#More for people ready to put themselves more out there or engage more too
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Hello. A bar I like in my area is doing a t4t darkroom/sex party. I desperately want to go but I'm having trouble convincing myself it's really okay to be sexy around strangers. Maybe i'm just not ready but I'm getting hung up on the fact that I can't picture the scene, like where/how clothing check happens, what if I make inappropriate eye contact or freak people out, etc. Do you have any tips on overcoming repressed sexuality even around other queerdos? How to get over the masked autistic need to know every detail so I can cater my behavior to my expectations (which is exactly what I don't want from this experience)?
I think you should go with a buddy and just watch what's going on the first time. If you've read my cruising guide, you already have the general sense of what to expect -- but nothing will prepare you for this specific event quite like visiting the specific event. And no amount of studying replaces experience & trial and error. I had to go to Pup Night maybe three or four times before I fucked anybody there, and even then it was because someone approached me and broke the ice.
I wouldn't worry about making "too much" eye contact, generally. If a person doesn't want your attention they will look away or move away. Expressions of desire are not a violation. Depending on the cruising spot and its culture it's normal to put your hands on someone to convey interest and trust them to move those hands off of themselves if they don't want to engage. So it's very very very unlikely someone is going to accuse you of crossing boundaries -- far more likely you'll just be standing around feeling shy and awkward, which is also what 80% of the other people there also do.
Just enjoy the sights and sounds as best you can for a few visits. Watch, take notes, see how you feel, catch some people fucking, jerk off while they do maybe...take it as far as you are comfortable doing. You can't change into a radically new type of person in one night but you can through many repeated nights.
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It’s truly an inspiration to see you write and how easily it comes to you! I’ve written a bunch about Stris in the past and started again recently, but I’ve been a bit nervous to publish. How did you decide to take the jump?
first, thank you, like to the heavens and back. that’s such a sweet thing to say & it’s the highest of compliments that you’d ask me about any of this🥺🩷
i wrote fic for another fandom when i was younger, so i didn’t have any qualms about publishing generally. but i will say that i’d watched swat and loved it, and was rewatching it in my dorm when i got inspired to write. i really missed the fandom community, i needed a new space away from school/life, and saw that the one on ao3 was small but mighty. it made putting myself out there not as scary as it might’ve been. and because there’s not a huge fandom, the response was good and everyone was so nice that it made continuing super easy. tbh, it’s crazy that it’s been right around 2 years since i first wrote and posted stris. (admittedly, i don’t remember how long i sat on my first fic before pressing publish lol.) in that time, i do feel like i’ve found a community. there are so many people i interact with regularly even though i don’t know their names, you know? it’s comforting, and something i get to look forward to whenever i post. every new prompt i get here makes me stupid happy! building & being a part of the fandom is incredible. and i hope the new season encourages more people to watch the show from the start & brings more people in, too! on that note, i would love to read absolutely anything you have to publish, and im positive the rest of the fandom would, too. there’s not a ton of stris fic—so it’s always exciting when i click the tag and see something new be it ao3/ffn/tumblr—but there’s so much heart in stris & i’m sure there’s so much of your heart in your writing that would shine through and people would love. (and, more importantly, that you love! there’s something extra fun about rereading my fics on ao3 months/years later and seeing them from a new perspective. seeing what i’d change but what people really loved and responded to is special.)
so, long answer above. short answer: people are starved for stris fic and the community will rally around it in the best way. i really hope you decide to publish!!! 🩷
#stris#swat cbs#s.w.a.t cbs#anon ask#I hope the genuine feelings I tried to infuse into#This came through#it’s hard to put fandom feelings and the feelings of publishing into words but it’s the best#I do sometimes wish there was a more active stris fandom on tumblr but it’s still very worth it to me#Have already made a great friend and would love to make#More for people ready to put themselves more out there or engage more too#I’m being so yappy sappy sorry I’ll stop here before I really get into it#love u#oh wait if there is a stris discord moment can someone fill me in on that pls cause I’ll so get it#okay now love u
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The apprentice’s apprentice (Roger pirates x reader)
Lesson 2: Monsters can be good
Prologue, Chp 1
A/N: totally din’t have this chapter in my drafts for three days ready to be edited and published but was to lazy to do it
Dividers by @/firefly-graphics
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese for the enjoyment of both reader and oc character readers
They let out a happy huff, taking hold of a small dandelion that stood in the path, blowing out it's seeds and watching them fly off in awe
"Dokucha, don't lag behind!" Rayleigh called, looking back at the small child.
"I'm coming!" they yelled. Running towards the pirated, hugging his leg tightly as he took notice of a fast-approaching foe.
"Should we nip this right in the bud, Rayleigh?" Gaban called out as he pulled out his dual axes, an excited look on his face as he looked up at the blond.
"I think so." Rayleigh agreed, mirroring Gaban's actions as he, too, pulled out his weapon. But before he could call Dokucha to step back so he could engage with the Samurai, a call of his name caught his attention.
"Gaban! Rayleigh, Leave this one to me! I wouldn't want either of you to get hurt!" Roger cackled, running off to meet up with Oden himself.
"Capi is happy again!" Dokucha cheered, looking up at the sound of Rayleigh shedding his sword
"I swear he is more of a child than you are," Rayleigh called with a roll of his eyes. Glancing at his crewmate as he grabbed the child putting them on his hip.
"Get 'em! Capi!" Dokcuha hollered, clapping joyfully as the Captain quickly sent the man back with a single sword slash.
"Scoopah, Scoopah look! It's a monkey! A huge Monkey," They point out, pulling at the axe user's clothes and pointing at a fast-approaching figure, jumping from tree-top to tree-top until he met swords with Roger.
"Looks like it's starting," Rayleigh mused
"So it seems," Gaban grinned, putting the child down and crouching in front of them
"Dokucha, I need you to step away from the battlefield for a while; things are about to get dangerous around here; we'll come get you when things calm down."
"But I want to see Shans and Buggie! And I want to see Capi fight the monkey!"
"I promise you will get to see the two once we are done with this; as for the fight, you can't be too close, or you'll be caught up in it."
"No more buts, lass, or are you going to stay with me and away from those two for a week?" Rayleigh scolded
"No!" They cried
"Then go, you can find a high vantage point to watch the fight, alright? But not from here."
Dokucha frowned as they watched the scene below them draped over Rayleigh's crossed legs, their body lying down on the ground face down as they kicked their legs, their head lying down on their crossed hands that laid on his thighs.
"Umm, Ayeigh?" they called as they rolled their body, straightening their arms slightly to hold themselves up so they could stare up at the man
"I thought you said they were, umm, pilagin."
"Pillaging," he corrected, a similar frown growing on his face as he scouted the people below him
"They were supposed to, but it seems it has turned into a gift exchange instead," he mused
"Gifts are good, right, so we're friends!?" they beamed
"It's a little bit more complicated than that kid, but it is good, yes."
“Ne, Ray, can I umm can I go?” they mumbled, lifting themselves up completely, opting to sit in front of the man instead
“Go? You want to explore the place?” he questions, looking at the fidgeting child in front of them as they nod their head vigorously. He glanced at the exchange, once again measuring the risks the child could be exposed to.
“Fine, but stay away from the exchange area, alright? We are on a ceasefire, but I still don’t trust these lads to measure their strength around you; I see you around them, and you’ll be done. Is that clear?”
“Aye, aye, sir!” they laughed as they attempted a sloppy salute, much to his amusement. As he wave them off, watching them disappear with a trail of laughs behind them
They followed a trail of lush foliage, observing every small plant that rose above the vegetation. Every now and then, they gracelessly grabbed some of the greenery and placed it on their satchel, only to repeat the process until they reached a small clearing devoid of any special or particular flora, with everyday grass covering the field. However, the disappointment at the absence of vegetation was quickly forgotten as Dokucha spotted something that could replace this loss: other children.
Dokucha grinned, watching as another child considerably older than themselves cradled a baby in his arms. The boy in question seemed to wear a particular piece of clothing that quickly caught their attention; it looked comfortable, allowing the boy plenty of flexibility as he threw the baby in the air over and over to get various laughs from the latter. Slowly, Dokucha dared to step closer to the couple, easily gaining the attention of the boy who hugged the baby close to him and ran off out of their eyesight, promoting the three-year-old to run after them only to stop in terror at what they found at the first turn.
In front of them stood a green-haired woman with a determined look as she pointed a sword towards them. However, it seems that a little child was not what the woman was expecting because as soon as she took Dokucha in, her eyes widened, and she fumbled to sheath her sword.
“I apologize! Young one! Momonosuke had said that he spotted someone, and I feared it would be an opposing pirate unaware of the cease-fire!” she hurriedly sputtered out
“Where do you come from? Where are your parents?” she questioned as she fussed over them, assessing them for any injuries
“I don’t have a mommy and daddy! My brothers and uncles take care of me!” they exclaimed proudly
“I see, and I suppose they are on the Roger pirates, yes?”
“Well, you are welcome to stay with us until they finish they’re pillaging! These are my kids.”
“It’s a baby!” they beamed, trying to take a peek at the little bundle in the boy’s arms, who leaned down slightly to allow them a view of the infant.
“Yes! That is Hiyori, and this is my boy, Momonosuke.”
“Awe, tiny baby!” they grinned fumblingly, carrying the infant.
“Toki?” A voice cut in, gaining the attention of the four, with the Kouzuki’s brightening at the stranger's voice.
“Oden! Over here!” called the woman, grinning as the daimyo entered the clearing. His face softened as he spotted his wife and children, pausing when they spotted the strange new addition to their little group.
“Huh? Who are you?” he questioned, looking down at Dokucha
“Dokusha?” he parroted, confused, leaning down as his wife approached him, talking to him in hushed tones, realization dawning on him; at the same time his grin returned to his face
“Bwahahaha, so it’s like that, is it?! If you don’t have any parents, why don’t you join our crew?! I am sure white-kishi will be more than ecstatic to have you!” he boomed
“Get away from them, you bastard!” a voice cut in with Oden easily avoiding a small dagger sent his way.
“Up, Up,” a voice muttered as hands enveloped them, gently lifting them into the familiar embrace of their brother, making haste as he made his way out of the clearing and back to their previous post.
“Shans!” they exclaimed, looking up at the red-head, waving at the clown who followed close behind them, frowning at the red hue that covered the young boy’s face, a confused pout growing on their face as upon being placed down, they promptly noticed the similar expression now present on the swordsman
“I’m sorry, Shans,” they cried
The two had sat down with the child and explained that they had simply been worried, as nobody seemed to have seen them upon questioning the others about their whereabouts. Once they spotted them about to be ‘kidnapped’ by the opposing crew, as they called it, they simply lost it and let their anger speak for them as they attacked Oden on sight. However, the two were smart enough to retreat. Once they were sure Dokusha was saved, it was clear that it was only because the samurai understood their plight that the situation had not escalated.
“It’s okay, Dokucha!” he chuckled, bouncing his legs to calm down the toddler
“We were just worried. I’m glad you’re okay, but you can’t just sneak off like that, alright?” he admonished them
“But I told Ayleigh!”
