, especially when he’d removed his cravat and his shirt fell open at the throat. He had such a lovely throat.
“Trouble, darling?” she asked. She could ogle him later.
“My beloathed Pater biffed off to France just as the ten-year audit is beginning and left me holding the bag,” Lucius grumbled.
“Of course he did, dear one. What do you think he’s dodging this time, beyond the  responsibility?” Narcissa joined him behind the desk and enjoyed running her hands over his broad shoulders.
One made one’s fun where one could, of course.
“I’ve no idea. He’s left running the estate to me for the past few years. It could be his investment account, I suppose. He doesn’t much like me seeing what he’s doing there.” Lucius sighed and raked his hands through his hair.
“Hmm. Yes, most likely. Would you have a moment? I received the most intriguing letter from Frank Longbottom in the morning’s post. I can’t make out precisely what he means.”
“Why would Frank—” Lucius reached for the letter.
“That was my question, as well.”
“Oh Merlin, he’s trotted out all his titles. He really must have been in a snit while writing. My dear Mrs. Malfoy—” Lucius read.
My dear Mrs. Malfoy,
It is with great displeasure that I felt I must write to apprise you of the shocking lack of  conduct of one under your guardianship.
“He hasn’t changed a whit,” Lucius commented. “Still as officious as ever. He wasn’t this bad at school, though.”
This morning, I went into London. It was there I found your ward, unchaperoned and in the midst of a row with the proprietor of a shop. I will not assault your tender eyes with an account of the invective or the opprobrius epithets
“I wonder how many times it took him to spell opprobrius?” Narcissa asked. “If I remember correctly, he was always in disgrace with professors over his spelling.”
“So was half of both of our classes.”
“There is that, I suppose. Parents should take much better care over early education.”
“Shall I continue?”
“Please. You do ‘insulted stuffed shirt’ so well.”
Lucius snorted and continued.
the opprobrius epithets hurled at the poor shop keep. I, of course, stepped in and remonstrated sharply with your ward. He behaved much the same to me. While I do not wish to cause trouble, I would recommend a sharp word with him regarding his conduct. I would further recommend, when you or your husband are unavailable, that he be assigned a chaperone who will brook no nonsense.
I cannot believe one who is under your tender care would so forget his conduct as to behave in such a thoroughly disgraceful manner. Thankfully, I know you and your husband will see to it that it never happens again. I hope you will not think it amiss that I took him under my own authority and saw him through the nearest Floo to your home. I did not feel that he, in that state, ought to be allowed to go any further astray.
I do hope that your husband will impress upon him the dangers a pretty little lad might face unchaperoned and unprotected in London. Do tell him, from me, that I think six would suffice. Eight if he’s quarrelsome and willful.
Ever in your service,
Francis Longbottom
“I’m not reading the full collection of titles. It’s positively indecent putting them all in.” Lucius scoffed at the closure. “Ever in your service? Salazar’s wand he’s become insufferable. And it shows he doesn’t know me at all. I would never subject anyone to six of the best. Beastly. I’ve always been able to get my message across in other ways.”
“I blame his mother,” Narcissa commented idly. “She behaves as if every word from his mouth is straight from Merlin. I have an idea of who he might mean, but surely not. He has to know it can’t be.”
“Just, for one moment, consider that Frank Longbottom is famous for having no sense of humor at all. Further consider that absolutely exhausted little joke the Slytherins made, and still make, about Severus being our first.”
“No,” Narcissa breathed in horrified delight. She hated being correct on some occasions. “He wouldn’t be so mutton-headed.”
“Frank is capable of a great deal of mutton-headery, I’m afraid. You know he voted for the guardianship bill that came up last Wizengamot seasion. I can do the whole speech if you’d like.”
“As much as I would love to hear it, darling, I think we’ll have to save that for later. Where’s Severus? If that happened this morning…oh, the poor dear. He must be fuming. Mipsy!”
A quiet pop heralded the arrival of an extremely tidy elf.
“Mistress called?”
“Could you locate Mr. Snape and ask him to attend us in the study?” Narcissa asked.
“Mipsy will find Master Severus.” She popped out again.
“Does he know they call him Master Severus?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ve no idea. He hasn’t smashed a decanter over it, so he may not know precisely what it means.” Lucius looked up from his ledgers. “Do you think I should play the angry prefect with him?”
“Don’t be cruel, darling. He’s going to be confused enough being called to the study as it is.”
“And he always responded better to that face you made — the ‘I’m not angry only terribly disappointed’ one.”
“We’ll be as normal as we can be about Frank Longbottom crashing in where he isn’t wanted,” Narcissa decided.
“Did you hear that he ordered his wife to stop working the minute he heard she was expecting?” Lucius asked. “In front of all her colleagues at St. Mungo’s?”
“And he isn’t searching Lancashire for his bits? Mrs. Longbottom has more patience than I could ever muster.”
“Between the husband and the Dowager, I’m surprised she’s ever allowed to express an opinion.”
“Er, you wished to see me?” Severus sidled into the room, holding a stack of cards and looking shifty.
“Yes, dear heart. Oh, please don’t look so nervous. Come and sit.” Narcissa crossed to Severus and pulled him further into the room. She easn’t entirely sure the Study would help calm him at all. When Severus got in a state nothing would, really.