“You told them you were going to explore, not that you were going into the enemy’s side!” Buggy yelled, freaked out
“Oops?!” Buggy parroted his face, blanched out as he realized how dangerous his actions had been and how close to being killed he was had the man not been as carefree as he was.
“Dahahha, come on, Buggy, I thought you wanted to teach the whitebeards a Lesson?!”
“Not like that, you idiot?! Did you see the size of that guy?! Not to mention, he’s actually walking after receiving a hit from the Captain! He must be a monster!” he cried
“Mr. Anvil is a Monster?!” they wailed
“Ah! Buggy, you idiot! You made them cry!” Shanks exclaimed as he grabbed Dokucha, turning them around on their lap to soothe them
“W-Wait Dokucha! It’s okay! They are no match for our Captain o-or Rayleigh! You need bigger monsters to beat a monster after all!” the clown stated proudly, only for his fussing to begin again as he noticed that his words had only worsened.
“Ayleigh and Capi are monsters?!”
“Alright, Dokucha, you can hang around here while we finish our lookout, or you can go find Rayleigh,” Shanks called as he lowered the child into a small rock that lay behind them
“No! I stay with Shans and Buggy!” They called as they ran to their legs, hugging them tightly
“Alright, Alright,” he sighed
Dokucha grinned, happy that they got to stay with them after having been separated for the three days the fight had gone on
“Buggie, who’s that?” they asked, staring at the men adjacent to the trio, who stood in a manner similar to the two boys'.
“Oh…they are from the Whitebeard pirates. Those are their apprentices, but that reminds me! Shanks, do you see the one with the hat?!”
“I heard he didn’t sleep a wink during the cease-fire last night or the night before that!”
“Huh? Why not?”
“They say he’s never slept in his life!”
“What?! Is that even possible? Lucky guy”
“No sleep? He gets to have so much fun!” Dokucha calls with a smile
“I bet he gets to have twice the fun!” shanks added
“Twice the fun he says, what is wrong with you?! And don’t teach Dokucha that that’s not normal!”
“But he doesn’t have to sleep, Buggie! He gets to play and train all that time! I bet he’s real strong!” Dokucha piped up
“You’re spending too much time with this idiot Dokucha!” Buggy admonished with an incredulous look on his face
“You’re wrong, Buggie!”
“Alright, you two cut it out,” Shanks called as he picked up the child, who by now had raised tiny fists to engage Buggy
“Buggie started it!
“Did not!” he growled
“Sorrey” They called as the boy gave them a small bonk on the head.
“Ne Shans, who’s that?” Dokucha called, pointing to the other side; following their finger, Shanks found a young man sitting on a rock, seemingly resting.
“Hmm? You mean Marco the Phoenix?”
“It’s a type of bird, a mythical one,” he clarified
“A bird?!”
“Don’t think about it! You’re not going near him!” Buggy scowled, recognizing the glitter in the younger one’s eyes.
“Regardless, I forgot to get it to you earlier, but here, Dokucha,” Shanks called as he pulled a small wrapper from his pocket and extended it to the child, watching as they slowly wrapped their arms around it and pulled to them, a gleeful squeal, leaving them as they open the wrapper and set eyes on the chocolate inside
“I promised you a reward, right? You did great finding those Marines,” he praised, a gentle smile on his face as he rubbed their head, teasingly adding more force than needed, snickering as it slightly pushed the child around
“Hahaha! Thank you, Shans!” they grinned, taking a chump out of the rare treat
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#one piece fluff#shanks x gn!reader#shanks x child!reader#shanks x you#gol d roger x reader#captain rogers#gol d. roger#rayleigh x child! reader#rayleigh x gn reader#rayleigh x y/n#op rayleigh#rayleigh x reader#shanks x oc#shanks x reader#buggy x you#buggy x oc#buggy x reader#op buggy#captain buggy#one piece rayleigh#roger pirates#one piece shanks#silvers rayleigh#dark king rayleigh#red haired shanks#shanks#akagami no shanks
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how do you deal with shame? bc i suffered with severe depression and im just getting my own apartment at 30 years old. i still have no degree, the job i go to in ashamed everyday even though it pays my bills and take care of my kids because i see everyone who i went to high school with graduated and some got their masters. im ashamed of what i been through and ashamed of where im in at my life and im carrying deep deep depression and shame because i feel like im not enough and embarrassed of where im at because i know i could’ve did more with my life.
I really want to answer this because I also remember feeling behind at one point and I definitely remember my friends comparing themselves to me because we didn’t make the same life decisions.
Just want to warn you I’m going to give you some compassion combined with a little tough love.
I’m really, REALLY sorry you’re feeling this way. No matter how different your life looks to others, it’s your life. It’s easy to compare yourself to people who seem to have it all figured out, but their paths aren’t yours. Just because you are seeing someone during the good times in their lives, doesn’t mean it will always be that way or that it won’t be for you when the time is right.
I remember feeling so much judgment because all my friends were married, had serious boyfriends, or kids. Back then, I’d leave our dinners in tears, feeling like a failure. Looking back now, the pressure I felt seems almost comical, but it was painful at the time. For context, I’ve been engaged more than once, yet I wasn’t ready to settle. Now, many of those women are divorced and starting over, often without financial independence, while I’m at a high point in my life and considering settling down on my own terms.
The lesson here is that life isn’t a race or a checklist. It’s not linear, and it doesn’t have to follow a timeline. Some people hit their stride at 20, others at 30, 40, or beyond—and that’s okay. Life is meant to be experienced, not rushed. The lessons we learn along the way shape us. Society’s timelines and standards are just that—standards. You don’t have to follow them to live a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Depression is incredibly hard to deal with, and it’s not something I take lightly. But since you’re committed to working on yourself, it’s so important to remind yourself to keep pushing forward. That said, I think you’re being way too hard on yourself right now. Who wouldn’t feel overwhelmed? But let’s take a step back—you have your own apartment for the first time, which is incredible! You have a job that allows you to provide for your kids, putting food on the table and showing up as a parent who loves them deeply. How lucky are they to have you?
From my perspective, you’re incredibly strong. You’ve faced depression and still found the courage to keep building yourself up. That’s no small feat. Don’t let negative thoughts get in your way—practice reframing them. Instead of focusing on what you feel is lacking, focus on how far you’ve come and the amazing things you’re doing right now. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.
You may not like where your life is now, but you have to realize that it is under your control. If you want to change your life now, today, you can. Your life will start to change when you yourself commit to change. And that starts with your thoughts. Work on your perspective. Don’t beat yourself up for what could have happened or didn’t happen because you’re wasting even more time for absolutely nothing. You feel like you’ve wasted years, why would you want to continue wasting any more?
Shame often stems from the story we tell ourselves, so try to shift that narrative. You wouldn’t shame your friends for struggling; you’d remind them of their resilience. Focus on small wins— change your perspective. Start focusing on showing gratitude for the things you do have and what you’ve overcome. Gratitude for everything and anything. Gratitude attracts miracles and abundance. I know this sounds dumb or unrealistic, but it’s true. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to try.
I’m very proud of you and you can do so much more, anything you want if you just had a little bit of faith in yourself. Your worth isn’t defined by what you’ve been through or what you’ve accomplished. It’s defined by the fact that you’re here, trying and pushing forward. That alone makes you more than enough.
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4: fate is fickle ; gojo satoru
pairing gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary when satoru breaks off your engagement, you understand and accept it. but when he marries someone else, you don't understand because he didn't want to be tied down.
content warnings family problems, bad, sad, emotional infidelity, dangerously short chapter im sorry getting you ready for the next one <;33 flashback flashback y did satoru end it with u??
word count 1.3k
a/n i'll beat both of them up i promise
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People said promising yourself to someone you love was euphoric; it was a feeling you couldn’t achieve through any other form of happiness or drugs. Satoru believed that because when he asked you to marry him and you said yes, he felt as though he could rearrange and hang every star in the sky to spell your names for the rest of eternity. It was electric, the feeling, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
But Satoru wasn’t somebody who was ever in the midst of two lines; if he was happy, he was so fucking happy, and if he was sad, he was so fucking sad.
Growing up in his home hadn’t taught him many things, but he’d come out of it with two lessons he’d always abide by:
Never, ever make promises you can’t keep.
If you can go against Gojo Takayashi’s wishes, do it.
He knew that he should wait to tell his parents about his engagement with you until you were with him, which is why he didn’t let it slip during the first dinner he had with his parents since he put a ring on your finger. When his father said he’d invited a guest over, Satoru felt more at ease to keep his mouth shut because, even though his parents were not his favorite people, he was itching to see their reaction. The little boy that lived somewhere in the abyss of his mind expected them to pop champagne, for his mother to immediately call each and every one of the people she knew to tell them the good news, for his father to pat him on the back with a gleeful smile that made him feel like he’d at least done one thing to make him proud.
And, even though his second rule was to always strive to go against his father, he felt it would be some sort of a twisted poetic number for his father to be proud of him for loving you. For you loving him back.
Kimura Hana was pleasant, and her parents even more so. Despite that, both children on the dinner table that night had a hard time trying to entertain themselves with the dull conversation. Their fathers droned on about their next upcoming business ventures, constantly toasting to the point they’d made a toast to the art of toasting, claiming that it was the best excuse for people to down more alcohol with good intention.
Hana kicked his leg underneath the table from beside him and Satoru, Y/N-loving, elated-over-his-engagement-in-private Satoru, almost sent her a glare for being so close to him. But he covered it when he noticed a small napkin she passed his way, a small giggle leaving her lips.
He opened it, and there he read, in pretty and small handwriting with red ink:
this is sooooo boring.
He looked around and patted his pockets subtly when her lithe fingers reached out, right above his lap, and offered him a pen. He gave her a small smile before replying:
If i have to hear another stupid toast, I’m going back to my room
She scanned his reply, and he noticed her lips curve up upwards as she did. Satoru leaned back, fork mushing the leftovers of his desert as he waited for her. Her hands reached down, and placed it right on his thigh and he almost jolted at the slight hint of her fingers against his jean-clad thighs.
He shakily opened the response, a misplaced sense of guilt ravishing his brain.
what about me???
He tried not to think much before he replied, reminding himself that this was friendly. She was being friendly.
You can come up too. I’d hate to leave you here with the wolves.
“Gojo,” Hana said, her voice loud enough for the entire table to hear. Satoru turned to her, raising his brows. “You wanted to show me that book, right?” She turned to her mother. “Ma, do we have enough time for me to go up and check it out?”
Her mother smiled a very specific kind of smile, and Satoru once again reminded himself that this was friendly.
“Oh, of course. With the way things are going, I think we have about twenty more toasts to go.”
Satoru glanced back at his father who, in his drunken stupor, paid him no mind while his mother barely looked his way, eyes focused on the empty plate below her.
When Hana went through his small bookshelf, something he didn’t think she’d actually do, he sat on his messy bed and watched her. She stopped at one of the books and pulled it out, a small smile on her lips as she turned back to look at Satoru.
“What is this?” she asked, plopping down on the bed as she scanned a CD he’d placed in the middle of all the books. It was something Geto had given him once after a fight he’d had with you two months into your relationship, and if he remembered correctly, he’d written, on top of the case with a thick, black marker: move on bro!! Geto had brought it up in one of your recent conversations and said he wasn’t right in the head to think either of you could ever move on from the other, and followed that statement by saying you were meant for each other.
“Uh, my friend gave it to me after I had a… well—”
“A breakup?”
It was a small falling out, but he didn’t correct her because it was so long ago. So, he nodded.
“Breakups are so—they’re so annoying.”
Satoru chuckled, curious. “Got your heart broke or somethin’?”
She shook her head vigorously, as though she hated that statement with every fiber in her bones. “No, at least not recently. Probably because I hate the idea of meaningless relationships.”
Meaningless relationships? “Elaborate.”
“I don’t know! Like, I’ve thought about it and I just don’t see the reason to tie myself down to someone, you know? I’m young and I have a lot of time to get serious and have joint bank accounts but now? I feel like if I ever tied myself down, it’d end sometime because we end up hating each other for holding each other back while we’re so young.”
He tried not to think about her words too much, but it was hard. He was sure she’d say something completely different were he to tell him about you and your engagement, sugarcoating her words and saying stuff like not you! I’m just talking about me, of course. And that was what he didn’t want. He appreciated her brutal honesty because she was unknowingly giving her perspective on something he hadn’t thought about before getting engaged.
You love her and you’re her fiance, a part of his mind told him, holding him back from probing further. But another part, the part of him that was always scared over one thing or another pushed him to ask her more.
And he did, he asked until he was unconsciously convincing himself that the two of you shouldn’t go through with this, but not enough for him to break it off with you.
What did convince him to break it off with you was something that happened around a month later, after he and Hana had hung out plenty of times due to the increasing closeness of their parents. It was because he found himself shifting his chair closer to hers during dinner. It was because he unconsciously raised his thigh everytime she passed him a note and didn’t reach out his hand so her fingers would graze over it. It was because he was texting her more than he was texting you, and a part of him didn’t seem to mind it.
He knew it was wrong, despite the plethora of times he tried to convince himself that it was platonic. He couldn’t deny that there was something so utterly wrong about how he didn’t want to tell Hana that he was engaged to you. He didn’t end it with you after doing something that would instantly cross the line he’d been teetering over the edge of for a month, he ended it with you when he felt like if she would cross that line unknowingly, he wouldn’t stop himself from giving in.
And Satoru didn’t want to cross that line.
#tell me how we feel ab this bc im kinda scared#babies im literally batman vengeance will be served dont u worry#gojo x reader#angst#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#gojo angst#gojo satoru#gojo satoru angst#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x you#gojo satoru x you#jjk angst#jujutsu kaisen angst
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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗

Warnings: mentions of blood, angst
It's just a harmless crush. Babe Yang's massive crush on Park Jongseong of course. It's pretty much old news, everyone knows about her crush on him, except Jay himself of course. Babe is known for being sweet to everyone, always sharing her sweets and snacks with anyone, and just genuinely being nice.
Everyone knows her best friend is Lee Aram, and she puts all her trust in the girl, it's no surprise that they see her drop Aram off, and treat her at random restaurants, as if they were dating. She's such a sweetheart.
So why didn't Jay notice her? Why didn't he love her? Who could possible reject the sweet charms of Babe?
"I don't get it- How is he not getting the hint?" Babe huffed in annoyance, a small pout adorning her glossy lips. Aram smiled sweetly t her as she pat her head "Maybe he might not be interrested?" She suggested as Babe frowned more.
"Not interrested? then why would he accept my gifts and be really nice to me? why would he still engage in conversations with me and why would he say I have W rizz? no one has ever said that to me except from my ex crush." She said As Aram sighed. "Well I don't know... You've been trying him for over a year now- aren't you tired?" She asked as Babe aired her lips.
"No I love that boy with all my heart Aram... you know this, no matter what Ill never give up, I have a good feeling about this!" She said as she walked off, seeing Jay. Aram watched as she happily walked along side Jay.
She felt as if she was watching a video of the people boarding the titanic, she knew what they were getting themselves into but they didn't know. It annoyed her how Jay was still being friendly to Babe.
. . .
Babe smiled as she walked alongside Jay to class "God your handwriting's so uneat how could you even read that?" she asked frowning as she tried to ready the messy notes "Here let me write-" she said as she neatly wrote down the small paragraph he wanted. Jay smiled as He read it out loud, clearly.
Sunghoon sat in the far corner, smiling at Aram who glanced at her a little. The male had developed a small crush on her... he doesn't know why or how. Perhaps from the time they were paired together to work on a science project?
He was rather observant. He watched how she stared at Babe and Jay, she seemed like such a supportive best friend to her. Of course. Everyone knew they were practically inseparable. He couldn't help but smile at the girl's actions.
As the teacher walked in, the class went silent. The students opened their exercise books all ready to take notes. Which Sunghoon was practically already doing, whilst admiring Aram. The way she pushes her hair back when she lowers her head to write, was a sight he loves. Its the only thing he could see from back there.
. . .
"Wow I never knew the scary quiet guy he beat the shit out of Cheung would be this shy to talk to his crush!" Babe exclaimed as Sunghoon glared at her. "I-I- sorry... I'll help you... just wait here- Im gonna try and ask Jay out.... he's usually alone in this classroom afterschool time" she said with a smile.
Yet she froze at the entrance. A sight for sore eyes. Her heart felt as if a monster was chewing on it, ripping it to pieces. Lee Aram, her best, most trusted friend was Kissing Jay. "What are you going to do about babe?" she asked with a pout as Jay scoffed.
"Just tell that bitch already Aram... She's so fucking annoying it pisses me off, if you don't tell her I will." Jay spat as Aram snickerred. Fuck that fucking hurt. Sunghoon tried to pull her back, despite feeling hurt, himself. His own brother dating his crush?
That's fucking brutal. But it didn't hurt too much, after all its a small crush nothing more, Sunghoon has money, a nice house, a strong mafia business, why would he need a pretty girl to share that all with?
He was too focused on consoling himself he almost forgot the real problem at hand "You could've told me Aram. So much for being fucking friends. I would've backed off, and You... you could've told me you aren't interested but no, you spent over a year leading me on?!" Y/n yelled catching the 2 off guard.
"I- Y/n... Y/n wait-" "No Aram just shut the fuck up. We're done. I don't want to see your fucking face ever again... you don't know what girl code is?! even then, you could've fucking told me- i would've moved on happily." with that, y/n ran off, Sunghoon following somewhat behind.
As the girl reached an alley way that was pretty far from the school, she paused, her head ringing, tears falling, as she coughed. But it wasn't a normal cough.... she coughed up blood, and a white flower petal.
What the fuck? a fucking flower petal? she frowned, assuming it was probably from one of those times she got hungry and took a bite out a flower in the vase, not too bothered, she ran home, her heart broken.
Sunghoon stopped running, not wanting to upset her further, hopefully she'll come to school he can comfort her then right?... Wait why the fuck would he want to do that, he mentally slapped himself, he's never taken interest in any other girl, or any human being in general, with a sigh, he walked to his car, an inch of him worrying for the small girl...
#enhypen ff#engene#enhypen x reader#ni ki#enhypen fluff#enhypen niki#enhypen imagines#enhypen#enhypen fanfic#enha x reader#park sunghoon#enhypen sunghoon#park sunghoon smut#park sunghoon x reader#sunghoon#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon smau#sunghoon mafia#sunghoon smut#sunghoon texts#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon yandere#yandere sunghoon#hanahaki#hanahaki disease
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Dark words and warm hugs
A/N: Benedict steals a poem from underneath your nose to get on your nerves, willing to read it out to the entire family. But he does not expect the poem to be as sad as it turns out to be. Hurt/Comfort fanfic with mostly Benedict and (Y/N), but Colin, Eloise, Hyacinth and Gregory also play a role in it. (I have left open what exactly the poem is about so that everyone can put a spark of themselves into this! I hug you all!)
“Benedict! Give. It. BACK!”
Decisively you stomped after your brother who was scurrying into the living-room like a giddy cookie thief, holding a folded sheet of paper in his hand. Hyacinth looked up in wonder from the pianoforte, while Gregory and Colin stopped swinging wooden swords at each other. Eloise didn’t even bother raising her eyes from her book, quite contrary to your mother who dropped the newspaper onto the table before her so suddenly that the paper got wrinkled. Sighing loudly, she followed her second youngest daughter and her second eldest son with attentive eyes to make sense of the sudden commotion.
Benedict quickly took shelter behind one of the sofas and teasingly waved the paper in his hand, when you came to a halt on the other side of the piece of furniture.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he taunted, the smugness making his smirk seem almost devilish, “now be a good sister and stay right where you are! We are civilized people after all!”
“So civilized,” you fired back at him with a force that made your mother flinch and Colin blink, “that you come into my room and steal poems from under my nose! It is not ready, give it back to me!”
“Now, now, that is a very serious accusation, dearest sister! I did not steal a single thing, I simply picked it up to- HGH!” The unexpected manoeuvre to jump on the sofa and attempt to grab your brother behind it failed, when Benedict circled it fast enough to end up behind the backrest of the one standing on the other side of the room. Next to it, your mother was sitting at a small table, watching you both with growing surprise.
“(Y/N), would you please refrain from climbing on the furniture with your shoes on!” She chastised half-heartedly, too enraptured in the quick changing of positions you and your brother were engaged in at the very moment to think of ending it all with one simple order.
Your shoulders slumped down and your voice was tinted by utter disappointment when you directed your complaint at your mother. “Mamma, how can you tell me off when my so called brother is the one who is acting like a complete child-“
“Oh, scarry moon, oh splendid field-“
“NOO!!” You screamed so loud that Gregory actually yelped in pain and proceeded to cover his ears. Benedict giggled like a three year old as he interrupted his aloud reading of your verses to escape yet another one of your attempts to get your hands on him. You ended up on opposite sides of the sofa, Eloise was reading on, and she did not seem happy about the disruption.
“Can’t you take your shenanigans outside?” She groaned, when you had circled her sofa twice, Benedict still giggling and you still huffing in frustration.
“Why is not one of my beloved siblings considering to help me??” You called out in frustration, glaring daggers at your smirking brother who thought himself invincible in that very moment.
“Perhaps they are all as excited as I am to hear what our dear sister puts onto paper on this lovely, lovely morning!” Benedict declared, as he tried to peek another glance at the dark lines covering the page.
“Well, perhaps it is not meant for either of your eyes to see nor ears to hear!!” You extended your hand meaningfully to demand your poem back from your brother, but he merely made a pitiful grimace and sucked in the air through his teeth apologetically.
“Ah, see, (Y/N), the problem is that that only intrigues me even more.”
And with that he resumed his reading – silently at the very least – as he continued to stumble away from your attempts to get him to stop. Until he did actually stop. His expression changed entirely, from humorous to serious, and he looked up from the paper with blue eyes full of remorse. That only made it worse for you.