The sofa was a deep and squashy one, perfect for afternoon naps while avoiding work. Narcissa perched on the edge of a chair while Lucius pulled Severus down to sit on the sofa with him.
“I received a perfectly ridiculous letter just now,” she began.
“Bloody Longbottom!” Severus interrupted, flushing. “The apothecary promised faithfully to provide the finest quality ingredients, and at the time I specified. He had nothing ready when I got there and then, then he tried to sell me inferior belladonna. I specifically told him I needed the premium quality and I don’t know what I’m going to tell Master Cavallieri when I go back. This was meant to be part of my Master Work. On top of that, bloody Frank Longbottom scruffed me in bloody public and told me to mind my manners like the nice lad he knew I was!”
Narcissa blinked. “And you didn’t bite him? ”
“I think I was too shocked at being scruffed,” Severus admitted.
“Did he say anything else?” Lucius asked gently.
“He apologized for my reprehensible conduct.” Severus looked angry enough to spit tacks. “And then he dragged me out of the shop and to the nearest Floo, since he couldn’t allow me to run about loose and unsupervised as I was clearly overwrought. Overwrought! I have never been overwrought a day in my life!”
Narcissa could argue with that, but kept her counsel. No sense in twitting Severus when he’d been so embarrassed already.
“I hope you got him with something truly awful,” Lucius soothed.
“Er…” Severus bit his lip. “It was immensely petty of me, I know, but…flatulence.”
He muttered the last so low that it took Narcissa a moment to fully understand. She snorted.
“Excellently done,” Lucius said. “He’s grown into an appalling windbag, I fear. Now, would you like to continue to be angry or would you like a solution?”
“Why don’t we take this to the family sitting room and have some tea?” Narcissa rose as she spoke, moving toward the door.
“Wondeful idea, my love. Outrage does make one so parched.” Lucius chivvied Severus after her.
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star-rie · 7 months
so i thought about it and i’m giving you reasons why kilgharrah morgana interaction would make more sense rather than the aithusa and morgana bond that we see in canon (continuing from my rant abt aithusa):
1) mordred killing arthur with a dragon forged sword
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i think that pretty much sums up aithusa’s purpose in the storyline (also healing morgana in s4) it’s not a coincidence that morgana and arthur died from a sword forged by different dragons.
2. aithusa
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i find it strange that aithusa doesn’t appear in any of the prophecy that we hear in the canon timeline (or maybe she does but i missed it). morgana and mordred name came up pretty often, but it’s strange arthur’s (sort of) cause of death was never brought up. maybe kilgharrah was biased
her name and design also didn’t make sense that she’ll eventually become a part of arthur’s end since she’s supposed to represent a good omen in merlin’s destiny.
it makes more sense for merlin and aithusa to bond since merlin also hatched her
3. kilgharrah
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ok so first of all, he’s very selfish. He acts base on his own gain. He doesn’t hesitate to kill a child. Okay yes maybe he does change in later seasons, but uther killed all his kind and trapped him under camelot for 20 years. He despised uther, can you guess who else hates uther?
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okay yes i know that kilgharrah wants to kill morgana from season 1 but i don’t think their relationship need to be sincere. That’s perfect for their character who are selfish and work for their own gain
Kilgharrah was only against morgana because of the prophecy, and i think that’s kind of weak. His actions should be based on what he wants, not the prophecy. The reason why he favors the prophecy in the first place is because he wants to get out.
Maybe somewhere in between seasons, kilgharrah is tired of merlin bs and starts to question the prophecy. He eventually decides to turn to morgana instead (as she is taking a more active roll in restoring magic and trying to kill uther, morgana can be the one who frees her instead) but he realizes half way that she’s kinda crazy, and he kinda regreted his decisions
Plus merlin is kinda a bitch towards him, like that one time he forces him to let him heal morgana, and that one time he doesn’t listen to him, etc, etc
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But i think that kilgharrah and merlin dynamic is interesting too. In a way he represents merlin’s not so bright morality and that’s another part of merlin that makes him interesting
idk this is such a random rant 😭
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symphonic-scream · 6 months
Okay hear me out
Persona 5 Stardew Valley au
So we've got the animal seller, Haru, who's parents divorced when she was young. She spent her teen years in the city with her father, but once an adult she decided to live with her mom, and has fallen in love with country life
Makoto has lived in town her whole life. Her older sister left to have a fancy city job, and thinks Makoto is wasting her talents and smarts by staying to keep up the family tradition. Makoto knows someone has to protect the town, and gladly draws her sword to do so. She trains by cutting down trees for the local artist and for town projects
Ryuji is a former golden child. He was going to be a star athlete, but an accident took it from him. He's not really doing anything at the moment, just working on loving life again. His Ma is the bus driver
Shiho moved to town after a similar incident to Ryuji, only she puts all she is into work, to have a place so when they're adults, her girlfriend can leave her family behind so they can be together. She only recently took over the carpentry business from her mentor, and her girlfriend Ann helped expand the business to include furniture and house decor, with design input
The pub in town in Leblanc. While the owner, Sojiro, specializes in coffee, he'll accept local foods to make dishes by request of the townspeople. His daughter Futaba is a recovering shut in, and his wife Wakaba runs the town clinic, with her med student Tae
Yusuke appeared one day, having sold all he had to find a font of inspiration. He fell for the valley, and at first lived in a tent near the mountain. Makoto, who nearly mistook him for a monster, invited him to stay on her family's property. He mostly paints, but does sculptures for order from the nearby city to pay his share of living costs
The town blacksmith is named Munehisa Iwai. He's the broody type, but cares for his son a whole lot. He's just, not good at showing it. He often requests things his kid would like
The town store used to belong to an older man, but he passed it on to a wayward boy and his younger brother, both whom he met by chance. The boys, then in foster care, lived with him until he became too old and ill go run the store. Akira and young Morgana still keep the Velvet Room running, even if old man Igor is living in Hospice
And, the mayor, Lavenza. She's very new to the position, which used to be Igor's. She's hoping to improve the town a lot, and is caring for her younger twin sisters
A strange man lives on the beach, with a strange talent for fishing. Goro doesn't talk about who he was before he moved there. It's behind him.
The library is run by Hifumi, who wants to reopen the museum portion after her parents sold the artifacts to keep it from closing. Hifumi thinks a museum would inspire tourists to donate,
And, finally, our farmer.
Sumire feels lost. Her sister died, her parents can't speak to her without crying, and she feels, trapped, so she impulsively quits her profession. She finds a letter from her grandfather, with the deed to a farm. Needing a reset, she leaves the city and life behind to live in a small town in the valley, where no one knows her, or her sister.
To clear things up, Makoto and Ryuji both grew up in town, have been friends the whole time. Futaba has been in town since she was 6, Hifumi was born there, and Akira and Morgana have been there since they were 14 and 6, now about 21 and 13. Shiho and Ann were in Ryuji's class at school, since they had to travel to a nearby city for school. Haru moved there when she was 18, Yusuke and Goro appeared around 19-20.
Anyways. Talk to me about this
(I'm open to any ships for it pretty much, but I will say I have Okujima in it.)
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princess-ibri · 2 years
I would love to hear more of your headcanons for what Triton's childhood was like and maybe even how you think he may have met his future wife.
Sure! So my basic idea for Triton is he kinda has a Cinderella meets King Arthur set up. He has pretty nice childhood at first, being the heir to Atlantica, spending time with his father Poseidon and grandfather Neptune, learning the history of the kingdom and to play the undersea calliope and all that.
But things change when he turns 10. His beloved grandfather falls ill and dies mysteriously, and his father soon after remarried the strange Octopin healing woman who’d come to try and heal Neptune—the beautiful Thalassa, who also brings along her two young daughters, Ursula and Morgana.
Life becomes more difficult for Triton in the following years. He’s still the heir but his father grows distant and more infatuated with his new wife, who increasingly builds up her power behind the throne, and his two step-sisters, though they somewhat bond at first begin to more and more constantly tease and torment him.
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(Greater details on Thalassa and the girl’s backstories here )
Things continue to go downhill for Atlantic and Triton and when he’s 18 his father too dies, and Thalassa moves to finally take the throne for herself. Triton flees and over the next two years builds up a resistance to take back the kingdom, though they’re kept on the run by Thalassa’s magic/the army kept under her control with magic and fear and desire for power. At last he’s able to stage an attack on the castle, and pull out the Trident from where it’s been stuck in its pedestal, Thalassa and her daughters unable to draw it out as Poesidan never passed the right to the throne to them.
Using the power of the Trident Triton is able to finally overcome his stepmother, who in an epic battle tries transforms into a terrifying eldritch monster, and as she is too powerful to fully kill he traps her in a cave for all eternity, and then deals with Ursula, who begged for mercy and received the lighter sentence of banishment. (Morgana already having left years before)
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I think he would have met his wife Psmathae during the years he was on the run leading the rebellion. She’s a kind and playful young mer-woman of common birth with an interest in the World Above. She helps Triton to keep a sense of hope and cheer during the dark years. She’s a beloved queen, wife and mother for the years she lives.
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Unfortunately her interest in the World Above does end badly, as she is killed by human pirates when she was exploring above the waves one day, something Triton never recovers from.
This is actually a great start to doing backstories for the Disney Parents so yeah we’ll say this is the first one and put it under the #Disney Parent Backstory tag
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icanbeyourgenie · 2 months
" How does things work here?... " - Miakoda to Wendy, about being a servant
Showing the new-comings what being a servant in the fae kingdom meant wasn't Wendy's favorite part of the job - but then again, she disliked every aspect of what she had to do. Miakoda had come only yesterday. She was not allowed even one day to deal with the shock before being thrust upon this new life. A bad one. And Wendy was showing her the place.
“The number one rule is to never disobey the high queen Morgana. If you're lucky enough, she'll soon forget about your existence. The second rule is to try not to be noticed. You do your work, pay off your indenture and pray you can leave this place.”
“Basically slavery, but with the promise that after a number of years you'll be able to go free.”
“How many years?”
“It depends on the contract you signed.”
Miakoda stopped. Wendy looked at her as she appeared distraught.
“I don't... really remember the contract I signed.”
“Yes, I figured.” Miakoda looked puzzled. “Do you remember how you got there?”