“(Y/N), I…”
“Are you happy now??” You shouted, feeling anger put its feeble hands around your throat and suffocate your voice with tears and shame. “You think everything is so funny! Well, sometimes it’s not!” Deeply hurt, you ripped the paper out of his hands and threw your fists against his chest once with force. He barely moved from the impact, but shrunk in on himself nevertheless, his eyes dripping with regret and his lips growing hard.
You didn’t wait for another word from anyone of your shocked family, turned on your heels and hurried out of the grand room to find solace and shelter in your own space. You heard Benedict shout your name again, but did not look back. With the back of your hand you brushed away the tears that threatened to fall, as you ran up the stairs, far away from the shame that was left in the room with everyone else. You shut the door behind you, turned the key in the lock and hid yourself in your bed to cry and to forget about it all – the shame, Benedict’s look of horror when he realized what you had written, but mostly the thing itself. You promised yourself never to write about such matters again, if the only outcome was the incomprehension of everyone you cared about.
It hurt you especially that it had been Benedict who had reacted that way. Anthony, alright, Daphne, sure. But Benedict? You’d always considered him to be the most empathetic Bridgerton, the softest and sweetest. But apparently his understanding knew its limits as well. You wanted him to come to your room and make it all better again, but at the same time you didn’t want him anywhere near you in that moment. You were not sure, you’d be able to take it if you brother were to treat this matter as if it disgusted him, as if you disgusted him.
No, for now, all that was left for you was your pillow and the safe warmth of your blanket.
It did not take long for Benedict to come to your door and knock as carefully as if he was knocking on a wound he did not mean to worsen any further.
You put a pillow over your head and tried to sink deeper into your sheets to disappear from the face of the earth forever.
“(Y/N), can I please talk to you? Please?”
As always, your brother’s gentle voice made you feel weak and defenceless and stirred the need to be held and cradled by him for many hours until nothing hurt anymore. But this time, his voice also carried a needle with it that stung you in the lungs and made it harder to breathe.
“Go away,” you called weakly, your own words making you sad enough to bring tears to your eyes. You did not actually want him to go, but you were also scared to face his judgement on your words.
You could hear your brother let out a shuddered breath before your door – he was not used to you telling him to ‘go away’ in a serious manner and it hurt him like an actual weapon. His pain only worsened your own, since it all seemed to come from you; you were the source of all the pain that circulated in the Bridgerton mansion that very day and you did not know how to make it stop.
“(Y/N), please,” Benedict asked again, his voice shaking ever so slightly. “Can I please be there for you right now? Please. Please.”
The pauses between his words made your tears roll down your cheeks big and hot and painful. Why did your brother have to use lines that made your insides feel weaker than pie filling? Of course, you wanted him to be there for you. You did not want him to think less of you. You did not want to see an ounce of wariness in his eyes. All you wanted was for him to forget you’d ever written the lines of that day. Perhaps, he would grant you that wish…
“Wait,” you sniffed out shakily and got up from your bed. With a thumping heart in your chest, you walked to the door and unlocked it, only to then make a run for your bed again in order to hide your tear stained face from Benedict’s curious eyes.
You heard the door creak as it opened and the gentle click when it closed again. Footsteps approached the bed carefully and came to a halt right next to you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, when you felt the mattress move beneath his weight and turned you face away, when your brother lifted the light blanket you were hiding beneath to slip underneath it as well. He let it fall around the two of you, the light of the day bright enough to make everything perfectly visible under the textile’s protection.
“Hey,” he breathed out in a consoling tone, his hand gently curling around your shoulder. Your lips turned into a thin line to keep quiet, but a sob shook your body so violently that nothing could have contained or concealed it. “Oh, (Y/N), it’s alright. It’s going to be alright. I am here!” You wanted to stay turned away from your brother, but he repeated such nice calming words while rubbing over your back that you would have needed a heart of stone to remain indifferent. Violently, you turned around and threw your arms around him, your following sobs muffled by his white shirt. He wrapped his arms around you as tightly as possible and carded his fingers through your hair, repeating a calming noise until your sobs turned from earthquakes into human noises again that allowed you to speak.
“I am sorry I hit you!” You stuttered into your brother’s arm, holding on to his shoulders for dear life to un-hug the way you’d pushed him earlier. Benedict made a disregarding noise and rubbed your back a few times to convince you of how little it meant to him.
“Please, (Y/N), you had every right to be angry with me. There is nothing you need to feel sorry for. I should never have read that poem. You did not want me to do it and I did not respect that. It is I who is sorry. Truly sorry!” It was his turn to bury his face in your shoulder and hold on to your shoulders, asking for forgiveness with every fragile breath that blew against your ear. It saddened you so much that fresh tears sprang to your eyes. You copied his movement from earlier and started rubbing up and down his back to soothe him. Apparently he had been just as scared as you had been that you might treat him coldly or with little understanding. The thought seemed ridiculous to you now – as if that could ever have truly happened with you or Benedict.
“At the same time, I am glad I read it, (Y/N). I am glad I got to see the fears you are apparently dealing with all by yourself. They are very substantial and best not shouldered alone.” For the first time since he’d entered your room, you moved your face in front of his, letting him see the wreckage of your puffy eyes and witnessing the red-rimmed ones of his. You gently pushed your ever-cold fingers against his cheeks and felt your lips twitch, when his eye-lids closed in relief.
“I was scared you might think them weird. Or rather … me!” You admitted, breathing out calmly when your brother’s hands moved up to cup your face. He opened his blue eyes and looked at you fondly.
“Nothing could ever make me think you weird,” he stated with emotion in his voice. “You are my sister and I will tease you for the rest of your days, but unless you drink exotic tea from Greece, I will never ever think you weird!”
That actually made you laugh despite the tear-heavy weight on your voice. His features immediately grew lighter again and his lips curled upwards.
“And I must say,” he continued, “the dark issue aside – it was a really good poem.”
“You think so?” You asked surprised, your eyes growing wider.
He nodded meaningfully. “Yes! You have a way with words, (Y/N). It is a talent you should pursue further! Don’t be scared of the dark parts it might reveal within you. But never forget to talk to me about it…”
“In fact,” you looked him in the eyes, lifting the blanket a little with your hand to be able to look at them directly, without any fabric getting in the way, “I was going to ask you to forget you’ve ever read the one from this morning… I don’t wish to remember it myself!”
Benedict narrowed his eyes for a moment, before he made a quick gesture next to his head, accompanied by a grimace. “Done!” He exclaimed. “I have successfully forgotten everything about it.”
You were about to roll your eyes, when he gasped loudly. “In fact I seem to have forgotten everything else as well. How did I get here? Why are we under this blanket? Who are you??”
Biting your tongue usually helped, when you wanted to keep from laughing, but not when it came to Benedict. A grin worked its way on your face as you tried to grab a hold of his gesticulating hands. “Ben, stop!”
“Where am I? Who am I??” He threw the blanket off the two of you, allowing for you both to breathe fresh air again and get blinded by daylight, as you tried to get a hold on your exaggerating brother.
“Ben!!” You chuckled, fighting to keep him on the mattress as he moved into a sitting position.
“I am not even sure of what I am anymore! A cat, a man, a weasel??”
“You are so silly!” You groaned through your laughter, sitting up as well and placing your hands on his shoulders.
Benedict squinted his eyes at you insecurely and stopped his little act, a blush creeping over his cheeks. “Not too silly, I hope.”
You remembered the words you had fired at him earlier, about how everything seemed to be funny to him. Apparently you had scratched at his core with that statement. Regret came over you again and you slumped in on yourself slightly. To make up for it, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed your head against his, humming when you felt one of his arms warm on your own.
“No, brother, you are not too silly for me!”
He gently rubbed his hand over your arm for a while, indulging in the hug for a few moments, before he suddenly made his upper body fall back on the sheets, taking you down with him. With a quiet shriek, you fell on his chest, laughing brightly, when his hands grabbed for you and pulled you entirely on top of him. His glinting blue eyes promised schemes of mischief and fun.
“How about we make you fly again, like when you were little?”
You scoffed meaningfully and pushed yourself up slightly, you fingers digging into his collarbone making him flinch – something you noted with a little smirk. “I am way too heavy for that now, brother!”
“Says who?”
“Says I!” You squeezed his sides playfully, making him yelp and bark out a breathy laugh. You waggled your eyebrows at him.
“I think there are better ways to entertain ourselves now!”
“Don’t even think about it!” He threatened with a determined look in his eyes. But your position gave you quite the advantage, so there was little he could do, when your hands decided to find their way past his arms and into his armpits, forcing him to throw his head back with deep, hearty laughter.
“NO PLEASE!” He giggled instantly, turning his head from left to right and trying to push you off, which included getting his hands on your knees and squeezing them rapidly. That was unfortunately a counter attack that worked quite well on you and so you found yourself pinned underneath him way too quickly, doomed to suffer at the hands of the ingenious tickler your brother was, always had been and always would be.
“Oh how the turn tables,” he laughed, as his hands wandered up and down your shaking sides, reducing you to a giggling mess and leaving you no chance to wiggle out from underneath him.
You were laughing so hard, you barely heard your door opening a crack with Colin peering inside, the younger siblings and Eloise by his side. Benedict only noticed it, when Colin whispered something to Hyacinth and Gregory and they came storming in with a war cry, jumping on top of their older brother and trying to push him off of you. Benedict’s exaggerated wails of terror and your younger siblings rather quirky attempts to overpower him made your laughter only increase. Benedict felt compelled to raise his arms and shout “I am not touching her!” to prove himself innocent of your hysterics, but that only made matters easier for the legacy of siblings at your service now. Hyacinth used the opening to start tickling underneath Benedict’s arms, while Gregory pushed at your brother to make him fall over. Benedict couldn’t keep from chuckling at Hyacinth’ technique, but grabbed Gregory, your knight in shining armour to subdue him to some tickling of his own. This was when Colin emerged into the room, with Eloise following suit, both of them pointing fingers at Benedict.
“We see the advance-guard has been overpowered. But we will not be such easy targets!”
Eloise cackled smugly, when she saw Benedict’s expression turn quite horrified at the outlook of such a team fighting against him and immediately let go off the giggling Gregoy. You wrapped your arms around your youngest brother and bit your lip in anticipation of what was to come next. It moved you that the other four had come to help you. It moved you that Benedict had come up to make things alright again, but things would look even brighter, in your opinion, if your second oldest brother would have to fight off an entire Bridgerton army at your service.
Benedict seemed to reconsider his options and huffed out a scared little chuckle, raising his hands. “Now… we’re all good friends here, are we not?”
Eloise, Colin, Hyacinth and Gregory all looked at you with expectant brows and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “I’d say… on him!”
Benedict made a choked noise in his throat and grabbed his chest to convey the amount of betrayal he felt. “You too, Brutus?” But he winked at you and he was already laughing at his siblings’ antics before anyone of the others had come near to touching him. With a loud war cry they wrestled him onto the sheets and proceeded to tickle him wherever they could reach. Eloise was expertly subduing his knees to spidery tickles, while Hyacinth squeezed his legs and Gregory and Colin dug their hands into all the open spots on his upper body. Benedict had probably not known how hard he could laugh, but it was highly infectious and forced you all to chuckle alongside him. You put an end to their attack rather quickly and tried to wrap your arms around them all at the same time to pull them all into a big hug.