“I'm not sure... I was in the human world, and I was hungry, I suppose I fed from a fae sentinelle, they got me like that... ”
Wendy sighed. The vampire really was confused. “You didn't feed from a fae sentinelle. You fed from the lady Euphemia.” Miakoda looked even more lost, so Wendy explained. “Here's how the royal family works. You have the high queen Morgana, which you've met and signed your contract with, even if the details are blurry to you know. She has three children. Prince Aeron, Prince Xanthe and Princess Lyra. She also has a brother who's almost as dangerous as her, and he has two children. Lord Aldris, and the lady Euphemia. She's the one you drank from. She must have dragged you into her fairy trap.”
“.... Why can't I remember?”
“You should not drink from faes. Everything about them is poisonous. They're masters of illusions. It probably disoriented you and that's why you don't remember your contract.”
“..I have to feed though.”
“Sadly you'll find that there's plenty of humans there. And also faes with more... distilled blood.”
“I can't stay there. I've been a captive before, I won't do it again. I'll leave.”
“You can't.”
“Clearly you have never met a vampire. Trust me, I can.”
Wendy knew that behind that bitter answer was hidden fear, and she was truly sad for the girl. And she hated being the bearer of bad news.
“I know you can, but it doesn't work that way. When you sign a contract, it binds you to the land. If you try to leave... Well, it won't be pretty. Ask the other servants, we all tried at least once.” Wendy tried to convey sympathy, but she knew nothing could soften the blow. “You should try to figure out the terms of your contract. I can help you.”
Miakoda shot her a wary look. “Some of the girls here said I shouldn't trust you.”
“As a general rule I'd advise you not to trust anyone here.”
“They said you were Morgana's right-hand woman.”
“I am.”
Wendy knew this didn't inspire trust, but what was the point in lying? She knew Miakoda would try to escape anyway, and that she'll be met with the same disappointment as anyone else in this quarter.
“Come on. I have other places to show you.”
She proceeded to show the vampire the most important parts of the castle. But Miakoda was distracted and that place was a real maze, Wendy quickly figured she'd have to show her multiple times.
“The general rule with the royal family is to not be noticed by them. Especially Aldris and Rhysand, trust me on that one. You're lucky, the lady Euphemia did not request you as her maid. You were assigned to the princess.”
“How am I lucky?”
“Because Euphemia could've requested you. Apparently she seems to think that biding you was punishment enough. You'll meet the princess this afternoon. First, I'll introduce you to Lena. She's the one who trains all the maids here.”
“You're not a maid?”
“What do you do here?”
“Other stuff.” Wendy was not comfortable going into details, but it definitely didn't stop the vampire.
“How did you end up here?” She asked again, but wasn't offended by Wendy's silence. That was a relief. “It's okay.” She simply said. “Everyone has secrets, don't they? I'm sure you'll tell me yours when you're ready.”
Against her better judgment, it made Wendy smile. They were in front of Lena's door now. there was nothing more for Wendy to do that to go away. But she added:
“The princess is really nice you'll see. She'll treat you well.”
It was a poor confort, Wendy knew that. But it was all she had to offer.
She left, but they met again that night, when Morgana sent Wendy searching for Miakoda who inevitably tried to escape, and experienced what it meant to be binded to the land. She found the vampire screaming from the pain, her skin burning and completely disoriented. She held her for hours that night before Miakoda finally found a sleep full of nightmares. And as horrible as that night was, it was the beginning of their story.
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albentelisa · 1 year
Hi! What do you think would happen if Jim was born as Gwen and Arthur's kid, but somehow still meet Claire and Toby?
Oh, that's what I call 'let's give Jim an even messier biological dad'. So, in this AU, Jim is a baby when Gwen dies, so technically he doesn't remember her well enough. Much like in the canon, Arthur starts a crusade against the supernatural and pretty much neglects his son, visiting him only occasionally. Morgana, on the other hand, spends way more time with her nephew (partially because of guilt, but she also genuinely loves Jim). Jim grows a bit, and much to his own horror, Arthur realizes that his only son takes after his mother too much when it comes to curiosity about magical creatures. Jim keeps sneaking out of the castle into the forest and befriending all kinds of magical beings there (including Nari). He also sets free inhuman prisoners rather regularly. And Arthur, instead of reconsidering his stance, is now bound by fear that he will lose the last memento of Gwen. He goes to Merlin looking for the best working solution to keep Jim away from 'dangerous beasts', and this is where those two commit something unforgivable. They put Jim in a time stasis until Arthur obliterates all non-humans.
Unfortunately, nothing goes like planned as Arthur dies and Merlin goes to sleep without giving any instructions how to release Jim.
Barbara in this AU is also from Camelot times. She's Jim's nanny and secretly a witch. She is furious when she learns what Arthur has done to his son and swears to find a way to free Jim. She isn't a powerful or knowledgeable magic user, so it takes her centuries until she manages to do it several years before the beginning of the events in Trollhunters.
As Jim is still a kid, he has less trouble adjusting to the modern world. He is still sad because most of the people he knew are not around anymore (though it's easier with Barbara, who is a true mother figure to him, around). Besides, Jim dreams to become a noble knight which is impossible in the modern world.
On the other hand, Jim still befriends Toby like in the canon, though he doesn't tell him about his origin right away (that happens only after Toby learns about trolls).