No matter what fears sometimes kept you gnawing at the end of your pencil as you wrote into your books, nothing was greater a remedy to your anxiety than the family you had. And when Benedict pulled you into his arms, still warm from laughing, you weren’t scared of a thing in the world.
#bridgerton hurt/comfort#ticklish!benedict bridgerton#benedict bridgerton x (y/n)#bridgerton imagine#bridgerton tickling#gang tickling#bridgerton siblings#bridgerton (y/n)#benedict bridgerton imagine#bridgerton fanfic#bridgerton tickle fanfic#tickle fanfic#hurt/comfort
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Hi I saw your requests are open you don’t have to write anything if you don’t want to but I had this idea and I wanted to share
I was thinking of meting Charles on Monaco maybe during Sumer break or something, and being a little homesick so he decides to take us to a bookstore (sorry I just like to rad a lot you can change the place) and just talking about like a book he likes and just sitting on the floor with him looking for something to read and getting romantic
Idk if it makes sense but thank you and have a nice day/night
Home is Where You Are
Charles leclerc x reader
Genre: fluff
Request: Yes! I hope you enjoy it, I thought the idea was super cute! I'm open for Max, Charles, Lando, Oscar, George, and Daniel. Also, up for poly fics if anyone is interested. (If you have too much love to go around, clap your hands)
Summary: living with Charles is a dream come true. Longing for home, though, can strike anyone. Good thing he's there to help you through it until you can find time to go visit.
Warnings: home sickness, straight fluff
Notes: written in second person. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
Also, I've sent up my account to let tips be enabled. I was debating whether or not to say this because i dont want to sound like im begging, but frankly, people opinions do not matter me me. If you like my writing and want to support me, please consider tipping my posts or my blog. I put a lot of effort into my writing, and it would mean the world to me. Obviously, I won't have my feelings hurt if you ignor this, but I wanted to put it out there.
You and Charles had been together for a while now. Managing to do some long distance when you couldn't travel with him.
Now you were engaged, and you said yes. Knowing you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
You traveled more now. Finding yourself in different countries for the majority of the year. But you always went back home when you could. The family and familiarity bringing you comfort.
When Charles asked you to move in with him, you'd been happy. The two of you now completely together. Ready to share your lives with each other.
You were lucky you could take your job anywhere. The traveling often helping provide inspiration for your novel.
Charles made sure you felt comfortable in his, now yours as well, apartment. Making sure you had your favorite foods. He purchased an entire bookshelf just for you. He even stockpiled the apartment with soft blanket.
It was a dream come true for you.
You loved it. Waking up with Charles. Eating breakfast with him. Not having to FaceTime him to say goodnight for half the year.
When the summer break for formula 1 came around, you found yourself wanting to go back to your home country. You'd been back in Monaco for less than a week, but the days had you missing things you didn't realize you would.
You liked it in Monaco. It's your home now. But it didn't stop your mind from wandering back to the streets you grew up on. To your friends and family. The shops you frequented.
That's how Charles found you. Sitting at the table, staring into your cup of tea. Lost in the world of your subconscious.
"Mon Amour? Are you alright?"
His voice dragged out out of your thoughts. Your eyes dragging themselves to his face as he found a spot next to you.
He knew something was wrong. There was really no point in trying to lie when it was written all over your body.
You run your finger around the rim of your glass. Taking comfort in Charles nimble fingers running up and down your arm.
"Just a bit homesick, I guess." You confessed. Sighing at your relentless thoughts. Pulling your heart deeper into its sad state.
Charles hums in response. Considering what you'd said to him. "I think I know how to cheer you up." He smirks.
Charles couldn't take you back to your home country currently. You'd been working ridiculously hard, and he'd been busy doing sim work. He'd get you there soon, but for now, he'd settle for trying to get your mind off things.
An hour later, you were dressed and walking down the streets of Monaco. Nonclue where Charles was taking you. Just giggling as he held your hand and pulled you along with him. The two of you are making conversation about anything that pops into your heads.
Charles was basking in the warmth of your smile. So much so that he almost missed his intended destination. A little corner store with a vintage looking sign reading 'Nook's Books'.
"Here we are." He smiled and opened the door for you. A little bell rang to alert the owner that someone had entered.
Charles watched as your mouth opened in awe. Taking in the shelves lined top to bottom with books new and old. "I thought you might like it."
"Why did I never know about this?"
"It's hidden away, so those who don't know the city will have a harder time finding it. It's our own little corner of peace." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I was going to surprise you right before the wedding."
It didn't take long for you to grab Charles' hand and lead him down the rows of books.
You'd found many books that you liked and had picked a spot on the floor to look through them.
Charles couldn't help but admire you. On the floor surrounded by books. You looked adorable in his eyes.
He plopped down next to you and spread out his arms and legs. Inviting you without words to come rest your body against his. You happy oblige. Crawling into the safety of his arms.
You spent hours in the small store. Charles listening intently as you either talked about a book or read chapters from one.
The twobof you finally left when the store was about to close. Having spent so much time there that it was now dark outside. The streets illuminated with the orangey hue of lampposts.
Charles spun you around as you walked, Making you giggle. Completely unbothered by the nightlife of Monaco.
When you two made it to the outside of the apartment building, Charles pulled you into him.
"I know I can't get you back to your family right now, but are you feeling a bit better?"
"Yes, thank you, for everything." Your eyes met his soft gaze.
"No thanks needed. I was simply doing my job." He chuckled. Leaning in closer to you.
Finally, his lips landed on yours. A loving kiss shared between you two. But this time, when he kissed you, you knew Charles was your home.
#x reader#fanficion#f1 fic#formula one#formula 1#racing#fluff#reader is a reader#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc fic#charles leclerc#charles#leclerc#charles leclerc x girlfriend!reader#charles leclerc x y/n#ferrari racing#ferrari formula one#scuderia ferrari#ferrari#formula racing#f1#cl16#cl16 x reader#charles leclerc imagine#charles lechair#charles leclerc is a simp and you can't change my mind#hes so adorable#Monaco#motorsport
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People forget that actors don't owe anybody the knowledge of their sexuality. Whether that be lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, asexual, or any other sexuality. That includes their dating history or who they're currently dating. Actors only owe the public one thing: that they do their job and that they do it well.
If that job consists of partaking in CP/ship culture, consume their media knowing that what they show you in public is curated for you as a fan. If they're dating someone who is not their partner, they're not cheating you; they're not making a mockery out of you or of queer relationships. With ship work, they're simply doing their job how their culture expects them to.
Ship work is not queerbaiting. Living, breathing humans do not queerbait. Queerbaiting comes from a marketing tactic for fictional entertainment work to ensure that they don't alienate their straight audience while also ensuring queer interest. You're consuming BLs and GLs, where the shows deliver in the promised relationships. If you're consuming BL/GL, you should know that fanservice generally follows.
Fanservice works because it's understood to be common practice. It's acting, an extension of whatever series they're promoting. Also, realize that fans often find themselves so invested in a couple that a hug or even a tiny brush of their hands will be considered 'evidence' of a relationship. Friends can flirt, 'lovingly' touch each other, and mess around without it meaning anything.
That's still not queerbaiting.
Because of how advanced technology has become, we have so much access to these actors/actresses. Accessibility does not equal entitlement to know how they identify. Claiming an individual is 'queerbaiting' only causes harm in the long term because you might unknowingly force someone to come out of the closet before they were ever ready to be. This only pushes media/reporters to continuously ask for information that isn't anyone's business to drum up engagement, potentially exploiting them for clicks. There's no need to inquire about their personal life, relationships, or sexuality.
But what if they take cryptic 'couple' photos with someone other than their work partner? Stop searching. Take their social media posts at face value. Stop trying to come up with some 'gotcha' moment, whether that be actually dating their work partner or some other individual. It's their personal life (curated, but still their life); you're overstepping, and if what you find out upsets you, then it's time to pull away.
It's really that simple.
Just because you buy into the fantasy a little too much and invest yourself in the pseudo-relationship does not mean the actors are queerbaiters. At the end of the day, fanservice is just that—a service provided for the fans. In other words, it's a job. Finding out that an actor/actress is dating someone of the opposite sex does not make them queerbaiters. (Also, realize that dating someone of the opposite sex does not signify that they're straight; whether they are or not, it's none of your business.)
If an actor/actress's personal relationships make you so mentally unwell because they're not with the onscreen partner, it just means you've genuinely detached yourself from reality. I mean this sincerely, if you're at this point, find help. Try to learn and understand more about why you're putting so much of yourself into a parasocial relationship. It's unhealthy for you to get so worked up that you feel sick because two coworkers aren't together.
If you find out that you're not a fan of CP work because you feel lied to or cheated, just don't consume it. Simply watch the show, look up their artist profile to see what other works they've been in, and log off. Don't follow them on social media, don't look up their fan meets, or watch video compilations that fans have made for shipping.
You're the master curator of your online consumption.
Curate it.
#i keep seeing fans and reporters overstepping boundaries#from jeff to freenbecky to maxtul to mile to netjames... fans keep getting upset when they're the ones crossing lines#humans can't queerbait when will people start learning this#also the pan/bi erasure is insane in some of these takes#fanservice#thai bl#japanese bl#taiwanese bl#korean bl#mexican bl#media criticism#bl actors#personal rant
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Angel and Guy this. Darlin and Angel that.
Sweetheart and Angel were childhood best friends where Sweetheart put up with Angel’s shit and Angel made them (occasionally) laugh now take these headcanons:
Sweetheart and Angel moved in together before finding their mates
More specifically, they lied when they got an apartment together saying that they were engaged to each other so the renter would be more likely to rent to them.
So when Sweetheart moved out and David moved in a week later, Angel and David both got side eyes until they too moved out
Neither knew why until Sweetheart made a joke about it while hanging out with the group and Angel almost passed away laughing
David just sat there like “THATS why people wouldn’t speak to me when I moved in???”
Sweetheart and Angel made little videos together when they were teens that Angel shows the group.
Sweetheart HATES it. Milo adores it.
Angel got Sweetheart into Kpop so now they talk about it like how Milo and Asher were talking about Drag Race
Sweetheart initially didn’t like David- almost hated him, even- because of how he treated Angel early on in their relationship.
Angel told Sweetheart about that one fight they got into where David accused them of cheating and Sweetheart was ready to ride at dawn.
They saw their first chance to fight David and they almost took it.
Angel calmed them down, but it took a long time for Sweetheart to warm up to David after that, even with him being Milo’s alpha.
Angel and Milo got along great. However, you know that scene from Scott Pilgrim vs The World where Wallace tells Scott to go after Romana because he needs him to move out?
That was them. Angel needed everything to work out between Sweetheart and Milo so they could get an apartment to themselves.
Again, they saw an opportunity and they took it.
Also, Angel chronically overshares with Sweetheart and has the entirety of their friendship.