As for Jim and Douxie in this AU, those two never met in Camelot times, because technically Jim should be older than Douxie (he would have been an adult by the time Douxie became Merlin's apprentice if Merlin had never trapped him). However, as Jim is physically and mentally the younger one now, Douxie takes over the elder brother role for him when those two meet. It happens soon after Barbara breaks the time stasis as she is friends with Douxie. Initially, Jim is a bit afraid of Douxie as he is Merlin's apprentice and Jim fears that he might be back to that time trap. He opens up once he realizes that Douxie helped Barbara with finding the way to free him.
I think that most of the canon event will still happen. The differences will be:
Jim knowing about the supernatural. He's also not a big fan of fighting for 'the glory of Merlin'. That is his main reason why he wants to refuse the mantle at first. However, later Jim realises that no matter what kind of words are used, the amulet is still meant to protect.
Jim still have some chivalrous mannerisms from his Camelot times and Claire finds it cute. She also teases him about being a prince (as he's is one) and Jim wants to die of embarrassment.
Douxie is obviously involved earlier and Barbara knows about Jim's trollhunting from the very beginning. Barbara still starts to date Strickler and Jim is reluctant to tell her that Walter is a changelling once he learns that. So Barbara still gets bond to Strickler by Angor and only learns the truth later.
When it comes to awaking Merlin, both Jim and Barbara (especially Barbara) are against it. Jim gives in after realizing that they have no other choice.
Morgana doesn't want to harm her nephew, but she thinks about trapping him somewhere so he isn't involved.
Merlin doesn't expect his last Trollhunter to be King Arthur's son. After all, he knows that his champion should become a half-troll, but doing it to his friend's son can be quite a betrayal. Not that it stops Merlin though (or make him think for an alternative).
the reunion between Jim and Arthur in the past is a royal mess. Jim don't even want to confess to his father he is his son (and honestly, both Blinky and Strickler are better in that role).
Jim also can't succeed Excalibur at first because he connects that one to his father too much. He also doesn't want to be a king as he doesn't want to become like his father. Though Aja's example makes him reconsider.
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tiodolma · 1 year
Yo isnt morgana (and aithusa) like kilgharrah? Both were powerful and dangerous seers, captured by magic haters, trapped alone in a dark hole with only their darkness for company for years, losing hope and only seeing the future in their madness?
And on the chance they get away they were determined to see the world burn.
And yet their kin, their strongest kin choose to lie and spurn one forever and be truthful and give clemency to the other.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Have the origin of my fic Things that Won't Last! (I'm still archiving old AU's)
So, Douxie and Krel get off on the wrong foot. Douxie cuts in line, and he isn't able to make it up by freeing Krel from the ice bc in this AU it was Zoe who helped to make the time trap. Afterwards, Krel is a little rude to Douxie for the cutting in line incident, and Douxie is rude right back because his grief over Merlin is impacting his ability to be polite to people who aren't polite back. Their friends try to get the two of them to maybe be a little nicer to e/o but eventually give up. Besides, it's not like Douxie and Krel's snark is actually hurting anyone, it's just annoying to deal w/the two of them.
It goes on like this for years until the Arcane Order kidnaps Douxie and Krel. (They also knock out Claire in the process, and by the time she wakes up Douxie and Krel have been so thoroughly hidden away that she can't find them).
In the mean time, Bellroc and Skrael forcibly merge Krel w/Gaylen's core. They also try to steal Douxie's magic from him, but all they can manage is to mess w/his connection to it. It still hurts, of course, and makes Douxie feel empty, but it doesn't completely break him. What does break Douxie is when Krel comes to kill him. His steps are jaunty, and his eyes, the tips of his hair, wings glow a sickly gold, the same gold of Morgana and the Green Knight. Douxie doesn't have the magical strength to fight back, so he pleads with Krel for a few short moments before shaking his head.
"There's nothing I can do to reason with you, is there? I know you hate me, but please just make it fast for the sake of our friends."
Douxie closes his eyes and waits for a blow that doesn't come. He opens his eyes, and watches as a neon red and electric purple light burns off the gold.
"Speak for yourself. I… I never hated you," Krel says before he takes Douxie's hand. And they run, and then Krel flies the two of them away from the base until they awkwardly crash-land in an empty field. Douxie is too tired to say the instinctual biting words at Krel. They find out they're slightly closer to Arcadia Oaks than NYC, so they decide to start a roadtrip together.
(They for some reason can't pick up burner phones, and of course between Gaylen's core and Douxie's new Magical Trauma™️ Claire can't portal to them.)
They decide not to kill themselves by renting a car and driving w/o stops aside from switching off drivers, so instead they have to stay at a lot of motels that, coincidentally, only have rooms with one bed! Technically, said beds are big enough that Douxie and Krel can go to opposite sides of the bed, but more than once Douxie wakes up to find Krel clinging to him. Maybe an excuse could be made for how Krel has wings he didn't have before and sure, one of them is stretched out behind him, but the other is protectively laid over the two of them.
Douxie doesn't say anything because even though Krel gets on Douxie's nerves during every waking moment (or at least he did before their capture) he's always found Krel attractive… and Douxie knows he ruined anything they could've had
Both of them silently agree to be nicer to each other, and yet they also both are unnerved by how nice their companion is being. And yet, when their conversations don't devolve into biting snark too, they find they like each other as friendly acquaintances. (They both consider themselves too far gone for more.)
After multiple close calls in fights (and multiple times of listening to Douxie cry himself to sleep, not reaching out bc Krel knows that Douxie dislikes him for no reason and yet once he's asleep Krel reaches out to comfort and hold Douxie) Krel ends up tinkering w/some Akiridion technology he had on him when captured and attaches it to Douxie's staff, and this amplifies what magic Douxie can summon. Douxie thanks Krel, and it's probably the first time he's ever given such a genuine unguarded smile to Krel.
"I never thought Akiridion technology and magic could have ever been so compatible." I never allowed myself to wonder if we could've been so compatible.
And then, sometime after this, the softness couldn't last. Krel is lamenting the changes brought about after having been merged w/Gayen's core, and Douxie tries to make a soft comment about how not everything's changed, but. Douxie is tired. It's far too easy to make an assholish comment about how thankfully Krel's still slightly shorter than Douxie. He's found that he really likes Krel, though, and internally he's screaming because he doesn't want to go back to how they were.
On instinct, Krel snarks back that Douxie should wipe the smirk off his face, or Krel would remove it for him. He doesn't want to go back to their rivalry either. Douxie asks just how Krel would remove said smirk.
And finally, the tension that's built between them for years finally breaks when Krel kisses Douxie, and Douxie kisses Krel back before Krel can apologize for overstepping. This time, when they fall asleep Krel is already holding onto Douxie.
(When they get back to Arcadia Oaks and their friends, said friends are thankful that the two of them are alive but also very confused by the way they're holding hands)
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cbk1000 · 11 months
do you have any fic recs? i absolutely love your writing and everything you blog here and i was wondering if you had any
Well, there's @aemelia's work, which I need to be uploaded at a rate faster than one chapter every 84 years, so please join me in bullying her. (She does have some short, complete fics written for Kinkalot. I've seen a couple of people in her comments note that her work reminds them of mine, and she herself has said it's basically just fanfiction of my fanfiction, so I think that would be a good place to start. Also, again, I would like some help in my campaign to bully her into writing more.)
I also really enjoyed Gibraltar May Tumble by shes_gone, which is a reincarnation fic featuring Victorian-era ghost!Arthur haunting a cottage Merlin moves into. (Don't worry, they figure out how to bang.) Gibraltar May Tumble - shes_gone - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Quickening Days by Fahye, canon-era, a sort of Groundhog Day scenario wherein Morgana is inadvertently keeping them trapped in the same day because she's dreamt something terrible is going to happen to Camelot. This is basically an episode, except Merlin and Arthur get to have actual sex instead of just eye sex: Quickening Days - Fahye - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Take the Reins by anonymintea, featuring bottom!Arthur my beloved and smut with feelings: Take the Reins - anonymintea - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
The Future Soon by lady_ragnell, modern AU, Morgana makes the group scry for funsies, and Arthur and Merlin both see a vision of themselves married to one another and try to do everything they can to stop it. They do not succeed: The Future Soon - lady_ragnell - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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diveyne · 5 months
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BAND VERSE : ECLIPSE. — setting : general modern au, and alternatively wherever pentakill originates from because pentakill seems to exist in a strange runeterra AU, not in the modern world. but, for all purposes, this verse exists primarily in the modern world, with low fantasy elements where otherwise inhuman races exist amongst humankind. that being said, this verse bleeds from the threads of my general modern verse, in which morgana is still centuries old, descended from a higher being, and has masked herself amidst humans following tragedy in ancient civilizations.
a year and a half ago, i posited the idea that morgana have her own band, rivaling pentakill; although, it's less a rival against the members of pentakill and more one against her sister, kayle.
eclipse, often stylized as ƎCLIPSE ( with its logo using crescent moons instead of Es ), comprises of the following members:
— morgana, lead vocals ( read the hc here about morgana being a multi-talented classically trained musician though ) — sylas, drummer — aatrox, bass guitar — varus, rhythm guitar
now you might be wondering, where's the lead guitarist? great question. eclipse was once a group of five, featuring none other than HEARTSTEEL's kayn ( @umbane ) as their lead guitarist and resident scream king / backing vocalist. however, that was a long time ago and many heartaches long past, a painful history for all of them, most especially morgana and kayn. they were terribly close, once, but the growing turmoil within eclipse was far too much to bear. there was no way to move forward together as a cohesive group, not with how volatile kayn had become. morgana wanted to see it through, to make things work, to help her friend move past whatever it was he was going through.
she knew well of his past, and she isn't the type of person who gives up easily, especially when it comes to someone she cares so deeply about, but she was trapped between a rock and a hard place: letting kayn go to preserve the rest of the band and all of their dreams, or risk losing everyone and everything they've put on the line. the rest of her bandmates were pressuring her to drop kayn, and truly, she didn't want to. morgana desperately sought a peaceful resolution, a way to figure things out, a way to keep kayn and soothe the growing animosity within eclipse.