Sweetheart knows basically everything about them, from their blood type to their kinks, whether they want to or not (spoiler: they really didn’t).
They did flex this on David, though, literally until the two got engaged.
Neither of them know how to cook well, but Sweetheart took over the cooking role when they were living together because Angel in the kitchen was even more of a hazard then than it is now.
Deadass, it was really:
SH: Angel, what is that burning smell?
Angel: Lmao just my desire for you.
SH: …Angel, the toaster is on fire.
They are still unsure which is happier that they moved out and got partners who know how to cook. Sweetheart for not having to cook alone and David dealing with Angel’s mess or Angel for never having to actually learn how to cook properly because they consistently live with people who can cook.
I could genuinely write more but this is all for now.
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted shaw pack#redacted sweetheart#redacted headcanons#redacted angel#redacted david#david shaw#redacted milo#milo greer#redacted asher#asher talbot
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A pro-Camill gossip blog?!
Me: Follows immediately!
Some surprisingly popular takes I have if you don’t mind me sharing:
I’m glad Camilla has her rightful title of Her Majesty The Queen. She should have been styled as Princess of Wales too as was her right but I can let that go for her place in history as Queen.
I used to love Will and Cathy but their thirsty antics in the run up to the Coronation (while still being lazy) turned me right off and they’ve only gotten worse. William having his team brief the media that his father has never done anything impactful but was just a basic ribbon cutter is unforgivable.
KP and William’s leadership has been exposed as a dumpster fire now that he’s left to his own devices and doesn’t report up to His Majesty THE KING.
It was always Will and Harry’s plan to make themselves defacto “half in half out” on The King’s accession. But Harry jumped the gun when he met Meghan…and ironically their bad behaviour have now allowed W&C to basically operate as half in half out royals but be praised for it while H&M are vilified.
I wonder if the Wales fandom who are in such a rush for KC to die or abdicate actually think through (1) who is actually going to do the work or being King and (2) who would be the new media punching bag when C&C are no longer there because Fleet Street will always need one. Are they ready for it to be Willy or one of the kids?
I am also extremely glad Camilla got her rightful title of Queen. I agree she should have been styled as Princess of Wales but I'm actually glad she wasn't. Diana fans would have pitched a fit, and although I know their opinions don't matter, I think for Camilla's sake the Duchess of Cornwall title was better. I don't think she wanted to be associated with Diana at all, and I don't blame her. Besides, "Princess of Wales" could refer to Diana or Kate or Mary of Teck or Queen Alexandra. But "Duchess of Cornwall" is unique to Camilla. (Yes, I know it's a subsidiary title of PoW. That's why it's unique- everyone in the past simply went by PoW.)
As for the Waleses. I don't hate them, but I am so disappointed in them. I'm starting to realize that they don't care about the monarchy. William didn't just have his team brief the media about his father never doing anything impactful, he literally said it. He said he wanted to be the first royal to actually do something. Here is the quote: "That’s what I’m trying to find my way in, is I care about so many things, and previously the family have been very much spotlighting brilliantly and going round and highlighting lots—I want to go a step further—I want to actually bring change and I want to bring people to the table who can do the change if I can’t do it." (Source)
This is actually the first thing that really put me off with William. Downplaying Charles's work with the Prince's Trust and his environmentalism as "spotlighting brilliantly" and "highlighting lots"? Downplaying Camilla's work with victims of domestic abuse? The King and Queen have both ACTUALLY BROUGHT CHANGE. The Prince's Trust has helped so many disadvantaged young people, all of whom would, I'm sure, say that their lives were indeed changed. Camilla spearheaded an initiative to create wash bags for victims of DV at SafeLives. She's also helped people independently, like the wounded soldier Harry Parker who she inspired to go to art school.
Even besides that, William made it sound like raising awareness for causes isn't helping change come about. He's wrong. Just by supporting their charities, the King and Queen have made a difference.
I have more sympathy for Kate than William. I understand why in the past her engagement numbers have been low- raising three kids is an insanely difficult job, and I know she always wanted to be a mother. I also understand Kate needing time to recover from chemotherapy, because it is really hard. But here's the thing. I assumed that when Charles became king, she'd step it up and begin to do way more public engagements. So I was baffled when I read the articles about how she may "never go back to work like before." First of all, she never worked very much in the first place. Second, SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BECOME QUEEN ONE DAY. Now that her kids are school-aged, she needs to work more, not less. I'm starting to think she's just running out of excuses. If Kate actually cares about the monarchy, she needs to make a timeline for when she'll start working again and follow it.
I don't understand them. Last year I was saying they should fire their PR team. Now I realize that they just won't cooperate with their PR team. They're the problem.
Interesting theory about the half-in half-out thing. I think if Charles had become king earlier, he might have been more reasonable than QEII and considered letting H&M be half-in half-out, for the sake of keeping the family firm strong. He always wanted a slimmed-down monarchy, and for that to work Harry and Meghan would have needed to at least be there sometimes. Losing them was too risky. I don't think he would have allowed W&K to do the same, though, since William is the heir.
Charles loves his sons too much for his own good. Losing his relationship with Harry was a huge blow and I think the reason he isn't putting his foot down and telling William to step up is because he's afraid of damaging that relationship too. Plus, he has cancer, so I think he's focusing more on his health and his duties than what William's doing right now.
When King Charles dies there's a good chance the monarchy will be finished. Done. William's popularity will plummet and I honestly don't think he'll care if the whole institution is abolished. And that is what I'm worried about.
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Aye, Aye, Capt'n!!!!
Note: All the obstacles listed are basically what's in the above mentioned Anon requests XD I just didn't want to have to describe everything when they did it so well! <3
However, do I like a 'Hi, I love this and that <3' every now and then. Peace and love, My Cuties~
War had ruined most hearts against the sunny light of hope… it was a dark time, hardly counts to call it the ‘worst’ since most refuse to acknowledge that time should even consider it. To most, it was a mistake.
Many looked to the basking Sonic with quiet anger, seeing him up on a ruined pillar that had fallen on some poor sap’s rooftop. They saw this as an open rebellion of sorts, as though their ‘hero’ was ‘too good’ to help with reconstruction efforts.
This soured their hearts, as they had all mourned his supposed passing… now they envied the time they thought him better than this.
Amy, sensing the hostility, requested a plot of land to not be cleared yet. With the trash, she constructed obstacles, feats of daring intique, and even thrills in hopes of getting Sonic and the rest of the remaining survivors a entertainment spectacle to lose themselves in.
Maybe… sparking love once more for their daring, dashing hero again.
However… Sonic was a fickle sort of heart. Always darting around, Amy couldn’t find the time to actually stick his feet to the ground long enough to engage him in these ‘sports’ of sorts.
Not giving up, though exhausted, she asked for more time from Knuckles and Tails happily took her spot to cover for her.
She was determined to make Sonic care… there was no doubt in her mind that he did, but no one saw the actions a hero did when alone… and no one was watching.
‘How do I make them understand him?’ She thought to herself, getting a bungie chord secured and ready, locking it in place. “How…” She arched her eyes, in worry. “How do I show them who he truly is?”
At night, dead in its darkness, Sonic traveled hundreds of miles… searching the ground with due diligence, he would race back with seeds of every different kind of plant life he could find–down to the smallest grain of mustard seed.
He would run and scatter from his hands the seeds into the wake of his wind, and thereby, he was healing the earth… digging out channels of land to make small canals for water to be brought to the new seedlings, and he did this all without a single eye upon him… except, when Amy tracked his location one night, that is.
She took out her tracker and followed in his footsteps, covering her mouth when her eyes were alight with green… and all sorts of beautiful colors from the freshly watered plants springing up again.
It was so far from the city… of course no one would interfere with it.
But Amy clenched her heart, she knew the people would still think Sonic a decadent, his credence simply being that he never helped the living civilians and rebellion people whom he led… caring more for ridiculous plants than their own wellbeing.
But Amy knew in her heart that this was important work, too… No matter how many homes are rebuilt, if the earth was damaged, so would their futures be…
“I have to make them see.” She hit the large, steel spike into the ground adamantly, sweat forming on her forehead as she wiped it off, ‘He’s so kind.’ she teared up, gritting her teeth, ‘How dare they say he doesn’t care! If they saw the beauty of that place… of the wide and green miles upon miles he’s worked so hard to restore… they’d see he is on their side… just… in a different way!’
She hammered and hammered… growing more upset, ‘Sonic..’ Her heart cried out and she fell to her knees, “How do I make them understand..?”, ‘How do I get them to see your heart… without actually showing them your private passion project?’
She wiped her eyes with her arm… before hearing a familiar spinning sound, like a pinball spin-up.
“H-huh?” She turned to see Sonic blazing through her track, “Oh!” She was elated to see him… but then…
“Wait!” She rose straight up, “No, no, no!!!” She raced forward, wanting to stop him! ‘If he completes the obstacle course and thrill rides… No one will see it and laugh with us at his accomplishment!’, “Sonic!!!”
She raced after him with her hands outstretched along the track, like a true test of courage and strength, as Sonic was literally destroying the track as it wasn’t done yet while completing it.
He was having a ball!
Amy quickly had to run to get on the track, unable to save it, she just tried to keep up and dodge the crumbling setup built from the ruins of the area. “Soooniicc!!!” She tried to balance along a beam as he swung from rail to rail, smirking the whole way as he was enjoying the strange setup, not looking back, always moving forward…
‘Why isn’t he looking back?’ She saw the railing swing had snapped on one side, and jumped to the bars to climb up the rope and move along that way.
Sonic only halted at the bungie chord, putting a finger to his chin.
“This is meant to be for all to see! To do it with me! As a game!” Amy cried out, but Sonic tied the rope around him… She had to hurry before he-!”
“Waaaiiittt!!!” Amy grabbed his waist, as Sonic smiled and took hold of her, jumping. “AHHHH!!!!”
Sonic held her the rest of the way through, leaping over large rubber balls, spin-dashing through punching bags, and narrowly avoiding the water traps too.
Scaling a climbing slope, he threw Amy up top and then made it the rest of the way no problem.
He hit a button and laughed, “I did it!” He put his hands straight out, “Yes!” as the whole of the entire area crumbled to pieces, and smashed over other parts of the track to completely fail and fall, slashing big portions of the setup to rumble once more…
He put his hands on his hips, “Huh, wonder why Eggman randomly put this track out in the middle of no where, huh, Amy?” He looked down at her, “... Amy?”
She was on all fours, shaking…
“... Amy, are you okay-?” He went to reach for her hand, bending down but she turned her head away, silently looking as though growling at him in her head.
Her eyes were covered in shadows… “Why don’t you listen?”
His outstretched hand paused.
“This isn’t a game… Well, it was- but it was meant to be adored by millions of suffering fans who needed to see you do it!” She gripped the steel upon rusty steel flooring of the top of the tower. “You just… you don’t stop and think, you just… you just do it!” She cried, “Sonic The Hedgehog… Do you care about anyone’s hard work besides your own!?” She looked up at him and it cut air off between the two of them.
He stepped back, his arms out to the side of himself now.
Amy’s eyes were blurred by her emotions, her tears like blobs of weighted mass, she couldn’t wipe them from her eyes as more just kept coming… like a floodgate had been opened.
“I don’t get it… I’m the one that doesn’t understand you.” She lowered her head, “I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have said all of that…” She cried into her hands, “I worked so hard… so people could see a different side of you… But… this is all they see.” She gestured to the ruined obstacle course and thrilling feats she had been working on. “I… I don’t want to give up on you… or the people… or myself.” She lowered her hands to her lap, now sitting on her knees.
“Sonic…” She looked up at him, his face still distorted by her tears. “Why do you do your works in the dark?”
Realizing in that sentence what she was finally talking about, his shoulders relaxed and he took a deep breath.
“I’m not offended, Amy…” He put a hand behind his head, scratching it a bit to loose some of the awkward tension that had arisen. To him, this had come out of left field, literally no where, and he was expected to catch a baseball he didn’t even know was pitched. “Just taken aback, is all.”
“...” Amy said nothing, her head lowering down, as though distraught that that was his first reply.
He looked worried, and smiled gently as he looked over the track. “... I’ve seen you working on this, Amy.” He admitted, as her head came back up, and she got herself straightly up right away onto her feet.
“Then why did you destroy it!? Why’d you say it was Eggman’s doing!?” She shook her fists, “Why did you-…” Her voice broke a bit, “I always thought I had to entertain you, Sonic… that I couldn’t keep up, so I might as well keep you around by making a good effort on my end… but even then… I’m tried, Sonic.” She closed her eyes, as Sonic twitched and put his fingers to his heart, looking down as though feeling literal pain there.
“That sank pretty low.” He admitted, his tone sounding more heartbroken then ever. He couldn’t hide that.
“You’ve done… nothing for others to witness.” She rubbed her eyes, “I can’t keep trying to make them see the real you, Sonic… or even love you, anymore.”
He smiled and turned to her, “I never asked to be ‘entertained’, Amy… No friend should have to feel like they’re catering to one or the other.”
Amy’s head shot up at that.
“If you’re tired, it’s because you’ve been trying to grab at something that just isn’t there. No one can control another’s emotions… you aren’t responsible for how I act, or how other people feel, Amy…”
Amy got wobbly, so Sonic held out a hand, catching her. “... It’s the moments people hold personal… that make them heroes, Amy.” He lowered his head, “I never asked to be a hero… I just became one… because I couldn’t hide myself anymore.” He smiled, “Good deeds or not, I live by my own creed… I don’t need cheers or approval from others… I do what I want to do, and it just so happens that saving the world, protecting my friends and others,... those are things I enjoy doing.” He helped her back to her feet, her hands gripping his arms as though never wanting to be let go of them.
“But… why can’t you… be celebrated openly, Sonic?” She shook her head, “I don’t want to hear people speaking ill of you…”
“You’re burnt out, Amy… worrying about how other people view me.” He rubbed the top of her head, affectionately. “Eggman made this mess… but you made another, putting your time into something that wasn’t your problem to deal with in the first place.” He lightly pulled her head to his chest, dropping his own head to hers. “Amy… Whether people like what I do or not, I would hope in my heart… that you’d at least choose to accept it, accept me… and for what I am, I accept all of you… even the parts that worry about me.” He smirked and moved her out of his embrace. “Life’s no fun if you’re always waiting for someone to witness you doing it.” He gave her a wink and a thumbs up, “You miss too many opportunities that way.”
She couldn’t help but feel there was some truth in that, “... The best things…” She sniffled, rubbing the back of her nose against her gloved hand, looking at it as though disgusted, but having no alternative. “Are what’s unseen…”
Sonic nodded, “My merit isn’t credited by those that can view it… it’s what I know I did, Amy. So have faith that people will warm up to us all again, you’ll see.” He grinned, leaning towards her, “Keep a smile on that pretty face of yours, and quit playing in the trash, alright?” He rubbed her cheeks, getting some dust off of them.
She giggled, “Sonic… you’re the best and the worst at this!” She pushed him and he stumbled, wobbling off the edge of the tower as Amy placed her hands on her cheeks and swayed repeatedly back and forth, “Ohh~ You sweet talker, you~”
She blinked her eyes… “Sonic?”
She looked over to see he was gripping the edge of the tower.
Looking over, she saw him with chibi tears spraying out of his eyes, “HELLLP MEEE!!!” He cried out, “AMMYY!!!”
She immediately gasped and reached down, “Oh, OHH!! Sonnniccc!!! I’m so sorry!”
“Wah-hah-ha, why’d you make it so tall!?” He wiggled his feet out as she hoisted him up, looking down and getting freaked out.
When she got him up, he laid across her and starting laughing.
She blinked her eyes again but he just rolled off of her, “That sure was fun! I’m glad I got to be here with you… Amy.” He smiled and put a hand on his stomach, “What should we do next, huh?”
She smiled, “First… you’re gonna do all my work I left behind.” She narrowed her eyes, “You’re gonna take responsibility for your actions… and you’re going to at least clear up the misunderstandings.”
He looked as though she didn’t get what he was saying, but sighed, “Fine. If it makes you happy… Amy.” He closed his eyes and put his hands behind his back, “But first…” He tilted his nose up, “Can you smell that?”
She tried to, “Smoke? Oil?” She guessed, but he kept shaking his head lightly.
“Nah… keep trying.” He smiled gently, “Emmm~”
She tried again… reaching her nose out further, “Ah..! Your flowers!” She looked to the area far off, seeing his passionate project coming to life now that the thick smog parted to show the whole area… and people picking flowers, playing in the clean water, and enjoying life out there.
“Ah… They already knew.” Her eyes twitched at the beautiful sight, “From way up here…”
“... You saw a problem that you thought was there.” Sonic opened his eyes lightly, “No one hated me, Amy…” He looked to her, “... You were projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto others… You thought you were the only one… but really,” He took on a serious tone.
“I think you felt I wasn’t giving you enough time, Amy… for all you do for me, I think you felt jipped.”
She broke down and sobbed profusely, as Sonic slowly got up and put an arm around her again, letting her cry…
She was the one thinking those horrible things… this whole time…
“Eggman really made a mess of things.” He gently rested his head over Amy’s shoulder, “Didn’t he, Amy?”
With an absolute heart full of grace and sorrow, thankful for Sonic’s understanding, she held her hand to his back and pulled him closer, “Yes…” She admitted, feeling the weight finally set in. “I tried to be so strong when he took you away from us… I never once believed you were gone…”
“... That must have been a heavy burden… keeping everyone’s faith and hope alive… in me, and in the war efforts,... Amy.” Sonic closed his eyes, letting her let it out.
“I just… I wanted to see you.” She smushed her eyes into his shoulder. “I wanted you to want to see me…”
“...” This time, Sonic remained silent.
“... I love you, Sonic.” She mumbled through her tears.
“... I know.” Sonic took his other hand and adjusted his legs to be able to sit and hold her with both his arms now around her. “I missed you too, Amy…”
They both then said, as though one healing thought spoken aloud from their souls…
“I missed you so much.”
#sonamy#sonamy forces#forces!sonamy#cutegirlmayra#tumblr prompts#sonic fanfic#sonic forces#sonic forces prompt#sonic forces angst
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so you're ready to socialize
You've got your blog set up. You've posted or reblogged something. Your icon isn't a faceless orange shape. You're no longer in danger of being blocked on sight as a bot.
Now what?
I recently got an ask in my inbox for help with this whole 'tumblr' thing. The person that asked me had a lot of the basics down so I focused on expanding your social circle - except it took me so long to write that I saved it in my drafts to add to and only then found out that once its in your drafts you can't reply privately.
so - Imma post it here without the actual ask so if the person didn't want to be mentioned they won't. Let's go!
First off, doing what you're doing right now by sending me an ask is a great way to get the ball rolling. Reaching out to other people and engaging them is a big part of how you can build a circle on tumblr.
You can do that with inbox messages.
You can do that with DM/PMs (the box that pops up to the side where you can have real time text conversations).
You can do that by reblogging other people's posts and leaving notes in the tags commenting about the post (most posters read these, though they're more for your followers to get your thoughts on a matter, like whispering in a movie theater except without the dirty looks)
reblog their post and add your own comments in the body of the post, basically chaining a response to their post, usually used when you've got something that adds to the original post like a continuation of the joke or more facts, etc.
and you can comment on the posts via the little speech bubble next to the reblog button, which is kind of like replying personally to the post (interacting with the poster themselves).
Not everyone will automatically engage in response. Some people are just here to chill and don't want to be social (some days I know I don't have the brainpower for it). A lot of people do want to be social though and so the more you comment outward the higher your chances of finding other people you can jive with. A good way to make your chances better at finding someone that will back and forth with you is over shared interests. We're a very interest based site. So find something you're excited about - maybe its a hobby like knitting, maybe its a streaming series like Good Omens, maybe its hamsters, maybe its Elizabethan neck ruffs! Whatever it is that you're interested in punch the words that will get those kinds of results into tumblr's search bar and look at the posts that come up. I tend to search by 'newest' instead of 'most popular' because it guarantees me people that are currently interested in whatever I am, who are actively putting their posts out there for others to find. Often if you start reblogging someone's posts, they'll see it and check out your blog. If you really want interaction though, the best way to go is one of the above bullet points, especially inbox or speech bubble commenting. It shows you want to talk about something they want to talk about too. A lot of times this is a great way to get more interaction with others and widen your circle (as well as find new stuff about something you enjoy). It might be slow going, I still haven't figured out what the magic is that gets someone a blow up of followers overnight, especially not the all important holy grail of Interactive followers but slow and steady still builds a good group of people you can enjoy sharing things everyone's interested in and it keeps growing over time.
This also works in reverse. A good chunk of my followers (friends honestly) come from my days in the Voltron fandom. I was VERY active making posts while the show was airing. Lots of fanfiction, lots of meta, lots of speculation, just lots of being loud and excited (and then loud and not excited). A lot of other people were interested in VLD too at the time and they found me and bounced off my ideas with ideas of their own and things really ballooned. To this day, a huge hard core of my social group are ex-VLD fans who have moved on to other things (mostly) but still hang around because we built that core and we enjoy seeing what the others in the group have moved onto and found to share with the team. So, again, find your interests and make posts about them so that other people with the same interests can find you. The more popular something is the more attention its going to get - but also the easier it is to get lost in the shuffle of everyone talking about a thing. Not every post is going to get responses. Sometimes I'll post something I think people will enjoy and get crickets. Sometimes everyone and their cousin jumps onboard. Don't get discouraged. DO use the tags. tumblr sucks when it comes to finding things in the tags but its still worth doing because sometimes, randomly and with no pattern, it doesn't suck. The first five tags are the really important ones. Make sure you put the biggest details there. For instance if you're making a post about the One Piece live action from Netflix your first five tags should be something like: one piece, opla, netflix, zoro, swords are cool. You want people looking for One Piece posts about Zoro and his swords to be able to find you easily. And, once they find you, hopefully to engage you about Zoro and his swords.