that's the thing when you put so many big personalities in a same group together, isn't it? of course everyone has their own voice, their own ideas and wishes and feelings they want heard. different ideas for what they should be doing, what they wanted to be doing, just how they should be getting things done... it was a recipe for disaster. they were all volatile. angry, hurt, saying things they shouldn't have said under the burning pressure of fire pressed to their feet, but aatrox and sylas were the most vocal of all in demanding that kayn goes, or they both walk. varus agreed. it brought morgana a pain she hadn't felt since the days of long ago when she and her sister fought so violently that it forever tore an irreparable rift between them that she still hasn't healed from, and likely never would. she didn't want to go through that again. she couldn't. she knew the dynamic was becoming a problem, but she just didn't want to let kayn go.
she loved kayn most out of all them. even now, years later, she still doesn't have the heart to replace him. morgana records the lead guitar riffs and solos herself in studio, and while varus has offered to step up for shows and tours, she refuses. eclipse has temporary fills on retainer that join them on tours, but they're never there to stay. there's a hole that will never be filled, another betrayal she won't be complicit in. morgana already betrayed kayn once, and she wouldn't do it again. but, whatever formula they have has been working for them. eclipse has gone on to become an international success with their dark gothic elements, catchy choruses and hooks, with their whimsical witchy sounds that are a blend of rock-metal and a hint of haunting folk and siren songs. morgana has the voice of a siren and sings the sweetest notes, but can easily switch to grittier, raw vocals. eclipse is an eclectic blend of haunting, enchanting melodies, compared to pentakill's classic rock / hair metal vibes.
with morgana's vocal talents and range and acting capabilities, she's been offered several roles on broadway, most famously having done a rendition of phantom of the opera. during off-times when she isn't working on a new album or singles, and isn't on tour, morgana will agree to small acting roles or roles in plays and musicals. it's another thing she's discovered she loves, a distraction away from the quiet and the spiraling columns of despair that wrap around her like an inescapable shroud of mist trailing after her everywhere she goes. despite the band's massive success, a part of her aches for the losses of her past. seeing HEARTSTEEL now has helped heal some of the guilt she felt, but even still, she doubts the hurt will ever truly fade.
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 2 months
so i have absolutely decided to make a director’s cut version of my current wip that will be published when it’s finished because of that one post about making directors cuts.
so i’m just gonna post a couple of examples of the range of commentary you can expect from me when i’m not limited to ao3 end notes.
everything below the cut is from chapter 25 of and your heart love has such darkness so don’t read it if you’re not up to date on chapter 25 and care about spoilers.
This was bad. This was very bad.
*in the voice of eric effiong*: very bad, very very bad
Grandfather cut him off before he could get any further, “Cornelius, what in the name of Merlin, Morgana and Hecate made you think that an appropriate course of action was to not inform me that a member of my House, my previous Heir no less, escaped Azkaban, before running your mouth to the Prophet.”
this i think really highlights a clear difference in how wizarding society is organised as compared to ‘general western government’ or even than extent compared to other governments in the wizarding world though as of writing this i really haven’t fleshed that out.
but fudge is only the head of one branch of government even though he’s the head of state. but beyond that fudge is a new house. so technically it’s not disrespectful for arcturus to address fudge by his given name since arcturus is the very top of the social hierarchy. but at the same time there is a blatant disrespect considering the fact that they are in the ministers office and fudge just addressed them by their titles. it’s the fact that arcturus can do this and face no backlash that illustrates the position in society he holds.
Once he had accounted for everyone, he had summoned Lord Black engaged the wards of Black Manor making it so that no one could move beyond the perimeter of the dining room without his express permission. The silence broke at the realisation of what he had done, an eruption of indignance of complaints of how he had trapped them, Arcturus took stock of who had joined the three residents of Black Manor: Lucretia Prewett, Phineas Black, Callidora Longbottom, Cedrella Weasley, Cygnus Black, Marius Black, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy, Andromeda and Nymphodora Tonks. Merlin’s balls the state of his House, laden with Blood Traitors and the elderly and decrepit, it was disgusting.
this definitely wasn’t an original thought i had this is definitely a concept i’ve seen in fics over the years.
the duality of man guys. some of this is genuine literary analysis, some of this is just jokes, some of this is just me being like i read this concept once 10 years ago and now i’m incorporating it. some of this is just anecdotes from my life like i start waxing poetic about peafowl in chapter six.
so this is the type of thing you can expect from the directors cut it really is just my normal a/n’s but on crack and with colour coded line references. and i am writing this whether or not anyone wants to read it because i genuinely find literary analysis to be really fun but whether it sees the light of day is down to you guys as my readers letting me know if this is the type of thing you want.
and on the off chance someone who is not a reader of mine and has got this far and has decided that they want to read my fic from this:
obligatory fuck jkr for transphobia, racism, holocaust denial, anti semitism, misogyny and the rest of her sins the old bitch can do one.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
merthur fic recs: social media au pt 2
1. Like-Hate-Love by Imagined (@burglarhobbit)
When Arthur drunkenly kisses a stranger at a party, he doesn’t expect to ever really see him again.
That is, until two years later, when he accidentally likes a picture on Instagram and somehow starts an online rivalry with him.