There are a lot of ways to find other people to interact with on tumblr. One of the pleasures of the site is you get to take things, for the most part, at your own pace and level of comfort. Just remember, the more active you are interacting with other people and their posts, the wider your circle will grow. Its not a 100% success rate, like I said, a lot of people are just here to vibe after a long day of having to be socially 'on' all day, but a lot of people are happy to find other people to get to natter about interests with. Do what you're comfortable with and before you know it, you'll have a group of people that interact with your posts, and you, regularly!
#tumblr#how to tumblr#getting started#lets get socializing!#answering asks#let's tumblr#finding friends#okay to reblog#feel free to add tips#and any help#or things that worked for you
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Camp-counselor-life's guide to
Meeting your neighbors
So we've all see the posts that are like, you don't even know your neighbors, how are you going to defeat capitalism/fascism/all the other isms. But how do you meet the neighbors? Here is my method for meeting some* of your neighbors in a (semi) natural way.
Phase 1: Walks. Go for walks around your neighborhood on a regular basis (weekly or more). Doesn't have to be long walks, you can put in your earbuds, but like, generally look friendly. Note: this step is easier if you are walking with a friendly dog. Or are of the dominant ethnicity in your neighborhood.
Phase 2: Smile and wave. Continue going on walks, but smile and wave to people who are also walking or who are out in their yards. This can be combined with phase 1 if you're ready for it. Also, wait to move on until you get a positive response out of phases 1 & 2. Because if people aren't smiling back, they aren't ready to say hello.
Phase 3: Say hello. Now that you have smiled at people several times, say hello too. It's ok to work your way up to this, because it can be really scary at first. But that's all you have to do, smile and say hello, then keep walking.
Phase 4: Incidental conversation. Say, "hey, how's it going," compliment their flowers, say it's a beautiful/sunny/warm day today, or ask them their dog's name. Keep it light and fun, no more than 2 minutes at a time (even 30 seconds is fine), unless they keep talking. Don't overdo it at this step. If you are an awkward human like I am, keep it as short as possible without cutting the conversation off. Something like: "Hey, how are you [neighbor]?" "Good, you?" "Good, have a great day!" or "What lovely weather we're having!" "Yes, it's nice out today." "Yeah, have a great day!" Are totally great phase 4 conversations. The key is not to overthink it. Pretend you are a midwest small town lady who wants to meet everyone in a new town.
Phase 5: Meet the neighbors. This is the phase that you actually introduce yourself to your neighbors. Next time you see someone you have talked to about incidental things a few times, you can introduce yourself. Start with an incidentally conversation (flowers are looking great today, I love how sunny it's been lately), then say, I just wanted to officially introduce myself, my name is X. Most people who have engaged you in incidental conversations are willing to introduce themselves back, but don't read too much into it if they don't. Scariest step honestly.
Phase 6: Keep it going. You do NOT have to do more than smile at people every time you see them to keep a neighborly relationship going. A wave, a nice to see you, a smile, all are totally fine on a regular basis. But if you haven't talked to them in a while, it's time to do an incidental conversation OR ask them about some local happening.
Bonus ways to meet neighbors:
Attend community councils (volunteer-led meetings on local happenings)
Join a Facebook group (drawbacks to this one tho)
Join your HOA board or attend meetings regularly (if you are a home owner)
Join other neighborhood groups
Join community boards or support committees at your local elementary school (this may be dicey if you don't look like you vibe with kiddos)
Sign up for a class at a community center or library. Or through your school district's continuing ed department, if they have one.
*realistically, you will not meet 100% or even 50% of your neighbors.
One thing I will say is that you gotta be willing to commit to this if you want to maintain it. It is really hard to bounce back if you brush someone off more than once or twice. So, only move on to the next phase when you're ready for it. You don't have to rush the process.
Some people are also naturally more outgoing or friendly (and vice versa). Don't take it personally (this is suuuuuper hard for me). If someone doesn't respond to "hello," don't force conversation. Just smile at them as you see them and continue onwards.
I will also add this disclaimer: this might not work in all regions or neighborhoods, especially in those with a lot of untrustworthy behavior, or neighborhoods where absolutely nobody chills outside. It's also dependent on going for a walk being safe and accessible for you (which obviously it is not for everyone), whatever the reason. For additional ideas that are not walking-based, check out the above.
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STWG Daily Drabble 12/16/23
Prompt: looking back
100 days.
100 days they were together. Just over three months of secrecy. They’d gone from friends to so much more in such a small time frame, but it felt so much longer, like eons of finding safety in Eddie’s smaller frame.
And now Steve’s alone. Again. He kept his emotions locked up tight like the padlock on Eddie’s decrepit trailer. He can’t stand to see the kids right now, not when they’ll ask him what happened, why Eddie left in such a rush.
The tour was sudden. Just a small trial route around the midwest to see if Corroded Coffin really could pull a crowd of more than five drunks, and the kids helped him pack his and Wayne’s life up into the back of his squeaky old van, but they could also see something else behind both Steve and Eddie’s eyes when they hugged goodbye for the last time. They knew there was more to it than just a month-long tour, and explaining it to them would be the last crack Steve’s heart needed to shatter once and for all. Even Robin couldn’t slip past the walls he’d put up to find that final piece of the puzzle.
Because Steve was the only one who knew: Eddie would not be coming back.
And that was as much his fault as it was the music’s.
“Eddie, please. You can’t go.” Steve begged, ready to drop down on his knees and plead, ready to drop the three little words that had been on the tip of his tongue since they survived the upside down. But he also knew he could never say them, not like this. Not when it felt more like a manipulation than the truth.
“How can you even ask that of me? Steve, you know this is everything I've ever wanted! I’ll be like 12 hours away, max, and it’s only a month.”
“A month away from me, you mean. A month with your ‘everything’ apparently. Who knows who you’ll meet out there. I mean, i’ve seen you on stage, people will be throwing themselves at you.”
Eddie got quiet then, sullen and close to tears. “Do you really think I would do that to you? Do you honestly believe I would cheat on you?”
“I don’t want you to have to decide if you will or not,” Steve whispered, far too honest for his own good.
“That isn’t a decision for me because i already know what i would choose. It’s you, Steve. It’ll always be you. Why don’t you just come with us? I already talked to the guys. you know they’re more than happy to have you come along too.”
“You already know my answer to that, Ed’s. I can’t leave the kids and if you’re gonna go, you deserve to get to experience this on your own.”
“So… what are you saying?”
“you know what i’m saying.”
“No, Steve, I don’t. I want to hear you say it or I won’t believe it.”
Steve sighed, the breath escaping with a single tear he’d been engaged in a losing battle with. “I’m saying maybe it’s better if we go our separate ways. If we find our way back to each other, so be it, but I can’t leave and you can’t stay, so really what else is left for us?”
“Please don’t do this. Steve, I lo—“
“Don’t finish that sentence or it changes everything,” Steve pleaded, tears streaming down his face in droves.
“Everything’s changing anyway, isn’t it? Shouldn’t i get to say it at least once?”
Steve shook his head, burying his face in Eddie’s shoulder. He couldn’t stand to look at him when the words finally hit his ears.
“I love you, Steven Anita Harrington.”
“that’s not my middle name,” Steve said, and kissed Eddie for the last time.
He didn’t say it back.
Looking back, he should have said it.
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Mr & Mrs - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Season 2, Episode 18
The next morning, everyone was getting ready for Kaito and Suzu's rushed wedding. Thankfully, the wedding venue had an opening and were letting the couple use it this afternoon. Maeve and Star took Suzu shopping in the village while Naomi, Kaito, and Hiro stayed behind at the house.
Kaito and Hiro were having drinks while Naomi was trying not to have a panic attack about her brother giving up his life to Suzu. She could not get it out of her mind that he was going to end up so broken at the end of all this celebration. Kaito asked Naomi to stand up there with him to be somewhat of a best man or best sister while Suzu asked Hiro to stand beside her.
Naomi didn't share her feelings and went to the makeshift wedding that they all put together.




The wedding was beautiful on the beaches of Sulani. The family went back to the vacation rental to have drinks and cookout. Kaito and Naomi had a moment to themselves.

Naomi: I love you so much, please don't be upset with me when I say this. Okay?
Kaito: Okay, I'm listening.
Naomi: How are you okay with this? She's just going to end up hurting you, cheating on you, breaking your heart. I'll be there to help you at your lowest but how can you go through with this?
Kaito: Nay, where is this coming from? Do you know something that I don't?
Naomi: Everyone cheats, no matter what relationship you're in, you're gonna end up in pain.
Kaito looks at his sister unknowing of where this outlook on love came from, his gaze turned to their mom who was making drinks at the bar with Star, it all clicked. Kaito: Just because mom got cheated on, doesn't mean that Suzu is going to cheat on me and hurt me. Akira made his bed and his laying in it with Grace. Suzu is not Akira, she would never dream on hurting me or cheating on me. What we have is what Mom and Star have. It's for life.
Naomi stared at her younger brother, tears begging to be released. Naomi: Gabrielle cheated on me too. Everyone cheats.
Kaito: Gabrielle cheated on you? Is that what you broke up?

Naomi's tears slowly began falling from her eyes. Naomi: Yes. I put so much effort into that relationship for her to just shit on it, lie to me. She even got engaged to the other girl while she was with me.
Kaito: Nay, not everyone is going to cheat on you. Yes, there are shitty people in this world that don't respect relationships and it seems like you and mom had some shitty luck, but not everyone is like that. Do you think Star would ever cheat on mom?
Naomi: No, she loves mom, she would never. She loves us too.
Kaito: Star would never cheat on mom just like how Suzu would never cheat on me. A person who truly loves you for you would never do anything to hurt you.

Naomi: I slept with Hiro the night that you met Suzu and hurt him. I've been hurting people because I've been scared.
Kaito: I had a feeling something was going on with you two, every time you guys are around each other, you both stop talking and find every excuse to leave the room.
Naomi: Yeah....
Kaito: Nay, I love you so much. I promise when you meet the right person, you'll know it in your bones that they are the person for you and that they would never hurt you.
Naomi immediately thought of Leo, who confessed his love for her and she shut him down. He was so honest, he was so caring, and wanted to share his life with her. She thought about the time when her stomach was filled with butterflies whenever they talked, or whenever they planned to see each other. The more she thought about Leo, the more she realized she was completely in love with Leo and she blew it.
Naomi: I think I already met him and I fucking blew it.
Kaito: If he's your person and he loves you, I'm sure you didn't completely blow it.
Naomi: Kaito he told me he loved me, I ran out of his apartment and haven't spoken to him since. Oh, I also told him that I didn't love him. But Kaito, I think I do. I think it's been him and I've been distracting myself with other people.
Kaito: You should tell him that you were wrong then, tell him that you're sorry. And tell him that you love him.
Naomi: When did you get smarter than me, little brother?
Kaito: When you started getting dumber than me.
Naomi: Huh, don't remember that.
Naomi and Kaito hugged before returning to the festivities. Naomi had a new outlook on love and she was burning to tell Leo how she really felt, hoping that he still felt the same after 6 months.
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