Or: In which Arthur is a bit of a prat (and, worse: a prescriptivist), Merlin has no issues at all calling him out on it, Morgana is the world's least-sympathetic sister, and Uther is no help whatsoever.
dhfjkadlf 173/10 realistic representation of how they would meet in real life
2. The Narcissist’s Thirst Trap by MerthurAllure (Kirbymatsu) (@apple-juice-dreams)
Arthur Pendragon is an up and coming actor. He wouldn’t consider himself a famous celebrity by any means, but he has quite a few dedicated fans. One of which happens to run a thirst blog all about him. Bad decisions are made and risks are taken, but the payoff is definitely worth it.             
you can’t not post this on this hell site
3. How (Not) to be a YouTuber: A Comprehensive Guide by Idiots by Imagined (@burglarhobbit), Scarlet_Ribbons (@silk-scarlet-ribbons)
Arthur has a gaming channel. Merlin has a gardening channel. The only thing they have in common, it seems, is the fact they're both successful YouTubers, and that their followers want them to do a collab in spite of how different their content is.
Or: In which Arthur and Merlin flirt (despite Merlin’s mysterious fiancée), Morgana dishes out the hottest gossip, Gwaine keeps trying to fight the entire internet, and their fans are maybe just a little too overbearing.
ahh they are all so cute
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twilightknight17 · 10 months
Last night on P5T, we wear some excellent costumes, throw some people off buildings, have some alcohol, and actually take baby steps towards acknowledging that this is, in fact, a sequel!
To help out Yuki while we’re trapped in this world, we’re going to storm a garrison to hack into one of the banks of security cameras that keep an eye on everything in the city. They’re also going to free all the people trapped in that dungeon. But, because of all the cameras, they can’t just go out and walk through the city, so it’s time for disguises! And everyone looks great in their kimonos and guard uniforms! They even let Ann wear the guard uniform because she thinks that would be cool.
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Toshiro is also being forced to acknowledge that what the Phantom Thieves were doing back in their world parallels how they just overthrew Marie in the previous Kingdom. So he really can’t condemn the kids for their actions.
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One of the sidequests that we get at this point is from Yusuke. We did a tutorial for followup attacks, where you kick people off the roof and a teammate waiting below can shoot at them. And now Yusuke is very eager to get a better look at people mid-fall. So… Off we go, apparently.
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I love Yusuke so much.
So off to the garrison in disguise it is. The Thieves take a bunch of sake and get the guards to throw a banquet and get drunk while Toshiro, Futaba, Morgana, and Yuki break in and hack the cameras. It’s going great until the guards start being rude to Makoto and some of the little hat guys. She is two seconds from breaking character as a geisha and beating the shit out of them, but Akira, knowing that some of the sake bottles they brought had water in them, has a fantastic idea:
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I’ve never been so happy to see a dialogue option. XDDDD We still have to fight eventually, but not before Makoto drinks a guard under the table. And Yusuke looks so cool in his outfit.
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Futaba and crew free the prisoners, she broadcasts the conditions in the labor camps to the oblivious citizens, and we get the hell out of dodge. When we get back outside, we run into Lord Yoshiki, who is giving off some major Yaldabaoth vibes.
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And he comes with a dramatic revelation!
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I don’t know why I’m surprised. Like, of course the other shadowy figure from the beginning is his father. Of course. And this man, just like Marie, is an absolutely horrible person. Like, I have a personal reason to hate him…
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...but he’s also a shit parent. He’s low-key enough that no one apparently pays attention to what he’s up to, but he’s been setting up Toshiro to be Prime Minister since he was a child. And the abuse is not just emotional this time. His father hit him if he questioned him or didn’t obey.
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The game actually bothers to explicitly mention Shido and the things that happened last year! Atlus! Look at you! I’m so proud! Maintaining narrative continuity! I’m gonna be really impressed if the Thieves ever mention Maruki. Because this is definitely post-Royal for sure 100% because they showed Joker with his grappling hook.
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Toshiro also remembers why Leblanc seems familiar. He apparently stumbled in one day and it was such a great reprieve from the pressures of being the primary candidate for Prime Minister that he kept going back. He admits that he might have even seen the kids at some point in the past year.
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...okay, Goro. Why does Atlus keep including characters in the side games who would bounce off of Goro so well and he’s not even there for it?
He’s got evidence of his father’s misdeeds, though, and he wants to make a deal with the Phantom Thieves. They help him get home, and he’ll make sure his father goes down for his crimes. He does think they need a real reward, and has a crisis trying to come up with something for them...
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...before they tell him that the bad guy going down is reward enough. I'll take some jewels, though.
So I can’t wait to beat the shit out of Yoshiki. I dunno where we’re gonna go after that, but this is great so far. P5 always does a great job of making the villains so punchable. It does raise some interesting implications of the future Prime Minister knowing the identities of 8/10 Phantom Thieves. At the very least, he can make sure that something like Scramble doesn’t happen. They won’t get accused of bullshit they didn’t do.
I am a little more annoyed now that Sumi, at least, hasn’t been mentioned. Goro at this point in the story, they think he’s gone. Of course they wouldn’t mention him. But Sumi is still around? If Atlus didn’t want her in the Kingdom for whatever reason, the game literally started with one of the Thieves arriving to Leblanc in the rain. Just throw in a line about how she’s running late, and she doesn’t get there before shit gets weird. It’s not that hard!
But we’ll see how it goes, I guess!
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